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( F 0 R B 1 D D 3 N K N 0 W L 3 D G 3 )
( T h e F i n a l C h a p t e r )
Soundtrack for this Notice: REM - At my most beautiful
The Forbidden Knowledge project, born just over a year and a half ago, has
drawn to a close. Not because there were any fall-outs among us, or because
I've lost interest, but simply because better opportunities have come
Basically, Kokey was pondering reviving his e-zine, but was uncertain of his
time constraints. I on the other hand was busy with mine, but not getting
enough support. Our respective problems had a natural solution and that was
working on a new zine together. (And besides, I can't risk the chance of Kokey
releasing an e-zine that 0wnz mine unless I'm working on it too. ;P)
So, yes, in some ways FK is dead, and in others, it lives on. I will still be
working on something and releasing my warped texts on a quasi-regular basis,
and they will still have that Wizdumb-esque insanity that makes them virtually
unreadable. But FK as you know it is a thing of the past. And it will be
sorely missed by me especially.
Special thanks to everyone who has helped out with the zine in any way, wether
it be feedback or article submissions, or whatever - I love you all. And for
the record, here are all the people who submitted to FK, in chronological
And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The credits have rolled, the
lights have come back on, and the few who are still in the room are on their
way out.
But hey - it's not too long before the first issue of the new, as yet to be
named zine - which will totally 0wn FK anyway. So be sure to stay tuned to
http://scene.textfiles.com watching out for it. :)
Sorry that there are no articles in the final installment of FK, they've all
been hijacked for the new zine. But I feel bad using nothing of the old FK12.
Hmmm... Okay... Just to have something, I'll tack the mailbag from FK12 onto
the end of this.
Once again, Thanks for supporting FK
Wizdumb <wizdumb@leet.org>
-----------------------[ Lame-ass mailbag concatenated for nostalgia's sake
From: 777 <rwx@el8.org>
To: wizdumb@leet.org
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 19:04:38 -0700
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations for your excellent article about Chaos Magick in FK #11!
Hail Eris!! All hail Discordia!
[Wizdumb: We're glad you appreciated it - It's quite interesting how many
chaote hackers there are around. Perhaps it has something to do with a lack
of respect for rules and boundaries, or an urge to learn without being
restricted. Or maybe hackers are just smart. :P Thanks for writing.]
[Wizdumb: Caution, Long Obnoxious Letter follows. Read on at your own risk.]
From: "Drew Hendricks" <drewhendricks@hotmail.com>
To: wizdumb@leet.org
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 12:38:02 CDT
Subject: http://www.virusmyth.com/aids/index.htm
RE: Thabo Mbeki's public statement (and letter to Bill Clinton) saying
that it can't be proved that HIV leads to AIDS - especially
considering how much goddamn medical experience he has. And lets not
even *begin* to consider the amount of damage a statement like that
can cause when almost a *third* of the world is HIV positive. Thabo
Mbeki, I sincerely hope that you get AIDS and die. I am actually
- ashamed* to have such a fucking idiot as a president.
OK, two things first:
The man who announced that the virus he later named HIV causes AIDS was
booted out of the American scientific community when it became obvious
that he is a lying sack of shit who would sell you a cure for the
common cold if he could convince you it was eating your momma's face.
His name is Dr Robert Gallo - you should look him up.
The man who invented the Polymerase Chain Reaction and won the Nobel
Prize for doing so has personally told me that he has searched in vain
for ANY paper which even claims to prove HIV causes AIDS and HE CANT
FIND ONE. His name is Dr Kerry Mullis. For a Dr, he's a pretty neat
surfer dude. Look him up, too.
[Wizdumb: Right, I've been reading for two paragraphs and I haven't learnt
anything - something tells me this is going to be one of *those* letters.]
Additional, if you have not already flamed me out of sheer ignorance:
[Wizdumb: No, wait, I've learnt that this man is a pompous butthead. That's
something I suppose.]
Just because AIDS is real - and believe me, it is - does not mean that
the "conventional" wisdom about its origins is true.
MANY people have tested negative for HIV and died of AIDS. MANY people
have tested positive for HIV and never been sick. Just look at the
case of a certain famous American basketball star, who has been positive
for most of a decade...and has yet to be sick.
[ Exiting due to signal SIGSTUPID
Excessive Stupidity Fault at eip=64756D62 ]
Shit, man - read for yourself and make an informed decision:
[Wizdumb: Well, I really hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but I
guess some-one has to break it to you: The web is the biggest, most
widely-accessible source of *bullshit* information on this planet - I
wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot barge-pole, let alone believe anything I
read on it.]
Better yet, apply a little logic:
The US Military announces in 1970 that it wants "...a synthetic biological
agent...that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity
could have been aquired." "Most important(ly) ... is that it might
be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we
depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases."
(91st Congress, Appropriations hearings for Dept Defense, 1970 Dr MacArthur)
>>>He guesses that within 5 to 10 years such an agent would be possible<<<
>>>That puts it right about 1980....<<<
Next, the "gay plague" occurs in New York and other large American cities
among sexually active young men, who suddenly have a host of infections
more common to organ transplant patients whose immune systems have been
artificially suspended.
Within a few years, a PRESS CONFERENCE announces a new study by Dr Gallo
which WILL PROVE (when it is published) that a new retro-virus is the
cause of GRIDS (Gay-Related Immune Defficiency Syndrome).
[Wizdumb: Aaah. I see it now. Let's have promiscous sex with lots of women
and shoot all those goddamn disgusting fags. That sounds like a plan.]
The paper is never published in a peer reviewed paper. A version is
finally released, but it does not come close to proving the simple
HIV virus could cause ANY immune supression, much less the complete
collapse of the system...it relies instead on a tiny sample of donors
who have a high co-relation (Many have HIV particles in their blood,
and also have AIDS.) No one from a control group is even tested for
the virus, since the antibody test is not yet perfected and the other
tests are so expensive.
[Wizdumb: Oh dear.]
SO - the military announces it will have a supersonic aircraft:
The citizens of a town near an airbase hear sonic booms -
CONCLUSION: the Air Force probably has supersonic aircraft!
So- the military announces that it wants an immunity-killer:
people start dying of AIDS -
CONCLUSION: maybe they were serious, maybe they did come up with
[Wizdumb: OMG! That was amazing! Thankyou for your wonderful metaphor to
explain this to me - I wouldn't have known wtf you were on about otherwise!]
But how do they hide it?
Any doctor not on their payroll is capable of publishing a report
of the real pathogen and showing that is is obviously an artificial
organism with big, fat splices in its DNA...
But let me ask you - who is looking for the cure to poliio today?
[Wizdumb: *GASP* No? ]
After all, we know what casues polio. There's a vaccine.
[Wizdumb: *Phew* ]
Who would look for the cause of a disease which is already found?
[Wizdumb: *GASP* You HAVE to stop scaring me like this! ]
20 years later, still no vaccine. Lots of evidence that anti-AIDS
chemotherapy was deadly during the 1980's and 1990's, but NO VACCINE!
Something does not add up, my friend...your president might not be so
fucking stupid after all; you did say he has medical experience, right?
[Wizdumb: No, I was employing a device known as sarcasm. You should try to
start picking it up better if you want to try communicate with your species
some time.]
[Wizdumb: None, obviously enough. But my idiocy is only inflicted on a small
group of depraved hax0rs who never get laid anyway and thus don't need to
worry. If I were president, I could do a significantly greater amount of
damage with my opinions. And anyway, is my 0 years experience any less
relevant than Thabo Mbeki's 0 years experience? No. I didn't think so.]
(And where in the hell did you get the "1/3 of Earth has HIV" shit?
If anything is proof of what Mbeki says, that would be it...think
about it! We would all be dying or know someone personally who is...)
[Wizdumb: My figures were obviously exaggerated. However, I *DO* personally
know somebody with AIDS and *two* with HIV. Maybe you don't know anyone with
AIDS because your only friend is your mom and you spend all your time sending
long obnoxious e-mails to people who really couldn't care less what the fuck
you think?]
From: "David Knapp" <dknapp@calpoly.edu>
To: <wizdumb@leet.org>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:06:56 -0700
Subject: e-zine question
Sorry for being a dumb 'merican - but I have a question about the BMW
unlocking procedure. What is the "boot" on a BMW? I am unfamiliar with
that term.
[Wizdumb: LOL, I wasn't actually aware that this was a South-African-ism.
Sorry - it's the "trunk" :) Hmmm... I think I could have quite a lot of fun
if I developed a huge vocabluary of South-African-specific slang, and then
wrote an article on explosives. :P ]
From: Frits Haas <Frits.a1@mweb.co.za>
To: wizdumb@leet.org
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 05:00:24 -0700
Subject: re : fk11 / C/Khaos magick
greetz ...Rabbit here...
i was quite interested in what u guys had on Chaos magick...although very
simplified indeed i've been studying Magick for about 6 years now...more Wicca
than anything else...
[Wizdumb: Captain, my tree-hugging hippy radar is going wild :)]
....and if u would like me to contribute anything...gimme a shout (but do not
..*repeat* do not inform Vortexia...he'll
1) blow a vein in his head
2) swear for 1/2 an hour without repeating a word
3) vow to kill me
4) vow to hax0r me (*try* to anyway - lets not go there)
5) etc etc ...i'm sure u know the story by now...
[Wizdumb: Not really, but, HEY VORT, Did you hear what this guy said about
your mom?!! Are you gonna let him get away with that?!@#$%^]
although i do not practise Chaos..(i think it's very dangerous)..i know quite
alot about it and of ppl that have burnt their hands on it...(it's more
dangerous than u think...)
[Wizdumb: So I've heard. Personally, I keep my Chaos in the fridge, and then
only warm it up marginally in the microwave. I've always been one to play
it safe when it comes to this crazy supernatural stuff. :P]
Wicca on the other hand is (in some ways) similar ..and (in other ways)
[Wizdumb: Aaah.]
my personal book of shadows contains about 2900 pages...and i have not yet
begun to collect other BOS...this is just my own dealings...
[Wizdumb: *My* Book of Shadows is 0 pages, I have not yet begun to collect
my work - this is only what my cat has done.]
kewl zine dude...keep up the l33t work
[Wizdumb: Glad ya like it. Keep reading, when the new zine comes out, bro. :)]
aka Frits
bright blessings and merry part
From: "k-rad-bob" <k-rad-bob@b0g.org>
To: <wizdumb@leet.org>
Subject: h0h0!
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 23:45:47 +0200
reading fk11 almost made me ejaculate in my pants (i read it at work of
course) and i simply had to email you guys.
[Wizdumb: Are you implying that you don't wear pants when not at work?]
b0g loves you!!!!!
[Wizdumb: We love b0g!!!! :)]
since you guys are so lovable i'll add fk to the zines section (when im
bothered that is, im pretty lazy/buzy these days) til then, have fun and
strangle a Turk!
oh, and by the way: FUCK OFF!#@!
yours in cyberspace
[Wizdumb: Fuq j0o!@#$ We officialy return j0r wage of war, and are giving full
priority to the destruction of b0g. Not only will we 0wn b0g.org, but we will
0wn b0g.org. Furthermore, we will 0wn b0g.org. We have also started a b0g
mirror at www.mdma.za.net/b0g solely to deface it at a later date - 0h0h0h0]
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 16:06:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Richie Hasting <naz-t1@excite.com>
To: wizdumb@leet.org
Subject: greets Wyzewun fellow telkom h8terz
X-Mailer: Excite Inbox
Hiya greets form a phreaker,hacker in ZA your info is hardcored but I have
even more 2 add like how 2 remoteley controll a ISP's pop servers power
remoteley as well as how to phreak fone linez of people living in flats, and
[Wizdumb: OMG! This is my favourite type of e-mail! The type where you just
sit and wonder what the FUCK the dildo on the other side is trying to get
across to you. Sometimes, late at night, you can read over them and they
almost make sense - granted that you've had a good few shots of vodka prior
to reading that is. Regardless, these rock - send more please.]
I am currently in the process of cloning telephone cards but only one
problem I NEED @ OBTAIN A TELKOM GREEN PHONE card machine as i NEED THE
READER, have u any ideas 2 break the green bastard open and get the insides
(die binne goed) out....
[Wizdumb: Okay, I have now established that the writer is Afrikaans, so should
I forgive him for not being able to speak English? Hmmm... Naah, if his
English sucks this much then he should've written to me in Afrikaans for
crying out loud.]
Pls email me to get more info outa me, if u don't email me I'll think I am
not 3l33t3 enuff.
[Wizdumb: Guess yer not "3l33t3" enuff, eh?]
Naz-t1 also known as naz-1
eail me...
[Wizdumb: *Sigh* I hate this job... When is that transfer coming through?]