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MARCH, 1986 

VOi.UMt SttRCt. tcVMM-RTffRF.b: 


AUTO VON" is an acronym tor ’'AUTO malic VQicc 
N el work ", and ia a xrngd)$ v I r ri wil h iei I H X I' I X.: I c r, 
Communiciitions System). li is presently mwflly bused on 
dcrtTU-medhiLmol K-wrECbes. und is it ivorld -wide network fur 
“umecure" voice commun ic^il ion for the 1X)L> iind several 
rv kited eijsennes. 1 he re is a juood den I of basic re design go-inj: 
on rig. hi now. bat 1 hings donU [tot chaEijsed 1 hat fiisl at the I X)l >. 
It works in tandem with AUTODIN (AUTOmalic Digital 
Ncl work) a nd A 1 JTQSF.VOCQM (A l . TO mar ic Xl-curc VO ice 
CO VI nmri ica! ions), and is tied closely LO DSCS opeTiition 
fDdensc Scilcilire Communications System) Jtisl under 24Xt 
DC!% switching olT.ccs around live free worid conned about 
fifi ,Ofl() gov ci nine n i ei r c u iis a i '■ l I 7.1 .00(1 4 DO I) '.eased ) 
commercial currier co cuiis, Ahnosi all lines ut the USA a i e 
L<:0 ,.-.:J from AT&T, WU1. Iiivd GTF 

I.JTOV ON provides d irgCI 1 1 1 1 ei\:0:m CC I C;s pa h i I Ll y 1 £> 
N A I'O a Hies and others as well . fv yslem se rvite coivt'rq I is 
entirely h iemich ica 1. Switches resound to 4l h column DI M l 
f I ti. VI H i m ixod wii h now rncqucncks— s ilver box tones- rhe 
“missing" row of buttons on your EUucIi (one phone) to provide 
a means ol prionti/.ine the switching rtspemse. where key A is 
highest o nd key D lowest priority. 

Much work is being done on updating the digital services of 
IX’S (o IL DDN"fI>cfensc Data Network) hut that dtwsnV affect 
Al IT O VOX, ii is m ' 1 1 n 1 1 a nalng. Al I these systems arc hasiea I ly 
run by the DC A f Defense Commun ica i tons Ayci'cyl ar the 

Ll i tu v . 

Pentagi'm Ore impfiriimi office of ihr 1?('A is. LHE'E.'t} 
iDitlcnse C'tnrmiercial Communications Office) til ScoH Air 
Force Base in Illinois. "Ifiis ofiicc of live IX’A manages 
acquis: i ion a nd use of all commercial Icaseil lines world wide 
DCA . ii>: 1 DFCCO also luiodk lets, uf other ini', (Tiini: :: I 
telecom sniff. like TACXT f . t ke FTtS f Fmcrgcnei Rroudeuvi 
System). FA A nanonal yit vs stem, ami rcpriTtudlv paid some 
S I hrJficjn for thei r fit phone h i ll a :l (opyeEhef ( I v wiifaw m fes 
of leaved '.ines and wivicel I hat's at very heavy d scon in nig. 
100 1 

HlhW CtV f'dTtuipjth 

Yim L-.ii- eas ily a her your touch (00c plionr to make it have 
the s'Mra column thiiUilihres the 16.1.1 ID Lora' Standard Kell 
phones have iwo lone generating coiK eneli of which e.m 
generate four tones. This gives you sixteen povsihil it ics of which 
you only use twelve. This leaves you with access in die fom 
unexplored tones. 

A standard way to modify die touch mrie phone istoinstii, I a 
switch to tclf il whether 10 Use the stiver boa tones or not When 
the switch is in one position. you will get normal tones., in the 
other you 13 get I Gil Hi tones. 

Roll calls these buttons A.. Ft. ("fund ft, while t he a nnv named 
them, fin n: htghesl to 'lowest, Flash Override; Mash, 
lbl media he, and Ihiorily. All other Calls me called Routine il no 
precedence hill Lon is pushed.'! heseare Used as varying degrees 

( i ■ v ,'.rj ! it IJ it' L i 01 ? ■' r.lJft- 1‘ J- _ i ,i 

An American Express Phone Story 

b> C'liiski Halims 

I his ihiri i< a memory iif hacking n form it.ihlr American 
in it i iuj I.i'dti American lisgress. No, not AX's infernal 
lelecommunicnivons ivelwork htlt rive mrpnr;itinnV. rnll-fre cnnrge 
card uiilhcirbalion (sinmuk r I he lullowing can he safely lukl ns msr 
'Xyslun'' 'went down a few iCvrs ago. 

I I a ll siancd a i lie stiniaif r - i' 16k? I 'and bee a on me loekoui fur 
y'o ttot'is rate litters and nlher nifty things a p h ^ i ■ could link tip wilh 
V1::sl wen; Isfuiyd by Ncftnflin{! am! searching 4H30 number series using 
tic liiiic-hiiiKitcU "hiiirig-tip-if-a-li'jiTiaii-aiiswcii'' ICCISilhi uC. Afar a 
long ;i nd fiaii:'essafteniiv:vn*f tuvli looking, r decided m laken n.innn 
down in ItiB livul ■Tbiresr unscry ns my (ainmctiX cuntunls find been 
depleted sey eml limbs earliei L a n wont on di n ing the re: takc-tbn 
■vonlil he fine. Wall, ns M'.rphy would p r ee I iuL. n: y I'red Ticu mater 
wsmi'I icndy :it I lie api'criiied lime, 'u I found myself at I ‘if iCuisICi 
with a few momeniis to k il). Murphy snuc k aga ini on the negisie r wa so 
slicker wilh siwer.il rlllO ir limbers nnil I he words “ American 3 s pw'ss 
Chsiye A , ,ilbi!Tij.!liirr"em'n'.!r(!n!sl Iheienn. 

I he MStj ri Chiniirc lifiiit a. I iVets gLOple in a ■inncti (>l Ways, home 
folk r get ran: toinei lems. but I get * cem I nvU mry owcu Y te a Ihhu i h s 
m.irr.bc’-, n nd told h'rr, my rijthi irslcs. fi ngc r w ns wswn down I rmn hi'ii r-- 
of d in ling. He iineleiskioil. mid ninde sau'e stiscswcries while play iilc 
w ith the sytlrm nil hai night 

I! I can i ecu I eoneeib . whcfi icfne dialed lPc flufnhfi Isifa'. anve h;i> 
vrnsed l'ne putnbcT in ins brain V RAM) i ho rrhiini wv.iltl nr 
prirmpled IO crier Ihe isovl ni nib 1 ..itroiint eta. uni! Ihr era! p’.ltrr 
wnnli! gttr an uptnisj! ctnir. A *P wnii!;l abort live p i iWeCUir e ul Wiry 
lurk' und '.Ii.lI'IiiiijlI. MeicU- niL-Mn.g n.V JLlTiVi'ig Ihe eull would grl a i 
AX operaior, This was aeooni p .ohed 6y tlve svsteih otn.i hing a dhO 
loi'f and ihi'u.iiMum.ilii.si'lv kivirb Icininii Ihe lour digit e o rrokin Wc 
had tiui Iiiii huvastiiLg tfir o|v isti'i L . fo) wliea 1'if. Iitnlg Up: me dial 
Innp would ncr. i ii.hi.il vt-.- v!d nrir.iiroi'raiirullyihu'. 1 We w: rr'.hi:s irer 
to i:ia ke !uea I ra Ms w i,l!ii n X rw Ypl k i ity ! We Mkii'- 1 a is! e 111 i L - gnirve. 

sO ill'teanl e dt ". ekip-Lski tie Ihivl i 'I Iva : ng ti e --y slent'-.itrinond oler 
t 1 pun d vvl lone weipi see quick Iv touell-l lied IWSa Tire lifst 9 w ialil 
goe as an on 'side line, am: Ihe '>.W was Ihe Ank'niirir XcnvN.' r 
Idem iff ctiijon ersle for New York. The hyar w siem-generaicd diglis 
osiulil then ronre i'nrt!ii|iji am) bi' igna.'t’d This iriek ssoed t ’ frcnil 
ecu In uu luo ius.il i if fiCsJir-OperuLov '■Iispn.ion. and Ific 'dstl kme w'iis 
Vti im-rd II her AN I J id lien h i|ig. We u bo lea 1 ' 1 ‘etl Ivow nXury d il le lent 
nfv'tic run ners I hev u<m.l l or "Iris sy,s;lgm 

You 'll nok I (a n! w r w err Irvp tir rra kr ' iva I cu lls Wp u. ere iihle fir 
dii-.l 6-f! ns get a Be :l ivpe :a I oi . w bn n-if- iiiovl I. .n|v. ki isksisl n plac ng 
our long tlivmivoe C-jlX. Tor i. L re.ri-Or'i. Ik'Ou'Ver. i.lW-.-r ii| e si.l-.- -. 
CouhliA Iv; Ip si ul- 'jtf I rails 4 1 col flic (arise oni'rator ihrnoi'.nvs inline 
nigh) while fry Ingu'i Uslen'toilije space futile. Wt-deYclofed n kiosltip 
!o Lie fasten It) I he AN TttX w fluid give a slern warning if we "fil'd tir 
din I J ongv! i M : i nee ra I' d i reel It 4T'lnss of Sr IS iee Kesl : ichor i. t'lass of 
Sc r. icg RcMfiid ioivT hut we sivvn warsT.i i ted i ii wtisuf |ivA i n; for 
a f'XI 'A etc. Hui 'nad a I imer gtr ng. jtnil il ysra d mkd mow i ha u . iphr 
d'gits i'9* etc. I it a period of ahotil live ieeijikK. you'd gel that 
message Sv' w-c dialed the f«i si few digits, paused, tliakid Ihe lfiiVvi lidkT 
ami Ihe rail wmi rbroiip.'h feven to Ihe spare shuttle) 

C oniieeiiorowt regenCrany ICvsLhiuiOplinuini lin act I la y wa keiSV, 
"mi ; ■, ou n ml i on r e a lied pa rrv were :e quiet r-eiuas. von' eavild iu Ik for 
lloui' Ailiviliei illiita-i wilivayacee wascio'slulh. I laid dl It'll heard Ihe 
:)inrilwrW^S otl'in the background iti'd once l evei* faintly Iveafd my 
buddy We dwrutw) at line annlhcT hvr a v, hi\. L nr I oiv ol as hi' *£ 

! don't Ilia k AX was eve i iratle usvore ol o if esploitsOn l!ic --yskni 
siiVCe it v (':i s -r-ii line fo: L rv c r.d nioiigis.u irrw syoenwwv irolidksl wlwii 
lheirainhoriju'iion people moved to' Florida. I Ik.d Had an Ames e.rd 
all Vhe while hm recenlly gut e it tip when Ifiey ra-sed ihevr aooa.d 
"rrenibLrs'lrp "k'S-fXmkldKla't lellue ll was them piling me oil 1 ke 
t'nni thAt ptoaipied me to ieil this id5e I hope yvai eao eiurv (vn ih ■■ 
: riititidfi.. ivrVl it's -VilVi'A pteusurc 5o iakinn ks huvlogy cuthiLsiaslv 
eve -cw I'ere inf v on r >ioi 


f\rtal words on VMS 

bV I .-TK ] ME I MIT JIIII.F 'll* l.rtl'on III 1 Uih>Ti,' Hii’ktfK 
‘{hiy i'l ' r. i ■ .Yiir Ml' i Mr i'i.'.'vyvii v-Tii-V iPE MAf-t' i",V,vr r - n ,;| (MIkm/I'iIKi rl> 

■'vr.'iVv F j ,V ',r. ?fW, |"P Ui.i.c W. .IWI- jlii'iihi, 1 , ,V :■■■ A'W-WW. .• ' 
lii'ii,'-? J rt' M'iry v- i I d ■.] rd-i for Ki'lnp n thiKtorY liylinp An rln- VMS 
(.Tp.'ra.Sin|i Kvsi.urr In 1 : 

T dir ustoii 

svjwsranCTii i- i tmutni 

muni DIM. 1 AMhieiXS'Lli H -I 



rein b* « Hh. 

LHr«-oii . HVSIS'i.S-JSFVIh' (H A miysii 


1 1! \ r. L i Ml'' II- C' 1 1 I.-. i ■, ■; Vr 7 . V III' I i ■: t ; n l- u i'.‘ ' 1 1 1 '--: I II-.I - 1 | M. L i:i|l '.hi Xri-teni | Ik- . II ,i 
.Iik'I'Ii—. '.'..Ml -jv to l-v -III ■! I -. 1 1 v. 'll.' ' v. -.- 71111.1 (.ye,’. il' I-.-I. :m 

In' «'.in not incluri mt silly! in’cimiy--. The difference bciWn ihi< -i-nd [>| R, 
r'.'jislh-jtlliiilik^nitwrd'ifediirin lit-- li-jri 1 1 r i i |' ’ • | l yiulh'Ihrdir-erlfitY 
ikime hlhe rmr™.jscheb'-e'riiiirriC , 1 huA.esieri c h i'n_^.S-i -.uqi HnyyYj mir. prisileyccl 
ULvpiin:. mii^An i-hinin in-on: uj-mmniMm in fiCmminds -nn. Ay von nmiceil, 
Ji -Nll RkL. I-' I nppy-nyj -i nd rhi licillEir -iey pruii'ol ■ i '■ !V ; . i ! Thiy vs-ns 
hvcz-iive of hiiyiri^.eoptrfll-v. One nine lhin|> VYiiio-k fi^u^i o Kylv il*'- r-j. Ini a 

ronl :ol c in i hp niKlil'i- iif j jonu dinrcuirv ni i j|p ' r- 1 ir& i: ir .1 simplv '..y 
I I ■ :>m m- h.-- ... -j/'C . ' c ti . jni A ip slid m tin- in. ".; I iIItcioiv It will noi 
PJttkfl w hi i'. i'tTi i n I': r-r i I h I.' r - 1 fife dinugili Aiyo'u 4 liuw. Uldclf -r 1 ■■ i I'. ■>- - 1 1 1 1 H I Y 
f'l'o vfin iln- 'S* prompt, m if you annts'd (o_-luok jy ynrrddhing m Oy |MK 
tliiTs-'Wi y. y.t.i would hnve io 'A.iii Im ;ii: iV Jircyioriey wlin'h mm- by lore j|’ 
K-lr-y v:eny I hi 1 -onieni-. ol In.- 1 . 5 th. Now. ynu can ’ni i.‘ u n rr-fi I ■ c r.nh 
‘■C. ANCE I " Jong-hit ftimria nd 'y-oner. no l ince t m> [Tif dtsieud irafnrmni 'mi 
T n im mai p iii-i:n\xl inliirmnlion ibnui iIip li^, m v(iut dirinwv 
inn M i 

Din rli'iri Sh VsNYSISK'r |('Ff AMMClNsl 

iKrno.i\ni m hip inrijMifi 

X?r- 1 1H mr | AMMOMHl 

f rralMt ti n 1 V IM-SF- 12 -id llvi r-ril: 1-M.1 y- l'J .11 | ; L 1 ] |] | 

Ks|im s- Inline- IP’jrhui' Inn T3t-kiif iIpjih; 

Y-tr r#p*r<-ipr£nn 1*5iinwinl 

J-'Hp iMTlhiiir,' tlMi-nrl M 

■'.liit'-J ' hiPiH riHini.n 

VitMtin liml: .1 

4<(epd firniil: Vanphlp Vnpih. mi '.inini 7-J hsrrt 

kro-ril hill iiiitr-.- < pftli-^r pcluni Aini[i npnrrJ 

Mb pnmnnw {isWni:RWKI>s nmtprtHWM). CKupl WbrU: 

4 iiHiii! 1.p| Ni'^c 

Thf imrorlnnc infLirmriiinr'ib'ihyiilo prnmitinn hmi) f I>kit i:. nil M I m 
■ht- lllc l.v I Ml I i|n:il n i will lotilir.-jc iO|ten i il-i- iulticiiMion Jbnin pjcIi 
lily m itliin iIk i! hkioi ■. 

<Jn oucniinn ■Alien 
IP-r- i:- ^:yj jw you m : 
i.'-h.iryy d: 1 , i;ev 

Dei im 

i in- yuvMlrj direciorV w- i- 1: .,i,i iA-i|| noi find iiinei. 

■ mil. A'l i lie 7 ?. my i ley km - ni him yv thy whe r ii'-: e-..i it- I i 

jkf .7 dfvice nnvia-VAMF. 

Ml:- -I? n- you pm. Hie enlnn .. id iKy nrimy. I n die enm -il ynu poi kro« ir.y 
u.l':il (M'lilV I'l r.Ti il'.-li lO K[-y 

Til t Mill yue inn ;i Im.i of cey i:tv ciiri i-ni'y (.--..-d s-r, Ihe o.'-ren' 

File Kxleitalom; 

_T>.e follnu-iiif: i ilyy y^rr- ony rhLMild hr nsrt : inmniurjd inn w il h M-ibkdrdsfir 
[[tH-itti... foe y k'~/i nip nil n I cr. i.y di llim exifpsiun . \f LM Imimn I y!- l luoy 
(■rtcncA'hiniii miIi-i -.. ill i-yy mcr.'Kiy. TvMK ilns'iilr. .JOt.' or .IS I fiiy.ii it?! n k;'i 
Thiy n .li-unyil ‘ily. lYhit M in apuied u|iyn yilidn^ a file. I h .--_ mpy Aonlnin 
: nicreyi ine mi n |.:--y- |"V'rF. .TMV rienid.imy. ily: Thiy !: .i ieni|Vn:i i li-oyr nf 
il III:- I > N- r|rs 11 V. .1 IM llM I'V'i I rs|jryj! :ilt. Iht vui'iii- |h i'vs'tJ | irc ;j). ELF.^il 
flhMf. jju. 

it i wr\ MHM - 

Prviplrf.i h" 

C V1KMM 1 Ml.\l ■; 1 tV'?.Vj l M i.Hih \M ,u.| oFXkPl. IJM.V II ULK.XtyiF 

i oi ;-to 1,'Kui F vr puMr^d 

™'iif.i ii-n.yp.vi AfTfHi it i j'ny tvipvib-t! HctKi 1 1 1 ip-fh FKOi (nr-t 

StlTMHK Vmi.PRft HiV-ltP 

Ht'Ct HK PBMfnll.-'kVsripi tun vr Pt'VVUT' 0,11 m I n yyvspHV linn k 
emu p m roios 

1 h.' fn'iy iI.’m-s hpiyj jy i.hr end ii nFihi-d inu-d 1 1 -. - m . e. re the i n i o.'i r i rn' - , i - 

fur ny y:L uriiy f-vi- 

Al. A i : Mny supply,-; actiyuni :ne im:'--.-jm--- 

OF'I H < Iffi-Jilyv orp-ilejM. 

ii k( I - ' M-.ii ill fcyl sillier pr-neo-oys iy 1 1 1 y -yi r o: y r i 1 1 ! p 
Wf 'H I 0: Muyafftti oelier pn'K,v--s v in rhyn-ivid 
MHVfLM Wne dime Yk-h-iy . ih|yy|s • -, yh7.n:.l "A'N ■ ■■ ■ 

■\ I I PR I: M it y se-i iniy priy-i-y I: - , z 

rj-YFOV'-iS;: M:r, I -. |-n-.-; I |C yim sine 

St r PH v- V.i.y -s' I nny priy ile/e Ini 

S V SI f.TC : V-1-iv odk E.y.(iermAiiJc itiyiiireyv 

S i SMIiV: Mj'i nrreyy nh|ivi\i n ‘■iy|ym piroleciion. 

VOl l f H.O: VIj'. MMririe y-Mluiny pp-Aiyliy i-i. 
kt'ADAt.l : Mny K\u\ nnuhinp^x ihv nwricr. 

^IrCl RITV: Mav pvrlr:-r'n , i -jxi.i r~.\ I unci 1 mi*- 
'I'o^'c wKj: pn 1 , ilc-i?.i;-i m have iv>j: 

5 ^1 i mXT.-Ms PHI YS 

0J-JL'N*r*R5 1 5-:Sl'».Srt.'IC HI ,\i IEsS<H 

I'l'WrA priritert: 

1.DC-N> Mmi Ai Ic>S-:hI l.'O-. 

PHV-lfli Mnt Hf.j ,|r, -i/ril I/O. 

I Vi™||7i; ■ilfc, •.rriii- l#m|>-irnr:i uuilL-i-i. 

!Ti DCtin i Hi-nlil'im- 


f r" "• anf HMui k II iiinU s'M k-i* joil v. L'.'i .iiii .lb 1 1 "i. oil has : ihv 
Mf I l r KV |invil.-pr -.xY.icr.n yi\c r;n p-j.-II p« K.; 

SSITPfiiK'iss PF; y-S;AI I 

See-urliy Thrvinpijnd ^yfnenfe 

5 I'd-' n y n r.imher er tylij lioip? I usiurov pnwlneiy ny pilnKy i iirVMS Some 
■ni i*|ii:p a-r 

Siime: -Vl-Sf l-1pp|iyyil.kiiiy Tei-el ShdiMy M. - knuy i 
Vlinufiu'inr™- Ineejirr.led S-yyrem-. h i- 

I j'ly'i-liun- Sy-u. Jeryn . 

JVnit : 1 2H 1 1 fiFi ilWil 
( ■■:n.i- Sb'n.iW 

SS-T.Tip<iun: AI.SP pmiyvi.- o.vMim und reimime jy y( y- Hv kvItjcimi y.--ei,' 
'A. ■: i ii 1 1 :-i ii 1 1 :- of npplprm dns ts nuyhiiriyed v i «p r ■? Or. niyim drtynn npplienl inre:. . 
AL SF pruvides futt he/ vM-yirilj tn; eheek -yj imer.n o k'i. liyiriy iipp.fnit ehfiye 
uniSyiriA'd :'nr n yr-ei Si.vuriyy y idiiE'iyniS -:nii-i- I CKVOf T nnd nfier i tiwi 
uiiMiyKCfifnl jiDdE--.- inidlipty ay 'jo^on. :he ib-er lii.r-i lv k 'iyl;ilyi:l hy iHe i- 
HiHnHuer. -Il SP nSyi j i : ru : c !i n i'll I L' n. I hi- - 1 hj 1 1 ■ npcrjiior 1 . 1 . 1 1 - . 
unauLhMi'ifHp.l huts I a lo aocnsu secyrrcd dHIn. 

Shuv; [>lA[.nACFi .-i'kI Al.IJir 
'■'luiiufjeluTer: C lyV? I ) ' e | y.\'Lem:i Ine 
I 1 1 e. 'i : F'royei I . mli 

rfcone: frlKH 

Cytyl: Yi-Ai Ml 'Sy'iXi.OO reypeeii',^;. 

DeyEPlpdhPV I )l A I HACK pwieciA ihe '-.yv y.-i hy py.i j llpM'ine mis dinl-in ..-Ar- 
i(i n-nkcdi eeci ('d' r uyl 11 seppj (hetm Itelm e iln-y-L mi yyvn imempi io lep i "in i il-y- 
syyicm nnd yeypin -.hcri lo id eon re il'tA>'Clm. El ii user f.i R s.senie. y y-j d 
OI.M HACK in. | > 1 .- 1 1 HACK yy II H j i-d/iirAv'i. iSi line As ye.r<n r.i E SIA1 HACK 
reeoeniad. die ip cisle. ii ehh-ty a list . .1 - ullnorired ii-ee- mill 1 In.- r pliUlE" 
ninr ifis. Ikiiiih cp. ni tI enlK h)y‘k :hy ri.imhE r lisied Al 111: k:.i yyp-,niiy.i-;d 
■aiI lu-.i n- sreuriry .1 n-1 (livyimynldlion lo-ol. h Eillm. s ;,-i m |yi ery.rr ,i ctMispleie 
■i .Oil :r-3 •! nl the nens ii k > yf am 1 lensnini I nn die y. siym 

AnrlmrHe uni ihy LAF 

F ;1 Cl ’ 1 ■ ii 1 1 1 y— I i yiTrerl yhm ihe file A I i l l IOR 1/1 l-Xl - 1 i-onlij |^ f™^ ir 

Die f ST SI- S l-| y iruLTiiry. Ir nlmre.: iiIvKiii. e.. hyn en neesiv on, i d.i M’ll hue hb io 

find iy eillse, ... ihyrSYJiO.S VS l-X I - 1 ,-r |(nHW SYS l-XK . l„ ;,-i, -.y-i, Jf »u nre 
nmi-pradh.'tij. xynfmiv ia -Pi im -yy jr> w yjTi mye- il-.iy yirEylorey .in .1 
rr ri' -'iiii 1 "ily KYS I IAS : -E IS mI o h -\y li-.| -imilnr io pp.rni mir-; diE S I It fSV 
I I. I I ynifimnid. 'A 1 lien eseyiiiin^ |fmt yi.mn'bind or yi yy-d£ ihnr fils il>e 
ouipjn -.h-Miikl \ m i k IIau: 

1 simpmi: SSS'IFM flHrir SI STFM MxSF.Hl 

Arrinmi- \yvi KM I 11 ■ |MI.-7ryJ| 

Mt- 11(1 ll-KMIJ. 

I i(t(ieii IJc Hy S S S< i:cc - 1 ■ 

I'M.k'jll [P rrrlMM, |V, 0M1.H| 

I "(ii V hi- 
ll "or. -JiiK- M..i'. Tit- SA'vJ Mill I r. 

S r-.- )|U- 1 Ml 1 . 1 .' OirSyjn 

SnliKirh rp-r(l| H 31- 

I'RI-lo- -I H-s V I 11 - Til 4 +J I HKM -,.| jj 

HRIIM 11 PUS II M il DKH.M 12 

AhTt.M: ;e SVMIIKAU.I I Ft) U1IM 21 

Sij i vi- ;n yi-yyi m , v y,, RM | , M; L , 

1 OF I IV ’ll SIAHtp-T IH4 

Vl.tXKKHS- (1 11.1KA4 ( IJDHS: l 

( H Til imp 
i'i-f :. 4 .m or.'.: iiPKoi 

- 5 - IS 

Sarvw I A. in I- iP.-rs pyinn Si -re, 1 1 )ps> Vy r - m 1 1 nn'rl Mem. A. Iiunvniwn 

K>'tcir rM APSJ- Vi.- 1 -ikjii |. 

MfiiruEiyiurw Vlelkifl' I- rtviryir * Aysivnnk Iry 
t 'Mjuinn: I- 1-11 Oroye. 'A I 

PfHMif; id-Jd;, 7(4i K>m 
1 nn : > I i'd! W j-y i-.iHio c .3 o;-- 1 i-e . i -,-j : . 

nMHiffliMn; L 1 LS r^M OM^rdnK H \Cll V I in I'-yh ulloms sn^> 

■ 1 1 " ' 1 1 : M P '0 1 1 '.1 11 1 'I'ly’lu l‘ - . ] i- [io TI L I". I'l i- -j'l 1 1 1 it 1 il | ; I ; I r-.;; | ,J 1. 1 I n ci yi- 

T hipniy [ r 1 ; 1 h I e 1 -ild M APS pi-Aides lie 1 1 t'l'-l n K' TA I ivLi.'- '■ '■ >n ■. I 1 1 

. prliy.iyi(VO for .1 i il 1 1 1 rij-y ij u'ex sdih seeiYeiis. diyplns'y! nro ?.n. 1 ir mi K nl 
mmem:rY|y ihr-mipli i lo: \1 A FiS l'-ds -imiv <;irturcy hs ihe menu (yiniml 
-'-..ipe ni die y. - 1 y 1 1 1 monitor level 


Ii nl . - m-'r-i yeilfrifs Iy. li ny-' (if VMs v ere ini|ix-M-diiyil tHp 's slcm yyouhl 
r v pny oT ihe mi:‘i -e-iMy :,i n.iimrl . den more ■■/■i-iiy ihii | |<M Ift’VI -sijf-ni’ii- 
M 'yA-n's 'UL'h Jy y M ■ f Vf H. MVy TSl'J. DOS C 1 CS. ylL irre.chery.rt' inilii-y: 
'■hy U<E of ,’mIlIiI hi!i;il oyiRnnrC herurils [Vlfkiijj;' -y-yh ;|y ACF-.'' K.ACI TOP 
SEiCRTT. eie. I ■ ..h yp-iy Triirr. S- j i'l 4 im no V Ill.fCC! F'l'C diln'i i!-s lyd 
'iiwe the enn tif i hy opt-ii inc -uwir. Hot'll hsS r.'h ?,1 or i hnve am-L.i , i--. |Jui 
yvrtli l nn 10 mi it- :.i iy yontvrntii. .r's He feu ply e+(i e re theivoin hn-ii-.r I'nli 
lies rrii'ix* eIim'I h-i.ekyrs cun or n -y.il I'neni. i|-,.y will continue in k'n-y tliy:r 
■,'.T7.'iP. - . ipcn umynhod-ied hyfi". 

'.Vi.-.v 'i'l' I.'m r a2..i / 1 '.'", i.v ','Jv S 1 ,-.-:- ,-i r-. h-r i 



'd N 0 






, , 1 


i 0 



I lacker Zaps Computer Marquee 

Itja'riib I u' ,1 I h 

A hacker with a perverse sense ill humoi invaded an A niton a 
city computer :md posted a series ■::■ f >■. i :l r f i ■. i tvp? messages on 
the Mesa Amphitheater's electronic marquee. 

Among the notices,: "Welcome 2 Mess; Armpit of the t'SA" 
and "] ■rce Rhone Sex-ifol In wclI by& leiephone number}.” 

Hie phone Wir'ibc" wviS answered by ihe '.vile n: A i bona 
Rlttic ( r i i i i. ;i,' I’resident. 

One Mera employee said i lie a mph irlion i.er was “flooded w id: 
c m I Is" IV-om citizens after the unauthorised messages hersm 
appear iiiji between' 9 and 10 pm. The marquee is displaced 
prominent ly outside the facility, 

TTteiaclii^diieclor'cfflhe amphitheater said heshui down ihr 
si rrn 'aboill an hour after the bogus. messages began appearing. 

£ le s;i id someone using, a Compute r with a iglcplr nne modem 
apparently reprogra mined the sign, 

A compute i hacker who informed thcfiimelrc ol ihe caper 
wild the marquee program has a "vert low yecurihv 1'he 
hacker, who would not identify hineself. said he was not 
responsible foe ih$ sjibuluge. Be said w hoever had left I lie 
message pfol&ajily was “j uM d oi ng a I id le Eks ing " 

The amphitheater director continued Lhac a total hi eight 
messages were displayed, lie hiding: ‘'Nancy Reagan ITrttps 
Acid." ''Support Your l.ccal Clinic. "”Hi. Cindy! Pm i y’ " 

"Nuke the l SKR, v, aud “Iwix, D r ig.s.. a m I Roc's V ftbij " 

Soviets Denied Computer Access 

■ ailrr.nl ■ 'VJBIVE- 

1 he Defense l^ppriniCiil plfnix to prevent ihc rise o! super- 
computers ai A merit-dn uni virilities by si wdents add Soviet bloc 
vehola is iii a o effort to in in im he leu kagp of h igh Lech oology lo 
i"i m.'ign posse rs. 

Ihe plan. which has drawn (harp criticism from universities 
planning to install supei -compute ns, is seen Si :lw Defense 
Depart mem as u protective measure. pngvenung nol (Jnlylhe 
theft of supercomputer technology hut also the use of the 
computers by Soviet bloc nations in solve important technical 
p roblems that have id i reel m ! irary a pplica i ions. 

University olliciuls find ilu: Defense Depa Ament V attitude 
ui I ii i ivils.. They erinientf that Soviet scholu rs do not si udv in l he 

I I .S i o Men I technology a raJ that closing off university fac t it ics 
to cerlfiiu people dcsinoys ftisedoni of aetulemic inquiry. 

One univcTsify official even said that the plan eventually 
would turn university taeultics info "policemen of advanced 
technology.'' 1 

Who Called The Shuttle? 

'.CiiiBjiiBh rT Vi 1 1 b r rv 

10.1X10 people called Life space shut Lie C'kilkuger the day Li 
e xplcded .'Ihe well 1; now n "900" numhe r can a'ecom modate u p 
to 7 ,000 culls at a time. The line was initiated in I9S2. 1 .2 million 
calk were placed dm ihgibe course of .NASA missions. AT&T 
spolicsotii n R ick Bra ya II da inis that ii i s tin k nown hQw many of 
the callers were actually listening in when the space shuttle 
exploded 74 seconds afte r liftftfTf; 

. 1-19 

New Ways Of Stealing Data 

'■J'lM-i'r •*. Mjr-iA.r+.iH 

Ei is possible I'm someone outside a building in read do la 
displayed on the virk-n display tube fV])T) l>i'.i u-iminal or 
com pLitci . W V. i o Eft- k . a Netherlands Clot vriirnml A|s.nc. 
rests i e l w: r . sa id . 1 k' sand th is in a p:i per Ire gavr a i Svcoriaim Ny 
hi- h.l in Cannes. I 'ranee. 

Accounl - have appeared in the news of t he purpo i ted use sif 
this tceliri ii | nc io eompronv.'-e word processor displjiy's Inside 
the New Stofta nd Yard eomplea. Stories refer to a imuf carried 
run by members of a LilK '-'j'V news team Van f : ch.in I trndon 
I'm an Imerview nfter giving tlic paper'- was pi wed in fmnl tsl 
SSV Nsi reference wos mode in ihc isls:rt i in s id the hoi Id ing. olid 
no Cl-iiim was made l iai dam inside h s S V hod beer, 
eompnnm iscd . 

Ilsere have brvn repork thill Polish Govemrnc a i iniciljjience 
oyt'u i s ha ve u ^-d I his Lechn iqtie ro on I ten sensi i iv c oompulcr 
d a La i r. Wesi C icrmn ny. And i hei v ha ve been pc rsistent re pi)i i s 
for years Lliai SSA has dune suc'i muni to ring, involving 
com me re ,u I h us i i res s s i te ■■ as we II as o lies vv 1 1 li m i lii a i y 
inlell pence inieresi , 

Will EicCs pn'pcr os plained that e^clmmugnetic radiation 
given ul'I'hv a Vm mbnimr is unique id rhal device and is a 
fitXgii- ney ii; Ihc l 1 E i3 m rue. 1 1 m ppe.M i s i hat i pis sig r. 1 1 ftid iates 
under opt uvumi eondi lions from 2 1 lo I Jd ol a mile Irom iis 
source w) a- nil can be received a nd I rails lated into :l read a h lr 
ilispla 1 , 

A V.D'f a i the receiving sue rnusi he attached to n | unable 
a n I c n no . a n osc i ! So scope, a nd oi h c i en nun on I y a va i la h le 
c lets run ic gear. Van I ek is rcpnrrcd in have cheeked ihe 
material required agains-1 a eurreni Radio Ishai k eatiUOg a nd 
found ihal ii'- ihci' simplest foisn t ic neuessaev components 
would cost about VrD 

Renoried ly . I his gea^ ca n a Iso be tLicd i o monitor mes-oges 
possi r.g over ec rtu in types ed ea h! i u ila i enn oeei ci irnpm e rs i n 
modems and pi imem 

Computer Password Kept Secret 

■ .v nJ IS ■■ 

Disli iel of Coliimhio officials who need lo use n esimpmcr 
dint tracks nutsler tlnaneial aeeou nts lor the nation Veapijal a iv 
ou i of loL-k. Nn one knows the new computer password 

Li. si a s tTia n pn I hi- Alvin b r os,r . o d k-yeo r- o Id cu s !•. 
managcmeiitiiiuilysL.w tiositysEie ftirgrn whar ii h except rhal Lt 
Eins something re dowiLh the Dee'laration of Intlependence. 

Mi Fmsi s.iid ih'ii lie intentionally made the liii.1l- ion 
comp Ikatud to reiiiemher so iliat Iris Miperiors in ihe fill's 
Office of I : ini.n-ci. 1 1 M acingeniem wou Id hoi have access i o i he 

Me writl He L-hangfd iPecode'aflcrhc found [IilMI someone had 
entered i he system and mode a copy ol a Idler he had writ ten to 
Mayor Mnnon Barry accusing I'inanec officials of 
impiopi ieiies in the awjrdiug of financial seivk.es cifnlrads 

C ity offieda \ issued M r. F rose a le i ter t'f repi irna nd a lie i lie 
refused to give ihe city's assistant treasurer l he new p.isswmi.1 

M r. Frost said lie did nut iotfixl to : ,ng Vis brain Lo come up 
wlih the password. buL raided tbiii a thorough reading of Ihe 
Declaration -of Independence would probably remind him 


Dear Jffflft: 

Why -arc there different subscription rales for 


Dear C Inrpnratlon; 

frfetfilvj. wf twv fry ing to make 2 HXI available to anyone who 
wants if 1 7 r i> n leans that the si t b s Trip don p r too tn r sxf he low 
She 5 12 individual suhscripllari price harciy Covers l tie cost of 
printing, malting, j'lVi'ijru, t/m! other coxtx /fan are in voiced in 
producing a mc.viifdi pith! leu flow. On? Stdution is in charge 
more for show who fit he? ftave a lot of rnone v; wifi make tots of 
copies for their employees; place copies it; their library on 
public display; i>c stantf so gain ftnarroiaffy front reading 'lb 00 
I' rr.'i.i n 1 wita earn :> living heefing op ret urn f j. 

Although <b not copyright atir issue s, we wo via prefer 
fhat companies refrained from making ropier, ami regularly 
distributing tiicn\. We nr? Sold thus many do espeehtliv cert it in 
selei til r.i 1 te i (> n ;pa n ies . 

The amount w? eurrmth tharge for people who represent 
fru.sinev.yey is wither small compared to many other newsiersers 
and security publications which can aettailfy be in the hundreds 
of dt ilia rs an d n tat m ■ t if the sc are t) tta r t erf;, •or bi-mot ah 1 } \ 
htnafly, for those who hate not asked, she corporate 
subscribers receive the exact same edition of 2600 a$dpaH Other 

fiui. it ry different subscription rates is a solution tltar should 
not hin t anyone The higher priced subscriptions help us 
maintain the same sen te c for those who have less money- who 
a o • far gel vi he sa me p eop ie who r.iitetl te a me ft shit t at :p ca r in 
2 «Hj, ' 

Dear 2 tdM\ 

[ have trill wailing and a modem, sn many of :ny calls are 
disconnected by the ILtttc lane tliai ictsent thas tells you someone 
is wa icing on 1 lie I ins, 

What Ci'i n I Jo'!' 

Disserting Opinion 

Dear Dissenting : 

We would like to sy/'i'ipathiie, bus iir don V get nice sen-ties 
like call waiting kite. 

there are et few ways around ft. 

Yon can disohic the ea/i waiting, tf vou h toe ""elective ccsii- 
waidng ". You dud * 7 ft, then get a rone, and from this make your 
calf. 77 ?en the ml I w\ff txn be interrupted. 

ft 1 on eat; set the amount of time that the modem can be 
interrupsed fot it so disconnect , this may help if you hen e n 
.ii'Mt.'rr modem, hut the modem at the other end of your phone 
may hang ttp anyway. 

If 1 nit also i.wi -t- ( 0 ft to r n ard it ;g , . p . 01 > can forward y 01 tr euiis 
to another fine, ff you hies: two tines, yen tan send the calf to 
.1 'onrt kwj - 1 is r s Urn 1 . i;j vu don't, you can Jbrii ar dnsurca its 1 0 u 
it rets! test number, Vse one that gives an eternal busy situ mi. 

if you toe iVii'ir constantly annoy ed h r w wet we n ho knows 
he is inter; opting, then forward it to a rest number that gives 
st ten 1 ■£■■_ a sweep tarty, or ti pa rphone somewhere. Tine wir o> 
suive the prnhiem of being annoyed by u yii-t sis, tent insyrrupitr 
ts to eaf! forward ro she same number in a different area < ode 
1 L ^ 1 ere your tmmfter would not be vakd and it would elicit a 
di.Wtinriei ! met. •riling t he CailcT H Hi hear " The number sou 
Itare reached \ XA A'.-VA'.-V has been disconnected. " h V also 
if festive to tarn the tobies and i all fa tv aof u> another line in 
the Itantsser 's house, or peritafi t one of his relatives. He then 
Winds up harassing him seif 
IJeaT 2i>f)fh 

Save 1 a I ynjantago in upsiare New Voi k . I was a hie 10 tl iaJ 600. 
hangup and rny phone would ring. When 1 picked up there 

would be no one on the I me. ot eonis.e After some 
experimenting t loured Iliac E cnuld dial (iOri, ikkie n was 
hesween I and 9 and the phone would ring. for 601 

1 here was a. very short Ting and foe (>i>y r ,lieee was 0 very lung ring 
ant! the Lengths of the ringing would taiy he 1 ween 1 and h. 
Wh'a: wenc thctc numbers alt about; 1 Are there similar ways, Lo 
gel you i- phone I n ring now” (Aside inom cull ing up tlce opei ator 
and asking her Lo call took to lest Jlsc phone, A fun gag at any 
friendS house.} 


Dear DEAL: 

ft seems fhat this phenomena tx common You some limes 
find it in cross-bar swht'hes. ft was girrifuT^i'c used to test 

A : i>ur office, you ditd 2iD, d;en your last four digits uodiumy 
up the phone twice, and it wifi ring hack. If you answer n and 
riiwnr up t H'fo?i it will ring hack, again. . ad infinitum ft is not 
hard 10 fmd y our riaghaek if it is onh three digits. Just took in 
von r ph one hook and trv out aff the e xt hang cs tf ta; ore not t ts ed 
as s tarn ia rd ; th ouc-n r cm he rs and fr r t.h cm ft \ ’ot 1 do 0 V / Ira ivcnc 
ring-baek, you may find sttmc thing chc interesting, like an 
exchange that is dedicated to a company or to yout phone 


Whatever happened £0 the famed SiOC AgenL CJOT' !.)id lie go 
down wills Sheiwixx; l ? orest? 

VpHw- hoi publish all of BEDC-OOJ’s lllcs? 

Variuusi. Eooplc 

Dear People: 

dice Agent 003 is alive and u fie ha >. not been wished off 

>0 ijfii pc 1 1 iren t tary ant ■ whs r n r , > w r has heheer \ 'cured it ; to go ;ng 
underground as people often have, He ii- just itviirg his life like 
an mrhf cite and is doing other things . 

Concerning >he second aucs thm. we do not hate the room to 
i;rmt stii of his -Jilts, Sot one. Ahhitugh we have gotten 
permission in the fta <t to publish some of his writings, nv have 
not Stroked into the possibilil v of publishing them nil. 

Dear JitCfl; 

[>o you folks rtalize that from lime to time the phone 
members that you pub liib have ctnne from my FiT+fv? 

Seim Man 

Dcur Sean Man; 

She se numbers, sometimes conic foint a i lifts, but it is often 
hard (a figure out who found rhei'i-i iindjinaifykey cdihr-m m. ft 
is often hard us find out which UBS something mar have 
o r ig in a 1 ■ ed front ; , bee ause, as 1 v>ti know, go t >d info n 1 ;a t ion has a 
wfi r of spreading around. 

IVe appreciate aff you haw done far the phreaking industry 
f Readers, Sean Manx BBS, Pita te-$ ft ran he found at 

Dfiii 2 6W\ 

I have tried calling fifH^w^U'oAi . and I get someone who 
answers “Operator, what number are you call jug?" 1 The audio 
then cui.x i.u,n so they -cannot hear me. Whsii is ihisV 

A fntibwriber in Ea. 

D«ir Srtb; 

Ike 1 ric a the nun th et th t < tugit an t gs • taro r . an d si 1 e p la ced the 
eat! hut the audio ss\H inu cut off- fr v rn.Tii; -,i bar 1 on haveiterc 
ttt a special' fine ro tea . h some telephone company 's opera tors. 

Since A TS T ha ■, orrrr^r^ to Out off she audio on mm- 
tujten iscd (free', number it. you 'will tomes bars have trouble 
; ail, dig with terrain tes-r ajietatorx, 'fids has xtopjxel people 
from using the ttnstpiefvisetl baps that wo talked about last full. 
These alias 1 ed yuscple to caff (ft 'DH5 loops fisr pee anti nu-cs 

(continued on page f-24) 



(cmitkwd from page i -!7) 

Of piiuiLty t!u ring warti iiic a nckvar^me ud i vit kh. EkJO use of 
A. 0.0. a nd D is not so clear. ! hp last button f D) has 

an interesting property: on some of The directory assistance 
lines in the count ry, it will give you a pulsing dial lone. Yens ejm 
titCfl CjH vt command \ to wJial appears to tie a i est system for *A 

How to Use (Hr Silver lioa 

Cal! directory assist, tnet usipp noma I tones out of state 
I NFA-555-1 2121. Then switch c|irick.ty lo 1 63? In' . and press 
down Dn the 11 icy (which' you V vouverl-ed to 1 he l> TceyJ- [f you 
are on an old switchljcw |i.A), you will pet a pulsing dial lone. 
You will not receive a pulsing lone until the operator actually 
p icl; s .1 p on t'ac line . 1 f you hen r ringing, icep press! r.y,. The tone 
must be on itt the same time the operator gives heCbeep". This 
mat nly works with iijia I tnfonnistion operators. 

V ou ca n then sw ii eh Kick, to normal, and 1 ly d iali ng a if? a ml 
7. Alter lica ring Mil- puKing tone and switching to normal tones 
you can pr rs (i I r" a no! her person docs 1 he same i h in y, (sa pie 
a rca code of con f$e) atid presses 7 then you may get a Inop-li kc 
voice link, 

These eaUa tones are also said to work when using MCI and 
■Sprint and any other long d . si a iicl- services for phre-a it mg. H tlac 
sen 1 ice has a si s -d igir, jitsess code then you ca n simply cntoi i tic 
first three dibits and then enter an A rone far ihr Last three 
d ijiHs ] his acts as a w: Id card Lone mid cl it'r'ii nates i ho need to 
k now the last th rec tnaes. 1 n 1 his wa y, one tut n hack out codes al 
it Ihousand per code cure red, Wfc‘d like to know if anyone has 
it Cl ual ly done th is. 

If you have a line nn AUTO VON . you call anoihci 
AUTOVON nuitilK: by ifie same prtjoess as on die ptihiic 
sw i(cli«j ra i T o cat I a ny DCA oil ice on A ( , TOVON ynu din I 
It breaks dawn further in hierarchic fashion, so- 
222-x.x.xx is DC.A directorate, 222 -js.s.s.s is also for 
d i rectors . 1 comma isdt is of major purls erf DCA. etc... 

Tails into AUTOVON from outside use the area ende nf 1 lie 
desired; A V TOVON local ion plus pubLic access prclis plus 
same extension The cxctiaiuse gives you the appropriate 

At I ( At ) N va tc h center . i he a i. lis: local e si erision ( nsua llv Iasi 
5 dipits) i s the same as on A (.TOVON. Some (KumpiiCs: the 
Of" A [>i rector is called, on Al'TOVON hy 22 2-4'k) 1 8 . t'tiim 
outside by 2n2-A0?-UUr}i. Vice Dirrru-.f fc 222ffi6j6 
AUTOVON, n:id 2fJ2-fe>2-(KljMiOiv outside. 

Hero nrr some outside access numbers' 202-KS2 'flu 2 (l if ‘A 
Chief of Staff). 202-692-2(XW (Or 'A tJcne d Counsel i N)' 1 - 
f L X"A Chief Y. ,re.i nee , i. 202T92-6957 i fX'A I e lecom 
Rcpnlflinry Counsel). 2fl2-692-5?58 fDiredor, I M" A Ulannim: 
.■nil fivstem- Integration). 202 692-2^2" ((X A ("nn-.ptToLleri. 
202-69 2- 3 ?2K (DCA Commercial Communications I'nhcv 
Officel. 202-692-60Q7 (Director. DCA Dcna Nvclems Support 
Center), 202-695-2222 (ADP Technical Supper! OlhVi- for 
abrniek 202"ft i J'5-J19't}t (Computer Services nil ico m aHdvel. 
( rider the Defense CrnritnunteaLtons Sysicnv-, tjrgani/ation 
of ices: 2 0 2 - 6 9 2'- 9 0 4 fc f D i r e c t n i i . 202-692-2099 
iN( S DCAOC). 202-692 -982 1 (FLms arid Urograms office), 
2 0 ) - 69 2 - 0 0 6 7 ( R ; L i e 1 1 i • e C o m r.i u n i c a i £> ri ■- N ■. t c in 
ma nagement 1 . 202-692 74^ 5 ( Swildicd Sysienisin L inager>. 202- 
692- < Kitl , )fTerrcs!i uil T ransmissionand Systems Control!. 20.' 
437 -24 14 1 r X f <: ri or Com mu nieai im-s I ng i nee r i ng Ten te i ) 

1 Judin Crunmarsd a ad ronnnl Systems ofllces: 202 h v2-f 7il7 
■I 1 ii resitor). 2)2-692-5 1 '4 ( Lli recto r A dr ancdil I lev elopmen 1 1 . 
202-695-25 5ii j I nformat ion Systems E rig : neering k 2(12-(v-3 1 
silk (National frojeets LH rector k 2ft2-K)5-D2|i r Comma id 
Ccntci F 1 1 ji i n e e ■ i n u 1 . 20 2 4 '• 7 - 2 7 0 2 (Director. 
Communications 1-ngipeeriug). DFCCO olfees: AI«-25647S4 
I'Commimdcr i 6IH-256-5407 r Office of Aet|uis.[.nn Polievl. 
6 1 8-256-4527 (Com ptrn' Id ). 

The ATI QVON directory is one of the higgesr Catling I lie 
7X>2 N PA a nd j ilm hack ing a umhei s on A l T OV'ON exchanges 
can he hmh fun ard rewarding foi ihe daring! Remember 
though n Ti 1 , of Ihese people e;m cause y ou grief if (o'u gel 

sei'iftiis a hdut lui rassi ng or f rit n lou ' tiLl Is to the sa life ii iamher. 

so- take 1 , 1.1 re ! 

(■,i;Vrv#( /hank to Tiger Pi j a - SSI. > 


([SSN ()749-3ii5]} 

Editor and Publisher 
TwLinly Si>: Mund-nd 

Assopint-fi tdilors 
Erie Carlfiy 
David Rudermun 

EKaeutiv^- Dirrsrtcir 
Helen Victory 

J)BS Operator 
Tdin Blieli 

Wiitars: Paul bslcv, Mr French, Emmanuel Gnldsrmn 
Chre-ier HalnviS, Toe Kid A Company, bard Ptmsflker, IViikn 
Safarrlu, Thp Shaiftiw, Silrynt Switchman, and the usaiar 
anenvn'.( 3 i 15 bunch. 

.wa " ma-^aiv s»i i **< \„ l i WWAt .. i , v 

S\S, .u SI rr,( ^l,-i iciri rail's h;. mn.ru.i ty, wlPU , Jlf ^^| 

Z 1:l£ ™n,r SH^SrtilVo^ 

"1- '■i '■ 1 1 - m" ■J**' si tut- l, tf ™c k w r, L t, 

■HAK I ( |l |.( kS IWrAIII f TQ-. Mt - 1 riH.fr &■,. Irj.. 

wkiii io -frVi i'(i. r,-.. tv- kfaiL i j i a kv | ivj.Lr.T- 
'tiT!r>iiisi.oir.|i 5 .jiai ans .->ln 

PHnair I ^st- F 0. h.y. IK Uu-Jr rUkT sr ihiuio 
F sunMiSSim AM J 1 mTRS: as>. WiL ». HUd* riv ini] aws 

• i.r'l ffl«r I I h % |> l^mrik' TfJll 

II/, 1 , 1 U \ H. : / r h iVj i n ,-i", I,- ii - , i' ,,.v,v i'-, vl T /iuitivT 

1 1 1 .Vi i r ,'r,-.i i v.v.Ih- ,M.WI K 


This month at 2600 

I t was a I jvely month al the 2600 office. W itlt lire news of The 
Private Sector’s, return, all kinds of characters wree 
rcenre i ping WcYc been get ling. calls from all uwr the 
world abo-i.il whaiwnsl POw be one £>fl be must famous IJUS’-; in 
history. Ocr-asiana lly . we gel a call that marc?; off innocently 
enough, wit h someone ask ing lire a lvi lfi I a nest iim ("T [ n ■-■f you 
heard anythi r.e. abend The Pi ivalv See ieiP v ") . a nd i hen it Ur r we 
a nswer them, we reali/e there Are abiuii two d rven other people 
on Lhe line. representing. all different walks of lile and 

nationalities Wo spent a pood pan of the lust monlb going 

after Iwn organisations that -seem Lo have betrayed us: 
Coprptiivf a rid (bmpuwm. As mcntibned i n a letter to us in 
our febmary IVKifr ismsc. Campuiet has been atlvei : i-.i ng chei i 
"backer" publication extensively in iriarivdiffeTenl mii.eay.ine?,. 
reosi leiKrUly in lhe February issue of f amily Cmtijxititig. In 
spite of < 1 1' ti f th is advert islng. has yd i a deliver a 

single i^-stie to anyone that has been in contact with ns. We are 
closing in cm them and should have same concrete Answers by 
April. II youYe been victim Red,’ either as muelKwiderieriis you 
can. Lnc I u ding ad vc r t i sc rn cats. ca n ee 1 1 eJ cheeks, 
correspondence, anything mid send it tot Postal Inspector. P.O. 
Rnv 2000, Pjitsadena; CA 9 1 102-2000 . Attention : Fraud. WcVt 
I ike to k now how many pea pie were vict imbed . so please w ri !e 
Lo us or Call .... As fa t as. C iim puservv: goes, we shou Id have 
listened to many sdjKgicvtio'ns ii mi never even bothered to. get 
involved with tl^rp But wlren Someone in lhe at I ice hough: a 
new modem . i aside was a neat I itl le package that i rretuded some: 
fret Lime On CompuServe! OK. free lime is always nice, so we 
figured we'd take a look. We used the rempen atv itl and 
password supplied wilh llsc package, logged in. answered all 
kinds, ai questions concerning credit references, etc. before 
bci net Allowed into! he syMem By the lime we got in. we were so 
fed ii p wii h d ela is and second-rate a ppea ranees slia i we a 1 1 1 ook 
a solemn vow never lo call hack And wehavieoi. A week Inter, 
we received out permanent id and password in an unsealed 
envelope- the post office had even stumped "Received 
Unwilled" an il. We lauglred, We even tried to tell them. I hey 
pul ns on musical hold for over ten minulesand wc heard some 
really good times, bul then we got bored and decided not to 
hoi her. Then one day L'Yemiinnel t icvldslein got his Visa bill and 

guess wliiil'f CompuServe was chaining us a monthly fee! si 
seems i ha 1 1 he free hou r of t imp you gel is not wi i h C ompnverv e 
hoi wilh something called the £’nm puserve Enecutive system 
and il you go Ihrrmgb the manual l hey hand ant. you 

will find On one poge in very Sine print that there is indeed a 
nmnlhly minimum lor that pailicdar sgrv ire, N o where ebedo 
they bother to point ibis out! Need less to sav. we fired off some 
ivngn,' correspondcnoc and wt hope Onteffgdin lo see msttcc 
servetl . I "he last tee Iresird. 1 hey had agreed i ti cred it out account 
for 1 he amou at we were cha r l'.l-s.J Creft l We told l hem to ca nee I 
our account . Somewhere in Corn pusWr vela nd. there is a 
ea i seel loci A^ei-icoi.int wi I h a cred it We 'll kcr p y on u^tared on 
llrCse clown's. In lhe meantime, beware of those "free hour" 
packets, particularly when die wa vV.es offering them have a had 
reputation,. .Tetrpub IWwus held in New York on March h 
and was ul lerided by about two dose n peop le The future of 
TAP. lire old phone phrerik newsletter sureied in lire early 
seven I ies . vvas dec ided. It has none. Cheshire Cautlyst. iislriil 
ed i lor. offie iafly decla red TA P deaLl A ml said i Kji i. any other 
tnnjsij/tiiK calling, itself TA P shouldn't he taken seriously. We're 
compelled ra agree, h.n while the lime lor TA P may be dnae. 
there Are many other miigtmnes that could be starred with a 
little initiative. We hope to hear more On Ihis in lhe 

future 3ilijd will hold a mceiing in New York City. E lie date 

and site will Ire aunouneud in onr April lssuc. Other nKeliu.es 
wall !ac hehl in ihe fuiure in cdher places. Call :ls if you’re 
intfieMnd : p edgani/injr one.. . .Vv'c’sc been getting calls from 
England from phone phreaks there who want loop numbers in 
tine U .S . I hey wa nt to meet people, rhe-y ci v S' h ostHl m iraele 
of Che month: a cnii pic of an m fk; s were- profiled in a not he r 
magay inc. They were dfifKri bed a s I ivi ng in a big. ha tie red house 
a long a worded roust line in a pa rtieu lar towai. \o< i(!rer a dtl tv <s 
for edWJ was given One day I hex rccr ivetl a letter ask ing a bout 
snbsrviptions wilh ilicir uamrs- on Lop are! " A Big. Battened 
H ouse Along a Wooded Coa si I inc " p lus their town as 1 he on ly 
address. Nrucveri a. rip code! We. were amarexl Ilia: snmrnire 
would acLLia’Ivdij this and the posLollicc wou ld acrually rk-liv-rT 
i I . Wo made re rlenn tha t this request was filled wi i h fc i r: ; i spi.vd 
Am,! last werk. our letter came hack to its: "Rot urn to Sender 
Atlernpted. Nol Known.’Tl 

2013664431— call it! 

I he I Tiv-nte Nectoi RHN is h;wk a nd baek onl ine. 

I he bul lei in boa i . I wa s saved Iasi J uly in a fruit less i a id by 
various agciiu rnainly 1 he government of V3 idrtlcses County. 
Newfcrscy. WEihin days the American Civil 1 iht-rl.ies Un on 
agrecul io defend lorn Blich. lhe syv>p A cry vwis hevred 
throughout the phreak ing and hacking work I, hocauM! till those 
who culled She Bn vale Sector knew Li ncwir eontitirwd any 
corup-rim sing information. ARer otitrfifyMUK allegations that 
cneutLoned controlling satellites and ttfler si* months, lhe 
ITivate Sector was selbedukd to be returned on Kebruary ib, 
prtv/ided thal R'.ieh plratl guilty too token oflense. He pleutled 
gu ilty to possession of a burglary tool a srm 1 1 luisif program 
wfiltcn fni Applee^il modems. 

_7 1 via te . nc' e 1 . idenee of any i I le r g:.i I act : vi l y hos been traced to 
1 onf, hut has any company or euiily ever filed a conrip'ainl 
againsi him or Lhe Bn, vale Seetoi. 

.1 usi a few days before he wa s io got bis computer hack . the 

M rdd Icsert Conn l y am huri Lies told h irn ttiu , uiev were sorry hi it 
they blew upliis hard disk controtlcr card This meant tlrat they 
enukl n l.s i delete lhe questionable programs. R also meant that 
they could not return his equipment. 

J'inally. someone realivwJ that wlren a jiidge says ihat 
aulbontrcs must give Ej^ck a c-ompuler, ibrv must, sa tire 
computer was returned. Ttmi Was told in have the controller 
card fixed and to .send Middlesex County the hill, an 
uncommon occurrence when it comes ti> damaged .cvlrtcnoc 
W hen be docs ha w i i fi ^ed , he's su ppored to cal I ti p M ii Idle sex 
and ask someone Lo come oyer to hts home a m l dulelc the 
quest it'ma hie files from h is hi rd disk. 

With the hud disk temporarily out of commission, rhe 
Brivatc Sector is running on two lloppios. but the magic is s'i I 
there It can l.re reached at 201 ,16344 J r at 200. or 1300 baud. 

I ype N E W to get a n necou nt . The soft wa re is a li Ltlc di I f e i cm 
I or the moment I om as not su re ; usi hyw I he board wi 13 be run 
Y ou r Miggcre ions are needed . 



Sate 11 ito Jammers Jammed 

I r ■ . . j i 1 r ■ ,■ V. ,, L 

T:*il- FCC perceiving ;i tltrenl lft flic operations of domestic 
sate Pile systems njctniiy ivwied a warning lliat any attempt In 
jum satellite signals could result in fines as !■! i^Hi m ’■■ SrO.pftO, 
pi i^n-n terms as long as a yea r. or both . 

A few a nt, ft ow iicn- of backward earth stations have 
advocated ii ftnir'i of sjjijoe vaiLdalisrn since H owe E3os Office 
ard others begun scTd mbli ng (be pnograrrururig l hey send by 
siiSelhte lo cable TV systems. Thih iciuinnrt catering to tlish- 
owucts have printed the : r let lets n'lmt. wiili other 
correspondence describing how to jinn viidlin- rip rials. I.yr 
modifying hock van! dishes. I 'CO field Operations Bureau 
c np. inner rivs iks Magm said during a press briefing 

“ 1 1 N it we 1 1 \ ni ,i tv i h hi ci Via tin sa id . tlu L sate! I ,ies are L 't|u ilc 

vulnerable” lo interference. Thu vu'n h'lliiv “is soineihirip 

1 him lie user of the communKacions sated ite has to consider 
he said 

Abu u i n third oft he transponders now in operation are used 
for i.- ii |en a nd mosi non- 1 , iden tra Hie is pro lor red hy back -up 


,l Wij have me a ns i.i 1 dr ige 1 1 iig si lurocs ol inicrfcic nee. ' Mag in 
said, but conceded, “UN u re difficult " 

| Readers, we would I: ke to V now how to in n > sa te II iles | 

TA$ News Service 

I .■\f*K | v I ij r-.M .nJ ’■I -i .ri'ii 

The Soviet news agency. IASS, fas si lire d un iigrcenrtni 
'.villi ibe Edeetronle RublUhitvg Division of fhalasolvu T nl. io 
add is:-- ,11 j JliOf-j word Lnglish language news-wi re to ( hstasi i Ivc ■, 
compulcriycd news service 1 he service. “World Repoi-iur” 1 , is 
used in eve i 30 eounl l ies a round the world . 

W it h I .ASS w i n Id Refioi icr wi I he c s ie nc! i np ilx broad 
range of aulhorelative international news a i;hJ inmnsini from 
sueli sources as the Was-hi nu l on Rosi . Assoc fated Press 1 a pa n 's 
As ;.i Ei i K L tv s Si: i v ice a nd c he 13 E3( ' S n m ma ry of Wo r Id 
ftroadrusis . i n addition to the financial T imes and other major 

Soviet Computer Update 

Jv«i . v,". m t m H .v, . ■ ■ i • 

The Soviets are booking personal cemipuiebs logeihn with 
mainframes In enlLee: and process social scierae docomrnis 
accord in. a 10 i hr Si n. :l:i newspaper Pm vria . 

I he t'SKR Acndemv of Sciences Irist.tuie Of Sekalilie 
I n formal Kin in the Soria I Stic itces (INI OK | and the All f n ion 
See nti lie Research Invlilute of Applied Ausomal loti ol the 
SltiLe Co mm is toe for Science pad Tech n n I n e ,y which is 
eon ik etc d to foreign L'-iM If Inc infCnwatlnn tranks seems lo be 
running this network. It started during ihe IQS! SS five year 
plan. Over MCH3 collectives ant* individual subscribes in 
van i.vj s ci tics ran access over oOH.CKlO docunKnls. Lbla moves 
through low ’'psied usynchTtmtum ninik ins oter icleura.oh and 
telephone 'ir.es. '5 he plan for the cuTreni five year plan calls for 
1 N IOK a r.d the oLhe r 1 nsi ■ tuio i o hi i ng inure llw 1 30 la ige c it ies 
nl' the RS E SR i Russia n Repu hi ic of f. SS R 1 i nro i he net wo rk . 
During this tive year plan, the database will giow by 23UJKK3 
doeumcn1s,ayicar. lu four waTSIhisneL work might have lens nf 
1 1' (uisa ntk of users in the USMR and other counlnes. 

] fere is a inw challenge for .American hackers m gel inlo 

V. Vinogradov, academician: and a possible Item! nf I MON 
jix! V. K hisa m ntd inov. candidate of physitsi-mathcniaiies. 


wrote the article which appva red in i 3 fa r yda of Dec. 0. WRf 
tint! th IS article Conn.: out m nil Airier ii~sti nfwsplfpfl 1 1 a oil'd 
luit e told us 1 hr name o( i he sctvicc m ii-Ei us Nl-XIJc i lie p-icvs 
and a number lo call lo sign up. 

| Whenever something becomes irriporlant n Hie f SSK. n 
resol ies i I sell inlO ;m aCi'oiAill. PClAOlial computer IlOW .s 
1 h [■ V Rt w h ic h vl a n d s f o r pc r so ri n I n :i s ;s i: 1 1: k I r n ri u:i v ;i 
bychi htelnaya machina I he main nelwork ol ihe t SSR 
Academy ol Sciences is know as a Vademsel I academy 
network!, accord me lo lire artjek.] 

Dial The Yellow Pages 

I S-l I Vj" 

K'vnes knmeliod Heltn Veilfs due lust ic-o ■. .1 npemioi- 
assisted Yellow Rages. 

A a vo lie in the lest area AShanv. Nc henectad t and I row 
New V or k ea n cal I Vm 2222d00 toll-free nnd . Tor e sam pie. ic II 

1 he opetiiU'n i lav re rioliinp fora lanaing salon near main 
siret't. flic i!|vr:iiii" will seureh i lie earn putci arid und the 
|isi i ngs tEioi hf'i malt bvonr tlcsci iptiaiL. V iiu meEuUitcd to two 
numbe rs pe T ca II 

turrenlly. Ncrass is cu laving all Veltnw Ragr lisiirigs forifie 
I est ;i rea at no ch:i rge . but soon husi nesres will Inn c lo p;iy’ui hi 

f l Ens number can hr culled frnpn anywhere in New YcuS 
Si ;i Le. 1 

N o ii b em r Fo l Jes troy < JOs 

•I - ■ liVilk.i'Ji r- f' ■ I' 

Neirtheri) Telecom is developing a non-pub Ik Ldcphonc 
a ci work ihol will lei the manufacturer lest and break 
(aiuipirioni lirforc inlroilucing ihe geitr for public use 

I he rml I ion “ca pi h- r uei hi i i k pi les mi hi it i ii lair Vf. 1 1 cli 
and wilt eventually let Northern 'lelemm pwlt ccrilni.l -office 
a m l i Crt iljic wstents to a test capac ity ol C^Ifi 3X1(1 caLls-per-h ou r 
“Wr II be i hi c io tesi to d esc ruei iii-n.'’ said cciintpany 
spokesman Tom El ill. "Wc can pm a piece of hardware !a there 
und oivrlwul il a in 1 1 ivc i 1 iai I i i ituciL it breaks. Then we T .l take it 
sport inid figure mil win ii broke." 

I lie cOrnisui'.' said n pi imary are I nr Lhe ca perre ivi-twcrx w .11 
be exponmeius. conducted in cnriitinetu'Mi naih Niinliefn 
le jcumi N telco custoiuerv . to test luk'g.raied Services ENgiml 
Netw o i k | lb DN 1 a ppl icm ions. 

Nor) hjt'fn ra Is life lallCsi tttOi nCl wtl i k EAST 1 0 f 1 iSl 
Apphrirtinri Svskni Testing. F AST will lie L\:u.ppOt! With 0 
DM S- 1 (Ml 3i.HI l 1 1 1 1 a l offion swiiehinp system and |Kt;ipher;il 

It will hr able th'siiiujlsiic ii'losl oftEie lia bjtvare u nd soilware 
configd nifinns and imffie ksuls ri'jenuiueresl itiacidal network 
use . 

There Are More Phones Than hver 

■i-.mi l Ini I 1 i -v 

[ >r spi.i e rising cosis for basic tcleplione service, fnorc 
titmse holds lbiin ever lu-fmc luivc a |ibtsue. Lbe l-'CC 


I be 4 I b pin i L-nl 1 ipi.i i r is 1 hr h iplir -- 1 r ■. ei rCeortlcd . A I'.i 'thei 

2 percent base a phone availably in ;i Ivdlwai nr somewhere 
nearby w here Ibc Id ra lly can receive a cult. 

Thnr is a phone iad7. 1 percent of Ihe houses and apart rumts 
; .n Ctinned inil higlnisi i n i lie rial ion a nd H I percent ol the 
the unit s in M ivsjssippi the hiwest 

2600 WANTS YOU! 

JairVEheSLafl or LI.WX 1 lr I>. ■E.miplii 
Jail compile Oilv "ufonnolion YOU Jifiws so- ri is cyisi ly 
ui>dereLandabte and send mo us Wo nocept hardcopy sod upload*. 
We w II also aecwfH information an floppies — call us if you wish to 
da that. 

Wo nijod' 

4 Interesting I me s-lmes 

V Analysis pf r*TOj logij.Lnfion 


{eonUmtetl from page 3-20) 

eaeh other from anywhere hi the wwki. 

Jt f,v jumibie shat this #00 nvmfrer f.t one nf ih*> ■■'■ mmheis 
vt‘fiere far audio r.vr.i- off as n ran/i of A T& T'.-i hantfmork ■ 
re | <yu caU6 j '2423 1 0PP whit It h c arc ft *id H ms. <uy vm iW. an 
open aittf i it'li answer. if <■<>.•./ remain quiff, then ->>< r is likely to 
pat a recording on the fate fftaf explain.* how you mm.- have 
front. lie talking. wish .yweial pjxratory. 

Hear Renders: 

ifu I'ljr; month ’s ittwy tlileri ’’ft rtwW top/ten to you . dw 
ir /ft 1 liable happened fVc m iseef Perron A up with Person iiami 
;he fast rM'Li paragraphs their roles- ui'ci 1 ffwi? d. Were 
ferrihfy j tart r about this and v.e 're opt imfsttc about (he chant ex 
of ncycr toppening again . 

Reeert tly. perhflpt. ana resufl of that xiory. nv haw heard liwt 
A might be getting hit phone hack < tnd that Xew York 
Tckfthotte .tecurii f rnti v nciunlii .'(art {relieving A 'v story — 
erpecioflv after the error message on A !r old fine wax changed 
i'll- yjirreoiv; (ft .tTi ta!h (T re fret ng taken at (he home phone 
ri umber of the head of telco wcuriiyt 
We veil! feep yon informed on this one. 

O CM ‘fart LHfj SFVtpr in KYtHiiSf n:un e-ul. 

!>3>1 1 , 1 f'i f :L !■; n 1T< ' .■ k I .-■ F,' 1 1- 1 1 ih I M rj- ^ 1 1 t i'i rft:? :-d !! 

ft h «ti! rt nsul (' n H:< t Ei M i*l? >■ mi« kt ■ ■iXqtittit foe «v ffiS 

i Lv-ul )•>*. jhw 

We woitfd like: 

■ Legitimate ;r.:rt:.';x Co varimtx computer networks 

□ You to can tin or to xemi your cammrtots ami n v/vstianx 
3 f'lj-jj' to cfwiiinije to fend etippimjf Irnm frtntt puprnt errti 


□ You to keep w; inf Qtnte.ci 

Tfiirlfia ',v8 Oi-uW alvs'fiw uao . 
tr S- 1 [SJ tisi equito'em 

-k Pi infers, torpulers, lelepl tunes, and i(\Lera 61 ifig -oevICOS 

<( k-l 1ij iv/W an {Itlide or tfoto. ptoaso (OpoOSt a Oy-iinr o.rOi- ri-.Wj- we 
vflit 00^ LV'ir'ir -0 r i f . 

it y oo sotxt pi nan tipaie. pto&so moke sore A is m t s tokm Wd no 

oof ros.i 'r |Our l r L-'- jlI i'ei\ 

We now have bripf'iE red 1 Cay G hjv,' sEirkeis f-er sour lecal 
i:yv::l iftfies. I' yi^-i waiYl 1 o lie'p dislribole Llien'r, OC*i"ac ,1 cis-l 
T ifrally ir yau ran: nr a collcrijf:, plmsr Im us kro^c nnd wr wifi rvand 
■foo a pi.'alir.rtvkn. -srr^ioii rrvn, huilp us roarh roNn-r]n sri^orus. on 
sour Isinepus PlfOSC loll uSObOUt VOul CollC'flO IhOWV tK(| il ri 
span.-ili'icf,, eic J If we fiOl a oew SlAiSCi phL'n Irufn voui Carniius, 
rhn fir?[ SlJ dOOS lu>Ou' 

All conEfibUlOra. please send vsjur nifis to: 2600 . P.O. Qpk fJD, 
Middle I stand. NY 1 1 D 53 -C 0 D 9 . or rail 516761 . 2600 . 

t=fy Hrkckorr; 

FCrf Ha'-kurtt 


Fuhllihiil mu h[-:a 51 Jm .]i 
anAppli Cutifte - 

I floes a y¥ if. 




Si, Liviifit Now! 

IfJEki Icr I 1 -1*1 r 3uEl£rl|£ai 
Wt SOOT LEGGHn, 1 C 30 Hiji ffgid, 
CMI JurUlui. Dnpir- 97i£S. 

Ohiisiie Suljc.lfimn Jrifl 
Ciiidin tSfl If.i CeriVUI. 

Fuhuj noti. * ujEiiieu 

Cau scan i s ii , jn:. i ^ i r-ue i 


ScCufiiy, Priviicy, Police 
Surveillance, Cou(UcncP&SLL«& h TeEpSione 


Plans, Scerei Repoils. Forbidden Krtowlcdge 


SUM t> JJiY.mi M 1 H t A fttli: C .4 T.A I Of} A SD Ofitf Yf.A h UfPA JUS 


PhilillOrtE Cummuns 
Z 7 K L J Philmnm Avenue Suite WIGHT 
I luutijigdon Valley, PA l 9 lXto 
