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#if !defined(EPDDEFS_INCLUDED) /* *INDENT-OFF* */ # define EPDDEFS_INCLUDED /*>>> epddefs.h: Extended Position Description definitions */ /* Revised: 1996.06.23 */ /* Copyright (C) 1996 by Steven J. Edwards (sje@mv.mv.com) All rights reserved. This code may be freely redistibuted and used by both research and commerical applications. No warranty exists. */ /* Everything in this source file is independent of the host program. Requests for changes and additions should be communicated to the author via the e-mail address given above. */ /* This file was originally prepared on an Apple Macintosh using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6 ANSI C compiler. Tabs are set at every four columns. Further testing and development was performed on a generic PC running Linux 1.3.20 and using the gcc 2.7.0 compiler. */ /* inclusion telltale */ # if (!defined(_epddefs)) # define _epddefs 1 /* subprogram storage class for non-statics (usually empty definition) */ # define nonstatic /* a bit */ # define bit 0x01 /* bit positions */ # define bit_00 (bit << 0) # define bit_01 (bit << 1) # define bit_02 (bit << 2) # define bit_03 (bit << 3) # define bit_04 (bit << 4) # define bit_05 (bit << 5) # define bit_06 (bit << 6) # define bit_07 (bit << 7) # define bit_08 (bit << 8) # define bit_09 (bit << 9) # define bit_10 (bit << 10) # define bit_11 (bit << 11) # define bit_12 (bit << 12) # define bit_13 (bit << 13) # define bit_14 (bit << 14) # define bit_15 (bit << 15) /* bit width constants */ # define nybbW 4 # define byteW 8 /* simple masks */ # define nybbM 0x000f /* useful types */ typedef void *voidptrT; typedef unsigned char byteT, *byteptrT; typedef char *charptrT; typedef short int siT, *siptrT; typedef long int liT, *liptrT; typedef float srT, *srptrT; typedef double lrT, *lrptrT; typedef FILE *fptrT; /* text I/O buffer length */ # define tL 256 /* EPD I/O buffer length */ # define epdL 4096 /* the standard algebraic notation character vector type */ # define sanL 16 /* must be at least 8; extra room for alternatives */ typedef char sanT[sanL]; typedef sanT *sanptrT; /* SAN style attributes, priority ordered (used for encoding) */ typedef siT ssaT; # define ssaL 12 # define ssa_nil (-1) # define ssa_capt 0 /* 5 way: capture indicator */ # define ssa_case 1 /* 2 way: letter case */ # define ssa_chec 2 /* 3 way: checking */ # define ssa_cast 3 /* 5 way: castling */ # define ssa_prom 4 /* 4 way: promoting */ # define ssa_ptar 5 /* 2 way: pawn target rank skip */ # define ssa_chmt 6 /* 4 way: checkmating */ # define ssa_epct 7 /* 2 way: en passant capture */ # define ssa_draw 8 /* 2 way: drawing */ # define ssa_move 9 /* 2 way: movement indicator */ # define ssa_edcf 10 /* 2 way: extra disambiguating character (file) */ # define ssa_edcr 11 /* 2 way: extra disambiguating character (rank) */ /* SAN style vector */ typedef siT ssavT[ssaL]; /* colors (ordering is critical) */ typedef siT cT, *cptrT; # define cQ 2 # define cL (bit << cQ) # define rcQ 1 # define rcL (bit << rcQ) # define c_nil (-1) # define c_w 0 /* white */ # define c_b 1 /* black */ # define c_v 2 /* vacant */ # define c_x 3 /* extra */ /* pieces (ordering is critical) */ typedef siT pT, *pptrT; # define pL 8 # define rpL 6 # define p_nil (-1) # define p_p 0 /* pawn */ # define p_n 1 /* knight */ # define p_b 2 /* bishop */ # define p_r 3 /* rook */ # define p_q 4 /* queen */ # define p_k 5 /* king */ # define p_v 6 /* vacant */ # define p_x 7 /* extra */ /* color piece combinations (ordering is critical) */ typedef siT cpT; # define cpL 16 # define rcpL 12 # define cp_nil (-1) # define cp_wp 0 /* white pawn */ # define cp_wn 1 /* white knight */ # define cp_wb 2 /* white bishop */ # define cp_wr 3 /* white rook */ # define cp_wq 4 /* white queen */ # define cp_wk 5 /* white king */ # define cp_bp 6 /* black pawn */ # define cp_bn 7 /* black knight */ # define cp_bb 8 /* black bishop */ # define cp_br 9 /* black rook */ # define cp_bq 10 /* black queen */ # define cp_bk 11 /* black king */ # define cp_v0 12 /* vacant */ # define cp_x0 13 /* extra 0 */ # define cp_x1 14 /* extra 1 */ # define cp_x2 15 /* extra 2 */ /* ranks */ typedef siT rankT; # define rankM (0x0007) # define rankQ 3 # define rankL (bit << rankQ) # define rank_nil (-1) # define rank_1 0 # define rank_2 1 # define rank_3 2 # define rank_4 3 # define rank_5 4 # define rank_6 5 # define rank_7 6 # define rank_8 7 /* files */ typedef siT fileT; # define fileM (0x0007) # define fileQ 3 # define fileL (bit << fileQ) # define file_nil (-1) # define file_a 0 /* QR */ # define file_b 1 /* QN */ # define file_c 2 /* QB */ # define file_d 3 /* Q */ # define file_e 4 /* K */ # define file_f 5 /* KB */ # define file_g 6 /* KN */ # define file_h 7 /* KR */ /* location mappings */ # define map_sq(r, f) (((r) << fileQ | (f))) # define map_file(sq) ((sq) & 0x07) # define map_rank(sq) ((sq) >> fileQ) /* squares */ typedef siT sqT, *sqptrT; # define sqM (0x003f) # define sqQ (rankQ + fileQ) # define sqL (bit << sqQ) # define sq_nil (-1) # define sq_a1 map_sq(rank_1, file_a) # define sq_b1 map_sq(rank_1, file_b) # define sq_c1 map_sq(rank_1, file_c) # define sq_d1 map_sq(rank_1, file_d) # define sq_e1 map_sq(rank_1, file_e) # define sq_f1 map_sq(rank_1, file_f) # define sq_g1 map_sq(rank_1, file_g) # define sq_h1 map_sq(rank_1, file_h) # define sq_a2 map_sq(rank_2, file_a) # define sq_b2 map_sq(rank_2, file_b) # define sq_c2 map_sq(rank_2, file_c) # define sq_d2 map_sq(rank_2, file_d) # define sq_e2 map_sq(rank_2, file_e) # define sq_f2 map_sq(rank_2, file_f) # define sq_g2 map_sq(rank_2, file_g) # define sq_h2 map_sq(rank_2, file_h) # define sq_a3 map_sq(rank_3, file_a) # define sq_b3 map_sq(rank_3, file_b) # define sq_c3 map_sq(rank_3, file_c) # define sq_d3 map_sq(rank_3, file_d) # define sq_e3 map_sq(rank_3, file_e) # define sq_f3 map_sq(rank_3, file_f) # define sq_g3 map_sq(rank_3, file_g) # define sq_h3 map_sq(rank_3, file_h) # define sq_a4 map_sq(rank_4, file_a) # define sq_b4 map_sq(rank_4, file_b) # define sq_c4 map_sq(rank_4, file_c) # define sq_d4 map_sq(rank_4, file_d) # define sq_e4 map_sq(rank_4, file_e) # define sq_f4 map_sq(rank_4, file_f) # define sq_g4 map_sq(rank_4, file_g) # define sq_h4 map_sq(rank_4, file_h) # define sq_a5 map_sq(rank_5, file_a) # define sq_b5 map_sq(rank_5, file_b) # define sq_c5 map_sq(rank_5, file_c) # define sq_d5 map_sq(rank_5, file_d) # define sq_e5 map_sq(rank_5, file_e) # define sq_f5 map_sq(rank_5, file_f) # define sq_g5 map_sq(rank_5, file_g) # define sq_h5 map_sq(rank_5, file_h) # define sq_a6 map_sq(rank_6, file_a) # define sq_b6 map_sq(rank_6, file_b) # define sq_c6 map_sq(rank_6, file_c) # define sq_d6 map_sq(rank_6, file_d) # define sq_e6 map_sq(rank_6, file_e) # define sq_f6 map_sq(rank_6, file_f) # define sq_g6 map_sq(rank_6, file_g) # define sq_h6 map_sq(rank_6, file_h) # define sq_a7 map_sq(rank_7, file_a) # define sq_b7 map_sq(rank_7, file_b) # define sq_c7 map_sq(rank_7, file_c) # define sq_d7 map_sq(rank_7, file_d) # define sq_e7 map_sq(rank_7, file_e) # define sq_f7 map_sq(rank_7, file_f) # define sq_g7 map_sq(rank_7, file_g) # define sq_h7 map_sq(rank_7, file_h) # define sq_a8 map_sq(rank_8, file_a) # define sq_b8 map_sq(rank_8, file_b) # define sq_c8 map_sq(rank_8, file_c) # define sq_d8 map_sq(rank_8, file_d) # define sq_e8 map_sq(rank_8, file_e) # define sq_f8 map_sq(rank_8, file_f) # define sq_g8 map_sq(rank_8, file_g) # define sq_h8 map_sq(rank_8, file_h) /* regular board */ typedef union rbU { cpT rbm[rankL][fileL]; /* rank/file indexing */ cpT rbv[sqL]; /* square indexing */ } rbT, *rbptrT; /* nybble board vector */ # define nbL (sqL / (byteW / nybbW)) typedef byteT nbvT[nbL]; /* flanks */ typedef siT flankT; # define flankL 2 # define flank_nil (-1) # define flank_k 0 /* kingside */ # define flank_q 1 /* queenside */ /* direction indices */ typedef siT dxT; # define dxQ 4 # define dxL (bit << dxQ) # define dx_nil (-1) # define dx_0 0 # define dx_1 1 # define dx_2 2 # define dx_3 3 # define dx_4 4 # define dx_5 5 # define dx_6 6 # define dx_7 7 # define dx_8 8 # define dx_9 9 # define dx_a 10 # define dx_b 11 # define dx_c 12 # define dx_d 13 # define dx_e 14 # define dx_f 15 /* direction vector displacements */ typedef siT dvT; # define dv_0 (( 0 * fileL) + 1) # define dv_1 (( 1 * fileL) + 0) # define dv_2 (( 0 * fileL) - 1) # define dv_3 ((-1 * fileL) - 0) # define dv_4 (( 1 * fileL) + 1) # define dv_5 (( 1 * fileL) - 1) # define dv_6 ((-1 * fileL) - 1) # define dv_7 ((-1 * fileL) + 1) # define dv_8 (( 1 * fileL) + 2) # define dv_9 (( 2 * fileL) + 1) # define dv_a (( 2 * fileL) - 1) # define dv_b (( 1 * fileL) - 2) # define dv_c ((-1 * fileL) - 2) # define dv_d ((-2 * fileL) - 1) # define dv_e ((-2 * fileL) + 1) # define dv_f ((-1 * fileL) + 2) /* extended direction vector offsets */ typedef siT xdvT; # define xdv_0 (( 0 * xfileL) + 1) # define xdv_1 (( 1 * xfileL) + 0) # define xdv_2 (( 0 * xfileL) - 1) # define xdv_3 ((-1 * xfileL) - 0) # define xdv_4 (( 1 * xfileL) + 1) # define xdv_5 (( 1 * xfileL) - 1) # define xdv_6 ((-1 * xfileL) - 1) # define xdv_7 ((-1 * xfileL) + 1) # define xdv_8 (( 1 * xfileL) + 2) # define xdv_9 (( 2 * xfileL) + 1) # define xdv_a (( 2 * xfileL) - 1) # define xdv_b (( 1 * xfileL) - 2) # define xdv_c ((-1 * xfileL) - 2) # define xdv_d ((-2 * xfileL) - 1) # define xdv_e ((-2 * xfileL) + 1) # define xdv_f ((-1 * xfileL) + 2) /* extended rank, file, and square types */ typedef siT xrankT; # define xrankQ (rankQ + 1) # define xrankL (bit << xrankQ) typedef siT xfileT; # define xfileQ (fileQ + 1) # define xfileM 0x0f # define xfileL (bit << xfileQ) typedef siT xsqT, *xsqptrT; # define xsqQ (xrankQ + xfileQ) # define xsqL (bit << xsqQ) /* the extended board type */ typedef union xbU { cpT xbm[xrankL][xfileL]; cpT xbv[xsqL]; } xbT, *xbptrT; /* extended board mapping macros */ # define map_xrank_xsq(xsq) ((xsq) >> xfileQ) # define map_xfile_xsq(xsq) ((xsq) & xfileM) # define map_xsq_xrank_xfile(xrank, xfile) (((xrank) << xfileQ) | (xfile)) /* extended conversion macros */ # define xbdrL 4 # define map_xfile_file(file) ((file) + xbdrL) # define map_xrank_rank(rank) ((rank) + xbdrL) # define map_file_xfile(xfile) ((xfile) - xbdrL) # define map_rank_xrank(xrank) ((xrank) - xbdrL) # define map_sq_xsq(xsq) \ (((((xsq) >> xfileQ) - xbdrL) << fileQ) | (((xsq) & xfileM) - xbdrL)) # define map_xsq_sq(sq) \ ((((((sq) >> fileQ) & fileM) + xbdrL) << xfileQ) | \ (((sq) & fileM) + xbdrL)) /* castling availability indicators */ typedef siT caiT; # define caiL (rcL * flankL) # define cai_nil (-1) # define cai_wk ((c_w * flankL) + flank_k) # define cai_wq ((c_w * flankL) + flank_q) # define cai_bk ((c_b * flankL) + flank_k) # define cai_bq ((c_b * flankL) + flank_q) /* castling index mapper */ # define castim(cai) (bit << (cai)) /* castling flags */ typedef siT castT; typedef castT *castptrT; # define cf_wk castim(cai_wk) # define cf_wq castim(cai_wq) # define cf_bk castim(cai_bk) # define cf_bq castim(cai_bq) /* centipawn evaluation */ typedef siT cpevT, *cpevptrT; /* some interesting centipawn evaluations */ # define cpev_best ((cpevT) ((((liT) bit) << 15) - 1)) # define cpev_bust (-cpev_best) # define cpev_draw 0 # define cpev_mate cpev_best # define cpev_wrck (cpev_bust - 1) /* mate and loss synthesis macros (fullmove distance argument) */ # define synth_mate(n) (cpev_mate - ((n) * 2) + 1) # define synth_loss(n) (cpev_bust + ((n) * 2)) /* distance to mate/loss macros (mate/loss centipawn argument) */ # define synth_distance_mate(cpev) ((siT) (((cpev_mate - (cpev)) + 1) / 2)) # define synth_distance_loss(cpev) ((siT) (((cpev) - cpev_bust) / 2)) /* maximum distance to mate/loss (fullmove distance count) */ # define max_dist_mateL 1024 # define max_dist_lossL 1024 /* forced mate/loss detection macros (mate/loss centipawn argument) */ # define forced_mate(cpev) ((cpev) >= ((cpev_mate - (max_dist_mateL * 2)) + 1)) # define forced_loss(cpev) ((cpev) <= (cpev_bust + (max_dist_lossL * 2))) /* move flag bits */ typedef siT mfT; # define mf_bust (bit << 0) /* illegal move */ # define mf_chec (bit << 1) /* checking */ # define mf_chmt (bit << 2) /* checkmating */ # define mf_draw (bit << 3) /* drawing (includes stalemating) */ # define mf_exec (bit << 4) /* executed at least once */ # define mf_null (bit << 5) /* special null move */ # define mf_sanf (bit << 6) /* needs file disambiguation */ # define mf_sanr (bit << 7) /* needs rank disambiguation */ # define mf_stmt (bit << 8) /* stalemating */ /* special case move type */ typedef siT scmvT; # define scmvQ 3 # define scmvL (bit << scmvQ) # define scmv_nil (-1) # define scmv_reg 0 /* regular */ # define scmv_epc 1 /* en passant capture */ # define scmv_cks 2 /* castles kingside */ # define scmv_cqs 3 /* castles queenside */ # define scmv_ppn 4 /* pawn promotes to knight */ # define scmv_ppb 5 /* pawn promotes to bishop */ # define scmv_ppr 6 /* pawn promotes to rook */ # define scmv_ppq 7 /* pawn promotes to queen */ /* move type */ typedef struct mS { mfT m_flag; /* move flags */ sqT m_frsq; /* from square */ sqT m_tosq; /* to square */ cpT m_frcp; /* from color-piece */ cpT m_tocp; /* to color-piece */ scmvT m_scmv; /* special case move indication */ } mT, *mptrT; /* game termination indicator markers */ typedef siT gtimT, *gtimptrT; # define gtimL 4 # define gtim_nil (-1) # define gtim_w 0 /* White won */ # define gtim_b 1 /* Black won */ # define gtim_d 2 /* draw */ # define gtim_u 3 /* unknown */ /* clockstamp length hh:mm:ss */ # define clockstampL (2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1) /* datestamp length YYYY.MM.DD */ # define datestampL (4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1) /* duration length dddd:hh:mm:ss */ # define durationL (4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1) /* EPD operand basetype */ typedef siT eobT; # define eobL 2 # define eob_nil (-1) # define eob_string 0 /* quoted string */ # define eob_symbol 1 /* unquoted symbol */ /* EPD operand value type */ typedef struct eovS { eobT eov_eob; /* basetype */ charptrT eov_str; /* string value */ struct eovS *eov_prev; /* previous operand */ struct eovS *eov_next; /* next operand */ } eovT, *eovptrT; /* EPD operation type */ typedef struct eopS { charptrT eop_opsym; /* operation code symbol */ eovptrT eop_headeov; /* head of operand value list */ eovptrT eop_taileov; /* tail of operand value list */ struct eopS *eop_prev; /* previous operation */ struct eopS *eop_next; /* next operation */ } eopT, *eopptrT; /* EPD record type */ typedef struct epdS { nbvT epd_nbv; /* piece placement nybble board vector */ cT epd_actc; /* active color */ castT epd_cast; /* castling availability */ sqT epd_epsq; /* en passant target square */ eopptrT epd_headeop; /* head of operation list */ eopptrT epd_taileop; /* tail of operation list */ } epdT, *epdptrT; /* EPD standard operators */ typedef siT epdsoT, *epdsoptrT; # define epdsoL 51 # define epdso_nil (-1) # define epdso_acd 0 /* analysis count: depth */ # define epdso_acn 1 /* analysis count: nodes */ # define epdso_acs 2 /* analysis count: seconds */ # define epdso_am 3 /* avoid move(s) */ # define epdso_bm 4 /* best move(s) */ # define epdso_c0 5 /* comment slot 0 */ # define epdso_c1 6 /* comment slot 1 */ # define epdso_c2 7 /* comment slot 2 */ # define epdso_c3 8 /* comment slot 3 */ # define epdso_c4 9 /* comment slot 4 */ # define epdso_c5 10 /* comment slot 5 */ # define epdso_c6 11 /* comment slot 6 */ # define epdso_c7 12 /* comment slot 7 */ # define epdso_c8 13 /* comment slot 8 */ # define epdso_c9 14 /* comment slot 9 */ # define epdso_cc 15 /* chess clock */ # define epdso_ce 16 /* centipawn evaluation */ # define epdso_dm 17 /* direct move count */ # define epdso_draw_accept 18 /* draw accept */ # define epdso_draw_claim 19 /* draw claim */ # define epdso_draw_offer 20 /* draw offer */ # define epdso_draw_reject 21 /* draw reject */ # define epdso_eco 22 /* ECO code */ # define epdso_fmvn 23 /* fullmove number */ # define epdso_hmvc 24 /* halfmove clock */ # define epdso_id 25 /* position identification */ # define epdso_nic 26 /* NIC code */ # define epdso_noop 27 /* no operation */ # define epdso_pm 28 /* predicted move */ # define epdso_ptp 29 /* PGN tag pair(s) */ # define epdso_pv 30 /* predicted variation */ # define epdso_rc 31 /* repetition count */ # define epdso_refcom 32 /* referee command */ # define epdso_refreq 33 /* referee request */ # define epdso_resign 34 /* resign */ # define epdso_sm 35 /* supplied move */ # define epdso_sv 36 /* supplied variation */ # define epdso_tcgs 37 /* telecommunications: game selector */ # define epdso_tcri 38 /* telecommunications: receiver identification */ # define epdso_tcsi 39 /* telecommunications: sender identification */ # define epdso_ts 40 /* timestamp */ # define epdso_v0 41 /* variation slot 0 */ # define epdso_v1 42 /* variation slot 1 */ # define epdso_v2 43 /* variation slot 2 */ # define epdso_v3 44 /* variation slot 3 */ # define epdso_v4 45 /* variation slot 4 */ # define epdso_v5 46 /* variation slot 5 */ # define epdso_v6 47 /* variation slot 6 */ # define epdso_v7 48 /* variation slot 7 */ # define epdso_v8 49 /* variation slot 8 */ # define epdso_v9 50 /* variation slot 9 */ /* referee commands */ typedef siT refcomT, *refcomptrT; # define refcomL 7 # define refcom_nil (-1) # define refcom_conclude 0 # define refcom_disconnect 1 # define refcom_execute 2 # define refcom_fault 3 # define refcom_inform 4 # define refcom_respond 5 # define refcom_reset 6 /* referee requests */ typedef siT refreqT, *refreqptrT; # define refreqL 4 # define refreq_nil (-1) # define refreq_fault 0 # define refreq_reply 1 # define refreq_sign_on 2 # define refreq_sign_off 3 /* referee interface procedure type */ typedef epdptrT(*refintptrT) (epdptrT epdptr, siptrT flagptr); /* PGN Seven Tag Roster names */ typedef siT pgnstrT, *pgnstrptrT; # define pgnstrL 7 # define pgnstr_nil (-1) # define pgnstr_event 0 # define pgnstr_site 1 # define pgnstr_date 2 # define pgnstr_round 3 # define pgnstr_white 4 # define pgnstr_black 5 # define pgnstr_result 6 /* benchmark score structure */ typedef struct bmsS { siT bms_acdflag; /* ACD (depth) data valid flag */ siT bms_acnflag; /* ACN (nodes) data valid flag */ siT bms_acsflag; /* ACS (seconds) data valid flag */ liT bms_total; /* total record count */ liT bms_solve; /* solved record count */ liT bms_unsol; /* unsolved record count */ liT bms_total_acd; /* ACD used, all records */ liT bms_solve_acd; /* ACD used, solved records */ liT bms_unsol_acd; /* ACD used, unsolved records */ liT bms_total_acn; /* ACN used, all records */ liT bms_solve_acn; /* ACN used, solved records */ liT bms_unsol_acn; /* ACN used, unsolved records */ liT bms_total_acs; /* ACS used, all records */ liT bms_solve_acs; /* ACS used, solved records */ liT bms_unsol_acs; /* ACS used, unsolved records */ } bmsT, *bmsptrT; /* environment stack entry record type */ typedef struct eseS { cT ese_actc; /* active color */ castT ese_cast; /* castling availability */ sqT ese_epsq; /* en passant target square */ siT ese_hmvc; /* halfmove clock */ siT ese_fmvn; /* fullmove number */ sqT ese_ksqv[rcL]; /* king square locations */ } eseT, *eseptrT; /* game played move record type (entries are prior to move) */ typedef struct gpmS { mT gpm_m; /* the move to be played */ eseT gpm_ese; /* environment statck entry storage */ nbvT gpm_nbv; /* nybble board vector */ struct gpmS *gpm_prev; /* previous played move record */ struct gpmS *gpm_next; /* next played move record */ } gpmT, *gpmptrT; /* game record type */ typedef struct gamS { charptrT gam_strv[pgnstrL]; /* PGN STR tag values */ gtimT gam_gtim; /* game termination indicator */ gpmptrT gam_headgpm; /* head of game played move list */ gpmptrT gam_tailgpm; /* tail of game played move list */ struct gamS *gam_prev; /* previous game */ struct gamS *gam_next; /* next game */ } gamT, *gamptrT; /* statndard disply output column limit */ # define columnL 80 /* inclusion telltale closure */ # endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /*<<< epddefs.h: EOF */