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--(ho hum)------------------------------------------------------------------ 
y0lk #78: dat wh0re, by - sinister sheep

     is there a limit to caring about someone and being obsessed with them?
 is there?  come on motherfucker, is there?  yeah, i'm pissed.  fuck you.

     today was your average day.  slept till 1:00, she came over at 2:00.  as
 always.  we rode around in her car, smoked cigarettes, and listened to the
 beatles.  as always.  fuck, i hate the beatles.  why she likes them, i know
 not.  she dropped me off at my house around 4:30 because i had to be at work
 at 5:00.  as always.  the last thing she said was that she'd come see me at
 work.  "cool," i thought.

     around 6:30 or 7:00 she walked up to me as i was pushing in shopping
 carts.  yeah, so what, i work at wal-mart as a stockman.  think it's funny?
 fuck you.  her friend carly was with her.  we all talked for a minute, then
 she said it was too hot to stand in the parking lot and that she was going
 to leave.  she said to go to her house when i got off at 10:00.  cool.  even
 though her carly was with her.  fuck, i hate that bitch.

     the day went on.  at 10:30 or so i headed for her house.  20 miles away.
 what a waste of fucking gas.  especially when i arrived she wasn't home.
 god, she said she would _definitely_ be there.  so i drive 5 miles to my
 house.  yeah, i work in another town 12 miles away even though there's a
 wal-mart in my town.  sound stupid?  fuck you.

     i changed, left once again to look for her.  sure enough, her car was at
 favor's apartment.  god he's such a pussy.  i walked upstairs, casually
 opened the door and walked on in.  they were all sitting around listening to
 favor play the guitar.  what an ego that guy has.  think's he's the shit.
 they were all surprised to see me there, kind of like they didn't want me
 there.  fuck them.

     not one person said hey to me.  just stared at me alot.  i followed them
 out to the roof.  i sat and smoked while watching favor try to hit on her.
 what a dickhead.  she was stoned.  as always.  god, what a fucking burnout
 she is.  she's the only reason i ever even smoked weed.  she finally
 directed a sentence at me.  i just said "so?"  everyone looked at me really
 funny then.  god, i wanted to leave.  in due time, i slipped out the door
 while the burnouts were laughing at a blacklight or something, only to come
 back in and get a drink i left there.

     they were all like, "oh, _you're_ back?"  i waved her to come into the
 other room with me.  i asked her if she was fried.  then when she told me
 she was i said something like "thanks a lot for sharing" because she never
 smokes weed that she buys herself with me.  stingy-assed bitch.  why should
 i pay for it all the time?  she told me to fuck off.  we yelled, screamed,
 and i finally yelled "yeah, just go suck his dick like you did stefan's" and
 left.  i went outside to her car and got in it.  i poured my drink all over
 her seat.  then i took her pack of cigarettes and left.  then i drove all
 the way back to _her_ road and parked off the side and waited.  it was

     12:32 came along and i finally saw her car heading my way.  i flashed my
 lights and flagged her down.  i told her i wanted to talk to her.  she got
 out of the car and came to me.  i asked her if her ass was wet, and then
 offered her ciagarettes back.  she refused.  she got back to her car, i
 yelled for her again.  then asked her what her problem was and why she was
 being such a bitch.
        yelling took place for several minutes about nothing in particular.
 even carly began to yell at me from the car.  kara got an umbrella out of
 her back seat, then hit, well, threatened to hit me with it.  more shit was
 yelled.  i yelled at her, carly, and even myself.  i know what you're
 thinking about the previous sentence.  fuck you.  then she literally
 _jumped_ in my window and began punching at my face.  i caught her arms,
 pulled her further in, and threatened to kill her.  she broke loose, yanked
 my hair, and carly had the nerve to get out of the car and pull on kara and
 yell "get off her!" to me.  get off _her_??  the bitch was _on me_!  she
 punched more, and i finally got sick of it and punched her in the chest and
 just began to drive off with her hanging out of the window.  she fell, got
 up, gave me the bird, and off i went, burning my tires on the pavement all
 the way.  what a bitch.

     i drove and drove.  i even scrounged up all the change in my car and
 actually put $1.34 in my gas tank just so i could avoid having to go home.
 i came home at like, 3:00 or so.  sounds like a boring talke without near
 enough detail?  fuck you.  you don't _need_ to know the details.

        but, does it sound like care or obsession?


$ ## $                            title                           $ author  $
$ 01 $ the other white meat                                       $ creed   $
$ 02 $ several k-leet hax0rs sittin around a campfire and groovin $ creed   $
$ 03 $ nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars.              $ creed   $
$ 04 $ a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin         $ creed   $
$ 05 $ household uses for afghanistanian food                     $ creed   $
$ 06 $ pour cement down my anus                                   $ hooch   $
$ 07 $ hail santa!                                                $ creed   $
$ 08 $ hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties?             $ hooch   $
$ 09 $ lunchables rock.                                           $ creed   $
$ 10 $ t-shirts and toejam                                        $ bedlam  $
$ 11 $ nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview             $ hooch   $
$ 12 $ movie reviews [showgirls!@] - win95 vs. os/2 [sorta]       $ hooch   $
$ 13 $ straight outta' compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@            $ hooch   $
$ 14 $ i'm a tall, goofy, dorky, chink                            $ phorce  $
$ 15 $ bedazzled by the eliteness                                 $ creed   $
$ 16 $ how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina     $ creed   $
$ 17 $ i am a warez pup - who are you?                            $ hooch   $
$ 18 $ lemmings                                                   $ phorce  $
$ 19 $ the science of astrology                                   $ belial  $
$ 20 $ the notorious anticlimactic bastards of the zine scene     $ cd/h0   $
$ 21 $ dUcK 54uc3?!#$!?                                           $ phorce  $
$ 22 $ top 5000 reasons why i should kill myself                  $ creed   $
$ 23 $ citrus fruits for sale                                     $ phorce  $
$ 24 $ group masturbation                                         $ belial  $
$ 25 $ ethereal experiences for perverted pyromaniacs             $ creed   $
$ 26 $ catering for the warez eleet                               $ phorce  $
$ 27 $ brief mental pause                                         $ belial  $
$ 28 $ the army day camp                                          $ belial  $
$ 29 $ the geek theory, hickies, and another long day             $ creed   $
$ 30 $ nets, zines, and that chick from wings                     $ hooch   $
$ 31 $ mentos! the freedom giver!                                 $ mercuri $
$ 32 $ ramblings of a poseur                                      $ bedlam  $
$ 33 $ sitcoms, stereotypes, and satan                            $ creed   $
$ 34 $ fuck you - a note to all y'all on #zines                   $ hooch   $
$ 35 $ apples, oranges, and pears                                 $ phorce  $
$ 36 $ the little cultist that couldn't                           $ creed   $
$ 37 $ careening through hyperspace at a slug-like rate           $ creed   $
$ 38 $ snowday                                                    $ phorce  $
$ 39 $ creed is g0d                                               $ creed   $
$ 40 $ big hurt is ruler of the earth                             $ bighurt $
$ 41 $ dead people, nasty thoughts, and colored glue              $ bighurt $
$ 42 $ bbs softwares/internet                                     $ hooch   $
$ 43 $ abandon thy gods!  from yonder cometh y0lk!                $ creed   $
$ 44 $ mogel's own very special personalized $1 y0lk issue        $ phorce  $
$ 45 $ your burro is no jackass!                                  $ creed   $
$ 46 $ rollerskates, indians, eagles and cougars                  $ creed   $
$ 47 $ outer space, ice cream, streetcars and gophers             $ creed   $
$ 48 $ Evan the genius becomes enlightened and melts his face off $ creed   $
$ 49 $ 6 insignificant ziners in a bowling microcosm of life      $ creed   $
$ 50 $ the best of the worst                                      $ creed   $
$ 51 $ the prince of darkness versus some guy named dave          $ trip    $
$ 52 $ ode to my feet                                             $ creed   $
$ 53 $ hopelessly lost                                            $ poots   $
$ 54 $ the schoolhouse r0x!#                                      $ phorce  $
$ 55 $ campbell's chicken-noodle soup omen of death               $ creed   $
$ 56 $ dead cats                                                  $ juke    $
$ 57 $ my inner taco                                              $ handle  $
$ 58 $ my place, or yours?                                        $ mercuri $
$ 59 $ how to really use that spiffy monopoly money               $ lumpy   $
$ 60 $ struggle wif the giant pink elephant                       $ lucifer $
$ 61 $ why did the chicken cross the road?                        $ insane  $
$ 62 $ y0lk test pattern                                          $ mutter  $
$ 63 $ ELiTE LiT from the master himself                          $ creed   $
$ 64 $ creed's k-rad lit archives, volume two                     $ creed   $
$ 66 $ how y0lk saved my life (sorta)                             $ creed   $
$ 67 $ shiny nickles, no more TP, and shitty knuckles             $ ideal   $
$ 68 $ some puppet plays                                          $ phorce  $
$ 69 $ "... Hello operator ..."                                   $ mutter  $
$ 70 $ i bit my nail, now my finger is bleeding.                  $ traq    $
$ 71 $ battle of the ants                                         $ rage    $
$ 72 $ fun on the phone                                           $ ideal   $
$ 73 $ yabba-dabba do, scooby-dooby do, and many other mysteries..$ handle  $ 
$ 74 $ i love you as my own mother                                $ sphrog  $
$ 75 $ jamesy and the giant slinky                                $ jamesy  $
$ 76 $ do not fuck with the big and hairy bears                   $ murmur  $
$ 77 $ horror story                                               $ oeb     $
$ 78 $ dat wh0re                                                  $ s.sheep $      $


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phoenix 201 is the official eleet telecom section of y0lk
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phorce is the head samurai of y0lk!  beware!
mindcrime is an official y0lk member, cuz he's just so damn wacky-ass.
heil creed.  <HEIL!#  HEIL!#>

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don't you feel like you're getting a little too much information here?
couldn't we just show our ftp site and shut up?  it's just sad that we
have to advertise all our cheap media at the bottom of every textfile
like this.  what a bunch of losers we are.