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- The PMW Music Typesetter - 3rd incarnation *
- ************************************************/
/* Copyright (c) Philip Hazel, 1991 - 2019 */
/* Written by Philip Hazel, starting November 1991 */
/* This file last modified: November 2020 */
/* This file contains all the major tables used by the program; a few that are
used in one module only are kept with that module. */
#include "pmwhdr.h"
#include "readhdr.h"
#include "outhdr.h"
- Tables for UTF-8 support *
- ************************************************/
/* These are the breakpoints for different numbers of bytes in a UTF-8
character. */
const int utf8_table1[] =
{ 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x1fffff, 0x3ffffff, 0x7fffffff};
/* These are the indicator bits and the mask for the data bits to set in the
first byte of a character, indexed by the number of additional bytes. */
const int utf8_table2[] = { 0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc};
const int utf8_table3[] = { 0xff, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01};
/* Table of the number of extra characters, indexed by the first character
masked with 0x3f. The highest number for a valid UTF-8 character is in fact
0x3d. */
const uschar utf8_table4[] = {
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5 };
- Miscellaneous *
- ************************************************/
usint main_bit[] = {
0x00000001u, 0x00000002u, 0x00000004u, 0x00000008u,
0x00000010u, 0x00000020u, 0x00000040u, 0x00000080u,
0x00000100u, 0x00000200u, 0x00000400u, 0x00000800u,
0x00001000u, 0x00002000u, 0x00004000u, 0x00008000u,
0x00010000u, 0x00020000u, 0x00040000u, 0x00080000u,
0x00100000u, 0x00200000u, 0x00400000u, 0x00800000u,
0x01000000u, 0x02000000u, 0x04000000u, 0x08000000u,
0x10000000u, 0x20000000u, 0x40000000u, 0x80000000u};
/* Font identification strings. This table must be lengthened if more than 12
extra faces are allowed. */
uschar *font_IdStrings[] = {
US"rm", US"it", US"bf", US"bi", US"sy", US"mf", US"mf",
US"xf1", US"xf2", US"xf3", US"xf4", US"xf5", US"xf6", US"xf7", US"xf8",
US"xf9", US"xf10", US"xf11", US"xf12" };
/* Key signatures table giving number of sharps or flats; positive for sharps
and negative for flats. A value of -100 is used for unsupported key signatures.
The final value is for the special "N" key signature, which is like C major but
is never transposed. */
int main_keysigtable[] = {
/* a b c d e f g */
3, 5, 0, 2, 4, -1, 1, /* major keys */
-100, -100, 7, -100, -100, 6, -100, /* sharpened */
-4, -2, -7, -5, -3, -100, -6, /* flattened */
0, 2, -3, -1, 1, -4, -2, /* minor keys */
7, -100, 4, 6, -100, 3, 5, /* sharpened */
-7, -5, -100, -100, -6, -100, -100, /* flattened */
0 /* N */
/* Table giving the order of sharps and flats in key signatures,
for different clefs (real clefs only). */
int main_sharporder[] = {
L_5L,L_3S,L_5S,L_4L,L_2S,L_4S,L_3L, /* treble clef */
L_2S,L_1L,L_3L,L_1S,L_3S,L_2L,L_4L, /* soprano clef */
L_3S,L_2L,L_4L,L_2S,L_4S,L_3L,L_5L, /* mezzo clef */
L_4S,L_3L,L_5L,L_3S,L_2L,L_4L,L_2S, /* alto clef */
L_2L,L_4L,L_2S,L_4S,L_3L,L_5L,L_3S, /* tenor clef */
L_3L,L_1S,L_3S,L_2L,L_0S,L_2S,L_4S, /* Cbaritone clef */
L_3L,L_1S,L_3S,L_2L,L_0S,L_2S,L_4S, /* (F)baritone clef */
L_4L,L_2S,L_4S,L_3L,L_1S,L_3S,L_2L, /* bass clef */
L_5L,L_3S,L_5S,L_4L,L_2S,L_4S,L_3L}; /* deepbass clef */
int main_flatorder[] = {
L_3L,L_4S,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S, /* treble clef */
L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S,L_3L,L_1L,L_2S, /* soprano clef */
L_1S,L_3L,L_1L,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S, /* mezzo clef */
L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S,L_3L,L_1L, /* alto clef */
L_3S,L_5L,L_3L,L_4S,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L, /* tenor clef */
L_4S,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S,L_3L, /* Cbaritone clef */
L_4S,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S,L_3L, /* (F)baritone clef */
L_2L,L_3S,L_1S,L_3L,L_1L,L_2S,L_0S, /* bass clef */
L_3L,L_4S,L_2S,L_4L,L_2L,L_3S,L_1S}; /* deepbass clef */
/* Table giving offsets into above for all the clefs */
int main_clefoffset[] = {
0, /* treble */
7, /* soprano */
14, /* mezzo */
21, /* alto */
28, /* tenor */
35, /* Cbaritone */
42, /* (F)baritone */
49, /* bass */
56, /* deepbass */
0, /* hclef */
0, /* none */
0, /* trebledescant */
0, /* trebletenor */
0, /* trebletenorB */
49, /* soprabass */
49 }; /* contrabass */
/* Table of clef types. This is used by the clefwidth directive for altering
the table of widths in the movement structure. It indicates which entries in
the table are for which kinds of clef shape. */
int main_cleftypes[] = { clef_treble,
clef_alto, clef_alto, clef_alto, clef_alto, clef_alto,
clef_bass, clef_bass, clef_bass,
clef_h, clef_none,
clef_treble, clef_treble, clef_treble,
clef_bass, clef_bass };
/* Table of pitch values for the seven note names */
uschar read_basicpitch[] = { 9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 };
/* Table giving pitch increments/decrements indexed by accidental number. The
values are kept with 2 added so that they will fit into the baraccs tables as
bytes. The first value represents "no accidental" so it is set the same as a
natural. */
/* - ## $ $ % # */
uschar read_accpitch[] = { 2, 4, 1, 0, 2, 3 };
/* Table giving musical characters for accidental numbers, in order as above. */
int out_acctable[] = {
0, mc_dsharp, mc_flat, mc_dflat, mc_natural, mc_sharp,
0, mc_rdsharp, mc_rflat, mc_rdflat, mc_rnatural, mc_rsharp,
0, mc_sdsharp, mc_sflat, mc_sdflat, mc_snatural, mc_ssharp,
/* Half-accidental versions, style 0; no doubles or naturals */
0, 0, mc_hflat1, 0, 0, mc_hsharp1,
0, 0, mc_hrflat1, 0, 0, mc_hrsharp1,
0, 0, mc_hsflat1, 0, 0, mc_hssharp1,
/* Half-accidental versions, style 1; no doubles or naturals */
0, 0, mc_hflat2, 0, 0, mc_hsharp2,
0, 0, mc_hrflat2, 0, 0, mc_hrsharp2,
0, 0, mc_hsflat2, 0, 0, mc_hssharp2};
/* Default point sizes of heading texts */
int read_headingsizes[] = { 17000, 12000, 10000, 8000 };
/* Tables for accent and ornament decoding. The values of the or_xx variables
are all less than 256, whereas the flag bits defined by the af_xx variables are
all greater. The ordering of strings that start with the same character is
important! */
accent accent_chars[] = {
{ US"..", af_staccatiss },
{ US".", af_staccato },
{ US"-", af_bar },
{ US">", af_gt },
{ US"v", af_wedge },
{ US"V", af_tp },
{ US"d", af_down },
{ US"u", af_up },
{ US"o", af_ring },
{ US"'", af_vline },
{ US"!", af_opposite },
{ US"///", or_trem3 },
{ US"//", or_trem2 },
{ US"/", or_trem1 },
{ US"~~|", or_dmord },
{ US"~~", or_dimord },
{ US"~|", or_mord },
{ US"~", or_imord },
{ US"aru", or_arpu },
{ US"ard", or_arpd },
{ US"ar", or_arp },
{ US"sp", or_spread },
{ US"tr#", or_trsh },
{ US"tr$", or_trfl },
{ US"tr%", or_trnat },
{ US"tr", or_tr },
{ US"t|", or_iturn },
{ US"t", or_turn },
{ US"f", or_ferm },
{ NULL, 0}
/* This table lists the accents in user numerical order, for a<n>, followed by
af_opposite for the "accent on opposite side" flag, which must be last. */
usint accent_list[] = {
0, af_staccato, af_bar, af_gt, af_wedge, af_tp, af_down, af_up, af_ring,
af_vline, af_staccatiss, af_opposite };
/* Movement values for music-font chars that just do movement, given at a
1-point font size */
int music_xmovement[] = { 0, 0, 0, -100, 100, -330, 0, 550, 0 };
int music_ymovement[] = { -100, -400, 400, 0, 0, 0, -200, 0, 200 };
/* Caesura strings */
uschar *main_caesurastrings[] = { US"V", US"\\\\" };
/* Characters for printing staves with different numbers of lines */
uschar out_stavechar10[] = { 0, 'G', 247, 248, 249, 'F', 250 };
uschar out_stavechar1[] = { 0, 'D', 169, 170, 171, 'C', 172 };
/* Top and bottom lines of staves */
int stave_tops[] = { 8000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 12000, 16000, 20000 };
int stave_bottoms[] = { 8000, 8000, 4000, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* Data for long rest bars; [0] is for general symbol, [2-8] for special
symbols. */
int longrest_barwidths[] = { 50, 0, 30, 35, 30, 35, 35, 45, 40 };
int longrest_widths[] = { 30000, 0, 4000, 11500, 4000, 11500, 10700, 18200,
10700 };
- Structure for printing music chars *
- ************************************************/
/* The out_mfstr_ps table below converts from an idealized (virtual) "music
font" into actual characters and positions in the real music font. The table
contains pointers to mfstr structures, each of which contains an offset and a
up to 4 music font characters packed into an unsigned int (i.e. a short
string), also a chain pointer to another mfstr for further characters at a
different offset if necessary. */
/* C clefs */
static mfstr alto = { NULL, 0, 0, '#' };
static mfstr cbaritone = { NULL, 0, 8000, '#' };
static mfstr mezzo = { NULL, 0, -4000, '#' };
static mfstr soprano = { NULL, 0, -8000, '#' };
static mfstr tenor = { NULL, 0, 4000, '#' };
/* Old-style C clefs */
static mfstr oldalto = { NULL, 0, 0, 175 };
static mfstr oldcbaritone = { NULL, 0, 8000, 175 };
static mfstr oldmezzo = { NULL, 0, -4000, 175 };
static mfstr oldsoprano = { NULL, 0, -8000, 175 };
static mfstr oldtenor = { NULL, 0, 4000, 175 };
/* Bass clefs, modern and old-style */
static mfstr bass = { NULL, 0, 0, '\"' };
static mfstr oldbass = { NULL, 0, 0, 174 };
static mfstr baritone = { NULL, 0, -4000, '\"' };
static mfstr oldbaritone = { NULL, 0, -4000, 174 };
static mfstr deepbass = { NULL, 0, 4000, '\"' };
static mfstr olddeepbass = { NULL, 0, 4000, 174 };
static mfstr cbp1 = { NULL, 2500, -6000, ']' };
static mfstr contrabass = { &cbp1, 0, 0, '\"' };
static mfstr oldcontrabass = { &cbp1, 0, 0, 174 };
static mfstr sbp1 = { NULL, 3500, 16500, ']' };
static mfstr soprabass = { &sbp1, 0, 0, '\"' };
static mfstr oldsoprabass = { &sbp1, 0, 0, 174 };
/* Treble clefs */
static mfstr treble = { NULL, 0, 0, '!' };
static mfstr ttp1 = { NULL, 4000, -12000, ']' };
static mfstr trebletenor = { &ttp1, 0, 0, '!' };
static mfstr ttp4 = { NULL, 9300, -12000, 158 };
static mfstr ttp3 = { &ttp4, 1000, -12000, 157 };
static mfstr ttp2 = { &ttp3, 4300, -12000, ']' };
static mfstr trebletenorB = { &ttp2, 0, 0, '!' };
static mfstr tdp1 = { NULL, 6000, 23000, ']' };
static mfstr trebledescant = { &tdp1, 0, 0, '!' };
/* Accidentals */
static mfstr natural = { NULL, 0, 0, '(' };
static mfstr sharp = { NULL, 0, 0, '%' };
static mfstr flat = { NULL, 0, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr doublesharp = { NULL, 0, 0, '&' };
static mfstr df1 = { NULL, 3900, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr doubleflat = { &df1, 0, 0, '\'' };
/* Round-bracketed accidentals */
static mfstr rnatural = { NULL, 0, 0, (142<<16)+('('<<8)+141 };
static mfstr rsharp = { NULL, 0, 0, (142<<16)+('%'<<8)+141 };
static mfstr rdsharp = { NULL, 0, 0, (142<<16)+('&'<<8)+141 };
static mfstr rf2 = { NULL, 8000,2000, 142 };
static mfstr rf1 = { &rf2, 3500, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr rflat = { &rf1, 0,2000, 141 };
static mfstr rdf3 = { NULL, 11900,2000, 142 };
static mfstr rdf2 = { &rdf3, 7400, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr rdf1 = { &rdf2, 3500, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr rdflat = { &rdf1, 0,2000, 141 };
/* Square-bracket accidentals */
static mfstr snatural = { NULL, 0, 0, (140<<16)+('('<<8)+139 };
static mfstr ssharp = { NULL, 0, 0, (140<<16)+('%'<<8)+139 };
static mfstr sdsharp = { NULL, 0, 0, (140<<16)+('&'<<8)+139 };
static mfstr sf2 = { NULL, 8000,2000, 140 };
static mfstr sf1 = { &sf2, 3500, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr sflat = { &sf1, 0,2000, 139 };
static mfstr sdf3 = { NULL, 11900,2000, 140 };
static mfstr sdf2 = { &sdf3, 7400, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr sdf1 = { &sdf2, 3500, 0, '\'' };
static mfstr sdflat = { &sdf1, 0,2000, 139 };
/* Half accidentals */
static mfstr halfsharp1 = { NULL, 0, 0, 189 };
static mfstr halfsharp2 = { NULL, 0, 0, 190 };
static mfstr halfflat1 = { NULL, 0, 0, 191 };
static mfstr halfflat2 = { NULL, 0, 0, 192 };
/* Round-bracketed half accidentals */
static mfstr hrsharp1 = { NULL, 0, 0, (142<<16)+(189<<8)+141 };
static mfstr hrsharp2 = { NULL, 0, 0, (142<<16)+(190<<8)+141 };
static mfstr hrf12 = { NULL, 8000, 2000, 142 };
static mfstr hrf11 = { &hrf12, 3500, 0, 191 };
static mfstr hrflat1 = { &hrf11, 0, 2000, 141 };
static mfstr hrf22 = { NULL, 8000, 2000, 142 };
static mfstr hrf21 = { &hrf22, 3500, 0, 192 };
static mfstr hrflat2 = { &hrf21, 0, 2000, 141 };
/* Square-bracketed half-accidentals */
static mfstr hssharp1 = { NULL, 0, 0, (140<<16)+(189<<8)+139 };
static mfstr hssharp2 = { NULL, 0, 0, (140<<16)+(190<<8)+139 };
static mfstr hsf12 = { NULL, 8000, 2000, 140 };
static mfstr hsf11 = { &hsf12, 3500, 0, 191 };
static mfstr hsflat1 = { &hsf11, 0, 2000, 139 };
static mfstr hsf22 = { NULL, 8000, 2000, 140 };
static mfstr hsf21 = { &hsf22, 3500, 0, 192 };
static mfstr hsflat2 = { &hsf21, 0, 2000, 139 };
/* Miscllaneous */
static mfstr common = { NULL, 0, 0, '^' };
static mfstr cut = { NULL, 0, 0, '_' };
static mfstr hclef = { NULL, 0, 0, 173 };
static mfstr longrest = { NULL, 0, 0, '0' };
/* This table is indexed by "virtual music font" character. These are defined
as mc_xxx enums in outhdr.h and must be kept in step with this table. The order
is arbitrary. */
mfstr *out_mftable_ps[] =
&treble, &trebletenor, &trebledescant, &bass,
&contrabass, &soprabass, &cbaritone, &tenor,
&alto, &mezzo, &soprano, &natural,
&sharp, &doublesharp, &flat, &doubleflat,
&rnatural, &rsharp, &rdsharp, &rflat,
&rdflat, &snatural, &ssharp, &sdsharp,
&sflat, &sdflat, &common, &cut,
&longrest, &trebletenorB, &hclef, &baritone,
&deepbass, &oldbass, &oldcontrabass, &oldsoprabass,
&oldcbaritone, &oldtenor, &oldalto, &oldmezzo,
&oldsoprano, &oldbaritone, &olddeepbass, &halfsharp1,
&hrsharp1, &hssharp1, &halfsharp2, &hrsharp2,
&hssharp2, &halfflat1, &hrflat1, &hsflat1,
&halfflat2, &hrflat2, &hsflat2
- Movement initialization *
- ************************************************/
/* Accidental adjustments are initialized to zero */
static int init_accadjusts[8];
/* Accspacing is effectively the width of each accidental
character, in order of height. The first entry in the table
is unused; the offset relates to inverted notes. */
/* inv ## $ $ % # */
static int init_accspacing[] = { 0, 5250, 4500, 8000, 4250, 5000 };
/* Stemswap level defaults to the third line. This table must be kept in
stem with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE. */
static int init_stemswaplevel[] = {
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L,
P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L, P_3L};
/* Default note spacing */
int init_notespacing[] = {
30000, 30000, 22000, 16000, 12000, 10000, 10000, 10000 };
/* Default startline spacing */
static startlinestr init_startline = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* Default font sizes at normal magnification; null pointers to stretch/shear
matrices. */
static fontsizestr init_fontsizes = {
10000, /* music */
7000, /* grace */
7000, /* cue */
5000, /* cuegrace */
10000, /* clefs */
10000, /* barno */
9000, /* footnote */
12000, /* rehearse */
10000, /* triplet */
10000, /* repno */
10000, /* restct */
10000, /* trill */
10000, /* vertacc */
/* It doesn't seem possible in ANSI C to parameterize this initialization
using MaxFontSizes, so we must keep this in step with its value. */
{ 10000, /* user font size 1 */
10000, /* user font size 2 */
10000, /* user font size 3 */
10000, /* user font size 4 */
10000, /* user font size 5 */
10000, /* user font size 6 */
10000, /* user font size 7 */
10000, /* user font size 8 */
10000, /* user font size 9 */
10000, /* user font size 10 */
10000, /* user font size 11 */
10000, /* user font size 12 */
10000, /* user font size 13 */
10000, /* user font size 14 */
10000, /* user font size 15 */
10000, /* user font size 16 */
10000, /* user font size 17 */
10000, /* user font size 18 */
10000, /* user font size 19 */
10000, /* user font size 20 */
11800, /* tsfont */
10000, /* ulay */
10000, /* olay */
10000, /* fbass */
10000 /* init */
/* Matrix pointers */
NULL, /* music */
NULL, /* grace */
NULL, /* cue */
NULL, /* cuegrace */
NULL, /* clefs */
NULL, /* footnote */
NULL, /* barno */
NULL, /* rehearse */
NULL, /* triplet */
NULL, /* repno */
NULL, /* restct */
NULL, /* trill */
NULL, /* vertacc */
/* It doesn't seem possible in ANSI C to parameterize this initialization
using MaxFontSizes, so we must keep this in step with its value. */
{ NULL, /* user font size 1 */
NULL, /* user font size 2 */
NULL, /* user font size 3 */
NULL, /* user font size 4 */
NULL, /* user font size 5 */
NULL, /* user font size 6 */
NULL, /* user font size 7 */
NULL, /* user font size 8 */
NULL, /* user font size 9 */
NULL, /* user font size 10 */
NULL, /* user font size 11 */
NULL, /* user font size 12 */
NULL, /* tsfont */
NULL, /* ulay */
NULL, /* olay */
NULL, /* fbass */
NULL /* init */
/* Default relative stave sizes, must keep in step with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE */
int init_stavesizes[] =
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 };
/* Default relative stave volumes; must keep in step with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE */
uschar init_play_volume[] =
{ 0, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 };
/* Default midi channels; must keep in step with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE */
uschar init_midi_channel[] =
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
/* Default midi forced pitch; must keep in step with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE.
Zero means use pitch of note (i.e. don't force). */
uschar init_midi_note[] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* Default midi voice allocation to midi channels; 128 => don't set */
uschar init_midi_voice[] =
{ 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128 };
/* Default midi channel volumes */
uschar init_midi_volume[] =
{ 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 };
/* Default stave zero copy block */
zcopystr init_zcopy = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
/* Default stave_list item covering all staves */
static stave_list default_stave_list = { NULL, 1, BIGNUMBER };
/* Default values for the movement structure */
movtstr init_movtstr = {
NULL, /* stavetable */
&init_fontsizes, /* fontsizes */
NULL, /* posvector */
&init_startline, /* startline */
&init_zcopy, /* zcopy */
NULL, /* bracelist - default is none */
&default_stave_list, /* bracketlist - default is all */
&default_stave_list, /* joinlist - default is all */
NULL, /* joindottedlist - default is none */
NULL, /* thinbracketlist - default is none */
NULL, /* footing */
NULL, /* heading */
NULL, /* lastfooting */
NULL, /* pagefooting */
NULL, /* pageheading */
NULL, /* play_changes */
NULL, /* barnovector */
US"-", /* hyphenstring */
US"\\mf\\\\136\\", /* trill string */
init_play_volume, /* play volumes */
init_midi_channel, /* midi channel for each stave */
init_midi_note, /* midi note forced for each stave */
init_midi_voice, /* voices for each MIDI channel */
init_midi_volume, /* volumes for each MIDI channel */
init_accadjusts, /* accadjusts */
init_accspacing, /* accspacing */
init_notespacing, /* notespacing */
NULL, /* layout */
NULL, /* midi_start */
NULL, /* play_tempo_changes */
init_stavesizes, /* stavesizes */
NULL, /* stave_ensure */
NULL, /* stave_spacing */
init_stemswaplevel, /* stemswaplevel */
0, /* barcount */
0, /* barlinesize */
0x80000000, /* barlinespace */
0, /* barlinestyle */
0, /* barno_interval */
0, /* barno_level */
0, /* barno_textflags */
0, /* baroffset */
1800, /* beamdepth */
5000, /* beamflaglength */
0, /* botmargin */
0, /* bracestyle */
2300, /* breveledgerextra */
0, /* caesurastyle */
1000, /* clefsize */
0, /* clefstyle */
1200, /* dotspacefactor */
0, /* endlinesluradjust */
0, /* endlineslurstyle */
0, /* endlinetieadjust */
0, /* endlinetiestyle */
0, /* extenderlevel */
font_rm, /* bar number font */
font_bf, /* long rest font */
font_rm, /* rehearsal marks font */
font_rm, /* repeat bar numbers font */
font_bf, /* time signature font */
font_rm, /* triplet font */
4000, /* footnotesep */
{ 6000,6000 }, /* gracespacing */
0, /* gracestyle */
0, /* hflatstyle */
0, /* hsharpstyle */
200, /* hairpinlinewidth */
7000, /* hairpinwidth */
50000, /* hyphenthreshold */
just_all, /* justify */
2, /* key default = C major */
0, /* keyspacing */
0, /* laststave */
'=', /* ledger character */
-1, /* leftmargin */
-1, /* linelength */
500, /* maxbarcount */
310, /* maxbeamslope1 */
330, /* maxbeamslope2 */
movt_default, /* movt_opt */
0, /* movement number */
11000, /* overlaydepth */
120, /* play_tempo */
text_box, /* rehearsalstyle */
0, /* repeatstyle */
0, /* shorten (stems) */
700, /* smallcapsize */
0, /* startbracketbar */
stemswap_default, /* stemswaptype */
44000, /* systemgap */
0x00010404, /* time default = 1*4/4 */
0, /* timespacing */
10000, /* topmargin */
0, /* totalnocount */
0, /* transpose */
300, /* tripletlinewidth */
480000, /* truelinelength */
11000, /* underlaydepth */
0, /* underlaystyle */
{ 0, 0 }, /* breakbarlines */ /*** must be kept in ***/
{ -1, -1 }, /* staves */ /*** step with ***/
{ 0, 0 }, /* suspend */ /*** STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE ***/
{ 13, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 15, 0, 13, 13, 13, 16, 16 }, /* clefwidths */
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2000, 4000 }, /* tailadjusts */
FALSE, /* beamendrests */
FALSE, /* breverests */
TRUE, /* check */
TRUE, /* checkdoublebars */
FALSE, /* codemultirests */
TRUE, /* fullbarend */
FALSE, /* incipitjoin */
TRUE, /* keydoublebar */
TRUE, /* keywarn */
FALSE, /* rehearsallsleft */
TRUE, /* showtime */
TRUE, /* showtimebase */
FALSE, /* tiesoverwarnings */
TRUE, /* timewarn */
FALSE, /* startnotime */
TRUE, /* spreadunderlay */
TRUE, /* underlayextenders */
FALSE, /* unfinished */
{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* playtranspose; must keep in */
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* step with STAVE_BITVEC_SIZE */
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }
- Bar item lengths table *
- ************************************************/
/* The length table is used for advancing the pointer through the packed list
of structures. The lengths are rounded up to a whole number of pointers. On the
Acorn, using Norcroft C, this was done by by the sizeof() operator, but it
seems not to be the case with gcc. */
uschar length_table [] = {
/* End of tables.c */