💾 Archived View for runjimmyrunrunyoufuckerrun.com › src › games › chessengines › crafty › input.c captured on 2021-12-17 at 13:26:06.
#include "chess.h" #include "data.h" /* last modified 02/24/14 */ /* ******************************************************************************* * * * InputMove() is responsible for converting a move from a text string to * * the internal move format. It allows the so-called "reduced algebraic * * move format" which makes the origin square optional unless required for * * clarity. It also accepts as little as required to remove ambiguity from * * the move, by using GenerateMoves() to produce a set of legal moves that * * the text can be applied against to eliminate those moves not intended. * * Hopefully, only one move will remain after the elimination and legality * * checks. * * * ******************************************************************************* */ int InputMove(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int wtm, int silent, int ponder_list, char *text) { unsigned moves[220], *mv, *mvp, *goodmove = 0; int piece = -1, capture, promote, give_check; int ffile, frank, tfile, trank; int current, i, nleft; char *goodchar, *tc; char movetext[128]; static const char pieces[15] = { ' ', ' ', 'P', 'p', 'N', 'n', 'B', 'b', 'R', 'r', 'Q', 'q', 'K', 'k', '\0' }; static const char pro_pieces[15] = { ' ', ' ', 'P', 'p', 'N', 'n', 'B', 'b', 'R', 'r', 'Q', 'q', 'K', 'k', '\0' }; /* ************************************************************ * * * First, we need to strip off the special characters for * * check, mate, bad move, good move, and such that might * * come from a PGN input file. * * * ************************************************************ */ if ((tc = strchr(text, '!'))) *tc = 0; if ((tc = strchr(text, '?'))) *tc = 0; /* ************************************************************ * * * Check for full coordinate input (f1e1) and handle that * * if needed. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strlen(text) == 0) return 0; if ((text[0] >= 'a') && (text[0] <= 'h') && (text[1] >= '1') && (text[1] <= '8') && (text[2] >= 'a') && (text[2] <= 'h') && (text[3] >= '1') && (text[3] <= '8')) return InputMoveICS(tree, ply, wtm, silent, ponder_list, text); /* ************************************************************ * * * Initialize move structure. If we discover a parsing * * error, this will cause us to return a move of "0" to * * indicate some sort of error was detected. * * * ************************************************************ */ tree->status[MAXPLY] = tree->status[ply]; strcpy(movetext, text); moves[0] = 0; piece = 0; capture = 0; promote = 0; give_check = 0; frank = -1; ffile = -1; trank = -1; tfile = -1; goodchar = strchr(movetext, '#'); if (goodchar) *goodchar = 0; /* ************************************************************ * * * First we look for castling moves which are a special * * case with an unusual syntax compared to normal moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (!strcmp(movetext, "o-o") || !strcmp(movetext, "o-o+") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O+") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0+")) { piece = king; if (wtm) { ffile = 4; frank = 0; tfile = 6; trank = 0; } else { ffile = 4; frank = 7; tfile = 6; trank = 7; } } else if (!strcmp(movetext, "o-o-o") || !strcmp(movetext, "o-o-o+") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O-O") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O-O+") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0-0") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0-0+")) { piece = king; if (wtm) { ffile = 4; frank = 0; tfile = 2; trank = 0; } else { ffile = 4; frank = 7; tfile = 2; trank = 7; } } else { /* ************************************************************ * * * OK, it is not a castling move. Check for two "b" * * characters which might be a piece (bishop) and a file * * (b-file). The first "b" should be "B" but we allow * * this to make typing input simpler. * * * ************************************************************ */ if ((movetext[0] == 'b') && (movetext[1] == 'b')) movetext[0] = 'B'; /* ************************************************************ * * * Check to see if there is a "+" character which means * * that this move is a check. We can use this to later * * eliminate all non-checking moves as possibilities. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strchr(movetext, '+')) { *strchr(movetext, '+') = 0; give_check = 1; } /* ************************************************************ * * * If this is a promotion, indicated by an "=" in the * * text, we can pick up the promote-to piece and save it * * to use later when eliminating moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strchr(movetext, '=')) { goodchar = strchr(movetext, '='); goodchar++; promote = (strchr(pro_pieces, *goodchar) - pro_pieces) >> 1; *strchr(movetext, '=') = 0; } /* ************************************************************ * * * Now for a kludge. ChessBase (and others) can't follow * * the PGN standard of bxc8=Q for promotion, and instead * * will produce "bxc8Q" omitting the PGN-standard "=" * * character. We handle that here so that we can read * * their non-standard moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ else { char *prom = strchr(pro_pieces, movetext[strlen(movetext) - 1]); if (prom) { promote = (prom - pro_pieces) >> 1; movetext[strlen(movetext) - 1] = 0; } } /* ************************************************************ * * * Next we extract the last rank/file designators from the * * text, since the destination is required for all valid * * non-castling moves. Note that we might not have both a * * rank and file but we must have at least one. * * * ************************************************************ */ current = strlen(movetext) - 1; trank = movetext[current] - '1'; if ((trank >= 0) && (trank <= 7)) movetext[current] = 0; else trank = -1; current = strlen(movetext) - 1; tfile = movetext[current] - 'a'; if ((tfile >= 0) && (tfile <= 7)) movetext[current] = 0; else tfile = -1; if (strlen(movetext)) { /* ************************************************************ * * * The first character is the moving piece, unless it is a * * pawn. In this case, the moving piece is omitted and we * * know what it has to be. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strchr(" PpNnBBRrQqKk", *movetext)) { piece = (strchr(pieces, movetext[0]) - pieces) >> 1; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(movetext); i++) movetext[i] = movetext[i + 1]; } /* ************************************************************ * * * It is also possible that this move is a capture, which * * is indicated by a "x" between either the source and * * destination squares, or between the moving piece and * * the destination. * * * ************************************************************ */ if ((strlen(movetext)) && (movetext[strlen(movetext) - 1] == 'x')) { capture = 1; movetext[strlen(movetext) - 1] = 0; } else capture = 0; /* ************************************************************ * * * It is possible to have no source square, but we could * * have a complete algebraic square designation, or just * * rank or file, needed to disambiguate the move. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strlen(movetext)) { ffile = movetext[0] - 'a'; if ((ffile < 0) || (ffile > 7)) { ffile = -1; frank = movetext[0] - '1'; if ((frank < 0) || (frank > 7)) piece = -1; } else { if (strlen(movetext) == 2) { frank = movetext[1] - '1'; if ((frank < 0) || (frank > 7)) piece = -1; } } } } } /* ************************************************************ * * * Now for the easy part. We first generate all moves if * * not pondering, or else use a pre-computed list of moves * * (if pondering) since the board position is not correct * * for move input analysis. We then loop through the list * * of moves, using the information we extracted previously * * , and eliminate all moves that are (a) the wrong piece * * type; (b) wrong source or destination square; * * (c) wrong promotion type; (d) should be a capture, * * check or promotion but is not, or vice-versa. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (!piece) piece = 1; if (!ponder_list) { mvp = GenerateCaptures(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, moves); mvp = GenerateNoncaptures(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, mvp); } else { for (i = 0; i < num_ponder_moves; i++) moves[i] = ponder_moves[i]; mvp = moves + num_ponder_moves; } for (mv = &moves[0]; mv < mvp; mv++) { if (piece && (Piece(*mv) != piece)) *mv = 0; if ((ffile >= 0) && (File(From(*mv)) != ffile)) *mv = 0; if (capture && (!Captured(*mv))) *mv = 0; if (promote && (Promote(*mv) != promote)) *mv = 0; if ((frank >= 0) && (Rank(From(*mv)) != frank)) *mv = 0; if ((tfile >= 0) && (File(To(*mv)) != tfile)) *mv = 0; if ((trank >= 0) && (Rank(To(*mv)) != trank)) *mv = 0; if (!ponder_list && *mv) { MakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); if (Check(wtm) || (give_check && !Check(Flip(wtm)))) { UnmakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); *mv = 0; } else UnmakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); } } /* ************************************************************ * * * Once we have completed eliminating incorrect moves, we * * hope to have exactly one move left. If none or left, * * the entered move is illegal. If more than one is left, * * the move entered is ambiguous. If appropriate, we * * output some sort of diagnostic message and then return. * * * ************************************************************ */ nleft = 0; for (mv = &moves[0]; mv < mvp; mv++) { if (*mv) { nleft++; goodmove = mv; } } if (nleft == 1) return *goodmove; if (!silent) { if (nleft == 0) Print(4095, "Illegal move: %s\n", text); else if (piece < 0) Print(4095, "Illegal move (unrecognizable): %s\n", text); else Print(4095, "Illegal move (ambiguous): %s\n", text); } return 0; } /* last modified 02/24/14 */ /* ******************************************************************************* * * * InputMoveICS() is responsible for converting a move from the ics format * * [from][to][promote] to the program's internal format. * * * ******************************************************************************* */ int InputMoveICS(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int wtm, int silent, int ponder_list, char *text) { unsigned moves[220], *mv, *mvp, *goodmove = 0; int piece = -1, promote; int ffile, frank, tfile, trank; int i, nleft; char movetext[128]; static const char pieces[15] = { ' ', ' ', 'P', 'p', 'N', 'n', 'B', 'b', 'R', 'r', 'Q', 'q', 'K', 'k', '\0' }; /* ************************************************************ * * * Initialize move structure. If we discover a parsing * * error, this will cause us to return a move of "0" to * * indicate some sort of error was detected. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (strlen(text) == 0) return 0; tree->status[MAXPLY] = tree->status[ply]; strcpy(movetext, text); moves[0] = 0; promote = 0; /* ************************************************************ * * * First we look for castling moves which are a special * * case with an unusual syntax compared to normal moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (!strcmp(movetext, "o-o") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0")) { piece = king; if (wtm) { ffile = 4; frank = 0; tfile = 6; trank = 0; } else { ffile = 4; frank = 7; tfile = 6; trank = 7; } } else if (!strcmp(movetext, "o-o-o") || !strcmp(movetext, "O-O-O") || !strcmp(movetext, "0-0-0")) { piece = king; if (wtm) { ffile = 4; frank = 0; tfile = 2; trank = 0; } else { ffile = 4; frank = 7; tfile = 2; trank = 7; } } else { /* ************************************************************ * * * Next we extract both rank/file designators from the * * text, since the destination is required for all valid * * non-castling moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ ffile = movetext[0] - 'a'; frank = movetext[1] - '1'; tfile = movetext[2] - 'a'; trank = movetext[3] - '1'; /* ************************************************************ * * * If this is a promotion, indicated by an "=" in the * * text, we can pick up the promote-to piece and save it * * to use later when eliminating moves. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (movetext[4] == '=') promote = (strchr(pieces, movetext[5]) - pieces) >> 1; else if ((movetext[4] != 0) && (movetext[4] != ' ')) promote = (strchr(pieces, movetext[4]) - pieces) >> 1; } /* ************************************************************ * * * Now for the easy part. We first generate all moves if * * not pondering, or else use a pre-computed list of moves * * (if pondering) since the board position is not correct * * for move input analysis. We then loop through the list * * of moves, using the information we extracted previously * * and eliminate all moves that are (a) the wrong piece * * type; (b) wrong source or destination square; * * (c) wrong promotion type; (d) should be a capture, * * check or promotion but is not or vice-versa. * * * ************************************************************ */ if (!ponder_list) { mvp = GenerateCaptures(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, moves); mvp = GenerateNoncaptures(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, mvp); } else { for (i = 0; i < num_ponder_moves; i++) moves[i] = ponder_moves[i]; mvp = moves + num_ponder_moves; } for (mv = &moves[0]; mv < mvp; mv++) { if (Promote(*mv) != promote) *mv = 0; if (Rank(From(*mv)) != frank) *mv = 0; if (File(From(*mv)) != ffile) *mv = 0; if (Rank(To(*mv)) != trank) *mv = 0; if (File(To(*mv)) != tfile) *mv = 0; if (!ponder_list && *mv) { MakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); if (Check(wtm)) { UnmakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); *mv = 0; } else UnmakeMove(tree, MAXPLY, wtm, *mv); } } /* ************************************************************ * * * Once we have completed eliminating incorrect moves, we * * hope to have exactly one move left. If none or left, * * the entered move is illegal. If more than one is left, * * the move entered is ambiguous. If appropriate, we * * output some sort of diagnostic message and then return. * * * ************************************************************ */ nleft = 0; for (mv = &moves[0]; mv < mvp; mv++) { if (*mv) { nleft++; goodmove = mv; } } if (nleft == 1) return *goodmove; if (!silent) { if (nleft == 0) Print(4095, "Illegal move: %s\n", text); else if (piece < 0) Print(4095, "Illegal move (unrecognizable): %s\n", text); else Print(4095, "Illegal move (ambiguous): %s\n", text); } return 0; }