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==Phrack Magazine== Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 25 of 27 {Acronyms Part V} S Date and time report received. S Seconds S Send toscreener S Sleeve S Start dial signal S&E Service & equipment S- Supervisory (S-frames) S-N Signal-to-noise ratio S/R Send/receive key S1DN Stage one distribution network S96 SLC 96 SA Sattelite trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SA01 Call store memory audit results - 1AESS software SAA System applications architecture (for ps/2) SABME Set asynchronous balanced mode (ABM) extended (LAP-D command) SAC Service access connector (-> sipb) SAC Service area computer SAC Special area code SAC Switch activation SAD System access delay SAG Street address guide SAI S activity indicator (in EOC) SAI Serving area interface SAI Summary of action items SALI Standalone automatic location identification SAM Subsequent address msg. (SS7: in ISUP) SAMA Step by step automatic message accounting SAMEM Stand-alone billing memory SANE Signaling area/network code (SS7) SAP Service access point SAPI Service access point identifier SAR Store address register SARTS Switch access tremote test system SARTS Switched access remote test system SAS Switched access service SASWF Save all seems well failure flip flop SAT Special access termination SAT Supervisory audio tone SAT System access terminal SAW Surface acoustic wafe (filter) SB Switched access-standard-service code for LATA access SBC S bus interface circuit SBCX SBC extended SBI Synchronous backplane interconnect SBLN Standby line SBMS Southwestern bell mobile service SBS Skyline business systems SBUC S bus connector SC Scanner controller SC Sectional center SC System controller SC/SD Scan and signal distributor SCA Service order completion-automatic SCANS Software change administration and notification system SCAT Stromberg-carlson assistance team SCC Specialized common carrier SCC Station cluster controller SCC Switching control center SCC Switching control center. SCCP Signaling ccp (SS7: q.71x) SCCP Signaling connection control part SCCS Specialized common carrier service SCCS Switching control center system SCF Selective call forwarding SCF Simple completion for mdf SCH Test scheduale (command) SCHED Scheduled SCI Spare cable pair inquiry SCL Station clock SCLK Slave clock SCM Scramble coder multiplexer SCM Standard completion by mdf SCM Subscriber carrier module SCM Subscriber carrier module (DMS-1 digital pair gain system NTI) SCO Serving central office SCOT Stepper central office tester SCOTS Surveillance & control of transmissions system SCP Service control point SCP Service order completion by LAC SCP Signal control point SCP Signal conversion point SCP System control program SCPC Signal channel per carrier SCPD Supplementary central pulse distributor SCR Selective call rejection SCR Signaling configuration register SCR Standard completion by rcmac SCRC Send corrected reference equivalent SCRN Screening translations SCS SCM-10S Shelf (SLC-96) SCS SCM-10S shelf (SLC-96) SCSDH Scanner and signal distributor handler SCU Selector control unit SCX Specialized communications exchange SD Slip detected SD Switched access-improved-service code for LATA access SD&D Specific development & design SDACS Serving digital accessed and cross-connect system SDC Sales development center SDD Site dependent data SDDF Subscriber digital distributing frame SDE Submission/delivery entity (x.400) SDIS Switched digital integrated service SDL Specification and description language SDLC Synchronous DLC SDLC Synchronous data link control SDLH Synchronous data link handler SDM Space division multiplex SDN Software defined network SDN Software-defined network SDNBAS Call failed due to the query's being blocked at the switch SDNBN Call failed due to the query's being blocked in the CCS network SDNGTCAP Garbled TCAP message received SDNNCANI CAMA call failed due to CAMA trunk's not providing ANI for query SDNNCFA Call failed while the transaction with the NCP was active SDNNCFI Call failed while the transaction with the NCP was inactive SDNNOCANI CAMA call failed due to CAMA trunk's not providing ANI through ONI for query SDNRER Call failed because to the conversation with the NCP resulted in a return error SDNRER Call failed because to the conversation with the NCP resulting in a return error SDNRR Call failed because to the conversation with the NCP resulted in a reject respon SDNRR Call failed because to the conversation with the NCP resulting in a reject respo SDNTIM Call failed due to the query's not being answered in time by the NCP SDNTRF Call failed due to the NCP's answering with a terminate request SDOC Selective dynamic overload controls SDP Service delivery point SDP Submission and delivery protocol (x.411) SDPT Signal distribution points SDR Store data register SDR Switch data report SDS Switched data service SDS Synchronous data set SDSC Synchronous data set controller SDT Software development tools SE Special access wats-access-std-service code for LATA access SE Special service equipment number SEAS Signaling engineering and administration system SEAS Signalling engineering and administration systems SEC Second SEC Signal level behind the echo canceller (C/I channel code) SEE Systems equipment engineering SEG Segment SEL Digital selector (in TMS) SEL Selecting lines for an exchange class of service study SER# Seral number SES Service evaluation system SES Unk (administrative system) SET Statistics on equipment and telephone numbers SET Strategy execution table SF Service field SF Signal format SF Single frequency. SF Special access- WATS access line improved-service code for LATA SF Status field (SS7) SFB Set next febe to zero SFD Superframe detected (C/I channel code) SFG Simulated facilities SFG Simulated facilities group SFG Simulated facility group SFG Simulated facility group (SFG) measures. SFMC Satellite facility management center SFN Simulated facility number SFV Signal format verification SFV Signaling format verification (SARTS command) SG Control/remote metering signal grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SG Supergroup SG Switch group (SG) (also known as half-grid) SGC Switching group control SGD Failure to receive station group designator (SGD) SGH Select graphic rendition (teletex) SGH Supply relays for groups of 5xb hunts SGL Single SGML Standard generic markup language SGMP Simple gateway management protocol SGN Common language segment number SHI Select horizontal spacing (teletex) SI Sequenced information SI Service indicator SI Shift in (ascii control) SI Status indicator SI Synchronous interface SIC Silicon integrated circuit SICOFI Signal processing codec filter SICOFI2 2 channel sicofi SID System identification SIDB Session information data base SIDES Siemens ISDN software development and evaluation system SIF Signaling information field (SS7) SIG Signaling SIG Signaling equipment (in a trunk) SIGI Sigi SIGS Signaling strobe SILC Selective incoming load control SILC Selective incoming load controls messages. SIM System integrity monitor SIN Status indication normal alignment SIO Service information octet (SS7) SIP Serial interface port SIPB Siemens ISDN pc user board SIPB 5XXX SIPB modules SIPB 7XXX SIPB configurations SIPMOS Siemens PMOS SIPO 6XXX Siemens ISDN pc software object code SIPS 6XXX Siemens ISDN pc software source code SIR Sorting inquiry by range SIS Special identifying telephone number supplement SIT Special identifying telephone number SIT Special information tones SITAC Siemens isolated thyristor AC SITE Site assignments SITEST Siemens ISDN protocol software test tools SIU Subscriber line interface unit SJ Limited switched access line-service code for LATA access SK Skip SK Skip option SL Secretarial line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SL Subscriber line SLA Subscriber line adress SLB Subscriber line busy SLC Signaling link code (SS7) SLC Subicer loop carrier SLC Subscriber line counts for custom calling features SLC Subscriber loop carrier SLD Subscriber line data (bus) SLE Screen list editing SLE Screening line editor SLEN SLC line equipment number SLIC Subscriber line interface circuit SLIM Subscriber line interface module SLIM Subscriber loop interface module SLK Signaling link SLM Subscriber line module SLMA SLM analog SLMD SLM digital SLPK SLC-96 pack SLRF Systemiletterntenance results feature (eadas) SLS Signaling link selection (SS7) SLSN Unk COSMOS SLU Special studies SM Same SM Sampling INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SM Service module SM Speech memory SM Switch module SM Switching modual SM Switching module SM Synchronous multiplexor SMAC Service and maintance administration center SMAS Switched maintance access system SMAS Switched maintance access system (provides access to the RMS-M and RTS) SMASF SMAS frame SMASPU SMAS power unit SMD Surface mounted device SMDF Subscriber main distributing frame SMDI Subscriber message desk interface SMDR Station message detail record SMDR Station message detail recording SMDR Station message detailed recording SMDS Switched multi-megabit data service SMF Sub multi frame SMG Supermastergroup SMM SARTS maintence manager (VAX 1/780) SMP SARTS maintance position (TP 52a) SMPU Switch Module Processor Unit SMS Service management system SMS Station management systems SMS Switching Module System SMSA Standard metropolitan statistical area SMTP Simple mail transfer protocol SMU Subscriber module urban SMU System master unit SN Sequence number SN Special access termination INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SNA System network architecture (IBM) SNA Systems network architecture SNADS System network architecture distribution service SNET Southern new england telephone SNF Serial number format SNL Signaling link (CCS7) SNLS Signaling link set (CCS7) SNRS Signaling network route set (CCS7) SNS Service network system SO Service order SO Shift out SOAC Service order analysis and control SOB Service observing assignments SOB Service observing tag SOC Service order cancel SOC Service oversight center SOCC Standard optical cable code SOCC Switching operation control center SODC Service order delayed completion SOE Service order establishment SOE Standrard operating environment SOF Service order fix SOH Service order history SOH Service order withheld SOH Start of header SOI Service order assignment inquiry SOI Service order image SOL Service order listing SOM Modify a pending service order SONAR Service order negotiation and retrieval SONDS Small office network data system SONET Synchronous optical network SORD Service order dispach SOW Service order withdrawal SP Signal p SP Signal point (switching office in SS7) SP Signal processing SP Signal processor SP Signaling point SP Stimulus protocol SPA Special access SPACE Service provisioning and creation environment SPAN Space physics analysis network SPAN System performance analyzer SPARED Line involved in ISLU sparing configuration. SPC Signaling poiny code (SS7) SPC Southern pacific communications SPC Stored program control SPC Stored program controlled SPCR Serial port control register SPCS Stored program control system SPCS Stored programacontrolnsystem SPCS COER Stored-program control system/central office equipment report SPCSS Stored program control switching system SPD Speed SPDA Supplier data program SPFC Special purpose function code SPH Session protocol handler SPI Serial peripheral interface SPINT Signal processor interrupt SPL Split SPM Split and monitor SPM Split and monitor (SARTS command) SPOC Single point of contact SPS Split and supervise SPS Split and supervise (SARTS command) SPUC/DL Serial peripheral unit controller/data link SQ Equipment only-customer premises INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SQA Simulated facility group (SFG) announcement (SAQ) SQD Signal quality detector SQL/DS Structured query language/data system SRA Selective routing arrangement SRAM Static ram SRCF Single line remote call forward SRDC Subrate data cross connect SRDM Subrate data multiplexer SRI Subscriber Remote Interface (RLCM) SRI Subscriber Remote Interface pack SRL Singing return loss SRV Service SRVT SCCP Routing Verification Test SS Dataphone select-a-station INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 SS Signaling system SS Special services SS7 Signaling system #7 (ccitt) SSA Special service automation SSAS Station signaling and announcement subsystem SSB Single-sideband SSB Switched services bureau SSBAM Single-sideband amplitude modulation SSC Specal service center SSC Special service center SSC Special services center SSC Standard speech circuit psb4500/-1 SSCP Subsystem services control point SSD No second start dial wink SSD No second start dial wink (MDII) SSDAC Specal services dispach administration centers SSF Sub service field SSI Serial signal interface SSN Subsystem number SSN Switched service network SSO Satellite switching office SSO Satellite switching office assignments SSP Send single pulses (C/I channel code for test mode) SSP Service switching point SSP Service switching points SSP Signal switching point SSP Sponsor selective pricing SSP Switching service points SSP System status panel SSPC Ssp controller SSPRU Ssp relay unit SSTR Selective service trunk reservation (SSTR). SSTR Service selective trunk reservation SSTTSS Space-space-time-time-space-space network SSWAP Switching services work allocation precedures (GTE) ST A signal that indicates the end of mf pulses (stop) ST Present status of telephone number ST Self test request nt (IOM2 monitor message) ST Start ST Subscriber terminal STA Station sset STAB Station abbreviation file STARS Sampled traffic analysis and repo ts systems STATMUX Statistical multiplexer STB Standby STC Service test center STC Serving test center STC Switching technical center STCR Syncron transfer control register STD Standard STD Subscriber trunk dialing STDM Statistical time division multiplexing STEP Services testing evolution platfoem STEP Sides static test of IOS and mf on board (in sitest) STKE Stack protect error STLWS Supplementary trunk and line work station STM Synchronous transfer mode STN Station definition STN Summarize telephone numbers STOR Memory storage STORY Screening tool for report files (IOS) STP Self test pass (IOM2 monitor message) STP Signal transfer point STP Signal transfer point (SS7) STP Stop STRAT Strategy STS Shared tenant service STS Space-time-space network STS Space-time-space switch (TMS-TSI-TMS) STS Station signaling STS Station signaling test (SARTS command) STS Steered tenant service STS Synchronous transport signal STS 2060 Sicofi software STT Telephone number status STTP Supplementalstrunkntest panel STTP Supplementary trunk test panel - trunk testing position (1ess) STU 2000 Stand alone ISDN user board STU 2040 Stand alone MTS user board STU 2050 Stand alone PBC user board STU 2060 Stand alone SICOF user board STUDIALO PC software for STU 2xxx STX Start of test STX Start of text SU Signaling unit SU Syndes units (syncronizers-dessyncronizers) SU5IN Subunit 5 interrupt SU6IN Subunit 6 interrupt SU7IN Subunit 7 interrupt SUB Sub switch SUB Sub-addressing (i.251) SUB Substitute character (teletex) SUBL Sublet service SUERM Su error rate monitor SUFX Sufix SUM1 Summary screen SUP Supervision SUS Suspend (SS7: in ISUP) SUSP Suspend (i.451) SV Slave SV Switched voice SVB Serving bureau SVC Critical service circuits SVC Switched virtual circuit SVC Switched virtual circuits SVL Service observing loops SVP Surge voltage protector various SVS Select vertical spacing (teletex) SVS Switched voice service SW Switch name SW Switched SWB Southwestern bell SWC Same wire center SWC Set work code SWEQF Switch equipment failure. SWFC Sliding-window flow control SWFN Switch function file SWG Sub working group SWS Switch work station SWS Switched signaling SWS Switching signal test (SARTS command) SWST Switch signature table SX Simplex (mode is a PT TR connected togeather) SX Simplex signaling SXS Step by (X) step SYC System control SYN Synchronous idle SYNDES Synchonizer/dessynchonizer SYP Synchronisation pulse SYS Machine number SYS System SYS System manager SYSGEN System generation SZD Seized SxS Step-by-step or strowger switch T Double wire pair T Intials of person receiving report. T Terminaltion T Tip T&A Toll and assistance T&L Termination T&M Talk-and-monitor T&R Tip and ring T&R Two wire phone connection T- Transportfunction- T-BERD T-carrier Bit Error Rate Tester T-GRND Tip-ground T1/OS T1 carrier outstate T1FE T1 carrier front end TA Tandem tie-trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TA Terminal adaption TA Terminal adaptor TA Transfer allowed TA Transfer assembly TAB Telephone ability battery TAC Technical assistance center TAC Tei assignment control (IOS) TAC Terminal access circuit TAC Test and access circuit TACD Telephone area code directory TAD Test access digroup TAG Translation administration group TAI Tie pair assignment inquiry TAN Technation access network TAN Test access network TAP Telephone assistance plan TAP Teletex access protocol (x.430: p5) TAP Test access path TAP Touchtone assignment priority number TARE Tariff table (AMA NTI) TAS Telephone answering service TASC Technical assistance service center TASC Telecommunications alarm and surveillance control TASC Telecommunications alarm surveillance and control system TASI Time assignment speech interpolartion TASI Time assignment speech interpolation system TAT Test access trunk TAT Test alignment of frame terminal TAT Transatlantic telephone TATS Trouble analysis of transmission and signaling TAU Time assignment unit TBL Trouble TC Control/remote metering-telegraph grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TC Timing counter TC To cable TC Toll center TC Transaction capabilities TC15 Reports overall traffic condition - 1AESS traffic condition TCA Telephone company administration TCAP Telecommunications alarm surveillance TCAP Transaction (ie sdngtcap) TCAP Transaction capabilities application part TCAP Transaction capabilities applications port TCAS T-carrier administration system TCAS T-carrier administration system) TCAS T-carrier administrative system TCC Toll control center TCC Trunk class code TCG Test call generation TCIF Telecommunications industry forum TCM Time compression multiplexer TCM Trellis coded modulation TCP Transport control protocol (DOD) TCR Transient call record TCS Terminating code screening TCSP Tandem cross section program TCU Timing control unit TD Test direction TD Tone decoders TDAS Traffic data administration system TDAS Translation data assemblern system TDC Tape data controller TDC Telex destination code (ISO 7498) TDC Terrestrial data circuit TDD Telecommunications device for deaf TDF Trunk distributing frame TDM Time division multiplex TDMA Tdm access TDRS Traffic datatrecorderasystem TE Terminal equipment TE Transit exchange (contains PSF) TE Transverse electric TED Text editor TEHO Tail end hop off TEI Terminal endpoint identifier TELEX Teleprinter exchange TELNET Virtual terminal protocol TELSAM Telephone service attitude measurement TEN Trunk equipment number TER Terminal TERM Terminate TERM Terminating TEST In test mode. TET Display or change band filter file TF Telephoto/facsimile INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TFC Transfer frame changes TFLAP T-carrier fault-locating application program TFS Trunk forecasting system TFTP Television facility test position TG Tip-to-ground TG Translation guide TGC Manual trunk group controls messages. TGC Terminal group controller TGID Trunk group id TGMEAS Basic trunk group measurements TGN Trunk group number TH Trouble history THGP Thousands groups THL Trans hybrid loss TI Test indication TIA Telephone information access TIC Telecom ic (IOM-bus) TICOM Treated interface common circuit. TIDE Traffic information distributor & editor TIG Dial transfer input generator TIM Timing TIMEREL Time release TINTF The T interface is down. TIP The installation practices TIRKS Trunk integrated record keeping system TK Local PBX trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TK Trunk cable and pair number TKT Trouble ticket file TL Non-tandem tie trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TL Test line TL02 Reason test position test was denied - 1AESS traffic TLC Tail COSMOS TLC Translate lanavar/CPS TLI Telephone line identifier TLK Talk TLM Trouble locating manual TLN Trunk line network TLP Transmission level point TLPU Telecommunications line processor unit TLS Tail switch TLTP Trunk line and test panel TLTP Trunk line testrpanelng frame TLWS Trunk and line work station TM Testmode TM Transverse magnetic TM Trasfer modus TM Trunk mantance TM1 Terminal 1 (IOS) TMA Trunk module analog TMAS Transport maintance and administration systems TMC Timeslot management channel TMD Trunk module digital TMDF Trunk main distributing frame TME Trunk module equipment TMMS Telephone message management system TMPS Trunk maintenanceaposition TMR Transient memory record TMRS Traffic MeasuRment (GTE) TMRS Traffic measurement and recording system TMRS Traffic metering remote system TMS Time mutiplexed switch TMS Time-multiplexed switch TMS Time-multiplexed switching TMT Traffic management. TMX Trunk module with x-interface TN Telephone number TN Tone (C/I channel code: wake up signal) TN Transaction number TN01 Trunk diagnostic found trouble - 1AESS trunk network TN02 Dial tone delay alarm failure - 1AESS trunk network TN04 Trunk diag request from test panel - 1AESS trunk network TN05 Trunk test procedural report or denials - 1AESS trunk network TN06 Trunk state change - 1AESS trunk network TN07 Response to a trunk type and status request - 1AESS trunk network TN08 Failed incoming or outgoing call - 1AESS trunk network TN09 Network relay failures - 1AESS trunk network TN10 Response to trk-list input usually a request from test position TN11 Hourly status of trunk undergoing tests - 1AESS trunk network TN16 Daily summary of precut trunk groups - 1AESS trunk network TNC Terminal node controller TNDS Total network data system TNF Telephone number format TNN Trunk network number TNOP Total network operation plan TNOP Total network operations plan TNPC Traffic network planning center TNS Telephone number swap TO Toll office TOC Television operating center TOC Transfer order completion TOC0 Reports status of less serious overload conditions - 1AESS traffic TOC0 Serious traffic condition - 1AESS traffic overload TOE Transfer order establishment TOF Mass oe transfer order frame listings TOI Dial transfer order inquiry TOL Transfer order lists TOO Transfer order omissions TOP Task-oriented practices TOP Technical office protocol TOPQ Top of queue (Quasi SDL) TOPS Timesharing operating system TOPS Traffic operator position system TOS Trunk orderf-service (list) TOSS/MP Traffic operator sequence simulator/mult purpose TOW Transfer order withdrawal TP Dacs test port or test position TP Test position TP Tie pair TP Toll point TP 52A SARTS test position 52A TPC TOPS (DMS) position controllers TPH Transport protocol handler TPMP Tnds performance measurement plan TPMP Total network data system performance measurement plan TPR Taper code TPU Tie pair usage report TQ Television grade customized-service code for LATA access TQ Trunk query TQA Trunk group queuing announcements TR Test register TR Toll regions TR Transfer register TR Trunk reservation controls messages. TR Turret or automatic call distributor (ACD) trunk INTER/TRA blocal TR01 Translation information - 1AESS TRAC Call tracing TRANS Transmit TRB Periodic trouble status reporting TRBL Unspecified trouble. TRBLORG Origination trouble. TRC Transfer order recent change report TRCC T-carrier restoration and control centers TRCO Trouble reporting control office TRE Transmission equipment TREAT Trouble report evaluation analysis tool TREAT Trouble reporteandsanalysisstool TREQF Transmission equipment failure. TRFC15 Fifteen minute traffic report TRG Trouble reference guide TRI Tone ringer psb652x TRI Transmission equipment assignment inquiry TRK Analog or digital recorded announcement trunks TRK Trunks TRKBD Trunk board. TRKCT Trunk circuit. TRM Two mile optically remote switching module TRM Two-mile remote switching module TRMG Terminal group TRMSN Transmission TRMTR Tramsmitter TRMTR Transmitter TRNS Translations TRR Tip-ring reversal TRR Tip-ring reversal (MDII) TRR Tip-ring reverse TRU Transmit/receive unit TRVR Translation verification TRW Total reservation order withdrawal TS Test number TS Time slot TSA Time slot assignment TSC Test system controller TSC Tristate control TSC/RTU Test systems controller/remote test unit TSCPF Time switch and call processor frame TSCPF Time switch and central processor frame TSG Timing signal generator TSI Time slot interchanger TSI Time slot interchangers TSI Time-slot interchange TSIIN Time-slot interchange interrupt TSIU Time slot interchange Unit TSL Line equipment summary report TSMS Traffic seperation measurment system TSN Test session number TSN Traffic statistics on telephone numbers TSO Time sharing option TSORT Transmission system optimum relief tool TSP Test supervisor TSP Traffic service position TSPS Traffic service position system TSS Trunk servicing system TSS Trunk servicing systems TSST Time-space-space-time network TST Test TST Time-space-time network TST Time-space-time switch (TSI-TMS-TSI) TST Transmission test TST Traveling-wave tube TSTS Time-space-time-space network TSV Test ststus verification (monitor) TSW Total service order withdrawal TT Teletypewriter channel INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TT Trunk type TTA Terminating traffic area TTAA Transmission theory and applacations TTC Terminating toll center TTE Trunk trafic engineering TTFCOM Test transmission facility common TTFCOM Transmission test facility common TTL Transistor-transistor logic TTMI Trunkytransmission maintenance index TTP Trunk test panel TTR Operator trunk trouble reports TTR Operator trunk trouble reports (MDII) TTS Trunk time switch TTSI Transmit time slot interchanger TTTN Tandem tie trunk network TTU Trasnslation Table Update (GTE) TTY Get tty name - COSMOS command TTY Teletypewriter TTYC Tty controller TU Transmit unit TU Trunk unit TU Turret or automatic call distributor (acd) line INTER/TRA blocal TUCHBD Trunk unit channel board TUP Telephone user part (SS7: q.72x) TUR Traffic usage recording TUR Trunk utilization report TUT Trunk under test TV TV channel one way 15khz audio-service code for LATA access TW TV channel one way 5khz audio-service code for LATA access TW Twist TW02 Dump of octal contents of memory - 1AESS translation TWX Teletype writer exchange TWX Teletypewriter exchange TX Dedicated facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 TX Tone transceivers TXC Text checker TXM Transfer centrex management TYP Switch type TYP Type Talkoff Take off Trunk Trunk TxSD Transmit serial data U Single wire pair U(k0) (ger) u0 echo cancellation interface U(p0) (ger) u0 burst mode interface U- Unnumbered (u-frames) U-DSL U-interface digital subscriber line UA Unnumbered ack (LAP-D response) UA User agent (x.400) UAE User application entity or user agent entity (x.400) UAF Unblocking acknowledgment failure UAI U activation indication (C/I channel code) UBA Unblocking acknowledgement UBL Unblocling (SS7: in ISUP) UCA Unauthorized centralized automatic message accountin (MDII) UCD Uniform call distribution UCL Unconditional UCONF Universal conference UCS User control string UDC Universal digital channel UDLC Universal dlc UDP Update dip parameters UDP User datagram protocol UDR User data rate UDT Unidata (SS7: in SCCP) UDTS Unidata servive (SS7: in SCCP) UDVM Universal data voice multiplexer UES Update the entity summary table UFD Microfarad UFO Unprinted frame orders UFT Unitized facility terminals UI Unnumbered information (LAP-D command) UIC U-interface unit UIC User identification code UID User id UINTF The ANSI standard U interface is down. UITP Universal information transport plan ULCU User level control/command unit UMC Unassigned multiplexer code UNDRN Underrange UNISTAR Universal single call telecommunications answering & repair UNKN Unknown UOA U interface only activation (in EOC) UP User part UPC Update ccs vs. class of service table UPDT Update UPS Uninterruptable power systems UQL Unequipped label received (outgoing) US USOC US Unit separator USART Universal synchrounous/asynchrounous receiver/transmitter USB Upper side band USITA United states independent telephone association USL List USOC (us) file data USO Univeral service order USO Universal service order USOC Universal service order code USP Universal sampling plan USR User-to-user information (SS7: in ISUP) UTC Unable to comply ack (in eoc) UTC Unacknowledged (unnumbered) information transfer control (IOS) UTC Update table for concentrator redesign UTD Universal tone decoder UTG Universal tone generator UTM Universal transaction monitor UTS Umbilical time slot UUCICO Unix to unix copy incoming copy outgoing UUCP Unix to unix copy program UUCP Unix-system to unix-system copy UUID Universal user identification UUS User-to-user signaling (i.257 a) UUT User to user signaling UVC Universal voice channel UWAL Universal wats (wide area telephone service) access line UXS Unexpected stop UXS Unexpected stop (MDII) V Volts V(R) Receive sequence counter V(S) Transmit sequence counter VAC Vacuumschmelze (produces cores and transformers) VAL Minimum valid hours for entity data VAN Value added network VANS Value added network service VAP Value added process VAP Videotext access point VAR Value added retailer VC Virtual call VC Virtual circuit VCA Vacant code VCB Virtual circuit bearer VCS Virtual circuit switch (as in Datakit) VCS Virtual circuit switching VCS Virtual circuit system VDC Unk? (On service order) VDT Video display terminal VERS Version VF Commercial television (full time) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 VF Voice frequency VFAC Verified and forced account codes VFD Verify display VFG Virtual facility group VFN Vendor feature node VFS Verify status VFY Verfy VFY Verify VG Voice grade VGB Voice grade budget VGF Voice grade facility VGT Boltage test VGT Voltage test (SARTS command) VH Commercial television (part time) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 VHDL Very high scale ic description language (DOD) VHF Very high frequency VINES Virtual network software VIU Voiceband interface unit VL (Ger) connecting cable VLD Validity VLSI Very large-scale integrated circuitry VLT Voltage VM Control/remote metering-voice grade INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 VM/SP Virtual machine/system product VMC Vender marketing center VMCF Virtual machine communications facility VMR Volt-meter reverse VMRS Voice message relay system VMS Virtual memory operating system VMS Voice mail system VMS Voice management system VMS Voltage Monitor error Summary VNF Virtual network feature VNL Via net loss plan VNLF Via net loss factor VO International overseas television INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 VODAS Voice over data access station VPA Voice path assurance timeout (outgoing) VPN Virtual private network VR Non-commercial television VRMS Voltage remote mean square VRS Voice response system VSAM Virtual storage access method VSAT Very small aperature terminal VSAT Very small aperture terminal (for satellite communication) VSB Vestigial sideband modulation VSC Vendor service center VSE Virtual storage extended VSP (ger) full frame storage VSR Voice storage and retrieval VSRTP Voice service remote test port VSS Voice storage system VSSP Voice switch signaling point VSt (ger) exchange unit VT Vertical tabulator VT Virtual terminal VTAM Virtual telecom access method VTAM Virtual telecommunications access method VTI Virtual terminal interface VTOC Volume table of contents VTS Video teleconferencing system VUA Virtual user agent W Date and time this ticket is closed. W With WADS Wide area data service WAN Wide area network WATS Wide area telecommunications service WATS Wide area telephone service WB Wideband digital 19.2 kb/s-service code for LATA access WC Special 800 surface trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WC Wire center WCC Change wire center - COSMOS command WCI Write controller interface (IOM2 monitor command) WCPC Wire center planning center WCT Worksheet for cable throw orders WD Special wats trunk (out) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WDCS Wideband digital cross-connect system WDFHP Recursive high pass filter + decimation filter WDFLP Recursive low pass filter + decimation filter WDM Wavelength division multiplex WDM Wavelength division multiplexing WDT Watch dog timer WE Wideband digital 50 kb/s-service code for LATA access WEBS Wells electronic banking system WF Wideband digital 230.4 kb/s-service code for LATA access WFA Work and force administration WFA-CMSA Work and force administration - common module for systems administration WFA/DO Work and force administration/dispatch out WFL Working frame location WG Switch group WH Wideband digital 56 kb/s-service code for LATA access WI 800 surface trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WI Wink start WIP Workcenter information package WJ Wideband analog 60-108 khz-service code for LATA access WL Wideband analog 312-552 khz-service code for LATA access WM Work manager WN Wideband analog 10hz-20 khz-service code for LATA access WO Wats line (out) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WOI Work order inquiry WOL Work order listing WORD Work order and record detail WORD Work order record and details WP Wideband analog 29-44 khz-service code for LATA access WPN Work package number WPT Work package table WPT Work package type WR Wideband analog 564-3064 khz-service code for LATA access WS Wats trunk (out) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WSL Work status list WSO Wats service office WUL Work unit report for subscriber line WX 800 service line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WY Wats trunk (2-way) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 WZ Wats line (2-way) INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 X Check t for trouble X-bar Crossbar XA Dedicated digital 2.4 kb/s-service code for LATA access XAD Transmit adress XB Dedicated digital 4.8 kb/s-service code for LATA access XB X-bar XBT X-bar tandem XFE X-front end XFIFO Transmit fifo XG Dedicated digital 9.6 kb/s-service code for LATA access XH Dedecated digital 56. kb/s-service code for LATA access XID Exchange identification (LAP-D command/response) XMS Extended multiprocessor operating system XN X XN X number XOFF Transmission off (dc1) XON Transmission on (dc3) XPL Cross reference protocol listing (PCT) XST Expected stop time-out XTC Extended test controller XTC Extended test controllers XTC Extened test controller Y Initials of person to whom ticket is dispatched Z Redispatch information. Z Transmit level point z ZA Alarm circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZC Call and talk circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZCS Zero code suppression ZCS Zero code suppression encoding (ds-1) ZE Emergency patching circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZF Order circuts- facility INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZM Measurement and recording circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZN Zone location ZP Test circut- plant service center INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZQ Quality and management circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZS Switching- control and transfer circuts INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZT Test circuts- central office INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 ZV Order circuts- service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 kHz Kilohertz-one thoughand hertz ----------------------EOF------EOF-------EOF------EOF----------------------