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     ------       /\      --------     ------ 
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    ------  o /        \  o  |   o   -------  o

 The Canadian Anarchy and Technology Society
  ______         _________ _______ /|             /|
 / _____\    /\  \__   __//  ____/| |            | |
| |         /  \    | |  /  /____ | | ____  ____ | |
| |        / /\ \   | | /_____  / | |/__  |/ __/ | |___
| |_____  / /__\ \  | | _____/ /  | | _/__|\__ \ |  __ \
\_______\/ /    \ \ \ //______/   \ //__\/|/___/ | |  | |
         \/      \/  \|            \|            \/   \/

         |\  /|  ---  ---    ---  ---  | |\  | ---- 
         | \/ | |___||  __  |___|  /   | | \ | |_
         |    | |   ||___|  |   | /__  | |  \| |___

                  Issue#4 - November 1996
                  Edmonton, Alberta Canada
             or call Bethlehem @ (403)477-2351

Welcome to issue 4. The big news for us? We have a new writer for 
the magazine! His name is Boom Boom, and as you guessed his 
expertise is in explosives. So, his article is number two! We 
hope you will enjoy his articles as much as you enjoyed ours (you 
had better have enjoyed ours!).

As you can see, we changed our intro graphic. That is only the 
first of the many changes me and Poison Ice are planning to 
make this magazine look better. I've even replaced the intro graphic 
on our monthly cloumns (Connection Corner and Vengence Column) So, 
if something does seem funny in our next few issues, bear with us.

And, even better yet, Bethlehem is the official distribution board 
for our issues, so call it! Even if you don't want our issues it 
still has lots of other great files and stuff! Bethlehem's number 
is: (403)477-2351. You can also leave E-mail for us there.We prefer
e-mail at Bethlehem because the board hosting the internet E-mail
address is always busy and it takes a while to get on and respond.

Well, that's enough from me, and onto issue 4!

|                       CATSlash Contents                           |
|                          - Issue 4 -                              |
|1. Intro                                                           |
|2. Glass Fragmentation Bomb                                        |
|3. Thumbing Locks                                                  |
|4. Cable Box                                                       |
|5. Connection Corner                                               |
|6. New Chemical Equivellency List                                  |
|7. Vengence Column                                                 |
|8. Cars                                                            |
|9. Top Ten                                                         |
|9. Wrap up                                                         |
We are user supported, so feel free to send in any articles you deem
suitable for this magazine. Make sure to include your alias, so we 
can place your name in the file's intro. If you are interested in 
becoming a full time CATSlash writer, send us a letter saying you 
want to do so, and we will include you in the best 403 magazine you 
can write for! To E-mail comments, articles, questions (relating to 
H/P/A), Connection Corner info or whatever else send to:  
or call Bethlehem (Add in Wrap up) and mail Jeriatrick or Poison Ice.

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #2 of 9
|                       Glass Fragmentation Bomb                    |
|                         By: Boom Boom                             |

Punch hole in jar
 _____  <---- lid
/  O  \

1.Fill jar 3/5 of the way 
 _____   with explosive liquid.               
|     |       |
|~~~~~| <------
|     |

      / /
    /// <------- Fray end of wire,
   ///            then add tinfoil
  ()() <--------- held in place by gum.

3. Insert wire into
 ____/_     /
|   / |    /
|(()) |

4. Pack Placticine around
 ____/_  wire.(pack tightly)
|***/*|  *=plastacine
|(()) |

/  O  \   5.Run other end of wire
\_____/   through hole in lid of
|  |  |   jar. Then screw on.
|(()) |

6.Fray other end of 
wire into two segments
 |----------------------- Wrap electrical
 |                            tape
 |          ||                  /
 |          ||                 /
 |       (//)(\\) <-----------/ 
 |----> (//)  (\\)
       (//)    (\\)
       //        \\
      //          \\        7.Tape one end of
    _||_         ____         frayed wire to battery.
|    +            -     |  8. touch other end to
|                       |      opposite pole.
|                       |          BOOM!
|                       |
|                       |

Whole thing looks like this:         
Electrical wire ----> _____________________________________
                     /                                     |
                    /                                      |
           ________/____                                   |
          |_____________|                                  |
          |()(()(/()(()(<------ Plasticine                 |
          |~~~~ /~~~~~~~|                                  |
 Frayed -----> /        |                                  |
 end of   |  (())       |                                  |
 wire     |  (()) <-------- Tinfoil + Chewing Gum          |
        --->            |                                  |
       /  |_____________|                                  |
      /                                                    |
Butane, Gasoline,                                         /
     etc.                                                /
                                     /  \
                                    /    \
       Electrical (Black)         (/)    (\)
        tape ------------------> (/)      (\)
                               \(/)_       (\)_/
                            |                     |
                            |             //      |
                            |          /\//       |
       Car Battery -------> |         //\/        |
                            |        //           |


CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #3 of 9
|                      "Thumbing" Locks                             |
|                       By: Jeriatrick                              |
Here's how to break into the locker, or just keep out someone who 
has a lock who's whole face turns. The process is fairly simple.
1.Take a dime.
2.Slip part of it in between the lock face (the knob with the 
numbers) and the main part of the lock like so:
    / ______ \
   | |      | |
   | |______| |
  /  ________  \
 /  /    0   \ <--------------- Lock Face
|  |    __    |  |
|  |30 /  \ 10|  |
|  |   \__/   |__|
 \   \   20   /   \
  \   -------- 10c | <---------- Dime (slipped under lock face)  

3. Push real hard on the dime with your thumb (hence the name "thumbing")
4. The lock face should pop off. From here you can see the knob and
   where the pins (or whatever their called) line up. You may want 
   to bring a pair of pliers to turn the knob after the face is off. 
   If you can't see the pins and you just see bare metal, then you 
   can't do anything without a flat screwdriver. But the owner of the 
   locker won't be able to get in in either case!

This should only be used when you won't be seen. Also, the guy will 
suspect that someone raided his locker when he finds this, so cover 
your tracks well!

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #4 of 9
|                        Cable Box Plans                            |
|                 Brought to you by:Jeriatrick                      |
|                  Origional Author:(Tom) Hackerman                 |
Its time to unravel the world built up by those zany Shaw Cable guys! 
Here's a file from the C.A.T.S library on how to make a pay TV 
decoder box. That means when you hook it up, you can get the pay 
channels like Superchannel, Pay-per-view and stuff like that. It 
sure beats paying a guy $200 for a cable box on the street. 
References to a box such as this have appeared in our past 

Here's the file:

  With most of the cable companies
scrambling their signals on most all
new and some old channels I thought I'd
update and revise my first version
(1.0) of Pay Tv Decoder Plans.
  Due to different scrambling systems,
you might find it neccesary to change
the range and values of the variable
capacitator.  I've also added a
wiring diagram to help you with design-
ing the circut.  If you have any
questions just leave a message on the
board listed at the end of the article.

                       (Tom) Hackerman

             Version 2.0


1   - Radio Shack mini-box ( #270-235)
1   - 1/4 watt resistor, 2.2k-2.4k ohm
      (RS #271-1325)
1   - 75pf-100pf variable capacitor
      (Very hard to find)
2   - F61a chassis-type coaxial
      connectors (RS #278-212)
12" - No. 12 solid copper wire
12" - RG59 coaxial cable


1.  Bare a length of No. 12 gauge solid
copper wire and twist around a 3/8"
nail or rod to form a coil of 9 turns.
Elongate coil to a length of 1 1/2"
inches and form right angle bends on
each end.

2.  Solder the varible capacitor to
the coil. It doesn't matter where you
solder it, it still does the same job.
The best place for it is in the center
with the adjustment screw facing upward

Note: When it comes time to place coil
in box, the coil must be insulated from
grounding.  This can be done by crazy-
glueing a piece of rubber to the bottom
of the box, and securing the coil to it.

3.  Tap coil at points 2 1/2 turns from
ends of coil and solder to coaxial
chassis connectors, bringing tap leads
through holes in chassis box.  Use as
little wire as possible.

4.  Solder resistor to center of coil
and ground other end of resistor to
chassis box, using solder lug and small

Diagram: Your circut and design should
look something like this:

    !                          !
    !                          !
    !            C             !
    !             -----------F16a
    G    2.2k    O --          !
    N----\/\/\---    Vc        !
    D    1/4w    I --          !
    !             -----------F16a
    !            L             !
    !                          !
    !                          !

5.  Drill a 1/2" diameter hold in mini-
box cover to permit adjustment of the
variable capacitor from the outside.
Inspect the device for defects in
workmanship and place cover on mini-
box.  Tighten securely.

6.  Place device in line with existing
cable on either side of the coverter
box and connect to television set with
the short piece of RG59 coaxial cable.
Set television set to HBO channel.

7.  Using a plastic screwdriver (non-
metallic), adjust the varible capacitor
until picture tunes in.  Sit back,
relax, and enjoy!!!

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #5 of 9
 ----->              ----->       |
/                   /             |
\                   \             |
 -----> ONNECTION    -----> ORNER |
Normally By: Poison Ice
This one is by: Jeriatrick

Poison Ice informed me at the last minute that he could't write 
up a Connection Corner this month, so I'll try and fill in using 
Poison Ice's notes and whoever mailed me.

Eastglen: Somebody got into the auto lab and dumped metal filings 
on a customer's motor. The auto teacher had to ship the motor to 
some place to get it cleaned, and it cost over $1000. Student 
Crime stoppers is now searching for the person but there are NO leads.

J. Percy Page (South Side!):
Word has it that if you are under the age of 20 by September 
1st returning grade twelves can go and finish their schooling 
at a Centrally located school in edmoton.  The school as not 
been selected as of yet, word has it that it could either be 
a completley new building or Vic Comp.

J.D. Braco: Somebody (possibly a high school student) went in and 
beat up a few kids rael bad. Now you have to fill in seven forms and 
are watched constantly by a teacher when visiting.

That's all for now. Next month Poison Ice will be back to do this 
column, and he knows a lot more. Also, if you know some news mail 
it to our E-mail address (in the first file),or on Bethlehem mail
me (Jeriatrick) because Poison Ice dosen't have an account there.
We can use any news you have!

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #6 of 9
|            The Improved Chemical Equivellency List                |
|                        By: Jeriatrick                             |

"There are not enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses" 
-famous saying
"There are not enough crutches in the world for all the lamers with 
bombs" -CATSlash saying

This is an improvement over the origional list in issue 1. It shows 
the common names of chemicals so that you can purchase them in the 
store.The origional list was one from Jolly Roger's Cookbook III 
with a few added chemicals. This new list contains more chemicals, 
and I corrected a few spelling mistakes made in the last list.
|            The CATSlash Chemical Equivellency List                |

Acacia..................................................Gum Arabic
Acetic Acid................................................Vinegar
Aluminum Oxide..............................................Alumia
Alcohol......................................Rubbing Alcohol (85%)
Aluminum Hydroxide.................................Water Clarifier
                  .......................................Dye Fixer
Aluminum Potassium Sulphate...................................Alum
Aluminum Sulfate..............................................Alum
Ammonia.......................................Clear window cleaner
Ammonium Carbonate.......................................Hartshorn
Ammonium Chloride .................................. Dry Cell Acid
Ammonium Hydrate ..............................Blue Window Cleaner
Ammonium Hydroxide...................................Clear Ammonia
Ammonium Nitrate........................................Salt Peter
                .........................................Cold Paks
Ammonium Oleate.......................................Ammonia Soap
Amylacetate............................................Bananna Oil
Barium Sulfide...........................................Black Ash
Boric Acid................................................Eye Wash
Bromethymol Blue (BTB)..........................Aquarium pH Tester
Calcium Carbide.................................Carbide Lamp Rocks
Calcium Carbonate............................................Chalk
                 .......................................Egg Shells
Carbontetrachloride.................................Cleaning Fluid
Calcium Chloride ......................................... De-Icer
Calcium Hypochloride..............................Bleaching Powder
Calcium Oxide.................................................Lime
Calcium Sulfate...................................Plaster of Paris
Carbonic Acid..............................................Seltzer
Carbon TetraChloride ......................Fire Extinguisher Fluid
Caustic.....................................Mechanic's Caustic Bin
       ............................Certain Brands of Polaroid Film
Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide........................Ammonium Salt
Copper ..............................................Copper Wiring
       ................................................Copper Pipe
       .................................Pennies (made before 1983)
Copper Acetoarsenite..................Certain Insectisides(unpure)
Copper Sulphate..........Blue Vitriol(ask at an agriculture store)
Ethyl Alcohol........................................Solvents(95%)
             .....................................Alcoholic Drinks
Ethylinedichloride.....................................Dutch Fluid
Ferric Oxide.............................................Iron Rust
            .......................................Resorcinal Glue
Furfuraldehyde............................................Bran Oil
Glucose.................................................Corn Syrup
Graphite...............................................Pencil Lead
Hexamethylenetetramine (HMT)...................Camping Fuel Sticks
Hexamine...........................................Hexamine Stoves
Hydrochloric Acid....................................Muriatic Acid
Hydrogen Peroxide.........................................Peroxide
Iodine.....................................Tinticure of Iodine(5%)
Iron Oxide....................................................Rust
Iron(II) Sulphate ...................................Green Vitriol
                  ......................................Iron Pills
                  ................................ Tanning Leather
Lampblack........................................Oil Refinery Soot
Lead Acetate.........................................Sugar of Lead
Lead Tero-oxide...........................................Red Lead
Maganese Dioxide..............................Black Battery Powder
Magnesium Silicate............................................Talc
Magnesium Sulfate.......................................Epsom Salt
Mercury.......................................Mercury thermometers
       ........................................Mercury Thermostats
Mercury Fulminate.......................Paper Cap Powder (Cap Gun)
Mercury(II)Oxide...........................Red Thermometer Mercury
Methanol..............................................Wood Alcohol
Methenamine........................................Hexamine Stoves
Methyl Hydrate........................................Wood Alcohol
Methylsalicylate..................................Winter Green Oil
Nitrous Oxide...........................Pressurized Whipped Cream
Phenol...............................................Carbolic Acid
Phosphorus..................................Rocket Engine Igniters
Phosphoric Acid ......................................Rust Remover
Potassium Bicarbonate..............................Cream of Tarter
Potassium Chloride.................................Salt Substitute
Potassium Chromium Sulfate..............................Chromealum
Potassium Nitrate.......................................Salt Peter
Potassium Permanganate..........................Water Purification
                      ...............................Snakebite Kit
Red Gum..................................................Tree Bark
Silicon Dioxide ..............................................Sand
Sodium Oxide..................................................Sand
Sodium Bicarbonate.....................................Baking Soda
Sodium Borate................................................Borax
Sodium Carbonate......................................Washing Soda
Sodium Chloride...............................................Salt
Sodium Hydroxide...............................................Lye
                ......................................Caustic Soda
Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate ..........................Yeast Inhibitor
Sodium Nitrate..........................................Fertilizer
Sodium Perchlorate.................................Solidox Pellets
Sodium Silicate..............................................Glass
Sodium Sulfate......................................Glauber's Salt
Sodium Sulphate DecaHydrate.........................Glauber's Salt
Sodium Thiosulfate.............................Photographer's Hypo
Strontium Nitrate......................................Road Flares
       ............................................Woodchuck Bombs
Sulfuric Acid.........................................Battery Acid
                                                                                                        .......................................Oil of Vitriol
Sucrose.................................................Cane Sugar
Wolfram........................................Light Bulb Filament
Zinc........................................Dry Cell Battery Cases
Zinc Chloride.......................................Tinner's Fluid
Zinc Sulfate .......................................White Vitriol

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #7 of 9
--      --        _______
\ \    / /       / ______\
 \ \  / /       | |
  \ \/ /        | |
   \  /         | |______ 
    \/ ENGENCE   \_______\OLUMN

By: Poison Ice

        Hello my allies in anarchy, today we will learn how to
plauge someone's life some more.(Hey, that is what this article is
about!) Well anyway, we will learn how to find the adress of an
enemy. This info is not to be shared with anyone belonging
to the N.E.R.D. society intentionally. Well back to the task at hand,
okay the following info should be sufficient to track someone to 
their place of residience, if not, you require either excessive 
methods or simpler methods. So here we go: 
One: Choose your target, man, woman, child, or member of "n.e.r.d." 
     member (if any ); 
Two: Find a time where you are somewhere near that person ; 
Three: Don't follow too close, stay within visual range of victim;
Four: use other types of vehicles to keep track of said target(eg.bike,
      skateboard), this could allow you to keep a distance or have an 
      excuse for being in the vicinity.
      Also you might want to use a pair of field glasses or other
      types of binoculars; 
Five: keep note inside your head or on paper where you have tracked 
      this person to, you may have to track this victim of yours a 
      few times to get it right. But keeping your info in your head 
      is a lot better for security purposes; 
Six: Learn from expierience, assemble equipment to help you if you 
     need to try it again. It could be useful; 
So that's it for now,  see you all next month and remember, hack the 
planet, and bring down n.e.r.d. !!!

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #8 of 9
|                        Stealing Cars                              |
|                         By: Jeriatrick                            |

I'm not too expirenced at car stealing, but have accompanied a few 
people on the job. As soon as I learn more I will update this file.
Wanna get a free car. Here's how...

This car must have an older lock for this to work!
    (Shaped like this)           (Not This)
        ___                        _  
       (   )                      / \
        | |                       | |
        | |                       | |

Unfold a coathanger so it is straight with a hook at the end. 
Slide it in the crack between the window and the door. Use it to 
find the lock cable (logically near or below the keyhole). Hook it 
(the lock will jiggle) and pull up. This may take a few tries, but 
eventually you will get good at it. It dosen't work on new locks 
because they have shielded cables.

The Slim Jim
Take a metal ruler and cut it like so:

        |  _| 
        |  \  <--------- a cut
        |   |
        |   |

The origional slim jims were sold by a company in the U.S. and were 
75 cm. long and probably made of a stronger metal. I saw one once at 
a "demonstration of talents" and it worked pretty good. Use it like 
a coathanger.

Prying Open the window

Use a flat-headed screwdriver to pry open the side windows enough 
for you to slide it down with your hands. This is hard to do and 
only sometimes works, although, I once knew a guy who worked at a 
glass shop who would pry at a spot, and the whole window would fall 

On pickups, with two flat-headed screwdrivers pry open the back window,
place in your arm and unlock the door. All back window latches will 
pop off if enough pressure is placed on them.


There are two methods of hotwiring a car. The first involves you 
cutting open the dash under the steering wheel and putting together 
the two matching colored wires (usually red). This ruins the dash 
but will give you a quick escape.

The second is if you have time. Pop open the hood and connect a 
wire between the positive battery coil and the positive solenoid, 
then jump the starter with a screwdriver.

The Screwdriver

A classic way. Simply jam a flat headed screwdriver into the keyhole 
and turn hard. If the screwdriver aligns the pins properly, the car 
will start and off you can go! This may not be as reliable as 

Disabling Locking Steering

If you hotwire a car, but it has locking steering you will start going
nowhere fast. To disable it you must understand that locking steering 
is simply a pin in your steering wheel and is easily broken.
The classic way is to jam a flat screwdriver in the keyhole. This 
can also be used to start the car (as seen above). The second is 
to drill into the keyhole. When the drill drills through the pin, 
it is broken and free for hotwiring.

Scam Method

Go to a used car lot. Take a car for a test drive. Drop by a key 
cutting shop and get a duplicate of the car's keys. Drive the car 
back. At night, sneak in and steal the car with the keys. That is an 
easy method used by a few people.

Professional Tools

There are some pro tools out there that will work on new cars. If you 
want to get serious about car theft. Remember these are usually VERY 
expensive, but they will do what this file can't do.

Well I hope you learned something from this. Have fun and don't let 
the cops catch you. Hide the car somewhere when you steal it and 
ditch the plates in the river.

CATSlash Magazine Issue#4 - November 1996 - File #9 of 9

Poison Ice's
---------------      ---------    -----------       
|            | |    / _____ \ \   | -----  \ \           
------    -----    | | |   | | |  | | |  \  | |    
      |  | /       | | |   | | |  | | |   | | |        
      |  | |       | | |   | | |  | |_|___| | | 
      |  | |       | | |   | | |  |  --------/
      |  | |       | | |   | | |  |  | |  
      |  | |       |  -----  | |  |  | |   
      ----/        \_________|/   |__|/
 ----------------   ------------    ------------   ---- 
 |            |  | |   --------/    |       \  \  |  | |
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      |   | |      |   -----/|      |   | |\  \  \|  | |
      |   | |      |        |/      |   | | \  \  |  | |
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      |   | |      |   |--------    |   | |   \      | |
      |   | |      |    -------/|   |   | |    \     |/
      -----/        -----------|/   -----/      ------

Top ten ways to tell its too cold for phreaking:

10.You have to get the phonebox open with an icepick
9. You and your phreaker friends escape telus using a
8. To get to your phreaking site, you must use a snowmobile
7. You make a beige box out of ice and snow
6. You escape telus by running into a snow tunnel and
   coming out somewhere else
5. You fend off telus using a big snowball launcher 
   (thanks to an anarchy file from C.A.T.S.)
4.Tellus creates a toboggan squad to track you down
3.the cold betrays you by freezing your hands to a phone 
   box long enough for telus to arrive
2.When people try to identify you to the police, they 
   identify you as a big snowman
1.Your brain is so frozen you think N.E.R.D.S is an actual
  anarchy organization.
|                   The Disclaimer                        |
|                                                         |

CATSlash Magazine, its writers, or its distributors are not responsible
for any incidents occuring from this magazine or past issues.This 
is for informational purposes only and any procedures described 
in this magazine are not meant to be done by the reader.So if you 
blow off your fingers, we aren't responsible. You are You!

 /   X\   / 
|   ____\ /
|   |     
 \   ---         <<<<<<<-------------- if this happens to you, we
 |    /    /                          are not responsible!
\  . |-----=
- .. <--------------- Spinal Shards
Issues of CATSlash are available at:

"&&&"&& "&&&"&& &&"&&a "&&a && "&&" "&&&"&& "&&& && "&&&"&& "&&&"&&"&a
 &&& &&  &&&    && &&&  &&&e&&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
 &&&e&"  &&&e      &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&e    &&&e&&  &&&e    &&& && &&
 &&& &&  &&&       &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
 &&& &&  &&&       &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
e&&&e&" e&&&e&&   e&&" e&&" &&  &&  e&&&e&& e&&& && e&&&e&& e&&" && &&
The official CATSlash            &&&&&&&&&&         Call:    
distribution board!                  &&         (403)477-2351

           |\/  \/| 
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     \     \      /     /
      \     MADE IN    /
       \    Canada    /
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______    ____    ____          ____
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               /   /
              /   /
      -------/   /-------
     /       \--/        \       We also have a Macintosh version 
    /--------------------/       of CATSlash Magazine available
   /--------------------/        as an application. It includes
  /--------------------/         pictures, sound, movies and what-
  \--------------------\         ever other illistrative objects we
   \--------------------\        place in. It also will come with
    \     ---------      \       Mac H/P/A apps. Check our web page 
     \---/          \----/       for details.
     CATSlash is Made with 
         Macs Rule!

Well, tune in next month for more great fun!
- End of Issue -