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2600 Magazine - Volume 1, Number 1
2600 January, 1984!
1'iiMi; hi*! m'.'iir "ilj h;, SMNI I' S I rkrKISliS.-ai' L'li.\niL>9yrurv0rpaitinliiia..SuhH:rtp[iiMi
::iln a-v SJd Jllliiulh. Wnl,- In JWTl. Hn\ ? VJ. Mnhilr Maud. SY 114$!
(That's how Alexander Graham Bell used to answer his phone- For some reason, it never caught on.â)
. This is the very firs l issue of 2600. We will, on this
page, explain our me lives and what the goals are
which we hope to achieve with this publication.
The idea for 2600 was born early in 1983. We saw a
tremendous need for some form of communication
between those who truly appreciate the concept of
communication: technological enthusiasts. Of course,
others have different ways of describing such peopleâ
these range from words Like hacker or phreaker to
stronger terms such as criminal or anarchist. Our
purpose is not to pass judgement, 2600 exists to
provide information and ideas to individuals who live
for both. All of the items contained on these pages are
provided for informational purposes only. 2600
assumes no responsibility for any uses which this
Information may be put to. â *
Of course, a Jot has changed since our first days.
War Games came out. And then the 414 gang got
caught. Suddenly everyone was talking about
p breakers and hackers. And while there were some
t hat so rt of jum ped into t he I imel ight , at hers were a bit
more cautious, in fact, some were quite upset. Sure,
the publicity was fun. But what would be the cost?
Well, time has passed and the cost has been high.
Phreakers and hackers have been forced into virtual
isolation. Raids by the FBI have become almost
commonplace. The one magazine that was geared
towards phone p breaks { TAP) mysteriously disap-
peared at the height of the crisis, sparking rumours
that they + too, had been raided. However, in
November, the magazine resurfaced, with an
explanation that a Tire had destroyed part of their
mailing list: (Incidentally, if your name was one of the
opes that was lost, you can claim the issues you are
entitled to by sending TAP a copy of their mailing
l;*bel or a cancelled check.)
And then there was the legendary computer bulletin
hoard known as OSUNY. Enthusiasts from all across
ne country called up this board and left messages
ranging from the latest jn. Sprint codes to how to crash
an R5TS syslenrt to' what to do once you've finally
gained access lo Autovon, Within a week after being
mentioned in AVii^kiwA*- OY U N Y was disconnected.
Word has it that they are still in existence somewhere,
but by invitation only. A truly smart move, if that is
the case.
Many hackers were keeping a ' tow profile even
he Ion; the October raids. When the FBI confiscated
equipment from 15 sites across the country on the
twelfth and thirteenth of the month (sponsored by a
grant from the folks at GTE), many of our contacts
were lost because they feared the consequences of
continuing. Two organizations, the Inner Circle and
PHALSE, were deeply affected by the raids. The latter
group [whose initials signify Phreakers, Hackers, and
Laundromat Service Employees) is still in contact with
us on occasion and has promised to contribute many
articles devoted to just what was really going on.
So it seems that the events of 1 983 have conspired to
actually strengthen the resolve of hackers and
phreakers across the country to put out this monthly
newsletter. We hope you will help us continue by
subscribing, spreading the word among your friends*
and of course contributing articles and information,
Since we are non-profit, it really doesnât matter to us if
you xerox your copy and send it to someone else â all
we ask is that you let us know so that we can have a
rough idea of how many people we're reaching.
2600 has several sections, some of which will appear
every month, others on an irregular basis. On this, the
front page, and on page two, you will always find
informative full-length features on relevant subjects.
Future topics include: "A Guide to Long Distance
Telephone Services and Their Vulnerabilitiesâ, âDEC
and Their Many Mistakes", "Phreaking in the
Sixtiesâ, and "Tracing Methods Used by the Law 11 *, as
well as any late-breaking items. "FLASH" appears on
page 3 and provides a roundup of timely news items
written from a technological enthusiastâs perspective.
Page 4 is used for a variety of thingsâ interesting
stories from the past, schemes and plots that just might
work, and feedback from subscribers. The last two
pages of 2600 are comprised of data. Just what sort of
data, we cannot say. However, if it is something that
you are looking for, then you will probably recognize
i [ .
The three holes on each page serve a purpose. We
suggest that you obtain a loose-leaf book so that you
can neatly flic every issue of 2600 you receive.
Many thanks to those of you who subscribed
without even seeing on issue. A word of advice,
though: don't do it again or youâll probably get ripped
off T Weâd also like to [hank those who took ad vantage
of our free issue oiler. If interested in subscribing, the
rates and address can be found ;u [he top of this page.
Welcome to 2Afifi. Turn the page and become ii purl
of out unique world
HM must press charges be/ore action can be taken â Feds reveal their tactics, blow source
On. this page we had originally planned to run an
article entitled: ESS â Orw-eJI's Prophecy. At the last
minute T however, we received this bombshell from an
anonymous contributor. It seems that a group of
hackers wav making use of one of IBM's ADS sys-
tems. ( Audio Distribution Systems enable users with
touch-tone phones to send voice messages back and
forth to each other. Look for an in-depth article on
them m a future issue.) Unfortunately, as is all too
often the case, one of these hackers was really an
FBI informant who was . taking note of all of the
illegitimate users {around 40 or so). Luckily for
this particular group, the informant was sloppy and
left many telltale clues which gave them literally
months of warning . So, when the informant de-
cided to send a message- to the system operator,
advising IBM to take action against the hackers
and to call the FBI for more information, the
hackers were ready. The system operator's account
had also been penetrated by them and hence, the
message was received by the hackers first! One of
them actually followed the instructions in the
- message and called the FBI! And for some reason*
the investigator there thought he was talking to
an IBM executive. This is some of what he said.
One of the individuals that supplies me with in-
formation from time to time has uncovered a lot of
abuse within the ADS systems, not only here in the
United States, but in England and Italy, I talk to
this individual on a private bulletin board, . +
We have no ability to come in as an outside in-
vestigative or law enforcement agency and do any-
thing about it because, first off, we donât have a
complainant We donât want to step on anybodyâs
toes, but its been our policy to monitor bulletin
boards and the phone phreaking activity across the
country and advise commercial computer systems and
corporations if we do discover certain computers
along with the passwords and account numbers being
published on the board T We do this on a one on one
The GTE Telemall Connection
That was my baby, too! As a matter of fact, thatâs
tow we came across the ADS system â through the
jTE investigation. [These] people are not just in-
terested in data communications through terminals â
hey will leave voice messages on an ADS. We have
leen slowly uncovering more and more on the ADS
ti the last two months.
The major phase of [the Telemail investigation]
vas about 20 individuals that we had located arid
dentified and weâre looking for indictments on most
it them coming down in the next month or two.
YeVe talking about a group of highly organized
icopJe that do communicate on a daily basis all the
^ay across the country â from San Francisco and
L,A. to Denver to upstate New York. So we hyvc a
core of individuals that we are still looking at that
are using your system and then we have this peri-
pheral that we are not as concerned about because
they are not part of an out & out conspiracy or an
organized network* per se, I know of at leasts or 10
that are the central figures in this, the carryover
from TelemaiL And we keep hearing information of
other people who are calling in with junk messages â
thereâs no real substance to their messages. Now the
reason I know that is that they have included one of
my sources of information onto their system and so
he gets messages from the other parties.
The Communist Connection
In a way weâre somewhat fortunate that itâs 16-
y ear-olds or 26-year-olds as opposed to people from
behind the Iron Curtain. It gives us the opportunity
to see how these systems work and see if we can plug
any loopholes before somebody from a not-friendly
nation would fry the same thing. I personally fully
expect it - I'm surprised it hasnât happened in the
past It may have, We just haven h t caught it But the
kids are a little bit sloppier and theyâre getting
caught . . I hate to sound paranoid, but weâre sup-
posed 4 to be considering the big picture as far as i&
there anything sensitive in nature. For us within the
bureau, sensitive in nature first off means national
security and youâve got corporate trade secrets and
. the like that you donât need being distributed.
How the FBI Wins Trust and Gets Info
The subjects have an ego problem and they love to
talk to other individuals about what they are capable
of doing and bragging about it. They have a tendency
to trade information. Everything is negotiable with
them. We have never had to barter away access to
systems â we do it more on the technical information
of phone networks, computer systems, and the like
to where itâs more of a technical information tradeoff
as opposed to an access tradeoff [An example would
be the] login procedure for a PDP-11. You integrate
yourself within their confidence and their circle of
friends. You feed them a little bit of bait and a lot
of times theyâll go for ft. You enter into a dialogue
with them, and they end up taking you for a ride.
These people are very hungry for technical avenues
through which they can comm unic ate . It used to be
the personal computer bulletin boards â public
messages that anybody can read. You start finding
out that they leave a phone number or an address â
and you start finding out who the parties are, There^
thousands of these bulletin boards across the country
and you narrow in on maybe twenty or so that are
the more hardcore bulletin boards that are being used
for exchange of illicit information. Then they move
from there to an electronic mail service, namely GTE
(Continued on funk page) â
^ GTE raids still have many unanswered
questions â computer owners concerned
â CnifflMitHl N(#i SiHimi
On Wednesday, October 12, at 6:00 AM, the FBI started
to raid the homes of over fifteen individuals for allegedly
breaking into Tele mail, GTE Telenet's massive electronic
mail service. While much of the publicity has now died
down, questions remain concerning the legality and the
overall implications of such computer seizures.
At a December 16 meeting of the Long Island Computer
Association, this topic was addressed. Some members could
not understand the rationale for taking away the computers
in the First place. âIt sounds like scare tactics to me. . . to keep
these kids off of computers,â one commented. âTo hold the
equipment seems like something that should be unlawful
and it T s something that the public should look at, If ifs not
j ust ified , we should say that we won T t put u p with it a ny more
and to return the equipment, 11 He did not elaborate on
precisely what kind of action a computer group such as
L1CA could take.
Legally, the computers canj>e kept for as Jong as they are
needed in the investigation. Ultimately, a judge wilf decide
how Jong that can be,
"The allegation,â said an attorney familiar with the case,
âis that the services of the Telemail bulletin boards were used
and the theory that the government is proceeding under is
that it was a violation of Section 13 43, wire fraud (a scheme
with intention to defraud someone else using either
television, telephone, or some other communications
means). They're saying that if there was use of the bulletin
board service, then that - was a âtheft of service" and there was
intention to defraud GTE "
One member took GTE's side. "These are ail nice games
these people are playing, but they are a theft of service.
Somebody is in the business of providing that service and
they're deliberately interfering with their providing that
service. Theyâre trying to get. something for nothing.â
Another disagreed, "You may be on their computer, but
it's not costing them anything, if you're not taking up time.
U nless the whole system is fully used and you were the last
user on, are you really using any of their time? Really and
Many hackers felt they were unjustly accused. One even
said he*d never used the Telemail system* Others said they
had looked around once or twice but had never hurt
anything. Others, though, admitted to deleting mail and
playing tricks, like send ing obscene messages hack a nd forth
between two innocent executives.
Whether or not the T elemail system svaauied fraudulently
did not seem to be the overriding issue at the L1CA meeting.
What had members there worried was the way in which the
investigation was bcii^g -Carried out. When dealing with
computers as evidence, different rules apply, rules that for
the most part have not been written yet, âData can be
manufactured just as easily as it can be erased from a
personal computer,' 1 one member commented. âAnd the
L â â v Longer that they have the computer in their custody, the less
likely that the information that they claim is on it was
â " actually there* Because, as we know, you could enter any
date, any time into the computer and have it date- and time-
stamp the files,"
Meanwhile, a GTE Telenet spokesperson said that the
corporation still intends to prosecute and denied that the
whole thing was being put on for the deterrent effect that U
might have on other people. The spokesperson also said that
abuse on the system, was' discovered in the past, but they
didn't prosecute at that time. This lime, though, they're
AT&T Credit Cards Make Debut
J 600 News Scrvicr
Thereâs now another way to place telephone calls without
dimes. This month, the âtrue" AT&T credit card phones are
making their debut in various airports around the country.
This new phone actually takes an AT&T credit card (not
those wimpy âcalling cards" or âPIN cards.â We're talking
about a recti hunk of plastic, with a magnetic strip and
everything) â and there's even a little video screen that
gives you directions.
Unless some sort of a bug can be found within the system
itself, phone phreaks wonât accomplish very much here,
unless they can actually get their hands on other people's
cards. This, in itself, wouldn't be too difficult, since large
numbers ofrhe cards would be sent out on the same day in a
particular area. Stealing out of personal mailboxes, though,
is an act most phone phreaks would never stoop to. And the
folks at AT&T are well aware of this.
Wireless phones spell trouble
JttXl peuvsfrvltt
With cordless phones popping up all over the place,
problems were bound to arise. It's not at all uncommon to
hear another cordless conversation on your phone or to hear
^the electronic pulse-beeping when youâre not even dialing.
Then there are cordless phone phreaks to deal with, who
drive into heavily populated zones holding one of the
common cordless models. It's called âcruising for
dialiones," And some phones are nice enough to broadcast
your conversation on an AM frequency. This feature isrft
very good for private conversations, [t helped shape a recent
drug bust in the state of New Yorld
Recently, a, lady in the Midwest called up her local electric
company to tell them that she was going to be away for two
months. A member of the 2600 CJub heard this on his radio
; and, being in a good mood, called her and told her that
important, personal business should never be discussed on
cordless phones. After thanking him, she exclaimed, âThat
thing's going right back to the Phonecenter Stoner
1-984 arrives in Hong Kong
The J-« Appk* ItlM*
In an effort to âdiscourage people from driving their cars
in heavily congested areas" all 350,000 of Hong Kong's
motor vehicles will be fitted with tracking devices that will
let government computers know exactly where each car has
traveled so that the owner can be billed for road use. This
system could be in full implementation by 1987, if the
government has its way. Such a system would also allow the
police to quickly pinpoint the whereabouts of any vehicle.
Tampering with the S4 5 tracking devices will be illegal and
any attempt to do so will' trigger street cameras lo
photograph the license plate of the car.
hy Mark Bluebux been provided by the National Bureau of Standards for
Once upon a time, I was talking to one of my favorite WWV and that number is I -8QQ-95 7-9999," Imagine my
friends, one of the nations oldest and most experienced surprise! Once again, the number had been broadcast all
telephone enthusiasts --some might refer to him as a phone around the world. People in many, many nations now had
phreftk. In this particular conversation, he mentioned to me that number. Of course, the number only worked inside the
that I might want to experMent with a series of 800 United States, but the word was being spread by shortwave
numbers: exchanges starting with 9, followed by the suffix listeners and QSL people everywhere.
9999 (800-9xs-9999). And so I did, and a whole new world The number was getLing swamped. Needless to say, it was
began to open up in front of me, busy much of the time. A government official, who a/so had
They were mostly weather and time numbers in various this number, thinking that it was legitimate, called up WWV
locations throughout the country. And, since these were 800 and complained. He told them that they needed to add some
numbers* there was NO CHARGE! One number in more iines to their new SOQ number. The general manager of
particular was of a great deal of interest to me and to many the station said* u l don't know what you T re talking about, L
others. This was 800-957-9999* which hooked up to WWV, donât know of any 800 number that gets you WWV."
the radio station operated by the National Bureau of The government official told him what the telephone
Standards that does nothing but tell the time and give number was. The general manager called it and heard his
shortwave reports. This i$ the -most accurate clock in the own station. Astounded* he contacted the Mountain Bell
entire worldl You either have to tune WWV in on a . Telephone Company in Denver* Colorado. They said,
shortwave receiver or dial 303-499-71 II in Fort Collins* 11 YouTe not paying for any 800 in- WATS number. We show
Colorado, Yet, here l was with an 800 access! Being a bit of a 303-499-7111 for WWV, but we don't have any 800-957-
shortwave enthusiast* 1 donât have to tell you how 9999."
convenient this was for me. Unfortunately, it got too Mountain Bell checked it out and sure enough, the
convenient for too many people. ^ t number existed but not on their records. No one was getting
J guess I made the mistake of giving it to a former charged for this! Now, of course, you know a monopoly as
president of a large amateur radio club in the Dallas area, well I do â theyâre sure not going to let anyone have a free
He* in turn, printed it in the Amateur Radio Newsbulletin ride. So they told the WATS coordinator to find out what
where thousands of people probably saw it. Another happened. He finally made the discovery that some
statewide newsbulletin picked it up and printed it. Through technicians had hooked that number up for transmission
an amateur radio news network which this bulletin was a testing. [These switching technicians are toll technicians*
part of* the news got as far as California;, ATAT Long Lines switching technicians* and carrier
One day, 1 called up the West Link Amateur Radio News systems technicians. In other words, theyâre the group of t
Service at 213-768-7333. (This is a service located in We$t people who link switching centers together* from New York
Link, California that broadcasts news over amateur radio* to Los Angeles, for example, ]n this case, the whole
VHF, UHF, etc.) Their Jatesi report had this little item: escapade was a kind of group effort. The switchmen and the
âSpeaking of interesting things, the National Bureau of. carrier people got together and set up this number for
Standards has got a very convenient time number for those testing, finding noisy carriers* carriers with cross-talk on
of you that are not constantly at a shortwave receiver. You them* etc.]
can dial I -800-957-9999 for WWV. Itâs just another good The WATS coordinator told them theyâd better get this
toll-free service for us to use," The avalanche had really number offâ too many people knew about it. He told them
begun now, to erase every 800 test line number that was on the system.
The West Link report was heard on bulletin stations all Not surprisingly* someone also got ehewed out very
around the world and* apparently* one station in Nashville, / severely.
Tennessee broadcast it. From there it fell into the hands of So, consequently, 800-957-9999 is no longer inexistence,
one of the writers for the DX program on Radio South i But since then, less than two weeks later, several of the 800
Africa! 1 happened to be listening to a program where they : test numbers have begun to defiantly reappear. Check
were talking about pulling in distant time stations, weather : around, youâll probably find a few interesting ones. But L
stations* etc. He then mentioned* âFor those of you that Jive 1 doubt if WWVs brief stint as a toll-free service will ever be
in the United States* a convenient toll-free 800 number has j repeated.
Ahoy, folks! If any of you have ever
used an extender that goes by the name
of 8006213129, youâd better give it a call
now! The people running it have aT
TtttX : . Ittlik R WY 7 TV A i J,\PWUJ ; }
message for you.
Pn% irion
Office of the President
Tht President
Ronald Reagan
Special assistant
Djvid C. Fi*ehcr
Ptrraial secretary to
Kathleen Osborne
the President
Office of the Counselor to the Preside n<
Counselor toihc President
Edwin Muk IN
Deputy cou rut lor
James E. Jenkins
Auuianl counselor
Edwin W. Thomas Jr*
Special mutant
Mitchell F Stanley
AjvSUfil 10 Lhc PrcsidcnL
Craig U Fuller
for Cabinet attain
Adela Gonulci-Nardt
Assistant director
Tâ Kenneth Gribb Jr.
Administrative util*
Karen Han
Nancy A. (Missy)
28 00
Director 0 / planning and
RpchardS, Beal
Office of Cffief of Staff
Chief of staff
James A. Baker III
Executive twin ant to
âMargaret D.Tuiwiler
E he. chief of staff
Staff assistant
Kathy Ca mjlier
Confidential secretary
. Margaret Glasscock
Deputy IQ the chief uf staff
RiclurdG. Darnuti
A dm in islnti ve assi$r
Sira Curre nee Emery
Janet F McMinn
Special a sustain to the
James W h Cicconi
chief of staff
Presidential COrresppn-
â rfp-nr-*
Anne Higgins
ULt lluC
Special pres idem ial rrtes-
Dodic Livingston*
Twit inn
Director of advance
Siephert M, Sjuddcn
Deputy director of id-
Hugh L O'Neill
Administrative mil-
CeCe B. Kremer
Trip desk officer!
Marti J.Frucci
Karen Jones Roberts .
Advance Stiff
Lynn SmaNpige
Robert K, Gubiioci
James F Kuhn
Dan Morris
Unny E Wild
Di rcc lor of sched u Eing
Rocky D. Kuonen
Gregory Newell
Deputy director of
Triei* Rodger*
A d mi nisi rat ive ault-
Cm ly Valentine
SlafT assistants
Michael Cast ine
Frances (Fan) Snodgrass
Confidential assistant
Net it A. Dickey
Miry H r Rawlim
Preside nl*i diariit
Ellen Jones
Appointments secrc-
Helen C. Donaldson
Staff directory for the Ffral
Peter McCoy
Administrative atsis-
Christine J. Hathaway
Pr^ss secretary
Sheila RTalc
. Assistant press Stcre-
Barbara Cook
Personal secretary
Elaine Critpen
Social secretary
Muff* Brandon
Ajsirtanr social secre-
Linds Faulkner
Office of ihe Deputy Chief of Staff
Deputy chief dt stall Michael K. Dcaver $473
AHittanllo the defy Joseph W. Canzeri 2861
uty Chief Of Staff
Staff assistant Shirley Moore $475
Spec i al assist a n c to the Ja mes S. Rote bus h 35757
President feu private ini-
t iati ves
Eiccutivc assistant Bernyec Fletcher I9J7
Director or ipeciaf support EdwjrdYHkke>.fr. 2150
De pul y d nzc l0r 0 f De nnis E. Lc Bla nc 2 1 50
special support scr-
Depot) director of Col. Frank E. Miflncr 2 1 50
military office
Army »idc tuiht Li CoJ. Jo*e A. Muratu 2 1 50
President J r .
Air Force aide 10 4 he Maj, William M. 3 1 50
President Drennan
Navy aide Lot be Preji^ Cdr. William R. Schmidt 2150
Marine Cor^ side Id Maj. John P Kline Jr 2150
the President
Physk ia n 1 0 1 he Pr«t- Dr, Da nie r H uge 267J
Scheduling director NinaWormser 79 ID
S peci a I proje CIS An n Wroblrtki 7905
Office of the Vice President
The Vice President
Executive assistant
Chief ofitafT
Deputy chief of staff
Military assistants
Deputy counsel
Press secretary
Deputy prest secre-
Domestic policy adviser
Assistant domestic
policy adviser
National security affairs
George Bush
Charles G, {Chase) Do-
le rmeyer
Daniel J. Murphy
R ichard N. Bond
Ll Cd! Michael D r Fry
Lc, Cot. William Sc ken
C. Snyder Cray
Rafael V Capo
Peter T« ley
Shirley M. Green
Christopher Bock ley
Thaddeus A. Garrett Jr.
Mary S.Gall
Nancy Burg Dyke
21 73
Congressional Trillions
sis tart
ft obe rt V Thompson 2 J4- 34 2 4
Legislative assise art Susan Alvarado 224-839;
Assist am for appointments Jennifer Fitzgerald 7810
and scheduling
All icfephon; numbers are on ih e 456- exchange except (host marked with
i n: tj S t r d" ;r- fell.
in aslensV. which arc on the 195- exchange* sod
Iârooer liihhiniâ im wit-mu I1T1 41 J â â â'I â *â fll 6 IL'llriLlta I â n,
This here page Is usually a continuation of page 5, However, when we get a blockbuster story
like the one below, we have to reallocate our space. We know you'll understand. By the way,
as long as weâve got you looking up at this part of the page f why not take the time to send us
some mail? Letters * articles r information t old telephones , paintings, anything, really . You
know the address (itâs on the front page). Letâs hear from YOU \
(Continued from second page)
Telemail. They caused fits within Telemail when
they decided to get a little bit cocky and see if they
could shut down accounts and change passwords of
the administrators and things like that. From there
they have moved one step further to where they are
now the same individuals communicating through the
AOS systems and they also, set up conference calls
through the BeU System, so they're not just attacking
one particular system or one individual avenue of
communication â they try to l\it them all. Itâs an
ego trip for all of them.
â V
Pen Registers
We would put a pen register on the phone line of
the individual (suspect) and it would record only the
digits dialed on his telephone â we. would not use a
full blown wiretap to record his voice. We can only
put a pen register on an individuals phone for like,
thirty days before we have to go back to a judge and
try to get an extension and we try to minimize the
use of our electronic surveillance equipment so the
public does not think weâre the Big Brother of 19S4.
(laughter) It's coming. Actually, weâre already
there! {hearty laughter) "
We have not utilized any pen registers for the spe-
cific purposes of going after abusers of the ADS
systems. First off, we have to have an actual case
presented to us or a complaint, Itâs a roundabout
way of doing it, but it's the way that we, in the
bureau, have to have somebody outside come to
us. Otherwise we can carry on the whole investi-
gation without IBM even being aware that we are
monitoring activity within their system and we
donât want to become that secret police, or any-
thing like that. We want to be above board and work
with the corporations in the community.
Just How Much Trouble Are These Hackers In?
On the federal level we can prosecute them for
telephone fraud (fraud by wire) if we can determine
that the ADS is an ongoing business operation and
that you are being denied your, just revenues by them
sneaking onto your system and abusing your system.
The strictest penalty is a $1000 fine and 5 years in
jail for an actual conviction of fraud by wire vio-
lation. Those are always lax â a more common
sentence may be for an adult maybe a year in jail,
18 months, or a fine, sometimes they get probation,
or agree to pay back any fraudulent money obtained
Or for services rendered or whatever to the client
company â it stays on his record for a year, he + s on
probation for a year and at the end of that, his record
is wiped clean. Rarely do they get the maximum
penafty. lt just doesn't happen.
Do Me a Favor
Please do not disclose any geographic location be-
cause we are kind of unique in that we do not have
any other source available in any other part of the
country that could supply us with information like
this, : He may be one of 200 people, but if you iden-
tify Michigan you identify between 2 or 3 individuals
and it may burn the source.
IVeâd like to make it deaf that we don n t intend to
do this' kind of thing very often* since rumours about
certain people being informants are very common in
this business. But this is no rumour. This , friends, is
solid fact â we would not have printed this story if
i we weren't able to substantiate the claims if makes,
and we had no trouble at all doing that. Our intent
in making this information known ujus nof to screw
up the FBI's fun (they're really not doing all that
much out of the ordinary anyway )* but rather to
expose a very dangerous individual who goes by
the name of Cable Pair (some say his real name is
John Max field). This person has been posing as an
extremely friendly hacker who lives in Detroit and
is just bubbling over witk technical information in
exchange fqr your secrets. He. claims to hsue been
one of the nation's first phreaks* which may or may
not be true. He gives out his telephone numbers
freely , will do anything to communicate with some-
body (like place conference calls from his own
private PBX system , provided you give him YOUR
phone number ), and generally will use anything you
!sny to him against you in the future , Our advise Is
simple: stay the hell away from this person. Even if
you haven*t done anything wrong yourself,- your life
can still be made miserable by him if you 're even sus-
pected of having contact with wrongdoers.
This latest turn of events has saddened us â we
thought Cable Pair would be a promising contributor
to this publication and instead we learned a valuable
lesson; don*t trust anybody. Have fun. Cable Pair.
Enjoy yourself, Ju$t don't expect to see any of us
j over at the Chestnut Tree Cafe with you. You're
on your own now.