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__ .--| | | _ | sfadsfgafgf @ |_____| The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency
Was logging today and came across a dead old tree. I've stood and watched a Woodpecker before, I've even done this in Hackney of all places. A dozen different language'd people stood and watched this bird banging it's beak into a tree, We stopped and looked up in a single voice. Today I saw in this dead old tree Woodpecker holes, pointy holes clipped out of the tree.
Command | User | Time |
/usr/lib/systemd/your Mom in the 90's
I guess nothing wanted to eat this mangy looking *ucker after all.
Blisteringly fast CloverOs - usb fail! With fifty million ways
too fix a problem that shouldn't exist. FAQ-FLU b4 I even start.
No thanks.
Well I tired Project Trident. What a throw back interface. Funny how you can do an install over USB internet but once you've installed the OS the internet nor the Usb is picked up. What the hell is wrong with 99% of operating systems? Shouldn't they just work. I guess when your on a ride that's
designed to waste your time the outcome is always going to be what the ride was designed for.
Roll up roll up were here with the fun ride. Designed to take your money and vampire on your Time Warner didn't get you out TikTok TikTok your running out of road.
"It does have it's charms" Mike Enslin - 1408
This comment is experimenting on your fokyus.
thought I'd give it spin again. *hit. It's been depreciated.
Although the weather was awesome today, allegedly it's about to get even more better with a dry spell of about ten day's :-). Yesterday I was so sick and tired of the dull windy oppression I could scarcely be bothered to do anything at all. Today the Sun maybe showing it's teeth but it was warm enough to work topless.
So I installed Void Linux, everything was fine last night, a complete install
mini iso startx bspwm shamalama ding dong nothing left to do, maybe install
a login manager etc..
This morning..
"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"
BOOT LOADER MISSING!! Why am I not surprised by this utter bollox?
Another waste of time in the exhaustion zone of 2021.
Saw a filthy looking Rat wondering about whilst I was @ breakfast.
It must have been knackered to be so out in the open like that.
Stove it's head in with a stick and threw it on some grass. Maybe the Owl's will pick it up? Kinda weird because yesterday I think I trod on a mouse. Anyway, I lifted my foot up to move away from where I was and a mouse ran from under it. Very WT.. Oh!
I need to write a list of all the animals I've spooked because they where spacing out. There is a common misconception that animals are always alert to their surrounds; I've yet to see conclusive evidence of this.
Well freeBsd didn't do any better. Two times reinstall still no
startx and then it rained even more so obviously my internet went
off because.. Rain!
Another few hours down the toilet of 2021.
GhostBSD fail! No USB = no internet: fail! I won't be wasting any more time on that. OpenBSB fail! Usb won't load at boot. I won't be wasteing any more time on that. There end's my trial of BSD. & GhostBSD have the nerve to use these word's on their website "modern BSD platform". Sorry nothing "modern" about it.
There end's my unhappy trial of BSD.
I Really can't turn off Episode 7. I'm going to have to listen again.
I'm probably not going to see a funnier comments section this year. Or for
that matter find a more poppycock story.
"You’re a bunch of fucking scumbags who are out to kill the masses. Fuck you and your goddamn bullshit story. If you want to play that game, we’re at war with you motherfuckers!"
Sad news. Count Dracula thought to be dead. Actually died once and for all
today of the corona-virus. He was only 600 years old.
He'll be mostly remembered for his after dinner speeches and his
predilection for birds with big tits.
survived by nancy pelosi bride of Dracula for the past 150 years
and three hundred Million offspring mostly working as Lawyers and
Government pedantry's.
Count Dracula 14?? - 2021.
I forgot to say how much more I enjoy being in the gemini space than I do
in the http space and as for Wordpress; forget about it!
The scale of the problem (No pun intended). Look at the size of this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-5r6Fr8XhY - THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE:[yt]
A dialogue with John Coleman and DAYZOFNOAH -2/12/21
"So there will soon be a need - perhaps there already is a need - for something that may seem a contradiction in terms an ethnology of solitude."
Marc Auge - non-places. introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity. 1995
folu lil motz myx xep
Imagine finding this disassembled Mouse in your wheelie's.
Found this Owl pellet today whist gardening.
It looks like something that's gone through a Psycho-frakulator.
Any synchronicity is just a coincidence. Or you may be having a stroke.
Allegedly I've got fifty quid owed too me from Google ad's something something. You'd think someone with no discernible income would snatch that up.
I simply can't be arsed.
Also also got my brain to use rsync, forthwith pointless update.
About getting my brain to use rsync.
After some provocation I got my brain to use ssh. I'm sure I'll get used
to it?
"There's three rules that I live by. Never get less than twelve hours sleep. Never play cards with a guy that's got the same first name as a city and never go near a lady that's got a tattoo of a dagger on her body"
Coach Bobby Finstock - Teen-Wolf 1985
I wish my ebook reader did gemini.
I think an ebook reader that did gopher and gemini would be pretty *ucking cool. If I was an evil corporation I'd Patent squat the *hit out of that concept.
Would you be interested an E-reader that could do such a thing?
Ever since I discovered Dronezone two decades ago (shit!). If my
computers turned on & I have internet Dronezone is on.
I had to dispatch a Chicken yesterday. It's never pleasant killing something your not going to eat. But she'd been in a bad way for a couple of days.
I did chuckle at this for some time. The wit and wisdom of
"if the word extra implies more of something. then an extra-small shirt must me
larger than a small shirt." hexdsl
I'd guess that calling a T-shirt "More smaller" would just sound dumb?
Feed: 21st Century Wire's Podcast
Title: SUNDAY WIRE: Episode #361 ‘Pandemonia’ with Patrick Henningsen & Basil Valentine
Author: mail@21wiremedia.com (mail@21wiremedia.com)
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2021 19:15:22 +0000
Like all good song's, I woke up this morning I got to walking down the street
and this guy came up to me and said "Get in the back of the Van man!" and I said
"What?" and he said "Get in the back of the van man". I said "What?"
I was dragged; #!; I was punched; ding dong! I was throwed in the back of a van.
I said "Who the hell are you people" they said "Were are the terrorists" I said
"What?"; they said "We are the Terrorists" I said "What the *uck do you want
with me, man?"
They said "We are the Terrorists, do exactly what we say or else you"ll surely die"
"Do what we is saying or you will surely die"
I said "*uckoff man; I'm hear'n it everyday, I hear that shit from the Government,
is that all you *ucking got?"
They dropped me off at the cross roads...
P.S. No I"m not clicking on your external site link. *uckoff. That's not I'm
The other day whilst fixing the Electric fence. Otters had made a hole in some mesh. There where bit's of Carp body's near the out flow. As I was fixing this hole I looked down and thought I"d seen another dead
fish in the water. I could see what looked like white striations. The look of an atypical cartoon Cat scratch or something like the green "scratch" on those MOnster drinks, but in white.
It was a live Carp a bit scratched & a bit perplexed. The *uckers had dragged it into the out-flow where ordinarily it wouldn't be able to swim. They'd left it there for dinner, nice and fresh. Cunning *uckers.
Stripped my hideous vimrc. Installed pathogen plugin helper gemini.vim,
goyo.vim and did this to .vimrc
.vimrc execute pathogen#infect() syntax on filetype plugin indent on set nocompatible syntax enable filetype plugin on " Remap :wa to ctrl+S and kiss RSI goodbye nnoremap <silent><c-s> :<c-u>update<cr> vnoremap <silent><c-s> <c-c>:update<cr>gv inoremap <silent><c-s> <c-o>:update<cr> set ignorecase set smartcase set noerrorbells set backupdir=~/.cache/vim set spell spelllang=en_gb set nospell " Insert date using F5 :nnoremap <F5> "=strftime("%c")<CR>P :setlocal textwidth=80 " Following (using abbreviations) is equivalent. :setl tw=80
For writing I type :goyo hit enter and I"m in a text editor, it's like magic.
Remapped :wa to Ctrl+s for the hell of it. Overall improvement 100%.
WHO would subscribe to lairs from the beginning? W.H.O told you thou was naked?
So Two Mask's are better than One? I thought a PERSON was already a Mask so be it. Worst clown show in known history. Three Masks it is then, is a mobile phone now evidence of the first Mask & a Mask over the mouth a Mask over the mouth evidence of the other Two Masks that are better than one?
Three Masks. One do Bank. Two do silence.
I remember walking out of a group Job interview.
The question: if it could be deemed such render itself thus
"If you had to spend time on a Desert island what would you take?" or something
to that effect.
I said I'd take a fully manned yacht.
The interviewer took offence.
It wasn't "in the spirit of the question" I told
the interviewer she was stupid & didn't know what she was talking about,
everyone looked shocked a brief argument took place I wished everybody good
luck & walked out.
WhodAfunkIt? Such philosophical questions to work at a cloths shop.
I honestly think the only reason to find an Egg under a Chickens roost is because said Chicken has been woken up suddenly out of nowhere by the 90db shouting his Beak off, Cockerel. Just image dreaming of laying an Egg in the nice nest one second and being violently assaulted the next.. PLOP!
Well apparently as per Mon 1st February 2021 post.
Amfora bookmarks are stored in dot local. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. That's a folder I always check for vital config files: NOT! I was reminded of a discussion, more of a rant really; I think it was on the Linux Format podcast (Don't look for it, it isn't there any more). The conversation was about the most annoying none standard way software dev's will litter your home folder with dot files when there is a perfectly good dot config folder.
And there I was thinking it had all got sorted out.
Finally sorted out an insert date short-cut for vim. Insert into the below
into you're vimrc and hit F5 to insert the date and time.
:nnoremap <F5> "=strftime("%c")<CR>P
:inoremap <F5> <C-R>=strftime("%c")<CR>
Ditched vimb for qutebrowser. Not missing the corporate binge of http.
Today as I drank Coffee at breakfast, I watched my Rooster (Who'd been up since 5 this morning bleating his head off) I watched him wobble and blink and then keel over onto his back. I thought the *ucker was dead. As I approached him he got his shit together and tentatively wobbled off. I think he'd fainted. I guess it must be quite hard work making all that racket first thing in the fucking morning. The *ucking prick. Why did I care? Earlier in the morning I was dreaming of killing the sonofabitch. Five O'clock man! Come on!
How could I have forgotten this foul mouthed gem?
Anarchy linux is an Arch installer. It's FAQ is impeccable. Pick a few things you may like from a limited list of stuff and go do something else whilst it installs. So I go away to do some logging come back and I'm in a fresh install Arch.
This is a Gemini inspired install as minimal as I can stand.
Bspwm,vim,vimb,vifm,termite,amfora,newsboat,moc. I moved my Amfora config over but my bookmarks didn't come with it :-( I may need to create a ticket or feature request.
Also also. I can't believe you get a web address now for two quit.
A couple of days ago I paid just under Two quid for dsfadsfgafgf.xyz this is
only for a year, but at that price it may as well be free.
Was Thalidomide a Transhuman experiment? Their always looking to have a docile
work force. Somewhere in the mix the term harmless and armless got mixed up.
"While not wishing to be bound by theory" (Patent No .: US 10,702,600 B1)
Patent No .: US 10,702,600 B1 - Just think what Chaos can come from playing with mRNA.
Twice Internationally Recognised As A Leading Internationally Recognised Expert.