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== Phrack Inc. == Volume Four, Issue Thirty-Eight, File 7 of 15 <:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:>\|/<:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> >>>>>=-* Users Guide to VAX/VMS *-=<<<<< <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> Part III of III <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> Part E: DCL Command Reference <:=--=:> <:=--=:> Part F: Lexical Function Reference <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> By Black Kat <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:> <:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:>/|\<:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:> Index ~~~~~ Part E contains information on DCL Command Reference Part F contains information on Lexical Function Reference <:=- Part E : DCL Command Reference -=:> DCL Command Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ file_spec [p1 p2...p8] Executes a DCL command procedure. Qualifier: /OUTPUT=file_spec ACCOUNTING file_spec[,...] Invokes the VAX/VMS Accounting Utility to collect and report accounting information. Qualifiers: /ACCOUNT /ADDRESS /BEFORE /BINARY /ENTRY /FULL /IDENTIFICATION /IMAGE /JOB /LOG /NODE /OUTPUT /OWNER /PRIORITY /PROCESS /QUEUE /REJECTED /REMOTE_ID /REPORT /SINCE /SORT /STATUS /SUMMARY /TERMINAL /TITLE /TYPE /UIC /USER ALLOCATE device_name: [logical_name] Provides exclusive use of a device and, optionally, establishes a logical name for that device. While a device is allocated, other users may access the device until you DEALLOCATE it or log out. Qualifier: /GENERIC ANALYZE Invokes various VAX/VMS utilities to examine components of the system. The default function is to examine a module (ANALYZE/OBJECT). Qualifiers: /CRASH_DUMP /DISK_STRUCTURE /ERROR_LOG /IMAGE /MEDIA /OBJECT /PROCESS_DUMP /RMS_FILE /SYSTEM APPEND input_file_spec[,...] output_file_spec Adds the contents of one or more input files to the end of a file. Qualifiers: /ALLOCATION /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CONTIGUOUS /CREATED /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /EXTENSION /LOG /MODIFIED /NEW_VERSION /READ_CHECK /SINCE /WRITE_CHECK ASSIGN Equates a logical name to a physical device name, file specification or another logical name. ASSIGN/MERGE Merges the contents of one queue with another. ASSIGN/QUEUE Assigns a logical queue to a device queue. ATTACH [process_name] Enables you to transfer control from the current process to another process created by you (see SPAWN). Qualifier: /IDENTIFICATION BACKUP input_spec output_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS Backup Utility to perform one of the following file operations: o Copy disk files. o Save disk files as a save set (a single data file) on a disk or magnetic tape volume. o Restore files from a save set. o Compare files. o Display information about files contained in a save set. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BLOCK_SIZE /BRIEF /BUFFER_COUNT /COMMENT /COMPARE /CONFIRM /CRC /CREATED /DELETE /DENSITY /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /FAST /FULL /GROUP_SIZE /IGNORE /IMAGE /INCREMENTAL /INITIALIZE /INTERCHANGE /JOURNAL /LABEL /LIST /LOG /MODIFIED /NEW_VERSION /OVERLAY /OWNER_UIC /PHYSICAL /PROTECTION /RECORD /REPLACE /REWIND /SAVE_SET /SELECT /SINCE /TRUNCATE /VERIFY /VOLUME CALL label [p1 p2...p8] Transfers command procedure control to a labeled subroutine in the procedure. Qualifier: /OUTPUT CANCEL [process_name] Cancels a scheduled wake_up request for the specified process. Qualifier: /IDENTIFICATION CLOSE logical_name Closes a file opened for input/output with the OPEN command, and deassigns the logical name created for the file. Qualifiers: /ERROR /LOG CONNECT virtual_terminal_name Connects a physical terminal to a virtual terminal connected to another process. Qualifiers: /CONTINUE /LOGOUT CONTINUE Resumes execution of a DCL command, program or command procedure interrupted by pressing <Ctrl-Y> or <Ctrl-C>. You can abbreviate the CONTINUE command to the letter C. COPY input_file_spec[,...] output_file_spec Creates a new file from one or more existing files. The COPY command can be used to: o Copy an input file to an output file, optionally changing its name and location. o Copy a group of input files to a group of output files. o Concatenate two or more files into a single new file. Qualifiers: /ALLOCATION /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONCATENATE /CONFIRM /CONTIGUOUS /CREATED /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /EXTENSION /LOG /MODIFIED /OVERLAY /PROTECTION /READ_CHECK /REPLACE /SINCE /TRUNCATE /VOLUME /WRITE_CHECK CREATE file_spec Creates one or more sequential disk files from records that follow in the input stream (i.e., the keyboard, a modem...). To terminate input and close the file, enter <Ctrl-Z>. Qualifiers: /LOG /OWNER_UIC /PROTECTION /VOLUME CREATE/DIRECTORY directory_spec[,...] Creates a new directory or subdirectory for cataloging files. Qualifiers: /LOG /OWNER_UIC /PROTECTION /VERSION_LIMIT /VOLUME CREATE/FDL=fdl_file_spec [file_spec] Invokes the FDL (File Definition Language) Utility to use the specifications in a definition file to create a new (empty) data file. Qualifier: /LOG DEALLOCATE device_name: Releases a previously allocated device to the pool of available devices. Qualifiers: /ALL DEASSIGN logical_name[:] Deletes logical name assignments made with the ALLOCATE, ASSIGN, DEFINE, or MOUNT command. Qualifiers: /ALL /EXECUTE_MODE /GROUP /JOB /PROCESS /SUPERVISOR_MODE /SYSTEM /TABLE /USER_MODE DEASSIGN/QUEUE logical_queue_name[:] Deassigns a logical queue from its printer or terminal queue assignment and stops the associated logical queue. DEBUG Invokes the VAX/VMS Debugger. DEFINE logical_name equivalence_name[,...] Creates a logical name entry and assigns it an equivalence string, or a list of equivalence strings, to the specified logical name. Qualifiers: /EXECUTIVE_MODE /GROUP /JOB /LOG /NAME_ATTRIBUTES /PROCESS /SUPERVISOR_MODE /SYSTEM /TABLE /TRANSLATION_ATTRIBUTES /USER_MODE /CHARACTERISTIC /FORM /KEY DEFINE/KEY key_name string Associates a character string and a set of attributes with a function key. Qualifiers: /ECHO /ERASE /IF_STATE /LOCK_STATE /LOG /SET_STATE /TERMINATE DELETE file_spec[,...] Deletes one or more files from a mass device. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /ERASE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /LOG /MODIFIED /SINCE DELETE/CHARACTERISTIC characteristic_name Deletes the definition of a queue characteristic that previously was established with the DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC command. DELETE/ENTRY=(queue_entry_number[,...]) queue_name[:] Deletes one or more job entries from the named queue. DELETE/KEY key_name Deletes a key definition established by the DEFINE/KEY command. Qualifiers: /ALL /LOG /STATE DELETE/QUEUE queue_name[:] Deletes the specified queue from the system. DELETE/SYMBOL symbol_name Removes a symbol definition from a local or global symbol table or removes all symbol definitions in a symbol table. Qualifiers: /ALL /GLOBAL /LOCAL /LOG DEPOSIT location=data[,...] Over-writes the contents of a specified location or series of locations in virtual memory. The DEPOSIT and EXAMINE commands are used (mostly) while debugging programs interactively. Qualifiers: /ASCII /BYTE /DECIMAL /HEXADECIMAL /LONGWORD /OCTAL /WORD DIFFERENCES master_file_spec [revision_file_spec] Compares the contents of two disk files and creates a listing of those records that do not match. Qualifiers: /CHANGE_BAR /COMMENT_DELIMITER /IGNORE /MATCH /MAXIMUM_DIFFERENCES /MERGED /MODE /NUMBER /OUTPUT /PARALLEL /SEPARATED /SLP /WIDTH /WINDOW DIRECTORY [file_spec[,...]] Provides a list of files or information about a file or group of files. Qualifiers: /ACL /BACKUP /BEFORE /BRIEF /BY_OWNER /COLUMNS /CREATED /DATE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /FILE_ID /FULL /GRAND_TOTAL /HEADING /MODIFIED /OUTPUT /OWNER /PRINTER /PROTECTION /SECURITY /SELECT /SINCE /SIZE /TOTAL /TRAILING /VERSIONS /WIDTH DISCONNECT Disconnects a physical terminal from a virtual terminal that has been connected to a process. The virtual terminal, and its associated process will remain on the system when the physical terminal is disconnected from it. Qualifier: /CONTINUE DISMOUNT device_name[:] Dismounts a disk or magnetic tape volume that previously was mounted with a MOUNT command. Qualifiers: /ABORT /CLUSTER /UNIT /UNLOAD DUMP file_spec[,...] Displays the contents of files or volumes in ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal or octal representation. Qualifiers: /ALLOCATED /BLOCKS /BYTE /DECIMAL /FILE_HEADER /FORMATTED /HEADER /HEXADECIMAL /LONGWORD /NUMBER /OCTAL /OUTPUT /PRINTER /RECORDS /WORD EDIT/ACL file_spec Invokes the Access Control List Editor to create or update access control list information for a specified object. Qualifiers: /JOURNAL /KEEP /MODE /OBJECT /RECOVER EDIT/EDT file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS EDT text editor. The /EDT qualifier is not required, as EDT is the default editor. Qualifiers: /COMMAND /CREATE /JOURNAL /OUTPUT /READ_ONLY /RECOVER EDIT/FDL file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS FDL (File Definition Language) Editor to create or modify File and FDL files. Qualifiers: /ANALYSIS /CREATE /DISPLAY /EMPHASIS /GRANULARITY /NOINTERACTIVE /NUMBER_KEYS /OUTPUT /PROMPTING /RESPONSES /SCRIPT EDIT/TPU file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS Text Processing Utility. The EVE (Extensible VAX Editor) is the default interface for TPU. To invoke TPU with the EDT emulator interface, define the logical TPUSECII to point to the section file for the EDT interface as follows: $ DEFINE TPUSECINI EDTSECINI Qualifiers: /COMMAND /CREATE /DISPLAY /JOURNAL /OUTPUT /READ_ONLY /RECOVER /SECTION EOD Signals the end of an input stream when a command, program or utility is reading data from an input device other than a terminal. EXAMINE location[:location] Displays the contents of virtual memory. Qualifiers: /ASCII /BYTE /DECIMAL /HEXADECIMAL /LONGWORD /OCTAL /WORD EXIT [status_code] Terminates the current command procedure. If the command procedure was executed from within another command procedure, control will return to the calling procedure. GOSUB label Transfers command procedure control to a labeled subroutine. GOTO label Transfers control to a labeled statement in a command procedure. HELP Invokes the VAX/VMS Help Utility to display information about a VMS command or topic. Qualifiers: /INSTRUCTIONS /LIBLIST /LIBRARY /OUTPUT /PAGE /PROMPT /USERLIBRARY IF logical_expression THEN dcl_command Tests the value of a logical expression and executes the command following the THEN keyword if the test is true. INITIALIZE device_name[:] volume_label Formats and writes a label on a mass storage volume. Qualifiers: /ACCESSED /BADBLOCKS /CLUSTER_SIZE /DATA_CHECK /DENSITY /DIRECTORIES /ERASE /EXTENSION /FILE_PROTECTION /GROUP /HEADERS /HIGHWATER /INDEX /LABEL /MAXIMUM_FILES /OVERRIDE /OWNER_UC /PROTECTION /SHARE /STRUCTURE /SYSTEM /USER_NAME /VERIFIED /WINDOWS INITIALIZE/QUEUE queue_name[:] Creates and initializes queues. This command is used to create and assign names and attributes to queues. When creating a batch queue, the qualifier /BATCH is required. Qualifiers: /BASE_PRIORITY /BATCH /BLOCK_LMIT /CHARACTERISTICS /CPUDEFAULT /CPUMAXIMUM /DEFAULT /DISABLE_SWAPPING /ENABLE_GENERIC /FORM_MOUNTED /GENERIC /JOB_LIMIT /LIBRARY /ON /OWNER_UIC /PROCESSOR /PROTECTION /RECORD_BLOCKING /RETAIN /SCHEDULE /SEPARATE /START /TERMINAL /WSDEFAULT /WSEXTENT /WSQUOTA INQUIRE symbol_name [prompt] Provides interactive assignment of a value for a local or global symbol in a command procedure. Qualifiers: /GLOBAL /LOCAL /PUNCTUATION LIBRARY library_file_spec [input_file_spec[,...]] Invokes the VAX/VMS Librarian Utility to create, modify, or describe a macro, object, help, text or shareable image library. Qualifiers: /BEFORE /COMPRESS /CREATE /CROSS_REFERENCE /DATA /DELETE /EXTRACT /FULL /GLOBALS /HELP /HISTORY /INSERT /LIST /LOG /MACRO /NAMES /OBJECT /ONLY /OUTPUT /REMOVE /REPLACE /SELECTIVE_SEARCH /SHARE /SINCE /SQUEEZE /TEXT /WIDTH /MODULE LINK file_spec[,...] Invokes the VAX/VMS Linker to link object modules into a VMS program image. Qualifiers: /BRIEF /CONTIGUOUS /CROSS_REFERENCE /DEBUG /EXECUTABLE /FULL /HEADER /MAP /IMAGE /PROTECT /SHAREABLE /SYMBOL_TABLE /SYSLIB /SYSSHR /SYSTEM /TRACEBACK /USERLIBRARY /INCLUDE /LIBRARY /OPTIONS /SELECTIVE_SEARCH /SHAREABLE LOGOUT Terminates an interactive terminal session with VMS. Qualifiers: /BRIEF /FULL /HANGUP MACRO file_spec[,...] Invokes the VAX/VMS MACRO assembler to assemble MACRO assembly language source programs. Qualifiers: /CROSS_REFERENCE /DEBUG /DISABLE /ENABLE /LIBRARY /LIST /OBJECT /SHOW /UPDATE MAIL [file_spec] [recipient_name] Invokes the VAX/VMS Personal Mail Utility, which is used to send messages to, and receive messages from, other users of the system. Qualifiers: /SUBJECT /EDIT /SELF MERGE input_file_spec1,input_file_spec2[,...] output_file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS Sort Utility to combine up to 10 similarly sorted input files. The input files to be merged must be in sorted order before invoking MERGE. Qualifiers: /CHECK_SEQUENCE /COLLATING_SEQUENCE /DUPLICATES /KEY /SPECIFICATION /STABLE /STATISTICS /FORMAT /ALLOCATION /BUCKET_SIZE /CONTIGUOUS /FORMAT /INDEXED_SEQUENTIAL /OVERLAY /RELATIVE /SEQUENTIAL MESSAGE file_spec[,...] Invokes the VAX/VMS Message Utility to compile message definition files. Qualifiers: /FILE_NAME /LIST /OBJECT /SYMBOLS /TEXT MONITOR [class_name[,...]] Invokes the VAX/VMS Monitor Utility to monitor various classes of system performance data. Data can be analyzed from a running system or from a previously created recording file. You can execute a single MONITOR request, or enter MONITOR interactive mode to execute a number of requests. The interactive mode is entered by entering the MONITOR command with no parameters or qualifiers. A MONITOR request is terminated by entering <Ctrl-C> or <Ctrl-Z>. Pressing <Ctrl-C> causes MONITOR to enter interactive mode, while <Ctrl-Z> returns control to DCL. Parameters: ALL_CLASSES CLUSTER DECNET DISK DLOCK FCP FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE IO LOCK MODES PAGE POOL PROCESSES SCS STATES SYSTEM Qualifiers: /BEGINNING /BY_NODE /COMMENT /DISPLAY /ENDING /FLUSH_INTERVAL /INPUT /INTERVAL /NODE /RECORD /SUMMARY /VIEWING_TIME Class Name Qualifiers: /ALL /AVERAGE /CPU /CURRENT /ITEM /MAXIMUM /MINIMUM /PERCENT /TOPBIO /TOPCPU /TOPDIO /TOPFAULT MOUNT device_name[:][,...] [volume_label[,...]] [logical_name[:]] Invokes the VAX/VMS Mount Utility to make a disk or tape volume available for use. Qualifiers: /ASSIST /ACCESSED /AUTOMATIC /BIND /BLOCKSIZE /CACHE /CLUSTER /COMMENT /CONFIRM /COPY /DATA_CHECK /DENSITY /EXTENSION /FOREIGN /GROUP /HDR3 /INITIALIZE /LABEL /MESSAGE /MOUNT_VERIFICATION /OVERRIDE /OWNER_UIC /PROCESSOR /PROTECTION /QUOTA /REBUILD /RECORDZIDE /SHADOW /SHARE /SYSTEM /UNLOAD /WINDOWS /WRITE ON condition THEM dcl_command Defines the DCL command to be executed when a command or program executed with a command procedure encounters an error condition or is interrupted by the user pressing <Ctrl-Y>. OPEN logical_name[:] file_spec Opens a file for input/output. The OPEN command assigns a logical name to the file and places the name in the process logical name table. Qualifiers: /APPEND /ERROR /READ /SHARE /WRITE PATCH file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS Patch Utility to patch an executable image, shareable image or device driver image. Qualifiers: /ABSOLUTE /JOURNAL /NEW_VERSION /OUTPUT /UPDATE /VOLUME PHONE [phone_command] Invokes the VAX/VMS Phone Utility. PHONE provides the facility for you to communicate with other users on the system or for any other VAX/VMS system connected to your system via a DECnet network. Qualifiers: /SCROLL /SWITCH_HOOK /VIEWPORT_SIZE PRINT file_spec[,...] Queues-up one or more files for printing. Qualifiers: /AFTER /BACKUP /BEFORE /BURST /BY_OWNER /CHARACTERISTICS /CONFIRM /COPIES /CREATED /DELETE /DEVICE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /FEED /FLAG /FORM /HEADER /HOLD /IDENTIFY /JOB_COUNT /LOWERCASE /MODIFIED /NAME /NOTE /NOTIFY /OPERATOR /PAGES /PARAMETERS /PASSALL /PRIORITY /QUEUE /REMOTE /RESTART /SETUP /SINCE /SPACE /TRAILER /USER PURGE [file_spec[,...]] Deletes all but the highest versions of the specified files. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /ERASE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /KEEP /LOG /MODIFIED /SINCE READ logical_name[:] symbol_name The READ command inputs a single record from the specified input file and assigns the contents of the record to the specified symbol name. Qualifiers: /DELETE /END_OF_FILE /ERROR /INDEX /KEY /MATCH /NOLOCK /PROMPT /TIME_OUT RECALL [command_specifier] Recalls previously entered commands for reprocessing or correcting. Qualifier: /ALL RENAME input_file_spec[,...] output_file_spec Modifies the file specification of an existing disk file or disk directory. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /LOG /MODIFIED /NEW_VERSION /SINCE REPLY ["message"] Allows a system operator to communicate with system users. Qualifiers: /ABORT /ALL /BELL /BLANK_TAPE /DISABLE /ENABLE /INITIALIZE_TAPE /LOG /NODE /NOTIFY /PENDING /SHUTDOWN /STATUS /TEMPORARY /TERMINAL /TO /URGENT /USERNAME /WAIT REQUEST "message" Writes a message on the system operator's terminal, and optionally requests a reply. Qualifiers: /REPLY /TO RETURN [status_code] Terminates a GOSUB statement and returns control to the command following the GOSUB command. RUN Performs the following functions: o Places an image into execution in the process. o Creates a subprocess or detached process to run a specified image. RUNOFF Performs the following functions: o Invokes the DIGITAL Standard Runoff text formatter to format one or more ASCII files. o Invokes the DIGITAL Standard Runoff text formatter to generate a table of contents for one or more ASCII files. o Invokes the DIGITAL Standard Runoff text formatter to generate an index for one or more ASCII files. SEARCH file_spec[,...] search_string[,...] Searches one or more files for the specified string(s) and lists all the lines containing occurrences of the strings. Qualifiers: /EXACT /EXCLUDE /FORMAT /HEADING /LOG /MATCH /NUMBERS /OUTPUT /REMAINING /STATISTICS /WINDOW SET ACCOUNTING Enables or disables logging various accounting activities in the system accounting log file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTING.DAT. The SET ACCOUNTING command is also used to close the current accounting log file and to open a new one with a higher version number. Qualifiers: /DISABLE /ENABLE /NEW_FILE SET ACL object_name Allows you to modify the ACL (access control list) of a VMS object. Qualifiers: /ACL /AFTER /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /DEFAULT /DELETE /EDIT /EXCLUDE /JOURNAL /KEEP /LIKE /LOG /MODE /NEW /OBJECT_TYPE /RECOVER /REPLACE /SINCE SET AUDIT Enables or disables VAX/VMS security auditing. Qualifiers: /ALARM /DISABLE /ENABLE SET BROADCAST = (class_name[,...]) Allows you to block out various terminal messages from being broadcast to your terminal. SET COMMAND [file_spec[,...]] Invokes the VAX/VMS Command Definition Utility to add, delete or replace commands in your process command table or a specified command table file. Qualifiers: /DELETE /LISTING /OBJECT /OUTPUT /REPLACE /TABLE SET [NO]CONTROL[=(T,Y)] Defines whether or not control will pass to the command language interpreter when <Ctrl-Y> is pressed and whether process statistics will be displayed when <Ctrl-T> is pressed. SET DAY Used to reset the default day type specified in the user authorization file for the current day. Qualifiers: /DEFAULT /LOG /PRIMARY /SECONDARY SET DEFAULT device_name:directory_spec Changes the default device and/or directory specification. The new default is used with all subsequent file operations that do not explicitly include a device or directory name. SET DEVICE device_name[:] Establishes a printer or terminal as a spooled device, or sets the error logging status of a device. Qualifiers: /AVAILABLE /DUAL_PORT /ERROR_LOGGING /LOG /SPOOLED SET DIRECTORY directory_spec[,...] Modifies directory characteristics. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /LOG /MODIFIED /OWNER_UIC /SINCE /VERSION_LIMIT SET FILE file_spec[,...] Modifies file characteristics. Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /DATA_CHECK /END_OF_FILE /ENTER /ERASE_ON_DELETE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRATION_DATE /EXTENSION /GLOBAL_BUFFER /LOG /NODIRECTORY /OWNER_UIC /PROTECTION /REMOVE /SINCE /UNLOCK /TRUNCATE /VERSION_LIMIT SET HOST node_name Connects your terminal, via your host processor, to another processor in a DECnet network. Qualifiers: /LOG /DTE /HSC SET KEY Changes the current key definition state. Keys are defined by the DEFINE/KEY command. Qualifiers: /LOG /STATE SET LOGINS Defines the number of users who may gain access to the system. This command also displays the current interactive level. Qualifiers: /INTERACTIVE SET MAGTAPE device_name[:] Defines default characteristics to be associated with a magnetic tape device for subsequent file operations. Qualifiers: /DENSITY /END_OF_FILE /LOG /LOGSOFT /REWIND /SKIP /UNLOAD SET MESSAGE [file_spec] Allows you to specify the format of messages, or to override or supplement system messages. Qualifiers: /DELETE /FACILITY /IDENTIFICATION /SEVERITY /TEXT SET [NO]ON Controls command interpreter error checking. If SET NOON is in effect, the command interpreter will ignore errors in a command procedure and continue processing. SET OUTPUT_RATE [=delta_time] Defines the rate at which output will be written to a batch job log file. SET PASSWORD Permits to change password in a VAX/VMS account Qualifiers: /GENERATE /SECONDARY /SYSTEM SET PRINTER printer_name[:] Defines characteristics for a line printer. Qualifiers: /CR /FALLBACK /FF /LA11 /LA180 /LOWERCASE /LOG /LP11 /PAGE /PASSALL /PRINTALL /TAB /TRUNCATE /UNKNOWN /UPPERCASE /WIDTH /WRAP SET PROCESS [process_name] Modifies execution characteristics associated with the named process for the current login session. If a process is not specified, changes are made to the current process. Qualifiers: /CPU /DUMP /IDENTIFICATION /NAME /PRIORITY /PRIVILEGES /RESOURCE_WAIT /RESUME /SUSPEND /SWAPPING SET PROMPT [=string] Defines a new DCL prompt for your process. The default prompt is a dollar sign ($). Qualifier: /CARRIAGE_CONTROL SET PROTECTION [=(code)] file_spec[,...] Modifies the protection applied to a particular file or to a group of files. The protection of a file limits the access available to various groups of system users. When used without a file specification, it establishes the default protection for all the files subsequently created during the login session. May also be used to modify the protection of a non-file-oriented device. Qualifiers: /CONFIRM /LOG /PROTECTION /DEFAULT /DEVICE SET QUEUE queue_name Used to modify the current status or attributes of a queue, or to change the current status or attributes of a job that is not currently executing in a queue. Qualifiers: /BASE_PRIOTITY /BLOCK_LIMIT /CHARACTERISTICS /CPUDEFAULT /CPUMAXIMUM /DEFAULT /DISABLE_SWAPPING /ENABLE_GENERIC /FORM_MOUNTED /JOB_LIMIT /OWNER_UIC /PROTECTION /RECORD_BLOCKING /RETAIN /SCHEDULE /SEPARATE /WSDEFAULT /WSEXTENT /WSQUOTA /ENTRY SET RESTART_VALUE=string Defines a test value for restarting portions of a batch job after a system failure. SET RIGHTS_LIST id_name[,...] Allows you to modify the process or system rights list. Qualifiers: /ATTRIBUTES /DISABLE /ENABLE /IDENTIFICATION /PROCESS /SYSTEM SET RMS_DEFAULT Used to set default values for the multiblock and multibuffer counts, network transfer sizes, prologue level and extend quantity used by RMS for various file operations. Qualifiers: /BLOCK_COUNT /BUFFER_COUNT /DISK /EXTEND_QUANTITY /INDEXED /MAGTAPE /NETWORK_BLOCK_COUNT /PROLOG /RELATIVE /SEQUENTIAL /SYSTEM /UNIT_RECORD SET SYMBOL Controls access to local and global symbols within command procedures. Qualifier: /SCOPE SET TERMINAL [device_name[:]] Modifies interpretation of various terminal characteristics. Qualifiers: /ADVANCED_VIDEO /ALTYPEAHD /ANSI_CRT /APPLICATION_KEYPAD /AUTOBAUD /BLOCK_MODE /BRDCSTMBX /BROADCAST /CRFILL /DEC_CRT /DEVICE_TYPE /DIALUP /DISCONNECT /DISMISS /DMA /ECHO /EDIT_MODE /EIGHT_BIT /ESCAPE /FALLBACK /FRAME /FORM /FULLDUP /HALFDUP /HANGUP /HARDCOPY /HOSTSYNC /INQUIRE /INSERT /LFFILL /LINE_EDITING /LOCAL_ECHO /LOWERCASE /MANUAL /MODEM /NUMERIC_KEYPAD /OVERSTRIKE /PAGE /PARITY /PASTHRU /PERMANENT /PRINTER_PORT /PROTOCOL /READSYNC /REGIS /SCOPE /SET_SPEED /SECURE_SERVER /SIXEL_GRAPHICS /SOFT_CHARACTERS /SPEED /SWITCH /SYSPASSWORD /TAB /TTSYNC /TYPE_AHEAD /UNKNOWN /UPPERCASE /WIDTH /WRAP SET TIME [=time] Resets the system time to be used with all time-dependent activities in the VAX/VMS operating system. SET UIC uic Establishes a new default user identification code (UIC). SET [NO]VERIFY [=([NO]PROCEDURE,[NO]IMAGE)] Controls whether command and data lines, in a command procedure, are displayed as they are processed. SET VOLUME device_spec[:][,...] Modifies the characteristics of a mounted Files-11 volume. Qualifiers: /ACCESSED /DATA_CHECK /ERASE_ON_DELETE /EXTENSION /FILE_PROTECTION /HIGHWATER_MARKING /LABEL /LOG /MOUNT_VERIFICATION /OWNER_UIC /PROTECTION /REBUILD /RETENTION /UNLOAD /USER_NAME /WINDOWS SET WORKING_SET Sets the default working set size for the current process, or sets an upper limit to which the working set size can be changed by an image that the process executes. Qualifiers: /ADJUST /EXTENT /LIMIT /LOG /QUOTA SHOW ACCOUNTING Displays items for which accounting is enabled. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW ACL Permits you to display the access control list (ACL) of a VAX/VMS object. Qualifier: /OBJECT_TYPE SHOW AUDIT Supplies a display that identifies enable security auditing features and the events that they will report. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW BROADCAST Displays messages classes that currently are being affected by the SET BROADCAST command. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW DEFAULT Displays the current default device and directory specification, along with any equivalence strings that have been defined. SHOW DEVICES [device_name[:]] Displays the status of a device on the running VAX/VMS system. Qualifiers: /ALLOCATED /BRIEF /FILES /FULL /MOUNTED /OUTPUT /SYSTEM /WINDOWS /SERVED SHOW ERROR Displays an error count for all devices with an error count greater than 0. Qualifiers: /FULL /OUTPUT SHOW KEY [key_name] Displays the key definition for the specified key. Qualifiers: /ALL /BRIEF /DIRECTORY /FULL /STATE SHOW LOGICAL [logical_name[:],[...]] Displays logical names from one or more logical name tables, or displays the equivalence string(s) assigned to the specified logical names(s). Qualifiers: /ACCESS_MODE /ALL /DESCENDANTS /FULL /GROUP /JOB /OUTPUT /PROCESS /STRUCTURE /SYSTEM /TABLE SHOE MAGTAPE device_name[:] Displays the characteristics and status of a specified magnetic tape device. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW MEMORY Displays availability and use of memory-related resources. Qualifiers: /ALL /FILES /FULL /OUTPUT /PHYSICAL_PAGES /POOL /SLOTS SHOW NETWORK Displays node information about the DECnet network of which your host processor is a member. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW PRINTER device_name[:] Displays characteristics defined for a system printer. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW PROCESS [process_name] Displays information about a process and any of its subprocesses. Qualifiers: /ACCOUNTING /ALL /CONTINUOUS /IDENTIFICATION /MEMORY /OUTPUT /PRIVILEGES /QUOTAS /SUBPROCESSES SHOW PROTECTION Displays the file protection that will be applied to all new files created during the current login session. SHOW QUEUE [queue_name] Displays information about queues and the jobs currently in queue. Qualifiers: /ALL /BATCH /BRIEF /DEVICE /FILES /FULL /OUTPUT /CHARACTERISTICS /FORM SHOW QUOTA Displays the disk quota that is currently authorized for a specific user on a specific disk. Qualifiers: /DISK /USER SHOW RMS_DEFAULT Displays the default multiblock count, multibuffer count, network transfer size, prologue level and extend quantity that RMS will use for file operations. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW STATUS Displays status information for the current process. SHOW SYMBOL [symbol_name] Displays the value of a local or global symbol. Qualifiers: /ALL /GLOBAL /LOCAL /LOG SHOW SYSTEM Displays a list of processes currently running on a system. Qualifiers: /BATCH /FULL /NETWORK /OUTPUT /PROCESS /SUBPROCESS SHOW TERMINAL [device_name[:]] Displays the characteristics of a specified terminal. Qualifiers: /OUTPUT /PERMANENT SHOW TIME Displays the current system date and time. SHOW TRANSLATION logical_name Searches the logical name tables for a specified logical name, then returns the first equivalence name of the match found. Qualifier: /TABLE SHOW USERS [username] Displays a list of all users currently using the system and their terminal names, usernames and their process identification codes. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SHOW WORKING_SET Displays the current working set limit, quota and extent assigned to the current process. Qualifier: /OUTPUT SORT input_file_spec[,...] output_file_spec Invokes the VAX/VMS Sort Utility to reorder records in a file into a defined sequence. Qualifiers: /COLLATING_SEQUENCE /DUPLICATES /KEY /PROCESS /SPECIFICATION /STABLE /STATISTICS /WORK_FILES /FORMAT Output File Qualifiers: /ALLOCATION /BUCKET_SIZE /CONTIGUOUS /FORMAT /INDEXED_SEQUENTIAL /OVERLAY /RELATIVE /SEQUENTIAL SPAWN [command_string] Creates a subprocess to the current process. Qualifiers: /CARRIAGE CONTROL /CLI /INPUT /KEYPAD /LOG /LOGICAL_NAMES /NOTIFY /OUTPUT /PROCESS /PROMPT /SYMBOLS /TABLE /WAIT START/QUEUE queue_name Starts or restarts the specified queue. STOP process_name Specifies the name of a process to be deleted from the system. If the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is used, the process name is ignored. Qualifier: /IDENTIFICATION STOP/QUEUE queue_name[:] Causes the specified queue to pause. Qualifiers: /ABORT /ENTRY /MANAGER /NEXT /REQUEUE /RESET SUBMIT file_spec[,...] Enters a command procedure(s) into a batch queue. Qualifiers: /AFTER /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CHARACTERISTICS /CLI /CONFIRM /CPUTIME /CREATED /DELETE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /HOLD /IDENTIFY /KEEP /LOG_FILE /MODIFIED /NAME /NOTIFY /PARAMETERS /PRINTER /PRIORITY /QUEUE /REMOTE /RESTART /SINCE /USER /WSDEFAULT /WSEXTENT /WSQUOTA SYNCHRONIZE [job_name] Places the process issuing the command into a wait state until the specified job completes execution. Qualifiers: /ENTRY /QUEUE TYPE file_spec[,...] Displays the contents of a file or group of files on the current output device (normally your terminal screen). Qualifiers: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CREATED /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /MODIFIED /OUTPUT /PAGE /SINCE UNLOCK file_spec[,...] Makes a file that has been made inaccessible as a result of being improperly closed accessible. Qualifiers: /CONFIRM /LOG WAIT delta_time Places the current process in a wait state until a specified period of time has passed. WRITE logical_name expression[,...] Writes the specified data record to the output file indicated by the logical name. Qualifiers: /ERROR /SYMBOL /UPDATE <:=- Part E : Lexical Function Reference -=:> Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part F is a Lexical Function Reference. Parameters for the lexicals are in parenthesis after the function name, and parenthesis are required whether or not the lexical function requires parameters. Lexical Function Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F$CVSI (bit_position, width, string) Used to extract bit fields from a character string. The result is converted to a signed integer value. F$CFTIME (input_time, output_time, field) Converts absolute or combination time to the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmm:ss.cc. This function can also be used to return information about an absolute, combination, or delta time string. F$CVUI (bit_position, width, string) Extracts bit fields from a character string and converts the result to an unsigned integer value. F$DIRECTORY () Returns the default directory name as a character string. F$EDIT (string, edit_list) Used to edit a character string based on the parameters specified in the edit_list. F$ELEMENT (element_number, delimiter, string) Extracts an element from a character string in which the elements are separated by some specified delimiter. F$ENVIRONMENT (item) Returns information about the DCL command environment. F$EXTRACT (offset, length, string) Extracts a substring from a given character string. F$FAO (control_string[,arg1,art2...arg15]) Calls the $FAO system service to convert a specified control string to formatted ASCII. This function may be used to insert variable character string data into an output string or convert integer values to ASCII and substitute the result into the output string. F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES (file_spec, item) Returns attribute information for the specified file. F$GETDVI (device, item) Calls the $GETDVI system service to return an item of information on a specified device. This function allows a process to obtain information for a device to which the process has not necessarily allocated or assigned a channel. F$GETJPI (pid, item) Calls the $GETJPI system service to return status and identification information about the running system or about a node in the VAXcluster (if the system is a VAXcluster). F$IDENTIFIER (identifier, conversion_type) Converts an identifier into its integer equivalent, or vice versa. An identifier is a name or number that identifies a category of data resource users. The system uses identifiers to determine user access to a system resource. F$INTEGER (expression) Returns the integer value of the result of the specified expression. F$LENGTH (string) Returns the length of a specified character string. F$LOCATE (substring, string) Locates a character or character substring within a string and returns its offset within the string. If the character or character substring is not found, the function returns the length of the string that was searched. F$MESSAGE (status_code) Returns a character string containing the message associated with a system status code. F$MODE () Returns a character string displaying the mode in which a process is executing. F$PARSE (file_spec[,related_spec][,field][,parse_type]) Calls the $PARSE RMS service to parse a file specification and return either its expanded file specification or a particular file specification field that you have specified. F$PID (context_symbol) Returns a process identification number (PID), and updates the context symbol to point to the current position in the system's process list. F$PRIVILEGE (priv_states) Returns a value of true or false depending on whether your current process privileges match the privileges listed in the parameter argument. F$PROCESS () Obtains the current process name as a character string. F$SEARCH (file_spec[,stream_id]) Calls the $SEARCH RMS service to search a directory and return the full file specification for a specified file. F$SETPRV (priv_states) Returns a list of keywords indicating current user privileges. In addition, this function may be used to call the $SETPRV system service to enable or disable specified user privileges. The return string indicates the status of the user privileges before any changes have been made with the F$SETPRV function. F$STRING (expression) Returns the character string equivalent of the result of the specified expression. F$TIME () Returns the current date and time string. F$TRNLNM (logical_name[,table][,index][,mode][,case][,item]) Translates a logical name to its equivalence string, or returns the requested attributes of the logical name. The equivalence string is not checked to determine if it is a logical name or not. F$TYPE (symbol_name) Returns the data type of a symbol. F$USER () Returns the user identification code (UIC), in named format, for the current user. The F$USER function has no arguments. F$VERIFY ([procedure_value][,image_value]) Returns an integer value which indicates whether procedure verification mode is currently on or off. If used with arguments, the F$VERIFY function can turn verification mode on or off. You must include the parentheses after the F$VERIFY function, whether or not you specify arguments. Default File Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These file types are conventions set by DEC and may not be followed by other software companies. Type Contents ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ANL Output file from the ANALYZE command BAS Source input file for BASIC compiler CLD Command line interpreter command description file COM Command procedure file DAT Data file (input or output) DIF Output file from the DIFFERENCES command DIR Subdirectory DIS MAIL distribution list DMP Output from the DUMP command EDT EDT editor initialization file EXE VAX/VMS executable program created with the LINK command FDL File Definition language file created with the EDIT/FDL or ANALYZE/RMS/FDL command FOR Source input for FORTRAN compiler HLB Help text library HLP Help text file, usually as source input to help text library file JNL EDT editor journal file LIS List file created by an assembler or compiler LOG Information file created by a batch job, DECnet, etc. MAI Mail message storage file MAR Source input file for MACRO assembler MLB MAXCRO source library OBJ Intermediate object file created by a compiler or assembler OLB Object module library OPT Option input file for the LINK command STB Symbol table SYS System image TJL Journal file created by the TPU editor TLB Text library TMP General purpose temporary file TPU Command input file for the TPU editor TXT Text file Device Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following are common VAX/VMS device codes and their corresponding types. Code Device Type ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ CS Console boot/storage device DA RC25 (25 MB fixed/25 MB removable) DB RP05, RP06 disk DD TU58 tape DJ RA60 disk DL RL02 disk DR RM03 RM05, RM80, RP07 disk DU RA80, RA81, RA82 disk DX RX01 floppy DY RX02 floppy LC Line printer device on DMF32 LP Line printer device on LP11 LT Local area terminal (LAT) MB Mailbox device MF TU78 magnetic tape drive MS TS11 magnetic tape drive MT TU45, TU77, TE16 magnetic tape drive MU TK50, TA78, TA81, TU81 magnetic tape drive NL Null device OP Operators console device RT Remote terminal (via DECnet) TT Interactive terminal device TX Interactive terminal device VT Virtual terminal XE DEUNA XQ DEQNA _______________________________________________________________________________