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2600 Magazine - Volume 1, Number 3 ZOUU March, 1984 — — — == ■.i^lihlinl HniMiihl^ Iil JMHF l:\IJ.M I’HIM-S, m AthffcwMry pr£Hairali«ifi. KuhuniMk-iii rjiiiL hiu i FD utiaihjJlh . Writ* w Unkn T.JJ. Middk lUind. N V I F«J. FSLN 3 VOLUME ONE NUMBER THREE r THE CONSTITUTION OF A HA CKER With every generation of humane there are certain types- of individual* that emerge. There are (always have been and always wilt be) leaders, followers, general nuisances, etc. And then there are folks who like to play with things and figure out how they work. Before technology came along, there really wasn't all that much for these people to play around with. And certainly there was no way for them to pool their resources except through face-to-face communications. With telephones, of courts all aspects of human life changed. Here was a toy that anyone could play with and get virtually unlimited results. But of course, most people did n’t (and don't) see it that way— rphones are phones and nothing more. You're not supposed to have fun with them. Yet, certain adventuresome type* insisted on having fun with their phones anyway. Tjiey : did all kinds of things they weren't supposed to dg T like figure out the way phones work and interconnect. For the first time, these technological enthusiasts posed a "threat** to technology by reaching out and touching it rather than simply using it without asking any questions. Today there .are Jots of people still having fun with their phones and mi king af I kinds of technological advancements of their own. But the real focus at the moment is on the newest "threat," people who like to experiment and have fun with computers. Not the kind pf fun thcyYe supposed to be having with Pacman^and Mr. Do*, but unauthdriietf fun with other people's computers. Why do they do this? What do these people possibly have to gain by breaking into computer systems and seeing things that don’t really concern them or I hat is of no possible use to them? In the great majority of cases, computer hackers don't gain anything niatefial or financial from their exploration. Add lolhiit the high risk of getting caught and it becomes very hint for the average citizen to understand whpt motivates these people.. Many computer . hobbyists, in fact, are resentful of hackers, consign (bent immature and troublesome. Quite a fc w conDputfcr hu Ucttn boards prohibit certain topics from being discussed, $i)df wtipn they do, hacking is almost always one of them. Tigris, is some justificat ion behind this, since the image of ailcomputcr users can be adversely affected by what t|^ dp. There are pisii the ..tagal people who insist on telling everyone that jbtrica king into ^computer hy phone is just like physically bneatih&iiiioa home or office. Fortunately, that logic seems to feejsbpred by very, few people. In spite of dH/oCf^ greats and ciiticism, though, the hackers arc SOI thpif aci," And public opinion, particularly apjo^g t be young, seems to be in their favor, mostly as a rtsuti of media Coverage There’s, even a ivebkty TV program about hackers called Jhe \Vfu 2 /ffr^4J^eh%ek, this group of a mazing kids has a new adventure. The scripts area bit moronic but interesting nonetheless. In gne episode, the kids (only one of which is a true hacker) find out about an evil person who happens to be stealing Social Security checks. (They discover this by casually logging into his bunk account.) To leach him a lesson, they break into another computer and enter his name as being deceased- In each program, these kids break into at least one new computer. But do they ever get into trouble? Of course not. First of all, they’re only children. And second, they're entering these computers for good reasons, even if they are unauthorized. Now what kind of message is this program conveying? Apparently, it's OK to invade other people’s privacy if your intentions are ultimately "good." It sounds Like something Reagan would gel a kick out of. A genuine hacker breaks into computers for the challenge. He's not out to save the world, nor to destroy it. He is not out to make a profit out of what he's doing. Therefore, it's not fair to categorize him as a criminal and it's just as wrong to say he’s some sort of a savior. Technological enthusiasts operate with the same motivation that a good mountain climber has. Regardless of what may happen to him, a computer hacker wiilaAvfiyj be interested in playing with computers. It’s in his nature. And any laws that are created to “eliminate” hacking simply won't work because of these facts. There will always be people who want to experiment with things and this urge cannot be stifled. Did hacking come to a grinding hall because of the “414" scandal? Or because of the Tclemail raids? No. Judging From the proliferation or computer bulletin boards where hacking is discussed, it's getting bigger than ever. The realistic way for the owners of large computer systems to look at this is to regard backers as necessary security checks. That's right. Necessary because if the hackers weren't the ones to break in, who would be? Let’s assume that hackers had never even tried to break into the Memorial 51 can- Kettering Cancer Center computer. Someone else would have, because the system was practically wide open. And maybe they would have had a reason to get into the system— to do various nasty things. But now, because of what the hackers did, the Sloan- Kettering system is more secure. One could almost say that a person with hacking abilities has an obligation to try and get Into as many different systems as he can. Let's get nationalistic for a moment. If you have the number for a top-secret government computer in Ft, George G. Meade, MD, odds are that the Albanians have it also. Now, would it be better for them to break into the system and find out all kinds of nice things or for you to break in and be discovered, forcing the system to become more protected? And, if you do break in, don't you deserves note of thanks for waking them up? Keep in mind, though, that a computer hacker is undent obligation to turn himselT in or warn operators that their system is easily penetrable. It's the job of the sysops to notice when their computers are being tampered with and if they don't detect you, then that's a second security lapse for them. This is a pragmatic view, however shocking it may seem. In closing; wc should point out to the hackers themselves that there is no need to worry or fret if their methods or secrets are eventually d iscovered. This is only the beginning. Our world is turning into a technological playground. i ALTER J> A I E LOING U1S1AJNLE First of a persistent series — how the companies work and a guide to MCI SWAGIMA. That’s the word that National Public Radio uses to describe Long distance services. It stands for SBS (or Skyline}, Western Union (or Metrofone), Allnet (or Combined Network Services}, GTE Sprint, ITT, MCI, and of course AT&T, And there are many more, each of which will eventually be covered in our pages. Right now though, we’d tike to give you an idea of what these systems arc and how they work. Except for AT&T, ail of the above systems work in a fairly similar manner. (This will be changing very soon and very dramatically under the terms of the Bell divestiture) Each system has its own series of networks* i.e. land-lines, lines leased from AT&T, microwave relays* satellite Links* etc. They each have local city access numbers, although some like Aiinet and MCI have special ways of using a "travel 1 * service by dialing a special number* while Sprint uses a "travelcode” to access nodes outside the subscriber’s city. On others, like Metrofone, you can use the same authorization code from any of their access points. A long distance telephone company consists of four major parts: you have your input — that is, a local access number or a toll-free “£00” number to access the^ystem. When you do this, a device called a “switch 41 answers, giving you the familiar "computer dial tone” When you enter your authorization code and destination number you are routed over their network. The heart of the system is the controlling system, which includes the "switch” This is the computer that checks the authorization code, has provisions for time- of-day restrictions, traveicodes, accounting codes, and the like. They have a few provisions which the longdistance services donY appear to use, such as the infamous “speed number 11 recording which was a favorite of many phone phrtaks (for reasons you’ll soon know if you don’t already). The system checks to see if the Location being dialed is on the network, and acts accordingly. It makes a Log of numbers called, the authorization code, and time usage which is stored on a word processing tape and then read by another system for billing. Some companies charge in one minute increments, although the system has the capability to record time usage in 6 second increments. There are quite a few different systems in use today. A couple of the most common ones art made by Northern Telecommunications, which is based in Dallas, Texas. Another company that sells similar equipment is Rockwell We scorn, MCI allegedly is in the process of buying new switches from them, and they will be installed by Dynacomp Telecommunications, also based in Dallas. Microwave Links Mast of the low cost services, at one point oranother* use microwave antennas to transmit calls, Each microwave . «■station is Located about 30 miles from each other to make up for the curvature of the earth since microwaves travel in a straight line. Each of these stations has 4 dishes (at least). One dish is used to receive from a previous station and one is used to transmit to that station. The other two dishes do the same thing to the destination station — one receives and one transmits. So if you make a call 3000 miles away* you may wind up going through 100 different microwave stations, many of which you can see next to major highways. This is how the alternate long distance companies manage to charge less than AT&T; they use their own systems. But this is also why, in many instances, (he sound quality is poorer on the alternate services. Remember, a chain of microwave towers is only as strong as its weakest connection. A Look at MCI MCI (Microwave Communications Inc.) was the first new kid on the block, way back in 1967 when the idea of an alternate phone service was almost unheard of and practically illegal. MCI was fust used solely by businesses who wanted to communicate between the cities of Chicago and Cleveland That was it. And even with this amazingly limited system* MCi ran into problems with AT&T, who didn't want anybody trying to do what they did. Lawsuits followed, with MCI e ventually getting a prombe of eventual equal access, to the AT&T network. In fact, MCI’s legal action is considered one of the motivating factors behind the break-up of the Bell monopoly. Now MCI is the biggest of the alternate services (they have well over a million subscriber* at present, having opened their doors to residential customers a mere 5 years ago) and also one of the hardest to penetrate. The system has 5 digit codes that art entered before the (0 digit phone number, a total of 1 5 digits. But these codes only work from one location, making it rather unlikely to find one by guesswork. If you want to use the system from another city, you have to sign up for MCI “credit card" service which costs an additional S5 a month (on top of an initial IS a month charge for the regular service). Here you get a List of 48 phone numbers around the country and a 7 digit code which can be used from any one of them,, Most code seckcre prefer scanning the “credit card” numbers since more numbers work overall. However, a strong argument can often be heard in favor of the 5 digit number* that are located in densely populated areas. like Los Angeles or New York. Naturally* the odds of finding something increase under those circumstances. No Proven Method For Finding Codes MCI, being the oldest of the companies* has learned quite a bit in (hat time. Therefore, no major bugs are still crawling around on their system. Hacker* have many theories on number patterns, of course. For example* numbers like 22212 or 12345 tend not to work. In other words, your guess is as good as our*. As far as what they do when they know a code is being abused, MCI seems to be more interested in changing the code rather than laying a trap, as other companies have been known to do< Of course, this doesn’t mean that they're incapable of doing such a thing. MCE Features The MCI tone sounds like all the others (a hoUowish* medium-pitched, steady tone), but it has its own set of recordings, depending on what you do to it. If you enter an invalid code*, you’ll hear a mechanical female say; "THEE AUTHORIZATION CODE YOU HAVE DIALED IS INVALID TWO ZERO THREE" and then an ESS reorder that trips over itself (listen to it and you’ll understand}. If you dial someplace you're not supposed to call (for whatever reasons), you’ll hear “THEE NUMBER YOU HAVE dialed isnot on the network TWO ZERO THREE" and (he reorder. Each MCI dialup has its own 3 digit identity code and they tend to be simitar the doser together they are. Many businesses are installing MCI “dedicated lines" in {continued on page 4) c I ¥ 718 is coming! I lM PiIlY,- Yfli* ItlTWI The New York Stale Public Service Commission has voted to begin dividing New Yprk City into two area codes on September I to "prevent an impending exhaustion of telephone numbers/' At that timc + the old 2 1 2 area code wilt begin to reach only Manhattan and the Bronx, whereas a brand new area code, 718, wilJ start to work for Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The whole system becomes mandatory on January 1* 1985, Charles Herndon, a New York Telephone spokesman, said that the 718 code was assigned to the city years ago by the North American Dialing Plan, a group that administers area codes in the U.S.* Mexico, and Canada. "Of the numbers available at the time, 718 was the best*" he said, "There weren't that many available ” The P,S.C. rejected recommendations by a consultant {Economics and Technology* Inc.) hired by the City Board of Estimates. Those recommendations called for the implementation of the 718 area code, however, instead of using it for people* the consultant suggested using it exclusively for computers, paging systems, and other devices, since they were the main reason for the new area code in the first place. [2600 would like to go on record as enthusiastically supporting the idea of an entire area code of machine;.] Supercomputer dialups l |, Ji)sin TwJay Astronomy and astrophysics are gathering so much data by telescope these days* that it cannot be handled by conventional computers* according to Dr Vincent Icke of the University of Minnesota. To remedy the problem, Dr. take called for the creation of a central supercomputer facility that would be at the disposal of all astronomers and astrophysicists nationwide via telephone lines. Wiretap City I he p r >v Vflrt. furo After an investigation, the New Haven (Connecticut) Board of Police Commissioners* a civilian body that oversees the Police Department, revealed in 1978 that the department had routinely tapped the phones of residents from 1964 to 1971, apparently to monitor radical political activity. This* the board said* was illegal. In December 1982, after it had been disclosed that the phones of some JOOO residents had been tapped, the Federal District Court in Bridgeport made the case a class action* inviting anyone who felt wronged to become a plaintiff. So Far, 1230 people have become plaintiffs, They include several judges, lawyers, and other prominent political figures and* of course, a great many members of the Yale faculty. Students Cause Havoc in Computer < firsts Shuikui A group of students at Gompers Secondary School in San Diego tapped into the school's computer system last month, causing uJ| kinds of problems. "It was funny at first when t he kids changed the passwords so the teachers couldn't g ct ' nt0 their programs in the system," said Alex Rascon, a school official, "But then they started deleting grades, altering ihe other kids" homework, and tampering with the teachers' Hies. "These kids art whizzes— ihey're very bright," he went on, "Fortunately we caught it before too much damage was done. At this point it can be easily corrected " Albert Cook, the assistant San Diego superintendent, took the sorehead approach. “We still haven't decided whether charges will be filed with the San Diego Police Department," he said. The Person Numbers Tk AmtcLiKd I'm* Sweden's Person Number is a 10-digit figure that tells who you arc, where and when you were born, and your sex. Every computer file in the country is based on the Person Number, whether it's at a bank, a hospital, an employer, the social welfare office, or the tax authorities. Person Numbers went into effect on January 1 , 1947 and were computerized 20 years later. Recently, a government study suggested the creation of a super-databank (based on the Person Number) that the Central Bureau of Statistics could use freely. By calling up a Person Number on a terminal, the bureau would be able to find out details on everything from a person's illnesses and criminal record to his income and debts. Critics of the plan see this as an erosion of civil liberties. One said, "The files will collect more information on a person than he can remember himself." Furthermore... iMhf Newt