💾 Archived View for xandra.cities.yesterweb.org › library.gmi captured on 2022-03-01 at 15:09:10. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content

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a collection of reads, whether written by the communities inhabited there or by a singular person, that i hope you will enjoy:

an ode to the small internet

phrack magazine

cosmic voyage, a collaborative sci-fi writing project

cyberpunks in space

lunar park, 'an intergalactic amusement park drifting in circumlunar.space'

midnight.pub, a virtual pub

nightfall city, a collection of citizens' gemlogs

park city, an internet community

sensor station, a collection of educational readings about computing, agriculture, and more

smolZINE, a gemzine about gemini

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here is my collection of interesting capsules around the yesterweb community:

auzziejay, creator of yesterweb radio




grafo, proprietor of the yesterweb cafe



neonriser, creator of nett the mascot

owocean, creator of yestercities

roly, a prodigy


sadness, who began the yesterweb community



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interesting tools, services, and games around the geminisphere:

amphipod gemini crawler

gemdrive, turn-by-turn directions

geminispace.info search engine

gredig, a communal language-learning exercise

medusae.space gemini directory

oracle, questions and answers by strangers

spellbinding, a word puzzle

station, social microblogging

the vault, a wikipedia proxy

wordtunneler, a crypto-word puzzle

wordo, wordle on gemini

yestercities, a free capsule host

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the LEO orbit is the gemini version of a webring:




learn more about LEO

back to the cafe counter