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Cellular telephones â I low They Work
by Eruee Alston
This is a non -technics 5 explanation -of (he newest in mobile
telephone communications, die cellular telephone, For some
background let's review the mobile telephone as we knew it
prior lo hut 1983 when cellular systems began operating id
Chicago and Washington/ Baltimore. Improved Mobile
t elephone Service ( 1 M I'S) si lows cal Is to he made from a car to
a land telephone Or vice-verm, Car -to -car service is also
a va i lahlc- Based tut radio era OS ['a issin n charaetcrisi its, a ny eiiy
Or town Kin have a maximum of 12 radio channels in the
150 Mhz hand for mobik telephone service. The transmitter
power for die base sia lion (telephone com party) can. go as high
as 2KX) watts Effective Radiated Power (ERE). T his may cover
an area of '."Lit lo 15 miles. depending up rut terrain. The mobile
radio is Limited to 1 5. 25. possibly 50 watts ÂŁRP, keeping in
mind the power consumption from the an tom obi le battery. I o
receive the sig.iifi I fro 1 V 1 1 he mobile rad io Hie telcpho nc compa ay
encircles lhe transmitter wilh receivers, so wlwrever the mobile
unit might he, it tain be heard, as it also must hear Ihe base
Station transmitter. With IM'I'S in New York City, Los
Angeles, or Madison, Wisconsin, Or any eiiy, Only 1 2 mobile
telephone conversations can work at one time, assuming Lhe
FCC aJJotii Led 1 hey; cil ies a 13 1 2 elui nuflls,
Ehc FCC has allocated btiti channels in the 800 M bz band for
cellular tclephnne seivice. The maximum pnwer for the base
sttilioh is 100 watts FRP. for sl>c mobile radio V watts FREC
(ThaL is not a misprint 7 waits') Based on transmission
characteristics, a cellular radio system can have up Lo 333
channels in a given geographic area . Each a rca can have two
cellular systems, each with its own 333 channels in 11 given
geographic area . Each a rea can have two cellular systems, each
with its own 333 channels for the lotuJ ($6. Pivlure due 3 MTS
system with its receivers encircling one powerful transmitter.
Change the receivers to combined transmitter; receiver/ control
equipment located throughout the geographic urea. These are
called cell sires. Where Lhe une puwerful transmitter base
station was located, cellular has an M l SO â Mobile T elephone
Switching Office, llrat clrariiKls telephone calls from the land
lines to the cell site nearest the mobile radio. The MTSO can
also switch mobilc-to-mobilc calls, As the mobile unit travels
from one cell site toward another, where a more powerful signal
etui be transmitted between mobile radio and cell site, the
MTSG switches the connection to die besl cell site, 1 1 now looks
us if a maximum of 333 calls could go on in any one oelLuJu:
system at any given time. This is not so. Based on topography
and radio interference patterns, else same radio channel might
be used in two or more cell sites in the slime system. These cell
sites arc probably 1 lj to 1 5 miles apart, unlessa mountain or hi II
is in ihe way. Iri tire United Suites, various manufactuntiis arc
claiming that a properly engineered eciluiar system can handle
up to 75 ,000 eihs ala given time. (The telephone term. is 75,000
E3HCA â Busy Hour Call Attempts). Mo system has been
installed that approaches this ligurc. Notice, though, that tins
beats the 1 2 BH C A of 1 MTS with a lrcavy stick if cellular is only
Capable of baLf Lis proposed capacity.
Let's suppose your cellular telephone (it can be in a car, on a
boat, t>rca tried with you) has llte number (5 1 fo 555-2fi(XI, Iâm in
Red I radge, Montana and want to call you, Using my friend *
telephone, of course, 3 dial 51655521)^)0 and waiL while the call
goes through the regular telephone system. It will end upal lhe
{5 1 6} 555 FVi JâSD where it is serU to &U the (5 16) 5 55 cell sites and
transmit ted. If your mobile telephone is turned on it will
recognise the call, inform the M'J SO that it is in service, and the
Ml SO will assign Us most powerful cell she a voice channel for
the conversation, The MTSO will also trauMuil information to
your rad io advising ot the channel number on which you wi 1 1 he
talking to tne, Your radio will ring, HI Eicni Hoging. when you
answer we talk . Y ou push no buttons, turn no knobs. When the
calil is over, wc both hang up- Shou Id yon wish 1 0 call me , pick
op your handseL, dial my number, push the SEND button, and
wait until you get a busy, E answer, or you have a "nng-sion 't-
answer" condition.
Yes, you ca n use your pi odem , , bu i cc Du Isu telephony is in its
infancy! fcsullsmuy not always bouli Ltuil you hoped for. Right
now voire communication is the principal commitment of
cellular systems,
in review, cellular telephones have opened a whole new area
nf usage ava ila hili 1 y. H avir'ig u 0 old s r mobile telephone means
LtuiLyOu migh! received cull if one of twelve circuits- were open,
and you might be able to make a call underthe same conditions.
With cellular systems, when you arc in Hie coverage area and
your telephone is turned On. you will receive calls and you tan
make oil Lis and expect to have the ability to talk until you are
finished, The city of Sacramento, California lias 7 cell sites.
Anywhere you drive in then Area you have cellular service, if
you drive toward Son Francisco, as scon as you get within
ra age I)f ce 13 dies. service is uga i n a va iJable. The mobile nuiio
has a "no serviceâ Light that is on when you are not in ccLIular
ra ngc . I f you have a "1 ranspoital>le'â ecl InLa r rad io, pack i I wi 1 1 1
you into lhe demist office. Or blink, or whatever, and use yOur
telephone, boLh lo send and receive calls. Cellular telephones
tan be equipped with every type of regular telephone feature:
.sjiced dialing, last number red is I, call forwarding, three- wny
Calling, oil waiting, and eventually cellular setviec will be
available in every c omnium ty a ltd along l he highway between
Prior to deregulation and divestiture, IMT3> seivice w l os
provided only by [he local telephone company, culled
â wireline" companies. Now. each city or town with cellular
service eon have (wo companies, thcâ'wirc3tuc F â{!ncal telephone
company) and â'nnn-wirclLoeâ, a Radio Common Carrier
(EtCQ, F-flch company has a tola I of 333 radio channels in the
800 Mbit ra ng.e devoted to cellular telephones. Actually, 512
chan ncls i a each group are for the voice' Communications and
21 are used for control data transmission (the informal ion. that
tell s the lfiobi Ic radii) which voice cha nnd to use, for exampief .
Ccilukir service is already so popular that the FCÂŁ7 is allocating
additional channels for 11k service. Since cellular radiu in tlk;
rest of the world uses up to 1000 cbaitneli, most ceLlulnr
tclcpboo.B a 1 c designed Lu cover 1 here channels. 1 ''or detailed
iuformalion on oellu lar radio, consult "HI A 1 iKcrim Slo oda 1 d^,
M ohile Station 00 \ -1 nd Sla I ion, CIS -3 -A ", available from the
Eiee:;rx'nic Industries Association.
Ho w Cellular Phones
Came About and
What You Can Expect
Cellular communications derives its. name from tae
radiotelephone signal being t eVi nsm i i; 1 c< I by ;'i series of low-
powensd [fi iorOwa ve antennas or cells.
H istory
Find proposed by EkilJ Laboratoriesâ creative thinkers an the
Jute ] 9+bs, the udva need computer tech oology tn acrufi llv ism ke
cellular work developed in lhe E%0s,
The FCC, after li 13-year discussion, formulated its âtanalâ
rules on implementing the technology in IDflE, (Other
oountnes, such ax Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Scaitd ijiflvia actod
more quickly and began operating cellular systems in J979-
I vk I ,) Chicago was chosen ns the city tor an cx pc amenta I
system in I ( J79 , and a second expci'iiilCiU was built in
Washington,' Balt imore,' going on air in late l'9BI. Both
experiments proved that the ccllulflr systcnii rid. i t>n-e*d
perfectly and thul cellular com muni cat ions is a valuable
The E-CO tlicn issued a a ordei licensing cellular systems fur
the country's 305 largest population centers; 10 date, lhe IfH)
la ip,cs.t ma rkcls eitlier on line or soon will be. leach market is
served by Lwu cellular companies: a âwireline companyâ 1 , a
sutwidiary of tlic local existing phOiuS company after the
historic breu kidp, and, a ânon-wireline company One that is not
associated with the phone company'. Two providers 0-1 service,
a CCOi d i ng t o the FCC, wo n Id p re vent a monopo I i s t ic
marketplace and foster competition.
How a Cellular System Work*
The TCC designated the S<Xl kill* band for cellular
communications, Of lhe total '»> thirty-Khz-wide channels in
Ihe band. 333 channeLs are reserved tor the wincliiK cellular
company, .1.1.1 arc reserved for the non -wire line company, and
Lhe Just 333 are held in reserve tor future cellular for other
mobile) sc rv ice,
When a celluLi r call is initiated . l! is received by the closest
Jow-powpr microwave ante nna i n the cellu lar a i ca . From there,
the call is routed completely Over the microwave system if it is
going to another Cel lular phone, or if il is going to a land line
(regular phone), the call Is then routed through a highly
sophisticated computer switch and connected through to
regular land Line phunes. As a vehicle moves throughout the
oetlularareu (the geographic a rea in wh ich the ccllula r company
OpC rates). I he signal is aulomatieuJly âhanded off" from one cell
to Che next, so chat the signal stays strong and clear, Just as an
FM broadcast chonnot can be used in many cities across the
country, a CelJu Lir channel can be used in different pa rts of the
coverage area. This geographic sharing permits a cellular
system to use radio channels mote efficiently than existing
mobile panne systems , A number of phone Conversa Lions can
lake place EhruughouL a cellu h,r area, at the same time, on the
same channel without interfering wilh each Oilier.
Cellular hard wap; varies according LU lhe area of the
country, and feu Lures of the model, (.ieueratly speaking.,
perhaps S99? to Si .800 or so for a vehicle-mounted unit, and
S2.Q00 toiXCKHJ for portable and t ransptnlabk units, E .casing
and rentals arc available in some areas. For lhe usage of the
unit, the phone company charges a monthly fee, and a small
charge per rail.
things we're not Supposed to know about
by S>r William
Tn addition 10 the Captain Mid night episode, Lhere have been
people recently throwing sin tic at LttJOâs satellite from iheir
bae k ya i d d i ill C if l ra n sir. i L t e r s . W h L Lc t h c re "s n o re a 3
imagination in ItaiL. itâs pretty impressive that all dishes can he
made to work both ways.
CapLain Mid night did more, thuugh. lEe sent ⥠signal with a
message and actually bumped Ihe H BO signal off of their own
satellite. Whatâs more, he apparently sent ii with lhe same
se rumbling, technique used by TTlJO so that it would come out
Oil lhe viewers' sets normally, Very impressive,
A II of this has been leading up to Lhe more serious stuff: wta i
is available for hunting someone Like Captain Midnight down. I
know of radio transmission direction rlnrfeis thfli tan. find a
source in less than 15 milliseconds. This. LOO. is impressive.
I his equipment is only available to law enforcement agencies
anti Lite -ike so you Or I can't get it (even if we could afford i i ), As
i\ trui I ler of lad . we ca nât even get a catalog from these people to
see just what they make u ntess we happen to work for oaic 0 T
"âthose" agencies.
âWhy is that?" you may well ask. It's probably heeauxe they
dotlK want you to know what else they make and se!L lu âlaw
enforcement agenciesââ. Not wanti ng 1 be general pu biic to know
about things tike wallet tra US mil Lera makes sense. Any crook
Iliac watches TV knows that an undercover cop might lie wired
under his shirt li ke on TV. EJut how many would tin ok 1.0 check
lhe guyâs wallet?
ibis is all intcctsl ing. bul what gets me is all the equipment
available for bugging people. Phone transmitters Ituit draw
their power from 1 he line i I self a nd Lise the wires fo r its a menna .
Guaranteed Lu look identical to the microphone part in a
regular telephone. It only puts out two rtlilliwatls of power, hut
they have Loads of rc-irAilsmittefs available to boost the signal-
There are '"pffliilic" taps that work on the same principle
but don ) iec]u ire access to the phone to be hi pped . just to the
lines going to it.
So just what a re âtheyâ doing with these tli in ex? I f there V a
good reason ro tap a phone, then a COut! Order is gotten and a
recorder put on the line at the central office, all nice and legal
So juSL what do âtheyâ do with all nf this equipment that ss
actually illegal to use?
Pc rha ps ynu would li ke lo ask them foryoursclvcs. They can
be contacted a LI Audio. Intelligence Devices, L4f!0 X 1 W 62ild St
Furl Lauderdale, E L 33m ( .1(15 > 77fi-5(W0 .
And 5 bet you thought IL l hey " were there to protect you from
Use kind of people Ltuit would use this kind of stuff,
How Not to be Rejected
JsW ^CM :-c Pi r.z
Anton .1, Campanclla, president of New Jersey fed. recently
gave a speech to some New Jersey bus in ms leaders. In it. he
siitL âJt won't Lie loo long before you will lmvc tbc ability to
know who s catling before you a I he photic. Il WOtl 1 be
too loop before you coo prevent unwanted millers from ever
reaching you. 11
And the ej4.ee li lives clapped, laughed, and cheered at tiie
prospect, content in the knowledge that never again would they
have to deal with unhappy Customers, Unwanted wires, and
anything else that could pet in the way of Lhcir pursuit of
If you suspect that someone youâre tryinp to reach is using
this rui sLy hi Lie fea Lu re Lo avoid you , llkCrC ate many ways to get
around it . Cal] from a payphone or a friend^ house. Cali using a
long diswri.CC comjjany, most of Which arc unable to provide
details like your phone number to the person you âre Killing.
There are olheis, hut this should he enough to pet your toot into
his/her phone.
Ph teaks Tie Up Id lies
â I.'.i r.N j'b'sI Nfjw S a iY«
Mountiin Beil announced in October that it laid detected
massive fraudulent use of interstate long distance oiling 1 hat
0 .i used (I isrujuio i) of telephone seivice in the Alamogordo (New
Mexico) area. Area Manager Gene Whitehead said the
sporadic disruption in scivicc had been caused hv the use of the
Alamogordo switching facilities by people on the east Cbast
calling Puerto Rico.
He said the use of the switching, facilities had become so
interne tliat local subscribers were having to make many
nlLetnpLs to complete their Long d is LanCe calls. He noted that
long distance calls into the area also were being blocked by the
Cflst COOSI traffic that was being routed to F J ucrto Rico illegally
through the Alamogordo swiLch,
The use of remote switching offices, he said, such as the one
in Alamogordo to comp I etc these lypes of Long d ista nee calls
also causes disruption of Local service. For example, he
explained, locnl telephone numbers are dialed as part of the
lota! dialing sequence lo compile such cults And this causes,
local telephones to ring. But when the telephones are answered .
there as no one on the lane.
He said thul 1 his pti rl i d. a lit r p rob] tail occurred i n Alamogordo
two years ago, ant! has appeared in other areas of Lhe country.
He said tlto perpetrators were using switching facilities, in
Montana, but were blocked there. They Lhen lied into the
Alamogordo exchange.
| For all you folks Ihal are always asking where blue boxes
work, this oughL to give you an adea.J
North Carolina #1 in Hacking
Sew Y rrL I tally
Five N orth L'amii na computer hackers face felony charges an
the nation 's 'ia rgest computer phone fi a ud nvrestiga i ion , fedora l
ago nl:* have announced .
.The indictment cltfi rges the five with using home computer
systems to cap longdistance phone companiesâeustomer access
codes to make ââhundreds of thousands of dollars''' an calls
without paying for them .
[Maybe they were wailing for Lhe bill....]
international Hacking
r^AjRd V?jiKufiV%
One of Bntainâs largest altemplod frauds, involving the
electronic transfer of securities, has been detected and blocked
with the help of an an junction Lia Switzerland only hours before
its completion.
lhe attempted fraud involved the transfer Of Eurobonds
wOilll S3 .5 million (U.S.) to a Swiss bank account. The
ser-'j cities belonged to the London branch of Prudential, Budae
Securities Inc. of New York, Its T.n melon offices have now
Lightened u p their computer password security in response to ti
series of criticisms from their head office.
Otic official involved in the investigation said h H When I saw
how easy at wus to break anto their system, l thought of retiring,
buying a simple cnniputcr manual, and doing the same thing
myself. 71
[What as ridiculous remark! You don't need at manual!]
Computers Threaten Privacy
TIk VoiN.
A report by the Office ni Technology Assessor m wairns that
advances in Government computer i/sâd record systems have
eroded some of the individual protections established Ivy the
Privacy Act nf IU74.
According In the report, technological insprovftllWirLs iai
storing pereonul records have helped the Guverntnent attack
fraud, waste, and abuse, have assisted law-en force me r.1
agencies and have streamlined sonic Gove raiment operations.
But Lhe re port goes on to say 1 bat these advantages have been
offset by new opportunue.s for unauthorized mxl dkgs! use of
personal files.
A result, according to the report, has been the creation of a
â'de facto national database containing jicreona] information
on most Americans. 11
Telco Says âPay for Tones"
^â r hen New York Telephone detects use of touch tone service
without notification to the phoisc company, ii contucls the
customer and requests that monthly payments of 12. 1 $ per
phone lane start. If the notice is ignored for two or tluce weeks,
the com pany blocks any outgoing calls Iliac a re not made on a
phone with a rotaiy-lype transaiiissLOn.
Forty-five percent oL the companyâs Long Island customers
ran still get awny with free touch tones. {It wnsfltf percent four
years ago,) As electronic switching systems advance, Lhe
percentage will go down to zero. T he company expects this bv
[We all know that touch tone sendee doesn't cost the phone
company anything -it .«mt£ (Item a tremendous amount of
time snd expense.. The only equipment 1 ha! is expensive is EhiU.
which detects whether Or not touch tones are being used! Write
to your public service commission today and explain this to
them., fetter slil!, let's organize a nationwide touch tone strike
W r hcn the phone Compa nres sea; everyone going fr-refc to rotary-
dials and clogging up the network, they will sum begging for US
to go back!]
Loophole in Wiretap Law
il .. iV.pJi L kni.il
New Jerseyâs wiretap law was not violated when
âąconversations over a cordless telephone were la pe-recOrded last
scar, accord i ng to tire ailOrney-general't ofticc.
â A Lengthy investigation determined that the inw i ecplioo of
the conversations did nOI violate Lite suite wiretap net. There
was no âbug' used to pick up the conversations. They were
sim ply heard over a pot her telephone /' a spokesman said .
Conversa lions over cordless phones frequently can be heard
by neighbors over their own phones or on radios Accidental
interceptions are not illegal, according lu lhe direcHur of lhe
criminal justice office,
I ^ âąUv Jisomcral ll»l K)U*J «=* «âąâ ^
10 Offer 1PJWATS scrrioc an buy SM numlK^ Tij fih
L>|»»V do «â â > *«â *. âą (»
J ' .v^j ic-fl 7W5 233 444 4i5fi,6wp777 1 B«r«» , P^ Jv ^
primary earner. Fireman
Ann Arbor* Ml
D âS % faithfully, lw* all Of the
of th= sitllctes aiw3 L=^^. i oti tlus
^Th^T ''Sty ^ tit: pfi o ne ^ encountered on your rcaderR i:ip â â '
San Juanaf hcconu n H common on Amentfi i' ^
SiSiSl U Sr its 1-101 ' â inÂźâą wi ^5?â?s
Traostar Airlines of Houston has ii <m ^ f .,
telephone it not oiLluUtr: it operate* on a sidcbood of other
thc ii, net based radio equipment. This is why ,L
function about 30 minutes off the U mted State?. o^tLinri
The ?o S Rionn government ownslhatcauntryktcbphone
J⹠SSSi»' PK R I" T ^r
ssBsm m
Sb^tepand Penta-Couta crossbar offices. PKlC i m
Step- J P _. ,,i ; no w.ev ooud enei nment such
XI &» mm
as Northern telecom y»u f lhL .
(illd for the sinallcr exchanges. and an .,.-â â -â " .
t ren ts between Cuba and Puerto Rico. Interesting enough
pSSSr cUft n |]L>^ one eaH rmm Cohn LO Puerto L^O on a
0 pen aiors very busy and Tuqui res sfccml programming of s
a pa w to â" e^S!^
SSTtetrS a^^O^aSsy than*, jsl.*
Su if « to dSii - ptsystation, cic|«T *
e |Sro-âąchkTiical.This story is technically âą L
areas. It seems a shame to devote so miKhqriW m thatsuh,^
wtorr hV prj'rr(mf f /iflff sftw y, we cm i voachfor its
fitw readers did. But v* received many shrub* compiamts
^famJ onfvr more about the iVrto Rican phon W-
De j have a question- 1 own a piece of software I or 1 hr ^
enables :nc to produce the tones of i!k S'R^, 1 ^ ^d bit
boxes â I'he question is for the red ho* when 1 dull 5 MS W L f b t ,
mui niav the 2600 Hertz lone to became the Operator (which L
have d one wLlh success), will the telephone com pany ever ktmv,
that ] jU doing thisT , . â ihc
And reaardma the Long Distance Voyagers letLet ut .1
And, u.,..iiuii g E. ,..i? i âą lumnderal how many
Piâą Cohidas did he drink? Tlw ^formation Oh the islai^
tihone system is completely distorted ai^fal-se! Puerto
[,ââ L> 1 lh t most modem computer opera ted refihlur and I K nlar
nhor.e systems in the 1J meed States, S he only truth in hr:, letter ^
been ph reahed many times l
P.S. Is your BBS still rvorkirnr?
Uto Pieslraa, Puerto Pico
toyw first
liflt il-plirwki wrafW he high att ihe priority list.
W her m phone service chan others. Hun
accounts M ^c J/jc^cy.
0 H r iii fir. > f Private Si?e(w, tsjti
D MâąWrt-timejoh iawhha national TV n^i^pnbljc-
oho.ae. numbers on MCI outgoing WATS Im^^m tmK to
i.Lnw I run into interesting; ones and yol tr-cm -
^ or twice a day 1
HAwnrifrht weird sifiiwl. One numher, ^37 .4^ m .gives 3âąâ â
ioilc thS( â sw'ceps across the whole audio spectrum and repeats
indefinitely. , lad uiiiR bv the nomber. itâs pfobub y mairnaituxl
tote Sâą Mmiilli I" POTltaM). OH.. 1 â S ,t ',' l H r
siwpwne al& number here in Philadelphia which 1 nttoUl by a
pliable source is used in cheeking hncs for wimtups â
JSfS.âS'JSS* -
at 8tB53S7âąi ^Hich aâąpti a 10-
diuiiDTMV seqaenec and speaks tliem hacltat you. lliempo
X be hm digits with * . A. B,C, *ad D «
not pronounced- ltk more forgivinfi thf. n , A ,; U
jd »p«:
Trc â . A. <â ?** - -r ^
noncommercial ads from vnbsc .Iters, L \ °^J J^lteto
a nvthinfi like nvi; . they have Lots of eqU ,pmcut they would Mi*
self off . How about it? . .
Tlianks, and keep up the temfic work- H _
lift vert own, PA
rind they're ad tasting QM thing or maiher. hj'cp fiu ° ^ _
' WSrl aiHâtt ti interested in my articles on m-w teihnuivg^
loZ. as they sound interesting. Ifts see who t y^tVt g*^
Regarding she classified & ettonâ i r J up to our f _, -[
w em interest in if. we If start one up- But wr need So hcU j â
yOU folk*.
have opened up m Ireland recently, so lVn going to look for new
The 2600 Information Bureau
(ISSN 0749-3S.5I)
Editor ;imJ Publisher
Twenty Six HundffitJ
Associate Edi tors
Ent Corley David HudtNman
Executive DireCtur
Helen Victory
Dar, Holder
BOS Operator
Tom Bhch
Junk Mail Receiver
Richard Petrovich
Writers: Johr Drake. Ptuii tsN'v M-r. French, Emmanuel
GeW&toin. Chester H dimes, The Kid& Company Lex Lut her,
Lord Phreakcr. Mike Salerno, The Shadow, Silent Switchman,
and the usual anonymous bunch
2&QQ i$ [Xiblishiid by 2(300 Enienp ri &sa. Inc., sc SlewTurtynary
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PATES 512. individual; iJO. carw-tW
â J-2C. aveiwraa.
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MAKE EHtiCNS PAYAfi-lf TO' JlSOO Eoiprpr^as Inc
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AkoSI an sliRH kAiLXE"
KnnrK^hif.l -RE lay ,1HM
WCS0.&I 170
Sosocr-mlAy AUK'
fet-n 0-51 H(bfCIiHLT-RL(.A L , AW}
p-jiWA P I Tf-ET
StfcaifttfC BO-FEU*. nfflv,
iti-Ha.^i-era.^s.'.ET-RELAY ahpa
TEni'-RtatafLIi-O-KELAY . Afifr.
BfljCESId. rt: they
fP&j'i'Ai . hi fHn
Âźpy.+t,i. u i -hL i
IR'S'-PD* I . ilTHi v
PâS/aâahi . eoret
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Knori linJUiMJET-BEUT .J»/.
koâ â n»i of^ffiXET-HEUY >mhi
MncSv i : â a.nt ioi; . o-ro
O dia-tRt ah. âA
Oourlin-jiit.. a urn
OpUPtflL- (R-lSa Allt'A
wuEflisOCR'iiT-M.E,*,'- . ATA
Bl-jrO-rOC . AflM.
PTT'-C-I.n 1 7.. ARM
,' !â u p t?y a^pa
fl,|-LllUf ARM
ÂŁi,iiRrr : . ARM
Km Km lnf F
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HpLAgpiVt ni'hET
(Slacks J iii-kct
Kir I -Mir; AVPA
fert-ntelu ARM
1*1 d va (JI1KET
RYam Min trM : T
StAllforg-CilTeVAY. ARM
j-Cp- a^a
j-hii ARM
AU. -t|K , A5FA
j-elkiei nr., n iihn
ffimAfi i c«snn relai.a^a
K sunjA-SDSCS-ME r-.::ELA'. ARPa
3ÂŁEh.iViul IMlhTT
:*â : nr.r.i. hmwt
SSUHEP . D; fH| -
Etfl^ fer ^k^CSmeT-RElAY-AHW
CTAiJW/. e ;i.iii7hT;T
fcTAV-lA! .ill Ihn
â PTAtf-ltf nilhi T
7+1 1 ? â H EEAY ARM.
It I«S5[1 -WLAY. MPA
dttiAAOi/: AJilV.
vOrivoiaÂŁfiht;i -HELA.Y . aPPa
RTUCC .IaE i h: i
HJM iiH HM.h.M
AY,<SlJ4 f: I IM i
tuaMKhL'i-Hi :ay irfa
TlffitSsA .3ETML I
03* ARVL . 5.ETHET
UA^Yth . BETHF. '
OaMsSpy. AtFA
,-u1Ii-wjy ARM.
ft-0 I .âHl;i . APFA
tklO I -| 7 C r l. AkJ*A
gunl i-ns. ARPa
âąXAJyw. p | T>X=T
RCIE&'VU pitxo
gjRR.^p M I IXEY
nrT- 4 ET
^fifKFwr T -RELAY .
EHJ T: H 1. 1: pjdi aHIlKET
Til mi câąOOi RET -RELAY ar^a
WEHEy*' p.im : T
ffJEMEV.*n ,*:THEf
S p . ' tfPTM^HF --RE'-AY. AR u a
v .h'W 7 f..lll IMTT
JfiNCSi ii i I n i
5 lH.^R..il THE i
if i ARM
jv^l-fp ARPA
^j>il-rf ijy.AfipA
â uAi I i-tca. ARPa
ppp PtA'a;. l*jh - Skcppo hm
P5 r ti:jEE«r , l Uluvf r^.l'ty - EHU1YA> PA.
RD-thpercfr r i DnYMrjitY
wn-tp^srcri UniAAPjity - ELansLaa EL
fc ara ' t rJ P'A 111 U'lâYrr : 1 1 > Ai*, ijrtfA vsi
La-o I Ina iimyrri i tv, Lyatim: wtf&> 2 . huETina: i ipj asi i- 1 1
CtYin S+Plr LfluiersItY - C(ili.i*t>.n; ȉ :
ST! I1 7 r ? 1 t!f â YufSP. kAEl-. fii. J0K JM'-Et;
Lpla-ii*-. S:A-tf Unlvfri iiv - S- - 1 ivjtr' OE
â ; rc^i 'VHTAf^tf Uf'ECr - 3 *awi-t:i- OR
STBJHl Ell Atn y- ' Mf -5 1 tv - Cni-«M I I if ER
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VAX ll/JRi)
a MC
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pE 2 ^ K" , '* r s 3 ty EE dan- . iy^-.cr . â .VS.->AI, aurrmnn
Pena a .AIR liM l rHrr.ltV WEIiit Pi:f lYK : 2 UP 7 - 2 |i I
If"-' hlJTt Un .arEh + v fiyitDA: >JLX-Ilf!. PCH' 11 /Sh
pSv IjJjrXVUfiCP, Hifnlnf VAX iLi'flip
EâąiHS 1 Stllâ 1 'i 5 i!fei*v EUS !^' 1 w,,h ui - p m a Ki VAK 1
Pr 1 n»tfl r i iirniijrrity - h.'
^;k-iQ P| SjHtws: 'tof&Z. Naiftlnb: I Dm rifl'i-524
C JC U. r i H V ft r, fll i ây
yrCJC .. LaN^ftHb IK
5 * r d-K U^'Vb-SHy - Vitjz LarjjWllK I H
J^rdJC Upiwsley - VH.-.t; Ufaswtt« Ik
mv'B UnlWBlfev - HrflKCfi Smapin
WWVJ Ull-WElC^ - urii.jno
âąful Conxiraticr - 3 Anu wk»iiGd H«
h'M fill Mjirc-orit I Zfl â ShH^.h 14-41 1 -j y
htiri:i w nxir *t len - u^lca CM
fiPiri^Hl*i;r Pn I vtQCTfl I r: I II Ft 1 11/tC
fiHfi^HUrr Hnlytocrfii? IhftlwtD - T^cy hfr
r'IJ e ^ im: vh ^. err -uai-s
H^KJT^e.Uv, S-^SMt-: VIVJP 2 . Itottlr*: <IA$ 40 CQ
E ! T " l^lYEra I IV. Ff,*1fr URJIUUREP, KHAmnr VAX I l/VRO
RjftAM UnSvmltv - X»- RPii-falck WJ
RjrtAEYi IAY»yp-b1tv - Xyi- Hr-urtfaicx xyj
Rjttnr^ EA-iap-sity - Xt, nr ^ „H1C A r-j
p'Str Urlt sn ColuBnia. kmasa
p-fr . J 'âą r > ^ 1 * 1 Oli 1 1 = .â * ⥠r - - 1 IS aruu:, SâlatW: W/jii-i; U ii- h |rp* â l'jijc 1 1 .' 7 r- 7 .
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â â .' 700 ADM(:IIk 5 &S
atn-.rnr^ H -vv-aity - ita-rfyixi
â ita-Tarc lAi'YP-Bliy - Eia -furv-
ata-Enrc lAiivB-El-y - S-ia-far-fi
Ita - 1 ci-r: ja i yp-b i i> - itait i>n? Ji
Ji ar J & r n -Yi I YfABi tv - Xi all ore- .Ja
ii 7 jrta r i; i p Yi 1 vfrBi ty - Xtinto'c t A
Slftp WiltvrsUv tA xi;a Ycri 7 Rina-aitB r i Xvstny- wu.'S' 1 i*a.-hiar- ait
IâijE -0 % Sr ;«â * - 1 p?âą r - JwRMt ^
"2 'Snr I V Sj S' I 0 * 1 ' A ! E:-C^^ - E.til (Yv llrock Hr
y.âtP Ln j-arf-ilM b-- -if. âcn. At I-.- n J-iJltCI Xia :E1IH'YLI Hi' rjrnl'ti^ vu/RI' |> I#.-, r ,â â i . Ill
;' â .': L US i^SVSIJU S' " '] r 'â At i.'.' n-^t-ditnn via ni't'.viw, rj- r - âą nj 'tvâ%v L > ' r- - o s."
^â --n^-EB Ln i varan tv Lystn* Vuv'SPS, Rich Ira: 3 Rr hSai-hle
EystC1 ' v ^' a ^- R^Rirw: lemjAdPi;
I«*« * * K '-" 1 Yf r i âtv (t I DOS 1 1 . SwStEn: WQ'JESEt I
sa! f f r â " 1 "'1 'â tv . Sys rat VR.'/LH . Vj;r.l r,;.. ||>.
If ASS A 4 P Ltl 1 vp rjltyj Lyscct VRySF. Rd^-.I'W::
ifv:a: AM Univa'Siny - Callc-^a StHt'.m TX
iftx: InstratAiritt: Corpo-at 1 ?ti - Criiia-- TX
JC-XT "Cn I." - bAPtkHrrCân [ip-
a an a isa -â
on r LBv (S
kPI-iC: Ancanl at Vv 6
. 370 / MR
11 * ami-fie:
âpp tnivcriiLv la - Taisnn at
T**- «*h<*=
Lni-urtlty JOllvaH LOPiDi 1
^ , .' : - 1 "- ^"'âątr.. P «S.i3PÂŁ r RKhlra: Eiir Mi
â inxfrtitv or AlHiijra , 7 t Eirilnflhjp â iivrinoPAt al
Linxfmty or OiiH-ta - Ldronron, AiOirtr Lanam
.ii 1 r-prt ity of b!-iâ 1„ ii Gaiorbli - YArnxyrer 5 - 1 i isXi Cnnroa
UMi-.f r ;. 1 ty or LA Itniw.y it BO.-tftlav. SvstCl: UjcMra-
.11 1 rHrr Itv or i.a forma 7 1 BfrkolRv Sratn. fit 3 PE. rmrhlrp '
IJriyuir.jity &r lj \ if orp.-.a at Loo vca iab'. 5 ystci T PYE v f jS 5
nut 003 OH
O^EF i-tjisuitBi
Untvar-f'tv nr
Univarsiiy ff
Onivaraiiv at
Uonvoraiiy yt
Lt r «'*Vt p A I ty at
Jr- vp r an> af
iA- ' VO.-L I tv of
,A-ive*-EHv of
J-iYfraltV of
LY- 1 ve<-B I tv or
â JOiYfraltV
Ufl 1 wflripl
LTl I l i>H - K
Ln 1 %-Mi'f.i tv of Callforn'ii â Sa-itj =urrifc-H
Lri 1 hw- ki t y of âL«ni r 4 l f .n^ica - Drldnac'F.
Lnivftrtcity of Chliigri - miâą;, \i
Ln 1 â Hi' ^Tty jyf CMDJiKi - iVnrja?: I i
?vstci W&
Systei ln::e
S yitci W.â 3 P
tf: 'â K-'
ivrror. VM.rS'
IjOivHrjvtv o' Conforms at Lot: atooihx
u r iiHHi svtv o' Col irorn- H at Eos Argolas
UnivHi-A-tv o' Col if on â « at ion f;owaw'
uniYarA tv of Colifon' H yt ion Pro-Firr*;:.
ri5«SJÂŁ*i S««T- vy 'âF 2 âKMnel 'iBkâ SJ
Calllbrnib iivrhvir^' - Enr-kAiw âą ;t,
Cal'ilD r ntCi llvrfctlEy - EiSrKH ItTp
Cal^^ornib hhi+ihi*-,.- - Ecrxbiy tt,
Cal âfo r nia Irvihp - iryLm 5 a
California L(ij ah-m-ics - las aiimhc.
Cal Korn la Liu frneiw - ttii ah^-he
j^J'Jwnla Las nvi« - ins Jtnao'Pit
Ckiircrnla Los fifrju i+c? â !_âĄ: ,sri^e'*fls v ..
xi! teSI* t^r-ÂŁyira A - 2^n-a BarE^r-p Ca
uA 11 hi^rhl^ CPui - ^-.in-.; CTL2 C>,
]Bh +3410
3EV +34 1 -J
Machine. [By JCa-uie
W^r-nine. VAX 1WBC
Whine: IBM + 341-1
wraemne. IBM aR+i*-?
IBM AB+i-5'
4UJCP/UnBftlt CiatETHiy.l
EJJÂŁ JE si? Ii?!!? 1 * âąlilfBiWi.Biijpi #d«in!E.i:rj-: icns vih UCEJ 3 PK+ rurriirm i«,n KG r . . . K
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Kitv O' Jl If cento - Snto SirOA-o âą Hit* frern. ? I,âą :. â *:* â **
Hltt-1 Erorgv p r r,-: 1-i via liLAEUEii rvrn irvj V.M/YVG nl to 1-it
Ln I lOOvitv
UnPiorA ii v
Onivors -I v a-
OnP/omriv rj J
Unlvnrsviy o r
Omvrrj'iv of _ _
Olivers ITV Of LH laanrt - XOfI,-k 0
OnvBTB'iv of Eioiaan-e - Xoairk Ex.
IhiVBfBltv of Eih i.mH-f - he-zn, Lt
CPI:ogo. Svftaa RVi/JEEi, Mar^-npf aoosl ? UlVilvai
â Jll OjgO 3lAtH« VR7RRE. ^ Irfl â ]Bf J-Efl I V
.â noinniL' Cx*iA,trr Ccncor Svatri RVifJE Si, Ksormna
Q I'Xail' h'. IJii.i ii;nr - E : "u I â >: i Di
cmreo'icu 1 :, s^tHi-
mBDt Icui: , JyAtM:
.^repMcrn:, 2 .^+hi-
:piawane - Nanarh o
MVS/Eft, VLiiâ:l! Irp â
[IMr!< 4.2, b
LN[X 4.2, m. II/7B U
.UicnSni' â r â x- â- â
â VA M/7B-
a .uv iCCII-D
Free Directories For Bigwigs
i--Vsr.nL 5>j|- L-hJ-jIi'
JhoHC AT&T cl i rector ius of luMree S00 numbers
consumer edition, $14,95 business ertiLion) are being
distributed tree to one million selected households and mere
than 3tifl,f)Q0 businesses, the consumer bonis will gn to
fa Cud to illy selecLed households with annual incomes Over
335,0011. whose members. ha. VC attended college, make
purchases via mail or telephone und a nr holders of major credit
cards, ^ Business ediliuns ore being sent to medium and large
siius companies and are targeted to penile Mtelt as purchasing
agents who have lx:cn identified by researchers as being cite
ItCitviusi potential users.
t'l'his is typical -the people who really could use free books
are ineligible because theyâre not wealthy enough. And whaL
rt both hackers? They use M50 numbers, don'i sissy? In fact, they
probably get more out nf those numbers I ban anyone else! By
;hc way, in l ÂŁ J35 more titan 3 billion ihteralale calls were made
to AT&T 800 numbers for goods and services, a tenfold
increase since 1075. And guess wlscn S^Of) numbers were
sULrlcd â 1 967. ]
PC Pictures
YiVi 1 Niiwi l4r.1iA.-1l
Wide am Inc. said It introduced a device [Juit will allow
personal computers ro ilOre, transmit and recall color
television still pictures via telephone line*.
Called a video compression unit, the device, selling for
S4,S0Q. is being marketed to honks, rml cstnlc agencies. law
enlorcement agencies and other concerns interested in tlK
quick transmission and storage of phot ng rapliic dula. Wideom
Uiider previous technology, stomge of color television
pictures in computer memories was possible bid impractical
bodtuse without compression of photographic signals, no mote
than three pictures could tie stored on au ordinary floppy disk,
Tlsc new device allows up to LOO color pictures to he stored on u
Fingerprint Identification System
NF.C Information Systems is pro b?i bly the favorite computer
maker of the nation's police forces, fine Massachusetts
com pany is winning praise from the- couni cy's Jaw enforcement
Officials for a computerized fingerprint identification system.
California State Attorney general John V Hn de Kamp said
Uss NEC system has turned criminals who âwere beyond the
reach of the law i mo involuntary guests of otir state prisons.â
As of Decern ber 17, the Califn rnia system, culled Cal-l.D, , had
scored âhits" on 7? pnnts. tracking down suspects in several
murder cases.
â I his fingerprint identification system is the most significant
development in American biw enforcement .since the
intruduetio n of tlit two-way rad io in patrol cars many years
ago,"' Van de Karri p raid .
NEC won the 822,3 million California coillracl in
Buy My Wires
I'fa .âHk'V Yui I I TrEi
In OPC of the last slept: toward giving consumers complete
ownership of their telephones, local companies are now
oflcring to sell them the wires in the homes
In meenl phone hills. New York Telephone, for example,
informed Customers tltry oouLd bay their inside wiring for 330
for I he first line. 320 for the second line, and $10 for each
additional line. The company also levies a ârecord order
charge* Of JL0.30 to complete the t mnsiicrion.
Since I . customers have been allowed Lo injJa 1 1 tlieir own
wi ring in their homes, They have been permitted since 1078 Lo
buy Ibeir own telephones and hook them up.
Navigate With A CD
Compact-disk re ini- only memory {CD-ROM) technology
may srann help keep tiuek drivers fio.iu getting lost.
Instead of Lrying to read a map or following unclear
directions, truck drivers can look a pan electronic map
(ILspLa yed On a small computer screen in their dashboa rds. 11 k
screen would show tlici r current location as well as tlkrii- Hna I
The system, culled Navigator, is made by Jctak. Inc.
Although the company currently uses digital cassettes to hold
detailed area maps in database fnrrn, it is cOUSide fiug compact
disks I n r si 01 mg maps.
fisera will never have to change cassettes within a region nr a
state if they used d>>. A map for Sal) Francisco now lakes up
fuor cassettes-.
The key tn the Naviga tor isn shoe-bo s -sized computer Lhisl
sgs i ij 1 h.C 1 funk Of a ear I i receives informs lion from sensora on
the wheels 10 measure distance and from a compass.
Currently, electronic maps are available for major cities in
IBM Braille Compatible
L'rfihvil h'£ft\ Vi i r.v «.
A complete computer workstation brings the visually
itnpai red i nco the lacking world .
Duxbury Systems (Littlejohn, Ma) has integrated an IBM
compatible; a braille translator, which translates typewritten
material to braille or from braille to prinl' ? high quality voice
device such as DFCtalJtl a braille prinlcr; and an optical
character reader.
Who Wants To Be Swept?
A Pliiladelph ia-urea surveillance equipment supplier,
Sherwood Communications Assoc., recently analyzed clicnis
for whom it had also performed sweeps fur Hie detection nÂŁ
hidden devices.
According to Russ Vas Dias, president, the most frequent
users of sweep services in order of frequency art: marital
investigations, bid-sensitive 00 nt met ora and manufacturers,
labor rela tions wscs, suspected industrial espionage, request
from lawyers, and individuals and small businesses.
Government is a re guild r use 1 lor such .services. .According to
V'us Dias, one sensitive agency sehed ules a monltdy sweep. Fees
are paid by a special account, no purchase orders are created,
and no receipt requested.
(continued from page 3-92)
subscribe ft for you.
T sorbet im-CR get asi Fis^LLsIi majjaxitK called tSM
(Information Security Monitor). Do yon lino*- inbuilt irV [
suppose it's rhio opposite of 26W, wt rh a rl itles about improved
computer security, new computer crime Jliwr. anrf orlser nasty
HLitllf, I hey even report flic secure and return nf equipment
(wtoiyjmi; to two jsuty.s called L>. Kutlcmiais anti E. Corley! L.ct
me know if yog Are interestedâ [ can run off a photocopy for
you, the mug is only 16 pages per month; Meanwhile, please
keep on Reading, and lct> have Artaks about European
phone/ computer systems ton.
Michael Matt
Dublin, Ireland
Dear M M;
K-V >j? oi h'uvj. j>j terested in fending miscattccp tions,
particularly from over mis. Send ii on in.
Fnr rliuseof you who don't have Loucb tones bul want to use
ESS functions sitehus tit 11 forwarding. she problem nf how lu
dial the s(ar seems insurmountable. WdL, there appcfi rs to be a
solu tioir, The Rtar ca n he $imu luted by dLal mg 1 1 , { N ot eleven,
two onet-. although 1 L m sure many pen ply wi IJ end up colli hr I he
Shir the eleven key fitsn now on.)
ft'ftxt you .viy appears to hok! true. This is very useful for
those of i us who want ro disable call waiting, a hid , i can hi- a real
pain sometime*, Dkifing*7ttusnetfy works in most FSS Offices,
jVrtw, ! m mil work m âąwell, There ere s.omC ESS systems
which doit V o!h/n' this useftti fenmre, nod wr hove yet tv find
one it mi advertises it. (By ike way, the disable function only
lasts for one eaiiâit doe so V Ative to ho deprogrammed.)
, t
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