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Terry Cooksey Killed my Pikachu... :(
And Now I shall kill him...
Support the come home Herls Fund, Just $12 a Month can bring an Englishman home.
Email Credit Card Numbers to SaveHerls@sanction.org.uk
If anyone actual sends any CC Numbers I will piss myself.
Howz that for a disjointed intro?
ThE SyNdiCaTE Of LoNdoN JouRNAL - SOL (EST: 1992) - "Giving you the Ph34r since dat lee7 year"
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-=.ThE SoLJo.=-
:ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNDoN JoUrNal:
:Number #12:
Brought to You By
Fallen Angels Publishing
(Part of The Syndicate Of London)
:November/December 00, 12th Release "No Submission, No Head":
:"He's attacking May Lu, and she likes it,... *Pause* Kinky" - WcW:
:Subscriptions. Submissions. And Bottled STD's to:
ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN - Lam3 PiRaT3s NoW And FoREvEr - PrEsEnTiON In ASCII-ViSIOn
SolJo Issue #12 STafF
The Editor : PaRiS
The Wanna Be Editor : Nurgle
The Director : Chicken Soup
The Role Player : Andrea_Vellious
Should Learn Paragraphs : DJ_Evil
Away with the Fairys : Trax
Stalking his way foward : Comrade
Clearly insane : Terry Cooksey
Late as ever : llama
>>> MEnEFeSTo <<<
ThE SoLJo: FuNny, InforMaTivE, Useful and l337 E-ZiNE FoR EvERyOne Who iS EVeRyOnE Or WaNtS To BE. PrOdUceD WhEn EvEr We HaVE EnOuGh STuFF To MaKe It WoRTh WhIlE YOu DoWNLoADinG It. THIS IS NOT A HACK ZINE! ITS NOT TRYING TO BE, AND NEVER WILL BE. ThIs ZiNE FocuS'S On AlL AsPeCTs Of UnDerGroUND CuLTuRE, RaNging From HaCkING/Phreaking etc to Philosiphy AnD coMeDY: In A
StYlE TaKiN' Us All bAck to ThE OriGiNz Of ThE SCenE - PiRaTEz EvErYwhERe... W3rD.
Sol!! soluk!
soll! SOlll!!
solsolsol! SSSSSSSSSOOOOLL! Soll!!!!
SSSS:: .,OSSS,. ::L!!
SSOl IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO
ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LOnDoN
Established. 1992 - Reformed. 1998
"Giving you the ph34r since dat l337 year"
Disclaimer: SOL and Fallen Angels Publishing cannot be held responsible for the validity of articles printed within the SOLJO. SOL is a small non-profit organisation, any querys or problems regarding articles; be they copyright, or validity issues should be directed to SOL Admin at sol@sanction.org.uk. Where appropriate mistakes/ommissions/copyrighted material will be removed from back issues and SOL will cease to distribute them. This is all we can do; we do this for fun, we ask why YOU do it?
Contents - Fallen Angels Publishing
Editorial - PaRiS
Finding and exploiting buffer overflows - Nurgle
The Big Trip - Trax
Untittled - Chicken Soup.
Clips n Crap from the Net... - SOL
IRC RPG... - Andrea_Vellious
The comprehensive review of spirits... - llama
Artificial Intelligence - Nurgle
Of The Competition Results... - SOL
Light Bulb - Unknown.
Scr1pt K1ddi3s guide to the Chaos Magick - Nurgle
Trying To Be A DJ!?! - DJ_Evil
More Terry Cooksey - SOL
Scr1pt K1ddi3s guide to Divination - Nurgle
c64... - Comrade
Whole in my heart called she... - PaRiS
The Tao of Nurgle - Nurgle
Shit of the Issue - SOL
The Projects - Fallen Angels Publishing
Links - Luckstruck Design
Shouts - SOL
Final Thought - PaRiS
- Please direct all SUBSCRIPTION requests and BACK ISSUE requests directly to SOL ADMIN at sol@sanction.org.uk. Alt; Visit www.sanction.org.uk for Back issues etc.
Toast Dog - Way of the piss artist
[Insert Parody Here]
[Much laughter from the readers - End of Parody]
<PaRiS> Editorial
Well you thought we had all died in some freak gun fight standoff situation with a special FBI response team didnt you?
You thought we had just disbanded like all the other zine's seem to do after a few issues?
Not fucking likely.
Welcome to soljo 12 - now and forever ;) what happened to soljo 11 you ask? well... its a dark tale... a tale of love, loss, beer, heavy metal clubs, trains, roads, hurdling, beer related injurys, Rob smashing, christmass tree's and sex. But you wouldnt be interested in all that *grin* so lets just say the SOL crew have all been somewhat preoccupied, each in his (or her) own way, and that soljo 11 will forever go down in history as... THE LOST ISSUE. (Dramatic pan left)
(|PaRiS| now appears in an arm chair with a warm log fire burning behind him)
Now on the sol stuff; and the future. I am increasingy suprised/impressed by just how many people seem to link to, and presumably read this zine. Its good. Keep it up readers, you will make us produce something of quality yet! and maybe even submit something to submissions@sanction.org.uk ? :) check out google.com for various sol words... such as luckstruck, jerichozz etc... some interesting links come up.
- ahem* (Hope the plea for articles wasnt too obvious innit) *ahem*
As you may or may not know Sanction (The semi sister group of SOL) has disbanded. Another one bites the dust but I wish a personal fairwell to its founder, and wish him well in his self enforced *retirement* (presumably growin copious amounts of gear *not* for resale if i know him at all...) I might just join you yet m8 ;)
I digress... The disbandment of Sanction has left us with the www.sanction.org.uk domain all to ourselves which is good, so the sol site is now at Root as well as being in the /sol/ user dir. w00t! also the http://sanction.ath.cx domain (with /sol mirror) is or will be *Very* soon 24/7 - so give it a poke, sometimes runs a BNC and sometimes runs other services look around just dont probe too deep.
Just a few more things to get out the way before you can go and read all the interesting and nice articles we have this issue; id like to congratulate mr Tim Clauge aka. TC for doing damn well in the animation game. Well done :) Still not got me video yet though ;) (visit www.projector.demon.co.uk/aorn.html for some idea of what im talking about ppl)
Also Id like to remind ppl that the sol IRC chan has moved from xnet to starchat (for reasons i cant be arsed to go into lets just say xnet was swell, but the swelling went down). So it can now been found at irc.starchat.net #luckstruck. The xnet chan is completely closed so dont either bother with it. The DALnet chan is open but largly empty, DALnet splits more than Sharon Stones legs on a location.
Last a probably least special thanks to Nurgle for doing lots of articles for this issue. Word.
PaRiS "Well why?"
<Nurgle> Finding and exploiting buffer overflows
For all you people out there who use Windows, you should be more than familiar with the GPF screen, or the Blue Screen of Death. But, chances are you've never understood what all those little numbers included with the error mean. Well, my ignorant friends, they are details of the current execution stack and contain some very useful tidbits of info.
These little tidbits of info can be very useful in finding a buffer overflow in programs, and with a little skill (chances are you don't have much, but there's always hope) you can even execute your own arbitary code during an overflow.
1) What is a buffer overflow?
A buffer overflow occurs when you try and copy some data from one buffer into a buffer that is too small to contain all of the original data, so the data is written to memory that it shouldn't be.
The following program demonstrates a simple overflow (which may or may not be exploitable)
=== Begin code
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, char **argv) {
char string1[10];
strcpy(string1, argv[1]);
=== End code
This program simply copies a user definable string (specified on the command line) and copies it to a buffer that is 10 bytes long. Simple really, not much can go wrong with that, you would think. But what if you passed the program the string 'AAAAAAAAAAAA'? Where would the extra 3 bytes be stored? (C uses NULL terminated strings, which need to be taken into account, which use an extra byte of memory). Well, they would be stored over the next 3 bytes of memory, which could be just about anything.
2) Finding an overflow
There are several ways to find a buffer overflow. The easiest is if the program you want to '0wn' is an OpenSource program. If it is, you can simply do a `grep [strcpy|memcpy|\*.++] *.c` to locate an unchecked memory copy, and then backtrace the code to find out which variables are being copied (OpenSource is secure my ass).
If you don't have the source code to the program, you will need to try and force it to crash yourself. This can be a time consuming process, but the results can be worth it in the end. If a program you are using (such as Internet Explorer) has a repeatable crash, you can try and recreate the crash to find out the exact circumstances to cause the crash to happen.
3) 0wning it.
When are presented with the pretection fault, it usually prints a list of the current registers in use by the program. The one we are interested in is the STACK POINTER. This is used to tell the program where to return to after the current call has finished.
Finding out the exact amount of data required to change the stack pointer is a trial and error process, but it can be done. The simplest way is to use the same character as the input, and look to see when the stack pointer contains that character. As soon as you know this, you know that you have an exploitable overflow.
To run your own code over the newly discovered exploit, you need to compile a program using the native assembler of the target platform, and tack that code to the appropriate point of the overflow string (i.e. the point where the stack pointer overflows).
Simple, no?
<Trax> The Big Trip....
The Scene:
An Island in the North of Scotland (A lot of u know where but i aint saying here).
Events leading upto the trip:
'95/'96, many a late night spent drinkin beer, playing on pc's/consoles, Skating, Skippin' school, Fuckin' chicks, Making napalm to great effect [Note: Nothing will ever grow in that garden again, and hasn't to this date]
Sometime between '96-'98,
Just as hardcore was dieing, Hip-Hop/Scratchin/Sampled tunes were comin out.
[Memorable anthem cd UNKLE - PSYENCE FICTION, listened to in the summer at many a drink driven party]
[Note: i picked so many *innocent* chicks cherries that summer. Oh to be there once again.. ;) ]
Beastie Boys released Hello Nasty.
Slowly we were turning into trance/house luvvin' freaks, altho many a good tune came out.
Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar - [if you aint heard this, my friend i will find you and kill you using a serrated toilet seat and some napalm].
Summer to Autumn, we spent all our hard earned cash on booze, drink, drugs, and music (cd's 'n vinyl's)
The Prelude:
Autumn, shroom season was mid-swing.
We had been out many nights before tripping off our tits, getting in at breakfast times, and comin' down at work (nightmare!). That thursday & friday we didnt do much, fucked about with some audio apps on one of the pc's , browsed the net a bit.
The weekend arrived, saturday i finished at 9pm, went upto my mates house, where everyone was sittin' about bored lookin for somethin to do. It was one of those quiet nights outside, with a slight hint of fog , or maybe it was just me?, but anyways it was quiet. We sat watchin a bit of Mtv, playin decks and arsin' about. Then we got real bored, and thought we may aswell go pick some shrooms and start trippin' again. We looked out torch's and freezer bags (so damned handy!).
Together the 9 of us, walked religiously up to the golf course (great place), once we got there we saw the usual, a few torch's shining about & some voices. We split up into 3 pairs and the rest went searching together. We walked up and down the fairways, across the greens pickin' shrooms & dodging those bloody deep ditches. We met up with some of the other people out pickin', turned out they were also some of our mates who were lookin' for us earlier. Then we all kinda grouped together, shone the torch's down at our freezer bags, reckoned we probably had enough to trip off of (by this time there were 12/13 of us). So, we returned to my mates house, quite a distance (2-3 miles) where we tipped all the shrooms out on the worktop, and picked all the grass and crap out (some twat had a slug?). Then we thought "Fuck it!, lets make mushy tea", some of the guys were a bit hesitant, but by that time we had already started to blend up the shrooms (food blender, magic!). We got the biggest saucepan we could find, threw all the mushed up shrooms in it (more like a goo by this time), added some water, and heated it up. Alas, it was ready , we started fighting over who was gettin the biggest mug (hehe geed!), once we had that sorted we divided it up evenly, there was at least 1/3 of it left. We went through and watched Mtv again, and drank the tea/coffee/goo stuff. A few of us went back through and finished the 1/3'd off. Then we sat around for about 20 mins, then it was like "I know, lets go for a walk", so we did, and what a walk that was...
The Trip:
We headed up the road,about 200 yards away we all had trails (they were the best trails ive ever seen), the onwards toward bignold park, and then down towards the road headin to the willows and up to the secondry school, by this time, we were all startin to see funny shit, we continued walking towards the school, i walked all the way up that road with my eyes half open lookin' at the street-lights, and it was like "POW!", i was seeing neon lights, hundreds of them, kinda like one of those massive fairgrounds, but i was seeing them as cartoons done in neon lights, very, very wierd. We continued up the road and round the corner, walking up the road to the side of the school where there is a small wooded area (15-20 large trees), known to us as 'china-town' (dont ask), here is where things turned real wierd. We all started fucking about in the long grass and hiding behind tree's trying to freak each other out, but we just fell about laughing at each other, then it went quiet, and we headed off along this open area of grass with a new path on it. I'm thinkin "this path wasnt here last time, was it?!", we continued walking along, everyone looking at each other, peering back at the stragglers, and then i looked towards Butler (yes thats what we called him), and his face was like one of those happily evil looking devils (it didnt help that he has large canine teeth either), i was like "FUCK MAN you look so damned funny", he's goin "what? eh?", then stan said to butler "haha dont worry he's just trippin" , butler replies "hahah yeah i forgot we were trippin", everyone started laughing at him, like he was the town idiot or something, he just carried on walking. We approached the primary school, it was dimly lit, only the odd security light and street lights shining down from the top of the hill.
We started fucking about around there, we even had a go on the stuffin the playground, which was highly amusing. I was stil seeing the odd neon lookin light, and things infront of me started to warp and twist, truely amazing. After the school playground, we headed towards a large wooded area down the road , the willows, it has a stream running through it, and lots of undergrowth and wierd trees?. We continued to walk through the woods, halfway down at the bridge everyone gathered. I couldnt be arsed with people much then, and went on a solo mission to the other end of the willows, where there was another birdge, i walked across to the other side, and walked back up toward the bridge everyone else was at. Then i started hearing eerie as fuck noises, and rustling, i stopped, looked around, but my eyes were playing havoc, i said "butler is that you?", everything went quiet, apart from the slight breez rustling the tree branches above. I continued walking towards the bridge, then Butler jumped out infront of me screaming "RAAAAAARRGH!!", i jumped back and said "FUCK MAN, thats scary shit" and started laughing like fuck, as did Butler. We agreed to walk upto the bridge in an effort to find eveyone else, they were further up the willows, nearer the primary school we passed on our way down. We walked up toward them, then noticed a part of the stream we could easily jump across and fuck about in, so we did, then everyone else joined in. All of a sudden it seemed boring.
We walked to the phone boxes, and we found a weed we earlier named a 'Twizzlestick', one of those weed that when you swipe it through the air makes that whizz noise. Spencer (first time tripper) ws walking up towards us, so we aked him if he wanted a twizzlestick, and he was staring at the sky & tree's above us going "woooaaaaaah man, like, wooooah look at that man yeah!", then i said "SPENCER!", we got his attention, and offered him the twizzlestick, which he gladly accepted. Soon after this, at the other side of the phone boxes, me and butler were talkin to each other about random stuff, and we caught eye of spencer again, pratting around like a pure space-cadet!, we laughed so much it started to hurt. Then we agreed we should convince him twizzlesticks were tasty to eat (not really a good idea, since we didnt really know what they were anyway), after a convincing few minutes, he replies "woaah, are they tasty?" we're like "hell yeah man", he says "cooooool man" and proccedes to munch on the twizzlestick, and then says "fuck man you'r right, they are good!!" and continues munchin, at that moment, we burst out laughing, and ran over to other members of our party telling them what spencer just did, and they all proceeded to point and laugh at him, and make jokes about how stupid he was.
Then onwards, we decided to walk out to ingerness beach, just before we left the phone boxes, shane decided he was going home as he wasnt feeling too good (We later foun out he spent 5 hours argueing with the TV). The distance to ingerness didnt seem far at the time. About 4 miles later, we reached the last streetlight in town, and headed out into darkness. We didnt really need torch's now as our vision was fucked up enough, and the light emitting from the town was enough too see.
Stan was walking ahead, then me, then derek, and butler shortly behind him, along with joe, and the others behind them. I was gettin pretty bored walkin, to i turned to my trusty walkman, and flicked on the radio, i dont know what i was listening to, but i sure made me act REAL fucked up & strange. I was imagining i was an SAS soldier of somethin, walkin rwal far ahead and stopping, lookin about , imagining there were enemys all around. Joe caught up with me, and im like "man there's soldiers around here" and he goes "is there? cool!, what u listening to man?" to i gave him on of the earpieces, and then he goes "man that rap shit fucks you up", i was amazed, me, listening to rap music?!, to i turned the radio off, and put on the tape ( a recording of judge jules from the week before), this chilled me out a bit, and i continued walking. Whilst walking down the road to ingerness, we were all meeting up every so often adn speaking about random stuff, and random things we'd seen, generally chatting and laughing about stuff, and philosiphising a bit on what could happen, what we could do etc. Then, the last bend in the road before the steep downhill towards the beach, Stan somehow managed to get behind us without us noticing, and he exclaims "WOAH FUCK ITS A PLANE?!", i knew what it was, and just started laughing my ass off, he's like "what?, im serious", i goes "it's a windmill you idiot", he goes "oh, oh yeah, i knew that". By this time, the fog was setting in, making things seem even more wierd. Then like something out of the X Files, we saw the airport (just behind the beach), and oh my god.... those red runway lights, looked fuckin terrific, and i was all for heading down onto the airstrip, Joe caught up with me, and says "man nah dont go there, lets just get to the beach first", i agree'd.
We Arrived at the beach, the waves crashing against the shore, and it was gettin' a little cold, but it wasnt too cold. At the beach there an old salmon factory, just a few cages and an empty warehouse. We decided to explore the front of the building, and found one of those compressors they use for pneumatic drills and the likes. I thought "hey man, that looks damned comfy", and hpooed up on it, then joe jumped up on it, followed by bobo and butler, we all agreed it must be the confyest seat in the world, and started chatting amongst ourselves. Derek was walking about doing god knows what, Stan and the rest we further away from us, towards the airstrip, at the other end of the warehouse. Then Derek puked up, we hopped off the compressor and ran towards him, seeing if he was ok. Bobo and me thought he puked blood (sick!), and were like "FUCK MAN WHAT U DOING?!", derek goes "being sick", bobo and me turned and faced each other, i knew what he was thinking, coz i was thinking the same, thinkin we were gonna have to call an ambulance or something. We walked off towards the beach, trying to chill out, and bobo screams "FUCK IM GONNA KILL DEREK", derek, about 100 yards away goes "FUCK HES GONNA KILL ME!". Butler ran over to us, and was trying his damnedest to chill us out, then he goes "woah man, look at the sea, and the wreck", we're like "what wreck?", butler replies, "that shipwreck there, the old war wreck", and i said to butler "oh yeah, that wreck, pretty cool aint it", he looked at me as if to say 'you didnt see that a minute ago', and bobo started grinnin, then we went down onto the sand (one helluva wierd feeling when that stuff gets in your shoes). Butler went back to see how derek was doing, by this time, everyone else was behind us, walking along the road above the beach, we turned around, and walked towards them. We met Stan, Butler , and Derek was cleaning himself up walking slowly. We thought we had best get back to town and to Stan's house, just incase Derek got more fucked up.
The trek back up the hill was fucking agony, yet somehow when we reached the top of the hill , it seemed like nothing, just how it felt when we reached the bottom of the hill at the beach. We headed down the other side towards town, all of us by this time, hallucentaing like fuck, (Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas (movie) seems similar to it now). Once we got down to the link road (road between papdale and the housing estate when Stan lives). Butler, Bobo, and Spencer and a few others headed off home, or into town to get taxi's home (taxi + tripping? fuck it's bad enough in the middle of an e' but trippin? nuts). The rest of us, me, stan, joe, derek & ronald headed towards stan's house, went in, and sat down in the living room, flicked on the tv, and some MAD-AS-FUCK videos were on (this is when i first got into Aphex Twin, and Coldcut). Aphex Twin - Come To Viddy, is a must see when trippin on shrooms & Coldcut - Timber (the timber song as we called it then), after that i made myself a coffee (strong), trying to maintain the level of trip, it helped for a bit, but not much. We continued watching music video's. Then realised the time, it was 7am!, last time we looked it was 4am(at the phone boxes, i think), how long were we outside for?, none of us could think, let along comprehend time at this point. Then Derek headed off home, and ronald soon followed, Joe stayed for a joint, then left (scraping bastard! haha). I sat watching more music vids, and stan headed off to his bed, I sat and watched music vids the rest of the morning, unable to sleep, and still having severe trails.
This was truely the most intense shroom trip ever, wierd, twisted, hilarious, and scary all in the same trip, no-one had a bad trip, apart from when derek puked, but that was soon cured. Ask if i would do it again? hell yeah, that was one of the best nights of my life!!. A bunch of good mates, all out tripping together, having the time of our lives. If anyone offered me shrooms tommorow, i'd take them, regardless of what i was doing, what i was supposed to be doing, or what i had planned. Shrooms trips are a must, that is, if you can handle it haha.
Luke, Evil, The truant officers have been informed!
<Chicken Soup> Untitled...
Int - Night - Hotel Room.
A semi-dark room. Lit only by light through the open French window. A fan spins on the ceiling, directly under the fan is a double bed. A younf couple are in the bed having sex. The MAN groans in extasy and the sex stops. MAN slumps on top of WOMAN who stares up at the ceiling. They stay in that position for a few moments the MAn rolls over to one side of the bed, WOMAN rolls to the other. Each of them have identical bedside tables next to them with identical lamps on each. MAN reaches on to the floor and picks up a pair of trousers. He takes a cigarette packet and lighter out of the pocket.
No thankyou.
WOMAN reaches on to the floor and picks up a t-shirt. She puts it on. MAN puts a cigarette to his mouth, he flicks on the lighter. The flame lights his face creepily. He lights lights the cigarette and takes a deep pull. WOMAN turns on her lamp gets out of the bed and, sidestepping the clothing on the floor, walks into the ensuite bathroom. She clicks the light on and closes the door. Man rolls into the middle of the bed. He sits up and surveys the room. He takes another pull on his cigarette.
Int - Night - Bathroom.
WOMAN sits down on the toilet. She puts her head in hre hands. After a moment ruffles her hair and gets up. She turns on the shower.
Int - Night - Hotel Room.
MAN is now out of the bed. He has boxer shorts on and is pulling on a shirt. He walks out of the French-doors onto the balcony.
Ext - Night - Balcony.
MAN walks tot he guard rail and looks out at the neon-lit town spralling in front of him. He takes a pull on his cigarett, then breaths smoke out into the night air. With cigarette in hand he begins to do up his shirt.
Int - Night - Bathroom.
WOMAN is in the shower. Thes jets of water patter against her skin. She has a bar of soap in her hands and is scrubbing herself. As she scrubs tears run down he cheeks.
Flashback - Ext - Day - Park.
WOMAN is walking through a lush, green park bathed in sunshine. YOUNG MAN walks up behind her. He taps WOMAN on the shoulder and she turns round, she breaks into a big smile and they embrace.
Int - Night - Bathroom.
WOMAN turns off the shower.
Int - Night - Room.
WOMAN emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She begins to pick up her clothes from the floor.
Ext - Night - Balcony.
MAN is stood at the guard rail, he takes a pull on his cigarette. He turns his head and glances into the room. Through the French-doors we can see WOMAN getting dressed. MAN breaths out a cloud of smoke obscuring our view of WOMAN. MAN looks out at the city and flicks the remnants of his cigarette away over the balcony.
Int - Night - Hotel Room.
WOMAN has her blouse on. she sits on the bed and pulls on her skirt. She stands up and dapes her coat over her arm. She picks up her handbag and her shoes. WOMAN has a look around the room before opening the door and leaving the door bangs shut.
Ext - Night - Balcony.
The sound of the door banging MAN turns round. He stands in the French-doorway and looks at the empty room.
In - Night - Lift.
WOMAN puts on her shoes. She puts on her jacket. She looks in the mirror that wraps around the lift walls, WOMAN opens her handbag and takes out a pacet of cigarettesand lighter. She takes out a cigarette and puts it between her lips.
Ext - Night - Balcony.
MAN is slumped on the guardrail. He stares down at the passing traffic below.
Ext - Night - Street outside hotel.
Two black cabs are parked outside the hotel. Rain starts to fall, puddles begin to fill dents in the pavement. A car drives by. Woman walks out of the hotel doors and climbs into a waiting cab as the rain gets heavier.
Ext - Night - Balcony.
MAN watches as WOMAN's cab pulls away from the hotel. He goes indoors.
Int - Night - Hotel Room.
MAN takes a cigarette out of the packet and lights it. He throws the packet down on the bed, MAN goes into bathroom, and closes the door. The room is empty.
X-Nets Most WANTED: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? ---- Tekel "ereet Outlaw"
<SOL> Clips n Crap from the Net...
www.starband.com <-- Terry Cooksey's newhiding place?
[Nurgle Take Note...]
(@Vincent`McVeigh) I may not be Fred Flintstone but I can make your bed rock
(+DJ_Evil) man im fuckered
(+DJ_Evil) lack of sheep
(@luke) my lan is fucked :((
(@|PaRiS|) Your nan?!
(@|PaRiS|) ohhh Lan.
[SOL Meetings...]
(@|PaRiS|) see... dedication, if only the rest were more like u ;) *grin*
(@[Nurgle]) what, lonely and depressed habitual masturbaters?
(@[Nurgle]) (that's one for the Clips 'n craps)
G-Shock - My PC keeps hanging in Windows, any ideas as to what it is?
[^CRASH^] - a set of curtains?
[The Truth]
Yay! Well, some of you may remember when we had this video up awhile back in that god awful quicktime format. (Forgive us! Please!) Hehe. Now you can delete the old one and reformat windows, sacrifice a goat or whatever it takes to uninstall quicktime ^_^ because we now have a nice high quality mpeg for ya. Very VERY highly recommended (one of my favorite vids ^_-) -Fox (http://www.bigmog.com/index.php3?main=video_dl.html)
(@Trax) 2001 will be a good year...
! @Trax has forseen it
(|PaRiS|) "Finally we can reveal ourselves to the Jedi..."
[Carry on Doctor]
According to a recent article in the Register, doctors in
the UK have resorted to opening and actively using
Hotmail accounts as a vehicle to relay confidential
patient information. The recently uncovered use of
Hotmail accounts is reportedly in response to both the
government and NHS's failure to adopt a streamlined
system (that contains ample security measures) for the
specific purpose of electronic communication. - HNN (Now @stake)
[MPAA Update]
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently went
to the federal appeals court in an effort to get the
decision against 2600 Magazine's publication of DeCSS
overturned using the First Amendment as a basis for its
argument. According to the Electronic Frontier
Foundation's press release regarding the matter,
"Numerous amici briefs supporting 2600 Magazine's right
to publish and link to this information will be filed with
the 2nd Circuit, including briefs from the ACLU, the
Digital Future Coalition, librarians, journalists, computer
scientists, law professors, educators, and
cryptographers." 02.19.01 is the deadline for the
Motion Picture Association of America's response.
�:� DJ_EvilAway is now known as DJ_Evil
(goat_____) sod off Evil
(Witchcraft) yeah
(goat_____) yeah?
(Witchcraft) Sod off evil
(Witchcraft) yeah
(goat_____) hehe
�:� DJ_Evil is now known as DJ_EvilAway
(DJ_EvilAway) fine
[The Truth is Out There]
(|PaRiS|) are u an alien?
(|PaRiS|) :)
(EPSiLON) prolly
[Vintage Terry Cooksey]
"I will punish you for months for your criminal acts against me. Using copyright materials is NOT legal. I will NOT excuse you for it either. YOU will pay with EVERYTHING you and YOUR nazi parents own. I am in the process of filing a complaint in YOUR home town, and criminal charges will follow. YOU like committing your nazi crimes; but YOU keep forgetting about THE CONSEQUENCES." - Terry Cooksey.
[Influence after four hours of silence]
(@firetrack) FUCKING IDLERS
(@|PaRiS|) Yeah
(@|PaRiS|) Bitches
(@|PaRiS|) Kill them all liek.
[Talking of Terry...]
Site Description: Site Keywords: Browser=Default Version=0.0 If you're
seeing this page your web browser does not support HTTP 1.1. ...
www.cooksey.net/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages
<Andrea_Vellious> IRC RPG...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to game daily with an ever-changing tableau of characters? Have you ever considered running a story line that bends and twists and the outcome is never truly clear? If you have, then you may wish to consider gaming online thru mIRC.
In the world of mIRC, you can experience many different forms of role-play. There is Free form RP, where there are truly no set standards, your character is yours to do with, as you will. Generally, there are two rules in FFRP, no auto hitting � �Samson strikes `Golgarth and rips his head off� and no God Moding � Golgarth laughs, picking up his head and reattaching it to his shoulders. �Did you really think you could kill the Son of Matmarak? I am a GOD, I am Invincible!!� �. There are Moderated rooms, a combination of FFRP and other established games, such as the licensed properties of World Of Darkness and GURPS. In these instances your character is yours to do with what you will, as long as you follow the set guidelines of the rooms you are in.
The latter is my favourite style of gaming. It allows me to use my imagination, but it also prevents me from going overboard. Its easy to have a character who is well liked and perceived as nothing but a trollop, but is killed because she knows too many people and has her hands in everyone�s business. The death may come as a shock, but in time you get over it. I know, I�ve been there. Let me give you an overview of my experiences in mIRC.
I came to mIRC in February of 2000. I had just finished a long time fascination with EverQuest. I was burned out and needed to free my mind. Enter the wonderful world of online gaming. I was at first drawn to A room on Dalnet, called #Dragonheart. This was a mythical place, set up as a Medieval Free Form Role Play (MFFRP). In this channel there were a myriad of different types of characters. There were faeries, goblins, vampires, werewolves (not Garou), ancient gods and mortals. It was easy to get wrapped up in the changing world. Eventually I found my niche and progressed well. My character had many alliances and much opposition. However, I took off and found out what else was going on.
I found a unique room called #Vampirehall, A room based on WoD, and set in Boston. It was here I found my true home. To this day, you can find me here, interacting with people that I have never met in person but have a great deal of respect and caring for. I believe that this format of mIRC gaming, the more structured of the two, has helped me excel in my own proficiencies as a roleplayer. I went from being a one-liner �Brandy walks to the bar, getting a drink� to a descriptive writer, �Brandy walked slowly toward the bar, her heels making a staccotic clicking on the hard woodfloor only to be swallowed up by the din of the crowd. With a soft smile alighting on angelic features, she asked the tender for a wyne.� I learned that the descriptive writing makes the RP more enjoyable for everyone.
What you can expect from online mIRC gaming is a warm community of fellow gamers who enjoy their art. Yes, their art. Some spend hours doing just this, perfecting what they do, developing intricate story lines to hook you and keep you interested. In truth, I don�t think the best table top GM could keep my attentions for more than 2 or 3 months, but here I am a year later and still playing to my hearts content. You will develop true friendships; perhaps even find a loving partner. These people will support you if you�re down and will celebrate with you when you are happy.
You will also have your conflicts. Some people will just rub you the wrong way. Perhaps you�ll find a Drama Queen, who has to have the game go just their way, when you see a different outcome, or you might come across that one person who, for what ever reason thinks they are god�s gift to RP and condescends to you. These aspects can make you feel like dropping out and never coming back. The one lesson you can take from me is NEVER let them drive you away. If you find the mIRC world a comfortable world, push those rotten apples aside and bask in the glory of the story.
Story line is essential. It is what keeps you going there. The different aspects of the storyteller�s ability to keep you intrigued, to keep you enthralled, to make you loyal. Two of the #VampireHall storytellers, Mikal and Sun-Wu_Cong, have created a world in the channel that makes you hang on every action. What will happen to your character? Who will be found guilty for the murder of the socialite? What is the Prince up to by putting a Brujah Primogen on the throne? Why did the Ravnos Sheriff quit his position? Is there really a cappadocian crypt somewhere in the city? They create a vivid surreality that keeps you there.
There is another aspect that you may or may not like about mIRC gaming. It�s the concept of cyber (descriptive {or perhaps not so descriptive} sexual scenes). While cyber can enhance a story it is not absolutely necessary. Sure its fun, sure its interesting to see the words written out on the screen, but do you really want to know what the other RP�er is doing at home? I have found in my tenure on-line that some cyber is integral to my character�s personae. When you play a slave, you have to expect it. I stress, though, that if you do not want to cyber, you don�t have to. I currently have a partner in the RPG world that will allude to what our characters do, but he will not actually pursue cyber with anyone.
What can you expect from your first immersion into mIRC? You can expect, if you�re a female to be hit on. Get used to it, toughen your spirit and move on. Males experience this too, but not as often from what I see, though I could be wrong. You will want to develop a character. Create a back-story; make your character show their strengths and their weaknesses. Use your words to reflect their personality. Trust me, there is a big difference from � Sophia looked into Vito�s eyes, no hint of fear in their sapphire depths, as lip curled up into a sneer. �Vito Giovanni, how� pleasurable to see you again.� � And � Kristen canted her head down, looking up thru a fringe of golden lash. A hint of a rosy blush took hold on the crest of her cheeks as a wavered voice answered him sweetly, � Hello Adam, It is good to see you again.�
Make them come alive, be vibrant and others will flock to play with you. Draw a picture in the person�s mind of your character, let it flow, �Cantara stood in the window, her languid form eased against the glass, moonlight silhouetting her. Raven tresses pooled over her shoulders and down to the swell of her breast. Eyes of purest amber sparkled in the dim light as lips of soft pink parted, drawing breath. The soft leather of her bodice clung to her supple body as a lovers hand might lift and ease each creamy mound. Her skirt skimmed over softly flaring hips to the floor, pudding at dainty feet.� Is much more interesting than �Lizabetta stood in the shadows, looking at the others.�
Names are important too. They can convey the character�s demeanor. Are you really going to approach �Grantog-the-Magnificent� for casual conversation? Or do you really think that �Misery� wants to speak about the weather? Choose names from literature and you�re likely to become stereotyped. �Oliver� is perhaps going to be a lonely fellow while �Ursula� may be perceived as a witch. You can get creative with your names by making phonetic spellings; Sabrina can become Sabreina or Saabrinae. On mIRC you have to understand that someone already has a Lestat or a Victoria. It is your challenge to come up with a name that no one else has. If the name you�re set on is taken, get creative either with spelling or dashes and carats. Elisabeth can become ``Elizabeth` or even |^Elisabeth^|,anything can do.
I hope that you will take some time to check out the world of on line gaming, through the mIRC system, you can download the most current version of it at
Feel free to stop by #Vampirehall and say hello to me. I�ll be happy to show you around.
"Phear the cult of soljo, hide the goats"
<llama> The comprehensive review of spirits...
Right, I`ve given in to the consistant whining of Paris to do an article, so here I go....
(First, a small sponsor message)
We, of the LAIBP (League Against Internet Badger Porn) are CAMPAIGNING against the DEPRAVED activities that go on in the internet. Sites like www.badgeranalXXXX.com, www.badgerrape.com and most SICKENING of all, www.nurgle-badger-blood.com MUST be stopped. "Badger" YOUR ISP to have these VILE sites removed today!
Remember, A badger is for LIFE, not just some badgerophile fantasy.
Way, way back in Soljo 1, Me and Paris did an (almost) comprehensive review of bottled alcholic drinks. So naturally, being a student, heres an update......
Performed over the course of a few weeks....
Name: Vodka
Description: Foul, colourless spirit which as all the taste and smell of turps.Best
Alternative Use: Toilet disenfectant.
Rating: 0/10
Name: Whiskey (cheap)
Description: Bleugh! Not even Comrade (Whiskey drinker extrodinare) will touch this.
Rating: 0/10
Name: Whiskey (expensive)
Description: Looks the same as cheap whiskey, but TASTES A LOT BETTER. Comrade swears by the
stuff. I`ll leave him to it.
Rating: 4/10
Name: Jack Daniels
Description: Whiskey of Champions. Served best with coke.
Rating: 8/10
Name: Bacardi and White Rum in general
Description: Looks like vodka, but TASTES A LOT BET... you get the idea.
Rating: 6/10
Name: Red Aftershock
Description: Red, sticky, smells like cinnamon. However, this has a good kick to it. Reminds
me of marmite. You either love it, or you hate it. Only one thing better than
red aftershock.....
Rating: 9/10
Name: Goldschlager
Description: Like red aftershock, but colourless, more powerful, and HAS GOLD BITS IN. Can
there be a better drink?
Rating: 10/10
Name: Blue Aftershock
Description: Red Aftershocks evil brother. Smells of washing up liquid, and has a weird
citrus taste to it. Not as good.
Rating: 7/10
Name: Apple Sourz
Description: Green apple schnapps. Not very strong (20%) but tastes exactly like sharp apple
juice. A person could get very drunk on this.....
Rating: 7/10
Name: Sidekick shots
Description: Schnapps which comes in handy double sized containers. There are 4 flavours:
Apple (nice), vanilla (not bad), cranberry (hmmm, yuurgh) and grapefruit
Rating: Apple 8/10, Vanilla 7/10, Cranberry 3/10, Grapefruit 1/10
Name: Chantruse
Description: French liqueor with a herby smell to it. Powerful (55%), a man could die drinking this.
Rating: 6/10
Name: Jaegermiester
Description: Smells like cough syrup, looks like cough syrup, tastes like cough syrup. Hang
on a minute.....
Rating: 5/10
Name: Banana Liqueor
Description: Banana. Natch.
Rating: 5/10
Name: Absinthe
Description: the daddy of spirits. Extreme amounts of alcohol (72.5%), made Van Gogh chop
off his ears, and Paris to collapse outside Harrow-on-the-Hill station.
Rating: 4/10
Name: Red Devil
Description: Bells Wiskey, left for 8 years with a load of chilli peppers in the barrel as
well. Nearly made me blow chunks.
Rating: 2/10
Name: Galliano
Description: very sweet spirit, quite nice.
Rating: 7/10
Remember, Drinking excessive amounts of spirits can kill, or destroy your liver. Unless your a student, because we`re INVINCIBLE!!!!! (joking)
All opinions are of llamas, so if you don`t agree, twirl it up your jap-eye, you bitter little twat.
I am the bomber what bombs at midnight!
<Nurgle> An excerpt from Linux Game Programming: Chapter 10 - Artificial Intelligence
Evolution summed up
It all started millions of years ago. Some amino acids got together one day and decided to throw a party. An uninvited guest at this party was called DNA. While this DNA guy wasn't invited, we showed the amino acids how to have a good time. Like people do at parties, Mr. DNA pulled. After a night of passion with some more amino acids, Mr DNA and Mrs. Amino had a son, but this son was slightly different. Due to a random mutation, it had grown a fin and a tail, as well as a couple of eyeballs. Who would have guessed it, huh? Let's call the son of Mr DNA Bert (all fish must be called Bert. It's in the bible somewhere).
Luckily, Bert wasn't alone in the world. Mr DNA went to another party and pulled yet again, creating another fish-like being, called Bertette. One day Bert and Bertette met and fell hopelessly in love. That night they went at it like rabbits who had found a warehouse full of viagra.
Now, Bert and Bertette had some genes in them that allowed them to grow legs, but they only had one each. For legs to appear, they needed two of these genes. After their night of passion, Bert and Bertette had twins. One of the twins had received two of these leg genes, and was an instant hit with the ladies (well, his Mom, as she was the only female fish in existance). The other recieved no leg genes, and was destined to be a the creator of the eels. Poor sod.While the offspring with legs was getting it on with his Mom, the other one (called Bob, as all eels are) was getting it on with himself.
Back to the tale of Bertette and her son (shudder). As many of us know, inbreeding can lead to mutations in the DNA leading to disfiguration. And that's what happened to Bertette and hers sons children. That's right, Bertette gave birth to a son called called Adam and a daughter called Yvette. And it kinda went downhill from there.
The results of the eons of inbreeding that has been taking place all over the globe? George Bush Jr. (Don't you wish Mr DNA wore protection?)
<SOL> The "Of The Year Competion 2000" Results...
Thanks to everyone who voted, we know who you are (?) Peace out and SOL proudly present the results. Germany... Nil Poi'... er wrong card. Right.
[Que go-go girls introducing JerichoZZ as presenter]
Coming in First (We suspect with a great campaign of support organised by herself): Nix^.
Coming in Joint Second place (And oddly): |PaRiS| (Yes he is a guy) and Insane_Jane.
Coming in Joint Third Place: Angel & Klaire.
[Que Live chainsaw juggling with supporting vocals from Maria Carey]
Coming in First place (Our very own...): |PaRiS|.
Coming in Second place: Comunion.
Coming in Third place: espirt.
These are the Votes as we got em, so no whining. - Ed.
<Unknown> Light Bulb...
[I thought this was well funny... - Ed]
Q: How many list subscribers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 1,331
1 to change the light bulb and to post to the list that
the light bulb has been changed.
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and
how the light bulb could have been changed differently.
7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs.
27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing
light bulbs.
53 to flame the spell checkers
156 to write to the list administrator complaining about
the light bulb discussion and its inappropriateness to this
mail list.
41 to correct spelling in the spelling/grammar flames.
109 to post that this list is not about light bulbs and to please
take this email exchange to alt.lite.bulb
203 to demand that cross posting to alt.grammar, alt.spelling
and alt.punctuation about changing light bulbs be stopped.
111 to defend the posting to this list saying that we all
use light bulbs and therefore the posts **are** relevant
to this mail list.
306 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is
superior, where to buy the best light bulbs, what brand of
light bulbs work best for this technique, and what brands
are faulty.
27 to post URLs where one can see examples of different
light bulbs
14 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly, and to
post corrected URLs.
3 to post about links they found from the URLs that are
relevant to this list which makes light bulbs relevant to
this list.
33 to summarize all posts to date, then quote them including
all headers and footers, and then add "Me Too."
12 to post to the list that they are unsubscribing because
they cannot handle the light bulb controversy.
19 to quote the "Me Too's" to say, "Me Three."
4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ.
1 to propose new alt.change.lite.bulb newsgroup.
47 to say this is just what alt.physic.cold_fusion was
meant for, leave it here.
143 votes for alt.lite.bulb.
SOL - Society of Losers?
<Nurgle> Scr1pt K1ddi3s guide to the Chaos Magick
In the first part of a series explaining the science behind different forms of modern mysticism, I will look at the quantum physics of the supernatural, the mathematical marvel that is Chaos Magick.
Let's start off with a deck of cards. Shuffle it, split, and shuffle again. Now turn over the top card. It should be the Ace of Spades. No? Just bad luck. Try again, and keep trying until it works. Practice makes perfect.
Now, if you've got half a brain, you should be thinking there's a 1 in 52 chance of the top card being the ace of spade, so it's bound to come out eventually, and you wouldn't be wrong. You see, while many uninformed people would assume the "chaos" in chaos magick refers to "the dark side", it infact refers to chaos theory, which states more or less that anything is possible, but some things are very improbable.
While many people will feed you bullshit saying you need to go through complex rituals to master chaos magick, you don't. A simple understanding of quantum mechanics and maths is all you need. Of course, being the bastard I am, I'm going to ignore the quantum mechanics side (my head hurts thinking about it), and focus on the chaos side of thing.
Chaos theory goes a little something like this: No matter how chaotic a closed system may be, there will always be a pattern in there. The universe is a closed system. Existence is a closed system. Nothing happens for the sake of happening. The cause of something happening may not be known, but it generates the effect, and the effect is constant, even though the cause may change.
And that is what you need to focus on, the effect. Back to our deck of cards. We want the top card to be the Ace of Spades. How can we do this? So far, we have only specified the effect, so the cause is still up for grabs. So, how about we remove every other card from the deck? Or have a deck of 52 Ace of Spades'? While this may seem like cheating, we have still acheived the effect.
The point of chaos magic is not how you do something, but that you actually do something by altering the probability of it occuring so that it is above 0.5. No rituals are required to do this, only an understanding of your environment.
<DJ_Evil> Trying To Be A DJ!?!
Well fuck this really is a long long road that many many people have tried to take but have failed misrably.
There are many different ways people have tried to get into this industry but I have to say it will take some
amount of time!!! The Super DJ's have been loved by many people at the ages of 15-30 and other people just
turn round and say "Well fuck that is easy to do, even I could do that" But normally this aint the case MOST
djs have taken large chunks of time to be as good as they are. Then you notice total arses like "Judge" Jules
who everyone fucking adores and loves when they say "oh hes FUCKIN great his mixing is TOPS!" when these people
are so pished you could play fuckin classic FM and they would still dance, Judge Jules cant even mix a fuckin
Cake let alone vinyl. This is still a very hard industry to get into and im pretty surprised Judge Jules made
it there, but Experiance is everything. First you start off with Pish little Decks like the cheapest
TurnTables/CD Decks you can find and get yourself a mixer sounds simple enough. Then people hook this
"Equipment" up to their Hi-Fi's and try to mix with like two singles they got the same day they bought the
decks etc. They are gettin into the groove and fuck about a bit with the pitch control and start Crossing over
then Suddenly the fucker starts changin pitch well there you have it not so easy eh mate. You know what else I
hate people who say "Oh look we've got little black pieces of Vinyl, your CD's are nothin compared to this" or
"CD Decks?" or *Blank Looks* etc. Do people not understand that technology changes on a daily basis and
different mediums can be used to mix with not just fuckin Vinyl, but I it all comes down to shops like say
Argos that have these pish little "DJ Kits" for like a hundred quid thats what all these "Vinyl Lovers" think
all CD Decks are like I mean fuck GET WITH THE PROGRAM. At about this time you'll be thinking aww fuck this,
this idiot is tryin to say CD's are better than vinyl, in fact I'd perfer not to take sides but I do think it
is easier to mix with Vinyl due to the control you have on it. The hands on aspect makes a lot of difference
for some people/beginners, I just dont like the attitude people give me when I say I've got CD Decks I
personally dont see much problem with using them to do mixing just it feels harder because of the "limited"
control you have with most of them. The other day I was reading though that they have decks where you can
scratch which is a good idea, hop over to www.tascam.com for more details if you wish. I'm sure Vinyl still
has a good few years of life left in it but its days are numbered as far as im concerned, another problem with
Vinyl is the fuckin PRICE of buying decent Promos, like no one wants to go into a shop with say 30quid and then
come out with only 5 tunes !! Thats another advantage of CD's since they are mass produced prices are cheaper
so people can access the DJ Industry easily. Other points I must make in this is you must have a Genuine love
for the music you listen to if you wanna mix Trance/House/Techno/Hardcore etc this gives you a edge over people
who just dont wanna play types of music like that. Listening to tracks over and over again also help you learn
where the beat kicks back in and other things like that, vocal start times and so on. Good equipment can be
bought from many places all over the internet and yes you guessed it ACTUAL SHOPS! (there are shops in the world
that aint online?!?!?)
Written By DJ_Evil deejayevil@crosswinds.net (wannabe) DJ For www.stormdance.co.uk and www.ddb.fm :-P
<SOL> More Terry Cooksey...
Session Start: Thu Feb 01 04:33:59 2001
�:� Now talking in #amigaworld
� Topic: #AmigaIRC is promoting the Rape and murder of children, blacks and Jews....... As well as molesting children, spousal abuse and crack cocaine. The Leaders of this criminal activity are Nerp, Maxicon, massmurder, medd, Ook,Jonty,VENJA, A3K, skully, Roxanne- and more
� Set by: Amiga on Sun Jan 28 23:53:32 2001
[Total: 5] [Ops: 1 (20%)] [Voice: 3 (60%)] [Regular: 1 (20%)]
[Synched in 1.27 seconds]
#amigaworld url is http://www.cooksey.net/Amiga/
�:� [#amigaworld] http://www.cooksey.net/Amiga/
�:� Mode (Amiga:#AmigaWorld +v |PaRiS|)
(+|PaRiS|) hi.
(@Amiga) baby boy paris !
(+|PaRiS|) The one and only ;)
(+|PaRiS|) Hows Tricks Terry?
(+^Enigma) ne1 here know this vosot guy of #amirc ?
(+|PaRiS|) Kinda.
(@Amiga) who's tricks ?
(+|PaRiS|) Same as all of em from #amirc if u ask me...
(+|PaRiS|) Amiga: hehe... anyones
(@Amiga) vosot is chief of whiners
�:� Quits: JakeDcc (n@ro06-24-131-139-136.ce.mediaone.net): Read error: Connection reset by peer
(+^Enigma) yeah tell me bout it
(+|PaRiS|) I am fucking freezing :(
(+^Enigma) all i did was ask a simple question
(+|PaRiS|) Vosot appears to have his head up is own ass
(@Amiga) so.......Vosot is a Paris imitator !
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) No... Im fair ;P
(@Amiga) yea.the world's ONLY "fair nazi" !
(@Amiga) LOL
(@Amiga) kewl
(+|PaRiS|) He's just an ass... yer man here asked a question and cos he finks #amirc is the bollocks of an IRc chan he's just like "wooo" look at me.
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) Im so not a Nazi.
(+|PaRiS|) I was engaged to a Jewish Girl ffs terry ;P
(@Amiga) oh...YOU repent since last night !
(+|PaRiS|) What did I do last night?
(+|PaRiS|) :/
(@Amiga) you were using the nick Voshika
(+|PaRiS|) was the night before I was talking to you about god etc...
(@Amiga) <yawn>
(@Amiga) games have never fooled the Great Cooksey.
(+|PaRiS|) oh well, we have a difference of opinion, but tolorance is bliss.
(+|PaRiS|) :)
(@Amiga) I don't have opinions.
(+|PaRiS|) no, you have facts right?
(+|PaRiS|) Hey...
(+|PaRiS|) You ever see Down?
(+^Enigma) hehe u don't have much
[Now at this point you could be forgiven for thinking Terry is sane, as the folks from
Pycho Budgie were... But... The best is yet to come...]
(+|PaRiS|) You ever see Down?
(+|PaRiS|) Terry
(@Amiga) down is over on irc.amiga.com #amiga with the nazis from AMiga,Inc
(+|PaRiS|) yer?
(+|PaRiS|) Ive not seen him for ages.
(+|PaRiS|) Might pay a visit.
(+|PaRiS|) What about... Miracle?
(+^Enigma) nazis from Amiga.inc wots wrong with them ?
(@Amiga) I saw miracle a couple of months ago
(+|PaRiS|) Yeah?
(+|PaRiS|) What did he say.
(@Amiga) McEwen requires fools....just like when he was at GW.......
(+^Enigma) HELLLOOOOO! whats wrong with amiga inc >??
(@Amiga) #amirc fucks can be depended on to beleive lies.
(+|PaRiS|) Ive not seen Mike irl for a few years now... he narked.
(+^Enigma) so there isn't going to be a new amiga ?
(@Amiga) nope
(@Amiga) Bill banned me from his IRC server to keep me from beta testing his Linux OS PC.
(+^Enigma) did u use to be on #amirc ?
(+|PaRiS|) er...
(@Amiga) He knew I would know it is NOT an amiga.
(@Amiga) no.....#amirc has never allowed anyone IN the Amiga community on there.
(+|PaRiS|) Amigaone is going to use the Linux Kernal on an Amiga platform ;P
(+|PaRiS|) Its an Amiga man.
(+|PaRiS|) :P
[Now Ive hit a raw nerve ;)]
(@Amiga) nope
(+|PaRiS|) Yes
(+|PaRiS|) Linux opensource Kernal... with an Amiga O/S
(@Amiga) I was on the inside of Amiga,Inc for 4 months.
(@Amiga) so save your breath.
(+|PaRiS|) Its not a PC...
(+|PaRiS|) Its got an Amiga Mother Bored.
(+|PaRiS|) ;)
(@Amiga) save your breath.
(+|PaRiS|) And more importantly
(@Amiga) I was on the inside of Amiga,Inc for 4 months.
�:� Quits: rue (tek9@c377265-a.tcma1.wa.home.com): Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by rue1))
(@Amiga) save your breath.
(+|PaRiS|) its got ports to duel processor it with another 1200/4000 motherboard.
(+|PaRiS|) :P
(+|PaRiS|) Its an AMIGA
(@Amiga) save your breath.
(@Amiga) Bill banned me from his IRC server to keep me from beta testing his Linux OS PC.
(@Amiga) I was on the inside of Amiga,Inc for 4 months.
(+|PaRiS|) Your saying...
(@Amiga) So save your breath.
(+|PaRiS|) Because its using a Linux Kernal... its a PC?
(+|PaRiS|) :/
(+|PaRiS|) Ive seen linux installed on an ATARI ST
(@Amiga) no
(+|PaRiS|) U can install linux on an 1200...
(+|PaRiS|) :/
(+|PaRiS|) Doesnt mean anything
(@Amiga) I'm saying it's a PC with a Linux OS.........because that's what it is.
(@Amiga) YOU have opinions.............nothing else.
(+|PaRiS|) The Hardware is more in common with an amiga.
(+|PaRiS|) than a PC...
(@Amiga) One last time.......
(+|PaRiS|) And you can slot an EXTRA 4000/1200 mother bored into it
(@Amiga) save your breath.
(+|PaRiS|) I like wasting my breath its why i talk to u terry
(@Amiga) you just waste YOUR life away.
[And so it begins...]
(+|PaRiS|) no I dont.
(+|PaRiS|) I do lots of things with my life ;P
(@Amiga) LOL
(@Amiga) When did YOU get ONE ?
(+|PaRiS|) Worked for the MOD
(+|PaRiS|) :P
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) Now Im doing Freelance Game Dev ;)
(+|PaRiS|) Actually... ;)
(+|PaRiS|) And Ive got a kewl GF.
(+|PaRiS|) What more is there? ;)
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) But then again terry you are christ... what can i possibly do to live up to you?
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) Im British, thats a start
(+|PaRiS|) lol
(@Amiga) yep.......a commie
(+|PaRiS|) perhaps
(@Amiga) absolutely
(@Amiga) Britain is communist.....
(+|PaRiS|) Socialist.
(+|PaRiS|) :P
(+|PaRiS|) anyway...
(@Amiga) they use the SAME term as Russia.........Socialist
[Can anybody else say wooohoo?]
(+|PaRiS|) Who did you vote for?
(+|PaRiS|) Bush or Gore?
(@Amiga) no one
(@Amiga) Neither has any morals.........
(@Amiga) like you.
(@Amiga) hehehe
[Right Terry ;)]
(+|PaRiS|) And... more importantly... is it true you told Nerp you were head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?
(+|PaRiS|) ?
(@Amiga) No one beleives Nerp at all.
(+|PaRiS|) My morals are probably incompatable with yours, but i have my own rules.
(@Amiga) yea......and GOD is the source of morals.
(+|PaRiS|) God is all around us.
(@Amiga) Telling lies is immoral.
(+|PaRiS|) Depends why your telling them.
(@Amiga) I am GOD.
(+|PaRiS|) If your God, I have to ask the ultimate question...
(+|PaRiS|) Why that face?
(@Amiga) Did your psychiatrist tell YOU that GOD has NO face ?
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) No I dont have a psychiatrist, is that what he told you then?
(@Amiga) nope..those words came from YOU !
(@Amiga) <yawn>
(+|PaRiS|) Riiiiight
(@Amiga) <|PaRiS|> If your God, I have to ask the ultimate question...
(@Amiga) <|PaRiS|> Why that face?
(+|PaRiS|) so... god has no face?
(@Amiga) I see YOUR alzheimer's has gotten much worse !
(@Amiga) according to YOU ONLY !
(@Amiga) LOL
�:� Joins: Vincent`McVeigh (Vincent@AC9C7A1A.ipt.aol.com)
(+|PaRiS|) do you remember anything you told Down?
(+|PaRiS|) Long time ago...
(+|PaRiS|) Cos im kinda curious about certain things...
�:� Mode (Amiga:#AmigaWorld +v Vincent`McVeigh)
(@Amiga) the truth is the same
(+|PaRiS|) Obviously...
(+|PaRiS|) So what is the Truth about 1981... what happened? Exactly, not just in broad Dogmatic terms.
�:� Vincent`McVeigh is now known as Pepe
�:� Pepe is now known as Pepe`
(@Amiga) Christ returned to Earth in 1981
(+|PaRiS|) As you.
(+|PaRiS|) We know that...
(+|PaRiS|) But what were the events leading up to that...?
(@Amiga) In His saints.
(+|PaRiS|) explain, im just a fool... i would like to understand.
(+|PaRiS|) ;P
(+Pepe`) me too
(@Amiga) then believe GOD for the FIRST time and receive His Holy Spirit......
! +Pepe` giggles madly
(@Amiga) there is NO other way.
(+Pepe`) who is god?
(+|PaRiS|) Look I dont want his holy anything, unless i know what happened, exactly in 1981.
(@Amiga) Doesn't work like that.
(@Amiga) YOU had 4 years to turn to GOD........
(@Amiga) YOU didn't......
(@Amiga) SO ......all YOU have left is final death.
(+|PaRiS|) And I invite it.
(+Pepe`) God is dead and no one cares if there is a hell then ill see you there
(+|PaRiS|) Take me now, and I die a happy man.
(+|PaRiS|) But...
(@Amiga) pepe: I see YOU there NOW.
(+|PaRiS|) I wonder... why you wont tell me what happened in 1981.
(@Amiga) I told you.
(+|PaRiS|) You didnt
(+|PaRiS|) You said Christ returned
(+|PaRiS|) But I know that...
(+|PaRiS|) I wanna know the events
(@Amiga) what events ?
(+|PaRiS|) in your life.
(@Amiga) Christ returned IN His saints........and I became the Leader of His Government......
[This is really top shelf Terry now isnt it!]
(@Amiga) and I began slaying christians with the breath of My Mouth.
(+Pepe`) I see....
(+|PaRiS|) How did he appoint you?
(@Amiga) He Annointed Me with His Spirit and Power.
(+|PaRiS|) HOW?
(+|PaRiS|) :)
! +Pepe` is curious too
(@Amiga) HE gave me the Power to do what I have been doing for 20 years.
(@Amiga) by faith
(+|PaRiS|) aha! Now Faith... is very important.
(@Amiga) I certainly didn't earn it.
(+Pepe`) whatcha mean?
(+|PaRiS|) You were as bad as the rest of us before 1981?
(@Amiga) yep
(@Amiga) faith is beleif in GOD
(+|PaRiS|) ic..
(@Amiga) Fear is faith in the devil
(+|PaRiS|) Faith is gaith is faith
(+|PaRiS|) faith
(+Pepe`) Faith is belief not god
(+|PaRiS|) Faith is Faith
(+|PaRiS|) God is an embodyment of that raw power
(+|PaRiS|) :)
(@Amiga) faith is beleif in GOD
(+|PaRiS|) An admirable one.
(@Amiga) Fear is faith in the devil
(+Pepe`) God is nonexsistent
(+|PaRiS|) But still just an effect of a cause.
(+Pepe`) at least in christian form
(+|PaRiS|) God is just as existant as every other entity ppl put faith in.
(+|PaRiS|) :P
(+Pepe`) yep
(@Amiga) AM I ?
(+Pepe`) So amiga where u from?
(+|PaRiS|) Your there Terry.... pretty sure of that.
(@Amiga) I am in Heaven.
(+|PaRiS|) Define heaven, being at one with the kingdom of god?
(+Pepe`) umm i am going to go and put a bullet in my head now just to meet you ok?
(@Amiga) Heaven - the realm of GOD
(+|PaRiS|) Thats what I said
(@Amiga) Pepe: np..but I am in Heaven........YOU are in Hell
(@Amiga) There are NO christians in Heaven.
! +Pepe` giggles
(+Pepe`) Where they at?
(+Pepe`) reno nevada?
(@Amiga) Hell
(+|PaRiS|) I think we have all established that Christians are just a joke...
(+Pepe`) ok......
�:� Quits: Pepe` (Vincent@AC9C7A1A.ipt.aol.com): Quit: BRB---Gotta use phone---urgently
(@Amiga) yep
(+|PaRiS|) Terry
(+|PaRiS|) Im interested now, damn you.
(+|PaRiS|) You actually said something which made sense.
(+|PaRiS|) do you agree with the bibles 10 commandments?
(@Amiga) nope
(+|PaRiS|) ahh
(+|PaRiS|) which bits are wrong?
(@Amiga) christians seek to bring the Sons of GOD into bondage under the Law of Moses
(+|PaRiS|) yes... but in principle they are wrong? or just the institution?
(@Amiga) .....the Holy Spirit has 2 commandments
(+|PaRiS|) ...
(+|PaRiS|) and they are?
(@Amiga) christians are anti-christs.
(@Amiga) Love the Lord your GOD with all your soul, mind and intellect..........and
(@Amiga) Love your neighbor as yourself.
(@Amiga) The Law of Moses saves no one.
[Skip to the good bits, I ask what happened to him in 1981, I think he
was hit in the head with some heavy welding equipment or something u see]
(+|PaRiS|) Down knew.
(@Amiga) Knew what ?
(+|PaRiS|) But I know something happened.
(+|PaRiS|) I just want to know what it was
(@Amiga) I've had some long visions
(+|PaRiS|) ...
(@Amiga) I've seen the first Christ Jesus too.......face to face.
(@Amiga) and I see angels and demons all the time I am awake
(+|PaRiS|) How old were you in 1981?
(@Amiga) It's NOT fair for Me to start trouble when I crush my enemies so thoroughly
(+|PaRiS|) How old were you in 1981?
(@Amiga) 26
(@Amiga) I was a big shot athlete all my life and local rock star........
(@Amiga) then I was a drug addict from age 19 to 26.......and rock star......
(@Amiga) then I preached the Gospel and worked millions of miracles during the 80's.....
(@Amiga) I went to prison for illegal speech in 1991...........
(@Amiga) came out and stopped preaching the Gospel.
(@Amiga) Then learned over 25 high tech skills from 91 to now.....
(@Amiga) I overcame all christians in 1984.......
(@Amiga) and got the whole world laughing at christians in 1986.
(@Amiga) Beelzebuub rules his world.
(@Amiga) ....through deceit.
(+|PaRiS|) this world?
(@Amiga) I have never been deceived.
(@Amiga) what YOU call the world is Beelzxebuub's present fading realm.
(@Amiga) I am here to make ALL things NEW.
(+|PaRiS|) when?
(@Amiga) SInce 1981 til now..and continuing.
(+|PaRiS|) hmm
(@Amiga) The media never reports anything that GOD does.
(+|PaRiS|) The Media never reports anything... at all.
(@Amiga) Let me clue YOU in on a GIANT truth.............
(+|PaRiS|) ...
(@Amiga) GOD doesn't give a fucking shit about YOU having a better life.........
(@Amiga) GOD annoints those who will use their Power to work miracles for others.
(@Amiga) WIthout that, you are worthless and remain in hell.
(@Amiga) GOD NEVER makes YOUR life better.
(@Amiga) He GIVES YOU Life to give to others.
(@Amiga) GOD annoints those who will use their Power to work miracles for others.
(@Amiga) Good deeds mean nothing.
(@Amiga) Man does good deeds..........GOD does GOD deeds.
(@Amiga) Good deeds mean nothing.
[He's really loosing his rag now...]
(@Amiga) It takes 2 minutes to BEGIN a relationship with GOD........
(@Amiga) you say "I agree"...but do NOT beleive anything I say.......
(@Amiga) you aren't capable without GOD's Holy Spirit.
(@Amiga) but GOD never listens to your prayers.
(@Amiga) THe Holy Spirit even has to do YOUR praying, since man can't pray properly, in perfect faith.
(@Amiga) Refusing to START a relationship with GOD is rebellion...........
(@Amiga) and your endless excuses are just the ornaments of YOUR rebellion.
(@Amiga) Rejecting GOD to His face for 4 years is as far as it went with you.
(@Amiga) It's over for you.
(@Amiga) YOUR claim to being GOD isn't something we even consider.
(@Amiga) YOU use GOD's Names.....But YOU LEAVE GOD OUT.
(@Amiga) that's what Anti-Christs do.
(@Amiga) I live IN GOD.
(@Amiga) Even IF I choose YOU as my GOD, YOU have NOTHING To give, but empty words.
(+|PaRiS|) And freedom.
(@Amiga) YOU have NO Power, NO Life, NO Freedom and NO Truth .
(@Amiga) YOU have NO Power, NO Life, NO Freedom and NO Truth .
(@Amiga) YOUR jaw flapping ain't gonna change that.
(+|PaRiS|) perhaps. the future is not mine to see.
(@Amiga) GET some Power, work miracles..then someone can consider it.
(@Amiga) Humans don't heal anyone
(@Amiga) ......and certainly NOT by laying their hands on people.
(+|PaRiS|) YOU are at a loss to explain YOURSELF.
(+|PaRiS|) YOU have JUSTIFIED your ACTIONS with RELIGIOUS dogma ;)
(@Amiga) YOUR obsession with suicide is waxing old.
(+|PaRiS|) Its all In YOUR head.
(+|PaRiS|) :)
(@Amiga) GOD justified Me.
(@Amiga) YOUR obsession with suicide is waxing old.
(+|PaRiS|) Are you threatening me?
(@Amiga) Put a cork in it now.
(@Amiga) I am doing far more than threatening YOU.
(+|PaRiS|) Raw nerve...
(+|PaRiS|) I think so.
(+|PaRiS|) What are you doing?
(@Amiga) I am about to pray YOUR final death, devil-incarnate.
[w00t w00t!]
(+|PaRiS|) *sigh*
(@Amiga) and YOU can prove YOU are GOD or finish dieng, very very soon.
(+|PaRiS|) like you prayed nerps final death?
(+|PaRiS|) Im not god i told you
(@Amiga) GOD despises YOUR rebellious soul.
(+|PaRiS|) maybe
(@Amiga) Exalting YOURSLEF above GOD through pride and insults is PURELY chrristian psycho shit.
(+|PaRiS|) Im not saying im above god, far from it
(@Amiga) YOUR only chance was to let GOD tell YOU who HE is........
(@Amiga) but YOU keep telling GOD who He is......
(@Amiga) YOU are NOT capable of understanding GOD !
(+|PaRiS|) right....
(+|PaRiS|) God wont talk to me!
(@Amiga) I have been speaking to YOU for about 4 years.
(@Amiga) I have been speaking to YOU for about 4 years.
(@Amiga) YOU hated GOD from the start.
(@Amiga) I am GOD.....becasue He made ME GOD.
(@Amiga) HE put ME on His level.
(@Amiga) and YOU will finish dieing within a year.
(+|PaRiS|) you killing me ?
(@Amiga) ..the consequences for rejecting GOD to His face for 4 years.
(@Amiga) SOL - Society of Losers
(+|PaRiS|) We pride ourselves on that
(@Amiga) yea..and Pride is the death nail of man.
(@Amiga) LOL
(+|PaRiS|) No... I think you will find thats insanity
(@Amiga) Pride - man's ways of doing and saying things WITHOUT GOD
(@Amiga) and now #amigaworld is closed......and the Light leaves you all.
(@Amiga) Total darkness is all you have left.
�:� Mode (Amiga:#AmigaWorld -v |PaRiS|)
Session Start: Tue Jan 30 03:29:54 2001
Session Ident: Amiga (GreatOne@pool-209-128-156-47.jon.ipa.net)
Query with Amiga (GreatOne@pool-209-128-156-47.jon.ipa.net)
Common channels: none
(|PaRiS|) Night then Terry :)
(Amiga) devil-incarnate bonehead !
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(Amiga) <yawn>
(|PaRiS|) Sleep well in the depths of utter delusion.
(Amiga) I can't get inside YOUR head to do that.
(Amiga) LOL
(Amiga) Have a nice Death.
(Amiga) shaloam
(|PaRiS|) Bless you.
Session Close: Thu Feb 01 07:05:26 2001
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"Okay Cooksey... come get some" - Last words of SOL's Pikachu.
<Nurgle> Scr1pt K1ddi3s guide to Divination
Call it what you want, be it prayer, meditation or spirit talking, divination works, and it works well. But what is it?
Whenever you communicate with another realm, you are performing a form of divination. Be it reflecting on the past, or foreseeing the future, you are using magick to alter your perception of the current to achieve a goal. But how does it work?
The human brain is divided into two parts, the concious and the sub-concious. We're not interested in the concious, it's useless. What we want to know about is the sub-concious, where all the real thinking goes on. The elusive part of your psyche is capable of thinking about thing you can't even comprehend, it sees the things you didn't see, it hears the things you didn't hear, and it knows things you didn't know you knew.
Using the sub-concious part of your brain allows you to sue information that may seem insignificant to extrapolate more information about your surrounding environment, and remember things you didn't know you remembered.
But, accessing that part of the brain isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. There are several "accepted" ways to do this, be it through dream or hypnosis, but there are also several unorthadox ways (that are really self-hypnosis in disguise).
Self-Hypnosis works like this:
1) You clear your mind (1 hand clapping)
- This can be done in many ways, the most common being a repetitive chant, or counting to 100.
2) Induce tiredness
- This is helped by stage one
3) Access subconcious
- This part isn't so easy when you've in a trance, as you have no way of giving yourself orders. A common way to do this is to write down your goal and keep your eyes fixed on it while entering the trance.
It's that simple. You may be wondering "how do I come out of the trance?", and the answer is simple: "you don't". As long as you are in a mild form of hypnosis, you have a gate way open to the sub-concious. Of course, if you're a little stupid and use a ritual that summons a demon or some other nasty thing, you may want to perform a banishing ("when I click my fingers you will wake up"), but other than that there is no reason to.
Nurgle out.
<Comrade> c64...
Ancient Computers #2 - The Commodore 64
Having foolishly begun what sounded suspiciously like a series with "Ancient Computers #1", I am obliged and indeed have been 'persuaded' into continuing the series. This will consist of its conclusion by my hand at least; I consider myself unqualified to tackle other obvious progressions such as the Amiga, let alone the Atari ST.
A much-admired piece of architecture, the C64 was one of 'the' home computers of the eighties; just about taking its last breaths in the nineties when I got one, natch.
I refer to a machine fondly recalled for its architecture: An optional (but frankly necessary tape loader), a cartridge port enabling 'instant' loading via quite aesthetically designed cartridges (evidence of the machines strong gaming potential along with:), two joystick interfaces, a lovely BASIC interface, darling, and the famed SID chip. I might mention that SID tunes can be found all over the net having been ripped from games/demos/etc. with players and prove worthy of investigation. Having dipped into a few of them recently I can testify to the nostalgia waiting to be felt by those of you who were there at that time, but don't expect it to come close to playing them outside a full c64 emulator let alone the real thing.
As I mentioned before in a previous article (soljo 7), the beige/white box sported what commodore described as 'a positively elephantine 64k of memory'. (It's probably heresy to repeat oneself here but then hands up who's read all 11 previous soljos. 10, then. Whatever. Just me? No, Paris doesn't count)
That kind of spec reflects age better than ability since I believe the gaming scene was the key to the machines success. A tape loader, as mentioned was the standard format for data transfer; though unlike the spectrum, we were treated to a border of multicoloured rapidly alternating horizontal lines as opposed to the rather dated archetypal (for me) yellow/blue. Splendid.
As with other popular home computers of that time using cassettes, floppy disks also played a part. Being about 9 years old my financial horizons were (and being a student now, still are) somewhat limited and I am to this day deprived of the phenomenon that was floppy disks on 8 bit machines. Cassettes were the dominant format at that time, much as floppy disks were before CDs took hold.
Gaming following? "What like Quake?" I hear you say. Bloody kids these days. No, I myself cannot lay claim to a significant grasp of that gaming era; all I really remember was the last release package sporting the Terminator 2 licence. It was a mediocre one at that, but worth the occasional bash and might have been the only cartridge some shameful users ever got. Yes a plethora of excellent games were produced throughout the platforms lifetime alongside a considerable underground following spawning the release of many demos irretrievably characterised by their SID chip tunes. I feel obliged to mention a few of my favourites but I will never begin to do any justice here:
Creatures / Creatures 2
Cauldron / Cauldron 2 - Actually, it's a general oldie classic; I only saw the Spectrum version
Ghostbusters - As above
GP Circuits - Little known, and I only had a demo. The Amiga full version was pants, as they say.
Slicks - That's more like it. Absolute class. Whoever made this: I'll work for you.
World Games - I know, I could list hundreds really.
Dune II - This came out on the 64?
Exile - A classic puzzler. You don't find the likes of something this solid nowadays.
http://www.girls.c64.org/ - 8-bit pr0n. I was researching.
http://home.bip.net/magnus.welander/ - Magnus' C64 Games. They weren't actually his... I wasn't researching for long.
http://wire.c64.org/ - More like it.
http://cia.c64.org/ - Commodore Internet Archive. An unfortunate abbreviation, but a fitting design with agreeable content.
http:/www.hvsc.c64.org/ - The High Voltage SID Collection. Lots of SID tunes - probably the largest collection online.
Dear estranged fairy to the north, come back here and look after me.
<luke> Little Brother...
This was done by luke, well sort of... its one of those Java based sites thats asks for you input and shit.... Big Brother!
Day 1 - |PaRiS| admits straight away that he doesn't like the look of Julie. He says she looks like a lesbian. As it turns out, Laura is in fact the only lesbian in the house, although JerichoZZ later admits that he is unsure of his true sexuality.
2 - The house sit down for a discussion of how to organise simple chores. [Nurgle] creates tension by stating that the kitchen is where the women belong. `wizard hits him with a Toasted Sandwich Maker.
3 - The housemates are set their first task by Big Brother - they must make a model of Eiffel Tower out of Anchovy Pizza. After much persuasion by [Nurgle], they gamble 50% of next week's food budget on completing the task.
4 - Training for the Eiffel Tower task is well under way. However havoc ensues when JerichoZZ, who is rapidly developing a reputation as the laziest fat bastard in the house, eats half the Anchovy Pizza. `wizard is furious.
5 - Today is the day when the Eiffel Tower task must be completed. Things are going well until shortly before the end when JerichoZZ farts and blows Eiffel Tower over. Big Brother announces that the task has been a failure. Julie cries.
6 - [Nurgle] gets pecked on the arm by one of the Big Brother chickens. Not a very exciting day.
7 - Big Brother is worried that things are getting dull, so he summons the housemates to have a mass debate about sex. After far too many cans of cider, Julie admits that she likes to be spanked on the arse with a Toasted Sandwich Maker. |PaRiS| says he never wears condoms because they make his Left Testical sore and [Nurgle] agrees. Laura goes into a rant about how none of the other housemates have ever enjoyed a true orgasm because they're all boring heterosexual bastards. JerichoZZ sits in the corner, quietly eyeing up [Nurgle].
8 - Today is the first day that the housemates must nominate someone to leave. |PaRiS| goes round everyone one by one, telling them he really likes them because they're the only one in the house that he can really relate to. `wizard and Julie are voted as the two candidates to leave. Nobody votes for |PaRiS|.
9 - `wizard and Julie are told of their nominations and burst into tears, before hugging everyone and telling them they love them. Laura sings them a song - Sash - Colour the World - to make them feel better.
10 - The public vote Julie out of the house. She pretends not to be bothered but then breaks down and sobs that she should never have admitted about enjoying being spanked. Julie leaves.
11 - Relationships are strained in the house as the housemates come to terms with Julie's departure. The food budget is low due to the failure of last week's failed task. Laura has to make do without the cucumber she requested. `wizard is visibly depressed and is comforted by [Nurgle], who tries to touch her on her Nipple.
12 - The Big Brother pyschologist replays the footage of [Nurgle] touching `wizard's Nipple over and over again. This is because it shows an interesting psychological incident, of course, not because it will increase the viewing figures. Big Brother sets the housemates the task of jogging on a running machine for twice the circumferance of the globe. They gamble 40% of the food budget on completing it.
13 - The running machine task is on target, despite the fact that JerichoZZ refuses to run because his Left Testical hurts a bit.
14 - Much jubilation in the house as the running machine task is completed. JerichoZZ finally manages to run the last 10 metres of the task and claims that without him they'd never have done it. `wizard calls JerichoZZ a lazy Left Testical.
15 - Once again it is the day when nominations are due. |PaRiS| tells everyone individually that he thinks `wizard is a whore. He also points out that anyone who wants to stay at his flat when the show is finished is welcome to come and visit. `wizard and [Nurgle] are nominated by the housemates to leave. Nobody votes for |PaRiS|.
16 - The nominations are announced. `wizard can't believe she's been voted out two weeks in a row. [Nurgle] is equally stunned and turns to `wizard for comfort. JerichoZZ is distraught and confesses to Laura that he thinks he is in love with [Nurgle]. Laura says she doesn't fancy any of the housemates because they're all just too heterosexual and she's a lesbian, you know
17 - The public vote [Nurgle] out of the house. `wizard says she is gutted and even gives [Nurgle] a clipping of hair from her Nipple to prove how much she cares. JerichoZZ is also devastated but keeps his hair to himself. [Nurgle] leaves.
18 - The Big Brother psychologist shows repeated clips of `wizard clipping the hair from her Nipple. Apparently this is an important psychological incident. The public obviously agree as viewing figures soar.
19 - Big Brother sets the housemates the task of burping the National Anthem of Pennysylvania in 60 seconds. They gamble 50% of the food budget on completing it.
20 - Nobody has a clue what the National Anthem of Pennysylvania sounds like but JerichoZZ says it's a bit like Dancing Queen. The housemates choose |PaRiS| as the one who must complete the task.
21 - |PaRiS| successfully burps not only the National Anthem of Pennysylvania but also God Save The Queen, Sash - Colour the World and the theme tune to The Simpsons. He is proclaimed as a hero, despite the fact that a vote in a tabloid newspaper shows that 98% of the public want to kill him.
22 - Nominations are due and |PaRiS| tells everyone that he has a Villa in the South of France and they can all come and stay for a holiday. JerichoZZ and Laura are nominated.
23 - JerichoZZ and Laura take their nominations well and sit down with |PaRiS| and `wizard to discuss why they voted for them. |PaRiS| keeps quiet but `wizard accuses JerichoZZ of being an arrogant, lazy, self-centred Left Testical before bursting into tears.
24 - The public vote Laura out of the house and nobody really gives a shit. Laura leaves.
25 - |PaRiS| becomes the first housemate to have a wank. This footage goes down well with the Big Brother pschologist who proclaims that it gives us a true insight into the working of |PaRiS|'s mind and brings out his true personality. In other words, he's a wanker.
26 - Big Brother sets the remaining three housemates the task of shifting 5000 tons of Horse dung using only a Toasted Sandwich Maker. |PaRiS| is unsure but JerichoZZ is confident, claiming to have done something very similar when he was younger. They gamble 50% of the food budget.
27 - Completely out of the blue, JerichoZZ breaks down in tears and announces that he is leaving. He claims that it is because the dung-shifting task has brought back the painful memories of the Horse incident from his childhood. `wizard tries to persuade him to stay but |PaRiS| sits in a corner, rubbing his hands slyly. JerichoZZ decides to leave.
28 - With only two housemates remaining, the Horse dung task proves impossible. They fail miserably and resort to getting extremely pissed on some vegetable wine, made by `wizard from a couple of mouldy carrots she found in the Big Brother garden.
29 - Nominations are due for the final time. |PaRiS| asks `wizard to marry him and she accepts. Unsurprisingly |PaRiS| nominates `wizard to leave. Rather more surprisingly, so does `wizard.
30 - When the nomination is announced, `wizard graciously accepts defeat and proclaims that |PaRiS| is a worthy winner. As they are soon to marry, she also agrees to shag him. The event is broadcast live to the nation and is preceded by a speech from the Queen. Everyone in the Big Brother production crew breathe a huge sigh of relief as viewing figures go through the roof. |PaRiS| takes his �70,000 and runs away to Pennysylvania. Nobody, including `wizard, ever sees him again.
Terry Cookseys Violent Death
Me pppp ] **********
pppppp## ]] *********
dddddd pppppp #]] ** * <- Terry's
eeeeee peep p]]]## * *** blood
Auuuuu [] ####e ** ***
ruuurr My Sword -> [[[ ####e ** *
### ArrrrA [[[ ####e * *
###### rAAA [[[ #pppe * *
#ppp# ######## [[[[ pp#p#e * *
##p####up#pp### [[[ pppp#pp#e * *
######uppppu#### [[[ pp ppp### *
#uppppu####ppp [[[[ p pp####
#uppppu## ###p###[[ pp##### Terry Cooksey
#uppppu# #####[# pp #####
#pppp## [[ p #######
###ppp### [ ### ####
###ppp### [[ ## ####
#u# p#uu ### ####
### ### ## ###
### ##p ## ###
p## ####p #### ####
p## ####p ### ####
p## ####p ###
### #### ###
### ##### ###
### ##
(More ASCII Cooksey death art to terrycookseymustdie@sanction.org.uk)
<PaRiS> Whole in my heart called she...
All alone in the dark
Im thinking of you
And I dont know what to do
Dont know what to do
In your lonely nights
I hope you think of me
dont know how you dare
not to know how much that i care
Warm red tear running down my cheek
You Dont wanna know... you dont wanna speak
Remember the days
When You threw me away
no more to say
Go on your way
Nothing to Fear
Nothing But Fear
Two different minds
Two of a kind
Destined to be
cant you see
you want me
whole in my
heart I call she
You have control over me
it was so so meant to be
wHole in my heart I call she
<Nurgle> The Tao of Nurgle
- You can't change it, don't bother
- When you think it can't get anyworse, you're not going to like tomorrow
- Bad things happen will happen regardless of whether your try and stop them or not, so why bother?
- Masturbate every day, preferably hourly
- If all else fails, pretend you didn't try
- You can't lose if you don't finish
- People only ever remember those who come first, and those who come last. If you're going to come second, fall over and break your leg.
- If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence
- If there is no evidence to destroy, kill your boss
- If there is no boss to kill, kill yourself
- Don't worry about dying, because when you're dead, you won't care.
- Money doesn't buy friends, but it does buy people who are willing to pretend to be your friends, and in the short term, it equates to the same thing.
- You could die tomorrow, so don't worry about the long term
- You could die today, so don't worry about tomorrow
- If you have lots of money when you die, leave it to Bert, your goldfish. He won't waste it on fast cars and slutty women.
- Buy a goldfish
- Name it Bert
- Once you have bought your goldfish, you may want to consider buying a bowl for it.
- Feed it once in a while, or you will end up with a dead goldfish
- Don't bother reading about Feng Shui. It's bullshit.
- Do read Dilbert books. They're funny.
<SOL> Link Directory...
www.amora.nl [ Gallery's ]
www.thumbnail-post.com [ Pix ]
www.tommys-bookmarks.com [ linkz ]
[Our Boyz]
www.sanction.org/sol/ [ ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNDoN ]
www.thisisnurgle.org.uk [ Nurgle (Its all about him) ]
http://go.to/jerichozz/ [ JerichoZZ (Its all about him) ]
http://redrival.com/redflame/ [ Comrade (Practical Communism) ]
www.traxster.co.uk [ Trax ]
www.jadefalcon.co.uk [ JadeFalcon ]
http://lucksoft.2y.net [ Luke ]
www.hackernews.com [ Essential News Items. ]
www.2600.com [ 2600 Magazine. ]
www.cyberarmy.com [ Online Toolz + Search. ]
www.hackerzlair.org [ #Hackerzlair. ]
www.attrition.org [ Hacking Scene ]
WWW.cultdeadcow.com [ Cult of the Dead Cow ]
www.astalavista.box.sk/ [ Cracks 'n' Serials ]
www.sanction.org.uk [ The Sanction ]
www.neworder.box.sk [ Best of the Box ]
www.sinnocence.com/ [ Hosting Various ]
www.bow.org [ Free pr0n - lol (oh and BoW) ]
www.atari.co.uk [ Atari ST. ]
www.fairlight.org [ The Mighty Fairlight. ]
www.pompeypirates.co.uk [ The Pompey Pirates. ]
www.fatal-design.com [ The lil Green Desktop (Atari ST) ]
www.classic-trash.com [ Amiga, ST + More. ]
www.sambar.com [ Quite a phatt Web Server. ]
www.fwaggle.net/ircx/ [ IRC Scripting ]
ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/ [ Linux Distribution FTP Site ]
www.influence.org [ Firetrack of "The Kingston 4" ]
www.firestar.co.uk [ Smudger ]
www.veniniweb.co.uk [ I forget. ]
www.traxster.co.uk/AnH/ [ Anti Newbie Hitsquad ]
www.geocities.com/megoodboy/ [ Terry Cooksey ]
www.splange.freeserve.co.uk/fool.html [ More Terry Cooksey ]
www.flex-d.co.uk/vortex [ Vortex ]
www.opendvd.org [ The DVD Appeal ]
www.Cybercrime.gov [ US Governments definitions + ]
www.channel4.com/bits/ [ Bouff is fit ]
www.perfectblue.com [ Manga Film ]
www.smsb0t.com [ SMS ]
www.frontlinefm.com [ Garage Music Radio ]
www.psychobudgie.com [ IRC Psycho's Dedication Page ]
www.cyberenet.net/~clarus/ [ Kewl Video Game Music Band ]
www.bogmog.com [ Anime ]
webpages.mr.net/bobz/ttyquake/ [ ASCII Quake for Linux ]
www.splange.freeserve.co.uk/index.html [ Funny as Fuck ]
www.80snostalgia.com [ The Name Says it All ]
www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/6331/young_1s.html [ Mr T Vs. The Young Ones ]
www.cs.rose-hulman.edu/~stinerkt/Tick.html [ The Tick ]
www.fnm.co.uk/ [ Nothing to See Here ]
www.gdst.net/nhehs/ [ Virgin Mega Store ]
www.daviestrek.com/tv/comedy.html [ Wav's n other Comedy Resources ]
www.allegedlyfunny.com/ [ Funny shit ]
www.allegedlyfunny.com/britain.html [ The best of above funny shit ]
www.angelfire.com/ca/isaacm/test.html [ More funny shit ]
#Luckstruck [ irc.starchat.net ]
#Hackerzlair [ irc.dal.net ]
#Vampirehall [ RPG ]
#Hack [ trinity.xnet.org ]
#Ungabunga [ trinity.xnet.org ]
#Radio1 [ trinity.xnet.org (Love h8) ]
#influence [ irc.dal.net ]
Report Dead Links too: links:sanction.org.uk
<Staff> Shit of the Issue...
Lam3rz of the Issue:
- Terry Cooksey (Oh yes... he's really lost it now)
- Turks
- www.Joemusic.co.uk <------- Just read it... lol.
Kool Shit of the Issue:
- Enigma - Fear and Love.
- julie.
- Barcardi and Lemonade
- Carbon (Naturally)
Shit we Miss:
- The Mysterious Cities of Gold, what the fuck was THAT all about?
- Miracle
<Staff> ThE ProJeCts...
The Syndicate Of London
www.sanction.org.uk - SOL Website.
sanction.ath.cx/sol/ - SOL Website (Mirror)
sanction.ath.cx = SOL Internet Services.
#Luckstruck - Luckstruck IRC Channel
sanction.ath.cx/stats/luckstruck.html - #Luckstruck channel statistics
luckstruck@listbot.com - SOL Mailing List
Majestical - SOL Channel BOT
The Soljo:
www.sanction.org.uk/soljo.html - Soljo Archive
www.redrival.com/redflame/sol/ - Soljo Archive (Mirror with Issues 2&3&10)
sanction.ath.cx/sol/soljo.html - Soljo Archive (Mirror)
<SOL> Memberz...
l337 AdmInZ: PaRiS Projects Manager [1992]
----------- Jerichozz Promotions Manager [1998]
Comrade IRC Manager [1998]
Llama (a) Mailing List Manager [1992]
lee7 MeMberz (KillA Bee'z): EPSiLON (a) IRC [2000]
-------------------------- ^Cronus^ (a) Writer [2000]
Chicken Soup (u) Writer [1999]
Trax (a) Linux/Warez/IRC [2000]
DJ_RobinB (a) [Busy] [2000]
Nurgle (a) Dept. Editor [1998]
Boyd (a) IRC [2001]
Luke (a) Linux [2001]
ShuNned fr0m actIvi7y: JaDeFalcon (a) Warez [1998]
---------------------- InfinityMatrix (a) Writer [2000]
DS_Mycroft (u) [Busy] [1994]
MeMberz (WannA Bee'z): ThE AC. (u) [Idl3] [1992]
---------------------- Cyrus1 (u) [Busy] [1998]
BaDgEr (u) [Busy] [1999]
DJ_Moomen (u) [Idl3] [1999]
Carly (u) [Busy] [2000]
Klaire (a) Artist/Researcher [1999-2000]
Piss-Face (n) [Idl3] [2000]
Those We Lost Along The Way (Mema-Bee'z): Captain Cake [1995]
----------------------------------------- Hitesh [1995]
Ben K [1996]
Hasseb [1996]
Danny K [1996]
Me2 [1996]
TC [1997]
Cripter [1997]
Nark [1997]
Sunwlf [1998]
Miracle [1999]
Urza [2000]
Northern B1rd [2000]
Rigadon [2000]
ThE_BeAR [1994]
SLiPPer [1994]
Retribution [2000]
Belinda` [2000]
Jodie [2000]
Rob Smash [2000]
The_Evil_Gnome [2000]
(Un)Offical Mascot's (HuniE Bee'z): Tickle Me Elmo
----------------------------------- The Elephant of Decision The Cat of Fate (Thanks Klaire)
The Mongoose of Destiny
The Vibrating Badgers
The Baby Cats
The Turtle Of Suprise
The Swan of Random Thought
The Red Cat
<Staff> Shouts...
Big Shouts to JerichoZZ, DS_Mycroft, Comrade, The AC, KlaiRe, EPSiLON, JadeFalcon, InfinityMatrix, DJ Moomen, BaDgEr, Slipper, C-dnB-P0rnsta, L17, Rigadon, The Evil Gnome & Everyone on the Mailing List... Hackerz; 2600, #Hackerzlair DALnet, #Hack Xnet, Shr0ud, Kleptic, Cronus, fwaggle and The Notorious Kingston Four (Nirv, Firetrack, Wacka (Fuck the missing member). Pirates; The Brotherhood of Warez, SaNcTiOn, The Pompey Pirates and Anyone else involved in Software Piracy/demo scene on the Atari ST & Amiga Back in The Day... London Massif esp; Dulie, Miracle, Nark, Cripter, Dr Trey, Captain Cake, BenK, Hass, Hitech, Danny K, The Other Kingston Krew and Me2... Up Norf Massif esp; RobinB, Crash22 and Troyswoosh... Soufhcoast Massif esp; Soufhampton Posse, 1st Degree Records, The Juggler, Rigadon and Northern B1rd... Hertfordshire Massif... World Wide Massif esp; TC, Xnet O-line Posse, G-Shock, Morghen_Wylde (aka ^Masked^), Trazie, Harlequin, Sunwlf, Gepper, The Spirit, Sproutlore, ^^C'man, #Atari DALnet, Kane66, Judas_C, Urza, #gamedev (irc.afternet.org), trax, ANH, #radio1 ROBIN FUCKING B ;), DJ_Flob, Nix^, NURGLE FOR FUCKS SAKE, Phils, jesus JUST EVERYONE WE KNOW! + xnet and anyone we may have forgotten. K-Werd.
*** Established 1992 - Reformed 1998 ***
*** ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN ***
*** "G1v1ng u the Ph43r s1nce 'dat l337 Ye4r" ***
*** sol@sanction.org.uk ***
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ThIs DocUmEnt Is (P)Pirate Rite, 2000, Now and For3vah. Dis7ribu7e in Or1ginal Form lik3 the
Orig1nal NattAh. PeAce To Ya'll. We ShaLl ReTuRn. Ph34R NevEr SleePS.
Fallen Angels Publishing (MMM?XWQWEDSAKJ? <-- er)
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<Amiga> They dont think about THE CONSEQUENCES.