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        Volume 1        -        Issue 3        -        Mid Summer 2015
THE LIBERTY           ......,:c  oo     dooooooooollc;'.                  
DOLLAR:             ... .,cddoc, ccc';olollllllllloc'oolll;.               
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        .::cdlllllllccll:,''..... ......   ..'lK00KO"""""""""""0xk0xXddO;   
         ':cldllllllllccd0XNX0x,           .;co0ko.  TRUST  IN   .oXkx0l    
          .:cldllodxxxxkOKWMMMMNc          ,:lokNWMM...  GOD  ..MMWxxOc     
           .;cloook0XNWWMMMMMMMMO;      ..:odkk0NMMMMNX;,,,,,;NMM0xkk,      
               .;lllkKWMMMMM0N MMO MMM(  _KKWW/  \KMWMMMWKkxk0x:   RIGHT TO LIFE
                  ,;;;:oOXWMWX XXO MMMKX XOkWM WM MKXX0kddkd:.       BELLE KNOX:
                     .';,..,oO\ ``/MMM__  )MMM MWX kxdMxkx;.     Hot Libertarian
COMMERCE?              ..,,','':coxkOO0000OOOkxxdxxol:'.            ERIC SNOWDEN
OR COUNTERFEITTING?         ....'.,:lllllc:cc;,,..       Copy/Paste/Print Poster

page 2


T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S         LiberTORian  -  Volume 1 Issue 3


ACQUIRING RELAY                    3        CLASSIC TXT FILE OF THE DAY       14
BLURBZ                             3
Did you hear the one about Obama?           ARTICLE                           15
                                            Independence Day: The Fourth of
TODAY'S DEEP LINK                  4        JUNE???
Rugged Inbox
                                            FEATURE                           16
FEATURE                            5        The Liberty Dollar: Free
The Right To Life: Cornerstone of           Commerce? Or Counterfeit?
                                            HARD COPY                         19
FEATURE                            7
Belle Knox: Hot Libertarian                 AMENDMENT OF THE DAY              19
                                            The Ninth Amendment
ARTICLE                           10
Libertorian Wants You                       ARTICLE                           20
                                            The Significance of Hard Copy
BLURB                             10
Message to American Homosexuals             ARTICLE                           22
                                            Index of FTP/DOCUMENTS/JOURNAL
ARTICLE                           11
Protecting Your Privacy, Part 2             DNS LOOKUP FAILED                 24

ARTICLE                           12
The Kakistocracy

FEATURE                           12
Eric Snowden Copy/Paste/Print 
                                                       ____)| |____
EDITOR: SYNONYMOUS 1                                  /  ________  \
                                                      | /   __   \ |
CORRESPONDENCE:                                       | |  /  \  | |
synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com                           | |  |  |  | |
                                                      | |  \__/  | |
Donate BitCoins to LiberTORian                        | \________/ |
12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s                    \____________/

LiberTORian Volume 1, Issue 2 is a publication of Synonymous 1.
Published June, 2015.  LiberTORian is released on an irregular basis.
N(c) 2015.  Readers are freely welcome to copy & redistribute this text by any 
means possible, preferably by photocopying.

page 3


  A C Q U I R I N G     R E L A Y            - By Synonymous 1 -


DEAR READER, thank you for taking          So, if you'd like to write for us,
the time to read the third issue of        type something up and email it to 
LiberTORian.  I'm feeling more com-        synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com.  Or if
fortable now, having found an email        you even want to just comment or add
address, and finding my way around         additional enlightenment to something
the deep web while avoiding all the        in the pages of this or a previous
worst of humankind.  I read things;        issue, we want to know what's on your
some of the darkest elements in the        mind!
deep web make ISIS look like school
girls.                                     That email address again:

I write this in the hopes that you         synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com
don't just read LiberTORian, but
use the knowledge proactively.  In         Don't forget the 1!  Enjoy!
these pages, we hope to:

1) Inspire further reading and             #####################################
2) Spread the message of liberty                        B L U R B Z
3) Become active in the community
From this point, we hope to begin
compiling sources of whistleblowers
and activists.  You could become           Have you heard the one about Obama?
inspired by these sources, or who          He says he loves America...
knows?  Maybe you will join one of
them or mimic their game plan.             There have been some really stupid
                                           Twitter hashtags this year.  Star-
There is a #4 in the list.  One of         bucks, the imbecilic company that
the other things LiberTORian wants         sells overpriced, overrated coffee,
is your input.  We're looking for          began #RaceTogether, and coffee ser-
those with diverse opinions, but at        vers are writing, "Ask me about race"
the core believe in individual             on customers' cups.  They're trying
liberty.  Please note that free            to open up some discussion so that
speech is not the same as freedom          informed people can feel guilty after
to be heard.  If you're a statist,         talking to some pimply college kid
don't expect your work to make it          who knows nothing.
to the pages of LiberTORian.  You
are better off starting your own           Another hashtag that is an utter joke
journal.  That's the difference            is #ObamaLovesAmerica, in response to
between libertarians and statists:         Rudy Guiliani's observation that
libertarians don't care if some            Obama hates America.  The great thing
statist publishes something; we            about these hashtags is that clever
just won't waste our time reading          people have been "hashbombing" these
it.  Statists have such a problem          absurdities, so that they are over-
with opposing views that the most          whelmed with with snarky but honest
extreme of them will try to ban            retorts, so that the hashtag is 
them out of existence, even using          mostly a parody of itself.  Consider
the power of the state if need be.         it a small victory against those who
                                           think they're smarter than everyone.

page 4


 T O D A Y 'S    D E E P    L I N K         >>>    s4bysmmsnraf7eut.onion    <<<


Rugged Inbox Dot Com                        it's still a flexible option.  An
                                            account that is destroyed is done so
URL                                         permanently.  An account limits the
s4bysmmsnraf7eut.onion                      number of messages to 30 daily.
In an excursion into the deep web, I        One an account is created, a person
only found three non-broken links to        can open their account at a page
email servers.  The three were Onion        called, "Squirrel Mail: email for
Mail, SIGAINT, and the deep link of         nuts!"  It's on the same server, and
the day, Rugged Inbox.  Onion Mail          the URL is:
looks appealing, but I can't seem to
log in once I create an account.  I         s4bysmmsnraf7eut.onion/sm
also had some problem with SIGAINT,
I think because it required Java in         The "sm' stands for Squirrel Mail.
order to read mail.  It's advised to        There are other options, but when
not use JavaScript in the deep web.         you use Squirrel Mail, it's Java 
Rugged Inbox works simply like SIG-         free.
AINT, but without the JavaScript the
way Onion Mail is secure.                   Some nice things about Rugged Inbox:

Rugged Inbox touts offshore servers         1) It's operated under a VPN
in Belgium.  This is a great asset          
because Rugged Inbox isn't bound by         2) It makes use of encryption
intrusive Obama-era regulations                
forcing email clients to keep all           3) It removes the headers that re-
messages from users for up to two              veal a user's IP address and
years, even from deleted or deacti-            email client name
vated accounts.  That gives the NSA
plenty of time to do the only thing         4) It doesn't feature JavaScript
it's good at: going through all the
mail of law-abiding citizens.  It's         5) It's designed to work hand-in-
none of their business.  Rugged                hand with TOR browser
Inbox is outside the jurisdiction
of the NSA.                                 6) And this is the best part: when
                                               your data is deleted, the message
Another nice feature, actually a               is GONE!  It doesn't live forever
courtesy, is the banner posted on              on some server.  Keep in mind
the web site, "The FBI has not been            that the other person you're
here".  In parentheses, is advises,            communicating with may be using
"watch closely for the removal of              a server that retains email, and
this sign.)"  Good thing to have.              worse, may be using GMAIL!!!  The
                                               best practice is to avoid making
Rugged Inbox allows users to create            email communications to anyone
either a permanent email account,              with a gmail account.
or a temporary, self-destructing
account.  A temporary account will          Rugged Inbox is an ideal tool for
last between 6 months and a year,           whistleblowers or people oppressed
depending on the user's preferred           by their government from speaking
setting.  A user may destroy his            freely, or just people who don't
permanent account at any time, so           want their communications monitored.

page 5


T H E    R I G H T    T O    L I F E          - by Synonymous 1 -


...THE ESSENCE OF LIBERTARIANISM            fundamental?
                                            The right to life is is paramount. 
In LiberTORian, episode 1, I summed         without it, all other rights are
up libertarian thought using Freedom        moot.  Right to "choose" is a myth;
Works' leader Matt Kibbe's theme:           what is the choice, but to kill a
"Don't hurt people and don't take           human being?  A person's right to
their stuff."  If this philosophy           life isn't dependent on her loca-
was to be aplied, the first part of         tion.
it, "don't hurt people", applies to
all people, including the weakest           This is the one of three angles to
and most defenseless.                       look at it.  The second is from
                                            religion.  Our system of justice is
Ronald Reagan said that medical             based on religious law, like it or
science is revealing more each day          not.  And it's done a good job at
what common sense has told us all           being a fair system.  The answer is
along: that an unborn baby is a             in the book of Exodus: "Thou shalt
unique human being.  This isn't the         not kill." (Exodus 20:13).  It's a
global warming argument, in which           linear precursor to "don't hurt 
those who believe, or perpetrate,           people."  Again, embarrassments to
the global warming hoax exploit it          science like Carl Sagan, who 
to take rights away from people.            believes that an unborn baby goes 
No one disputes that an unborn baby         through the entire evolutionary
is indeed a human.  Except, of              cycle before birth (I never saw a 
course, a few disgraces to their            premature baby come out as an
field such as Richard Dawkins, an           orangatan!)  As a libertarian, it's
alleged biologist who claims a pig          his right to believe what he wants,
is more human than an unborn baby           but he touts his ignorance of basic
with _HUMAN_ DNA.  Global warming           biology when he says, thinking he's
proponents want us to grind comm-           clever, "isn't masturbation mass
erce to a halt on their claims              murder, then?"  Obviously he doesn't
because we should give their                know first year stuff like a sperm 
version of science "the benefit of          cell has 23 chromosomes but a human
the doubt."  Hardened abortoholics          baby, born or preborn, has 46.  Most
won't stop the unborn from certain          people know what it means to be 
death even when there IS NO DOUBT.          biologically human.

What complicates the issue is the           The third libertarian approach is
fact that the baby is inside the            the big government approach.  Put
body of another person.  So the             bluntly, abortion is essentially
question is, where do the rights            government sanctioned murder.  And
of one person end and another be-           since abortion is an industry that's
gin?                                        subsidized with hundreds of millions
                                            of dollars annually, it's taxpayer
The answer to that question is,             funded murder.  We've evolved from
"why does giving rights to someone          the days where the Dredd Scott
mean you take rights away from              decision was the law of the land.
someone else?  When the rights of           In those days, a black person was
two people are in balance, though,          deemed a property, not a person.  It
the Constitutional solution is to           was legal to beat a slave to death.
determine which right is more               We are more barbaric than ever as a

page 6

society.  There is no difference            In essence, the right to life is the
between Roe v Wade and Dredd Scott.         cornerstone of libertarian philoso-
Each took the rights of the 9TH and         phy.  For the protection of others
10TH Amendments from the states.            begins with the weakest and most
Both declared a certain group of            defenseless among us.  As Dr. Seuss
people non-people.  But Roe v Wade          says in "Horton Hears a Who", "A
led the the brutal killing of mill-         person's a person, no matter how
ions of babies in a manner we'd be          small.  A minority of libertarians
horrified if we did to a dog!               support abortion, using the argument
                                            that a person has a right to do what
So what, some may say?  They're just        they want with their own body... but
unwanted babies.  Well, what if the         when two lives are intertwined, a
next step in government sponsored           libertarian must not forget the part
murder is the elderly?  The dis-            about, "don't hurt people".    ((L))
abled?  The mentally disabled?  The
Jews?  Those who aren't productive?
As we turn what was once the great-         ####################################
est health system in the world into
the utter failure of the UK system,           MYTHS THAT LIBERALS BELIEVE, #6
the government will be making more
of these decisions, and your "right"        ####################################
to care will be linked to your
"usefulness" to society.  To quote          6. Nazis are right wing.
Mother Theresa, "a society that     
accepts abortion can accept any-            FALSE.  "Nazi" is German for 
thing".                                     "National Socialist".  Socialists
                                            are left-wing statists.  They be-
So, what about the death penalty?           live in and enact policies of
Many pro-life conservatives support         strict government control of the
the death penalty, and their reason-        economy.
ing is that abortion kills the inno-
cent who never made a choice, while         Often Nazis are associated with
the death penalty affects guilty            the right wing because the left wing
people who know the consequences of         communists opposed them in World War
their actions.  I strongly disagree         II.  In Europe, libertarians were 
with that.  I oppose the death              known as "classic liberals" and 
penalty for the reasons above: 1)           believed in conservative economic
the right to life is paramount and          policies of limited government, but
in the Declaration of Independence,         when Nazis and communists rose, this
2) Thou shalt not kill, and 3) It's         school of thought was pushed aside
government sanctioned murder.  If           worldwide.  Communism was already
we are to be libertarian, and not           well-established as "left wing", so
hurt others, we must to this for            when Nazism rose, and was opposed by
the the full spectrum for humanity.         communists, they filled the void
Unless it's in self-defense or the          and were called, "right wing".
self-defense of our nation, "don't          Fundamentally, there is very little
hurt other people is a right of all         difference between communism and
humankind.  When I say self-defense         Nazism.
of a nation, I'm talking about war-
fare.  But only in national defense         When Hitler became German chancellor
and not for political interests, or         the first two things he did were to
low gas prices, or for whatever             take over the health system, and
reasons Obama funds the terrorists.         disarm the populace by confiscating
The right to life extends to war;           their guns.  Does that sound right
we are not to go send our soldiers          wing?  So let's help people realize
to kill and die for any trivial             this by calling Nazis by their full
reasons.                                    name, "National Socialists".   ((L))

page 7


    BELLE KNOX: HOT LIERTARIAN!               - By Synonymous Xi -


Read the word, "libertarian", and a         saw a sex object.  This doesn't mean
person conjured up an image of some         that the government has to step in
clean-cut white guy in his 30s with         and ban the product.  Miriam chose
a tie on.  Or something.  But that's        this career willingly, and is free 
just your mind running off with a           to leave any time she wishes.  But
stereotype to facilitate reading.           because this is how she chose to pay
Libertarians come in all packages,          for college shouldn't make people
including beautiful women.  And one         think less of her as a person.  Here
of those is Miriam Weeks, better            is a quote from Belle Knox on the
known as Belle Knox.                        subject, where she demonstrates that
                                            she's more than a pretty face:
Belle Knox began as a prospective
college student facing the rising              "Everybody is focused on my de-
cost of tuition.  This was after               cision to perform in porn to pay
Obama usurped the entire student               for my tuition.  Let's start pay-
loan program, making it a government           ing attention to what got me 
monopoly.  Since then, universities,           here.  Skyhigh tuition bills re-
knowing the taxpayer faucet will               sult from a culture, from our
always pay the tab, have been jack-            President on down, telling every
ing their already overpriced costs             kid to go to college, regardless
for an increasingly worthless pro-             of their future plans to ability
duct.  Belle Knox, who was Miriam at           to graduate.  And they result
the time, on a whim, sought out work           from schools being all too happy
in the pornography at a search en-             to raise prices to catch all the
gine.  Soon it became a serious con-           money flowing from the federal
sideration.                                    spigot."

Belle soon became employed acting in        Here she raises a valid, overlooked
adult films to pay for her tuition          point.  Corralling every student
at Duke University.  She kept her           into college keeps the government's
alter ego, Belle, under wraps, but          fascist (yeah, I use the word cor-
a co-ed viewed one of her films and         rectly.  Many people use the word
recognized her.  She asked him to           just because they hate a politician)
keep her identity a secret.  He             student loan program running.  It 
promised, then promptly turned and          also makes students dependent on the
told all his fraternity friends.            government, so they will vote for
                                            the politicians under their thumb.
Soon thereafter, her social media           College is the greatest scam today.
was filled with harassing posts by
fellow students.  She was subject to        Belle Knox has since joined the 
an unfair standard; for some reason,        organization "Students for Liberty",
a stigma was attached to her for            and is the campus coordinator of the
baring herself to a camera, but for         Duke University chapter.  She also
some reason, it was fine for per-           joined the Young Voices organization
verse students to view those films.         which advocates for issues of lib-
The problem, and this is a problem
with pronography itself, is that it         Of course, she faces stigma even
dehumanizes women.  People stopped          from the libertarian community for
looking at Miriam Weeks and only            her career choices.  But Belle
doesn't consider her career to be a        of the economy as she is on treating
license to disrespect women.  In a         women with respect.  Belle credits
column she wrote, "Just Say No To          her Catholic upbringing for her
Rape", she expresses her shock that        conservatism.  "I'm conservative. 
friends of her blamed rape not on          I'm very socially liberal, but I'm 
the rapist, but the attire that the        very economically conservative."  On
victims chose, or their decision to        the Nolan Chart, Belle Knox appears
get drunk.  Her are a few snippets         to be here:
from the article:                                             .

page 8
                                                            . . .
   "In a few sentences, my friends                        . . * . .
   had epitomized slut and victim                       . . . . . . .
   shaming. In that moment, I felt                    . . . .---. . . .
   enraged that my female friends                   . . . . |   | . . . .
   had perpetuated rape culture. I                    . . . .---. . . . 
   also felt sad. Sad for every vic-                    . . . . . . . 
   tim who has been or ever will be                       . . . . . 
   doubted because of the mainstream                        . . . 
   ideas surrounding sexual assault.                          .
   When we allow ideas like this to        Here is some wisdom from Belle Knox
   be accepted, we only isolate the        on economic issues:
   true victims and discourage them 
   from reporting."                           "I totally endorse... [Rand Paul].
                                              He actually graduated from Duke,
   "During O-Week [campus orien-              so that's just ANOTHER reason for
   tation week], I was constantly             me to love him."
   reminded to watch my drink and 
   only walk in groups. Don't get me          "I felt that being screwed on 
   wrong; these are practical tips.           camera was the best way to avoid
   But essentially, they tell women           being screwed by the higher edu-
   that they can behave in a certain          cation system."
   way to avoid being victimized.
   But, why don't we tell men simi-        She also admired Milton Friedman and
   lar things? Why aren't there anti       Ayn Rand, author of _Atlas Shrugged_.
   rape campaigns targeting women?
   Why don't we focus on telling men       While Belle presents her image as a
   not to rape, instead of telling         product and amps up the sexiness, she
   women how to not get raped?"            personally is affected by it all.  
                                           She says, "A lot of my life has been
   "How about we teach young men that      ruined by sex."  A five part docu-
   when a woman says stop, they stop?      mentary, "Becoming Belle Knox", de-
   Or that if a woman (or man) is          picts Miriam Week's real life ex-
   drunk or unconscious, they should       periences becoming the "Duke porn
   help them, instead of taking ad-        Star", and having the notoriety 
   vantage of them?"                       thrust upon her by her outing, and 
                                           how it led to people viewing her not
   "I dream of a day when my daughter      as Miriam Weeks the woman, but Belle
   can walk down the street without        Knox the sex object.  Personally, I
   the fear of being assaulted. And        am more interested in Miriam Weeks
   yes, I think that I should be able      for her mind than Belle Knox for her
   to wear whatever the hell I want        body.  Unfortunately, her web site is
   without being labeled as a slut.        focused on Belle Knox, the product,
   This idea that men cannot control       exploiting her beauty for maximum
   their impulses is archaic and           profit.  I'm not knocking that.  It's
   offensive."                             her right to make money from perverts
                                           if the demand is there.  But there's
Belle is equally outspoken on issues       nothing there for people who care

page 9

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 .                        ......'',,;;;;::ccccccccc;,;ccdkkoc:::;,..           
                                           .  .........o00dOx::::;;;;;;;,.     


about what she thinks.  I heard of someone who became her Twitter follower, but
she only talks about adult films on her feed, and following her lead only to a
slew of adult film stars following her in return.  Belle Knox has a lot to say
and a lot that can teach others.  We wish that she'd do more of that!

page 10

So that's the whole package: Belle          ####################################
Knox in body and mind.  So she
performs in adult films.  Get over                 LIBERTORIAN WANTS YOU!
that.  I have a problem with the
industry.  I personally think that          ####################################
pornography destroys lives.  I've
seen it first-hand.  But viewers
are responsible for their actions,          We're looking for a few good writers
so I'm not going calling for an             to contribute to LiberTORian.  You
end of an industry that consists            are free to write news, commentary,
of people freely entering it.  If           speculative fiction, humor or comedy
a person wants to end the porno-            with an emphasis on individual free-
grphy industry, 1) good luck, and           dom or the U.S. Constitution.  If
2) do it the libertarian way by             you have historical knowledge we're
eliminating the demand.  Teach              also looking for people who can 
people its negative effects.  The           share history lessons with us.
point is to not be so quick to
judge.  If you are critical of              If you want to contribute, send a
Belle Knox for her career, you              text to this email address:
are a hypocrite if you watch such
films.  Remember when "Roe", the            synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com
poster girl from "Roe v Wade"
jumped off the poster?  The pro-            If you want to comment on something
life community embraced her.                from a past issue, feel free to
Menawhile, pro-abortion groups              contact us too!
has a problem with those who
accepted her, because they were             LiberTORian is being posted at the
Christian.  "How can you accept             SLAMSPEECH pastebin, which can be
her?  She's a homosexual.  You have         reached at one of these locations.
to shun her!"  This says a lot more         If one isn't working currently, try
about them, misses the point and            the other one.
mischaracterizes Christianity in
general.  They may not agree with           pasterlczk6anaqz.onion
the lifestyle of some, but don't            ka3ojmfcsmz76wse.onion
condemn people outright for their
behavior.  People should be the
same way with Belle Knox.  We               ####################################
never lived in her shoes.  I'd
rather she left the industry my-              MESSAGE TO AMERICAN HOMOSEXUALS
self, but that's where she is in
life.  That's no reason for her             ####################################
not to be treated with the same
respect that other women deserve.
Even some libertarians have                 We are thrown off buildings for 
shunned Belle Knox.  How about we           being gay in nations such as Saudi
listen to what she has to say, and          Arabia, Iran, and Iraq.  It is a
judge her on her words?  Christians         crime punishable by death where we
call this "loving thy neighbor".            live.
Liberals call it "tolerance", some-
thing they always call for but              We don't get much sympathy from you
rarely practice themselves.                 in the United States, but you sure
                                            talk like you are suffering under
Belle Knox is a libertarian that,           worse oppression than we are, just
hopefully, will be a rising voice           because someone running a private
in the fight for individual liberty         business won't bake you a cake.
and economic freedom.  Keep on a
lookout for her!               ((L))          -Oppressed gays of Islamic nations

page 12
             ... ..,;:::cloool:...';',l;;,,,..,..cccccc:;;;,,.....             
            .   .';::loooolllllc ------------- +:ccccllllc::;;,'..'.           
          .    .,;:loollllllll   DIGITAL ZOOM :   ccclllloll:;;;;,..'         
              .;:loolcllllllccc::------------  ,;;::cclllllooolc:;::,..       
       .    .,:lolc::ccccccc::::;;;;,,''''',,,,;;::cccllllooooolc;:c:..,       
      .    ';lddl::;c ld```````````````````````````````   loooodol;;cc..'      
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    .. ',,;lddolcc lxddxxxdc;'...........',,;:ccloxxkkkkxddc odddddo;,cc..,    
   ', ;:;,lodoolc: lddkxxl,.            .....',;:ccoxxkkkkdc cloooool,;l: ..   
   c.,dd;okkxdol:: cdkxxl'               ......',;:::dxkkkxl ::loooolc;od;.c.  
  .:.oxc;x00OOOxol oOkxl;.                ......',,;;:xxkkkl :clxxxkkxloOx.:;  
  ''.kk:cd0OOOkddd kNXkdc'.             ......'''';:c,dOOXXk ddxkOkkOdockO;':  
  ;',kk::oOOkkxddd kNKxdl;'.          .,;;,;;;;,',;:c,l00XNk xdxxkkkkdl:xOc'o. 
  c';kOl'ckkkxdddd kNKxdo:;'........'';llc:;,''....';.:kxKNk dxxdkxxxo:cxOc'd. 
  c,,OOo':kkkkxddd kNKxddocc;,,,;;::ccllll:,....   ...cxoXNk xxxdxddxl;okOc'd. 
  ::'OOx;;kkxkxddd kNXOxxxdddoollooooooolc,...       .cldNXk xxddxddx:;dOO;,l  
  ,d'kOkl;xkkkxddd xNNX0O00Okkkxxxddddool:,..        .;cKKXk xxdxxxxd,ckOk.c:  
  .k,cOOx;ckxxxddd d0NNX0KXXK000OOkkkxdolc;,..       .,kOKXk xxxxxxxo:dOO:.d.  
   :o.dOOl.lc;:xdd lO0NNNXXXXXXKK0000Okkxdol;.     ..:xx0K0x xdxxxxdldkkd.lc   
    d:.k0k:'l..oxx oKKXNdNNXXXNNXXKK00Okkdolc:;;;;;cxxdO0OOx dd:;cdodkkk;:k.   
    'O:;OOO:,o::lxkd dKKXNNNNNXXXXXXXXXKK00OkxdxxkOxdxOOOkx ooc..codkxx:,k'    
     'k:,k0Ol:o;,;xkk..,--............................ -x .oc;':ooxkdd;'d.     
       .do'oOOOxddo,:oxOOOOOkkd; .  HD LENS ' xxxkkkkOOkol..cddxkoc:.:l.       

        P R O T E C T I N G    Y O U R    P R I V A C Y    P A R T    2 
                               Two New Quick Tips

O F F L I N E:                              O N L I N E:

On the day you are paid, plan how           Cover your webcam on your laptop or
much banking you need to do for the         smart phone when you're not using
week, and visit your home branch to         it.  Use several layers of opaque
make the money transfers you need           packing tape.  Hackers and the NSA
for the week in one visit.                  can turn it on without your know-
ATMs record date & time and nowadays        
many are equipped with cameras.  All        Your built-in microphone is open 
ATMs know your location.  If possi-         game to hackers and the NSA.  The
ble, make a visit in person.  Get to        one thing you can do is override it 
know your tellers.  While it's good         by taking headphones that no longer
to develop this routine, you should         work, cutting off the 1/8 inch plug,
visit at different times each week.         and inserting it into the mic jack.

pagge 13


  T H E    K A K I S T O C R A C Y            -By G.P.S.-


Add this word to your vocabulary;            o Operation Fast & Furious
you will need it: Kakistocracy.              o IRS intimidation
                                             o Benghazi
Practice pronouncing it a bit, until         o VA Hospital Black Lists
you are comfortable rolling it off           o Chicago Black Sites for torture
your tongue without missing a beat:
KAK-iz-TOCK-ris-see.                        The list is too long to place here.
                                            This has prompted David Axelrod, the
So what is it?                              hack from the discredited rag _The
                                            administration the most scandal-free
KAKISTOCRACY: n.  Government run by         ever.
the least qualified and most corrupt
among the people.                           Then there's Hillary Clinton, former
                                            secretary of state.  If you don't
That is what we have under the              know about her, or her role in 
current administration.                     Benghazi, lying to the parents of
                                            two of the Benghazi Four to their
Let's begin with the selection of           faces AT THEIR FUNERAL, or the
Tim Geithner as the head of the             Clinton Crime Family Syndicte, do
Federal Reserve.  It's bad enough           us a favor and don't vote, and do a
hat a tax cheat was put in charge of        bit of research.
America's money supply.  To add in-
sult to injury, while in the IMF, he        No one was less qualified to be the
applied for supplements to pay his          health care authority than Kathleen
taxes, then pocked the cash.                Sebelius, a non-doctor and disgraced
                                            governor of Kansas, who took bribes
Then there's Obama himself.  Calling        from an D&X abortionist to continue
him the least qualified is an under-        partial-birth abortions when it was
statement; he never worked a day in         banned in America.
a real life job and he's the one who
is running the country?  He promised        The list goes on: Communist Jeff Van
the most transparent administration         Jones, Samantha Powers, Cass Sustein
in history and gave us the most             and more.  All of them the absolute
opaque.  The only transparency is           worst people for the jobs they were
from all the spying he's done on us.        given.  This administration can all
                                            be summed up in one word: KAKIS-
Then there are numerous scandals:           TOCRACY.  Learn it.            ((L))

   E R I C    S N O W D E N    C O P Y / P A S T E / P R I N T    P O S T E R

We here at LiberTORian have chosen a pure TEXT format (or T-file, for those of
you who grew up in the 1980s).  As such, the images we show are also made up of
a mosaic of text characters.  Well, we thought that this is actually something
that looks when it's printed out on paper.  So we decided to place the equiva-
lent of a _Tiger Beat_ pull-out poster in the middle of this issue.  In this
case, it's a copy/paste/print poster.  As our gift to you, we present a picture
of NSA Whistleblower Eric Snowden.  Recently, the NSA spying program, which was
expressly NOT in the Patriot Act, has been sunseted thanks to him.  So print 
this and be inspired by his honesty, courage, and love of Constitutional rights.

page 14

||                                                                            ||
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||                                                                            ||
||                             __________________                             ||
|O----------------------------//                \\----------------------------O|
O============================((   ERIC SNOWDEN   ))============================O

page 15




the_ant.txt                                 or any BBS information.  But by the
                                            context of the update, the story was
                                            written most likely in the mid-90s,
Here is a revised version of the old        toward the end of the BBS era, and   
Aesop's Fable, THE ANT AND THE              in the dark recesses of the Clinton   
GRASSHOPPER.  No author is mentioned        administration.

####################################        ####################################


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and 
laughs and dances and plays the summer
away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or
shelter so he dies out in the cold.


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and
laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering
grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be
allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. CBS, NBC
and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to video
of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can it be that, in a country of
such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so? Then a
representative of the NAAGB (The National Association for the Advancement of
Green Bugs) shows up on Nightline and charges the ant with green bias, and
makes the case that the grasshopper is the victim of 30 million years of

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody 
cries when
he sings "It's Not Easy Being Green."

Bill and Hillary Clinton make a special 
guest appearance on the CBS Evening
News to tell a concerned Dan Rather that they will do everything they can for
the grasshopper who has been denied the prosperity he deserves by those who
benefited unfairly during the Reagan summers. Richard Gephardt exclaims in an
interview with Peter Jennings that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the
grasshopper, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his
"fair share."

Finally, the EEOC drafts the "Economic Equity and Anti-Greenism Act"
retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to
hire a proportionate number of green bugs. Having nothing left to pay his

page 15

retroactive taxes, the ant's home is confiscated by the government.

Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit
against the ant. The case is tried before a panel of federal hearing officers
that Bill appointed from a list of single-parent welfare moms who can only hear
cases on Thursday's between 1:30 and 3 PM. The ant loses the case.

The story ends 
as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the
ant's food while the government house he's in, which just happens to be the
ant's old house, crumbles around him since he doesn't maintain it. The ant has
disappeared in the snow. And on the TV, which the grasshopper bought by selling
most of the ant's food, they are showing Bill Clinton standing before a wildly
applauding group of Democrats announcing that a new era of "fairness" has


INDEPENDENCE DAY: FOURTH OF JUNE?!!!          - By Synonymous 1-

"We have to change our traditions",         section.  The first purge was to
says Alinsky-ite Michelle Obama.            eliminate any references to Islamic
(If you don't know what an Alinsky-         terrorism in FBI, CIA, and NSA docu-
ite is, LiberTORian has more work to        ments.  The second phase is for the
do than expected!)  She meant it.           government to attack non-Islamic
The traditions we have celebrate the        influences in the military and 
things that make America great.  It         international agencies.
is precisely the reason that she
spoke this to a group of youths.            The latest incident occurred at the
                                            U.S. embassy in Indonesia.  This
Obama went to work changing American        year, Independence Day falls in the
traditions as soon as his regime            Islamic period of Ramadan.  Think of
began.  Right out of the starting           Ramadan as Lent for Muslims.  In
gate, in 2009, he pooped on the mem-        order not to offend Muslims, and the
ories of those killed in 9/11.  By          terrorists if you ask me, Obama  
decree, Obama turned September 11TH         moved the Fourth of July celebration
from a day of rememberence and              to the Fourth of JUNE!  So the Rama-
mourning to a day of "service".  It         dan celebration won't be interrupted
is a tactic to get the generations          by us meddling Americans with their
to come to not think of, and then           honoring America's birth and the
never know, the significance of the         freedom declared by the states on
date.  Instead, they will be using          July 4TH (well, the ratifying began
the day to "serve".  Serve whom?            On the 2ND of July, but that's ok.)
the federal government?  This is one
of the insidious ways the admini-           Well, up your nose with a rubber
stration expresses its bromance with        hose, Obama!  You don't give a whit
Islamic terrorists, and how there is        about not just offending Americans,
no time limit to their plan to              but bringing misery to them, but we
destroy America's traditions.               have to tiptoe around Muslims?  Are
                                            they all going to snap and kill us  
The most recent attack on traditions        all?  Just as you purposely omit,
is what LiberTORian calls, "The             �ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR� whenever
Purge, Part 2".  The original purge         you quote the Declaration, you hate
was covered in issue 2's HARD COPY          all that makes America great.  ((L))

page 16

 _       _  _                  _              _____          _  _ 
| |     (_)| |     T H E      | |            |  __ \        | || |
| |      _ | |__    ___  _ __ | |_  _   _    | |  | |  ___  | || |  __ _  _ __ 
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                                     __/ | 
    F R E E    C O M M E R C E ?    |___/     O R    C O U N T E R F E I T ?
                                - BY SYNONYMOUS 1 -        

Seven million liberty dollars are in        it is apparent that it may resemble
existence.  They're privately minted        a U.S. coin in some respects, but
one ounce silver rounds.  In the            it also features many devices that
Great Lakes states and surrounding          are not found on any coins of the
areas, people used them to barter           past or present.  Let's compare and
for goods and services.  And they           contrast the Liberty Dollar and
were declared "counterfeits" by the         standard U.S. coinage:
U.S. government.
A story like this is usually told            o They are both circular and have
with the history first, then analy-            reeded edges like the quarter
sis afterward.  I'm going to go                dollar
right ahead and address the question         o They both are dated
outright: Commerce or Counterfeit?           o They have an obverse and reverse
                                             o The word "liberty" is depicted
I'll explain the Liberty Dollar to           o There is a printed denomination
those who are unfamiliar with it in
a moment.  First, let's look at the         DIFFERENCES
actual text of the Constitution on           o Liberty dollars feature a copy-
the subject of counterfeiting:                 right
                                             o Liberty dollars feature a web URL
   Section 8 - Powers of Congress              and/or a phone number
                                             o Liberty dollars feature the head 
   The Congress shall have Power...            of Liberty.  Past U.S. coinage
   [various powers listed]                     has done so, but no current coin-
   To provide for the Punishment of            age does
   counterfeiting the Securities and         o U.S. coinage is minted with its
   current Coin of the United                  country's motto, "In God We
   States;                                     Trust".  Liberty Dollars don't,
                                               but sometimes feature a related
"Securities" refers to financial               motto, such as, "Trust in God"
securities.  In other words, assets          o Liberty Dollars are minted in 
such as currency and other paper               denominations greater than one
backed up by assets such as gold.              dollar.  Only U.S. bullion coins
The Constitution explicitly gives            o Liberty dollars are made of 
the congress the power to punish               precious metals such as silver.
counterfeiters of CURRENT COIN of              Only U.S. bullion coins are
the United States.  Current Coin is          o Liberty dollars are often struck
any coin that is currently produced            in higher relief, and are of
by the United States mint (also in             greater aesthetic beauty than 
section 8, and forbidden at the                their U.S. government counter-
state level in section 10).                    parts.
                                             o Most Liberty Dollars are printed
If one examines the Liberty Dollar,            with the word "NORFED".

page 17

Thus, it is obvious that the Liberty        attempt to replace currency, it was
Dollar is not a U.S. coin, makes no         a legitimate barter medium.  It was 
attempt to mimic a U.S. coin, and           also, like bitcoin, one of the most 
is undoubtedly NOT a counterfeit.           private transactions a person could
                                            make.  It's no surprise that the
Now, on with the story.                     Federal Reserve, who prefers to
                                            track transactions, had a problem
The first Liberty Dollars were              with the Liberty Dollar.
struckin 1998.  There's nothing un-
usual about this.  Private mints and
jewelers often produced their own 1         THE LEGAL SUIT AGAINST von NOTHAUS
ounce silver rounds.  The only major
difference was the inclusion of a           The legal suit against von NotHaus
date.  The coin's creator and chief         had more to do with persecution for
engraver, Bernard von Nothaus, was          political beliefs than the phony
concerned about inflation and the           charges of counterfeiting.  NORFED
devaluation of the dollar.  He first        (pronounced NOR-fed) stands for
minted his silver rounds to be used         "National Organization for the Re-
as an alternative to currency in            peal of the Federal Reserve".  The
private commerce, an asset of in-           federal reserve notes are not backed
trinsic value.                              by anything and essentially have as
                                            much value as an overproduced base-
Within a few years, Liberty Dollars         ball card.  U.S. coinage is all made
were being circulated in exchange           of base metal.  Pennies have been 
for goods and services in Michigan,         made of zinc since 1982.  They are
Northern Indiana, and surrounding           coated with a super-thin layer of
states, the area surrounding the            copper to make them appear more
Liberty Dollar's "federal reserve",         valuable than they really are.
which von NotHaus called "NORFED".          Dimes and quarters are mostly copper
                                            with a thin layer of copper/nickel
There were 64 varieties of Liberty          to make them appear more valuable.
Dollars during its lifespan which           The only coin whose metal is nearly
ran until 2009, when Obama came in.         worth its value is the nickel, made
The feds then shut down von NotHaus'        of 75% copper: a composition that, 
operation and arrested him for              except for four years during World
counterfeiting.  Some varieties are         War II, has not changed since the
limited editions; others featured           Civil War!
activist themed reverses.  Several
Liberty dollar reverses honored             The NORFED Liberty Dollar was made
individual states, depicted guns            not to replace the Federal Reserve,
and stood for the Second Amendment,         but to provide an alternative for
or featured Ron Paul, famous for            people whose confidence in it is
being a critic of the Federal               shaken.  Unlike U.S. money, the 
Reserve.  The 2008 Ron Paul dollar          Liberty Dollar is an asset of true
is another aspect about Liberty             value, while U.S. currency is made
Dollars that differs from American          of cotton and paper, and coins of
coinage: it featured a living               base metals.
                                            The trial itself was uneventful and
Many businesses within NORFED's             predictable.  Statist attorney Anne 
sphere of influence posted signs            Tompkins actually called NORFED's
indicating that they accepted               actions an act of "terrorism":
Liberty Dollars as payment.  NORFED
also minted copper one ounce coins.            "While these forms of anti-gov-
It is a physical precursor to the              ernment activities do not involve
rise of bitcoin (see LiberTORian               violence, they are every bit as
issue 2) and, while it made no                 insidious and represent a present

page 18

   and clear danger to the economic         that he be tried again.  In 2014,
   stability of this country."              three years later, Judge Vorhees
                                            denied the motion.  He could face
Considering this is coming from an          five years in prison and up to
administration that considers ISIS          $250,000 in fines, although the
a "Junior Varisty Team" (quoting            silver confiscated by the FBI more
Barack Obama), von NotHaus doesn't          than made up for it.
really present a danger, does he?
If he is a terrorist, what does it          The most ignorant among us really
make Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama,            think von NotHaus was trying to pass
Tim Geithner and the Federal Re-            of his "coins" as money.  "What was
serve?  2011 was the year they              he thinking?"  Those who took to 
began their "quantitative easing"           message boards really think he was
programs, printing money to no end          counterfeiting.  Then they mock the
to purposely devalue the money              libertarian mindset in the process.
supply until it's worthless.  NOW!          Of course, they'd be the first to
Someone tell Anne Tompkins to               whine when their money is worthless.
charge them with economic terror- 
ism!  HURRY!                                
                                            LIBERY DOLLAR 2
Fair-minded people have a big
problem with this assessment.  To           Far from the North Carolina trial,
quote Walt Theissen, who commented          Joseph Vaughn Perling of California
on NOLAN CHART dot com:                     began minting Liberty Dollars in
                                            2013.  He also acquired the 1-888-
   "The real question in her [Anne          LIB-DOLL(ar) phone number.  The
   Tompkins'] view was whether those        operation wasn't around long.  When
   who advocate the use of gold and         you dial the number, you get this 
   silver as money should be consid-        message, after a female greeting:
   ered patriots or terrorists.  In
   her view, honest people who want            "Do not leave a message, as 
   honest money that has honest                messages will not be returned.
   value are considered, 'terror-              Liberty Dollar is closed until
   ists'."                                     after the trial.  -BEEP-"

This isn't he first time the Obama          GoldLine and Glenn Beck circum-
administration reversed the terms.          vented the Feds by issuing a limited
Remember the memo that went out to          edition "medal".  Just call your one
Missouri police, based on a study           ounce coins "medals" and you are
by statist senator Claire McCaskill?        safe.
It identified Ron Paul supporters,
critics of a North American Union,          Liberty Dollars are collectible to-
people in the tea party, pro-life           day. Most sell on eBay for more than
people (more than half the popu-            their metal value.  People can still
lation), and people with "don't             use silver as a currency alterna-
tread on me" bumper stickers as             tive.  The U.S. government makes
terrorists.                                 their own: the Silver Eagle.  This
                                            coin, in essence, is an officially
Meanwhile, no one knows what                sanctioned counterfeit, according to
happened to the $7 million in Lib-          their definition.  Private jewelers
erty dollars that were confiscated          make 1 oz rounds.  The Canadian
by the FBI.                                 mint produces Maple Leaves, which
                                            contain more silver than U.S. Silver
The jury found von NotHaus guilty on        Eagles.  So the moral is, if you're
all counts after a mere 2 hours of          an entrepreneur, you get the shaft. 
deliberation.  von NotHaus called           The feds don't like competition, or
for an aquittal and a mistrial, and         economic stability.            ((L))

pge 19


        H A R D      C O P Y                  - By Synonymous 1 -


WHO BUILT THAT by Michelle Malkin           entertaining, considering how mun-
                                            dane the topic appears on the sur-
Born in Hawaii, raised in Indonesia,        face.  The reader comes to appreci-
moved to Chiacgo, Barack Hussein            ate the fact that there are people 
Obama had everything in life handed         in the world who devoted so much 
to him on a silver platter.  Having         time thinking about such things as
never worked a day in his life, he          toilet paper.  Our world is a better
has no concept of earning a living.         place because of them, yet we take
In 2012, he said to those who worked        their contributions for granted.
hard to start and maintain a busi-
ness successfully, "You didn't build        Malkin's book takes time for us to
that!  Someone else [the government]        step back and see a bigger picture.
did that."  It was a slap in the            And she does it in her signature
face to those who actually labor to         blunt frankness, while at the same
earn a living.                              time blasting away the liberal   
                                            ideals that stifle and squash that
Born in Philadelphia, raised in             creative spirit.  _WHO BUILT THAT_
South Jersey, moved to Colorado,            is a truly inspiring book that makes
writer Michelle Malkin understands          you want to go out there and join 
the value of hard work.  Having been        the ranks of the tinkerpreneurs.
instilled with a strong work ethic
from her family and schooling, she          One more thing: Michelle Malkin's
strives to be the best at what she          inner geek shines through in this 
does, whether it's playing the piano        title.  In this book, nerdiness is
or prolific research and writing on         shown as something cool.       ((L))
topical issues.  Her most recent
book, WHO BUILT THAT, celebrates the
entrepreneur, and more so, those who
spend their lives thinking and tink-        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ering to improve their ideas until
they are perfect.  She coined the           T H E    9 T H    A M E N D M E N T
term, "tinkerpreneurs" to describe
them.                                       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

WHO BUILT that is as engrossing as
it is entertaining.  Electronics            Our Amendment of the day is the
geeks or at least steampunk junkies         Ninth Amendment.  The 9th Amendment  
will enjoy Nikola Tesla's experi-           ensures that just because a right is
ments which were truly ahead of             not in the Constitution, that does
their time.  Everyone loves an              not mean that the rights don't
underdog story, expect the statists         exist!
who say you didn't build that.  And
the section on toilet paper is                The enumeration in the Consti-
                                              tution, of certain rights, shall
                                              not be construed to deny or dis-
                                              parage others retained by the
     ! DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN !                people.
                                            So, don't get any funny ideas,
12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s          politicians!                   ((L))

page 20


   THE SIGNIFICANCE OF HARD COPY              - By Synonymous 1 -


At least for now, our HARD COPY             dispel myths that originated in
feature has been for books that were        university campuses that the Found-
recently released, and are available        ing Fathers were Deists, or weren't
in both hardback and eBook formats.         Christian, including Thomas Jeffer-
And we find importance to tactile,          son.  They provides a fuller picture
tangible books.  As much as Liber-          that contrasts with intentionally
TORian loves electronic books, and          sanitized versions of history.  For
using technology to share knowledge,        example, HBO omitted all references
we also recommend that you collect          to John Adam's religion in their
real books of historical importance.        historically inaccurate miniseries
                                            based on his life.  True documents
The benefits of eBooks are apparent:        written by him prove that his deeply
 o Easy to reproduce and distribute         held Calvinist beliefs were so in-
 o Easy to search text digitally            grained in him that it was reflected
 o Many volumes of works require            in all he said and did.
   little storage space
 o Can be sent instantaneously to
   others via electronic means.             *TRADITIONAL BOOKS DEPICT LIFE
                                            EXACTLY AS IT WAS AT THE TIME THEY
The benefits of traditional books           WERE WRITTEN
may not be so apparent to someone in
a younger generation.  Take the             I own books on astronomy that cover
following into consideration.               The s
un and eight planets.  They
                                            exclude Pluto.  This is not because
                                            Pluto was demoted from planetary

                                            books I own were published before  
A person who owns an original copy          1930, when Pluto was discovered.
of Margaret Sanger's books, letters,
and periodicals has the upper hand          Original books allow us to see the
when someone claims that she isn't          world candidly through the authors'
a racist, and didn't form Planned           eyes, without the fog of time.
Parenthood for racist reasons.
Other half-truths, when put into
the full context of her whole               *TRADITIONAL BOOKS CAN'T BE EASILY
writings, give a deeper explanation         ALTERED
for more accuracy.  Margaret Sanger
supported Nazis, for many reasons.          If someone doesn't like an eBook,
However, she wrote in detail her            it's not difficult to revise one.
opposition to the Nazis for their           If someone wants to change a
nationalism, not for any other              traditional book, one must publish
reason.  Pro-Sanger people only             a new one from scratch.  If there
post small snippets of her essays           is information in the traditional
out of context to paint a false             book that presents a problem, the
picture of her.                             person or people with the problem
                                            must hunt down and burn every copy.
This is only one example of the 
power of books.  Historians who             The content of a real book is in ink
collect, archive and read documents         and there's something nice and perm-
from the Revolutionary War period           anent about ink.  Ink is bold.  By

page 21

extention, something printed in ink         analysis of events, textbooks, and
is bold.  It's defiant.  It invites         technology, as well as how-to books.
the reader to take it on.  A user           seek out books that you think are 
who doesn't like what a eBook has           crucial for future generations to
to say can easily delete it and             know about our culture and those of
forget about it.  It's not so ease          past generations, and those that 
with a book.  You've got to destroy         teach skills that may be lost in the
one of those.                               future.

                                            Collect books and eBooks.  If you or

NOLOGY                                      group, or other trusted community
                                            has the time, scan and archive the
Let's say that the Chinese hack the         books you own.
internet and it goes down.  Or some
rogue insurgent detonates an EMP.           Modern books can be found cheaply!
Or Obama declares an emergency and          Books tend to depreciate and you
that the internet is to go "dark"           can find titles that are a few years
until further notice.  You may not          old for cheap!  Libraries and yard
have access to your eBooks.  Books          sales are great places to buy books
aren't defeated by technology that          at basement prices.
fails mankind.
                                            Older books, and first editions, are
I had posited this scenario to a            often expensive.  In cases like this
Fundamentalist Christian friend of          it may be impractical to buy these
mine, who wanted to get rid of all          books.  This is where eBooks are so
his books, including this Bible.            helpful!  Become familiar with this
I said, that may a time you want to         web site:
turn to your Bible for guidance,
and if you had rid yourself of it,          https://archive.org
it's no longer available to you.
He since reconsidered.                      There you can download texts and
                                            magazines from the past that have 
                                            entered the public domain.  Seek out

FROM REAL BOOKS                             you find important.

It's been scientifically proven             The Obama administration is notor-
that the cognitive process when             ious for "scrubbing" their Freudian
reading a book is different than            slips from the internet.  CAPTURE
when the same person reads an               ANYTHING YOU SEE FROM STATISTS and
eBook.  There is something about            make hard copies!
physically turning the page and
placing a finger on the lines being         I finally completed Ray Bradbury's  
read than skimming and scrolling.           _The Martian Chronicles_.  The final
I can't explain it.  I just read            chapter, written first, is "The
the study.  Maybe if the results of         Million Year Picnic."  What is the
the study were in a regular book, I         Fahrenheit 451 author's obsession
would be better able to explain it!         with burning books?  In this story,
                                            he writes it as a positive thing!
                                            After Earth destroys itself, a 
WHAT YOU CAN DO - WHAT YOU CAN DO           surviving Martian colonist burns the
                                            archives of Earth history, so we 
Become the archivist for your               don't repeat it.  Maybe they might
community.  In addition to collect-         now that there are no records!  Let
ing books on topics you enjoy, also         us keep our mistakes instead, so we 
compile ones on topics of history,          LEARN NOT to repeat them!      ((L))

page 22


   INDEX OF FTP/DOCUMENTS/JOURNAL             - By Synonymous 1 -


Once again, here is a document I            laugh at this if you're a l33t
keep to commit what I've been doing         haxxor, but remember that I'm
to memory, and to provide a guide           writing for myself and others like
for other people new to TOR who are         me!  Here is a record of a n00b
even more lost than I am!  You may          finding his way around the deep web.


2015 05 17

It's been a week sine I dived into the Deep Web.  I spend an hour chasing dead
links.  Even the Hidden Wiki was down most of the time I clicked the bookmark,
and I'm talking about the clearnet address (http://thehiddenwiki.net)

I simply can't find an .onion forum to discuss things or find some direction in
the deep web (which its users absurdly calls "onionland").  After giving up for
a while, I duck duck went, "Where does the Electronic Frountier Foundation
stand on Net Neutrality", a question I was curious about before but forgot to
check until I saw EFF in a list of links.  It turns out they're for the FCC
getting involved, dictating terms to providers, and censoring users.  Traitors.
I also learned that they opposed it unless the FCC "does it right".

I tried out the self-destructing SMS site:


This was memorized so easily, I type it in to use it.  First, I typed in the

"This is a test.  This is only a test".

Then I clicked the link when finished.  It provided me with the URL.  It
definitely is important to get the URL correct, or ensure that it was copied
correctly, or copied at all.  I opened a new tab and deleted the source. 
Pasting the URL, the message showed up.  I repeated the process.  The second
time, the URL was a dead link.  Perfect!

I searched around an IRC chat room to find another Tor user to try it on, but
found none.

One of the only link links on the Hidden Wiki that worked was ParaZite's list
of links: http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion/links.html.  Most of the links, if not
all, are clearnet sites.

Remember when I said how evil many people in the Deep Web are?  Here's some
prime examples.  The links are in categories and sub-categories.
"Liberty and Privacy" opens with two links to Electronic Frontier Foundation. 

page 23

Much of the content is Finnish, I assume it's ParaZite's home nation.

He also wrongly terms Anonymity Network, "darknets".

"Internet" gave me a good laugh; "Google" was listed as a "quality" web search! 
Strangely, Duck Duck Go wasn't included; strange for someone concerned with

"Society" lists several subcategories, starting with "Jihad".  There are a few
anti-jihad sites listed, but this one stuck out:

Suomen Al-Qaida RY, the registered organization I am going to establish, join
now! donation for bin laden expected and accepted!

So the guy about this site is going to make a "Charity" for Osama bin Laden. 
This kind of makes most of what follows make sense.

After "Jihad" is "Organizations".  By "Organizations", he means, "Terrorist
Organizations".  However, their sites are all plainly listed so that watchdogs
can visit and see what these evil people are scheming:

FARC - Al Qaeda - Hezbollah - Hamas - Supporters of "Shareeah [sic]" - Kavkaz

"Politics" is next, and isn't much better.

the Progressive Labor Party - Communist Party - USA, "McCarthy fan club" -
Sinn F�in, the political wing of IRA - Transnational Radical Party, the party i
would like to vote for the Parliament of Finland

Other links are government agencies that are described as tyrants and such;
kind of ironic.  I'm not defending the agencies, but it's funny.

The end of this section is "Anarchy".  I use quotes because many "anarchists"
support tyrannical regimes and big, intrusive government, or communism, but 
still consider them anarchists."

"Gore".  Need I say more.  Worship and glorification of real death.  By the
way, the Nick Berg beheading video by ISIS is a snuff film.  Some people
pretend to believe that snuff films don't exist.  I don't know why.

"Suicide and Euthanasia" lists sites for fans.

"Drugs" is the typical onion stuff.

"People" lists a link to "Mika Ebeling" (http://isuisse.ifrance.com/emmaf/),
citing "'pro-life', anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia.  Notice "pro-life" is in
quotes.  No grip on reality.  Really sad.

This is everything wrong in the deep web in one site.  For a vast, underground
frontier, there is very little diversity of thought on this site...

Well, at last I found one link of the type I've been seeking... and it's
functional!  This is the only site of it's kind I've been able to find so far. 
It's called the Alpha-7-Bravo (A7B) Blog.


Here's the title of the most recent post:

Sat May 2 13:45:48 MDT 2015

Here's the beginning of the content; you have to click for more:

UN AGENDA 21 IS NOT ABOUT SAVING THE PLANET Have you heard the one about "Think
Globally, Act Locally"? [The excerpt is found in issue 2's DEEP WEB SITE OF THE

The article is accurate, well-researched, and not at all paranoid.

A link to the 1987 movie AMERIKA is in another post, but the link wasn't
connecting when I tried.  Maybe another time.

The sad thing about this page is that all discussion, feedback, or contacts to 
the webmaster requires Javascript to be turned on.  This is something I'm not
ready to do.  Maybe in the future, I'll make an exception for one visit to this

Don't know of his politics nor do I care.  All I want is someone who believes in
freedom and is consistent about it!  One of the sections of his site is an NSA
Whistleblowers Heroes Gallery.  That's also a good sign.  Maybe I'm on the
right track.

page 24


D N S    L O O K U P    F A I L E D


This wraps up another great issue of        readers see the difference between
LiberTORian... in our opinion.  Our         the unhinged leftists and your
intent is to entertain, educate, and        reasoned arguments.  Even ignore
inspire you to action.  We're always        the worst of them after a while, 
looking for material from YOU, the          turning the Alinsky tactic back on 
reader.  send email in text format          them.  Readers, for the most part,
to:                                         are smart enough to discern the
                                            contrast between people who are
synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com                 civil and reasonable and those who
                                            are unhinged.  Don't sink to their 
But if you really want to do some-          level.  Instead, give them the rope
thing, write on topics of restoring         and they will often hang themselves.
freedom to your local paper.  Engage
in the community conversation.  Do          LiberTORian wants to be YOUR news-
not allow statists' articles or             letter.  If you care about privacy
letters to the editor go unchecked.         or freedom, write us!  It's the 1ST
                                            and easiest step at taking action.
I don't suggest that you go onto the        And, the odds are that your writing
comments section of a local news-           skills, whatever your level, still
paper's web site.  It's a breeding          surpass New York Times' writers'!
ground for leftist trolls who have         			          ((L))
nothing better to do.  If you do           
respond, keep it classy.  Let the                   --- END OF FILE ---