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OCTOBER, 1985 

L lĀ« me iu:n,.il|ill.ii. 12 :'|| l'n> ji.{Mlr uNirwnhipr vwr: VbWMkl KOhlC M 2 :W llmc-rpiim. lit. 'Write kx 3 AK>, PjO BmTSJ. Miiille ItUinl. VY IWS]-(I?SS f>*> J !*.ā€¢> l,W% 

wus: 31 i-'wwi . i :-i ohojiii . wait in rso. h.-'. >r Mas* i-iir.i my \ i,-* MivcriiHoc jam ord pns-k- -.J'itjuh' -, 


3sy Siluiil Swi k'liniii n 

a friend and ] goa together one day and vrafwitJ^teiSvoe if 

we can nsa xopie money trying, no help out various 
eotnmunoiiions companies by finding faults in iJtings where, 
they arc losing money." It in sort of like nothing links in an 
automobile Lire to keep Lhe air from escaping. 1 am sure t'aat 
some of the iciu'Ili s out ilium:: luve had said to them selves, ""Gee, 
book at th is. 1 f i his. phone company only knew that you could 
take advantage of t kei r system that way, 1 bit that 1 cOu Id try to 
make a lillle money and help them otn and ihey tan help me 
out. " it is a thought 1 but a phone phreuk often has lo tel!; the 
big company the fla'.^v in ils systems and to be rewarded a 
symbiotic: relationship. 

5 n one of the new d igiia I switch ing systems, we found some 
vc i y good wa Vs wIil-iv you can make long d istanct c .1 Ils for free 
from any telephone rotary or louchtnnc. Wlten contacting 
one of- ti.i, e n>fijor manufacturers, they said, ā€œWe will test^Lhis 
out, and iflt Worlhunylbing, we will let you kftow, T had also 
1 old 1 his company several ol her lJiin.es before , and 1 hey kid said 
Lo me then , ā€œWe will kt this be a free sample to prove yourself to 
us." So 1 .gave them two very jsood free samples as to problems 
in (heir system, melud ing the name of une system saboteur who 
wjs going around dcsit dying systems (switching systems, that 

is). Tikis Was 10 he a sample as lO whaL I was going Lil do for 

Then when [ found i his m Ivcr tiling where any and eve r v hotly 
i u i he Us A edukt ma Ve a free call on tt GTDflj digital s wiieh Y 
3 didn't come right cad and fell them exactly whal it was, l said, 

" I f you pay me a smidl consultant Is fee of fStKl. I con Id save you 
w:vn;ral hundred thousand dollars a month, They were nut 
iru creator); they wanted me to tali them first tod ii started a big 

this friend; ui mine emit acted a very large long distance 
ā– L'arrierfwith an a 11 America n name) and told them of problems 
with their long distance company. They promised him a 

an interesting diversion 

by land Phrcakcr 

A diver ter is a fumi of cull forward ing l he phone phreafc 
calls tlve euStcntierk office phone number after hours, and the 
Call is ā€˜diverted' to the customerā€™s home. This sort of service Li- 
set up so the phone subscriber dees not miss any important 
calls, Hut why would a phrenic he interested? Well, often 
diviner- fca w u few second s ol 1 he customer's own 'dial tone as 
the customer hangs up. Thu intrepid phreak dm use this bnet 
window to dial out oa die ealkd partyā€™s dial bunt, and, 
unfortunately, it will appear on the diverter subscribers bill. 

How Diverters Arc Used 

tine merely calls the customerā€™s oliice phone numhci after 
hours and waits for him oi her to answer. Then lie either 
apologizes for ā€™misd ialiug a wrong number' Or merely remains 
quiet sn as to halve the customer think it's merely a crank phone 
call. When the costumer bangs up, he just waits for the few 


consultant fee of SilkDOO, wh ieh may sound pretty lid ly . hat 
would have paid for itself in a short period of tiiivc. They solved 
many nf the problems in the ir network, and when it final ly oa me 
down Lo iJay 1 lie bill (my friend liad act na I ly spe ai i Line a rn I 
money), tbc long distance carrier said "We do not fed wc ow i 
you anything. Bui you can give us information about our 
ā€¢system any t ime you want to. The big long d istanee phone 
company with lhe American-sounding name said LliaL one 
reason that they were not going to pay the individual is because 
i hey had been screwed by it phone pbreii k. in i he jrast who was. 
piiissng around the information , creating 1 he prob km and 1 ken 
trying lo make money on it, My them! who simply tried to 
make some money esm" nut iny did not have 1 hat in mind. The 
company liad originally said that they "pay for information 
that is used to stop problems wi lIiLh mu- system, " He: reminded 
them of this comment, and tlicy since liavc denied it. Sn this 
ver y laigg company Iws now reneged oji a Verbal conn ag: and 
i hgy have rmule no ittlcmpt iv reiihbura; him for his expend. 

bfy esponrnces with various companies have leJ me to 
brlieve 1 hat there is no real way for someone like me to provide 
uspert advice. So here 1 am, holding a seurel to Lhe GTDffS 
swiieh. where people vim rrvi.ke free calls. I would estimate thilL 
the cast to tire company would be from S IfW.iXW to S 1 25 ,000 
I o r month, and it is increasing as ninre and more people take 
advantage of iliis bug. The GTDm 5 (General T ek phone Digital) 
is made by Automatic F.leetric. 

So, basically, i ho moral of this story Ls; Do not trust a 
company that you a re ever jtoiti? to d o business with, vvhetber it 
is a telephone company ora bi|s corporation. Do not onlL up an 
L-ngiu<jeT dr a u president of a company or somebody in 
tclephoise securi ty, and do not be lieve is wjlsn they lu'il yosi shai 
tbey will pay for services rendered. If tlicy ever make ynu a 
promise, get it in writing, ticenuse they u'rj'f cheat yon. 

(A ; the request of t fie author, the flaw in the CTDtt . 5 sivrreA wh'i 
no! j>; primed in this Issue, inn in next monift 's issue,) 

seconds nf dial tone amt tltun dials away, fhis would not be 
used as a primary meaiLS nf calling, as i i is il kind a nd us multiple 
'wrong, nuniLiers'^ii lerirf to suspicion . pko thi-i- method UE-uaLly 
only works at night m after office hours. Diverters are mainly 
used fnr enSIs that cannot be made from extenders. 

I nternat iunal calling yr i hu ca Iā€™ing; of Alliance 1 ekcontercnci ng 
(see 2d iW, May lbg5) are common possibilities. Another thing 
co remember Is tliot tracing re-sults i-i the customer^ phone 
number, so one ran call up TRW or that DOD NOR AD 
eompulci' niLinber wilh less concern about Iseing tiaetgl. 

Some technical, problems nroe when using divciteo,, so u 
word nf wnming is in order Many alternate long distance 
wirv ices hang up when the c;i lied party ha ngs u p, Leav ing due 
wit bout a dial tone oreven back at the extender^ dis 1 1 0Pe. I h is 
rea lly -Ju corals on how the extender interfaces wi i h iJiy '.octil 
phone network when it comes out od' the Long haul lines. MCI 

(continued on page 2-"E>) 

more info on VMS 

J>t I.Ck t.UUhpr ILTKl Thrl,^Pā€™L*|-ljri>Wni, , 'H><rllljri 

fflifi r, ilu sreeuirf mslutinrent Ā«f nn frrtfiydfr gk/aV w> i ht H.M.Y i^wi oi.Ysr 

1 1 ā– iiiv,'! iLj i 1 >ā– : ,'li yi'- 1 1 1 M'r' j&, r tt I rf I P"A?.\ I 1 L-J I/, 1 . 1 1/T' I : j-.s-' ! i/j ini'; ā– l l . , . r . 1 r , ii .'. r . j 

Privik^Et> fult imu xnn cak:j)s.ii kt uctcud ā– ā– ā– ;; i-o ihe dppwgC ill* i llip user 
possessing lhccn cuuU curse the system 
Sex* Ni > pdillejM 

Si ifriul M hdiinuia priĀ«lepĀ« do rl1r( livrh use- the system 

f I r. r. ip lhdmlisl h> biili-i'lci i- wllti timbers Of the ā– ain(- Ā£ Dfi'Ufl 

Drrpur l L , iln.liil lOdtVPUr im':i> mIIl jl iyEtiTn Or Id C TĀ«p U T l OS 

H-iutiOi h"u1 1 'T'ii I a I to Hderfere piih niimi*l tywlcui a pen Ben 

!ā€¢ ih WdcHtlil lo c iimprmYme Lie iriff 
All Podnalial to turulrol Itw system (he4n) 

Ttn UAF 

"Rw L scr AuDhutiEJDinn. I^ilc ā„¢nlaimf Itu 1 nam wuf uĀ«rs whu mu> kyi; into line* 
s y si li Vi Drill j ho Loniuirj- j record or I ho uscrY prrviiejses. Each rcecird in lit; 
i. Al- liKludes ike feStcaaing.: 

I huI Howard 

?, I IxCr ktrnl.il ā–ŗ.oiion'i I. ihIi; |Li'Kj jdrui .hasp nvji i i y .'i ii. 1 1 1 1 : nunL r Li ill'll rĀ« 
MA'IrttHT 111111*1 Ik"' 

I 1 1 i; 1 1 H |- 1 Ii.-. l! 1 1 -| tips L 1 1 : I.*/. I :i 1 1 1 1':' 1 . 1 LV Mini L'l I ill' E i'i I y 1 1 ill i'll r J l * 'i I' I le 

:'| i IT' ā– > 

A Login yom.iTmiHl file Names a miannmid procedure ro he c-KeriUcd 
ii u c-nm a i really nr Inpin une. 

ft. I.egir fines Allow* ihe rovnc dutu^dt to in'iihil the us-: of 1.1 k CTRL -1' 
lure non. one Inrk or pns-nvprJs. 

(ā–  Psionrky S pec ā–  i i Ihe- base pcionev ahhe prKo^crchkd by the user-el loyjn 


. 1 . V.iz-t.tMC'i I /Jjiily lIm sy.sietn ie<.iur:Ā» the 'Mr may perform. 

ā–  Vuvilrgys. LimiiSn'eiivitKs Ihe user may [Kifonrir. 

Ii yiiii hv.e klYH 1 f M MAINAFjF.K privileges. yo u will be a We [d a ii il , -.1 e- le Le , 
i ill MWHlif y. rwonS-; mi he PAS . IheAl.'f IfOM l/.f. milii v j.llm*\vou to modify 
i it: inform* inxi in :lie Li A f 1 1 ii uru.i! > fennd in the |^i YS-LX t] iireneiy. T5 h 
l o. m m i ikI ā– . foe At 1 1 LOk 1/ f .ire: 

ADD uMrnjfflc ro'uu'jfirr.. I Adds u i ri.-urd lo ihr U Al*' 

L'XIT (or CTIt I 7.'; RcIuiivl >ot; lit Lommand tLAiil 

ElD.r I .iĀ«in liw ,\UTI IOH1IC commands 

L.EST [uhtipoc] | RJ1.L] CT rcj.ro a IkLine lile uf UAT Asuids 

MODIFY Modifpn j reenrd 

JrLL.MtJV f, uwrrum! I Klc.ri a rotvird 

Si Li.j'iV fji ifiljv. '. Af recorc.-. 

! he nv.nl cij-kii roinle*; ADI J ih the StlDWe eiiiTemin..1. SILUH' dkplavv 
jepntb for selceied t Al ' reenrdr. V iiu oin oet j l!k l G.F liri ,np or a .* fUl.l. 
l.-niiivj. Hut ā€™aefori: yojtdn llvic. ytra e.*kiv uant cn make rure no ore nā€™o/ii!il cn 
Teiiile*; voa. Aud ^e make h'ire ik> one can lap on: S S-fT I.OCIh'S 

This-fjtotblinhts Ihe masimtifn ntymbtr pf usrhi ahlr L-tf kip ncn Ilu.' (jpilrm 
, .liisonii"Tw r >; dt't'- ink riftsl uhorh tin rv:ut ly lanetd om.This o ink i-nilly intdcd 
ā– jrpj. kmkv *. rrv 'uipit'kiui. S' u. n.i Iiu onl tlk owrlilp tin.* lolli.ni.-.n/.* 

SSliT ODFAfll.T lSYSO tit 

I .\Ff hi lOWr * :'BP I LI 

Ovrkr rwmnmt t'lC \oteuni T'm-vP'Tllwf'iiAl ninjriorr 

hVsMAS'A<:i:itAASl]>1 IMuOkH SV&IftM All 4 SVPSSY?iltCH>l > 
TlKr.D S>:KVK EFI FI ,D | Ā«H J) l*| lHKl.n All *1 SVSm\SltfHlT. 
Tojh.l j fi.i "I ror- a I if vo ā–  1 1 tihfd- 1 V SIT Dill* AL- LT LStiifimfid wrVi Hud Ok 

dt-funlL lIm Ii.' Inn l ix I ii.y S VSfc'XI ' j il mlx 1 .11 y, In -11 yii j iLli 1 1 "l I'.i', t DO |1 i'l'fā€™L il. ! 
IKI y Al ' E IfOHEAt: (at Uynu U.H line ihe I ' -'lI i piiniip.1 J: 
l* Al : I SI lOtv ā€˜ | i. n 

Lkrei laniie: S^ S I kā€™.l tinner S*VSI>.M ilASAil flH 

AlWiUIu: SVS I KM 1 It : |tfkl jUll) 

1 L.l : ItU. I Jl.lt Alii: 

ISf:ii..l Iā€™ll**- er. SVSSKllClf: 
lirfuiali IKnemro. | hYSMCK | 

I xip.ii SUfj 

I'miidi h ila js. Mom i Ul- Vl ed ]hu I- i'i 

Scermdary dio-: Sal Sun 
So hnurly reitiklioen 


ā– 1 B^TLAl: 




PH i l M 

1 Q Tn^TT.M 

3H0I M: 



K \^.S1>KK-U"I 1: 

1 !M] 

1 11 9 M: 


1 M; 

M \V.K<J? (STA: 


Sir!-! HI 1 A3. 





rw limit 




r(?FLOt : OTA: 



CMKKSL. t Sll Ai.-t Si-SSAM (.HI' SAM Al. I .SITU 1 1. DKIAt.JI 
ā– t t.T PH I SKT PB V I ^3 PM H S M t>n 1 .1 3 OP IK >. A til IOTA Si ST.WftX 
i OlPHO PFIi lti lU'Ct llhi PltMflHS. .Siā€™SOfi]. MOl'h'T PITSMaP 
htlMl'AI sVsPRY M'hfl.k i . 

IJn'i.k i ai| :r:V. yen Linnet rei j lirting.ed'posswKindt, hu: yau cariBel iIil* lin o-f 
1 1 lj : ii. : h !ā– . xS. i lm ' iilvise. [ he pawavardr arc erioAyded. jure like a L'MX sjilem. Sul 
ytki CkTiIkn ywit xee rhe cnerbfwed jsiwwiard unlĀ«s ynu Look al thr ut luul fik 
thal t Ik L ' A I* diyvwi dx ā€¢ .Ic* mai .om I* rv.ā€™i. 

Alter libtini! nut all tltfiiif r t. ymj flfiiir-eiltm since nil elicsa ischrir jycp-c are mb 
Ikk. why can't 5 hats my uwiuu.vtwrf 1 Well. Ii p.i|i luiw tulHtseiii pi av.. ycu. 

II Ab-'fAlili SVSl.rtf; ,'PaSSWOBD LT-flJON V EC ā–  [0 1 4.O0&] 

( PI 1 1 IM K=ll fjfiv lf:i : ASVSifi VSfcOOT 

-,i Arc<ii'M=vus p t ft. EOT f>n v=[ s v s r r. . r- rt i v s. all 

ā– *(>WS l*.H=l HTjlll Al.,. AflAOfOt; NTINt'i 

1| "pi *m ADD the .iva r.'ni'.e S-YSL.(Xi (you dimnL warn lo ornate a uwr like 
I iji'db it will Ik coo ohvbus J rel ant Look rked. I Aivr had mu Oh suctsss in 
cm IxcCp. dmrmeil f.iii lhir .CLSCim 

Tou. specify rhp [Msswond fur ihe IvYSI OC account. 
t| tijij ivolyn a ti It': (t 'ssr Id-eiLriFioalion C.vde'1 *hieli eonsislh uf tuu* nuiivzsr; 
m ihe iHii-yi*: cifu chnnig.li ffj,sejuuihmd hya eormmn andenelnsed im brackets. 

I Iic*>lxIl*im axiipji*. ii I !1(.** ina tkuetifd fn ncerAOi ccilsI fnr i te user js Lo^jmiine. 

I! J.J r pi iht ā– : i' L p i-*:-: |_vn this IJ If 1 1.:- AIM,' il I h j 1 1 ā– :>: l :jj; . alii*. .'I I'Ll h' L ili'ij ivi i L'^J 1 1 

furlher ?.s<u;:i LfLCi to Fiks kteilbOKCS. device!. CIC iimcim assign rhf Kiine' 

L fliC to niurr than I irjh'r. 

n! CIU.TIM t iv m 'Jolla 'f(H a ip i ,fi nieii'ri IS H M I R, which is whn we will tits, 
'll Ypn kjosiry i he I ir- V l( K chai isAllncacĀ«f 10 live oxei when Mies' liiyin , wfich 
for pitr p'jrfnses, is ihe SYS^SYA-FttlOT device, other diviecs jrr: 
SrsAliRVLt f.. SYS4SVSDRX, Drsl.ele. 

ill Specifying an Koofunl is nal necessary. buLifycrado.uevconcIhal iv listed us 
aiieelicr'iiser x, since ypn doat want toallraci ton nvjcli .klpnlimilolhcaccotinl 
?! I1>e dr'jnli direetpry een be a ditBcloiy currently <yn Ihe i^slcm or it can be 
sTftiWd nil i'i ihe UAH i eepi'1 is added You rnav want lo use on: of che onK- 
ikni'iciiCd sai -ā– . I' On, lm I.h" xiLm pm in use die [SYSMtiK-. d irecie'r'.' 
ki Ywscssn lcScs-' fPPCdfllijC privileges Ikied earlier WeuMliise-.ofonurie.Al ! 

9l yyst'SKp: ij hi mil mi ra i.h.- ACt'DL. :i fqiuilifier; again. JAakarwhoLltKcehEr 

iH.'rv hate hSIi'il. 

Ii>l SOA(.tX3IIS I IN(i will dssable syxipna acrc'jnFatjt mccals, liras mu 
adding infomaasinn to Ihe Af COUhTINC.DAT file 
Afiertheli Af- rocard is s*jcce*iuliy acjd-rU, yuu should croak* u dirrcloTy hv 
S|teeifyii^, ilia devee pjoh. direelccy name, and UKā€™ of she UA1*' record. 
Vi ouvrion enr i'ne Snrdiaary J uKrihiKsmillv. Read. Wr'rHr, EBtnrir.and L'klclc 
p ree si far stueik. owaei'. aad Jkrojp processes, and rr j.J and rxecuse -njerv-s for 
w.i i f_S pKKVsi-A. In y real cl dire; can- St" hi I A I Ii SVsSsYSItOti If St'sUXi] 
nntiAi t Jitv ,ā– ( yw s i it-t. is ={;i"i4,iki:.j. 


Hof atvO.urdini; pcrpi,'rj;i. ilia VAX ā–  \ Mh system keeps rotondx of she me id 
thr hvbtciii lYssJur-Cto. i Iksc A'-WPls am kfjp in live aceojaL.kt: fag file: 
SYSSiĀ»y!Ā»L>iSK I SYSMf iK| At \ X 31 IN l INtJ.DA L . which a. tipdistd cuh 
time mm peetHtmahle |StboeĀ« cefmiufltes. each i j'i>: j p.ir- |:<h is romp I rad. and 
rath ivi>:- i kigm failnr: occurs, la jrtdilictn, users can send rrsikiycv tti he 
ii'der.ett inis she aecriiiiking loe file. 

I n suppi essllie nronuntingfunclLom and shco ivoid ULtiJunliiiB tur the uve of 
stsiem r e-ora roes ree^'jires privilege. If he ā– NOACCOUNTIMj cji'i lilā€™i.r is Mv.iJ- 
lo d rfilde sjt pc^piiiiring in z cfealod process. 

Ysin nest shiii i l.i Ā»et how rkien rha^eecrunc yau in uvhg nr anothef account 
lugs m. Yon h'j'im do Elm hy:$ACCtil:NTIN(j USIiK:(SY&LjOC). 

Iliii"rm I v|K hiKipr tHrmiiiE ID VfNicr Slalui 

n.j.Yi-1'is Ufjt:w ā„¢iM tSfUNTKftAf'HVtJiYMXlG MetWCSTSONK rOMt'a; 
IMP H-IUXS CkdiLitc nd'jf KkifiTritAfTIVT. PYklJfiC ā– Ā»Ā»Ā»ā– !Ā» SON K (ā– W.telip 

m-haV-lwis iEsĀ«ud raOt C54IATER ACTIVE bYbUOt: ā€˜>XrĀ»M J AfiML* aaawm 

This is the accounting infuinniiOii Ini "'r RYRI T>rt uhteh slnsws 1 1 u ā–  l 
thr river bus. V.jxm.H I.ifi ihetC- rnpos -.'.i lap M I:-. i i- mesx rruy re mi tnind ro.1s id 
l.i miss, shut, d would In.' pn idea I peepuiv: 10 user piaixe x.o.e it p-ill non hr likely 
dial tlk uridutlM.irir.iiJ atvovj>. will I* deioctod. 

t.iipplnf tier 

S-imply l>ps LOGOU T I lit iyitCiil will i.hs^l''* 't ijttLPl [.'IN ā–  rnpe <rAl 
and oilier slalisLies. 

STnilCiiii: D(kā„¢ ilk KjikEm 

M j nv files I have mid toll yen him Itdfsirpy a system Abut if drrwii eic, I do 
nut rrcomifitikl ror prai'i stm 'iy ii pi' rd mpheipiis ne livicy L do reah/e, Lhpug.li. 
Iā€™-xis ā–  ii ilx- piiXt^s. rd j; lining Pti'x'sxioii syktecn, Ehe Ltaeker nr SyaiexP CmekcT. 
'StYpihe.-veryoj prefer, gyss hoard or Yarns a niuchas he Ā«xnlv to Itssm ubo.il (lie 
ttMe".p. I will cxplnin 110 wio sir ill duwn Lht syaterti cur rosTy. Tbrscan bs* used in 
ensr you Ih.nk ynu screwed Lae syslcm aid shuElTtcdsia-i -nti y'uc Uk cnilyisay LO 
jO'jd considerable dami^e. 

1 I t- pprrnnl repsnns far ithufting dnwn thr system am: -daugcc uf pcnvrr leer, 
need io 'hst'kup the syxiern d s'r , hard-tarr or xofLiiare proakms.. or eii usr :lk 
syrjsrn*. lor -a sptcilic applxni kjp. Ilelaw is she rmnmand i>rocrd jre whi:t. 
drSi-Tihrs howtu shut doa-b tlh' 'syrtcrit Ik a a iiitY.'ly lasliioa. I btt jvn"crdt_re a. 
contiincd ir u Lomniand File. 

. i i.' 1 1 iv.i'.i.' il i tv flux a J A' ) 

Computer Elections Examined 

I tv \r* VhK Rnh 

A branch o: the NaLitmuU Sectirily Agency (NSA> iy 
investigating whether u computer program that counted more 
than one-third of alt (he volescuit in the United States in INMiy 
Vulnerable to fraud uki i ; ma nlpuLatiOn , 

E'hc /jA's primiple jub is CO Ct>Llc?o I intelligence by 
eavesdropping on I hr electronic communications or (he wmkL 
and tO proftoi the sensitive co m nvu n ic a r Lo n s of the linked 

The iuvesAigatj oh was, initiated under a recent Presidential 
d ireet ivc ordering, (he National Computer Security Center to 
improve Ahc security of major computer systems used by 
ii onrrv.l ituryayjtncitrt, xisfth as the FcdciaiResci'i'e Board and the 
FA.A iind feo such pcivaie purposes as hanking, 

Ttic Computer Security Center was established three years 
ago to improve the security of com pnters with in the military 
services hut was recently given 1 he broader mandate . '] he 
a nnuaS budgets and number oJ employees of the agency a nd the 
center are secret. 

Kepresentat ive L>an 0 lickmii n, chit i rmii n of a Hi >use Science 
and 'E -cciinoJogy subcommittee that has hold hearings on the 
role oi the center. Fend be had "Serious reservations" about a 
Defense Department agency becoming involved in computer 
systems handling sensitive civilian matters like -elections. 

'The computer systems used by Counties to collect and 
process voles has nol hmg to do w i i h mu iorvd security a nd I urn 
really concerned about the National Security Agency 1 '* 
involvement," he said. 

I he ifiTjje! of the center^ i nycsl igutinn ā€¢.% : lie voi c eouni ing 
program of Computer Election System*, (he dominant 
company in Ihe manufacture and sale of computer voting 
apparatus. In L Ā£ J84, the company's program and re La led 
equipment was used in more than 1,000 county a m3 local 
ju riwJictions lo collect and count 344tflil liiOfl of i hi; 0 i ."! mil lion 
ā– -Hji.ii* cast in the U ,S . five center became interested in the 
question of the vulnerability nf tire corhpany's ;:-i i ant, 
because of sepu rate pending Sfiwspits. brought in l rd in no , West 
Virginia, M my land and Florida, which have challenged Lhc 
eleetiOft resulte processed by : 

The institute for likodica I and Electronic 1 ngineers, the 
wortdX largesL engineering society, has slid thal live NSA't 
involvement could lead to a kind of ā€œregulation, restraint and 
monitoring" lhal might cause a "collision wrih constitiuiortal 
principles of individual privacy and freedom of speech " 

Two Inch Thick Bill 

I^L(4 'mpiĀ« Hr-crUr' 

A Columbus businessman sidil he knew lie was in trouble 
when bis long-distance phone bill came in a boa. David Noyes 
opened the box to find a 165-page bill from Vi AX Long 
Distance Service. The total: Si 1 .641 .73. 

"] quickly perceived that it was an impossibility," be said . 

M AX ollicial* said Noyes was sent a letter Lclhng him not to 
pay the bill. A company representative said Noyes" account had 
been flagged "possible computer fraud - ' und tbe bill should noL 
have been sent. 

N oyes, lmvvcvc i , is not one to let material to r a good joke *1 ip 
?way He wen I frontdoor to door in his lkighborhood fisViug, 
for contributions. No onr chipped m. 2 - 

Navy Calls Bial-a-Porn 

1 1 >. I- c TMiL Kconl 

Ttic Navy in San Diego, Slung by purchases of h igfrepriced. 
spa rc parti and a theft ring link ed lo I fun . was in no mood to 
laugli off SJ 12 worth o! phone calls to a ā€œdia l-a-pum" service . 

"ā– Nobody here thinks itā€™s humorous," said Sven Mitchell, a 
spokesman tor North island Navid Air Station. 

ā€œI he minute the phone bill Came in. we jumped on it," be 
said. "We called people in. We talked to Ihdfi. Nobody wanted 
to confess. We- passed (He but , and the hill wm paid-" 

Navy Phone Phtcaks Nabbed 

ā–  L J n I kā€™lht 

Seven sailors have been fined in G rotun. Connecticut and IB 
others have been disciplined for their roles in a long-distance 
telephone seam at the U.S. Naval (submarine Uase, a Navy 
spokeswoman said . 

The sailors fraudulently used telephonic access code* to place 
S58 JOOO worth of calls, sā„¢id 3 .t. Cmdr. Ghcric A . beany, public 
affairs officer. 

The victim of the scam wo* US Telecom, a long-distance 
telephone service based in Dallas, she said, adding mm (He 
sailors had obtained private code numbers belonging lo US 
' I elccom subscriber* 

Phone Booth Captures Man 

hr* J-cncp ! jjr i c-J.i-: i 

State Police repotted that a motorist identified only as 
''anyone but Supermanā€ was stuck in a telephone booth along 
the New .lcrscy Turnpike for half an hour when Ibc door 

The mao called Lhe State Police barracks in Newark and 
informed (hem he was "stuck in a booth and running nut of 
money, " said a trooper who reported to the scene. 

"He was jusd standing there Looking ernhar raised when we 
a r rived .ā€ the trooper said . ā€œ1 d idn't want to bust up the place, so 
[just kicked on tlicdoor for awhile and il opened . It works fine 

The t rooper said the man "appeared to be in a real hurry" and 
left heibre he could Iind out his name. 

Telco Rats On Government 

XV A Wri. I !>J I >. Viftl. 

The office of 1 J .S A Ltoroey Raymond Dcai rc made a 
hnrrcndcHLS blunder in the probe of State Supreme Conn 
Justice William C. Brennan. Whether Brennan is guilty of 
a nytlii ng. or pure as the d riven snow. Dearie X crowd blew their 
act. They exposed their own investigation. 

Dearie's sleuths subpoenaed Brennanā€™s phone i com rix early 
this year, t hev failed i n obtain a simuJcapeous coius'i mxfer 
directing the phone eumpany to keep the subpoena secret, 
which is standard procedure. 

in the absence of 1 hr con rt order, tSibpbone Company b r i'cjm 
had to advise Uranium his records were subpoenaed. Brennan, 
in a masterpiece of undersm tement, observed (Hat when 5i? 
received the notice, ā€œ1 figured they were doing some snn of 
investigation. ,l 

Ttpiir ^(WW; 

W hy nor prot iff. hullatin hoarei disks lw usinu n m,v.l.lVd TOS lllal 
Ntrtrf i a. lik by \OKing iL j gains; L a long pserSdO-rajnlyim n am. her 
gonermed from a seed? | lie lUrojirj hr t-j.iI he XORing '-I agaiuxL Ihe 
Outpul <?f tot psrsido-n n dOill liumtkvr genennerr i|J UtI CISC I lip yatiiL' 
s-ct'iJ.l It itcfi'is sbijn :hf disk vi t'uld be fflā€™pj'jrWf a lid ^uill 


I5Ā«r Is 

hfff 1 ff iij )'<Mi fu'. r thf fetc if. frit rAi; .si im; ti/i ā–  i ,v ritu,AV.S yon iwh' 

tip fimihr ideas thiir ivjo WiVrA ā–  "v a '-rv, i t itā€˜ i i ā–  ā– : iv v ā–  . 

[)ru 2iHM: 

The L-d-ng Distance losager. a phreakcr. j |! J mvselL'. ;i computer 
haekcj . !: ay l' ilhHU'.in'alv [iLiLwctJ svur y er, inld-filiaiiy c maea/me C'i ā–  r 
ci, e pail year anil one lulls. We syuuld Like in share with vuir fcLIow 
nhrpa kCK anil hackers a "Foi t KciuJi " of eon pi.il ā€¢.ā€˜I Acid ā€L'k'pk>.inf 
information yvhich ys usually Jill unlsnached, 

Chi [he ā„¢llegc CiimpUvf s atrosv Americok, famous computer icntcn. 
flit actually a hackcr'S paiadivc \V irh yety minimal irklarisy prpiet[ifl|E 
^dimiisiiiTatLofi programs plated upon hard disk syvierns likeihr mbs 
M yy hich iv used Ln many whOOlv hivaldd near thf hMtlRuarLers of Rig 
Rliw. fl hacker -ran ohm in null}' y a.uuh'jc pn.igT.ims by jus r Copy yug ..ltL 
CHf Ike improiccwd hard disk M.iiyr fay.iLis Uric I her prw^nyj with 
[heir rran anniev. s.C. IKSATTV could mean I hr Knighi ip White 
Salin. and these can he cavily broken initb because Lhe jiLmirisifvioil is- 
[Ou busy worried noun! nuckcry (nnipyriiyg wi!h glories, ai c . and ilicy 
lea ye nnpToieacr! Cain able [rnignsms. like LQ I I S 15.1 upon n hnrd 
ā– Jivk. iM-rwr buftautralvarc stupid and laity. Otherwise rlsey would L* 
doing more wonlky tav'vs Ilian being an M i pushers |i 

And, just as- important, The l op|! Distance y\iy,Lyer ha-s informed 
tnc III. 1 1 yyiih lfie UiCatuptil AT&T, many campilaLy am in rmneirion 
phavevs. heemise rlvt\' are villier thrinpiriii [|>tii OrCSe-iL loni' di Ā£ rnhet 
system in rnā„¢J-mmnp rlvif prey sous sy Mem 

We niiglu alM! add rh*i ea.ihpmty a r;< ctel If m places to kook into 
the ā€˜\T( E*A> rl. sy livr'h ca n illo'.v acti-o ICkonoiputers all oy cs Lite yy Lsrld 
itjmeofa rmiliaa-ry nanne ['alike COrporatLont.amny bases, anil such, , 
eol leee ca,rtlpuĀ»ā„¢ dori'r mind When propir as'c I-Iiiesi ions. A treat liril 
s'^n hr learned herr. 

Keep up I he good work. 0Olhol uy would I kc ifiiJij to 6.-^ me a n issue 
dcaltug wslli I he sehjp flf a tuLIf ilri hOaTd . We yiian tO MĀ£srt une anrl Ā«il| 
it Voices in Lhe Sk t 

Thy 1-Qllg DLsIaikc VtiyupT 
The Kniph-I Ip SMiite iyalin 

Dear Vo^after and Knight: 

71i."'Ik.s /of r.he i'r/rj roi.7tJo.il, 

I +'i ā–  );.? y ā€¢(ā–  ,'i c rj7 j7i i , v rJt.'jra op - > r^ijf jfes .'i.'iir . i : j rj r ft -hi, l&'fvr'fti f k'.L; i ty x 
Hfi$ At id II ā– :ā–  iitn-vlfti . . 1 1 J n .Oj^.hj.r fiiue jo r.o,ā€œ fo'dret r ( i,'' tfi'is am! 

RS faith, ff you ran il) it i ); o , r .t l-v i ;r go o dru ;,i, ā€¢ ,'j iSy.y , rn , ā–  r,, > tyj t two r o , 
Vi /feY.'iwi/ier that tkrtt iw oitJni- cfif/rtrHr ly/iis of cd/uyttU-xx out 
Vic're. urn/ thf re is e ht of different APS so/more i>.i/h tiiffrn'm 
i ir,n ii -. 1 1 Hit e-r. Pe ri i op r p ro d ,k.r of JO) $ p T ; i fx at>: ā€¢. at id xllt if weitfilra rr 
iff SO ivi LoJiā€™r. 

ā– iJ-nvor t tJfr.cc idoioo.yi-, ;.op jAclo^V 0?if.T that thf . f ft xt fiuvtl 
rfaffj to Jnt'+'t ti/i- ā€¢ā– fn- ftj'mputfff if tQS n Ou vf.h to i-xfil into. 
Jiojoj'rioies 'ā–  oil 1 1 no iv.'V one tiftin >T stftW ftiiinitftfx.f fin tt umr yt thf 
ā€¢' o.'iJpi.'y sotophlt.Tx foriittif.t. h u, +". t'O frefy/al, defifrrdft [if tipstit thf 
o r r i 1 1 :_ if of i fte / fftisa! tutxr gill df > o fit t iift. i r tfoa re.'ju itrfii y.i fit f - 1 tt i re 

JI.M-A'Cr fit j|, i'lTJ-'o.l. 

I't'ir should ttJttti tatty tr.-pt tt\ llio.yr refs PC t\ ,nt xtieulit/tutf, vnorttn 
fin d a r.i n i e to ing i ā–  y ft ?fsi o v p , , lV , f o 1 1 i 7. \ t hf f , vi 1 1 tty i yx ā– . tgxott rjy 
'ā€¢ftt o', of .die la ico t op r pxoymoi i i,'.re i.T/j.-eH /:ā€¢ i i'uo t - ffjk mu i turn 

i{t(>ikt'. )tkti fti tli fir , ,.co/i|j|'eet. 

a nor.'iee u.,., ,.wi^ oil fpinptt o-i ,,,ā€¢<ā– ā–  ntthputt-x urtv yy. 'o.ot W didir. 
Oftfti .'.''e-.e f.ri titfxx arf yytrx} th i i'Ouoi:i on j.'ie i oiffyy i ^irpdi'i r. 

1 ' 7- "ā€¢! i 'ā–  hu t i J.V of rJ'iev ton s |V l h i j d hf : tt i,v, i ā–  ti.f , t\ tbs urf 
l> ftmhQS ! r i ! It i jVj.oW i y i ā–  y ,ej o tt ; o.iyvjg f r .t o r yx off. r.y riff who tiff htok iVi.l; 

fit r J | e i Ā«. i m.i f.L-j 1 . 

fin follfgf r ore t.uyji' r'l'ivei-' to ittoi, oroo.otJ 1 , A/y (to if artfike an 
vf/iic buif.ifti<r. tfu m./.n'i- fit thf ā€¢ni.'j'egey arf tdififh not J here re; onvJ.i- 
t oloi f y ; ri.f r j -ort re i i'u,' i ā–  r. 

Here's me for i |'e iWs i rod ing livi a nd ii \ rĀ«.ilily as,ai lable Rad'-O 
Shnek's InitaliiKx Yow Ov. o j : A ā– ' i .ā– ā– ā– ' : i . Prcmiw-Hall. I'A:T 
ri: Ifkye poyl d iy esvil u re dayy. Ibe hrltos nn? making a killing al our 
tk pehsc with inytallnlions. Don': letlhemdtvitā€™ Haw'.' With l Ilia hook 


lisa prenLor ly il hivlrukyl gnyde for ilkSLJtHilkg ^dlmirs uial _y,v Carries cu 
addiog estfiwiy'fls on ymir vi,le yyf dye firVUtvlor lemyiictl V1,^| 
cy cryi Ii in_e you COCld eanl hy know fsir onnnioga line anti jael iol,' 
y ytur heiLreiiā€™ni'. CeJ y on ddnl hiiv e In he sye|i n .Ca lly minded Us i.yke- 
ady a nEage Lr CO' CTS y'l J old new sy slemv and tivuhkbil vaiLing Whili'- 
yViuTc hm inp l .ny, VOU 'lLadd to yyiur k nowliylge Ol lOvy (hr phisik' syry 
work anil keep baby Hell lloin reaching dow ty nuo ysair pockel |l\y 
Hfii she price range from Sf.W LoS^ ^ \ 


L'spjr l*eTSOIH 

ā– I \ xffiiizi .dnii' ;!t is suxt i ;f shjjf/.yitivwji ur.tr tt\t yy.' ,ā–  ā–  . ā– : ā–  .'i ā– , fv.v , ou' ,tf 
thf I'y.sr n. u 1 / or yyx r, i i, r ,... .-, i ā–  i , u,v pfi, m*, p ,i, r f Ct i_i)ts; ii igwr jir.u, 1 ' 
/JiiTJiVl.yf it i 1 1 ltl>. tovc'/l/fx 
Hear .ā€™Artth 

A gnfin Sl'U rce- Ol matcrjl for the ~MXi i Lading ILtl " on n he goi Ion 
fronythe A I &. I Cujlonvr Infnmui ioll Ccnior. Viv.ioan rvjich tlWriLal 
AT&T Clislomrr Inlonnacion Crniee. V.O. JUyy I I'M I , liyd i,ltyapty|is, 
lisdinna. Jfril') oral .lii^ā€™SSSb or Ā»0(M.l3Aftl30, operator 101. I heir 
ā– I'll. Commercial Sales Doeunyentadism in In log lists 'Cyfial ycry 
inyereslirtjt titles tor she (clccori'iilioii k j[ ions lnsbbviM H Sb and X lla 
wanunb. PHA aid Cenlren manuals, yiietnding the "lTirtyensiou 

Sydem Fā€™RX Stii 

imi bfessage Detnyl Reet-id me hrl'oroi.i i ion ." (WW- 

5UO-ilOl I lie mei hod hy winch otimpanies detect frayul (mod 1Ā»H\\ 
rlstal.y bayc 1 cisde-t. oiketlsually J- digits + |JJ4 l'I I5f2 or l.hc likeiyy 
gel iu. tj-ic lor ilccyyyipi iiyg puipascs Usdetentline What depurlnyent 10 
s-Tiargr- il 1o Ivrlig. is> ,.rnd one Its dial OIL- , nsnn I|y 0. tlimaks Lsaly rcyd 
Hit fitsl a is: I the Iasi id ma kc tai Is. hul I he Message Dcla il Record mg 
Ool intis Lhal no Cfpa ri nyf 111 w a:s sha rye I.!., Trioi flags are ilroppi-J and 
tls.- code I hen cbpoges 't Voice .store and ICWand ayaniuils aiy a ho 
availablr I be re nm a wlm-C serkwi of (JtiOmai I ulur-onterenenig 
inatiuaLs mailable (tlw ilaarc lor the actual luidgmg swilcli ihni 
A ! I i o- 'j I chconl'ereneing uses, tee 'Mti\, Moy I f>Si l" I S I 'S piaimab. 
ond rw o (specie lly amresring oilis. "H.equin;men1s fo-f Ccmipatahilil t 
of T eleeofrmuimcatidws Fy." ip.numt vuih Bell Surccillan.ee and torn rol 
Sysreny<ā€œ i Pu h ISOOI/l and Tie I sera I ftrtusite fiitrs eiSlfitiec J'ltilosope 
and C r itcrin for I nlurol Thro T railsimssiuiL fiyiuipnytin " (I'u'li 
Oiher ninnuat, of rntcret: nTf "Technical Specify I iOiLs and Set up 
C on r SO Pi OretJ n ros I isr i he Nc iw ssr k A n i! i ogi ^y ft Ii icy B r idginjt 
(.'j pn bi I ii y " i A 1 1 in nee T eleeo rife rend no! 1 i . "Coenmo nC'h an nd 
Signaling "i L'CIS, th# death e-f blue biscingj and "Tcsl L.l ires Ā£jer>f ral 
Sreeyfrs-il ions. 1 have nrl cy vn begun tin I lie nil iltiiudc til inLCrestirg 

Alsis, i he hook Shift' ijfyrfii.T . rbo', e Afro hy JertY Rhmsteii y is very 
gtiod. ft is about research at ISdl I n bt sitcy. plus Hiere is a long ehapicr 
On Ā£"l .ASS I Customer Ltle-a I Access Ser.'iee Sy slcm , I he rliiiyg LVIa 
tcsk-tl in Pennsj Lvflllia which generates all the rurnors pboui aulo 
Li ati's & mini her refusals. | 

Another source Loti p.itnL Its pn-nS tip iv I rluenm Di^yci. FoealL con 
hnckery phrcaks J JVI erle-ine of now in eollegg.. check if youi local 
rollegf mn Enframe es cor, nee red i-o llic .A R E h A tsT HITS FT. Cheek 1 1 1 he 
L.jcnl RHeard fa romiaon fpatoiT en un rvervii y i n : i in f n i ttjci:- !ā–  already ā–  
gciv ii i he c L: vo. jl.sI rend il 3l riol. yehtl f mail 10 lokctiui- 
Rct|uesl^lā€˜V 1 1 -MC A Rl h A anti ask l'to'M i |ic si ad r rat on us adc you to 
the mailing lisa. Remember. :his ivnni a phreak newygrmiji, read a 
LPj.jple issues to get a feel uf hiā„¢ it lenns. f oi ihtivc tif you t>n u L y- 
L Sb.Mi ! Look into Net >dvs lor fa.Tekcom H i oMi AKTA-I.O 

f.ortl I'JircajtL-r 

Dear Rradcrv! 

HVtJtv t fAir.yfiint/i get nog cfiih ,uui text tfr. fxdm f triple nfiti ,v.'v 
,. ox?fifft\ft/ fiftoui thf Pxivjfty SVi roe RJtX. Tit <ā–  Ohā€™ftVnVje ii v.'f.'f hotyty 
hfid r tty i dr in dtr Iftddlfvy County os, tifo:tttomf \ 

of ft\ f oi. idenih oimitin/f thf itHWftkxIims oxpfiitxip.. dn-oitiny.iiitfif 
trtxm ttf juttkt to trtxivc. 

Ast 10 "ā–  v ā–  'ā€¢ AVrW Jfr hoftyrt ottg i-. i wt r liuXr Abie ro fitm/S: iitt- i 

ā– ' the if. it I tuxtft stili. no rtxmpssny lift . {\ftiini t our+v.y (jjr i ,ā–  i ee-: A' rwi r 
ronifitotm; rto pxtnse i tint ft, tsen; 'jii.i to fm iv hfftt ftitstntitsni: they 
ttff yn. '.i ioiV. itty tiltoul itxtirftiftt.-. i to do .'.rtxnrtlitxitr to xj/titrttnf tt r 
o,fiu-hx.di . 

[be .it ttff n ,ā€™ 5 rJ.t I e y ā– . , .ā–  of ; \ i t i e, tint ts.i see yicrA 1 nr i" rr. 1 n j , w ā– ' f\ .... 
tittte Jox rionuxntf fiisf this to stop fits, frtfofi.co.txnl offtfuth must 
rernthbet then r/ier ty'.vploJ tvrak thf Snuf fu K ) sUrntp over ptttpfc V 
ā€˜ā– yxtls In ao fifitXT to fttfoftst tt htu ā–  Shfryfifr lost man. fteihft 

Tfittfn i ,'.v . i i w i'.o j ii o ft'.i.jr: y.y i',:.i riy Ixeiny dstcfd, A.di Mjnte fjofsdotts 






The 2600 Information Bureau 

Kcixfcn 't'c d.jā€™-l k/u>y * ihHi- Mur &cĀ« 
Out** d kiw I,;. h,-,i 
Odi. PWtjt Of us md l^l hw ro 

xw) '.ā€˜i'rrwj LM-t t <j**t plans rt-vj j !hc 
1 ā€œ TpCdd i.i fTfJ iPc fK^Xltā„¢. 

Bv Fqrb Prefect 

( Lj 't Oft 
U Ā£ā–  Ef fj 

VUIuHl 5 y 2 1 / 1,: 4 
WITH ^Ā£((11 IĀ£Ā£ I A If 
JW Y 2 v & 0 ā€ž 


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L UUF >e s . 

7 4 1 Hr M i* p 
if DHn Sh mUk 

f-LlVt !ā– ; hP Ā» C I T DR 
J r \r l N Oft ā–  i OUT . H LJ 
p i J' u T r ā–” Id 3 u i rtH 

1 K y I 4 UrnsE 

M-iifi ā–  

l 1j t y I- C h f. ,\c, rTtfi 

4 j U U HU kl 1 JlSTDfl 
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'iHOuLJj |. E ThE i, m M fc" 
Hi ii THE ONE A Jf 0 V E . 
tDTH V (J T IT ft 1 ft 3 

(3F THE Up- Amp, 

ā€˜ā– MThr^ 

< KJ 

PilK i ii liFiuiumiHi: 



< E > 

< F > 

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ty38 WiWFFDwIl tENEflfl T Ti !ā– ; 

,V u f, lIVLrtfl C ft I- ft C : T ā–” rt 

vift TĀ£ i: 1 il Oh (You id I L L 

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Ā« D D I T I \> L IN ilftl'ts) 

4 y 9 K r R k! IS T ā–” R ($); is Ā±s l; S f > 

"41 uP-fiH H L 
J.Ohh S F P f ft KĀ£H 

J. Uul CftPft Q i T ikH 

i 2 , E f M 

j '? ā–  r- o ^ TJ L TfluE KE&ULHTrp M 
j'JIUr l UPflCITDfl 
^ HĀ£Ā£lSTDfi 

- , 3 r. H lu 3 E s T ā–” R 
Si H(,le-Pdli S i p-i c i_ l I h w ci w 

n f\ N 'ā–  HTfi* Ā„ c a N T ft C T M ā–” R 1i f'i L j . 

7BEf 5? t^E'HEUT YON Switch 
1 N j L 4 S I * N ft L III QThCs 

hi m 3h i ā–” Shuck PrtHTf; NunsjLHf, 

^ K > 
y H > 
C K S 

C PL f 

i.4 5 

3 ?b-^:j 34 
.272- 1 0^5 
2 7 J 2 - 1 3 [ 

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27 2 - I U 6b 
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Sfll l,F ft T ft k_ U I ft Ā£ R ft hi r H ft T 

t! 700 j b* L'O F C T c s H ā–” U L. u EE 

fJLl.Lv IN with Hi 25k tlULT-I ā€” 

T U !1 N P|> r t N T I gĀ«C r E ft < V ftn I M EL E 

siiiiiiDfli , The I ViuhH ppr, 
h fi LJ m K - -T I. ] O ShaCk : H 2 7 L - 3 4 0 > 

fjlLL LrUK-K 1H tn j x -ii y, ml,f , 

] I 

r e s i pi i o r is put in stftiEs. 

IH k E ft S I L. ā–  . R WHV T IJ TIjHt I N F 

. 3 S TO HPT EOT H IT ft I -I If h 

ā€¢ ft M H L L S3 F T in E TRUE n u N- B TO' 

L' E THEH r THEM r'i t> .J SJ s T 'f k c L~ Ir a X 

N N f 1 L DHU I NDTf Cftft EL M L M ft If 

L,;,t HAĀ£ '- ul4> ' TE:: fts I HI 3 SOi-HVSr 

TKIi 1 Ā£ MORE T ft ft N nii'URHTE 

tKLUiftM h UN the mm oiiiHiny, 

I ft E TU'HL E kllfH H H h ft ft L E C ft T 

u SJ* D H: Ā£ ? ft N & TKĀ£ 1 L IiflĀ£ ! H Ā£ T H tā€˜ - 

Js EMI ft L ft M fill S E ft iL ii ft J Ā£ ThiI 

ā€EE ms TONES. 

I ft L s E ft L M ft 3 H ft c 11 rtSĀ£B ti H -ft 

PET ā–” Hi RLftSiS j RECE iVLU TuĀ£ 

Y E A R ^ Hm 5Q. IftEY LJtHL ft L M *0 S 1 
rpTAL Lost is sl igh i v MtnvE 
E U 7 WHEN f'HDKERir H i Ā£ E M - 
WOR h P E R H i c T L Y . 

1 ; 5 0 

<ā–  I Kfe Ā£E ft L ft *+ S 

Teete&I j 

rftL.tb. uiRLi 

I Ht ii L W I IJ I 
lil LH ' T 



The AI'&T Hostagephone System 
accommodates a full range of 
situations requiring emergency 
communications between Jaw 
enforcement agencies and persons 
involved in a critical or criminal act. 



l s Housed i>o n iMjjh impact ptaslic case. Receiver 
and transmitter caps Have been glued on and 
modular cords modilied O-O that they cannot be 
readily d cached 

Unit contains Sonalort 

The Hosiflgephone Telephone 15 designed to ue tamper- 

-unii can oe signaled from control unn. 


- Battery Powered 

Network Palch Cord & Pnone 

Recording Jacks 

Remote Loudspeaker w/25' Coro 

24 'tour opera lion with batLu riftSOr' ciir ee powered from 
110V AC which will iiutu ma bcally recharge the battery 

Provides accessibility to the Lmtsica network. 

Erahles tape recording ol enlire situalion 

Allows monitoring and ink? -com remote Irom negotiator. 


1200 Ft of ? Bair Came 

Provides siik-tv ol tbs lance lor she negotiation team, 

The AT&T Hpsiagephone is a seif contained, slate of 
ihe art system developed to provide eflsciive 
communication under adverse held conditions. Tne 
AT&T FSostn Ā£1 CP hon fi System is an Ropnomi c a I addi- 
tion 10 any emery ency response team 

2frO& Raadtv; FI&U4 hot n|fwninĀ» thill thb if 

for real. Cun If a ftā„¢ rfgn pf r Jw timu. Only $1650! 


For Further Information Contact Our 
Ho stage phone Representative 
On 1-8 00-22 8-9$ 11 
Or 402-593-1200 



Hackers Have Big Business Scared 

N ā– . lie PYi X L J I wn 

Nceti i ii v has emerged in i coent T-'iii'vcy k as i hLr number one 
concern of lurge'cGfpo'f SW niicto-iTiSinfranie ā€™ink user* 
Accord in g 1 o G c pc cd-1 Ek'cuic information Services Co. 
(KockvilLc. MD), wtiidt conducted its own survey, security 
problems on be 'ā€˜devastati ngā€œ. 

Why then are so many large companies s-Lilj using simple 
passwords to access lhe corporate database from end-use i 
Iā€™Ctf Three reasons arc usually given: a perception that a 
pasword will do the job, that tnosl security schemes are too 
coni piloted, and Che cost of adding a mote sophisticated 

Rob Lewie. vice president of marketing, rak) sales at Diyitaj 
Pathways, Ihl':. ( Pa In A lie, C A) is a ilaiii -wcu nly specialist 
wi i h more than .ItKl installations m Fortune I (KIO com pa nics. 
He say.-, CrSLiil lurgC companies are presently se;'L I i Ti i. : cl with 
password access because it's simple. However, LhatV slowly 
changing. Users, particularly chose with a niieio-nir-iinfiaroc 
riel work, am Increasingly nervous about liackers and Other 
ti nauthot ized access. Almost anyone doing bushier with ifa 
government will he required to meet certain minimum 
eoinpn.iHTsceuniy xianilai-ds lhat ā– ar-ernbrv soph istiCii ted than ;i 
password . 

ā€œOne pTub If :ri wi i h S J t.:- tO-ma i n fra trie hooka ps." says Greg 
MagOplaa, marketing manager of On-Line Software's 
Guardian line- ā€œis that PCs cue generaLing CdTiciat-kjoking 
documents Ā»ml i cjaoi i-., a i id thcr c-'s no way to prove these ;ā–  re 
coicect. lt"s soaring a lot of companies. They TtOw have to 
ii iutiitd] uploading os well as downloading of data, so there's 
more interest in coni rolling lisa PC-Ln-inainfonne data 

Fiber-Optic Network For Du Pont 

r-.bJHiOu i. P ..-r- 

Diamond Nlnle Telephone Co, will build a 5lS million, 4d ā– ā–  
mi If fiber-optic telephone network for the Du Pont Co. in New 
Castle CnuiLly, Delaware. 

Du Pomā€™s voice and computer data network is a way of 
bypassing tsie pbeme company Y networkā€” -somethi ng dial 
phone companies throughout the nation tear. 

Campaign Contributions On-Line 

.''ffllSw He ft by II.AhurdEr 

ā€˜ā€™Campaign finance has continued to fie a growth industry,ā€™ 1 
said Hob Uierx.iok of the Federal Election Commission. And he 
wants 10 keep ii lhat way, lit; was explaining lo lhe third 
slarulingrrcnriviinly jyst lie ring of consultants and reporters 
how the home computer owner ca n scec s& i fie data on who gives 
win'll In politicians nmrniig for federal offices. 

1 1 one computer uscts now may lap ; nto the information and 
download. The FGC charges h> 1 .000 for a ail endue month or 
SfiD for an hour of connect time. Vou cun access the PEC 
through ;i ny I 'eleuel, pi rl m the I J .!>. 

Suhs;:'i l;er-. will gpl a unique ID ,i i .1 pick a pLisKV-.iiTd. L hf 
EEC decs not own die com puter, it leases time on National 's 40 
megabyte machine at Eh irfield. Virgin La . National has been the 
l ECā€™s ee nt meter since 1976. |_OS course, such information 
should he made available to anyone at liLtle or no fee. Typical ā€” 
a country where national parkland is sold dill cheap to 
dovrliijieis. mill public mfi'ii ill-ill kml is si I hi ill minL prices LO 
individuals ] 

AT&T Info Charges Upheld 

Wi'ii'J lu'KI Ii 'fit. it. 

Tlie l.\S. Court Of Appeals has refused to strike down the 
raws AT&T charges for its interstate dicc-etory assistance. 

I be court swept as id arguments hy the Direct Marketing. 
Association and M.C1 lhai i he FOC had prescribw] nltes i hut 
are too high and that discriminate against customer* who use 
A' I &'l V long-d isfii nee compel iiors 

The L iā€™Cā€™ in May 1$4 told AT&T ii cmild ehuTge nn mum 
than 30 cents pt'T mlcislaLC ulfOmiaLmri C;i!l :mii ā€˜mygi'islial I h;i I 
it allow cviiorrajrs I w'o free calls each month AT&T hiss 
followed those guidelines, but offers. i Pit: free calls only to those 
who selected AT& 3 as their pritnary barrier. 

AT&T has told the EOT that it will raise its rates to M centv if 
new access liniffs filed by the nation's telcos go into effect. 

More Use of Phone Computers 

ill. vl I 1- -:-.-. 

The government bus proposed sweeping revisions of its rales 
in nrdcr Ln a Low Americans Lo program high-powered phone 
company computers to Ica'-s; or take messages, ring, several 
plmriL-s in (Eclivtr a message at a set time, or screen unwanted 

TOC Chairman Mu-rk S. Fowler said the commission warns 
to ā€œpromole mure efficient use nf i he uetwiti h ā€œ thsl i c It phorrr 
Compan ivs have i n L 'hri ng tcdiimlogical benefits to the enmmon 

AT&T Wasliiitgloii spokesman Kerb Lionen said, "This is a 
positive si cp fnrward heeunse it can focus attention on duo 
criticaS ncoS to remove ortilieial rcstra inis that currently inhibit 
i he ini roftijet ion of innovative services that customers want, 11 

Beta unr tdejlhonc companies have a line going into ahn.osi 
evien- home und office in Lhe Lountiy and hciunse of Ihe 
installation of sOpli isticatcd com puter 3C|Wipment . Lefephone 
companies uppeu r to he in s position i o offer "voice messagingā€ 

More Divestiture Woes 

r-v* 1 'it. Ihis 'n-- 

A .1 anmka (NY) attorney has sued the New Y ork Telcpiu iru 
Company and AT&T for 135,000 lor their failure to Sia a 
lelephoue i n hit otocc stnrc May 1 . He said both companies 
claim it is the oLhcrk responsibility and that, in exasperation, he 
decided to Id them fight it out in court. 

l he attorney. Fat ni ls deary,, who is also an administrative 
law judge in MunlmtLan.said lie believes tlw rod sif hi.t trotib le 
is the ā€œbwokoip of 1 Ik old AT&T." 

He utiijisil ,"AT&T eta ims it is not ilici i m^Krisi hi lii y hetuuse 
I Ivy problem is due Lo faulty New York TelL-pluna; Hues; and 
New York Telephone lakes the posiiimnliai ii is (he fault of 
defective AT&T ccpiipuieiit in my offlei*. " 

E lowever, he sii id . one grmri thing fume tun of riie brea k-up- 
liis rl iscy vei-y i hat Ik has been paying rc uia I charges for u. phone 
in a .1 ama ica apartment lie vacated 30 years ago . He y? jd he 
made that diLvovsry ufter AT&T vent him a bill listing a 
breakdown of its ehftrgss something lhat had nel been dong 
before the A 1 &, I breuku p, 

t-c ary said he is suinK both Coni pa nieS for !>25 ,IXXJ to cover 
IIk loss of clients and business he has stislained, along wiih 
ovei elm rges lie has paid I or phe-rs eqii ipment he liasnk used in 
2(1 ycara. 

"TIk iro-ny of it all is ihai I'm a Mock holder in A he 



v ā–  i ynr fin i j'-V'.i 


]| I lhc fnllnwtng cnmmund tu biyin Shi shuCduwn Ii'aksā€™Jp'V: 
t nifty VST KlVl t (.'TlXOVl'N 
I; KiiIi.h 1 llllh: INI ā€¢.ImCj.iU.li: 

! Ii imiih inniulr-S, IMilll CtUlitdnWpM 

V> V mi will uUW 3id t i (A glW iTkC- iVii-V.'M \(X SllUtlll'iJi. Li dOnii: 

H.t tr*u i ; |KĀ»ā„¢ ib spin* iwwFjEJe 
d> Gupond h? Sjpina M v or PJ hi lEw n.rflani- i 1 1 (J ^HfcJlfKE 
Do juo w-trd lo ā€œTran duwo Ihr tModiN 
Afar h short period She nMMiiKI SVSTKM XHUTWWN fXjMP! i- i ! 
Al list, j ā–  : i mi, ilo tybiem vomits ht locally shu: down. he: all peooesH* arc 
haired, iIils, net (sausirtj airy furthi.' damage (n eht nmiD. {RcmirrJbcr, the 
reoshn veil sf-iniiM houtsSwrliil dewe was because bolmtiLl rlamajte to Ihe sw.:ir 
trot: have oocuithI myl yet were ntcinp in tne (mss interest of the sycirtri] 
Hi-jdiitt Malttial 

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( cyjv 1 1 frt. 17 ' piigc Hd 

urn* ITT are known lu do Ike- l'nX|(i(ml/-. bet not nil Ihe iiiruC. A I s i? . iw.nAiĀ« uii 
lb: line CTilil 'di?.l wilxknvā€™Appjars dwint -'..j.rk CV'T, 1 1 iir.L'. 

Niy.v kiK cel'.I}' pirarioid vhn:aks vwrMJrT, J ]lā„¢ami I jirnrlhli Lvindiryiip mi 
IdllldAlld^lSd'f.^hdlllL Ilil .Ll'F.I ivcd l Vl i n t? VVe I L, UALYKChlWl H ifXfihFllld. Odl CliTK 
h|i(ski|ij I iyii> mX i;^i 1 1 1? 1 'tiu.M lull (li^XW^ i>l ilio Inii^d ^wticrv^d 

Ilf llis L&ukc l><,' IJ ^:-1 l.l ! I Ml: I V F^nSLJAK ,J P 'ā– 'i'll JJIHjlHlL- l,H|k. (hIiJ L'lll.t. tn^SUlrt' 

ir>jLS 1 divVIkiOua ari bX?l. -Oi lulalLyrlj Iwat -iVnipj ud >Fii|i l:m;: dirianCv. 
Alsu-. Lire L uilutinir laint u<p ā€˜ā€œOoT rviiull m iftirta ā€” 1,1 ilc bĀ«pV ire kwrtps off 
!XCU hi. rli-: r.i.i IM.-; hf 4 id v*hCli ar'i i :i+ar.d trunk r- lull'd up E Im ?!Ā»:ā–  hĀ«RĀ£ 'Ojk 

i i : j 1 1 1|-. I M 1 ā–  d 1 k.,. 1 1 ā–  ill:' ImJ a, fi i T , 1*1 1 h I EIiATf-'i; lg.ferjrM I : ! 1 1 1 1 hiur-d in il I'll" i 

yptL iv 1 1 Ik* Imi- A I [A, if "In- :Y- u :r d iIIlā€™iYtiI i;,|U-. pf KViiirhiup uyufihssfl,' Mil; dull 
r-orio. 1 V. 1 I KpiafiS <hdi col's- -different, i^scdirilly If:i , v-^ p -;i un G 5 iS uml A ( naK-lbir 
(X-Hmi'J W !>iivi-by-Sicp. Ā» web At saiiihI 'ā– lunlā€™.er ntwiy*'. E Iim EF^iniqim 

am '.".'J COk |MK.I:> - Im-j! i II r; ISCiA 1 : 1 1 i-r,': , -.--J ā– .II- ā– ā– . -.k'-.i i' Il :'i i | J . will Ik- i.l-d.f'iil ill ā–  
j.ii.Lirt Oifplocalion. I>c rta'Ty lh ihi-OiJ ; 1 -k.iiiIi.I.:h 1 first, i iVKh.'.lh 1 1>- LlAj] AXE 
tAulonu-ir Nmubcr IO-util : ti I n.omh-:r for Ihf o?,lkd area onJ I Ā£ā– ā– ':ļæ½ļæ½: n. to th: 
.ā€¢vumbe-r .1 nads.iikT. Or ooc merely calls the OMraloi arid -siys. ā€œTi-iw ii -repair 
?i<n. ici. Cocild >oi Loll itk vhiit puir t'm cumirs in oh?" If ihc reidK nf: th: 
phreakV o-.vn nurr.tK'r, hr rrj.M try ajy:^. 

ltuw tu rirul Divirkps 

And r.i_rw a phreak fll'ijfl wtmdci , u Hi:mi m r-. L r 1 1 ^-y. I i-^h 1 1 ,-s in.M^ri" 3 he ht-;! 
chrei tu siart h IhO IihjiI Vl IIlv*' l 3 ayy.-:-i I r MC l(K*A sip ihf /ifFiK inifi'i I. kCts rur 

|'| -iJ.V: 1 1 i ;i I r'l iJ -i , il iC I il i':-. iVAl I'll I H 1 1 ā–  : I j" 1 1 1 ā– . 1 : 1 1 1 1--| [i-.-^ -ā–  , iSi-nl kIk. . ii a ny |.i "ill |--.'-. l ijā€” sH I 

itMKnilljf iVftfaiPSc iii ixiusiaut ccmma oiinii iw Autiomns (u- w^nkl Ik 
afra id or Idsiuit'bLisiitft^ Ā«h-.V Ik ii at Sdure Then Out nttā€™Kly d iSIa upall Ukk 
numbt ra aHt r d:tfl m su. and Hbtcor fur mullipo: clicks nhiir IhC cafl put* 
IbrauBh. Siniv the colII is local, mullipli clicks should iwL be the nnnu. Then th: 
phreak rucrelv inllcvM threu^h .wilh Lhc pretedurr aheue-, and waits Ā£nr th: 
d-iri'lcv,' nf s.-ulrjfrjhc'..:v. 

Olhir I'unTi* of Oi.wfin 

There c.re -K'reri.l ol her km:* 'jfdivrrtcr',. Plirruk* bu ve lor >x*in> known of 
recOhSiiiif) iF^t Icawfb 01*1 tone after "Vml -mjj "Ots- koTtlic mur-c rnmbu*wfk-tlK 
I W.JI > Fraud Mo i 'a ro "ā€™ā– -A fret: lĀ»UI s nVunJ-Tij;. L'.F.Kih |iā„¢t>y( udcd .Ā« Ri r muttipk 

L-lii/la a:ā€˜i, 1 . Ml i:r iK la, at du AUJMhWh dial CO"t (.Fne OtarV-iVm plteiliX trecjlt- 
Uhcii A COXUpAny I'.-rKls l[* ^HX heiufi h<-*Vily atnra.id ailcr I'Our'. It pots ill a 
i-.-i.i Ii.ā€™iui: ilia l aays i Iii, 1 1 hi- iXnup-any camiut l.u- ic;+:.Fi.d r><*. H-lm.m.-li.t. it ufstn. 
Iuppccrs thal alt-tr uuilliplc .diwmnRI* unu ends up wish d cil Umr inidc she 
PIJX- - 1 hoea,cudc is nos rjccdtU. Alsu, 'it h : rs d ij. I i n l; c c ir.psi ny and .ihrrtilkiri.E; 
(sop id] crtBinccnTtpl with cmokryci*. com merely wotils for ttHnc to tun* up and 
after u socund di-ā€™l tort: c; rescalt J . 97 d tdiul-ilj numbers have been. knnv,r.ie do 
lh c a* wtll. A-nsu-rr infi services also sulTcr frecn Ibis lack or security. A stood 
phreak should I tore' ikvct tu har.c up un a e-.i'lkd parly. I k ear. >:vcr bt suit 
l, Hh r lit rt 1 1 1 1 i i j I II-.- :ā– >:ā–  s I -i!ii . at.-- " ,rr I, Iln- Iasi Ljl'KV [ n him u i: -p .1 plunu; 

a ekI Mu;-, v . II LiilL-u win I Hu Mu- " iik- a " '.v n'l min L-. 1 , mil il ! 1 1 1 1 1; , 1 1 1; Mi;il i I. ,i 
owr. Chse jitiw ct clirilniniiViā€”ilK- rc. ctdii'ift rntsmlixod tilvnr- ruv in < lhc 
li-k-ii -ā–  1 1 1 1 all'll il 11 1 lid min ['Oi y V i i i I Li'-i-C l 1 i a l-Sil i'k I : L' ! I !ā– . 1 : 1 1 n '.-il.: m.: I , vH I.-| -I 

rwiwsliccs how toco nude 10 VI Il'fcr l unu ilsc-diwiirr mi*-*! ā– ^omityi 

I laii|*-ia at 1 Hsl-i liii" 

SO, net 1 1 1 1 1 [J. L" 1 1 1 1 1 1/-: tiVi: V- I", I i |FO L L-l 1 1 [V i s ol 1 1 '- [: 1 1 1 " [J . 1 Well. i.' n 1 1 1 - .-| i I " 
:mC is u-niimi iup IliII I laud H aiei-Loi lul sā€™ll i- ieyi li.:r |i|i|ubere> rs il'Sl tlril. II lisl 
ei phone mnnlMrs 'iiRinc. i* e d Miner; tHHvita'.-.iy, tun nv Ā«L?nnjf diĀ»cri(-j 

Vk-Ii-Yi ; 1 rb*j 1 ''u-.- I ' " i i'i ,:m I 1 1 1 1 - -a- I- - : 1 1 ā–  , TO ill i: 1 1 1 1 ly .III: pi I ā–  |'ā€œI L- 1 1 1 

Then- has hesnal IMS-Loee ieiresiLgalkYncYfdivtitcr fcsebl iamIvia^iik- FBI 
llowivt-r L'hsn wer: no arrrsss and. tin cast e-as dreipptd. It sterns thal eei 
prccp-rcLiec viclin* in tccmst-arc.: reili.'td Lrii: nc ā€œis h.inq dtfrniocoJ all re 
rrecivinp nsuhiple ohanrcalls Jcmandirdslliat he pul his iliwrter up/ron-so Ihal 
a ecmrtue rrcccall could bp made Fie Iben eomplaiiud lo lhe FBI K-pu-yve: :he*e 
aware fiulcmers a.n: lea* and O.T bclwtefi. and il'a plmt>. dees mV. j;hi In such 
sadiealSyobuuxjous CAire-ac'. d is liauf lo hr can phi U nk*s th; same inuulKr i- 
etp^ lo pace many CK[a.-rYse-e' calls. 


Security, Privacy, PoLluc 

Surveillance, Countcnncasures, Telephone 


Sccrci Iteports, Forbidden Knowledge 


ā– ST.VA' ij&JXf tox 1.4 Rdf r,l 7 A LOG .-I'A'/j CjVĀ£ > Ā£a X Ul*iM TĀ£S 


Philmont Commons 
Philroont Avenue Suite ffJOST 
Huntingdon Valley, PA I90C6