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     s$$$$ss. s$$$  $$$$s s$$$$ss. $$$SSs s$^$  $$,,$$$s

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$$$$ $$$$s $$$ $$ $$$$ $$$$s      system failure(#04)
 `$$$$s$$$$ $$$ $$s`$$$$s$$$$  a penguin palace production
   `$$$$$$' S$$$sS$$$s`$$$$$$'     system.failure@usa.net
   =(xavier!nogroup)(http://www.penguinpalace.com/sysfail/)(#peng on efnet)=

�                          System Failure: Issue #4                          �
�                   http://www.penguinpalace.com/sysfail/                    �
�                         [system.failure@usa.net]                           �
�                                  CONTENTS                                  �
� Introduction                                                   by Pinguino �
� SysInfoTrade                                                   by Pinguino �
� Big Brother Ammendment                         crypto-news@lists.panix.com �
� Look Over Your Shoulder                                             by XBS �
� Big Brother Explained                                          by Pinguino �
� Winloop Denial of Service Attack                                 by Alatar �
� How to Harass over IRC                                          by Klenzir �
� SysHitList                                                     by Pinguino �
� Various #s I Have Lying Around                                 by Darkcube �
� SysMail                                                              Staff �
                    by Pinguino (pinguino@connectnet.com)

Hi, welcome to the fourth edition of System Failure. I'll be your host this
weekend, bringing you alignment and proper punctuation to your zine reading
pleasure =) This month we will focus on a little something Alatar came up
with; the Winloop. We will also discuss new policies emerging in the computer
industry and government, and what you can do to help keep the privledges you
all know and love. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
    A lot of you are on computer security mailing lists, and might have seen
this sort of information float by. How many of you bother to take the time to
respond, to use your skills and place calls to your governer, or even e-mail
him? How many of you read the stale news articles written usually by clueless
overreacting journalists? Within each article there is a hint of truth, an
insight into the minds of the enemy. Remember 1984? Each year we are making a
move closer and closer to that state, though maybe not through a drastic
overhaul of the system operations. They're taking your right to encrypt, they
want to walk through padlocked fireproof steel doors. They want to monitor
phone conversations without a warrant. Their reasoning? Convenience to the
consumer. They will hide their motives behind slick marketing schemes designed
to awe the masses.
    Who are the masses? These are people who at home, use Apple IIe's and are
impressed. These are the people who see "Web TV" and are too afraid to use a
real computer, so they buy this to feel like they're a part of a global tidal
wave into technology. I didn't realise how computer illiterate the rest of the
US was until I moved to Denver.
    Since these people don't care about how the law can affect the future of
privacy, it's ultimately up to us to let the lawmakers know how we feel. Don't
be a jerk when dealing with them; that will only give people like us a bad
name. Use your intelligence and reasoning as a sword in this fight; if we just
get heard yet not listened to, its a step forward in the right direction.


        |  SysInfoTrade
        +----------------> pinguino@connectnet.com

--We still have System Failure and Thank You for Abusing AT&T stickers avail
in fine black vinyl. $1 each, e-mail pinguino@uix.com
--Interested in an oki900? email me; if i know who you are/your friends are,
then I'll point you in the right direction.
--On a personal level, I'm having financial difficulties due to a car accident
and my planned move back home to Cali. If you haven't seen my comics yet,
send me $5 and I'll send you Tori Do #1 signed, stickers, and other random
goodies. email pinguino@uix.com
--I'm creating a mailing list to tell ya when the next issue is released. I
don't like it when the night of release, we have six people hitting reload
every 5 seconds on the philez section of the webpage..
e-mail me the email address you want this announcement going to.
--Have you checked for Dr. Who's Radiophone site recently? It's been gone,
what's up with that? If anyone has info on Audiovox model MVX400 then lemme
know. =)
--Got an old 28.8 modem, VGA/SVGA monitors, or 486 machines? I know of a place
that will trade you hardware for comics (back issue), new comic subscription
credit, toys and merchandise, magic cards, you name it. No questions asked on
where it came from. It's being appraised by a guy who knows stuff about
hardware, who used to be an AOL tech. This one place needs workstations for
a large network.
--There's a big con coming up soon called 927Con, invite only, taking place
at a sekret location in Texas. 
--Once again, a buncha people got bills from AT&T regarding credit card fraud.
Please, please, please don't use k0des from home. All it does is bill your
parents, who will either get pissed and forget about it, or kixor your ass
outta the house. It's not worth it.
--Free Phone Cards at www.mapquest.com (10min)
--303 News Update. 303 owns you. Alatar, Vamprella, Maq702/303 have all moved
to 303. Lust and Polymorf are coming shortly. Meanwhile in November I plan
on moving to San Diego (where I came from).
--Remember NoHope Con in 303 that was reviewed in the last issue? Rage got
his pics developed; they're housed at http://www.pagan.net/~rage/nohope/
--A 14 year old boy in New Zeland thinks he has the answer to the millenium
bug. Details aren't being released, but analysts are amazed and consider it
a remarkable breakthrough. The kid's name is Nick Johnson.
--Accidental marriage? There is now an online marriage iquiry center at
http://www.co.clark.nv.us/recorder/mar_disc.htm. Clark County, Nevada
(a part of vegas) is the Marriage Captial of the world. I'm sure some of you
can use this page to your advantage, marry off some friends or something.

                          Big Brother Amendment 
                      by crypto-news@lists.panix.com
 ____  _         ____            _   _
 | __ )(_) __ _  | __ ) _ __ ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __   Stop the Big Brother
 |  _ \| |/ _` | |  _ \| '__/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|  Amendment, coming next
 | |_) | | (_| | | |_) | | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |     week in the House
 |____/|_|\__, | |____/|_|  \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|     Commerce committee!
                                    Posted September 18, 1997
Please forward where appropriate until September 28, 1997

                           This alert brought to you by
  The Voters Telecommunications Watch, The Center for Democracy & Technology,
               the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Wired Magazine,
                          and Americans for Tax Reform

Table of Contents
      Stop the Government From Building Big Brother Into The Internet
      What You Can Do
      -Please contact four leading members of Congress
      About This Alert

In 1948, George Orwell described a future world in which Big Brother
peaked over the shoulder of every citizen -- watching every move and
listening to every word.

Now, in 1997, the FBI is pushing the United States Congress to pass
legislation which would make George Orwell's frightening vision a

Next week the House Commerce Committee will meet to consider a
proposal that would require all Americans to provide the government
guaranteed access to their private online communications and business
transactions.  Taking a page out of Orwell's 1984, the FBI-spawned
proposal would require that every part of the Internet -- from the
software on your computer to the network provider that carries your
messages around the net -- be jury-rigged to divulge your private
conversations immediately on request by the FBI (see below).

Unfortunately, this is not a work of fiction.

The amendment, to be offered by Representatives Mike Oxley (R-OH) and
Thomas Manton (D-NY), is a serious threat to your privacy and represents
the first and final step in the construction of a National Surveillance

A vote is expected on September 25.  The future of privacy and security
in the information age is in the hands of the Commerce Committee, and
they need to know that folks are watching and care about the outcome.

On Monday September 22, please join thousands of Internet users all across
the country as we call on Congress to stop big brother.  With your help and
support,  we can ensure that George Orwell's 1984 does not become a reality.

All the information you need is attached below.



1. ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22, pick up the phone and call as many of the four
   leading members of the Commerce committee as you can:

     Chairman Thomas Bliley (R-VA)         (202) 225-2815
     Ranking member John Dingell (D-MI)   (202) 225-4071
     Rep. Tauzin (R-LA)                    (202) 225-4031
     Rep. Markey (D-MA)                    (202) 225-2836

2. Ask for the staffer that handles the encryption issue.

3. Say that you're calling to urge the Congressman to pass SAFE (HR695)
   without amendments.

   Americans should not be required to give the government keys to the front
   door of their house, and they shouldn't be required to give the government
   the keys to unlock their private online communications."

Other amendments may be proposed.  Please urge the Congressman to pass SAFE
"as is" and oppose any amendments. Feel free to use your own words though
here are some points you might want to stress:

- Oxley/Manton is a dramatic expansion of law enforcement power.  It would
  give law enforcement "immediate" access to private online communications
  and business transactions without any notice or knowledge to the user.

  ENFORCEMENT CONCERNS, as some supporters have argued.  It gives the FBI
  broad new power while stripping Americans of their Fourth Amendment right
  to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.

- Oxley/Manton would give the Attorney General authority to dictate the
  design of Internet services and software to suit the needs of law

- Oxley/Manton would not stop crime. Strong encryption without "immediate
  access" features is available today at home and abroad.

- Oxley/Manton would increase opportunities for cybercrime as criminal hackers
  attack vulnerabilities in the key recovery access system.

4. Let us know how it went!  Go to one of the following web pages, depending
   on who you called, and tell us about the conversation.

      Rep. Bliley     http://www.crypto.com/member/meet.cgi?membid=va07
      Rep. Dingell    http://www.crypto.com/member/meet.cgi?membid=mi16
      Rep. Tauzin     http://www.crypto.com/member/meet.cgi?membid=la03
      Rep. Markey     http://www.crypto.com/member/meet.cgi?membid=ma07

5. Forward this ALERT to your friends and colleagues.

6. Feel good about yourself!  Know that you've stood up for privacy, and
   contacting Congress is more than most people take the time to do!



The House Commerce Committee is considering a bill known as the "Security
and Freedom through Encryption Act" (HR 695, a.k.a. SAFE).  SAFE would
encourage the widespread availability of strong, easy-to-use encryption
technologies in order to protect privacy and promote electronic commerce
on the Internet.  SAFE enjoys broad support from Internet users, civil
liberties advocates, and over 250 members of Congress.

Last week, the Commerce Committee delayed its vote on the SAFE bill in
order to give the Committee more time to study the implications of the
Oxley/Manton amendment, which would change SAFE to ban encryption which
does not contain features that provide law enforcement with "immediate
access" to the plain text of encrypted information, including private
communications and business transactions (visit

The Oxley/Manton amendment would for the first time impose sweeping
restrictions on the ability of American citizens to protect their privacy
on US soil. Specifically, the amendment would:

  proposal would prohibit the manufacture, sale, import, or distribution
  within the United States of any encryption product unless it allows
  "immediate access" to the plain text of any user's messages or files
  without the user's knowledge.

  STANDARDS FOR ENCRYPTION PRODUCTS: The proposal allows the Attorney
  General to set standards for what are and are not acceptable
  encryption products. The proposal's requirement of immediate access to
  plain text would seem to seriously limit the options available to
  encryption manufacturers seeking approval of their products.

The amendment does not specify whether the immediate access "features"
could be activated (or not) at the option of the purchaser or end user.
Nonetheless, requiring that such a capability be installed in all domestic
communications networks and encryption products is the equivalent of
enabling a national surveillance infrastructure and asserts unprecedented
control over the design of Internet software, hardware, and services.

The amendment is analogous to the government requiring surveillance
cameras in every new house built in the United States, which could be
turned on remotely by the police if you were ever suspected of committing
a crime.

Worse yet, such "key escrow" or "key recovery" technologies pose
significant risk to the security of the Internet -- providing new points
of vulnerability for hackers, terrorists, and industrial spies to exploit.
A recent study by 11 of the worlds leading cryptographers concluded that
the large scale deployment of such technologies would be too complex and
too insecure to meet the needs of an Information Age society (see

Despite widespread opposition from Internet users, civil liberties groups,
privacy advocates, and the computer and communications industries, Oxley
and Manton plan to push for this FBI spawned amendment at the Commerce
Committee vote.  If it is adopted, it would represent the first and final
step in the development of a national surveillance infrastructure.



This message was brought to you by the Center for Democracy and
Technology (http://www.cdt.org), the Voters Telecommunications Watch
(http://www.vtw.org/), the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(http://www.eff.org/), Wired Magazine (http://www.wired.com/), and
Americans for Tax Reform (http://www.atr.org/) who have joined together
on this alert.

end alert 09.18.1997 net

                          Look Over Your Shoulder 
                          by XBS (nibaq@usa.net)

   Paranoid People Live Longer

    Words to live by. Big Brother exists- He is watching, he is seeing your
every move. Some of you might say that I'm taking this to an extreme and that
no one can see what we do. Well my brothers they can; there is a program
called Look@me (1) This little program when run on your system and turned
on to send mode it will send out what you see in your screen to the net.
Now imagine Microsoft has this installed in every Windows distributed without
you knowing it. They can see everything you do. Remeber when Microsoft was
being sued for when MSN first came about when it searched your HD for M$
software and stuff? M$ also has WINS (2) which allows you to have a
Workgroup without have a LAN, doing it via TCP/IP and they are Inet
Workgroups. This has great possibilites. The Internet workgroup when I was
in a LAN i used to listen to mp3s on my speakers from my friends computer
across the hall and vice versa. We could also run program from each
others computers, but what denies M$ or any other person from accessing it?

What about TRW? Anything you ever do or ask about goes thru there and its
stored to use against you for later use. Its a great way to get info on
someone but your whole life is in there, everything you ever subscribed too,
any contest, its all there. Do we have any privacy anymore? We don't.

   Another thing that puzzled me is when i loaded up word97. It popped a msg
asking me if i wanted to update my word97 html authoring program. I was
like, how did it know it needed to be updated, i mean did programmers
set a date on the computer? That could be true, but programmers could have
delayed it or something, so the only likely thing is that word communicated
with M$ and got details and when i wanted to update it it asked for my info
and my program serial number. They could find out so much about you and if
you have a warez version of word that could get people in trouble.
Coincdence or infrigement of privcay?





are running Netscape X.0. So everytime someone logged on the Netscape site, Netscape could have searched your computer changed things, took things or anything they want for that matter when you aren't noticing.
	What about TRW anything you ever do or ask about goes thru there and its stored to use against you for later use, its a great way to get info on someone, but your whole life is in there everything you ever subscribed too, any contest its all there. Do we have any privacy anymore? we don't.
	You may call me crazy, paranoid , taking things to an extreme, But i am just watching these things and say whats going on. Its right in front of us, i just see it and a bit worried about it. So just use common sense cause someone can be watching you, and when you least expect it they will attack.







PGP http://www.smu.edu/~balfraih/PGP.txt 
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| | | |    |   `| '  | ' |||> ~\~   | '  |   '| : '~   |  |  |   '|   '|
|     |  > |~` '| '``|  '|||> :<  > | '  | ' '| | '|~  |  |  | '  | ' '|
|  | '|  > | ' '| ' :| : \||> ||    | '  | ' '| ~ '>   |  |  | ' :| ' '|

                         Big Brother Explained
                 by Pinguino (pinguino@connectnet.com)
(based on the legal text on eff.org)

                                  A BILL
    To amend title 18, United States Code, to affirm the rights of
    United States persons to use and sell encryption and to relax
    export controls on encryption.
                         *title 18- criminal section of the Code

On feb 12 this SAFE bill was presented to Congress.
It made it legal to USE and SELL encryption programs, yet illegal to use
encryption to cover a criminal act. The fine would have been a 10 year stay
with Big Burly Bubba and his Butt munchers. This bill also created a loophole
for law enforcement and investiagors to bypass encryption.

                     AMENDMENTS TO H.R. 695
              (House National Security Committee)

This was a revision which was worse for those of us with an interest towards
privacy and the first ammendment. Here it states that export of encryption
programs would be illegal, with some exceptions.

      From: Congressional Record: September 11, 1997 (Digest)
      Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Met in executive session
      and ordered reported amended H.R. 695, Security and Freedom Through
      Encryption (SAFE) Act.

This was even worse, a substitute to the original bill.
It would mean that though public participation was voluntary, key certificates
and recovery systems would be regulated.
If your encrypted something to hide an illegal act, you'd go to jail for 5
years or get fined. The second time it happens, it's 10 years. You can't go
on probation for this (you evil hacker you <g>)

It would make it illegal to decrypt without someone's permission, and
impersonate a fed to get the key.

Encryption products would be sold through "Public Network Service Providers"
Big Brother is watching. It would be illegal to sell or distribute the

Any fed has access to your file under this bill.

You want SAFE to be passed WITHOUT ammendments. The feds have given up on the
other two bills i described above. They want to put monitors in every piece of
software and on the net, the extreme of XBS's article. It's a virtual 1984
setting, but this is real life. It's not a book, not a game.

After you're done with the zine, please go and make sure you follow the
suggestions in the forwarded post from EFF.ORG about how you can help
protect the future of your privacy.

                       by Alatar (alatar@sekurity.org)

This article describes how to make a machine running Windows 95 restart itself
over and over again.  This is called a "Winloop" attack.  This has been
tested and works on the original release of Windows 95, OSR2, and Memphis
1416.  The drawbacks to this method are that you must have local access and
you must be able to edit the system registry.

Create a batch file.  In our example it will be a file named

The batch file can contain any data in it.  In our WINLOOP.BAT example, the
batch file will consist of the following lines:

ECHO This computer 0wned by
ECHO Alatar.  To get your access
ECHO back, kneel and pray for
ECHO Jesus to forgive you for
ECHO your sins.

Open the Windows Explorer and highlight WINLOOP.BAT.  Right-click and
select Properties.

Go to the Highlight tab and check the "close program on exit" box.  Click
on the Advanced button.  Click on the checkbox marked "MS-DOS mode".
Deselect the "Warn before entering MS-DOS mode" box.  Click on OK.  Click
on OK again.  This will create a file with the extension .PIF with the same
name as your batch file and in the same directory as your batch file.

Open the regsitry editor (C:\WINDOWS\REGEDIT.EXE)

Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion,
Run.  Create a new string value.  Name this string value anything.  In our
example it will be named "loop".  Right-click on "loop" and select
modify.  Under value data enter "C:\WINDOWS\WINLOOP.PIF".  You're done.

The next time the machine is rebooted, it will restart Windows over and
over again, in an endless loop.  The only ways to defeat this endless
restarting is to start in Safe Mode; delete the registry entry; delete the
batch file or the .PIF file; or reinstall Windows.  Since the registry key
can be named anything, you can call it VXD.DLL or something innocuous.  The
batch file can be buried deep in the directory tree, in some
important-looking directory. There is usually a /WINDOWS/PIF directory to
store the .PIF file in.  Of course, You can put these files anywhere you

Some folks might say, if you have local access to the machine, and can edit
the system registry, why not just delete the entire thing?  The Winloop
attack is much more frustrating than simply deleting the windows directory.
Your mark will spend hours trying to figure out why his system won't work
correctly.  Since the system will work when booting in safe mode, he will
ask his friends for help, call MS tech support, and generally spend waste
hours before giving up and reinstalling.  Or, he'll just boot into the
640x480x16 safe mode to use his system, which is annoying and ugly.

                       How to HARASS over IRC
                 by Klenzir (klenzir@hotmail.com)

Since the very begining, IRC has been the haven for people who dwell on the
confusion and stupidity of others. Around 60% of the people on EFnet have
been on less than 6 months, and on DALnet it's close to 85%. These "newbies"
are like small children. They will mimic what their idols do. Their idols
are usually the ops of the lame channels they hang out in, like #cyberchat,
or #chatzone, or #teenchat.
    These people are general nusances, but with the right techniques, you
can exploit them and use them for you'r own amusement. One technique to try
is joining some channel like #help, or #mirchelp. Wait for a line like "how
du u type in color ???????" which you can tell was typed by a lamer, if you
look closer. u=you, du=do, ???????=?. The apropriate response from you would
be to /msg them with an answer like " type what you want to say then hit F4."
This causes them to quit mirc altogether. It gives you a good feeling when
you clear out a channel this way.
    Another cool thing to do is steal nicknames. /msg someone with a line
like "you'r nick is about to expire. type: /msg probserv renew {nick}
{password}" Meanwhile make yourself a clone with the nick probserv. Now they
are partially ownt).
    The ircops are especially fun to harrass. It seems they are even stupider 
than newbies. Most of them dont even begin to know how to use the resources 
they're blessed with. That is why we must take advantage of them. Join 
#wasteland on EFnet or #dragonrealm on DALnet and give them a line like 
"there's this guy who's talking about my mommy!!!! please make him stop!!!"
Usually the lazy, ignorant ircops will tell you "ignore him". Just keep
rambling on and on. Ask them the stupidest questions that your mind can
conceive of.
    If you want it to get really fun then make a clone. use it to /msg the op and say " im gonna keep harrassing {your name} and you cant do a damn thing about it cause i 0wn you." IMIDIATELY change you'r name. start a /msg between you and your clone to with the clone making threats and you pleading for your life. Cut and paste this to the op to make it more convincing. Keep using 
the clone to taunt the ircop. and /msg him telling him that your clone 
keeps going, Bug him to make him stop. This will surely drive the ircop out
of his mind. A good example of this is the sportrider01 file on my site.
Two wonderfully crafted tools for harrassing people are gimp.exe and icmp 
bomber. They give the person you use them on a great lag or disconnect 
them from the server. 

Here's a little chart to help:
|    9.800          |   naaa just forget it      |      ...         |
|   14.400          |   same than a 14.400 ..    |      ...         |
|   28.800          |   14.400 or less           | LAG mayb Killed  |
|   28.800          |         28.800             |       LAG        |
|   28.800          |   more than 28.800         |     nuttin       |
|   33.600          |   14.400 or less           |     Killed       |
|   33.600          |         28.800             |       LAG        |
|   33.600          |   more than 28.800         |     nuttin       |
|   T1,T2,or T3     |   less than a T1           |     killed       |
|   T1,T2,or T3     |   more than a T1           | LAG mayb killed  |

    A good way to kill someone with a better speed than you is to get a couple
of your leet buddies to icmp him too and all of it will kill him. That chart
is for the icmp floods out there. The way that icmp floods work is that it is
a constant flood on the person. With gIMP, you flood them til you find the
port that they're on and it disconnects them immidiatly. These are both great
progz to get and can be found at my site soon along with instructions to use
them. This is about all I could think of at the moment,so watch for another
article in the next sysfail.


    |  SysHitList
    +-------------> by pinguino@connectnet.com

Here is a list of people who we would like Mormans to visit armed with free
bibles. We didn't tell you to do this, if anything happens to these lovely
people it has absolutely nothing to do with us.

www.penguin.com - Just because =) (corporate bastards)

RMI.NET - shitty isp in Denver with completly clueless techs and admins.

VenusCam - got dogbert killed and caused Acr0nym to lose his job. This is
a priority for you to utelize your talent, but be smart about what you're
doing and don't get caught. They're looking for scapegoats.

Melissa Hawkins
16210 W. 136 terrace
Olathe, KS 66062     -Axel's ex-wife, was told by him to pass this info on
(913) 829-2469        Axel is Polymorf's friend.

n4rq : amber stocks
ph#s : 313-981-0633, 2535
       canton township, MI
       address to follow, i also have hers and her parents SSN#'s... wh33333!                                             
-- this bitch narced me out to the local cops, she played me like                                                        
a chump, took me for 4 packs of smokes, and shit on my feelings/psyche..                                                        
tll has already taken the first step, why dont ya take the next?                                                        
-- you can page her at : 313-435-1671...        -darkcube
From XBS:
Jermy Micheal Lorberau
                 17891 E Iowa Av
                 Aurora,CO 80017-5201
idiot roommate, that meets underage girls on AOL and also divroced fat women
and take all they got from them said he had sex for 2 hours with a girl , we
called her up she doesn't know his name
he stinks, and masterbates with a condom and recycles the condom

                        Various #s I Have Lying Around
                     by Darkcube (darkcube@arbornet.org)

This is a list of numbers compiled from various social engineering
attacks, shit given to me from friends (foneman, beige, w.s., impy,
support, and others...).
       -have phun!

South Western Bell
Kansas City Switching Control                                   -
Kansas City Switching Control Dispatch                          -
Kansas City Switching Control RC Memory Assignment Center       -
Kansas City Switching Control Translation                       -
Kansas City Switching Control Trunks                            -
Network Central Office Op. Analog ESS SCC                       -
Network Central Office Op. Analog ESS SCC                       -
Network Central Office Op. Analog ESS SCC                       -
Network Central Office Op. Analog ESS SCC                       -
Network Central Office Op. Digital 918 SCC                      -
Network Central Office Op. Digital 918 SCC Customer Support     -
Network Central Office Op. Digital 918 SCC NAC                  -
Network Central Office Op. Digital 918 SCC RC Memory            -
Network Central Office Op. Digital 918 SCC Translation          -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 Customer Reports             -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 Dialtone Coordinator         -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 Dialtone Coordinator         -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 Translation                  -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 NAC                          -
Network Central Office Op. SCC 918 RC Memory Accounting         -
Network Central Office Op. SCC Digital Electrony                -
Network Operations Center Kansas City AT&T                      -
Network Operations Center Kansas City NPI and other             -
Network Operations Center Topica                                -
Network Operations Center Witchitah Metro                       -
Network Operations Center Witchitah West                        -
Network Operations Center Tape                                  -
Network Operations Center St.Louis                              -
Network Central Office Op. Oklahoma City NOC                    -
Microlinked Tune Network Control Midwest                        -
Microlinked Tune Network Control Services                       -
Microlinked Tune Network Control Texas                          -
Network Administration Center MLAC                              -
Network Administration Center SNAC                              -
Network Administration Center St.Louis                          -
Network Administration Center St.Louis NAC                      -
Information Services Data Network Control Center                -
Computer Dispursement JMOS Group Dallas                         -
JMOS Administrator Arkansas                                     -
Information Services Net Construction Programs JMOS             -
Information Services Net LMOS                                   -
AMA Processing Dallas                                           -
AMA Processing Houston                                          -
AMA Processing Houston                                          -
AMA Processing San Antonio                                      -
COSMOS Database Dallas                                          -
End Users Computing Dallas (Logins and Passwords)               -

Bell Atlantic
Network Test Center                                             -
Network Operations Center                                       -
Network Dispatch                                                -
SCC (Switching Control Center)                                  -
Bell Atlantic Equipment Maint.                                  -
Ronald Hall (C.O. Tech fer Chapel Hills)                        -
Bell Atlantic Employee Locator                                  -
Philadelphia RCMAC                                              -
Philadelphia SCC                                                -
Richmond SCC                                                    -
Richmond RCMAC                                                  -
Roanoke RCMAC                                                   -
Roanoke SCC
 - Supervisors:
   Jane Mills                                                  -
Norfolk RCMAC                                                   -
Norfolk SCC                                                     -
Washington D.C. RCMAC
 - Field Assistance                                             -
   Dalmita Marshall                                            -
   Gena Miller                                                 -
   Goldtrena Carpenter                                         -
   FAX                                                         -
   VMB                                                         -
NORVA (Northern Virginia) RCMAC
 - Field Assistance                                             -
   Sandi McQuade                                               -
   Regina Williams                                             -
   Virginia Scarborough                                        -
   FAX                                                         -
   VMB                                                         -
WSAM (P.G. & Montgomery Counties Maryland) RCMAC
 - Field Assistance
   Alice Stokes                                                -
   Larry Szech                                                 -
   Felicia Moten                                               -
   FAX                                                         -
   Flora Griffis                                               -
   FAX                                                         -
   Manager's Clerk:
   Pearl Sheppard                                              -
   FAX                                                         -
Bell Atlantic Control Center                                    -

STC  (Switching Technology Center) in Chicago for #5e           -
RCMAC                                                           -

section one - offices

state   number          type            what
-----   ------          ----            ----
ohio    2165463600      stc             AT&T #5, #4A, WE #1A
illin   8007774811      ctg             AT&T #5, WE #1A
ind     8002762990      ctg             NT DMS
ohio    2163843015      stc             AT&T?
ohio    2162899606      stc             DMS?
illin   8157406036      stc             DMS
illin   8157402572      stc             AT&T #5 #1A
wisc    8007060020      stc             Seimens
ohio    8006145555      stc             AT&T #5
ohio    8004138888      stc             DMS
ohio    8004138888      stc             DMS
?       8005436184      rcmac?          ?
ohio    2165433570      fdc             AT&T
?       8005079999      rcmac?          ?
wisc    8002167672      rcmac           wisc
illin   8004471865      rcmac           McHenry
ohio    2166237282      rcmac           ohio (216)
wisc    8006079767      rcmac           wisc, ohio

AT&T NCC (Network Control Center) & TCC                         -
AT&T Residential customer service                 816-654-6000  -
AT&T Card Center                                                -
Town Pavilion Kansas City                                       -
Town Pavilion Kansas City Emergency                             -
Change of Address                                               -

Network Operations Center (ac214 changed to 972)   800-GTE-6NOC -
NOC (for mark dialups)                                          -
Long Beach CORE (North CA)                                      -
Mentone CORE (South CA)                                         -
Golita CO (Golita CA GTD5)                                      -
SBCO (Santa Barbara CA)                                         -
GTENET (SBCO Remote)                                            -
Carpenteria CO (Carpenteria CA)                                 -
Carrolwood CO (Tampa FL GTD5)                                   -

Pacific Bell
Direct Access Mechanise Testing (DAMT)                          -
RCMAC, los angelos - madison                                    -
NOC North                                                       -
NOC North                                                       -
Sierra SCC                                                      -
PacBell Touch-Tell Directory                                    -

Business Customer Service Center                                -
C-TEC                                                           -
Manhatten SCC                                                   -
Manhatten RCMAC                                                 -
Queens DMS SCC                                                  -
Queens 5ESS SCC                                                 -
Queens 1AESS SCC                                                -
Queens Fiber                                                    -
Queens Customer Service                                         -
Queens RCMAC                                                    -
Brooklyn RCMAC                                                  -
Brooklyn 1ESS SCC                                               -
Brooklyn DMS SCC                                                -
Brooklyn 5ESS SCC                                               -
Brooklyn Choppers Hotline                                       -

AREA            VOICE           FAX            MANAGER
  ALBANY          518-890-8277    518-465-1167   Dan Mason  /  Dave Ward
  ^-------      Controls all of upstate New York
  NASSAU TSAC     516-832-1286    516-683-1127   M. Galiano
  SUFFOLK TSAC    516-832-1200    516-683-1127   W. Byrne
  FREEPORT DMS    516-832-1383
  QUEENS DMS      718-997-1500    718-896-9936   P. Barbato
  QUEENS 1A 5E    718-997-2600    718-896-9936   R. Reich
  BROOKLYN DMS    718-875-5434    718-855-7083   Mr. Casale
  QUEENS 1A 5E    718-997-2600    718-896-9936   R. Reich
  BROOKLYN DMS    718-875-5434    718-855-7083   Mr. Casale
  BROOKLYN 5E     718-330-1540    718-855-7083
  BRONX DMS       718-405-3000    718-655-2956   Mr. C.Bozk
  BRONX 5E        718-405-3009                   "   "
  BRONX 1A        718-405-3016                   "   "
  MANHATTAN 5E    212-429-5275
  CONTROL CNTR    718-997-2500

Bell South - CO's
Brooksville Main CO                                        3527969556
Gainesville Main CO 5E                                     3523715454
Gainesville NorthWest CO 5E                                3523715427
Gainesville Florida Frame                                  3523715465
Miami Grande Main (jim,Rick)                               3053508690
Miami Cannal DMS CO (handles 305223 NNX)                   3052219004
Beachwood 5e office                                        9049989995
Clay 5e office                                             9043546471
San Marco 5e office                                        9043460287

Network Infrastructure Software Center (RCMAC, etc.)            -
Regional Survailence/Analisis Center                            -
North Florida RCMAC                                             -
South Florida RCMAC                                             -
2059775682 ben obarb, birmingham
joann 4072452092
mary warren RCMAC, NARS Centrex#29, 9043545115
FlexServ Administrative assistance (Barry Gants) 9047987955
8003312825 Flexserv Cust Network Control Center tech support flexserv
4237524519 gerry freeman, chatanooga marketing
8004739032 charlotte center
ACACs (Access Custemer Advocate Centers)
ATT                                                           -
WATTS                                                         -
MCI                                                           -

BELL                            LOCATION                    TELEPHONE#
=============================   ========================    ==========
AT&T                            Bedminister, NJ 07921       2012344000
Bell South                      Atlanta, GA 30301           4045298611
Ohio Bell                       Cleveland, OH 44114         2168229700
Michigan Bell                   Detroit, MI 48225           3132239900
Wisconsin Telephone             Milwalkee, WI 53202         4144563000
Southern New England Telephone  New Haven, CT 06506         2037715200
New England Telephone           Boston, MA 02107            6177437800
South Central Bell              Birmingham, AL 35203        2053211000
Cincinnati Bell                 Cincinnati, OH 45201        5133979900
Indiana Bell                    Indianapolis, IN 66204      3172652266
New York Telephone (NYNEX)      New York, NY 10036          2123952121
New Jersey Bell                 Newark, NJ 07101            2016499900
Bell Telephone Of Pennsylvania  Philidelphia, PA 19102      2154669900
Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone  Washington, DC 20001        3014453436
C&P Telephone of Maryland
   Constellation Place       Baltimore, MD 21202         3015399900
South Western Bell              St. Loius, MO 63101         3142479800
Mountain States Telephone       Denver, CO 80202            3036242424
Pacific Telephone (Pac*Bell)    San Fransisco, CA 94105     4155429000
Bell Telephone Labratories      Murray Hill, NJ 07974       2015823000
Illinois Bell                   Chicago, IL 60606           3127279411
North Western Bell              Omaha, NE 68102             4024222000
C&P Telephone of Virginia       Richmond, VA 23219          8047722000
C&P Telephone of West Virginia  Charleston, WV 25314        3043439911
Pacific Northwest Bell (USWest) Seattle, WA 98191           2063452211
Western Electric Company        New York, NY 10038          2126692345 DC

   --this list is for informational purposes only... remember to
   share knowledge, as i and countless others have done... keep the "scene"
   alive and elite enough to survive... 



From: RedScum@aol.com
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 19:37:43 -0400 (EDT)
To: pinguino
Subject: Using minor status in scams

I just read System Failure #3 and had an idea for a minor contract scam.
When I was in junior high, one of my friends sent away for a"10 cds for a
penny" offer from one of those rip off music clubs.  After he got his cds,
and found out that he was supposed to buy six more at the regular price, he
contacted Columbia House and said it wasn't a valid contract since he was a
minor when he signed it.  They sent him a letter afterwards but eventually
they just cancelled his membership without him buying anymore cds.

The columbia house(columbiahouse.com) webpage now has offers for cd-rom and
movie club memberships so you could use this scam to get more that just cds.
<pinguino> Columbia House is relatively easy to scam, lots of people do all
the time. I wouldn't be that daring just because you're under 18. In many
states (california for sure), minors can be charged as adults if committing
major crimes. Make sure you read up on similar cases in your state and see
how you can twist the laws to your advantage.

System Failure is a resource for current information trade and research. We in
no part advocate the actions implied by articles. We are not responsible for
the wrongdoings of our readers. All articles and artwork are copywritten and
protected, (c)opyright 1997 Penguin Palace Multimedia, Inc. All rights
reserved. This zine may be printed and distributed but not sold.

System Failure was brought to you by MS-DOS edit, pico, netscape navigator,
and the letter S. Thank you for shopping S-Mart.
That's All Folks. Issue #5 will be edited by kcochran, keep writing and
dewdling away! Our addy is system.failure@usa.net and check out the changes
to our webpage at http://www.penguinpalace.com/sysfail/