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OCTOBER, 1986 

Death of a Pay Phone 

f Yes, this h <w article on haw to ftallyjfoiti up a pay pfidm. We 
want tv make it vieu,- that wc disapprove of people 
manhandling helpless electronic Iteingi. But we also felt this 
art i<\!> would hi ■ of mierext to those ettrlovs about ho w she 
devices work. /fit Bor 7 at 1 1 natty know If this information will 
iL-ÂŁiri[ r hut well tw>: that for you to ifeehie. We hope this eats 
alst? he uv/ul to our friends m various, itttrtFigence agencies, 
who may want to include It in pamphlets or how to mess up 
vatlvus countries we h- not getting a forty, with at the moment. 
You have our furmission, rays.) 

by MAD! 

The following articlt; Mot AT&Tand O'! li payphones from 
l L >:2-l')!’:r'. Some tiling are different on GTF phones, so 
addilions an.* includ ed for iherr.. 

The Coin Slot 

J ''or cveiy coi n you put in i phone , a series or' rones, are made. 
Alter you pm 1 he coins in die slut, they pass through a totalizer 
which counts them and I hen deposits them in a hopper, To 
Ctriply out die hopper, all you have CO do is activate die coin 
relay. Payphones sometimes hold SlDOoi more. To activate (he 
relay, place a nickel in 1 he phone, SHek a magnet lip (he coin 
slot ahont five inches. Now remove the front ptmel of the 
phone You will sec a series of wires, Qd Ihe red umd green ones. 
N\nv in the front of I he panel you will see three screws, Touch 

the green wi re to the Third SCiftw and have a hat read y„ because a 
lot of change is going to COme flooding nut. Esri'l this fun'? 

Free Credits 

If you have longdistance friends, then Lhis part yon ’ll enjoy. 
One of the cheap things about pay phones is tlial they depend 
on i n-band sigtui ling to i nd icate wha I coins you have i use tied . 
The operator can tell whether or not you have actually inserted 
any money, but now how much . After you insert Lhe in itiaS coin , 
you cm d uplicate the tones for the rest oL the cha rge wi I h a red 
box. We want (o show ym how to doit wi thout tl« use of li box . 
For this you will need a sel of screw-drive rs, both philips and 
flat head. 

Open lie front panel of the phone and cut the red and green 
wires, lake the cover off lhe lop of the phono and insert a 
ntele’. You should hear nothing Find a preen wine coming 
from ihe coin s!oi down to ihe hopper. Disconnect that wire. 
N ow take off i he case and you wi 1 1 sto a tuna 1 1 switch . M nve lhe 
switch This sets lhe totalizer backwards by one. Now pui 'hr 
hopper cover hack mi and reconnect the wire. Go buck to the 
front pane!. Keel to rlvc right of Che two screws You should feel 
four jumpers, One of the jumpers should be disconnected 
Reconnect it. Now cut the lop jumper. You should hen r a loud 
pop. Nexl. touch the green wire to lhe second screw. You will 
feontinunl ott page 3-74) 


by The Deagyn 

lhe Phone Company will go (0 cMremes on occasion. In 
laet. unless you res I ly know wha t tOe-apecl front them, they wilt 
surprise ills heck out of you with their "unpublished tarriffsT 
Recently, a situation was brought to my aitention Lhal up till 
■ficn 1 had hern Lhially unaware of, least to mention, had any 
Cone era about. It involved garbage! The Phone Company will 
gn as fa r as 1o prosecute an yOne who rummages through thei r 
gmbupe and helps himself to some. 

Of course, they have (heir reasons for Ibis, and no doubt 
benefit from such action. Ru1„ why should they be so picky 
abnut garbage? The answer soon became clear tn me: [ho*;: 
huge trie la I bins are filled up with mnre than waste, old food, 
and refuse. Although ir is Pacific Telephone police to recycle 
paper wade products, sometimes employees do overtook this 
acred operation when sorting the garbage. Thus top-secret 
print! dent ial Phone Com puny records go tn the garbage bins 
iusleiid of the paper shredders. Since it is wittlfintly being 
updated with "‱company memorandums' 1 , and supplied with 
extensive reference material, the Rhone Company must 
CCnbl.i.iHially dii-pose of the outdated materials. Some phone 
companies are supplied each year with Ibe complete “‘System 
Practices” guide, 'll i is. publication is an over -40 -foot -long 
library of reference material about eve tytl ling, to do with 
telephones. As the new edition arrives, Ctich year. Ibe old version 
of "System Practices’ 1 must ulso be thrown out. 

I very quickly figured oul where SOUkS Local phone phreaks 
were getting their uialerial They Crawl inlo the garbage bins 
and remove se'lecled items that are of particular interest to them 
tmd their fellow phreaksi One phone pbreak in the F- 03 Angslev 
area has salvaged (he complete 1972 cdiliofi of^Bell System 
Practices”. ft is so targe And was oul of order (the hinders bad 

been removed) that it tnok him Over a year to sort it out and 
create enough shelving for it in Ins garage. 

Much of this "Top Secret 1 ?, informal ion is vo secret that most 
phone companies have nu idea what is In their I! lev. Tltcy IsavC 
their hands full sitnpLy replacing eve rylblng. each rimea change 
in wording requires a new revision li see; ns 1 hey waste more 
paper than they can read! 

It took quilc a while for the Hollywood. California traffic 
manage i U> figure out how all of the local photic phreaks 
Constantly discovered the swi reh room test numbers. Whenever 
someone warded tu use the testboaid, they found the Local 
phune phreaks on the fines (diking to points alL over, the world 
It got to the point where She local garbage huff's knew more 
about ihe office opera lion* than the employees, themselves, Oire 
pbreak w-ent so far as to ca II and i c II a :-.wi tc bman what hi s next 
daily Lisstgnment would be This, however, proved tn he too 
much .'lhe switchℱ n traced lhe cal I and one phone phreuk was 
denied ihe tool of his tntde. 

In another rather humorous incident, a fellow phreak was 
rummaging ihtuugh the trash bin when he fumed someone 
approaching. He pressed up against lhe side of the bin and 
silently waited Tot lhe goodies to enme. You can imagine his 
surprise when Ihe garbage from the lunchroom landed on his 

Most people find evenings best for checking out their local 
tqlco trash piles. The only thing necessary is, a flash light and . in 
lhe kim; mentioned above, possibly a raincoat. A word of 
warning, though, before you rush out and dive into Ihe Leash 
heap. It is proba hly illegal, hut nn rnalicr where you live., you 
certainly wntit get tlss local policeman to hold your fifed) Light 
for you. 

3 - 7 * 

Death of a Pay Phone (fQn firmed' 'from paf;p 73 J 

licar- the sound ni rwenly-flvc reals being inserted. Y cm now 
h«ve 30 cans Credit. Repea L as many .times ns you need. Then 
recoorLCmbe preen wire und dial your number. GTE notes: The 
green wire will be White; the red one will.be blue; the totalizer it 
lut.ii ted at Hit bottom of tlic front panel . 

How to Open u Ray pi i c>ji ij- 

An A I. Vi ti Lie Lie II payphone is a heavily armored device. It is 
designed to withstand attempted iheftand damage. As shown 
above, we don't need to tret through all the armor to phrv&k it. 
All we need to do is fit- [ lo she w i ri ng wh ich is all located bch i nd 
three casiMo-rtmove panels. 

All tlrat holds rise front panel on is } or 4 bolls. Just apply 
sulphuric acid and in ten minutes, or less they will come right 
out. While vou are waiting, remove the ni her panels. Thu tup 
panel is held on by two tighl nuts. A flood pair of jsliens will 
Tun-mvc them. I'he back panel is the hardest part lo pickle. 11 is 
held toother be a semi-pcrmaiKnt solution On the newer 
A' I & [' cred i i a nd pay phones, an alarm goes off whe n the buck 
pane] is removed, The circuitry for this is located iu She tap 
panel. Took forn round hiss with four wires protruding out of 
it . f n 1 1 Liu first a rd second ones. Nest use t he sulfuric acid, wa it 
ton minutes and lift it right off, 

How to fsieal a Payphone 

Lver wanted to have your own payphone? It's hot verv hard 
to steal une. As a mailer of fact, il iseusy to rip one mit'of the 
wall, bm we want tt> show you how to laVc mw home incael, 
Stea line pay phones is cxi remely dangerous. much more than 
phreaking. Only try I his if you a re very serious and/ or curious. 
Never sica L more than one from any area. 3 hey sometimes 
kanw- immediately when it’s gone. so get the he!] out of there, 
The i nside el r i s heavi Ly a miured . Lf you a re la king i t for the 
money, you will need a f uJL ret of philips and flalhead 
screwd rivers, sulphuric Mid. a crowbar, a sledgehammer. hole 
eurlors, arid probably mure. Mow you can take it home and 
pouiuJ on it, or you can use the easy way we showed you above. 
A thermite reaction is useful for eating. LhrOugh the lock on the 
com box. and fn r removing other pa rts. 

Thdlscs of a Raypliuiw 

Okay . now you have you r pa yphone home . What will yon d c> 
w ith it? ^ el. L i; you wa lit to ma ke il work , you need to run un ti 
five prong cable from the phone line in your basement, Jhe 
ontkl in I he wall won’t work. Drill a two ineli hole tit the left 
Irout of it. Remove lhe hack panel fas described above? and 
disconnect the wires coming out of it. You will ree them 
attached with silver screws. Remove (Item all, and [Puke sure 
yon know which screws each wire was attached with. 

Mow foi some explaining. You could just wire it tip with the 
existing wires, bin then it will make tones, so we are going lo 
rewire it. Y ou will need ten heavy duty 7 inuh wires for this part. 

If yon d On i want n lu accept money, skip this nexi section. 
GtliCi wise . take I ho 1 2 o’clock sci tw and con nret i t to the screw 
at lhe bottom of Ihe (otalimr, You will have to push it through, 
then ta kc I he Lop off, and connect it. Attacfci the 2 o’clock screw 
to Ihf green wire on lhe silver hoy, Simply cul Ihe green wire 
frurri the hox and Connect them together. 

Okay, now this ij. (he putt that makes them work. TaSco the 

silver box. which should be hanging loose (make sure the wires 
attached already won 't come loose), a nd fasten vonr leu wires 
in the screws on the phone. Starting a i. ihe top left of file silver 

Nnx , look the w bp> op in a counterclockwise fashion, slanting 

w»th c o'clock, oxdudm? 12. 2, 2:30, and 4. 

Now run the cable up through the bottom, and hook it to I Lie 
I rout of tae silver hox li. should now function normally. 

The Telephone Lock 

Rolaiy pi - phones dial by having tlic number roll hack Lo ils 
OCiginn I position, It breaks the signal the number of times equal 
to lhe dialed number. You cun achieve ihe same effect by 
tapping rapidly on the on off topple switch at the top of Lhe 
phone fthe one you use to hang up with). 

T ,el L s say you wa riled to call 1 2d 4567. Y mr woufcf la p on the 
number onec. paure half* second flap rap icUv twice, pause, lap 
thrcc.fi rnes fasJ. pause, and so on It takes Drlitflc practice to get 
ihe numbers tighl. but it docs work, bo much for Locked 

rayphnrus Off I look 

Cveryonc knows the old I rick where you would call someone 
on a payphone, then walk away and it Would stay off the hook 
nnul someone hung : .t up. ora \1n Dell repair crewcume along 
Âź1Kl care pf il. Well, that doesn't work anymore. The 
Currenl payphones reset themselves withi n 4d minutes. Well, we 
were 1 1nn k i ng. wou Id n 'I il be nice if you C<ju Id wi re il so i h;i L the 
payphone wouldn't hang up, even if (be receive i was pul hack 
on hook? WhaL you would be doing is lurtiing it oft. Then the 
payphone couldn't be hung up. Arid while we were at it. ws 
found out how lo keep it from resetting Here's how: Remove 
t he top cover, and find lhe lornlirer (sec above). Nnw unscrew 
tae Cover of the tolaliicer and locale the center posilion where 
sis to ten wires meet. Clip all these wires. Rut both rovers bock 
on. Next. operi Ihe front panel. I ind those main wires we\e 
been using, and cut the third wire In the right. 

W hid th is d nes is stop Lhe payphone from reset I ine, and it 
l urns off lhe hang up switch. Te> use it . justtaU snmeeme up. and 
foi low the above notes. 

Getting Yyur Money Ttiwk 

H a payphone lakes your money aral won’t give it buck, but 
i he money is still, in the hopper, here Y what yon can do. Just d ia I, 
a 050 numb; i . such Us arid it will clear it our. 

Fnitks's Kinging 

'Hus will make a payphone ring and Ting, l he only way to 
stop it will be if a repairman ccuses and fixes il. 

f^Kii 1 he front ot the phone. Now ia 1 he front row of wires go 
arid clip the iist. third, and toiirth. Now touch them to car h 
other until Two of them make Lhe phmic ring. NowalUreh Lhe 
two lop end s and bm tom ends to each ul her. Take the odd wi re 
aval reconnect it, Now cut the ihird wire to (lie right. If lhe 
payphone isn't ringing right now, make sure the receiver ls hi. mg 
up and touch those wi res again . It will now ring. Put the phone 
together and walk a way. 

Remember after every trick lo put tine phone back logclher 
iar another day. 

(Tfrv armte wi by MAD> members; Mr COSMOS, Vk 
C ommotion' Kid, Dearh-Staiker, and 7 be Gremlin, ) 


Hi! Investigates Col’fcc Machine 

AvjCu’n' MiiK . 

I lie Nil ■:‱; investigating, at Ihi' request at th: International 
Broihtrlmod iif Police O-ificcrs. L.ocal J4S. i^ic- bulging of a 
coffee machine in lewiston. Maine 

The polior chief maintains that plan tine the tisten-irsg device 
viola led no law. Tluc chief said he planted die dcpunnicm- 
UWTwd draiiee hr Lind oil 1 ! who was vnorla.li7i-np: Ih; mnehitve, 

An Inlenia) mvesi igation concluded ihat no crime was 
commiSctd htkI Hunt i he uhkf should noL be disciplined. Tlve 
M amL a I I limey genera I ft Ul I tee agreed on tpje grounds Ilia 1 ; the- 
1'i.i.e whs pbimtid in a | -s ■ i. > I i c place, 

CIS Copyrights Public Software 


Omtuptiflerve Information Service has tlirealcnttl a bulletin 
buuril (ip. r.ilnr svilh legal actum List offerinf; on hit board 
noli I if ijomnin pros ram a he obtained OIL-tillC from 

Com post roe . a ooensnon worm for publ cdomnin proframi. 
slid it considers the entire content! of itt seruire In be 
ebpytighlCd.a policy lhat Lamed uscfoutcTy when il was lirsl 
adopted Iasi _tea.r. 

The bulletin bound operator, Steven Saadc.-wid liis troubles 
hrjyin when he left a mnsn;ge cm ConipaivrsifY MAU-G 
f Id k-reniCLWiM ked Apple LJscri (irciup) KdnirU inlVirminK other 
loers dffhii Mousetrap HJlfshnnnd f3JKlT9 H17,Vi), The message 
noted tliat tit board contained ionic public domain software 
jibluirwif from MAEJCi Fites. 

A few days later, hhi September 1 1 'Sonde ra ill lie received a 
ivjnstfi-Cd letter from Compdscrvelt aitOnWyi slating Llial he 
wna infciiLfinf on Conipasenve's copyright. I he letter 
threatened him with civil nod crim inn I action. Sjrde shut down 
his board temporarily and canoeler! his subscription In 

Mike Todd, founder ofttic 1HM special LuturcH R.TJt'jp on 
CompuServe^ defended free siyjtss Lo pub Lit douimp snifwjig. 
ThAta tlB way it 1 ! supposed to be," he sdtf. 

Todd mid he hno protested t tntnpuferve'a copyright d« : iioir 
last year and than it wjisotY factor Ihat prompted him lo move 
lo The Source. 

ftavy Software Available 


The Navy has hceri using pubfe domni n scfrwnie 10 met 
money and provide speeuilly sorLwj.ru unavaiabk through 

Mnst Hif thLc Efillwure eonnisls oFappiidLiryns of commerifaL 
softW-a it SuC'li as Wordstar. EjCUlu 1 -2-3. and 13hu.su ILL “When 
itcomesdoivnio performing uaicpte, irndividtul functions suth, 
as srnok i n p. avi-al io n fii p.li I tin rtf rPS . 1 he p rogri-lins 0 rem 'L 
tomieitrfially avaflubfe ." a computer specialist wich Navy 
P.rpi'tii'fi I TJnln Aulorenlion Center sjiid, 

1 Header (_ Navy pubis: diimain soIIwjit (rharewmel ear he 
otirninod fmpi list Navy'a P|+S which wnsnt 30444^1 C27 m>d 
PlMddSl II!. Al prest lime Ihe (list number was ool i>f service 
hi 'id tlvz sCti'iid immbCf did not answer, but you ShOulil liable 
to find the new number.] 

HBO Encryption Broken 

I act mouth, llir mvners. or n VVnrhiny, New Vorlc -store d'O t 
Still barkyend SHLtllitt dish antennal went on national 
lelr vwicio cnyinjt tlsty hni foi.i nd n wny to ovtrconie H eme Bos. 
Ol lkv’i I40.1HHJ signaL-serambl mg ssslem 

tlHO's scrambling svsiern iv bastd oil Lhc ^ovrrmoenL- 
snnetioned rmto Fneiy'ption SlamlriLd. 

The Horv tevolves nronind s. demons! ration by Cabttieeli. 
wh itli show rd wha I it claimed w-ns an inea.peniLi'tway lo- plrntt 
sfl ambled H Hrj ^Jtna Is/lTit intfiit ol Lhe dcinuns-ha Liisn was to 
pruten tolEIK) the monthly ssrvire- fwa El BO i' now f l-iar^irg 
ewnCis dl pm-alC salellitc dishes. 

Now dish owners linw co learn or liuy tignal desemmliteri; 
nntl ]siy a OlOn Lilly service lev jent like catlC-sUfipO-i led 
■custom; is 

Accsirding; to Hairy AlLman, co-owncr ol Caltleiech. lhe 
slOi C Was able tei OilweiainbEt HBU ’s video sieual uii.ug^3 WOYI1 1 
of IWtftk. Tlieyp'so-coorenel Ihnr -|Lv;v inrteereplfd a ud rlenrypterl 
the .sacom parrying aniSio channeE, a process chjL im-foLwd ksv 
tupcnsive parts buL rribrf Work. 

O hkleeh mid it W.ild nprien lo show lhe maniifnc|or;r oJ 
the senim.liLir.g equipment how a,od what it owed to ItCnt ] i SiC. J "> 
security ifllieicitdOTflgTees to eMail llir devicesnnd nefund the 
piiif'naM: -prire lo uono.imeri 

MBO and ViiltsiCLphrr. lrukei of Lhe dfsCrantbte i'. COiliCiVd 
that CalHe lech d id indeed desemnihLe a video aignnS bul they 
merely amplified a CATV-dtLiyeftd uemKr-amhled mid io 

churn nil. 

Pennant U'ies Up Phones 

I hr A r-v Tiak Imri 

Phone lietel rales Lot Lhc World Kerin wvnL on sale earlier 
IhiMnonthoausiiui havoc on New YoikYphone linn. Allhough 
only fijnno t Uriels we re made asn ilalilc hy nhonr. Now York 
Teluphoisr hail made plant lo combo! pixtttltlr problctnv Llial 
wsmlil i^sew ‘■terrible network CsipEctLion.’ 

Ill lhc .Mil urea Cbdc alOiK, LO.MLV Calls CHniC in in Lhe the 
Mels mimlmr ina fiveun : note period tvJOflJjOfl per hour) n nd ! A 
nulSiOii an hour lor all sewn fsch.irtgri ad VC fined lor Ians. 
Oelayt in- culling a r in', tore were a ho mporled. 

Tlic iiluation prompted Smart I khming of Sitfiupfichl . New 
fortny, lo use two CTF. 331 spenVer Iflejilwirt wilh aiilomalif 
rrd ml , propnimmif d witliTelelron numbers in tcvun area codes 
and wvirVing in tandem. He was able to purchase two 1>rVuLs. 

Security Can Kill Creativity 

VllH.iL V M 

Fvfu i hough i-oo litlk ittunLy enn lerre a eon*ntuni leu horns 
lysleni vislreiahlc Lit ta.TrtpCri.ng or tJfsLruflii'in,a heavy seeiirity 
hbinkf cn-n slifl; cr-piliviiy and jimdnnrivhy, A fee;n1 ncpoir, 
titled Ti'irvvjmmLVTrtmj«mTAtifLirr4r, Lrenri InpoL. I lie., a int'.rkvl 
rt-scaic-h Hff n in Mntttnain Vmv 1 . CA, jifopcwca a immbfi of 
techniques Hint Imild ieeure teltcominun icstl ions syalems Lhal 
nre not prisons Lor users 

An osuntBslums or ove rdeiignml security syiLrm can create 
prisons of the mmd. the report warns. Censl raining 
prognimencrs or commiLnicaltitcii leehiucsirYi with uxorsitv’e 

security rcttnclions con bnckfim because it mny negnlf lhe very 

I'aeltn- that rriikes their conlTibuttoEii -eusl -efltclivie ; Ihat is, 
tliclr ereativiiy, 

FlnoVnrs am not the primary Ihmat I is nrseinrr.iiniearirir'r: 
systEmu, acconling to the repnsrL. 1 Lackers usually liieak in for 
LiitfllerLualfhallfiLgV, rut tin nialieiuui -reasons. 

A jee.urilj' jystem iaefL(S7livc L "iif1bc-cosr L-n-n. tsefitetmlor i^ 

greater than pisleraLnl piin." 

[T q illusi rabe thal Inst pusinl . die report is available for 13 M.l 

Indiana 'Tones’ 1, Are Gone 

'■■■ ■ r.t ■ w K biI ^ !r » i » M ■ 

Induna has been lhe only stale to hive its lulephon; 
company listed i n thf white -pages as unii-Er “Kone f.'ism-pany" 
(Vi p i party oltivals 'lave auriOuuOed th.'.l Lliu ipclhng wi|L noL 
appear in nus.1 year’s di rrvlnry 

Al Bohn, spokesman Lor EScLI in Indianapstlis, vmL the 
company has hern listing India an Bell tinder "fftue H for seveial 
years now bal has staTtui! pgLling eomiptiinli. 

"Some people feel it'v ^ putdown ." Bolin ra id . "Hut iliai was 
not th; reason ■w'e Hid it, Tlirr; 1 ! no it lleg.il ion or imipliesrion 
Ihat people arv so dumb Lhey iLon V know how to spelt 'phore ' " 
" 1 !l"sa -plionelie 1 [siuj spelling, obviously, 1 ’ Elolin said. 
“Lkisii-allv. u,e’tC li ving tu rtiak-L- it easy for peupk Logrl in touch 
with ns." 

the plultif Cdnipsny is also listed under several hiLings, 
inc.hidinR. frdirtnn Be'.l, phone, letephun;, and foite 

October letter department 

Dear 2(?0&: 

Y(>ur magazine lias been an invaluable aid tn me for 
infornlulion in the paxt and thi hoping that yon can, come 
Eli rough I'm me once aga in. [ have finally broken awd y from mv 
days !:,f box in.H; and compute? ltack iii.u and started Cfin-jumpt hr. 
My I inc person h handsel (which a careless employee l ’lef1 
behind ). hat. ord boil cutler* have proved to he enough until 
now. I recently opened a Mf? box and found some tools which 
I believe aie test sets. The first isasping loaded clip of sm is with 
a black and a red lend coming off nnd is marked at a 3M 
product n‘404' 1 . 1 he otlier tool is a longer device with a metal 
p.mhc at Lhe end:, it is market! as #4055 Sind looks like i| could 
;i I most be a key of some kind. Wha i. a re LheFC things 51 nd how do 
I use the mV Once again, thanks fu T a great publication. 

Psycho, Culif,. 

l-'.S. One last Little nn{e. The operators a i. Sprint arc mom than 
happy to tell you what your local dial-up is if you jdsl tell them 
dial you lost yon: little book and that the equn I access tt is. not 
working. The number is ÂŁ0052 1 4949 
Dear 2m-r 

1 neatly enjoy your magazine and liave Learned a !p1 from it. 1 
want to contribute some information which miy.hr be useful tn 
the teeming millions of phrcakCK who demand to knowmoTe. 
While jo school I discovered (bat one of lhe long-distance 
serviecs located in the CO"? area code, located in the southern lie: 
ol New V n rk , a nd not far from Big Blue, is very ea sy eo generate 
numbers off of. Ihc company is called ACC, Alternative 
Communical ions Corporati nu, whb use an MOO service for their 
:n ug d Kin nee numbers . They watch ca refulty, but when you ca I i 
fiom one pay phone to anal her pay phone, then you can teat 
the rap. ! think I hat the reason the people were caught was 
because they used Llieir hacked ri umbers unwisely, 

[ also discovered a system which is eomsected to ARFANel 
'rework. The number for this college computer is (X\77772fÂź2 
and 007777473? ..and it is Ojiditie 24 hoLiisa day, This system is 
insi to Ihree IBM and two VAX Rystcms-. 1 do not know' how Lo- 
get into the Aft PA Net system hut Ihss lent can be done. 

1 lip ve a question An orchestra A is. 440 vLrbiatinps per 
rniriute. Could a ttute genera tor. blue box be con fig u red frum a 
good synthesizer? 

You rs sincerely 
Wolfing Amadeus Mn-Ziirl 

Dear Wolfgunji; 

A rood synshes;ii<sr cun certainty do that (sec data pax? ) 

[>ca r2600t 

On Tuesday, Augusi r2, I received a phone Gill from a 
Missouri Telephone Company. When I hey oil led. they already 
knew my name t (be phone number is my father’s), h was a lady 
that called. She said thal she has talked to several peonle and 
they said that l had given them a number from which they made 
Pee phone calls, 1 denied every th ipg, I have tins number and 
cedes for i| which l found by (rail and error but T never made 
■my calls through ii However, 1 did give it to a friend . but no 
codes 1 he lady asked me if T n w ued a computer wiEli a modem. 

I 'vi id no. She sa id i ha i i hey have been 'hurrai luring” my line? 
lot a long time and knew 1 was calling Lhis number, \ denied it 
c la irn ing l k new noth ing of i[ , She asked many more questions. 
The friend: that I gave the number to said a while ago that "The 
number had elm ngpd from an extender ioa human” so 3 rfidril 
call it a pain and thought nothing of it (ill 1 got tills call. The 
friend Claimed that they caught her while she was making the 
Ciiil and Lold he r nor 1 1 > hang up bur tell them her mime, address. 

and phone number, so she did!?!! They am sending her a bill. 
Bhe iiiid she did not tell (hem my name but t don^l believe her.' 
1 hey we re call ing the people. She called to tty and find out her 
name. They jutt called today aid have not calfccd bsicSc yet hut 
said if 1 hey do 1 canex peei severe consequences. 

What should I do? 

Cm*}- Eight . 

P.S. 1 frequently scan the SO0 number and the lady said that 
rhey also kr.ew I was doi ng this. 

Dear Hi 

It 'founds as if they we just /taking for information. Ifa'yare 
prohabiy trying to seare you just ,y,.. they scared your friend into 
divuiyinr her name and address. Since i cm spy you did not 
abv&r this extender, there should he no proof that you did (u\ 
your friends and Ir> red ones ' phone rn fathers appearing on 
someone els.es hid at she same time shut you eaiied their SOB 
number j If you don ') cal! this number from your home, you 
should not have jo worry about this: pro! dew reappearing, 
I'dtow I'lirratHT^; 

Earlier tins year, on a recent voyage to Puerto Rico, T 
discovered two very interesting Ihitlgs which war ram closer 
examination by the phreaking community. First, aboard lhe 
airplane, was a cellular phone railed a Sky Telephone. T( 
wmked by inserting o crtxlit card into the holder, Llien taking 
the headset to your SHit where yon would talk on Else phone 
while in II igJu , The on ly I im ita I i on wus that the pla ne had to he 
within 30 minutes- of the U.S. coastline, I would like to- know- 
how this system works, and whet llw potential is for p breaking 
on one of these phones, fThe flight wns VA hours long and if 1 
laid this knowledge. J could havehnda phnmk festival,) 

I'pon arriving ill Puerto Rico. I noticed tlial the island's 
phone system, run, by PRT (Puerto RLean Telephone), Ls veiy 
ptimitive, The island lias very limited aceCMlO BOO *er%'tcc, and 
in order to call die Operator you have I u dial 123.1 he o ill y i hing 
Ihey have going for them is that a phone eah still eftits only a 
dune It seems that tlic computer revolution did not hit rhe 
island yet. 

E ong d istiinee is ms i iiiained exclusively by ITT, but wi th 1 he 
termination of rTT. the long dislante ’lines will he nsn by 
someone else There will probably be some problems created hv 
the shifi in ownership, Tins would be an interesting 'h-aeatLOii’' 
spol for ph real: ing. 

Keep on phrcakinR 
l.raig Dislam'e Vovattcr 

Blur EUY, 

lit tilths p>r the information. The main point ofyemr letter (as 
fur os wi 1 i an determine) is that wA?rr VOU are an vasiii ion 
anywhere yens should play with the phones and see what buys 
you opr] find. Pius, thi s m(ty allow you to cftiiyour loved ones 
bock at home inexpensively. 

Dear 2600 1 

hound anntlwt number Urn spel’s sonic (hi ng nice 
h's f-fiOO-lEALt-DFAl .. 

Tt -s a modem that hooks yon irno Smith & Wesson VAX 

Trv it. 

{ :Vj n t in rr< d v ? page J-Iiti) 

Yours Truly 
WJeh? owl 
Dead salotm 
Elilo. Hswsii 

The 2600 Information Bureau 

1 ■'+ 6 El O j. 5 
246901 / 
2 4 6 SO 20 

|>1 1-44-1-2469030 
01 1-44-1 -2 4690 35 

Chi 1 d Bt-iur i es 
A 1 bum i. ine 

D i a 1 J n q I r Fit r ljlt t. i Lin. fi 
Dialing I n a t r u( . 1 1 in h fj 
Sport r. 

J-J 9 C 2 rad i a =-i ud i i.j 1 o+-:d 
F i n a n rial Fie p or t 
Travel Li he ,(Ra.i'l r u a d ) 
Tr a v e I Line i A Lit a ) 

Travel 1 MILT l:\.0 

T r a ve I Line t A i. r > 
Oriti^h ii l V 'I'.; Mi. l-ri.u Ui 

Obr i s L i an 1 1« 4»*. - A'. . l: 

7 o li r i st i n-F q 

Tmir'ist iriFo in inti-mli 

Golden Hits Line 

Ti;nj,r j t;T. i nf n ill nn.'r ni r i 

Ch a 1 1 en ge l.m e 

Dial A F'l anet 

01 1—44—1 —.2460060 


Ra cing 

01 1 —44— 1 —2469070 


Co ine d y 

01 1-44- 1-2 469071 


Re c i p i p s? 

Oil —44"“ 1 —2469072 


V'D i n F to 

01 1-44-1 -'7469090 


Ne tvs line 

Oil '44 1 ’2460009 


(^i vi 1 Guior n 

01 1-44-1-2469090 


We at h e r 

011-44 ■1-2469091 


WJ:' ,1 1 h 'i' f 

0 1 1-44- 1-2469 1 00 



OU 4 4’- 1-2469200 


T1 iFitt 

05 I-A4-1-2469400 


Musi c 

Oil - 44-1 -7246030' ■ 



Oil — 44 — 1 —2 4 6960 0 


Mt is i c 

,;il 1-44-61-246010. 1 

US OLm j T'orn 

Ol 1- 44-2O3-S0-69 


Coventry Rad 

01 1 --44-V..VC6' '001$ 


Cricket Lirita 

01 1 -44--273-S069 


‘■i" 1 — . 

Oil -44-6:'.4-"90c,9 


Kt?n t- Rll d i n 

01 1 -4 a-7 02 -9 900 


Essex F^ada ci 


(ISSN (1749*3851) 

Editor ^nd Publisher 
Twenty Six Hundred 

Associate Editors 
Er c CorleY David Rudermam 

Executive Director 
He ler, Victory 

BBS Operator 
Term Blich 

Cartoonist Junk Mail Receiver 

Dim Holder Richard Petrovich 

Writers: Johr Drake Paul Esteu, *4'. French, Emmanuel 
GoltlStem; Chester Holmes, The Ki(l Sc Company, Lex L/uilW. 
Lore Phrookor. Mi'<e Salerno, Tno Shadow, S item Swftdhma n 
anc the usual anonymous hunch 

1 5 iIPC ii putllghW tyy 2000 Enterprises Inc . .in etanriixsvrviry 


ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 41 2 . indfvkftja , 5:10. ccrporji?: 

12C. wtraiiji 

RAC*. ISSUES 5 2 each irdiuiCcicl. S3 eanh. ccrporaim: 

S2 *jU SSSh. overseas 

HAK.F CHECKS PAYARlS TO JflFlO F ntnrpf-«.c!5, Inc. 

WRITE TO- JfrYJ. ^0 So k 752, Midt c Island NY 11553 0762 
TELEPHONE (516|761'260C. PRIVATE SECTOfl BBS (ZOII 3&5-A43 1 . 
115*3-0762 Call lei rvnes 

1 1&53-CC05 We readily CCCCpI chicles. Icnemi. cl'DR ngs. artwork nrd 
data hr putjliCSniQm 
POSTMnSTFft Thin in rrvalc- rrail. 

Playing a iitHi* fur a ietephune number 

Ur: fore you talk over some of ihe new 
Boll S yfltciH loti js distance circuits. your 
« iterator presses keys like ihoae kWwh 
alii'ive, one for each digit in the no ml her 
of the telephone you are calling, Each 
key semis out a pair of tones, literally 
selting I he nuinlki' to music/. 

In the community you are calling, 
these tones activate the dial telephone 
system. to give von the munber vou waul, 
Ii is ns If the operator reached across the 
country and dialed I he number for you. 

I’his system, one of the newest de- 
velopments of Bell Telephone Labora- 
tories. is already in use on hundreds of 
long distance lines radiating from 
Chicago, Cleveland, New York. Oakland 
and Philadelphia, and between a num- 
ber of other communities. 

it will 1 )C extended steadily in other 
p arts of the co u n t ry — a grow i n g exa inpie 
of the way Bell Telephone Laboratories 
are ever finding new ways to give you 
heller, faster telephone service. 


Eiplnrinj and inventing deling and (Miffing, for continued iittpro«itlBrrtj and WDlwmid in tcfcplsnc serriec 


lrirpt\ 3,"( u.’ii s:s fn 

siVowi fAc dJj/Jh af 
seAf be fon cn-u airy. 


Electronic Tax Returns 

i tJt.i - i 

If.isintUCS will be able 10 lik tntoriid lux returns 
clcelmnicntly during the [YS? ta> season Jix. pari of die IR.KY 
y/owinp nulon-eal ion [irdj 5 r 3 .n 1 . 

I m! iv ideal I9K6 returns ran b: clerLTonimlly fifed only frcm 
mir-n citic'. 

l^usiiiuvs relurrs can be lilrel vii le'ecMonmiiMiicnripns, or 
in7.pr,e(ic rul'd :i mi.I |imi m eonfc-hil 10 IRS l ilt liKiLiaiS 

A I 'i.i. I nr llr. - Ji ril lime, ckul ramie I i I r r e will ’hr;! he las p.rl nn 
rlrclronir rclnmt if tlvey include- a number -nn ilici-r form 
identify-i np.-lheirtinnli The I its wil I instr ttt 'lie I S I reasury 10 
ttrO electronic [Undx Lrartofcr Co credit Ihr lurtpaycrX Hank 

T |i « yen' ifiC I RS pi CCfxitd J.VtKM ictui iiselccLm-iimllyaiid 
re d ysu.r il can hi ml I? up rn 330,001} 

Software Makers Crash BBS 

L-J.-n, iO> 

W :l!i lhe n VI rif n private invetlipntor. 3 jr-Otip of software 
mibliehera lO * forced 3. pa ate soltwarv bulletin board tn close 

The publishers, did nm file OHV clsvi pjCC npjs iuxl the OpCr'aluf 
of lhe |H iVCilc bdninl-KtiLd hoard and would only identify him 
it hvinu in I he fireinnaliarca. Ffmxcvcr. lhe- jtr-Otip A kinJiriji 
its support Hr n suit aeauot The Dragonlt Lair. which it 
nprralei! nut of FlronVlyn. New York 

After (lieCi iMl ril'ji the (.lino hen rd . i lie president ol M irhlron. 
in Michigan, sent a lellcr Ms sc-etTak nlhrr pnhi then 
announrinc Its discovery. Soaln rher. Ire niteirililiyl n jjinijji 
■; i nol nd i n e 1 lie S n fl wn i e Y n Id ifhe-ra A saoc in I ion . I : i.ei I :i I 
R.CS(3trcll . arid Anlid Sol lwu re I Iho.L hired p rim 1c invesripaior 
Dmm' Heilman, who linn invcsc-.pAtCd several pii3tC 
tipf-MM ie-ns. 

I leltirinn exptire J lo Ihr-sy.tnp lhal lhe sjoflwnae publisher* 
would In tn leyyil addon il lhe flRS. Which they ICmicd I lie 
IhrfCM pn me RltS in I'nr eunnlry. wus not rlcwsd down The 
aipcnilor of the HIM TCwilh 4d mepabylcs coni-plicd. 

Poor Service An Understatement 


The Ted-eml C WTILllULUdatiOiJei CenilrYnssiOu Issued u waminc 
lo consumers about n ttimpj ny thil rsffe rs wh.il seems to be free 
loTip.-drtifl ne-e ttrvice. 

EU.M h Ihr I CC and several xlnlr pfosemitort nnoieotl Itlht 
fodependont Contrntioicaiio-iin bklwork. I no. may bn 
lil isICHdinjj Consumers, in Lhe murlieltnu of whit I he citenpnny 
call: the lirtl long diMnrec “ivo rly-! mo o.TtCJil " 

Thf rrenmiMiy lines IcOnl 'Oby-dist-nrer turn punn-t and 
‱-.iprit up eutlitmers, who piy $1130 n nvnnlb In rnnk-C Rh 
linlimitrd nnnihcr nf louM ntauiCr io lit oil Ihrttc aim red Imet. 

Tit nddrl tin. eutlnniLm I herntf-lws ni n ref riw- nt. n' uch 3A 
fnr each nrw euaionlet Ihi y (an den -sip | i:t lhe service ''3i i.t 
ximi'a r lo Am way.'" tnid 1 a rry 1 r.orttoiiji.'h^ cliff of p|kl a’lui'o 
for Irdcpcndonr, Atipi-jv iv ollea accused ol CTeutinu pyramid 
sfliCTTies lo Hill, prnplu mil of their nvnrey hy prnntitinj; rlicpv 

FlflrlxoupJa c-tv ilia iccE ifi-ic LiRJfpeinJiTjt .cuDkimru cannot 
coinplctr a call rsf lhe limn. (AT&T has sjiÂŁ llwt M3 
Inn.c disinnte "blrelc^pc' 1 raie It less rhftri Rtv.l 

In San IJicpo, pro'cstutiyrt slid they oblnincd 3i fcnicll 
V-a rmni and rJiiikd an ledrpereknl ajenl, teekinj; eyfdnnoa of 
postihlc violations of (Liaild ilitfl and e.itlL-pyramid slalalcs. 
I hey slid Lhc apcrl claimed lhal I nriepanij^ntt sy;cMn cwltf 
hare! If Ih^fO cm It ni -a-KV U has hC-fn cslitnalcd Hint such a 
( a fined v wsmld icgt irf WATS- lirjes and wisidci make 

linlfpCcdml tire ni lhc Ij r.ccsL ustrt of WATS lines, in lhc 

Kura! Ultra phones 

I. i ■ i ■- is r. ■i'rr’i 

Wouriiairl Slolcs I'Clcphniic fi. I clcjrra pli Comparry has 
heunn a tie nvcnlh fitlrl Icti of a T.kcd sulwjevihcr raj rofvaiClLt. 
Tl'jf tytr-tTM. known as Ulhaph-arhC. chmirkvlcs Ihr h i e;Ti ecctl :if 
lny : np cetblrt lo rcmiytc rural areas wil h few snbt: ribe rs. Fiji hr 
pa rl irs wi II !n'kc part i n Ihft led . toiivf fl-f tihoni have Ti0. l ii 
w:i a irji ItJ years I si r Iclcphonr jer vicr. 

S he lysLcm utet love power dtp.itn .1 mtlin io trnnsni.i: 
COlieiCrya I |C-at fronUlK-fCStdCneeitOtllC CCriliol office. I HccOtL 
or peoeSdinp tradflLoml onppercili!e serv : ,ee localtle rnrelw-ct 
III 1 ilcntlo, '-.V Vhi i -I I ri.u I '0.1 alwii w, Ivci' pioliihnl IVC 

Mnunlain Flcll iseharyingcach parly c„ rnntlriiclioa 

fee, plus SKI n ine-arh Tlvc tnnclicre will cCcitir-uC lo ifecivc 
aciviLc cu m. il Lhc IMliuphniiu lesl decs liol WisrV oiit. 

UltEaphnnr mes frapirneier ,r Inridy ol aieored to lelcphonc 
C0nipniiicsaiilfca.il li arnmil ImirrniiverKilLont iwcrtbc same 

Local Toll-Free Numbers 

i.'-r-f x ■■ cf Wrri 

FLel 1 Telephone of F'er.ncyltini'in w II inlrodUOt iwia (nll-ficc 
liwuhur arfvicfs IhaL will [>;-niLl riislomcm to cal', biisdnewc! 
from a ay where inn. 1 .ATA (lrscn I nr rest Ira iiopon n ren > nainy. n 
sirple lelephone niamlicr <teii(yih «(5 fo'f each m hscr .luau 

Tlic new trrvicrt. cnlled One Nimibrr Servien nm- O.i'1-ani 
R mil inn sereiee, will allow fpLIfrc 40 dial 3 t(C*innf^y loL'Jl 
set Cr.-tSip I nuriihri and liau Llicir cill routed loll free to the 
subscribing b'.rinett 

HtT cd fciiiisyhunia t imkd u spLC'u .1 R 90 prrlix lo harelk 
Ihr on Ih . which i rat cl lo the nenmst eenl rn I off.ee awilelb ni'd 
llve-n nre fortv^rdeyl to Lhe tiUf-illCSS 1 Iccfltioii 

T Irf CuslOhl H-atiLiruc Scrvucc rooks calls from lhe JtQfl 
mvnihrr Lo a particolnr brunch of a husiresjt, 00! only a s,ai(i.'c 

ESS Goes To Taiwan 

r.rni il, r. Apr 1 

A TAT Taiwan fomraiunicncions Co. Ims nil over lo 1h< 
COUfirrj e fii'f.i ilMiJlttl fsC ClcsIcOhk- swilCh. llir IlfjCOO lire 
awilfll is Lhc laiycal JLiSS culiyscr outside Ihr lln'led Rlalci. 
The riititver s a slep .11 lhe IJirecroraJe Gcncml's plina LO 
fiioderui?e Tarwdiilf. ickyyiioinunkai iimis sjskm. irehidaip 
iitil iLui.in.c ink^rakd services dipilal network hy Ih: cmlofthe 

NSA Wants a New Chip 


Tap Naiionnl Se«jrily Aiierey. Which has h-kl/oJ m Lhc 
tk vek'pnicii! and use ol'cncrypLion by the p rival c suelor since 
I'nr heyinring it p.nhine hard rijaharelori die -eiilireivl federally 
Oiivii-LIIM.I limn FiiCrypLim Suindard I [ H:bJ and replace il in 
IdkK v.alh a “tainrer'proofcomp.ilcTchip. 

NSA it ctrabliihinpart indnslrinl eonvoiiiirai rn [trndnee flic 
Chip. Iliis’ldCff fill ttSeLi(Jdi'"c'l 1 llis ha t roused tiKilnsion in Lhc 
eompntfr .vreurity hns.iiiewLnrid perlm pr. scrar-dfd if-eivlopilitrit 
id new cunnurrmL for stjfurin^ oCimpciler c'omnuin.iculidns. In 
1 he I dKk. NSA Vsr n do^te-ye nn the deiympnieni I JHv, an 

^l[ui|ilhm tei vfimnbV; C 0 iri|:+Jlcr daihi lc> niake suic D 1 : S v,;is 
solvable hy 'NSA wh-sn d'ed hy compantf^ Bntf foreign 
^OXynirlltiHs yCL secure Chfipph I.i: pri/tLct most (J !i cienpiiter 
.aclTvity, Since r lie ndOpdwin of the [IVIvl -Aavelnpe.il T 3 i : S ip 
1^77 . 1 lias biCri widely used by i^ovri itriici . a.p’fk ks;, I inc.ccinl 
institohms.. and orhe -r Haiti nesses 10 prntret dara T'env. NSA 
Siivti Itiiit k1tC1y.11 -.-.d ivar'cs may l:c able to Hr oak the code 
Therefonr.we have riecarrr'ined thnl it is.io lhe- II S, inlerpti to 
im reduce new crypid^eaiiUk' aliroruhms ” Cniics my ihM 
NJiA's proposrd "blarh hnv" solution to the ihrenl n tanpibk 
cle p . 1 tiny bf more anbi-xt to lain ix rii .( by adui ^ 1 ks :lti n an 
tippiadoJ ..talc AnolhcT d nad vanlayc to bus/niiisscs ■; that Ihty 
wontd nol k nimv the eon' poticior. of lhe lefi^teen'l chip cheyn re- 
insiAifinp I is 1 heir nyatcfiis. ’'people in ijie iinHisLry led 
Ijctraycd," 1 says ore hilicon Valley x pee ill Lsl in dara scmrily 

Setter department 

feint t firmed from jxi&e 3 76 / 

Dl'jt 2 tt)th 

A wh i k - iiÂŁt>. you r-etiuesled info on foreign telephone 
sytfcms . Wcl I here il is . 3 ha vc I ivett i fi Sa ud i A i ahia for (lee Iasi 
6 ye-an;, nod your report on the Israeli telephone system 
sounded very s im ilar. The Snud i Telecom system is the same a y 

1 he 1 sraof s yviem a s fa r as the payfoncs ant? wa ys so defeat i hem 
i:ij. Aranca, ibe oil company I here has 1 heir own leLetone 
network: it has 9 conference lines. each with a 75 person Limit. 

! he phone Tiumhe r lor there is IH I -96&-3-H7(h75L)f 1 -9). AX I is 
71 1. TTY is 87,7-77 1 (k. wen I her roc or d i os is ÂŁ7<b2424 , The re a re 
several DBSY in the kingdom. S"7-78S^ E &2fi-499&, 678- 

2 77 5. 572-7884. and die re Ls also an H-Ms il service at H.9&-4MOO 
To dial any of these just add PL I -966*? arid the phone number, 
have !tin and see yon there! 

Mr. Tracer 

Read end 

j Lite "s hear about other places. 

Dear 2iW\ 

] would like: to ask you or the rentiers two questions, F:r\i„ 1 
wonder ed why. on a Ma rida rti telephone . 1 he re are a II of 1 he 
Letter; in the alphabet except |L Q”and *£'’?: Lc mittlit Lie a strange 
quest ion hui 1 would si i 1 1 Li ke to k now wh y. 

A Ise'. 1 was mak inp a Long distance coll to the X 1 7 area code, 
from a pay phone one day and ihe ouivhei I was calling was 
busy. I li itxl o busy verification to see if t hey would charge me 
for it. Tv- (Jits tase, they did not hut ether lime^- they wanted 
money (dr? you know why. sometimes they e fa tee me o nd ol her 
times they don’t' 1 }. When the Local nneraroi won I to coll : he 
ope ml or who does I he hw-.y verification she first culled a 
number wh ic h puce her o record i lie 1 hat sa id "ft 1 7 pi us (H 1 
plus" U'OU Id o 'I i li is be very hd pfn I to an yone v sir^r a h ue box. 
and do you know that number or how to pet it'.".' The operator 
used the term "RY” in plncc nl busy vc i ifitai ioi i a i*.l ihr uiher 
opr ra tor i isod I he ter m “OD hl 1 o mean uu I of u rtkr. : ituevs it V 
just some of the operator Linen. 

Het Kjp 

Dear Mel Kap; 

7. (tad Q Ore not on the dial because trAert the eight r tiimbers 
thaf tunv fetter?, {2-9} are each given three Staten, .’here are ra n 
left a i er. 7. anti Q are the feint frequently ured Set tens in she 
alphabet, so 'they i vs re it os used. However, 'on some older 
phones, you may find a 7. on the d h e r- 

Hopeftfif . eo» remember that exchanges used iphtn enumo.v 
such its PLazti- 1 for the 0 Id. 1 7J l exhange. 

S ' i response to your other question, them are no charges fur 
IfttirrsMtW eerifiioik'tn tails, tint siiere ate tiiarge* for in /ms tote 
Song distance charges, "dti plus 042 plies- r "ur mid be the number 
to dial toon inward operator, but in Sins ease the operators said 
that the < got nothing when the r did this for us, 

Hear 2tm-. 

I'm o pew subscriber arid would ike to contribute -come 
interesting information . 

First. 1 here's o computer a! JttttS&TCXQ wtiieh accepts a 
indiji.il ITl'MF sequence and speaks lliem hack at you. the 
in. pm must hr tend i^its with * m,.A.R.(. .tnvi ["} rope:, accepled 
bill not pronounced, and is more forgiving than most C.O. ’s as 
far as frequency tolerance goes. 'Tape-recorded DTM K inpuls 
will decode fine if your tape speed arid audio Levels are up to 

I hi employed by Ihe eeLluhir telephone industry and would 
gladly write an article on cellular phrcak iuy it ihe re's any 
interest Tut artlele will have to lie a bil on ihe lochnicnl side 
hci'W'jwo . sid tJw tech nicitiGs otd Hood wiff require kitqwTcdjK nf 
electronics and hexadecimal malh and access 1o a PROM 
oro.E rammer. 

Bomiv S. 

Dear Ikmic: 

Ti/v number sou gave belongs to a s ompant that wite 
equipment that generates speech and is net i id ted tn tough 
I'cvit'.'i'. !{ uvi'i he -:v ,|L! rr , -:j r’l 1 Sited for ti>tr$e whr,- ticed ru deeodc phone 
numbers. Radio {\Siarft, sells a chip that is called a touch tone 
decoder: maybe QW U f Our eiee t ron i<. adv proficien ' readers >.an 
produce a schematic to make this chip work for us. 

Wish regards to writing art tries: please write about cellular 
phones, bus write m durtUlrs: The first should he on oi ereiew 
of how ce/tuiar phones v-orti, how i ails are routed, and hov.- v.e 
■! an i ait o eflttdar phone, Include some wimple phone numbers 
or perhaps a directory of numbers to calf. Tn to answer sin/pie 
questions that people who have no: had a chance tonse crltitiur 
j themes, may a dr 

Then, i i.'v can tell us how we at n phreok them if it is 
tithnknl, try to give some reference sources, f ry to make it 
interesting, so. <r\vri if n o lat k the edn>. ation and resources to 
rj.'Vi site fi-iittiitf phrtmh i,ng, u'f would wan; ti> read it, 

t tnaily. for those of you hue rested in writing for us, oar 
matt ! sow is utwa', if tpen. Set td ail a r! k ‱ <es ondletn: rs t o 7. lYy} . f *0 
fio X 99. M idifle Island, hi }' ! i 9SI-0099. White n o don i pay 
writers at She moment, ire do provide free subscriptions to 
s te a d\ ‱ s 1 1 > iptit a it . JiyOiHuiceq u<;s t to t is * a il us a t SI 6 7.7 / .? 6 Of) . If 
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; rail'll SfusiCa-^ liiiMii -can co^r YOU y& ur liccr-H irJ rcglrlraUionK an irSh | 
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; lnCK3Sf» - f«en 11 ywi ww di-wiim nfch - rm If ywi w^nin't !prnlirp r 
i mill :Mm r h : Ih ■ vim i' rrr.< .jiiK, i : | I ,.- Li ■ '. I . SpTRXPTH rF0KNOLO4V Cui- 

! . (r'Oe* hnavn maftrlil ilui can ht useI on j v cTi I c I tj 1 f ■ I aiTht to :t>:rb 

■in -J dcEloot' cpd-rjr-i to nni« ypu mvlil&o to rrtfjr; T^Sar dnortor? jsp’- 
; [Tiers ‱! I n C I CP H I P n -pisasll every knowi re/nr nrnor nv.-re uml m.slner^M lilyi nri I 
i rvpry knii-vn ln^v.1 I 1 . r M.J 'V: I'.L r La£ II.: .irO :.L: i.L: ‱. ... *J L'- I i k v i L ■' — ‱I l r [ i L [L [ L I 

| ?ki muer. m&re-j L>lmusiI-o ns, 4 op m pr ifte.it I vt. OISLY J-L J. 


NFI'i: n-* i roal ilyjrtlni; ol eh ot our puMloitliWijn rCC+*. ii'ipm mAi«-|p| ■ 
rmn AtH IT Ev^ry kivaiv. vulprro&lllly ol ATMs dfioilteo; - uvd Uhth *i-k | 
npany ■■ tfpm ttej, c id riidmn. wrny pcturl eximples *scrIOed. Many in 
epes mkI phftdi - Indludlnk l-i.:n m ATM. ATMs AHt COL3 Ml 
t$i>,g!w-.$ie F KC each) - touas Foa ymf tAkiNCa orfL-Y Szj, 


‱ Maw It It’d a dirty |ob h but dftfjdne'i gp: id dp Ltl Dlek drive* MUM be 
j res.ulir.tr cJedned ire, I'lti-loiifid. and i t|inlf*d a;, i-jfodnd. MaLtuicriiiw tar. 

I nolLipare or 

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nFC, Iiie^ lyiUnnv ys* mure material thin LthM IU OMLY S 11. 

Ijh iIhi-mIai .np^ prnEesilonal repairs are e xronrlvey timercoriVJTnlnp ifii 
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AU pcOUGntiohi i: t: note Eor eduoa.tlcn.nl Furposm Only. PJeaie mdn t 
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