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i was fsckn b0red ok! @#%@#%
and santa makes me think of satan
and satan makes me think of wizdump
and wizdump makes me think of julia roberts's lips
and julia roberts's lips makes me think of barcodes
and barcodes make me think of triple six0r
triple six0r make me think of devil
and devil makes me think of vladimir putin
and vladimir putin makes me think of strawberries
and strawberries makes me think of fertility hormones
and fertility hormones makes me feel like felicia mabusa suttle
and felicia bambusa suttle makes me think of bumbfluff
and bumbfluff makes me think of search for extra-terrestrial intelligence
and seti makes me think of internet porn
and internet porn makes me think of rally driver assistants
and rally driver assistants makes me think of yogert
and yogert makes my tummy run

this is why christmas IS A PIECE OF SHIT @#%@#%@#!! 
here is santa/satan pr0n

                                                       /~ ~   \
                                                       ******\ )
f   ff  f ff                                          /~   |  \)
 ff f  ff                                        ___ ::::  /   0
   ffffff                                 ______:._  \;:/  \
     ffffff                   __________/ kkkkk_/  \______  |   kkk
     00f  ffff   ffffffffffff(ffff_______kkkkk/    /*       \   kkkk
   fffff fffff fffffffffffffffff(ff     kkkkkkk   |*         | kkkkkk
   Ufff     fffffffffffffffffffffff     kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  
            ffffffffffffffffffffff      kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk_  
              fffffffffffffffffff      |666-GP|kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk_/.;:'
               ff ff        ff ff         kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk_/':.:;'
               ff ff        ff ff           kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk    ';:'
               kk  kk .:    kk  kk..;

 .:.h03 H03 ho... M4rry FK'n x-m4s.::.
.::.3fFk4y iz br|ng'n d4h sh|tz str4it fr0m dah p0le, t0 y0r do0rstep.::.
.'::.h|d3 d0ze k|dDi3'z, s4nta iz h3re w|ff dah V12 d34th sl3d.::.  
.`:::.S4nta ... S4tan ... ?.::.



     ________,,,...........                 .........______
$$$$$�������^^^^^                                      '''''"""???zz.   $
   ^?$$                                                                `?; $
      ?;                                                              ,,?;I$$
     ,"________________________________________________________..,,##���',  $
  _.+                                                                     +.,;


this is just some arb info about smart cards and a slight disz to um... jo0l
see. the GSM article will follow with software to use with the smart card
reader design. but please read this before that, because there seems to be
some misconception about smart card technology, as you will see next.


on reading fk16 i was totally disgusted :P~ fk is known for *some* of its
inaccuracies and that explains 'fix up' issues like fk17 and such. but the
following is just too much, i just had to write this. now the reason i was so
disgusted is with the particular article by um... Ph0enix91. um the mnet/dstv
thingy. now i'm not sure about the mnet thing but for the dstv smart card
part, that is total bullshit, TOTAL BULLSHIT! [Ed: shush! ] the reason why
smart cards were developed was to replace magstripe cards to prevent
tampering, cloning, and to provide advanced data IO. now smart cards have been
around a while and there are some serious security features implemented. to
'copy' the card as stated by Ph0enix91 is impossible. first of all, there are
registers and memory locations that are totally unreadable, and they are
accessed only via encryption algorithms that manipulate the data and the
result is used for authorization. and the device that is supposedly so
expensive is just proof that absolutely no thought was given in writing that
article. you can design your own smart card reader with just a serial port (9
pin) cable and some scooby-doo wire, 4,7K resistor and a 2,2K resistor. or a
more advanced one with some cheap TTL adapters and voltage regulators. 

for basic memory card and older type smart cards

                         | +5V
                         |       C=200uF; R=2.2k (or less)
 Serial                    /           ____
   Port                  ,/        ,--|____|--,
              the card   |    ,-------------+-------------,  |
Pin10 (Ack)   --<--------*----|   1         |         5   |--*--,
               R/W | RST      +-------\     |     /-------+     |
Pin4 (d2)     -->-------------|   2    +----+    +    6   |-----|--*-- Vcc
               Clock          +--------|         |--------+     |  |
Pin3 (d1)     -->-------------|   3    +----+----+    7   |--,  |  -
               RAZ | RFU      +-------/     |     \-------+  |  | | | 4.7K
Pin2 (d0)     -->-------------|   4         |         8   |--|--* | |
                              '-------------+-------------'  |  |  -
               I/O                                           |  |  |
Pin 11 (Busy) --<--------------------------------------------'--|--'
               Gnd                                              |
Pin 25        --------------------------------------------------'

here is a design that can be used to write/read smart cards. newer cards that
require parallel connection and TTL adapter with the MAX232 chip. the MAX643
is used as 12v controller for programming the eeproms that are usually pic
based. the 3.686 MHz is the oscillator used for timing in smart card
standards, this can also be modified to support the higher timings of
nonstandard smart cards. like 5.4MHz.

i have one of these personally, and it is what i use to do the gsm software
decryption with. this will also read the dstv cards but you cannot copy a
whole card. this is also a writer and data can be read or written with the sio
package. the MAX232 chip is available in any south african electronics store
as well as the MAX643. the smart card connector can be bought at electronic
stores as well, or rip it out of an old cell phone.

newer smart card writer/reader

                     +5V o
                         |                 |
                  ,-------------,          |
               +  |     Vcc     |  +       |
SUBD25         ,--|C1+       C2+|--,       |       K
RS 232    1F  === |             | === 1F   |        /                Smartcard
               '--|C1-   M   C2-|--'       |       /                 Connector
   RX             |      A      |          '-----o'   o----*---------------o 1
3 o---------------|TX1   X   In1|----------------*---------|---------------o 7
   TX             |             |                | ,-------|---------------o 4
2 o----------,   -|TX2   2   In2|-   1/3 7406    | | ,-----|---------------o 2
   Gnd       |    |      3      |  ,---,  ,---,  | | | ,---|---------------o 8
7 o-,        '----|RX1   2  Out1|--| 1 |o-| 1 |o-* | | | ,-|---------------o 3
    |             |             |  '---'  '---'  | | | | | *---|>|-*-------o 6
   """           -|RX2      Out2|-               | | | | | | ,-|>|-'   ,---o 5
                  |             |                | | | | | | | 2xD     |
          +5V   + |             |    +           | | | | | *-|----||---*
            o-||--|CV+  Gnd  CV-|--||-,          | | | | | | |   100nF |
             1F   '-------------' 1F  |          | | | | | | |        """
                         |            |          | | | | | | |
  SUBD 25               """          """         | | | | | | |c
PRINTER Port                                     | | | | | |  \ | PNP
                                                 | | | | | |   >|---,
   D0 - (4) RFU (RAZ)                            | | | | | |  / |  ,-,
2 o----------------------------------------------|-' | | | | |e    | | 10k
   D1 - (3) CLK       ,---,   ,---, 1/3 7406     |   | | | | |     | |
3 o-------------------| 1 |o--| 1 |o-------------|---|-|-* | |     '-'
   D2 - (2) RST (W)   '---'   '---'              |   | | | | |      |
4 o----------------------------------------------|---' | | | |     c \ | NPN
   D3 - (8) RFU (FUS)                            |     | | | |        >|----,
5 o----------------------------------------------|-----' | | |     e / |   ,-,
   D4 - (7) I/O                ,---, 1/6 7406    |       | | |      |      | |
6 o----------------------------| 1 |o--*---------'       | | |     """     | |
   D5 (Desativate Oscillator)  '---'   |    2xD   ,---,  | | |         10k '-'
7 o------------------------------------|----|<|-*-| 1 |o-' | |              |
   D6 (Vpp Command)                    |  ,-|<|-' '---'    | |              |
8 o------------------------------------|--|----------------|-|--------------'
   D7                                  |  |                *-|--------,
9 o------x                             |  |                | |  ,-----'------,
   ACK (Presence of the card)          |  '----------------|-|--|Oscillator F|
10o------------------------------------|-------------------' |  '------------'
   BUSY (Synchronous Data Output)      |                     |        |
11o------------------------------------'                     |       """
   GND                                                       |    F=3.6864MHz
25o-----,                                                    |
        |       100uH            1N4935                      |
       """    ,-@@@@@--*-----------|>|--------*----*---------* +21V
              |        |                      |    |         |
              |        '---||  BUZ11 or       |    |         |
              |        ,->-||   IRF14         |    |         |
              |        |---|'--,             ,-,   | 1nF     |
              |        |       |         330k| |  ===        |
              |       """      |             | |   |         |
              |                |6            '-'   |         |
              |       ,------------------,    |    |        +| 220<E6>F
              |      5| Vcut   Ext   Vfb |7   |    |        ===
+12V >--------*-------|      MAX 643     |----*----'         |
              |       | LB1   GND   COMP |    |              |
              |       '------------------'   ,-,             |
              |   +      |1    |3    |8      | |22k          |
              *----||----*-----*-----'       '-'             |
              |   10F             |           |              |
              |                  """         """            """
              |       ,---------,
              '----*--|   7805  |--*----> +5V
                   |  '---------'  |
            100nF ===      |      === 100nF

                          Component List

   Integrated Circuits
1xMAX232 (RS232<-->TTL Adapter)
1xMAX643 (12-->21V Converter Controller)
1x74LS06 (6 inverters)
1x7805   (5V regulator)

     Transistors                      Diodes
     -----------                      ------
1xBUZ11 or IRF14                 4x1N4148 or other
1xBC107 or antoher NPN           1x1N4935 or other fast commutation diode
1xBC177 or another PNP

    Compensators        Resistors          Misc
    ------------        ---------          ----
     3x100nF              2x10k          100uH self
     1x1nF                1x330k         1xSmartcard connector
     1x10<E6>F            1x22k          1xSUBD25 Female
     1x220<E6>F                          1xSUBD25 Male


and for the part where
ph0nip0o states, 

' Use your smart card reader/writer to copy
the smart card u borrowed from your friend slap that into your decoder and
piggy back off of his account... while you are at it use your smart card
reader/writer to create a few new telephone cards too.... I am sure telkom
won't mind..... ;-)'  

-- this is just so fucking dumb that i almost puked, telephone cards in SA is
from the german model which is based on telecard, here are some specs:

                  |  1         |         5  |
                  +------\     |     /------+
                  |  2    +----+    +    6  |
                  +-------|         |-------+
                  |  3    +----,----+    7  |

1. Vcc 5v   5. Gnd
2. reset    6. Vpp 5v 
3. clock    7. i/o
4. RAS      8. fus

       - Synchronous protocol.
       - N-MOS technology or CMOS for the new ones.
       - 256x1 bit organization.
       - 96 written protected by a lock-out fuse.
       - Low power 85mW in read mode.
       - 21 V programming voltage.
       - Access time: 500ns
       - Operating range: -10\xf8C +70\xf8C
       - Ten year data retention.

      memory allocation:

Byte (Bit)      Hexa

0-3 (0..31)    | $92 | $3B | $FF | $06 | --> South Africa (G+D)
               |     |     |     | $09 | --> South Africa (G+D)
               | $98 | $28 | $FF | $x4 | --> South Africa (???)
               |     | $3E |     |     | --> South Africa (G+D)
4 (32..39)     |     | --> [TBD]
5 (40..47)     |  ss | --> Serial Number
6 (48..55)     |  ss |
7 (56..63)     |  ss |
8..12 (64..103)|c4096|c512 | c64 | c8  | c1  | --> 5 stage octal counter
13 (104..111)  | $FF |
14 (112..119)  | $FF |
15 (120..127)  | $FF |

now where Ph0ni@#%@% had it all wrong is how the whole process works.the phone
card has octal counters in a one way gate, that means only units can be
decremented. to actually 'recharge' the card you will need to erase the card
with a UV light, but that is not possible either, since the card is UV
protected and to remove the protection would trigger the lock-out fuse same as
trying to rewrite the eeprom. now there are other means of accessing the data
where the card implements anti-tearing methods, these are flags that are used
when the card is abruptly removed, then the user does not loose any credits
during the process. they can maybe be used to fool the actual decrementing
routine to disallow the current operation. but still to write to them requires
some serious reversing technology. the cards also have certificates and
checksums that prevent cloning of a phone card. this is a one way function
that is done on the header of the card and the operator's secret key (telkom), thus to clone a phone card you must first get the key
and then one way hash it with the secret algorithm and the header of a valid
card. so instead of hacking telkom, stealing the key, reverse enginering the
secret algorithm, why not just buy a fucking R20 PHONECARD @#%#%@#%@#%???!! 
the cards are also authenticated via the inserting process at the public
phone. this is a random sequence that is sent to the card and the card
computes a response that is sent to the central network, this is then verified
and then the transaction can go forth. 

now dstv smart cards are even better in security, there are means of hacking
these things yes, for example, it is still an eeprom so it works by voltage
differences and logical gates. so the old tactics of side channeling is
possible. these are methods that uses different voltages to make the processor behave
differently. example: a satellite tv smart card may do the authentication via
some rundown version of DES, now if you use a oscilloscope you can see
precisely when there is big encryption block table lookups for creating the
encryption s-boxes. now when you know when the encryption is done, you can
find out what command initiates the encryption, then see the actual voltages
that are required in obtaining the specific command.


+21V                               _____________
+5V ______________________________|             |_________________ VPP
                                  :             :
+5V              _________________:_____________:_________________ 
0V  ____________|                 :             :                  RST
                :                 :             :
+5V   ____      :      ____       :       ______:______
0V  _|    |_____:_____|    |______:______|      :      |__________ CLK
     :    :     :     :    :      :      :      :      :
+5V  :    :     :     :    :      :______:______:      :           
0V  _:____:_____:_____:____:______|      :      |______:__________ R/W^M
     :    :     :     :    :      :      :      :      :
+5V  :    :     :_____:    :______:      :      :      :__________
     :    :     :     :    :      :<-----><---->:      :
     :    :     :     :    :      :10 to   10 to       :
     :    :     :     :    :      :50 ms   50ms        :
      Reset        Bit0       Bit1                         Bit2
      card        reading     reading  Bit1 writing to 1   reading

now if you know the voltages, you can try to figure out different commands
like jump functions, now if you can 'fool' the card by initiating a command
with different voltages, you can for example jump past the authentication sub
routine and there is your free dstv. but believe me, this is high tech stuff
that not even a skilled electronics expert might pull off. and the attack that
i outlined was successfully done in the US but i know for a fact that dstv has
protected their smart cards with differentiated lookups in tables or even some
aggressive command limitations.

so P0neixi@#%@#% and erm... the editors ;) please try to test or just maybe do
some research before you decide on publishing such crap!

ps- no hard feelings, ph0nizah, we all just want lubb ;)
 but for the editorz especially daht gay one wiff the goat

 Flat 999
 Santa's street
 North p0le

[Ed: Ahaha dood, I try to send u doughnorts, but people at Post Office say I
     am a delusional and don't take box? :( Apologies to Mr Plunkett, and to
     every1 in the damn werld ;p for the DSTV artickle- we r hav knew twos
     bullocks, but published it for the attached M-Net article, which may or
     may not have bn? ;p We generally haven't been particularly concerned
     about the accuracy of other people's articles, but I suppose we could
     be, from now on.. ;p Please note all previous issues are currently
     deprecated and you are encouraged not to read them, and w3 are un4ble t0
     pr0vide technic4l supp0rt for these issues.. Errata begins fresh as of
     next issue.. ;p]


====== PART : THA SEC0ND: GSM HAQKING, LE3T.. ========||


hopefully you have read some info about smart cards and have some knowledge
how gsm works. (read the smart card article before this) now gsm technology
was implemented to provide better everything compared the analogue system.
this includes reception, security, anti-fraud, privacy and a whole lot more

as you might know the analogue system was very insecure privacy wise and in
terms of security to prevent fraud. since everything was done unencrypted, and
cell phones were issued with one chip that did all the authentication and
unique identity stuff, it opened the door for millions of ways to exploit the
system. this included ESN grabbers, that could grab the identity of other
users in a current cell and clone the cell phone and/or monitor their
conversations or even track their positions.

south africa was never that hot on the cell phone scene until gsm rolled out.
this was totally different system because it was digital and used TDMA, that
is Time Division Multiple Access. this is system where the whole spectrum of
gsm conversation and signaling is broken up in timeslots and sequenced in a
whole timeframe all on one or a couple of frequencies. each user that 'logs'
on to the network, is then given a timeframe for where he/she can communicate

i will not discuss the whole TDMA frame structure because there is a gazillion
documents out there on it. but here is how SA's frequencies are laid out,
Cell C might be thrown in there somewhere.

MS  = mobile station (phone)
BTS = base station (those pretty trees and large erect towers)

MS -> BTS               BTS -> MS
uplink                  downlink
  ______                  ______
 |890mhz|                |935mhz| 
 |  :   |  GSM CHANNELS  |  :   |
 |  :   |- 1 to 55      -|  :   |
 |  :   |  vodacom       |  :   |
 |900mhz|                |945mhz|
 |  :   |                |  :   |
 |  :   |- GSM CHANNELS -|  :   |
 |  :   |  57 to 112     |  :   |
 |10mhz |  mtn           |50mhz |
 |  :   |                |  :   |
 |  :   |                |  :   |
 |  :   |- GSM CHANNELS -|  :   |
 |5mhz  |  112 to 124    |60mhz |
 |______|  not used      |______|

the whole system is connected to the MSC's and in turn to telkom's PSTN via
SS7, but that is a whole document altogether. what is important is the way gsm
handles user records. this is via the Home Location Register (HLR). this is a
very big and valuable database that houses all the user info that will be 
discussed later. the HLR is kept at the Mobile Switching Centers (MSC) and is
accessed via the various SS7 protocols. BSC's (base station controllers) will
usually have a Visiting location register that houses the given users data in
their cell's. The database is the backbone of gsm security.

gsm also had the SIM card introduced, which meant that the actual MS, Mobile
Station (phone), could be interchanged as whished and the user and network
could still communicate transparently. there is also the numerous security
enhancements that was implemented to prevent fraud. this includes registers
that register stolen or suspect equipment, this is the 'black list' you all
know. this is done via IMEI number. more later on that.

.:hacking it already!! #@@#%:.

the SIM was tamper proofed and a specific encryption system was implemented to
do authentication, voice encryption, location info protection and other. how
the system works:

in sim card is a algorithm named COMP128
as well in the MSC (this is the Mobile Switching network)
look at COMP128.h for the algorithm.
for voice in south africa, A5/1 is used and is a stream cipher
that uses the SRES response (later) and tdma frame number to
encrypt each 156.25 bits or 0.577 milliseconds of conversation.

now what happens when you insert the sim in phone and switch it on is this: 

MS sends a request RACH (random access channel) via the uplink broadcasting
frequency and is in turn received by the BTS and is relayed to the Base
station controller node. It checks to see if it has this user in its VLR
(visiting location reg). if not, then it requests the user data from the MSC
via SS7 protocols. the data is relayed back to the base station which contains
the user triplet. this is:

rand:   128 bit random for authorization and session key generation 
ki:     user's private secret key
sres:   response expected from user after COMP128 and Ki + RAND 

now the base station sends the user the rand challenge, and this is received
by your phone. then the phone gives the challenge as an argument to the sim
that then uses the built in algorithm COMP128 to compute the SRES, which is
the response to the challenge, this is then sent back and the base station
compare this to the sres it has computed via the user's key. note that the key
never crosses the air.

now the sres is also used with the current frame number and consecutive frame
numbers after that with the encryption algorithm A5/1 to encrypt the voice
conversation, yes, SA uses the strong over-air encryption and not A5/2 which
is the weaker one issued by NSA to spy on middle eastern countries. that use
A5/2 or A5/x and other variants. this is how your conversation is kept secret
from ppl like us :)

now as you see the whole system relies on one key, Ki this is the user's
secret key that is mapped to user international mobile subscriber id (imsi)
and it is also in the sim. but as you know the data in the sim is tamper
proof. thus you cannot just 'read' the Ki from there.

but there is a flaw in the COMP128 algorithm that can be used to deduce a
user's Ki. it takes about 508000 queries to the simcard and about 4 hours to
extract the key. the details of the flaw was discovered by Marc Briceno, Ian
Goldberg and David Wagner. it is the lack of diffusion in the way the
algorithm uses data from the previous round. with this article is comp128.h
the algorithm, disect.c which i wrote to see exactly what is happening during
encryption. and then gsm-hack.c the actual cracking of the algorithm. the
details of precisely what is happening is a bit of mathematics and statistics
and loads of other crud, and its not what this paper is intended for. the
software queries the simcard with random values that stay the same except bits
i+8 are changed until a collision in results are found, this then can be
reversed and the actual key value for that bit is revealed. this is repeated
until the whole key is revealed. gsm-hack.c in emulate mode does not require
a sim reader or anything and shows how it all works.

now to hax0r or clone a sim, get somebody's sim card, and make sure he won't
need it for 4 hours or so. best place for this is the rent-A-f0ne place at
airports and shit, rent it for the day. now use the simcard reader and
software to extract Ki. read the imsi on the sim, which is done via gsm-hack
-s function. now that you have Ki and imsi, get asim4 or any other sim
emulator. there are also plans how to make a sim emulator, check emulator.txt
[ APPENDICKZ 'A', LE3T ] of this article or just buy one from any decent
electronic store in SA. they're about R120. now just create a clone.dat file
with your newly acquired Ki and imsi and then you can plug the emulator in
your phone. now you have a cloned gsm phone.

i can say confidently :) that a cloned cell phone can operate at the same time
as the original. the only problem comes in when both try to initiate a call.
you will also receive the sms's for the original party and voicemail and
everything like that. and of course, your calls are billed to that party ;)
it would be pointless to clone a prepaid sim for obvious reasons.

for security, get a nokia/motorola phone where you can change the IMEI number whenever you use a cloned sim, this prevents them
from blocking your cellphone and slows down tracing ;) yes, they track you,
they have triggers that check whenever two of the same imsi's are initiated
and logged on in two different locations. you can change the IMEI with
software like pc-locals or nokiahack and soon to be released, my new gsm-hack

the new version of my gsm-hack software is much more advanced. it is first of
all threaded and uses selective random selection for faster decryption of the
Ki, in worst case scenario, it can retrieve Ki in 1 hour. it also has save and
load functions to pause decryption. it comes with automatic IMEI changing via
nokia data cable. and im working on some other elite stuff that could invade
some privacy ;) or to see where your wife hangs around when your out.

watch out for these future articles from dah skankett

- gsm tracking (Magda at porn store????) 
- A5/1 security and real-time GSM interception
- SS7 signaling vulnerabilities
- Home location register security
- operations maintenance center security (1 in vodacom)
- gprs and location based services, still same problems

quote from vodacom technical press release:

"Vodacards incorporates sophisticated anti-tamper technology
 to secure internal data and to prevent it from being read
 or altered. Voltage, current and UV sensing are all incorporated
 into the vodacard protection system which will render the card
 useless when triggered." 

strange. my original and cloned sim don't seem that useless ;p

thats it.

====== APPEND1X 'A': SMART K4RD EMULATOR ========||

note: you can buy these for about R120 in South Africa

(Markus Kuhn original design for decoders, edited by plunkett for gsm)

According to ISO, a chip card is 85.60 mm long, 53.98 mm high, 0.76 mm thick
and the edges are rounded with a radius of 3.18 mm. It has eight defined
contact areas (C1 - C8 in the diagram below), each of which is at least 2mm
wide and 1.7 mm high:

	 /                                        \
	|                                          |
	|                                          |
	|    C1   C5                               |
	|    C2   C6                               |
	|    C3   C7                               |
	|    C4   C8                               |
	|                                          |
	|                                          |
	|                                          |

These contacts have the following purpose:

	C1	VCC	Supply voltage (+5 V, max. 200 mA)
	C2	RST	Reset signal
	C3	CLK	Clock signal
	C4	-	reserved
	C5	GND	Ground
	C6	VPP	Programming voltage (5-25 V)
	C7	I/O	Data input/output
	C8	-	reserved

The following table gives the precise location of the contact areas.
These areas are only minimum areas, the actual contacts might be larger
but must of course be properly isolated from each other.

In the following table,

	A	represents the maximum distance between the card's left
		edge and the contact area's left edge,
	B	represents the minimum distance between the card's left
		edge and the contact area's right edge,
	C	represents the maximum distance between the card's top
		edge and the contact area's upper edge,
	D	represents the minimum distance between the card's top
		edge and the contact area's lower edge.

		  A	  B	  C	  D
	C1	10.25	12.25	19.23	20.93
	C2	10.25	12.25	21.77	23.47
	C3	10.25	12.25	24.31	26.01
	C4	10.25	12.25	26.85	28.55
	C5	17.87	19.87	19.23	20.93
	C6	17.87	19.87	21.77	23.47
	C7	17.87	19.87	24.31	26.01
	C8	17.87	19.87	26.85	28.55

The adapter will only need the card contacts I/O, GND, RST and VCC. On
the RS-232 side, the following contacts will be used:

		   Sub-D 25-pin	   Sub-D 9-pin
	TxD		2		3	transmit data
	RxD		3		2	receive data
	RTS		4		7	request to send
	CTS		5		8	clear to send
	DSR		6		6	data set ready
	GND		7		5	ground
	DCD		8		1	carrier detect (here: reset)
	DTR		20		4	data terminal ready

The pins DTR, DSR and CTS are not actually needed, they are just connected
together in the adapter, so that defined levels are available on them because
some software might need this.

The following components are necessary for the adapter

	1 x	0.5-0.8 mm PCB single sided or test card
	1 x	IC Maxim MAX232CPE (or Linear Technology LT1081CN)
	1 x	IC 74LS07 (or 7407)
	5 x	capacitors 1 uF (or higher), 16 V
	1 x	female Sub-D connector (9 or 25-pin)
	1 x	card slot (optional)

The MAX232 converts the RS-232 levels (about +10 and -10 V) to TTL voltage (0
and +5 V) and vice versa without requiring anything else than +5 V power
supply. This chip contains two TTL->RS-232 and two RS-232->TTL drivers and
needs four external 1 uF capacitors in order to generate the RS-232 voltage
internally. The I/O line is a bidirectional half-duplex asynchronous TTL level
serial port that is operated in a Videocrypt system with 9600 bits/s. We can
connect this line to a MAX232 TTL input driver (which is connected to RxD and
sends bytes to the PC) in order to receive data from the phone. The TxD signal
is converted in the MAX232 to TTL level and is connected with an open
collector TTL driver to I/O. This open collector driver (one of six in the
74LS07) has a high impedance output during idle state and 1 and is connected
to GND during a 0 on it's input. As there is already a pull-up resistor to +5V
on I/O in the phone, this circuitry guarantees, that the adapter is in high
impedance state if the TxD line is idle and delivers the correct voltage if
the PC sends bytes and the phone is in reception mode. As we don't connect
totem-pole or tristate outputs to I/O, a short circuit should be impossible in
the adapter.

The following diagram describes the whole interface:

              +-------------+  +             
  +-----------|1     V    16|---+---o +5V (VCC)
 +|          +|             |  ===
 === +5V o-||-|2  MAX232  15|---+---o GND (card & RS-232)
  |           |             |
  +-----------|3      +---14|----o DCD                    +-<-o DTR
           +  |       |     |                             |
     +---||---|4      | +-13|----o RTS                    +->-o DSR
     |        |       | v   |                             |
     +--------|5      | +-12|- (unused TTL output)        +->-o CTS
          +   |       |     |
     GND o-||-|6      +-<-11|----o RST
              |             |
     RxD o----|7  ---<--- 10|-------------------+----o I/O
              |             |              |\   |
     TxD o----|8  --->---  9|--------------| |--+
              +-------------+             1|/ 2
    At the MAX232, pin 2 delivers
    +10 V and pin 6 delivers -10 V.        (also connected to 74LS07:
                                           pin 7=GND, pin 14=VCC)

Pay attention to the polarity of the capacitors (marked with a + in the
diagram next to each capacitor)! The -->-- symbols in the MAX232 diagram above
indicate the voltage converters inside the chip. You might want to add an LED
and a resistor (between 220 and 1k ohm) between VCC and GND so that you can
see when the phone activates the interface. If you can't live without blinking
bits, then add a LED and a resistor from VCC to I/O. The capacitor between VCC
and GND is not absolutely necessary, but recommended especially if you add
other circuitry on the board.

[APPENDIX: 'THA `B`'] IZ THA gsmhack.tgz IN THA ./W4R3Z

[ AND DON'T FORGET TO man ./W4R3Z/poes.gz ]

$$QQQ####,,,,________________________________           _________    ______ _

thankyew f0r re3ding thisz fuaqk1ng exc3llent isSue 0f the eFFkay. Mad pr0pz
to Plunk3tt for like making it for us. we will be loik trying to make more of
theez magazine-thingyz loik sewn- niggaz gotz to understand loik *tha
sircumstance*z y'n0wh!#$

but y0u c0uldn't d0 thaht now cld y0u????.. ;o @<F2>$

Pfe3r and Ruspak.
Tha ed.