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______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/\\______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\\ __________ ______ / ________ \ ____)| |____ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ |/ ________ \| / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ || / __ \ || | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| | / \ | || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | | | | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 - Issue 4 - Late July 2015 RACHEL DOLEZAL: AN ISSUE AS CLEAR AS BLACK AND WHITE? ...:,;;.... .':;:;:ccc;:c,:,,..... . . ...'lc:olooodddxxloolc:lc:;:;. ..';lo;.';::oxxxkxxkOOOOOOOkxddoolc;',,.. ..cooodxxdxddxOOO00OOOO00000OOOOkxxddlclool:,... .:ldxkk00000000K00OO0KK0KKKK000000Okkxdokkdloo;',;'. ..,;'cddxkkO0000000KK00O0KKXXKKKKKKKKKKK0O0000O0kddol:;'. .,:lldxxkOOOxO0O000O0KKKK000KKXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00OOkxoc''.. ALSO: .,;loodkkOOkOOOkOOOO00000000KO0KXXKKXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKK00Okkdlc,.. .';lodxxkOO000OdkOOkOO00000KKKKKXXKKKK0KKXXKKKKKKKK0KK0OOOxl:'... ..;oodoxOOO000kOxodxkkkOOOOK0KKKKXXKKKKK0O0XKKKKKKXX0000O0Okdo:.. HOW .,oddxkOO0000OOlollddxkkOO0000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK000kkxlc,. TO ,;:cokOO0000OOo'',;::clldxO0OOO0KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKXXXKKXK000kkxl:'. SCREW ., .,lxkOOOOOO0l....'',;coxxxkkOOO0KKKKKKXXXXXKKKXXXXXK00kdlcc'. A . .':dddkkkO0O0o''.....,c:;;cclodxk0KXKXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXK00xc:.. LIGHT .,lcodxxO000l.','..';:;l:dkxdlldk0KKKKKKXXXXXXNNXXK00Oo:,. BULB .cocddxkOOOklcldc..;:;,,;;;;:cldkO0KKKKKKKXXKKXXK00Od;'. COMPANY .'';;ldkkOO:.',..';:;,''',;;::ldxO0KKKKKKKKKK0KK0Od' ..;lxkkk,.....';:;;'.',;;::ccodxO00KKXXKK00KK0Oo. ,:ldxk,.....,::ccc;;;;:::::cloxkoOKKKKKKKKK0x:. .':dxxl..;;.';:;;;;:c:;:::::::clkXXK000K0Okd; MEET .:dddxc'c,..';::ccc;',;;::;;;::dXKkoloo;,.. THE .'::cc:......',;;;,,,,;:::::;;,;do,..... ANARCHISTS .......'.......''',,;:cccccc:;,.... .. ......,,;:cclllllcc:;';kd:. ....;:looooddooollc:;,;ONNk. .....l;';:looooollllc::::xXX0x.... Confederate .. ...,,,:OX;...',;;;:cccc:::cdKKXK0O:.. Controversy .,:lodxkO0Oxox0XO.....',,,:cc::;;cxKKKXXKK0x,. .ckKKKKKK00kxdkOXXl'...'',,;cc:;;;;dKKKKXXX00K0Oo. page 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACQUIRING RELAY 3 LiberTORian Volume 1, Issue 4 QUOTABLE QUOTES 4 A publication of Synonymous 1. Published July, 2015. DEEP WEB LINK OF THE DAY 5 Harry 71's Onion Spider LiberTORian is published on an irregular basis. FEATURE 6 Screwing a Light Bulb Company N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, actually encouraged, to copy and DAVID NOLAN'S QUAGMIRE: PART 1 8 distribute this text by any means Libertarianism and possible, preferable by photocopy- The Right to Life ing. MEET THE LIBERTARIANS 9 Part 1: Anarchists LIBERTORIAN HAS DEEP WEB SITE: http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion/ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 10 OF THE DAY (Thanks to a user on OnionLand) The Fourth Amendment BLURB 10 CORRESPONDENCE: Statist President synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com FEATURE 11 Send submissions to LiberTORian Rachel Dolezal: at the above address. As clear as Black and White? GUEST POST 13 DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: The Matrix vs The X-Men 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s by Moxygen BLURB 14 LiberTORian Wants Your Words/ . Money . . * . . . . . FEATURE 15 . . . . . . . Confederate Controversy . o---o . IN THE NEXT LIBERTORIAN 20 CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY 21 annoy99 Don't < hurt < D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED 24 people < An appeal < to supporters of SCOTUS and < don't < take < their < stuff. < page 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y - By Synonymous 1 - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Thanks for reading. Now, more than to destroy something than it does to ever, it's important to remain ever repair it. This is what every vigilant in defending liberty. The freedom-minded person must do: United States is finally, as Barack Obama pledged, fundamentally trans- 1) Oppose all efforts of government formed. In 2008, America still was brainwashing. Their current a fairly free republic with a major attempt is to latch on to the gay problem with its politicians. In mafia, and exploit their thuggery seven short, while at the same time, to teach children from kinder- long years, the country as it has garten on that there is no MALE been founded is over. The federal or FEMALE. LEARN YOUR BIOLOGY. government has been wiping itself A person has male or female DNA. with the U.S. Constitution, and now RESIST and OPPOSE government they have finally flushed. America brainwashing, no matter how ab- is no longer the free country it surd it sounds. For they have once was. been successful in convincing people all kinds of nonsense in Along with freedom is common sense. the last decade! (the Man-Made Our president is delusional. He Global Warming Hoax, for example. actually says that he restored Also, the majority of people have America's respectability in the been brainwashed into believing world. Someone invoke the 25TH that the homosexual population is Amendment of the Constitution and 20 to 25%, when it is not even remove Obama from power, since he's 2% in reality!) obviously not mentally fit for office. 2) Know that God is in control and wins in the end. Also know that The next president has a lot of he is a God of justice. We have fixing to do. No more talk of re- been spoiled as Americans, taking form; this nation must be RESTORED. our freedom for granted. Under- I envision a day when people are stand that 95% of the entire not persecuted for their beliefs. population of the world's history I envision a day when justice is has lived under oppression. What applied equally to all. I envision America is experiencing is not a day when rights are respected and new or unique; it's only new for wrongs are corrected. I envision a us. As you become active, know government that once again serves that societies are like a pend- the people, and the demise of the ulum. They always swing back current one that demands our in the other direction eventually servitude. That will require even if they are turned upside daunting work and perseverance, and down first. a constant fight against the forces of statism who will oppose any loss 3) Be people of faith. When it of the power they've grasped. It comes time of revolution, do not may take generations, but remember, go out with an attitude of seek- the progressives have chipped away ing vengeance. Do not be people at freedom for an entire century! of the lowest common denominator, There is no more quick fix. As the like Occupy Wall Street. In law of entropy suggests, it is much fact, become the ANTI-Occupy Wall easier and required far more energy Street. When we engage the page 4 enemies of freedom, let us conduct community, and also told absurd ourselves with honor. Pray not for statistics such as, "95% of people victory in battle, but guidance to support Dr. Kravorkian". I'm fulfill God's will, and for the sorry, but there's almost NOTHING conversion of the souls of our that 95% agree on, so I have enemy. Let's make our children and serious doubts on your invented our children's children proud of us. statistic. There aren't even 95% of Americans who think ISIS is 4) This isn't such a hard one, and evil! It wasn't the place for me. it's something I covered in issue 3: archive everything, especially the It's no longer a time to remain moves of the enemies of freedom. I passive or ignorant to the world personally collected hundreds of around us. I don't know what else documents from the Obama administra- to do, except 1) pray, 2) use what tion, the U.N., and various senators talents you have. (I can write, that paint history AS IT IS, IN so that's what I'm doing), and 3) THEIR OWN WORDS. Again, it is a way a leader will arise eventually to make our children proud, because who will be the next Rev. Martin when they read these documents, they Luther King, Jr. Follow him or will ask, "Where were you to stand her. up and oppose this when it was happening?" And remember, it took 100 years, beginning with Woodrow Wilson and 5) Be a beacon of light. This means Wisconsin University professors, to be prepared for dark times which go get to where we are today. It are ahead for yourself, your family, is not going to be repaired over- and others who will have nowhere to night. Remember: Entropy. turn. America's light of hope will be extinguished for a long time. It There is one more thing you should is ironic that a person who's do: acquire a Bible and a U.S. campaign slogan was "hope" is the Constitution. Read, study and one most responsible for it! Don't learn from them both. Understand get me wrong; many are at fault, and the meaning behind the words. George W. "We must suspend the free It's only by comprehending the market in order to save it" Bush is wisdom of the past that we can also one of them. But non one has forge a better future. ((L)) been such a malicious catalyst as the current occupant in the White House and the Kakistocracy that he brought with him. When America is ! DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN ! not there to defend freedom in other ! BITCOIN ADDRESS ! nations, let alone our own, all the America-haters around the world will 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s be singing a different tune, like, "We sure wish you were back again." On an individual level, be the hope others are seeking. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6) Join a group of liberty-minded Q U O T A B L E Q U O T E S people Be sure that their values are close to your own. I left my %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% local Tea Party group because they raised up a nurse who advocated advocated active euthanasia (look "Not to speak IS to speak; not to up the difference between active act IS to act." and passive euthanasia), fostered anti-Catholic sentiment within the -Deidreich Bonnhoeffer page 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEEP WEB LINK OF THE DAY: >>> skunki3q6etts35z.onion <<< %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Harry 71's Onion Spider allow you to see subdirectories of the main site, including FTP loca- http://skunki3q6etts35z.onion/ tions. This can come in handy for people looking for something specific, and is also helpful in I came to the deep web as a novice, navigating a site. lost and unable to find my way around. I'm happy to say that this It could take days searching all of is no longer the case. I owe much the thousands of links in the site. of it to Harry 71's Onion Spider. But thanks to Control-F, a user may type in a keyword and find a desired The Onion Spider is a program that appropriate site. For instance, if crawls through the deep web, seeking someone is looking for a mail server and reporting new or undiscovered to establish a hidden email acco unt, sites. he can type in "mail" and find web sites where "mail" is in the site's The main site is extremely clean, brief description. Of course, there providing the visitor with options: are many listed sites without de- scriptions. Those links should be o show the entire list of links clicked cautiously. I found one o show links and details by the site that featured a music video character in the site name (2-7 by ISIS, glorifying the bombing of and A-Z) innocents and statist theocracy. o show newly-discovered sites Good-bye. I visit new sites that don't look Harry 71's Onion Spider is a great like they contain bad content. resource for new users to the deep Some contain links to the type of web and seasoned users alike. The forums that I've been looking for. links are unbiased, unlike Google, Checking the new sites is a great and provide all the links, good and resource for active links, ones that bad, as equals, unlike Google, which actually work. Inexperienced deep discriminates against the good. It web users learn quickly that onion leaves the user as the ultimate URLs are often deactivated, for many judge, which is what libertarianism reasons. One is that people just is all about! ((L)) take down their hidden servers, so there is a lot of fluidity. Another By the way, here is ISIS' position is the Freedom Hosting takedown by on the Nolan Chart (estimated): the FBI in 2013, which shut down as much as half of the deep web's links! Most of the newly-discovered . onion URLs are active links, and . . . just may have what you're looking . . . . . for. If you find a link featuring . . .---. . . something despicable, never visit . . . | | . . . it again. It's that simple. . . .---. . . . . . . . Visitors to Harry 71's Onion Spider . .0. have the option to view a web link's . detailed information. Doing so may page 6 _______ / \ % S C R E W I N G % /( ) \ % % / \ % A % ( ) % % \ / % L I G H T % \ O O / % % \ | | / % B U L B % \ | | / % % | [|] | % C O M P A N Y % ======= % % ======= % % ===== % - By Synonymous 1 - % In 2008, President Bush catered to Rush Limbaugh said that he prepared the eco-extremists, passing a new for the ban; he bought a 10-year law that bans the use of traditional supply of real 100-watt bulbs. Good light bulbs...or what I call, "REAL" idea, but five of those 10 years are light bulbs. This is infuriating to behind us. Michelle Bachmann's bill libertarians, as the government has to bring back them back was defeated just come in and taken a perfectly by statists in the House of Repre- good legal product and made its senatatives. What will you do in manufacture, sale, and use illegal. 2020? This is all to push the allegedly "green" corkscrew light bulbs, also I personally own a 25-year supply, called compact fluorescent bulbs, or which is all I could afford with my what I call, "POISON" light bulbs. paycheck not going as far as it once did. Thanks, Obama. Again, this is This is a slap in the face to free insufficient to provide real light choice. First of all, studies have bulbs for my children. There are shown that poison light bulbs aren't alternatives such as LED lighting, the energy savers they've been and I love those, but they are trumped up to be. Once again, this expensive. Until an innovator comes demonstrates the government's folly up with something new that isn't of taking action before the facts regulated out of existence because are out. Secondly, I don't want the the idea is too good, there is only poison light bulbs in my home, for a finite supply of 100-watt bulbs. many reasons! For one thing, they Eventually, America will be to light are POISON! They contain lethal bulbs what Cuba is to cars. Well, amounts of mercury. Poison bulbs maybe not, since Obama is lifting are also notorious for burning out sanctions on communist dictators so prematurely, with a pop. Whenever they can raise the standard of liv- a poison bulb pops, it emits mercury ing for the elitists that run the vapors. The levels are so high that government, but it never trickles the government tells you to call a down to the people because their HazMat team to visit your home! In countries don't have capitalism, fact, there is a 15-step guide that either. So, what to do? the government issued to dispose of a poison bulb that breaks. The same For some unknown reason, three-way government that banned mercury real bulbs are still allowed to be thermometers (another intrusion) is produced. Their wattages are 50- forcing a more volatile version of 100-150. But those and use them as the same poison INTO our homes!!! 100-watt bulbs. Be sure to hoard them! The law banned the 100-watt bulb by 2010 and the 75-watt bulb by 2012. The second solution is to deal with page 7 the ban on 75-watt real bulbs. But 72 watt bulbs replace 100 watt bulbs first, a little on the other changes 53 " " " 75 " " mandated by the U.S. government. 43 " " " 60 " " 28 " " " 40 " " Lights are now measured in output brightness, or lumens. I know about Okay. Now each bulb is supposed to lumens because, although I'm not produce lumens comparable to the gay, I studied interior design. For older bulb it replaces. But now, one thing, most people don't provide you can use upgrade these new bulbs adequate illumination to their and increase your room's brightness. homes. It wouldn't hurt you to have You lamps are designed to handle brighter bulbs in your home. Light wattages up to the maximum wattage bulbs brightness decrease gemonetic- marked on each lamp. So, when life ally the farther one stands from its gives you new bulbs, make new bulb source. At 20 feet, you receive a ade. quarter the light as you do at 10 feet, and one ninth the light at 30 Their Wattage Replaces; Use As: feet. _____________ _________ ________ 72 100 75 Here are a list of standard wattage 53 75 60 traditional bulbs and their corre- 43 60 40 sponding lumen output: 28 40 25 4 Watts 20 lumens In the above chart, use the bulb in 25 Watts 180 lumens the left column in a lamp in the 40 Watts 400 lumens right column. The middle column is 60 Watts 800 lumens to be ignored; it's just to show you 75 Watts 1100 lumens a reference to what they want you to 100 Watts 1600 lumens downsize from! But someone at G.E. 150 Watts 2500 lumens forgot to libertarian-proof their bulbs! By the way, a 43-watt bulb Notice how the lumen to watt ratio won't blow out your 40 watt maximum increases as the wattage of the bulb lamp. increases. Whereas a 4 watt bulb provides a mere 5 lumens per watt, a Just one thing: placing a 28 watt 100 watt bulb emits 16 lumens per bulb in a 25 watt Easy-Bake Oven watt. In the backwards mentality of (TM) may overcook your confections. the 2008 congress & President Bush This is because of the heat gener- 43, the most efficient bulbs are the ated by the increased lumens. Be ones that are banned! sure to test them out first, or hoard 25-watt bulbs. As of yet, The solution provided by the light they aren't scheduled to be banned. bulb company is to reduce the watt- But keep your ears open. Be ready age of light bulbs and offer them to to hoard at a moment's notice. the public. The government now or- ders that light bulbs be measured in The list of items that are illegal lumens. Amazing to say, this is one to buy is growing. But here's one change made by the government that alternative that's in our favor! actually makes sense! Better yet, \\ it offers the opportunity to screw \\\ the light bulb companies. ___)|`\___ / ______ \ The list that follows indicates the | / __ \ | new wattages of bulbs, and that of | | / \ | | the classic bulbs that they're in- | | \__/ | | tended to replace: | \______/ | \__________/ page 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DAVID NOLAN'S QUAGMIRE - PART 1 - By Synonymous 1 - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In LiberTORian, issue 3, a published A robot may not harm a human, or article explained how the right to by inaction, allow another human life is a fundamental libertarian to come to harm. issue. The official libertarian party platform has wrestled, and The first libertarian party platform even softened its anti-life view in 1972 supported abortion for an since the party's inception in 1971. arbitrary 100 days. After 100 days, David Nolan, one of the party's for some reason, the NAP kicks in. founders, is pro-abortion. He is No reason is provided as to why a primarily responsible for placing 99-day old baby isn't protected by support for abortion in the plat- the NAP. In 1974, the party's po- form. A growing majority of liber- sition was radically expanded to all tarians are pro-life, as it is nine months. Realizing that rank logically in line with the liber- and file libertarians who weren't arian "Non-Aggression Principle the party leaders object to their (NAP). The pro-abortion principle party's contradiction, the 2014 is inconsistent with this principle platform on abortion is somewhat and will be explored over the next softer, but worded to skirt the next several issues of LiberTORian. inconsistency: The libertarian platform of 2014 1.5 Abortion places the right to life as the paramount right. After the pre- Recognizing that abortion is a amble, the right to life is the sensitive issue and that people first principle of the libertarian can hold good-faith issues on all party's 2014 platform: sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, 1.0 Personal Liberty leaving the question to each per- son for their conscientious Individuals should be free to make consideration. choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the Libertarians are a diverse group, consequences of the choices they but two basic principles that unite make. Our support of an indi- the people of the persuasion are vidual's right to make choices in to respect the life and rights of life does not mean that we others, and respect their freedoms necessarily approve or disapprove and property. Matt Kibbe, founder of those choices. No individual, of FreedomWorks, puts it tersely: group, or government may initiate "Don't hurt people and don't take force against any other indi- their stuff." People includes the vidual, group, or government. unborn. If you wish to deny bio- logical science and not consider an This paramount right supersedes all unborn baby as a human being, do it those that follow. All the rights on your own time. An individual or that follow build upon this basic government can't deem non-person tenet of libertarian philosophy. A status to a person. parallel in science fiction is the first law of robotics in Issac LiberTORian will continue to explore Asimov's "I, Robot" and robot how respect for life is consistent continuity: with libertarianism. ((L)) page 9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% o . . . MEET THE LIBERTARIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . .---. . ANARCISTS exceptions. In anarchism, every man is for himself. Each individual is No government at all. ultimately responsible for all his actions. The same rules of liber- tarianism apply, except that people Anarchists believe in all of the and no other authority, are their rights of libertarianism without any own law enforcement. of the law enforcement to impose consequences for transgressions So what prevents others from hurting against people. In essence, we are you and taking your stuff? The all our own keeper, and each person right to self-defense. A potential is his own lawman. aggressor with a knife never knows if their target has a gun, grenade, Dispel the notion you have of the or tactical nuclear device. People mythological anarchist. Most acti- are protected from each other by vist punk rockers who use a circled the concept of Mutual Assured De- "A" with an extended horizontal line struction (M.A.D.) To quote some are not anarchists. Most of these movie, I don't know which: are liberals, who advocate heavy government intervention and social "The M.A.D. doctrine is based on programs into the lives of others. the idea that if both sides [of a Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys, conflict] have the capability to for instance, mocks libertarian annihilate the other, neither will ideals in his music. But out of act." convenience, they like the free speech part that conservatism and libertarianism advocate! THE PROBLEMS WITH ANARCHISM No one in Occupy Wall Street is an Anarchism is the most consistent of anarchist. They do like setting up libertarian positions. But under their own set of rules that others such a system, the weak can not can't live by. For example, they defend themselves. This includes declared their tents off-limits to the very young and some mentally or police in 2011, then declared rape physically disabled people. Thus, of Occupy Wall Street's female this kind of system becomes a social members legal within those borders. Darwinist, "only the fittest may They also call for mass government survive" outlook that better fits confiscation of the profits of statism than anarchism. The primary corporations, and generally oppose difference is that statism judges ANY profit, the natural function of one's fitness against their ability business itself. Not anarchists, to contribute to their social order. but its opposite: statists. The paradox of anarchism is stated The basic tenets of anarchism are: in the first episode of THE SIMP- 1) In nature, people have complete SONS (1990): free will, and 2) government is an artificial construct of man that "Without law and order, there is intrudes on free will. It's essen- no freedom". tially libertarianism taken to its extreme, where there is no room for Anarchism is libertarianism in its page 10 purist form, so to escape the para- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dox, some compromises are to be made. S T A T I S T P R E S I D E N T The other problem is that anarchism %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% creates a social vacuum. Nature ab- hors a vacuum, and so it is never long before some form of government As LiberTORian covers insightful moves in. If it enters softly, a analysis of topical issues, there is libertarian society will emerge, but going to be a lot of criticism of usually anarchism is replaced with Barack Obama. Sometimes it is going statism, its polar opposite. This to be pretty harsh. Our article on is because societal evolution is CONFEDERATE CONTROVERSY is one exam- like a pendulum. If it swings to ple. This isn't being done as one extreme end, it tends to come sensationalism. It's all honest down hard to the other end. An criticism and there is little to no example of this in classic liter- hyperbole in it. If you disagree, ature is the tragic parable, "The do some research. We aren't going Lord of the Flies". to waste time giving examples for things that aren't in dispute (like This critical analysis of anarchism Obama is a racist). isn't intended to be interpreted as an attack on it or a statement to This isn't a Democrat issue. Party condone it. It's only to explain politics is pretty stupid. It's the philosophy and leave it to you folly to judge people by their party to weigh its benefits and pitfalls. and not their individual character. In future issues, various forms of The opposition to Obama would be no libertarianism's compromises will different no matter for the party. be covered and explored. ((L)) The problem is his statism, and his opposition to individual liberty. Worse than that, our criticisms are %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% about not just his beliefs, but the actions he has taken throughout the TODAY'S CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT entirety of his presidencty. These actions have violated the highest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% law of the land, taken rights from the people, and taken more control for himself and an already bloated Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. government. Ratified 12/15/1791. Other presidents in both political The NSA and the Obama administration parties have done this, but none to better read up on this one. And the the extent or with the arrogance and president claims to be a Consti- sense of entitlement as this one. tutional scholar! If you are unable to accept this, The right of the people to be secure LiberTORian just may not be the in their persons, houses, papers magazine for you. If you seriously, and effects, against unreasonable and by seriously, I mean, taking an searches and seizures, shall not be honest look without blind love for violated, and no Warrants shall Barack Obama, it's obvious that he's issue, but upon probable cause, an enemy of freedom. If you still supported by Oath or affirmation, insist this isn't true, please seek and particularly describing the professional help. The proof is in- place to be searched, and the surmountable. And now, back to your persons or things to be seized. regularly scheduled magazine. ((L)) Page 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ .__ .__ \______ \_____ ____ | |__ ____ | | | _/\__ \ _/ ___\ | | \ _/ __ \| | | | \ / __ \_\ \___ | Y \\ ___/| |__ AN ISSUE AS CLEAR |____|_ /(____ / \___ >|___|__/ \__ >|____/ \/ \/ \/________ \/ .__ .__ \______ \ ____ | | ____ _____________ | | | | \ / _ \ | | _/ __ \\___ /\__ \ | | AS BLACK AND WHITE? | ` \( <_> )| |__\ ___/ / / / __ \_| |__ /_______ / \____/ |__ / \__ >/_____ \(____ /|__ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - B Y S Y N O N Y M O U S 1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not a tabloid, sensational story day, a mainstream media reporter who hound. But the story of Spokane, WA was interviewing her asked a simple NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal for some question: were her mother and father reason fascinates me. This isn't at black? She said that they were. In all the first story of its kind, nor defiance of her answer, the reporter is it a new issue. Somehow, though, produced photographs of her parents this story took on a life of its own and repeated the question, showing and became the darling story of the the pictures to her. After evading national media, or at least till the the reporter a bit, she eventually next story came along. (See article answered, "I don't understand the "Confederate Controversy", elsewhere question." in this issue of LiberTORian.) Soon Dolezal became a controversy. The story begins with Rachel Dolezal She subsequently explained that she as the head of the Spokane chapter identifies herself as black. The of the NAACP, the National Associ- National NAACP was embarrassed by ation for the Advancement of Colored the revelation and, under pressure, People, a liberal organization. Dolezal resigned. Let me change the subject for just a A new revelation about this story moment, because there is something was revealed daily: childhood photos that irritates me. All my life, the of her showed a straight-haired, city Spokane was pronounced, "spoke freckled girl as pale as Jim Gaffi- CANE". Suddenly, every media outlet gan, the comedian. It took four from ABC to Ziff-Davis is saying, hours for a beautician to give her "spoke CAN". As a libertarian, it's the unique ethnic hairstyle that she your decision to pronounce something sports. It turned out that Dolezal however you want, but still, it's first began identifying herself as really annoying. I'm by no means a black four years ago, when a news- conspiracy kook, but it seems like paper article describing an accident everybody in the media got together, involving her published that she was and agreed to (unofficially) change of mixed parents. A subsequent the pronunciation for media use! report wrote that both her parents were black. For some reason, it Back to the story. Rachel was the inspired her. leaderof NAACP in Spokane where she was a member for four years. One This is where is gets curious. Our page 12 subject, Rachel, is a white person, of insanity. Now radicals are try- but identifies herself as black. ing to allow people to use restrooms Now, everyone says that blacks are of the sexes that they are not, all a discriminated-against minority. based on an arbitrary standard of So who would want to change their which sex you "identify" with for race to one that is discriminated that day. Rest rooms are made pri- against? vate and segregated not to discrim- inate, but to protect the rights of Libertarians don't care what a privacy of individuals. Now women person chooses to identify with. have had men in their locker rooms The only problem we have is when in a California Planet Fitness, and we're told to accept someone else's Planet Fitness banned the woman who self-delusions as fact. This woman complained because she felt violated is not black. But if she wishes to with a strange man in there, who live as if she was, it's her right. said he "identified" as a woman that day. The NAACP pressured her to resign. The libertarian view to this is that Of course, there's no chance that a the NAACP is a private organization, pedophile will use a false identity and they have the right to exclude to get easy access to girls in a individuals or groups of a certain public rest room where children are type. They seem to have a problem present, right? Wrong! To protect with a white person running a chap- a few people trying to deny reality, ter. It's their right. It's also we are violating the individual their right if they wish to accept rights of nearly all Americans. It other races. This particular issue is about as un-libertarian as a is complicated by the fact that Do- society can get. lezal identifies herself as black, so she feels she has a right to be Dolezal's story is not the first of a leader in NAACP, but she is its kind, but the first that drew clearly not, so they disagree. national attention. Critics of the "gender identity" activists have This is the problem with "trans- used Dolezal's example to coin the gendered" movement which seemed to phrase, "trans-racial". And why spring out of nowhere. There are not? It's as absurd as the idea of two genders, or sexes, defined by being "transgendered". One wonders our DNA: male and female. These if it's an attention-seeking issue, activists have created up to 82 or if she feels the minority status genders, 80 of them being phony and is sympathetic for any discrimi- labels. A girl who identifies nation toward blacks that still goes herself as a boy is still a girl. on in America. Or maybe she's just There's also the new-found fuzzy more comfortable among the black definition of "transgendered". In race and their culture. Again, she real life, the term meant someone has the freedom to identify herself who actually had a sex change as who she wants, but when it comes operation. Even with artificial to facing reality, we are the judge. parts added or subtracted, the DNA still remains. A person has Rachel Dolezal has even gone as far a right to alter themselves how as creating a story that her father they want, however: 1) your right had to leave the southern state he ends where mine begins, so the lived in because he struck a cop and public has the right not to pay he would face racial discrimination for it, and 2) it doesn't change as a result. One thing is certain: who you really are. whatever you think of her, Dolezal has created a fascinating character This entire movement is leading to for herself, earning her fifteen people driving society off a cliff minutes of fame. ((L)) page 13 _____ _ __ __ _ _ |_ _| |__ ___ | \/ | __ _| |_ _ __(_)_ __ __ _____ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |\/| |/ _` | __| '__| \ \/ / \ \ / / __| | | | | | | __/ | | | | (_| | |_| | | |> < \ V /\__ \_ |_| |_| |_|\___| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_/_/\_\ \_/ |___(_) __ __ __ __ \ \/ / | \/ | ___ _ __ \ /_____| |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \ Logo and article / \_____| | | | __/ | | | by /_/\_\ |_| |_|\___|_| |_| Moxygen The matrix shows police being released right at the end of the killed, and cops/military/government Occupy Wallstreet protests which had as the bad guys. This is in stark gripped the United States for more contrast to the Xmen Batman movies, than a year. In this movie the particularly the 3rd of each of villian takes over Gotham to those two series, which adopt a redistribute the holdings of the worshipful and obedient attitude wealthy, including their apartments toward the police, military, and and condos, to the rest of the city government. so that everyone can have a home. He also imprisons the police under- ground for nearly a year using an In the third Xmen film, the govern- act of terrorism. The final battle ment/military are creating an anti- of this movie shows the poor, down- mutant vaccine, which turns people trodden NYPD escaping their sub- with super powers back into regular terranean prison to charge en masse people. Magneto, whose character is against a horde of Occupy protestors a holocaust survivor, fights against and gun them down, killing every this, proclaiming that a genocide last one of them, and the villian against mutants is something he will Bane. Batman supports the police fight against with whoever will join using NSA style spy technology which him. Xavier, however, rallies the is amazingly prescient given what we Xmen, even an anti-authority figure now know about the NSAs capabilities like Wolverine, to assist the thanks to Snowden. It's enough to government and military with their make one wonder if the director was genocidal campaign. The final battle being fed information from the of the film shows the Xmen (again, government on the type of "optics" including Wolverine amazingly enough) that needed to be presented to the standing with the US military against public to counter the Occupy Wall- Magneto to protect the government street movement. facility where a young mutant boy is imprisoned so that his blood can be Watching the Matrix now, 15 years harvested by teams of doctors. The after it was released, is shocking motivation of the Xmen and Xavier is for the simple reason that police not clearly explained. Rather the are shown being killed by the good only conclusion I can come to is that guys, and the military/police forces the director and film creators felt (the government is nonexistent in it was imperative that the Xmen be this movie) are portrayed as unam- shown to support the military and biguously evil and worthy of murder. government, no matter what their There are countless scenes in the goals were. Maybe they felt this film in which the word POLICE is patriotic message was so obvious that shown on the bloody, bullet ridden no explanation was necessary. uniforms of the SWAT teams that are sent against the heros, often with The third Batman film by Nolan was the bullet holes going right through page 14 that word and covering it with and violates the human rights of blood. The opening scene of the those around him to apprehend people movie shows a half dozen police who are causing trouble for the officers being beat up and killed by rich, before handing them or infor- Trinity. Interestingly there are no mation on their whereabouts/activi- female police or military shown ties over to the police who can anywhere in the movie, however two continue with their legalistic of the main characters, Trinity and farce and pursue a standard prose- Switch, are women and are shown to cution. This is epitomized in the be extremely independent and power- scene where Morgan Freeman's ful in their own right. They do not character develops a method of using take orders from the men around them people's cellphones to perform an and their willful volition is on acoustic analysis, spying on anyone display through the whole film. who has a phone and their Trinity's character is somewhat surroundings. sexualized with several scenes of her clad only in a skin tight The point with thinking about this leather/rubber outfit but Switch is and analyzing the differences is to completely asexual and has a much show how much has changed in atti- larger role than Apoc or Dozer, two tudes between the movies and the male characters. pre/post-Bush era differences but also the contrast between This is in contrast with the charac- Cyberpunk's skepticism of the police ter of Cat Woman in the third Batman and military, and comic books' movie, who although she starts out frequent worship of jingoistic as someone sympathetic to the plight Americana and uncritical support of of the poor and downtrodden in the the status quo. battle against inequality, whisper- ing to Bruce Wayne, "Someday soon those of you with so much are going %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% to regret holding the rest of us down who have so little" she later LIBERTORIAN WANTS YOUR WORDS/MONEY changes her mind upon seeing the photo of a rich white family in %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% their Occupied apartment where multiple families are now living after Bane's takeover. She then be- Write for LiberTORian! comes remorseful at her earlier willfulness and falls in to line, Send something in text format to: supporting Batman (who represents - the NSA/FBI/American security com- synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com plex). Likewise the Xman Storm is a hollow, uninteresting character in You are not guaranteed to be pub- the Xmen movies who acts as little lished, but you just might. Even if more than a nurse for Xavier or a you have an opposing view! But not sexually attractive school teacher, necessarily! But try! two highly feminized occupations which are seen quite negatively by Donate to LiberTORian. Who knows patriarchal society. what we do with the money?! But it's a nice gesture to let us know Batman together with Morgan Free- you like what you're reading and man's character represents the want to see more. Or don't. It's extralegal usage of both high tech- the libertarian way. nology and force to assist "normal" police operations, even allowing Send your satoshi (BTC) to: parallel reconstruction to take place, whereby he breaks the law 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s page 15 CCCCCC OOOOOO NNNNNN FFFFFF EEEEEE DDDD EEEEEE RRRRR AAAA TTTTTTT EEEEEE C O O N N F E D D E R R A A T E C O O N N FFFF EEEE D D EEEE RRRRR AAAAAA T EEEE C O O N N F E D D E R R A A T E CCCCCC OOOOOO N N F EEEEEE DDDD EEEEEE R R A A T EEEEEE MMMMMMMMO'.:llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;.oNMMMMMMMM MMMMMMoKMW0l,':llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:;cxNNNMMNNMMMM MMMWxMMMMXMMMKd;';llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;;lOWMMMMMMMMOMMMM cOWMOMMMMMMMMMWWKo,';llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;,lOWWMMMMMMxkMMXMKl' c;,ckNMMMMMMK0cc0KMKo;';llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;;okWWOk.lkKMMMMMM0l,';c llll;,:xNMMMX. cNMMMMNd:',cllllllllllllllllllllllllc;:oOMMMMMN,. cWMMWOc'';llll lllllll:';dNXxXKkMMMMMMWMNx;',cllllllllllllllllllc;;lKMWXMMMMMWOWNkN0c..:lllllll llllllllll:,cdXMMMMMNOd.dkNMNkc,,cllllllllllllc;;l0WMKd,.oOWMMMMWOc'':llllllllll lllllllllllll:,:dKMMM0 . kMMMMMWkc,,cllllllc;:o0MMMMMMo...WMMNk:',:lllllllllllll llllllllllllllll:,;dXKKMKKMMMMMOXMWO:',cc,;oKMMxOMMMMMKWMXXOc.,cllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll:,:o0WMMMWO: .lKMMWOco0MMMO: :KMMMMWOc',:lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllc,,cOWMN;c;dMMMMMMMMMMMWloolWMNx:',cllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllc;,ckWMMWMMMMWlXMMMMMMMMNx;.,clllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll;.cWMMMMNk' .oNMMMMMX;.,llllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllc,:dXNNMMMMMX;o:dMMMMMMWMKo,':lllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll:,cdXM0d''oOMMMMMMMMMMMWOk.lkXMKo;';llllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll;,cxNMMMMMo..'NMMMXo;cxNMMM0 . kMMMMMNd;',cllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll;,:kWMONMMMMMKWMXNXo,.;ll:,:dNK0WXKMMMMMXXMNx;.,clllllllllllllll llllllllllllc;,ckNMWkc .lKMMMMMKo;';llllllll:,cdXMMMMMOl..o0MMNx:',cllllllllllll lllllllllc;;lkWMMMMMWcc;lWMM0o,':llllllllllllll:,:dKMMN,,'oMMMMMMNkc,,clllllllll lllllll;,ckWMKdMMMMMWWMMWKl'':llllllllllllllllllllc,;dKWMMNMMMMMWkWMWk:',cllllll lllc,,cOWMMKl ,OWMMMM0l;':llllllllllllllllllllllllll:,:oKMMMMNx' 'dNMMWOc,':lll :,,lONWMMMMMdldcNMWOc,':llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllc;:lOMM0;l;OMMMMMMW0l,'; c0W00MMMMMMMMMMWOc',cllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllc;;lOWMMWMMWXXMxXNW0l MMMXMMMMMMMMW0l,,cllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllc;;lkWMMWOMMMMMMMM MMMWkNNkWWOc,,clllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;,ckNNdKMMMMMM MMMMMMMM0..:lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'.xMMMMMMMM CCCCCC OOOOOO NNNNNN TTTTTTT RRRRR OOOOOO V V EEEEEE RRRRR SSSSSS Y Y C O O N N T R R O O V V E R R S Y Y C O O N N T RRRRR O O V V EEEE RRRRR SSSSSS YY C O O N N T R R O O V V E R R S Y CCCCCC OOOOOO N N T R R OOOOOO V EEEEEE R R SSSSSS Y -- HOW THE PRESIDENT EXPLOITED A TRAGEGY TO GAIN CHEAP POLITICAL SHOTS -- - By Synonymous 1- On the night of Wednesday June 17TH, White House rep released a tweet, nine people were shot dead in a before any of the facts as to who South Carolina church. A nation was did this or why wee known. The horrified. At the time of the mur- horrendous statement was a cheap ders, no one knew the motive: was it attack at South Carolina's governor, racism? hatred for Christians? A conservative Nikki Haley: deranged lunatic? Something else? Insane incidents like these are hard Brandon Friedman @BfriedmanDC- 13h to understand. Why would someone In October, Gov. Nikki Haley flew needlessly kill in cold blood? the Confederate flag outside the South Carolina Statehouse. The bodies were still warm when a #Charleston page 16 Let's just say it: our president is again, innocent people were killed a disgrace. Barack Obama lives for in part because someone who wanted American tragedies. He becomes to inflict harm had no trouble overjoyed at the misfortunes of getting their hands on a gun.� others. Let's not forget the Mantra of the White House, as uneloquently The first part of what he said is started by Obama's original chief of typical, as in his "The police acted staff, Rahm Emmanuel: stupidly" gaff. "We don't have all the facts," he began. He often "Never let a crisis go to waste." begins statements with, "We don't have all the facts", but it never And they don't. Tragedy to the ad- prevents him from shooting his mouth ministration is only an opportunity off anyway. And if this guy had no to push through new laws to impose trouble getting his hands on a gun, statism on a public already in who's fault is that? It's you and shock. other statists who have imposed so many anti-gun laws on the public. So here he is, insinuating that the It's not out fault if you aren't governor is not only a racist, but enforcing them. Again, Obama loves a catalyst for the violence that this kind of tragedy. Maybe non- occurred in Charleston. And again, enforcement allows these murders to no one knew the motive of the happen, to they can use the crisis murderer yet. I'm no conspiracy to create more laws that the won't theorist, but if it turned out that enforce... except on the law-abiding the president plants these people citizen. into such situations just to create a crisis, I wouldn't be surprised. Obama spewed his anti-Constitution rhetoric several times before the News flash: A CONFEDERATE FLAG DID funeral. Can you give the nation a NOT KILL THE NINE CHURCHGOERS. A chance to mourn? FLAG HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MURDERER. IF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG In the real world, there was a very HAD NEVER EXISTED, IT WOULD NOT different picture. If Mr. Roof HAVE PREVENTED THESE MURDERS! The wanted to trigger a race war, he President's arrogant comments were picked the wrong town to try. Rev. aimed at people without the common Al Sharpton, famed race baiter, was sense to understand this: his on a plane the day after the shoot- supporters. ing, but the town rejected him out- right. The outpouring of sympathy When the killer was apprehended by and condolence came from the entire the police and identified as Dylann community, and race was no barrier. Storm Roof, it turned out that he The town couldn't contain those who shot the victims, who were of mixed travelled to Charlestown selflessly races, in a deranged attempt to as an act of love to the victims and trigger a race war, such as those their families. God even turns the in Furgeson and Baltimore. By now, worst events to good, and the nation while the nation was trying to was united with New Hope Church. mourn the victims of this senseless act, Obama had interjected himself Dylann Roof's plan was a miserable and his agenda once again. This failure. If he wanted to trigger a time it was to launch another race war, he should have worked in attack on the Second Amendment. the Obama administration. He's done He blamed the attack on the avail- more in the past year than anyone to ability of guns. fuel racial tension and pit people against each other for his own �We don�t have all the facts," he benefit. said, "but we do know that, once page 17 .'. 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These individuals have a some reason, a flag that represents right to sell legal products on the the heritage of the American South, sites, and not face bans because of and many people who fought for their arbitrary whims of their CEOs, or nation, and their descendents. To whoever it is who determines what is Obama, it's another enemy in his and isn't appropriate to sell. And master plan to, in his exclamation, since when do these places determine "Fundamentally transform the United what is and isn't offensive enough States!" Only Obama has the auda- to ban or permit? I personally am city to use the senseless deaths of offended by Tarot cards; they are innocents as a springboard to attack evil. But do I start a crusade like his enemies. Dear Leader Obama to stigmatize them and shame businesses to ban them? Governor Nikki Haley removed the Of course not. I just never search Confederate flag from the statehouse for or purchase these items whenever the next Tuesday: a victory for I shop on eBay. And I never have to statism over libertarianism, and worry about Amazon, since I never a win for the politics for hate. was, or never will be, a member. It Yet, Haley's speech which accomp- is this stigmatization that drives anied the change was extremely up the popularity of the banned item libertarian in its nature, advising anyway. In the last 24 hours of that while some find the flag Confederate flags' legality on Ama- offensive, the flag is a rich part zon, sales surged a whopping 3000%! of South Carolina's heritage. In That's not a typo: three thousand. no way, she said, will South Caro- Enjoy the lost revenue that follows. lina infringe the rights of private I don't like to name call, but in citizens to fly the flag, and that this environment, "weasels" is the the state believes in the First most appropriate word. Amendment right to free expression. What does this accomplish? NOTHING! In the business world, it's a Banning the flag would not have different story. On that same day, stopped Roof from murdering nine the following businesses banned the innocent people. Seeing a Confed- sale of Confederate flags: erate flag does not inspire one per- son to murder. What drives anyone o Wal*Mart to do something this senseless was o Sears/ K-Mart in the person's mind already. No o Target future murders of this type will be o Amazon prevented because of this, because o eBay the flag does not make people kill. It's a sad commentary that we have Here's the crux of the issue: if a president that propagates such they want to ban the flag from nonsense, and that people actually their stores, they SHOULD be have to explain the above to fellow allowed to! In libertarian phil- Americans in this day and age! The osophy, a private business should 1980s and even 1990s were so much allowed to sell or not sell what- more enlightened times than today. ever items they wish. However, if you do so, you are maligning many It's all fine, though, because the decent people without a racist bone spineless businesses do their bit in their bodies. And you are of feelgood PR and pretend they're weasels, for jumping aboard the making a difference when they didn't political correctness bandwagon for do anything but follow the govern- no real reason but to appease a few ment's lead in restricting private politicians? eBay and Amazon are economic freedom. page 19 And don't think it'll stop with the the Democratic party's racist heri- Confederate flag. Next stop: the tage, from slavery to the present American flag. Realize that the day, including the party's oppo- statists hate America and will do sition to civil rights in practice whatever it takes to destroy her and and in legislation. anything that represents her. Oh, they love an America where all power It is undeniable, except to his lies in the hands of the government apologists, that Obama is a racist and personal liberty is a thing of keeping true with party tradition. the past. But the America founded He also suffers from delusions that on liberty is the enemy. It's also people are more racist than in the important to understand that under days of his childhood, and there is the guise of "progressivism", or, institutionalized racism in every "progress", the ever-vigilant, aspect of government. Well, you've eternally patient statists have been been running the show for years. successful at stripping away one We've seen racism in the Justice freedom at a time, over the span of Department and Supreme Court that a full century. Now the God-given wasn't there when you took office. rights of the U.S. Constitution are Obama's recent speech on racism all but destroyed. exposes how it is _HE_ who judges people by race. He even went as far Talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who as to say that racism is ingrained is slowly evolving from a super in people's DNA. That's right: to patriotic arch conservative into a him, racism doesn't lie in people's sensible libertarian, even warned hearts or minds, but in their genes! of the flag as the next target. It This has frightening connotations. is no longer absurd that ANYTHING can be the next target in the stat- Let's assume that Obama really wants ists' war on freedom. And for what? to rid America of racism. He really Three things: 1) making enemies doesn't, obviously, but he will fool where none exists, 2) pitting people low-information voters that he does. against each other and reaping the Well, if he deems racism to be in benefits, and 3) taking away your the DNA of people, there is only one freedoms by grabbing more power over way to get rid of racism: get rid of you. the racist DNA. And to do that, you have to get rid of those who possess Obama spoke at the funeral of the that DNA. vistims. For this disgraceful hate- monger to deliver a eulogy of the Of course, Obama would decree him- people whose bodies were his source self the highest authority on who of political exploitation is re- possesses the racist DNA. If Barack pulsive. Maybe eBay should target Obama's pattern of behavior is as products with his image for a ban, consistent as it's been his entire instead of the General Lee, the life, and people like him are as famous car from the beloved 1970s predictible as a comic book charac- TV series, "The Dukes of Hazzard". ter, the ones he deems to have the racist DNA will be all his political Sure, there are a few people who enemies, and them alone. are racist who fly the Confederate flag. But ignorant people refuse to I might be reading too much into all acknowledge the flag's rich and very of this. Before people accuse me interesting heritage and histoy. A of calling Obama Hitler, think about few people who have brought it to it. Does anyone think that the light are former CIA agent Buck above scenario is out of the realm Sexton and talk host Sean Hannity. of possibility? Obama has already Both were also astute enough to committed heinous actions that led provide elaborate documentation of to the deaths of others (Benghazi, page 20 Fast & Furious, Baltimore, etc.) He %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% belonged to the Woods Foundation, a terrorist organization. He cavorted IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF LIBERTORIAN with domestic terrorists who bombed --- the Pentagon. He becomes overjoyed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% at the death of others, and uses tragic events as a way to whip up anger toward his political enemies. Obama"care" was supposed to be de- Now, couple that with the fact that feated in the Supreme Court with a the only two presidents who ever 4-4 decision, but Kagen, the court's built concentration camps, and communist justice, refused to recuse employed them to incarcerate inno- herself; before her appointment to cent Americans, were statist Demo- the Court, she was to be the lawyer crats. They were Franklin Roosevelt to argue for Obama"care" before the and Obama's personal favorite, court. A justice with a vested in- fellow racist Woodrow Wilson. Once terest is supposed to recuse them- again, this isn't to say that Obama selves, but to statists, the ends will begin this, but it is totally justifies the means. So the illegal within the realm of possibility, and law was upheld in a 5-4 vote. totally within his character for an Alinsky-ite like him to do. Plus, Now, the Court in a 6-3 decision there is historical precedent where ruled, unconstitutionally, that the presidents who think very similarly administration may tax people in all to Mr. Obama have done such things. 50 states for Obama"care", including It is up to us to consider the "im- the 26 states aren't establishing possible", because 1) it is truly exchanges. In a sense, this is tax- probable, and 2) if it does happen, ation without representation. The people who have considered the 26 states just had the 10th Amend- possibility will easily recognize it ment pulled from under them. The and be the best equipped to stop it. Constitution is not being destroyed in bits and pieces, but in huge The best way to stop it is to never chunks, like it is being bitten by let it start in the first place. giant sharks in federal government. People like Obama require hatred in It is bleeding to death. order to exploit divisions to usurp additional power, just as Chancel- Providing the dissenting opinion in lor Palpatine did in the Star Wars the case is Justice Scalia. His prequels. The easiest way is not to document clearly proves him to be be pawns in the game. Racism sucks. the most intelligent member of the Whatever misfortunes you encounter Supreme Court. In his dissent, he in life, don't blame an entire race describes the contortions of law for it. Don't judge others by their and absurd lengths the majority skin color. Eliminate racism in judges went to to justify their your life and dismiss it in others. unconstitutional decision which voi- Don't let racists use you in their lates separation of powers, and games. Obama, Sharpton, and their grants unwritten authority to the kind lose when we set aside arbi- executive branch to make up and trary differences based on something alter the law on whatever whim suits as silly as melanin. They also lose them. their ability to control you. LiberTORian issue 5 will publish Dylann Roof and Obama are peas in Scalia's dissent in its entirety. a pod, wanting to create bitterness Please read it and understand that against one another. All it takes what's at stake in the War on to defeat them is to live by the Liberty. At least this government model of Reverend Martin Luther official understands ramifications King, Jr. ((L)) of sliding the slippery slope. ((L)) Page 21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY >>> annoy99.txt <<< %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 99 WAYS TO ANNOY SOMEBODY (and get even) The following text file, "99 WAYS TO ANNOY SOMEBODY (and get even)", is from an early 1990s BBS group called FISH. Like many groups of the time, FISH is an acronym. It stands for "Folks in Sinatra Hats". Many of these groups' names were often formed by thinking up a name and then finding letters to fit. I don't know if this was one of that type. Some of these methods of annoying people found on this list are mischievous and even illegal, and it's meant for fun reading, although some of these ideas might seem worthwhile to try out on someone deserving... but that would violate the libertarian tenet, "Don't hurt people". Some of FISH's files were more disturbing, using their knowledge of chemistry to tell you how to make deadly poisons, for instance. I oppose the use of knowledge such as that to hurt people, so such files won't be published here. This one is a little more lighthearted and even humorous. Here is the file from California's own FISH, in its original, unedited form, exactly as it was typed (as always) somewhere between 1990 and '95. WARNING: One obscenity ahead.