"You know what you need? What you need is a fatty boom batty blunt. Then
I guarantee you'll see an ocean, a sailboat and maybe some of them
big-tittied mermaids doin' some of that lesbian shit."
da hacker blunt version 10
fuck copyrights! ````
_______ ```
| | ``
| | __
| --/ /
| ___/
| |
| |
| }}
| |
| 1001001 |
| 0101010 |
ToC for your PC
choose DMT or LSD
Be free with the weed
and light that green
| 1) marijuana gardening |
| a) n1nj4 smack |
| b) breaking free of the engineer mentality |
| c) autonomon edere |
| d) v0t3 fucK |
| e) hacker wars or why our scene is dying?? |
| f) introducing silicybin |
| g) getting drunk off of the h0n3yp0tZ |
/* All code included is en pseudo so a number of objectives may be
* accomplished. Those being: a realization of originiality and
* creativity that may be better made, a more intensive learning
* environment so that knowledge is retained, et portability, et al.*/
1) marijuana gardening
Everywhere I go; if I'm going to be in the area for at least a week I
go out to the forests, deserted fields, or even the mountains and
plant a garden of cotyleon seedlings. America has been waging war on
this most beautiful plant for the past century and now is the time to
help weed fight back. The plant is one of the fastest growing plants
known. It is used for everything from from non-petrol plastics to
clothing to food to shelter. It has more cellulose (paper, wood) than
most trees do and its fibers are better than most synthetically made
nylons. It has more protein than beans and more beta carotene than
carrots. That means it will keep you fit and it will improve your
eyesight. It has improved morale and the sick for centuries. You can
get heoroin and codeine and other highly addictive, dangerous meds
from the hospital but they won't let you smoke a joint which will
actually give immediate direct help? Fuck that shit. Spread the seed
everywhere you go and help overgrow the government! (btw: I like
shroom spore syringe juice in water-soakers also, but that's a diff.
story) So how do you grow marijuana anyway? Well, marijuana is a weed
so it is extremely easy to grow on it's own. However, since we want
the bud out of it we are going to try our hardest to make some at
least decent schwag. First thing you should do is collect some seeds.
The light grey to dark brown ones are the best. The white ones are too
premature and the cracked ones will do you no good. Next thing I
usually do is throw them in water for a day. The ones that float are
good and the ones that sink suck. This will also collect some water
for the nutrients locked inside the shell. Next, wrap several (like 10
or so) seeds in a damp paper towel. Put that on a plate and put another
plate on top. During this stage, for some reason, the plants don't
like sunlight. In a couple of days you should see some roots popping
out. Don't let them grow too long before transplanting otherwise the
roots will use up all their nutrients too fast. There are literally
hundreds of soil medium and such to use but we will use a cheap, easy
setup that will get you growing asap. I have used a 10 gallon bucket
in the past--the stuff you can find at construction sites. and lined
the walls with white paper to reflect the light. Then I gathered some
rocks and then sand than some soil from the yard to line the bucket
about a little over half way up the bucket. In the soil I added some
fertilizer--which helps the plant very very much and if you lived in a
place like oh... Missouri where the soil is acidic as shit from
limestone and such you almost need it for indoor growing. Next to make
some breathable soil i cut up some styrofoam take-out boxes that you
could find at a Chinese restraunt and made a good heterogeneous
mixture out of that. I turned on two 20 or 30 watt fluorescent light
bulbs and waited. You will probably see a couple of leaves and an
initial sprout very fast than there will probably be a period of
slowdown. Go ahead and feed it some more fertilizer if you want. 8-12
weeks is the usual vegetative stage followed by at least a couple more
weeks of flowering--the bud. I like to spray the leaves and wipe
everything down every couple of days with an extremely light mixture
of water and ammonia. This helps infections, aphids, and the other
nasties from fucking with your plant. If your plant grows too long of
a stem you can either tie it down and let it bush up or stick a stick
or fork or something in their and tie the plant to it. Basically, take
care of your plant and treat it like you should treat a dog and they
in return will treat you nice. For much more advanced growing details
and the like you might want to visit cannabisculture.com or google.
a) n1nj4 smack
Ever felt the need to lay down the smack on a network but couldn't
really figure out how you wanted to do it? It's a good thing you found
the dojo. Now, prepare yourself for enlightenment. Most people will be
sitting around sniffing and grab a password to a box or maybe they
found a good leech ftp on a network that is running outdated software
or whatever. Then they start analyzing traffic on that network and
setting up clay pigeons on that network until they get all the good
stuff like the mail servers, the web servers, the firewalls, the
honeypots, the routers (actually, the grand majority of 'hackers' for
some reason don't even fuck with the most fun piece of hardware on the
network), etc. But have you ever felt like something was missing? Ever
felt like you could and should do much more to a network but just
didn't have the creative juices flowing? Here are some ideas to
jumpstart your imagination:
1) finding other hackers
Yes! Instead of accidentally bumping into someone why don't you try
actively looking for your fellow kind? Write a program that sends
out in plaintext a username/password combo every minute or two
minutes. In the username/password combo field place an ip address
and port number to a gateway machine for your own hacker network.
Or, you could send messages that will end up in log files asking to
play for machines you can't get into for some reason. (Of course,
you can get into any box can't you? ;) )
2) setup activist consulta partylines
There are a LOT of people using voip convergence type software now
like asterix bbs and the like. Why not use these resources for good
things like setting up partylines for the next upcoming protest or
something similiar? Why not just say the fuck w/it and keep them up
as a primary communication resource? All you fone phreaks out there,
I know have met ma bell on the fone a couple of times and what did
they say? "Hang up now." hahahah!!! What is a sysadmin going to do
when or if he finds logs from your communications? Scratch his
fucking head because the ani from the phreaks on the partyline is
coming from the whitehouse or a baptist church or the president of
the company's private office? h0h0h0h0
3) make it a hacker playground
Remember all those disclaimers and readmes for the wargames servers
that have popped up all over the place since Carolyn and her
fuckfriend Versmaich or whatever the fuck his name is saying that it
is perfectly legal to 'hack' these boxes and use it for educational
purposes? No outbound connections and the like? I forgot who you
are, but I met a friend at the last defcon who was passing out
hundreds of business cards with a free-for-all wargames server with
no rules, outbound connections, do what you wish type of game with a
phat connection. Why not setup a webpage advertising 3 class c
networks composed of 200 boxen each up for the raping? Tell them the
truth--that it has a couple of oc-3s coming in and at least a couple
t3s coming out. Heh! Watch the fun unroll. Of course take it a step
further and make these permanent. Create gateways to each of them
and watch the new hacker generation take over the world. If your not
a hacker and your reading this do you understand us? Do you
comprehend the power we hold? The only weakness is the will power of
the underground. They have been whipped into shape for online ethics
and whimpered into nothing. What happens when you, the reader
decides to take this own life into her/his own hands? What happens
when you can make someone else realize that she/he can do the same?
What happens when those two or more people start banding together in
the common struggle. Empires meet your doom--the real motha'fuk'n
hackaz are here.
b) breaking free of the engineer mentality
Engineers are pawns of the corporations. They have smarts but for some
reason refuse to think for themselves--only for others. Let us examine
some hacker intruded engineering schemes when it comes to computer
For example shared libraries. Engineers thought it would be fucking
great for the company if they wrote some portable code that is used by
many different applications. You find this shit all over in every
operating system now. The problem is that whenever there is a bug or
something else they update the library and problem solved. Of course,
if you write a program that depends on the said library your program
is using code that you do not know about. Sometimes it is extremely
hard to even get to look at the code without dissassembling it and
reverse-engineering it. This process takes for fucking ever. Most
people don't even know this, let alone take the time to look over the
code in the beginning. So, already you are catering and bowing down
before some bullshit corporate interest. Understand now why a shit
load of people love assembly? They don't rely on fucking libraries!
Programming is like a game for mathematics. You might not realize it
but there are a shit load of fucking mechancalities involved. The only
difference, thank those who came before, is that it's not proof based,
nor is it empirical based--it is based on however the fuck you want it
to be based upon is. The problem is that a lot of people are engrained
in the engineer mentality that it is only good for solving a problem,
rather than being art. Programming for the fuck of it! Programming
because you love doing it--not because you have to hack something out
quick and turn it into your boss--not because you know you will make
money off of it--not because you are seeking fame from writing
something original--shouldn't everyone be writing original code? Not
original as in writing a different method to the same problem but
writing code that does different things; not necessarily a problem at
c) autonomon edere
So you have a talent for the written word to move people? You have
bold thoughts that need dissemination but you are stuck in
fucksville, Idaho? You want to reach millions of people at once but
don't know how? Come, come.... of course you know how. Enter the
dprop bot network known as autonomon edere. I know several kids that
use scripts to automate mass defacements once the boxen are rooted.
Basically we are just taking this step further and using it for
propaganda purposes. Also, it allows links to different owned systems
to view their propaganda and the like. This of course has much more
potential but an idea that I really haven't had too much time to
formulate as of yet.
/* we want to pass the file to disseminate */
int main(int argc, char *argv) {
char *rooted_b0xen[];
char *file;
int i;
/*hopefully you have kept a list of rooted b0xen in a file..or you
** could modify this program to just pipe it in... eithe way you need
** to obtain this list */
for(i=0; i<num_of_b0xen; i++) {
send(file, rooted_b0xen[num_of_b0xen]); }
//this will just send an automated text release to sites like
//textfiles.com, packetstormsecurity.com, neworder.box.sk, and all
//your friend's submission sites
advertise(para, site, file);
() WSIS- ()
() What the fuck do you think you are? The goddamn WTO of the net? ()
() Think again motherfucker! Your in for a surprise soon b1tch3Z!! ()
() And fire fell from the skies! The damned shall seek redemption ()
() but none will be offered quarter! ()
() ()
() John Ashcroft (once again) - ()
() This motherfucker really needs a fucking bullet in his goddamn ()
() head. He throws Tommy Chong in jail for selling glass on the net ()
() but his fucking nephew gets off with probation for having over 35()
() fucking plants in his basement?! Fuck that shit! We are ()
() against any punishment given out to anyone trying to smoke some ()
() pot or grow it or make devices used to smoke it or any other ()
() fucking reason that people get fucking harassed, imprisoned, and ()
() killed for!; but fuck! this is totally not cool! ()
() ()
() United States- ()
() For being complete fucking assholes to the world and the people ()
() living under it's harsh conditions. This empire is past recon- ()
() ciliation. You won't see our WMD's and you won't know who we are ()
() until it's too late. Expect in the next five to ten years the ()
() complete and utter dissolution of the United States of America. ()
() The 'officials' don't got shit on us! We will be busting the ()
() juices of true freedom in their eyes very soon!! ;) We are busily()
() amassing our armies and will soon storm your gates releasing our ()
() sisters and brothers from your treacherous hell. Just you wait ()
() motherfuckers! ()
d) v0t3 fucK
Well, since voting is a piece of shit memetic warfare used against the
populous I decided it would only be appropriate to use the same offense
against it. Enter v0t3 fucK. v0t3 fucK is a set of scripts that goto
blogs, news sites, and other web bbs and develop profiles,
personalities, etc. to invoke memes that spread like cancer throughout
with it's intended goal to influence a wide variety of people fast.
Yes, this uses ptraits (personality traits) once again creating
character templates for undcov'ah topik agenz! Hell, if we wanted to
get scientific on the bitch we could even implant some graphs and other
goodies in the client browser(s) via php injection lameness to show how
well we are influencing others, what the responses are like, and other
useful information. So how do we implement it? Easy!
//each character starts out with a defined set of traits zeroed out...
//then a random event occurs to distribute a set number of points to
//said traits... once the character is finished generating rulesets are
//used to determine action done by the character
//the ruleset int is a number used to reference what ruleset to use when
//generating data
struct character {
int ruleset;
int trait1 = 0;
int trait2 = 0;
int trait3 = 0;
//etc ...
char *create_ptraits(char *topic); /* define traits for characters */
char *create_data(char *topic, character *); /* create data for
characters */
int main() {
char *sites[];
char *characters[];
char *data[];
int i;
sites=obtain_sites(topic); //this can be user-inputed or it can do a spider
//search on the web for relevant sites
characters=create_ptraits(topic); //we have to map the topic to the traits
question=obtain_question(); //obtain an argument
for(i=0; i<question_num; i++) {
//this is where we generate questions from our characters
data=create_data(topic, characters[(rand%num_of_charcs)]);
//create argument from question
send(data, rand%sites[num_of_sites]);
char *create_ptraits(char *topic) {
int i;
char *character_array[];
char *traits[];
character *bob;
for(i=0; i<num_of_characters_2_gen; i++) {
//this is simply a referential array with diff. characters of diff.
//traits that will be passed back to the main loop
assign_points(character_array[i], bob.);
char * create_data(char *topic, character *) {
char *argument;
e) hacker wars or why our scene is dying??
I remember sometime in the early 90s when the FBI, CIA, etc. et al.,
were cracking down on hackers because bbs' were getting highly popular
and they were usually filled to the brim with insurrectionist,
anarchist material. After that no one really heard too much about
hacker wars unless it was confined to places like irc or web
defacements. Therefore the corporations and the state were free from
hackers fucking their shit up everytime an ego got to big and since
hacker culture is built upon ego...
How do we fix this sorry state of affairs? There are a number of ways
anyone could come up with. However, we are looking at the extinction of
our culture, our way of life, and our well being. We are looking at
either life or death. Thus we must contend that we either fight or we
die like the dinosaurs. Corporations have no qualm about killing a
group's culture, let alone them. Look at Monsanto with it's unholy
alliance with Dynacorp that spray Columbia plants with a highgrade crop
killer that also deforms babies, induces chronic diseases, and destroys
the farmers life. Look at Microsoft that has prevented very
successfully a diverse group of computer technology (both hardware and
software) from sprining up in the US. No, the question you must ask
yourself is whether or not you will fight for yourself or be
assimilated like the rest. Basically, the more chaos and confusion we
can cause as hackers the more we will have to innovate and leave the
hapless weak willed behind in the dust. We need the outlaw image that
the media likes to portray because things will only get worse until
they get better. This is the truth. Stagnation will result in death.
Metamorphisizing seizes life and shoots ftl through the beyond. So let's
jump aboard the chaos theory bandwagon and fuck shit up! Here are some
0: create an automated distributed troll script that uses linguistic
pattern matching to produce highly favorable trolls on web forums
0: start writing destructive office memos for every office win* network
you find asking employees to executing trojaned scripts that blame the
results on a competing group
0: start linking wargame servers together via bridges and gateways and
let everyone know that no computer, no router, no phone, no blackberry
device, no fucking coffee pot is safe from us hackers, of the net.
0: since wardriving is popular, start using it for more than free net
access--I know several banks that I've seen when I go out driving that
have passwordless 802.11 networks with bullshit like access and other
crappy software doing their accounting info--so what the fuck are you
waiting for!? write a scrambler and start fucking that account info up!
0: it's time hackers started leaving the hack computers/code only
paradigm and shifted into hacking everything! who says you can't hijack
a cell fone conversation from some bigshot ceo and amplify it outwards
to every receiver available? Tesla can... and he died over 40 years
f) introducing silicybin
Silly human, computers and networks are for hackers! Introducing
silicybin, the utility that your friend would have given you head for
life if it wasn't open-source. Silicybin is a three-part set of
programs. It is a parasitie that uses resources on an array of zombie
hosts for storing files, communicating with friends, and having all the
anemities of a regular network but it is entirely parasitical. Basically
you have three components for this thing. You have the zombies which
obviously connect to the central daemon and do all the backbreaking work
of forwarding packets, sending communications and the like. Those on the
a-list are people using your network. The a-list client is a program
that goes into the background and accepts connections on a certain port
to forward communications to the vps/vpn. The master control program is
a ncurses based program that allows control over the entire network. If
this is compromised all shit breaks loose. For each a-list client and
zombie, in the packet header there is a signed key that is transmitted
so that spurious communications may not occur. Changing the encryption
for the key is vital and protects your communications. Remember, that
this information is encapsulated again in regular tcp/ip traffic so
someone would have to write their own client and have your keys to
submit false traffic. Only then can they start spoofing shit. There is no
tunneling allowed so that everyone must be a confirmed user on the
a-list. The daemon and the a-list/zombie clients should be allowed to
have modules so that unforseen options can be added later on. To allow
access from other parts of the net gateways should be added that allow
regular ipv4/ipv6 traffic to gain access to the vpn/vps. Sentinels will
guard the gateways and act as autonomous bots that look for ne'er doers
and wage war on them from the vps. Spurious traffic will accumulate to
hide the real traffic which will be encrypted via a shared key. Here is
some of the pseudo code:
--begin cut--
begin 644 silicybin.tar.gz
gemini - kennedy.gemi.dev
gemini - kennedy.gemi.dev
gemini - kennedy.gemi.dev
--end cut--
++ SpringTime Phun ++
+ Attack Asterix PBS w/an automated random loop generator connecting +
+ two random people that don't know each other +
+ +
+ Organize a local hack attack challenge--pick a location and via the +
+ mob mentality bullshit gather a crapload of people--any computers +
+ in the area are free game for attack! +
+ +
+ Hack all the gamers at Interz0ne. What the fuck are they playing +
+ games at a fucking hacker con for? Get these detractors out of our +
+ scene at any cost! (hijack johnnyX's pirate radio station! ;)) +
+ +
+ turn that blackberry sploit you have into a worm--all the senators +
+ and representatives use that shit. +
+ +
+ wheatpaste your university with/with-out binary of ppl's grades +
+ +
+ phish some cc and give away free hardware to 'low-class' ppl +
++ ++
g) getting drunk off of the h0n3yp0tZ
You know how to make homemade beer? No? Why the fuck not? It's cheap
or free, depending on how you obtain your ingredients and within a
couple months you too can be rolling drunk off your ass till your next
batch is done. So, what the fuck is the point you say? The point,
dexter, is that sugar or honey is one of the essential ingredients in
alcohol. Yeast is the other. The yeast feeds off of the sugar and when
not exposed to oxygen it creates alcohol.
This will be our basic premiss behind the proof of concept program,
yeast. Yeast uses the honeypot against the owner by hiding files in
the honeypot's client logs and using the regex pattern matching of the
honeypot to snatch lan traffic such as passwords and emails. But this
is only a couple of it's capabilities sire! We can harass via logs and
spoof so-called honeytokens into giving access to ourselves the easy
way. Hrm... not following my drunken ass are you?--well then, let me
re-explain. When a honeypot is trying to capture traffic it logs
pretty much fucking everything. We take advantage of this fact to hide
files on the target system. With a little ingenuity a trojan can be
placed on any system without the target owner knowing shit. It can
also be used to send spurious data to throw the honeypots into a
quagmire. (fuck those memetic words) let's look at some pcode as that
should be easier to understand:
int main() {
do {
selectchoice(be_a_bitch); //this is my favorite cause you turn the
//honeypot into your workhorse...say there is a honeytoken for a
//recent exploit that uses the string /bin/sh...if you send data
//out that has /bin/sh in it the logs will look for data coming
//from that ip/port pair more--let's not stop there..what if that
//string /bin/sh is really a link to a program on that port that
//sends out an arp poision atttack to the local router? the
//limitless choices are in abundance here ladies and gentlemen
selectchoice(trojan); } while(1);
/* this is the most easiest util because at it's core is just a
** simple d0s util..we just want to make sure the honeypots are
** collecting enough info..so we send out hotstrings and other data
** very rapidly and we send a shit load of it! */
void fill_up_logs() {
collect_hot_strings(); //find out what the hotstrings are from
//something like packetstormsecurity.com
while(1) {
send(string, ip, port, target);
//this func will need to be finetuned to diff. honeypot systems...
//perhaps an array where each system can be identified and then
//matched as to where the data should be put... for instance if you
//have one honeypot throwing shit into /var/log/honeypot.log that
//will be a diff. case then some homebrew bullshit that is putting it
//in /root/I'm_not_a_dumbass.log (you'd be surprised at this type of
//shit that exists--thank god the american military machine has
//partnered with lance...heh! dumbasses)
void hide_data() {
send(data, ip, port, target);
//get your creativity on!
void be_a_bitch() {
//this just sets tokens in the logs to traffic found to be
//interesting; an offsite approach to capturing traffic on a network
//that you might not have access to or at least not very long
void scan_for_traffic() {
char *scanned_traffic;
//a very trivial example
scanned_traffic= sniff_network();
//the one and only--the pos generic you'd find anywhere
//say we have that array of honeypot systems lined up and we know a
//couple of things about the target box.. a simple dot file here or a
//seemingly harmless set of weird commands that begs to be executed
//can be a wooden horse anyday
void trojan() {