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==Phrack Magazine== Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 23 of 27 {Acronyms Part III} J Enter centrex (CTX) or multiline hunt group (MLHG) number JAD Joint application design JAM Jumper activity management JCL Job control language JDC Japan digital cellular JDC Job duties code JDI Job disposition indicator JDIP Jmos/dopac interface process (comptroller system) JE Job evaluation JEC Journal entity code JES Job entry subsystem (IBM) JES Job entry system JES 2 Job entry system 2 (IBM) JES 3 Job entry system 3 (IBM) JET BTL TIRKS jumper evaluation technique JFC Job function code JGF Junctor grouping frame JIB Job information block (VMS) JIM Job information memorandum JIS Jurisdictional interstate services JK Jack JKLAP Jack/key/and lamp access panel JL Jumper length JMOS Job management operations system JMOS/PT JMOS/pricer-tracker JMOS/RPTS JMOS reports JMOSCA Jmos contract administration JMX Jumbogroup multiplex JOSS Job order status system (distribution services system) JOSSVM Job order status system/VM JOVIAL Jule's own version of the international algebraic language JP71 Joint practice 71 JP80 Joint practice 80 JPH Jumper placement history JSC Job status code JSN Junction switch number JSW Junctor switch JTR Jitter JTRS JMOS trouble reporting system (distribution services system) JUICE JMOS user input card entry (distribution services system) K DACS-SRDC K Equipment frame designation K Kilobit KBPS Kilobits per second KCA Key contributor award KCO Keep cost order KD Keyboard display KDROP Key display receive only printer KDT Keyboard display terminal KERMIT Kermit KEY Stop hunt or random make busy hunting KFT Kilofeet KHZ Kilo-hertz KHZ Kilohertz KITSKOTS Kansas inward toll service/Kansas outward toll service KOHM Kilohms KOP Thousands of operations per second KP Key pulse KPR Killer pair report KSDS Key sequence data set (IBM) KSM Create a transaction mask KSR Keyboard send-receive KSU Key service unit KTA Korea telecommunication authority (ROK) KTS Key telephone set KTS Key telephone system KW Keyword L Shift preference (if any) for this work to be performed. L/AOS Legal/advanced office system L2DOWN Level 2 is inoperable. L2QLTY Poor level 2 transmission quality. L3-ERC Layer 3 error control (IOS) L3M Layer 3 mgr. (IOS) LA Local area data channel INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 LA Loop assignment LAC LAN application controller LAC Loop assignment center LAD Label definition LAD Loop activity data LADS Local area data service LADT Local access data transport LADT Local area data transport LAI Line equipment assignment inquiry LAIS Local automatic intercept system LAJMS Ledger and journal maintenance system LAMA Local automatic message accounting LAMA-C Computerized local AMA for No. 5 crossbar LAN Local area network LANMS Light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation LAP Link access protocol LAPB (LAP-B) link access procedure of balanced mode LAPD (LAP-D) link access procedure of D-channels LAPD Link access procedure on the D channel LAPM (LAP-M) link access protocol for modems LAPX Lapb extended (t.71) LARG Lidb access routing guide LASS Local alarm scanning system LASS Local area signaling service LAT Local access termianl (RMS-D1) LATA Local access and transport area LATA Local access and transport areas LATA Local access transport area LATIS Loop activity tracking information system LATIS I/F Loop activity tracking information system interface LATIS/INPUT Locally developed program used to input to the latis system LB Voice-non switched line-service code for LATA access LBBD Loopback B1 LBI Load balance index LBK Loop test (SARTS command) LBK Loopback LBL Online tape label printing LBNCGI LIDB BNS message with call gapping indicator present LBNGM LIDB BNS garbled message LBNMGM LIDB BNS return value missing group or misrouted LBNNAN LIDB BNS return value no translation for an address of such nature LBNNCG LIDB BNS return value network congestion LBNNFL LIDB BNS return value network failure LBNNPG LIDB BNS return value nonparticipating group LBNNSA LIDB BNS return value no translation for this specific address LBNREJ LIDB BNS reject message received LBNSCG LIDB BNS return value subsystem congestion LBNSFL LIDB BNS return value subsystem failure LBNTO LIDB BNS message missed because of timeout LBNUP LIDB BNS message with unexpected reply LBNUUR LIDB BNS return value unequipped user LBO Line buildout LBP Load balance parameters LBR Large business remote LBRV Low bit rate voice LBS Land and building system LBS Load balance system LBS Load balance system (BTL) module of tnds LBST Loopback device signature table LBU Loopback devices signature table LBU Loopback unit LBn Loopback channel bn request (command in IOM2 monitor and EOC) LC Line card LC Line count LC Output line count LC Pending service order count LC Voice-switched line-service code for LATA access LCAMOS Loop cable administration and maintenance operations system (predictor) LCC Line class code LCCIS Local common channel interoffice signaling LCCL Line card cable LCCLN Line card cable narrative LCD List cable summary LCDCGI LIDB CCRD message with call gapping indicator present LCDGM LIDB CCRD garbled message LCDMGM LIDB CCRD return value missing group or misrouted LCDN Last called directory number LCDNAN LIDB CCRD return value no translation for an address of such nature LCDNCG LIDB CCRD return value network congestion LCDNFL LIDB CCRD return value network failure LCDNPG LIDB CCRD return value nonparticipating group LCDNSA LIDB CCRD return value no translation for this specific address LCDR Local call detail recording LCDREJ LIDB CCRD reject message received LCDSCG LIDB CCRD return value subsystem congestion LCDSFL LIDB CCRD return value subsystem failure LCDTO LIDB CCRD message missed because of timeout LCDUP LIDB CCRD message with unexpected reply LCDUUR LIDB CCRD return value unequipped user LCE Line concentrating equipment frame LCEN Line card equipment number LCI LAN CPU interface LCIE Lightguide cable interconnection equipment LCLOC Line card location LCM Line concentrating module LCMC Line concentrating controller module LCN Logical channel number LCN Logical channel numbers LCOS Line Class of service (GTE) LCP Language conversion program LCP List cable pairs LCR Least cost routing LCR Line concentration ratio LCRMKR Line card remarks LCS.MIT.EDU Telecomm digest archive site on the Internet LCS7 Link controller for signaling system No.7 LCSE Line card service and equipment LCSEN Line card service and equipment narrative LD Load LD Loading division LD Long distance LD Voice switched trunk-service code for LATA access LDBM Listing data base maintenance LDES Long distance experimental schedule LDM Logical data model LDMTS Long distance message telecommunications service LDN Listed directory number LDS Local digital switch LDSU2 Local digital service unit - model 2 LDT Local display terminal LDU Long distance usage analysis LE Leading edge (bsp) LE Line equipment LE Local exchange (contains D-CTL) LE Voice and tone-radio landline-service code for LATA access LEAD Loop engineering assignment data LEAP System testing tool to simulate multiple 3270 users LEAS Lata equal access system LEC Local exchange carrier LED Last entry data LED Light emitting diode LED Light-emitting diode LEE Nac related line equipment transfer order establishment LEFTS Loop electronic forecasting and tracking system LEG Customer training file LEIM Loop electronic inventory module LEIM Loop electronics inventory module LEIS Loop engineering information system (applications) LEN Line equipment number LENCL Line equipment number class LENG Length LERG Local exchange routing guide LET Line equipment transfers LETS Law enforcement teletypewriter service LEV Level LEW Line equipment transfer withdrawal LF Data low-speed-service code for LATA access LF Lease file LF Line Finder LF Line feed LF Line finder LF Load factor LF Low frequance LFACS Loop facilities assignment and control system LFACS Loop facility assignment and control system LFC Load factor calculation LFR Line failure report LFRC Local field reporting code LG Basic data-service code for LATA access LGC Line group controller LGN List hunt groups LH Line hunting (i.252 f) LH Voice and data-psn access trunk-service code for LATA access LI Length indicator (SS7) LI Link interface LIB Line interface board LIDB Line information data base LIDB Line information database LIE Left in equipment LIFECOST Life cycle cost system LIFO Last in LIJ Left In Jumper LIM Less than the specified number of pairs LIN Line LIN Transmit alit data to COSMOS LINCS Lan integrated network communications system LINIS Line and number inventory system LINK Loop interface network LINK1 The basic rate interface transmission extension (BRITE) link one is down LINK2 The BRITE link two is down. LINK3 The BRITE link three is down. LINK4 The BRITE link four is down. LINK5 The BRITE link five is down. LINK6 The BRITE link six is down. LIS Library information system LIST Listen LIT Line insulation test LIT Line insulation testing parameters LIU Lats interface unit LIU Line interface unit LIU Line user interface LJ Voice and data ssn access-service code for LATA access LK Voice and data-ssn-intermachine trunk-service code for LATA access LKNODE Link node LL Logical link LL Long distance terminal line INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 LL Long lines LLC Line load control LLC Low level controller sipx6100 LLD Low level device drivers (IOS) LLDB Location life data base LLF Line link frame LLID Ll identifier LLL Last look logic LLN Line link network LLN Line link network (ess) LLP Link layer protocol (lapd) LLS Local Line Switch (GTE) LME Line module equipment LMMS Local message metering system LMOS Loop maintenance operations system LMOS Loop maintenance operations systemr LMOS F/E Loop maintenance operations system front end LMOS HOST Loop maintenance operations system host LMOS I/F Loop maintenance operating system interface LMS Litigation management system LMS Loop maintenance system LMS/TUM Local measuring system/temporary usage measurement LMT Local maintance operations system LMTS Limits LMU Line multiplexer unit LMX L-multiplex LN Data extension LN Leased network LN Loop normal (on-hook normal) LNA Line and number administration LNA Low noise amplifier LNBAS Call failed due to the query being blocked at the switch LNBN Call failed due to the query being blocked in the CCS network LNG Longitudinal LNS Line number status LO Low threshold LOA Limit operator attempts LOAD Listing of acronym definition LOC Local LOC Local operating company LOC Location of cable on frame LOCAP Low capacitance LOCN Location LOE List originating line equipment LOE Location operating entity LOES Lajms online entry system LOF Lock off-line LOF Loss of frame LOGIC Logistics integrated control system LOGU Logical units assignments LOMS Loop assignment center operations management system LON Lock on-line LONALS Local off-net access lines LP Telephoto/facsimile-service code for LATA access LPA Link pack area LPBK Looped back LPCDF Low profile combined distributing frame LPCDF Low profile conventional distributing frame LPIE Loop plant improvement evaluator LPIE2 Loop plant improvement evaluator 2 LPK Line concentrating equipment line packs LPM Lines per minute LPM Logistic planning module LPS Log/print status LPT Loop test LQ Voice grade customized-service code for LATA access LR Loop reverse (off-hook normal) LR Protection relay-voice grade-service code for LATA access LRAP Long route analysis program LRC Longitudal redundancy check LRC Longitudinal redundancy check LRIA1 Long run incremental analysis i LRISP Long range information systems planning organization LRM Line resource monitor-ims (BMC) LRN Local reference number LROPP Long-rangeoutside plant planning LROT OR LRH Local rotary LRP Long rang planning LRS Lease record system LRS Line repeater station LRSS Long range switching studies LS Local service INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 LS Loop start signaling LS&E Local service and equipment LSA Local security administrator LSA Local subaccount LSB Lower side band LSBS Location specific bypass system LSD&F Local switching demand & facility data base system LSDB Listing service data base LSDF Local switching demand and facility data base system LSDN Local switched digital network LSE Line and station transfer order establishment LSEC Loss of sec (C/I channel code) LSHF Message LAN shelf LSI Large-scale integrated circuitry LSL Loss of signal level (C/I channel code) LSM Load synchronization mechanization LSM Local switching module LSN Logical session number LSO Local service office LSO Local storage option-ims (IBM) LSRP Local switching replacement planning LSRP Local switching replacement planning system LSS Lata switching systems LSS Listing service system LSS Listing services system LSS Loop switching system LSSGR Lata switching systems generic requirements LSSI Local special service inventory LSSR Local special service results LSSU Link state signal unit (SS7) LSSU Link status signal unit LST Line and station transfer LSU Line switch unit LSU Local storage unit LSU Loss of signal level of u interface (C/I channel code) LSUE Lsu error condition (C/I channel code) LSV Latch switch verification LSV Line status verifier LSW Line and station transfer withdrawal LT Lata tandem LT Line termination LT Local terminal LT Long distance terminal trunk INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 LT-S Lt on s bus LT-T Lt on t interface LTAB Line test access bus LTB Last trunk busy LTC Line trunk controler LTC Local test cabinet LTD Local test desk LTD Local test desk (#16 LTD Long term disability LTD Lt disable (C/I channel code) LTERM Logical terminal-ims (IBM) LTF Light terminal frame LTF Lightwave terminal frame LTF Lightwave terminating frame LTF Line trunk frame LTG Line translation group LTG Line trunk group LTI Loop termination identifier LTMA Lightwave terminal multiplex assembly LTMA Lightwave terminating multiplexing assembly LTN List telephone numbers LTOP Long term disability plan LTP Line and trunk peripherals LTP Local test port LTP Loop technology planning LTS Loss test set LTU Line trunk unit LTUC Ltu control LU Line unit LU 6.2 Protocol for appc LU2 Line unit model 2 LUA Link up america tracking LUCHBD Line unit channel board LUCOMC Line unit common control LUHLSC Line unit high level service circuit LUIF Living unit interface file LUM Line utilization monitor-ims (BMC) LUPEX Line unit path exerciser LURR Large user reproduced records system LV Sdlv LVL1ERR Level 1 protocol error. LVL2ERR Level 2 protocol error. LVL3ERR Level 3 protocol error. LVM Line verification module LW-SSS Lightwave system support services by weco LWC Leave word calling LX 2 Local originating LX 2 Local terminating LXE Lightguide express entry LZ Dedicated facility-service code for LATA access M Latest date that this ticket can be loaded. M M(transmit) signal lead M Maintance M Minutes M LETTER Methods letter M O Master office M S Main station M S Mark sense M&P Methods and procedures M-MONEY Maintenance money M-STARS Measurement and statistics tracking and reporting system M/ATR Maritime/aviation tracking reports M/W Microwave M5 Five-minute MA Cellular access trunk 2-way INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 MA Maintenance administrator MA Multiple access (primary) MA02 Status requested MA03 Hourly report of system circuits and units in trouble MA04 Reports condition of system - 1AESS maintenance MA05 Maintenance interrupt count for last hour - 1AESS maintenance MA06 Scanners MA07 Successful switch of duplicated unit (program store etc.) - 1AESS MA08 Excessive error rate of named unit -1AESS maintenance MA09 Power should not be removed from named unit - 1AESS maintenance MA10 Ok to remove paper - 1AESS maintenance MA11 Power manually removed from unit - 1AESS maintenance MA12 Power restored to unit - 1AESS maintenance MA13 Indicates central control active - 1AESS maintenance MA15 Hourly report of # of times interrupt recovery program acted - ma MA17 Centrex data link power removed - 1AESS maintenance MA21 Reports action taken on mac-rex command -1AESS maintenance msg MA23 4 minute report- emergency action phase triggers are inhibited MAB Metallic access bus MAC Machine administration center MAC Major accounting center MAC Mechanized assignment control (BTL) MAC Missed appointment code MAC Monitor analysis & control of fa standard values MACBS Multi-access cable billing system MACS Major apparatus and cable system MACS Mechanized analysis of customer systems MACS(DS) Major apparatus control system (dist. svcs) MADN Multiple access directory numbers MADPE Address parity error MAEC Media access error counter MAI Multiple access interface (univac) MAILLOG Manager electronic mail logging system MAINT Maintenance MAINT Maintenance handler MAL Maintance action limits MAL Manual assignment list MALRU Mechanized automatic line record update MALT Maintence transmission action limit table MAMA Mechanized automatic message accounting MAMA Mobile automatic message accounting MAN Manual MAN Metropolitan area network MAN Miscellaneous account number MAP Maintance and administration position MAP Maintenance and administration position MAP Maintenance and administrative position (NTI) MAP Management assessment program MAP Manual assignment parameters MAP Manufacturing automation protocol MAP Mobile application part MAPCI Map command interpreter (NTI) MAPPER Maintain and prepare executive reports MAPS Mechanized accounts payable system MAPS Modeling and planning system (BTL) MAPSS Maintenance & analysis plan for special services MAPSS Maintenance and analysis plan for special services MAQ Manual assignment file inquiry MAR Market analysis report (BTL) MAR Microprogram address register MAR Multi-alternate route MARC Market analysis of revenue and customers system MARC Market analysis of revenues and customers MARC/CAPS Market analysis of personnel and customer analysis profile MARCH A computer system MARG Margin Parameter MARK Mechnized Assiment Record Keeping System (GTE COSMOS) MARK IV General purpose information storage and retrieval system MARS Mechanized automative repair system MARS Multiple access repair system MAS Interfacesmessage analysis sampling plan MAS Main store MAS Mass announcement system (900 service) MAS Memory administration system MASB Mas bus MASC Mas controller MASM Mas memory MAST Mail analysis and sales tracking MAT Manual assistance tag MAT Metropolitan area trunk MATFAP Metropolitan area transmission facility analysis program MATR Maritime/aviation tracking system MATR Modified answering time recorder MATS Marketing access tracking system MATS Mechanized analysis of traffic studies system MAVIS McDonnel Douglas automatic voice information system (model 1018t) MAX Maximum MAX Maximum messages MAX Maximum percentage value of entity fill or maximum ccs value MAXS Metallic automatic cross-connected system MAY Modify an assembly MB Make busy MB Make-busy or made-busy MB/S Megabits per second. MBO Management by objectives MBP Metallic bypass pair MBPS Megabits per second MBX Measured branch exchange MBYTE Megabyte MC Machine congestion MC Maintance connector MC Maintenance center MC Maintenance circuit MC Marker class of service MC Memory controller MCA Misrouted centralized automatic message accounting (MDII) MCAS Material cable administrative system MCB Message control bank (sperry) MCC Maintance control center MCC Maintenance control center MCC Manual camera control MCC Master control center MCC Minicuster controller MCCI Mechanized customer contact index MCCRAP Master control center trouble report analysis plan MCCS Mechanized calling card service MCE Establish a maintenance change ticket MCH Maintenance channel MCH Manually change hunt MCHB Maintenance channel buffer MCI Malicious call identification (i.251 g) MCI Microwave communications incorporated MCIAS Multi-channel intelligent announcement system MCIAS Multi-channel intercept announcement system MCINT Mate control interrupt MCL Maintenance change list MCN Machine congestion level # where MCI=machine congestion level MCN Master control number MCN Metropolitan campus network MCOS Multiplexer out of synchronization MCP Mechanized credit provisioning system MCR Establish a maintenance change repair MCR Mass call register MCS Master cpu subsystem MCS Meeting communications service MCS Multiple console support MCTAP Mechanized cable transfer administration plan MCTRAP Mechanized customer trouble report analysis plan MCTSI Module controller/time slot interchange MCTSI Module controller/time-slot interchange unit MCW Maintenance change ticket withdrawal MD SS7fe message distributor MD/RS Mechanized denial/restoral system MDACS Modular digital access control system MDC Manually disconnect a working circuit MDC Marker distributor control MDC Materials distribution center MDC Meridian digital centrex MDCMES Management development center mechanized enrollment system MDF Main distributing frame MDF Main distribution frame MDII Machine detected interoffice irregularities MDII Machine-detected interoffice irregularity MDIS Marketing data interface system MDLIE DLI interface error MDOG Mechanized disbursement of gasoline MDP SS7 fe message distribution protocol MDR Mechanized draft reconciliation MDR Message detail record MDS Message design systems MDT Management development/training MDU Marker decoder unit MDX Modular digital exchange ME Management employment ME & ASSM Management employment & assessment ME CORP Corporation management employment MEANS Model for economic analysis of network service MEAS Measure MEASMT Measurement MEC Maintenance engineer center MEC Manually establish a circuit MEC Mobile equipment console MECA Mechanization of engineering & circuit provisioning MECAB Multi exchange carrier access billing MECCRRF Mechanized credit reference system MECH More efficient call handling MECOD Multiple exchange carrier ordering and design MED Medium threshold MED Multipoint end-link data MEDPLUS Medicare part b reimbursement payments MEDS Mechanized expense distribution system MEF Master employee file MELD Mechanized engineering and layout for distributing frames MEP Medical expense plan MERITS Measurement of exchange records integrity through sampling MERP Mechanization of estimate results plan MERS Most economic route selection MERT Master employee record tape MESA Mechanized edits of street address MESS Message MET Multibuton electronic telephone MET Multibutton electronic telephone METASX Metallic access MF Mainboard firmware (IOS) MF Multi frame MF Multi frequency MF Multifrequency MF Multiplexer frame MFAS Mechanized forecasting and analysis system MFC Master file directory (VMS-catalog of UFDS) MFC Modular feature construction MFC Multiple frame operation control (IOS) MFENET Magnetic fusion energy network MFFAN Miscellaneous frame (CM2 offices only) MFJ Modification of final judgement MFJ Modification of final judgment MFJ Modified final judgment (consent decree) MFR Discmanufacture discontinued MFR Mechanized force report MFR Multi-frequency receivers MFRS Management force reporting system MFS Message formatting service-ims (IBM) MFT Metallic facility terminal MFT Multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks MG Marker group MG Marker group number MG Mastergroup MGB Main ground bus MGB Master ground bar MGBAF Maintenance group blocking acknowledgment failure MGR Manager MGSC Message service customer counts MGSG Message service multi-line hunt MGT Mastergroup translator MGUAF Maintenance group unblocking acknowledgment failure MH Modified huffman code (fax) MHD Moving head disk MHD Moving head disk drive(s) used in the am. MHDC Moving head disk control MHDDC Moving head disk data/clock MHS Message handling service MHS Message handling system MHZ Megahertz MI Machine interface MI Message interface on the MI Swbt minimal input MIAS Marketing information analysis system MICA Mechanized intercompany contract administration MICC Minicluster controller MICE Modular integrated communications environment MICI Mechanized independent company input MICR Minimal input customer records MICRO/TEL Micro/tel force analyzer MICS BTL maintenance space inventory control system MICU Message interface and clock unit MICU Message interface clock unit MID Master interim design MIFM Mechanized installation force management MIG Mechanized interval guide system MIIS Management inventory information system MIMIC Mts-wats intrastate model for incremental cost MIN Minimum MIN Minimum percentage value of entity fill or minimum CCS value MIN Mobile identification number MINX Multimedia information network exchange MIOIO I/O invalid operation error MIOLE I/O lock error MIOPE I/O bus parity error MIOTO I/O timer time out error MIOUE I/O unlock error MIP Microprocessor interface port MIPP Management surplus income protection plan MIPS Million instructions per second MIR Micro-instruction register MIRA Maintenance input request administrator . MIRA Mark iv information retrieval aid MIS Management information system MIS Mechanized intercepting system MIS/C Management information system/computer MISC Miscellaneous MISCF Miscellaneous frame MISS Management information staffing system MITS Microcomputer interactive test system MIU Metallic interdace unit MIZAR Management job evaluation MJEC Multiple job function codes MJF Modified final judgement MJU Multipoint junction unit MKBUSY Make busy. MKR Marker MKTG Marketing ML Matching loss MLAC Manual loop assignment center MLC Miniline card MLC Monitor level code MLCD Multi-line call detail MLH Multiline hunt MLHG Multi-line hung group MLHG Multiline hunt group MLI Message link interface MLIIBLNG Microlink II billing MLNC Failure to match and no circuit MLPA Modifiable link pack area (IBM) MLSS Machine load service summary MLT Mechanized loop test MLT Mechanized loop testing system MLT-1 Mechanized loop testing system-1 MLT-2 Mechanized loop testing - the second generation of equipment MLT-2 Mechanized loop testing system-2 MMA Multi-module access unit (Univac) MMC Manually modify a circuit MMC Minicomputer maintenance center MMEME Memory system error MMG Minicomputer maintenance group MMGT Multimastergroup translator MMI Man-machine interface MML Man machine language MMM Message mile minute MMOC Minicomputer maintance operation center MMOC Minicomputer maintenance operations center MMOCS Minicomputer maintenance and operations center system MMP Module message processor MMPP Mechanized market programming procedures (BTL) MMRCS Minicomputer maintenance and repair center system MMS Main memory status MMS Memory management system MMS/SSII Marketing measurement system/support system II MMS43 Modified monitoring state 43 code MMSU Modular metallic service unit MMT Multiple message threshold MMU Memory management unit (IOS) MMX Mastergroup multiplex MN02 List of circuits in trouble in memory MNP Microcom networking protocol MOC Machine operations center MOC Maintenance and operations console MOC Maintenance operation console MOC Ministery of communication MOC Moe order completion MOD Ministery of defense MOD Modifier MOD Modulated MOD Module number MOD1 Miscellaneous per SM measurements (MOD1) MODCOES Modified central office cost MODEM Modulator-demodulator MOE Mass oe transfers MOF Mass oe frame transfer listings MOG Minicomputer operations group MOI Maintenance and operation interface MOI Mizar order inquiry MOMS Missouri marketing system MON Monitor MON Monitor channel (i.e. IOM2) MON Mouth MOOSA Mechanized out of service adjustment system MOOSE Macs online organization system entry (distribution services) MOS Maintenance and operations subsystem MOS Metal oxide semiconductor MOSOP Mechanized operator services occupational payroll MOST Managing operations systems in transition MOSTED Motor vehicle/special tools expense distribution MOT&R Master office test and release circuit MOTS Mechanized operations tracking system MOU Minutes of use MOU-AS The annual study module of DRP/MOU MOU-DA The data accumulation module of DRP/MOU MOVE Move remote line Concentrating module MOW Moe order withdrawal MP Maintance POSITION MP Message processing program MP Microprocessor MP Multi-processor MPAP Management potential appraisal plan MPC Marker pulse conversion MPC Messages per customer MPC Mp command MPCG Message processing clerical guide MPCH Main parallel channel MPDB-OS Outside plant-pair gain MPDBCOAR MPDB-central office equipment and repair services MPDBSRVC Office supplies computers and other services MPDU Message protocpl data units (x.411) MPES Message processing entry system MPFRS Mechanized project force requirement system MPI Mechanized project impact system MPK Modify work package MPLR Mechanized plant location records system MPLUM Mechanized plant utilization management MPN Master work package number MPOOS Modem pool line out of service. MPOW Multiple purpose operator workstation MPPD Multi-purpose peripheral device MPRIN Mate peripheral interrupt MPS Mechanized pension system MPS Misplaced start pulse MPS Misplaced start pulse (MDII) MPT Message transfer part MPTS Market planning and tracking system MQ Metalic customized-service code for LATA access MQH Marker queue high MQL Marker queue low MR Maintenance request (BTL) MR Measured rate MR Message rate (BSP) MR Message register MR Message register COSMOS command MR Modified read (relative element address designate MR Monitor read (flow control bit in IOM2) MR/IBPS Management report/integrated budget and planning system MRAA Meter reading access arrangement MRCS Modification request control system MRDB Memory resident data base MRDYT Ready time out MRF Maintenance reset function MRF Message refusal received (outgoing) MRF Message retention file MRFA Mechanized repair force administration MRFF Master reference frequency frame MRFIS Mechanized request for information systems MRO Message register option MRP Mechanized revenue planning system MRPS Mobile radio priority system MRR Mandatory review reporting MRS Management reporting system (TNDS) MRSELS Microwave radio & satellite eng. & lic MRTI Message-rate treatment index (AMA NTI) MRTS Mechanized real time tracking system MRTTA Message recording trunk trouble analysis MRWPE Read or write parity error MS Machine screw (BSP) MS Maintenance state MS Measured service MS Mechanized scheduling MS Memory subsystem MS Menue software (sipb.exe) MS Microseconds MS6E Message switching #6 equipment MS7E Message switching #7 equipment MSA Management science america MSAG Master street address guide MSC Media stimulated calling MSC Minimum service charge MSCP Mass storage control protocol MSCS Management scheduling and control system MSCU Message switch control unit MSCU Message switch controller unit MSDS Material safety data sheet system MSFDB Market share forecast data base MSGBUF Message buffer MSGCLS Message class MSGLOCK Message lock MSGNO Message number MSGP Microcomputer support group programming MSGS Message switch MSK Output a transaction mask MSKMR Mate reset MSM Multi-state marketing system MSMTCH Mismatch. MSN Multiple subscriber number (i.251 b) MSORS Mechanized sales office record system (BTL) MSP Management salary plan MSP Metropolitan service plan MSPR Message switch peripheral unit MSR Marketing surveys and reports MSR Mechanized sales results system (mbt directory sales) MSR Mechanized service record MSR Mizar status report MSR/DIS Mechanized service record/disability subsystem MSS Mass storage system MSS Mss is a dialup for... database of 1800 numbers... MSSS Mechanized supply stock system MSTIC Mechanized standard time increments (we/eplans) MSTS Measured service tracking system MSU Message signal unit MSU Metallic service unit MSU Msg. signal unit (SS7) MSUCOM Metallic service unit common MSUS Measured service usage studies MSUSM Subunit select mismatch MT Master record tape unit number or tape drive to write MT Wired music INTER/TRA blocal 1-26 MTA Message transfer agent (x.400) MTAE Message transfer agent entity (x.400) MTB Magnetic tape billing MTB Metallic test bus MTC Facs maintenance transaction MTCE Maintenance (default). MTCE Maintenance parameters MTD Magnetic tape drive MTD Mutilated digit MTD Mutilated digit (MDII) MTECS Iimechanized toll error correction system phase ii MTECS Mechanized toll error correction system MTEL Main telephone MTF Master test frame MTH Magnetic tape handler MTIB Metallic test interconnect bus MTIBAX Metallic test interconnect bus access MTINT Miscellaneous timer interrupt MTL Maximum termination liability MTLR Mechanized trouble log report MTLT Maintance transmission action limit table MTM Maintenance trunk module (NTI) MTO Master terminal operator MTP Management transitional program MTP Message transfer part (SS7: q.701-q.710) MTP Message transfer part. MTP Message transfer protocol (x.411: p1) MTR Manually test a response MTR Mechanized time reporting MTR Tape drive to read MTRS Marketing or management time reporting system MTRS Mechanized training records system MTRS/FCC Management time reporting system/fcc report MTRT Mate ready time out MTS Manual test system MTS Memory time swich peb2040 MTS Message telecommunications service MTS Message telecommunications system MTS Message telephone service MTS Message teleprocessing system MTS Message toll service MTS Mobile telephone service MTSC MTS CMOS (512 incoming channels) MTSDB Message telecommunications services data base MTSI Msg telecommunications ser price index MTSL MTS large (1024 incoming channels) MTSO Mobile telephone switching office MTSS MTS small (256 incoming channels) MTTP Master trunk test panel MTU Magnetic tape unit parameters MTU Maintenence termination unit MTU Media tech unit MTW Tape drive to write MTX Mobile telephone exchange MU Maintenance usage MU Message unit MUC Material usage code MULDEM Multiplexer-demultiplexer MULT Multiple MUM Measured unit message MUNICH Multichannel (32) network interface controller MUPH Multiple position hunt MUSAC Multipoint switching and conferencing unit MUSIC Modeling for usage sensitive incremental costs MUT Miniaturized universal trunk frame MUT Multi-unit-test MUX Multiplex MUX Multiplexer MVAS Motor vehicle accident summary MVCCW Commstar ii call waiting USOC MVP Multiline variety package MVS Multiple virtual storage MVS Multiple virtual storage operating MVS/MODS TSO display operator messages from programs running under MVS/SP Multiple virtual storages/system product operating system MVS/SPA Multiple virtual storages/system product assist operating MVS/XA Mutliple virtual storage/extended architecture MVT Multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks MVTC Motor vehicle type code MW (ger) service word MW Mandatory work MW Multiwink MWCP Mechanized wire centering program (BTL) MWI Message waiting indicator MWPER Write protect error MX Monitor transmit (flow control bit in IOM2) MXU Multiplex units MXU Multiplexer unit