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* abc2midi - program to convert abc files to MIDI files.
* Copyright (C) 1999 James Allwright
* e-mail: J.R.Allwright@westminster.ac.uk
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* genmidi.c
* This is the code for generating MIDI output from the stored music held
* in arrays feature, num, denom, pitch. The top-level routine is
* writetrack(). This file is part of abc2midi.
* 14th January 1999
* James Allwright
/* for Microsoft Visual C++ Ver 6 and higher */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define ANSILIBS
#include "abc.h"
#include "parseabc.h"
#include "queues.h"
#include "genmidi.h"
#include "midifile.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* define USE_INDEX if your C libraries have index() instead of strchr() */
#ifdef USE_INDEX
#define strchr index
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
void single_note_tuning_change(int midikey, float midipitch);
void addfract(int *xnum, int *xdenom, int a, int b);
/* [SS] 2011-08-17 */
void fdursum_at_segment(int segposnum, int segposden, int *val_num, int *val_den);
void articulated_stress_factors (int n, int *vel);
void write_event(int event_type, int channel, char data[], int n);
float ranfrac ()
return rand()/(float) RAND_MAX;
void setbeat();
void parse_drummap(char **s); /* [SS] 2017-12-10 no more static */
/* global variables grouped roughly by function */
extern int lineno; /* source line being parsed */
extern int lineposition; /* character position in line */
extern char** atext;
/* Named guitar chords */
extern int chordnotes[MAXCHORDNAMES][10]; /* [SS] 2012-01-29 */
extern int chordlen[MAXCHORDNAMES];
/* general purpose storage structure */
/* these 6 arrays are used to hold the tune data */
extern int *pitch, *num, *denom;
extern int *bentpitch;
extern int *decotype; /* [SS] 2012-11-25 */
extern int *charloc; /* [SS] 2014-12-25 */
extern featuretype *feature;
extern int *stressvelocity; /* [SS] 2011-08-17 */
extern int notes;
extern int barflymode; /* [SS] 2011-08-24 */
extern int stressmodel; /* [SS] 2011-08-26 */
extern int programbase; /* [SS] 2017-06-02 */
extern int verbose;
extern int quiet;
extern int sf, mi;
extern int silent; /* [SS] 2014-10-16 */
extern int retuning,bend; /* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
int drumbars;
int gchordbars;
/* Part handling */
extern struct vstring part;
int parts, partno, partlabel;
int part_start[26], part_count[26];
long introlen, lastlen, partlen[26];
int partrepno;
/* int additive; not supported any more [SS] 2004-10-08*/
int err_num, err_denom;
extern int voicesused;
extern int dependent_voice[];
/* Tempo handling (Q: field) */
extern long tempo;
extern int time_num, time_denom; /* time sig. for the tune */
extern int mtime_num, mtime_denom; /* current time sig. when generating MIDI */
int div_factor;
int division = DIV;
long delta_time; /* time since last MIDI event */
long delta_time_track0; /* [SS] 2010-06-27 */
long tracklen, tracklen1;
long barloc[1024]; /* [SS] 2019-03-20 */
/* output file generation */
extern int ntracks;
/* bar length checking */
int bar_num, bar_denom, barno, barsize;
int b_num, b_denom;
extern int barchecking;
/* time signature after header processed */
extern int header_time_num,header_time_denom;
/* generating MIDI output */
int beat;
int loudnote, mednote, softnote;
int beataccents;
int velocity_increment = 10; /* for crescendo and decrescendo */
char beatstring[100];
int nbeats;
int channel, program;
#define MAXCHANS 16
int channel_in_use[MAXCHANS+3];
int current_pitchbend[MAXCHANS];
int current_program[MAXCHANS];
int transpose;
int global_transpose=0;
int chordchannels[10]; /* for handling in voice chords and microtones */
int nchordchannels = 0;
extern int no_more_free_channels; /* [SS] 2015-03-23 from store.c */
/* [SS] 2015-09-07 */
int single_velocity_inc;
int single_velocity;
/* karaoke handling */
extern int karaoke, wcount;
int kspace;
char* wordlineptr;
extern char** words;
int thismline, thiswline, windex, thiswfeature;
int wordlineplace;
int nowordline;
int waitforbar;
int wlineno, syllcount;
int lyricsyllables, musicsyllables;
/* the following are booleans to select features in current track */
int wordson, noteson, gchordson, temposon, drumson, droneon;
int hyphenstate; /* [Bas Schoutsen] 2010-04-08 */
/* Generating accompaniment */
int gchords, g_started;
int basepitch, inversion, chordnum;
int gchordnotes[6],gchordnotes_size;
struct notetype {
int base;
int chan;
int vel;
struct notetype gchord, fun;
int g_num, g_denom;
int g_next;
char gchord_seq[40];
int gchord_len[40];
int g_ptr;
int tracknumber; /* [SS] 2014-11-17 */
/* [SS] 2015-05-21 */
struct dronestruct {
int chan; /* MIDI channel assigned to drone */
int event; /* stores time in MIDI pulses when last drone event occurred*/
int prog; /* MIDI program (instrument) to use for drone */
int pitch1;/* MIDI pitch of first drone tone */
int vel1; /* MIDI velocity (loudness) of first drone tone */
int pitch2;/* MIDI pitch of second drone tone */
int vel2; /* MIDI velocity (loudnress) of second drone tone */
} drone = {1, 0, 70, 45, 80, 33, 80}; /* bassoon a# */
/* Generating drum track */
int drum_num, drum_denom;
char drum_seq[40];
int drum_len[40];
int drum_velocity[40], drum_program[40];
int drum_ptr, drum_on;
int notecount=0; /* number of notes in a chord [ABC..] */
int notedelay=10; /* time interval in MIDI ticks between */
/* start of notes in chord */
int chordattack=0;
int staticnotedelay=10; /* introduced to handle !arpeggio! */
int staticchordattack=0;
int totalnotedelay=0; /* total time delay introduced */
int trim=1; /* to add a silent gap to note */
int trim_num = 1;
int trim_denom = 5;
/* [SS] 2015-06-16 */
int expand=0; /* overlap note past next note */
int expand_num = 0;
int expand_denom = 5;
/* channel 10 drum handling */
int drum_map[256];
int gchord_error = 0; /* [SS] 2010-07-11 */
extern struct trackstruct trackdescriptor[40]; /* trackstruct defined in genmidi.h*/
/* [SS] 2011-07-04 */
int beatmodel = 0; /* flag selecting standard or Phil's model */
/* [SS] 2012-12-12 */
int bendvelocity = 100;
int bendacceleration = 300;
/* [SS] 2014-09-09 */
int bendstate = 8192; /* also linked with queues.c */
/* [SS] 2015-09-10 2015-10-03 */
int benddata[256];
int bendnvals;
int bendtype = 1;
/* [SS] 2015-07-24 2015-10-03 */
#define MAXLAYERS 3
int controldata[MAXLAYERS][256];
int controlnvals[MAXLAYERS];
int controldefaults[128]; /* [SS] 2015-08-10 */
int nlayers = 0; /* [SS] 2015-08-20 */
int controlcombo = 0; /* [SS] 2015-08-20 */
/* for handling stress models */
int nseg; /* number of segments */
int ngain[32]; /* gain factor for each segment */
float maxdur; /* maximum duration */
int segnum,segden; /* segment width computed from M: and L: parameters*/
float fdur[32]; /* duration modifier for each segment */
float fdursum[32]; /* for mapping segment address into a position */
char *featname[] = {
"PLAY_ON_REP", "REP1", "REP2", "BAR1",
void reduce(a, b)
/* elimate common factors in fraction a/b */
int *a, *b;
int sign;
int t, n, m;
if (*a < 0) {
sign = -1;
*a = -*a;
} else {
sign = 1;
/* find HCF using Euclid's algorithm */
if (*a > *b) {
n = *a;
m = *b;
} else {
n = *b;
m = *a;
while (m != 0) {
t = n % m;
n = m;
m = t;
*a = (*a/n)*sign;
*b = *b/n;
int gtfract(anum,adenom, bnum,bdenom)
/* compare two fractions anum/adenom > bnum/bdenom */
/* returns (a > b) */
int anum,adenom,bnum,bdenom;
if ((anum*bdenom) > (bnum*adenom)) {
} else {
void addunits(a, b)
/* add a/b to the count of units in the bar */
int a, b;
bar_num = bar_num*(b*b_denom) + (a*b_num)*bar_denom;
bar_denom = bar_denom * (b*b_denom);
reduce(&bar_num, &bar_denom);
/*printf("position = %d/%d\n",bar_num,bar_denom);*/
void configure_gchord()
/* creates a list of notes to played as chord for
* a specific guitar chord. Most of the code figures out
* how to order the notes when inversions are encountered.
int j;
int inchord, note;
gchordnotes_size = 0;
inchord = 0;
if (inversion != -1) {
/* try to match inversion with basepitch+chordnotes.. */
for (j=0; j<chordlen[chordnum]; j++) {
if ((basepitch + chordnotes[chordnum][j]) % 12 == inversion % 12) {
inchord = j;
/* do not add strange note to chord [SS] 2008-09-24 */
/* if ((inchord == 0) && (inversion > basepitch)) {
- * inversion = inversion - 12;
- * gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size] = inversion+gchord.base;
- * gchordnotes_size++;
- * };
- **/
for (j=0; j<chordlen[chordnum]; j++) {
note = basepitch + chordnotes[chordnum][j];
if (j < inchord)
note += 12;
gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size] = gchord.base+note;
void set_gchords(s)
char* s;
/* set up a string which indicates how to generate accompaniment from */
/* guitar chords (i.e. "A", "G" in abc). */
/* called from dodeferred(), startfile() and setbeat() */
int seq_len;
char* p;
int j;
p = s;
j = 0;
seq_len = 0;
while ((strchr("zcfbghijGHIJx", *p) != NULL) && (j <39)) {
if (*p == 0) break;
gchord_seq[j] = *p;
p = p + 1;
if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
gchord_len[j] = readnump(&p);
} else {
gchord_len[j] = 1;
seq_len = seq_len + gchord_len[j];
j = j + 1;
if (seq_len == 0) {
event_error("Bad gchord");
gchord_seq[0] = 'z';
gchord_len[0] = 1;
seq_len = 1;
gchord_seq[j] = '\0';
if (j == 39) {
event_error("Sequence string too long");
/* work out unit delay in 1/4 notes*/
g_num = mtime_num * 4*gchordbars;
g_denom = mtime_denom * seq_len;
reduce(&g_num, &g_denom);
/* printf("%s %d %d\n",s,g_num,g_denom); */
void set_drums(s)
char* s;
/* set up a string which indicates drum pattern */
/* called from dodeferred() */
int seq_len, count, drum_hits;
char* p;
int i, j, place;
p = s;
count = 0;
drum_hits = 0;
seq_len = 0;
while (((*p == 'z') || (*p == 'd')) && (count<39)) {
if (*p == 'd') {
drum_hits = drum_hits + 1;
drum_seq[count] = *p;
p = p + 1;
if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
drum_len[count] = readnump(&p);
} else {
drum_len[count] = 1;
seq_len = seq_len + drum_len[count];
count = count + 1;
drum_seq[count] = '\0';
if (seq_len == 0) {
event_error("Bad drum sequence");
drum_seq[0] = 'z';
drum_len[0] = 1;
seq_len = 1;
if (count == 39) {
event_error("Drum sequence string too long");
/* look for program and velocity specifiers */
for (i = 0; i<count; i++) {
drum_program[i] = 35;
drum_velocity[i] = 80;
i = 0;
place = 0;
while (isdigit(*p)) {
j = readnump(&p);
if (i < drum_hits) {
while (drum_seq[place] != 'd') {
place = place + 1;
if (j > 127) {
event_error("Drum program must be in the range 0-127");
} else {
drum_program[place] = j;
place = place + 1;
} else {
if (i < 2*count) {
if (i == drum_hits) {
place = 0;
while (drum_seq[place] != 'd') {
place = place + 1;
if ((j < 1) || (j > 127)) {
event_error("Drum velocity must be in the range 1-127");
} else {
drum_velocity[place] = j;
place = place + 1;
i = i + 1;
if (i > 2*drum_hits) {
event_error("Too many data items for drum sequence");
/* work out unit delay in 1/4 notes*/
drum_num = mtime_num * 4*drumbars;
drum_denom = mtime_denom * seq_len;
reduce(&drum_num, &drum_denom);
static void checkbar(pass)
/* check to see we have the right number of notes in the bar */
int pass;
char msg[80];
if (barno >= 0 && barno < 1024 && pass == 1) barloc[barno] = tracklen;
if (barchecking) {
/* only generate these errors once */
if (noteson && (partrepno == 0)) {
/* allow zero length bars for typesetting purposes */
if ((bar_num-barsize*(bar_denom) != 0) &&
(bar_num != 0) && ((pass == 2) || (barno != 0))) {
/* [SS] 2014-11-17 added tracknumber */
sprintf(msg, "Track %d Bar %d has %d",tracknumber, barno, bar_num);
if (bar_denom != 1) {
sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), "/%d", bar_denom);
sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " units instead of %d", barsize);
if (pass == 2) {
strcat(msg, " in repeat");
if (quiet == -1) event_warning(msg);
if (bar_num > 0) {
barno = barno + 1;
bar_num = 0;
bar_denom = 1;
/* zero place in gchord sequence */
if (gchordson) {
if (gchordbars < 2) { /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
g_ptr = 0;
addtoQ(0, g_denom, -1, g_ptr ,0, 0); /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
if (drumson) {
if (drumbars < 2) { /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
drum_ptr = 0;
addtoQ(0, drum_denom, -1, drum_ptr,0, 0);
addtoQ(0, drum_denom, -1, drum_ptr,0, 0); /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
static void softcheckbar(pass)
/* allows repeats to be in mid-bar */
int pass;
if (barchecking) {
if ((bar_num-barsize*(bar_denom) >= 0) || (barno <= 0)) {
static void save_state(vec, a, b, c, d, e, f)
/* save status when we go into a repeat */
int vec[6];
int a, b, c, d, e, f;
vec[0] = a;
vec[1] = b;
vec[2] = c;
vec[3] = d;
vec[4] = e;
vec[5] = f; /* [SS] 2013-11-02 */
static void restore_state(vec, a, b, c, d, e, f)
/* restore status when we loop back to do second repeat */
int vec[6];
int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f;
*a = vec[0];
*b = vec[1];
*c = vec[2];
*d = vec[3];
*e = vec[4];
*f = vec[5]; /* [SS] 2013-11-02 */
/* 2015-03-16 [SS] changed channels[] to channel_in_use[] */
static int findchannel()
/* work out next available channel */
int j;
j = 0;
while ((j<MAXCHANS) && (channel_in_use[j] != 0)) {
j = j + 1;
if (j >= MAXCHANS && !no_more_free_channels) {
event_error("All 16 MIDI channels used up.");
no_more_free_channels = 1;
j = 0;
channel_in_use[j] = 1;
return (j);
static void fillvoice(partno, xtrack, voice)
/* check length of this voice at the end of a part */
/* if it is zero, extend it to the correct length */
int partno, xtrack, voice;
char msg[100];
long now;
if (partlabel <-1 || partlabel >25) printf("genmidi.c:fillvoice partlabel %d out of range\n",partlabel);
now = tracklen + delta_time;
if (partlabel == -1) {
if (xtrack == 1) {
introlen = now;
} else {
if (now == 0) {
delta_time = delta_time + introlen;
now = introlen;
} else {
if (now != introlen) {
sprintf(msg, "Time 0-%ld voice %d, has length %ld",
introlen, voice, now);
} else {
if (xtrack == 1) {
partlen[partlabel] = now - lastlen;
} else {
if (now - lastlen == 0) {
delta_time = delta_time + partlen[partlabel];
now = now + partlen[partlabel];
} else {
if (now - lastlen != partlen[partlabel]) {
sprintf(msg, "Time %ld-%ld voice %d, part %c has length %ld",
lastlen, lastlen+partlen[partlabel], voice,
(char) (partlabel + (int) 'A'),
lastlen = now;
static int findpart(j)
int j;
/* find out where next part starts and update partno */
int place;
place = j;
partno = partno + 1;
if (partno < parts) {
partlabel = (int)part.st[partno] - (int)'A';
while ((partno < parts) &&
(part_start[partlabel] == -1)) {
if (!silent) event_error("Part not defined");
partno = partno + 1;
if (partno < parts) {
partlabel = (int)part.st[partno] - (int)'A';
if (partno >= parts) {
place = notes;
} else {
partrepno = part_count[partlabel];
place = part_start[partlabel];
if (verbose) {
if (partno < parts) {
printf("Doing part %c number %d of %d\n", part.st[partno], partno, parts);
static int partbreak(xtrack, voice, place)
/* come to part label in note data - check part length, then advance to */
/* next part if there was a P: field in the header */
int xtrack, voice, place;
int newplace;
newplace = place;
if (dependent_voice[voice]) return newplace;
if (xtrack > 0) {
fillvoice(partno, xtrack, voice);
if (parts != -1) {
/* go to next part label */
newplace = findpart(newplace);
partlabel = (int) pitch[newplace] - (int)'A';
static int findvoice(initplace, voice, xtrack)
/* find where next occurrence of correct voice is */
int initplace;
int voice, xtrack;
int foundvoice;
int j;
foundvoice = 0;
j = initplace;
while ((j < notes) && (foundvoice == 0)) {
if (feature[j] == LINENUM) { /* [SS] 2019-03-14 */
lineno = pitch[j];
if (feature[j] == PART) {
j = partbreak(xtrack, voice, j);
if (voice == 1) {
foundvoice = 1;
} else {
j = j + 1;
} else {
if ((feature[j] == VOICE) && (pitch[j] == voice)) {
foundvoice = 1;
} else {
j = j + 1;
static void text_data(s)
/* write text event to MIDI file */
char* s;
mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, text_event, s, strlen(s));
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time;
delta_time = 0L;
static void karaokestarttrack (track)
int track;
/* header information for karaoke track based on w: fields */
int j;
int done;
char atitle[200];
* Print Karaoke file headers in track 0.
* @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE - Karaoke midi file marker)
if (track == 0)
text_data("@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE");
* Name track 2 "Words" for the lyrics track.
* @LENGL - language
* Print @T information.
* 1st @T line signifies title.
* 2nd @T line signifies author.
* 3rd @T line signifies copyright.
if (track == 2)
mf_write_meta_event(0L, sequence_name, "Words", 5);
kspace = 0;
strcpy(atitle, "@T");
* Write name of song as sequence name in track 0 and as track 1 name.
* Print general information about the file using @I marker.
* Add to tracks 0 and 1 for various Karaoke (and midi) players to find.
strcpy(atitle, "@I");
j = 0;
done = 3;
while ((j < notes) && (done > 0))
j = j+1;
if (feature[j] == TITLE) {
if (track != 2)
mf_write_meta_event(0L, sequence_name, atext[pitch[j]], strlen (atext[pitch[j]]));
strcpy(atitle+2, atext[pitch[j]]);
if (feature[j] == COMPOSER) {
strcpy(atitle+2, atext[pitch[j]]);
if (feature[j] == COPYRIGHT) {
strcpy(atitle+2, atext[pitch[j]]);
static int findwline(startline)
int startline;
/* Find next line of lyrics at or after startline. */
int place;
int done;
int newwordline;
int inwline, extending;
int versecount, target;
/* printf("findwline called with %d\n", startline); */
done = 0;
inwline = 0;
nowordline = 0;
newwordline = -1;
target = partrepno;
if (startline == thismline) {
versecount = 0;
extending = 0;
} else {
versecount = target;
extending = 1;
if (thismline == -1) {
event_error("First lyrics line must come after first music line");
} else {
place = startline + 1;
/* search for corresponding word line */
while ((place < notes) && (!done)) {
switch (feature[place]) {
inwline = 1;
/* wait for words for this pass */
if (versecount == target) {
thiswfeature = place;
newwordline = place;
windex = pitch[place];
wordlineplace = 0;
done = 1;
if (inwline) {
versecount = versecount + 1;
inwline = 0;
/* stop if we are part-way through a lyric set */
if (extending) {
done = 1;
case PART:
done = 1;
case VOICE:
done = 1;
done = 1;
place = place + 1;
if (done && (newwordline == -1) && (versecount > 0) && (!extending)) {
target = partrepno % versecount ;
versecount = 0;
place = startline+1;
done = 0;
inwline = 0;
if (newwordline == -1) {
/* remember that we couldn't find lyrics */
nowordline = 1;
if (lyricsyllables == 0) {
event_warning("Line of music without lyrics");
static int getword(place, w)
/* picks up next syllable out of w: field.
* It strips out all the control codes ~ - _ * in the
* words and sends each syllable out to the Karaoke track.
* Using the place variable, it loops through each character
* in the word until it encounters a space or next control
* code. The syllstatus variable controls the loop. After,
* the syllable is sent, it then positions the place variable
* to the next syllable or control code.
* inword --> grabbing the characters in the syllable and
* putting them into syllable for output.
* postword --> finished grabbing all characters
* foundnext--> ready to repeat process for next syllable
* empty --> between syllables.
* The variable i keeps count of the number of characters
* inserted into the syllable[] char for output to the
* karaoke track. The kspace variables signals that a
* space was encountered.
int* place;
int w;
char syllable[200];
unsigned char c; /* [BY] 2012-10-03 */
int i;
int syllcount;
enum {empty, inword, postword, foundnext, failed} syllstatus;
/* [BY] 2012-10-03 Big5 chinese character support */
int isBig5; /* boolean check for first byte of Big-5: 0xA140 ~ 0xF9FE */
/*printf("GETWORD: w = %d\n",c);*/
i = 0;
syllcount = 0;
if (w >= wcount) {
syllable[i] = '\0';
return ('\0');
if (*place == 0) {
if ((w % 2) == 0) {
syllable[i] = '/';
} else {
syllable[i] = '\\';
i = i + 1;
if (kspace) {
syllable[i] = ' ';
i = i + 1;
syllstatus = empty;
c = *(words[w]+(*place));
isBig5 = 0; /* [BI] 2012-10-03 */
while ((syllstatus != postword) && (syllstatus != failed)) {
syllable[i] = c;
/* printf("syllstatus = %d c = %c i = %d place = %d row= %d \n",syllstatus,c,i,*place,w); */
if (isBig5) { /* [BI] 2012-10-03 */
i = i + 1;
*place = *place + 1;
isBig5 = 0;
} else {
switch(c) {
case '\0':
if (syllstatus == empty) {
syllstatus = failed;
} else {
syllstatus = postword;
kspace = 1;
case '~':
syllable[i] = ' ';
syllstatus = inword;
*place = *place + 1;
i = i + 1;
hyphenstate = 0; /* [Bas Schoutsen] 2010-04-08 */
case '\\':
if (*(words[w]+(*place+1)) == '-') {
syllable[i] = '-';
syllstatus = inword;
*place = *place + 2;
i = i + 1;
} else {
/* treat like plain text */
*place = *place + 1;
if (i>0) {
syllstatus = inword;
i = i + 1;
case ' ':
if (syllstatus == empty) {
*place = *place + 1;
} else {
syllstatus = postword;
*place = *place + 1;
kspace = 1;
case '-':
if (hyphenstate == 1) { /* [Bas Schoutsen 2010-04-08 */
i = i + 1; syllstatus = postword; *place = *place + 1;
if (syllstatus == inword) {
syllstatus = postword;
*place = *place + 1;
kspace = 0;
} else {
*place = *place + 1;
hyphenstate = 1;
case '*':
if (syllstatus == empty) {
syllstatus = postword;
*place = *place + 1;
} else {
syllstatus = postword;
hyphenstate = 0;
case '_':
if (syllstatus == empty) {
syllstatus = postword;
*place = *place + 1;
} else {
syllstatus = postword;
hyphenstate = 0;
case '|':
if (syllstatus == empty) {
syllstatus = failed;
*place = *place + 1;
} else {
syllstatus = postword;
*place = *place + 1;
kspace = 1;
waitforbar = 1;
hyphenstate = 0;
/* copying plain text character across */
/* first character must be alphabetic */
hyphenstate = 0;
/* [BI] 2012-10-03 */
if (c >= 0xA1) { /* 0xA1, 161 */
isBig5 = 1;
if ((i>0) || isalpha(syllable[0]) || (c >= 0xA1)) {
syllstatus = inword;
i = i + 1;
*place = *place + 1;
c = *(words[w]+(*place));
syllable[i] = '\0';
if (syllstatus == failed) {
syllcount = 0;
} else {
syllcount = 1;
if (strlen(syllable) > 0) {
/*printf("TEXT DATA %s\n",syllable);*/
/* now deal with anything after the syllable */
while ((syllstatus != failed) && (syllstatus != foundnext)) {
c = *(words[w]+(*place));
/*printf("next character = %c\n",c);*/
switch (c) {
case ' ':
*place = *place + 1;
case '-':
*place = *place + 1;
kspace = 0;
syllcount = syllcount + 1; /* [SS] 2011-02-23 */
case '\t':
*place = *place + 1;
case '_':
*place = *place + 1;
syllcount = syllcount + 1;
case '|':
if (waitforbar == 0) {
*place = *place + 1;
waitforbar = 1;
} else {
syllstatus = failed;
syllstatus = foundnext;
/* printf("now place = %d syllcount = %d syllstatus = %d\n",*place,syllcount,syllstatus); */
static void write_syllable(place)
int place;
/* Write out a syllable. This routine must check that it has a line of
* lyrics and find one if it doesn't have one. The function is called
* for each note encountered in feature[j] when the global variable
* wordson is set. The function keeps count of the number of notes
* in the music and words in the lyrics so that we can check that
* they match at the end of a music line. When waitforbar is set
* by getword, the function does nothing (allows feature[j]
* to advance to next feature) until waitforbar is set to 0
* (by writetrack). */
musicsyllables = musicsyllables + 1;
if (waitforbar) {
lyricsyllables = lyricsyllables + 1;
if ((!nowordline) && (!waitforbar)) {
if (thiswline == -1) {
thiswline = findwline(thismline);
if (!nowordline) {
int done;
done = 0;
while (!done) {
if (syllcount == 0) {
/* try to get fresh word */
syllcount = getword(&wordlineplace, windex);
if (waitforbar) {
done = 1;
if (syllcount == 0) {
lyricsyllables = lyricsyllables + 1;
} else {
if (syllcount == 0) {
thiswline = findwline(thiswline);
if (thiswline == -1) {
done = 1;
if (syllcount > 0) {
/* still finishing off a multi-syllable item */
syllcount = syllcount - 1;
lyricsyllables = lyricsyllables + 1;
done = 1;
int onemorenote; /* [Bas Schoutsen] 2010-04-08 */
static void checksyllables()
/* check line of lyrics matches line of music. It grabs
* all remaining syllables in the lyric line counting
* them as it goes along. It then checks that the number
* of syllables matches the number of notes for that music
* line
int done;
int syllcount;
char msg[80];
/* first make sure all lyric syllables are read */
done = 0;
while (!done) {
syllcount = getword(&wordlineplace, windex);
if (syllcount > 0) {
lyricsyllables = lyricsyllables + syllcount;
} else {
thiswline = findwline(thiswline);
if (thiswline == -1) {
done = 1;
} else {
windex = pitch[thiswline];
if (onemorenote == 1){ /* [Bas Schoutsen] 2010-04-08 */
lyricsyllables = lyricsyllables + 1;
if (lyricsyllables != musicsyllables) {
sprintf(msg, "Verse %d mismatch; %d syllables in music %d in lyrics",
partrepno+1, musicsyllables, lyricsyllables);
if (verbose) event_error(msg); /* [SS] 2012-04-15 */
if (onemorenote == 1){ /* [Bas Schoutsen] 2010-04-08 */
onemorenote = 0;
/*printf("onemorenote please, hyphenstate to zero\n (using lyric- instead of note-hyphen)\n"); //not the most elegant solution.. but it works */
hyphenstate = 0;
lyricsyllables = 0;
musicsyllables = 0;
static int inlist(place, passno)
int place;
int passno;
/* decide whether passno matches list/number for variant section */
/* handles representation of [X in the abc */
int a, b;
char* p;
int found;
char msg[100];
/* printf("passno = %d\n", passno); */
if (denom[place] != 0) {
/* special case when this is variant ending for only one pass */
if (passno == denom[place]) {
} else {
} else {
/* must scan list */
p = atext[pitch[place]];
found = 0;
while ((found == 0) && (*p != '\0')) {
if (!isdigit(*p)) {
sprintf(msg, "Bad variant list : %s", atext[pitch[place]]);
found = 1;
a = readnump(&p);
if (passno == a) {
found = 1;
if (*p == '-') {
p = p + 1;
b = readnump(&p);
if ((passno >= a) && (passno <= b)) {
found = 1;
if (*p == ',') {
p = p + 1;
void set_meter(n, m)
/* set up variables associated with meter */
int n, m;
mtime_num = n;
mtime_denom = m;
time_num =n;
/* set up barsize */
barsize = n;
if (barsize % 3 == 0) {
beat = 3;
} else {
if (barsize % 2 == 0) {
beat = 2;
} else {
beat = barsize;
/* correction factor to make sure we count in the right units */
if (m > 4) {
b_num = m/4;
b_denom = 1;
} else {
b_num = 1;
b_denom = 4/m;
static void write_meter(n, m)
/* write meter to MIDI file */
int n, m;
int t, dd;
char data[4];
set_meter(n, m);
dd = 0;
t = m;
while (t > 1) {
dd = dd + 1;
t = t/2;
data[0] = (char)n;
data[1] = (char)dd;
if (n%2 == 0) {
data[2] = (char)(24*2*n/m);
} else {
data[2] = (char)(24*n/m);
data[3] = 8;
/*if (noteson) [SS] 2010-04-21 2010-07-06
mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, time_signature, data, 4);
[SS] 2010-04-15
mf_write_meta_event(0L, time_signature, data, 4); /* [SS] 2010-04-15 2010-07-06*/
static void write_keysig(sf, mi)
/* Write key signature to MIDI file */
int sf, mi;
char data[2];
data[0] = (char) (0xff & sf);
data[1] = (char) mi;
mf_write_meta_event(0L, key_signature, data, 2);
static void midi_noteon(delta_time, pitch, pitchbend, chan, vel)
/* write note on event to MIDI file */
long delta_time;
int pitch, chan, vel, pitchbend;
char data[2];
#ifdef NOFTELL
extern int nullpass;
if (channel >= MAXCHANS) {
event_error("Channel limit exceeded");
} else {
if(pitchbend < 0 || pitchbend > 16383) {
event_error("Internal error concerning pitch bend on note on.");
if(pitchbend != current_pitchbend[channel] && chan != 9) {
data[0] = (char) (pitchbend&0x7f);
data[1] = (char) ((pitchbend>>7)&0x7f);
bendstate = pitchbend; /* [SS] 2014-09-09 */
current_pitchbend[channel] = pitchbend;
if (chan == 9) data[0] = (char) drum_map[pitch];
else data[0] = (char) pitch;
data[1] = (char) vel;
mf_write_midi_event(delta_time, note_on, chan, data, 2);
void midi_noteoff(delta_time, pitch, chan)
/* write note off event to MIDI file */
long delta_time;
int pitch, chan;
char data[2];
if (chan == 9) data[0] = (char) drum_map[pitch];
else data[0] = (char) pitch;
data[1] = (char) 0;
if (channel >= MAXCHANS) {
event_error("Channel limit exceeded\n");
} else {
mf_write_midi_event(delta_time, note_off, chan, data, 2);
static void noteon_data(pitch, pitchbend, channel, vel)
/* write note to MIDI file and adjust delta_time */
int pitch, pitchbend, channel, vel;
midi_noteon(delta_time, pitch, pitchbend, channel, vel);
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time;
delta_time = 0L;
/* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
static void midi_re_tune (int channel) {
/* changes the master coarse tuning and master fine tuning
using Register Parameter Number (RPN) for a specific
track. See http://home.roadrunner.com/~jgglatt/tech/midispec/rpn.htm
or http://www.2writers.com/eddie/TutNrpn.htm for a tutorial on how
this is done.
char data[2];
data[0] = (char) (bend & 0x7f); /* least significant bits */
data[1] = (char) ((bend >>7) & 0x7f);
/* indicate that we are applying RPN fine and gross tuning using
the following two control commands.
control 101 0
control 100 1 */
data[0] = 101; /* RPN command */
data[1] = 0; /* type of command */
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
data[0] = 100; /* RPN command */
data[1] = 1; /* type of command */
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
/* now enter the bend parameters using the control data entry
commands for the least significant and most significant bits
data[0] = 6; /* control data entry for coarse bits */
data[1] = (char) ((bend >>7) & 0x7f);
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
data[0] = 38; /* control data entry for fine bits */
data[1] = (char) (bend & 0x7f); /* least significant bits */
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
/* [SS] 2011-07-04 */
static void note_beat(int n, int *vel) {
/* set velocity */
int i;
if(beataccents == 0)
*vel = mednote;
else if (nbeats > 0) {
if ((bar_num*nbeats)%(bar_denom*barsize) != 0) {
/* not at a defined beat boundary */
*vel = softnote;
} else {
/* find place in beatstring */
i = ((bar_num*nbeats)/(bar_denom*barsize))%nbeats;
switch(beatstring[i]) {
case 'f':
case 'F':
*vel = loudnote;
case 'm':
case 'M':
*vel = mednote;
case 'p':
case 'P':
*vel = softnote;
} else {
/* no beatstring - use beat algorithm */
if (bar_num == 0) {
*vel = loudnote;
} else {
if ((bar_denom == 1) && ((bar_num % beat) == 0)) {
*vel = mednote;
} else {
*vel = softnote;
/* [SS] 2011-07-04 2011-08-17*/
void stress_factors (int n, int *vel) {
if (beatmodel == 2) {
*vel = stressvelocity[n];
} else
articulated_stress_factors (n, vel);
void articulated_stress_factors (int n, int *vel)
/* computes the Phil Taylor stress factors for a note
positioned between begnum/begden and endnum/endden.
The segment size is resnum/resden.
Method compute the segments that are overlapped by
the note and average the segments parameters.
{ int begnum,begden;
int stepnum, stepden;
int firstsegnum,firstsegden;
int lastsegnum,lastsegden;
int firstseg,lastseg;
int firstsegrem,lastsegrem; /* remainders */
int endnum,endden;
int i;
int gain;
float dur;
float segsize,segrange;
int tnotenum,tnotedenom;
stepnum = num[n];
stepden = denom[n];
/* undo the b_num/b_denom application in addunits() */
/* note b_num/b_denom defined in set_meter() has nothing to do
with L: unit length */
begnum = bar_num*b_denom;
begden = bar_denom*b_num;
endnum = begnum*stepden + begden*stepnum;
endden = stepden*begden;
reduce (&endnum,&endden);
/* determine the segment number by dividing by the segment size
* and truncating the result.
* firstseg = integer (begnum/begden divided by segnum/segden) */
begnum = begnum;
begden = begden;
firstsegnum = begnum*segden;
firstsegden = begden*segnum*4;
reduce (&firstsegnum,&firstsegden);
/* note coordinates are in quarter note units so divide by 4 */
firstseg = firstsegnum/firstsegden;
firstsegrem = firstsegnum % firstsegden;
/* lastseg = integer (endnum/endden divided by resnum/resden) */
endnum = endnum;
endden = endden;
lastsegnum = endnum*segden;
lastsegden = endden*segnum*4;
/* scale down the fraction endnum/endden so that we do avoid the
next segment unless endnum/endden is large enough */
lastseg = lastsegnum/lastsegden;
lastsegrem = lastsegnum%lastsegden;
if (lastseg > nseg) return; /* do nothing if note extends beyond bar */
if (lastseg - firstseg > 2) return; /* do nothing if note extends over 3 segments */
/* now that we know the segment span of the notes average fdur
* over those segments. [SS] 2011-08-25 */
if (lastseg == firstseg) {
dur = fdur[firstseg];} /*note is included is entirely included in segment*/
else { /* note may overlap more than one segment */
for (i=firstseg;i < lastseg;i++) {
if (i == firstseg) { /* for the first segment */
if (firstsegrem == 0) {dur = fdur[i];
segsize = (float) 1.0;
segrange = segsize;
} /* note starts at beginning of segment*/
else { /* note starts in the middle of segment */
segsize = (float) (firstsegden - firstsegrem) / (float) firstsegden;
segrange = segsize;
dur = fdur[i]*segsize;
} else {
dur = dur + fdur[i]; /* for other segments that note overlaps */
segrange += (float) 1.0;
if (lastsegrem != 0) {
segsize = (float) lastsegrem / (float) lastsegden;
dur = dur + fdur[lastsegrem] * segsize;
segrange = segrange + segsize;
dur = dur/segrange;
} /* end of note may overlap more than one segment */
/* gain is set to the value of ngain[] in the first segment.*/
gain = ngain[firstseg]; /* [SS] 2011-08-17 */
dur = dur/maxdur;
/* since we can't lengthen notes we shorten them based on the maximum*/
if (verbose > 1) {
printf ("%d %d/%d = %d/%d to %d/%d = %d/%d",pitch[n],begnum,begden,firstsegnum,firstsegden,endnum,endden,lastsegnum,lastsegden);
printf(" dur gain = %f %d\n",dur,gain);}
/* tnotenum and tnotedenom is used for debugging only.*/
tnotenum = (int) (0.5 +dur*100.0);
tnotedenom = 100;
*vel = gain;
/* compute the trim values that are applied and the end of the NOTE:
* block in the writetrack() switch complex.*/
trim_num = (int) ((float) num[n]*100.0*(1.0 - dur));
trim_denom = (int) ((float) denom[n]* (float) 100.0); /* [SS] 2015-10-08 extra parentheses */
/*printf("dur = %f %d/%d %d/%d gain = %d\n",dur,tnotenum,tnotedenom,trim_num,trim_denom,gain);*/
/* [SS] 2015-09-07 */
int apply_velocity_increment_for_one_note (velocity)
int velocity;
velocity = velocity + single_velocity_inc;
if (velocity < 0) velocity = 0;
if (velocity > 127) velocity = 127;
single_velocity_inc = 0;
return velocity;
int set_velocity_for_one_note ()
int velocity;
velocity = single_velocity;
single_velocity = -1;
return velocity;
/* [SS] 2011-07-04 */
static void noteon(n)
/* compute note data and call noteon_data to write MIDI note event */
int n;
int vel;
vel = 0; /* [SS] 2013-11-04 */
if (beatmodel != 0) /* [SS] 2011-08-17 */
stress_factors (n, &vel);
else note_beat(n,&vel);
if (vel == 0) note_beat(n,&vel); /* [SS] 2011-09-06 */
/* [SS] 2015-09-07 */
if (single_velocity >= 0)
vel = set_velocity_for_one_note();
else if (single_velocity_inc != 0)
vel = apply_velocity_increment_for_one_note (vel);
if (channel == 9) noteon_data(pitch[n],bentpitch[n],channel,vel);
else noteon_data(pitch[n] + transpose + global_transpose, bentpitch[n], channel, vel);
static void write_program(p, channel)
/* write 'change program' (new instrument) command to MIDI file */
int p, channel;
char data[1];
p = p - programbase; /* [SS] 2017-06-02 */
if (p <0) p = 0; /* [SS] 2017-06-02 */
data[0] = p;
if (channel >= MAXCHANS) {
event_error("Channel limit exceeded\n");
} else {
mf_write_midi_event(delta_time, program_chng, channel, data, 1);
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time;
delta_time = 0L;
/* [SS] 2015-07-27 */
void write_event_with_delay(delta,event_type, channel, data, n)
/* write MIDI special event such as control_change or pitch_wheel */
int delta;
int event_type;
int channel, n;
char data[];
if (channel >= MAXCHANS) {
event_error("Channel limit exceeded\n");
} else {
mf_write_midi_event(delta, event_type, channel, data, n);
void write_event(event_type, channel, data, n)
/* write MIDI special event such as control_change or pitch_wheel */
int event_type;
int channel, n;
char data[];
if (channel >= MAXCHANS) {
event_error("Channel limit exceeded\n");
} else {
/*mf_write_midi_event(delta_time, event_type, channel, data, n); [SS] 2011-10-21 */
mf_write_midi_event(0, event_type, channel, data, n);
static char *select_channel(chan, s)
char *s;
int *chan;
/* used by dodeferred() to set channel to be used */
/* reads 'bass', 'chord' or nothing from string pointed to by p */
char sel[40];
char *p;
p = s;
*chan = channel;
if (isalpha(*p)) {
readstr(sel, &p, 40);
if (strcmp(sel, "bass") == 0) {
*chan = fun.chan;
if (strcmp(sel, "chord") == 0) {
*chan = gchord.chan;
static int makechordchannels (n)
int n;
/* Allocate channels for in voice chords containing microtones.
n is the number of channels to allocate which should be
less than 10.
int i,chan;
int prog;
/* [SS] 2015-05-17 do not make chord channels for track 0 if multi track */
if (ntracks != 1 && tracknumber == 0) return 0; /* [SS] 2015-08-06 */
if (n < 1) return -1;
if (n > 9) n = 9;
prog = current_program[channel];
chordchannels[0] = channel; /* save active channel number */
if (verbose >1) printf("making %d chord channels\n",n);
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
chan = findchannel();
chordchannels[i] = chan;
write_program(prog, chan);
nchordchannels = n;
return n;
int parse_stress_params (char *input) {
char *next;
float f;
int n;
int success;
if (verbose > 1) printf("parsing stress parameters\n"); /* [SS] 2018-04-14 */
success = 0;
f =(float) strtod (input,&next);
input = next;
if (*input == '\0') {return -1;} /* no data, probably file name */
if (f == 0.0) {return -1;} /* no data, probably file name */
nseg = (int) (f +0.0001); /* [SS] 2015-10-08 extra parentheses */
for (n=0;n<32;n++) {fdur[n]= 0.0; ngain[n] = 0;}
if (nseg > 31) {return -1;}
n = 0;
while (*input != '\0' && n < nseg) {
f = (float) strtod (input,&next);
ngain[n] = (int) (f + 0.0001); /* [SS] 2015-10-08 extra parentheses */
if (ngain[n] > 127 || ngain[n] <0) {
printf("**error** bad velocity value ngain[%d] = %d in ptstress command\n",n,ngain[n]);
input = next;
f = (float) strtod (input,&next);
fdur[n] = f;
if (fdur[n] > (float) nseg || fdur[n] < 0.0) {
printf("**error** bad expansion factor fdur[%d] = %f in ptstress command\n",n,fdur[n]);
input = next;
if (n != nseg) return -1;
else {
beatmodel = 2; /* [SS] 2018-04-14 */
barflymode = 1; /* [SS] 2018-04-16 */
return 0;
/* [SS] 2011-07-04 */
void readstressfile (char * filename)
FILE *inputhandle;
int n;
int idummy;
maxdur = 0;
inputhandle = fopen(filename,"r");
if (inputhandle == NULL) {
printf("Failed to open file %s\n", filename);
for (n=0;n<32;n++) {fdur[n]= 0.0; ngain[n] = 0;}
beatmodel = 2; /* for Phil Taylor's stress model */
idummy = fscanf(inputhandle,"%d",&nseg);
if (nseg > 31) nseg=31;
for (n=0;n < nseg+1;n++) {
idummy = fscanf(inputhandle,"%d %f",&ngain[n],&fdur[n]);
if (verbose) printf("%d %f\n",ngain[n],fdur[n]);
/* [SS] 2011-09-07 */
void calculate_stress_parameters () {
int qnotenum,qnoteden;
int n;
float lastsegvalue;
segnum = time_num;
segden = time_denom*nseg;
/* compute number of segments in quarter note */
qnotenum = segden;
qnoteden = segnum*4;
if (verbose > 1) printf("segment size set to %d/%d\n",segnum,segden);
for (n=0;n<nseg+1;n++) {
maxdur = MAX(maxdur,fdur[n]);
if (n > 0) fdursum[n] = fdursum[n-1]+fdur[n-1]*(float) qnoteden /(float) qnotenum;
if (fdursum[n] > (float) nseg + 0.05) {
printf("**error** bad stress file: sum of the expansion factors exceeds number of segments\nAborting stress model\n");
beatmodel = 0;
if (ngain[n] > 127 || ngain[n] < 0) {
printf("**error** bad stress file: note velocity not between 0 and 127\n Aborting the stress model\n");
beatmodel = 0;
/* num[],denom[] use quarter note units = 1/1, segment units are usually
half that size, so we divide by 2.0
if (verbose > 1) printf ("%f ",fdursum[n]);
if (verbose > 1) printf(" == fdursum\n");
/*printf("maxdur = %f\n",maxdur);*/
/*if (fdursum[nseg] != (float) nseg) fdursum[nseg] = (float) nseg; [SS] 2011-09-06 */
lastsegvalue = (float) nseg * (float) qnoteden / (float) qnotenum;
/* ensure fdursum[nseg] = lastsegvalue [SS] 2011-09-06 */
if (fdursum[nseg] != lastsegvalue)
{printf("**warning** the sum of the expansion factors is not %d\n some adjustments are made.\n",nseg);
fdursum[nseg] = lastsegvalue;
/* [SS] 2011-08-17 */
void fdursum_at_segment(int segposnum, int segposden, int *val_num, int *val_den)
int inx0,inx1,remainder;
float val,a0,a1;
inx0 = segposnum/segposden;
if (inx0 > nseg) {
*val_num = *val_num + (int) ((float) 1000.0*fdursum[nseg]); /* [SS] 2015-10-08 extra parentheses */
/*inx0 = inx0 - nseg; [SS] 2013-06-07*/
inx0 = inx0 % nseg; /* [SS] 2013-06-07 */
inx1 = inx0+1;
remainder = segposnum % segposden;
if (remainder == 0) {
val = fdursum[inx0];
} else {
if (inx1 > nseg) {
printf("***fdursum_at_segment: inx1 = %d too large\n",inx1);
a0 = (float) remainder / (float) segposden;
a1 =(float) 1.0 - a0;
val = a1*fdursum[inx0] + a0*fdursum[inx1];
*val_num += (int) (1000.0 * val +0.5);
*val_den = 1000;
/* [SS] 2020-08-09 */
static void expand_array (shortarray, size, longarray, factor)
/* if shortarray = {21,-40} and factor = 4
* longarray will be {5,6,5,5,-10,-10,-10,-10}
* It is used for smoothing a bendstring.
int shortarray[], longarray[];
int size;
int factor;
float increment, accumulator;
float last_accumulator;
int i,j,k;
if (size*factor > 256) {printf("not enough room in bendstring\n");
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i< size; i++) {
increment = (float) shortarray[i]/factor;
accumulator = 0.0;
last_accumulator = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < factor; k++) {
accumulator += increment;
if (increment > 0)
longarray[j] = (int) (accumulator + 0.5) - (int) (last_accumulator + 0.5);
longarray[j] = (int) (accumulator - 0.5) - (int) (last_accumulator - 0.5);
last_accumulator = accumulator;
static void dodeferred(s,noteson)
/* handle package-specific command which has been held over to be */
/* interpreted as MIDI is being generated */
char* s;
int noteson;
char* p;
char command[40];
/* char inputfile[256]; [SS] 2011-07-04 [SDG] 2020-06-04*/
int done;
int val;
int i;
int bendinput[64]; /* [SS] 2020-08-09 */
p = s;
readstr(command, &p, 40);
done = 0;
if (verbose>1)
printf("dodeferred: track = %d cmd = %s\n",tracknumber,command);
if (strcmp(command,"makechordchannels") == 0) {
val = readnump(&p);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "program") == 0) {
int chan, prog;
prog = readnump(&p);
chan = channel;
if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
chan = prog - 1;
prog = readnump(&p);
if (noteson) {
current_program[chan] = prog;
write_program(prog, chan);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "gchord") == 0) {
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "drum") == 0) {
done = 1;
else if ((strcmp(command, "drumbars") == 0)) {
drumbars = readnump(&p);
if (drumbars < 1 || drumbars > 10) drumbars = 1;
done = 1;
drum_ptr = 0; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
else if ((strcmp(command, "gchordbars") == 0)) {
gchordbars = readnump(&p);
if (gchordbars < 1 || gchordbars > 10) gchordbars = 1;
done = 1;
g_ptr = 0; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
addtoQ(0, g_denom, -1, g_ptr ,0, 0);
else if ((strcmp(command, "chordprog") == 0)) {
int prog;
prog = readnump(&p);
if (gchordson) {
write_program(prog, gchord.chan);
/* [SS] 2011-11-18 */
p = strstr(p,"octave=");
if (p != 0)
{int octave,found;
p = p+7;
found = sscanf(p,"%d",&octave);
if (found == 1 && octave > -3 && octave < 3) gchord.base = 48 + 12*octave;
printf("gchord.base = %d\n",gchord.base);
done = 1;
else if ((strcmp(command, "bassprog") == 0)) {
int prog;
prog = readnump(&p);
if (gchordson) {
write_program(prog, fun.chan);
/* [SS] 2011-11-18 */
p = strstr(p,"octave=");
if (p != 0)
{int octave,found;
p = p+7;
found = sscanf(p,"%d",&octave);
if (found == 1 && octave > -3 && octave < 3) fun.base = 36 + 12*octave;
printf("fun.base = %d\n",fun.base);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "chordvol") == 0) {
gchord.vel = readnump(&p);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "bassvol") == 0) {
fun.vel = readnump(&p);
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2012-12-12 */
else if (strcmp(command, "bendvelocity") == 0) {
/* We use bendstring code so that bendvelocity integrates with !shape!.
Bends a note along the shape of a parabola. The note is
split into 8 segments. Given the bendacceleration and
initial bend velocity, the new pitch bend is computed
for each time segment.
bendvelocity = bendacceleration = 0;
val = readsnump(&p);
bendvelocity = val;
val = readsnump(&p);
bendacceleration = val;
/* [SS] 2015-08-11 */
bendnvals = 0;
if (bendvelocity != 0 || bendacceleration != 0) {
for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
benddata[i] = bendvelocity;
bendvelocity = bendvelocity + bendacceleration;
bendnvals = 8;
/*bendtype = 1; [SS] 2015-08-11 */
if (bendnvals == 1) bendtype = 3; /* [SS] 2014-09-22 */
else bendtype = 2;
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2014-09-10 */
else if (strcmp(command, "bendstring") == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i<256) { /* [SS] 2015-09-10 2015-10-03 */
benddata[i] = readsnump(&p);
i = i + 1;
/* [SS] 2015-08-31 */
if (*p == 0) break;
bendnvals = i;
done = 1;
if (bendnvals == 1) bendtype = 3; /* [SS] 2014-09-22 */
else bendtype = 2;
/* [SS] 2014-09-10 */
else if (strcmp(command, "bendstringex") == 0) {
i = 0;
while (i<64) { /* [SS] 2020-08-09 2015-09-10 2015-10-03 */
bendinput[i] = readsnump(&p);
i = i + 1;
if (*p == 0) break;
expand_array (bendinput, i, benddata, 4);
bendnvals = i*4;
done = 1;
if (bendnvals == 1) bendtype = 3;
else bendtype = 2;
else if (strcmp(command, "drone") == 0) {
val = readnump(&p);
if (val > 0) drone.prog = val;
val = readnump(&p);
if (val >0 ) drone.pitch1 = val;
val = readnump(&p);
if (val >0) drone.pitch2 = val;
val = readnump(&p);
if (val >0) drone.vel1 = val;
val = readnump(&p);
if (val >0) drone.vel2 = val;
if (drone.prog > 127) event_error("drone prog must be in the range 0-127");
if (drone.pitch1 >127) event_error("drone pitch1 must be in the range 0-127");
if (drone.vel1 >127) event_error("drone vel1 must be in the range 0-127");
if (drone.pitch2 >127) event_error("drone pitch1 must be in the range 0-127");
if (drone.vel2 >127) event_error("drone vel1 must be in the range 0-127");
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "beat") == 0) {
loudnote = readnump(&p);
mednote = readnump(&p);
softnote = readnump(&p);
beat = readnump(&p);
if (beat == 0) {
beat = barsize;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "beatmod") == 0) {
velocity_increment = readsnump(&p);
loudnote += velocity_increment;
mednote += velocity_increment;
softnote += velocity_increment;
if (loudnote > 127) loudnote = 127;
if (mednote > 127) mednote = 127;
if (softnote > 127) softnote = 127;
if (loudnote < 0) loudnote = 0;
if (mednote < 0) mednote = 0;
if (softnote < 0) softnote = 0;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "beatstring") == 0) {
int count;
count = 0;
while ((count < 99) && (strchr("fFmMpP", *p) != NULL)) {
beatstring[count] = *p;
count = count + 1;
p = p + 1;
beatstring[count] = '\0';
if (strlen(beatstring) == 0) {
event_error("beatstring expecting string of 'f', 'm' and 'p'");
nbeats = strlen(beatstring);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "control") == 0) {
int chan, n, datum;
char data[20];
p = select_channel(&chan, p);
n = 0;
while ((n<20) && (*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
datum = readnump(&p);
if (datum > 127) {
event_error("data must be in the range 0 - 127");
datum = 0;
data[n] = (char) datum;
n = n + 1;
write_event(control_change, chan, data, n);
controldefaults[(int) data[0]] = (int) data[1]; /* [SS] 2015-08-10 */
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2015-07-24 */
else if (strcmp(command, "controlstring") == 0) {
if (!controlcombo) { /* [SS] 2015-08-20 */
for (i=0;i<MAXLAYERS;i++) controlnvals[i] = 0;
nlayers = 0; /* overwrite layer 0 if not a combo */
i = 0;
if (nlayers >= MAXLAYERS) {
event_error("too many combos for control data");
} else {
while (i<256) { /* [SS] 2015-09-10 2015-10-03 */
controldata[nlayers][i] = readsnump(&p);
i = i + 1;
if (*p == 0) break;
controlnvals[nlayers] = i;
/* [SS] 2015-08-23 */
if (controlnvals[nlayers] < 2) event_error("empty %%MIDI controlstring");
controlcombo = 0; /* turn off controlcombo */
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2015-08-20 */
else if (strcmp(command, "controlcombo") == 0) {
controlcombo = 1;
done = 1;
else if( strcmp(command, "beataccents") == 0) {
beataccents = 1;
beatmodel = 0; /* [SS] 2011-07-04 */
done = 1;
else if( strcmp(command, "nobeataccents") == 0) {
beataccents = 0;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"portamento") == 0) {
int chan, datum;
char data[4];
p = select_channel(&chan, p);
data[0] = 65;
data[1] = 127;
/* turn portamento on */
write_event(control_change, chan, data, 2);
data[0] = 5; /* coarse portamento */
datum = readnump(&p);
if (datum > 63) {
event_error("data must be in the range 0 - 63");
datum = 0;
data[1] =(char) datum;
write_event(control_change, chan, data, 2);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"noportamento") == 0) {
int chan;
char data[4];
p = select_channel(&chan, p);
data[0] = 65;
data[1] = 0;
/* turn portamento off */
write_event(control_change, chan, data, 2);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "pitchbend") == 0) {
int chan, n, datum;
char data[2];
p = select_channel(&chan, p);
n = 0;
data[0] = 0;
data[1] = 0;
while ((n<2) && (*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
datum = readnump(&p);
if (datum > 255) {
event_error("data must be in the range 0 - 255");
datum = 0;
data[n] = (char) datum;
n = n + 1;
/* don't write pitchbend in the header track [SS] 2005-04-02 */
if (noteson) {
write_event(pitch_wheel, chan, data, 2);
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time;
delta_time = 0L;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command, "snt") == 0) { /*single note tuning */
int midikey;
float midipitch;
midikey = readnump(&p);
sscanf(p,"%f", &midipitch);
single_note_tuning_change(midikey, midipitch);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"chordattack") == 0) {
staticnotedelay = readnump(&p);
notedelay = staticnotedelay;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"randomchordattack") == 0) {
staticchordattack = readnump(&p);
chordattack = staticchordattack;
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"drummap") == 0) {
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2018-04-16 ptstress code moved to event_midi() in store.c */
else if (strcmp(command,"stressmodel") == 0) { /* [SS] 2011-08-19 */
if (barflymode == 0)
printf("**warning stressmodel is ignored without -BF runtime option\n");
done = 1;
/* [SS] 2015-09-08 */
else if (strcmp(command,"volinc") == 0) {
single_velocity_inc = readsnump(&p);
done = 1;
else if (strcmp(command,"vol") == 0) {
single_velocity = readnump(&p);
done = 1;
if (done == 0) {
char errmsg[80];
sprintf(errmsg, "%%%%MIDI command \"%s\" not recognized",command);
if(wordson+noteson+gchordson+drumson+droneon == 0) delta_time = 0L;
static void delay(a, b, c)
/* wait for time a/b */
int a, b, c;
int dt;
dt = (div_factor*a)/b + c;
err_num = err_num * b + ((div_factor*a)%b)*err_denom;
err_denom = err_denom * b;
reduce(&err_num, &err_denom);
dt = dt + (err_num/err_denom);
err_num = err_num%err_denom;
timestep(dt, 0);
static void save_note(num, denom, pitch, pitchbend, chan, vel)
/* output 'note on' queue up 'note off' for later */
int num, denom;
int pitch, pitchbend, chan, vel;
/* don't transpose drum channel */
if(chan == 9) {noteon_data(pitch, pitchbend, chan, vel);
addtoQ(num, denom, pitch, chan,0, -1);}
else {noteon_data(pitch + transpose + global_transpose, pitchbend, chan, vel);
addtoQ(num, denom, pitch + transpose + global_transpose, chan,0, -1);}
void dogchords(i)
/* generate accompaniment notes */
/* note no microtone or linear temperament support ! */
int i;
int j;
if (g_ptr >= (int) strlen(gchord_seq)) g_ptr = 0;
if ((i == g_ptr) ) { /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
int len;
char action;
action = gchord_seq[g_ptr];
len = gchord_len[g_ptr];
if ((chordnum == -1) && (action == 'c')) {
action = 'f';
switch (action) {
case 'z':
case 'f':
if (g_started && gchords) {
/* do fundamental */
if (inversion == -1)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, basepitch+fun.base, 8192, fun.chan, fun.vel);
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, inversion+fun.base, 8192, fun.chan, fun.vel);
case 'b':
if (g_started && gchords) {
/* do fundamental */
if (inversion == -1) /* [SS] 2014-11-02 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, basepitch+fun.base, 8192, fun.chan, fun.vel);
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, inversion+fun.base, 8192, fun.chan, fun.vel);
/* There is no break here so the switch statement continues into the next case 'c' */
case 'c':
/* do chord with handling of any 'inversion' note */
if (g_started && gchords) {
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[j], 8192,
gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'g':
if(gchordnotes_size>0 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[0], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'h':
if(gchordnotes_size >1 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[1], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'i':
if(gchordnotes_size >2 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[2], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'j':
if(gchordnotes_size >3 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[3], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'G':
if(gchordnotes_size>0 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[0]-12, 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'H':
if(gchordnotes_size >1 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[1]-12, 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'I':
if(gchordnotes_size >2 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[2]-12, 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'J':
if(gchordnotes_size >3 && g_started && gchords)
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[3]-12, 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
else /* [SS] 2016-01-03 */
save_note(g_num*len, g_denom, gchordnotes[gchordnotes_size], 8192, gchord.chan, gchord.vel);
case 'x':
if(!gchord_error) {
event_warning("no default gchord string for this meter");
printf("no such gchord code %c\n",action);
g_ptr = g_ptr + 1; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
addtoQ(g_num*len, g_denom, -1, g_ptr,0, 0);
if (g_ptr >= (int) strlen(gchord_seq)) g_ptr = 0; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
void dodrums(i)
/* generate drum notes */
int i;
if (drum_ptr >= (int) strlen(drum_seq)) drum_ptr = 0; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
if (i == drum_ptr) { /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
int len;
char action;
action = drum_seq[drum_ptr];
len = drum_len[drum_ptr];
switch (action) {
case 'z':
case 'd':
if (drum_on) {
save_note(drum_num*len, drum_denom, drum_program[drum_ptr],8192,9,
drum_ptr = drum_ptr + 1;
addtoQ(drum_num*len, drum_denom, -1, drum_ptr,0, 0);
if (drum_ptr >= (int) strlen(drum_seq)) drum_ptr = 0; /* [SS] 2018-06-23 */
void start_drone()
int delta;
/* delta = tracklen - drone.event; */
delta = delta_time - drone.event;
if (drone.event == 0) write_program(drone.prog, drone.chan);
/* drone.event = tracklen;*/
drone.event = delta_time;
void stop_drone()
int delta;
/* delta = tracklen - drone.event; */
delta = delta_time - drone.event;
/* drone.event = tracklen; */
drone.event = delta_time;
void progress_sequence(i)
int i;
if (gchordson) {
if (drumson) {
void init_drum_map()
int i;
for (i=0;i<256;i++)
drum_map[i] = i;
void parse_drummap(char **s)
/* parse abc note and advance character pointer */
/* code stolen from parseabc.c and simplified */
/* [SS] 2017-12-10 no more 'static voice parse_drummap' */
int mult;
char accidental, note;
int octave;
int midipitch;
int mapto;
char msg[80];
char *anoctave = "cdefgab";
int scale[7] = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11};
mult = 1;
accidental = ' ';
note = ' ';
/* read accidental */
switch (**s) {
case '_':
accidental = **s;
*s = *s + 1;
if (**s == '_') {
*s = *s + 1;
mult = 2;
case '^':
accidental = **s;
*s = *s + 1;
if (**s == '^') {
*s = *s + 1;
mult = 2;
case '=':
accidental = **s;
*s = *s + 1;
if (**s == '^') {
accidental = **s;
*s = *s + 1;
else if (**s == '_') {
accidental = **s;
*s = *s + 1;
/* do nothing */
if ((**s >= 'a') && (**s <= 'g')) {
note = **s;
octave = 1;
*s = *s + 1;
while ((**s == '\'') || (**s == ',')) {
if (**s == '\'') {
octave = octave + 1;
*s = *s + 1;
if (**s == ',') {
sprintf(msg, "Bad pitch specifier , after note %c", note);
octave = octave - 1;
*s = *s + 1;
} else {
octave = 0;
if ((**s >= 'A') && (**s <= 'G')) {
note = **s + 'a' - 'A';
*s = *s + 1;
while ((**s == '\'') || (**s == ',')) {
if (**s == ',') {
octave = octave - 1;
*s = *s + 1;
if (**s == '\'') {
sprintf(msg, "Bad pitch specifier ' after note %c", note + 'A' - 'a');
octave = octave + 1;
*s = *s + 1;
/*printf("note = %d octave = %d accidental = %d\n",note,octave,accidental);*/
midipitch = (int) ((long) strchr(anoctave, note) - (long) anoctave);
if (midipitch <0 || midipitch > 6) {
event_error("Malformed note in drummap : expecting a-g or A-G");
midipitch = scale[midipitch];
if (accidental == '^') midipitch += mult;
if (accidental == '_') midipitch -= mult;
midipitch = midipitch + 12*octave + 60;
mapto = readnump(s);
if (mapto == 0) {
event_error("Bad drummap: expecting note followed by space and number");
if (mapto < 35 || mapto > 81) event_warning ("drummap destination should be between 35 and 81 inclusive");
/*printf("midipitch = %d map to %d \n",midipitch,mapto);*/
drum_map[midipitch] = mapto;
static void starttrack(int tracknum)
/* called at the start of each MIDI track. Sets up all necessary default */
/* and initial values */
int i;
loudnote = 105;
mednote = 95;
softnote = 80;
beatstring[0] = '\0';
beataccents = 1;
nbeats = 0;
transpose = 0;
/* make sure meter is reinitialized for every track
* in case it was changed in the middle of the last track */
div_factor = division;
gchords = 1;
partno = -1;
partlabel = -1;
g_started = 0;
g_ptr = 0;
drum_ptr = 0;
if (noteson) {
/* [SS] 2015-03-24 */
channel = trackdescriptor[tracknum].midichannel;
if (channel == -1) {
channel = findchannel();
trackdescriptor[tracknum].midichannel = channel;
if(verbose) printf("assigning channel %d to track %d\n",channel,tracknum);
channel_in_use[channel] = 1; /* [SS] 2015-08-04 */
channel_in_use[channel] = 1; /* [SS] 2015-08-04 */
if (retuning) midi_re_tune (channel); /* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
} else {
/* set to valid value just in case - should never be used */
channel = 0;
if (gchordson) {
addtoQ(0, g_denom, -1, g_ptr,0, 0);
fun.base = 36;
fun.vel = 80;
gchord.base = 48;
gchord.vel = 75;
fun.chan = findchannel();
channel_in_use[fun.chan] = 1; /* [SS] 2015-03-27 2015-08-04 */
if(verbose) printf("assigning channel %d to bass voice\n",fun.chan);
gchord.chan = findchannel();
channel_in_use[gchord.chan] = 1; /* [SS] 2015-03-27 2015-08-04 */
if(verbose) printf("assigning channel %d to chordal accompaniment\n",gchord.chan);
if (retuning) midi_re_tune (fun.chan); /* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
if (retuning) midi_re_tune (gchord.chan); /* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
if (drumson) { /* [SS] 2010-08-12 */
drum_ptr = 0;
addtoQ(0, drum_denom, -1, drum_ptr,0, 0);
if (droneon) {
drone.event =0;
drone.chan = findchannel();
channel_in_use[drone.chan] = 1; /* [SS] 2015-03-27 2015-08-04 */
if(verbose) printf("assigning channel %d to drone\n",drone.chan);
if (retuning) midi_re_tune (drone.chan); /* [SS] 2012-04-01 */
g_next = 0;
partrepno = 0;
/* thismline = -1; [SS] july 28 2006 */
/* This disables the message
First lyrics line must come after first music line
When a new voice is started with an inline voice command
eg [V:1] abcd| etc. Unfortunately this is part of the
abc2-draft.html standard. See canzonetta.abc in
thiswline = -1;
nowordline = 0;
waitforbar = 0;
musicsyllables = 0;
lyricsyllables = 0;
for (i=0; i<26; i++) {
part_count[i] = 0;
for (i=0;i<MAXCHANS;i++) {
current_pitchbend[i] = 8192; /* neutral */
current_program[i] = 0; /* acoustic piano */
/* [NL] 2011-07-22 Nils Liberg EasyABC interface */
void easyabc_interface (int j) {
char data[4];
unsigned int row = num[j];
unsigned int col = denom[j] + 1;
/* the row number is encoded as three 7-bit numbers: CC#110 (least significant) CC#111, and CC#112 (most significant) */
data[0] = 110;
data[1] = (row >> 14) & 0x7F;
write_event(control_change, 0, data, 2);
data[0] = 111;
data[1] = (row >> 7) & 0x7F;
write_event(control_change, 0, data, 2);
data[0] = 112;
data[1] = row & 0x7F;
write_event(control_change, 0, data, 2);
/* the col number is encoded as two 7-bit numbers: CC#113 (least significant) and CC#114 (most significant) */
data[0] = 113;
data[1] = (col >> 7) & 0x7F;
write_event(control_change, 0, data, 2);
data[0] = 114;
data[1] = col & 0x7F;
write_event(control_change, 0, data, 2);
/* [SS] 2011-10-19 */
void pedal_on() {
char data[4];
data[0] = 64;
data[1] = 127;
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
/* [SS] 2011-10-19 */
void pedal_off() {
char data[4];
data[0] = 64;
data[1] = 0;
write_event(control_change, channel, data, 2);
long writetrack(xtrack)
/* this routine writes a MIDI track */
int xtrack;
int trackvoice;
int inchord;
int in_varend;
int i,j, pass;
int maxpass;
int expect_repeat;
int slurring;
int was_slurring; /* [SS] 2011-11-30 */
int state[6]; /* [SS] 2013-11-02 */
int texton;
int timekey;
int note_num,note_denom;
int tnote_num,tnote_denom; /* for note trimming */
int graceflag;
int effecton; /* [SS] 2012-12-11 */
char *annotation;
tracknumber = xtrack; /* [SS] 2014-11-17 */
/* default is a normal track */
tracklen = 0L;
delta_time = 1L; /* [SS] 2010-07-07 */
delta_time_track0 = 0L; /* [SS] 2010-06-27 */
trackvoice = xtrack;
wordson = 0;
noteson = 1;
gchordson = 0;
temposon = 0;
texton = 1;
drumson = 0;
droneon = 0;
in_varend = 0;
maxpass = 2;
notedelay = staticnotedelay;
chordattack = staticchordattack;
trim_num = 0;
trim_denom = 1;
graceflag = 0;
/* ensure that the percussion channel is not selected by findchannel() */
channel_in_use[9] = 1;
drumbars = 1;
gchordbars = 1;
effecton=0; /* [SS] 2012-12-11 */
bendtype = 1; /* [SS] 2014-09-11 */
single_velocity_inc = 0;
single_velocity = -1;
bendstate = 8192; /* [SS] 2014-09-10 */
for (i=0;i<16; i++) benddata[i] = 0;
bendnvals = 0;
/* [SS] 2015-08-29 */
for (i=0;i<MAXLAYERS;i++) controlnvals[i] = 0;
/* [SS] 2014-09-10 */
if (karaoke) {
if (xtrack == 0)
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == NOTES) {
kspace = 0;
noteson = 1;
wordson = 0;
annotation = "note track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == WORDS) {
kspace = 0;
noteson = 0;
wordson = 1;
* Turn text off for H:, A: and other fields.
* Putting it in Karaoke Words track (track 2) can throw off some Karaoke players.
texton = 0;
gchordson = 0;
annotation = "lyric track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == NOTEWORDS) {
kspace = 0;
noteson = 1;
wordson = 1;
annotation = "notes/lyric track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
/* is this accompaniment track ? */
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == GCHORDS) {
noteson = 0;
gchordson = 1;
drumson = 0;
droneon = 0;
temposon = 0;
annotation = "gchord track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
/* be sure set_meter is called before setbeat even if we
* have to call it more than once at the start of the track */
/* printf("calling setbeat for accompaniment track\n"); */
/* is this drum track ? */
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == DRUMS) {
noteson = 0;
gchordson = 0;
drumson = 1;
droneon =0;
temposon = 0;
annotation = "drum track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
/* is this drone track ? */
if (trackdescriptor[xtrack].tracktype == DRONE) {
noteson = 0;
gchordson = 0;
drumson = 0;
droneon = 1;
temposon = 0;
annotation = "drone track"; /* [SS] 2015-06-22 */
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, annotation, strlen(annotation));
trackvoice = trackdescriptor[xtrack].voicenum;
nchordchannels = 0;
if (xtrack == 0) {
/* write key */
write_keysig(sf, mi);
/* write timesig */
write_meter(time_num, time_denom);
gchordson = 0;
temposon = 1;
if (ntracks > 1) {
/* type 1 files have no notes in first track */
noteson = 0;
texton = 0;
trackvoice = 1;
/* return(0L); */
/* [SS] 2015-03-25 */
if (verbose) {
printf("trackvoice = %d track = %d",trackvoice,xtrack);
if (noteson) printf(" noteson");
if (wordson) printf(" wordson");
if (gchordson) printf(" gchordson");
if (drumson) printf(" drumson");
if (droneon) printf(" droneon");
if (temposon) printf(" temposon");
inchord = 0;
/* write notes */
j = 0;
if ((voicesused) && (trackvoice != 1)) {
j = findvoice(j, trackvoice, xtrack);
barno = 0;
bar_num = 0;
bar_denom = 1;
err_num = 0;
err_denom = 1;
pass = 1;
save_state(state, j, barno, div_factor, transpose, channel, lineno);
slurring = 0;
was_slurring = 0; /* [SS] 2011-11-30 */
expect_repeat = 0;
while (j < notes) {
/* if (verbose >4) printf("%d %s\n",j,featname[feature[j]]); [SS] 2012-11-21*/
if (verbose >4) printf("%d %s %d %d/%d\n",j,featname[feature[j]],pitch[j],num[j],denom[j]); /* [SS] 2014-11-16*/
lineposition = charloc[j]; /* [SS] 2014-12-25 */
switch(feature[j]) {
case NOTE:
onemorenote = 0;
if (wordson) {
if (nchordchannels >0) channel = chordchannels[0];
if (noteson) {
if (inchord) {
if (notecount > 1) {
if(chordattack > 0) notedelay = (int) (chordattack*ranfrac());
delta_time += notedelay;
totalnotedelay += notedelay;
if (notecount <= nchordchannels+1)
channel = chordchannels[notecount-1];
/* set up note off */
if (channel == 9)
addtoQ(num[j], denom[j], drum_map[pitch[j]], channel, 0, -totalnotedelay -1);
else {
if ((notecount > 1) && ((note_num * denom[j]) != (note_denom * num[j])))
char msg[100];
sprintf(msg,"unequal notes in chord %d/%d versus %d/%d",
if (!silent) event_warning(msg);
num[j] = note_num;
denom[j] = note_denom;
note_num = num[j];
note_denom = denom[j];
/* turn off slurring prematurely to separate two slurs in a row */
if (slurring && feature[j+2] == SLUR_OFF) slurring = 0; /* [SS] 2011-11-30 */
if (trim && !slurring && !graceflag) {
tnote_num = note_num;
tnote_denom = note_denom;
if (gtfract(note_num,note_denom,trim_num,trim_denom))
if (tnote_denom <= 0) {
event_error("note length denominator is zero or less"); /* [SS] 2020-01-14 to prevent infinite loop on some systems */
addtoQ(tnote_num, tnote_denom, pitch[j] + transpose +global_transpose,
channel,effecton, -totalnotedelay -1); /* [SS] 2012-12-11 */
/* [SS] 2015-06-16 */
else if (expand) {
tnote_num = note_num;
tnote_denom = note_denom;
addtoQ(tnote_num, tnote_denom, pitch[j] + transpose +global_transpose,
channel,effecton, -totalnotedelay -1); /* [SS] 2012-12-11 */
/* [SS] 2015-06-07 inserted effecton */
addtoQ(note_num, note_denom, pitch[j] + transpose +global_transpose,
channel, effecton, -totalnotedelay -1);
if (!inchord) {
delay(num[j], denom[j], 0);
addunits(num[j], denom[j]);
notecount =0;
effecton = 0; /* [SS] 2012-12-11 */
case TNOTE:
onemorenote = 1;
if (wordson) {
/* counts as 2 syllables : note + first tied note.
* We ignore any bar line placed between tied notes
* since this causes write_syllable to lose synchrony
* with the notes. */
waitforbar = 0;
if (noteson) {
/* set up note off */
if (channel == 9)
addtoQ(num[j], denom[j], drum_map[pitch[j]], channel, 0, -totalnotedelay -1);
else addtoQ(num[j], denom[j], pitch[j] + transpose +global_transpose, channel, effecton, -totalnotedelay -1);
effecton = 0;
case OLDTIE:
if (wordson) {
/* extra syllable beyond first two in a tie */
case REST:
if (!inchord) {
delay(num[j], denom[j], 0);
addunits(num[j], denom[j]);
inchord = 1;
if (wordson) {
inchord = 0;
delay(num[j], denom[j], 0);
notedelay = staticnotedelay;
chordattack = staticchordattack;
note_num = num[j];
note_denom = denom[j];
addunits(note_num, note_denom);
if (trim) {
if (gtfract(note_num,note_denom,trim_num,trim_denom))
/* get correct line number for diagnostics */
lineno = pitch[j];
if (wordson) {
thismline = j;
nowordline = 0;
if (wordson) {
case PART:
in_varend = 0;
j = partbreak(xtrack, trackvoice, j);
if (parts == -1) {
char msg[1];
msg[0] = (char) pitch[j];
mf_write_meta_event(0L, marker, msg, 1);
case VOICE:
/* search on for next occurrence of voice */
j = findvoice(j, trackvoice, xtrack);
/* [SS] 2011-12-11 inline voice commands are not followed
by MUSICLINE where we would normally get thismline */
if (wordson) {
thismline = j+1;
nowordline = 0;
case TEXT:
if (texton) {
mf_write_meta_event(0L, text_event, atext[pitch[j]],
case TITLE:
/* Write name of song as sequence name in track 0 and as track 1 name. */
/* karaokestarttrack routine handles this instead if tune is a Karaoke tune. */
if (!karaoke) {
if (xtrack < 2)
mf_write_meta_event(0L, sequence_name, atext[pitch[j]],
waitforbar = 0;
case DOUBLE_BAR: /* || */
in_varend = 0;
waitforbar = 0;
case BAR_REP: /* |: */
/* ensures that two |: don't occur in a row */
/* saves position of where to return when :| is encountered */
in_varend = 0;
waitforbar = 0;
if ((pass==1)&&(expect_repeat)) {
event_error("Expected end repeat not found at |:");
save_state(state, j, barno, div_factor, transpose, channel, lineno);
expect_repeat = 1;
pass = 1;
case REP_BAR: /* :| */
/* ensures it was preceded by |: so we know where to return */
/* returns index j to the place following |: */
in_varend = 0;
waitforbar = 0;
if (pass == 1) {
if (!expect_repeat) {
event_error("Found unexpected :|");
} else {
/* pass = 2; [SS] 2004-10-14 */
pass++; /* we may have multiple repeats */
restore_state(state, &j, &barno, &div_factor, &transpose, &channel, &lineno);
slurring = 0;
was_slurring = 0;
expect_repeat = 0;
else {
/* we could have multi repeats. */
/* pass = 1; [SS] 2004-10-14 */
/* we could have accidentally have */
/* |: .sect 1.. :| ...sect 2 :|. We don't want to */
/* go back to sect 1 when we encounter :| in sect 2. */
/* We signal that we will expect |: but we wont't check */
if(pass < maxpass)
expect_repeat = 0;
pass++; /* we may have multiple repeats */
restore_state(state, &j, &barno, &div_factor, &transpose, &channel, &lineno);
slurring = 0;
was_slurring = 0;
case PLAY_ON_REP: /* |[1 or |[2 or |1 or |2 */
/* keeps count of the pass number and selects the appropriate */
/* to be played for each pass. This code was designed to handle */
/* multirepeats using the inlist() function however the pass */
/* variable is not set up correctly for multirepeats. */
int passnum;
char errmsg[80];
if (in_varend != 0) {
event_error("Need || |: :| or :: to mark end of variant ending");
passnum = -1;
if (((expect_repeat)||(pass>1))) {
passnum = pass;
if (passnum == -1) {
event_error("multiple endings do not follow |: or ::");
passnum = 1;
if (inlist(j, passnum) != 1) {
j = j + 1;
/* if this is not the variant ending to be played on this pass*/
/* then skip to the end of this section watching out for voice*/
/* changes. Usually a section end with a :|, but the last */
/* last section could end with almost anything including a */
/* PART change. */
if(feature[j] == VOICE) j = findvoice(j, trackvoice, xtrack);
while ((j<notes) && (feature[j] != REP_BAR) &&
(feature[j] != BAR_REP) &&
(feature[j] != PART) &&
(feature[j] != DOUBLE_BAR) &&
(feature[j] != THICK_THIN) &&
(feature[j] != THIN_THICK) &&
(feature[j] != PLAY_ON_REP)) {
j = j + 1;
if(feature[j] == VOICE) j = findvoice(j, trackvoice, xtrack);
barno = barno + 1;
if ((j == notes) /* || (feature[j] == PLAY_ON_REP) */) {
/* end of tune was encountered before finding end of */
/* variant ending. */
"Cannot find :| || [| or |] to close variant ending");
} else {
if (feature[j] == PART) {
j = j - 1;
} else {
in_varend = 1; /* segment matches pass number, we play it */
/*printf("playing at %d for pass %d\n",j,passnum); */
if (maxpass < 4) maxpass = pass+1; /* [SS] 2010-09-28 */
case DOUBLE_REP: /* :: */
in_varend = 0;
waitforbar = 0;
if (pass > 1) {
/* Already gone through last time. Process it as a |:*/
/* and continue on. */
expect_repeat = 1;
save_state(state, j, barno, div_factor, transpose, channel, lineno);
pass = 1;
} else {
/* should do a repeat unless |: is missing. */
if (!expect_repeat) {
/* missing |: don't repeat but set up for next repeat */
/* section. */
event_error("Found unexpected ::");
expect_repeat = 1;
save_state(state, j, barno, div_factor, transpose, channel, lineno);
pass = 1;
} else {
/* go back and do the repeat */
restore_state(state, &j, &barno, &div_factor, &transpose, &channel, &lineno);
slurring = 0;
was_slurring = 0;
/*pass = 2; [SS] 2004-10-14*/
case GCHORD:
basepitch = pitch[j];
inversion = num[j];
chordnum = denom[j];
g_started = 1;
if (gchordson) {
gchords = 1;
gchords = 0;
case DRUMON:
if (drumson) {
drum_on = 1;
drum_on = 0;
if (droneon)
if (droneon)
notedelay = 3*staticnotedelay;
graceflag = 1;
graceflag = 0;
case KEY:
if(timekey) write_keysig(pitch[j], denom[j]);
case TIME:
if(timekey) {
barchecking = pitch[j];
write_meter(num[j], denom[j]);
setbeat(); /* NEW [SS] 2003-APR-27 */
case TEMPO:
if (temposon) {
char data[3];
long newtempo;
newtempo = ((long)num[j]<<16) | ((long)denom[j] & 0xffff);
printf("New tempo = %ld [%x %x]\n", newtempo, num[j], denom[j]);
data[0] = num[j] & 0xff;
data[1] = (denom[j]>>8) & 0xff;
data[2] = denom[j] & 0xff;
/* new [SS] 2010-06-27 delta_time_track0 */
if (ntracks != 1) { /* [SS] 2010-08-31 */
mf_write_meta_event(delta_time_track0, set_tempo, data, 3);
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time_track0;
} else { /* [SS] 2010-08-31 */
mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, set_tempo, data, 3);
if (j > 0) {
div_factor = pitch[j];
channel = pitch[j];
transpose = pitch[j];
global_transpose = pitch[j];
global_transpose += pitch[j];
case SLUR_ON:
if (slurring) {
event_error("Unexpected start of slur found");
}; [SS] 2014-04-24
slurring = 1;
was_slurring = 1; /* [SS] 2011-11-30 */
case SLUR_OFF:
if (!slurring && !was_slurring) {
event_error("Unexpected end of slur found");
[SS] 2014-04-24 */
slurring = 0;
was_slurring = 0;
if (xtrack == 0) {
mf_write_meta_event(delta_time, copyright_notice, atext[pitch[j]], strlen (atext[pitch[j]]));
trim_num = num[j];
trim_denom = denom[j];
if (trim_num > 0) trim = 1;
else trim = 0;
case EXPAND:
expand_num = num[j];
expand_denom = denom[j];
if (expand_num > 0) {trim = 0;
expand = 1;
else expand = 0;
case META: /* [SS] 2011-07-18 */
if (pitch[j] == 0 && noteson==1) {
/*printf("linenum = %d charpos = %d\n",num[j],denom[j]);*/
break; /* [SS] 2012-05-28 */
case PEDAL_ON: /* [SS] 2011-10-19 */
case PEDAL_OFF: /* [SS] 2011-10-19 */
case EFFECT:
if (pitch[j] == 1) /* [SS] 2015-07-26 */
effecton = bendtype; /* [SS] 2012-12-11 2014-09-11 */
effecton = 10;
j = j + 1;
if ((expect_repeat)&&(pass==1) && !silent) {
event_error("Missing :| at end of tune");
tracklen = tracklen + delta_time;
if (xtrack == 1) {
tracklen1 = tracklen;
} else {
if ((xtrack != 0) && (tracklen != tracklen1)) {
char msg[100];
float fbeats,fbeats1; /* [SS] 2013-12-14 */
fbeats = (float) tracklen/(float) 480.0;
fbeats1 = (float) tracklen1/(float) 480.0;
sprintf(msg, "Track %d is %f quarter notes long not %f",
xtrack, fbeats, fbeats1);
return (delta_time);
void dumpfeat (int from, int to)
int i,j;
for (i=from;i<=to;i++)
j = feature[i];
if (j<0 || j>74) printf("illegal feature[%d] = %d\n",i,j); /* [SS] 2012-11-25 */
else printf("%d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,featname[j],pitch[i],bentpitch[i],decotype[i],num[i],denom[i],charloc[i]);
void dump_barloc (FILE *diaghandle, int trkno)
int i;
fprintf(diaghandle,"track = %d voice = %d type = %d number of bars = %d\n",trkno,trackdescriptor[trkno].voicenum,trackdescriptor[trkno].tracktype,barno);
for (i=0;i<barno;i++) {
fprintf(diaghandle,"%6.2f\t",(double) barloc[i]/480.0);
if (i%8 == 7) fprintf(diaghandle,"\n");
/* see file queues.c for routines to handle note queue */