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                        Banana Juice Fanzine
                             Issue # 1
                          September, 2002
                             (c) 2002



Index / Issue # 1 / September 2002


Listed in order as they appear :

1.) Introduction

2.) We Need Help

3.) 3.) War on Terrorism? -- A new look at the war on terrorism, and the
use of terror in it's name.  (by CaseyB)

4.) Teenage Love</a> -- Take a look at love through a teenagers eyes,
and why many teenagers take love too far.  (by BenjaminC)

5.) My, That's an Attractive Girl -- Are female models used too often in
advertisements?  (by Kid Ikarrus)

6.) Sympathy for the Enemy -- A look at why we (americans) are hated
throughout the world. Is It our fault?  (by CaseyB)

7.) Successful Suicide For Amateurs -- Save the world, kill yourself?
Check out this humorous column by BenjaminC.

8.) Home Alone 2 -- A look at all the quirks in the Blockbuster classic,
Home Alone 2.  (by Jacki V)

9.) Competition Be the Death of Me -- Is compeition becoming too intense
in schools?  This humorous rant trys to explain it all.  (by CaseyB)

10.) Local Bands from the Illinois Region!

11.) Local Show Listing (Illinois Region)


1.) Introduction


About two months ago I set out to create a zine called Banana Juice. The
zine was to include my ideas of the world, humorous columns, local music
listings (chicago area), show listings, and whatever else I felt like
putting in it.  I was thrilled to be making my mark in the publishing
world, but those thrills quickly turned into woes when I discovered that
I had enough money to publish just five issues.

After this set back, I set out to start what I liked to call an e-zine
(or the correct term for such a thing--I like to take a lot of credit).
Though, I was quickly discouraged to find out how little web space is
available for free these days.

Luckily, through connections, I was able to receive some decent web
space (thank you shoe candy), and alas, Banana Juice is taking life!

The zine still lacks a lot of the material that I would like to create
in the future, but right now, it is the starting point of my dream of a
great zine.

I hope to create a feeling of creativity, and I hope to create something
that would be called anything other than mainstream.

In the meantime, enjoy!  And remember --

"Banana Juice is not only a zine -- It is who we are"


2.) We Need Help!!!


Banana Juice needs your help!

We have a severe lack of funding (being a teenager, and the most worthy
thing I own is a bin of pornos), we need your help to keep this thing

Banana Juice would like to start a cd reviews section for all the
underground local music (Chicago area) that we can get.  This causes a
problem with purchasing the cds--We can not afford them!  So, I have
come up with two solutions--

1.)  If you see me anywhere, you can hand me the album that you would
like to be reviewed.  I am at a lot of shoes in the chicago area, so I
have included some pictures (<a
href="http://www.shoecandy.com/~bananajuice/i1/mugshot2.jpg"> and
here</a>).  I will also try to wear a self made banana juice patch
somewhere on my apparel, so you can recognize me that way.

2.)  If I have put a pay pal sign somewhere on this site, idea number
two is already in effect.  The idea is that if you like this site, and
want to see it grow, you donate money to us.  The first thing I would
buy is a P.O. box so you could send your stuff to us.  Plus, the money
will also fund for us to go to shows, equipment, etc.

So, in other words, please help us!  We are desperate!


3.) War On Terrorism?

by CaseyB


How can we call our current war campaign "the War on Terrorism" when we
ourselves are provoking terror?

Now, excuse me for being so blunt, but the Webster's online dictionary
defines terrorism as "the systematic use of terror especially as a means
of coercion." I must apologize to the American government for having a
mind of my own, but isn't war a form of terror?

Sure, I know what a lot of you are going to say, "They struck us first!"

True, but maybe this is why a lot of morals are so messed up, and the
world is stuck in some perverse cycle of war and strife. Look at it this
way: We are taught from the age in which we can listen and comprehend
that two wrongs don't make a right. Then, after we are taught this, we
go and put such philosophies to disgrace with problems like war, and
even the death penalty.

Criminals are murdered by the political government for committing
certain crimes against man (and sometimes even as trivial as crimes
against the powerful's pocket change). Sure, you can say that this type
of capital punishment is dignified, but remember this: The French said
the same thing about the guillotine because it was quick and easy.

As you can see with this example, even our childhood philosophies are
put to disgrace by our modern conformist society. I guess that these
disgraceful realizations can be no better described than in our current
"War on Terrorism." So, let us get back to our further dissection of the
word "terror."

Terror--we all know what this means, right? Something scary, haunted
houses, sudden shrieks of "Boo" from behind a door, Freddie
Krueger-style movies, and countless piffle like this which is most often
defined by us mindless, American ninnies. Why don't we try telling this
to that African boy who has to go to school every day with an Uzi in his

Once again, were going to have to go back to our handy dandy,
digitalized dictionary to define the word, terror (Erie drum roll).
"Terror--1) A state of intense fear. 2) Violence (as bombing) committed
by groups in order to intimidate a population into granting their

Now, hold on a second, number 2? Let's see, the atomic bomb, our
numerous attacks on Iraq, even our own American war for
independence--let alone every other American war. Let's face it, right
now, America is but a country of people, citizens, politicians (whatever
you want to call it), which at times uses violence to intimidate
populations into granting our demands. We have seen this recently.
President Bush even stated in a press conference his willingness to use
nuclear weapons against countries harboring terrorists.

Now, we all know he was just imposing fear into the hearts of those
countries, but what he should have said (or what he really meant) was,
"I have a bigger stick than you, and if you mess with me, I won't be
afraid to poke your eye out with it!" Is this what we have come to,
intimidation, terrorizing countries into meeting our demands? If so, I
must question our slogan, "War on terrorism." If we are going to specify
on fighting terrorism, shouldn't we try to stop it domestically at
first? Is terror going to stop with more terror being enforced?


4.) Teenage Love

by BenjaminC


What has happened to relationships being comfortable? It is this high
school perception of love from which I am coming from (considering that
most adults push towards being comfortable in their relationships), but
this teenage love scares me. I may not be the best person to be
commenting on this, considering that I am what many people may classify
as a "Desperate Romantic," but I consider myself to be a puppet of
society (and many times observe these things from the events in my own
life). There seems to be a few kinds of romantics in school these days.
These would include the (1) "Edgar Alan Poe romantics", (2) the
"Shakespearians", (3) "Jock love," and (4) "Too old to be sixteen."

The EA Poe lovers are those people who cling way too much to their
relationships. They are those nitwits who curse god for ending a
relationship, think bad thoughts when things go wrong (suicide or
destroying the people that look at them cockeyed), and go crazy when a
relationship is over. It is my firm belief that the EA Poe lovers are
those who started chicken cutting (mutilation by carving things in the
skin) and seances. Though, I give them credit for scary punk rock music
like the Misfits and AFI!

Though the really weird people seem to be the Shakespeareans. These
people seem to love tragedy in their relationships. They will do
anything (possibly subconsciously) to hurt the ones that they love. For
example, forgetting to show up somewhere, becoming too jealous and
creating a plan to get rid of the people that created their
insecurities, plans of murdering the parents over trivial things like
curfews, or the constant cheating on each other. In other words, the
Shakespeareans will do anything that would be considered entertainment
on the Jerry Springer show to create their relationship's tragedy. To
these people, I recommend fewer soap operas and more Barney! Get back to
the basics! (I love you, you love me)

Next, we get to some of the more common love retards in high school. The
most noticeable of these would be "Jock Love." "Jock Love" consists of
skinny bulimic girls, and big fat guys (odd combination). "Jock Love"
comes from what we know as the "Magazine Perception" of the world. We
perceive woman as perfect Barbie Dolls with nice breasts, and men as the
next He-man! So, "Jock Love" girls go for the typical big-muscled guy
(who seems to have a severe learning disorder--Hooked on Phonix Werked
For Me), and the guys go after some dumb blonde who couldn't hold a
five-minute conversation. "Jock Love" is what we may call stupid, but
pretty love--the kinds of people you see on porno websites when they
turn eighteen.

Finally, the most common form of teenage romance: "Too Old To Be
Sixteen." These are the people who think that they're in an actual adult
relationship. The kind of people that say stuff like "when we get
married," or "when we graduate and move in our house." I've even
encountered a couple that was engaged at the age of fifteen. No joke! I
find this genre of teenage romancers to be the most disturbing. These
kids don't believe in the founded words of Toys R Us--I don't want to
grow up (which is now accepted by the Commission of Teenage Immaturity
to be obscene)! I have no respect for anyone who wants to become an
adult too early.

There are ways to break from these teenage titles. One of which is to
become familiar with your partner. This may sound impossible to many of
you, but actually talk to that special person in your life.

Comfort is the success to a relationship. Screw infatuations, if you
love someone, love him or her for who they are. This is advice that I
will be taking very soon!


5.) My, That's an Attractive Girl...

by Kid Ikarrus


So I'm surfing through the internet, kind of bugged at the fact that
everyone is mad at me, and a popup add comes up. "Work at home for only
blah blah an hour, for this and this!" I'm like 'wonderful' but a
picture of a model pops up next to the words, and she's working on a
laptop. What are they going for? Honestly, are they going for the whole
'if you do this, you'll look like this?' approach. (Kinda like the
victoria secret models being half naked to sell bra's to... you guessed
it! WOMEN!) Sex sells they say... but I don't think that much sex is
truly needed. I mean, whats up with the model on an add for working at
home? Shouldn't there be a graph or something? And how about for that
casino add? "If you go to our casino, women like this will be all over
you!" I mean, is that what they're trying to do? Or are they trying to
prey on the weak, simple minded moronic male out there, who's just
surfing the internet, he sees a pretty girl, and because he'll never get
to ever touch her in his life time, he does the next best thing and
clicks on her. (That's the only type of interaction guys have with girls
that look like that anyways) So another pop-up add comes up- "Did you
change your e-mail address? Someone could be looking for you!" And next
to it is a picture of a really confused model with a lot of makeup on.
Oh yeah, I changed my e-mail, but wait, someone that looks like that is
looking for ME?! And exactly why is that? I've never met that person! Or
are you talking about the girl that sends me porn on a daily basis that
I just can't seem to block. I bet she's looking for me... gosh, that
Jenny... her and her gross porn... always tricks me with the 'how are
you? I haven't seen you in a while... PORN!"


6.) Sympathy for the Enemy

by CaseyB


Why is America hated throughout the world?

Before I even begin to explain my thoughts on these matters, I'd like to
make it clear that in no way do I support the terrorism in the Middle
East, nor do I commend the September 11 attacks in any way.  My only
mission in writing this is to try and create an understanding (as far as
I see it), as why America is hated in this world.  I would also like to
make the point that sometimes it is us who are the destroyers and enemy
of freedom in the world.

How could this be?  How could the creators of democracy, and the
avengers of all oppression in this world be liable towards the problems
that are brought towards themselves, and the destruction of the freedom
of others?  In reality, the answer is quite simple.

Americans enjoy profit (being a capitalist society), but we do not want
to share the profit that we earn.  Therefore, Americans want cheaper
prices for products, and the only way to create cheaper prices are to
have cheaper production of the merchandise that we buy.  The easiest way
to create cheaper production is to create cheaper wages for workers. 
Hence, child labor factories in Asia, South America, and other 'lower
countries' are created.  Workers at Nike factories are treated like
cattle, yet we still buy their products.  Therefore, we are the
destroyers of freedom, and we are not the golden gods of liberty that we
like to think we are.

Another point to make is that we now know that most of the people that
were in the Taliban were from Saudi Arabia.  Yet, even after the
terrorist attacks, we are still friends with them.  Why is that?

One word--Oil!  What are we going to do when the oil reserves in the
middle east run out?  Say that global warming is mass murder?

Before we declare our rage towards certain people, countries, or
groups--I think we should see the big picture.  We are almost as guilty
as everyone else.  The only difference may be that we don't kill people
straight forward, we kill people with our actions.


7.) Successful Suicide For Amateurs

by BenjaminC


Save the world, kill yourself! This is my new philosophy. Why bother
joining an environmental safety agency when you can save the world by
removing the only problem, yourself. And, to all you kids out there --
Why put off dying young until it is too late?

Yes, this entry is for all you people that want to die -- Let it be
because you broke your nail or you forgot to turn in your homework. Here
are the ten ways to end it all, and put you out of your misery (and end
mine for listening to your whining ass). This is the ten big bangs, the
ten ways that will get you remembered after it is all over. This is...

Successful Suicide For Amateurs (Ten Ways To End It All)

1.) Jumping from heights is always good, but many times goes unnoticed
(you want to be remembered, don't you?). Don't worry, there is a simple
solution to make this type of suicide successful. Simply pick any
holiday, and jump out of any particular building during any celebration
(the more widely known, the better). A few celebrations to think about
are the Christmas tree lighting, Thanksgivings Day parade (preferably
Macy's Parade), New Years Eve (directly at 12), or the Super Bowl
(jumping out of the stands is cool). Those are a few holidays, but
political events are also cool. Maybe you can try killing yourself at a
political campaign, and possibly try taking out a political candidate.
That would be sure to get you some recognition!

2.) Anything that consists of you, about ten kilos of explosives, and
the metro is bound to get national attention.

3.) Go to some religious mass where they have people healing other
people. When the healer picks you, puts his hand on your forehead, and
says your healed, slip yourself some sort of suicide pill. If done
correctly, the outcome is quite interesting and humorous.

4.) Pretend to be tight roping across two buildings. When you start to
get a crowd, 'accidentally' slip.

5.) Pick any local elementary school, and hang yourself in one of the
Kindergarten's closets. Not only can you create some really nifty ghost
stories for the future, but the psychological effects on those kids will
be unimaginable.

6.) A tank of gas and a mall is all you need for this one. Take
yourself, along with your supplies, to the mall on a rather busy day.
Days like Memorial day, or any other shopping holiday is good. Simply
light yourself on fire in the middle of the mall. With any luck, the
fire will spread, causing even more chaos.

7.) Kill yourself by shoving banana's in your ears. Sorry, had to say
this, being Banana Juice and all.

8.) Go to the zoo and jump in any cage with vicious animals. The most
interesting animals would be lions, polar bears, pythons, alligators,
and emus (those things are vicious!).

9.) Join the New York Marathon and get a ride to the finishing line.
Pretend that you are in the lead, and about to finish. When you are a
foot from the finish line, pass out and die. (I'd love to see Sports
Center after that one)

10.) Go to your local restaurant, buy any of their delicacies, and die
eating it. It is always fun to bring down 'Ma and Pa' places with you.

There you have it, ten ways to commit suicide. If you really want to
die, don't come complaining to me -- I've given you my suggestions right

Once again, save the world, Kill Yourself!


8.) Kevin!!!!

(A dissection of the oddities in Home Alone 2)

by Jacki V


Home Alone 2 Lost in New York, is one of my favorite movies of all time.
But, there are a few things that really bug me about it. They just don't
add up or make sense. I'm going to be watching the movie and writing the
things down as they go, according to the movie, as best as I can.  And,
if you don't care about Home Alone 2 Lost in New York, don't read this.

1. The dad unplugs the alarm clock, and then plugs it back in so that it
is wrong and they wake up late the next morning .... Wouldn't a normal
person check that you set the alarm before you go to sleep?... I think
they are just stupid, especially since they were late last year.

2. Kevin goes into the bathroom and records his uncle singing in the
shower. He doesn't start recording till he's half way thru, and runs
away at the end.  Yet, when he's in the hotel it has the whole thing
recorded. What the fuck?

3. When Buzz is being an ass during Kevin's solo in the Christmas
pageant, he does not get in trouble at all, yet Kevin gets in a lot of
trouble for hitting him (which any person would do since Buzz humiliated
him). That's no fair!

4. They get to the airport and Kevin needed batteries for his walk man.
He could have avoided a lot of trouble just waiting till he got on the
plane to get the batteries. And, when they are boarding the plane,
wouldn't the mom see if Kevin is there since he's the youngest in the
family and gets lost easily... what great parents!

5. And, then Kevin goes to the wrong gate.  But, wouldn't you think the
people would ask him if he was going to New York?  Then, he would know
he was on the wrong plane and avoid trouble.

6. Kevin goes to the Plaza Hotel to get his room and they all act like
they've never seen a kid in the lobby by themselves and it's such a huge
deal. You would think kids go to the hotel too and its not such a
catastrophe if he's there.  And, when Kevin is calling to make the
reservations... how does he know she is going to ask if he has a credit

7. The Mom says "I don't think Kevin even knows how to use a credit
card?" How could someone not know how to use a credit card, you just
give it to the person? How hard is that....

8. The bad guys are just too stupid. Move away if bricks are getting
whipped at your head, don't tell people your plan, look at the ground
before you step into a huge hole or step in slime... what idiots!

Well I'm done with this madness for now. Until next time--this is
JackiV, signing out!


9.) Competition Be the Death of Me!

by CaseyB


I have noticed a trend spreading in gym classes throughout this country.
Kids are becoming much too competitive!

I have noticed the pace of activities pick up to something that Maurice
Green wouldn't be able to keep up with, and I've seen the frustration
pick up to the point where every kid looks like they're having an

I have even noticed certain people putting their hard-earned cash down
to try and predict who wins certain games. What's going to happen next?
Kids sporting their own line of shoes? "The Gym Class" section on Sports

Things are getting way out of hand, and it is quite dangerous.
Competition can sometimes be like giving an uzi to a suicide bomber and
pushing him into a Jewish church. Look at what competition did to the
Jackson family. That right there proves that competition is fucked up.

Yet, once again I am being hypocritical (does it count if I admit it?).
If you know me well, you know that I am very competitive. Well, let me
tell you my life story. The story of--

Casey's Competitive Demeanor

When I was a young kid growing up (apparently the growing up part is
still in process), I used to compete in some of the most physical
activities known to man. Such activities would include thumb wars,
staring contests, paper-scissors-rocks, and endurance nose picking.

Any ways, one day I was walking around on the school blacktop, looking
for the next victim to be rocked by my mad thumb war skills (I had been
the only kid to master the "Thumb War Suplex"), when I was approached by
a young girl asking me to play hopscotch. At first I was rather
optimistic, but I decided that I could not denounce the sport until I
tried it.

So, I walked over to the hopscotch area of the blacktop (held on the
rather shady south side section of my school), not expecting much.
Though, when I arrived, my jaw nearly cracked on the asphalt in

It was beautiful. It was graceful. To this day, I enjoy the art of
hopscotch more than a walk on the beach, the figure of a woman, or a
nice wad of salami and cheese.

From that day I was hooked. By the second week I had already been given
the name "The Hopscotch King." Incidentally, I was the only male
hopscotch player in the world, thereby making me the "Hopscotch King."

Hopscotch was my soul, it was my life. Every single cell of blood that
flowed through me had the hopscotch virus in it. It was spreading faster
than any STD or cancer in the world. I loved hopscotch, until one
fateful day during my eight grade year.

By the time I had reached 13, I was already one of the more prominent
hopscotch professionals in the world. I even remember being called the
"Steven Spielberg" of the hopscotch world. It was amazing. Little kids
in Uzkastan knew my name, Buddhists in Indonesia built shrines for me
(even though they didn't believe in possessions), certain cults even
named me as their god. The Casey bug was spreading faster than polio in
the early 1900s.

Still, there was only one thing that stood in my way. The one thing was
a well known hopscotch master by the name of Nancy Winkler.

The history of Nancy Winkler seems to be a little sketchy. Some people
say she was a secret experimental superhuman, created by the Chinese
government. Other people said that she was the second coming of the
Messiah, or that she was a traveler from the past, trained to hopscotch
by the once-great Mongolian Emperor, Ghengis Khan. Or, maybe she was
just a girl from the corn fields of Idaho. I don't know!

The matter of the fact is, she was a hopscotch master. Quite possibly
the only person standing in my way to a complete monopoly of the
hopscotch world.

Well, word caught on how great the two of us were, so some dumb fuck
decided to have us battle it out in a hopscotch tournament, Frasier-Ali

This had me worried. Nancy had a move called the rolling hop. She would
do a hop, hop, stratal, double backflip, hop. This was big trouble for
me. The only thing I could do was a hop, hop, stratal, army roll, hop.
If I was to do this, it would look like I was a drowning kid rather than
the superior hopscotch man that I was. I couldn't let this happen! I had
to do something dramatic!

Now, when I look back on it, when I said I was going to do something
dramatic, maybe it should have been something on the field. Though, I
was feeling quite intimidated and insecure at the time. The only way for
me to win was to destroy Nancy Winkler!

So, I did what any other desperate teenager would do. I hijacked a city
bus, sped into the arena, and ran down poor Nancy Winkler. She tried
doing her infamous hop, hop, stratal, double backflip, hop to get away.
Yet, this was no match for over ten tons of pure American manufacturing.
I hit her with my bumper, and she flew like a midget being fired out of
a cannon.

Of course, this was dumb. I did three years of hard time, exiled in
Siberia. Then, when I got back, I had the rather absurd problem with
people chasing me around in buses.

So, as you can see, competition is not a good thing. It can bring a man
to do insane things. Competition rocks the walls, and shakes the grounds
of the stability of this world.

Little gym class competitions can lead to full out wars (much like World
War I). So, fuck competition. Oh yeah, and put me down twenty bucks
for team three!


10.) Local Bands



Article 57:



the Gunga Dins:

"Young, poppy, and honest" 
    -- Maximum Rock'n Roll 



Last In Line:



Niagara Fell
(Formerely the Toxic Crusaders):



the Replacement Complex:



11.) Local Shows

September / 2002

(Illinois Region)


Harold Viking Lodge 
6730 175th St. 
(One block east of Oak Park Ave.)
Tinley Park, Ill.

Quarters Only, *Killer Mchann and his lady shoes*, All These Pieces,
Rissle, The Replacement Complex, 8ighty Sick, Shattered Angel, Citizen
Drake, Down in front, 5th Wall, Faultline, FCab, Short Arm Trick,
Aberration, Last in Line, Tom Sawyer

$5 - Minimum Donation
noon to midnight

All Ages



611 E. 157th St. Harvey, Il
Antidote (from Holland), The Krays, Failed Resistance 
@ 7:00 pm / $8 / All Ages



Double Door
Ron fitzgerald,Tom Hill,mistress serena,Vex clothing,Razor Doll ect. 
@ 7:00 pm / $15-17 / 21+ 



Elbo Room
2871 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL
RATBAG HERO, Farewell Society, & Blue Sixteen @ 8:30 pm / $5 / 21+ 



Lighthouse Cafe
Across from Ford City Mall
Homicidal Squirels, Anderline, TBA @ 7:00 pm / $6.00 / All Ages 



Glencoe Skate Park
999 Green Bay Road,Glencoe,Il 60022
Behind the community center just off Green Bay rd.
The Outfit,Pecknos Lingo,Slave Revolt,7th Grade underdog, 
and one more TBA. 
Come skate and listen to great music! 
@ 12:00 pm / FREE / All Ages 



Oasis 160
160 W. Joe Orr Rd., Chicago Heights, IL
Much The Same, Fallout Boy, Shattered Angel, 

@ 5:00 pm / $5 / All Ages 


Back to the Office
152 W. Higgins Rd. Hoffman Estates
Sparring (members of Fetal Engine and Sajida), Seyarse 
(Formerly The Lekaita Threat), 
and An Automotive (Members of Joan of Arc and Sidekick kato) 
@ 7:00 pm / $5 / All Ages 


The Festivillia
2129 massachusettes ave , indianapolis, in
dave brockie experiance (oderus of GWAR), disarray, 
lazy american workers, the urinal mints, role reversal, 
@ 7:00 pm / $10 / All Ages 



Plainfield American Legion
1356 W Renwick Rd, Plainfield, IL
Article 57, The Evil Us's, The Minors, 
Switchblade Romance @ 6:00 pm / $5 / All Ages 


our saviours united methodist church
701 east schaumburg road schaumburg, IL
south west corner of schaumburg and plum grove road
The Carbunkels, Carston, The Invectives, 
and Paperbag Dropout @ 8:00 pm / $2 / All Ages 



Reba Activity Center
535 Custer,Evanston,IL
Les Enfants Terribles, Slave Revolt, Revolting, Undefined, 
Mindless Dream,and more...free food......movies...more... 
@ 1:00 pm / $5 / All Ages 


Wire @ 10:00 pm / $20 / 18+ 


Fireside Bowl
Rise Against, Dead to Fall, Black Widows(ex-By The Grace of God), 
Preacher Gone to Texas @ 6:30 pm / $7 / All Ages 


546 Thorngate, Riverwoods Il
The Pudder Project, Short Fuse, JAM, 
Flanger might make a special appearance!! 
@ 7:30 pm / $5 / All Ages 


7 p.m. Sat. Sept. 14	
Mojoes Cafe 
15447 S. 94th St.
Orland Park, Ill.	

Shattered Angel, Vacation Bible School, 
Fallout Boy, The Lost Boys	



611 e. 157th St. Harvey, IL. (2 blocks east of Halsted)
call (708) 687-0496 for information or directions
Clit 45, The Riffs, Toxic Youth @ 7:00 pm / $8 / All Ages 



Midtown, Taking Back Sunday, Recover, Armor For Sleeping 
@ 6:00 pm / $10 / All Ages 


Fireside Bowl
Midtown, Recover, Taking Back Sunday @ 7:00 pm / $? / All Ages 



Anti-Flag, Bouncing Souls, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, 
Common Rider @ 6:00 pm / $15 / All Ages 


Fireside Bowl
Behold! The Living Corpse, Teen Chthulu, 
Seyarse (formerly the lekaita threat) @ 7:00 pm / $6 / All Ages 


St. Thomas the Apostle Church
1500 Brookdale Rd., Naperville, IL

Much The Same, The Pechanios, Three Summers Old, Epsin 12 
@ 7:00 pm / $5 / All Ages 


The Mutiny
Fullerton and Western
Just north of Fullerton on Western 
(right around from the Fireside)

Falling Anderson (The Poonanies), Vote Quimby, TBA 
@ 9:00 pm / Free? / 21+ 



Anti-Flag, Bouncing Souls, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, 
Common Rider 

@ 6:00 pm / $15 / All Ages  	



Posion The Well, The Promise Ring, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, 
Common Rider @ 6:00 pm / $15 / All Ages 



House of Blues
Mest, Catch-22, Homegrown, Madcap @ 6:30 pm / $12 / All Ages 
10/4/2002  Fri 	

Check out the Banana Juice website at: 



Send any comments, suggestions, articles to:


unless said otherwise in e-mail*


Next Issue / October 2002

Halloween Special!!!!!

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                        Banana Juice Fanzine
                             Issue # 1
                          September, 2002
                             (c) 2002
