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::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. Dec 98/Jan 99 :::\_____\::::::::::. Issue 2 ::::::::::::::::::::::......................................................... A S S E M B L Y P R O G R A M M I N G J O U R N A L http://asmjournal.freeservers.com asmjournal@mailcity.com T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction...................................................mammon_ "Keygen Coding Competition".................................Ghiribizzo "How to Use A86 for Beginners".................................Linuxjr "Using the Gnu AS Assembler"...................................mammon_ "A Guide to NASM for TASM Coders"..................................Gij "Tips on saving bytes in ASM programs"...................Larry Hammick Column: Win32 Assembly Programming "A Simple Window".........................................Iczelion "Painting with Text"......................................Iczelion Column: The C Standard Library in Assembly "The _Xprintf functions"....................................Xbios2 Column: The Unix World "X-Windows in Assembly Language: Part I"...................mammon_ Column: Assembly Language Snippets "IsASCII?"............................................Troy Benoist "ENUM, CallTable"..........................................mammon_ Column: Issue Solution "PE Solution"...............................................Xbios2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++Issue Challenge++++++++++++++++++++ Write the smallest possible PE program that outputs its command line ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::..............................................INTRODUCTION by mammon_ Wow! This issue is huge. More than twice the size of the last; maybe it is time to go monthly... This issue has as its theme --such as it were-- the use of popular free- and shareware assemblers. It began with my needing to write a GAS intro to accompany my X-Windows article; shortly thereafter, Linuxjr emailed me the benefits of his university training with his A86 tutorial (beginners: this is for you! Linuxjr explains *everything*). I then appealed to Gij to allow me to incorporate his Nasm 'Quick-Start' guiide, which I have used often...he posted the condition that I edit it heavily ;) I would like to draw your attention first to our new column: Assembly Language Snippets. Originally this was an idea which I and a few others had; however, I never received any contributions for the 'Snippets' section. Then I received an email from Troy with the first one... I pulled the rest out of my various asm sources and voila, a new column was born. This is something that is fully open to contributions; asm snippets --and we will need lots-- may be emailed to asmjournal@mailcity.com or mammon_@hotmail.com, or they may be posted to the Message Board at http://pluto.beseen.com/boardroom/q/19784/ Basic format should be: ;Name: Name to title you with ;Routine Title: Name to title the snippet with ;Summary: One-Line Description ;Comaptibility Specific Assemblers or OSes this works with ;Notes: Any extra notes you have --Code-- I should point out here that freeservers.com is not very reliable; thus the APJ home page is inaccessible more often than not. For this reason I have set up a mirror on my own page, at http://www.eccentrica.org/Mammon/APJ/index.html As for this issue's articles, we once again have two fine Win32 asm tutorials by Iczelion, who maintains an excellent page at http://iczelion.cjb.net (with a Win32 asm message board!). Ghirribizzo has supplied his fun Key Generator Competition results (I can't say I was surprised when I saw the winner ;). Larry Hammick --who also maintains an excellent, smoking-enabled page at http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/hammick/-- has contributed a fantastic piece on asm optimization. XBios2 has this time gone above and beyond, not only with the C Language in Assembly but with his Issue Challenge as well... asm coders and reverse engineers alike should read this. As for the issue challenge, XBios2 did not provide me with one for next issue, so I used one from a text I found on the Internet somewhere... he has been emailed the text and can try to beat it ;) Also, I am going to be setting up a page for reader responses to the Issue Challenges -- readers can anticipate the solutions before each issue comes out, or try and best the solution afterwards. Submissions can be sent to the same places as the Snippets. Author Bio's? I know mainstream mags do this-- if you want one, send one. I'll tack it onto the end of the article ... anything within reason: URL, email, hobbies, perversions, favorite drink, favorite linux distro, etc. Next Issue: How many articles on Code Optimization can I get? That would make a great theme (with the foundation laid this issue)--anything from code theory to PentiumII-specific optimizations would be welcome. Prospective articles, send to me or post on the MB...no topic is unacceptable unless you can in no way possible relate it to assembly language. Enjoy the ish, _m ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::...........................................FEATURE.ARTICLE Keygen Coding Competition by Ghiribizzo Introduction ------------ The competition was to write the smallest key generator for the simple serial scheme I wrote as a trainer for newbies. I had a few reasons for starting this competition: � To give the newbies a chance to participate in a competition � To give old hands the chance to brush up on their assembly skills � To promote tight assembly coding � To demonstrate the various different methods used to improve efficiency in coding Well, I'm back from my short European jaunt and the competition is now closed. I have greatly enjoyed the entire competition, from the coding of the crackme and the chats with various crackers on IRC through to deciding the winner and writing this document. Analysis of the Serial Scheme ----------------------------- The serial scheme was kept deliberately simple as it was written for newbies to train with. The scheme took a name of up to 16 bytes long and required a 16 byte serial number. There was a 256 byte lookup table that was indexed directly with the ASCII values of the name field. The name was padded to a length of 16 (if necessary) using values hardcoded into the scheme. The 256 byte lookup table was created using eight maximal 8 bit linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) in parallel i.e. producing one output byte per 'clock'. The LFSRs were initialised to produce 'Ghir_OCU' as the first 8 output bytes. The table was precomputed and it was not expected that the cracker recognise the nature of the lookup table - although a post I made to the cracking forum about LFSRs might have tipped the more astute crackers! The rules of the competition required that some standard interface text be included which strongly urged the use of service 9 interrupt 21h - though this would probably be used in any case - and discouraged blank screens and other unfriendly UIs from being used to save bytes. Also, the rules specified a range of input to be handled smaller than the possible 256 maximum. Due to the simple nature of the serial scheme, this meant that the lookup table could immediately be stripped down to the input range. I envisioned that there would be 3 �fights�. One to reduce the original algorithm, second to reduce the packed table lookup algorithm and the last to reduce the LFSR algorithm. As it turned it, everyone seemed to go for the packed table option. The Entrants ------------ The following entrants have been included because they illustrate the different ideas and methods used to reach the common goal of reducing code size. I didn't realise that so many crackers would use the precomputed table method. Perhaps word got out during IRC chats and everybody started using them? In any case, this didn�t reduce the size cutting war as precomputation had its own routines that needed to be optimised. Ghiribizzo Alpha (223 bytes) ---------------------------- This was not an entrant as it would hardly be fair for me to enter the competition knowing how the lookup table was generated! This keygen was basically converted from the crackme and improved 'on-the-fly' by generating the lookup table in code and tidying up routines where they were obviously inefficient. No great thought went into this and the code size was just to give myself an idea of what crackers would be aiming for. Aside from generating the lookup table, the only other unusual feature of this keygen was the use of the XLAT command instead of the standard indexing used in the crackme. I didn't stop to check whether this used less space or not, but included it as newbies may not be familiar with the XLAT instruction. As it happened, the XLAT instruction was used in Spyder�s keygen. From the size I got from this keygen, I tried to guess a required key input range to put this size between thestraight table precomputation and the packed table precomputation. One thing to note is how I ended the program. I was quite surprised by the fact that nobody else seemed to know that you could quit com programs with a ret instruction. Further size savings can be made by using Bb�s trick of keeping DH and also by tweaking the generator to fix some of the bitstreams produced to give us the bits we need and save later processing. Cruehead Alpha (244 bytes) -------------------------- I got this from Cruehead on IRC when I asked to see what he had managed so far. Although this version is unfinished it is still impressive. The keygen relies on precomputing the whole table and reducing the keygen to a single table lookup. The coding is very simple - almost seems as if Cruehead was typing the steps going through his head straight onto the keyboard (perhaps he was?) the resulting code is consequently very easy to understand and follow. Bb #10 (230 bytes) ------------------ Bb has written an excellent keygen. He has put some serious hard work into this including taking the time to calculate the dx offsets manually instead of just using the �offset� feature that the compiler provides. It has been fun watching Bb�s keygen progress as the first one I received was version 5 which was 256 bytes long. The keygen presented here is version 10. There are other nice bits and bobs throughout this code. This makes it quite frustrating as in various places so much space is blatantly wasted. Just take a look at the last 6 lines of code! There shouldn�t even be 6 lines there! I�m sure Bb will learn a lot from seeing some of the other keygens here and I�m sure he will do very well should he enter the next competition. Spyder (211 bytes) ------------------ Tidy, compact and elegantly coded. A little sparse in commenting (it seems like Spyder coerced IDA to write the keygen for him ;-p). The table lookup is an interesting piece of code. VoidLord (247 bytes) -------------------- Another keygen using the idea of a packed precomputed table. VoidLord�s first keygen. Let�s hope we see more! Honourable Mentions ------------------- Special mention given to Trykka who managed to deduce how the look-up table was created - but never sent in an entry! The Winner ---------- Well it looks like Spyder is the winner by quite a large margin. Incidentally, I have just made a quick check that the keygens work. You might be able to bump yourself up on the scale by picking holes in the other keygens :-) Rankings -------- __Keygen______Size________Author______ kgen.com 211 Spyder kg.com 224 Ghiribizzo (alpha) kg10.com 230 Bb kg9.com 233 Bb kg6.com 239 Bb kgvoid.com 247 VoidLord kgcrue.com 255 Cruehead (alpha) kg5.com 256 Bb kgt.com 529 Serial Scheme Final Words ----------- There have been some excellent ideas in the keygens. However, none of the keygens are as small as they could be. They all have some scope for improvement. By combining some of the ideas given in the above keygens, we could create a new smaller keygen. It will be interesting to see what the smallest possible keygen would look like. I hope that everyone who has taken part in the competition, or who has followed it, has gained something from it. I hope that there will be more entries for the next competition! The Source Codes ---------------- ; Ghiribizzo�s Keygen ========================================================= .model tiny .386 .code .startup ; The first part of the code is the table generator ; Note that we can actually do some �precomputing� by ; fixing some of the bits in the generator to produce ; the bits that we need. This will save some bytes ; in the serial section. I have not bothered to do this. mov ax, 5547h mov bx, 6869h mov cx, 725fh mov dx, 4f43h mov di, offset PRD mov si, offset PRD + 0ffh LFSR: stosb ;Save MSB mov bp,ax mov al,ah and ax,0ffh xchg ax,bp ;Tap xor ah,bl xor ah,ch xor ah,al ;Shift mov al,bh mov bh,bl mov bl,ch mov ch,cl mov cl,dh mov dh,dl ;Store MSB and dx,0ff00h or dx,bp cmp di,si jle LFSR ;----------------------------------------------------------------- mov ah,9 mov dx,offset startMsg int 21h mov ah,10 mov dx,offset NameInput int 21h ;----------------------------------------------------------------- mov si,offset NameBuffer mov di,offset NameHash mov bx,offset Table1 MakeSerial: lodsb xlat and al,3fh or al,30h byteOK: cmp al,39h jle keepit add al,7 keepit: stosb cmp di,offset stopbyte jl MakeSerial ;----------------------------------------------------------------- mov dx,offset NH2 printMsg: mov ah,9 int 21h exit: ret StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keggen #1 ',0feh,' Ghiribizzo 1998 ',0dh,0ah db 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name :