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Mobile News

Sweden Covid-19


Statistik: H r r brottsanm lningarna 2019

UK 'has particularly extreme form of capitalism'

Sweden's 100 explosions this year: What's going on?

Germany: Land of Data Protection and Security But Why?

Poor toilet hygiene behind E. coli superbug spread

Ditch cars to meet climate change targets, say MPs

Why Smart People Are Stupid

What is the UK's GDP?

How to cope with email overload

The global internet is disintegrating. What comes next?

The man who discovered umami

IMF s nker global BNP-prognos

Experterna: S blir bostadsmarknaden 2019

630 000 sparare tvingas byta fond

D rf r r v rldens b rser s k nsliga just nu

Ad-renaline rush - Amazon s ambitious drive into digital-advertising

The high costs of staff turnover

Can the EU become another AI superpower?

How social-media platforms dispense justice

Tech firms disrupt the property market

America can t control the global flow of ideas

Internet regulation in Europe - A controversial new copyright law moves a step

Protecting Company Culture Means Having Rules for Email

Goats 'drawn to happy human faces'

Why corporate team-building events can be terrible

Coconut oil is 'pure poison', says Harvard professor

Le fromage est-il bon ou mauvais pour la santé ? Cinq experts répondent

Savoie : un TGV Paris-Milan arrache une caténaire, 600 voyageurs bloqués en

Why sleep should be every student’s priority

Low-carb diets could shorten life, study suggests

Italie : des autoroutes d fectueuses

Ponts : la France doit faire attention

Trump's 'dirty war' on media draws editorials in 300 US outlets

Schumpeter - How to reform the world s biggest piggy-banks

Are other people s sex lives better than yours?

Vaping 'can damage vital immune system cells'

Sweltering cities - Halfway to boiling: the city at 50C

Le frelon asiatique fait son nid

293 villes ont enregistr des records de temp rature en 2018

M t o : 70 d partements plac s en vigilance orange, 39 pour les risques

Five big things that have made Apple

Six choses ne surtout pas faire pendant la canicule (contrairement ce que

Le brief co. L'inflation, notre meilleure ennemie

Sveriges tillv xt starkare n v ntat

Facebook rasar p b rsen

Bartleby - Open offices can lead to closed minds

Amazon delivers record quarterly profit

The precious metal sparking a new gold rush

Commerce : accord trouv entre tats-Unis et Union europ enne

Moins gourmand en nergie et moins cher entretenir, la SNCF va commander son

Trump and EU's Juncker pull back from all-out trade war

"On ne pourra pas revenir un climat normal" : pourquoi il va falloir

A 5-Part Process for Using Technology to Improve Your Talent Management

S cheresse et canicule gagnent la France

Inte bara Sverige som drabbats h rt av skogsbr nder

We Need Transparency in Algorithms, But Too Much Can Backfire

Telekomj tten Ericsson g r b ttre n v ntat

Ny brakf rlust f r Postnord

Varmaste dagen p 71 r rekordv rme i Uppsala

Fem av de v rsta somrarna de senaste 100 ren

MSB ber EU om hj lp f r att hantera br nderna

L'Union europ enne et le Japon signent un accord "historique" de libre- change

Fumbling in the dark - Why the euro zone hasn t seen more cross-border bank

Torkan ger rej l prisuppg ng p el

On vous explique pourquoi il faut s'inqui ter de la guerre commerciale entre

Rapport de l'OCDE sur l'emploi : "La croissance ne profite pas tous"

On s'y emploie. Quand les salari s refusent de reconna tre leur tat de burn

Immobilier : les Fran ais s'endettent

R sidence secondaire : la louer pour la garder

Lavande : une plante victime de son succ s

Os broy s, peau de porc... Voil ce que cache la g latine qu'on trouve dans les

Svenskarnas skuldberg hos Kronofogden v xer nu 79 miljarder kronor

Free exchange: Chinese statistics - China s statistics are bad. Many criticisms

Buttonwood: The index fear - The growth of index investing has not made markets

The fashion for agile management is spreading

From the many to the few - Companies appear to be gaining market power

What tech giants really do with your data

Pourquoi on embauche toujours plus de cadres

Miel : du flou sur l' tiquette

Ce qui fait d bat : faut-il interdire l'huile de palme ?

A real story - The rich world needs higher real wage growth

Ils assistent une agression ou un accident mais ne font rien : on vous

Bj rklund: Valet blir en folkomr stning om EU

F rre rikspolischefen Bj rn Eriksson sl ss f r de svenska kontanterna

Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization

Un quart de la population active travaillait sans ordinateur en 2013

L gre vinst och verfulla lager fick H&M-aktien att rasa

Ekonomiexperten om ISK: Finns inga nackdelar f r spararna

Trump redo s tta tullar p st rre delen av importen fr n Kina

Buttonwood - Most stockmarket returns come from a tiny fraction of shares

Situations vacant - Can refugees help to plug Europe s skilled-labour gaps?

Something for everyone - The ECB puts an expiry date on quantitative easing

Homecoming Death Star - Buying GitHub takes Microsoft back to its roots

US stocks slide on escalating US-China trade tensions

"L'Angle co". L'or des vacances

Transport : l'hydrog ne, le carburant vert qui monte

Who will be the main loser from Europe s new data-privacy law?

L'inaction physique, un danger r el

Nu s nks bol ner ntorna ytterligare

Central banks should consider offering accounts to everyone

Google utmanar Spotify med ny musiktj nst

Sending money home if you don't trust your Dad

'It was quasi-religious': the great self-esteem con

Ozonlagret r hotat p nytt kning av freoner oroar forskare

Japan's economy shrinks for first time in two years

Pension rer reser oftare 8 av 10 seniorer reser utomlands varje r

Gr ve Air France : "Les partenaires de KLM sont tr s soucieux de cette

USA:s nya besked: Fler l nder slipper st ltullar

Storbritannien p v g att ppna sina skatteparadis

Bankernas marginal p bol n sjunker

Trade talks expose a chasm between China and America

Shrink to fit - European universal banks can succeed. But can Deutsche Bank?

Rekordm nga nya os lda bost der

Goda tider f r hotellen n r kronan faller

Talent Management and the Dual-Career Couple

Riksbankens besked: Of r ndrad r nta

Policing the wild frontier - Regulating virtual currencies and ICOs

D rf r r den svenska kronan s svag

Fler tror p stigande bopriser

Finland's basic income trial falls flat

Long-term investing - Six precepts every investor should remember

After a good run of growth, China s economy braces for bumps

TSMC is about to become the world s most advanced chipmaker

Stort fall p Stockholmsb rsen

China warned the US it will defend its interests on trade, Chinese state media

Why lack of sleep is bad for your health

The mulligan rule of investmentBeware of performance figures

Nu utmanas storbankerna i r ntekrig

Technology giants face European 'digital tax' blow

Skatteverket sl r ner mot bitcoinspekulanter

Spotify g r b rsdebut 3 april

Det ska du t nka p n r du k per bostadsr tt

Privatekonom: Skyddet f r bostadsk pare m ste f rb ttras

Detta har h nt: Facebook och Cambridge Analytica

Facebook rasar p b rsen efter skandalen

Regeringen g r vidare med vinstbegr nsning

Free exchange: Xi v Marshall - Will China s Belt and Road Initiative outdo the

Telephone tower v rubber boots - Ericsson and Nokia are now direct rivals. How

Plastic particles found in bottled water

US job growth surges in February

fven till SVT:s korrespondent efter m tet med Trump: Inget positivt med ett

Stockholmsb rsen f ll efter Trumps st lutspel

FI: Nya amorteringskravet r cker inte

Spotify ans ker om notering p New York-b rsen

Skakig b rsvecka stoppade handeln ovanligt m nga g nger

The devilish detail - The spoils from American corporate tax reform are

Schumpeter - The Santander experiment

A message from the future - A history of the Trump slump

Give me a break - Google embraces ad-blocking via Chrome

Why sub-zero interest rates are neither unfair nor unnatural

The forces of 5G - The next generation of wireless technology is ready for

Insider trading has been rife on Wall Street, academics conclude

Kronofogden varnar: M nga nya skuldsatta

All things AI - Artificial intelligence dominated the Consumer Electronics Show

Float of a celestial jukebox - Having rescued recorded music, Spotify may upend

Bostadspriserna forts tter att falla

Self-Awareness Can Help Leaders More Than an MBA Can

Why spending time outdoors could help your child's eyesight

Misophonia: Scientists crack why eating sounds can make people angry

KI varnar f r negativa effekter av boprisfall

A decade after it hit, what was learnt from the Great Recession?

The China syndrome - What 2018 has in store for the markets

Priserna faller p bostadsmarknaden

H gre inflation kronan st rks

Bol nekunder inte s n jda med storbanker

Return on AI - Hedge funds embrace machine learning up to a point

Regeringen vill se tuffare amorteringskrav

Sound and software - Tech giants will probably dominate speakers and headphones

Is the ski industry on a slippery slope?

How tech giants are ruled by control freaks

Companies Need More Than Two-Factor Authentication to Keep Users Safe

Nya m klarsiffror: Priserna p bostadsr tter har v nt ned

Prisfall p bostadsr tter s p verkas du

Can You Be a Great Leader Without Technical Expertise?

Fler m klare tror p billigare bost der

Stockholms villapriser forts tter stiga

Economics and democracy - Where economic power goes, political power will

Asian households binge on debt

Robo-advisers - Silicon speculators

Degrees of concern - Reports of the MBA s demise are exaggerated

Apple should shrink its finance arm before it goes bananas

The wealth effect - The financial markets are not the whole economy

kad vinst f r Swedbank f r tredje kvartalet

Economic optimism drives stockmarket highs

Higher taxes can lower inequality without denting economic growth

How should recessions be fought when interest rates are low?

Workers are not switching jobs more often

Firms that burn up $1bn a year are sexy but statistically doomed

La France hors de la proc dure de d ficit excessif d s 2018 : "un objectif

Finansinspektionen skjuter p sk rpta amorteringskrav

Tricky troika - The internationalisation of China s currency has stalled

Paris veut interdire les voitures essence en 2030 "parce que le temps presse

Deregulating American business - An assessment of the White House s progress on

The Nobel prize in economic sciences - Richard Thaler s work demonstrates why

Behavioural finance and investment - When investors get stuck in the past

Richard Thaler wins the Nobel prize for economic sciences

conomie : quel est l'impact des 35 heures ?

Entreprise : faisons-nous trop de r unions ?

KI: Regeringens budget kraftigt underfinansierad

S p verkas r ntan av beskedet att Ingves blir kvar

The 2017 Nobel prizes - The Nobel in economics rewards a pioneer of nudges

Pipe dreams - Tech giants are building their own undersea fibre-optic networks

Data From 3.5 Million Employees Shows How Innovation Really Works

349 r utan en kvinna som riksbankschef

Gazelles in the heartland - American entrepreneurship is flourishing, if you

Social classes - Facebook and the meaning of share ownership

Luck and skill in investmentPicking a fund manager? The odds aren t great

What Motivates Employees More: Rewards or Punishments?

Managing the Perks and Pitfalls of Proactive People

Telia: G r inte att s tta ett pris p skadan

How 'the invisible network' poses a major security threat

Regeringens budget fyller tunn pl nbok

Brexit 'crunch time' for City of London, says group

An infrastructure for charging electric vehicles takes shape

Why are investors so relaxed about the tensions in Korea?

Record de bouchons en Ile-de-France : 546 kilom tres enregistr s

L ngsam etablering f r utrikesf dda

The free economy comes at a cost

Game of phones - Facebook, Twitter and Apple get into the television business

Trots regeringens krav Postnord blir allt s mre

Play time - Computer-game tournaments go mainstream

End of the affair - American business leaders break with Donald Trump

No man left behind - Involuntary bumping seems to be a thing of the past

Dollarn sjunker: Politiska turbulensen en belastning

National treasures - Is Emmanuel Macron serious about privatisation?

Five years of Super Mario - The euro s obituaries were premature

M rkgr na och gula gr nsaker hj lper efter hj rtinfarkt

Bye-bye, Benito - An overhaul of Brazilian labour law should spur job creation

Reinstatement - Reform of China s ailing state-owned firms is emboldening them

Bj rn skickade 200 f r i d den

Bear chases 200 sheep over cliff edge to their deaths

Kraftigt vinstfall f r Telia 650 personer m ste g

Vinstfallen blir en v ckarklocka f r m nga

Nine lifestyle changes can reduce dementia risk, study says

Paris, Nice et Bordeaux veulent limiter le ph nom ne Airbnb

How to get ahead in the era of the show-off

Six telltale signs of a toxic boss

Why you should manage your energy, not your time

LHC double heavy particle to shine light on strong force

Fin des voitures essence et diesel en 2040 : "Le v hicule lectrique" est une

Nouveau monde. Dr les de sensations en voiture autonome

Regn och rusk ger h gtryck p solresor

How to Manage Your Star Employee

Apple and the iPhoneThe new old thing

Additive manufacturing - 3D printers start to build factories of the future

Riksbanken l mnar r ntan of r ndrad

L ga pensioner v ntar 90-talister

London 'still Europe's top tech hub'

Stark comeback f r H&M p b rsen

S blev Jack Ma st rst i Kina

Money for old hope - Can the fund-management industry deliver a better deal for

Why Apple s New HQ Is Nothing Like the Rest of Silicon Valley

Le d cryptage co. Canicule : quel impact conomique ?

Histoires d'Info. En 1976, la s cheresse provoque une hausse d'imp ts

Canicule : les agriculteurs tr s impact s par cette vague de chaleur

Northern pilot - Finland tests an unconditional basic income

Last class brings in the brass Basic economy class is winning over flyers

The perils of nationalisation

Wages through the ages - What history says about inequality and technology

A Lidl late? German deep discounters go big in America

Fizzing - Corporate Europe is giddy with optimism

Build pipelines, not walls - American energy firms are enjoying a bonanza south

Being the Boss in Brussels, Boston, and Beijing

The 4 Types of Innovation and the Problems They Solve

Nu f rsvinner roamingavgiften i EU

The popular mandateBanco Popular fails and is bought by Santander

SNCF : bient t des TGV sans conducteur

L gsta grundvattenniv erna p 50 r

Immigration economics - A new paper rekindles a tiresome debate on immigration

All work and some play - Younger business travellers are more likely to extend

Communicate Clearly During Organizational Change

The 1914 effect - The globalisation counter-reaction

S vill EU stoppa svenska bostadsbubblan

Analys: EU-kommissionen har varnat f r den svenska bostadsmarknaden sen 2011

Finansinspektionen: Riskerna kar p fastighetsmarknaden f r k pcentrum och

FI vill sk rpa amorteringskravet

Ekonomer: Svensk ekonomi fortsatt stark

The secret to a long and healthy life? Eat less

Why printers add secret tracking dots

Gravitational waves: Third detection of deep space warping

Le ch mage repasse sous la barre des 10% au premier trimestre 2017

Diesel : 38 000 personnes sont mortes dans le monde en 2015 cause des

Stark kritik mot regeringens finanspolitik: De v ljer att f rsvaga offentliga

Viss avmattning i bostadspriser

Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus

Speeding up Euro-area GDP growth outpaces America s

10 Years of Data on Baseball Teams Shows When Pay Transparency Backfires

The quest to help astronauts sleep better

Emmanuel Macron : le calendrier des r formes

Salari , ch meur, retrait ... Si Emmanuel Macron tient ses promesses, voici ce

Retour l'emploi : plong e dans un monde sans humanit

Fler unga tar bostadsl n via f r ldrarna

Den franska ekonomins utmaningar

Macronomy: What are Emmanuel Macron's economic plans?

S skyddar du dig i fonddjungeln

B rsanalytiker: Det mesta r verhettat just nu

Another soggy first quarter - America s economic growth slows to 0.7%

La lutte contre le travail au noir bat des records

Pour aider un proche, les Fran ais font preuve d'une norme g n rosit

Lyon : des cyclistes font la guerre aux vols de v los

Le ch mage frappe des seniors de plus en plus jeunes

Analys: Sv rt att f rst logiken i Riksbankens beslut

Riksbanken: Dr jer l ngre innan r ntan h js

Rekordl ga grundvattenniv er hotar Sverige i sommar

Fish have a reputation for being gormless and forgetful, but they can "count",

Sheep are not stupid, and they are not helpless either

What to do about your noisy office

There are animals that can survive being eaten

Pr sidentielle : les m dias fortement critiqu s au soir du premier tour

Le brief co. Pr sidentielle 2017 : les march s financiers sont-ils rationnels

Kraftigt vinstlyft f r AB Volvo

Trump lovar stora skattes nkningar

Analys: Ericsson bommar l ga f rv ntningar

Hope springs - The IMF nudges up its forecast for global growth

A new mood of optimism infects investors in China s banks

Le d cryptage co. Surr servation dans les avions : la chasse aux primes est

Polisen och pension rer vinnare i v rbudgeten

S blir budgeten f r dig bredband, barnbidrag och pension rsskatt

conomie : forte reprise dans le b timent, l automobile et les transports

Les entreprises fran aises investissent

Ce qui fait d bat : faut-il tre plus s v re avec les ch meurs ?

Analys: L nefesten d mpas men faran r inte ver

Swedbank lurat p 35 miljoner kronor

Shrink wrap - The history of growth should be all about recessions

Villapriserna forts tter att stiga

Ny rapport: Amorteringskravet d mpade l nesuget

America s disproportionate weight in global stockmarket indices

Green is the new black - Looking good can be extremely bad for the planet

Not so smart - America may demand the right to peruse visitors mobile phones

Lux in flux - Luxury-goods companies are belatedly trying to go digital

Schumpeter - Masayoshi Son goes on a $100bn shopping spree

Cleaning up - The life and times of an Italian non-performing loan

Wound upSwiss watchmakers try to keep pace

Bostadsbyggandet v nder ner n sta r

Telia tar ett l n p 15 miljarder

Annons rer flyr Youtube r ds hatst mpel

H jda bor ntor kan ge ekonomisk kalldusch

The multilateral kingdom - China s growing clout in international economic

Levelling the paying field - An earthquake in European banking

Up, up and away - As the Fed raises rates, Janet Yellen s legacy is pondered

Mega tweets and megawatts - Elon Musk supercharges progress on energy storage

Full tank - Why too much oil in storage is weighing on prices

Oh, Snap! A volatile start for shares in Snap

The richest seam - Mining companies have dug themselves out of a hole

Blues in a different key - Deutsche Bank raises capital, and changes course

Why hot chillies might be good for us

Antibact riens, sprays aux huiles essentielles : une tromperie, selon "60

Nouveau monde. Pas d'ADSL la maison ? Essayez-la 4G fixe !

The new old thing - Conformity, nostalgia and 5G at the Mobile World Congress

Kina kapar en halv miljon st l- och koljobb

H g sparkvot trycker ned inflationen

PSA : la renaissance du g ant automobile fran ais

Canal + a perdu pr s de 500 000 abonn s en un an

EU varnar f r svensk skulds ttning

Ut kad bostad kan ge skattechock

Intel on the outside - The rise of artificial intelligence is creating new

Are technology firms madly overvalued?

The rise of deep-tech is boosting Paris s startup scene

Arbetsmarknaden mer delad n man trott

Varning f r fartblindhet p b rsen

Tyskt guld plockas hem n r euron darrar

Huspriser upp med 9 procent p ett r

Who guards the guards? - The problem that links business, finance and politics

Eroding exceptionalism - Internet firms legal immunity is under threat

Shearing and shaving Remaking American financial regulation

Not all blackBrexit: the New Zealand precedent

Shareholder democracy is ailing

IMF: Grekland beh ver mer skuldl ttnad

Kunde ta ut pengar trots noll p kontot

Bostadsministern vill s nka reavinstskatten

Meet the people leaving Trump's America

Le d cryptage co. A Davos, la Chine fait souffler le vent de l'histoire

Why open offices are bad for us

What to do if you have a cold or flu

C'est mon boulot. Les entreprises sont mal organis es, selon une majorit de

Svenska vinster fastnar i Kina

Vinstlyft f r USA:s storbanker

Finance and economics The Greenspan legacy

Advanced manufacturing - Adidas s high-tech factory brings production back to

Samarbete ska g ra elbilar mindre dyra

Hemnet f r amerikansk stor gare

Nu b rjar USA h ja r ntan

Cash and grab - Venezuela s lunatic experiment in demonetisation

Google s hippocampus - What DeepMind brings to Alphabet

A losing battle - A cheaper currency does not always boost economic growth

H ga f rv ntningar p bostadspriser

Stort vinstfall f r SAS

Workplace Psychology - You probably suffer from scattered brain syndrome

In Depth Medicine - Why vitamin pills don't work, and may be bad for you

F rre varor i norsk butik n i svensk

S minskar kl dj tten skatten

The dismal science - Economists cannot stop Trump, but perhaps they can

The firm that starts work at 9.06am

Fasta en v g till l ngre liv?

H jda tillv xttal f r eurozonen

What Donald Trump s election means for government-bond markets

'Exercise boosts men's sperm count'

Attractive, slavish and at your command: Is AI sexist?

Le ch mage dans la zone euro sous la barre des 10% pour la premi re fois depuis

Norska oljefonden satsar p aktier

Sveriges tillv xt bromsas upp

British mutual-fund fees are too high

Why there is no such thing as a superfood

Riksbanken orolig f r kande skulder

On the wrong track - Internet on trains hits the buffers

111 kommuner f r del av byggbonus

That Eighties show

Digital krona kan snart bli verklighet

Pas de crise pour les grands patrons

Les lombalgies co tent un milliard d'euros par an l'Assurance maladie

The Trump shock - How worrying is the global market reaction to the American

The global economy - The economic consequences of Donald Trump

A gold-plated presidency - All latest updates

Au revoir but not goodbye - France is having a terrible year for tourism

Hoppas du p sommartid ret om? Dr m vidare!

Nu kan alla bli en vanlig Svensson

UK 'flash crash' trader Navinder Sarao pleads guilty in US

US election result: Europeans stunned by deafening Trump roar

Nerv st p b rserna efter Trumps framg ngar

Fler hungrar efter mat p n tet

Tillv xtoptimism lyfter Ryanair

Uppdatering l ser datorer

Markets and the election - Should we have faith in the predictive power of

The engineering gap

Stopping a Financial Crisis, the Swedish Way

Refugees in Sweden - Seeking asylum and jobs

Silicon Beach - Los Angeles booms as a startup hub

Mobilannonser lyfte Facebook

Currencies - Will the dollar rise or fall on a Trump victory?

Truth on trade - How much do China, Japan and America trade with the EU?

Investment banking - Rebooting

Investing - Irrational tossers

Hexagon kan straffas f r tigande

Starka siffror f r svensk industri

Regeringen f rl nger id-kontroller

Fler motioner om sommartid ret om

H gre vinst n v ntat f r Swedbank

Government bonds - Who s scary now?

AT&T and Time Warner plot a blockbuster media future

US changes toddler screen time advice

Sk rmen kan f rst ra s mnen: Kroppen tror att det r dag

L gre arbetsl shet n v ntat

Utbildning l nar sig d ligt

resundspendlare kr ver ers ttning

Popping bubbles - The man who knew better

Working style in Japan

Chinese property

Samsung s smartphone woes

Brazil and the new old normal

How to tell if you re a workaholic

Loneliness often follows sudden wealth

B rsras f r krisande Ericsson

Un an apr s... l'entr e en vigueur du travail du dimanche

Mobilrivalernas strid till ny niv

Fler unga hittar jobb

The pound and the fury - Brexit is making Britons poorer, and meaner

European banking jobs - Career breaks

Dating is tough here, despite being the nation with Europe s highest proportion

Les frais bancaires s'envolent

Stigande huspriser upp fyra procent

Svenskarnas skulder r rekordh ga

Svenska hush ll ekonomiskt starka

Digital advertising - Doesn t ad up

The Case Against Pay Transparency

IMF r knar med svensk inbromsning

Ibrahim Baylan: Det r v ldigt h ga priser

Europas banksektor s mst i v rlden

Fackf rbund: Ericssons nedl ggningsuppgifter ett rykte

Metallbasen rasar mot Ericsson-rykte

Schumpeter - Against happiness

A mountain of cashHow Norway spends its $882 billion global fund

Bank of Japan alters policy to spur growth

Un vaste plan contre les fraudes lanc dans les transports d'Ile-de-France

Le brief co. 5G, l Europe lance la soci t du Gigabit

Svensk m klarstatistik: Bostadspriserna stannar av

Markets - The age of stagfusion

Need to smash a printer with a baseball bat? Now you can

Rekordstor straffavgift f r nischbank

kad sannolikhet f r Fed-h jning

A.P. Moller-Maersk - Profits overboard

Le miracle des centenaires italiens passe-t-il par leur alimentation ?

E-mathandeln forts tter att expandera

B ddat f r fortsatt l nefest

Australia s economy - Good on you

What is the food that can really improve your eyesight?

Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs

Rekordbra augusti f r bilbranschen

Gapet mellan rika och fattiga kar

Ny rapport: Skadligt att byta l senord ofta

Why we should celebrate shyness

Jackson LOL - The Fed has yet to take monetary reform seriously

Central banking The Jackson four

SEB: Bost der centralt f r tillv xt

Linux and AWSCloud chronicles

Cement manufacturers - Cracks in the surface

Hedge funds - Law of averages

Finansministern: Sveriges ekonomi r stark

SCA ska delas upp

Self-driving taxi trial kicks off in Singapore

Go-getters in the ghettos: The bright side of France's migrant suburbs

The Big Questions Life - The idea that life began as clay crystals is 50 years

Terror and tourism in FranceNot all shows must go on

Workplace woes - The bane of brilliance

Energie : les hausses et les baisses du 1er ao t

Telecoms - Hans free

Operational excellence

Yen jumps against dollar as Japan keeps rates on hold

40.000 ouppklarade utvisnings renden v ntas

Sv rare uppt cka id-bedr gerier p sommaren

S curit : red ploiement en r gions

Economics and politics - Globalisation backlash 2.0

H gt pris f r Vestberg

SoftBank and ARM - Everything under the Son

Adoption d finitive de la loi Travail : les cons quences dans le monde du

Kritik mot Ericssons ledning

Schumpeter - Be nice to nerds

Deutsche Bank - In a rut

A pointer for the new chancellor

Is full-time work bad for our brains?

ARM chipmaker to be bought for 24bn by Japan's Softbank

Croissance : les embauches domicile repartent la hausse

H gre vinst f r SEB

Bostadspriser ligger stilla men f rre aff rer efter amorteringskravet

Housing market 'falters amid Brexit campaign and vote'

Investing - Equities: the only game in town

Inflationen steg som v ntat

Tokyob rsen tar ett gl djeskutt

Kritikstorm mot Borrosos nya jobb

Danone i amerikansk j tteaff r

MiFID - Financial tonic

China s debt - Coming clean

Boardroom brawls, Chinese style Vanke panky

Israel s tech industry - Talent search

La zone euro va d clarer l'Espagne et le Portugal en d rapage budg taire

R seaux mobiles : Orange toujours devant, Free encore la tra ne

How To Use Bash History to Improve Your Command-Line Productivity

Tech companies blame price rises on Brexit vote

Underskott f r staten i juni

Safe as office blocks - British property funds suspend redemptions

Mangez bio, faites du sport : quand les assureurs proposent des contrats en

Royaume-Uni : la tentation du paradis fiscal apr s le Brexit

Svagaste pundet p 31 r

After the Brexit vote - The first signs of post-Brexit financial stress:

Brexit and the City of London - From folly to fragmentation

Economics and markets - Meanwhile, in the rest of the world

The AIIB - The infrastructure of power

Terms of use - Ticking all the boxes

Web browsers - Window dressing

How to Put the Right Amount of Pressure on Your Team

Get the Crowd to Weigh In on Strategic Decisions

Awaiting the data - After the shock of Brexit, the next test will be the

BMW and Intel plan robot car production

The expats who became 10% poorer overnight

R ddningsplan klar f r Puerto Rico

IMF v ntas s nka Tyskland-prognos

This Kind of Fat Won t Make You Gain Weight

Here s How Much Sleep Babies and Kids Need, By Age

Apple Just Introduced a Breathing App. Here s Why That s Brilliant

15 Minutes of Exercise a Day May be Just Enough: Study

You Asked: Can I Exercise After Drinking Alcohol?

Very Hot Drinks Are a Probable Cancer Trigger

Britain after the referendum

European finance - Financial institutions weigh their options after Brexit

The panic button

Elon Musk s empire - Clouds appear

India s economy - Two stumbles forward, one back

Why Brexit is grim news for the world economy

Why forecasts are necessary

Consommation : la fin des sacs plastique approche grands pas

Musique : le streaming fait le bonheur des maisons de disques

Commandes sur internet : le job de livreur est en plein boom

Wallenberg om brexit: En av de m rkaste dagarna i mitt yrkesliv

Rekordhandel p b rsen efter brexit

Nu r der undantagstillst nd p b rsen

Frankfurt och Paris sl ss om bankirer vid Brexit

S m nga dollarmiljon rer bor i Sverige

Exercising After a Task Improves Memory

How Sleeping Late Wrecks Your Diet

Natural Remedies for Menopause Actually Work: Study

Brexit: Europe stunned by UK Leave vote

Shares and pound plunge on Leave vote

Eurozone releases Greece bailout money

Free Exchange - Guns in America: A history of violence

Harc lement dans les transports : 87% de femmes victimes, 2% de plaintes

Ser mindre risk f r inbromsning

Bostadsf rs ljningen slog rekord

Tuffare klimatkrav men st lindustrin f r st d

The internet of things - Where the smart is

The ECB buys corporate bonds Unyielding Quantitative easing in the euro area

Nu f resl r regeringen s nkt elskatt f r serverhallar

Begagnade bilar s ljer bra

Hands-free phone use by drivers 'equally distracting'

Stort statlig verskott i maj

Kvinnor kar nyf rfetagandet

Sveriges st rsta bolag nolltaxerar

Crypto-currencies - Etherised

Buttonwood - Working hard for the money

Digital celebrities - From smartphone to silver screen

French manufacturers in Morocco - Factories in the sun

Apple in India - Forbidden fruit

Miljardavtal i USA gick till Skanska

Slutspurt p amorteringsfria l n

Academics and investing - Risk and the stockmarket

Loi Travail : "Nous avons montr notre capacit d' coute et de dialogue", d

Ras f r turismen i Paris

Japan s giant pension fund

It s curious that we cry here s what we know about why

French strikes: Does France's workforce really have it easy?

Vancouver's 'freak show' property market

This man had no idea his mind is blind until last week

Microsoft accused of Windows 10 upgrade 'nasty trick'

Stort motst nd mot euron i Sverige

Nokia varslar ver tusen anst llda

H r r v rldens hemliga skatteparadis

Sverige b st i Norden

Swedbank - Bank to basics

Bygghandeln blir e-handel

IMF vill ge Grekland l ngre frist

Planemakers - The eye of the storm

Value-added tax in Europe - Freedom fighters

Office communication - The Slack generation

Norska oljefonden planerar st mma Volkswagen

Pirates in the sky - The number of thefts on planes is rising

European banks - Triple whammy

Regeringen godk nner amorteringskrav

Bilindustrin lyfter tillv xten

Anti-corruption summit: Cameron plans to name foreign property owners

Volkswagen to be sued by Norway fund over emissions scandal

Envy at 30,000 feet - Resentment of first-class passengers can be a cause of

The plan to ban work emails out of hours

France labour reforms: Protests as government pushes through bill

Gr ce : espoir de sortie de crise

4 V rit s - Loi Travail : "De toute fa on, il faudra faire cette r forme un

Democracy and economics

Skatteverket granskar alla svenskar p Panama-listan

Storbolag fast i skatterazzian - h r r listan

Bostadsbristen sprider sig

Fortsatt tro p h gre bopriser

Bailing out Greece - Where are those buckets?

New global rules on firms' tax disclosure urged by economists

Bitcoin 'creator' backs out of Satoshi coin move 'proof'

IMF sp r fallande Kina-tillv xt

B rsfall tilltar OMXS p minus 1,5

M varnar f r v xande utanf rskap

D lig snurr f r ny vindkraft

kad ordering ng till industrin

Nu blir det billigare att surfa och ringa

Economic productivity - The art of being useful

China s consumers - Still kicking

Do the Japanese run the best meetings?

Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto

Mobile phone roaming charges cut within EU

The Strange Relationship Between Power and Loneliness

Don t Wait Until After the Meeting to Start Your Action Items

Upwork s CEO on How an Introverted Engineer Learned to Lead

Focus on Keeping Up with Your Customers, Not Your Competitors

How Facebook Uses Empathy to Keep User Data Safe

The Seven Imperatives to Keeping Meetings on Track

How to Design an Agenda for an Effective Meeting

How to Get the Most Out of an Informational Interview

What Makes Some Silicon Valley Companies So Successful

Teams Who Share Personal Stories Are More Effective

Creative Job Titles Can Energize Workers

Sleeping on It Doesn t Lead to Better Decisions

Superforecasting: How to Upgrade Your Company s Judgment

Embracing Agile

Leadership Both/And Leadership

Learn to Love Networking

The Innovative Coworking Spaces of 15th-Century Italy

Don t End a Meeting Without Doing These 3 Things

7 Ways to Stop a Meeting from Dragging On

What Intel Needs to Remember About Marketing

The Two Main Sources of Stress for High-Status Workers

Keeping Meetings on Track When You re Not in Charge

The Secret History of Agile Innovation

How to Talk in Meetings When You Hate Talking in Meetings

A Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring Better Meetings

If Ford Wants to Beat Tesla, It Needs to Go All In

The Paradox of Workplace Productivity

Innovative Companies Get Their Best Ideas from Academic Research Here s How

The Mindset That Leads People to Be Dangerously Overconfident

Supermilj bonus f r bil gare p g ng

Nytt datum f r m te om Grekland

What is the French economic problem?

How do people justify earning more than others?

Oil markets - Drill will

Do unto others - Why business travellers forget their manners when abroad

Goldman Sachs - From the 1% to $1

China: Obesity 'explosion' in rural youth, study warns

Yes, there is a kinder way to tell someone they re fired

Riksbanken l mnar repor ntan of r ndrad

Ericsson rasar p b rsen

How strained are US-Saudi relations?

Why this is Europe s best work-and-play capital

Nej till islamisk bank

Debacle in Doha - OPEC s talks on curbing oil production come to nothing

The surprising downsides of sit-ups

The surprising benefits of living beyond your means

Les 4 V rit s - "On va rester dans un ch mage de masse", estime Eric Heyer, de

Vi l nar allt mer men amorterar ocks mer

Ingen minskning av antalet tiggande EU-migranter

The IMF s economic forecasts - All latest updates

"Panama Papers" : les aveux de David Cameron

conomie : le march des voitures d'occasion se porte bien

Cyclisme : dopage technologique, le nouveau scandale

S fungerar brevl def retag

Regeringen mildrar kritiserat flyktingf rslag

Aktiespararna tror inte p skadest ndstalan mot Swedbanktoppar

Tungt bakslag f r Swedbanktoppar

Swedbank: Wolf och Sundstr m beviljas inte ansvarsfrihet

Dagens industri: Tillt nkt Swedbank-bas medskyldig

Stor os kerhet i japansk ekonomi

Gold in India - A tarnished appeal

Mobile advertising - Shine, but not rise

Digital advertising - Invisible ads, phantom readers

Chinese economic data - Fudge-ocracy

Electronics - Taiwan 2.0

yanmar s economy - The Burma road

African bonds - Ante upped

Counting the cost of China s left-behind children

Solar energy - Blinded by the light

Central banks and the markets - Enabling the addiction

Global house prices - Hot in the city

International tax avoidance - Simple, independent and multinational; another

Artificial intelligence - Million-dollar babies

Manuel Valls a pr sent son plan pour la jeunesse

Oseri sa telefonf rs ljare st ms

B ttre ekonomi f r hush llen

F rdubblad inflation i mars

Sverige toppar EU:s husprisliga

Industrial overcapacity - Gluts for punishment

The woman who shows how toxic America s culture wars have become

What happened to the self-sufficient people of the 1970s?

B ttre ekonomi f r hush llen

F rre arbetsl sa och fler jobb

Major banks deny claims they helped clients avoid tax

Vitamin D 'heals damaged hearts'

What is happening in the world right now that you are dumbfounded more people

Chine : crise dans le secteur du charbon

F rbjudna kemikalier i vanlig mat

Stockholmare k ar mer n tv veckor per r

Apple sl pper ny mindre telefon

Rotterdam - The shipping news

Nokia: Life after the fall of a mobile phone giant

5 Tips for Managing Successful Overseas Assignments

Selling to Customers Who Do Their Homework Online

Why Leadership Development Has to Happen on the Job

The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the

Why So Many Thirtysomething Women Are Leaving Your Company

Denmark the 'happiest country' and Burundi 'the least happy'

Ov ntad kning f r arbetsl sheten

Demonstrationer i Brasilien efter utn mning

Schumpeter - Businesses are embracing the idea of working in teams

Peak or plateau - All latest updates

Walk right in - When it comes to passports, it pays to be German

Mort de Serge Kampf, grand patron de l'informatique et m c ne du rugby fran ais

Les banques fran aises toujours attir es par les paradis fiscaux

V sterbotten n st b st p bredband

Brazil government battles barrage of problems

Does this city have the best food and wine in France?

H jda krav p banker

Giftiga alger ger dyrare lax

Bostadspriser stiger igen

Mario Draghi gets out his big bazooka

America s economy - On the one hand

Buttonwood - High tech meets low finance

The Wallenberg group - A Nordic pyramid

Chinese property - For whom the bubble blows

The immortalist: Uploading the mind to a computer

Bensinpriset h js igen

Ryanair satsar p privatflyg med champagne

Restaurangfacket kr ver 745 kronor i l nelyft

Allt fler kunder v ljer r rligt elpris

Svagt upp t p b rsen

Monetary policy and the markets - What if the helicopters took off?

ECB expected to launch new economic stimulus

Are negative interest rates an adventure in financial Wonderland?

On the (fish)ball

Google s AI beats world Go champion in first of five matches

Why aren t salaries growing more?

How tech is forcing firms to be better global citizens

Chinese exports plunge 25% in February

Google hires creator of notorious 4chan forum

Svagt upp t p b rsen

Telia Sonera vill byta namn

Emerging-market debt - The well runs dry

High-denomination banknotes - Cash talk

Buttonwood - Living off the people

Red ink rising

Cheap oil is taking shipping routes back to the 1800s

Dyraste myntet f r 85 miljoner kronor

Fj rde AP-fondens vd avg r

Learning to Learn

Our Economy Is Obsessed with Efficiency and Terrible at Everything Else

When to Skip a Difficult Conversation

Corporations Weren t Designed to Run on Code

Why Every Startup Should Bootstrap

3 Reasons Your Strategy Meetings Irritate Your Team

Moody's cuts China outlook to negative

Banker f r h jda kapitalkrav

Svensk ekonomi g r ov ntat starkt

SBAB misst nks ha lurats p 60 miljoner

Share trading - Complicate, then prevaricate

Reshaping banking - Shake your money makers

Energy price slump sends eurozone into deflation

Finland: The sick man of Europe?

Obesity linked to 'worse memory'

California methane leak 'largest in US history'

Stop Paying Executives for Performance

Don t Make Important Decisions Late in the Day

How to Select the Right Freelancer for the Work

A Global Survey Explains Why Your Employees Don t Innovate

Build a Great Company Culture with Help from Technology

A Recession Doesn t Mean Your Startup Can t Grow

Two Digital Myths That Trip Up the C-Suite

Powerful People Underperform When They Work Together

The Very First Mistake Most Startup Founders Make

Your Network s Structure Matters More than Its Size

Performance-Based Pay for Executives Still Works

The Magic of 30-Minute Meetings

Keeping Anxious Thoughts at Bay

The Biases That Punish Racially Diverse Teams

Knowing When to Fire Someone

How to Conduct an Effective Job Interview

Lean Strategy

How to Build a Culture of Originality

Learning to Learn

Winning Back Lost Customers

The Other Disruption

Start-Ups That Last

Engagement Is a Means, Not an End

The Perils of Overmonitoring Your Behavior and Goals

Every Company Needs a Growth Manager

Interview Techniques That Get Beyond Canned Responses

The Elements of an Effective Cause Marketing Campaign

How Leaderless Groups End Up with Leaders

A Modest Proposal: Eliminate Email

A Step-by-Step Guide to Firing Someone

When Trust Is Easily Broken, and When It s Not

How to Cool Down a Heated Negotiation

How to Hire Without Getting Fooled by First Impressions

What s at Stake in an Economy with Low Oil Prices

Don t Let Outdated Management Structures Kill Your Company

4 Things That Sink New Executives, and How to Overcome Them

Hire the Best People, and Let Them Work from Wherever They Are

If You re Not Collecting Productivity Data, You ll Never Succeed at Work

Good Communication Requires Experimenting with Your Language

Apple s Shrinking Impact in the Smartphone Industry

Les l gumes de printemps sont d j l

verskott f r staten i januari

Konjunkturinstitutet f r ny chef

Bostadsl nen forts tter att ka

KI: Optimism om ekonomin

Flest miljard rer i Peking

F f rfalskar nya sedlar

Currencies and economics - Don t cheer a devaluation

Bottom of the class - America s airlines are introducing a class below economy


Boverket: Vi kan inte bygga oss ur krisen

Byggnads l nekrav: 3,2 procent

F rslaget: Bygg mer f r l ginkomsttagarna

Mobile telecoms - Wireless: the next generation

The measure of a man - Performance reviews: not dead yet

What next for China's overheated property market?

Cameron och Hollande eniga

Ras f r Kinas utrikeshandel

Gold - A hedge against ignorance

Over-65s in England 'living longer than ever before'

Ytterligare s nkning kommer skada Sveriges ekonomi

R vsaxl ge f r Ingves

Can we fix it? - Building more houses is only part of the remedy for high

How European banks are scaring away their investors

This is what the best bosses are really made of

Vacances : comment se passe une croisi re autour du monde ?

Swedbanks vd f r sparken

Fyra fr gor och svar om Swedbanks besked

Handelsbanken kade vinsten

Alphabet - Of profits and prophesies

Corporate hegemony - A select group

The kids aren't alright - What does the rise of adult-only hotels mean for

"No Reboot" Kernel Patching - And Why You Should Care

R ntebevis ol mpligt f r sm sparare

SEB:s r ntemarginal kar

Sverige ett allt mer popul rt resm l

Economics and democracy - Political power follows economic power

How to write the perfect job ad

Le gouvernement ouvre la porte la d gressivit des allocations ch mage

Ov ntat fall f r ink pschefsindex

Telia Sonera delar ut 13 miljarder

Finland s economy - A Nordic laggard can yet forge ahead with reforms

Apple iPhone, therefore I am

The global economy - What happened to the capex boom?

Have we taken casual workwear too far?

Nya kursras p v rldens b rser

Managing people - To Motivate Employees, Do 3 Things Well

Diversity Policies Rarely Make Companies Fairer, and They Feel Threatening to

4 Ways to Become a Better Learner

How Age and Gender Affect Self-Improvement

Match Your Motivational Tactic to the Situation

Manage Your Emotional Culture

Change Management and Leadership Development Have to Mesh

Quantifying Your Company s Emotional Culture

How to Make Learning More Automatic

A Mental Trick to Help with Challenging Conversations

How Unicorns Grow

The Five Stages of Small Business Growth

How Venture Capital Works

Is France's unloved AZERTY keyboard heading for the scrapheap?

Utv rdering av riksbanken: Var f r l ngsam

IEA sp r fortsatt verutbud p olja

Experten: Riksbanken kan r kna med kritik i rapporten

The great divide - Economists versus the markets

Lotteries - High stakes

The oil market - $20 is the new $40

An increasingly precious metal

Olje verskott f r b rser p fall

IMF s nker prognos f r v rldsekonomi

The Most Overlooked Way of Stimulating Team Creativity

The Right Way to Off-Board a Departing Employee

Falling oil prices: How are countries being affected?

Iran nuclear deal: Five effects of lifting sanctions

China's growth data - can you trust it?

Emploi : le plan de Fran ois Hollande peut-il marcher ?

Automobile : le march de l'occasion a la cote

Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything

Oljepriset forts tter ner

Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?

Can changing your mealtimes make you healthier?

The age of first-time mothers is rising faster in the US

Milj partister: Socker i maten b r m rkas ut tydligare

B rsen faller i linje med omv rlden

Miljardsm ll f r Telia Sonera

Payback - There is more than one way to avoid negative interest rates

Strategic planning - How to Write a Great Business Plan

The Innovator s DNA

Global inflation - Low for longer

Companies investment plans - From diggers to data centres

From zero to one, then back to zero

Performance Management in the Gig Economy

The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer

Secrets of the Superbosses

Pope Francis in his Christmas homily denounces materialism

How our bodies react to holiday food excess

Attentats de Paris : les portiques de s curit install s gare du Nord

Le Parlement a adopt d finitivement le projet de budget 2016

Et les villes les plus endett es de France sont...

Ny lag s nker bredbandskostnad

Telia slopar roamingavgift i norr

Kraftigt fall i arbetsl shet

B rsen kraftigt upp efter Fed-besked

Regeringen utreder delningsekonomin

Olje- och bensinpris forts tter ned

Bra men inte l nsamt att plugga

The global impact of the US interest rate rise

Many animals can give birth without mating

Kina justerar ner valutan

The other paradox of thrift - Why low rates mean you need to save more

Austerity in Europe - Government cuts have tended to land on the young

The Fed and emerging markets - The secular sulk

Slumping commodities - In a hole

The ECB s medicine - Raising the dose

Why do many Americans mistrust the Federal Reserve?

Regeringen presenterar nytt f rslag om amorteringskrav

Gruvj tte sparkar 85.000

Fly tipping - Kuala Lumpur airport has no idea who dumped three jumbos on its

La cl mentine, une recette espagnole

Ch mage : financer des emplois plut t qu'indemniser les ch meurs

Falling commodity prices push mining shares lower

Could gifting free money boost the economy?

Historiskt l ga elpriser

Nytt miljardl n till Ukraina

Efter v rmerekorden nu kommer kylan

This is why how you handle rejection says a lot about you

The air that makes you fat

When less is more - Is flying getting better or worse for the environment?

An awful boss could be as bad for your health as cigarettes

The best city for working families?

What is quantitative easing?

Of r ndrade st dk p fick b rskurserna p fall

Svag arbetsmarknad oroar Fed-chefen

BNP v xte mer n v ntat

Negative interest rates - Bankers v mattresses

Yuan in the SDR - All latest updates

Paying for waste - Without carbon pricing, subsidies to renewables can be

Riksbanken varnar f r husprisfall

Technology companies - The rise and fall of the unicorns

Investing in a world of low yields - Many unhappy returns

Spain s multinational banks - Impecunity in diversity

What to do when you ve accepted a job, then change your mind

Can you be too clean?

Volvos lastbilsleveranser kar

Norsk oljeindustri tv rnitar

Oroas av l ga r ntor

This is the real reason new graduates can t get hired

Google refuses to give up on Google+

Which Messages Go Viral and Which Ones Don t

What Makes a Leader?

What Is Strategy?

Be Your Own Best Advocate

Why Organizations Don t Learn

La croissance repart la hausse en France

Utfl de p tre miljarder ur fonder

Japan ter i recession

Macroeconomics - Some simple rules of thumb

The oil market - Abnormally normal

A Point of View: Why it's time to turn the music off

Fler k per nya mobiltelefoner

What it really takes to be the boss

Bankf reningen: Fler amorterar

Amazon ppnar bokhandel i Seattle

London s ker st d fr n eurol nder

SCA s ljer Industriv rden

The man who invented relaxation

Network neutrality - A multi-speed Europe

Credit unions - Winning converts

Risk att den allt f r l ga inflationen biter sig fast

La viande transform e serait canc rog ne selon l'OMS

Les secrets de fabrication et de production des pommes

Tusentals skuldsatta f r livet

Kina f resl s g med i handelspakten TPP

Retail banking - Cracking the vault

State raid

The secret strengths of older workers

How to show off without making colleagues angry

What is climate change?

Byggkonjunkturen fortsatt stark

Ov ntat svagt kvartal f r Swedbank

Fortsatt h ga vinster f r storbankerna

No rest for the ticketed - The world s best airports to sleep in

How to make sure nothing gets done at work

Bopriserna kar snabbare n inkomsterna

Bensinpriset h js

Are productivity apps more hype than help?

Pegs under pressure - Currency pegs are still in fashion, but some are creaking

Business schools - Still a must-have

Ancestors 'had less sleep' than we do

Enorma f rluster f r elj ttarna

Bostadsmarknaden fortsatt het

Eon s ljer norsk oljeverksamhet

D'o viennent les oeufs que nous mangeons ?

Kinas import faller kraftigt

Dell l gger j ttebud p EMC

Schumpeter - Norwegian blues

The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Weighing anchor

Gloomy in Lima - The autumn meetings of the IMF and World Bank conclude with a

Why emerging economies are slowing down

Fingerprint h jer prognosen

Farligt att ta l g bol ner nta f r given

Het bomarknad i Sk ne och Stockholm

Fortsatt ljust i elektronikhandeln

IMF s nker tillv xtprognos

Resilient notes and coins - Money for everything

Les jeunes dipl m s ont du mal trouver du travail

Non-stop flying records - Airlines in it for the long haul

IMF vill att r nteavdraget fasas ut

Upp t i handeln

Mer bol n till l gre r nta

Monetary policy and economics - QE was not about saving the banks

Profit Is Less About Good Management than You Think

Leading teams - Global Teams That Work

How Meetings Differ, from Stockholm to New Delhi

The Best Managers Are Boring Managers

Monetary policy - Repeat prescription

Consumer lending - All credit to them

Chinese president Xi Jinping meets US tech leaders

Data-centre software - Progress without profits

Turerna i Telia Sonera-aff ren

Sipil varnade f r tuffa tider i tv s nt tal

Statsvetare: Han kunde ha varit smidigare

Finland: Krispaketet blev en chock

The biggest writing mistakes new graduates make

Consuming Negative News Can Make You Less Effective at Work

What Economists Get Wrong About Measuring Productivity

Becoming a Manager in a New Country

Why Curious People Are Destined for the C-Suite

How Israeli Startups Can Scale

D liga IT-kunskaper bland svenska elever

H&M n r inte upp till f rv ntningar

The economics of commuting - Why tube strikes help Londoners

Should you swap long hours for less pay?

Google and beyond: The new Silicon Valley kingpins

Inflationen sjunker - och stiger

Mer pengar till elbilssubventioner

Starkare krona v ntas

Bra sommar f r SAS

iPad Pro, new Apple TV and iPhone 6S handsets unveiled

The software secretaries

Forecasting a global recession

China's slowdown takes its toll

S fungerar A-kassan

G20 uppges se ljust p ekonomin

China s economy - How China s cash injections add up to quantitative squeezing

Marketing in the digital age - A brand new game

Why a big slump in South Korea s exports matters

IMF-chef varnar f r svag tillv xt

Ov ntat positiv USA-siffra

What progress has India's economy made in the past five years?

The challenges of setting up shop in India

Companies Need an Option Between Contractor and Employee

Data-Driven Management Can Also Be Compassionate

What Facebook s Anti-Bias Training Program Gets Right

Why Some Videos Go Viral

How to Stop Micromanaging Your Team

The Research Is Clear: Long Hours Backfire for People and for Companies

H r r historiens v rsta b rskrascher

Blytung dag p Stockholmsb rsen

Finansministern: B rsoron kan sl mot tillv xt och pensioner

The world s most influential shoppers

"Black Monday" - All latest updates

The sell-off in commodities - Goodbye to all that

European mobile telecoms - Together we stand

USA-oljan mot 40 dollar

Bilindustrin i Kina bromsar in

Kinaoro s nkte Stockholmsb rsen backade 1,9 procent

Global economy woes spark share falls

Google loses data as lightning strikes

Is there room for introverts at the top?

American interest rates - Advantage: Doves

Keep calm and conquer stress

Is it the beginning of the end for online comments?

Jan Nylander: Prisrallyt p bost der l r forts tta

South-east Asia's currencies are plunging like its 1998

Economic growth in Europe - The euro-zone recovery is losing momentum

Google - Spelling it out

Greece and the euro - A third bail-out gets the green light

Frequent flyers - The sad, sick life of the business traveller

Bitcoin - All latest updates

The devaluation of the yuan - The battle of midpoint

Automation angst

Greece s latest bail-out

Saudi Arabia s finances - Asset-rich, cash-poor

A whole Lotte drama

The jobs market - Silver linings

Create a Mastermind Group to Help Your Career

What Separates Great HR Leaders from the Rest

Admitting You Don t Know, When You re the CEO

Create a Culture Where Difficult Conversations Aren t So Hard

Google s Alphabet Move Is Reorganizing 101

Digital Fairness vs. Facebook s Dream of World Domination

What the U.S. Military Has Learned About Thwarting Cyberattacks

How to Handle Negative Feedback

The Branding Logic Behind Google s Creation of Alphabet

Earth s most poisonous plants

How to play office politics the smart way

La Chine d value sa monnaie

Experter varnar: Ekonomin i Kina kan orsaka valutakrig

S mre resultat f r SJ

SBAB tror p ny r ntes nkning

Kronan st rks efter inflationssiffra

Markets and economics - The curious case of China's currency

Distracted teens - The dreamboat next door

Mobile operating systems - Alpine Android

Bosses pay - Who gets what?

Stuck on the runway - Indian manufacturing peaked in the mid-1990s. Can its

The most electric place on Earth - At one lake in Venezuela, lightning flashes

Hand washing web programme 'helps reduce infections'

When the god of money isn t enough

H gre priser p hus

Vinstkollaps f r gruvbj sse

Business investment - Why aren't companies spending?

Economic policy - The people's QE and central bank independence

Sweden offers no easy immigration answers

Storbanker s nken p b rsen

BMW backar efter inbromsning i Kina

SBAB s nker l nga bor ntor

Ryssland bekr ftar utvisad svensk diplomat

Forget the boys club, welcome to the girls club

Israel s computer-security firms - Cyber-boom or cyber-bubble?

Turkey s economy - Flightless

Investment funds - Roaring ahead

Broke but never bust - The ECB and Swiss National Bank should be much more

The Swiss National Bank - Switzerland's central bank makes a massive loss

Trust-busting - How weak regulation is helping to build corporate kingdoms in

The way we work is changing and fast

Wage inequality - Are American passing out a chance at the best jobs?

KI: "Tillv xten starkare n normalt"

Coffee in crisis: the bitter end of our favourite drink?

Skakigt v rre i Shanghai

Oljepriset faller

Guldpriset under fortsatt press

China's wild stockmarket - Why bull calves and bear cubs are responsible for

Why China s super-rich want to buy here

The Right Way to Prepare Your Budget

How a Cartoon Caption Contest Can Make You a Better Writer

3D Printing Is Changing the Way We Think

The Research We ve Ignored About Happiness at Work

Nederl ndsk modell d mpade het bomarknad

Storbank inf r tuffare amorteringskrav

Much ado about trading - The next great regulation to tame banks is now in

Sorry: Is it too hard for 'macho' company bosses to say?

The IMF's new chief economist - Maurice Obstfeld becomes the new Blanchard

Extreme working hours - Why do people do it to themselves?

Reddit's hate problem

Why do humans kiss each other when most animals don't?

Panneaux publicitaires : "la pollution visuelle" d sormais interdite

Resilience - bounce back from setbacks

Fler turister men f rre ryssar

Hush llen konsumerade mer

Ny metod kan m ta inre lder

S p verkas du av r ntes nkningen

Is the seat-back movie about to die out?

China and commodities - Cornering the markets

Riksbanken s nker r ntan nnu mer

Greklands kreditbetyg s nks igen

Greklandkrisen f r nyb rjare

Origins - The event that transformed Earth

Have your cake and eat it

Singapore to Newark - Return of the longest haul?

Holmes is where the heart is

Why Overtime Pay Doesn t Change How Much We Work

Combining Virtual and Face-to-Face Work

The Happiness Backlash

Collaborating Well in Large Global Teams

What New Team Leaders Should Do First

What to Do If Your Team Is Letting You Down

Data roaming charges to end in EU within two years

First dinosaurs, now middle managers?

Investment - Spin the bottle

Asia-Pacific is wealthier than Europe - The wealth of nations

Wearable technology - All latest updates

People Remember What You Say When You Paint a Picture

Focus On the Customers You Want, Not the Ones You Have

Simplify Your Analytics Strategy

How to Make Unlimited Vacation Time Work at Your Company

Transparency, Trust, and Bitcoin

Why CEOs Don t Get Fired as Often as They Used To

Apple and the music business - The second revolution

Uber - Driving hard

The Fed s interest-rate projections

Deutsche Bank and HSBC - In hole, still digging

Is this the most cowardly of boss behaviour?

Hand luggage on planes - A shrinking allowance

Does Hardware Even Matter Anymore?

Your Company s Networks Might Matter More than Its Strategy

How to Manage Your Team s Vacation Requests

High-Tech Tools Won t Automatically Improve Your Operations

What Makes an Organization Networked ?

Improve Your Ability to Learn

Apple and the music business - The second revolution

Online advertising - Block shock

Charlemagne - Chronicle of a struggle

Too Much Profit Can Doom Your Company

Developing Employees Who Think for Themselves

Be a Leader Who Can Admit Mistakes

OECD s nker global tillv xtprognos

ECB l mnar r ntan of r ndrad

Finlands ekonomi kvar i recession

Public debt - How much is too much?

They sold their home in a month learn their secrets

A Playbook for Making America More Entrepreneurial

The Surprising Persuasiveness of a Sticky Note

How to Handle Shared Grief at Work

An Organization-Wide Approach to Good Decision Making

Why Special Ops Stopped Relying So Much on Top-Down Leadership

Breaking the Death Grip of Legacy Technologies

Get Your Message Across to a Skeptical Audience

How to Work with People Who Aren t Good at Working with People

EU:s nya varning: Max fyra espresso om dagen

Nasdaq OMX st ms p 31 miljoner

I st llet f r amorteringskrav - buffertkrav

Skriande behov av beh riga l rare

The trouble with being too confident

Working hours - The start of the rebellion?

How to join the 1%

JavaScript All the Way Down

I'm of the opinion that advertising is immoral.

Elderly people who exercise 'live five years longer'

What is the role of memory in a digital age?

How bosses drive their best employees away

Internet firms

Could one man cause a stockmarket crash?

Leaders as Decision Architects

What to Do If Your Team Is Letting You Down

The Myth of the High Growth Software Company

Handling Emotional Outbursts on Your Team

Simple Online Tools to Make Hiring Easier

Forget standing meetings, try this instead

McDonald's attempts a turnaround - All latest updates

Social loafing

Proactive policing

A Story from Google Shows You Don t Need Power to Drive Strategy

How Technology Has Affected Wages for the Last 200 Years

How to Look for Emotional Intelligence on Your Team

USA:s ekonomi bromsar kraftigt

Growth in America - More bad news

L' conomie est-elle relanc e ?

Measure an Employee s Qualitative Performance

Le poids des d chets lectriques et lectroniques a atteint un nouveau record

Moore s law turns 50 - Ever more from Moore

Information technology - The cheap, convenient cloud

Google - Mobilegeddon

We re All Terrible at Understanding Each Other

10 Tactics for Launching a Product Using Social Media

There s a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration

Emotional Intelligence Doesn t Translate Across Borders

Why So Many of Us Experience a Midlife Crisis

Une panne mondiale sur les crans boursiers de Bloomberg perturbe les march s

F rslag om amorteringskrav s gas

How close is Greece to Grexit?

The 3-D Printing Revolution

Priserna p bostadsr tter n r nya rekordniv er

Sparekonom: Kommer verka avskr ckande

Make Office Politics Less Personal

A generation of cyberslackers

Greece and its creditors - Starting to list

The global secular savings stagnation glut

The Subtle Ways Our Screens Are Pushing Us Apart

Rethink Your Employees Cross-Cultural Training

Chinese firms in Europe - Gone shopping

European bank mergers - Passport check

Currencies and tourism - The power of the almighty dollar

Iran s oil - Rusty taps

German property

What Everyone Needs to Know to Be More Productive

Build an Organization That s Less Busy and More Strategic

5 Signs It s Time for a New Job

What to Do If You Feel Stuck in the Wrong Career

4 Steps to Dispel a Bad Mood

Differing Work Styles Can Help Team Performance

How to Overcome Burnout and Stay Motivated

Keep Checking In on Your Emotional Intelligence

Sverige vill vara med i Kinabank

Mobile services - The message is the medium

Pay rises in America

How to Launch Your Digital Platform

Overcome Your Company s Resistance to Data

How to Deliver Bad News to Your Employees

The Internet Has Been a Colossal Economic Disappointment

The Most Productive Way to Develop as a Leader

Small Steps Can Put Work Goals Within Reach

Paris Muslims struggle to feel accepted

LEE KUAN YEW - Commentary: Singapore's success and the myth of trade-offs

LEE KUAN YEW - Autocracy in Singapore? Hardly, says writer

Water: How much should you drink every day?

Office workers 'too sedentary'

6 Rules for Building and Scaling Company Culture

How to Really Motivate Salespeople

How to Design an Agenda for an Effective Meeting

Convincing Skeptical Employees to Adopt New Technology

Empathy Is Key to a Great Meeting

Case Study: Can a Work-at-Home Policy Hurt Morale?

Game of zones

Mobile payments

The mighty dollar

The Right Way to Use Compensation

How to Finally Kill the Useless, Recurring Meeting

What Separates the Strongest Salespeople from the Weakest

Positive Teams Are More Productive

How to Know If There Are Too Many People in Your Meeting

Getting Virtual Teams Right

When an Employee Quits and You Didn t See It Coming

Introverts, Extroverts, and the Complexities of Team Dynamics

Engage Your Long-Time Employees to Improve Performance

Introverts, Extroverts, and the Complexities of Team Dynamics

How Smart CEOs Use Social Tools to Their Advantage

Setting the Record Straight on Negotiating Your Salary

Assessment: How Well Do You Communicate During Conflict?

7 Traits of Companies on the Fast Track to International Growth

Make Time for the Work That Matters

What Effective General Managers Really Do

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

The Dark Side of Metcalfe s Law

Your Scarcest Resource

Leadership Summits That Work

How to Tell a Great Story

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Network

Cut music to 'an hour a day' - WHO

Mutton dressed as lamb - New research suggests that investors do get misled by

Apple iThrone

China s financial diplomacy - Rich but rash

Reforming the IMF - Getting around Uncle Sam

European banks - Easing means squeezing

Business and the euro - Only a tailwind

1,2 miljarder till sm f retag

Davos: Alone in a crowded room

Want a job? These traits will get you hired

H&M betalade f r l ga l ner f r b ta

Ov ntat starka inflationssiffror

The best CEOs of 2014

Inactivity 'kills more than obesity'

Good-bye rat race, hello paradise

Love it or loathe it, email changed the world

India s economy - The Gujarat model

Regular naps are 'key to learning'

Surprising reasons bosses keep office bullies around

Who's the boss? In some companies, it's nobody

Why can t you tickle yourself?

Sleep: How to nap like a pro

The euro zone slides into deflation - The good and the bad

Most cancer types 'just bad luck'

The best places to retire around the world

Japan s economy - Pump-priming -Shinzo Abe unleashes a (small) stimulus package

Life choices 'behind more than four in 10 cancers'

Professor Ohlsson till Riksbanken

Rekord r f r noteringar p Stockholmsb rsen

How traffic lights create clarity at work

Transparency - Cracking the shells

Can you live a normal life with half a brain?

Le Parlement a d finitivement adopt le budget 2015

Evolution: Why are most of us right-handed?

The worst CEOs of 2014

Breakfast, lunch and dinner: Have we always eaten them?

Energy markets - All latest updates

Grands travaux : les 32 projets soumis Bruxelles par la France

Shift workers 'sicker and fatter'

What should the Federal Reserve do? - The case for opportunistic inflation

Le d ficit de l'Etat recule, les recettes et les d penses baissent

That s not my job!

Can you train yourself to get by on less sleep?

Riksbanken st ller krav p bankerna

S kan ett nytt budgetkaos undvikas

Investing, CEO pay and the economy

Sverige f r betalt f r att l na

America's economy - Why so glum?

America s economy - The lonely locomotive

Skills shortages holding back the UK's economic recovery

Internet on aeroplanes

House prices at the border

China's interest rates

Due tomorrow? Oh, I ll start tonight

Work rules we love to hate

Complex jobs 'may protect memory'

Blow to UK's bankers' bonus cap challenge

Australia's ANZ bank suspends seven traders

The amazing brains of the real-time interpreters

The trouble with mergers

G20 summit: Leaders pledge to grow their economies by 2.1%

Mediterranean diet is best way to tackle obesity, say doctors

The dark side of the sharing economy

China's economy - Deflation, deflated

Economists' roundtable on the euro zone - Target the SMEs

Winning the battle, losing the war - The Federal Bureau of Investigation try to

America's jobs report - Deceptively dull

The great financial crisis - Making the system safer

'Too big to fail' bank rules unveiled by global regulators

Economists' roundtable on the euro zone - QE is no silver bullet

Eurozone economic forecast cut by European Commission

European banks - Stress relief

Institutional investors - In-house revolt

French companies - All latest updates

Touchy topics to avoid in Asia

Mobile-payment technology - A touchy subject

Apple Pay and Starbucks - All latest updates

Apple's financial results - All latest updates

How safe is mouldy food to eat?

Airbnb - New lease of life

European chipmakers - Fighting back

Stimulus - An enigmatic slowdown

Chinese debt - A moral deficit

Monetary policy - Tight, loose, irrelevant

Mobile payments - Emptying pockets

Monetary policy - Breaking the rules

Why eating with other people makes us fat

Good-bye rat race, hello paradise

Concentrate! How to tame a wandering mind

Rude travellers - Irritable scowl syndrome

Deflation fears or toddler tantrum?

Working hours - Get a life or get fat

Monetary policy - When will they learn?

Tax policy and the economy - Is there a limit to revenue-raising?

The Nobel prize goes to Jean Tirole

Brain: Why exercise boosts IQ

The secret to staying safe online

Tech jobs: No degree required?

The global workforce - All latest updates

World economy and markets - Through a glass, weakly

The economics of obesity - One big problem

The world economy - The age of diminishing expectations

Samsung's woes

America's economy

Buttonwood's notebook

Taking on a workplace bully

The weirdest words ever used for sacking people?

How to save your memory

Where have all the Spaniards gone?

How scammers trick your mind

Why and when you should quit your job

Ronald McKinnon, 1935 - 2014

Speechless: Three big sins of public speaking

How often do you need to see a dentist?

Forget the MBA

Taxing corporate cash

Germany s energy mix - Getting out of gas

Doing too much

Marketing gaffes - Speechless

Online dating

Buttonwood's notebook

Poverty traps

Shareholder rights

Resilience: How to train a tougher mind

Mind games to beat bad behaviour on planes and trains

Big interest, no interest

First time boss? Avoid these major sins

Can that old Steve Jobs magic still play at Apple?

The future of Apple

Management and technology

Turn off and tune out: How to holiday off the grid

Teleworking: The myth of working from home

What are brands for?

Why you should stop living to work

Artificial blood that s better than the real thing

Oil in Canada - Crude errors

The foreign-exchange market - Fixed rates

Is there a right way to sack someone?

The hidden truth of star signs

Schumpeter - Replacing the board

LinkedIn - Workers of the world, log in

Organization Theory

The case for hiring someone without experience

Tilted marine - New techniques show the damage done by subsidies at the heart

One of science's most baffling questions? Why we yawn

World trade - Bailing out from Bali

Skyh g r nta oroar FI

Brist p d-vitamin kar risken f r demens

Low vitamin D 'boosts dementia risk'

Shake it all about

The Exceptional Central Bank

Decluttering the company

US-Africa Summit: US firms to invest $14bn in Africa

The stick shift: Not dead yet

Visual processes 'critical for sharp mind'

A setback for free trade - Strangled at birth

Fund managers - Assets or liabilities?

De gauche droite, pourquoi tout le monde s'arrache Jean Jaur s

Do shorter workdays really make us more productive?

Turning office gloom on its head

The truth about smart drugs

Psychology: Why bad news dominates the headlines

China and Asia - Winners and losers in the great Chinese rebalancing

Big Blue Apple

Fighting for the 'lost art of conversation'

Battle of the sexes: Office edition

Why the rich stay rich: they don t invest like the rest

We ve All Got GM Problems

Alibaba's IPO - The wait for eight eight

Energy subsidies - Scrap them

Are we about to see the rise of robot bosses?

Survival and transmission of selected pathogens on aircraft cabin surfaces

Is it Zen, or just the art of getting things done?

The lies, myths and half-truths ruining your career

Why averages miss the point

The 'flaws' of French democracy

Climate policy and the future of coal - Obama s green gamble

Dissecting the Kochtopus

London braced for anti-Uber protests

Will driverless trucks soon roll onto our roads?

How online 'chatbots' are already tricking you

Global private wealth rises to $152tn

Satellites - Space: the next startup frontier

Do you need a social media presence to find a job?

Social media: How life online makes us smarter

Why reports of paper's death are premature

A commuter nightmare

How to ditch the 9-to-5 life

The cure for wasted time in the office

Apple s new software - Core propositon

China s property market - End of the golden era

The problem with smart people

An obsession with gold

The surprising downside to being debt free

The return of moderation - Sea of tranquillity

The best way to win an argument

Goodbye corporate ladder

Low-cost airlines in Asia - Too much of a good thing

Love on the rocks

Are phones and driving always a bad mix?

Olive oil and salad combined 'explain' Med diet success

European venture capital - Innovation by fiat

No such thing as work-life balance

Is a mobile wallet right for you?

The trouble with conventional wisdom

When to walk away from the money

Bumpkin bosses

Sverige nya skatteparadiset f r de rika

How extreme isolation warps the mind

International commercial law - Exorbitant privilege

Shadow and substance

The new green revolution - A bigger rice bowl

Constant arguing 'increases premature death risk'

Human hibernation: Secrets behind the big sleep

Google Glass: Why the gadget faces its biggest test

Corporate takeovers - Return of the big deal

Women as CEOs - The glass precipice

Feeling homesick? Try these tricks

Regulators reveal details of European bank stress tests

MiFID 2 - A bigger bang - A bold new law will reshape Europe s capital markets

Six ways to take back your time

What s the worst thing a boss could request? Yes, that

Career curveballs: Handling the toughest turns

Binge drinking 'link to overeating'

Will nuclear-powered spaceships take us to the stars?

The right way to ask hard questions

Could offices change from sitting to standing?

Greece s return to the markets

Financial crises

The best excuses for missing work

When your online personality works against you

Why you should ditch your job today

Nap rooms gone bad

Six reasons why space tourism matters

Yes, you can retire before your 40th birthday

China introduces measures to boost economic growth

Commercial property in Europe - A skyscraper too far

The world s most endangered food

Inflation and interest rates - Up, up and away

Cartels - Just one more fix

Unemployed? How to use your time

Give your house keys to a stranger?

Drop the "busy excuse

Hydrogen cars: Ready for the roads?

Fighting the flab - Corporate headquarters have put on weight, and need to slim

Housing markets - Double bubble trouble

Facebook buys Oculus VR - Game of goggles

Staying unconventional

Bossy, bossy, bossy should we ban it?

Tortoise versus hare at work

Japan s pension giant - Risk on

The plain and simple truth

25.000 f retagsservrar hackade

Consumers in China - The true meaning of san yao wu

New managers: Don t make these newbie mistakes

Paris restricts car use after pollution hits high

US regulator sues 16 banks for alleged Libor rigging

Richard Branson's top 10 tips for success

Fler f retagare ver 65 r

Hush llens f rm genhet kade

Why blushing may be good for you

Emerge, splurge, purge - Western firms have piled into emerging markets in the

The enemy within

Stunted at work? How to bypass the office hierarchy

Avoid these things if you want to get ahead at work

Angry people 'risking heart attacks'

A memo to Obama

Mobile World Congress - Devices and desires

The wolves of the web

Banking without banks

Closing the gap

The global economy - The worldwide wobble

Treading a fine line: A case of corruption?

Dogs' brain scans reveal vocal responses

The slow death of handwriting

Vitamin C keeps cancer at bay, US research suggests

The rise of China's super-rich

Good migrations: Avoiding mistakes when you relocate


The upside to being let go by Nokia

Alcohol linked to skin cancer risk

DDT: Pesticide linked to Alzheimer's

China loses its allure

Taming the toxic office grumbler

Les Fran ais veulent plus de bonnes nouvelles dans les m dias

Night work 'throws body into chaos'

China injects fresh cash into banks

The future of jobs - The onrushing wave

Google - The new GE: Google, everywhere

Driven to success by anger or rivalry

Email backlash at the office?

A Point of View: Sex and the French

IMF head Christine Lagarde warns of deflation risks

Google and the internet of things

New frontiers

Looking at risk in a new way

Green tea 'can impede nadolol blood pressure medicine'

The economy - Is this the year growth takes off?

The return of securitisation - Back from the dead

IBM - A cure for the Big Blues

Is Ericsson chief Hans Vestberg the most connected man in the world?

Bank of America to Review Working Conditions After Intern Death

2014: The year of encryption

When the wrong thing at work is surprisingly right

Will drones become the future of farming?

The rise of the young non-drinkers

Ont om pengar f r nystartade f retag

Banker bluffar om aktiv f rvaltning

Breaking up is hard to do financially

Eurozone inflation rate falls to 0.8%

Bankers pay - The law of small(er) numbers

Show me the money - The European Central Bank becomes the euro zone s single

Cures and remedies for last year s financial hangover

The five must have leadership traits

Norway publishes all income on line

The words you never want to hear at a job interview

Management mistakes and opportunities

The real magic words in the workplace

Canada Supreme Court strikes down prostitution laws

Youth-drug can 'reverse' ageing in animal studies

Christmas: A social anxiety minefield

The best CEOs of 2013

The "Big Four" accountants in Britain - When bean counting pays off

What managers can learn from marriage counsellors

US health watchdog cracks down on antibacterial soaps

Unfair advantage at the office

The top five terrible chief executives

Work: Big ideas for 2014

The Google hackers trying to make passwords obsolete

Svensk industriproduktion faller

From cuckolds to captains - Corporate boards are playing a more prominent role

Accountancy reform - Shining a light on the auditors

The future of corporate IT - Surfing a digital wave, or drowning?

Asset prices - Not fully inflated

Why do we value gold?

WTO agrees global trade deal worth $1tn

Doubt cast on vitamin D's role against disease

The Holy Grail: Building a career you love

'Let me keep my dead husband's sperm'

Quant hedge funds - Computer says no

Eurozone recovery 'loses momentum'

Exercise 'is good dementia therapy'

PC shipments to see 'most severe yearly fall on record'

Male pill keeps sperm 'in storage'

Why are we more scared of raw egg than reheated rice?

Why is violent crime so rare in Iceland?

The secret to unlocking creativity at the office

Fuel-cell cars - Stepping on the gas

Caffeine energy drinks 'intensify heart contractions'

Man Accidentally Throws Out Hard Drive Containing 4m Worth Of Bitcoins

bitcoin trader

S mre BNP-tillv xt n v ntat

Are big name stocks worth designer price tags?

Schumpeter - It s complicated

Crowdfunding start-ups - Herding investors

Bitcoin - Bitcoin under pressure

A thanks to those in a thankless job: Management

5 Habits That Destroy Your Smile

Daily Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Freeports - ber-warehouses for the ultra-rich

Asian shipyards - The deeper the better

Global banking - You break it, you own it

How to ask for work face to face

'Late starters' still have much to gain by exercising

Modern life 'turning people off sex'

Sparking innovation from the bottom up

Reincarnation at Nokia - Planning the next bounceback

Crisis Management and Communications

Prostitution in Germany - A giant Teutonic brothel

Eating nuts 'may prolong life'

Free exchange - Holding on for tomorrow

Trade liberalisation - Grain and thunder

OECD revises down global economic growth forecasts

Many children 'slower runners than their parents were'

Women and work: The new rules of getting ahead

Women and work: The new secrets of networking

Networking: Not just who you know

Motivating workers - Ranked and yanked

Mentoring matters

Women and work: The new rules of getting ahead

Authorities See Worth of Bitcoin

Welcome to the world of unintended consequences

Upending the old rules of communication

Free exchange - Renouncing stable prices

Prattle of the sexes: Do women talk more than men?

Besieged - Stung by revelations of ubiquitous surveillance and compromised

Live and let buy - Why an influx of foreign money is good for London s property

Money problems? Here's how to fix or avoid them

Google launches Nexus 5 handset with Android Kitkat

What we keep: Unforgettable lessons from first jobs

Datorinnehavare ska betala tv-avgift

Apple profits decline despite iPhone sales boost

The euro crisis - Debtors prison

The new American capitalism

Upgrade your skills or get left behind

Women gain as gender gap 'narrows'

How to navigate the crowdfunding landscape

Why your grandfather might land a job before you do

New galaxy 'most distant' yet discovered

Hacking our senses to boost learning power

Resume or CV? A global guide

Gold in trees leads to hidden deposits

Forskare: R dvin kan bromsa alzheimer

Exercise 'boosts academic performance' of teenagers

The cult of the French pastry chef

The charm offensive for managers

Too much time on your hands at the office

Does studying economics make you more selfish?

High-yield bonds - An appetite for junk

Europe s regional airports - Runway or another

Chinese banks - Open for business

Pedestrian power to shape future cities

Orion: Nasa s $5bn spacecraft in need of a mission

Divorce your partner, not your savings

The death of the French baguette?

Housework 'not strenuous enough' for exercise targets

Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins

Calorie burner: How much better is standing up than sitting?

Broccoli skyddar mot radioaktiv str lning

Will we ever... face a wireless spectrum crunch'?

When to ignore 'tried-and-true' investing rules

World economy - The gated globe

Hitting the roof

Change management

How to get a recruiter to notice you on LinkedIn

Why humans and animals rely on social touch

Are we on the brink of the first mile-high building?

Vitamin D pills' effect on healthy bones queried

Seven rules to stop your phone taking over your life

Managers: Train your brain for ethical decisions

Obama to nominate Janet Yellen to head Federal Reserve

Business creation in Germany

Reform school for bankers

Walking more 'would save thousands' of lives in the UK

In praise of micromanagement

Health of oceans 'declining fast'

Mobile banking in Myanmar

Advice squad

Why Finland loves saunas

The right way to build friendships at work

E-cigarettes - Kodak moment

Is population growth out of control?

Hire smart: What three top executives seek

Living in: Great waterfront cities

Schumpeter - The future of the Firm

Trusting your gut: Smart management or a fool s errand?

The foreign-exchange market - Special FX

F rre unga chefer

A fatal flaw when choosing the right leader

Capital punishment

More money than Thor

Moving to the rhythm 'can help language skills'

Global economic crisis 'linked to suicide rise'

Health kick 'reverses cell ageing'

Taking a bite out of Apple

Secrets of the world s top CEOs

CEO Guru: Taking decisions can be tough at the top

Is it ever acceptable to cry or shout on the job?

Enorma vattenfynd i Kenya

Snart billigare att semestersurfa

Israel: Boot camp for start-up success

Schumpeter - Montessori management

Lyckliga s in i Norden

The man who showed why firms exist

The end of Apple as we know it?

The Federal Reserve - Dove v dove

Sleep 'boosts brain cell numbers'

Abraham Maslow and the pyramid that beguiled business

Insomniacs' brains lose focus, scans suggest

Mr Geek goes to Washington

European bank funding - A long, dry summer

Why video games may be good for you

When markets go dark: 8 reasons for exchange shutdowns

Memory weakens but steadies with age, study finds

Motivational Interviewing

Online porn boom: Liberating minds or damaging brains?

American newspapers - Chasing paper profits

The Whale trade - Choking on bad news

Seven brutal dismissals that made headlines

H stn ringen har exploderat i Sverige

Studie: troende mindre analytiska

Unga som dricker l per st rre risk f r demens

Ageing and personal finance - Time as money

The right way to get noticed in your career

When he speaks, global markets shudder

Why is cycling so popular in the Netherlands?

Free exchange - Boundary problems

Avoiding mortgage mayhem

Turning water into gold

The future of oil - Yesterday s fuel

Financial-technology firms - Revenge of the nerds

Should you delete all emails you get while you are on holiday?

Resisting the tax haven siren song

Svagt samband mellan tr tthet och s mn

Why are some prison sentences so long?

Tech firms and their founders - Monarchs versus managers

TSMC - A fab success

Are there too many managers?

Mobilen inte att lita p i fj llen

Does sugar make children hyperactive?

American banks - The triumph of low expectations

The IT cloud - Silver linings

The Dell buy-out - Decision time

Should you invest in smartphone stocks?

Want a job? Better make the grade

Shopping - The emporium strikes back

Corporate strategy - Where thinking is king

Rent 'unaffordable' for low-income families in third of UK

Investor beware: Advertising blitz ahead

Secrets behind the sophisticated spam scams

Why can t Generation X get ahead at work?

Skiftarbete p verkar fertiliteten

Can science explain why I'm a pessimist?

App Store 'full of zombies' as it celebrates fifth birthday

Steel - An inferno of unprofitability

Markit - Plumbers in suits

A dark magic: The rise of the robot traders

Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms?

Does digital currency have staying power?

Deconstructing accountability

Active brain 'keeps dementia at bay'

D rf r kan kyla orsaka hj rtproblem

Good night's sleep 'protects heart'

Free exchange - Levying the land

Mobile phone roaming caps coming into force

Should bosses tweet? The do's and don'ts for executives

Why China loves to build copycat towns.

India s economy - Start me up

Financial reforms - Re-education through Shibor

Climate change - While Congress sleeps

European telecoms - In a hole

Can we make ourselves happier?

Federal Reserve officials clarify 'tapering'

News - Press and society

The G8 summit - T time

Media conglomerates - Breaking up is not so very hard to do

Central banks and the markets - The long goodbye

Cyber-attacks - Computer says no

The goliaths - The fate of large firms helps explain economic volatility

What has happened to the French joie de vivre?

Samsung: Is the smartphone-maker in deep water?

Will America s love of dance music go the distance?

China s credit boom has got people worried. Should they be?

Say what? When the boss is a gossip

The psychology of workout music

Clapping reveals applause is a 'social contagion'

Oil prices - The triple-digit barrel

The G8 agenda - The transparency summit

Why the snobbery over corks?

The keys to inspired leadership

Indonesia s business boom

12 June 2013 - Which side of the property wars are you on?

Tech in cars: Does hands-free mean harmless?

Europe s banking union - Till default do us part

Luxury goods in China - Beyond bling

The ECB's meeting - Waiting for the recovery

Free exchange - Macro control, micro problems

Why we have to turn electronic devices off on planes

Reinventing the train - Ideas coming down the track

Online labour exchanges - The workforce in the cloud

Start-ups in Sweden - Standing out without showing it

Crowdfunding in America - End of the peer show

Zynga's woes - The chips are down

Not always with us - The world has an astonishing chance to take a billion

Nu inf rs nix-register f r mobiltelefonen

Internet : cinq choses savoir sur les habitudes des Fran ais

Games consoles: Taken to the next level or game over?

Is female domination of the charts here to stay?

Chelsea Sloan: The student who built a fashion franchise

Why does France insist school pupils master philosophy?

Intel scores major win in new Samsung Galaxy tablet

People have long seen faces in the Moon, in oddly-shaped vegetables and even

10 reasons why so many people are moving to Texas

Languages of love: 10 unusual terms of endearment

Digital money - Taking a liberty

OECD cuts eurozone growth forecasts

H r r svenskarnas favoritresm l

Australia ranked 'happiest' developed nation again

Qu'est-ce qu'une cigarette lectronique ?

Sex education struggles to keep pace with online porn

US report warns on China IP theft

Global markets hit after Chinese data and Fed comments

China urbanization plan hits roadblock over spending fears-sources

Schumpeter - A hospital case

Apple's tax arrangements - Biting criticism

Skingsley och Flod n till Riksbanken

Ex-Nokia team makes rival smartphone Jolla

Marketing - Less guff, more puff

Stockmarkets - Don t worry, be happy

Deep sea 'gold rush' moves closer

Cities: How crowded life is changing us

Why is violent crime so rare in Iceland?

Pope Francis hits out at global 'cult of money'

Apple's Cook to propose tax changes at congressional hearing: report

Barefoot running injury concern

Autobahn speed limits: Germany's love of the fast lane

CME Group - The futures of capitalism

Schumpeter - Microsoft blues

Biological clue to why women live longer than men

'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise

Unga experter ska g ra Sverige b st p it

Kidney problems linked to traffic fumesLiving close to a busy road may increase

Management consulting - To the brainy, the spoils

Investment banks - Wall Street is back

The property market - Cat and house

The default identity for RSA authentication ssh protocol version 2 is ~/.ssh/

Draguer les filles est plus efficace avec une guitare sous le bras

Alcool : pourquoi les adolescents boivent toujours plus

Bruce s Sterling s vision of the future city

Nya l genheter n stan dubbelt s dyra i Stockholm

Australia's central bank cuts key interest rate to record low

Intel revamps Atom chips in bid to find mobile footing

Europe s credit crunch - Mend the money machine

Intel v ARM - Chip off the old block

Quarter of adults walk just an hour a week, survey finds

Arctic Ocean 'acidifying rapidly'

Robotic insect: World's smallest flying robot takes off

Skogen kan ge br nsle t transporter

Free exchange - The debt to pleasure

Tax policy - Sweet land of subsidy

Ungdomar p verkas av porr men bara lite

Flykt till n tet risk f r depression

A transatlantic tipping-point

Work and the young - Generation jobless

Bitcoin - a currency free of banks - might have a powerful appeal. But John

Instant messaging on chat apps, such as WhatsApp, has overtaken the traditional

Who, What, Why: What is 'ungoogleable'?

Ogooglebar i Nationalencyklopedin

Bitcoin miners hit back at cyber-thieves

Allt fler barn rakar av sitt k nsh r

The Cyprus bail-out

Popularity helps buffer Apple from Chinese state-media attacks

BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF

Fasta dig frisk

Bevisat: samband mellan vaccin och narkolepsi

Big Five UK banks see profits for 2012 'wiped out'

Why are the French drinking less wine?

The Cyprus bail-out - A better deal, but still painful

Gazprom - Russia s wounded giant

The rescue of Cyprus won't feel like one to its people

Cyprus bailout: Deal reached in Eurogroup talks

Eurogroup Statement on Cyprus

Children should be allowed to get bored, expert says

Universe is older than previously thought, new study shows

Noma Scare Shows No Restaurant Fully Safe: Richard Vines

C libataires, ils ont choisi d'adopter

EU-avtal om bankbonus

Planck satellite: Maps detail Universe's ancient light

The transience of power

The bail-out of Cyprus - We'd rather not

Lorry drivers who drink coffee 'cut their crash risk'

Kvinnor drogade och r nade n tdejter

Night nurseries: Sweden's round-the-clock childcare

Oracle CEO buys airline serving Hawaiian island

Priserna p bostadsr tter skjuter i h jden

In Praise Of Trade Deficits

Google hit by $7m Street View fine in US

Fighting grey: Why do China's leaders dye their hair?

Free exchange - Net benefits

Spanish business - Foreign gain, domestic pain

Peer-to-peer rental - The rise of the sharing economy

Corporate governance - Shareholders at the gates

Lamouche Resigns From STMicroelectronics, Ericsson Venture

Australia's central bank targeted by hackers

'Mother and children' die in German house blaze

China inflation rate hits 10-month high in February

Researchers grow teeth from gum cells

Viewpoint: What if women ruled the world?

Tandv rd g r ofta p rutin. Vilket g r det desto viktigare att g ra r tt. H r

M ss blev sjuka Mycket salt kan ka risken f r autoimmuna sjukdomar som

S mnl shet kan leda till hj rtsvikt

Du tvingas betala f r att betala

Vi ska ge robotar v ra jobb

Salt linked to immune rebellion in study

Processed meat 'early death' link

Companies moral compasses - Some ideas for restoring faith in firms

America s stockmarket - Better than the alternatives

Robocolleague - Robots are getting more powerful. That need not be bad news for

Poor sleep linked to heart failure, Norwegian study says

By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent

World's most detailed scans will reveal how brain works

The cost of flying on the cheap

Pourquoi Marisol Touraine ouvre une enqu te sur la cigarette lectronique

NPC: China keeps growth target at 7.5%

Bonanza or bane - Natural-gas prices are sure to rise eventually

Switzerland s vote on executive pay - Boardrooms rattled

Hogs eat Oregon farmer

Living longer better

EU banker bonus cap 'self-defeating'

Free Mobile a s duit 5,2 millions d'abonn s en 2012

Des nouveaux radars pour flasher en toute discr tion

Yvig namnteckning tyder p egofixering

S mre studenter och f rre perspektiv

Han ska r dda USA:s ekonomi

EU agrees to cap bankers' bonuses

A guide in Africa - Why investors in frontier markets need someone to show them

Air trade - Can trade restrictions be justified on environmental grounds?

Protecting privacy online - The price of reputation

PayPal co-founder Levchin launches new mobile payment start-up

Wary of crises, Americans tune out budget cut talk

720 millions de smartphones vendus en 2012 dans le monde

La chute des ventes de logements neufs se poursuit

Bad sleep 'dramatically' alters body

Europe s financial-transactions tax - Bin it

Central banks - Brave new words

Insurance and telematics - How s my driving?

Japan markets boosted by central bank nominee reports

Australia: Where the good life comes at a price

Eurozone downturn and deficits to persist, Commission says

Why speaking English can make you poor when you retire

Eurozone economy to shrink in 2013, says Commission

Mosquitoes ignore repellent Deet after first exposure

Subatomic calculations indicate finite lifespan for universe

20 sparkas efter tidsfusk

Stock markets fall after US Fed comments

Why have the white British left London?

Greeks in fresh general strike against austerity

Un bateau fant me russe la d rive depuis un mois dans l'Atlantique

Plus un enfant regarde la t l , plus il risque d' tre un adulte condamn par la

Vill f rbjuda mobiltelefoner p natten

One couple's mission to find a better work/life balance

Storm survivors - Offshore financial centres have taken a battering recently,

The global economy - Phoney currency wars

Information technology in Africa

Extremely Troubled Scheme - Crunch time for the world s most important carbon

Can an intense workout help you live longer?

UK, France and Germany back global tax rules at G20

Long, slow walks may beat shorter, higher intensity runs

Exploring the minds of Holocaust deniers and UFO-spotters who deny common sense

Big hedge funds fueled fourth-quarter dive in Apple shares

After the horse has been bolted - Horse meat in the food chain is a wake-up

Ne retenez pas vos vents dans l'avion, c'est mauvais pour la sant

Slut p s nkningarna

Riksbanken l mnar r ntan of r ndrad

Obama vill s tta fart p ekonomin

L nes nkarna

Glappet mellan l nen och allm nna pensionen kar

TV: H r sl r polisen till mot krogen i Stockholm

H gst betalda chefer drar ifr n

U.S. professor finds longest prime number with 17,425,170 digits

Television - Counting couch potatoes

Free exchange - Nomencracy

A red light from Greenlight

Viewpoint: Megatrends that will change everyone's lives

Switzerland guns: Living with firearms the Swiss way

Electronic cigarettes - miracle or menace?

Horsemeat scandal: France summons meat industry chiefs

Attractivit de la France : c'est quoi le probl me ?

Les boissons "light" associ es un risque accru de diab te

La tablette tactile supplante le PC portable

M nga efterlysta grips utomlands

Unconventional gas in Europe - Frack to the future

Study finds obesity can 'lead to lack of vitamin D'

Dogs in England must be microchipped from 2016

Online-video sites - Net flicks

The future of energy - Batteries included?

Northern lights - The Nordic countries are reinventing their model of

Testosterone: Can it make you live longer?

Swiss love affair with rail turns sour

The Path to Commerce Kickstart 2.0

Vegetarians 'cut heart risk by 32%'

Davos Man and his defects

Heart risk link to SSRI antidepressants confirmed

Gr ve nationale la Banque de France

Un ex-trader condamn rembourser 315 millions d'euros

Erektionen avsl jar hur hj rtat m r

Frukt och gr nt minskar cancerrisken

Severe pollution shrouds Chinese capital

Mini guide to culture in Singapore

Exchange-traded funds - Twenty years young

China s population - Peak toil

Technological extinction - Only the digital dies

Information technology - Has Apple peaked?

In Asia's trend-setting cities, iPhone fatigue sets in

UK citizenship test 'to cover Britain's greats'

Indian women given kitchen knives, chili to fend off rapists

Samsung profits driven by Galaxy smartphone sales

Why did men stop wearing high heels?

Viewpoint: The start-up fuelled path to recovery

Quelles cons quences si Londres sortait de l'Union europ enne ?

Skogen inte l ngre lika s ker investering

20.000 tj nstem n kan f rlora jobbet i r

Fildelarna k per mest

Undiscovered Basel

Europeans charged in US over destructive computer virus

Most parents 'lie to their children'

Skatt p k tt f resl s

Alla SVT-kanaler ska s ndas p n tet

Long-term aspirin 'blindness link'

20 of your tales of vegetarian woe

Indonesia sentences UK woman to death over drugs

The other type of mobile money - Airtime is money

Global trade - View from the bridge

Economics after the crisis - New model army

The euro-zone crisis - Time to celebrate?

Self-help books 'treat depression'

US Federal Reserve 'underestimated financial crisis'

Rally in Athens against Greece's Golden Dawn

Gun restrictions have widespread public support: poll

Mycket br k om "sk rmtid"

2012 - ett av m nsklighetens varmaste r

Arbetsl sheten huvudfr gan i dagens debatt

Fewer US homes repossessed by banks in 2012

A world of trouble - Which risks loom largest for businesses in 2013?

EU car sales fell 8.2% in 2012, say carmakers

List of Easy to Digest Foods

La pollution atmosph rique r duit l'esp rance de vie de plusieurs mois

Ingves kr ver amorteringar p bol n

Personal finance - Ghastly gurus - The best advice is to keep your wallet

Chinese industry - From guard shack to global giant - How did Lenovo become the

Germany's economic growth slows sharply in 2012

Where vegetarianism is an exotic illness

China's one-child policy impact analysed

Diet drinks' 'link to depression' questioned

Stand up at office to lose weight, says exercise scientist

L'argent ne fait pas (enti rement) le bonheur des Fran ais

Les ventes de cigarettes ont chut de pr s de 5% en 2012

L'aust rit , une erreur de calcul ?

Obama nominerar Hagel till f rsvarsminister

Aerosvit g r i konkurs

Fler d da i isolyckor f rra ret

Rekordbeslaget: 150 kilo amfetamin

Dramatisk kning av olyckor med vildsvin

CES 2013: Sony unveils bath-friendly Xperia Z smartphone

Study: Billions of Earth-size planets in Milky Way

Intel bets big on thin PCs and phones at Las Vegas show

Ireland and the euro crisis - Dawn in the west - Why the Irish deserve a

Toyota sneak previews self-drive car ahead of tech show

Freebox bloque les publicit s : qu'est-ce que cela change ?

Extrakilon kan ge l ngre liv

Does confidence really breed success?

Global grind - The world economy s woes are far from over, forecasts Robin Bew

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in '$3bn Libor loss'

Hedge funds - Going nowhere fast - Hedge funds have had another lousy year, to

UBS and LIBOR - Horribly rotten, comically stupid

Schumpeter - Gold-hunting in a frugal age - Austerity-battered Western

Infrastructure in India - RIPPP - India s love affair with public-private

Is Modern Portfolio Theory Dead? Come On

Grail gravity satellites slam into Moon

Foxconn - When workers dream of a life beyond the factory gates

The politics of corruption - Squeezing the sleazy

A digital cold war?

EU in major free trade deal with Singapore

End of the world hysteria boosts tourism

Q&A: The eurozone's banking union

Deeper eurozone union 'agreed' - Germany's Merkel

Cheap vitamin D 'would boost health'

Learn English online: How the internet is changing language

UK universities in online launch to challenge US

Olympian lifespan 'possible for all'

Six internautes sur dix d j g n s par une photo d'eux sur internet

Riksbanken l nar 100 miljarder kronor

Federal Reserve sets new targets for interest rates

Eurozone agrees ECB banking supervision rules

Google Maps back on iPhone after Apple software fiasco

Regulating the internet - Wicked group-edit

Zara owner Inditex profits rise 27%

Sugar 'comforts babies during immunisations'

Light smoking 'doubles sudden heart death risk in women'

Porsche breaks car sales record in 2012

Les embouteillages, combien a co te ?

From Apple to polka dots, technology can help supply chains react

Asia 'to eclipse' US and Europe by 2030 - US report

US student loans: The trillion dollar debt trap

Honey bees' genetic code unlocked

The real people behind the spam photos

Digital education in Kenya - Tablet teachers

Free exchange - Heated debate

The newspaper industry - News adventures

US and UK agree safer banks plan

An argument for vice vacations

Food FYI: France's 'Nutella tax' backlash

Childlessness 'may increase likelihood of early death'

Lincoln and leadership

Central banks power - The grey man s burden

Eurozone recession to continue into 2013, survey suggests

French sperm count 'falls by a third'

The Dark Side Of The WTO

Battle of the internet giants - Survival of the biggest

Property - The Big Long - A new generation of investors is betting on America s

Internet governance - System error - Governments squabble over new rules for

Singapore deports Chinese bus drivers after protest

Japan cabinet approves $10.7bn second stimulus package

Allt sv rare s lja villan

EU Commission's Barroso unveils plan for euro's future

Giant black hole in tiny galaxy confounds astronomers

Evidence is mounting that moderate minimum wages can do more good than harm

Greece's debt - A bail-out by any other name

Cycle and walking 'must be norm' for short journeys

Eurozone finance ministers agree deal on Greece bailout

Manufacturing - The new maker rules

EU budget summit (part III) - No deal, but no drama

Micro stars, macro effects - Meet the economists who are making markets work

Trading The Soft Commodity Markets

Water: The Ultimate Commodity

Trading Gold And Silver Futures Contracts

What Is Wrong With Gold?

Grow Your Finances In The Grain Markets

EU nations far apart on budget but summit grinds on

Sony at greater risk than Panasonic in electronics downturn: Fitch

Canadian energy - The sands of grime

Early Monopolies: Conquest And Corruption

Relative Valuation Of Stocks Can Be A Trap

Eurozone fails to reach deal on Greece aid

What makes us intelligent?

'Muscular young men' may live for longer

Ob sit des enfants : l'activit physique l' cole porte ses fruits

Les nouvelles habitudes de vie perturbent le sommeil des Fran ais

Svenskar blir allt tuffare mot bankerna

Jobless 'face increased heart attack risk'

Intel - The conductor departs

Oil and gas - America s oil bonanza

Credit-card companies - War of the virtual wallets

Exploring Advanced Insurance Contract Fundamentals

Understanding Your Insurance Contract

Does chocolate make you clever?

Is the toilet seat really the dirtiest place in the home?

L'Europe devient un producteur majeur de cannabis

Jour de col res en Europe

La r cession frappe aux quatre coins de l'Europe

Les nouveaux ma tres de la Chine

Eurozonen tillbaka i recession

Internetdroger kar dramatiskt

Stor kning f r internet i mobilen

Sex utmaningar f r de nya kinesiska ledarna

Unga kommer inte ha r d

Why Gladwell s 10,000-hour rule is wrong

Do we only use 10% of our brains?

Moderate drinking in pregnancy 'harms IQ'

Eurozone falls back into recession

China names conservative, older leadership

Greece s debt burden - How to end the agony

More than just a game - Video games are behind the latest fad in management

A Point of View: Why the rich look down on the poor

Greeks Abroad: The man who speaks 32 languages

Melcom shop collapse in Ghana: Negligence blamed

Ingves vill begr nsa skulds ttningen

China congress: Hu Jintao opens party meeting on leadership change

Viewpoint: Why are people so mean to single people?

The Dangers Of Over-Diversifying Your Portfolio

The Importance Of Diversification

Take On Risk With A Margin of Safety

Greece braced for 48-hour strike amid crucial debate

Corporate savings - Dead money

Land of the corporate giants

Sandy Success and failure after the storm

October: The Month Of Market Crashes?

Profiting From Panic Selling

Catching A Falling Knife: Picking Intraday Turning Points

Which Direction Is The Market Heading?

The repercussions of rainforest reduction

US economy adds 171,000 new jobs

Measuring Company Efficiency

Will Corporate Debt Drag Your Stock Down?

ROA And ROE Give Clear Picture Of Corporate Health

What are the risks of having both high operating leverage and high financial

Indoor laundry drying 'poses a health risk'

Apple rolls out iPad mini in Asia to shorter lines

Commodities That Move The Markets

H r tj nar alla ver hundra tusen kronor

Se dig sj lv p tv i 15 sekunder

Gratis k rkort vinst f r samh llet

Siemens s new strategy - Re-engineering

A sense of place - Geography matters as much as ever, despite the digital

Celebratory gunfire at Saudi wedding cuts cable, 23 electrocuted

Knowing Your Rights As A Shareholder

Defining Illegal Insider Trading

IPO Lock-Ups Stop Insider Selling

Getting To Know The Stock Exchanges

The Dirt On Delisted Stocks

Blogs et marques, des clics pas nets

SAS ska s lja av tillg ngar om 3 miljarder

Apple's Scott Forstall and John Browett to leave firm

UK's first 4G mobile service launched in 11 cities by EE

Free exchange - No short cuts - Short-term austerity in the aftermath of a

Microsoft and the launch of Windows 8 - Tablets from on high

S v xer kungens f rm genhet

A Review Of Past Recessions

Building Titan: The world s fastest supercomputer

Trapped in lifts - 10 of your stories

Hurricane Sandy forces NYSE and Nasdaq shutdown

Spain austerity: Thousands join new budget cuts protest

The cost of being 'pretty' in Thailand

Apple s fashionable seduction

Are figs really full of baby wasps?

The Capital Asset Pricing Model: An Overview

Rebalance Your Portfolio To Stay On Track

Achieving Optimal Asset Allocation

Modern Portfolio Theory: Why It's Still Hip

Find The Highest Returns With The Sharpe Ratio

Samsung posts record profits on Galaxy phone sales

Apple profits miss expectations on slower iPad sales

British oil executive shot dead in Belgium

Efficient Market Hypothesis: Is The Stock Market Efficient?

Bol nen guldgruva f r storbankerna

KI: Tillv xten r p tagligt svagare

The driverless road ahead - Carmakers are starting to take autonomous vehicles

Free Market Maven: Milton Friedman

EU b r till ta svenskt snus

Verk vill ha maxgr ns f r koffein i energidrycker

Placebo effect may be 'down to genes'

Africa s economy - Bulging in the middle

Mid-sized companies - Why doesn t France have a Mittelstand?

Stockmarkets - Black marks from Black Monday

Alan Greenspan: 19 Years In The Federal Reserve

Tv-licensen blir kvar tills vidare

Bopriser n ra rekord i Stockholm

Brain change link to anti-social behaviour in girls

Exercising in your 70s 'may stop brain shrinkage'

Citigroup s reshuffle - A reassuring shock

Free exchange - Game, set and match

Google's woes - Goops!

The rise of the yuan - Turning from green to red

Christiania, l utopie perdue

Breakthrough in world's oldest undeciphered writing

China acts on funeral strippers

EU summit: France says bank deal helps eurozone fusion

Leaders Say They Expect Agreement on Aid for Spanish Banks This Year

The hidden rules that shape human progress

EU summit: Compromise deal on eurozone bank supervisor

Google shares suspended after profit results error

Ny brakf rlust f r Nokia

Un homme arr t pour avoir voulu faire exploser la Fed New-York

Stora risker med alltf r l g r nta

Europa b r ta efter svenska sexk pslagen

Greece braces for general strike over austerity

Average debt up again for new college grads

America s financial system - Law and disorder

Free exchange - Concrete gains

China s stockmarkets - Like it s 1999

Can stress turn your hair grey overnight?

Skipping breakfast primes the brain to seek out fat

Ob sit : un facteur social de plus en plus marqu

Svenskars livsl ngd kar snabbt

Presidential politics in South Korea - Bashing the big guys

No more Grexit

In A Former Life: S. Kenneth Kannappan

It's All in the Details

Hands On: All Together Now

The Coolest Small Company in America

The World's Best Employee Manual

How To Uncover Employee Potential

7 Tips for Motivating Employees

Six Coaching Strategies You Can Apply in the Workplace

Measuring Morale

The Tournament

Revving Up the " P" Word (Productivity)

Leading in Hard Times

Low-Cost Ways to Build Employee Commitment

It Takes More Than Pay to Keep Good Workers

Incentives for All Generations

Winter Holiday Rewards

Perks You Can Afford

Trust but Verify

The Store that Stark Built

In a Former Life: Alan Schultz

Hands On: Showing Up

Turn Motivation Inside Out

Goals, Roles, Pay, and Performance

Turbocharge Your Bonus Plan

The Right Staff

Have Fun, Make Money

Fun at Work: Enliven Your Culture

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Inequality and the world economy - True Progressivism

JP Morgan boss says US housing market has turned the corner

Viewpoint: More women needed in technology

Strokes in young people 'rising', study finds

IMF's Christine Lagarde says crisis hurting emerging nations

Iron enters the soul

Global financial risks have increased, says IMF

Draghi: Framsteg g rs, men greker m ste g ra mer

IMF ber mmer svensk krishantering

Tomater halverar risken f r stroke

Tomatoes are 'stroke preventers'

No longer the place to be

The weak shall inherit the earth

Current Account Deficits: Government Investment Or Irresponsibility?

Electric cars 'pose environmental threat'

Internet, un moteur de croissance pour les pays de l'OCDE

Flygbolag inf r barnfri zon

S hittar du bilder av dig sj lv

H ll dig borta fr n skuldf llan

Fixing the capitalist machine

Baby bust continues: US births down for 4th year

4G: UK's mobile phone networks in crunch meeting

The next crisis - Sponging boomers - The economic legacy left by the

The French budget - One cheer

Britain's economy - Heading out of the storm - A second recession is at last

Monetarists Anonymous - After a spectacular crash, an online currency makes a

Warning over shortage of engineering graduates

One in 10 workers has taken time off for depression

Las Vegas casinos trumped by Chinese 'Sin City'

Spain's banks 'need 59.3bn euros of eurozone loans'

Why male Japanese wage-earners have only 'pocket money'

Osel Hita Torres - The reluctant lama

Nu s ljer Svensson Telia-aktien

H&M rasar p b rsen efter rapportbesvikelse

Norway Oksnes family celebrates third lottery win

The magic of good service - Companies hope that chief customer officers will

Cameroon arrests suspected traffickers of human body parts

Makers unite - the revolution will be home-made

Apple Inc. (AAPL) Gadgets Thefts Up In New York City

Avec 5 millions d'iPhone 5 vendus en trois jours, Apple d oit un peu les march

Telia h jer priset f r surf

Renoveringsobjekt sv ra att bli av med

Cancer death rates set for a 'dramatic fall'

Driving - The road less travelled

SimEurope - Some fantasies for the future of Europe may cause more problems

Facebook party invite sparks riot in Haren, Netherlands

Moscow 'drunk driver' kills seven on Minsk Street

Apple iPhone 5 fever rages despite grumbling over maps

BofA speeds up plans to cut 16,000 jobs: WSJ

New Maps app is rare Apple flub

iPhone 5 launch draws Apple fans across Asia

Euron tappar n r QE-eufori ebbar ut

Eurozone recession looms as business activity falls

Spanish bond auction sees lower borrowing costs

Carbon prices - Breathing difficulties - A market in need of a miracle

The summer Davos blues - Global movers and shakers are worried about China

Bank of Japan increases asset purchase programme

Bitcoin thieves yet to spend stolen hoard

Dark energy camera snaps first images ahead of survey

Youth contract 'insufficient' to tackle youth unemployment, MPs say

High school sweethearts reunite, marry after 58 years

D rf r kr vs en lag om samtycke till sex

Stort utrymme f r Apple i svenska medier

Stressad p jobbet? Skyll inte p arbetsgivaren

Priserna s nks p nybyggda bost der

Digital fiction book sales soar, Publishers Association says

UK inflation rate eases in August, ONS says

Young Asians making their mark on Australia

South Korean host bars - for women

Investment banking - Dream turns to nightmare

Euro-zone banking union - The union movement

Free exchange - Hayek on the standing committee

Robocopter arrives

Oil price near four-month high after Fed move

Travelwise: The statistics of studying abroad

Obese elephants in Tamil Nadu given slimming help

Europe hits old internet address limits

Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight

Federal Reserve to buy more debt to boost US economy

Work stress 'raises heart risk'

Brazil cuts growth forecast to 2% for 2012

India inflation rate rises faster than expected

Bostadsr tter sjunker i pris

Regeringen vill s nka bolagsskatten

The mystery of Jackson Hole - Central bankers wonder why success eludes them

Money to play with - Video games dominate Kickstarter s list of biggest

Stabilt prisl ge med f rbeh ll

Svenskarna ter f r d ligt

Apple Planning Pandora Rival: Is Web Radio Ready for Prime Time?

Apple radio hotar Spotify

Transport in cities - Vive la r volution

Goodbye Doha, hello Bali - The Doha trade talks are dead. Replace them with a

The ECB and the euro - Too central a banker?

Those bloody Scandinavians - What the Nordic crime-writing boom says about

Should lunch breaks be mandatory?

Analys: Otydlig riksbank skapar os kerhet

Bor ntorna kan ocks p verkas

T by f r Sveriges f rsta Applebutik

Danskt snusf rbud oroar inte Larsson

Mario Draghi set to unveil ECB bond-buying euro plan

Online payments - Virtual spring

Sweden tops Tim Berners-Lee's web index

Les loyers du parc priv augmentent moins vite que l'inflation

Fler f r nej fr n CSN

Regeringen vill satsa p unga arbetsl sa

Organic food 'not any healthier'

The global economy - Summertime blues

The Bank of England - The Old Lady bulks up

Dieticians say extra protein can do more harm than good

David Hemler: 28 years on the run

Food prices jump will hit poor, World Bank warns

Choklad minskar risken f r stroke

Chocolate may protect the brain from stroke

Obama participates in surprise Reddit chat

The mommy track - The real reason why more women don t rise to the top of

The mystery of the stopped clock illusion Tom Stafford

SEB: R ntorna blir historiskt l ga

Arctic sea ice reaches record low, Nasa says

Young cannabis smokers run risk of lower IQ, report claims

Apple versus Samsung - Copy that

The euro crisis - The Finn red line

Super Hi-Vision 8K TV standard approved by UN agency

US middle class in 'lost decade' as income falls

Des tudiants pas l abri des co ts

Finl ndare jobbar minst

Ryskt medlemskap i WTO r historiskt

F ngelse f r br dska mot Stockholm

F hush ll klarar ett ekonomiskt bakslag

Obesity 'bad for brain' by hastening cognitive decline

On the origin of specie

Asia's fastest data cable links Tokyo to Singapore

Cereal bars: Healthy image a myth - Which?

Varannan kvinna har s mnapn

Fluffiga svar fr n Tillv xtverket

Bol neskulderna kar bland unga

Tre av fyra svenskar s ger nej till svartarbete

Int kter fr n str mmad musik kar

Streaming music revenues up 40% globally in 2012

Dark chocolate 'may lower blood pressure'

La Poste refuse de livrer dans un quartier jug dangereux

Tungt s lja bostaden i h st

New human species identified from Kenya fossils

La baisse de l'euro ne dope pas le commerce

Android fl sar Apple iOS i nacken

Thailand oroar n r barnen g r f rsta resan

Brand new - Emerging-market companies are trying to build global brands

Brant backe n r fler flyr euron

Se ver ditt sparande inf r en os ker h st

Lust och l ngtan v r nya folkr relse

The ECB and the euro crisis - Draghi drags it out

Chinese multinationals - Who s afraid of Huawei?

India s infrastructure - Blackout nation

Knight Capital - A new dawn for Knight

The power of intermittent fasting

Draghi m ste anv nda alla vapen

Greece agrees new spending cuts to keep bailout

Commodity prices - Downhill cycling

Svenskar: Norrm n kan inte k a

Euron n r ny bottenniv

Higgs boson results from LHC 'get even stronger'

Mild mental illness 'raises risk of premature death'

Stark krona ger fyndl ge i Danmark

China s economy - Not with a bang

Apple in China - iPhones make Chinese eyes light up

Narconomics - From HR to CSR: management lessons from Mexico s drug lords

Les mis rables - Europe not only has a euro crisis, it also has a growth

The Spanish patient - A full bail-out of the euro area s fourth-largest economy

Shift work link to 'increased risk of heart problems'

Affaire Apollonia : les banques bient t condamn es ?

V rdl ndernas ekonomi g r bak t efter OS

Svenskar tar jobben f r norsk ungdom

vervikt beror p mat snarare n tr ning

Hunter gatherer clue to obesity

Do-it-yourself apps - Make your own Angry Birds - Homebrew apps have arrived

Business and the Olympics - Victors and spoils - The Olympic games are big

Meet the 'bots' that edit Wikipedia

Creditors to audit Greek progress on debt reduction

The rise in women seeking a perfect vagina

Genetic entrepreneur to compete in Genomics X Prize

Oilfield services - The unsung masters of the oil industry - Oil firms you have

Inactivity 'killing as many as smoking'

Drinking alcohol, even in moderation, 'a dementia risk'

Social status: Why all men are not created equal

Interest rates - The fog of LIBOR

The American economy - Comeback kid

China economic growth slows to 7.6% in second quarter

The euro crisis - Bad medicine

Perspektiv - Bostadspriser Stabilisering p g ng

STMicro Inside Cars Is Chipmaker's Bet on Future

Can spending less time sitting down add years to life?

Analysis: From a credit swamp, recovery horizons lengthen

Taux d'emprunt n gatif fran ais : un dysfonctionnement , selon Christian Noyer

Taux n gatifs : une bonne nouvelle pour la dette fran aise ?

Is it possible to quit Google?

Advertising on mobile phones - Attack of the covert commercials

The success of hedge funds - Masterclass

The euro crisis - Inching towards integration

30 miljarder euro betalas ut till Spanien

Spanish borrowing costs rise ahead of euro summit

R tt till sjukpeng f r prostituerade

Euron blir allt billigare

Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at LHC

Fler svenskar s ker sig till Norge

Svenska hush ll h ller h rt i pl nboken

20- rig svensk d d p Roskildefestivalen

S tycker experterna om repor ntan

Microsoft in $6.2bn writedown of Aquantive

The euro crisis - Less disunion

Fakes and status in China

Dovado 4GR and Tele2 4G/LTE HUAWEI E398 modem installation

Eurozone agrees on bank recapitalisation

Le malaisien FVG, n 3 mondial de l'huile de palme, enflamme la Bourse

Utlandsf dda unga har sv rast att f en inkomst

Bostadspriserna bromsar in

Merkel heads to Brussels for crucial euro summit

Proc s des D boulonneurs de pub : et la libert de (non) r ception ?

Central banks - The munificent seven

Central banks - When the chips are down

Adieu, la France - France s new Socialist government is embarking on a series

Global weight gain more damaging than rising numbers

Mario Draghi says ECB ready to act 'where needed'

Linus Torvalds: Linux succeeded thanks to selfishness and trust

Forex: Identifying Trending And Range-Bound Currencies

Children with older fathers and grandfathers 'live longer'

Too Little Sleep Tied to Stroke Risk

Spain's banks - Just don't call it a bail-out

Financial glossary

Spanish bank bailout request welcomed

Peer-to-peer lending via the internet hits 250m

China delays new tougher bank rules amid slowdown fears

Green decline 'may bring irreversible change'

Schumpeter - In praise of misfits - Why business needs people with Asperger s

LVMH - The empire of desire - What the world s biggest luxury group will do

Tre miljoner f r tillbaka p skatten

Ohio crash kills 3 teens, one on graduation day

5 Ways To Measure Mutual Fund Risk

Determining Risk And The Risk Pyramid

History of Foreign Exchange courtesy GFT Forex.com

London, France's sixth biggest city

Morningstar's Stewardship Grade Scores Big

Europe s weaker economies are in the grip of a worsening credit crunch

Street lights 'changing ecology on the ground'

ILO warns of youth unemployment 'crisis'

The endangered public company - The big engine that couldn t

Fusty old retail banking faces its biggest shake-up in 200 years

Massive rise in Asian eye damage

Are Sprouted Potatoes Poisonous?

Australia cuts its rates more than forecast to 3.75%

Apple doubles quarterly profits to $11.6bn ( 7.2bn)

Men set to live as long as women, figures show

How to survive a plane crash

New World Bank chief to focus on 'market-based' growth

Canada's newest coin glows in the dark

Court documents shed light on how LIBOR was allegedly manipulated

Leap second decision is postponed

Nude Maid Service Draws Police Scrutiny in Texas City

British man allegedly fathered up to 600 children through sperm bank donations

State-Run Economies: From Public To Private

What Is The Balance Of Payments?

Can The IMF Solve Global Economic Problems?

Svenskar hj lper greker f in skatt

Hot och v ld p Migrationsverket

Getting to know you - The importance of learning about people s habits

Currency disunion - Why Europe s leaders should think the unthinkable

Bank holidays 'cost economy 19bn'

Viable Open Source Models For Early Startups?

10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Daughter

kad optimism hos bankerna

Oil prices - Keeping it to themselves

France's future - A country in denial

HTC - The brand from nowhere

Elderly US woman lands plane after pilot-husband dies

93-year-old Florida woman retires her 64 Mercury after 576,000 miles on the

The euro zone s illness is returning. A cure requires more integration, but

The World Bank - Hats off to Ngozi

Apple and Foxconn - iAudit

America s JOBS Act - Uncuffing capitalism

Clean Or Green Technology Investing

Could the Appetite For Chocolate Exceed the World's Supply?

Fueling Futures In The Energy Market

The Senate debates a small measure to help disarm an economic time bomb

The use of behavioural economics in public policy shows promise

What Is The World Bank?

State-Run Economies: From Public To Private

Chocolate 'may help keep people slim'

CaixaBank becomes Spain's biggest bank by assets

Apple s share price - iRational?

Utbildningen till ekonom h ller inte m ttet

Snabb kning av mobiler f r betalning

Top up on sunshine and vitamin D, says charity

When Things Go Awry, Insurers Get Reinsured

Texting while walking claims another victim, woman falls off pier

Living alone 'are more depressed'

Surfplattor s ljer b ttre n station ra datorer

Babyboom ver och kommer inte tillbaka

Tv barnsfamilj s ser den svenska normen ut

ECB chief Mario Draghi says worst of euro crisis over

Clue to male baldness discovered

Is a concentration of wealth at the top to blame for financial crises?

Robothandlarna som handlar med sig sj lva

Robotic jellyfish fuelled by hydrogen invented

Game Group shares suspended from trading

Studies find an aspirin a day can keep cancer at bay

13 Things Diet Experts Won't Tell You About Weight Loss

As Pepsi struggles to regain market share, Indra Nooyi s job is on the line

Law firm fires 14 employees for wearing orange shirts

Which is the world's biggest employer?

Apple sets dividend, stock buyback

The Importance Of Trading Psychology And Discipline

Master Your Trading Mindtraps

To Sell Or Not To Sell

When To Sell Stocks

Connecting Crashes, Corrections And Capitulation

Operating Leverage Captures Relationships

A Guide To Investing In Consumer Staples

Commodities: The Portfolio Hedge

Investing In China

Profiting In A Post-Recession Economy

Understanding Supply-Side Economics

Nobel Winners Are Economic Prizes

The Uncertainty Of Economics: Exploring The Dismal Science

How Influential Economists Changed Our History

What Is the Quantity Theory of Money?

Examining The Phillips Curve

Monetarism: Printing Money To Curb Inflation

Curbing The Effects Of Inflation

What You Should Know About Inflation

What You Need To Know About The Employment Report

Understanding Interest Rates, Inflation And The Bond Market

The Fed's New Tools For Manipulating The Economy

How The U.S. Government Formulates Monetary Policy

The Importance Of Inflation And GDP

Stagflation, 1970s Style

The Crash Of 1929 - Could It Happen Again?

Can Keynesian Economics Reduce Boom-Bust Cycles?

The Impact Of Recession On Businesses

Tips For Recession-Proofing Your Portfolio

Recession: What Does It Mean To Investors?

The Ups And Downs Of Investing In Cyclical Stocks

Cyclical Versus Non-Cyclical Stocks

In Sweden, cash is king no more

Japan's obsession with perfect fruit

Billionaire Doesn't Want 'Holidaying' Kids to Inherit Fortune

Study links womb environment to childhood obesity

World 'reputation' rankings: US universities in lead

Prince Harry: Royal life no fairytale

Apple s cash pile - How to spend it

Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise

6 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Motivating Employees

Managing One-to-One

How to Set Up a Sales Compensation Plan

How Employee Compensation Works

What Causes A Currency Crisis?

Entire town of Buford, Wyo., for sale by sole resident

Diet 'linked' to low sperm counts

Is Apple really worth more than Poland?

China to allow the yuan to float more freely

Voters prefer candidates with a deeper voice, says study

Get To Know The Major Central Banks

What Are Central Banks?

Understanding The Current Account In The Balance Of Payments

What Is Fiscal Policy?

Cost-Push Inflation Versus Demand-Pull Inflation

FI: Bol netaket fungerar

Red meat increases death, cancer and heart risk, says study

Slaves to the smartphone

The new grease? - How to assess the risks of a 2012 oil shock

The Ins and Outs Of In-Process R&D Expenses

'Emo' killings raise alarms in Iraq

US military unveils non-lethal heat ray weapon

Coke and Pepsi alter recipe to avoid cancer warning label

Use ROA To Gauge A Company's Profits

Hagman: Svensk ekonomi i recession

Jagat Apple lanserar nyheter

Apple unveils new iPad with high-definition screen

Using Economic Capital To Determine Risk

Nicolas Sarkozy says France has too many foreigners

The housing market - Holding back the spring

Companies and productivity - Small is not beautiful

Interest Rates And Your Bond Investments

Analyzing A Bank's Financial Statements

EU summit: All but two leaders sign fiscal treaty

Poor numeracy 'blights the economy and ruins lives'

La BCE pr te 530 milliards d'euros 800 banques

M nga sommarjobb just nu

Stor potential f r mobil som pl nbok

Bankanst llda f r ta skiten

Apple's market value tops $500bn for the first time

Europe's central bank and the euro crisis - Draghi strikes back II

How Interest Rates Affect The Stock Market

ECB prepares to loan 500bn euros to European banks

The Raspberry Pi computer goes on general sale

Apps for Apes: Orangutans using iPads to paint and video chat with other apes

Des somnif res associ s un risque plus lev de mort

Avgift p h gskolan b r tas bort

Retailers and the internet - Clicks and bricks

Enterprising oldies

cooking: fluffy sponge cake with cream and fruits

Teenage girl dies after inhaling helium at party

Le neutrino, la vitesse de la lumi re et le GPS d fectueux

The myth of the eight-hour sleep

Japanese manufacturing - From summit to plummet

Hedge-fund closures

The nutrition puzzle

Mother pushing stroller in Texas hit with bullet from Mexico

De vill inte bygga bost der

Is English or Mandarin the language of the future?

The end of the marathon?

Ja till grekiskt st dpaket

Analyzing Retail Stocks

Analyzing Auto Stocks

Body clock 'alters' immune system

Tyska chefer vill kasta ut Grekland

Slow walking 'predicts dementia'

Corporate governance explains South Korea s low stockmarket ratings

Why Bitcoin is doomed (Score:5, Insightful)

Globalization: Progress Or Profiteering?

Man arrested in White House shooting probe

Uppdaterade och s mnl sa

De fyra stora h ller greppet

Statue of Carla Bruni as a worker angers France

The modern matchmakers - Internet dating sites claim to have brought science to

Greece's woes - A reprieve, nothing more

Cannabis drivers 'twice as likely to cause car crash'

Does It Still Pay To Invest In Gold?

Facebook "defriending" led to double murder, police say

Study: Online Dating Makes People "Picky" and "Unrealistic"

Suget efter personal p krogen har kat

Kista ny knutpunkt f r sakernas internet

Diet Soda Linked to Heart Disease Risk

Quick Study: Daniel Kahneman on economic decision-making

Academics are starting to boycott a big publisher of journals

Whales 'stressed by ocean noise'

Iskallt f r bostadss ljare

A fistful of dollars - Facebook may be a good bet for investors now; but

The silent bazooka - The three-year loans offered by the ECB to banks have

ADHD- rftlighet och f rekomst

Jake Reilly's 'Amish Project:' 90 Days Without a Cell Phone, Email and Social

Sugar Should Be Regulated As Toxin, Researchers Say

Brains may be wired for addiction

Top five regrets of the dying

La zone euro devrait sortir de la r cession en 2012, pour S&P

Immobilier : jusqu'o la hausse des prix ira-t-elle ?

K tt allt mer popul rt hos svenskarna

Ipad ers tter manualer i cockpit

Ikea h ller fast vid egen mat

Fyra svenskar d dade i trafikolycka i Thailand

Segt surfa med mobilen n r n ten r proppfulla

McDonald s confirms that it s no longer using pink slime chemical in

Separated at birth, Indonesian twins meet in Sweden

Sugar tax needed, say US experts

Tripping the light fantastic

A deal, but to what end?

Where s the party?

Science decodes 'internal voices'

Spanair collapses, stranding 20,000 people

Sarkozy announces French financial transaction tax

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Web economy in G20 set to double by 2016, Google says

More men 'have oral cancer virus'

La strat gie Free, c'est la mort des investissements

Soros ser ber m ver Sveriges krishantering

Ubuntu swaps application menus for HUD control system

What next for the start-up nation? - Israeli technology companies

Oil And Gas Industry Primer

Apple returns to form, blows Street targets away

Obama urges economic fairness in State of the Union

Fried food 'fine for heart' if cooked with olive oil

Apple posts record $13.06bn quarterly profits, up 118%

Man admits killing Texas dancer he met at NYC club

Pink elephant is caught on camera

Insider Trading


IMF's Lagarde joins in warning on austerity and growth

Megaupload file-sharing site shut down

Meghalaya, India: Where women rule, and men are suffragettes

La zone euro au bord de la r cession conomique

Poumon de la plan te, l'Amazonie pourrait devenir mettrice de CO2

La consommation d' lectricit a chut de 6,8 % en 2011 en France

Genombrott n ra f r mobil pl nbok

Kontanterna f rsvinner fr n bankerna

Bra betyg f r Iphone

Seven down, many more to go - Insider trading

Chinese consumers are falling out of love with fakes

Time experts debate whether to abolish the leap second

World Bank warns developing world to prepare for shocks

The Rise of the New Groupthink

Wikipedia st nger sajten i ett dygn

Konkurrensen h rdnar i elektronikkriget

Operat rer i avtal om mobila konton

Apples Ipad 3 r p g ng

Stort ras f r bostadspriserna

R ntan p sparkonton h js mindre n p bol n

Death toll among pedestrians wearing headphones triples

Imprisoned Jeffs imposes change on polygamous sect

Web addicts have brain changes, research suggests

Processed meat 'linked to pancreatic cancer'

Ex-Apple boss Sculley sets record straight on Jobs

Apple ends China iPhone store sales after scuffles

Il y a plus de plan tes que d' toiles dans notre galaxie

Exoplanets are around every star, study suggests

Inflationen faller kraftigt

Breastfed babies 'are more cranky and cry more'

James Bond villains blamed for nuclear's bad image

Firms with benefits

Rich managers, poor clients

Websites pay users who meet New Year's resolutions

Intel Medfield chip on Motorola and Lenovo smartphones

German GDP 'likely to have shrunk' in fourth quarter

Google persuades Spanish bank BBVA to use the cloud

Middle-aged surgeons 'are safest'

Ten 100-year predictions that came true

Skyscrapers 'linked with impending financial crashes'

Mario Monti, l tonnante popularit d un p re la rigueur

Les oliennes accroissent-elles les missions de CO2 ?

La gauche affiche son unit contre le logement cher

Forfaits Free Mobile : l'illimit 19,99 par mois

Free l assault de la citadelle assi g e

Pensionsfonder pressas r sta r tt

Sony plockar bort Ericsson fr n mobilerna

The emotional rollercoaster of living abroad

The Greek parents too poor to care for their children

Bereavement raises heart attack risk, says study

Routine aspirin 'may cause harm'

Swiss National Bank chairman Philipp Hildebrand resigns

America s Intel and Britain s ARM have long dominated different bits of the

Vildsvin angrep och skadade j gare

F rre tror p fallande bostadspriser

L conomie mondiale pourra-t-elle att nuer la r cession europ enne ?

Surfer sans entraves

Norway police cut traffic fine for 'lower-income' Swede

Crazy aunt on the loose - For central bankers in the rich world, unconventional

climbing up the technical stool

Cop Issues Speeding Ticket, Asks Driver for a Date and She Sues Him

Les Fran ais habitent de plus en plus seuls

Polytechniciens, narques... et malgr tout ch meurs

Les soci t s du CAC 40 vont verser plus de 37 milliards d'euros de dividendes

Wikipedia avslutar insamlingskampanj

How to get a date

Ohio earthquake was not a natural event, expert says

why there are so many debian derivatives

China campaign cuts entertainment TV by two-thirds

The parenting gap: why French mothers prefer to use the firm smack of authority

Porrsurfande p allm n plats sv r n t f r Kanadapolis

Amerikaner k pte rekordm nga vapen under julen

S f r du ordning p hush llsekonomin

Drygt 69 000 nya f retag 2011

Patriotism ska vinna Iowa t Mitt Romney

Bank-vd:n som tj nar 794 520 kronor per dag

Le ch mage explose en Espagne

European banks - Hose and dry - The ECB fills banks with funds

Get Tough On Management Puff

A Guide To CEO Compensation

Evaluating A Company's Management

Getting To Know Business Models

Insight: Shortage of ADHD drug Adderall seen persisting

More time at school 'boosts IQ'

Orangutans 'could video chat' between zoos via iPads

Hungary close to passing controversial central bank law

6,8 millions d iOS et d Android sous le sapin

Till slut s nker de r ntan

Alzheimer's: Diet 'can stop brain shrinking'

Short Squeeze The Last Drop Of Profit From Market Moves

British teenage designer of Summly app hits jackpot

Recette B che aux marrons

Kina utmanar GPS med eget system

H lften av svenskarna f ljer f retag i sociala medier

Dr mmar om D-mark

Den hemlige kocken: Jag r ingen fanatiker

Another digital gold rush

How to run the euro?

Formula 'secret of perfect voice'

California soldier shot at his homecoming party

Maison de disques et producteurs : bient t la fin

ver 50 miljoner bes kte New York

Self-healing electronic chip tests may aid space travel

Sony's bio battery turns waste paper into electricity

Moscow, eyeing U.S. missile defense plans, announces work on 100-ton monster

Huge demand for ECB's three-year loans

'Tell loved ones they are overweight this Christmas'

Super memory pill and possibly an Alzheimer s cure could be around the corner

Shoplifters robbed while stealing from grocery store

Gay marriage 'improves health'

Sweden cuts its main interest rate on eurozone fears

Banken tj nar mer p dig

Riksbanken p verkar bor ntorna mindre

Flera vrakfynd vid Grand Hotel

St d f r kungahuset i riksdagen

Turister drogas och r nas i Thailand

Une manifestation d g n re en Chine

A l'usine Bosch de V nissieux, une le on de r industrialisation

Secrets of pop success revealed, scientists claim

'We are the 99 percent' chosen as year's top quote

Wealth, Income, and Power

Kevin Dai: Comsenz founder preferred programming to people

LEDs offer a brighter future, says report

Make Sharp Trades Using Andrew's Pitchfork

Was Steve Jobs' genius also a fatal flaw?

Woman dies in freak NYC elevator accident

SBAB sp r att bopriser v nder upp t

Smartphones in Africa - Ghana

Eurozone faces winter recession, Ernst & Young says

Driver sent or got 11 texts in 11 min before crash

Telefonnummer ska bli l ttare att flytta med sig

Bank door QE

China s economy and the WTO

Is iPad 3 Worth Waiting For?

Favorite Old Fashioned Gingerbread

8 Foods Rich in Iodine

Un bus scolaire vide fauche deux pi tons dans le Nord

Sjunkande bopriser sp s

Totalstopp hos stort webbhotell

Livsstil bakom m nga cancerfall

Eurozone crisis: Leaders ready for 'do-or-die' summit

Clothing Giant H&M Defends Perfect Virtual Models

Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia

Over 40% of cancers due to lifestyle, says review

Marathon training 'may pose a heart risk'

Scientists find monster black holes, biggest yet

Silicon rival MoS2 promises small, low-energy chips

Fleet of Ferraris ruined in Japan sportscar pileup


The consolidated government treasury and central bank

The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin

Tech Firm Implements Employee Zero Email Policy

Scientists question if wi-fi laptops can damage sperm

Liquid living worms survive space

verraskande stark BNP-siffra f r Sverige

Norska oljepengar v xer p Stockholmsb rsen

Riksbanken: Storbanker v l rustade

Banker riskerar s nkta kreditbetyg

SCB: Tillv xten 4,6 procent

Rupee and the bears

The great leap online

Fracking here, fracking there

Pension funds urged to join 30bn infrastructure plan

Pension schemes and investment in infrastructure

DIY search engine takes on Google

Brain find sheds light on autism

Footballers: Too many headers 'can damage the brain'

Japan singletons hit record high

Coding - the new Latin

Getting Started In Forex Options

Forex: Demo Before You Dive In

Forex: Wading Into The Currency Market

The Biggest Stock Scams Of All Time

A Look At Exit Strategies

M me l Allemagne a du mal emprunter

The screw tightens

Nu kl ttrar de tyska r ntorna

R nterabatt f r bankanst llda

Pourquoi l'eau ne g le pas forc ment 0 C

Go Figure: Why does every person need 200kg of steel a year?

Man leaves $1.28 million dollars at Sydney restaurant

Gaddafi's son betrayed by his own desert guide

Why are so many Britons quitting Australia?

SEB: L get allt dystrare

The French way of work

Who, What, Why: Why don't more countries use plastic banknotes?

Make Ex-Dividends Work For You

Forex: Making Sense Of The Euro/Swiss Franc Relationship

Using Currency Correlations To Your Advantage

Swiss can ban naked hiking, court rules

Demi Moore to divorce Ashton Kutcher

The next financial crisis will be hellish, and it s on its way

American turned Ukrainian homeless to return home

Les ventes sur Internet explosent

Des scientifiques mettent en garde contre l'aspartame chez les femmes enceintes

G ran Persson: Dyrt f r Sverige st utanf r euron

Studenter har fler sexpartner

Problemen ska inte skyllas p EU och euron

S blev Sverige ett serverparadis

Bitcoin Mining on Debian Stable "Squeeze" with poclbm and ATI

Junior high app developer is a pre-teen tycoon in training

Bank of Japan issues growth warning as it holds rates

Eurozone inflation unchanged at 3% in October

LHC reveals hints of 'new physics' in particle decays

Report reveals drop between peak and off-peak surfing

Top 7 Questions About Currency Trading Answered

How To Trade Forex On News Releases

Fallande priser p bost der

De r Sveriges b sta arbetsgivare

Le rap s'affranchit des majors gr ce Internet

IMF says Chinese banks face risks, urges quick action

UK air pollution 'puts lives at risk'

Five hidden messages in the American flag

Get To Know The Major Central Banks

Fibre and whole grains 'reduce bowel cancer risk'

S&P accidentally announces downgrade of French debt

Rekordl ga priser p flygbiljetter

Grekiska bankkonton t ms

Eurokris kyler bomarknaden

M n t nder l ttare n kvinnor p n tf rfr gningar fr n ok nda

Fannie Mae loss widens, asks taxpayers for $7.8B

ARM's new GPU chip design aims to boost mobile graphics

McDonald's pulls out of Iceland

More Facebook Friends, Fewer Real Ones, Says Cornell Study

Zone euro : les plans B au banc d'essai

La Soci t g n rale a c d 10 milliards d'euros d'actifs depuis juillet

US wealth gap between young and old is widest ever

Fler ska lockas hit under vinterhalv ret

Doctor trials laser treatment to change eye colour

Bank Transfer Day: Marches Planned on Banks Nationwide

G20 leaders agree to boost IMF resources

How can adults endure living with their parents?

SOLVED: fglrx.ko missing after Xen kernel install

Bond film called Skyfall

Greece PM Papandreou faces knife-edge confidence vote

Simulated Mars mission 'lands' back on Earth

Changes to the world's time scale debated

Huge Crack Discovered in Antarctic Glacier

Russian and Chinese companies 'most likely to bribe'

Rich world 'pessimistic' but developing world 'upbeat'

Hewlett Packard to build servers using ARM-based chips

Progeria may be treated by drug, researchers say

Almost half China's richest want to emigrate: survey

School odds stacked against summer babies, says IFS

Nasa examines 'tractor beams' for sample gathering

Le vieillissement des cellules est r versible

Et si l'union mon taire europ enne n' tait pas une si bonne id e?

Bloomberg News: Ericssons produkter i Irans tj nst

Chaque ann e, entre 40 000 et 50 000 locataires sont expuls s

Svenskarna surfar allt mer

ILO: World economy on verge of new jobs recession

ECB head says Chinese help for eurozone is 'normal'

GCHQ chief reports 'disturbing' cyber attacks on UK

The Halloween myth of the War of the Worlds panic

Reformed skinhead endures agony to remove tattoos

Woman Stabbed Boyfriend Over Alleged Monopoly Cheating

Is trillion the new billion?

An Introduction To The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Gold in the IMF

Using Technical Analysis In The Gold Markets

What Is Wrong With Gold?

The Gold Standard Revisited

Confessions of a Gold Scammer

Population control: Is it a tool of the rich?

"Wife-sharing" haunts Indian villages as girls decline

F r h rd tr ning kan ge depression

Krispaket nattmanglades fram

Boeing's Dreamliner completes first commercial flight

UK urged to research pilot-free planes

YouTube boosted by music videos to pull behind Facebook

Varannan mor vill bli hemmafru

Om euron faller beh vs en gemensam nordisk valuta

Reinfeldt: Skattepengar s krade

Les glaciers chinois himalayens fondent

As someone once said... (Score:5, Insightful)

The Art Of Selling A Losing Position

Chinese toddler left bloody in hit-and-run dies

Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0 vs. iPhone 4S

Atlanta woman wrongly imprisoned for 53 days because of name mix-up

Mobile phone brain cancer link rejected

Global warming 'confirmed' by independent study

Websites 'should carry libel risk for anonymous posts'

Ericssons vinst 5,9 miljarder kronor

V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?

ARM chip promises cheaper smartphones

Internet 'may be changing brains'

Apple full-year profits rise 85%

Bara h lften jobbar vid 64 rs lder

Reklamen blir smartare n r vi vill k pa oss fria

Searching for the next Google

Currency Exchange: Floating Rate Vs. Fixed Rate

6 Factors That Influence Exchange Rates

Hair Extensions: Beauty Trend or Dangerous Beauty?

Can't Buy Love: Materialism Kills Marriages

France teacher sets herself on fire at Beziers school

G20 ministers meeting to discuss eurozone debt crisis

Steve Jobs begravd bredvid inspirationsk llor

Svenska forskare: Sn mannen funnen i Sibirien

Bostadspriser forts tter backa

Beyond the PC

Americans, unlike the Senate, approve of Obama s jobs bill, poll says

Couple will use 101 mln win to make others rich

European banks may need to raise 200bn euros

Raw vegetables and fruit 'counteract heart risk genes'

Boxer who was wrongly imprisoned for 26 years fights first match

Wall Street protests to target NYC millionaires

Glasgow surgeon using ultrasound to treat fractures

Robotf rbud skulle ta b rsen ter till kritor

Den digitala tekniken kan h mma empatin

Vitamins linked with higher death risk in older women

California bans use of sunbeds for under 18-year-olds

OCD, bipolar, schizophrenic and the misuse of mental health terms

Brain 'rejects negative thoughts'

Real-life Jedi: Pushing the limits of mind control

The cult of Steve Jobs

Sicily's tiny anti-Mafia TV channel

Bank of England governor fears crisis is 'worst ever'

The incredible legacy of Steve Jobs: From the mouse to the iPad

Research Reveals Oral Sex May Be Leading Cause of Mouth, Throat Cancers

Beating Butter: Denmark Imposes the World's First Fat Tax

Mobilmessande f rdubblar f rares reaktionstid

Apple 'visionary' Steve Jobs dies

K rde 135 kilometer i timmen f r fort

Banques : l Europe passe l action

Disgusted with some people here dancing on the coffin

Bernanke warns recovery 'close to faltering'

Fair-skinned people may need extra vitamin D

Apple unveils refreshed iPhone 4S, but no iPhone 5

A formula for justice

What damage does alcohol do to our bodies?

Compulsory retirement age at 65 fully abolished

Occupy Wall Street protests grow amid Radiohead rumour

German parliament approves expanded EU bailout fund

Rocket launches Chinese space lab

What do you say to a friend who's lost their job?

The world economy - Be afraid

Amazon's new tablet - On Fire

Tobin taxes and audit reform

Climbing greenback mountain

Banker sega p att s nka bor ntorna

Students' mental health 'at risk', psychiatrists warn

Eurozone inflation rate jumps to 3%

Juriststudenter fuskar mest

Who, What, Why: How can an American pay extra tax?

H j skatten, s ger nnu en miljard r

Coffee may prevent depression, scientists say

Facebook - Sharing it all

Taxation and class war - Hunting the rich -

Okla. warden's wife convicted of aiding escapee

Quant trading: How mathematicians rule the markets

Belief in God Boils Down to a Gut Feeling

Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at Cern

Nya m l f r AB Volvo

Att resa i diktaturer

Economy enters 'dangerous phase'

Controversy surrounds UN health summit

Government rejects calls for ban on junk-food advertising

Europe's four big dilemmas

Federal Reserves launches 'Twist' stimulus initiative

Shares slide on Federal Reserve warning

Eurozone business shrinks for first time in two years

IMF warns of threat to global banking system

Car fumes 'raise heart attack risk for six-hour window'

Playing against type

Can Food Industry, Governments Work Together to Fight Obesity?

U.S. calls online poker site a "global Ponzi scheme"

PRECIOUS-Gold rises after Italy downgrade unsettles investors

WHO targets non-communicable 'lifestyle' diseases

Could world social unrest come to America's streets?

Online gamers crack AIDS enzyme puzzle

Dag Hammarskjold: Was his death a crash or a conspiracy?

Low-fat yoghurt 'child asthma risk' during pregnancy

Defying orders, hero Marine saved other troops

EU finance ministers seek debt crisis solution

Helle Thorning-Schmidt to be Danish PM after poll win

Teenage son of China general sentenced for road rage

Nasa's Kepler telescope finds planet orbiting two suns

Central Banks Act in Concert to Ease Fears on Europe Debt

A UBS Trader, From Typical to Rogue

Krisen fryser bomarknaden

Scientists: Bacteria spreading in warming oceans

Our children need time not stuff

Christians in China: Is the country in spiritual crisis?

Australia Navy cadet filmed rape 'to be accepted'

Windows 8 To Feature 'Fast Startup Mode'

Algorithmic Trading Rapidly Replacing Need For Humans

Millionaire s Son Wins The Mega Millions and A New Way To Remember 9/11 Victims

IMF's Christine Lagarde urges global action as G7 meet

Dutch woman calls ex-boyfriend 65,000 times

IMF chief Lagarde urges global action as G7 meet

China's inflation rate moderated in August

Drunk Swedish elk found in apple tree near Gothenburg

US jobs plan: Barack Obama unveils $450bn package

La pr sence de l'or sur Terre serait due un bombardement de m t orites

Licences 4G : le Conseil d'Etat rejette les demandes de Free

Vapenskrammel fr n Norges centralbank

"Happy happy en bok om skilsm ssor"

R ntes nkningar l r komma fram ver

Guld r inte pengar

V rldens st rsta guldskatt hittad

this is a fast thread

Iranians hit in email hack attack

Just another manic Monday - Financial markets

Capitalism confined - Privatisation in China

Swiss National Bank acts to weaken strong franc

Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness

Bj rklund storsatsar p matte i skolan

De tj nar b st

Hade sex f r s llan d ms till skadest nd

The Rise of the Mega-Rich

Doing the Dead Cat Bounce

How the Financial Crisis Was Built Into the System

As Capitalism Crumbles, U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up the Pieces

The Rise and Fall of American Democracy

Electric motor made from a single molecule

A Point of View: The revolution of capitalism

Undetectable blood vessel damage linked to signs of age

Has Las Vegas's luck run out?

Unemployed face tough competition: underemployed

Chocolate Banana Cake

'Heat Armageddon' in California's Death Valley

Brazil Kaxinawa Indian 'may be world's oldest woman'

Italian town Filettino declares independence

Adults get life-sized sandbox near Las Vegas Strip

Germany lifts Doom sales ban after 17 years

US stroke rates 'rising in young'

Huge chunk of ice breaks off Greenland glacier

H jda taxeringsv rden p v g

Villorna kan l sa bostadskrisen f r studenter

Ink pschefsindex f ll i augusti

Mobile internet use nearing 50%

The self-storage craze

For jobless, more sleep and TV, but also more unpaid work

Man finds $150,000 in garden

From Vultures over Europe by Phillip Day

What is it like to keep top state secrets?

Kontraster i Ghana

M nga r inte medvetna om riskerna

Fler studenter lever p f r ldrarna

Man electrocuted trying to save NY child

MEP criticises European politicians who ignore markets

Tired of Being the G.O.P.'s Pi ata, Bernanke Finally Lashed Back at Congress

Bashing Baidu - The internet in China

A call to arms - The world economy

The daughter also rises - Women are storming emerging-world boardrooms

13,5% de Fran ais vivent sous le seuil de pauvret

Minimalist trend (Score:5, Insightful)

NASA spots chilled-out stars cooler than the human body

UK's atomic clock 'is world's most accurate'

Two European tourists die in California desert

London Stock Exchange Technology issues

Spotting the pirates

Caught on camera

Is a double-dip recession the least of our fears? Why the economy could be in

DNA study deals blow to theory of European origins

Qui veut la fin de l Internet illimit ?

Deven Sharma to step down as S&P president

Gold hits record high of $1,900 on global growth fears

When algorithms control the world

Is the mosquito menace growing in the UK?

Upgrade Your Life: Revive a dying laptop battery

S ska Lund v xa med 50 000

BlackHoleRecordings - Youtube Copyright

IBM produces first 'brain chips'

Bank for International Settlements

F rsta Dreamlinern har l mnat fabriken

Seychelles shark attack leaves Briton dead

Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands

Too Much TV May Take Years Off Your Life

15-minute daily exercise is 'bare minimum for health'

Cheap and fast hydrogen for fuel

England riots: Who are the rioters?

LHC@home allows public to help hunt for Higgs particle

Four EU nations ban short-selling on banking stocks

Skuldoron h mmar Sverige

The man who caught S&P's $2 trillion error

Wealthy duchess gives fortune away to marry

The global economy - Carnage

Antimatter belt around Earth discovered by Pamela craft

Market slide stemmed by European Central Bank move

Why can't we imagine ourselves getting old?

Third of adults 'use smartphone' says Ofcom report

Swedish man caught trying to split atoms at home

Support & Resistance Basics

Peak-and-Trough Analysis

Reading The Balance Sheet

How To Evaluate A Company's Balance Sheet

Breaking Down The Balance Sheet

Understanding The Income Statement

The Essentials Of Corporate Cash Flow

Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government

12 Things You Need To Know About Financial Statements

Mobile phone shipments rise 13% to 361m, says report

Why does Google+ insist on having your real name?

McCauley family scoops third US lottery win

KI: Tillv xten d mpas

Boehner debt plan falters as Obama considers veto

Is it a good idea to measure stress?

Still lonely at the top

Tetris 'helps to reduce trauma'

Tall people 'more likely to develop cancer'

Clue to male infertility found

A lifetime in three years

Obama s motorcade fined for London congestion fees

HTC s patent troubles - Android alert

Gold and the Swiss franc - Flight to safety

Turtle Trading: A Market Legend

The Anatomy Of Trading Breakouts


Measure Volatility With Average True Range

Average True Range - ATR

Trend Trading

Tips For Controlling Investment Losses

Trading Systems: Run With The Herd Or Be A Lone Wolf?

Adding Alpha Without Adding Risk

Market Problems? Blame Investors

Trading Psychology And Discipline

Master Your Trading Mindtraps

Europe's banks - Ignoring the obvious

kat v ld v ntas i Visby

Apples aktie upp inf r rapport

India: 'Massive' uranium find in Andhra Pradesh

Self-build: Should people build their own homes?

Internet's memory effects quantified in computer study

Europe's banks brace for health check results

Share source

Passiv r kning kopplas till adhd

Priserna p bostadsr tter sjunker

The next big hit to the economy?

Selecting default

Smoking during pregnancy 'raises birth defect risk'

Geithner says hard times to continue for many

Why do Americans die younger than Britons?

Aging boomers strain cities built for the young

Sweden's 'gender-neutral' pre-school

Suicide rates in Europe 'linked' to financial crisis

Cookie: monster? How will business cope with new laws

Surgeons carry out first synthetic windpipe transplant

Illegal UK film downloads up 30%, new figures suggest

Grizzly bear kills Yellowstone hiker

Portugal's debt is downgraded to junk status by Moody's

Analysis: Debt deal not that far out of reach

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured

HTC profits double as smartphone demand grows

Which emerging economies are at greatest risk of overheating?

Nya sexvanor kan leda till ofrivillig barnl shet

F rre konkurser n i fjol

Immobilier : la hausse des prix se poursuit

Logements en Ile-de-France : derni re flamb e avant la baisse ?

Stabilit de l'euro : la n cessit d'une v ritable r forme des activit s

NY motorcyclist dies on ride protesting helmet law

Antimatter Tevatron mystery gains ground

Italian firm selects only women for pink slips

India: Rajasthan in 'cars for sterilisation' drive

Cost of Euro mobile roaming falls

Is the British roundabout conquering the US?

Lucy Kellaway: The seven deadly sins CEOs won't admit

Census Update: What the World Will Look like in 2050

Could Obama ignore Congress if they refuse to raise the debt ceiling? Yes, and

US man stung by scorpion on commercial flight

M klare tror p l gre bostadspriser

Sverige i bottenligan n r det g ller entrepren rskap

Samband mellan vaccin mot svininfluensan och narkolepsi

M nga svenskar skippar semestern

Greek debt - Stepping back from the edge?

Turtles crossing runway cause New York flight delays

News Corp sells Myspace, ending six-year saga

Text messages 'help smokers quit'

Jellyfish force Torness nuclear reactor shutdown

Israeli innovators build new 'Silicon Valley'

Google+ challenges Facebook in social network battle

Happy orangutans live longer in zoos

Is a Greek default so bad for Greece?

France nuclear power funding gets 1bn euro boost

Climber finds six dead mountaineers in French Alps

How to relieve eye fatigue caused by your computer screen

Out of work for a while? Tell us your story

Exchange-traded funds - Too much of a good thing

Annals of Human Rights - Hellhole

Nighttime or violent TV tied to tots' sleep woes

Wrongly pronounced dead woman dies of shock at own funeral

Lean gene 'linked to heart risk'

Hacking suspect Ryan Cleary 'has Asperger's syndrome'

The UK's last, great, expensive, short roads

US economic growth is revised upwards

Opera Founder Jon S. von Tetzchner Resigns

6 Mortgage REITs Yielding Over 13%

Rekordm nga svenska dollarmiljon rer

Ny Iphone i september

US regulators: Silicone breast implants relatively safe

Federal Reserve cuts its US economic growth forecast

Greece austerity: PM Papandreou tries to persuade MPs

Philips shares drop 11% on shock profit warning

Protein 'helps predict Alzheimer's risk'

Energiequelle GmbH

Europe's Galileo sat-nav in big cash boost

Struggling Nokia revamps ops, reels in Navteq

Man robs bank to get medical care in jail

EADS planche sur un avion-fus e qui relierait Paris Tokyo en 2h30

S mycket pengar g r dig lycklig

World's oceans in 'shocking' decline

Greece: Eurozone ministers delay decision on vital loan

Why has everything become a costly milestone event?

The euro crisis - A second wave

Japanese supercomputer becomes world's fastest

Private eye tells homeless man of inheritance

French village seen at threat from Apocalypse sects

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces

Black hole shreds star, sparking gamma ray flash

Parents' behaviour 'can influence teen drinking'

Flashy sports cars are male 'short-term mating signal'

IMF warns of increased risks to the world economy

British to the core - apple

Sleep position during pregnancy 'link to still-birth'

Olive oil 'helps prevent stroke'

Herculaneum sewer sheds light on secrets of Roman life

Flat-panel displaymakers: An ugly picture

Tech bubble

Best-Educated Americans Experience the Most Stress at Work

Prolonged TV watching 'raises diabetes risk'

Why do people play music in public through a phone?

The incredible shrinking shopping baskets

La France a d j puis ses r serves de poissons

L'explosion de l'Eurozone envisag e d'ici cinq ans

L addiction devient la norme

China's export growth slows down

Nokia loses another technology chief

Fitness flip-flops: What's behind this sandal fad?

Key to Better Sex Revealed in New Study

Obama: European debt crisis must not slow growth

Russia and Norway agree deal over oil-rich Barents Sea

Obama expresses concern about slowing economy

Greece to get next tranche of money, IMF and EU say

US employment growth registers sharp slowdown in May

Home working: Why can't everyone telework?

More job seekers give up, reducing unemployment

Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed

Mobiles 'may cause brain cancer'

Nervous investors demand bigger returns

Sarkozy to host key internet forum ahead of G8 summit

India's unwanted girls

Laser puts record data rate through fibre

New York's outdoor smoking ban: Will the world follow?

Riding the avalanche: Making new applications accessible

Germany's economy grew 1.5% in the first quarter

Tillerson Says Big Oil Needs $21 Billion U.S. Aid

L inflation grimpe 2,1 % sur un an

Antagningsreglerna r felkonstruerade

Snabb tillv xt f r Spotify-rival

Google to release Chrome laptops in June

Coffee mooted as a breast cancer preventer

Why geeks make better adults than the in-crowd

Less educated 'will age faster'

Anthropocene: Have humans created a new geological age?

Personalchefer oroas av ingenj rsbrist

Inga k nda hot mot Malm krog

Fakta: Detta g ller f r studiel net

S dyrt blir livet som student

Memory and method: In praise of learning by rote

How Unilever, Coke and the Mini car got it so wrong

Why do some schools produce clusters of celebrities?

Flexible phone made from electronic paper to debut

US and Europe plan new spaceship

Krogg st s p ihj l sig bartendrar talas

Jobbdebuten avg r hur det g r sedan

Googles kartor visar trafikl get i Sverige

Nokia bygger egen surfplatta

The Students with Bush on 9/11: The Interrupted Reading

Intel unveils 22nm 3D Ivy Bridge processor

Gravity Probe B confirms Einstein effects

Phone call by Kuwaiti courier led to bin Laden

vervikt i medel ldern kar risken f r demens

Manicken som f r ndrade livet

Bilregistreringarna steg i april

Augmented reality goes beyond gimmicks for business

UK general title digital book sales soar to 16m in 2010

The secret team that killed bin Laden

4G sista generationen

Obama: Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

Pigs have 'evolved to love mud'

Waist fat 'increases heart risk'

Apple juggernaut sends ripples through tech world

What does a Virgin feel in her first sex intercourse.?

Who, What, Why: How long is the ideal nap?

Go figure: How to succeed in business by doing nothing

The art of explaining stuff

What Does IQ Really Measure?

The great escape: Brits flee royal wedding

New York cabbie picks up $5,000 fare to California

Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study

Why People Should Stop Being Duped By the 3D Scam

Can forgiveness ever be easy?

Apple profits nearly double as iPhone sales soar

Why are we so emotional about money?

Chimpanzees give birth 'like humans'

Cry-baby 'link to behavioural problems'

Web creator's net neutrality fear

Italy chocolate tycoon Pietro Ferrero dies in S Africa

Apple sues Samsung for 'copying' iPhones and iPad

Virus and low sunlight 'raises multiple sclerosis risk'

Arnold Schwarzenegger is sad that he s not young anymore

Le danois Noma toujours en t te des 50 meilleures tables du monde en 2011

How Dinosaurs Got So Huge

Neutrons could test Newton's gravity and string theory

Language universality idea tested with biology method

Prostitution: l Etat veut faire payer le client

Riksbanken: Ingen svensk boprisbubbla

Vi kan spendera mera nu

Chatt med Anders Borg

Fler vill ka flyktinginvandringen

this is a fast thread

R nteh jningar ndrar flyttm nster

IMF calls on European banks to boost their finances

Cable says Cameron immigration comments 'very unwise'

Friends and enemies

New chili pepper crowned world s hottest

Shale gas 'worse than coal' for climate

Nordic and Asian nations connected for growth, says WEF

US must tackle government deficit, says IMF report

Nasa announces US museums to receive space shuttles

Information om handel med optioner, terminer och andra derivatinstrument

Intel launches Oak Trail tablet processor

UK inflation rate falls to 4% in March

Future farm: a sunless, rainless room indoors

The shareholder awakens

Why Does The United States Need Constitutional Money?


The Key to a Long Life: Conscientious Habits

Drinking over recommended limit 'raises cancer risk'

Classic Commodore 64 lives again

Eurozone interest rates raised to 1.25% by ECB

Why did LOL infiltrate the language?

H ga skatter f r l ginkomsttagare skapar fattigdom

Debutdebatt f r Borg och Waidelich

F rre f retagskonkurser

Money woes 'linked to rise in depression'

Has feminism blocked social mobility for men?

Shopping 'may improve health'

US atom smasher may have found new force of nature

FACT CHECK: Are federal workers overpaid?

Ozone layer faces record 40 pct loss over Arctic

Skin cancer rates: Fears for young in UK

The foreclosure mess isn t going away

'Salford stallion' teacher had sex with pupils

After delay, NASA preparing Mars rover for launch

US unemployment rate falls to new two-year low of 8.8%

Exercise preserves, builds heart muscle

Fuselage hole forces Southwest emergency landing

Struggling stewardess exposed euro coin fraud ring

$319M jackpot goes to 7 NY state tech workers

Louis Theroux: Westboro Baptist Church revisited

South Korea inflation soars to a 29-month high in March

Gravity satellite yields 'Potato Earth' view

F rberedd f r ofta h gre l n

Jeunes dipl m s: quand la pr carit devient la norme

H&M:s vinst en besvikelse

How far should one push the idea that companies have the same rights as

10 Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job

100 words of English: How far can it get you?

Toan popul r plats f r n tsurfare

Online advertising breaks through 4bn barrier

To the brain the pain of rejection really hurts

10 Mistakes You're Making on Your Resume

On a losing streak

Docs warn about Facebook use and teen depression

Walnuts are the healthiest nut, say scientists

Gen Y Not Slackers, Just Slow Starters

Ericsson varslar 400 i Stockholm

Fortsatt stark svensk ekonomi

Marknaden oroad av portugisisk kris

S vill straffa sexk p utomlands

Sexual preference chemical found in mice

Taco rage: Man upset at burrito price rise fires shots

Never the twain?

Sex can be heart attack trigger for couch potatoes

Digital Act heads to High Court

Stock trades to exploit speed of light, says researcher

Groupon anxiety

UK inflation rate rises to 4.4% in February

Religion may become extinct in nine nations, study says

Quantum computing device hints at powerful future

Le tourisme en Cor e du Nord, c'est kitsch

Why do people tell sick jokes about tragedies?

Why is there no looting in Japan after the earthquake?

Chunk of Calif. coastal highway falls into Pacific

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant

Of r ndrade sm huspriser

Stockholmare slarvar med b ltet

Ih rdigaste sn t cket p ver 40 r

Unga kvinnors skulder kar mest

Apple delays Japanese launch of iPad 2

Heavy drinking tied to pancreatic cancer deaths

Chart shows low tax burden for rich

Risk, the economy and markets

China s investments in the FTSE 100

Avec sa version 9, Internet Explorer veut reprendre l'avantage

N stan en miljon k pte nya Ipad

U.S. millionaires say $7 million not enough to be rich

Dell and Hewlett-Packard rebooting their systems

Rustbelt recovery

Time to Spring Ahead: Daylight Saving Time

ZX81: Small black box of computing desire

Sleeping With Your Pets Can Be Unhealthy, Study Says

Zombie ants fall victim to mind-control fungus

Public service pension overhaul urged by Hutton report

Jobs returning but good ones not so much

New Yorker s mysterious photo quest ends in Paris

The 7-year itch is now the 3-year glitch

Galleon US insider trading trial begins

Germany top for foreign students

nitdroid 0.2.6 - Nokia N900

Pourquoi ne pas inciter les hommes occuper des emplois dits f minins?

Trop d' crans tue le sommeil

Les filles sont les meilleures !

Spotify r st rst i v rlden

The mighty, fallen

Happiest in Hawaii: Aloha State Tops Well-Being List

Man who put woman in coma over parking spot claims self defense

The virtual business: Doing deals in your pyjamas

Cancer rise and sperm quality fall 'due to chemicals'

Flood-resistant rice 'also has drought-proof trait'

Oil wealth 'must be shared' with citizens says Soros

L internet fran ais sous haute surveillance

Ingves: Finanskrisen r ver

Riksbanken: Finanskrisen r ver

How warm is your home?

Girls lured into Philippine cybersex industry

Plagiarism: The Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V boom

The iPad's (and Steve Jobs's) second coming

A tip too far?

Five graphs show state of American women

Microscope with 50-nanometre resolution demonstrated

En Allemagne, le ministre copier-coller d missionne

"Les jeux vid o et les r seaux sociaux modifient le rapport l'espace, au

Sveriges ekonomi sl r rekord i tillv xt

The secret of IKEA's success

The leaky corporation

Tiny spy planes could mimic birds, insects

Former Apple employee guilty of conspiring against firm

Sugary soft drinks linked to high blood pressure

Could you defend yourself in court?

Education reduces blood pressure

Ohio man runs a commercial to propose to his girlfriend

CBS, Warner pull plug on season of Sheen's sitcom

Din chatt en s kerhetsrisk

Shanghai announces 'one-dog policy'

Windows Phone update hit by bug

Apple beats off move to reveal Jobs succession details

Oil pressure rising

Alcohol in moderation 'can help prevent heart disease'

Mobile phones 'affect the brain' (increase brain activity)

Man has 39 wives, nearly 100 children

Tillgodor knande av utl ndska studier

F rdelar och nackdelar med bankkort p resan

Regeringen tar strid f r snuset

Vad internet?

Washington: the 'blackest name' in America

The art of management

The Danish Armada

Thousands are 'at risk of alcohol death' say doctors

White House chef whips up desserts with chemistry

Oral sex linked to cancer risk

G20 fail to agree targets for economic imbalances

Speaking 2 languages may delay getting Alzheimer's

Will product placement change TV?

Australian town becomes SpeedKills in safety campaign

Scientists build the world's first anti-laser

Negative experiences can stop painkillers working

Cyber war threat exaggerated claims security expert

Clouds under the hammer, reloaded

Couple reluctantly steps forward to claim lottery winnings

Paris veut moins de pub dans ses rues

Temperaturchocker kan orsaka elfel p semesterresan

Inflationen uppe i 2,5 procent

Tv svenskor d da i b tolycka i Vietnam

Bubbelfri IT-yra drar investerare

Why is alcohol consumption falling?

Study: Eating more fiber could mean longer life

1,5% de croissance en France en 2010

Chinese inflation hits 4.9% pushed by high food prices

Pot Use May Mellow Out Men's Sexual Function

Has the global exchange industry lost its marbles again?

Nokia falls into the arms of Microsoft

Wearing helmet 'beneficial' for skiers and snowboarders

Google Android dominates Mobile World Congress show

Pediatrics report details risks from energy drinks

Are work suits on the way out?

Nokia workers walk out in protest after Microsoft news

In memoriam: Microsoft s previous strategic mobile partners

Nokia and Microsoft form partnership

Nanowire processor signals route to ever-smaller chips

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 web browser goes live

Nokia reportedly dumping MeeGo smart phone, mulling WP7

Diet soda tied to stroke risk, but reasons unclear

Too Little Sleep, Too Often, May Harm Your Heart

Mobiloperat rerna r desperata

Invandrare k nner sig inte trygga

Nokia crisis highlights internal struggle

Broadband's big spenders

Do Denmark's immigration laws breach human rights?

Internet role in Egypt's protests

LSE agrees merger with Canada's TMX

Peugeot Citroen reports strong 2010 recovery

German exports rose 18.5% in 2010

The incredible shrinking American office cubicle

Is Reddit on the Rise?

Healthy diet 'boosts childhood IQ'

Sleepwalking 'linked to chromosome fault'

Teaching kids social skills pays off in grades

German companies great and small are making the most of globalisation. Their

How much longer can corporate America keep on delivering bumper increases in

Stereo satellites move either side of Sun

Are brains shrinking to make us smarter?

Are libraries finished? Five arguments for and against

Amazon drought 'severe' in 2010, raising warming fears

Spain's unemployed rush to fill jobs in Germany

Obesity affects one in 10 adults around the world

'Tsunami' of obesity worldwide: study

If you are lost/stranded (Death by GPS)

James Kim

US shares at highest level since 2008

Government to rethink Digital Economy Act's web blocks

Study: Students need more paths to career success

In the dating game, speaking styles count: study

Fannie and Freddie's Big Foreclosure Backlog

Moderate exercise such as walking 'boosts memory power'

Consumer spending and trade buoy economy

China rating agency blames U.S. for "credit war"

U.S. and Japan told time running out to deal with debt

Microsoft's Windows disappoints on lukewarm PC sales

World markets sink as protests escalate in Egypt

For Fully Mature Black Holes, Time Stands Still

Stop, rewind: the scientists slowing the ageing process

Insomnia damages relationships, according to study


Depression link to processed food

VW unveils an ultra-efficient car

World leaders to discuss junk food ad ban at UN

China US relations: 'China is changing'

China's economy grew 10.3% in 2010

Apple makes record profits of $6bn in last three months

Are record clubs the new book clubs?

Turns out that music really is intoxicating, after all

Swiss bank UBS to change much-mocked dress code

Apple boss Steve Jobs takes 'medical leave'

BP and Russia in Arctic oil deal

A Point of View: Does more information mean we know less?

Jimmy Wales says Wikipedia too complicated for many

Intel sees big profit rise thanks to server sales

Google, Facebook and Yahoo to test new net addresses

Is there a genius in all of us?

US economy growing 'moderately', says Federal Reserve

Portugal bond auction raises 1.25bn euros

Census: Long-distance moves in US hit record low

Study: Love music? Thank a substance in your brain

Study: Spacing babies close may raise autism risk

CES 2011: Windows deal 'milestone' for Arm

What are Power Balance bands?

Verizon reveals first 4G wireless tablets, phones

More young people are winding up in nursing homes

Re:Move to quantified data

CES 2011: Microsoft shows Windows running on Arm chips

iPhone hacker publishes secret Sony PlayStation 3 key

Scientist says designer drug makers 'stole' his blueprints

There is no reason to be a jerk

Facebook Soaks Up More Free Publicity!

Experts claim to discover 'root cause' of male baldness

Quinoa's popularity boon to Bolivians

BP shares hit 6-month high after Shell bid report

SEC examines rules for private firms after Facebook deal-report

Apple Has Reportedly Boosted iPhone Production

Japan population shrinks by record in 2010

Baltic state of Estonia adopts the euro

Hackers crack open mobile network


Skype crash: Software bug and server overloads blamed

Tesla's electric jitters

music to focus, not distract, at work.

Music and Emotion

Spanish woman fakes kidnapping to test husband: police

Earth project aims to 'simulate everything'

Inga indikationer p oh llbara bopriser

Baby boomers near 65 with retirements in jeopardy

Free Kindle Books: A Guide

Schwarzenegger leaves mixed legacy in California

New solar fuel machine 'mimics plant life'

About My Investment Blog

Futurology: The tricky art of knowing what will happen next

Fried Fish May Explain 'Stroke Belt' Mystery

Software Patents Suck (Score:4, Informative)

A Plea to Software Vendors from Sysadmins - 10 Do's and Don'ts

S&P 500 ter p noll efter 830 dagar

Rekord n ra f r svensk ekonomi

Nya f rslag ska f fler kvinnor att jobba heltid

Russian supercar challenges Ferrari and Lamborghini

US economic growth revised up to 2.6% for third quarter

Older people who eat healthy diets 'lead longer lives'

Obama pledges economic focus during next 2 years


Tecknat sex ska uppdatera unga

Microsoft laddar f r nytt Windows

Le fran ais, langue inutile pour les Am ricains?

ndrade familjef rh llanden

L nsamt renovera vid husf rs ljning

Befolknings kningen inte lika snabb

Dog in Germany gives birth to 17 puppies

Israeli companies outsourcing to Palestinians

Outsourcing can cut your legal bills

Why do firms exist?

Incubating dragons

Silicon Roundabout - London's high-tech start-ups

MBAs are for wusses

Another bubble?

How long will Google's magic last?

Kevin Connolly's guide to American culture

Porn film shown on Bangladesh airport screen

Parisian luxury hotels mask city's growing poverty

L'euro, le meilleur choix malgr tout

Des euro-obligations pour sauver l'euro ?

SCB: 7,1 procent arbetsl sa

S d lig koll har bol nekunder

Free will similar in animals, humans - but not so free

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley: Why do couples flirt on Twitter?

Electric car names: Why an Ampera or a Leaf?

Gulf of Mexico leak: BP shares hit over legal move

Chinese business: Where are the profits?

Spain credit rating review by Moody's hits euro

Ghana due to begin pumping oil for first time

Greece gripped by fresh national strike

Yahoo cutting its workforce by 4%

Clue to brain power of fighter pilots

Pub sur France T l : vers une suppression totale en 2016

Rekord i noteringskrascher

Toby Ord: Why I'm giving 1m to charity

Voyager near Solar System's edge

What do Google, Ask and Bing search results mean?

Stockholm shopping blasts kill one and injure two

Christmas party: Should you bring your partner?

Facebook: Should parents 'friend' their children?

Republican senator credits Obama with reaching out

US scientists create mice from two fathers

Parmalat founder given 18-year jail term over fraud

Slow protein clearance 'clue to Alzheimer's'

How social media changed protest

Un Europ en sur deux est trop gros

Priserna kar mer n v ntat

42 000 fler i jobb tredje kvartalet

Volvochef kan g till Ericsson

Nobelpriset stort i Japan

Optiskt fenomen ver Stockholm

Spotifys pengar f rdelas oj mnt

Privat USA-rymdflygning pr var sina vingar

Fler s tter spr tt p pensionen

Surgeon general: 1 cigarette is 1 too many

World is getting more corrupt, says transparency poll

Extreme world: Is Sweden as clean as it seems?

The teenager who sleeps for 10 days

US falls to average in education ranking

Google unveils Chrome OS notebook for test scheme

Sk netrafiken i mobilen

Small daily aspirin dose 'cuts cancer risk'

Cloud computing 'could give EU 763bn-euro boost'

Google unveils new smartphone, the Nexus S

Government can t print money properly

A metal with a bright future

The status seekers

Free as a bard

Where are the jobs?

What's GNU: Texinfo

Common Eurozone bond idea to be discussed

Government reveals super-fast broadband plans

Oil prices reach post-crisis two-year high

The Most And Least Brainy Cities In America

Infidelity Might Be in the Genes

Viacom replays copyright claims in YouTube appeal

Arsenic-munching germ redefines 'life as we know it'

Starry, starry, starry night: Star count may triple

Attractive Women May Be Less Likely to Get Hired

WikiLeaks dropped by domain name provider

Amazon's Wikileaks Rejection Raises Cloud Trust Concerns

Mobile OS usage splits the world (chart)

Les nouveaut s des stations alpines

Skrota spisar allt hetare klimat tg rd

Virusskr cken en allt b ttre aff r

Isen livsfarlig trots kylan

N rdtjejernas revansch

Wikileaks: Russia branded 'mafia state' in cables

Federal Reserve releases details banks' emergency aid

Why do we get so excited about snow?

Central bank takes center stage in EU debt crisis

Extreme World: Hot and Cold

Snow and ice causes disruption as cold spell continues

Ball lightning 'may explain UFOs'

EU launches antitrust probe into alleged Google abuses

2 million lose jobless benefits as holidays arrive

Top 10 revelations from WikiLeaks cables

Une intro sur les n gociations climatiques...

Gr na sk na Guadeloupe

Allt mer facebook p jobbet

Hush llen har r d med boendet

Apple kritiseras f r Ipad-censur

tta av tio privata f retag bryter mot arbetstidslagen

Nissan Leaf rets bil 2011

H gre elpriser i vinter igen

Ipad b rjar s ljas i svenska butiker


Son also rises

For yoga master at 92, there is only the dance

Report: A bit more vitamin D is good, not too much

Eurozone unemployment rate at 12-year high

India maintains high growth rate

US shuts down file-sharing sites

Renewable energy strategy under fire from MPs

How to drive in snow and icy weather

What are you not allowed to say?

Pirate Bay founders lose appeal

Weather check 'could predict' A&E injury rates

Teens survive on seagull for 61 days adrift in Pacific

Obesity Epidemic Threatens Fido, Fluffy, Too

Broadband in Europe speeding up

When exactly is our winter of discontent?

A Paris, l'immobilier n'en finit plus de monter

Moral des m nages: a va mieux

Les r gimes, pas si bons pour la sant

Dans huit cas sur dix, la victime conna t le violeur

La potion am re des Irlandais en change de l'aide europ enne

Le paiement sur mobile, alternative la carte de cr dit ?

Les failles de l' conomie portugaise

Richard Branson to Unveil iPad-Only Magazine Next Week

Dark energy and flat Universe exposed by simple method

US spending rises despite housing market woes

Internetabonnemangen kan bli dyrare

Surfplatta rets julklapp

Protester mot brittiska skolavgifter

Bottled water has become liquid gold

Who, what, why: Would a mass cash withdrawal bring down the banks?

Obesity Threatens to Cut U.S. Life Expectancy, New Analysis Suggests

Fresh Egg Pasta (Pasta all'Uovo) Recipe - Italian Pasta

Ben Bernanke hits back at Fed critics

Apple warned over built-in Sim cards

Apple Joins Top Five Mobile Phone Vendors as Worldwide Market Grows Nearly 15%

Fake doctor jailed for giving breast exams in bars

Dell 3Q net income more than doubles

Raising retirement age hurts poor

What has Playboy ever done for free speech?

E. coli O157 linked to heart risk

Is Nato still relevant?

Oil shock warning to government from UK business

Svensk forskare har f ngat antimateria

La Cour des comptes fustige la gestion des transports en Ile-de-France

Google donne de la voix sur l iPhone

H r finns jobben om fem r

Svenskarna dr mmer om mer fritid

Ny n tavgift h jer elpriset

La punaise de lit pullule Paris

La mati re noire d nich e par Hubble

Ta strid f r en god kapitalism

G mda miljarder p v g tillbaka

Garlic 'remedy for hypertension'

High-caffeine energy drinks linked to alcohol abuse

Michelin awards top rating to two Chicago eateries

Some 60 cities to sign worldwide climate pact in Mexico

Beatles' songs are finally available on iTunes

The Irish problem

Internet firms are becoming a valuable source of economic insights

Facebook ramps up Google rivalry with messaging service

Why it's hard to measure happiness

Words of Wisdom

A Swedish City Wounded by a Shooting Spree

Location, location and how the West was won

Popular energy drinks have hidden risks

People spend 'half their waking hours daydreaming'

Companies yank cord on residential phone books

Growth slows in Europe's leading economies

Chinese workers attacked in Angola's Cabinda province

Internet pioneer Vint Cerf warns over address changes

Share markets tumble around the world

Apple's music site gets tweeting

Mystery of how cats lap is revealed

Developing world warned of 'obesity epidemic'

G20 agrees to address currencies

Ingves varnar f r skuldberg

E-posttrafik ska lagras i ett halv r

Rektorer anlitar byggelever privat

G20: Obama lovar genomt nkta l sningar p problemen

kad vinst f r Bj rn Borg

Renault can name new car Zoe as girls' case rejected

Fox TV joins US networks to block Google TV

Upgrade Your Life: Buy now, or wait?

Keep seatbelts fastened during ascent

The power of silence

Rasmus Lerdorf : "PHP a atteint la maturit "

A Secret Subway Stop

Beyond Bretton Woods 2

Unacceptable train overcrowding to get worse, MPs say

Who Started Daylight Saving Time?

BBC News staff strike over pensions

Nicest Canadian couple in world dole out lottery winnings

Norway the best place to live: UN

Good Conversation Can Boost Brain Power, Study Finds

I spent a gazillion dollars and still lost the race

Google r compense les chasseurs de failles

F rslag om r kfritt Nya Zeeland

Svenskar mest konfliktr dda p jobbet

Hologram messaging coming of age

Facebook eyes mobile domination

Corporate volunteering

10-year-old gives birth in southern Spain

Homeownership stays at lowest level in a decade

Jailed tycoon will sacrifice for freedom in Russia

University offers Lady Gaga sociology course

Why experts say men are the weaker sex

Should workers be forced to clock out to smoke?

L'iPhone zappe l'heure d'hiver, panne de r veil en Angleterre

Blekko, un moteur de recherche participatif

Jag vill lyfta fram unga ledare

M nga vill se Sverige i ny f rbundsstat

Statliga alkohol tg rder har tveksam effekt

End of the silicon honeymoon

Oil price hits six-month high of $83.45

Power lines 'invisible' to birds

When was the High Street at its best?

Exercise 'can prevent a cold', a study shows

France Scores An F in Education

Leisure-time exercise 'reduces depression risk'

Study: Alcohol more lethal than heroin, cocaine

US economic growth rate quickens

Extending daylight could boost health, help planet

China boasts world's fastest supercomputer

Mild increase in economic growth expected in Q3

Need to Move Indonesia's Capital Growing Urgent in Face of Climate Change,

EU leaders frame eurozone crisis rules

Microsoft profits from record first-quarter sales

Film blames financial crisis on 'inside job'

Svensk exportkredit s ljer i Swedbank - tj nar miljarder

Eurons framtid r i fara

Swedish House Mafia: Until one

Who, What, Why: How is Keith Richards still alive?

France's strike culture conundrum

Are texting and Facebook worse for teens than TV?

LimeWire is Dead: What Are the Alternatives?

Fed seen buying up to $100 billion in assets a month: poll

More species slide to extinction

Dubai World debt restructuring agreed

Yahoo Mail gets first major revamp in five years

Could you stay silent for eight days?

Fast train, big dam show China's engineering might

Trois quarts des Etats sont per us comme tr s corrompus

L'Europe face aux nationalismes

Bankernas r ntegap   kar p nytt

R kare drabbas oftare av demenssjukdomar

Vi m ste ta krafttag mot den svenska korruptionen

Contraceptive gel shows promise as alternative to Pill

Is Putting a Cell Phone in Your Pocket a Health Risk?

Feds approve largest-ever solar project in Calif.

NYSE Reduces Order Execution Time to Five Milliseconds, From 105 Milliseconds

Should companies change the way they are run?

Italian seaside town planning miniskirt ban

Apple Rules Week with Earnings, Attitude and New Products

Obama likely to focus on deficit in next 2 years

verksamt - H r r din personliga checklista!

When bling was a crime

Dubai: Real Estate Crash Sends Prices, Rents Falling

Bill Clinton races to help Democratic candidates

French police break key strike blockade near Paris

From grinding poverty to Hollywood in three generations

China unveils its own version of Google Earth

Tigers could be extinct within 12 years: WWF

Anonymous street artist is awarded $100,000

Nicolas Sarkozy juge "scandaleuses" les violences survenues Lyon

Retraites: le gouvernement acc l re les d bats au S nat, selon Le Figaro

Cure de rigueur massive pour les Britanniques

Vi vann rets Hemmakock 2010

Mer ledigt f r EU-mammor

Nokias vinst h gre n v ntat

China's rapid economic growth slows in third quarter

eBay profits lifted by PayPal growth

What's so wrong with Comic Sans?

French workers vow to step up pension protests

Clashes resume in Lyon amid French labor tensions

Astronomers say they've found oldest galaxy so far

Apple unveils new MacBook Air, previews revamped Mac OS X

Running on empty

Sex and the City Boy: Champagne, cocaine and prostitutes - in the Square MileBy

Internet users to exceed 2 billion by the end of 2010

My own personal Spending Review'

America's Poor: Where Poverty Is Rising In America

L'attitude du gouvernement, c est pas de la fermet , c est de la fermeture

Depardieu juge ridicule la mobilisation contre les retraites

Tea Party, une vague de fond

B rschefen blir statssekreterare

Apple shares fall despite surprisingly strong profits

New France shutdown on sixth day of pension protests

Obama: Future depends on science, math education

Cracking the Facebook Code

How to stop a currency war - What should replace Bretton Woods 2?

Booty Call: How to Spot a Fertile Woman

'Fractal' mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot dies aged 85

The science of optical illusions

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Why baby boomers want the ultimate freedom

So you bought a foreclosed home. Now what?

German "heatball" wheeze outwits EU light bulb ban

China's leaders meet to plan economic future

Should we learn to love weeds?

Shocking phone-bill horror stories motivate regulators

Taiwan to allow small brothels in law change

UFOs Sighted Over Manhattan

French fuel firms seek emergency supplies amid strikes

Facebook and Skype deal to dial friends and family

Sony Ericsson reports surprise fall in handset sales

Study backs chest compressions in resuscitation

Bopriserna v ntas plana ut

Ny sparform kan ge h jd skatt p kapitalf rs kring

Lyxprylar s ljer b ttre n v ntat

Larm om verutnyttjade naturresurser

Basket cases

Love can ease pain, say brain researchers

Background noise affects taste of foods, research shows

Banks seize 288K homes in Q3, but challenges await

Positive HIV test halts porn shoots at companies

Abele f r riksdagsplats

Dogs can be optimistic or pessimistic?

Who's upset over the economy? Everybody, everywhere

Intel's results beat market expectations

The Social Network tops US box office for a second week

Millionnaires : la France se classe au 3e rang mondial

"La Bourse est devenue un casino g ant", selon les professionnels de la finance

Retraites : la Finlande trace la voie d'une r forme r ussie

Varannan baby v ntas bli 100 r

Jobb, utbildning och sparsamhet r Borgs recept

Svenska satte v rldsrekord i fridykning

Fildelare d md betala 3,5 miljoner kronor

L kare ska uppt cka d liga vanor

Popul raste fonderna rej lt dyra

Hyreslyft kr vs upp till 5,4 procent

Linux Is on the Rise For Business

Making healthy food is easy. Making people eat it is not

Virgin Galactic's spaceship makes solo flight

What if all workplaces had to be a third female?

Are students about to find their voice over fees?

Too much TV psychologically harms children: study

Toni Braxton files for bankruptcy again

Culprits identified in worldwide honeybee die-off

Economy likely creating some jobs, but not enough

Obama kills foreclosure bill as fury mounts

Men better than women at sweating during exercise - study

F retagen r k psugna igen

Beaming in Grandma

Facebook unveils 'groups' feature and user controls

Swiss inch toward world's longest train tunnel

Misst nkt insiderhandel i Eniro

Hadopi, une bonne op ration pour Free ?

Usurpateurs d identwitt

Man jailed over computer password refusal

H&M aux Champs-Elys es, derri re la vitrine

Le manque de sommeil nuit la perte de masse graisseuse

Le taux des cr dits immobiliers au plus bas depuis l'apr s-guerre

La d linquance des filles explose

Svenska bankkunder r n jda

Exposing the world of Japan's yakuza mafia

Don't Worry: Happiness Levels Not Set in Stone

Census shows connectedness of world's marine life

Fla. student's message in bottle found in Ireland

No joke as clown is Brazil's most voted congressman

One big, bad trade

Emerging markets may be the next bubble

Obese But Healthy? Gray Area Confounds Science

No laps for warm laptops; skin damage is possible

Beet it: To exercise longer, try beetroot juice

Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move

Credit Suisse and UBS told to raise more capital

China's Wen offers to buy Greek debt

Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials

Facebook to split soaring shares into five

Lithuanian blonde island plan raises eyebrows

Energy firms to quit Iran to comply with US sanctions

Student kills himself after gay sex footage put online

Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds

Germany's reunification plunge

Busily going nowhere

Kids with ADHD more likely to have missing DNA

Australia TV host announces wrong winner for Top Model

Relate survey suggests mid-life crisis 'begins in 30s'

Canadian judge overturns brothel ban in Ontario

Unions count on 100,000 protesters at EU

Survey: Children like e-books, parents not so much

A Paris, acheter un logement devient quasi impossible

Blackberry launches Playbook rival to iPad

German consumer confidence hits three-year high

Web searches predict success for films, games and songs

Migraine cause 'identified' as genetic defect

Gallup: 25 percent hike in depression along Gulf

Obama says U.S. not in a jobless recovery

Temp te chez les culs nus du Cap d Agde

Wall Street sequel top of US box office

French court convicts Google and boss of defamation

City life 'boosts bug resistance'

China faces obesity explosion

Meet Marty Cooper - the inventor of the mobile phone

US new home sales in August among worst on record

Facebook crash is 'worst in four years'

China's one-child policy - success or failure?

Touching own injury 'cuts pain'

Texting Taking a Deadly Toll on Roads

Warren Buffett: "We're still in a recession"

Sexhandeln frodas  trots f rbuden

Rekordfusk med studiemedel

Eniro hotas av vertagande

Dollarn s nker bensinpriset

France faces new wave of strikes

Largest offshore wind farm opens off Thanet in Kent

Eurozone economy signals surprise slowdown

The perils of earning a 100,000 salary

Stuxnet malware is 'weapon' out to destroy ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant?

RIM could unveil 'BlackPad' tablet as soon as Monday, reports claim

Marxism? Give me a break

English Woman Wakes Up Speaking in a French Accent

Why are French men so irresistible -- What so special about French men?

Google releases censorship tools

2 get prison for complex $100M mortgage scam in NY

Northern Lights Get Internet Reality Show

The depressing vogue for having fun at work

54% des Fran ais pour la suppression du bouclier fiscal

Erektion s funkar det

World's airlines to make $8.9bn profit, Iata says

Chernobyl plant life endures radioactivity

How to say 'Louis Vuitton' and other designers' names

Massive blast 'created Mars moon'

The recession is over! So where's the party?

Investor, heal thyself

Swedish far-right wins first seats in parliament

I ett annat Sverige

Because I Kan

Swedes vote in general election

Cosmetic surgery industry in UK 'has key weaknesses'

It's good to think - but not too much, scientists say

New York battered by twin tornadoes

Cybercrime is world's most dangerous criminal threat

Smart cars to mean safer driving

Census: 1 in 7 Americans lives in poverty

En Europe, la prolif ration du sanglier devient incontr lable

Arktis isfritt september 2030

SCB: 8,2 procent arbetsl sa

50 miljoner till vildsvinsbek mpning

'Rapid' 2010 melt for Arctic ice - but no record

Falling in love costs you friends

How to disconnect from your online life

US homes lost to foreclosure up 25 pct on year

The will to power

EU to propose short-selling rules

Bank for International Settlements defends Basel III

Sinking of the Bismarck legacy

Intel hopes new chipset will change PC industry

What retirement means to you

Walking helps keep body and brain young

Markets welcome new global banking rules

FCC to open up vacant TV airwaves for broadband

IMF says growth will slow in coming months

How good software makes us stupid

Global economy slowing but recession unlikely says OECD

Apple lays App Store rules bare for developers

Intel and ARM to battle for the hearts of smartphones

Nokia appoints Microsoft business manager as new head

Cost of ageing population 'needs re-calculating'

Woman held after 2 shot dead at Pa. cookie plant

Vitamin B 'puts off Alzheimer's'

Fidel latest to say Cuba's communism doesn't work

Too little sleep raises obesity risk in children

Sverige kl ttrar i konkurrensranking

Le dipl me reste un bouclier efficace malgr la crise

Suddenly, a raft of tax-break proposals from Obama

Japan reporter tricked captors into using Twitter

EU agrees new financial supervision framework

anti capitalist view

Police raids take down The Pirate Bay

Barack Obama announces $50bn infrastructure plan

France holds general strike over retirement reforms

Can we expect to live to 77, 89 or 100?

NKorea asks South for flood aid despite tension

Un enseignant sur trois en gr ve selon la direction, un sur deux pour les

Gr ve de mardi: deux TGV sur cinq, pas de RER B

"Google bombing" de la page Facebook de Nicolas Sarkozy

La r forme de Wall Street, "une avanc e consid rable pour piloter les risques

Internationell polisrazzia mot fildelare

Future hiring will mainly benefit the high-skilled

Do our memories get better or worse with age?

Riksbanken h jer repor ntan

Han lever p att s lja sin kropp till kvinnor

Riksbankschefen: Vi har en stark utveckling i svensk ekonomi.

Trygghet i topp

Svenska studenter h ller allt s mre klass

Memristor revolution backed by HP

Disasters show 'screaming' need for action - climate chief

Eurozone growth of 1% confirmed

Stephen Hawking: God did not create Universe

Are you prepared for emergencies? Have a plan, just in case

The Stig's ID is 'Top Gear' secret no more

Orange rolls out high-definition voice for mobiles

Problem drinking shows up north-south England divisions

Economy changing the face of homelessness in US

Noted anti-global-warming scientist reverses course

Exercise cuts genetic obesity risk by 40 percent: study

Oval Office makeover has comfy, more modern feel

this is a fast thread

Unga m n s ljer sex p n tet

Studenter t ltar i brist p bostad

From outer space, a new dilemma for old-growth forests

Biggest black hole in the cosmos discovered

Netflix raises curtain on iPhone instant streaming

Snapshot of economy about to get a lot bleaker

Top eight cancer signs pinpointed

Broccoli 'boosts' healthy gut

Supercomputer clue to black holes

Regiss r finansierar Pirate Bay-film via internet

Bakterier t upp olja fr n Deepwater Horizon

Flygj tte g star Arlanda

China's massive traffic jam could last for weeks

New microbe discovered eating oil spill in Gulf

FP: Jobbl fte ska ge fria studier

France sends scores of Gypsies back to Romania

Magnetic mega-star challenges black hole theory

V rldens kl dkoder skiljer sig t

Study: 1 in 5 US teenagers has slight hearing loss

If flour + sugar + children = mess, why let them bake?

Vem ska jag v lja?

F r och emot Facebook

China overtakes Japan in 2Q as No. 2 economy

How the internet is changing language

The rise and fall of the launderette

German economy sees 'record' growth of 2.2%

Swede faces world-record $1m speeding penalty

How Parents Can Get Infants to Sleep, Once and For All

Long, hot summer of fire, floods fits predictions

Rubik's Cube quest for speedy solution comes to an end

Sovereign citizens spin history, reject government

Unemployment drives more home sellers to cut price

Virus writers hit Google Android phones

Large waist size linked to 'higher risk of death'

Les petites Am ricaines deviennent pub res de plus en plus t t, selon une tude

Finalist dies at World Sauna event in Finland

Women find men in red more appealing?

US billionaires pledge 50% of their wealth to charity

Styr dina k nslor med musik

Nu kommer mer skatte teb ring

Low-carb diet trumps low-fat on 'good' cholesterol

Brazil's sex tourism boom

Police: Cheeseburger found in SC woman's gas tank

Oceans in Peril: Primed for Mass Extinction?

'Nightmare' start for iPhone 4's latest launch

The women who choose not to be mothers

Fortk rare f r fart p statens finanser

Energie olienne : la le on danoise

Wealthy Chinese flock to the West

iPhone jailbreaking (and all cell phone unlocking) made legal

Daughter urges Okla. voters to not vote for father

Insecure People at Higher Risk of Heart Attacks

'Cut down on meat to lose weight'

Obama signs sweeping US financial reform into law

Astronomers detect 'monster star'

At least 25 hurt in turbulence aboard United flight

Apple profits top $3bn for third quarter

Sexk pslagens effekter p prostitution och trafficking

Divers find 230-year-old champagne in Baltic shipwreck

World simmers in hottest year so far

High heels 'shrink calf muscle fibres'

Homes lost to foreclosure on track for 1M in 2010

4-time Texas lotto winner rich with money, mystery

Australian drunk survives attempt to ride crocodile

Depression may double dementia risk, say researchers

Algblomningen har startat

Set Germany's octopus oracle free: campaigners

Moynihan, as Nixon aide, warned of global warming

Your guide to reducing the risk of dementia

U.S. Is Richest Nation, But Not Happiest

iPhone feels the heat from Droid X factor

Concerns rising that economic recovery is slowing

Manufacturing data hits world stocks

Statistics chart family changes

Sk ne f rlorare efter tio r med bron

Rikbanken h jer r ntan

Finland makes broadband a 'legal right'

How to Write a Marketing Plan

How to Create a Cell Phone Policy

How to Improve Your Site's Search Engine Optimization

How to Write the Financial Section of a Business Plan

How to Run a One-Person Business

How to Create a Productive Office Environment

How to Organize Your Workspace

How to Build Business Alliances

How to Present Your Business Plan

How to Write a Great Business Plan

this is a fast thread

5 Ways to Improve Cash Flow

Oil broker banned for drunk trading binge

France's new medieval castle

Suspected Russian spies charged in US

Google in 'new approach' on China

Total stops petrol sales to Iran

Untidy beds may keep us healthy

Pirate Bay founding group disbands

Giant Magma Blobs Ripple Earth's Surface

LHC smashes beam collision record

Germany beats England 4-1 in World Cup

Top New Orleans chef sues BP over seafood losses

US childlessness is up, but racial gaps narrowing

Stock Traders Find Speed Pays, in Milliseconds

Ingen kad cancerrisk n ra mobilmast

KI: Tydlig terh mtning skuggas av orosmoln

Unga m n skolas till dubbel sexualitet

Hush llen allt rikare

Visite surprise de Sarkozy en Seine-Saint-Denis, un jeune interpell pour

Why Skin Cancer Is on the Rise

Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

How about $200,000 for a degree?

Tea and coffee 'protect against heart disease'

Let Broke Teenage Lotto Winner Be A Lesson

For BP, a $20 billion drop in a very large bucket

EU leaders seek to keep lid on debt crisis

Job and Stock Market Woes Could Linger for Retirees

Microsoft Office Web Apps: Five Needed Fixes

Sea turtle films self, becomes YouTube sensation

BP CEO telling Congress he's 'devastated' by spill

Rodent expert shines light on rats in NYC subways

Stiletto warning for pregnant women

Americans get most radiation from medical scans

American on mission to kill bin Laden arrested

Scientists use Calvin Klein cologne to lure jaguars

How to install Redmine on Ubuntu 10.4 LTS (Lucid)

'Shady' porn site practices put visitors at risk

US trade deficit widens to 16-month high

Japan PM Naoto Kan warns of 'collapse' under debt pile

More Active Sun Means Nasty Solar Storms Ahead

Woman striving to be world's heaviest

Kungen f r 125 miljoner kronor i r av staten

Snakes in mysterious global decline

Finland in double-dip recession

EU financial woes 'to knock world economy'

Mass. teacher finds 1792 document in classroom

Apple shows off redesigned iPhone

Oil spill: Barack Obama criticises BP boss Tony Hayward

Semaine de quatre jours l cole : dix-neuf ans pour reconna tre un chec

World markets tumble on fears over Hungary

Stock markets and euro down on double-dip fears

Australia orders Google 'privacy breach' investigation

Airline industry 'profitable' in forecast turnaround

WHO swine flu experts 'linked' with drug companies

Obama is 'too cool' to poke fun at

2bn offshore windfarm to go ahead off north Wales

What is it like to live with an electric car?

Volunteers to begin Mars500 isolation

Obese Sydney bird sent to birdy bootcamp

Les tudiants fran ais "champions de la mobilit " Erasmus

Midnight snacking damages the teeth, experts warn

Eurozone unemployment hits fresh high

Al and Tipper Gore separate after 40-year marriage

Study: 10 minutes of exercise, hour-long effects

Sunglasses Carry Shady UV-Protection Claims, Study Reveals

'Bilingual brain' effects probed

Gadget fans mob shops for iPad

Mistakes in silicon chips to help boost computer power

Eurozone in crisis

Global stock markets see sharp falls

New financial rules might not prevent next crisis

How France maintains its grip on Africa

Facebook challenged by ambitious upstarts

AP INVESTIGATION: Texas man faked way into Army

Stocks dive, Dow off 376 on world economic worries

Google Wireless Transcoder transforms webpages to be readable on mobile phones.

M nga fuskar med studiemedel

Apple's iPhone does well without being the best

Facebook is a major influence on girls, says survey

New dad depression 'often missed'

Fraudsters' 'suckers list' revealed by regulator

Study suggests processed meat a real health risk

Happiness Comes With Age, Study Reveals

Ocean fish could disappear in 40 years: UN

Pirate Bay st ngd efter domstolsbeslut

YouTube hits 2 bn daily downloads

Research links pesticides with ADHD in children

Study: Cell phone-brain cancer link inconclusive

Why New Zealand is a lifestyle superpower

Jobs made phone call seeking return of lost iPhone

Being Bad at Relationships Is Good for Survival

German court orders wireless passwords for all

Does Washing Lettuce Get Rid of Bacteria?

Who caused sell-off? Space aliens or fat finger

Did Apple just lose another iPhone?

Overtime 'is bad for the heart'

Microsoft's two-pronged strategy for Office 2010

"Murdered" Chinese man reappears after 10 years

Big oil to get more grilling as oil gushes in Gulf

Australian physicist spots dictionary error

Turkmen president wants to close "Hell's Gate"

UN fears 'irreversible' damage to natural environment

BP shareholder sues executives over Gulf oil spill

Internet approaches addressing limit

Eating nuts 'lowers cholesterol'

Fler tror p stigande bopriser

Svenska ungdomar har oskyddat sex

Nature loss 'to damage economies'

White flight? Suburbs lose young whites to cities

EU agrees euro stability package

Global shares fall on Greece debt

How an unfixed Net glitch could strand you offline

Whatever Happened to the Hole in the Ozone Layer?

Wall St. rollercoaster: Stocks fall nearly 10 pct

World's biggest beaver dam discovered in northern Canada

US markets plunge on continuing Greek debt concerns

Lack of sleep linked to early death: study

High-Pitched Women Prefer Deep-Voiced Men

Cloud computing for business goes mainstream

Lack of sleep 'poses death risk'

Google enters digital books war

Intel shows off Atom processors for smartphones

iPad sales cross million mark twice as fast as original iPhone

Watching TV at Age 2 Linked to a Host of Problems at 10

Smartphones to get novel memory material

Your Office Chair Is Killing You

Spain unemployment rate hits 20%

'Green' exercise 'boosts health'

One Laptop per Child targets Middle East and E Africa

Man who found and sold the missing iPhone unmasked

Stalking helpline to be launched

Hewlett-Packard in $1bn Palm deal

Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests

Nokia launches first open source Symbian phone

1,5 million de comptes Facebook mis en vente sur des forums Internet

Boissons sucr es, consommer avec mod ration

Spotify promises 'massive' revamp

Chocolate 'linked to depression'

What is a life without sex like?

Silicon Valley cops raid Gizmodo editor's home, take four computers

The virginity industry

Oil rig blast prompts environmental concerns

'South Park' producers say network cut fear speech

New study says oceans' chemistry changing rapidly

Britons warned off Bangkok travel

Now this is scary. One small step for Apple towards their global technocratic

Facebook's bid to rule the web

Ash chaos 'a lesson for Europe'

Flights take off but ash limits Norway, Sweden

Firm used debt proceeds for strippers, payroll?

McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs

Les Fran ais de plus en plus allergiques

Jorden t l inte v r konsumism

Smarta telefoner g r som sm r

Ericsson och LG bildar samriskbolag

Brain training 'boost' questioned

Ash chaos 'cost airlines $1.7bn'

Europe's skies open for business

iPhone demand boosts Apple profit

Google shows official data calls

Apple to Gizmodo: Yep, that's our phone, and we want it back

Replace Outlook with Evolution: A Linux Groupware Suite

How to sync Evolution with Google's PIM apps

Britain's looming population pressures

'I've been healthy all my life but I still got cancer'

Testicle was 'cut off by mistake'

Universities Ban iPads

Can you become addicted to tanning beds?

Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Britain's looming population pressures

Binge-drinking 'well-established'

Microsoft debuts 'fix it' program

Web hit by hi-tech crime wave

UK water imports 'unsustainable'

Rewards 'work like drugs' in ADHD

Two Germans abducted in Nigeria

One volcano's ash humbles a mobile modern world

NASA's New Asteroid Mission Could Save the Planet

Why We Can't Do 3 Things at Once

Why Iceland volcano has grounded UK flights

Porn virus blackmails its victims

Google profits beat expectations

Wireless power system shown off

Anti-piracy firm defends net hunt

How to brush up your debating skills

Ten things we have learnt about Africa

Generation gap: Obama space plan angers old hands

Recent ads by big companies go awry, spark controversy

Nearly 800,000 U.S. TV households 'cut the cord,' report says

Virtuella n tverk skapar nya relationer.

Intel sees record first quarter

Study: Frequent password changes are useless

Maternal deaths 'fall worldwide'

Microsoft debuts 'social' phone

Huge Swiss tunnel opens in Alps

Diet can sharply cut Alzheimer's risk: study

There's little funny about North Korea's comedy show

German tablet PC sets out to rival Apple's iPad

Study: Spanking Kids Leads to More Aggressive Behavior

H1N1 : l'OMS admet des failles dans la gestion de l' pid mie

Scientists Race to Engineer a New Magnet for Electronics

Rampant cheating hurts China's research ambitions

How Apple plans to take on Google in mobile advertising

Why do Finland's schools get the best results?

Net neutrality faces serious setbacks

Apple: Multitasking coming to the iPhone this summer, iPad in the fall

Animals Living Without Oxygen Discovered for First Time

New light on near-death flashes

Wi-fi issues vex Apple iPad users

Solar-powered plane makes successful maiden flight

Destitute and desperate, Icelanders opt for exile

HP preps its would-be iPad killer, the Slate

Microwave Oven Radiation

UK economic recovery 'continues'

Five-a-day 'will not cut cancer'

Leaked video shows civilian killings in Iraq, signifies growing power of

Study: We still love our iPhones

Here's a legal way to print money: change the font

Apple iPad sells 300,000 on debut

Lap-dancing club powers changed

Jordan fooled by 1 April 'aliens'

In social dealings, being older is being wiser

Apple iPad hits shops in America

Facebook duo's fight with founder

Partnerns d liga st dning irriterar kvinnor

Sommartorp vid vattnet m ngas dr m

Historiskt l ga d dstal v cker liv i nollvision

H lsoexperter vill ha godisskatt

Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet'

Man plunges to death from Empire State Building

'Supertaskers' That Can Drive and Talk on Phone Rare

Les coffres d'une agence bancaire vid s en plein Paris

Ricky Martin annonce son homosexualit

La crise, moteur du capitalisme, par Andr Orl an

French students shy of real world

Historic sex toys sold for 3,600

Abu Dhabi's 'green' city Masdar

Japan's deflation gloom continues

Migrant workers shun China's factories

Down on the Farmville

Times website to charge from June

Americans get set for disaster day

Quarter of Republicans Think Obama May Be the Anti-Christ

WSJ: Apple director York almost resigned over Jobs health issues

Prodigy, 13, claims age discrimination by UConn

Do Animals "Lie"? Yes, Even to Their Own Kind, Biologist Says

Maths genius urged to take prize

Disputed isle in Bay of Bengal disappears into sea

Indonesia upholds anti-porn bill

Mattegeni tackar nej till 7,3 miljoner

Konflikt l st sedan f rsvunnit

Older women need 1-hour workouts to fend off flab

8 Reasons Our Waistlines Are Expanding

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

Google ends 4 years of censoring the Web for China

Germany warns against Firefox use

India's unbearable lightness of being

'Good fat' cuts heart risk by 20%

Call for better therapy treatment

Smartphone overseas web warning

Tuna defeat's hypocritical roots

Web inventor calls for open data

7 Ways to Raise Your Risk of Stroke

London - Peking p tv dygn

Facebook f rbi Google

SCB: 9,3 procent arbetsl sa

From battlefield to US classroom

Man assaulted officer with penis

New immigrants avoiding big cities, study finds

When tweets can make you a jailbird

Toyota shifts scrutiny of runaway cars to NY Prius

US plans high-speed net for all

Babies Are Born to Dance

Pair faces jail time in Dubai over kiss

La location fait chambre appart

Med dagens f delsetal r vi snart 134.000 miljarder

My wife just left me after 10 years. What movies should I watch.

Kerala's love affair with alcohol

Canada's 'secret land' woos tourists

EU revamps search for top talent

Norway doomsday seed vault hits 1/2 million mark

NYC ex-model sues over use of photo in comedy film

Nurses' union: Care does not include sex

Buying a new pillow for better sleep

Svenskarna vill betala f r fildelning via bredbandsleverant ren

Even in Old Age, Men Want Sex More Than Women

Dotcom bubble burst: 10 years on

Hard drive evolution could hit XP

The sleeping killers behind the wheel

Researchers back cancer-fighting properties of papaya

7-year-old calls 911, saves family from attack

New book: Defector tells of shopping in Europe for North Korea dictators

Runaway Prius driver: Brakes were 'almost burned'

Chocolate-powered racecar makes sustainability sexy

Google welcomes chance to export to Iran, Cuba

Treat ADHD with Hypnosis

Not more quakes, just more people in quake zones

Buried alive: Half of Earth's life may lie below land, sea

'London bomb stress' recognised

Dyrare lunch en h lsorisk

Firms 'miss out on female talent'

Woman murdered for Facebook photo

Mobile phones learn to lip read

It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs

Computers find male voices 'harder to recognise'

US economic growth 'hit by snow'

India's overworked elephants

Coffee Is Generally Heart-Friendly

Nytt rekord f r tv-tittande

No pay rise for '57% of workers'

Money sharing comes to Facebook

Screen Time May Take a Toll on Kids' Relationships

Poll: 80 percent of Americans think Washington is broken

Internet security faces new dawn

Marijuana Use Can Up Psychosis Risk

Online 'beats newspapers' in US

Boozy chimp sent to rehab

Scientists Unravel Mysteries of Intelligence

A cruise to remember..

'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Young 'exposed to sexual imagery'

Interval training can cut exercise hours sharply

The Poisons and Allergens That Make up Household Dust

Parents Choosing More Unusual Baby Names Now

Why is the car giant Toyota not Toyoda?

Rape 'now gang weapon of choice'

Space Junk Mess Getting Messier in Orbit

Woman says her love handles saved her life

La mont e en puissance de la traduction automatique

5 Things That Will Make You Happier

La Su de paralys e par une vague de froid

'The Biggest Loser' Has Big Problems, Health Experts Say

Train kills 3 teen girls crossing Florida bridge

Research finds brain link for words, music ability

How much is a human body worth?

Singing 'rewires' damaged brain

Texas man angry with IRS crashes plane into office

Sex at work: weapon or repression?

'Rob me' site reveals empty homes

Survey reveals obesity hotspots

Hottest temperature ever heads science to Big Bang

Retraites : Nicolas Sarkozy promet de ne pas "passer en force"

La 4G, r seau mobile de demain, fait r ver les industriels

More Homeless Americans Living in Cars and Campers

Iceland to be 'journalism haven'

Links to Spirituality Found in the Brain

Snowstorm: East Coast Blizzard Tied to Climate Change

Google unveils new social network

Sweet tooth 'hints at depression'

Beer May Be Good For Your Bones

M tro-boulot-d prime

In Paris, the customer is not always right

Can the power of thought stop you ageing?

More cat owners 'have degrees'

Backing over banker 'nude' photos

Europe debt fears hit Asia stocks

Personal insolvency 'record high'

Financial turmoil strikes as G-7 officials gather

Google engage la NSA pour lutter contre les attaques informatiques

Les grandes coles, chasse trop gard e

Symbian switches to open source

Attacker throws semen over girls

Vi g r det enklare att spara i aktier och fonder

Internet use linked to depression

Hi-tech exam cheating increases

Studies Reveal Why Kids Get Bullied and Rejected

Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented

Fish oils 'beat mental illness'

Healthy adults need less sleep as they age: study

Music 'can boost wider learning'

Alarm at Mumbai's teenage suicide trend

Fusion energy hurdle swept aside

Cops: Pair allegedly use jury box to smuggle drugs

The Facts on Water and Exercise

Happiness revisited: Does money make us happy after all?

Americans' love affair with motorhomes

Obama to address voter fears in State of Union

New York woman falls, rips Picasso painting

UK economy emerges from recession

Lawns May Contribute to Global Warming

Experts stunned by swan 'divorce'

Ericsson cutting an extra 1,500 jobs

Porn vs. Prostitution : Why is it legal to pay someone for sex on camera?

Christophe de Margerie: Big Oil's Straight Talker

Open source software

Experts: Sitting too much could be deadly

this is a fast thread

Bee decline link to nature fall

Microsoft to patch browser hole

Pretty women 'anger more easily'

In the shadow of Barack Obama

For $65, tourists get peek at Los Angeles gangland

10 health benefits of sex

4 Reasons Why Men Sleep after Sex

this is a fast thread

Being straight with your boss cuts stress: study

Ericssons revansch

Study: Youth now have more mental health issues

Digital d d f r ny webbtj nst

Kortare liv om det levs framf r tv:n

China faces growing sex imbalance

Why light can worsen migraines

Food industry is 'too secretive'

Experts: Cold snap doesn't disprove global warming

Contracts down: Is housing headed for double-dip?

G-spot 'doesn't appear to exist'

Half of Depressed Americans Get No Treatment

Police shoot man attacking Muhammad cartoonist

Teen depression 'linked to sleep'

Stock markets recover in 2009

The clean hands mission

Mortgage foreclosures still swamping federal efforts to help

Bono calls for control over Internet downloads

Stock market falls force investor rethink

Couple stranded 3 days after GPS leads them astray

Tid f r e-boken?

2009, une des cinq ann es les plus chaudes

Le "h ros" du vol 253 se serait fait payer pour t moigner

Revers fran ais

La fili re nucl aire fran aise subit un revers majeur

L'habitat group , ou comment vivre ensemble chacun chez soi

Transports gratuits en Ile-de-France pour le r veillon

Les bo tes de nuit pourront ouvrir jusqu' 7 heures

Stocks higher? Famed investor says don't bet on it

China unveils 'world's fastest train link'

Tech changes 'outstrip' netbooks

Woman carries out DIY surgery

Firefox for mobile ready to debut


Les salari s d'Airbus coeur s par le blanchiment de leurs dirigeants

Fler fartsyndare p bild men f rre f r b ter

"Rain Man" r d d

"On a oubli d'inviter la Terre la conf rence sur le climat"

Big chill brings misery to Europe

Fears over child fitness levels

Super-fast broadband for Olympics

Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend

The risks of women drug mules in Brazil

Cervical cancer link to early sex

Gas could be the answer in global warming fight

Actress Brittany Murphy dies in LA at age 32

Happiest States Revealed by New Research

Flashing teen found guilty after being hit by car

YouTube post leads to movie deal

Taxing the rich until their pips squeak

Lax parents 'fuel binge drinking'

Vart femte barn oroligt f r vikten

Best use of a cell phone I've seen this year.

Simulation theory of empathy

Food hormone link to Alzheimer's

Women have 'more sensitive touch'

Book 99 years overdue returned to Mass. library

Energy-efficient traffic lights can't melt snow

Teen runs up dad's cell bill to nearly 22,000

In France, horse falling off restaurant menus

Svenska vd-l ner v sentligt l gre

Graviditeten vid 20, 30 och 40 r

Hair Loss and Its Causes

Back from combat, women struggle for acceptance

Report: AT&T Reputation Tarnished by iPhone Flaws

The death of the Christmas Party?

4G network comes to Scandinavia

Volume turned down on MP3 players

Octopus snatches coconut and runs

COP15 Copenhagen climate summit: Day 5

Berlusconi is bloodied by attack

'Baby-faced' people live longer

Vaginal HIV gel fails to cut risk

UK envoy: Solve climate issues now, before leaders

President Obama gives himself a B-plus grade

What Causes Hair Loss?

Multi-Tasking; The Real Difference Between Men and Women

Mens Skin and Womens Skin Differences

Exercise 'no aid' for period pain

Why eco-light bulbs aren't what they seem

UK trails on super-fast broadband

Apple and Nokia's battle hots up

Tiger Woods taking 'indefinite' leave from golf

Cigarettes kill, but don't tell smokers?

Germ-free kids may risk more adult illnesses: study

Court floats legalising sex trade

The problem with self-service checkouts

Why did deal of the decade fail?

Indonesia battles with widespread corruption

'Eat less meat' says burger chain

Obama announces job creation plan

Coffee, Exercise Fight Prostate Cancer

Americans Grow More Pessimistic on Economy, Nation.s Direction

Top 5 Issues at the Copenhagen Climate Conference

What's the Best Way to Sleep?

Les jeux de société résistent à l'ère numérique

Miljard r i full fart mot rymden

Google launches real-time search

Loneliness 'raises cancer risk'

Coffee 'might cut prostate risk'

Scientists say paper battery could be in the works

Greenpeace ages world leaders in head-turning ads

Letterman jokes about Tiger on the'Late Show'

A landmark study finds that when we look at sad faces, the size of the pupil we

Groom creates viral storm twittering from altar

Sleep tips and advice

Fildelningen sl r nya rekord

Pornotopia ska sl bort f rdomar

Mobiles 'not causing brain risk'

Grid helps tune tiny transistors

Google to offer property service

Sex abuser 'too fat for prison'

Dubai ruler's ambition helped sow seeds of crisis

Parnevik besviken p Woods

Dubai mega-tower `last hurrah' to age of excess

Huge Explosion Reveals the Most Massive Star Known

Millennium Development Goals

Entre 2 et 3 millions de cas de virus H1N1

Skunk 'riskier type of cannabis'

Formula 'secret of perfect voice'

Grey hair 'not caused by stress'

Solar panel costs 'set to fall'

7 stories Obama doesn't want told

Exercise 'risk' for middle aged

Metal-detector enthusiast unearths $5.5 million in gold


Exercise 'no panacea' for alcohol

Spin-based electronics gets boost

Ga. nurse anesthetist accused of abusing patients

Cup of mint tea 'can kill pain'

Rising sea levels: A tale of two cities

Economy shrinks less than thought

Taking the global pulse of healthcare

'Doctors should stop pushing drugs at depressed people'

Saab likely to close as GM fails to sell car brand

Stifled Anger at Work Doubles Men's Risk for Heart Attack

Climate change: Copenhagen in graphics

Will Sudan's Nuba Mountains be left high and dry?

Over 100 icebergs drifting to N.Zealand: official

East Antarctica 'is losing ice'

Russia 'is now a criminal state'

'Dream killer' released by judge

What happened to Second Life?

Alleged burglar warms up bottle for crying baby

Slower population growth to help environment: UN study

World economy 'heads for growth'

Alcohol 'protects men's hearts'

Une p tition pour "d criminaliser" les putes

Hypnosis has 'real' brain effect

Rainforests could be traded on world market

Belle de Jour drops her anonymity

Buffett reveals new investments

Age of cyber warfare is 'dawning'

'Female Viagra' discovery claim

Vitamin D deficiency linked to strokes, heart disease: study

Cannibals nabbed selling corpse to kebab house

Eurozone emerges from recession

Greenland ice loss 'accelerating'

Language Learning 2.0: Simple, Sensible Short Cuts to Mastering New Languages

Three Techniques to Become a Confident Public Speaker

AP-GfK Poll: A grouchy public sticking with Obama

Noisy sex woman loses appeal bid

New warning on 'perfect vaginas'

New PC to encourage older users

Posting Pics Online? What Your Photos Say About You

More muscle power means lower Alzheimer's risk

Brazil college backs down on mini-dress expulsion

Modern Warfare 'set for record'

Curvy women may be a clever bet

Kim Jong-il : la vie du rail version bling-bling

Horror Movies: Why People Love Them

'Road trains' get ready to roll

US launches 'Twin Towers' warship

Tough love 'is good for children'

Bad-Behaving Teens May Be Living Up to Expectations

Japan eyes solar station in space as new energy source

Droid joins 'Google phone' army in smart phone war

U.S. becomes top country brand under Obama: survey

Vietnamese see funny side of sex

Feeling grumpy 'is good for you'

Millions worldwide would like to switch countries: study

Huge Galaxy Cluster Hints at Universe's Skeleton

Space hotel says it's on schedule to open in 2012

Aspirin 'only for heart patients'

File-sharers are big spenders too

New life for man cleared of rape

Snabbt bredband utlovas till 2020

Changer de banque devient plus simple

Surfer sur son lieu de travail, une activit haut risque

Le classement social est pr coce

Depression link to processed food

Largest cruise ship squeezes under Danish bridge

Shares slump on US spending data

When Clocks Change, Body May Need Time to Adjust

Internet turns 40 with birthday bash

Sting: Obama best person to handle world's 'mess'

The golden age of infinite music

Obama welcomes US economic growth

Video gamers to play for 'real'

Denmark in climate deal warning

Google opens OneBox music service

Les subprimes refont surface aux Etats-Unis

Greenpeace d verse 18 tonnes de charbon chez le Premier ministre su dois

Free mobile, c est officiel

Want prosperity? Index ranks Finland as place to be

Ghana looks to build sports industry

Melting Kyrgyz glaciers pose threat

UK to get tough on file-sharers

BP profits ahead of expectations

Why 'Sleeping on It' Helps

Bush family political heir is shipping off to war

Internet set for change with non-English addresses

New model for coders

'Younger wife' for marital bliss

Warren Buffett: Crisis, what crisis?

Warren Buffett's words of wisdom

Human Evolution: Are Humans Still Evolving?

Record recession for UK economy

Universal phone charger approved

China economic growth accelerates

eBay profits continue to fall

Ny bok guidar till Londons pubar

India, China agree to cooperate on climate change

NASA puts new rocket on launch pad for test flight

Former nurse's aide in US becomes Ugandan king

Artificial Sweeteners: How Bad Are Saccharin, Aspartame?

Microsoft unleashes new Windows

At the centre of time

Man breaks 15 laws in 11 minutes

Drinking Your Way to Health? Perhaps Not

Science to 'stop age clock at 50'

Spaniards feed on hard times

Swedish Mentality by ke Daun

Millions tricked by 'scareware'

Video Games Can Play Havoc With Kids' Joints

Google sparks e-books fight with Kindle

Laptop for every pupil in Uruguay

The death of language?

Green tea may curb risk of some cancers

Global warming 'to triple rain over Taiwan'

Youth 'cannot live' without web

'Naked' scanner in airport trial

Go online to 'earn and save more'

Iceland looks to serve the world

The Great Recession: The numbers tell the story

World financial crisis 'not over'

Tiny 'nuclear batteries' unveiled

Somali pirates attack French military flagship

Norway is best place to live, China moves up: UN

For young, recession offers deals of a lifetime

Jokes, apologies from David Letterman on his show

Phishing attack targets Hotmail

SocGen set to raise 4.8bn euros

Med-style diet 'can battle blues'

Citizen patrols hit Italy streets

Pourquoi l'Icann domine la gestion du Net

Young adults' anxiety 'overload'

Climate change hits poor countries hardest: WB

IMF pledges voting power to developing countries

Recession May Boost Life Expectancy

Reddit, I never lie on my Resume, never get hired, and need HELP!!!

CBS worker arrested in Letterman blackmail plot

Scientists find path to fountain of youth

Clock Turned Back on Aging Muscles, Researchers Claim

Toyota issues huge recall over accelerator risk

Online advertising 'overtakes TV'

Social isolation 'worsens cancer'

Four degrees of warming 'likely'

What's ugly, smells, kills dogs? Blue-green algae

Obama to push nuclear-free world at Security Council

Children Who Get Spanked Have Lower IQs

Future is TV-shaped, says Intel

Curvy students 'perk of the job'

Intel satsar p mobilbutik

Obama to give maiden UN address

Mediterranean diet trims the wallet

'Open internet' rules criticised

UN General Assembly: Key Issues

Mobile broadband speed 'too slow'

Emmys acknowledge tough times for TV industry

Total issues oil shortage warning

Watermelon 'has same effect as Viagra'

Cursive writing may be fading skill, but so what?

Binge drinking ups infection risk

Unhealthy men 'may lose 10 years'

Shares rise on renewed optimism

New Africa broadband link 'ready'

Group exercise 'boosts happiness'

Lost cat turns up 500 miles away

Do Brains Shrink As We Age?

Early Spankings Make for Aggressive Toddlers, Study Shows

Industrie du X : "Couper les acc s aux sites pirates" au lieu d'accuser

Exercise can extend survival even in 'oldest old'

Taking showers 'can make you ill'

Depression 'cuts cancer survival'

Can you cut mould off food and still eat it?

7 Thoughts That Are Bad For You

Red meat cancer risk clue found

No change in health gap from 1900

Low self-esteem leads to obesity

Greenland's melt mystery unfolds, at glacial pace

Crisis 'cost us $10,000 each'

Chez les Dorcel, le "X" de p re en fils depuis 40 ans

Ikea-Billy utmanar Big Mac

Bostadsr ttspriserna rusar

Provresultat kan avg ra l rarl n

Fortsatta rekord i fondsparande

A year after financial crisis, a new world order emerges

Gates brings education message to MTV, Nickelodeon

Obama asks students to set school-year goals

Market crisis 'will happen again'

Bed sharing 'bad for your health'

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama

Quand les adolescentes se d shabillent sur Internet

Krav p sk rpta straff f r sexk p

Recession moves migration patterns

Floating challenge for offshore wind turbine

What is the Ghosh test for dishonesty?

Alzheimer's genes link uncovered

Women risk feet in fashion's name

The US couple behind the housing crisis

Samurai Mind Training for Modern American Warriors

Arctic 'warmest in 2,000 years'

Large thighs 'may protect heart'

Eating late at night adds weight

Why do CAPITAL LETTERS so annoy us?

TV Secret Millionaire is bankrupt

Japan looks to robots to fill jobs

Kosttillskott av surstr mming

Engineer error knocks out Gmail

'Many girls' abused by boyfriends

Decline in UK personal debt level

Depressed teens 'face adult risk'

EU bans old-fashioned light bulbs

Meeting Pakistani prostitutes

Jobless and homeless, blogger scores Elle job

Population: The elephant in the room

The decline of Russia's oligarchs

Police: Detroit man stole woman's car on 1st date

washing hands after toilet

Kungarna av Ibiza

Porr f r feminister?

File-sharers' TV tastes revealed

Copenhagen's 'best city for cyclists' goal

Single molecule's stunning image

Tech Know: Programming, meet music

Evidence mounts recession's grip on economy easing

Pacific Ocean garbage patch worries researchers

'Artificial trees' to cut carbon

Do you need to wash fruit?

U.S. housing, confidence data point to recovery

Le "cloud computing" bouscule l'informatique

Ifpi polisanm ler fildelarhubbar

Study finds people who multitask often bad at it

Low-carb diets 'damage arteries'

The enlightenment's operating system

Daily drinking may raise risk of several cancers

Overweight friends eat more when they snack together: study

The problem with PowerPoint

Chicago shuts down to save money

Mexico cartels go from drugs to full-scale mafias

Web Is Becoming One-Stop Shopping for Health Help

Moderate drinking 'boosts bones'

Child Psychology: A New Look Inside Babies' Minds

Antarctic glacier 'thinning fast'

Chocolate 'cuts death rate' in heart attack survivors

Some People Just Need Less Sleep

Who's that girl? Facebook entries stir jealousy

8 Simple Ways to Control Stress!

Stress Management

Recensement : le visage de la France

Samsung says it will overtake Nokia

Le vieillissement menace la stabilit mondiale

Les troubles du sommeil

Cryptage : Bi-sodih Japan na-as tso-si


Qu'est ce qu'un belle peau ?

la peau et le sport

Some foodstuffs like crisps may be carcinogenic

La sant par les couleurs : d couvrez les effets physiques de 9 couleurs de

Quatorze contre-v rit s sur l'alimentation

La col re favorise le risque d'infarctus pr coce

Messier s' parpille au petit bonheur

Optimistic women live for longer

Drink blamed for oral cancer rise

Time 'runs short' on climate deal

U.S. recession seen ending in third quarter

Recession means fewer babies; US births fell 2 pct

Mouse builds nest egg in ATM with $20 bills

How to Handle Your Aging Parents' Finances

People 'get happier as they age'

Tourists warned of Thailand airport scam

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin

Is free news a thing of the past?

'Web addict' death investigated

'Massive attack' strikes websites

Mortgage-backed security

Russia keeps close watch on neighbours

Cisco sees profits almost halve

Watching TV: Even Worse for Kids Than You Think

Save the Planet: Have Fewer Kids

Scientists study huge plastic patch in Pacific

House prices rising, says Halifax

How vital were Cold War spies?

How the euro crept into Britain

Algues vertes: la mort d'un cheval relance la pol mique

Une nouvelle vertu m dicale d couverte dans le vin rouge

Le patron de Google quitte le conseil d'administration d'Apple

R kning kar risken f r demens

La France paiera pour tous ses crimes

Several wounded in Thai jet crash

Call for debate on killer robots

Police warn of teenage 'sexting'

Is free the new pay?

Antidepressant use doubles in U.S., study finds

Lack of Vitamin D in Children 'Shocking'

Cactus commerce boosts Morocco

Scientists find new strain of HIV

Barclays profit up to almost 3bn

Silicon Valley's secret recipe

Daily alcohol limit 'unhelpful'

Florida highrise has 32 stories, but just 1 tenant

And In Other News

Hacker loses extradition appeal

Lebanon quiet brings tourist boom

Charming Brussels

'$10 trillion' credit crunch cost

Firefox nears billion milestone

Where do lost megabits go?

Obesity 'contagious' in teenagers

Calif. mom exposes abuses of exchange students

Americans spend $34B for alternative medicine

Woman finds 'stolen' Audi in neighbor's garage

KI: Hush llen mindre pessimistiska

From humble tool to global icon

Shell unveils 70% drop in profits

Oil price plunges as stocks grow

Perfume spritz sparks mass exit

Organic food is no healthier, study finds

Mosquitoes deliver malaria 'vaccine' through bites

Police: SC man charged with having sex with horse

Menstrual Cycles That Sync: A Mystery Unraveled

Spatial-temporal reasoning

Mozart effect

Real Estate Mutual Funds

Out on a limb: Arm-swinging riddle is answered

Higher U.S. speed limit linked to 12,500 more deaths

Big spenders tend to marry big savers, researchers find

Could Earth Be Hit, Like Jupiter Just Was?

Pirate Bay faces new legal threat

Swedes miss Capri after GPS gaffe

Tell-all TV riles India's politicians

Tackling South Africa's rape epidemic

'No doubt' sunbeds cause cancer

Study: Tanning beds as deadly as arsenic

Peak earning years

La pollution sonore menace les mammif res marins

Dairy for children 'extends life'

Germans lament post-Communism decline

Divorce 'health scars permanent'

'Eco-Therapy' for Environmental Depression: Go Jump Off a Pier

Oil rises above $68 as rally extends to third week

Odd couple make friends in Kenya

Ericsson buys key Nortel assets

Gaming tycoon sees fortune dwindle

UK economy continues to contract

Healthy fat link to bowel disease

Wireless power system shown off

Wanted: Women to eat chocolate for a year

Turister betalar inte p-b ter

Artificial brain '10 years away'

Kenya cable ushers in broadband era

Why the pirates are on the rise in Sweden

Study nails secret of child sleep

Falling sales dent eBay profits

Strange! Humans Glow in Visible Light

iPhone sales boost Apple results

World's largest telescope to be built in Hawaii

Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily

UK 'is losing 52 pubs each week'

Strong profits at India's Wipro

this is a fast thread

One town's bid to cut energy costs

'It was just normal to me'

Same-name couple to wed after Facebook meeting

How To Whistle Loudly

Hurricane kills seven in southern Sweden

Russia still blue over moon landing 40 years later

Obama feels the heat, changes the play

Starting to get crowded in 100-year-olds' club

Tourists warned of Thailand airport scam

Onanitips f r killar

Dirty Dirty talk for blind people

Nokia shares slide as profits hit

Ukraine ban for 'explicit' Bruno

Hardware makers support Google OS

Life without men

French tourists seen as world's worst: survey

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama tax pledge unrealistic

IMF expects slow recovery from global recession

Australia town bans bottled water

Tests raise life extension hopes

Google to launch operating system

Governments hit by cyber attack

Coffee 'may reverse Alzheimer's'

G8 set to tackle hunger in Africa

A summit of limited expectations

Bankruptcies low in states that don't seize wages

V gpirater slog till n r de sov

Misst nkta v gpirater h ktade

V gpirater p v stsvenska v gar

New Zealand airline issues nude safety video

Self-help 'makes you feel worse'

US job losses worse than expected

Vegetarian diet 'weakens bones'

Obama tells Russia's Putin the Cold War is history

Vegetarians 'avoid more cancers'

Daily sex 'best for good sperm'

Which came first? The chicken or the egg.

Pirate Bay starts video streaming

Sharp contraction for UK economy

Tea 'healthier' drink than water

Scientists attack energy industry

Analysis: Obama scores major victory on climate

Britney, Justin, Beyonc , Usher, Fellow Hitmakers Pay Tribute to Michael

Web slows after Jackson's death

Singer Michael Jackson dies at 50

Oxford Happiness Questionnaire

Intel and Nokia band together

Berlusconi denies paying for sex

Quick step to 'better behaviour'

Asian markets continue big falls

Harry Dent

What is Nasal Washing?

Global economic crisis hits German sex industry

Have a Purpose in Life? You Might Live Longer

Climate change is happening 'here, now': US report

New York drivers named most aggressive, angry in U.S.

MySpace to cut staff by a third

Swiss dig world's longest tunnel

Fusion falters under soaring costs

KDE desktop shortcuts

Young people 'double' steroid use

Glowing TV Screens Keeping Americans Up at Night

For many workers, fear of layoff is big motivator

Really, I do like you, Obama tells French and Germans

Airlines' losses to soar further

Voters steer Europe to the right

Drug habits see a 'major shift'

python scripts for nautilus (linux, gnome) : turn photos and send photos by

strong Reality

SD lottery winner 'will not squander' $232M prize

4 travelers missed doomed Air France Flight 447

Glimmers of hope or despair?

Weekly curry 'may fight dementia'

Is TV delaying child development?

Study: Web Therapy Can Help Cure Insomnia

How soup can help you lose weight

Asia facing 'diabetes explosion'

Woman's body is found in freezer

US wants to paint the world white to save energy

Fitness in daily life

My night with Parisien prostitutes

Cup of cocoa may keep doctor away

Eminem comeback crowns UK chart

Middle age spread link to frailty

HIV's spread around Europe mapped

Too much cola zaps muscle power

No matter what

Keep working 'to avoid dementia'

Teenagers Are Becoming Increasingly Logical, Swedish Study Finds

Alarm bells ring over "sexting"

Eurozone economies contract 2.5%

Surprise! Daydreaming Really Works the Brain

Avoiding food 'may beat jet lag'

Women 'fight off disease better'

Rotten office fridge cleanup sends 7 to hospital

Europ ennes: pourquoi tant d'abstention?

Woman accused in porn star prostitution ring

Emotional intelligence 'aids sex'

Men 'suffering recession blues'

Calculate your body mass index

Why Antidepressants Don't Live Up to the Hype

Jamie Oliver putting U.S. city on a diet

Constant sun -- too much of a good thing?

Swede indicted for hacking NASA, Cisco computers

La housse de t l phone qui prot ge des ondes

Bien mastiquer, un rem de simple contre la prise de poids

Ferrero accused in hazelnut fraud

Bullying victims have more psychotic symptoms

Sleeping and eating - the French do it best

Some baby foods worse than junk food: survey

81 unusual projects get $100K in Gates grants

Why Your Co-Workers Act like Children

Americans struggle through a day in the recession

Woman held for noisy sex 'breach'

Microsoft suffers first sales dip

Man pretending to fall off bridge actually falls

Pollution 'fights global warming'

Police investigating death of Freddie Mac official

Botnet 'ensnares government PCs' - Hi-tech crime: A glossary

La musique sur Internet est-elle condamn e tre pirat e ?

Italian scientist, turning 100, still works

Sony Ericsson to cut 2,000 jobs after losses

Pirate Bay founders found guilty

Strippor taxeras f r undanh llen skatt

Six milliards d autodidactes

Passenger lands plane in Fla. after pilot dies

Kids Curb Marital Satisfaction

Modern life's pressures may be hastening human evolution

Woman finds $357,959 cashier's check and returns it

Chimpanzees exchange meat for sex

Oral sex linked to throat cancer

Police doubt over prostitute laws

Hur du lyssnar och antecknar

Cancer risk 'not changing habits'

Cereal box typo sends callers to phone sex line

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sisters 'make people happy'

Nudist Hotel Planned in Germany

Sleep problems linked to suicide

Managing Humans

'Tunnel' links New York to London

10 ways to get a really good sleep

Perfect Running Pace Revealed

Life: A medical condition

Apple Unveils New Product-Unveiling Product

Steaming hot tea linked to cancer

$150M buys you late TV producer's L.A. mansion

Pizza-making machine has chefs in a spin

Markera mot trafikdrullar?

Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told

Early soy diet may protect against breast cancer

W. Edwards Deming

No frills tourism - in Iraq

Obama: Anger isn't governing strategy

Obama banters on Jay Leno's show

Fast grepp om rutig kub

Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'

Fed launches bold $1.2T effort to revive economy

As recession deepens, more Americans go fishing

Europe and NZ poles apart on sex trade

Study: Being obese can take years off your life

Are You Consuming Too Much Vitamin A?

Nigerian student gets 19 years' jail for love scam

Selling sex legally in New Zealand

Putting clocks forward has enormous impact on health

Night shifts spark cancer pay-out

Vegetarians 'get fewer cancers'

France's rendezvous with history

Pollution dims skies as well as befouling the air

SvD guidar till K penhamn

Rea i Sverige - f r norrm n och danskar

Battery that 'charges in seconds'

Google introduces phone services

Acidic seas fuel extinction fears

D passer le simplisme du piratage

La guerre des gangs angoisse Copenhague

Pink, "d go t e" par la fourrure

Une loi d connect e de la r alit

Google doit accepter d'entrer dans l' ge adulte

U.S. public transit 2008 ridership highest in 52 years

Too big to fail? 5 biggest banks are 'dead men walking'

Even in a recession, some companies are hiring

Older fathers link to child brain

Food and Digestion - The Reason You Should NEVER Drink Cold Drinks

Food Combining - tidesoflife

Wine and Your Health

A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods

Recession on track to be longest in postwar period

The Fastest Guys Out There

SR-71 Disintegrates Around Pilot During Flight Test

Obama's safety net: the TelePrompter

Worldwide downturn 'to hit women'

Middle age 'key for exercising'

Michael Jackson: Still King of Pop?

Top 10 To Effective Food Combining

Sequential eating and food combining

Efficient Digestion

Food combining

Food Combining

Fireball in the Texas Sky: Satellites Crash, but Only Meteors Burn this Bright

Russian scholar says US will collapse next year

Calif. murder suspect killed after attacking judge

Why Skilled Immigrants Are Leaving the U.S.

Obama tries to pump up confidence in the economy

Stalkers turn to cell phones to 'textually harass'

As recession saps demand, a world awash in oil

Bionic eye gives blind man sight

Le jeu vid o suscite la fr n sie parlementaire

Nasal spray may trigger migraine

The D-word: Will recession become something worse?

TV linked to asthma risk doubling

Female broker 'prostitutes' claim

Merkel, EU reject bailout for eastern Europe

U.S. Recession May Continue Beyond Next Year, Economists Say

Women who pay for sex

Doodling 'may help memory recall'

Jet lag

House prices 'fall another 1.8%'

Online risks: from cancer to autism?

Drink a day increases cancer risk

Les gauchers sur un pied d galit

Major stock market indexes fall to 1997 levels

Anger really can kill you: study

Bush declines hardware store job

Lifestyle 'doubles stroke risk'

Gemenskap br t sorgen

Recession will be worst since 1930s: Greenspan

Obama signs $787bn stimulus plan

Pirate Bay joy at charge change

British, French nuclear subs collide in Atlantic

For first time, unmarried households reign in US

Despite trillions for economy, next job might mean less pay

When toddlers point a lot, more words will follow

F svenskar p masterprogram

Russian and US satellites collide

Sweet! Cotton candy may help labs grow tissue

63% - Reject Darwin's Theory of Evolution

The science of romance: Brains have a love circuit

Time to 'reclaim the night' for sleep

Body Language Reveals Wealth

Study Suggests Why Gut Instincts Work

Europe's revolution 20 years on

Can our natural rhythm heal us?

Pregnancy risks for obese women

Which CEO Characteristics and Abilities Matter?

Teen accused of sex assaults in Facebook scam

Summer babies 'tall and strong'

Who's hiring

Cable provider apologizes for porn interruption

Google Earth dives under the sea

Selfish adults 'damage childhood'

Cybercrime threat rising sharply

Americans' saving more, spending less

In Japan, you are what your blood type is

'Buy American' stimulus alarms US businesses, trade partners

NJ police: Woman's ex-friends used cold as weapon

H&M:s utdelning 13 miljarder

French strike nationwide over economic crisis

Boys With Unpopular Names More Likely to Break Law

Shell hit by falls in oil price

Davos starts in very gloomy mood

Obama urges quick economic action

LA man upset over job kills wife, 5 kids, himself

En pleine crise, McDo se r gale

Berlusconi et le viol des belles Italiennes

Global warming is 'irreversible'

Tough love for US car industry?

Global crisis talks move to Davos

Crisis claims Icelandic cabinet

Job-killing recession racks up more layoff victims

Woman gives birth to octuplets in SoCal hospital

Philips' profits hit by downturn

Single cell 'can store memories'

UK in recession as economy slides

Microsoft to cut up to 5,000 jobs

'Beer goggles' effect explained

Obama allowed to keep BlackBerry

Neb. lottery numbers drawn twice in row

Norway: 2 killed in shooting outside kindergarten

What we don't know about Obama

Frihetens pris kan bli h gt f r oss vanedjur

Upplopp p Island poliser skadade

Priskrig p rymdresor

Borg lade fram krispaket

California's median home price falls 38 percent

Sony forecasts first annual net loss in 14 years

Intel shedding up to 6,000 jobs

Cleaner air 'adds months to life'

Downturn 'hitting women harder'

'Drink link' to premature birth

UK unemployment hits 1.92 million

Obamas celebrate, at last, on way to White House

Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address

Ericsson reports profit drop, to cut 5,000 jobs

CLI commands in terminal

Oil falls below $34 ahead of Feb contract expiry

Staying calm 'prevents dementia'

Music industry scrambles for cash

S gol ne Royal : "J'ai inspir Obama et ses quipes nous ont copi s"

Obama pr sident, une promesse am ricaine

Windows worm numbers 'skyrocket'

Skiers warned of skin cancer risk

Mind your workplace manners -- it pays

Obama tells daughters he ran for president for them, all children

Pilot hailed for 'Hudson miracle'

Nortel files for bankruptcy, shares plunge

Kaffe skyddar mot demens

Telia bygger 4g i Stockholm

Drinking Green Tea a Way to Avoid Caffeine?

World 'needs radical cuts' on CO2

Cheap fuel threatens emission cuts

'Visions link' to large coffee intake

US businessman 'fakes own death'

Lack of sleep 'raises cold risk'

Countries that will miss George Bush

Rent-a-friend in Japan

Dell Closes Ireland Plant; 2nd Largest Employer

Behaviour link to lifelong health

Heat may spark world food crisis

Divorce man 'wants kidney back'

The 'misunderestimated' president?

Record high for videogaming sales

6-year-old takes family car after missing bus

Study: Exercise Won't Cure Obesity

Police: Angry Ohio boy, 4, shoots baby sitter

German mogul kills self over financial meltdown

Bets are off for Macau gambling boom

Tom Cruise says Scientology helped him overcome dyslexia

Base jumper survives 60-metre fall with failed parachute

Conn. man's last lotto ticket wins $10M for widow

Bushisms over the years

The 'first true scientist'

China's graduates fight for a future

UK house prices falling sharply

Evidence of 'risk-taking' brain

Microsoft Zune affected by 'bug'

Car worth 3m is found in garage

A gym powered by sweat and tears

Optimism is the cure for the downturn

Smoking ban leads to major drop in heart attacks

Man says he shot car with paintballs to deter DUI

Car going 54 mph over limit crashes in Ohio; 5 die

Obama adviser: Slowing economy won't halt tax cuts

Mrs. Bush, Rice: Bush presidency not a failure

Obama bristles as the bubble closes in

Oldest man in the US dies in Sacramento at 112

Smartphones drive mobile markets

Food needs 'fundamental rethink'


Octopuses give eight thumbs up for high-def TV

Little tech wins big as nanocar inventor takes top science award

The virtual battle of the sexes

Pope attacks blurring of gender

Contraction of economy speeds up

Oil falls further as demand slows

Branson issues NHS infection call

Lesbian's brutal gang rape investigated in Calif.

Iraqi PM: Shoe-thrower blames throat-slitter

Nouvel An : circulez, c'est gratuit

Naken modellprotest i Paris

Les artistes de Warner retir s du site YouTube

Toyota braced for historic loss

'Euro tourists' crossing border

Healthy breakfast may mean healthier diet overall

Want to marry a doctor? Survey shows most do

More than 54 million disabled in U.S., census says

Norrm n dricker som aldrig f rr

Nykter korridor i Lund

Ingen stress i Stockholm

Oil hovers near $40 despite OPEC output cut

UN gives OK to land, air attacks on Somali pirates

Over 2T tons of ice melted in arctic since '03

Binge drinking comes to France

Abilene paradox

Collective behavior

Collective intelligence


Crowd psychology

Herd behavior

Large Group Awareness Training

Organizational dissent

Pack journalism

Peer pressure

Social comparison theory

Spiral of silence



Bailout Bandwagon

New study firmly ties hormone use to breast cancer

Study finds six new gene mutations linked to obesity

Bush: Iraq war is not over, more work ahead

A curiously French complaint

Doctor's Advice: Leave the Toilet Seat Up

Jennifer Aniston Weekends With...Brangelina?

3 NYPD officers charged in subway sodomy case

Environmental fugitives get own most-wanted list

Suicide on TV condemned in Britain

Man's genes 'key to baby's sex'

Cancer to be world's top killer by 2010, WHO says

Vitamins C, E don't protect against cancer: studies

Joe the Plumber: McCain 'appalled me'

Warning of nut allergy 'hysteria'

Black hole found in Milky Way

Vendetta vous a bien buzz

The mouse hits 40-year milestone

Daily nuts may help boost health

2008 Will Be Just a Second Longer

Military jet crash in San Diego kills 3; 1 missing

Man accused in mutilation death of girlfriend dies

Obama says he won't be smoking in White House

Job seeker with MBA posts resume in taxi back seat

Obama: Economy to get worse before it improves

Asia's age-old battle with the pirates

The brilliance of creative chaos

Lessons in being happy proposed

Blueberries 'reverse memory loss'

Happiness 'rubs off on others' - same article as the one before

Cash demand over 'porn downloads'

Employers shedding jobs as recession deepens

Man allegedly assaults girlfriend with burger

Happiness is contagious: study

Vermont called healthiest state, Louisiana last

The risks of risk management

Sm skalig fildelning inte i lagen

M nga jul-sms till Vita huset

Sveriges billigaste bensinstationer

Varning f r mejl och mess

Yellow expected as a bright spot for 2009

Oil falls to near 4-year low

Ruling due on DNA database case

2 arrested in alleged torture of teen, who escaped

Lesson in life and death: pupils build dying teacher's coffin

Study Confirms That Cars Have Personalities

Apple pushes anti-virus for Macs

'Time-bending drug' for jet lag

Oil falls to 3-year low on bleak US economic news

It's official: US has been in a recession all year

Bush sorry economic crisis has cut jobs, 401 (k)s

Bush: Iraq intelligence failure 'biggest regret'

European markets steady after Asian retreat

1 in 5 young adults has personality disorder

NYPD: Passenger kills bus driver in fare dispute

9 headless bodies found in Mexican border city

Students lie, cheat, steal, but say they're good

Global AIDS crisis overblown? Some dare to say so

Global stocks trim gains

World economy 'weakest since 30s'

Britons 'saving money with sex'

Antioxidants 'cannot slow ageing'

Oil falls to near $53 as OPEC doesn't cut output

Two dead, five missing in Airbus crash in France

'Meat intake cut' on cancer fears

Fruns snedspr ng s nkte sexlusten och sj lvk nslan

H rd kamp v ntas p Dreamhack

L gnerna blir en ovana

An audience with Grace Jones

Learning languages 'boosts brain'

Obama victory prompts US gun rush

EU eyes uncharacteristic spending spree

Un couple belge est accus d'avoir vendu son b b des N erlandais rencontr s

Beach-sex couple to be deported

Obama performing almost like a co-president to Bush

The paradox of thrift

US rescues ailing Citigroup bank

Obama: 'Soft power' and hard reality

Solar panels on graves give power to Spanish town

Obama Looks to Axe Daylight Time -- NYT Explains Why

Young murder suspect can spend holiday with mother

e=mc2: 103 years later, Einstein's proven right

Study shows messiness leads to behavior decline

Online time 'is good for teens'

US global dominance 'set to wane'

Clump of dark matter may loom near solar system

How mad are you?

IMF approves $2.1bn Iceland loan

Credit collapse numbs Icelanders

Teen lives 4 months with no heart, leaves hospital

Maine man sheds 140 pounds to join the Marines

Dad accused of killing daughter while cleaning gun

Obama: Oratory and originality

Lost tool bag forces changes to planned spacewalks

Prostitute users face clampdown

Why the Widening Gender Gap In Computer Science?

Les Fran ais face aux violences physiques

Carrefour change de patron

Glut of unsold homes hits rents

Yahoo's Yang decides he's no longer the right CEO (AP)

Citigroup to shed another 53,000 jobs

Italy fights mob terror near Naples

Obama tries to savor near-normalcy before Jan. 20

W. Virginia town shrugs at poorest health ranking

Obesity 'programmed before birth'

Oil falls below $56 as Japan slips into recession

Meet the world's best bottoms

First fuzzy photos of planets outside solar system

$100 laptop to be sold in Europe

Stocks plunge for third straight session

Obama to pioneer Web outreach as president

Oil falls to 22-month low at $55 on recession fears

Michael Jackson gives Neverland to corporation

Doctors say marrow transplant may have cured AIDS

Catching up with the 'internet pimps'

Energy body warns on oil prices

Norway tops gender equality list

Police: Woman slain as she tried to leave KKK rite

Grandma's greatest gift / Jacilyn Dalenberg served as surrogate mother to

pager - voicemail

GM shares plunge after analyst sees them hitting zero

'Super-microscope' opens at Isis

Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb

Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

Cash found in Ohio house's walls becomes nightmare

'Doing yoga saved my broken back'

Profits plunge at British Airways

Left-hand people 'more inhibited'

Eyes only: Obama's spy briefing

Bosses "not doing enough to stop bullies"

Obama receives congratulations from world leaders

Vanishing jobs, stressed consumers feed downturn

'Girls Next Door' co-star engaged to NFL player

Obama adds North Carolina to White House win

Schwarzenegger: $4.4B in tax hikes to end deficit

A young family, a new style for the White House

Which polls got it right?

Election 08 - Texas Dirt gun shop

House prices down 2.2% in October

Jogger runs mile with rabid fox locked on her arm

Reuse Code Or Code It Yourself?

Obama makes history; turns to sobering challenges

Toasting Obama: Courteney & Jen Celebrate in L.A.; Oprah, Brad On Hand in

Analysis: For Obama, now comes the hard part

Transcript: Obama's acceptance speech

Black Americans celebrate Obama's victory

Text of McCain's concession speech

McCain concedes, acknowledges historic achievement

Why Barack Obama won

Democrats score huge Congress win

President Obama and the world

Full text: Obama's victory speech

Games 'to outsell' music, video

Vitamin 'may be Alzheimer's aid'

Obama wins historic US election

Women's hands 'harbour more bugs'

Teen pregnancies tied to tastes for sexy TV shows


CEOs, famous investors hit hard by market plunge

Police: Husband strangled missing NY teacher

Beaten down, American consumers burrow deeper

Light drinking 'no risk to baby'

Top hits of the YouTube election

Earth on course for eco 'crunch'

Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama

Powerful Little Light: LED With 1,000 Lumens

How Often Should Bed Linen Be Changed- Tips To Keep Your Bedding Fresh

Alternatives to Daylight Saving Time?

Mongols motorcycle gang arrested in federal sweep

10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

San Francisco weighs decriminalizing prostitution

Eat fast, eat until full to get super-sized

R union sur les paradis fiscaux : Suisse et Luxembourg se font porter p les

Biker Sandor Ferenci, who posted footage of offences on YouTube, jailed

Fla. woman chooses to go jail over $7.45 bill

10 Reasons Not to Skimp on Sleep

Western diet 'raises heart risk'

Disco tune "Stayin' Alive" could save your life

'Alien' Water Bears Amaze Scientists

Sheriff: Family cremated mom on BBQ, kept benefits

US confronts possibility of long, deep recession

Suit against God thrown out over lack of address

Sex-on-beach trial Britons guilty

Collective Thinking

Internet Searching May Boost Brain

Where has all the money gone?

The revolution of paperless paper

Parkinson's linked to vitamin D

Is the era of easy credit over for the long haul?

Pediatricians double vitamin D recommendations

Major tumble for European shares

'Unbreakable' encryption unveiled

US and UK universities 'dominant'

What happened to Iceland?

The man who reads dictionaries

Narcissists Tend to Become Leaders

The party's over for Iceland, the island that tried to buy the world

Man shoots himself in arm after being denied sex

Textmeddelanden bakom t gkrasch

Study pushes back origin of AIDS pandemic

Train engineer texted 22 seconds before LA crash

US superpower status is shaken

Fast forward for mobile broadband

Carl-Henric Svanberg states that Ericsson's vision of communications for all is

UCLA group discovers humongous prime number

French hold out against credit crunch

US kids three times likelier to be medicated than in Europe: study


5 Ways to Avoid Eating Bisphenol A, or BPA

3D glasses suck. Head tracking is the right way

Texas executes man who raped, killed 93-year-old

Common plastics chemical linked to heart problems

Ozone hole 'larger in 2008 than previous year'

Tea 'healthier' drink than water

Dad chases nude boy from daughter's room with pipe

Broccoli 'may help protect lungs'

Clean living 'slows cell ageing'

Miami residents are most attractive in U.S.: poll

Holiday firm XL in administration

Creature Survives Naked in Space

Olympic swimmer Dara Torres models at Fashion Week

7 Ways to Learn More Without More Study

All types of sexual activity carry some STD risk

Exercise may improve memory in older people

Smoking riskier to women's hearts than men's

Study links bipolar disorder with older fathers

Coffee may lower risk of uterus cancer: Japan study

Amazon deforestation on the rise

Scientists fear impact of Asian pollutants on U.S.

Mental skills fade earlier than thought: study

Benign skin cancers may be "warning sign": study

Why Do We Get Baggy Eyes?

Going veggie can slash your carbon footprint: study

5 Ways to Beef Up Your Brain

8 Essential Skills They Didn t Teach You In School

Adverse Health Effects of Plastics (2001)

Plastic is a killer (more research needs to be done)

People Really Do Look Better When You Drink

Calif. mom gives birth on front lawn by herself

Kvinnliga sexleksaker provocerar

Spending on communications falls

Man fired from job kills Ark. Democratic chairman

Man buys Chevy with small change

For elderly, sex doesn't have to get old: survey

Rape victims pleased former cop never will be free

Cat's daily routine baffles owner

Running 'can slow ageing process'

Pain 'linked with low vitamin D'

US tourist hacked to death in Guatemala

Australian police claim 'world's largest seizure of ecstasy'

How Your Inner Athlete Makes You Smarter

Elastic electronics see better

Texas executes Mexican murderer

Pet dogs can 'catch' human yawns

Amateur astronomer spies gassy "cosmic ghost"

5 Things You Must Know About Sleep

Breakfast benefits may differ for boys, girls

Fatty fish may help prevent memory loss: study

Vitamin C 'slows cancer growth'

Orgasms 'at the touch of a button'

Shunned Starbucks in Aussie exit

Lightning hits 91 spectators at racetrack

Rich begin feeling the pain in down economy

Anthrax scientist commits suicide as FBI closes in

'Fitness pill' being developed

Man decapitated on Canadian bus

Nichia 's Shuji Nakamura: Dream of the Blue Laser Diode

Extreme UV intensity

Colorado man charged in transgender slaying

As crops burn, farmers increasingly use sunscreen

Children's books become ideological battleground in Sweden

Tai Chi

Alzheimer's drug 'halts' decline

Sleep clue to age memory decline

Accidents Halved As Street is Stripped of 'Safety' Features

Woman arrested after stabbing 7 in Japan

Woman, 44, gives birth to her 18th child in Canada

Fishy diet may protect against clogged arteries

GPS devices monitor domestic abusers, stalkers

Sony sees sharp fall in profits

1 man's protest rallies Ohio city against drugs


Open China's great firewall

Attention disorder rising among older children

Feds: Philly ex-anchor hacked colleague's e-mail

New study shows how broccoli helps reduce cancer risk

Oil is making millionaires in North Dakota

Honey bee crisis could lead to higher food prices

How to write a business plan

Tourist dies of 'food poisoning'

Pub, m dias, Internet : le grand chambardement

Study shows more benefits of sunshine vitamin

Manager charged with torching Jamie Oliver's Australian offices

Study: Marijuana potency increases in 2007

Pluto Now Called a Plutoid

Vitamin D may protect against heart attack

Mobile phones expose human habits

New Space Telescope to Explore the Unknown

Layoffs at nuke lab stir fears of a brain drain

Life Endures 120,000 Years Under Ice

US reaches out to French banlieues

Dangers of talking while driving explained

Fat Finding Reveals Why Diets Don't Work

Men prefer being solo over a bad marriage: study

Heavy marijuana use shrinks brain parts: study

Key to All Optical Illusions Discovered

Man goes on trial in killings of wife, infant


Mediterranean diet may also help stop diabetes

3 shark attacks have Mexico resort area in panic

US tourist drugged, killed by train in Rome

Switzerland's obsession with time

Avoiding food 'may beat jet lag'

100 Explosions Recorded on the Moon

Sleepy brain prone to sudden shutdowns study

Missing matter found in deep space

Laser heats up the fusion future

Blue Zones finds places where people live longest

Soros warns global boom is over

Rents rise as house prices fall

L'extr me droite su doise, jusqu'alors marginale, r alise une perc e

Les entreprises des pays mergents sont les plus rentables


Woman indicted in MySpace hoax suicide

Chinese wonder if animals can predict earthquakes

Ants swarm over Houston area, fouling electronics

Michigan Girl Scout sells 17,328 boxes of cookies

Uefa Cup fans clash with police

silent power -

Oil demand set to ease, high prices turn on stockpiling: IEA

California mulls steep tax on adult entertainment

Exercise may protect girls from future breast cancer

Deadly mob beating unnerves Cleveland neighborhood

Once shunned by academics, Wikipedia now a teaching tool

New idea in mortuary science: Dissolving bodies with lye

114-Year-Old Man Takes Longevity Keys to the Grave

Europeans get drunk 'to have sex'

3 dead infants found in freezer in Germany, mother arrested

Huge Black Hole Catapulted Through Space

Parable of the broken window

Mexico shootout kills 15

Mind's Limit Found: 4 Things at Once

Australian scientists report weight loss breakthrough

Police say Austrian man raped daughter, fathered 6 children

LYRICS : Flashdance - What a feeling

Sarkozy tries to assert authority

Panel says link between smog and premature death is clear

Skipping breakfast may mean your baby is a girl

High calorie diet linked to boys

LYRICS - Wherever You Will Go - The Calling

Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer

Economy ailing, frustrated Italy picks Berlusconi

Italy s Birth Rate is The Second Lowest in the Western World

Observers Fear Mac Cloner May Not be Legitimate

Nearly 1 in 5 troops has mental problems after war service

Drunk Russian sleeps off knifing

Boomers Miserable, Seniors Happiest

ARTICLE about Vitamins SUPPLEMENTS : Vitamins 'may shorten your life'

Plastic bottle chemical may be harmful: agency

L Italie en repince pour Berlusconi

Diet reduces heart attacks, strokes

Big U.S. study links breast cancer to drinking

Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men

Internet, media stars line up for Yahoo

How to identify the look of love -- or lust

Berlusconi: Left has uglier women

Jackpot winner to boss: I'm out of here

Global warming 'dips this year'

Binge drinking 'damages memory'

iTunes 'biggest US music seller'

Australian rescues wife from crocodile

Sex therapists: A few minutes is best

Boy, 12, kills man who attacked his mom

Daily caffeine 'protects brain'

German war film challenges taboo

Apple has biggest impact on world consumers: survey

Scientists probe meditation secrets

The Million Dollar Homepage

Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies

Silicon chips stretch into shape

Approval for mobiles on aircraft

Anger problems 'left untreated'

France's sordid housing crisis

Open space, open stress

Diesel fumes can affect your brain, scientists say

Firefighter saves dog by performing CPR

Building Leaders at Every Level A Leadership Pipeline

Marcus Buckingham Thinks Your Boss Has an Attitude Problem

Taking Feedback to Heart (and Action)

How New Managers Become Great Managers

Balancing Priorities on Schedule

Do You Know When to Delegate?

Time Pressure and Creativity:

postive words

The Power of Positive Thinking

S nkt l n f r Ericssons vd

Man flies son to tennis to beat traffic

Text driver jailed for bike death


Yahoo sued over handling of bid


Dollar falls to record euro low

Oil hits $102 for the first time

Anti-depressants 'of little use'

Diet change gives hyperactive kids new taste for life in Norway

YouTube outage blamed on Pakistan

Just 1 in 4 know heart attack signs

Hunting the fabled Amber Chamber

KGB old boys tightening grip on Russia

Gene studies confirm "out of Africa" theories

Six minute nap 'may boost memory'

Female G spot 'can be detected'

'Anger control' key to recovery

Inflation : Effects and Causes.

Gunman called girlfriend to say goodbye

Machines 'to match man by 2029'

Danish Muhammad cartoon reprinted

Reaching 100 is easier than suspected

Danish cartoons 'plotters' held

'Diet' foods weight gain puzzle

Sex chemistry 'lasts two years'

'Sexercise' yourself into shape

Save XP - about directx10 and vista

Heavy cell phone use tied to poorer sperm quality

Beetroot 'may cut blood pressure'

Mobiles 'not brain cancer risk'

Good night's sleep is no slumber party for smokers

Fat people cheaper to treat, study says

High heels 'may improve sex life'


The RIAA should be careful what they ask for...

Our laws are not the world's laws

For the mature woman who has everything: a boy toy

YouTubers given share of ad cash

Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes: study

Deep stimulation 'boosts memory'

Sedentary life 'speeds up ageing'

Michael Jackson Billie Jean

Michael Jackson Thriller

Yesterday, I ordered an Apple Macbook Air. (my experience with Macbook Air and

A fight with your spouse could be good for health: study

Work stress 'changes your body'

Exercise sharply cuts older men's death rate: study

Oil falls below $89 on economy concerns

Mobiles linked to disturbed sleep

Study explains how protein keeps hunger at bay

What are you doing here? - man asks wife at brothel

F rarl s helikopter f r farliga jobb

One drink a day for a longer life: study

Sarkozy: Oui , je souhaite la fin des 35 heures

Cost of coitus: Male monkeys pay for sex

Study: Drivers on cells clogging traffic

Oil price at record $100 a barrel

Hey big spender, 105,000 pound drinks bill

"Doomsday" Vault Will End Crop Extinction

Couple 'admits' US family murders

2 arrested in deaths of 6 in rural Wash.

How spicy foods can kill cancers

The technology with impact 2007

Commercials on the net - Casual blogging not just lunch money now

This article is wrong = Don't be lonely at Christmas time

T.O. to Jessica Simpson: Back off Romo

Mobile phone driving jail threat

Even CEOs think CEOs are overpaid: survey

Dead fish surface on Indian river

China sex ring teachers convicted

Cannabis smoke 'has more toxins'

Lung cancer 'link to lack of sun'

pursuit of happiness

Who pays for sex? You'd be surprised

The 15 Biggest Tech Disappointments of 2007

Paris Hilton is looking for 'a nice boy'

Man nearly dies downing vodka at airport

New Zealand man vexed not sexed by text message

'Mathlete' smashes human calculation record: museum

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

Taxi for Schumacher

Researchers: Human evolution speeding up

Coffee 'protects female memory'

'Digital locks' future questioned

German battery could jump-start electric car production

Gunman goes on rampage at US mall

Bad sleeping 'doubles heart risk'

Can our bodies adapt to being night owls?

No charges in MySpace teen suicide case

Police: Pair financed fun with ID theft

The Most Anti-Tech Organizations in America

US National debt grows $1 million a minute

'Cooked fats' linked to cancers

Arrests made in botnet crackdown

Missing student's body apparently found

Skin ageing 'reversed' in mice

How the super-rich just get richer

Digital library exceeds 1 million books

Ga. man tries to deposit fake $1M bill

Older white women join Kenya's sex tourists

Subway announcer fired over spoof messages

Suicide rate rises in hot weather

Men motivated by 'superior wage'

Brazil shock at woman's jail rape

Skype encryption stumps German police

zodiac signs

Pregnancy timeline

Warner Music CEO Says War With Consumers Was Wrong

Few women doing enough exercise

How to make tourism greener

Australians named worst emitters

Errant text message sends cops to door

New technique creates cheap, abundant hydrogen: report

Spices Set for "Amazing" Return

Women drinkers are fit to burst

Sexy walks 'keep men off scent'

brick walls around you

Symbian dismisses Google Android

PCs being pushed aside in Japan

Robot cars race around California

Advertising for a guard - "bring your own gun"

U.S. program unveils man behind Iraq weapons story

Soaring oil climbs past $96 mark

Apple OS X 5

Automation is always a threat

Fires boost Schwarzenegger's image

Many teens don't know the law about sex

google not popular in Korea and Russia

Croc hunter Irwin believed he'd die young: wife

Sarkozy walks out of TV interview

Oil prices break through $93 mark

Trance Vibrator

How is this possible? (Score:5, Interesting)

Japan to take fingerprints, photos of foreigners

Virtual worlds threaten 'values'

Brain study: Sleepy, grumpy and ... primitive?

Human species 'may split in two'

Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution

Low testosterone in men linked to earlier death

password on IRC

Energy poses major 21st century crisis: scientists

Alzheimer's memory loss faster among well-educated

Italian Mafia turnover '$120bn'

Russia's space city frozen in time

Turn off e-mail and do some work

Why Males Die Before Females

California dream remote for many

Food industry new idea : Not that naughty but still nice

Swearing at work can 'cut stress'

Fugitive accused of raping tot captured

Laptops may damage male fertility

Why garlic is good for the heart

global warming

Scammers luring Americans with fake check schemes

wikipedia drawback

Woman seeks rich husband, banker says "crappy" deal

Devlin pleads to kidnapping, sodomy

Millionaires turn to psychologists

Pay Microsoft for what?

When Your Most Significant Other is a Computer

One NY chef loses Michelin star, another gains two

Tyres on over 1000 SUVs deflated in Sweden


Man in coma after mosquito bite

Gunman kills six in US Midwest


The Stripper's Secret

Congestion and all that.

6 die from brain-eating amoeba in lakes

Life can be sweeter if you cut out the sugar

Huge Stockpile of Oxygen Found Deep Inside Earth

China's plane ambitions take off

The death of language is GOOD, not bad.

Lack of sleep may be deadly, research shows

Deep-Voiced Men Have More Kids

Stinky? It's not his sweat, it's your nose

Major biological discovery inside the Chernobyl reactor??

Amsterdam to cut back on brothels

Arctic vault takes shape for world food crops

Global warming to increase infectious disease: study

Swedish artist displays prophet cartoon

Saudi women challenge driving ban

Why Humans (and Baboons) Stress So Much

Online anti-piracy firm's e-mails leaked (MEDIA DEFENDER)

Number of Lefties Bounces Back

Being bilingual 'protects brain'

Britney is dropped by management

Man in China dies after three-day Internet session

general public

The Morality of Web Advertisement Blocking

Spy vs Spy

spy satellite

World's most intriguing data center: Google

paranoid backup

Relational database pioneer says technology is obsolete

Smarter-than-Human Intelligence & The Singularity Summit

The lioness and the oryx

Eyes lock on different letters when reading

windows virus bad

Early rising no good for the heart: study

Mobile phone use in hospitals poses danger: study

Depression feels worse than many chronic diseases: study

WRONG TITLE : MP3 users 'risking hearing loss' - High Volume causes hearing

Russian women stranded in Cuba since USSR fall

AMD to open up graphics specs

Study: Humans' DNA not quite so similar

'Clearest' images taken of space

Why rock and roll stars die young

Faster Wi-Fi in works to transfer data

Why kissing means more to women

Lund Engergi : Entire city of Vista users can't access the internet

36.5 million live in poverty in United States: report

Trapped Chinese miners survive on coal, urine diet

Junk sleep 'damaging teen health'

Giant Venetian spins the wheel for changing Macau

computer power consumption

The Tech Lab: Vint Cerf about the internet

Woman sets fire to ex-husband's penis

A hidden world of money transfers

WHO warns of global epidemic risk

Britain enjoying 'digital boom'

Cold virus may spur weight gain: study

Monster attack steals user data

Flash Player 9 Gets H.264 Support

Virgin olive oil may help keep blood clot-free

Voyager Spacecraft Celebrate 30th Anniversary

Time Travel Machine Outlined

Nike compensated over China fakes

Skype issues apology for 'outage'

Pet camel kills Australian woman

Artificial life likely in 3 to 10 years

Re:Makes sense to me, AC. Vista users are unhappy.

Arctic sea ice expected to hit record low

Heavy losses sweep world markets

Craving for junk food 'inherited'

Europe's youth take complex view of US

how hdds die

Body fat 'weighs up love choices'

Feminine guys better for long-term love: study

Coffee may slow memory declines in women: study

Ghana aims to avoid the 'oil curse'

Scientists reveal secret of levitation

The Fermi Paradox is Back

Fatter Australians cause hazard for mortuaries

Woman kept dead husband by bed for a year

But Mom! The other 61-year-olds get an allowance!

EU cheered by mobile tariff cuts

Smarter Teens Have Less Sex

Bayes' theorem

The Porn Myth

Gazprom to cut Belarus supplies

Researchers list 237 reasons for sex

Exercise, caffeine fight skin cancer

BBC : Enhanced video for global users

Can't understand software company logic

Colombia admits high-level military corruption

Cannabis harm worse than tobacco

Mystery money in Japan appears in mailboxes, falls from sky

Steve Jobs reality distortion field

Actress McKellar: Smarts, looks add up

stock market down

Cannabis 'raises psychosis risk'

Oregonian Selected 2007 Playmate Of The Year

Phone mast allergy 'in the mind'

"Polar madness" grips many people working at poles

Mac and iPhone sales boost Apple

Fitness means less belly fat at any weight

Europe battles weather extremes

Insider Info on the First Fully Open-Source Cell Phone

1 in 4 NYC adults have elevated mercury

No safe haven: Diet sodas linked with health risks

Italy tries to curb murderous driving habits

Why are flash hard drives so expensive???

Iran to launch new dress code crackdown

Danish army evacuates 200 Iraqis

Mob hit that inspired 'Casino' recounted

Billionaire accused of building hidden sex and drugs den

mad rush for new linux ?

Losing the taste for China's delicacies

Potter publisher sues over breach

Explosion rocks central New York

Tiny tax bill gives couple big trouble

China limits teenage Internet gaming

Vitamin C 'does not stop colds'

Brazilian plane crash 'kills 200'

Wealth gap 'widest in 40 years'

Fructose As Culprit In the Obesity Epidemic (USA)

sugar in food


Boy, 6, found hanged in bedroom

U.S. no longer tallest country in world

hddvd format - difference between 1080i and 1080p

Ford can still fit into Indy's trousers

Japan's old-fashioned campaigning

Mobile phones 'dumbing down brain power'

Tea 'healthier' drink than water

UK girls in Ghana drugs arrests

China executes ex-food, drug chief

Crackdown on officials with mistresses

Women drawn to men with muscles

High Dutch driver spurs police chase in cornfield

British police on high alert after finding bombs

From banks to crime, mobile revolution hits Africa

child pornography - pirate bay

Virtually Addicted

Userfriendliness (Windows is not)

child pornography

China overtakes U.S. as top CO2 emitter

Stray bullets rain down on violent Rio

Spoonful of cinnamon helps blood sugar stay down

Crowd kills man after car hits child

Why Microsoft Fears Virtualisation

Red Hat Says No to Microsoft 'Innovation Tax'

NYC poor to get cash for good behavior

Police smash global pedophile ring

Woman jailed for testicle attack


Swedes revolt against online snooping

Toddler served margarita in a sippy cup

Tainted foods are daily problem in Asia

Polygamist community faces rare genetic disorder

Re:A lot of good "Linux" IDEs exist

Apology over 'drunk' Sarkozy clip

Brothers killed in separate accidents

Paris Hilton is sent back to jail

Study: Vitamin D reduces cancer risk

New sex-related infection passes gonorrhea


RIAA inconvenient truth #1

Wrong answer. What's the real reason? copyright

Internet is Part of a Tripod of Information

Censorship 'changes face of net'

Apple: How Big Will the iPhone Become?

Just add water - students invent alcohol powder

Girl found in hidden room; 3 arrested

Fate of 'real Camembert' in doubt as producers cite health risks

Bid to ban fast cars from Europe

Europe diary: MEPs and motors

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce blood pressure: study

Wind to make 20 percent of power by 2030: advocates

Flaxseed, ginseng show benefit in cancer treatment

Himalayan glaciers could be gone in 50 years, experts warn

Pakistanis executed for adultery

Re:how to learn git?

TV helicopter camera catches man with mistress

Bank sells house complete with owner's corpse

Tiny sex images on Google get okay from court

LEDs Emerge to Fight Fluorescents

Scientist: Don't Trust Sunscreen

Women Don t Click With Internet Videos

Despite success, Wikipedia still battling misinformation

Riches await as Earth's icy north melts

When Bill met Steve...

British jazz singer Victoria Hart,

Women warned on iron 'overdose'

$1M gold tub stolen from hotel in Japan

Techie Upstart Taking on Stock Markets

Update: Google mobile phone in the works?

Climate change pushes diseases north: expert

Want a better memory? Stop and smell the roses

Re:sanctions are inevitable

U.S. history enjoys a renaissance

Russians face up to prosperous reality

Outcry over TV kidney competition

Round worm in fish

Death penalty for China official

Vancouver is 'best place to live'

Re:The shipbreaking essay is pretty sweet too

French workers biggest whiners, Irish happiest: study

Sarkozy soap opera grips Paris

Japan boy 'severs mother's head'

Music piracy crackdown nets college kids

Nudists try to attract younger following

Oral sex linked to throat cancer

Hilton backs online pardon appeal

Saying "I'm sorry" fails to soothe public anger

The Top 25 Web Hoaxes and Pranks

Yeah, good luck with that. Seriously. I have nothing against Linux but the

When teenage partygoers go bad

The Spreading Grass-Roots Threat to Microsoft

That's the point of the "terrorist attack" code. Terrorists use it to create

I never said 100mph was safe or reasonable... but there are many, many places

Microsoft runs that show

The World's Longest Tunnel

Sex theme park to open in London

Russia the most dangerous place to fly in 2006: IATA

"There are not many guns made in Japan. The tighter the control is, the higher

Web love quest man loses ?16,000

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

Study adds data that vegetables reduce cancer risk

Re:Another day in the world of near-monoculture.

"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt

Belgium's rubbish solution

Many dieters 'finish up heavier'

Re:Bah! Python

Bah! Python

Re:Slashdot to Dvorak: Stop the Apple Trolling!

Re:They Will Be Fine

Assuming you are Christian, didn't God say to dominate nature for our own

Bed sharing 'drains men's brains'

Google isn't a search/data organization company. They are an advertising

Sex slavery widespread in England 19/03/2007

Bill Gates pushes for better schools

Man burns genitals in 'Jackass' stunt

Companies will go to great lengths to price discriminate (i.e. sell to

German rules force man to urinate in bottle in exam

Internet slimming pills warning

Low-fat dairy infertility warning

Prince Charles says ban McDonald's food

Antioxidants don't help you live longer

Court won't review 200-year child porn sentence

Constant data stream

"Remain on Earth" and "become extinct" are not distinct choices. As Heinlein

When pregnant mom eats fish, kids do better: study

For teen daters, a cellphone can be an abusive leash

Transmissions from the UNIX Alliance...(Score:5, Funny)

Michael Dell Returns to CEO Role at Dell

Wife convicted of poisoning Marine

It only just now launched??

Australian sells own life on Internet

Russian casinos ordered out of town

Father kills daughter; doubted virginity

Tiny London apartment on sale for $335K

Man survives fall from 17th floor

Solar power eliminates utility bills in U.S. home

Re:a Rose by any other name is still full of crap

Majority of US women living without spouse

Russia starts tough new migration rules

Robo-builder threatens the brickie

Re:A screen grab?

People who argue about numbers or bullet points are probably unaware of the

How Apple kept its iPhone secrets

My Aged Mum, who was then 80 years of age, lived in an apartment residence for

True, but the corporations still win...

"The popular video sharing site YouTube is now blocked in Brazil due to a local

Just Cancel the @#%$* Account!

How Women Pick Mates vs. Flings

Parisian neighbours meet online

Here's what I need from you........ - 28

By far the largest problem we will face if and when artificial life forms reach

N. Korea escalates 'cult of Kim' to counter West's influence

All Jimbo's horses and all Jimbo's men...

Because you need to have a life to get social networking sites.

Man saved from garbage truck after call

Pat Robertson predicts 'mass killing'

Stor del av sexhandeln sker i l?genheter

Prostitution p? gatan ?kar

Dutch brothels take city to court

There's a huge difference between a credit card and a debit card.

Brazil transfixed by 4th anorexia death

Re:Pump & dump for PHYA

I can't forget one thing: I was in a very small village in Senegal, just huts.

It's a trap!

Wall Street bonuses flood NYC's economy

>> Everyone would use Linux if you could install it from inside Windows.

ZFS is a 128-bit file system

'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

India has killed 10 mln girls in 20 years - Renuka Chowdhury

My addiction story:

Right. And my father is a viola addict.

"We should demystify the term addiction"

I actually took the time to translate an article

Perhaps addiction

Re:Bad behavior = disease... why not??

Climate change threatens Alpine resorts

> Um, just to clarify things, people who hunt are sadists.

Re:I can only say...

Euro jackpot lost in player error

An atom walks into a police station and says "One of my electrons has been

wrong (form)



Man on trial for putting baby in freezer

Rape case roils Saudi legal system

Re:Why upgrade? (windows)

Old hands at the wheel

Cop Arrested for Prostitute Strip Search