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heading. miro TO hacking. 


ASr.J P/',il>i MGHP 

JUNE, 1985 

; of. CM/-: nift \ ; hum 

-WW r- ril'l sr. il I'Jfel | I . 1 1 ■ I ■ ...... In. . • . I..'- mi-.;. .■ 

11 mk.iIIk ■■ I |b !■■■ , ■■ I ■■■ . '■ I . ... I I , I '■ | . j . i Vi ■ I ft -J||V-| liihlii-. .'I | S' 1 . 1 1 1 -HI i s : 1 1 -. - 1 1 1 ■>, '■ H I VI, L. 

'!• 'll.' ■ V -J'- il-". .'O . MlXlk- I-.MiI. W I ill!' ' ' I . 1 Vh'(i SJ| L', J-| 1 1 ffcij; 

a guide to the Israeli phone system 

f, P V’.'i L I L . I 

and recharged during 

Little Vpinff" far cm 

The Israeli phone sys l cm, like their AC 
current volts] and their television 

standard (PAL) ' a KurOpenn system* Huro- 
peun 1 Lcphonr- differ from the American 
ftt.fin : ' n raj in scvcrul i ci I. orost Lng wavs, Firut 
Cl all, dialing is hy shortiElg out" the phone 
lino rather' than opening it. up. One of the 
cl rawl? neka of this met hod is t lies. I act ck 1 on - 
s ion phone on a line boing dialed will have 
its bell capacitors continually discharged 

V he d i a 1 lug * rauk i ng a 
nioti dialing pulse. Rood 
if you WEint to know about sOt/vlly on the 
linOf had if you don't wont someone e Lae's 
dialing to [jothcr you. Another difference 
is the "'off hook'" voltage — u more 3.5 
vo E ti! , cumpa rod 1 o the heft i cr 7-9 vo Its in 
Oil American system. 

Thei r pay tel Ophones a re organ i zed on a 
token system. You threw in one token for a 
Local call, and for longer distances the pay 
phone eat a the tokens at u certain rate per 
minuter. There's a little chute in the phone 
which will stock up four or five of the 
tokens so that you don't have to pour them 
til all the limn. A5RMQNIM ( which is just 
the Hebrew word for "tokens' ) cun be bought 
at any 310 s!. office. The going rate is 
around n nickel each. 

This system has various advantages and 3 through the busy 

drawbacks . 
to be Very 

disable the d'J&.l until yoti':ve dropped at 
eea*t one token in, and out you off when the 
tokens run out . Whether Of not the tokens 
drop into its Coin box (unused tokens eon he 
ret rieved when the os it is over) is deter- 
mined by ttxe exchange, Signals are sent 
over one of the three wires- of" the pay 
phone's line whenever the exchange decides 
that it. wants another token. Just discon - 
Electing the proper wire (which can happen by 
1 1 sa 1 i" a 1. t i nies when the phone breaks down ) 
will let the phone run forever on one token - 
Worse yet, if you cull access the two other 

their telco takes any money m ai aft, I'h ■ - 

explanation lies in their rale struct ure, 
which is rather reasonable. There are only 
t h roe mil cage rat es ; l ocu 1 , wti 1 1 : ts i.s o n <- 

message unit (or one telephone token from ;i 
pay phono) , intermediate (say, from i he 
center of town to the remote suburbs of that 
townl* and long distance (from one city to 
another). That's it. So to cult from one 
c tty to anot her , whet her t hey are sepn ra E c-,\ 
by f i ft y k i 1 ome tors or a few bund red , i 
still t lie s amt? rat a . bo c vc l el phone ea I I a 
between remote comers of the country il.r :-[i 1 !. 
add up tbflt quickly. And mi a one token 
local call,, von cm talk all von want. bn 
lu general, there's not that, notch, of a need 
to steal tails from pay phones, since the 
token supply is plentiful and low-priced. 

Of course* Lho;>c partial?® Strd if ieijil Ey low 
rfl t-eS doc t nop J y fa m t e rnot i ona I ee 1 1 s . 
The Israeli salat ion in rather simple: vou 

catl only make collect international Cylla 
Irom 0 pay phone, Sot. only that', you hnv 
to spend a couple of tokens in the process. 
You .re forced to e.-H 1 .1, a Tel Avi v number 
where an ope t’O tor will take your number and 
(hopefully? calj you brick, Ruring poak 
per 1 ods , i t. becomes n J mo® L‘ t ^po:,- i b 1 e i i 
! reach LhLs operator, Kven if yen gel 

they d 00 3 1 .-iwavs 

, J s igna i , they d oh 

The pay telephone Joesn L hay a answer immediately (and the calling exchang 
eemp 1 lea ted. r _ A 1 3 it donys is nut oma t j ca 11 y di a eoEincets the call after a 

wire® Of the payphone's lino, vols can clip a® bad. 

iftl rtU to laid a ha If if in? billing fti g^ia r 
received, SO you can't ring the if phone for 
say decent Length of I. i, p>e , This nil bo taken 
most of the fun out of calling a. Mack bo.k 
in another country, einco you. tn variably gel 
cut off within two min at os . B l ack boxe® 
don •' t swan t.o work iocu l J y , a® the exchange 
doe? n’ t switch the audio s.n until someone i.-:- 
paying for the fraJJ ■ this often result® tn 
the first "Hello?' 1 getting cut of fj . iv, u 
CELn usua 13 v dial 1 el t ornat i ona 1 ™ lift d i ree 1 . 
from a home phone f h ut i, f you need on 
national operator then the ftervice 

;i I mos * 

oei your ti«n telephone laid dial away with no 
rest r i C t ion S . Va [■ tons ot tLer schemas exist 
that mcehanit-a.I. I.y joiil the tokens in one way 
or apo ther S o L ha t t hey i us t don 1 1. d rop dowo 
into the coirc b-OK and the call is never cut 
Off. Mol only that, but if you’re good with 
the hook-W i E eh , you c?an d la 1 the number 
yourself without dropping token® in at all! 
The payphone dial won 1 dial until you chuck 
a token in* bat hand-puising the hookswi tch, 
though a t edi OUS prOe CBS , can get you 
Conner-: t ed . 1 1 on ly rnnkes aenae for 1. pea 1 

calls, though j since on any other kind the 
ask-s f o]- 


.lust getting a home phone in the- firs' 
place can he a long hassle. Whan you first 
et. your own phone * you mail t pay aroun 1 .! $350 
or an initiation fee. But after that, no 
matter how sonny t. iaea you otove or need the 
idiono reinstalled, there aren't any more 
connection charges* Fhit if you live in u 
newly bu i i t area whore t he phone 1 i tieu 

haven t been laid yet, you can wail several 
years. (!) to Sieve your service i ns tailed - 
Even if you move into an apartment that 
already lias a line installed the wait can h*. 
, r ,.. , ..idivv vj, jv.lalm ..Lit, 1 as Iiuig a® several months. This situation! 

Wj.ll cut you off when the exchanged.® .-supposed to be improving, though, espe- 
another token. , Atld il mukoja a loL^ciully with the Ills Lul IjiI j on of elect roni r 

ol noise and looks suspicious, and with the switching exchanges that have large 

c L UBUj y hoolcsw j t qhe® 

With making free calls 
for one token) so easy. 

provided, i$ not Very 



altnoftt free 

capacities. In areas with overburdened 
exchanges, party lines arc also very common, 
and are often the only service available, 
lines there are ElOwhete Eiour aa much 

how: Pari v 

(cot 7 1. :i iiVi.ut fw i> iitfc 2-3f{) 

Sherwood forest Shut Down by Secret Service 

i t 1 

r. licj 

i happened 

ir> the 
pee re L 
! h/. KC 

the cuss, 

)ii oc Agent Gt)3, a 
Forest u claims that 
u.L L over the 

An All Too Familiar Story 

p,.i^i..4 .. l . Prestigious computer hacker 

H “*■ S™!i^s a1: The 

k w? * lUBft =™L>ody didn't Uke „hat tWrf 
j'ttri"infi fly rroirt Lori £°? evon news wortiy , 

mJerw,. Thif • , J at:i£ ™edi i 

'™o ri£ ?h f ' inhere? d '' y L!lQ Jayst 

-*Sied E 5? FBI that 
Sorv Lr<* whu 1 ? a- *■ rnjt tin.! Seurat 
According to William Corbett 
h^hington public affairs office 
Service became authorised to 

. ,. JJWesti gut ions after 

LE Cfc l C r ’ i HiJa | j. ?_ Stflitdfl 

r ^pl and 1093 ( crrc.il 

October ]yH4 
J 030 ( fyaad by 

fraud) , piscuuse 

co sysop on Sherwood 
gainings were posted 

lEdlTfi™ 91i ct '- dit farms 

iro Co the seizures ^ 

As on example of the kind 

Foro3t availuble, we 

this* onn° it thei r articles below, 
i roni c ] ri°S3^ ? * Particularly t i»el v 

1 we Eire running one 

Si 1 r,.? il]1 ?v hachiJr £ uides on page 2-40. 
win run others in the future? If 

irtirte UE a G °py of ^ Sherwood rarest 


find TRW J 

muter ! a I 

newcomer ft 
scene in 

ajtpesred on 
or two- 4 
much hotter. 

you who have 
> . too Jsf;t year 
T* 1 }?- it, wo Iiad it 
01 dn !. recognise om- potential for 


™™," J . .. “L , t„ rOTwh 

! t Wflftil ' t 

may not 
Peopi c 

f 1 aun ted 


bypassing or 

J®SS® f tremendous'.' 

a friend W-: ol- s ?* tin £ * password from 

ffrTHOMT^i ? ! f^ u ^ ilJ and 
? 1 TH ™ r ( i *ii t i on , We 1 oved 

» r ( ^P™ '«« «• im •xwim, but 

™.ivud is abhorring, 

iy 4M-S-. 't.iU''i„™? B 4 1,1s: ’ '3 

Hfe. (,'r^a,*^ 

f (Ota 


las turned 
we hfive 
W;i rdsteea t, o 

in, fui- the 
Snooping around 
the potential 
Krive ourselves 

’£ Ss 

nn elite ferw, p&rhapo ten or twenty to 

h£H^ ah fsrMEs«g ^ 

pubfisttyj-x «as , t."sTi4ftr a 

aj™d“ C ’ hS^SiSr n!I1 “= on.hutlutin l.osdi 
^ “fAi t-,v! F>Io r U ', Publicity . Meanwhile, 

biMciL 1 i ”jA™ k “ f i‘®r be sstti^“V n 

(.hrnsking to become so dmigetous S i. s 

tichtons""^ / nC:e Ones 

survive fphrouk Oarwtniara?) pSreSkng SVf 
us a way tt) h heat t.lio sydi 



be Com a 


ho restored 
without costing anyone 


Hacking may ftoon 
phroaking liyo on' 

Big Brother [Courtesy 
- (914) 359-15171 

he dead, but 

in ay phone 

'Ad i£f the I ENtbu- 
hhokft wrxlt.en.'iiv 
vi-ohahly rhh j’i 

C jjt c J e in 

one ol i he many 

. 'criminals, hi L L 

KfefeFiif ™n(' fiSSi? Sfff i “*4 for 

’U I F> lifo tf core 
fCo]dc .';c h i.-jin 

fieri he 

I ai f[i ftrjjiis 

oJ iiroiwy 

ban urr L h 
I ( hilly 

whjt ^ ^ ^ime na 
white co! J nr cr-iaie 
to ateul secret ft or 
[.find noth t riey tv 

security 'without tiaving' 
possible procedures for i 
systems thut exist today. 

Tn :i\. he describes the 
Irnicr Circle, Which Was 

Sherwood fores ( 

i c 1 i t. o f 
Hinny y f 
arid so 
cinaput fc- 
del a i ! all 

many di f ferent 

bey inn i ny ■; -■ f The 
i win co was a group of hackers 
who ivn re dedi ca ted 1 a peace fai 

non destructive hacking and were suhsc- 

a{g{;U y g* c f f fi * ,? £:| . wn \\ <>t her g roups ; \ \ k- 
fiuiLSK, bv t.bo‘ Telenet btisls of lliiSH 
surveys the. history of huckjng and the 
(Jtion Of the borne computer m order to 
prosent his profile of a hacker and the 
motivating forces behind the hacker. Thtr; 

{continued on p.fre 2 ■ vS) 



evo ! 



1 1 '■ 



V. N 0 

1 i 



0 P L H 





> _ 

Bell Didn't. Invent Phone? 

r ^ v •• — -i. 

i 1 i 

| ■ OPER i 

P I rtl 

Annmio MeisocL it credited by some as iliu- ih.il inventor df 
the telephone. Mcneei , who reported ly could not afTm d i he 1 i 0 
tor a temporary patent back in I S73 , ; imk honored by teal ian- 
A mericu.Tts in M eticct b c| ua re . t he 1 77 th a n n ivc rvai y of 
V! roam's birl h was LiL-raldcd hjr Joint 1 aC'nrk: wbu su id " 1 [’IreYf 
had the S2Sf> (for ■» permanent patent) then, ihe world would 
call if Mettee 1 .hph'oric today, not Bell TelcjvlLonc." 

.-■rio of si’ i a vent oik racing to invent the telephone, Meucei 
publicly showed sketches of Ills designs used In die temporary 
patent in hopes of attracting investors, buL to ao avail. 
L.ii t'ou rte said, E.at'cnirtc added that Beil patented the 
telephone based entirely on. MeixXaV electrical designs. 

1 he only rema minjt tubules io Mci-ill-i an; i.he souare off 
Avenue U and Street in Brooklyn and die Little-known 
Ganbiildi- Victim Museum on Staten Island, The square. 
intiiScmaliljv is across from the Boll 1'elrplionr Co. Building. 

The Median Histdrieul Society of .America unsuccessfully 
sued in 19*76 1o enjoin the Postal Service from issuing die Bed 
oo mm cm oral iyc stamp on the- ground that Mcuocl was the title 
inveiiinr ni ihe telephone, inCourte said he intends to keep 
alive lilt drive to have Meucci similarly horn irod by a p«w; Office 
commemorative stamp, and LhaL ho harbors no id will inwa i d 
Bel I . V I cat i prove Moutei wax i ly: ■ nventdr plii in and simple. 
Bell just became a millionaire with Meuceifj invention." 

Porno Phone Service Busted 

.’.VJI UI .I. I’lY-vc 

In the- lirst federal prosecution of its kind, a 2,1 -count 
iitdictmcnl has been returned cliargi ago New York A*- pneqiji on 
(tarlm Communion Eons Inc.) and four individuals with 
rtnning a pornographic telephone service that aLle&edly was 
d riled bv wme Utah child ren. 1 lie offxia I chn rpc was interstate 
1 1 ansporlatiori of obscene rnaltcr. 

"Convic06nrsi * [l I his rase would challenge Lhc phone-sex 
iud icwtv, which has spread across the eon nLry during the pas! 
two ytmfSi-i'.v-S . Attorney Brent Ward said 

Tlir Rod era I f ommun-.;:a i isms Cs'nmssiosi ruled in June oi 
1 9R-1 [Lull conriiLiciaS. li perat urs 0C“dna5'a •porn’ 1 phone :• reiccs 
must, i cstL'id child ten 's aeoes-rby limiting hnurs of op, ralion 
and the method oi paying for lhc service. 

capabtl Lies of Iheii computerized mOtaLOriJig oquipniunl 

The ■ rush of telephone ca ISs was spumed By i he 1 KS delay i i 
processing millions of la a returns filed at ihe a germ.. a 
Roosevelt Boulevard service senior As of Lute April, an 
estimated ore million reiurnv had not been opened, uceord rag 
to the agency A spokesmmi for i he I RS said i liey were u now arc 
of i lie problem wiLh telephone-call volume. 

The 1R1 maintains 34 access linos lor ils loll-iree las 
information number, Ihe agency hue 23 access Unas for ire 
"I elc-tax" kne (2 1 SS'M&Mbh wh ieh taxpayers are supplied to 
be able to' call and punch m 1 betr Soria I Security num lv:r mi the 
telephone to obi am informal ion, about the sia i us of theii t.i s 
rel Linds. 

I be mujOnl y nf telephone cal Is were lI i veiled by Bel i W i Lll U 
itci irsti ng saying “all circuits arc busy.” And those that g u 
through any they were frequently disconnected . 

Occasionally, even stranger things hitppfmJd uu Use I lib 
lines, Ones: they siiecuedctl in luaohuig. either n umber, 
taxpayers sriid they found ihernsc-lvcs la Iking, not to an IRS 
computer or a telephone assssler, but in (jlIict vtKpusvrs. 

Jersey Wins Wiretap Race Again 

Hc%vi ^jr-LJ,Kr 

Now Jersey telephones were iai more I ike ly to be La pped Lis 
law enforcement authoritLcs than i, hose in uay olIici sta.ee last 
year, a distinct ion that Lias been noted ai the last seven annual 
wiretap reports issued by the Administrative OfS nf lhc C b. 

Michael Bo/xn,. araislarit direotor of oiimiiiitl juslice in tin: 
state Attorney General "i Oft’oe, ic item led lh.it New . F e : ■■ - 
ve-a'.ous use of olectronic sniveillance demons! rales Ihn av. 
crifottTciYipbnt authorities arc especially aggressive :n rnw li- 
gating organized crime. 

jAocording to the report. New Jersey authorities sought fmil 
received eou.n approval for 1 3 1 taps m I a n i ncrwisd i it 
over I lie I LJB3 total. ' I he j amp reveives a 1 re ud i lw l had Iwnug I u 
the number of wtrelaps d own steadily in roeOnt vvjtv. 

New J eTscy wii s followed tn i he ran k mu, hy New V nek, wh wih 
used 1 7-7 wiretaps. floridei.vdEh SS.arxl L'cnnsylvxnia. wiih4b. 
MynuheT stale hud more than 23 wiretaps uuihm'iyLil last ye,-.: . 
Morn i I ii'li i aO percent of the- nation^ wiretaps wffle authorized 
in New Jersey, New York, and E-'lorida, the rept'n; ^ud, 

IRS Drives Telco To Drink 

I 1 i L-i li ^■rl'i 

An erioiTCinus volume n ( calls Iror.i (uxpiayeit- scteiag 
nformatioit from ike Infernal ReveniLu Service on their late Juk 
refunds clucaLcned to knock mu te iLpSionn service to mot h o! 
Center City Philadelphia in April, according to Bell of 
Pennsylvania officials. 

I o prevent the massjve iiumhei i if ini'ili iries to i he I KN from 
overloading the 40,C100 telephone access linos servi i;jr lui if y f 
t" ' li utcr City, Bell technicians had for a number of weeks been 
eleetronjeu I ly di verting millions of calls. 'The traffic ImlI been, 
com in^ i a ar such ;.i rapid rate that it virtually ri p|Kd nu r system 
aparL. If we didn't (diveri phone cullsj, it would have pot the 
office in ran I jeopard y i he a bill Ly of people to make calls or 
rezriue them, " sa irl James Killeen, an engineer in the company's 
ulectronic’-swirch ing lI ivision, 

Duriue. one 15-mJnute: period. Boll wa? able to count at hast 
6ifl00 calls made to two Jlib numbers. Biu ojlRciials ray ihe 
ivesual volumr of adeBtldml calls being made to the IRS 
numbers m ihe -vame lime was at heavy tliai ii was beyond lb: 

AI&I Computer Caught Stealing 

IhcWw-Vwk (im 

Tke BellSouth Conjomtion has been cold by A '['•£■' 1 lb,H ux 
many.a* hj j[)00 business cuSlomens might have been improperly 
assigned to A I S'!' lung distan&e service. 

BellSouth has fifed plans with the Depart me ni of J ml ire b i 
■etnrtret the resulls of an A'fi&T computer program that 
erroneously asugnstl st;rviec andcT the equal-access program 
oiariduted by the breakup of the Hell System 

lYteanwhi le , Nyttux rays that a previously reported itgu re ol 
some 1*) h OOO, businLiss CusLomeis in I be NyneX region 
impropoi Ly fissigucd to AT A I ' lung dcila nee service bud grown 
to ahoui d7,0tHj us a rvsLi It of udd ii lonaL pr(iy;nscrimni]t ni isi ;i k;,:s 
rcpLtrtCLl by AT&T, 

I ii n ieviiLiLdevs;lypnienlL ihe Bell At Jar, I io OoTpi.iration said 
a W'.vilIlI ai loi ilc nyethcx) of ulluristing callers io lung distance 
carriers. Beginaing in SepCemhoi , Bel'. At ki ni iu said customer.:, 
who ditl not ehotwoLi long-distance can ier after Ivaving twn 
opportiLnil ies to do so would be assigned a carrier by Bell 
Atlantic. Previously, ens-lOiliers who did not make u cboice 
were lelt wiLh AT&T. 

s i ft L trace 
ti I I otmcnt 
up as a 
p or 3 i yo of 
Pfi . owns 
■state rol 


.... J V V T l[t . PJ'I i fade IpFii a urea) area 
?Ej^ a^i; ^rectory assistance cal 1 to 
Jersey) to got an Atlantic City 
number, uclcI then placed the cull to the 
,-tt-tnal number. The actual cull naturally 
appeared on my ATnT portion of the bill. 
BuC ttlLL kl '}« ts that, the directory a-s ■ 
t : allj supposedly on c of an 

DA on 1.1 5 vis AT&T, nano 
f,, 10 t 9^rpo on the Hell of Pu. 

' do b j 1 J . Apparent 1 y , Bell of 
o apecial except ion to the inter- 
... . L ’ R . huddles calls to 'i 

Ki 0yunt \**- Since nil rectory 

Tr^hl? rlf:CL nY' P^'bat-Lv handled out of 

1 V clj' r ( ,T V ^ V 1 E* a ? , . llljd a "d billed 

./ .7. (I | l v l You won t b*lM.iv0 hm AliiT 

li. indies Ll!]s situation— -you have to call 
."T, 7 im 222-030 CJ j Ld t hey j'iokylu 
up to mskc sure you made the equivalent 
then credit your AT&T 
.this is a to to 1 1 y man ua f 
, since w(* the puhlic have 
fold of this strtngo haol;, 
&ood that lEclJ (f Po. ■;£ 


Sf I {he r Mfe! ^Srt riM ”° r 

, The folks at Comsat'S Maritime Services 
dopartBcnt arc iDfjr-c- than happy to sinni 1 v i hr-- 
shipping and offshore rrie 

charge. Call 7800} ' * ^ 


424-9132 , 


freo of 
anytime of 

aeeoun l • 
i ipcra 1. 1 ou , 
never boon 
chances ore 

su re 
S i ni:e 

ITUS t Olur-rw 

gobs of half dollars which their 

(•.hr-.* ■. iff 1, ^ j- no1 i ««o; furthurmociu, 
hhen a watchful customer do os jo Uirough the 

lle?¥ in(tnU S process, it. seem* as if 
3k I.' of Fa ends up with AT&T’s money, A TAT 
able to - 

An d wh i 1 e yt 
network, yon 3 11 
the Rate & Route 

ou-Ve ka-chirpini/ across the 
be amused to find out that 

«J« now only aSii f 3£K"aS^?5ooH^ J afi* 1 

teen me ^ure u > stop m t ? no of those 

-on 1 ' wn « f nd try dialing t h , * 

routing. It s amazing how nary independent 
telcos pass .you right through f . ulik 

Rusty Diode 

February 1335 issue, you 
to call ahipa at sea, hr' 
-ho operut or- ;md then ask 
. to. the higJi seas operator 
out it s awful damn -slow 

j i i so seems 


I o be 

I h.i l (. i on i >f 
I r rm i unis . 

AT&T i 
companies a* ihe.v ^.( >u ]<_| 

t be bill on 
Why do I get 
ur>L as severed 

Dell of Pa, 

see t he 

he impression that 
from the operating 
have us bel Love? 

wc hfi.d 

' rcco Mil V had my t.t . 1 ophbne d i aeon nee ted 

r vo 1 1 r- if il<; f b; ' 1 \ ■ n'f f -e had 

Jor got! err Jo pay t hr- bill. 1 have no 

dispute with the hilling, howove ™ 

WH-'hVt r,r ' H K: /r y bi ^ flroij^d $ir f - 

Wh. had jviid of f oi our bill, lt:aving a 

balance of m. Therefore, J would asa^V 

YV '- aud only uwd 
ini>ri..biv long distance at a lenient, 

.. : Ll L j h j. },} ±, u h , < -‘ 5 only provided as "a 

'-..Lvii.i- to Alg. , mi th whom Pacific Telephone 
has no corineet ion. If Lfiis is the fas"' 
nude r WLift L an t ho r- 1 L y did ; hey ca L e f f mv 
tolephona sh;i-vicc. If t f u it 16 pay MC? 

^id Panic 1 cut me off? Shouldn’t r 

vi . H 1' from AT&T " sa I i ucel , and 
collecting is their p r ob 1 em? 
iiioji l ci illusion resulting ft 

"won I know how to connect 

o be 
and mos t 

fn your 
James that 
fi rs t cal 1 
is nice, 
f c 11 cl ones 
'Anyways r 

Vo« must 

° f . 1 h( - fi ,y i 1 ■ f I [-CO numb ers r 

300 4 m.%% CT ' D ° ] Maritime services 
rrZ^-'ri' 1 ■ . Bc> prepared to give tin 

/our billing into rrae 3. 1 on , plus [ hrr 

the ship and seven digit Tl> number-! ' 

Most p breaks will route this call through 
tPinn fl hi M iUJother b’ATS numhr'r- nnd 

l ™ ^ There have been times 

when some . an t or nr i s i og phreabs dcci ded t o 
culls to the loco! Co 
we ;, h know thn I 2G00 readers 

hill t heii 
not rf r > this 

first ce F T 
Either the 
a r > 

name e f 


WOU J < I, 

lth J 

of my 

its svs 

J am writing this letter because- F founrf 
some humor m an old tv hh usae rc iu 1 thsl t 
rao ?th S ago The commercial 1 ' 

ScrcaT'- hihZ "lit ’'AT&T is 

Zri-fw.’ I frerrancrcisl was about 
toll free number that can bo reached 
Tne troasuryi from a map included. 

h ill 

. i i i.- I 



Notiaiiy shnsshi 
Cft Shut 
fa v<n , gy. * vo 

lalex stjuJ fv-.-.i,',- 

f ( 'tm !d gut la* r 

prn: Os; W'f 

}>;lo of tr aubiv. 

.'V T.'V •/)>;■, • , t ),r-y 


l i nos 

Just a little 
fvnm the break-up, 

t un} ly Art .vurprsaoif ivSi^.t, /r.-c 
tv/i' or>c:i_- on* do twit othot 
hoard nui to a /div njmiJar 
I tfry to ftmtr umo, ftor/taps 
tt/cnf t.oynthor omf go t.p tJio 
those <: fimpitrs. i e.- 
Nothing iiko. 

ceres 1 
t fie- ri urn': 

, iSig 
1 f ind 










! he 
■c find 
a box of 

say! The catch as, 
cereal was Captain 

1 0 forest; i a g b e cause , 


remember, Captain Crunch is the cereal 
th. 1 1 con ta mftd the 1 i 1 1 1 e h lue hi, i s 1 1 e t hat 
.. . now known as a blue box, A[id e verve ne 

o u™e/AT&T UC \ f ™ ih i Q tht3 l 1 i- '• 1 ? “ dev i ce 
th^' ki5 T SZ' 1 ■ " l ^ t * at * u> yhow that even 

for ffi*r^t d ?r?S? U ' ta * ,:h '' lr 

The Silver Sufire 

am wiLluig 
issuej arid n tlicr 

in reply l.o J siuey {Feb. 

I -"I Owl 1 rr- Jn-.r- i- fedora who have conspired 

-. raj . n« reliant ft In ps op the high 

1 lj u m ay dial them direr.- 1, and : 

mi n u 3.c , by 1 1 j n i i ng Oil' ™n c'ode' 

I c - 1 in i an 1 1 1 umber . 

371 Al. Inn! i o, 37 
ocean, The ahiji 
disco ve n-.t by asli 
fhe Mar i sal opera 
Arid ask for thr 

■sens . 

J iul, and pay fJLO per 
occnij coio r ship 1 :.; 
ocean codes are: 
V Pacific, anrl «73 Indinn 
tftrmijial' number can be 
I3U( your- t^’lco Operator- for 


yyw!] . .. dM'ff'fnx t inn on (hat. The 

^ ,IS n<t - :r h j uo box ( t.'a.u _i - imagjnti 
u e ID uo Mv i /} if box vl 

to prwfuut' n pure- 'dam 
' T "fjfk f i n t 0> uhich Rniyod I ong dj fit Mwo trunk 
- thus enabling bJuv box t ones to b* 

uti/izod Th rt dbOO hertz button is th * most 

important part of a bluo box, unless 
-r l f '7^' . ■' J -f iin fifnit that a. 1 1 own von to diit i 
ntlht ip to an opr st trunk, thus miking H 
/. /rcc&n ary to sn.ixo one. 

or : in Alaska 

dial 211 

marine operator) , who has a 
y of si? the ships I except thu 
aiips, wim-fL sommone forgot to 


■■'■'J'l i l'i- ' j': nusrfie rs 

fable Shir 

i nc I uric r 



orm j-cfu-l 

t he 

■ I ' If 
T, i nos .) , 
i n< crn;H 

ftc von d i g i ts , ail 
.L5D3fi?iA, AT&T 1 s 
The b Z. uc box crowd 
.1 iuiu J operat ers by 

wh is iji- 
ndrc/.rf* * : 




i *'1 snT i 7 J wf i: '" y T ' t 1 ri t 

isl,,,,,!. ,Vf 1 J953 0039. "vj^n A? itiiZ ' 
us nloctronif: mu l ns, our of ft, -in I 
board , The Fri vat* Sector 

huj.tet to 

<28l3Gffl43L). if 

>ou have n problem with your subscription or 
n buns ties,, writojo: _ 2fi00, Box 7fJ. .ViddF- 

5te$5J*2600 f ' W ~° 752 ° r 

Box 75,7, Middle? 

<:fs i } US; ;.d 

3-1 A 

The 2600 Information Bureau 




(602 } 




- - - 528 


















■ 302 









DELAWARE . . . . 








f U AllO, , . , . 







MAI N't 






• 641 
. 3(37 
. 635 

. .457 

. .553 

- - 835 
. . 620 
. . 020 
. . 241 
. .368 
, .343 
, . 253 
. . 328 
. . 647 


I. .1 UO 
( 404 ) 


i fine J 





(309 : 

2 18 



( 606 ) 

( !>04 } 





( 617 ) 










MIMOWfl ....... 

EI2 1 













: 30.8) 




64 ft 



...... 25fT i 










■ ■tv) 

84? ■ 



? 2 L 2 ■ 




r 7 1 6 ) 



44 ft 


S3 3 













543 i 




OK MH0MA , ..... 

949 i 

654 i 






547 ; 

503 ) 


523 1 


345 : 


458 : 

'H24 ) 

245 i, 

'4 12) 

233 : 

'7 l7) 


,463 ■: 

" 809 ) 





345 ■: 



84 3 ; 



251 \ 


238 : 



.527 •'. 




531 ■ 


331 I 


351 !, 


85 fr ; 



453 ■! 



451 ■; 





236 ( 



524 (6091 


426 (206) 

54 J 



, . 624 ( 

304 ) 




553 (414) 


443 ( 


!_ht? t set above was pus f. od on The fr irate Sec: tor by AX MURfiRftPfi. 

It >i h o u 1 d he no 1 . ed that with modern methods of phone rno i i.ng and 
^ J 7 J J :<*■' 1 h J a list, c vj n.n (j t bo dep eft d c*d on a a: comp 2 c i o nn if a c-c u re ! e _ 
Those exchanges ere now only generally found in the an nos or e non 
code?; }} sted, bee-huso with the m-ver technology thoro are 
relatively few restrictions as to l ho actual phone number 
assignments for toll free service. In seme of theso exchanges r f 
is possible to dial the ex Oh unge end then "QO&O 1 *, and the 
locution wt 11 he read off. by some recorded clown somewhere , 


Out of the Inner Circle - frA REVIEW 

(can tinned from 2 3<t } 

Is on import nn t element of the booh where 
lr£indreth describes the psychology and 
l bought processes of technology's foe* the 
backer, be tries to classify them, so he 

can refer to them Inter: the nov;i,tc; the 

student, which fcsndroth con aiders hi 


1 1 rnsinr e f" to 

be ; i he tour’i s t. ■ the crasher ; and the thie f . 
He describes various methods of hacking in 
How a Hacker Elacks" such ms guessing 
defaults, using help fi ]as and demos. Ho 
t Enin goes on to discuss different general 
types of computers arid peripherals as well 
us operating systfSHs, whnt account 
pi'mtyfics are* wJiat security m, the role 
of tbe i sysop, and various booker scenarios. 
The book is full of dramatic digressions 
iiiUi the activity of a herd core hacker, who 
may spend as much as a year to break into a 
system* may return to enter a system with 
10 [i or more '"friends' 1 1 or may even pretend 
r - o pel J amp 1 oyces out a rdc t he ta rge l company 
as they go to work in order to find Oat user 
names and any personal information that 
be used as passwords. 
of the Inner fTircle is written for 
management ’ Types'^ who wL.ll read und 
get no vous * and them lean on the 
opera tors to beef up security. Lan- 
ulso refers to sysops who do not aind 

read , 
d re l.l i 
chatting with 
designers who 
system that 
day they mny 

hacke t’s , os well as system 
may build trap doors into the 
they set up for you. Then One 
1 UP your computer, enter 



your scat cat through the trap door that they 
installed and do whatever they wish, Mow* 
those management typos may start keeping an 
eye on the) r computer exports Us well as 
company security. Out of tho Inner Circle 
is also full of v ignet tos wliTch mny sound 
ji emmcn pla c e l.p the avera ge backer, bnt that 

Israeli phone system 

fcon f. in urd from page 2-33} 

fw. ji htft d.em one psr‘v pitfci up. i-io phono, tiie otlwr is Jccierf 
|V,! md c n 'et iirml c e or ucc :kc 11 


GutLinp vWr diai? dit v l lC kail oho w i iiyins Hfli. 
F Likines * i'i .jlojI ths'.'.beit <i tlul discribK to telco's nto 
Lcuiili. Jtlh'r it I*; uesuatnU, jI youVf iucky, .lhf pitfbicn 
niltit iji<l i ljk-J , aid nut fair Ihi 1 ml diy. It i'i JUit dDWt 
u,L': iv-::-: it iiMf lam -ilo.l r ft- n ; i probiass hi ii piperyisar, si net tit 
airervisif's [maes mu iwfS luff nr npvw aiswr&i SsfLai 
mni MW-jnri liuch ;>■ ftmed: it? rn b? h rmxrfiy nr nthw r=cwii hi liv 
:l>ii ! is -dhait lb? mly rp[ iab !p wav nf iptlinn jcur ciaplainis 
i rn: Jvh| 

’Ir ;k:ie tydra :n rtlfm hu sffljrcp ol oe at tlm >any nahural 
fwaiaifti, -T r.in'l tali my A K.it oygr tbfl phuee" is hiurd 
imred;b’ly often. i'lraiv ir ,[ ; brnirn knf is. h s»)ll (uuntr? 
»ilf «sy not h.Hdlc so ur i tv nn?r.oUt Lms 11m emrl*, you tol 0f«i 
vair lun rriiil nl ■) 'SofurUy ■aia'd iftb^vr unJking into any inros* 
HiL:bJ Litiisnl sc rte? rai rh’ck you lo r o«uUtlcn or ^scalns iweef . 
&HP psn?lp sIksi rouiueJy ihat bcir [C'^VDyations tn 

tjflir&'tf, .fisc |ih- j Jot c-i o*c ho'c a:H^s tJiJnk. 

the bus i ness^eople of America - 
" the activities 

snould scare 
descriptions of the activities of crushers 
who try to erase files or halt systems und 
of hackers reading personal documents and 
entering corporate computers. 

I.andreth often makes mention of a system 
by its value. ''Someone is trying r.o break 
into your million dollar computer..." he 
fright suy. This is the language thui 
corporate America speaks. L&hdretn is not 
very worried that $o»eone muy be looking ot 
your credit 1 nfonaat ion 3 and even less 
worried that there enlist companies that own 
und sell it. 

But* basically* Umdroth fulfills the 
purpose of the hook in two chapters; ''Hake 
the Most, of What You've Got’* and ''Tel Lt ale 
sigitf;". Together they would make a good 
guide of simple suggestions that could prove 
liivuluobte to sysops;, system designers, 
oraputer security consultants. In 
at ter chapter* Liindreth discusses bow 
could reduce access ihi 1 i t y to spare 
unattended terminals, how to reduce 
1 i, a.b i H ty of dial -ups * change 1 ogoh 
procedures , ass ign camplew password:; * und 
several other inexpensive procedures that 
eun boef up security Ohd keep out most 
tinckers, Tn the formeiy he lists some tell- 
tale sign? for One to suspect that an 
intruder has been on the system, such as 
excessive use of help files, movement of 
ot Jier f i 1 ox , UC tl vi t y in norma 1 1 y dormant 
accounts , etc. It ia these two chapters 
alone that make the book useful. They 

contain uil that information that backers 
know und about which t. hey sometimes remark; 
If I was running that system, this is what 






ot the 
bv a 

■ i w y /" a > twi 


wOu id da . . , 11 " Thes e chap l i\ r«i te J. 1 
la.sic s t cps to follow to greU t ly 
dOUijJU ter intrus ion by hackers . I f 
suggest ions are followed* the total 
of ii legs! entry muy decrease 
substantial percentage. leaving only "the 
Very clever and pars is tent huckcis to 
examine corporate America from the inside. 
This in turn weald finally give some credi- 
bility to the myth of the computer wiz-kid. 

Then again , thi s b oak can be takea j r'l 
another ways: Only a few week* age* 

according tc 2S0Q reporter Hunter Alexander, 
f\ Michael Nugent of the Electronic Data 
Systems Corporation fuMfrd about pul o f the 1 
Inner Ci rcle before the crime subcammTtee" 
ei che House C9 1 1 i hg i t u lh how t o do i t 
[computer crime! . Hew do I handle that? 1 ' he 
asked Hep, Willi on Hughes (D. K.if - ) , Wr, 
Nugent ought te road the book before the 
hackers do, if he is so worried. 

some; corporati 

300S2637' 1 *t- 
B003430 < 9 < ?P 
S 00343 1 3*0 
30092 % 1 3?00 

4. X S327f522 O 

30 x ^^*S30S0 

©00332 X X 
© 00331 1 * 4 * 
e 00325 * 3?7 



Say Goodbye to Meter Readers 

iVvjBvfeiJ ►rrvi 

I'lw New York Telephone Company has ziskLd ilse Smio 
Public Service Commissbit Lo approve 41 plan to read utility 
ulcU'tv by telephone-, a fcirvice Unit could male the duui-ttv 
ddoi a. e'er reader a figure of (he post. 

A statement issued by the ewlpariy raid rcgula'r telephone 
sc 1 vice would be unaffected hy i Inc jneier-ieuding teivicv:, The 
sc rvioe would mil Its read jugs only on telephone lines that were 
nut m use, and would ft.mumiiticnlSy disconnect '* ;| came in 
during a reading. F : - .treading would dike abouL Lwo ivtconds, 
a Nr - Y ink I eh .one spokesperson rai)d L 11 nd would p-robably 
' .re place h,t eight, 

Bob Tyofigsl, a spokesman" fm- Brooklyn Union Gas 
Company, said “We’d be able to rcduci; uptsni ti ny eosts, we 
think. And, of chutw, our customers would have convenience, 
since they would not need to hi: si home. And it -would eliminate 
estimated billing," 

Oi'Klah lor Lilt .iiticni representing Brooklyn Union Gas 
meter readers could noL be readied for comment. 

Thai Phone Rooks a Hot Issue 

M- ji VirH .!■■ ir«l 

An A1 & I Iiriir lilcd u. 595"6 million lawsuu agtiinst n GTF 
unit, escalating a buttle over the rigid to publish Thailand^ 
telephone direjcttniiK 

Ihe suit, tiled by AT&] International luc, in Ihmykuk, 
Tliailamf, nl byes that actions by G'I'L Directories Gmp, 4 md 
other dt reriHjEinla have caused “severe damage tn the 
reputation'" of AT&T Internationa] in Thailand and other 

In Febnta ry, AT&T l ntcrnaclonal mm fares bidding for the 
riyhl (o publuih l iiailand s duieetnriev Fn- ihe next five years, 
the loser wax CifE;. Directories Corp. , whose ["hai unil had 
published Tlia iLi ad "s phone books for 1 lie |*;isi 1 7 years. 

In March, GTE Diitdorits filed a 331 .4 ijiilttoiViiiit against 
Al&l Interna 1 lynti I. alleging it had Committed '"wrongful 
ads " in connection with the biddi ay. 

New Tracking Device For Cars 

iv v.’n- y-i l r.-*K 

Seven yeans 4tyo, William R. Reagan wrote out an in vane. On 
d iselosism, 1 he lirsl step toward n pa teal . W ith all Lhe -k>i ;e 
cniiseis a rid communications networks and compute rs In : s 
country, Ik though 1 :, I here should Ik some wuy 1o ecuip . 1 
Automobile with a transmitting device thru lhe police could 
home in on should Ike ear be stolen. 

Today, Mr, Reagan is responsible for just such a device. . 
police ci Luster equipped with n track iny unil can pick up the 
signal two or three miles away, lock in. on it, and track it 
lit rough woods,, fields, subdlyLsions, or city streets, right 10 the 
car. 1 n 550 tests i n 1 be hist four mnnfiis , the Massachusetts State 
Felice have found lhe hidden car every lime. 

Ityan a preen sen I reached with the Siam, Mr. Reagan lias 
installed about SSOO^lOO worth of equipment th a, 1 will remain Ln 
slate pulitu cruisers and facilities, 

When a ear is reported stolen, the police entry in the- crime 
computer automai ion |ty cruises a special signal 1o be broadcast 
from police radio towers across the stale. When lhe signal 
icaelrcs the (runsntitlicig device in the stolen the device 
begins to emit ils own sile-m pulse, which can be picked up bv 
police cruisers with tracking units. ihe signal flasltts the ctirh 

■ code name on ihc vrusser's console, The officer Ln lire cruiser 
.g've.j 1 hill name to the police dLspaldier h -whb uses it to gcL (he 
sto len car", description from tl>e crime computer . He gives that 
'* riHW 26QQ for news on advanqinq technology 


description to the officer in the cruises, and 50 , us the cruise: 
homes in on Use signal, tin- officer knows what cat m Lunk for 
Massachusetts governor Michael 1.1. Lhi kn k is commented . 
"fMy m It: tate goal is] eleven million cars a year coming om ol 
Detreit equipped with this “ 

Problems for New Pay Phones 

1 i'iii# 

Siu^ ihe E GO approved the sale of pity pannes Ln ihc 
summer ofl^ia. pew competitors have sold or Lnsiatled coo re 
■ hii n id-.IXTi p lvaLely owned L"txin -ope rated phnues Many In 
the iud uslcV eapcct upwards of one million to be in use by rwn. 
replacing 4H least sonic of the l,b million phoiK enuipauy 
qua rtcr-Siiiens currently in dpe-ratiijiv. 

A technological hurdle;' is siilt in be cleared, thkugji; Until 
recently none Of I he so-eo licit smart piy phone v have Ikcu ahk 
to determine wlicn 1 ciill is answered, and ill itv when to yobblc 
the coins '['o collect tire liuiney, fiw phones typically require 
users to posh a Mi Hon once tlie -con nectioc, is mnde before they 
can be heard by the nilicr porty. Many people e.ei coWf uses] and 
ilose (Iwir money, "Violently lonitshed phones arc .1 major 
f>robLvi!i ."stys William Moorchcad , u specialist on the iilflifitry 
tor the Thu-indyc Group consulting Http in Washington, 

UNA Message Service 

I !-j* - i'i ■■ ' ■. 

A new cOimnunioitions service, wh idi is expected to nuke H 
possible for small busimtiscs to seisii and receive inlcmational 
nicsiuyes for a small fraction of 11 k eosi of Telex or similar 
services, has been initialed by Sor-xk System's Technology 
(SST) nf M anna del Rcy, t'.'A ;■ n-J Mi la n, Italy. 

tacsivn as TINA Intcriiaiionul Message Service, the- cow 
sysicm biis one limitation asoomptired wLlIi Tclev or similar 
veiviL-vm Communication, is between subscribers in U.b. or 
foreign, “gateway Cities, 1 " or more specifically, firun the 
computer of a sobsenber to the com purer at his other 
“el eel ronic mailbox. " 

A subscriber dials a local number lo get on an inienmcLunul 
network, then sends his message th 1 ough 41 modem attached 10 
his telephone. The network is tliaL of INFOMli l , which has 
offices worldwide. 

Gost of the service, which includes, (wo "'eleetronie 
m.ailboxcs 1 ' and Lwo hours of oompueci iinm is Si^.f-0 per 
month . Unit eliai gc, sa ys fiN I ', gives subret ihc’rx lhe amount of 
seivicir (hut w-DLild cost afsodt 52200 by conventional services. 
Extra computer connect t inu; is obkiinabSe at pyx hour 
Fxoa dcciromr mailboxes and ustm IDT are Jlfi pm mohtb 

AT&T Contractuiil Obligations 

f ■■ Kiw.1 fir*, S'MM'i 

A5&1 is making i(s employees sigri :a new contract which 
prohibits the d isflosu re of proprietaiy infyrmuSion outside ihe 
oumpii ny. 1 n add iimn. (he ro-utraet covers inventions nvride as a 
result of employ mem, as well as inventions in - 41 12 areas in 
wliieti AJ& 1' does busincm or in which the company -rtiiy.hl be 
reasonably involved in the future.^ It is forcing I’liiv 
“agreement'" not only to new employees but to its present 

“Call Me** Card 

'.'irtTKlfl SltA^imiri 

AT&T wi |] sotHi intrqdgeea credit ai.rd. that ca a poly Ik used 
lor colling hnnte, the cord should '-iiminnt-e ji ray chanre of 
lelephotK fraud on credit card mnnhcis. In juldjtiun, it is 
expected to reduce plvone bills by remc-Mne, irieeniive to C 4 ill 
anyplace else. 


rhtS Jr CjcJc, " Ihp IntrcdL-ctim to th? tertd at ricking" is Muni 
CO h: Jf flu by If J ' in;] yoi hosi net te (jet cauflt, rdiat not to dc on u 
-. owutci s.yE.tM . ir?t typeed eruipient ftouhS E > ri-:>n dtnsL now, and 

ji. rl n ! i it In m ?hp >ii si if v, Fas! n r Ciiii.! future, uf (ho luCxC' , 


ad tn Eh? Unr Id of Kicking ! ho, lie people Iff J LkV wtsido 
■v rh? ‘I'l' i-i I re I ps , and him hair- scorned rid Cyril arjoSttiJ by those 
frci the ’r i f i J (red mr 1 d' , <e? !*k cuing starter cysr r shy. This is 
•y r y; to th* croater fgjr ot kf-dt n nod hacker fiki U kisc, nfl eoril 
jdlltydl:- heroJ Ha do pwwftirs, this causing Niti-hackiy seniinsit 
>■ lr,e iUKes. Also, ten liyckors sh* to actoaJ I y koou ei«it tn 
aciutHr ct: - deis Eli oy hjft, Or kfot equipwr t they Kill ran Lots m 
ffi I r m‘ md, or wiiil they oouJd do nroftj Ctt 0 SfStfl to dJert Ihe 
’hi^h?f’ author j ties kho mol [nr Eh? syski. 

I 'hi article 15 .intoned to toll you about Suae tJitfft, not to do, 

LvCfl Li'dorf ydu *1 Of! thf' Srstjia. Hi I J tel j yea a: oil He ntv 

■Xti of front Wd Security ■i'/ises tlwt ore beginning tn te usK mi 
iSKiukro. Ift? ne 11 dtlLUOt to instill in YW ?■ second idfntltf , lo 
l-h broudit sp at Ei* of ^reat Mod, to puli ynti out of trouble, 
(nd, by lie key, ne I a-:o uC. repeat, OH, rKfWfiitl Eitv ftf tfnt k? 
vary la this itd Lte forth* 01 Lb? arUelPS. Lroc’gh nt the LullHhit, nr, 
to the Eon: 


otter .nnning ih tout favorite EfrS, WU 'iff on tt* high o:tess 

Wl 0 P'ffe nuitor 1 1 Soys it's a great systri to ‘fuik around 

h | b 1 '! 1 Iff is .nay to t ru =■ , test hr*r army iifnst pftjpSe are doing U fill 
Ilf Silt ryjiwy'? 5b: H 'l tn ovnni r.ol I iriy a raiiw f|JV£fl to thf 
Fii.u:. this is bPCWSf UltTf ore o r least rwery utho.- usn feLJiffi. 
ane'hm rrfiy otter twdsuill tltft nutter spread tn? 

[f vlu :jJL j liiWit i j r, K ar awry, ,io,l you plan do - 10^3 thru ail 
tatmijr ur t ro vfj jfr , terr] fere fa I Ling lire s?if ki es> ouaifti 
(i.o. as you k.uid L f fO'O teid a ^bfr rnmiogj, this lots wry 
suspk lof, j:d in - iftip Jiff biwrabtf iiifo thf phsof btj: oowi-; in 
Iho aaiL. to*! crttfS h*f a varifCv of wr os? nuihers Mid services, 
sp-jEMs »ji> u$ vau tan. n>v trust a change in the systei... 
tef aii's, tlif asslk4'Sn irfif i:ai^ir- for this reran’,: rfien liil 1 of 
Lira fOeiiAtfd to h'.f SrStfl. tteff 1 wp. nothing gnw Lfere. Thi- iVIct 
life, :hiy? ms 3 trfs satf StutSi ri^t in their wav! prEetrtfd 
lo MLtry Said Oaff to- tM. Stfy tnc-anda halt hrurs, klJh THE!’ 
JJS (racing tins' Mine JCb, (ke'r yw thi hi? Jf any lhir,!l Locks 
aiipicjous, drip Lte ine iflfWiiJfJv 11 fc jo, TrSTfflWl'! ! in? 
Kjnt ko're (rywi X D?1 affOSC 35:. if VOU.USe 3 Jiftle iam 
sen : r', yn: oiv?t 'Tl Lulled. Li. l !hf J title kid? tdin a Y fo't r trrf 
mrurti tn recosnyH n S' if git iuStftf, if hill tiJff Die hfOL olt nr 
the real harloors. 'lira, l?l -ny yw got in a 1 , o-isyff; sysfe* . Jl 
Iijl.'l. if cit. ftetis OjI , ^yyr? rhi no ^eer- fine. Ok, w isJiai it 
■t: !:■ ™'e cuCrrOiO. i'j.i hayr to tor*, the coapaLiv ststra (see 
li.htre iswh’. u! this tirlk h for info or: specif L« 5Y5i«ss? to Icxa 
k'at. ic ?i> on. Bn«i(oMVi hfp iiviy I rca ii.v t rfiiiid Jijfh Jcoss 
: :k.' if #ju't doiete 'titling, cow a nm file into the ucrau’ I , or 
jalcffi 1 Lfaif t h f arebdnt i n the statu-?- ycu Jc-rr^ tn 

aith. Uiaidi' "tk'fHL^a . ,jt )t isn't: an account kith nriv's, then 
dKl'i try 'Vih- K«ods that I'fcyi.i the*! Hll L ves Alt , sysieis Ore 

it. -iMM ri) k jiwplir > 0 ; fitf? ol ami users are .bicii, and :hut will 

-V i> 1 ,( 1 . fr is jist. like gi wiping a IrruhEe-qrd in an ESS system 
of rif vfidif'] rn.it ’ j ;c fteerafnr a »etty true, no 0 jcsSSLw 

OSOJltS of tj*e 00 the artnjnt Ln me stnedch. if sen yflur Cal Ling V.' 
me f tf Jafe n ioht i r arsih In , rr terinn busiitess iuu'S _ IwJ Lfaf it 
or ■+) ! ! J . Et os-K-n? that ttero are «ire users on day inn ImSiflttS 
hajrs. o:1 it is tioiy eilriciiJt to read a Ion trie h.1,1 dO uKfS 

Tho Private Sector Has Gone 10 Meg! 

TLv' cfFktl^il hijllelm hoard cif PJ6CO mw haseven in ore into 
to sliam Aith cunr wax I O-mcyjabytc hard disk drive. 
Access is open Ed all! Wo hove the fclkwraig Eottx>irds; 

Talcom Dtoet’ M*dla,'1>tt3wyi ArtlCliM 

58S Adrorifilrio Tfllcsm Qurwllons 

Telcom fkjefcivnlei 

Trafhlno Socurlty 

C'wnpykM* S KutwOffcirig 

tjL! I he l^vate Sector for Uie most irdeiUStinig and 
intelligent talk On Idis^’nnurliCSIliCt’rS Aixl eornp-Jters 
dlil vrxir rrKxlerrn vati rows 1 Find! 

Cull Tcda^ 201 - 3 GG- 443 L [ 300/ 1 SCO] 

doing ray CtMTids fyfry gimlo. fry tn avnid s-ystOw htere 
:p;r >!>-(' kwoo each otlier. fcfi't try to h.utf. Arid stWf aJ. I EYES 
at! lthf fOe Ml Jhf svstes, CT are tte tel luere- is. T'Uy alrtiys 
grit tin- Ftcpie heads swU , 

Thwe is x«- vfrv inttresting "Vm; md eguipieiit -ircu-c nL^wiri. , 
but iLrst let's 'jeflne tiff;.. , 

E.y frcuE end, * aw aiy iHiee that yce t on?;? lira 1c got af 
■hi' r H-:J 1st . Ti'frf are ddvlces that are Bid? tu *Ihj! Inc ter 
prnyafls, md just plain aid vj] ti|i-itJ>:ri.. To defeat barker 
nr nor a is, litre ire ruu dMlttS ttet ?L£ji Up the rimne atd jjsf sl! 
there... ?his leans thi! your device pftSf.O carrier, t L UK veu !'. ird- 
the^e isn't a cnap.Ler on Ihu utht |r efld. The ft'?!* wy a r P.nd it is 
|0 deled Jh-m i t kis pitied ue. If i l picks ar te Y th? saae 
nuitcr rjt'ng , thee you laiou- it is i hiri?' dofuates . 1h«f de'.'icrs 
take a luJtrdisjt code tn let vou inln 1,'e systii... 5oce ?re. io 
fact, quite st4lislLcated tn the paint idiars it wifi aJsa llllt the 
user one's dc«;, so w? mwi cr -sf pF naws can be va] id 
Logins after they input rho code... 'idler oryvices upat a 'utrf' 
rode, and tteu t-tfy dial OU:+: a pre- J .r no rained ru*w rur that ode 
these sysLf&S arc best tc Joace atone, neriiPH fhery him SMffllf j" 
nli.yinu Hilfl their Phone. Y,tu nay think 'liuf i'll just repress thf 
dial-back: 1 Fhsnk idsiys, hoy stipid thjt is, . . Tsir ?hey have >w 
naif', cr i Lk; Joop if 'ym 'kcre just a lift!? isarler . If It S 
ycr nuciwr ■ they hi.ve pxw f nails (ir tale. ..;, if Its t JiXv-, tel 
veu are scriirtil main, since- thKb JwfO are iicnitcirtdt. 

k fnr ruiiipJeiers... alidl. i ?leney is SFKsed tn Cu is this: 
lee -svstf* ran ament lulfiple u&^S. Hf Hff to file ihnre, so 
Pf'tJ let the trented procesSur do it... JcJL, thi- is Uu! a 
icltinJ'fKe' 'doos. Ijgjatlf they uiJL ask. fp' sceethma like Vfiv 
ClSSS" or "Jin?:", Usually it is iflyrdiried for a dcusfe >d: ai I 
(Bibcr. or a fair Jc- fisc Iff ter acre. Tiisr* ate usually a frv sets 
uf nut'cv'S it accepts, her those Oirers aJsu sel MUt JQEb'liV‘3 tftnl 
oil a Lyyi.'_ Ttese eiLt' p lescr-f- ;r? inrcrorr- unt at test, SC not to 
h-:v rv. 

A kin 1c asout the histcry od hatkinri: hai>.i:^, by our dffLniiiov. 
nuns a creat komJedge of c cre -p?i. .aJ l.' l'-j . Doctors a"d Jakye^s 

arc huckers or a serf, try this cefinitliu. Sat tost often ■ it is 
betno used in the Oftuter -rente: t , ano Lius ki' Ibw t de' Lntti'01 nt 
'a,iv3rre n!ii.i Ins a great axunt ci cnar-.L?- or teLo:o»;nifati(us 
ittM nip.’ Tiu art rat a hacijer spwux v® hnvi a liit or :od:s.. . 
i larking, bv m oefinilicii, ras the? -Kril around oiJy atouL !5 ytars, 
Jt ct?r r .ed. liter? eisa Lut, HJf and Colleges utieye they had Lcuate: 
SCirncn ur el«trjcat enginooring dyaartl-mts . fia:k?rs tnw ertatod 
soae cf she he^t cwtufer lingujK-S, tte post ak?s»e Cturiling 
syshw, a."d ewn gone on to .-uke n UlMS . Hoiking used tn have u 
good naif, kh-m ne ipjI.i 1 honest ly siv "we tecx rfiat ne are- -innnV 
ten il scans (in ?he Public eye); Ihe- aid s, Ron tostjn, the McJi 
•saelters, the Amrut. torimrs... All the maple rfin have bar.- ca^tt, 
haw ditto daage s md arc nw oming to hewi to Sate rues md 
sentences, 'tes ne w post th? ca-aiistic cap, and to ?ui 
lurpKC: educate Ihe hickci rv* r ik- i tv . reiurr, Eo Lire daps kfiitt peep e 
ocluaily utti sKfthioj,,, 


,', p'nu guide: ThrsO *ro articles Mil bo nn( L eu in l-'-lS 
scriuS, at tf.f jrcsent tope. Sasirs (jt Hacking I: DEE S idSLCS Of 
kicking [Jr vh's (tWL!(i flasi.es at Hacking JET: EuEa Gene'aJ. it ts 
.KViStoJc la (Cite an article on JRH, sin-re Iheft: ire ?n liny 
S^ltfS aid oe m ly hiv? i ntn if. i ‘ai. . . This article has own 
4i rtf' W: ihe Kniofito o* thodoti 

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