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:| _|\  \::::::::::.                                               July-Sep  99
:::\_____\::::::::::.                                              Issue      5

            A S S E M B L Y   P R O G R A M M I N G   J O U R N A L

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

"COM in Assembly Part II"...................................Bill.Tyler

"How to use DirectDraw in ASM"...............................X-Calibre

"Writing Boot Sectors To Disk"...........................Jan.Verhoeven

"Dumping Memory to Disk".................................Jan.Verhoeven

"Formatted Numeric Output"..............................Laura.Fairhead

"Linked Lists in ASM"..........................................mammon_

Column: Win32 Assembly Programming
    "Structured Exception Handling under Win32"...........Chris.Dragan
    "Child Window Controls"...................................Iczelion
    "Dialog Box as Main Window"...............................Iczelion
    "Standardizing Win32 Callback Procedures"............Jeremy.Gordon

Column: The Unix World
    "Fire Demo ported to Linux SVGAlib".................Jan.Wagemakers

Column: Assembly Language Snippets

Column: Issue Solution
    "Binary to ASCII"....................................Jan.Verhoeven

       ++++++++++++++++++Issue  Challenge+++++++++++++++++
         Convert a bit value to ACIII less than 10 bytes

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                                                                     by mammon_

I suppose I should start with the good news. A week or so ago Hiroshimator
emailed me for the nth time asking if I needed help with the journal as I have
yet to get one out on time. I relented and asked if he knew any listservers;
one hour later he had an account for APJ set up at e-groups, specifically:
One of the greatest obstacles to putting out these issues -- processing the
300 or so subscription requests that rack up between issues -- is now out of
the way for good.

The articles this month have somewhat of a high-level focus; with the COM and
Direct Draw by Bill Tyler and X-Caliber, respectively, as well as Chris
Dragan's classic work on exception handling and Jeremy Gordon's treatment of
windows callbacks, this issue is heavily weighed towards high-level win32
coding. Add to this Iczelion's two tutorials and my own win32-biased
linked list example, and it appears the DOS/Unix camp is losing ground.

To shore up the Unix front line, Jan Wagemakers has provided a port of last
month's fire demo to linux [GAS]. In addition, there are A86 articles by Jan
Verhoeven and a general assembly routine by Laura Fairhead to prove that not
all assembly has to be 32-bit.

And, finally, I am looking for a good 'challenge' columnist: someone to write
the monthly APJ challenges [and their solutions] so that I can start
announcing next month's challenge sooner than next month...

Now at last I can sleep ;)


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                                                        COM in Assembly Part II
						        by Bill Tyler

My previous atricle described how to use COM objects in your assembly
language programs.  It described only how to call COM methods, but not how to
create your own COM objects.  This article will describe how to do that.

This article will describe implementing COM Objects, using MASM syntax.  TASM
or NASM assemblers will not be considered, however the methods can be easily
applied to any assembler.

This article will also not describe some of the more advanced features of COM
such as reuse, threading, servers/clients, and so on.  These will presented
in future articles.

COM Interfaces Review
An interface definition specifies the interface's methods, their return types,
the number and types of their parameters, and what the methods must do.  Here
is a sample interface definition:

IInterface struct
    lpVtbl  dd  ?
IInterface ends

IInterfaceVtbl struct
    ; IUnknown methods
    STDMETHOD       QueryInterface, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
    STDMETHOD       AddRef, :DWORD
    STDMETHOD       Release, :DWORD
    ; IInterface methods
    STDMETHOD       Method1, :DWORD
    STDMETHOD       Method2, :DWORD
IInterfaceVtbl ends

STDMETHOD is used to simplify the interface declaration, and is defined as:

    LOCAL @tmp_a
    LOCAL @tmp_b
    @tmp_a TYPEDEF PROTO argl
    @tmp_b TYPEDEF PTR @tmp_a
    name @tmp_b ?

This macro is used to greatly simplify interface declarations, and so that the
MASM invoke syntax can be used. (Macro originally by Ewald :)

Access to the interface's methods occurs through a pointer.  This pointer
points to a table of function pointers, called a vtable. Here is a sample
method call:

mov     eax, [lpif]                            ; lpif is the interface pointer
mov     eax, [eax]                             ; get the address of the vtable
invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl [eax]).Method1, [lpif] ; indirect call to the function
- or -
invoke  [eax][IInterfaceVtbl.Method2], [lpif]  ; alternate notation

Two different styles of addressing the members are shown.  Both notations
produce equivalent code, so the method used is a matter of personal

All interfaces must inherit from the IUnknown interface.  This means that the
first 3 methods of the vtable must be QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release.
The purpose and implementation of these methods will be discussed later.

A GUID is a Globally Unique ID.  A GUID is a 16-byte number, that is unique
to an interface.  COM uses GUID's to identify different interfaces from one
another.  Using this method prevents name clashing as well as version
clashing.  To get a GUID, you use a generator utility that is included with
most win32 development packages.

A GUID is represented by the following structure:

    Data1   dd ?
    Data2   dw ?
    Data3   dw ?
    Data4   db 8 dup(?)

A GUID is then defined in the data section:
MyGUID GUID <3F2504E0h, 4f89h, 11D3h, <9Ah, 0C3h, 0h, 0h, 0E8h, 2Ch, 3h, 1h>>

Once a GUID is assigned to an interface and published, no furthur changes to
the interface definition are allowed.  Note, that this does mean that the
interface implementation may not change, only the definition.  For changes
to the interface definition, a new GUID must be assigned.

COM Objects
A COM object is simply an implementation of an interface.  Implementation
details are not covered by the COM standard, so we are free to implement our
objects as we choose, so long as they satisfy all the requirements of the
interface definition.

A typical object will contain pointers to the various interfaces it supports,
a reference count, and any other data that the object needs.  Here is a sample
object definition, implemented as a structure:

Object struct
    interface   IInterface  <?>     ; pointer to an IInterface
    nRefCount   dd          ?       ; reference count
    nValue      dd          ?       ; private object data
Object ends

We also have to define the vtable's we are going to be using.  These tables
must be static, and cannot change during run-time.  Each member of the vtable
is a pointer to a method.  Following is a method for defining the vtable.

@@IInterface segment dword
    dd      offset IInterface@QueryInterface
    dd      offset IInterface@AddRef
    dd      offset IInterface@Release
    dd      offset IInterface@GetValue
    dd      offset IInterface@SetValue
@@IInterface ends

Reference Counting
COM object manage their lifetimes through reference counting.  Each object
maintains a reference count that keeps track of how many instances of the
interface pointer have been created.  The object is required to keep a
counter that supports 2^32 instances, meaning the reference count must be a

When the reference count drops to zero, the object is no longer in use, and
it destroys itself.  The 2 IUnknown methods AddRef and Release handle the
reference counting for a COM object.

The QueryInterface method is used by a COM object to determine if the object
supports a given interface, and then if supported, to get the interface
pointer.  There are 3 rules to implementing the QueryInterface method:

    1. Objects must have an identity - a call to QueryInterface must always
       return the same pointer value.
    2. The set of interfaces of an object must never change - for example, if
       a call to QueryInterface with on IID succeeds once, it must succeed
       always.  Likewise, if it fails once, it must fail always.
    3. It must be possible to successfully query an interface of an object
       from any other interface.

QueryInterface returns a pointer to a specified interface on an object to
which a client currently holds an interface pointer. This function must call
the AddRef method on the pointer it returns.

Following are the QueryInterface parameters:
    pif  : [in] a pointer to the calling interface
    riid : [in] pointer to the IID of the interface being queried
    ppv  : [out] pointer to the pointer of the interface that is to be set.
           If the interface is not supported, the pointed to value is set to 0

QueryInterface returns the following:
   S_OK if the interface is supported
   E_NOINTERFACE if not supported

Here is a simple assembly implementation of QueryInterface:

IInterface@QueryInterface proc uses ebx pif:DWORD, riid:DWORD, ppv:DWORD
    ; The following compares the requested IID with the available ones.
    ; In this case, because IInterface inherits from IUnknown, the IInterface
    ; interface is prefixed with the IUnknown methods, and these 2 interfaces
    ; share the same interface pointer.
    invoke  IsEqualGUID, [riid], addr IID_IInterface
    or      eax,eax
    jnz     @1
    invoke  IsEqualGUID, [riid], addr IID_IUnknown
    or      eax,eax
    jnz     @1
    jmp     @NoInterface

    ; GETOBJECTPOINTER is a macro that will put the object pointer into eax,
    ; when given the name of the object, the name of the interface, and the
    ; interface pointer.
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif

    ; now get the pointer to the requested interface
    lea     eax, (Object ptr [eax]).interface

    ; set *ppv with this interface pointer
    mov     ebx, [ppv]
    mov     dword ptr [ebx], eax

    ; increment the reference count by calling AddRef
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    mov     eax, (Object ptr [eax]).interface
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).AddRef, pif

    ; return S_OK
    mov     eax, S_OK
    jmp     return

    ; interface not supported, so set *ppv to zero
    mov     eax, [ppv]
    mov     dword ptr [eax], 0

    ; return E_NOINTERFACE
    mov     eax, E_NOINTERFACE

IInterface@QueryInterface endp

The AddRef method is used to increment the reference count for an interface
of an object.  It should be called for every new copy of an interface pointer
to an object.

AddRef takes no parameters, other than the interface pointer required for all
methods.  AddRef should return the new reference count.  However, this value
is to be used by callers only for testing purposes, as it may be unstable in
certain situations.

Following is a simple implementation of the AddRef method:

IInterface@AddRef proc pif:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    ; increment the reference count
    inc     [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
    ; now return the count
    mov     eax, [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
IInterface@AddRef endp

Release decrements the reference count for the calling interface on a object.
If the reference count on the object is decrememnted to 0, then the object is
freed from memory.  This function should be called when you no longer need to
use an interface pointer

Like AddRef, Release takes only one parameter - the interface pointer.  It
also returns the current value of the reference count, which, similarly, is to
be used for testing purposess only

Here is a simple implementation of Release:

IInterface@Release proc pif:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif

    ; decrement the reference count
    dec     [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]

    ; check to see if the reference count is zero.  If it is, then destroy
    ; the object.
    mov     eax, [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
    or      eax, eax
    jnz     @1

    ; free the object: here we have assumed the object was allocated with
    ; LocalAlloc and with LMEM_FIXED option
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    invoke  LocalFree, eax
IInterface@Release endp

Creating a COM object
Creating an object consists basically of allocating the memory for the
object, and then initializing its data members.  Typically, the vtable
pointer is initialized and the reference count is zeroed.  QueryInterface
could then be called to get the interface pointer.

Other methods exist for creating objects, such as using CoCreateInstance, and
using class factories.  These methods will not be discussed, and may be a
topic for a future article.

COM implementatiion sample application
Here follows a sample implementation and usage of a COM object.  It shows how
to create the object, call its methods, then free it.  It would probably be
very educational to assemble this and run it through a debugger.  This and
other examples can be found at http://asm.tsx.org.

.model flat,stdcall

include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc

includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib
includelib uuid.lib

; Macro to simply interface declarations
; Borrowed from Ewald, http://here.is/diamond/
LOCAL @tmp_a
LOCAL @tmp_b
@tmp_a  TYPEDEF PROTO argl
@tmp_b  TYPEDEF PTR @tmp_a
name    @tmp_b      ?

; Macro that takes an interface pointer and returns the implementation
; pointer in eax
    mov     eax, pif
    IF (Object.Interface)
        sub     eax, Object.Interface

IInterface@QueryInterface   proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
IInterface@AddRef           proto :DWORD
IInterface@Release          proto :DWORD
IInterface@Get              proto :DWORD
IInterface@Set              proto :DWORD, :DWORD

CreateObject                proto :DWORD
IsEqualGUID                 proto :DWORD, :DWORD

externdef                   IID_IUnknown:GUID

; declare the interface prototype
IInterface struct
    lpVtbl  dd  ?
IInterface ends

IInterfaceVtbl struct
    ; IUnknown methods
    STDMETHOD       QueryInterface, pif:DWORD, riid:DWORD, ppv:DWORD
    STDMETHOD       AddRef, pif:DWORD
    STDMETHOD       Release, pif:DWORD
    ; IInterface methods
    STDMETHOD       GetValue, pif:DWORD
    STDMETHOD       SetValue, pif:DWORD, val:DWORD
IInterfaceVtbl ends

; declare the object structure
Object struct
    ; interface object
    interface   IInterface  <?>

    ; object data
    nRefCount   dd          ?
    nValue      dd          ?
Object ends

; define the vtable
@@IInterface segment dword
    dd      offset IInterface@QueryInterface
    dd      offset IInterface@AddRef
    dd      offset IInterface@Release
    dd      offset IInterface@GetValue
    dd      offset IInterface@SetValue
@@IInterface ends

; define the interface's IID
; {CF2504E0-4F89-11d3-9AC3-0000E82C0301}
IID_IInterface GUID <0cf2504e0h, 04f89h, 011d3h, <09ah, 0c3h, 00h, 00h,
                      0e8h, 02ch, 03h, 01h>>

StartProc proc
    LOCAL   pif:DWORD       ; interface pointer

    ; create the object
    invoke  CreateObject, addr [pif]
    or      eax,eax
    js      exit

    ; call the SetValue method
    mov     eax, [pif]
    mov     eax, [eax]
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).SetValue, [pif], 12345h

    ; call the GetValue method
    mov     eax, [pif]
    mov     eax, [eax]
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).GetValue, [pif]

    ; release the object
    mov     eax, [pif]
    mov     eax, [eax]
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).Release, [pif]

StartProc endp

IInterface@QueryInterface proc uses ebx pif:DWORD, riid:DWORD, ppv:DWORD
    invoke  IsEqualGUID, [riid], addr IID_IInterface
    test    eax,eax
    jnz     @F
    invoke  IsEqualGUID, [riid], addr IID_IUnknown
    test    eax,eax
    jnz     @F
    jmp     @Error

    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    lea     eax, (Object ptr [eax]).interface

    ; set *ppv
    mov     ebx, [ppv]
    mov     dword ptr [ebx], eax

    ; increment the reference count
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    mov     eax, (Object ptr [eax]).interface
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).AddRef, [pif]

    ; return S_OK
    mov     eax, S_OK
    jmp     return

    ; error, interface not supported
    mov     eax, [ppv]
    mov     dword ptr [eax], 0
    mov     eax, E_NOINTERFACE

IInterface@QueryInterface endp

IInterface@AddRef proc pif:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    inc     [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
    mov     eax, [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
IInterface@AddRef endp

IInterface@Release proc pif:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    dec     [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
    mov     eax, [(Object ptr [eax]).nRefCount]
    or      eax, eax
    jnz     @1
    ; free object
    mov     eax, [pif]
    mov     eax, [eax]
    invoke  LocalFree, eax
IInterface@Release endp

IInterface@GetValue proc pif:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    mov     eax, (Object ptr [eax]).nValue
IInterface@GetValue endp

IInterface@SetValue proc uses ebx pif:DWORD, val:DWORD
    GETOBJECTPOINTER    Object, interface, pif
    mov     ebx, eax
    mov     eax, [val]
    mov     (Object ptr [ebx]).nValue, eax
IInterface@SetValue endp

CreateObject proc uses ebx ecx pobj:DWORD
    ; set *ppv to 0
    mov     eax, pobj
    mov     dword ptr [eax], 0

    ; allocate object
    invoke  LocalAlloc, LMEM_FIXED, sizeof Object
    or      eax, eax
    jnz     @1
    ; alloc failed, so return
    mov     eax, E_OUTOFMEMORY
    jmp     return

    mov     ebx, eax
    mov     (Object ptr [ebx]).interface.lpVtbl, offset vtblIInterface
    mov     (Object ptr [ebx]).nRefCount, 0
    mov     (Object ptr [ebx]).nValue, 0

    ; Query the interface
    lea     ecx, (Object ptr [ebx]).interface
    mov     eax, (Object ptr [ebx]).interface.lpVtbl
    invoke  (IInterfaceVtbl ptr [eax]).QueryInterface,
            addr IID_IInterface,
    cmp     eax, S_OK
    je      return

    ; error in QueryInterface, so free memory
    push    eax
    invoke  LocalFree, ebx
    pop     eax

CreateObject endp

IsEqualGUID proc rguid1:DWORD, rguid2:DWORD
    mov     esi, [rguid1]
    mov     edi, [rguid2]
    mov     ecx, sizeof GUID / 4
    repe    cmpsd
    xor     eax, eax
    or      ecx, ecx
    setz    al
IsEqualGUID endp

end start

We have (hopefully) seen how to implement a COM object.  We can see that it
is a bit messy to do, and adds quite some overhead to our programs.  However,
it can also add great flexibility and power to our programs.

Remember that COM defines only interfaces, and implementation is left to the
programmer.  This article presents only one possible implementation.  This is
not the only method, nor is it the best one.  The reader should feel free to
experiment with other methods.

                Copyright (C) 1999 Bill Tyler  (billasm@usa.net)

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                                                  How to use DirectDraw in ASM
                                                  by X-Calibre [Diamond]

Well, there has been quite a large demand for this essay, so I finally started
writing it. This essay will show you how to use C++ objects and COM interface
in Win32ASM, using DirectDraw as an example.

Well, in this part of the Win32 API, you will soon find out how important it
is to know C and C++ when you want to use an API written in these languages.
Judging from the demand for this essay, I think it will be necessary to
explain a bit of how objects work in C++. I will not go too deep, but only
show the things you need to know in Win32ASM.

What are objects really?

Actually a structure is an object of which all fields are public. We will look
at it the other way around. So the public fields in an object make up a
structure. The other fields in an object are private and are not reachable
from the outside. So they are not interesting to us.

A special thing about objects is that they can contain pointers to functions.
Normally, when using C or ASM, this would be possible, but a bit error-prone.
It can be seen as 'dirty' programming. That's why you probably haven't seen it

When using C++ with a compiler, there will be no errors, as long as the
compiler does its job. So here you can use this technique with no chance of
errors, and it gives you some nice new programming options.

C++ goes even further with this 'structure of functions' idea. With
inheritance, you can also overwrite functions of the base class in the
inherited class. You can also create 'virtual' functions, which are defined in
the base class, but the actual code is only in inherited classes.

This is of course interesting for DirectX, where you want to have standard
functions, but with different code, depending on the hardware on which it is
running. So in DirectX, all functions are defined as virtual, and the base
class is inherited by hardware-specific drivers which supply hardware-specific
code. And the beauty of this is, that it's all transparent to the programmer.
The function pointers can change at runtime because of this system, so the C++
designers had to think of a way to keep the pointers to the functions
available to the program at all time.

What this all boils down to is that there is a table with pointers to the
functions. It's called the Virtual Function Table. I will call this the
vtable from now on.

So we need to get this table, in order to call functions from our object.
Lucky for you, Z-Nith has already made a C program to 'capture' the table,
and converted the resulting header file to an include file for use with MASM.
So I'll just explain how you should use this table, and you can get going

Well, actually it's quite simple. The DirectX objects are defined like this:

IDirectDraw        STRUC
    lpVtbl DWORD ?
IDirectDraw        ENDS

IDirectDrawPalette STRUC
    lpVtbl DWORD ?
IDirectDrawPalette ENDS

IDirectDrawClipper STRUC
    lpVtbl DWORD ?
IDirectDrawClipper ENDS

IDirectDrawSurface STRUC
    lpVtbl DWORD ?
IDirectDrawSurface ENDS

So these structs are actually just a pointer to the vtables, and don't contain
any other values. Well, this makes it all very easy for us then.
I'll give you a small example:

Say we have an IDirectDraw object called lpDD. And we want to call the
RestoreDisplayMode function.
Then we need to do 2 things:

1. Get the vtable.
2. Get the address of the function, using the vtable.

The first part is simple. All the struct contains, is the pointer to the
vtable. So we can just do this:

    mov  eax, [lpDD]
    mov  eax, [eax]

Simple, isn't it? And the next part isn't really much harder. The vtable is
put into a structure called IDirectDrawVtbl in DDRAW.INC. We now have the
address of the structure in eax. All we have to do now, is get the correct
member of that structure, to get the address of the function we want to call.
You would have guessed by now, that this will do the trick:

    call [IDirectDrawVtbl.RestoreDisplayMode][eax]

That is not a bad guess...
But there's one more thing, which is very important: this function needs to be
invoked on the IDirectDraw object. We may only see the vtable in the structure,
but there are also private members inside the object. So there's more than
meets the eye here. What it comes down to is that the call needs the object
as an argument. And this will be done by stack as always. So we just need to
push lpDD before we call. The complete call will look like this:

    push [lpDD]
    call [IDirectDrawVtbl.RestoreDisplayMode][eax]

Simple, was it not? And calls with arguments are not much harder.
Let's set the displaymode to 320x200 in 32 bits next.
This call requires 3 arguments:

SetDisplayMode( width, height, bpp );

Well, the extra arguments work just like normal API calls: just push them onto
the stack in backward order.
So it will look like this:

    push 32
    push 200
    push 320
    mov  eax, [lpDD]
    push eax
    mov  eax, [eax]
    call [IDirectDrawVtbl.SetDisplayMode][eax]

And that's all there is to it.

To make life easier, we have included some MASM macros in DDRAW.INC, for use
with the IDirectDraw and IDirectDrawSurface objects:

DDINVOKE  MACRO   func, this, arglist :VARARG
    mov  eax, [this]
    mov  eax, [eax]

    IFB <arglist>
        INVOKE [IDirectDrawVtbl. func][eax], this
        INVOKE [IDirectDrawVtbl. func][eax], this, arglist

DDSINVOKE MACRO   func, this, arglist :VARARG
    mov  eax, [this]
    mov  eax,  [eax]

    IFB <arglist>
        INVOKE [IDirectDrawSurfaceVtbl. func][eax], this
        INVOKE [IDirectDrawSurfaceVtbl. func][eax], this, arglist

With these macros, our 2 example calls will look as simple as this:

    DDINVOKE RestoreDisplayMode, lpDD

    DDINVOKE SetDisplayMode, lpDD, 320, 200, 32

Well, that's basically all there is to know about using objects, COM and
DirectX in Win32ASM. Have fun with it!

And remember:

C and C++ knowledge is power!

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                                                   Writing Boot Sectors To Disk
                                                   by Jan Verhoeven

In my previous article I showed how to make a private non-bootable
bootsector for 1.44 Mb floppy disks. Unfortunately, there was no way yet to
write that non-bootsector to a floppy disk....

Enter this code. It is the accompanying bootsector writer for floppy disks.
It assumes that your A: drive is the 1.44 Mb floppy disk drive and I dare
say that this will be true in the majority of cases.

The assembler used
As usual, I have written this code in A86 format. Until now, not many
aspects of the A86 extensions have been used, but, believe me, in future
articles this will be done.

A86 is particularly useful for people that make syntax errors. It will
insert the errormessages into the sourcefile so that you can easily find
them back. In the next assembler run the error messages are removed again.

To fully use this aspect of A86 programming, I made a small batchfile that
will let me choose between several options while writing the code. Below
you can see the file. After an error, I choose to go back into the editor.
When there are no errors, I might decided to do a trial run. Or to quit to

This is all done by means of the WACHT command which waits for a keypress.
It returns (in errorlevel) the indexed position in the command tail table
of th key which was pressed.

Rapid assembly prototyping.
For easy processing and running sourcefiles I use a small batchfile, which
looks like:

----------- Run.Bat --------------------------------------- Start ---------
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto leave

   ed %1.a86
   a86 %1.a86 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6

   Echo *
   Echo Options:
   Echo *Escape = stop
   Echo *     L = LIST
   echo *  ;-() = back to the editor
   echo * space = test-run of %1.com
   echo *Period = debugger-run with %1.com/sym

   wacht  .\=-[]';-()/":?><{}|+_LCE

if errorlevel 27 goto start
if errorlevel 26 goto screen
if errorlevel 25 goto list
if errorlevel  4 goto start
if errorlevel  3 goto debugger
if errorlevel  2 goto execute
if errorlevel  1 exit
goto menu

  if errorlevel 9 echo Errorlevel = 9+
  if errorlevel 8 echo Errorlevel = 8
  if errorlevel 7 echo Errorlevel = 7
  if errorlevel 6 echo Errorlevel = 6
  if errorlevel 5 echo Errorlevel = 5
  if errorlevel 4 echo Errorlevel = 4
  if errorlevel 3 echo Errorlevel = 3
  if errorlevel 2 echo Errorlevel = 2
  if errorlevel 1 echo Errorlevel = 1
  goto menu

  vgamode 3
  d86 %1
  goto menu

  goto menu

  vgamode 3
  goto menu

  echo No file specified
----------- Run.Bat ---------------------------------------- End ----------

This BAT file relies heavily on my computer system. For one, I use DR-DOS 6
which means that I can use the EXIT word to get out of a Batchfile.

Also, I switch videomodes back to Mode 3 with "Vgamode 3" and you will have
to use another command for that, like "Mode co80" or using the utillity
that came with your videocard.

The program "List" is Vernon Buerg's file lister which I use to track down
errors in all kinds of files.

How to write a sector to disk.
Globally there are three methods. The first would be to program the floppy
disk controller, but that is just downright difficult. A second approach
would be to use INT 026, the way DOS does things.

I chose for the BIOS method. For non-partitioned diskstructures this is the
easiest way. Just select track, head and side and write data to the sectors
on that disk.

The bootsector is the very first sector on a disk. For a floppy disk this
boils down to track 0, head 0 and sector 1 (sectors are counted from 1, not
from 0!).

The code is very straightforward. What it does is:

 - reset disk drive controller
 - open the file to transfer to the bootsector
 - read file into internal buffer
 - close the file
 - repeat 5 times:
 -   try to tranfer buffer to bootsector of drive A:
 - shut down and return to DOS.
 - if an error occurs, the user is informed about it.

That's all there's to it.

The Source.
Below is the sourcecode for this short utillity. I have commented just
about any line I thought fit for it.

----------- Wrs.A86 --------------------------------------- Start ---------
name     wrs
title    WRite Sector
page     80, 120

stdout   =  1                       ; the "standard" equates
lf       = 10
cr       = 13

  DATA segment                      ; define the volatile data area

buffer   db    512 dup (?)          ; this is enough for one sector

         EVEN                       ; make sure WORD starts at an even address
Handle   dw    ?                    ; handle number of file to write
; ----------------------
  CODE segment                      ; start of the actualk code
                                    ; no ORG, so we start at offset 0100
         jmp   main                 ; jump forward to entry point

         db    'VeRsIoN=0.2', 0
         db    'CoPyRiGhT=CopyLeft 1999, Jan Verhoeven, '
         db    'jverhoeven@bigfoot.com', 0
; ----------------------
filename db    'BootLoad.bin', 0        ; name of file to send to disk

Mess001  db    'Cannot open file BootLoad.bin. '
         db    'Operation aborted.', cr, lf
Len001 = $ - Mess001

Mess002  db    'Something went wrong while writing to disk.', cr, lf
Len002 = $ - Mess002

Mess003  db    'The floppy disk subsytem reported an error. '
         db    'Trying once more.', cr, lf
Len003 = $ - Mess003

Mess004  db    cr, lf, 'Bootsector written. '
         db            'Thank you for using this software.'
         db    cr, lf, 'This program is GNU GPL free software and you use '
         db            'it at your won risk.'
         db    cr, lf, 'Please study the GNU '
         db            'General Public License for more details.', cr, lf
Len004 = $ - Mess004
; ----------------------
Error1:  mov   dx, offset mess001   ; process "cannot open file"
         mov   cx, len001
         mov   bx, stdout
         mov   ah, 040
         int   021                  ; print via DOS

         mov   ax, 04C01            ; exit with errorcode = 1
         int   021
; ----------------------
Error2:  mov   dx, offset mess002   ; process "disk error"
         mov   cx, len002
         mov   bx, stdout
         mov   ah, 040
         int   021                  ; via DOS

         mov   ax, 04C02            ; exit with errorcode = 2
         int   021
; ----------------------
Error2a: push  ax, bx, cx, dx       ; process "Disk not ready"
         mov   dx, offset mess003   ; point to message
         mov   cx, len003           ; this many bytes
         mov   bx, stdout           ; to the console
         mov   ah, 040              ; do a write
         int   021                  ; via DOS
         pop   dx, cx, bx, ax       ; restore state of machine
         ret                        ; and return to caller
; ----------------------
main:    mov   dl, 0                ; choose drive A:
         mov   ah, 0                ; select funtion 0 ...
         int   013                  ; ... reset diskdrives

         mov   dx, offset filename  ; point to name of file
         mov   ax, 03D00            ; to open
         int   021                  ; via DOS
         jc    Error1               ; if error, take action

         mov   [Handle], ax         ; no error, => ax = handle
         mov   dx, offset buffer    ; setup pointer, ...
         mov   cx, 512              ; ... byte count, ...
         mov   bx, ax               ; ... and handle
         mov   ah, 03F              ; to read data from file
         int   021                  ; via DOS

         mov   bx, [Handle]
         mov   ah, 03E
         int   021                  ; close this file

         mov   cx, 5                ; prepare for a five times LOOP
L0:      push  cx
         mov   bx, offset buffer
         mov   es, ds               ; es:bx = buffer to read from
         mov   dx, 0000             ; drive A:, head 0
         mov   cx, 0001             ; Track 0, Sector 1
         mov   ax, 0301             ; Write sectors, 1 sector
         int   013                  ; via BIOS
         jnc   >L1                  ; if no error, jump forward
         pop   cx                   ; Houston, we have an error!
         call  error2a              ; inform the user
         loop  L0                   ; and try again
         jc    error2               ; after five times still no go....

L1:      mov   dx, offset Mess004   ; Signal that we're successful
         mov   cx, Len004
         mov   bx, stdout           ; to the console
         mov   ah, 040
         int   021                  ; via DOS (so it can be redirected)
         mov   ax, 04C00            ; mention that there were no errors
         int   021                  ; and return to DOS

----------- Wrs.A86 ---------------------------------------- End ----------

Have fun experimenting with bootsectors. But take care that this will NOT
work on a hard disk.

Hard disk structure.
A hard disk uses another layout for it's structure. The very first sector
of a HDD is the MBR (Master BootRecord). It is the only sensible sector in
the first track of a normal HDD. The rest is just empty.

Each partition starts at a cylinder boundary, so the first one starts at
cylinder 1 (track 1, side 0, sector 1). The very first sector of a bootable
partition is the bootsector.

The MBR contains the partition table, indicating where partitions start and
end and whether they are bootable or not. Plus some code to interpret that
table and to find the bootsector that was selected.

If you write a floppy disk bootsector to the very first sector of a HDD,
you wipe out the MBR and hence make inaccesable all data on that disk. The
data will still be there, but the system will not be able anymore to find
or use it.

So please take care that this software is NOT used for drive (DL=) 080.


::/ \::::::.
/|    \::::::::.
:|   _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\  \::::::::::.
                                                         Dumping Memory To Disk
                                                         by Jan Verhoeven

This piece of code allows you to make a memory dump of any region of
conventional memory (i.e. below 1 Mb) to a diskfile.

The program itself.
The source is documented so it speaks for itself. At points of
interest I have insterted "break" and "restart" lines with space for
additional remarks.

So just read the source and read the remarks. This way, the text is
where the code is, and you don't need to go back and forth in the
text. I think this will easier to read than explanation afterwards.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Start ---

name     mem2file
title    Send an area of memory to a diskfile.
page     80, 120

; version 1.0 : Had to be compiled for each area/filename   OK: 01-01-1991
; version 1.1 : Same as above, for A86 format               OK: 01-01-1999
; version 1.2 : Make it commandline driven                  OK: 01-02-1999
; version 1.3 : Make it reliable                            OK: 02-02-1999
; ----------------------
stdout   =  1
tab      =  9
lf       = 10
cr       = 13

clr MACRO               ; macro called CLeaR
    mov  #1, 0          ; move it with zero
    #EM                 ; and get outa here

Dum1   STRUC            ; a structure definition
OffVal   dw    ?
SegVal   dw    ?
; ----------------------
  DATA segment          ; this is where the volatile data lives

ByteF = $
dummy    db    ?        ; just to fool D86....
                        ; if this dummy variable is not here, D86 will
                        ; reference variable "Start" as "ByteF".
Start    dw    ?, ?     ; segment:address to start
Stop     dw    ?, ?     ; segment:address to stop
Blocks   dw    ?        ; number of 16K chucks to save
Rest     dw    ?        ; remaining part to save
ArgNum   dw    ?        ; nr of bytes in this argument
OldClp   dw    ?        ; current pointer into command line
Handle   dw    ?
Length   dw    ?, ?

FileName:                       ; this storage is used twice....
Argument db     80 dup (?)      ; storage for next argument from command-line
Output   db    16K dup (?)      ; buffered output

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

An A86 enhancement: if you need 16K elements of data, just ask for it.
No need to remember that 16 Kb is 16.384 bytes. The "K" will do.

No big deal, just a nice feature.

Also, if you need to process large binary numbers you may group them
into sub-units separated by underscores. So the number:


is hard to read back. But if we insert "_" markers like:


the grouping of bits makes them easier to understand. Not that it is a
matter of life and death, but it can come in handy once in a while.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

Bytes = $ - ByteF               ; number of volatile databytes
; ----------------------
  CODE segment                  ; no ORG, so we start at 0100

         jmp   main

HexTable db    '0123456789ABCDEF', 0

         db    'VeRsIoN=Mem2File 1.3', 0
         db    'CoPyRiGhT=CopyLeft Jan Verhoeven, jverhoeven@bigfoot.com', 0

Mess001  db    'Mem2File collects a part of conventional memory and '
         db    'sends it to a file.', cr, lf, lf
         db    'The syntax is:', cr, lf, lf
         db    tab, 'Mem2File  segm1:offs1 [-] segm2:offs2 '
         db    '<path>file.ext.', cr, lf, lf
         db    'Mem2File is GNU GPL style FREE software. ', cr, lf
         db    'Please read the GNU GPL if you are in doubt.', cr, lf, lf

Mess002  db    'Mem2File was made by Jan Verhoeven, NL-5012 GH 272, '
         db    'The Netherlands', cr, lf
         db    'E-mail address : jverhoeven@bigfoot.com', cr, lf, lf
Len001 = $ - Mess001
Len002 = $ - Mess002

Mess004  db    7, 'Error! All numbers are expected to be hexadecimal.'
         db    cr, lf
Len004 = $ - Mess004
InitMem: mov   di, ByteF        ; Init volatile memory with zero's.
         mov   cx, Bytes        ; saves a lot of strange problems.
         mov   al, 0
         rep   stosb
--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

I use volatile data to store data that does not need initialising. This
saves a lot of diskspace and it loads a lot faster. Drawback of volatile
data can be that any rubbish left there by other programs can make your
software go berzerk if you yourself forget to initialise the data.

Therefore I -always- prime the volatile data memory with zero's. Just to
have a well defined starting position.

It should not be necessary, but, on the other hand, how much overhead
and extra execution time is such an initialisation routine?

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

L0:      mov   b [di], 0        ; terminate argument string
         mov   [OldClp], si     ; done, => clean up.
         clc                    ; indicate "No Error"
L3:      pop   di, si, ax       ; restore registers, ...
         ret                    ; ... and leave.

GetArg:  push  ax, si, di       ; get next argument from command-line in ASCIIZ
         mov   si, [OldClp]     ; now, where did we leave last time?
         cmp   si, 0            ; Have we ever used this routine?
         IF  E mov  si, 081             ; if not, prime SI, ...
         mov   di, offset Argument      ; ... DI and ...
         mov   [ArgNum], 0              ; ... nr of chars in argument.
L1:      lodsb                  ; get byte
         cmp   al, ' '          ; skip over spaces, ...
         je    L1
         cmp   al, tab          ; ... and tabs.
         je    L1
         cmp   al, 1            ; ONLY if AL is 0, we get a carry
         jc    L3               ; if CARRY, we're done

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

This construction is what I particularly like. I want to check if AL is
Zero. Normally you can code

         cmp   al, 0
         jz    L3

but L3 is the error-exit and needs the carrybit to be set as an error
flag. Normally you would enter a


instruction to fullfill the specification. But that is poor programming.
It is better to let the software do this for us.

AL can have any value between 020 and 0FF, plus 00, tab, lf and cr. 01
is not an option. So the sequence

         cmp   al, 1            ; ONLY if AL is 0, we get a carry
         jc    L3               ; if CARRY, we're done

will send us to the errorexit WITH the carryflag set, all in one,
without explicitly having to set the carry flag.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

L2:      stosb                  ; else store char in Arguments array
         inc   [ArgNum]         ; adjust counter
         lodsb                  ; and get next char
         cmp   al, ' '          ; is it a delimiting space?
         je    L0
         cmp   al, tab          ; or a tab?
         je    L0
         cmp   al, ':'          ; or a colon?
         je    L0
         cmp   al, 0            ; or an end-of-line?
         jne   L2               ; if not, loop back,
         mov   si, 0FFFF        ; else make SI ridiculously high, ...
         stc                    ; ... set carry flag, ...
         jmp   L0               ; and get out.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

Ok, ok, ok. I was influenced to make this function by a compiler. No, it
wasn't C. It was Modula-2.

GetArg (if necessary A86 can operate in a case sensitive mode!) extracts
the next argument from the command tail. It puts it in a seperate buffer
at address "Arument" which can hold 80 bytes. Shoyuld be more than
enough for one word or expression.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

L1:      stc                    ; byte not in table!
         pop   dx               ; we came here with carry set!
         ret                    ; exit

L2:      sub   bx, dx           ; calculate position in table
         pop   dx
         clc                    ; make sure carry is cleared

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

This is a typical A86 construction. The subroutine is called TableFind
and it starts in the next line and ends in the previous one!

This is done to have the local labels declared for when they are needed
in the main functionbody. All jumps are "backward". For the CPU there's
no big influence, but for the assembler there is. No guessing about

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

TableFind:                      ; find AL in ASCIIZ table [BX] ...
         push  dx               ; ... and report position
         mov   dx, bx           ; keep value of SI
L0:      cmp   b [bx], 0        ; is it end of table?
         je    L1               ; if so, jump out
         cmp   al, [bx]         ; compare byte with table
         je    L2               ; if same, jump out
         inc   bx               ; else increment pointer
         jmp   L0               ; and loop back
         cmp   al, 'a'          ; too low?
         jb    ret

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

An A86 enhancement: a conditional return instruction. All sensible CPU's
have conditional CALL and RET instructions. Not the 80x86 line. This CPU
was meant to be structured.

So you have to put a conditional jump before the call, and introduce yet
another silly labelname for the next instruction.

The  "Jcc   ret"  is a good way to circumvent this ommission. What it
does is the same as what, on a Z-80, would be done with a  "RET  cc"

There is one catch, however: there must be a RET instruction within
reach PRIOR to the "Jcc   Ret" (internal) macro.

If that is a problem, you could also use the line:

        IF cc  Ret

So either way you, the programmer, win.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         cmp   al, 'z'          ; if in range, ...
         ja    ret
         and   al, not bit 5    ; ... make uppercase

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

A86 is very programmer-oriented and allows us to write down what and how
we think. So if I need to set bit 0 of register Ax, I will simply write

         or    ax, bit 0

Any value between 0 and 15 is valid in A86 (0 - 31 for A386) to refer to
the respective bit in the respective source.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

BadNumber:                      ; hey typo, you made a dumbo!
         mov   dx, offset Mess004
         mov   cx, Len004
         mov   bx, StdOut
         mov   ah, 040
         int   021

         mov   ax, 04C02        ; and exit with errorcode 2
         int   021
SyntErr: mov   dx, offset Mess001
         mov   cx, Len001
         mov   bx, StdOut
         mov   ah, 040          ; print out "help" screen and ...
         int   021

         mov   ax, 04C01        ; ... exit with errorcode 1
         int   021
L8:      mov   ax, dx           ; Convert has result in DX, that's why.
         pop   dx, bx

Convert: push  bx, dx           ; convert ASCII to Hex.
         mov   si, offset Argument
         clr   dx               ; dx will contain result

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

Here the macro is invoked. It is used to load the DX register with
zero. If later you decide to change the way in which you want to clear
registers, just change the macro.

In LST files (the assembler listings) the expansions are controlled by
means of the +L switch. If you issue the option "+L35" macro's will not
be expanded in the listings file.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

L1:      lodsb                  ; get first character
         cmp   al, 0            ; end of string?
         je    L8
         call  MakeUpper                ; if not, make uppercase
         mov   bx, offset HexTable
         call  TableFind                ; and lookup in table
         jc    BadNumber
         shl   dx, 4            ; multiply DX by 16

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

This is another A86 goody. I coded a  "SHL  DX, 4" instruction, although
I do not know what the target processor will be.

No problem with A86. It will find out with which CPU you are assembling
and use that. If your CPU supports this function, it is implemented as
such. If it doesn't this instruction is expanded as a macro into the

         shl   dx, 1
         shl   dx, 1
         shl   dx, 1
         shl   dx, 1

More code in the executable, but it makes programming easier.

If on a modern CPU, you can force A86 to act as if the CPU were a
vintage 88 with the commandline switch +P65.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         or    dl, bl           ; bx = index into table
         jmp   L1               ; repeat until done
Credits: mov   dx, offset Mess002
         mov   cx, Len002
         mov   bx, stdout
         mov   ah, 040
         int   021              ; print some egotripping data

main:    call  InitMem          ; prime volatile data
         mov   al, [080]        ; get tail length
         cbw                    ; make 16 bits long
         mov   si, 081          ; point to start of tail
         add   si, ax           ; point to end of tail
         mov   [si], ah         ; make commandtail ASCIIZ
         call  GetArg           ; get argument from command tail
         jc    SyntErr          ; if error, get out
         call  Convert                  ; convert text to hex
         mov   [Start.SegVal], ax       ; store it
         call  GetArg                   ; etcetera
         jc    SyntErr
         call  Convert
         mov   [Start.OffVal], ax

L0:      call  GetArg
         jc    SyntErr
         cmp   b [Argument], '-'        ; single '-' character?
         je    L0                       ; if so, ignore it
         call  Convert
         mov   [Stop.SegVal], ax
         call  GetArg
         jc    SyntErr
         call  Convert
         mov   [Stop.OffVal], ax

         call  GetArg
         IF  C jmp  SyntErr

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

This is one of the A86 enhancements. This IF construct prevents that you
have to make up all kinds of ridiculous labelnames like jmp_001F in a
construct as follows:

         call  GetArg
         jnc   jmp_01F
         jmp   SyntErr
jmp_01F: ...

The IF construct (not to be confused with the "#IF" construct which is
for conditional assemblies) enables you to just make a fast jump by
stating the reverse condition in the IF statement and acting further
like a high level language:

         IF  C jmp  SyntErr

Neat, isn't it?

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         mov   si, offset Argument
         add   si, [ArgNum]
         mov   b [si], 0                ; make it ASCIIZ

         mov   dx, offset FileName      ; same as Argument buffer....
         mov   cx, 0
         mov   ah, 03C
         int   021                      ; create the file
         IF  C jmp  SyntErr

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

See how powerful the IF construct can be? It is a very convenient way to
circumvent the foolish conditional instructions of the x86 architecture.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         mov   [Handle], ax

         mov   ax, [Stop.SegVal]
         mov   dx, 0                    ; prime DX
         mov   cx, 4
L0:      shl   ax, 1
         rcl   dx, 1
         loop  L0                       ; shift upper 4 bits of address into DX
         add   ax, [Stop.OffVal]
         adc   dx, 0                    ; now, dx:ax = linear address to stop at
         mov   [Stop.SegVal], dx
         mov   [Stop.OffVal], ax        ; store linear address STOP

         mov   ax, [Start.SegVal]
         mov   dx, 0                    ; prime DX
         mov   cx, 4
L0:      shl   ax, 1
         rcl   dx, 1
         loop  L0                       ; shift upper 4 bits of address into DX
         add   ax, [Start.OffVal]
         adc   dx, 0                    ; now, dx:ax = linear address to start
         mov   [Start.SegVal], dx
         mov   [Start.OffVal], ax       ; store linear address START

         cmp   dx, [Stop.SegVal]        ; start > stop?
         ja    >L1                      ; fix it!
         jb    >L2

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

A86 likes to have as much as possible labels declared before they are
referenced. That's why many times there is code "before" the subroutine
name is declared.

For local labels (i.e. labels that consist of 1 letter and the rest
decimal digits) it is a MUST that they are defined before being

If, for some reason, you do not want to put a label backwards in memory,
you can forward reference a local label by prefixing it with a ">" sign.
A86 now knows that the local label still has to come. Not a luxury since
many A86 programmers can do with 4 or 5 local labels in over 2000 lines
of code.... Especially L0 is always very well available.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         cmp   ax, [Stop.OffVal]        ; start > stop?
         jbe   >L2                      ; if not, OK
L1:      push  [Stop.SegVal]
         push  [Stop.OffVal]            ; swap start and stop addresses
         mov   [Stop.SegVal], dx
         mov   [Stop.OffVal], ax
         pop   [Start.OffVal]
         pop   [Start.SegVal]

L2:      mov   dx, [Stop.SegVal]
         mov   ax, [Stop.OffVal]
         add   ax, 1
         adc   dx, 0                    ; limits are INCLUSIVE
         sub   ax, [Start.OffVal]
         sbb   dx, [Start.SegVal]       ; dx:ax = bytes to move

         shl   ax, 1
         rcl   dx, 1
         shl   ax, 1
         rcl   dx, 1                    ; dx = nr of 16 Kb blocks to move
         mov   [Blocks], dx             ; store it
         shr   ax, 2                    ; ax = remainder to move
         mov   [Rest], ax               ; save it

         mov   ax, [Start.SegVal]       ; end of linear addressing, we're going
to DOS!
         mov   cl, 12
         shl   ax, cl
         mov   [Start.SegVal], ax

         mov   es, ds           ; use es to refer to data
         mov   bx, [Handle]
         lds   dx, d [Start]

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

Normally this instruction would require a secretary with 100 letters per
minute typing rate:

         lds   dx, dword ptr [Start]

But the "ptr" argument is always the same, so it is only there to please
the assembler and humiliate the programmer: entering data that nobody

Therefore A86 only needs the first letter of such prose. In our case:
the "dword ptr" is abbreviated to a "d". "Byte ptr" is a "b". "Word Ptr"
is a "w". Simple as that.

So if your coding skills outweigh your typing speed, you should consider
switching to the superior assembler. :)

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

      es cmp   [Blocks], 0      ; if less than 16 Kb, skip this one.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------- Break ---

For people who still remember that  "Seg  ES"  is a legal instruction
(used for a segment override) this might bring back memories.

A86 allows the user to put the segmentation override before the actual
instruction. This way, the operand field looks neater. And it is also
the way in which D86 shows segmentation overrides.

--- Mem2File ------------------------------------------------ Restart --

         je    >S0
         mov   cx, 16K
L0:      mov   ah, 040
         int   021
         mov   ax, ds           ; store ds into ax
         add   dx, 04000        ; next buffer to load data from
         IF  C add  ax, 01000   ; if carry, inc ds
         mov   ds, ax           ; ds:dx now ready for next bufferfull of data

      es dec   [Blocks]
         jnz   L0

S0:   es cmp   [Rest], 0
         je    >L1
         mov   ah, 040
      es mov   cx, [Rest]
         int   021
L1:      mov   ds, es

         mov   bx, [Handle]
         mov   ah, 03E
         int   021              ; close file

         call  Credits          ; show my ego
         mov   ax, 04C00
         int   021              ; exit to DOS

--- Mem2File -------------------------------------------------- End ----

That's it.


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:|   _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\  \::::::::::.
                                                       Formatted Numeric Output
		                                       by Laura Fairhead

   Here I am going to present you with a very useful routine for numeric
output. I have been using it myself for sometime and now I think it is
almost perfect.

   It consists of 2 basic API's. The first (nuconvs), you call when you
want to change the parameters of the main routine (nuconv). You simply call
it with one DWORD in EAX, this specifies the following:

  EAX = SSFFPPRR           (hexadecimal value of course)
  SS    size    size of the datum you will be calling the main routine with,
                only 3 values are valid:
  FF    field   size of a field in which to right-justify the number,
                if this is = 0 then there is no right-justification you
                only get the number
  PP    pad     the ASCII value of the character to use to right-justify
                the number in the field of output
  RR    radix   the radix to output the number in

   Once you've set the control parameters you can call the main routine
(nuconv) freely to do the work. You call the main routine with ES:DI set
to where the output is to be stored, and the value to be output in AL or
AX or EAX (depending on what data size you set).

   I use the word 'output' here which might conjure up images of the screen,
but in fact what we are doing here is writing all the ASCII to memory.
This is much more powerful than incorporating all that OS/application
specific nonsense, and it really doesn't cost much overhead at all (in
fact this is the way C does it and even though I **HATE** C, here it is
right on the mark;)

   Here is the code:

================START OF CODE==============================================
;nuconvs- set control parameters for 'nuconv'
;     !!  this must be called at least once before calling nuconv
;entry:   EAX=SSFFPPRR  (hex digits)
;         where:  SS=data size (0=byte,1=word,2=dword)
;                 FF=field size (0=none)
;                 PP=pad char
;                 RR=radix (2-16)
;     !!  these parameters must be set correctly by the application
;     !!  they are not validated in anyway and invalid parameters
;     !!  will cause undefined operation
;exit:    (all registers preserved)

nuconvs PROC NEAR
        MOV DWORD PTR CS:[nuradix],EAX
nuconvs ENDP

;control parameters
;   !!  these absolutely must be in the below order due to the way the above
;       routine works

nuradix DB ?            ;output radix
nupad   DB ?            ;pad character
nufld   DB ?            ;field size
nudsiz  DB ?            ;data size

;nuconv- output value in accumalator -> ES:DI
;     !! see 'nuconvs' header for more information
;entry:  AL|AX|EAX=value to output
;        ES:DI=address to write output data
;        size of accumulator that is used depends on what the current data
;        size is ( as specified by a previous call to 'nuconvs' )
;exit:   DI=updated to offset of last character + 1
;        (all other registers preserved)

nuconv  PROC NEAR
;all registers are going to be preserved
        PUSH DS
        PUSH EAX
        PUSH EBX
        PUSH CX
        PUSH EDX
;save some CS: overrides
        PUSH CS
        POP DS
; set EBX =radix
;     CX  =fieldsize
; also we zero pad out the datum passed so it fills EAX
        XOR EBX,EBX

        CMP BL,BYTE PTR DS:[nudsiz]
        JNP SHORT ko1
        JS SHORT ko0
        MOV AH,0
ko0:    DEC BX
        AND EAX,EBX
        INC BX

        MOV BL,BYTE PTR DS:[nuradix]
        MOV CH,0
        MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[nufld]
;calculate digits and push to stack
;  EAX is divided and modulus taken which is the standard way,
;  loop exits when it reaches 0 or the field size is hit
;  notice that if CX=0 on entry to this then the field size
;  will be effectively unbounded
nulop0: XOR EDX,EDX
        DIV EBX
        PUSH DX
        AND EAX,EAX
        LOOPNZ nulop0
;'output' the field padding
;  the number of padding characters is normally the value
;  now in CX (ie: fieldsize - digits ). however no pad chars
;  should be output if field size = 0. i think the check here
;  for this is nice and tight (read the code...)
        MOV BX,CX
        NEG BX
        JNS SHORT ko
        MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[nupad]
        REP STOSB
;'output' all the digits
;  CX is set to the number of digits on the stack we have to output
;  ie: fieldsize - ( fieldsize - digits )
        MOV CH,0
        MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[nufld]
        ADD CX,BX
;  now we pop off those #CX digits translating into ASCII using a nice
;  variation of the traditional speed method
        MOV BX,OFFSET nudat

nulop1: POP AX
        LOOP nulop1
;  restore all registers and exit (in case it wasn't obvious!)
        POP EDX
        POP CX
        POP EBX
        POP EAX
        POP DS
nudat   DB "0123456789ABCDEF"
nuconv  ENDP

==================END OF CODE==============================================

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                                                            Linked Lists in ASM
                                                            by mammon_

Assembly language is notorious for being low-level; to wit, it lacks many of
the features in higher-level languages which make programming easier. In the
course of my work in the visasm project I have put quite a bit of time into
working on exactly which higher language features are important and which, in a
nutshell, are swill.

One of the areas in which assembly language is lacking is the use of dynamic
structures. Pointer manipulation in asm is simple and clear for up to one
level of redirection; further redirection causes the code to quickly become a
confusion of register juggling and indirect addressing. As a result,
implementing even a simple linked list in assembly language can be tedious
enough to make one rewrite the project in C.

In this article I have undertaken an implementation of a linked list in NASM;
the implementation is generic enough to support more complex data structures,
and should port to other assemblers with few changes.

To begin with, one must define the memory allocation routines for use in the
application; I have chosen Win32 for convenience. The routines defined below
are for local heap allocation and for the Win32 console interface to allow the
use of STDOUT on the console.
;=========================================================Win32 API Definitions
STD_INPUT_HANDLE     EQU        -10     ;nStdHandle types

EXTERN AllocConsole                     ;BOOL AllocConsole()
EXTERN GetStdHandle                     ;HANDLE GetStdHandle( nStdHandle )
EXTERN WriteConsoleA  ;HANDLE hConsole, lpBuffer, Num2Write, lpWritten,NULL
EXTERN ExitProcess    ;UINT ExitCode
EXTERN GetProcessHeap ;
EXTERN HeapAlloc      ;HANDLE hHeap,DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwBytes:ret ptr
EXTERN HeapFree       ;HANDLE hHeap,DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpMem
EXTERN HeapReAlloc    ;HANDLE hHeap,DWORD dwFlags,LPVOID lpMem,DWORD dwBytes
EXTERN HeapDestroy    ;HANDLE hHeap
%define HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE               0x00000001
%define HEAP_GROWABLE                   0x00000002
%define HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS        0x00000004
%define HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY                0x00000008
%define HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY      0x00000010
%define HEAP_TAIL_CHECKING_ENABLED      0x00000020
%define HEAP_FREE_CHECKING_ENABLED      0x00000040
%define HEAP_DISABLE_COALESCE_ON_FREE   0x00000080
%define HEAP_CREATE_ALIGN_16            0x00010000
%define HEAP_CREATE_ENABLE_TRACING      0x00020000
%define HEAP_MAXIMUM_TAG                0x0FFF
%define HEAP_PSEUDO_TAG_FLAG            0x8000
%define HEAP_TAG_SHIFT                  16
;===========================================================End API Definitions

In addition, it is useful to define a few common routines for use later:
;==============================================================Utility Routines
[section data class=DATA use32]             ;set up the segments early
%macro STRING 2+
%1:      db %2
%define %1.length  %1.end - %1
[section code class=CODE use32]

[section data]
hConsole        DD      0
[section code]
        call AllocConsole
	call GetStdHandle
        mov [hConsole], eax
        xor eax, eax

;puts( ptrString, NumBytes )
[section data]
NumWrote        DD 0
[section code]
%define _ptrString ebp + 8
%define _strlen ebp + 12
        push ebp
        mov ebp,esp
        push eax
        push dword 0
	push dword NumWrote
        mov eax, [ _strlen ]
        push dword eax
        mov eax, [ _ptrString ]
        push dword eax
        push dword [hConsole]
        call WriteConsoleA
        pop eax
	mov esp, ebp
	pop ebp
        ret 8
;==========================================================End Utility Routines
The STRING macro is particular interesting; it allows one to define a string
in the data segment as
        STRING label, 'contents of string',0Dh,0Ah
while defining the constant label.length as the total length of the string.
This will come in handy during the many calls to puts, which is used to write
to the Win32 console. Puts has the syntax
        puts( lpString, strLength )
and returns the result of WriteConsole, a BOOL value. GetConsole is a routine
provided to move the Win32 console allocation code out of the main program; it
takes no parameters and defines the hConsole handle.

The linked list implementation has been designed to be extendable; the routine
names are prefaced with underscores to avoid filling up the namespace of the
linked list application, and the routines themselves are generic enough to be
called from higher-level Stack, Queue, and List implementations. The Linked
List interface is as follows:
        ptrHead    _create_list( hHeap, NodeSize )
        void       _delete_list( hHeap, ptrHead)
        ptrNode    _add_node( hHeap, ptrPrev, NodeSize )
        void       _delete_node( hHeap, ptrPrev, ptrNode )
        void       _set_node_data( ptrNode, NodeOffset, data )
        DWORD data _get_node_data( ptrNode, NodeOffset )
The names of the routines should make their intent apparent; note however that
NodeSize is assumed to be the size of a LISTSTRUCT structure.
;====================================================Linked List Implementation
[section data]
;Define .next as offset Zero for use in generic functions
    struc _llist
     .next:      resd 1                         ;this is basically a constant

;Macro to ensure that .next is always at offset zero in user-defined lists
  struc %1
  .next:        resd 1

[section code]
;Note that these assume an LISTSTRUCT base type
; ptrHead_create_list( hHeap, NodeSize )
%define _hHeap ebp + 8
%define _ListSize ebp + 12
        ENTER 0 , 0
        push dword [_ListSize]                  ;size of LISTSTRUCT
        push dword HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY             ;FLAG for HeapAlloc
        push dword [_hHeap]                     ;Heap being used
	call HeapAlloc
        test eax, eax
        jz .Error                               ;Alloc failed!
        mov [eax + _llist.next], dword 0        ;.next pointer = NULL
.Exit:  LEAVE                                   ;eax = ptrHead
        ret 8
.Error: xor eax, eax                            ;error = return NULL
        jmp .Exit

; _delete_list( hHeap, ptrHead)
%define _hHeap ebp + 8
%define _ptrHead ebp + 12
        ENTER 0, 0
        push eax
        push ebx                                ;save registers
        mov eax, [_ptrHead]                     ;eax = addr of list head node
        mov ebx, [eax + _llist.next]            ;ebx = [eax].next
        push eax                                ;free addr in eax
        push dword 0                            ;FLAG
        push  dword [_hHeap]                    ;local heap
        call HeapFree
        test ebx, ebx                           ;is [eax].next == NULL?
        jz .Exit                                ;if yes then done
        mov eax, ebx                            ;loop until done
        jmp .DelNode
.Exit:  pop ebx
        pop eax
        ret 8

; ptrNode _add_node( hHeap, ptrPrev, NodeSize )
%define _hHeap ebp + 8
%define _ptrPrev ebp + 12
%define _ListSize ebp + 16
        ENTER 0, 0
        push edx                                ;HeapAlloc kills edx!!
        push ebx
        push ecx                                ;save registers
        mov ebx, [_ptrPrev]                     ;ebx = node to add after
        push dword [_ListSize]                  ;size of node
        push dword HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY             ;FLAG
        push dword [_hHeap]                     ;local heap
	call HeapAlloc
	test eax, eax
        jz .Error                               ;alloc failed!
        mov ecx, eax                            ;note -- eax = ptrNew
        add ecx, _llist.next                    ;ecx = ptrNew.next
        mov [ecx], ebx                          ;ptrNew.next = ptrPrev.next
        add ebx, _llist.next                    ;note -- ebx = ptrPrev
        mov [ebx], eax                          ;ptrPrev.next = ptrNew
.Exit:  pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop edx
        ret 12
.Error: xor eax, eax                            ;return NULL on failure
        jmp .Exit

; _delete_node( hHeap, ptrPrev, ptrNode )
%define _hHeap ebp + 8
%define _ptrPrev ebp + 12
%define _ptrNode ebp + 16
        ENTER 0, 0
        push ebx
        mov eax, [_ptrNode + _llist.next]       ;eax = ptrNode.next
        mov ebx, [_ptrPrev]                     ;
        mov [ebx + _llist.next], eax            ;ptrPrev.next = ptrNode.next
        push dword [_ptrNode]                   ;free ptrNode
        push dword 0                            ;FLAG
        push dword [_hHeap]                     ;local heap
        call HeapFree
        pop ebx
        ret 12

; _set_node_data( ptrNode, NodeOffset, data )
%define _ptrNode ebp + 8
%define _off ebp + 12
%define _data ebp + 16
        ENTER 0, 0
        push eax
        push ebx
        mov eax, [_ptrNode]                     ;eax = ptrNode
        add eax, [ _off ]                       ;eax = ptrNode.offset
        mov ebx, [_data]                        ;ebd = data
        mov [eax], ebx                          ;ptrNode.offset = data
        pop ebx
        pop eax
        ret 12

; DWORD data _get_node_data( ptrNode, NodeOffset )
%define _ptrNode ebp + 8
%define _off ebp + 12
        ENTER 0, 0
        mov eax, [_ptrNode]                     ;eax = ptrNode
        add eax, [_off]                         ;eax = ptrNode.offset
        mov eax, [eax]                          ;return [ptrNode.offset]
        ret 8
;===============================================================End Linked List
The LISTSTRUCT structure is perhaps the most crucial part of this implemen-
tation. In NASM, a structure is simply a starting address with local labels
defined as constants which equal the offset of the local label from the start
of the structure. Thus, in the structure
   struc MyStruc
     .MyVar   resd 1
     .MyVar2  resd 1
     .MyVar3  resd 1
     .MyByte  resb 1
the constant MyStruc.MyVar has a value of 0 [0 bytes from the start of the
structure], MyStruc.MyVar2 has a value of 4, MyStruc.MyVar3 has a value of 8,
MyStruc.MyByte has a value of 12, and MyStruc_size [defined as the offset of
the "endstruc" directive] has a value of 13. Note that in NASM, the name of a
structure instance determines the address in memory of the instance [i.e., it
is a simple code label], while the constants defined in the structure
definition allow access to offsets from that address.

What this means is that structures in NASM can be defined and never instant-
iated, allowing the convenient use of the structure constants for dynamic
memory structures such as classes and linked list nodes. The above code uses
the LISTSTRUCT macro to force all linked list nodes to have a ".next" member;
this also allows the use of the constant "_llist.next" in the linked list
routines to avoid  having to pass the offset of the ".next" member for a node.

The implementation routines should be pretty straight forward. _create_list
allocates memory from the local heap of the size of one list node [determined
by the parameter NodeSize passed to _create_list] and returns the address of
the allocated memory; since this node is assumed to be the list "head", the
.next member is set to NULL. _delete_list is passed the address of the head
node of the list; it saves the address in the .next member of the node and
then frees the memory allocated to the node, repeating this with each .next
link until the .next member is NULL [indicating an end of list].

_add_node is used to insert a node into an existing list; it is passed the
address of the node after which the new node is to be inserted. The .next
member of this node is moved into the .next member of the new node, and
replaced with the address of the new node. Thus, if before insertion the list
had the structure
      .next [Node1] --> .next [Node2] --> .next [NULL]
      .data NULL        .data Node1       .data Node2
then it would have the following structure after insertion following Node1:
      .next [Node1] --> .next [NewNode] --> .next [Node2] --> .next [NULL]
      .data NULL        .data Node1         .data NewNode     .data Node2
_del_node does the opposite of _add_node; it moves the .next member of the
node to be deleted into the .next member of the preceding node, then frees the
specified node.

Note that both _del_node and _add_node are designed to be as generic as
possible and make no assumptions regarding the linked list structure; thus in
a double linked list of the format
     struc DLLIST
one could front-end the Delete function as follows:
        push dword eax                   ;eax = Node to delete
        push dword [eax + DLLIST.prev]
        push hHeap
        call _del_node
        ret 8
The other linked list routines can be provided with similar front-ends to take
care of common heap handles, list sizes, and member assignments.

Both the _set_node_data and the _get_node_data routines are basic pointer
manipulations added for code clarity. Each could be rewritten inline; for
example, the _get_node_data routine can be implemented as
        add ebx, offset
        mov eax, [ebx]
assuming ebx holds the node to be accessed and "offset" is the offset [or
constant] of the node member to be accessed.

Below is a simple program which makes a four-node linked list of the format
        .next Node1 --> .next Node2 --> .next Node3 --> .next NULL
        .prev NULL  <-- .prev Head  <-- .prev Node1 <-- .prev Node2
        .data NULL      .data 'node1'   .data 'node2'   .data 'node3'
Note the use of the NewNode routine, which provides a front-end to _add_node
which sets the .prev member for the new node. One brief caveat, the example
does not delete the list, as the Win32 heap is deallocated on program
termination; neither is there any substantial error checking in the sample.

;=======================================================Linked List Application
[section data]
hHeap    dd 0
ptrHead	 dd 0
STRING strData1, 'node 1',0Dh,0Ah
STRING strData2, 'node 2',0Dh,0Ah
STRING strData3, 'node 3',0Dh,0Ah
STRING strStart, 'Creating List',0Dh,0Ah
STRING strDone, 'Finished!',0Dh,0AH,'Printing Data...',0Dh,0Ah
STRING strErr, 'Error!',0Dh, 0AH

.prev   resd 0
.data   resd 0

[section code]
        push dword strErr.length
        push dword strErr
	call puts
        jmp Exit

	call GetProcessHeap
        mov [hHeap], eax
        call GetConsole

        push dword strStart.length
        push dword strStart
	call puts

        push dword llist_size
        push dword [hHeap]
        call _create_list
        test eax, eax
        jz Error
        mov [ptrHead], eax
        push dword 0
        push dword llist.data
        push eax
        call _set_node_data             ;set ptrHead.data to NULL
        push dword 0
        push dword llist.prev
        push eax
        call _set_node_data             ;set ptrHead.prev to NULL

        call NewNode                    ;create Node1
        test eax, eax
        jz ListDone
        push dword strData1
        push dword llist.data
        push eax
        call _set_node_data            ;set Node1.data to 'node1'

        call NewNode                   ;create Node2
        test eax, eax
        jz ListDone
        push dword strData2
        push dword llist.data
        push eax
        call _set_node_data            ;set Node2.data to 'node2'

        call NewNode                   ;create Node3
        test eax, eax
        jz ListDone
        push dword strData3
        push dword llist.data
        push eax
        call _set_node_data            ;set Node3.data to 'node3'

        push dword strDone.length
        push dword strDone
        call puts

        mov ebx, [ptrHead]
        push dword _llist.next
        push ebx
        call _get_node_data             ;could have been mov eax,[ebx]

        test eax, eax                   ;if ptrCurrent.next == NULL exit
        jz Exit                         ; [end of list]
        mov ebx, eax                    ;save ptrNode
        push dword strData1.length      ;push length for call to puts
        push dword llist.data
        push ebx
        call _get_node_data             ;get ptrNode.data
        push dword eax                  ;push string for call to puts
        call puts
        jmp PrintList                   ;loop

	push dword 0
        call ExitProcess

        ENTER 0, 0
        push edx
        mov edx, eax                    ;save previous node
        push dword llist_size
        push dword eax
        push dword [hHeap]
        call _add_node
        test eax, eax
        jz .Done
        push dword eax
        push dword llist.next
        push dword edx
        call _set_node_data             ;set ptrPrev.next to ptrNew
        push edx
        push dword llist.prev
        push eax
        call _set_node_data             ;set ptrNew.prev to ptrPrev
        push dword 0
        push dword llist.next
        push eax
        call _set_node_data             ;set PtrNew.next to  NULL
.Done   pop edx
        LEAVE                           ;eax is still set to ptrNew
As mentioned earlier, this is a generic implementation of dynamic structures
designed with linked lists in mind. The macros and routines may be included in
a header file such as llist.h and used to automate the creation of dynamic
memory structures in future projects. In addition, further macros and routines
can be added to provide specific implementations of Single Linked Lists,
Double Linked Lists, Circular Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Deques.

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                                     Structured Exception Handling under Win32
				     by Chris Dragan

   Structured Exception  Handling is a powerful feature of all Win32 platforms
that allows  a program to recover from any  critical errors like BOUND, divide
overflow, page missing or general protection fault. It is documented  only for
C-level usage (try-except/finally  syntax), and no documentation for low level
languages exists. Therefore I will try to show how to use it.

   The starting point  for Structured Exception Handling,  SEH,  is the Thread
Info Block. TIB, as  almost all the other structures, is described  in winnt.h
file that comes with PlatformSDK.

struc	NT_TIB
	ExceptionList		dd ?	; Used by SEH
	StackBase		dd ?	; Used by functions to check for
	StackLimit		dd ?	;  stack overflow
	SubSystemTib		dd ?	; ?
	FiberDataOrVersion	dd ?	; ?
	ArbitraryUserPointer	dd ?	; ?
	Self			dd ?	; Linear address of the TIB

TIB is accessible at address fs:0. NT_TIB.Self contains linear address of TIB,
base of FS segment.

   When an exception occurs, the system uses (dword)fs:0, NT_TIB.ExceptionList
to find an exception handler and execute it. The exception  list entry is very

struc	E_L_ENTRY
	Next			dd ?	; Points to next entry in the list
	ExceptionHandler	dd ?	; User callback - exception hook
	Optional		db X dup (?) ; Exception Handler data
	EntryTerminator 	dd -1	; Optional

C compilers  usually keep  some additional  information  in E_L_ENTRY.Optional
field of varying size  and usually terminated  with (dword)-1.	Both .Optional
and .EntryTerminator fields are not required.

   Before  calling   an  exception   handler,  the  exception  manager	pushes
ExceptionRecord and ContextRecord onto the stack. These structures identify an
exception and  processor state before it. The exception manager  adds also its
own entry to the exception list.

   Exception  handler  is  in  fact  a typical	callback. It  is  not  however
installed  by any API function, but appended  in E_L_ENTRY into  the exception

EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION __cdecl _except_handler (
    struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
    void * EstablisherFrame,
    struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
    void * DispatcherContext

The exception  handler uses C-style  calling convention, it  does not  release
arguments while returning. The	most important parameters  are ExceptionRecord
and ContextRecord, described at the end of this text, that point to the pushed
corresponding  structures. I do not  have yet any  idea what is the purpose of
EstablisherFrame and DispatcherContext.

	ExceptionCode		dd ?	; See at the end of this text
	ExceptionFlags		dd ?
	ExceptionRecord 	dd ?	; ?
	ExceptionAddress	dd ?	; Linear address of faulty instruction
	NumberParameters	dd ?	; Corresponds to the field below
	ExceptionInformation	dd 15 dup (?) ; ?

Exception flags are:


   The exception handler has two possible ways of proceeding. It can return to
the exception manager, or it can unwind the stack and continue the program. In
the first case it has to return one of the following values:

	ExceptionContinueExecution  = 0,\
	ExceptionContinueSearch     = 1,\
	ExceptionNestedException    = 2,\
	ExceptionCollidedUnwind     = 3

The  value  of	zero  forces  the exception  manager  to continue  the program
at saved in context cs:eip, which may be altered by the exception handler. The
value of 1 causes  the exception manager to call another exception handler  in
the exception list. Values 2 and 3 inform  the exception manager that an error
occured - an exception-in-exception happened, or the handler  wanted to unwind
the stack  during another handler of higher  instance was  doing this already.
The   other  case   can   be   determined   if	 one   of  .ExceptionFlags  is

   While  appending  a new exception handler  to  the exception list, a common
practice is to push new E_L_ENTRY onto the stack. This way unwinding the stack
can be done simply by skipping the exception manager's entry and restoring the
stack pointer.

Here is an example of exception handling.


model flat, stdcall

  O	equ <offset>

	ExceptionCode		dd ?
	ExceptionFlags		dd ?
	ExceptionRecord 	dd ?
	ExceptionAddress	dd ?
	NumberParameters	dd ?
	ExceptionInformation	dd 15 dup (?)

  procdesc wsprintfA c :dword, :dword, :dword:?
  procdesc MessageBoxA :dword, :dword, :dword, :dword
  procdesc ExitProcess :dword


  ExCode	dd ?
  szCode	db 12 dup (?)


  szWindowTitle db 'Exception code', 0
  szFormat	db '%0X', 0


proc	main
		; Install exception handler
			push	O ExceptionHandler
			push	[dword fs:0]	; E_L_ENTRY.Next
			mov	[fs:0], esp	; Append new E_L_ENTRY

		; Cause Invalid Opcode exception

		; Display exception code and quit
_Continue:		call	wsprintfA, O szCode, O szFormat, [ExCode]
			call	MessageBoxA, 0, O szCode, O szWindowTitle, 0
			call	ExitProcess, 0

proc	ExceptionHandler c ExceptionRecord, EF, ContextRecord, DC
		; Save exception code
			mov	eax, [ExceptionRecord]
			mov	ecx, [(EXCEPTION_RECORD eax).ExceptionCode]
			mov	[ExCode], ecx

		; Unwind the stack
			mov	eax, [fs:0]	; Exception Manager's entry
			mov	esp, [eax]	; Our entry
			pop	[dword fs:0]	; Restore fs:0
			add	esp, 4		; Skip ExHandler address
			jmp	_Continue

end main


The above source should be compiled with TASM 5.0r or later like this:
  tasm32 /ml except.asm
  tlink32 /x /Tpe /aa /c /V4.0 except.obj,,, LIBPATH\import32.lib

   And here  are other	important  constants  and  structures, all  defined in
winnt.h PlatformSDK file.

Exception codes:

STATUS_SINGLE_STEP		= 080000004h
STATUS_NO_MEMORY		= 0C0000017h

Context flags:

CONTEXT_i386			= 000010000h
CONTEXT_i486			= 000010000h

CONTEXT_INTEGER 	   = (CONTEXT_i386 or 2) ; EAX, EBX,..., ESI, EDI
CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT	   = (CONTEXT_i386 or 8) ; 387 state
CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS    = (CONTEXT_i386 or 16); DB 0-3,6,7
CONTEXT_EXTENDED_REGISTERS = (CONTEXT_i386 or 32); cpu specific extensions


Context structure:

	ContextFlags		dd ?		; CONTEXT_??? flags

	Dr0			dd ?		; Debug registers
	Dr1			dd ?
	Dr2			dd ?
	Dr3			dd ?
	Dr6			dd ?
	Dr7			dd ?

	ControlWord		dd ?		; FPU context
	StatusWord		dd ?
	TagWord 		dd ?
	ErrorOffset		dd ?
	ErrorSelector		dd ?
	DataOffset		dd ?
	DataSelector		dd ?
	RegisterArea		dt 8 dup (?)
	Cr0NpxState		dd ?

	SegGs			dd ?		; Segment registers
	SegFs			dd ?
	SegEs			dd ?
	SegDs			dd ?

	Edi			dd ?		; Integer registers
	Esi			dd ?
	Ebx			dd ?
	Edx			dd ?
	Ecx			dd ?
	Eax			dd ?

	Ebp			dd ?		; Control registers
	Eip			dd ?
	SegCs			dd ?
	EFlags			dd ?
	Esp			dd ?
	SegSs			dd ?

	ExtendedRegisters	db 512 dup (?)

Additional word
This article was posted on comp.lang.asm.x86.
Especially thanks to Michael Tippach for pointing out some exception flags.
My web page is at http://ams.ampr.org/cdragan/

::/ \::::::.
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:|   _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\  \::::::::::.
                                                          Child Window Controls
                                                          by Iczelion

In this tutorial, we will explore child window controls which are very
important input and output devices of our programs.

Windows provides several predefined window classes which we can readily use
in our own programs. Most of the time we use them as components of a dialog
box so they're usually called child window controls. The child window
controls process their own mouse and keyboard messages and notify the
parent window when their states have changed. They relieve the burden from
programmers enormously so you should use them as much as possible. In this
tutorial, I put them on a normal window just to demonstrate how you can
create and use them but in reality you should put them in a dialog box.
Examples of predefined window classes are button, listbox, checkbox, radio
button,edit etc.

In order to use a child window control, you must create it with
CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx. Note that you don't have to register the
window class since it's registered for you by Windows. The class name
parameter MUST be the predefined class name. Say, if you want to create a
button, you must specify "button" as the class name in CreateWindowEx. The
other parameters you must fill in are the parent window handle and the
control ID. The control ID must be unique among the controls. The control
ID is the ID of that control. You use it to differentiate between the

After the control was created, it will send messages notifying the parent
window when its state has changed. Normally, you create the child windows
during WM_CREATE message of the parent window. The child window sends
WM_COMMAND messages to the parent window with its control ID in the low
word of wParam,  the notification code in the high word of wParam, and its
window handle in lParam. Each child window control has different
notification codes, refer to your Win32 API reference for more information.

The parent window can send commands to the child windows too, by calling
SendMessage function. SendMessage function sends the specified message with
accompanying values in wParam and lParam to the window specified by the
window handle. It's an extremely useful function since it can send messages
to any window provided you know its window handle.
So, after creating the child windows, the parent window must process
WM_COMMAND messages to be able to receive notification codes from the child

We will create a window which contains an edit control and a pushbutton.
When you click the button, a message box will appear showing the text you
typed in the edit box. There is also a menu with 4 menu items:

  1. Say Hello  -- Put a text string into the edit box
  2. Clear Edit Box -- Clear the content of the edit box
  3. Get Text -- Display a message box with the text in the edit box
  4. Exit -- Close the program.

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none


include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0
AppName  db "Our First Window",0
MenuName db "FirstMenu",0
ButtonClassName db "button",0
ButtonText db "My First Button",0
EditClassName db "edit",0
TestString db "Wow! I'm in an edit box now",0

hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
hwndButton HWND ?
hwndEdit HWND ?
buffer db 512 dup(?)                    ; buffer to store the text
retrieved from the edit box

ButtonID equ 1                                ; The control ID of the
button control
EditID equ 2                                    ; The control ID of the
edit control
IDM_EXIT equ 4

    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov    hInstance,eax
    invoke GetCommandLine
    invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
    invoke ExitProcess,eax

WinMain proc
    LOCAL msg:MSG
    LOCAL hwnd:HWND
    mov   wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX
    mov   wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
    mov   wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
    mov   wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
    mov   wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
    push  hInst
    pop   wc.hInstance
    mov   wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
    mov   wc.lpszMenuName,OFFSET MenuName
    mov   wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
    invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
    mov   wc.hIcon,eax
    mov   wc.hIconSm,eax
    invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
    mov   wc.hCursor,eax
    invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
    invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ADDR ClassName, \
                        ADDR AppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,\
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,\
                        300,200,NULL,NULL, hInst,NULL
    mov   hwnd,eax
    invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL
    invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd
        invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
        .BREAK .IF (!eax)
        invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
        invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
    mov     eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
    .IF uMsg==WM_DESTROY
        invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
        invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, ADDR EditClassName,NULL,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_BORDER or ES_LEFT or\
        mov  hwndEdit,eax
        invoke SetFocus, hwndEdit
        invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL, ADDR ButtonClassName,ADDR ButtonText,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,\
        mov  hwndButton,eax
        mov eax,wParam
        .IF lParam==0
            .IF ax==IDM_HELLO
                invoke SetWindowText,hwndEdit,ADDR TestString
            .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CLEAR
                invoke SetWindowText,hwndEdit,NULL
            .ELSEIF  ax==IDM_GETTEXT
                invoke GetWindowText,hwndEdit,ADDR buffer,512
                invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR buffer,ADDR AppName,MB_OK
                invoke DestroyWindow,hWnd
            .IF ax==ButtonID
                shr eax,16
                .IF ax==BN_CLICKED
                    invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GETTEXT,0
        invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
     xor    eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start


Let's analyze the program.

         .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_CREATE
             invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, \
                             ADDR EditClassName,NULL,\
                             WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_BORDER or
                             or ES_AUTOHSCROLL,\
             mov  hwndEdit,eax
             invoke SetFocus, hwndEdit
             invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL, ADDR ButtonClassName,\
                             ADDR ButtonText,\
                             WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,\
             mov  hwndButton,eax

We create the controls during processing of WM_CREATE message. We call
CreateWindowEx with an extra window style, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, which makes
the client area look sunken. The name of each control is a predefined one,
"edit" for edit control, "button" for button control. Next we specify the
child window's styles. Each control has extra styles in addition to the
normal window styles. For example, the button styles are prefixed with
"BS_" for "button style", edit styles are prefixed with "ES_" for "edit
style". You have to look these styles up in a Win32 API reference. Note
that you put a control ID in place of the menu handle. This doesn't cause
any harm since a child window control cannot have a menu.

After creating each control, we keep its handle in a variable for future

SetFocus is called to give input focus to the edit box so the user can type
the text into it immediately.

Now comes the really exciting part. Every child window control sends
notification to its parent window with WM_COMMAND.

        mov eax,wParam
        .IF lParam==0

Recall that a menu also sends WM_COMMAND messages to notify the window
about its state too. How can you differentiate between WM_COMMAND messages
originated from a menu or a control? Below is the answer

         Low word of wParam   High word of wParam    lParam
 Menu    Menu ID              0                      0
 Control Control ID           Notification code      Child Window Handle

You can see that you should check lParam. If it's zero, the current
WM_COMMAND message is from a menu. You cannot use wParam to differentiate
between a menu and a control since the menu ID and control ID may be
identical and the notification code may be zero.

            .IF ax==IDM_HELLO
                invoke SetWindowText,hwndEdit,ADDR TestString
            .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CLEAR
                invoke SetWindowText,hwndEdit,NULL
            .ELSEIF  ax==IDM_GETTEXT
                invoke GetWindowText,hwndEdit,ADDR buffer,512
                invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR buffer,ADDR AppName,MB_OK

You can put a text string into an edit box by calling SetWindowText. You
clear the content of an edit box by calling SetWindowText with NULL.
SetWindowText is a general purpose API function. You can use SetWindowText
to change the caption of a window or the text on a button.
To get the text in an edit box, you use GetWindowText.

            .IF ax==ButtonID
                shr eax,16
                .IF ax==BN_CLICKED
                    invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GETTEXT,0

The above code snippet deals with the condition when the user presses the
button. First, it checks the low word of wParam to see if the control ID
matches that of the button. If it is, it checks the high word of wParam to
see if it is the notification code BN_CLICKED which is sent when the button
is clicked.

The interesting part is after it's certain that the notification code is
BN_CLICKED. We want to get the text from the edit box and display it in a
message box. We can duplicate the code in the IDM_GETTEXT section above but
it doesn't make sense. If we can somehow send a WM_COMMAND message with the
low word of wParam containing the value IDM_GETTEXT to our own window
procedure, we can avoid code duplication and simplify our program.

SendMessage function is the answer. This function sends any message to any
window with any wParam and lParam we want. So instead of duplicating the
code, we call SendMessage with the parent window handle, WM_COMMAND,
IDM_GETTEXT, and 0. This has identical effect to selecting "Get Text" menu
item from the menu. The window procedure doesn't perceive any difference
between the two.

You should use this technique as much as possible to make your code more

Last but not least, do not forget the TranslateMessage function in the
message loop. Since you must type in some text into the edit box, your
program must translate raw keyboard input into readable text. If you omit
this function, you will not be able to type anything into your edit box.

::/ \::::::.
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:|   _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\  \::::::::::.
                                                      Dialog Box as Main Window
                                                      by Iczelion

Now comes the really interesting part about GUI, the dialog box. In this
tutorial (and the next), we will learn how to use a dialog box as our main

If you play with the examples in the previous tutorial long enough, you 'll
find out that you cannot change input focus from one child window control
to another with Tab key. The only way you can do that is by clicking the
control you want it to gain input focus. This situation is rather
cumbersome. Another thing you might notice is that I changed the background
color of the parent window to gray instead of normal white as in previous
examples. This is done so that the color of the child window controls can
blend seamlessly with the color of the client area of the parent window.
There is a way to get around this problem but it's not easy. You have to
subclass all child window controls in your parent window.

The reason why such inconvenience exists is that child window controls are
originally designed to work with a dialog box, not a normal window. The
default color of child window controls such as a button is gray because the
client area of a dialog box is normally gray so they blend into each other
without any sweat on the programmer's part.

Before we get deep into the detail, we should know first what a dialog box
is. A dialog box is nothing more than a normal window which is designed to
work with child window controls. Windows also provides internal "dialog box
manager" which is responsible for most of the keyboard logic such as
shifting input focus when the user presses Tab, pressing the default
pushbutton if Enter key is pressed, etc so programmers can deal with higher
level tasks. Dialog boxes are primarily used as input/output devices. As
such a dialog box can be considered as an input/output "black box" meaning
that you don't have to know how a dialog box works internally in order to
be able to use it, you only have to know how to interact with it. That's a
principle of object oriented programming (OOP) called information hiding.
If the black box is *perfectly* designed, the user can make use of it
without any knowledge on how it operates. The catch is that the black box
must be perfect, that's hard to achieve in the real world. Win32 API is
also designed as a black box too.

Well, it seems we stray from our path. Let's get back to our subject.
Dialog boxes are designed to reduce workload of a programmer. Normally if
you put child window controls on a normal window, you have to subclass them
and write keyboard logic yourself. But if you put them on a dialog box, it
will handle the logic for you. You only have to know how to get the user
input from the dialog box or how to send commands to it.

A dialog box is defined as a resource much the same way as a menu. You
write a dialog box template describing the characteristics of the dialog
box and its controls and then compile the resource script with a resource

Note that all resources are put together in the same resource script file.
You can use any text editor to write a dialog box template but I don't
recommend it. You should use a resource editor to do the job visually since
arranging child window controls on a dialog box is hard to do manually.
Several excellent resource editors are available. Most of the major
compiler suites include their own resource editors. You can use them to
create a resource script for your program and then cut out irrelevant lines
such as those related to MFC.

There are two main types of dialog box: modal and modeless. A modeless
dialog box lets you change input focus to other window. The example is the
Find dialog of MS Word. There are two subtypes of modal dialog box:
application modal and system modal. An application modal dialog box doesn't
let you change input focus to other window in the same application but you
can change the input focus to the window of OTHER application. A system
modal dialog box doesn't allow you to change input focus to any other
window until you respond to it first.

A modeless dialog box is created by calling CreateDialogParam API function.
A modal dialog box is created by calling DialogBoxParam. The only
distinction between an application modal dialog box and a system modal one
is the DS_SYSMODAL style. If you include DS_SYSMODAL style in a dialog box
template, that dialog box will be a system modal one.

You can communicate with any child window control on a dialog box by using
SendDlgItemMessage function. Its syntax is like this:

     SendDlgItemMessage proto hwndDlg:DWORD,\

This API call is immensely useful for interacting with a child window
control. For example, if you want to get the text from an edit control, you
can do this:

     call SendDlgItemMessage, hDlg, ID_EDITBOX, WM_GETTEXT, 256, ADDR

In order to know which message to send, you should consult your Win32 API

Windows also provides several control-specific API functions to get and set
data quickly, for example, GetDlgItemText, CheckDlgButton etc. These
control-specific functions are provided for programmer's convenience so he
doesn't have to look up the meanings of wParam and lParam for each message.
Normally, you should use control-specific API calls when they're available
since they make source code maintenance easier. Resort to
SendDlgItemMessage only if no control-specific API calls are available.
The Windows dialog box manager sends some messages to a specialized
callback function called a dialog box procedure which has the following

     DlgProc  proto hDlg:DWORD ,\
                    iMsg:DWORD ,\
                    wParam:DWORD ,\

The dialog box procedure is very similar to a window procedure except for
the type of return value which is TRUE/FALSE instead of LRESULT. The
internal dialog box manager inside Windows IS the true window procedure for
the dialog box. It calls our dialog box procedure with some messages that
it received. So the general rule of thumb is that: if our dialog box
procedure processes a message,it MUST return TRUE in eax and if it does not
process the message, it must return FALSE in eax. Note that a dialog box
procedure doesn't pass the messages it does not process to the
DefWindowProc call since it's not a real window procedure.

There are two distinct uses of a dialog box. You can use it as the main
window of your application or use it as an input device. We 'll examine the
first approach in this tutorial.

"Using a dialog box as main window" can be interpreted in two different

  1. You can use the dialog box template as a class template which you
     register with RegisterClassEx call. In this case, the dialog box
     behaves like a "normal" window: it receives messages via a window
     procedure referred to by lpfnWndProc member of the window class, not
     via a dialog box procedure. The benefit of this approach is that you
     don't have to create child window controls yourself, Windows creates
     them for you when the dialog box is created. Also Windows handles the
     keyboard logic for you such as Tab order etc. Plus you can specify the
     cursor and icon of your window in the window class structure.
     Your program just creates the dialog box without creating any parent
     window. This approach makes a message loop unnecessary since the
     messages are sent directly to the dialog box procedure. You don't even
     have to register a window class!

This tutorial is going to be a long one. I'll present the first approach
followed by the second.



.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

ClassName db "DLGCLASS",0
MenuName db "MyMenu",0
DlgName db "MyDialog",0
AppName db "Our First Dialog Box",0
TestString db "Wow! I'm in an edit box now",0

hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
buffer db 512 dup(?)

IDC_EDIT        equ 3000
IDC_BUTTON      equ 3001
IDC_EXIT        equ 3002
IDM_GETTEXT     equ 32000
IDM_CLEAR       equ 32001
IDM_EXIT        equ 32002

    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov    hInstance,eax
    invoke GetCommandLine
    invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
    invoke ExitProcess,eax

WinMain proc
    LOCAL msg:MSG
    mov   wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX
    mov   wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
    mov   wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
    mov   wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
    mov   wc.cbWndExtra,DLGWINDOWEXTRA
    push  hInst
    pop   wc.hInstance
    mov   wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
    mov   wc.lpszMenuName,OFFSET MenuName
    mov   wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
    invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
    mov   wc.hIcon,eax
    mov   wc.hIconSm,eax
    invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
    mov   wc.hCursor,eax
    invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
    invoke CreateDialogParam,hInstance,ADDR DlgName,NULL,NULL,NULL
    mov   hDlg,eax
    invoke ShowWindow, hDlg,SW_SHOWNORMAL
    invoke UpdateWindow, hDlg
    invoke GetDlgItem,hDlg,IDC_EDIT
    invoke SetFocus,eax
        invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
        .BREAK .IF (!eax)
       invoke IsDialogMessage, hDlg, ADDR msg
        .IF eax ==FALSE
            invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
            invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
    mov     eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
    .IF uMsg==WM_DESTROY
        invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
        mov eax,wParam
        .IF lParam==0
            .IF ax==IDM_GETTEXT
                invoke GetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,ADDR buffer,512
                invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR buffer,ADDR AppName,MB_OK
            .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CLEAR
                invoke SetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,NULL
                invoke DestroyWindow,hWnd
            mov edx,wParam
            shr edx,16
            .IF dx==BN_CLICKED
                .IF ax==IDC_BUTTON
                    invoke SetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,ADDR TestString
                .ELSEIF ax==IDC_EXIT
                    invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_EXIT,0
        invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
    xor    eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start

#include "resource.h"

#define IDC_EDIT                                       3000
#define IDC_BUTTON                                3001
#define IDC_EXIT                                       3002

#define IDM_GETTEXT                             32000
#define IDM_CLEAR                                  32001
#define IDM_EXIT                                      32003

MyDialog DIALOG 10, 10, 205, 60
CAPTION "Our First Dialog Box"
    EDITTEXT         IDC_EDIT,   15,17,111,13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_LEFT
    DEFPUSHBUTTON   "Say Hello", IDC_BUTTON,    141,10,52,13
    PUSHBUTTON      "E&xit", IDC_EXIT,  141,26,52,13, WS_GROUP

MyMenu  MENU
    POPUP "Test Controls"
        MENUITEM "Get Text", IDM_GETTEXT
        MENUITEM "Clear Text", IDM_CLEAR
        MENUITEM "", , 0x0800 /*MFT_SEPARATOR*/
        MENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXIT


Let's analyze this first example.
This example shows how to register a dialog template as a window class and
create a "window" from that class. It simplifies your program since you
don't have to create the child window controls yourself.
Let's first analyze the dialog template.

MyDialog DIALOG 10, 10, 205, 60

Declare the name of a dialog, in this case, "MyDialog" followed by the
keyword "DIALOG". The following four numbers are: x, y , width, and height
of the dialog box in dialog box units (not the same as pixels).


Declare the styles of the dialog box.

CAPTION "Our First Dialog Box"

This is the text that will appear in the dialog box's title bar.


This line is crucial. It's this CLASS keyword that allows us to use the
dialog box template as a window class. Following the keyword is the name of
the "window class"

    EDITTEXT         IDC_EDIT,   15,17,111,13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_LEFT
    DEFPUSHBUTTON   "Say Hello", IDC_BUTTON,    141,10,52,13
    PUSHBUTTON      "E&xit", IDC_EXIT,  141,26,52,13

The above block defines the child window controls in the dialog box.
They're defined between BEGIN and END keywords. Generally the syntax is as

     control-type  "text"   ,controlID, x, y, width, height [,styles]

control-types are resource compiler's constants so you have to consult the

Now we go to the assembly source code. The interesting part is in the
window class structure:

     mov   wc.cbWndExtra,DLGWINDOWEXTRA
     mov   wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName

Normally, this member is left NULL, but if we want to register a dialog box
template as a window class, we must set this member to the value
DLGWINDOWEXTRA. Note that the name of the class must be identical to the
one following the CLASS keyword in the dialog box template. The remaining
members are initialized as usual. After you fill the window class
structure, register it with RegisterClassEx. Seems familiar? This is the
same routine you have to do in order to register a normal window class.

     invoke CreateDialogParam,hInstance,ADDR DlgName,NULL,NULL,NULL

After registering the "window class", we create our dialog box. In this
example, I create it as a modeless dialog box with CreateDialogParam
function. This function takes 5 parameters but you only have to fill in the
first two: the instance handle and the pointer to the name of the dialog
box template. Note that the 2nd parameter is not a pointer to the class

At this point, the dialog box and its child window controls are created by
Windows. Your window procedure will receive WM_CREATE message as usual.

     invoke GetDlgItem,hDlg,IDC_EDIT
     invoke SetFocus,eax

After the dialog box is created, I want to set the input focus to the edit
control. If I put these codes in WM_CREATE section, GetDlgItem call will
fail since at that time, the child window controls are not created yet. The
only way you can do this is to call it after the dialog box and all its
child window controls are created. So I put these two lines after the
UpdateWindow call. GetDlgItem function gets the control ID and returns the
associated control's window handle. This is how you can get a window handle
if you know its control ID.

       invoke IsDialogMessage, hDlg, ADDR msg
        .IF eax ==FALSE
            invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
            invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg

The program enters the message loop and before we translate and dispatch
messages, we call IsDialogMessage function to let the dialog box manager
handles the keyboard logic of our dialog box for us. If this function
returns TRUE , it means the message is intended for the dialog box and is
processed by the dialog box manager. Note another difference from the
previous tutorial. When the window procedure wants to get the text from the
edit control, it calls GetDlgItemText function instead of GetWindowText.
GetDlgItemText accepts a control ID instead of a window handle. That makes
the call easier in the case you use a dialog box.

Now let's go to the second approach to using a dialog box as a main window.
In the next example, I 'll create an application modal dialog box. You'll
not find a message loop or a window procedure because they're not
                            dialog.asm (part 2)

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none


include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

DlgName db "MyDialog",0
AppName db "Our Second Dialog Box",0
TestString db "Wow! I'm in an edit box now",0

hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
buffer db 512 dup(?)

IDC_EDIT            equ 3000
IDC_BUTTON     equ 3001
IDC_EXIT            equ 3002
IDM_GETTEXT  equ 32000
IDM_CLEAR       equ 32001
IDM_EXIT           equ 32002

    invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
    mov    hInstance,eax
    invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, ADDR DlgName,NULL, addr DlgProc, NULL

    invoke ExitProcess,eax

DlgProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
        invoke GetDlgItem, hWnd,IDC_EDIT
        invoke SetFocus,eax
        invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_EXIT,0
        mov eax,wParam
        .IF lParam==0
            .IF ax==IDM_GETTEXT
                invoke GetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,ADDR buffer,512
                invoke MessageBox,NULL,ADDR buffer,ADDR AppName,MB_OK
            .ELSEIF ax==IDM_CLEAR
                invoke SetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,NULL
            .ELSEIF ax==IDM_EXIT
                invoke EndDialog, hWnd,NULL
            mov edx,wParam
            shr edx,16
            .if dx==BN_CLICKED
                .IF ax==IDC_BUTTON
                    invoke SetDlgItemText,hWnd,IDC_EDIT,ADDR TestString
                .ELSEIF ax==IDC_EXIT
                    invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_EXIT,0
        mov eax,FALSE
    mov eax,TRUE
DlgProc endp
end start
                             dialog.rc (part 2)

#include "resource.h"

#define IDC_EDIT                                       3000
#define IDC_BUTTON                                3001
#define IDC_EXIT                                       3002

#define IDR_MENU1                                  3003

#define IDM_GETTEXT                              32000
#define IDM_CLEAR                                   32001
#define IDM_EXIT                                       32003

MyDialog DIALOG 10, 10, 205, 60
CAPTION "Our Second Dialog Box"
    EDITTEXT         IDC_EDIT,   15,17,111,13, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_LEFT
    DEFPUSHBUTTON   "Say Hello", IDC_BUTTON,    141,10,52,13
    PUSHBUTTON      "E&xit", IDC_EXIT,  141,26,52,13

    POPUP "Test Controls"
        MENUITEM "Get Text", IDM_GETTEXT
        MENUITEM "Clear Text", IDM_CLEAR
        MENUITEM "", , 0x0800 /*MFT_SEPARATOR*/
        MENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXIT


The analysis follows:

    DlgProc proto :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD

We declare the function prototype for DlgProc so we can refer to it with
addr operator in the line below:

    invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, ADDR DlgName,NULL, addr DlgProc, NULL

The above line calls DialogBoxParam function which takes 5 parameters: the
instance handle, the name of the dialog box template, the parent window
handle, the address of the dialog box procedure, and the dialog-specific
data. DialogBoxParam creates a modal dialog box. It will not return until
the dialog box is destroyed.

        invoke GetDlgItem, hWnd,IDC_EDIT
        invoke SetFocus,eax
        invoke SendMessage,hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_EXIT,0

The dialog box procedure looks like a window procedure except that it
doesn't receive WM_CREATE message. The first message it receives is
WM_INITDIALOG. Normally you can put the initialization code here. Note that
you must return the value TRUE in eax if you process the message.
The internal dialog box manager doesn't send our dialog box procedure the
WM_DESTROY message by default when WM_CLOSE is sent to our dialog box. So
if we want to react when the user presses the close button on our dialog
box, we must process WM_CLOSE message. In our example, we send WM_COMMAND
message with the value IDM_EXIT in wParam. This has the same effect as when
the user selects Exit menu item. EndDialog is called in response to

The processing of WM_COMMAND messages remains the same.
When you want to destroy the dialog box, the only way is to call EndDialog
function. Do not try DestroyWindow! EndDialog doesn't destroy the dialog
box immediately. It only sets a flag for the internal dialog box manager
and continues to execute the next instructions.

Now let's examine the resource file. The notable change is that instead of
using a text string as menu name we use a value, IDR_MENU1. This is
necessary if you want to attach a menu to a dialog box created with
DialogBoxParam. Note that in the dialog box template, you have to add the
keyword MENU followed by the menu resource ID.

A difference between the two examples in this tutorial that you can readily
observe is the lack of an icon in the latter example. However, you can set
the icon by sending the message WM_SETICON to the dialog box during

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                                        Standardizing Win32 Callback Procedures
                                        by Jeremy Gordon

This short article describes my preferred method for coding CALLBACK procedures
in a large assembler program for Windows 32.  First I describe what Win32
callback procedures are, and then get down to some code.

At run time the Win32 system will call your program on a regular and frequent
basis.  The procedures you supply for the system to call are called CALLBACK
procedures.  Here are examples of when these are used:-
1. To manage a window you created.  In this case the system will send many
   messages to the Window Procedure for the window.  The Window Procedure is
   the code label you provide when you register your window class (by calling
   RegisterClass).  For example the message WM_SIZE is sent by the system
   when the window is resized.
2. To inform the owner of a child window of events in the child window.  For
   example WM_PARENTNOTIFY (with a notify code) is sent to the Window
   Procedure of the owner of a window when the child window is being created
   or destroyed, or if the user clicks a mouse button while the cursor is
   over the child window.
3. To inform the owner of a common control of events in the control.  For
   example if you create a button owned by your window the Window Procedure
   for that window receives BN_CLICKED messages if the button is clicked.
4. Messages sent to a dialog you have created.  These are messages relating
   to the creation of the dialog and of the various controls.  The dialog
   procedure is informed of events in the controls.
5. If you "Superclass" or "Subclass" a common control, you receive messages
   for that common control like a hook procedure but your window procedure
   has the responsibility of passing them on to the control.
6. If you create "Hook" procedures you can intercept messages about to be sent
   to other windows.  The system will call your hook procedure and will pass
   the message on only when your hook procedure returns.
7. You can ask the system to provide your program with information to be sent
   to a CALLBACK procedure.  Examples are EnumWindows (enumerate all top-level
   windows) or EnumFonts (enumerate all available fonts).

In cases 1 to 5 above, just before the system calls the CALLBACK procedure,
it PUSHES 4 dwords on the stack (ie. 4 "parameters").  Traditionally the
names given to these parameters are:-
       hWnd = handle of window being called
       uMsg = message number
       wParam = a parameter sent with the message
       lParam = another parameter sent with the message.

The number of parameters sent to hook procedures and emumeration
callbacks varies - see the Window SDK.

Since your Window (or Dialog) procedure will need to react in a certain
way depending on the message being sent, your code will need to divert
execution to the correct place for a particular message.

"C" programmers have the advantage of being able to code this simply,
using "switch" and "case".

Assembler programmers use various techniques.  Perhaps the worst if there are
a lot of messages to handle is the chain of compares, eg. (in A386 format):-
       MOV EAX,[EBP+0Ch]        ;get message number
       CMP EAX,1h               ;see if WM_CREATE
       JNZ >L2                  ;no
       XOR EAX,EAX              ;ensure eax is zero on exit
       JMP >L32                 ;finish
       CMP EAX,116h             ;see if WM_INITMENU
       JNZ >L4                  ;no
       JMP >L30                 ;correct exit code
       CMP EAX,47h              ;see if WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
       JNZ >L8
       and so on ........

To avoid these long chains, assembler programmers have developed various
techniques.  You will have seen many of these in sample code around Win32
assembler web sites and in the asm journal, using conditional jumps, macros
or table scans.  I do not wish to compare these various methods, merely to put
forward my own current favourite, which I believe has these advantages:-
1. It works on all assemblers
2. It is modular, ie. the code for each window can be concentrated in a
   particular part of your source code
3. It is easy to follow from the source code what message causes what result
4. The same function can easily be called from within different window

My method results in a very simple Window Procedure as follows (A386 format):-

       RET 10h

where the messages and functions (specific to this particular window
procedure) are set out in a table such as this:-

DATA SEGMENT FLAT             ;assembler to put following in data section
;--------------------------- WNDPROC message functions
MAINMESSAGES DD ENDOF_MAINMESSAGES-$                ;=number to be done
       DD  1h,CREATE,2h,DESTROY, 410h,OWN410,411h,OWN411
ENDOF_MAINMESSAGES:           ;label used to work out how many messages
_TEXT SEGMENT FLAT            ;assembler to put following in code section

and where each of the functions here are procedures, for example:-

       XOR EAX,EAX             ;ensure zero and nc return

and where GENERAL_WINDPROC is as follows:-

       PUSH EBP
       MOV EBP,[ESP+10h]       ;get uMsg in ebp
       MOV ECX,[EDX]           ;get number of messages to do * 8 (+4)
       SHR ECX,3               ;get number of messages to do
       ADD EDX,4               ;jump over size dword
       DEC ECX
       JS >L46                 ;s=message not found
       CMP [EDX+ECX*8],EBP     ;see if its the correct message
       JNZ L33                 ;no
       MOV EBP,ESP
       PUSH ESP,EBX,EDI,ESI    ;save registers as required by Windows
       ADD EBP,4               ;allow for the extra call to here
       ;now [EBP+8]=hWnd,[EBP+0Ch]=uMsg,[EBP+10h]=wParam,[EBP+14h]=lParam
       CALL [EDX+ECX*8+4]      ;call correct procedure for the message
       JNC >L48                ;nc=don't call DefWindowProc eax=exit code
       PUSH [ESP+18h],[ESP+18h],[ESP+18h],[ESP+18h]  ;ESP changes on push
       CALL DefWindowProcA
       POP EBP

1. Instead of giving the actual message value, you can, of course, give
   the name of an EQUATE.  For example
           WM_CREATE EQU 1h
   enables you to use WM_CREATE,CREATE instead of 1h,CREATE if you wish.
2. It is tempting to keep the message table in the CODE SECTION.  This is
   perfectly possible because the only difference to the Win32 system between
   the code section and the data section is that the code section area of
   memory is marked read only, whereas the data section is read/write.
   However, you may well get some loss of performance if you do this because
   most processors will read data more quickly from the data section.
   I performed some tests on this and found that having the table in the code
   section rather than the data section could slow the code considerably:-
         486 processor - 22% to 36% slower
         Pentium processor - 94% to 161% slower
         AMD-K6-3D processor - 78% to 193% slower
         (but Pentium Pro - from 7% faster to 9% slower)
         (and Pentium II - from 29% faster to 5% slower)
   These tests were carried out on a table of 60 messages and the range of
   results is because tests were carried out varying the number of scans
   required before a find and also testing a no-find.
3. The procedure names must not be the names of API imports to avoid
   confusion!  For example change SETCURSOR slightly to avoid confusion
   with the API SetCursor.
4. If a function returns c (carry flag set) the window procedure will call
   DefWindowProc.  An nc return (carry flag not set) will merely return to
   the system with the return code in eax.  (Some messages must be dealt with
   in this way).
5. You can send a parameter of your own to GENERAL_WNDPROC using EAX.
   This is useful if you wish to identify a particular window.
   For example:-
       MOV EAX,OFFSET hSpecialWnd
       RET 10h
6. The ADD EBP,4 just before the call to the function is to ensure that
   EBP points to the parameters the stack in the same way as if the window
   procedure had been entered normally.  This is intended to ensure that
   the function will be compatible if called by an ordinary window procedure
   written in assembler, for example:-
       PUSH EBP
       MOV EBP,ESP
       ;now [EBP+8]=hWnd,[EBP+0Ch]=uMsg,[EBP+10h]=wParam,[EBP+14h]=lParam
7. A standardized procedure for dealing with messages to a dialog procedure
   can also be created in the same way, except that it should return TRUE
   (eax=1) if the message is processed and FALSE (eax=0) if it is not, without
   calling DefWindowProc. The same coding method can be applied to hooks and
   to enumerator CALLBACKS although these will vary.


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                                              Fire Demo ported to Linux SVGAlib
                                              by Jan Wagemakers

 In APJ4 there was a little nice fire demo written in DOS assembly language.
 I have ported this program to Linux assembly language. It is written in the
 AT&T-syntax (GNU assembler) and makes use of SVGAlib.

 My main goal of porting this program to Linux was to show that it can be
 done. So, I have not optimized this program. For example, things like 'call
 ioperm' can also be done by making use of int 0x80; quite possibly making use
 of int 0x80 will make the program smaller. More information about int 0x80 is
 available at Konstantin Boldyshev's webpage [http://lightning.voshod.com/asm].

 With SVGALib you can access the screen memory directly, just like you
 would write to A000:0000 in a DOS asm-program.

 I like to thank 'paranoya' for his explanation about how to make use of
 SVGAlib. Anyway, enough blablabla, here is the source ;-)

# fire.s : fire.asm of apj 4 ported to Linux/SVGAlib ==========================
# gcc -o fire fire.s -lvga
 .globl main
        .type    main,@function
        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp,%ebp

        call vga_init           # Init vga
        pushl $5
        call vga_setmode        # set mode to 5 = 320x200x256
        addl $4,%esp
        pushl $0
        call vga_setpage        # Point to page 0 (There is only 1 page)
        addl $4,%esp

        pushl $0x3c8            # Get IOpermission, starting from 3c8h
        pushl $2                # to 3c9h
        pushl $1                # Turn On value
        call ioperm
        addl $12,%esp

        pushl $0x60             # Get IOpermission, for 60h : keyboard
        pushl $1
        Pushl $1
        call ioperm
        addl $12,%esp

        inb $0x60,%al           # Read current value of keyboard
        movb %al,key

        movw $0x3c8,%dx
        movw $0,%ax
        outb %al,%dx
        incw %dx
        outb %al,%dx
        outb %al,%dx
        outb %al,%dx
        incw %ax
        jnz lus

        movl graph_mem,%ebx

        movl $1280,%esi         # mov si,1280 ;
        movl $0x5d00,%ecx       # mov ch,5dh  ; y-pos, the less the faster demo
        pushl %esi              # push    si
        pushl %ecx              # push    cx
        movb (%ebx,%esi),%al    # lodsb
        incl %esi               #

        addb (%ebx,%esi),%al    # al,[si]                 ; pick color and
        addb 320(%ebx,%esi),%al # add     al,[si+320]     ; pick one more and
        shrb $2,%al             # shr     al,2

        movb %al,-960(%ebx,%esi) # mov     [si-960],al     ; put color

        loop Sloop

        popl %edi               # pop di
        popl %ecx               # pop cx

        mulw 1(%ebx,%edi)       # mul     word ptr [di+1] ; 'random' routine.
        incw %ax
        movw %ax,(%ebx,%edi)    #stosw
        incl %edi
        incl %edi
        loop Randoml

        inb $0x60,%al
        cmpb key,%al
        jz Mainloop

        pushl $0
        call exit
        addl $4,%esp

        movl %ebp,%esp
        popl %ebp

        .byte   0
# =============================================================================

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							       by Chris Dragan

;Summary:       Calculates absolute value of a signed integer in eax.
;Compatibility: 386+
;Notes: 	9 bytes, 4 clocks (P5), destroys ecx
	mov	ecx, eax	; Duplicate value
	shr	ecx, 31 	; Fill ecx with its sign
	xor	eax, ecx	; Do 'not eax' if negative
	sub	eax, ecx	; Do 'inc eax' if negative

; For comparison, the standard way (2-8 clocks on P5 and 1-17 on P6):
;        or      eax, eax
;        js      @@1
;        neg     eax

							       by Chris Dragan

;Summary:       eax = min (eax, ecx) (both eax and ecx unsigned)
;Compatibility: 386+
;Notes: 	8 bytes, 4 clocks (P5), destroys ecx and edx
	sub	ecx, eax	; ecx = n2 - n1
	sbb	edx, edx	; edx = (n1 > n2) ? -1 : 0
	and	ecx, edx	; ecx = (n1 > n2) ? (n2 - n1) : 0
	add	eax, ecx	; eax += (n1 > n2) ? (n2 - n1) : 0
; Standard cmp/jbe/mov takes 2-8 clocks on P5 and 1-17 on P6

							       by Chris Dragan

;Summary:       eax = max (eax, ecx) (both eax and ecx unsigned)
;Compatibility: 386+
;Notes: 	9 bytes, 5 clocks (P5), destroys ecx and edx
	sub	ecx, eax	; ecx = n2 - n1
	cmc			; cf = n1 <= n2
	sbb	edx, edx	; edx = (n1 > n2) ? 0 : -1
	and	ecx, edx	; ecx = (n1 > n2) ? 0 : (n2 - n1)
	add	eax, ecx	; eax += (n1 > n2) ? 0 : (n2 - n1)
; Standard cmp/jae/mov takes 2-8 clocks on P5 and 1-17 on P6

                                                                    by mammon_
;Summary:       Primitive for defining dynamic objects
;Compatibility: NASM
;Notes:         The basic building block for classes in NASM; part of
;               an ongoing project of mine. Note that .this can be
;               filled with the instance pointer, and additional
;               routines such as .%1 [constructor] and .~  can be added.
        %macro OBJECT 1
                struc %1
                 .this:       resd 1
        %macro END_OBJECT 0

    ;  .hWnd:        resd 1
    ;  .lpText:      resd 1
    ;  .lpCapt:      resd 1
    ;  .uInt:        resd 1
    ;  .show:        resd 1
    ;;MyMBox is a pointer to a location in memory or in an istruc; its members
    ;;are filled in an init routine ['new'] with "show" being "DD _show"
    ;_show:             ;MSGBOX class display routine
    ;        push dword [MyMbox + MSGBOX.uInt]
    ;        push dword [MyMbox + MSGBOX.lpCapt]
    ;        push dword [MyMbox + MSGBOX.lpText]
    ;        push dword [MyMbox + MSGBOX.hWnd]
    ;        call MessageBoxA
    ;        ret
    ;        call [MyMbox + MSGBOX.show]
    ;        ret

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                                                               by Jan Verhoeven

The Challenge
Write a routine to convert the value of a bit to ASCII in under 10 bytes, with
no conditional jumps.

The Solution
Load the number into the AX register and shift through the bits. If a bit is
cleared [0], you want to print a "0" character; if a bit is set [1], you want
to print a "1".

Prime the BL register with the ASCII character "0"; if the next bit in AX is
set, carry will be set after the SHL and BL will thus be incremented to an
ASCII "1". The key, as you will see, is the ADC [AddWithCarry] instruction:

L0: B330          MOV     BL,30   ; try with al = ZERO
    D1E0          SHL     AX,1    ; ... but if bit = set, ...
    80D300        ADC     BL,00   ; ... make it a ONE,

7 bytes all told; with a loop and mov instruction for storing each value in
BL to the location of your choice, you will have a full-fledged binary-to-
ascii converter in a handful of bytes.

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