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2600 HANG 1 UP AUGUST, 1986 VOLUME THREE. HUMBER Ā£7 OUT $2 KNO WING UNIX by The Kid * Co. J Tuc UN IX operating system is popular s mtyng mpsl major universities and companies such as AT&T II timing how to hack and use UNIX is important to u.ny serious phone phicuk or hacker. UN IX is a ieili rve Ions system which enisLs in mauv different forms: UNIX Release 7, UNIX J.2RSD, UNIX System V. Curtcnl ly, effori s Ā£i rc underway to make a 1 1 systems conform to the UNIX System V interface standards. This will make Ihc jobs of praftranlrn injj U ms; systems a nd hack ing them much easier since everything will he ācompat iblc. " The techniques I am about Ā£o discuss sbmtld wnrk under Ihc pen most popular versions- UNIX System V and UNIX 4.2BSU. I "be UNIX operal ing system ha* a icputal ion of nnl hei ng vc i y secu ie, yet ms iiy oltempis liavc been ittade to make it that way. Many of them hues: been successful Now let us, cm ho rt: on om quCM fur root {super user privileges.!, Id order h> hack a UNIX system, you musl learn how to idcnl if y one. UNIX systems ail have the same login and password prompts. I hese prompts appea r to he nn iq ne 1 1 > i h is system . therefore it is not eve n ncecsta i y to jsenetffl te the system rn identify i[. T'hc Login protnpts Shown below are the standard prompts: lr>syn: Pawn- ora: in order to start hacking., one must first get into- a regular userās account l>h the system On some systems passwords are hoi even req Lured . bait they are suggested . I Km I ly there arc A few accounts on every machine with no password to limn,. AH that must be obtained to gain cnliy to these password -kss accounts is tlie tasrnume. Finding u username is not uneasy thing Lo do. 1 he system could make the task of finding a username easier if il a I lowed ācommand logins.ā One system I know of allowed anyone to type the username H whqāat the login prompt and receive a list of till lhe users currently logged inrn the system. If A hacker were to encounter a system with this featu re f bole), bis job would be mad e considerably easier, He could collect a list of usernames by using; this āwhoā login several ' irnes. Once one ItASO list of users, all one needs todo is guess live passwuTdi which are typically easy even for the beginner. Here uie some usernames alone, with some lilteiy passwords. Notice tJie obvious patterns here. The specific usernames a re not significant except in the CASCO! root find field since these two accounts appear on -every UNIX system. Username fins mt Mil (.hot me ids rutil Held Kilt Iā¢ Miperuir The Super 1 Tun Aefmnrt hautwuTt Field Maintenance (ha* mist jirie.n i jihpttr AwmHf user (notice die patttriij Unlit Anetlfcfl'nverHfce iner Successful Login to a UNIX system would nok something file the following: togtruli artier Pnufwonl: T-fist tdfiln: Tue May DijtfiKii oil H ? Si2 Wrlrcimt lo kukvax Van ll/TRO 4.1HSD ā¦ lyperiman JiK ViS." foot intemiHtieiii an xvxx... s The S is the command piompt. Once you have this, you arc ready to slart hacking. away. First we will Jca i u how LO use Lhe telnet program tt> send mail to anyone on Lhe system without having yog r hacked account Y username attached to ir ! You can even make the mu il Look Like it came from att)VW On lhe system Or even from a nobler system! Hclow we see a C program which allows you lo do this in a nice neat way: Pim-luilc NtHin..hJ /h-kv 'jcrenrur than, Sant than' brat , JtrVr rniY tlih titty Jj I i! f pfl tVnUltittf niHiignrxeauj'v) ehar tpipfi: iiil arp; ( / usrunnpy/i squiggly bfQfktt hfhtl I' ll I'. ālioTK-m;). *1- r , L char eh , r<>f 8] h ]W.in|S] |, subj L -rtJ.K 1 ]; aifirae i= 2) ( / me nn ope/ i rqvifrty hr ark r t hw) prinrtTTw T eĀ«v(Ā«>k > (use il dasetl squiggly hrartet hfttj else MTi|7l LHi,irnd I |i: pTinlirt-'miTn: ā¢i; gptitifrwmj: printfi^Siibjetl: ^ Gcts^nbjwUL Ji n |a:r/" teln.il huhiDp 2S Jj/Acvi'rijll n L ' V 7| ,iW I'mi- UrnuNV Ffrurr' .vurir.v hfft> nr fir? Vrfei'J rprintf( , fpj' , | , nĀ»ll fāeoiiv < S.s/ii" , Jr(iml; /repfane stash fa with hstrSiflasbfif rjiriTi(gfp.ārcjil to: (o'J: Ail me (ft ifcisve/ fjirwitfttpAdala/i'iSiuliiieL: ftx^n/r T ā.ā¢hjnf 0; fra/itr ffi niiuv/ wliilH(shāB^tclini<Ā» !- PThFj ftw Sw# 'Uis ihVn' jjL;nv utUrr ,'ti-r >,hi/r 'j fpnmdl.tek tp Wl fi< " / n , / riitu 1 1 ( n h H rpl ; / nrjn iVh ā .vi'ii'.ij'rr r with fi itc. 6',5 l l iv7lt , >T i AflOMi;fp)l } (use nett! viāJ sqisirriy h rar it ft h ere/ I h is program should be placed into a file which ends in ,cou I he system and then compiled, One should USC either ed or vi to create the t'itc . 1 1 i s nol rnxcviu ry lo explain how to use these programs si nee thaL Lnionnar.ion can lie obtained by typing either āman ed" or āman viā al live command prompt. If vk were to place this program into the flic fakcmailc then we would use lhe following command tn compile it: ec -ii Jiiki-iii j.il luVenuil x J o run the progna ill, j ust type fakemail and it will nin i'tnd prompt you. Tti terminate lhe message just type a COtilroi-D {Hie UNIX COT' mark}. Yon can have ;i lot of fun confusing users by sending, mail which appears to he from someone of importance like ā"rootā or other important users. AIL 11 N IX operating systems a llow aLI useix to look at the password file. Unfortunately the passwords.: are all encrypted. One can Look at this file by lyplng ācat ; etc/ pavswrT from (he ^ prompt. Although you uni nnot get the actual passwords from th is tile you CAu (ret a list of every user on Ihc system und a list oi' i hose users which do not have any passwords. I fa user docs nnl haven password . the encrypted password field will be null. The ffnnti/juccf on pxiy: 3-64) A Trip To England by John Drake Thi fv/fon-mx r.Ti'rt k comes to m, pom a writer who f.i WVfiriing selmf* time in The United Kirtgy!on\. We 'xeiccatm hi: lm cent rib limns frotn Cfher writers in other eowb'tks, Please cot) to C! us if you have something to offer. Phone Ortl Phones Bril isti Telecom is trying to inetcase the number of these telephone booths th noughout Fngb rid si rice there is no money involved, and thus un reason to break into them. Phone cards arc the sajne sire a s cred lL qi rd s but they are green on black plastic base. Tlw uniLs of e-ach cord are divided op into tw*o tracks of 100 units. Cards come En dcdomirtfuions of JO. 20. 50, 1 00, and 2fX) units. Oik unit is the Ā£lme as [0 pence, To use the other track OH tlse card (if there is one} you simply turn it around and insert the opposite long length of the card into the phone when the (rod track is all used up The phone L, buras offā a uni I al a limed 5n.tcn.-u! which ts determined hy the number yon dialed. You can make international calls ftom those phones. Free calls locally, long- distance, or international can (>e made from these pltur.es by disconnecting (cutting the wire or instiling la switch'} the rigid wire that contains the incoming liming signals. The wires arc color coded but BT (British I'clceom} constantly changes this color coding. Y on can use a vd I meter to deduce wh ich wi re you have to cut The problem arises that the wire is usually hidden ni*i protected unless itās in a school Or inn building as opposed to a phone booth You Can always disconnect it at its source which is inside the pliune. It stands to reason Lhal since the phoneca rd phones contain no money tha l the lock s wil I he la k O r etisie r yet. standa ndiyed for a I I phones. Once inside, you ca n disconnect the wire going into the write head. iticte is such a phone at an international] selmol in London The wires of the phone a re very bate and 1 believe that someone at the school lias figured ouL which is the riphl wire to cut, The Students have been making free internal ional phone calls around the world for several months now*. British Telecom has been around to Tin ihe phone several times to UOAViiil Finally, two weeksAgu . Lhey cut all the wires a nd left the phone for dead. During the past week they have reconnected the phone and for the time bring i t is bn i n i ng off the bred its when you make a call. The wires going into the phone are still hare. .. Modem NtAmJards PrestolY odd standard of 3 300/ 75 lias carried over to must Other non-PrcsE-cl syslems, This includes mainframes. Viewdata, And even sume BBS's. 30D/3QQ (upl U.S. compatible) modems are becoming more popular tits ate 1200,* i 200 fU,S. compatible}. Other speed configurations ate I200;'?i Viewdata and 1200 Spectrum. There isāil device which clips unto the modem porl and that acts as a butter for your 1200 baud modem and makes it compatible with the 1200 US computers here. ILK. Operator Numbers WS Emergenciesā fire, police, ambulance, cave rescue, cnast guard. and mountain rescue 142 Information for London Postal Area 102 Information for numbers outside London 1(I(J Operator Servicesā ala rip calls, advice of duration it Charge, c radii card calls., fixed time rails, tree (one cults. personal ciills. international ciills, transferred charge ealls. Subscriber eont rolled transfer 151 Faults repair service 193 International Telegrams ā send to most countries Id H Maritime Servicesā ships 1 telegram service, shipsā telephone servtee 155 Inmarsat Satellite Service llh) 1 elcmcssagc ā if you Stave something to say and prefer to say it In writing 191 Any olher cal! enquiries l.ondon General Information Servicesā Charged (London area code is (11 inside U.K.) 246 8Q7E British Gas Roc 5 pc line (Mon-Ffi Sasti-Apm) 24(1 SO 24 Capital Ttadioline 24(1 SOSO Challenge! ir.e ā brain teasers (answer (he following day} '246 80(17 Children \ 1 .nedon ā events, and competitions 154 Daily Repress C* ickriliue (during test matches played in [ ondou and Other matches 8arn-7pm} 246 8(17(1* L>a ily M irror Telefun show 24(1 S966 Even tl ine~ M dor ipor! info 246 8926 Financial Times Cityline fpr busiriras news and L I iodes 24fi 8066 Financial 3Cimes Cityline ā international market reports 246 8944 Golden Hitlincā hits from Ws & 70ās 246 RIM l (.eisdreliire daily selection of events iu and around ( pndon 246 15HK4T French version of abov e 246 8M5 German versicr. of above 246 KU33 'Natl nnal Sum nra l ies A i i 246 8630 National Suieluk'i riei ā Kail (Inter City it [.ondou Service) 246 803] National Sumnarles ā Road (Motorways) 246 811*32 National Summaries*- Ecu 246 1HKH1 Pnflin Storyline (bedtime stories from 6pm each niglu) 246 84155 Spaceline (space mission information) 246 8(126 Span si iv* general roundup 246 8400 Star'ineā lor your daily horoscope ((kim-dpin daily) 1 23 T' inch nc - fn r i ho -peri k i ng Clock ( 24 hour service) 246 8091 Weatherlineā L.ondon area 246 8008 Woolworth ā a selected ( P featured ench week 1 60* Wonlwor! hā 24 hours a day 168 William Hill R a Celine horse racing results and mformatiou Fngiiieers 1 Tests L'7fl tn 179 plus your Isisl four dibits is the tclf test number for yuur phtFne. 175 Line fault lest Dial 175 then yom last four digits, let it ri ng. you evil | heai someth ir.g. hang up. Y our phone will ring, answer 3t;Ā£md ihenriLal *3. A list of diagnostics will be raid off to you hy a computer. Tong DisUmce Operators I kH (1(1 8 9ft 6 11 UK Lu AT&T Sung distance opiemtnrs 1 800 445 5667 A t 2t I to Bril ish T elvCOtt'i k. Ope ralurs J.58 VINO 6 Phone Fraud in Governorās House riW.L'tJ-u l.,.,V Though LiL-i aides insist it was most Iv a ease i if "V n.1s briny. Sex) Governor Thom burg his slaSe telephone oral il ca rd was used foT hundreds of personal colls, some of them made by rtxinhLrs Of "-it: grA'firra'jr's family. The persons! longdistance calls ā daring to cite beginning of Che Thornburgh adm i nis i r;i 1 1 o n were included in bills submitted co che scare. They were routinely prfl cussed and paid in full It was onlv recently, when word of inquiries from a reps's rear filtered hack ty ThomburghY press office. cLiac o review was done cn che plionc hi ILs. Tbs review ā diowed i bill about 54.330 worth of personal Icng-dislnnre phone calls had been made in a year period ending I refe to her 19SS. A IE of those culls hod been made using the slide telephone -credit-card number assigned co ilia ucivemLiT. A spokesman sa id chat ThnmhLiTjdi personally reimbursed the stale for 51.75! .OH worth of eaLls made by mc-mbe rs uf his family- He said the slate also had been reimbursed by a private citizen, whom he would nor name, for an additional 52,Jtl2 52 in personal long'd istunree calls tha! had been made by fa teenager" using the governor^ card number. RR Watching VDT Operators L'XAT^fr S.fi million video display terminal operators are being monitored hy their computers, aeeoisfinjj to ihĀ« National Institute of Occupational Safety and HealLh. Employersā sueli as insurance companies, airlines, supermarkets, post offices, and telephone companiesā am using com puters co record when an operator is off a V'jTT. COnnf keystrokes by the second, time customer sciwiee transactions, and track errors- Htey say worfceritlo more when they know theyāre being watched . āV es, in i he short term you cun squeeze more out or people." says HarieyShaiken, ci;L-hriiilOy r y professor at the University of California in 5an Diego. "But in the lung term, Li desirOys Cmaiivitynr4 che Initqilive and desire to do a gcod job." PSA 3no. of Sa it Diego began in March m give demerits io reservation agenLs. who don't m-et certain standards. PSA agents are a Ik. wed to leave their terminals a coral of 72 minutes during an S 5-hour .shift . 'I hey can't spend more than l&t seconds pereall and more than 1 1 seconds he'wsen ea Ils, if i hey io. they collect demerits: 37 in a year could gee them fired. Workers me fighting bar 5: in unusual ways. Some aie hanging up on customers co reduce average oall times, Others fake work.. holding a linger on a key and filling computer screens with one leuer. ffieadenft we welcome a ny olher suggestions for bearing th is horrible, nasty system. These penpk: used oikf help!] LD Companies Strike Rack The u-al 'ikt Jr-uTd'i VircoT and Iteccy Humphrey got a surprise package on their 3Sch wedding annivensa ry last mot th; a E25H fXJO bill for long durance plionc calls they didn't make. GTE S print sn ys i be 3 ,600-page . 34-poutid bill resu Iced front fraud . During a sis-day dlali ng spree , ic says, inmates at prisons across the cornu ry eharrurl 46,000 ca lls co the 1 tumph rcy Y code before the company cancelled and replaced lice number. fen while the HumphreyY are off the hook. Sprint isn't. Tlrey must | ray the coses of providing service. whether or tied ihey Themselves get paid. Investigators ray iliac illcgi brittle iew of billing codes issued to customers of companies other than AT&T was responsible far a significant portion of the esiima ted S50fl ra itlkm i hat the long d ista ace indust ry tost to toll fraud last t ear. 3-59 The coni panics are fighting back. Among Other steps, che 1 , lave ficted i hit 1 r switching cquipmenc with anti-fraud softwa re and forged a new industry coalition to bu tier prosecution ā ā f I nri s Some com pan ics pormi i customers who are t rave ling in place calls only to numbers in their home area codes Many enmpa aics have joined the Communieatinns Fraud Cuntml Association, a trade group farmed last yea r co combat loll fraud. The companies complain, however, llrat they deni always gel t he cooperation they expoei from local law- enforcement agencies. fn February. Teltec Saving Communieaiirms Co., a Miami- based long d iscance o ompatiy, feed suit in stare court aga inst ?|t jsrople. including live operators of seven electronic bulletin hoards, accusing chem of either using fmudukntEy obtained codesor permitting them to be posted . Although the case hesn 'i yet gone to trial, some defendants haw reltled out of court. agT-reing as part of the settlement fo post the weird on underground -electronic networks rhai computer crime doesn'i pay. Teltee has put its own message in hulteiin boards where it fou ad its codes posted . offeri ng up to 5 10 fOO for infmmation un who was posting the codes rt has also posted phony codes, liven i ranted people who used chem. Leave Our Poles Alone! .i.Tcr .L-iwal in full view of local police. Republican eongressipnal candidate Aihin Sinf* recently carried out his clan nod ācivil cl istibcdlcnos" by nailing a pul icica I porter to a utility pole . "Those ate ouf poles." said a spokesman fur New Jersey Bell, āThe posters a re a safety hazard. Wc don't want clvem. Vv\: ray please I caste ou r |.io!et alone." Phone Booths Mauled Then Stolen I i'Tf iv Bill % fj Mil *. "Someone apāsirendy used a chain attaelved ca a cruek."suid a New York Telephone spokesman when he referred co two phone booths that were stolen Each of the missing hnoi fe weighed 4fKl pyrands. And each was secuted by a si^-ineh boil co a concrete slab ou L-iiite Weirls Delicatessen in Mori ford, Town liighway depanmem workers reported the booth-* missing at 4:5-(J am. Telephone company employees Inspected che sice and found only Che bolts snrrounclL^I by pieces of hrpkten glass as well as smashed panels and rubber molding, According m WeitY clerk the chef 1 was the- firnl indignity suffered by the boolhs, "People would slum the phone down , break the receiver, take a hammer and bam, "he raid. āTheyād fiv i mad when they'd Lose clvei r money " Die New York Telephone spokesman raid (but public phones gee "hoinhrai . bludgeoned and stuffed But , hi: added . āIlls unusual co see a hooch haulad off." New York Telephone is offering a $2 .000 reward for information about Live cfem , T h* number toe-all Ls 110(15225 . The numb-rs of the missing payphones were 5 1 15732HM0 and 5f6732k5S>. The Ghost in the Machine I l-K The 9 1 E opfiTai nrs haste Irarr.od tliac when i hey g?t a cal I a nd hea r no voice on the i ine, a corcl less phone is frequently ac lau It . A rugite phoneY dialiikfi. system is apparently triggered hy low bacteiics, or hy inteifurencc from household gadget! such as micnowiiye ovend. fliroresecnt lic'ihis, hair d ryers. and .garage- door openers. Throcnligit numbetsare hie mast nfccn(41 1 i'or direraory assistance also gets such oalbfe For emergency nponrioTS. the problem is mure than a TmiEiTice. Silenl calls musi be irneutj, in rase a human nuber than a phimiom needs help. letters of the month Donr26#0: Cangratula tioits on Lhe apparent success of your newsletter. 1 learn somethi ng from each issue. Your points on the power of computers and the Information tlwt is processed on them are correct. And yon provide ft valuable service by attempting to educate your readers and (sometimes) elu.de those who would use the information improperly. f wo rk on the other side of the ticuoc t.\n La Security fora large Corporation. L don't always like what you say shout tiie condition of my profession ā because it is usually too painfully true!!! t also have the nature to try. test, and explore new areas to see what happens, line. 1 would nāt proceed to the point of "era shing''ur L "disabling K āa system as was slated on pope ?.-A 1 of your .Func issue. Finally. Ihe pornt of my letter! Please dank tell people how ro crash a computer system. [< may prove yon r technical sa pe nonty, or that you can read a technical manual. However, just as the lives uf many innocent people ton neereci with you t BBS a rid others were un juslly and adversely affected by raids by uneducated and unqualified intruder, crashing u major (or minor) computer system has serious consequences to innocent people, directly or indirectly And. unless you know the effect you hftvc on my business (retail., oil, hawking, publk utility, medical rare. etc ), you are j'.Ls .1 as naise, over-your-hrad, and dfi ngerons as the authorities that confiscate a BBS. On a lighter note, we donāt need your help Anyway. We crash our systems on an irregular basis. Unintentionally, of course. Which helps explain why you see so few computer professionals loitering in pool halls these days, They ait luo busy trying to recover from the latest, 'greatest technology. Keep up the good work. Hie Stopper Diair Sloppcr: Please not e that those people who Confiscate li fid's get the full support of law, unlike time v- ho crush main-frames. (to whether or not h'c will stop printing 'ityjiwtt shuf-down procedures... that Is something we shall consider. Our main point is !o show how easily it cun be done hy anyone ā n computer buff or a where fir. Dear 2600: ' f am a lawyer with an avid interest in BBS's or S EGk that Iwi nd le law-related mate rial o 1 a re aimed at Lawyers. On you or your read cos know of any such hoards Other than the Ā£ lb Von CompuServe . the Sou rec. a nd Ri.i? Are there any that have sbul down'? 1 would Like Lu hear from anyone who has had any experience with these bonrdx or lawyers who use them. I am on CompuServe, BIX, and ABA/ met ( IK25), Rets Yl&rrisOn 14 Muaitruse Hoad Starsdak, NY IftSitf Dear Mr. Morrison: Pk&SC send us the list of the law-related fiflS's that you know of and wvr ask on r o iherrt eiders loch the same. We re rtf. tu ( tftsh them in the near future. Dear 2?M>: As c veteran VAX, ''VMS wizard and a new subscriber 10 2600 , 1 was inteteSled to see the front-page article (July DSGfon the subject of VMS security hacking. T was diiiippointed, though, to find that "Violating a VAX "dealt with the subject at a junior-high level, IYn not necessarily criticising the Arlicle or ilt> anthor'on that account; weal! have to crawl before we leapĀ® to wu.lk.snd all that. However, Iād Like to save would-be VMS hackers some embarrassment by pointing out a few mistakeĀ® to avoid. If you do firings BaalzebubY wny. your friendly local systc in manager will sticrn he k nock ing a( your duOr with a sheaf of printouts in his hand and a stem look on his lace. The possword-gmbber command procedure presented in the article ill i.i si rales a number of blunders: 1. 1 Inst, that "9/iDClT.-F-TRA\ r S' , crftp is completely bogus, in several senses of the word. Why bother faking a login and making up an error message whan you can just simulate a user validation erior and make it Look as though file User has mis- typed his password':' Simulating a login error and killing the prucess is a lot salcr than pntWUtmg the user fwho may not he all that stupid, even if lie is a system manager) with a series of obviously bogus "system* messages. 2. You can use Ihe DLL command 'āSTOP, 1 IDENTICā to logout without generating a message. This doesnāt require any privilege at a II In a program, you ean use SYĀ£$r)EI.PkC. 3. Lsrng iMyLāIKF to read llw username and password is foolish when you can use the READ command with the ā PROMPT and /ERR qualifierĀ®, Also, READ has a timeout Option. Gy the way, the default limrout count at login is .30 Seconds, not 30 seconds ?s implied iu Lhe article. A. She command procedure given doesn't use SET MESSAGE to get rid of any error tUKSftges which might possibly be generated if things go wrongā another potent ial source of user fip-uffs 1 hat something fishy is going on. Where VMS is ennee i ucd . the whole password -grabber concept is praci it a lly obsolete anyway, since VMS V 4 d rfir.es a terminal characteristic called "SECIJRESERVGRā which was designed specifically to foil p ssword-gra bber programs. When a Lenmnal line has rh iĀ® characteristic set, pressing the BREAK key At login Lsguaramted to disconnect any process running on file terminal. A few other notes: I ) Control -T isn't very useful at login tinte Reprated COnirol-YY immediately following ihe password arc more useful, but the āT>5SCTT ,Y" flag in the UAF prevents them from having any effect. 3) Using "890" aĀ® a file version number is silly. (Snppo.sc that version k9i or higher ahead v rxii-Ls.) The number you wanl is 337 67; thatās the maximum possible version number. RTEM: 3) The first āTrojan horse* procedure given should include the command ā"SET' DEFAULT SYSIUXrlN'" before the DELETE command which is supposed to gel ihl of the incriminating 1 XXIIN .COM tile. As operating systems go. VMS is very secure, and il's becoming more so with each new release. (Unfortunate but true.) According to T>FC, a Version of VMS will have the Defense Departments highest possible security raring within two or three years. 1ft parting, 1 offer you at 2600 a slogan for your masthead: 'Tlte road of access leads to- the palace of wisdom. ā Apologies 1o Will iam Blake. ] Dear 26Wf\ 1 noticed a problem in the password grabber described on ptige 3-49 of your July 1986 issue. In the narrative, it says that con'rol-Y is disabled, but Ihe code docsnY aclufillv disable coni rot-Y ; ii merely provides d i rect ion un what to do ii' a contiobY is encountered . in fiiis ease. if a conLrol-Y is entered during Ihe wait period, then tJw program will just continue whh the next step after the Control- Y interrupt, Since there Lsr.o step after tile WAIT, the program will exit in this case. To use the OX O!>NTR0).,-Y effectively in this ease, you need to Loop back so that any cnntrol-Y vvill reset the watt timer; $1 DOB- SON CONTROL -Y THUN GOTO LOOP, JWAIT 01 :00:0O. An even better solution would be 1o actually dtiahk the COutroRY early in the pregnant with a SE'l XfKāONTROT. Command. In fact, il would be Useful to also d isabJc COntrol-T (continued on page 3-64 } The 2600 Information Bureau 1Q007 TeiemarKot ina 202 793 7213 10054 Eastern Tel sa hone 215 370 4111 JO0ES Lexi tel 800 931 4835 10000 Amt el 1 0084 LOS Metroftisdia Lons Distance 1 0095 Wes t el t Inc- 10203 Cvte 1 10211 ftCI 000 450 7000 10220 We s tern Union 10221 Tclesaeer 201 498 4417, 202 882 1199 10222 mi 800 324 9240 10223 TDX Srstewi., Inc- ffor business onlr) 10235 rntelcRlex 003 349 0050 10209 AT4T 000 222 0300 10333 UB Telecom 000 331 1885 1036B SmsricaTi Telco, Inc- 10444 A 1 live t 800 982 3898 10494 Houston NetwDrJtr Inc, 1048B ITT 800 528 3000 10777 GT8 Sprint 000 521 4840 10800 Satolcc 10024 ATC /Dlfectlin? 10050 ToUKal BOO 649 1 67 B 10055 NotworU plus 703 352 1171 10088 S8S Slvvline 900 3 83 6S00r 235 2001 CDCt Phi Hr* part of Vftj EPhiUvJ [eastern c Ā£ t ies J CSouthern NJJ CNerthern NJ3 C DC metro area] Cno auto 8A* need acctj 2600 (ISSN 0749-355 [) Editor find Publisher Twenty Six Hundred Associate Editors Eric Corley David Ruderrn, an Executive Director Helen Victory Cartoonist Dan Holder 60S OprJTiltOT Terr B lich Junk Mflil Receiver Richard Petrovich Phonecard E.l.Hc l1k l receiver ilcld liMCIl f : ; ir lMliI kbiUjlrtmilruHiLiS |ili rrii^i. or new dial tone - a hLji.'h I'Hldlod hum). 1. liHii'n 1 l.ilL" h.lhiI i li ( c h |L' ,skn, ^rcLTi Mdc u|\ in the direfl h m of Hie- li re;ā¢, and press it f'J lli Il'.MLI'j. Writers: John Drake. Foul Estev. Mr. French, Emmanuel | GeltJstcj in, Chester Holmes. Ktd & Company, Lex Luthor. LnrdPliTeaker. Mika Sa lerno. The Shadow, Silem Switchman, grid the u&iial anonymous bunch 2 &C$j is pUalishod tv 2(500 -ntarprisos, Inc,. an Vlfceriyjsyrta'y oraanuatian. ANNUAL SUflSCRIPTIDN RATES S 1 2, individual; 530, onrprralrv SS0.. cruerjws lifetime suasop iptsom- &?eo sponsorship: jeeoo. BACK ISSUED: SS nxn. aiOwidWiil; S3 each, iZO'p.'Lf a |k; Ā£2.EO c-ach, piemens MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 2000 Fmwises. hie, WHITE TO: BBSO, P.O. Dow 752. Middlrr kiprd, NY 11S&3-C752 TtLEFI-CNE <51 Bl 75 ā<-2500. PRIVATE SECTOR G6S: |S0D366^M3L ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: P.O. Blv. 76Z, Middle bland, IvY 11952 0703 Callferrnws ARTICLE SUBMISSION AND LETTERS : PO Rā¢ S& Middle Island. NY 1 1 95J-OO90 We 'wSdily ectepl art Ces. ludirrs, clippings, nriVdiyk. and 0.:i;i Inr pi nlirnmn POSTMASTER- Tkrs is private mail 3-61 3. Dial the nu mbet you want. Hue cLi^itu.! (Li -| jby wi It xlvjw __i \ die number of \ unused urdLs cm ilkf ā¢ efrdlurun tluMiacfc OKLivolly Inserted in die i asceFoi idu unit ā CVi I ij >. L.lfllCn Jnr lhi_ L nivKlup DOI1C and speak whisr renneaed. Jtie credit uuii.s :inc prHijfrfi-slvcLy erased as shown yn the dlpir.i] display. rp.[|ow-(in calls. ]f you have in ium d unite rcmalnlns cui a cun I and you wish to make a new mil, do tkH replete live rcdcKx-r. I nvtead, I mef ly depress anil release (he receiver rest As srwn as yr*i hear <he dial rone :ii-:;ii n. i,t_*.i can tnskcytxir fieri call (see pitfi- 3-58 for m ore details oti thh) This ]i a tilt of area codes and the nuibEr of Exchanges btin-a m-ed in each one. [t Wli] |n idea of H-hit if pa Cade-5 am filling up, as np[] jr. khicft ones irH >jnutedr ibis Hst ccaps. to us Iroi r-elejsa Digest, via PrivalE Sector . m COUNT m 543 202 +37 m 3+9 m 3DB 205 522 206 451 20? 306 2DB 246 209 257 2(2 447 2! 3 524 2L4 5+2 2S5 431 lit 477 IL7 325 218 267 11? 307 305 530 302 73 303 557 304 2 S3 302 540 304 + L6 307 133 500 iĀ£6 309 237 312 440 313 504 354 454 3 [3 226 350 332 3L7 325 3 LB 296 31? 306 405 SOB +02 335 403 24+ 404 456 405 462 m !L6 407 0 m 216 409 255 450 C 452 377 413 10? + L4 37B 453 +03 4 Li 433 4 IT 5B1 m 327 4L9 304 501 m 302 3E0 503 44 ! 504 267 505 265 504 143 507 24? 500 0 209 213 532 305 353 396 55 + 343 5L5 377 550 233 5L7 205 35? 21 L 539 2B6 601 353 CDKHEHTfl Wpftt Jprse-y r Setting right up there. Lop fcngeies already cpLst off B3B, A Dal Lai split i i rcanrc-d seen. Maryland, 3ysjpr than 617 r SEliNjrPi Every state gets cut, fttmw. Gylofatfa has been growing, r . tliaai too> Hydcing. hlhy Jiasn-'t CbiCigc split yet? Rhode Is! and, Alberta and uoac ART - Caradaāa bUJsEtt hr Hans - aha h A hje'e- cf a gojd cndoi Sin FVanciscrjj JlPO fUadfed fnr splits San Ant an La , TH h 602 440 603 193 604 430 605 330 606 240 607 1 + 6 60B 250 00? 20+ 610 0 612 424 653 220 614 33S 615 +30 656 317 457 5J3 613 300 6H 329 70! 333 702 595 703 455 704 265 70S 239 706 96 707 145 70S 0 709 237 710 0 7L2 265 753 4J4 7L4 364 755 23E 716 322 7L7 430 71 E 29+ 71? 0 EOJ 265 &02 167 B'jJ 396 BM 37 L 005 193 BOi 225- DOT 97 m 163 BOS 340 310 0 012 243 S 1 3 344 S3 4 237 055 255 Ā£56 +01 3L7 301 0L8 240 01? 232 900 2+ ?01 179 902 221 ?03 0 ?D4 314 905 206 ?06 109 907 340 ?Ofl 0 909 0 9 10 0 912 270 9L3 399 914 256 9J5 257 ?16 3L9 9J7 0 91 B 257 919 5LO Ā£. Hass - splitting aff 50& jn J9BE Nnrthh^ct Hex i cg hick, not a real 3IPA Unljiteti cods jised -far AfST Sever nspnt servicei. H. Ontario - andth-er waste, Upper Hi chi gin, tied with 413. North Carolina 1 ^ gnawing quickly. SYSTEMATICALLY SPEAKING USSR Computer Hungry i -jib K-a*j t- The Sovrel Union has. announced sweeping reforms iti its āobsolete" higher education system, which ii. said produces dodoes who canooi diagnose fi.ru) engines^ who know little about computers āāMa leria band techniques an; obsolete . J hat is why there is a. need for the profound rcstructu rang of higher a nd SKOaxlaa y special I i.7cd ed u ca t i n n 1 h c ā Corn m u n i s I Pa rt y rte ws pa per / >r dJ l- Jer y!iid in announcing proposed change* that will a tic cl 2 mil Ison students nnd set lip thousands nl' computer ā^quipped workplaces to malte Russians "computer literate". ATMās in China! < r t4t r Til N:v. Vjtjiwi NCR Corporation has installed the first automatic idler machine in Ch ina. f he unit will he op era led as a ted case by i ho Nartunp batik in Zliuhai, an economic āfree rone" near Ihe Ho nil. Kong bonier. The machine won't be available to citizens of Ihe Peopleās kepubl ic. Cash Machines Are Popular Srv Vril- Kcvudis 1 .Just a yea r a tier (he New V ork Cn sh Exchange was formed.. :ho system LhĀ£i I lets Customers of one Ixa nk use automat ic lellera at 'competing bunks has virtually mu out of iflsl ilutions to rcunnt. The regional system now has 1 .235- machines and 4.2 million customers, making it one ol' the Largest in the nation, The 55 nstitul ions set to join wi 1 1 boost XVCE to 2 .OllU machines a nd 6.5 million customers, with a tolal of HO institution? in eight states, the District nf Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The system^ chief New Vork rival is Citibank, which has its own network of 626 machines and 1.5 million card -holders. C'ilibank has shown little interest in joining NYCH. NYCāli may try nut a new pnojocl- a dribi l-ca id system, If sneli a system were i n place . it Cu slonwreou Id huy c loth inc at a local department stoic using a hank card, and a sales ckrk could deduct i ho purchase; price right from the customer's checking account. TV Blue Boxes 3 he coming generation nl d igital TV stl s is d csigned for cji sy servicing by reprogramming tlicrn, Access for servicing, in Ihe ChSC of ids using ITT digital ICY. is provided via a rear-panel connector or by dialing up a special cede OH tJte wireless ren l'olc -coni iol unit. Tit boLh cases, that gives the repair technician access to the setās control lues, From there, it would be an easy rnal I c r to defeat the sync-sup press bn decoding used by uiOSl CiibLe-TV sysletns for their premium channels, accord mg to engineers of the National Cable TV Association. The N C I A tears that the i nc rad ucti nn of <1 jgita l TV ^i.s will lead to a Pood of "blue boxesAtO let cable subscriber decode piiV'TV programs without paying for them. The NCTA has written to a II major TV set ma nut'act to t iv u rging 1 hem to āla ke Ihe necessary steps to make it impossible to externally farceā 1 one of f I'l Y VI. SI chips to defeat pay -TV encoding. New Chip Helps Sprint tFXTH.; About 20 percent of telephone customers won't get equal access sciviee until 30R7 or Idler Those customers would ordinarily be lost to US Sprint, because to get on Sprintās system i be- customer would ha vo to d ia I more tha n 20 digi I $, So Sprint came np wirh a microprocessor that antomaiioally dials ii 13 the $ pri nl access numbers when a user d ials ā I . " S pri nt wilt install it free on the praniscs of any customer with bills of i 1 30 or more. Government Phone Fate? Tv P- 1 ."! Veil' I rr;t- TTie Federal government has started to update its entire system of lines, switching equipment, satellites and security devices, which, has bocn in place since 1 964. The current system is still managed by AT&T and cannot handle Ihe demand of increased numbers of calls und high-speed data corn mu nidi ions The G e n e ra L S e r v ic e s A d m a n i s t rat i o n has invited communications companies to come up with ideas for a new system. Ihe Government's, nest phone company, 'ike AT&T, will be privy to information about encoded dnln and will therefore be required to have a high-level security elcaruiicc. The earn panics arc being asked 10 devise advanced ways to protect communications from phone tapping, saholagn, and even disruption caused by tlsc deel roiJKlgnfrtifi pulse that desl rdys conductor s of electricity a I ter a nuclear explosion . The system , LH FTS 2(300", is ex pected to he in place by the yea i 1990 ard will eost 4 billion of your lax dollars. Rural Radio Phones ā I'.,.., ā f.i' r. Vr i,L Four telephone associ? i.i oiVā and the Rural Clectrifseation Admin istral ion f R LA !i have asked the l Cl Cl to scl aside certain radin frequencies to be used foi Telephone service in tufa! Smses. Using radio iaisleud of land -bused wi re CrtuLcI lower costs of connecting cu stumers, permitting teleos to extend coverage in areas where costs have previously prevc need it, a cent (I i ng to tire group Y KXā filing. They called the radio Service llnsic Exchange Telccommu metal ions Radio ('BET EL). lithe request is granted in full. FlF.TTt could extend service to an eitiaiiilted hS?, 00(> custcameTX nationwide who are eau rently without lelcphones Another 41X1,000 Could have service upgraded from rnuLli-puity fO ode-porty lines. The groups want the t'CCl to nllocate 2A chan nels in the 450 MJIz band and two Hlfl) MHy. channels to RFTR āDebuggingā Phones VĀ»Vrr k It naay not he whal tite phone Company had in ntind when at dime up with the memorable slogan "Reach otil and touch snmet>nt.ā'hut a t iaiyccanpUiiy called ihtfl Iygemx Sue. plans to publicize a list of unfavory barter Ls and fungi tltaf It sem inhabit the mouth and rnrpicccs of most telepItOateS, ' I he Fremont (C A1 sio ii up, of course , is p rovid Lnp ir.uTe than a public service . 1 1 bus a prod ucl: a patented plosl ie telephone cove r impregnated with vinyzene, tar. outlmicsohiol p re pq ral ion developed by Moitou Thiokol T ri c - 3-A3 UNIX (commit? cl fnynt page j-J 7 .J format of' etc," pFi Sāi'.vJ r^Uric-F. follows; uwne rat (i^dluntr lirifocliumL dirpri^ exf filial lipfm lngyn Examples front an actual /dc/passwd Itle fils first' 4 accounls UK present on virtually till UNIX systems): rDO&i/linvāICl J1 li nil'll ^1 !l OtSyrlrm A cam n 1 i> 'J trl a/ ( jfi ilnjtnujnr^ilr.T-liTJir- devil [liniwlt:/: ā”.ā”up: wf:! : 1 ā (JN CX-1i>-L! N [X f opyt/tiAf/Hpoal/uiic ppiibl If ā / im/ fflr/iiiijp/imfJt# firWitv^HWiA E.V- ,nti(i:il-:J HiT- If 1(1 u >: ch Ā«j nrl V u sr/tlr kl Wji/ush Tvnul;Vfcf , uS77t*I.iDjr! 1| rT :S: I0!p>ul G . Kxfet^uw/njwis/ psniF; li'3iriy::tD:20:].f mil Kern (ilnrnlh pfi pu ssivd 1 ā u* r t ustrVlpinjfi/IDliVih Those entries in [fit;: password file which have li user number ol Ef areaccou PCS which have super user privileges and should be primary Limpets for password hacking techniques. Thi s should he enough Lo pet you pomp on U h 1 EX hack i nt- Took for fni'l two which will contain more advanced methods u f hacking. Public Phone onboard letters (continued front page .hdftj white the Password drabber is. rtmainu:. that would avoid rhp situation described, in the second paragraph of the article. For example. H the vicluti has the piesence of mind CO enter a COntrol-T wfiilu the password grabber is at ifte WAIT step, i; will he obvious to the victim thai ho is stiLI looted on. I he solution is to enter SET NOCONTROL=(Y,T)' early in (lye program . Stake Out l>ear licutfcist /.(T.vt month. you read ahouf the "pee phones of phiih . " Chester Halm as told y&u about free culls from vat ions payphones shat hare erjutil access. One of our lit iters Mas on a recent trip across the earnin', and he had an opportunity to test Mr. Holmes' discovery out in other cities around the nation. In Chicago and Los Angeles, for example, par phone calls are pee when one simply chooses an alternate carrier before dialing, 10414, 1(1777, and SOdtih wo r fed A more complete list (furnished hy Kid & Co.) ran he found in this month !t 2600 Information Bttreatt. For wit lelco executives , ā vou' should realize that Philadelphia, t hicago, and I. ns Angeles are among the largest vit\es in this country and represent a very large hole fo patch i hot fo mention die rest of the free world). EQUIPMENT Security, Privacy* Police Survci I la nee, Cou nlCrmeusu ncs , T tlephone BOOKS Plans. Secret Reports. Forbidden Knowledge ā Ā«-* ,lĀ£Nt> Ijir-tiC rvn I.aPGk ca ta LOG A Hu Out: YPA R t)fi>A net! SHERWOOD COMMUNICATIONS PhiSmont Commons Philmont Avenue Suite (MOST Huntingdon Valley* PA [9006 Call The Private Sector BBS! The official bulletin board of 2600 is available for you to cal II NOW RUNNING OBtGlNA L SOFTWARE ON A 20-MEG PC WITH THESE SUB BOARDS; Telecom Digest Media/News Networking Info ftetrievol CDS Advertising Ā© Computer Law ā¢ Telecom ā¢ Computer Security ā¢ User Suggestions Ā® ftodioCommun. Connect with the famous Private Sector BBS and participate in interesting and intelligent talk o n te tecom m u n i c at io ns a nd com puters 201 - 366-4431 ( 300 / 1200 ) 3AA FULL DI SCLOSURE la the rri.tot amazing news. (roper aval I aid e Ilu (V.H iif.ij vhf\. rr fXT.IIf Mv.iip. -I. .r. il .- s.v |J 1.0-Jjji- WLu p-:i. vp-l .l.iJy !-.-r>j?xr jau clip P>l |uiL .;.| >J, a attry. In >Jn Lw* ,'JrriL. Ah 1 / ll.'l iK+.'llCl.U ikjCnU.I I, -:.r. j-iy UhlldlWkl Jrin .Inn rr.- ^ ā r-r-i - >-p. iP .'ah-Vri' A. .'a I Lb Ā«.| nul rsitvjl -.l l -i* l | |h i B Uf hi Ijtfb-; lr -I f..' .-n.W .l.-ntkau . JWJ ril'wW L ; M i*V :h>n'.L'nr. Ihn. J ā . p-V P e ^-i*v ^"iVpihrd k. aĀ«vui>'Ā«iiTii ā ā nrM hH -sihi -..jiV. ā bJ umh n ,'m inNM > Yi> ā i.".i al kliLi. . TaĀ« mi h.Vh m fciV:- h|J-i'urj| fri I.MiĀ°ri bn iv .. nubbh^, . i*YHm.V |) I L lU j> ā / l.-^u I ā ā u -1 1 riaj IjLbir. Fill IJipduiunr rr t c-jia|iiulr x.dij-B-i.j.M iuCpiUiIj 3 -p#r Oiai lulif JibAim y:-i ā ā ail i & SciĀ«m. ir.rioiYi4Mii ?=-u wi'l .Ir.d ir. fWi' ā¢ j i I K* UV n- N>. ; Ā« r B - f-z u r, r J *, nu.|. ir. |i > ā rrinl TO p.ihiL Ā£Ai|vx buype. Eni n-jiUl/n Ic-r m t" Ā£ 1 O* 4.0 oiuilri >. .n^Lv :j.3 ehTv-i V>EV|fUiil/ ā I * MJllIb Ll.bL Full IT.m -āinnrT -j jjf. nubin f,i r PJ^PLy TT..*il ft- I !ā ā ā ā '. I.'.i ā ā | ā ā I J ā - 1 . ā ..ā ! ij'iiL ā Jirc-i"! 'ā 1 1: :r. A U .4 .yiih|ijp:. . = |ā e r.y ā n 1 1 r.-b ā r . :r- r.riiirjy.-ia 'Ini Ivin i **Jr , ih r. .l.i,- Si lc .., |^ B t'lriL idiL.'.i nl F Jt n>u ā¢.liaun,? mlvivimd >m nut it iLv->iL Ā«r.r airJ i.alw.-jl lii.v.i-;^ P/.PĀ«r .Nvj i'.J ā I 1 - ā ! I ā K F- 1 1 Kill i;i|3c:-*rjru litH .pr.nilp U...;.m | rp.'tiiiL- 1 -J L/ ll'v or'-cu-Jui, Uii I z 'j i'J*. F-r-Vi-* n { J I r Ā«j;. h r i.y EHidraim mxkr K H ..I H-.-v.-pllr, Tt* ir-liiilly nnili. C.b. rpjil^ llbprEMra 1 . 1 I'bi taj iY'.-i Y itKrw H W .Xinj I . 1 ! 1 1 J 1 . f'H I | ?r l.i n} |'i j |' ir i**-4 ā inO-Yp >.V>i l is ! rĀ»' Pr-nuc e\' LVi *f ..I r i 3 i, r nrperj'cv.11 ihi>3a ri.*\ tin hi ,'ce >\* m foWin&n ^rapubair'. 11 h.'i Im I five ta Ap jmWintim ^tpcrnr k> jāilbā >āj|l UVv pkrii.hh V"Om iw<! h- hrij, ,hbl i'll ujI'Jib nsi^r ir.ir.rii It - k> r. -jjJ K ljri -k *i I J 1 1 UiHLJijr-j i:v 1+uJb i.v-i i\f ā jb.nif jjĀ« p. rĀ«B 41 1 , ,+.n h n fer, ! I'Srtph SLtl.l | j .ni' I.LZ Li. a mV, SUM. .. | | 5 nn \ZA xiaai! 12 - 51 . ā ' HLiJirm ā¢L^ij.ilivji.'il.b: . .'ā ā¢r . j jy l-iri I <1.1 l> II 'A-: F'Jin .irtli. 4 .r.PiT. Tl.. w.nĀ«y. t -i.. 4 . ls Ait*. UiAij,. |p|#r ā¢4 ā ; ni: Mil ulKFI r < k-tur J iJ. X!H 5 ahlli SULfa SL, Ami a .bar I La.IaiJlBi: Eāv ' Bjb.ll^.i rjur r mi I i, UvW. ny.B.l{