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PropheZine # 52
December 17,1997
Ray Gano Publsiher
Kim Koster Asst. Editor
Mimi Nila Asst. Editor

Ray Gano.................Welcome to PropheZine


Kent Crocket.............The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Berit Kjos ..............Touched By An Angel - But Which Kind?
John L. Terry, III CEC ..Y2K...Fact or Fiction
Lori Eldridge ...........A Critique of Dumitru Duduman's Prophecies of America
Phyllis Schlafly Report..Feminist View of Motherhood, Marriage, and Career
Ray Gano.................REPORT: The Pre-Trib Rapture Conference, 
Dr.Robert Gromacki.......A Responce To Marvin Rosenthal's Interpretation of 1 Thes. 3:13


Lee Underwood ...........F.Y.I. - Israel in the News
Roger Oakland............Animal Rights or, Bother Spider, Sister Cow
Y2K News with a viewpoint by Edward Yardeni or the New York Times
Ray Gano/Reuters/Arab News .....Gog Magog Just Around The Corner?


R.g. Wallace....... .The Copybook

Hello All and a Very Merry Christmas!

It has been a very hectic season here at PropheZine. Kim Koster needed a little time off so that is why you are reading, my welcome instead of hers.

We have been doing a lot and much is growing. As all of you know, we had a major melt down here in regards to the email. Well it is all taken care of with much thanks to you. Everyone heeded my warning, and Bob and I were able to clean up the system with no hitches. It was a real mess! I was receiving about 150-200 emails a day being generated by the mail server. You probable noticed this by the letter that I sent out to everyone. Praise the Lord, it is all fixed and we can bring you yet another GREAT issue of PropheZine!

In this issue we have some pretty hard hitting articles. I am very pleased to present Kent Crockett's article on the Pre-Trib Rapture. I would also like to throw in a quick plug here and tell everyone to get Kent's Book "The 911 Handbook." This is a VERY good book and I am using it for my daily devotions. To learn more about his book, check out his www site at http://www.odsgc.net/~cornerst.

I raised a lot of hackles and questions in last issues article on Year 2000 Bug or Y2K. Gary North's article got MANY of you, your attention. Gary's article was kind of on the extreme side when it comes to Y2K. In this issue I have asked John Terry to write a more down to earth article and the implications of the Y2K. This is VERY good and very informative. 

I am also pleased to present one of my staff, Lori Eldridge's "Critique of Dumitru Duduman's Prophecies of America." I have been greatly troubled by so much of the "Thus Sayeth The Lord" that is invading the church. MOST of these "prophecys and dreams" do not stand up to scripture and many Christains are not applying Acts 17:11

11 These (the Bereans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
(Acts 17:11,  KJV).

So many Christians today have become followers of people instead of searching out what the scripture says AND keeping things in context. We have a LOT of babes in Christ who have built their houses on the sand. AND when the storm comes, will not be able to stand against it. It is mainly due to the fact that Christians have become lazy and do not bother reading the Bible anymore.

So I am pleased to present Lori's article which takes a HARD look at the "prophecies" of Dumitru Duduman and I pray that her message is well recieved.

One more thing since I am on my soapbox right now. I get so many articles from people during this time of year regarding why they do not celebrate Christmas and so on. When I read these I am greatly saddened. This is the one time of the year that the world is open to hearing the gospel and these people do not do it.  Peter tells us in 1 Peter 3:15 

15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
(1 Peter 3:15,  KJV).

We are to draw people to us, not push them away. So I urge you to remember the reason for this season. Share and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior with your co-workers, friends and family. Be the Salt and the Light that this world so desperately needs. Be ready and looking to share the Hope that is in you, the Hope that you KNOW that Jesus is Lord and He has risen from the dead and is living this day. AND that He is coming soon in Glory and Power..Maranatha!

So, to all of you, A very Merry Christmas and a very joyous New Year!

in His service,

Ray Gano

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
By: Pastor Kent Crockett

Let me first say that our fellowship as Christians is not based upon the
timing of the rapture, but upon the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
Some have accused those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture as
"escapists," trying to avoid all trouble or persecution. On the contrary,
the Church always has been and always will be persecuted as long as we are
in the world, but this is not the same as the wrath of God poured out during
the Tribulation. We believe the rapture occurs before the Tribulation
because scriptures overwhelmingly support a pre-tribulation rapture, as
opposed to the a-millennial, post-millennial, and post-tribulation theories.

The Rapture & Jewish Weddings

There is an interesting parallel between a Jewish wedding and the Rapture.
Only a Pre-Tribulation Rapture will fit into this scenario.

Jewish Wedding & The Rapture

There were three groups of people present at every Jewish wedding: the
groom, the bride, and the invited guests. There will also be three groups of
people involved in the marriage of the Lamb.

1. The Groom. This is Jesus (2 Cor. 11:2, Eph. 5:23-27)
2. The Bride. This is the Church (2 Cor. 11:2, Eph. 5:22-32, Rev. 21:9-10)
3. The Guests. Those saved after the Rapture (Matt. 25:1-10). Some people have mistakenly interpreted the 10 virgins as the Church. But these are the guests invited to the wedding feast. They are not the bride.

Three Aspects of a Jewish Wedding

There were also 3 aspects of every Jewish wedding. The same is true with the marriage of the Lamb.

1. The Wedding Contract (Betrothal). This is when a person is saved (2 Cor. 11:2).

2. The Wedding Ceremony (Groom receives Bride). This is the Rapture (John 14:2-3). Rev. 19:7 literally reads, "The marriage of the Lamb came and His wife prepared herself." The wedding already occurred in heaven at the Rapture, and now the Lamb and the Church are about to return to earth for the wedding feast. This parallels what Jesus said in Luke 12:36, "And be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding�" (It should read wedding, not "wedding feast." Why would someone wait after the wedding feast when the celebration is over?)

3. The Wedding Feast (Guests are invited the celebration). This is the Second Coming (Matt. 25:1-10) "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Rev. 19:9)--A bride is not invited to her own wedding! The Church was married to Christ at the Rapture and the wedding feast will occur on earth after the Second Coming. Those people saved after the Rapture will be invited to participate in the wedding feast.

And here's one more thought to ponder�

Three Times of Redemption

"Redemption" means "to purchase." When a person receives Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior, his or her spirit is redeemed at that time. At the Rapture,
the person's body will be redeemed through resurrection. At the Second
Coming, Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives to redeem the earth. The
earth has been under a curse since the fall of Adam & Eve, and Jesus will
lift the curse when He sets up His kingdom on earth.

1. At the time of salvation, Jesus redeemed your spirit. (1 Pet. 1:18, Eph. 1:7)

2. At the Rapture, Jesus will redeem your body. (Rom. 8:23, Eph. 1:14, 4:30).

3. At the Second Coming, Jesus will redeem the earth. (Rom. 8:19-22) At this time, the curse which was placed on it because of the fall of man (Gen. 3:17-19) will be lifted (Zech. 14:11).

I'll be happy whenever Jesus returns for His Church, whether it is Pre-Trib,
sometime during the Tribulation, or at the end of the Tribulation. We can't
be dogmatic over something that hasn't occurred yet. Whenever He comes is
His will, which is fine with me. In the mean time, God has given us
scriptures to examine. The following is a list of scriptural proofs that
indicate the rapture will be Pre-Tribulation.

16 Proofs for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Proof #1: Revelation 19:11-21 doesn't mention a resurrection.

The rapture is a resurrection of those "in Christ" (1 Thess.4:13-18). Isn't it a little bit odd that in Rev. 19:11-21, which is the clearest picture of the second coming of Christ, there is no mention of a resurrection? The rapture will be the biggest event since the resurrection of Jesus where hundreds of millions of Christians will be resurrected and translated, yet there isn't any mention here. Don't you think it deserves at least one verse? The rapture isn't mentioned because it doesn't happen at the second coming.

Proof #2: Zechariah 14:1-15 doesn't mention a resurrection.

This is an Old Testament picture of Jesus returning to earth at the second coming. Again, no mention of a resurrection.

Proof #3: Two different pictures are painted.

In the Old Testament, there were two different pictures painted of the Messiah�one suffering (Isa. 53:2-10, Ps. 22:6-8, 11-18) and one reigning as King (Ps. 2:6-12, Zech. 14:9,16). As we look back on these scriptures, we see they predicted two separate comings of the Messiah�the 1st coming as a suffering Messiah and the 2nd coming (still future) as a reigning King.

In the New Testament, we have another picture added. Again, we have two pictures painted which don�t look the same. These two different descriptions of Jesus� coming point to two separate events we call "the rapture" and "the second coming."

Proof #4: The Known Day and the Unknown Day

Concerning the return of Jesus, the Bible presents a day we can't know and a day we can know. Matthew 25:13 says Jesus will return at an unknown time, while Revelation 12:6 says the Jews will have to wait 1,260 days for the Lord to return. The 1,260 days begins when the Antichrist stands in the Temple and declares himself to be God (Matt. 24:15-21, 2 Thess. 2:4) This event will take place at the mid-point of the seven year Tribulation (Dan 9:27). The Antichrist has authority to rule for 42 months, which is 1,260 days (Rev. 13:4) and will be destroyed by Jesus at His second coming (Rev. 19:20, 2 Thess. 2:8). The known and unknown days must happen at different times, meaning they are two separate events.

Proof #5: A door open in heaven (Revelation 4:1)

The door in heaven is opened to let John into heaven. We believe John's call into heaven is prophetic of the church being caught up at the rapture (see proof #6). In Revelation 19:11, heaven is opened again, this time to let the armies which are already in heaven out. This is the Church, which has been raptured at a previous time, following Jesus out of heaven at the second coming.

Proof #6: "Come up here." (Revelation 4:1)

A voice called for the apostle John to "Come up here," and immediately he was in heaven. This could be a prophetic reference to the rapture of the Church. The words "Come up here" are spoken to the two witnesses who are killed in the middle of the Tribulation, who are resurrected and ascend into heaven (Rev. 11:12). Therefore, the phrase "Come up here" could mean the church is raptured in Rev. 4:1. The word "church" is mentioned 22 times in Rev. 1-3, but is not mentioned again until Rev. 22:17.

Proof #7: The 24 elders have their crowns.

After John is called up into heaven, he sees the 24 elders with their crowns (Rev. 4:4-10). We know that Christians will receive their rewards (crowns) at the rapture (2 Tim. 4:8, 1 Pet. 5:4). We will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14:14). The elders couldn't receive their crowns unless the resurrection (rapture) has taken place.

Proof #8 Holy ones are already with Jesus in heaven (Zech. 14:5, Rev. 19:14)

The armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, follow Jesus out of heaven at His second coming (Rev. 19:14, Zech. 14:5, Col. 3:4). These are not angels because Rev. 19:8 tells us the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. In order to come out of heaven we first have to go in, indicating a previous rapture.

Proof #9: Kept from the hour of testing (Rev. 3:10)

Revelation 3:10 says we will be kept out of the hour of testing which will come upon the whole earth (the Tribulation). Some have wrongly believed "keep" means to keep through, or protect through the Tribulation. Suppose you approach a high voltage area with a sign that says, "Keep Out." Does that mean you can enter and be protected? No, it means you are forbidden from entering the area. But this verse also says He will keep us from the hour of testing. It is not just the testing, but the time period. If a student is excused from a test, he still may have to sit in the class while others take the test. But if he is excused from the hour of testing, he can go home. The Church will be called home before the hour of testing.

Proof #10: Angels don't resurrect people when they gather them for judgment.

When the angels are sent forth to gather the elect at the second coming (Matt. 24:29-31), some have wrongly interpreted this as the rapture. There is one huge problem with this interpretation. If we are resurrected at this time, why would we need angels to gather us? In the resurrection, we will be like the angels (Matt. 22:30), able to travel in the air at will. Obviously, these people who are gathered are not resurrected, therefore it can't be the rapture. No one would claim the wicked are raptured at this time, yet Matthew 13:39-41, 49 says the angels will not only gather the elect, but also the wicked. This gathering is not a resurrection.

Proof #11: Both wicked and righteous both can't be taken first.
First Thessalonians 4:13-17 says the righteous are taken and the wicked are left behind. Matthew 13:30, 49 says the wicked are taken first and righteous are left behind. This points to two separate events, the rapture and the second coming.

Proof #12: Jesus returns from the wedding.

When Jesus returns to earth at the second coming, He will return from a wedding (Luke 12:36). At the rapture, Jesus is married to His bride, the Church. After the wedding, He will return to earth.

Proof #13: Jesus will receive us to Himself, not us to receive Him (John 14:2-3).

Jesus said He would prepare a place for the Church in heaven, then He would come again to receive us to Himself. Why would Jesus prepare a place for us in heaven and then not take us there? At the rapture, He will come to receive us to Himself, "that where I am (heaven), there you may be also." If the rapture occurred at the same time as the second coming, we would go up to the clouds and then immediately come back to earth. That would contradict John 14:2-3.

Proof #14: The one who restrains is taken out of the way.

In 2 Thess. 2:6-7, Paul says "the one who restrains will be taken out of the way" before the Antichrist can be revealed. We believe this refers to the rapture because the Church is clearly the biggest obstacle to the Antichrist becoming a world ruler.

Proof #15: The separation of the sheep and goats (Matt. 25:31-46)

If the rapture occurred at the second coming, why would the sheep and the goats need to be separated immediately after the second coming? A rapture at the second coming would have already separated the sheep and the goats. With a Pre-Tribulation rapture, the people saved after the rapture will need to be separated after the second coming.

Proof #16: Who will populate the Millennium?

If the rapture occurs at the second coming and the wicked are cast into hell at that time, who will be left to populate the millennium? Only people in their natural (non-resurrected) bodies will be able to have children (Matt. 22:30). With a Pre-Tribulation rapture, the people saved after the rapture who are alive at the second coming will populate the earth during the Millennium (See "Who will populate the millennium?" Bible Study  at http://www.odsgc.net/~cornerst).


Short bio about Kent Crockett

Kent graduated from Texas A&M and Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary. Currently pastor of Cornerstone Church in Garden City, Kansas. 
Church home page is http://www.odsgc.net/~cornerst

Kent is also the author of "The 911 Handbook" which is published by Hendrickson Publishers, ISBN 1-56563-295-8.

This fun-to-read "trouble-buster" tackles 24 of life's most common
struggles, including Burnout, Decision-Making, Depression, Comfort Zones,
Temptation, Guilt, Mid-Life Crisis, Fear, Discontentment, and 15 other
topics.  Interesting stories and humor within each chapter keeps the
reading light, similar to Max Lucado and Chuck Swindoll.

Touched By An Angel - But Which Kind?
With excerpts from A Twist of Faith
by Berit Kjos


          I am one with God, I am one with all men, I am one with
          all life."

          (Della Reese who plays angel Tess)

          "We see angels as a common denominator among the
          religions of the world and focusing on what we have in
          common rather than our differences will help unite all
          peoples spirituality."

          (Linda Vephula, Publisher, Angel Times)


"Jordan DuBois, I'm an angel sent by God to bring you two things," announced Tess in the November 30 episode of the popular sitcom, Touched by an Angel. "A child will be born to you on Dec. 25, Christmas day. and second "

"A piece of wood?" Jordan stared at the short plank.

"Think of it as a violin yet to be played. It is a gift from God as your son is a gift from [the] Creator. Each has a beautiful tune to play. Each begins its life tonight."

The main story starts thirty years later. The promised child has become a lawyer who - as President Clinton suggests --volunteers his free time. When he returns home for the holidays, his family welcomes him with open arms. But the joy fades when Tony shares his news: he is gay and has AIDS.

After a painful encounter with his father, Tony collapses coughing outside in the snow. He is taken to a hospice managed by Tess. Near death, he hears a chorus singing "Angels we have heard on high."

"I'd like to see one of those angels," he tells Tess.

"If you saw one of those angels, what would you say?"
"I'd say, Tell God I'm sorry for turning out the way I did. I know I'm a disappointment."

"No you're not. In God's eyes you are His beautiful child. I am an angel. I was sent by God to bring you a message: God loves you."

"That's not what I've heard."

"What you've heard were someone else's words of hate and confusion. But God is not the source of hate and confusion. God is the source and the completer of your faith. And that's what you need right now, faith that God really knows who you are. No one's perfect, Anthony, but God."

Notice that Tony came close to confessing his sin, a step that has brought countless repentant sinners into the loving presence of our forgiving Father. But Tess, played by veteran actress and singer Della Reese, stopped him with a seductive mix of truth and New Age sentiment. Her gospel sounds Christian but denies our need for the cross, the only way to lasting life and peace.

Della Reese's words fit the church she founded in 1983 called Understanding Principles of Better Living. Its logo, a hot-air balloon, symbolizes "understanding the principles of positive thought." She explains, "This is a spiritual metaphysical situation. What makes the balloon go? The fire. The spirit is the fire." She sees God, not "in the sky with a beard like Neptune's sitting on a throne watching me", but as one "spirit and he disperses himself in various bodies. There's a piece of God in you. That's how you can breathe."1

While Tess shares her faith with our gentle hero, the fledging angel Monica, played by Irish-born Roma Downey, works on Jordan. His unloving attitude toward his son makes him an effective villain --- a persuasive public illustration of the "hate" our schools and media often link to "fundamental" or "extremist" Christianity.

"God wants you to accept your son for who he is," says Monica.

"He's gay," argues the father.

"He is your son."

"What is an angel from God doing on the side of a queer?"

"Nothing that is made by God is queer. God loves all his creations. Neither of you is perfect, for many reasons. But You don't have to be perfect to receive God's love. In fact, no one ever is."

The father rushes to his son and assures him of his love. Once again Tony hears heavenly music. Then he dies, but moments later he revives and stands with the angels looking strong and healthy. The heartbreaking story ends with joy and resurrection.

Resurrection without Christ? The happy ending feels good, and few dare challenge the dubious theology. Who wouldn't want to defend kind, sensitive Tony who had been crushed by his father's rejection. Suggesting that God calls the homosexual lifestyle sin 2 might seem judgmental, even criminal --- especially in the wake of President Clinton's conference on hate-crimes. But in the absence of sin, God's forgiveness becomes irrelevant. Who needs Christ and the cross when the angels tell us we are all good enough already?

Like sin and the cross, the holy angels of the Bible who brought people to their knees in fearful humility, clash with the new theology. Today's popularity contests are won by sweet feminine angels who radiate love and affirm our human nature.

"I felt the wonderful thing about angels is that they are non-judgmental and they come through the Source of love,"3 said Martha Williamson, producer of the show..

Unita Belk would agree. Writing for Angel Times Magazine, she interviewed Della Reese. "The readers of Angel Times are those who share a common bond," she explained, " encouraging angelic behavior and helping our world to be a better place to live. I. is there anything you would like to share with our readers?"

"That all of us need to adapt (sic) the code: I am one with God, I am one with all men, I am one with all life," answered Della, exposing the universalistic faith that characterizes all proper models for the new global spirituality needed to unify the world. "Until we get there, there will be Bosnia, there will be homelessness. Until we understand that we are all one, we got a big problem."4

Noble visions, but not from God! Christians can never be one with those who compromise His Word and follow other gods. The Bible is full of warnings of what happens when His people forget and turn to spiritual substitutes.5

The distortion makes sense when we look more closely at today's angel craze. The web site for Angel Times Magazine explains that its "contributing writers, columnists and story subjects range from Christian to Jewish to Native American to Hindu, and come from all over the world."

Recent issues of the magazine tell about "Elvis and his Angelic Connections" and Mary as "The Queen of Angels." An article by Neale D. Walsch lends credence to his top selling books, Conversations with God I and II, which tells readers - in the name of God - to follow their feelings, reject biblical moral boundaries, and embrace the United Nations and its global spirituality.

"Angels appear to all people, regardless of culture or religion," explains Angel Times Publisher Linda Vephula. " We see angels as a common denominator among the religions of the world and focusing on what we have in common rather than our differences will help unite all people spiritually."

"People are looking for hope," says Sophy Burnham, who has studied Buddhism and Hinduism and written two bestsellers, A Book of Angels and Angel Letters. "In the media, we hear of so much horror and despair. But angels make us know we are loved - these wonderful beings are protecting us."6

And how do you contact these sweet feminine helpers? "It's simple," said Ms. Burham. You simply "go inside yourself... Then you ask for what you need, you sit back, and you wait. It will come."7

Today, it probably will. As Alma Daniels, also featured in Angel Times, points out in her best-seller Ask Your Angels, everything has changed. Whereas in pagan cultures, only the shaman or medicine man had direct contact with the spirit world, now everyone can be led by their personal angelic guide:

We stand on the brink of a massive change. On the one hand, we face apparent global disaster, and on the other, there is the potential for the most glorious spiritual transformation our species has ever seen...

At this time of personal and planetary acceleration, previous rules and old forms are being discarded. Contact with the angels, which used to take years of meditation and dedication, is now available to all who seek it, because the angels are closer to us, and more open to working with us on a conscious level, than they have been in thousands of years.8 

Do you see what is happening? As in Old Testament days, people are turning to seductive counterfeits of God and His mighty uncompromising angels. These deceiving spirits (1 Tim. 4:1) can assume any form or personality pleasing to their human subjects. Alma Deniels' own angel, LNO, simply feels like "an ongoing consciousness."9

To satisfy women who reject male gods as well as male leadership and "patriarchal churches", most of today's popular angels have feminine faces, human natures, and minds of their own. As Touched by an Angel producer Martha Williamson says, "angels have free will." Her expressions of that "free will" matches New Age visions of a "cross-less Christianity" which must... .

  1. Re-invent God to fit feminist demands
  2. Twist biblical angels into permissive female deities
  3. Ignore sin (could sound judgmental)
  4. Omit Jesus Christ (irrelevant without sin)
  5. Purge the cross (too exclusive and violent)
  6. Redefine words such as truth, love, and hate
  7. Imagine spiritual unity among all religions

We all want an accessible God who loves us as we are. The true God fits that need, but the "evil one" tells us otherwise. Masquerading "as an angel of God," 10 he continues to twist God's Word, hide the gospel, and offer counterfeit promises that blind Christians as well as pagans.

After all, God calls us to bring His love to the hurting, lost, sick, and broken. But feel-good affirmations won't heal the pain of sin and separation. Freedom comes through faith in Jesus Christ who died to set us free. His love compels us to share the whole gospel, not the pleasing counterfeits that are far more deceptive that obvious evil. But our culture has turned God's values upside down.

"The world hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil,"11 said Jesus. As the chasm widens between the world and the true Church, every Christian will be challenged to make a choice: follow God or conform to the world. Those who would rather die than compromise will find a joy and peace in the arms of our Father than the world cannot even imagine.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. (1 John 3:1-3)


To see how today's popular angels fits into the new feminist spirituality which is changing our schools, churches and culture, read A Twist of Faith. Available through Christian bookstores, web site: http://www.beritkjos.com or call 800-643-9535.



1 http://www.sltrib.com/97/oct/102097/utah/2964.htm

2 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 1:21-27.

3 Unita Belk, "Touched by an Angel: An Interview with the Stars and Executive Producer of the Series," Courtesy of our friends at Angel Times Magazine. Web site for Touched by an Angel: http://www.angeltouch.com/webangel/index.htm

4 Ibid. But last time I checked, this web site was inaccessible.

5 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Warnings: Deuteronomy 8:, 18:, 28

6 Dawn Raffel, "Angels All Around Us," Redbook (December 1992); 92.

7 Craig Wilson, "Hark and Hallelujah! The Angels are Here," San Jose Mercury News, 28 October 1992.

8 Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, Andrew Ramer, Ask Your Angel (New York: Ballatine Books, 1992), 22.

9 http://detnews.com/menu/stories/23398.htm

10 1 Cor 11:14-15

11 John 7:7

Y2K...Fact or Fiction

By: John L. Terry, III CEC

It almost sounds like something from George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, Gene
Roddenberry, or Stephen King.  A monstrous creature, developed in some super
secret laboratory, which has escaped and now threatens to destroy all of
mankind.   Rather than feeding on blood, this creature feeds on computers.
Its unsatiable appetite cannot be quenched!  What is this ravenous creature
which threatens, according to some, to consume all computer technology,
devastating the world in the process, in the Year 2000?  What genetic
mutation could have formed such a beast?  Does such a creature really exist?
If it does exist, how can we kill it...or can we?  Is the creature known as
Y2K real...or is it a figment of our imagination?

What is Y2K?  According to its proponents, Y2K is a compliance problem which
is a programming "by product" of our technology age.   In simple terms, a
computer views dates using a "two digit" format (ex. 12-03-97).  This was
done to simplify programming instructions.  The problem comes when the
computer attempts to read the date 01-01-00.  The Y2K proponents warn that
our infrastructure will fail as computers incorrectly recognize this as
January 1, 1900 instead of the Year 2000.  

If such a scenario does happen, imagine the consequences.  The United States
is the most computer reliant nation on earth.  Our infrastructure is totally
dependent on computers.  The Learning Channel ran a program on December 2,
1997 entitled "Cyber Warriors", giving graphic illustrations of possible
scenarios should our computer infrastructure be attacked by an enemy.  The
power grid of our nation would collapse, transportation would come to a
halt, communications would be virtually non-existent as phones, television,
radio, and similar computer-reliant technologies cease to function.
Manufacturing would come to a stand-still, bank records would be
over-written, the Internet would be silent.  

There's been a lot written about Y2K, but how much of it is "hype"?  Is Y2K
a serious problem...or is it simply a "glitch" which we can correct with a
simple software patch?  Let's examine the evidence presented by various
sources on the Y2K problem and determine just what threats (if any) this
poses to our nation, and to our world.

"The information systems community is heading toward an event more
devastating than a car crash.  We are heading toward the Year 2000," states
Peter de Jager in his article "Doomsday", Computer World, September 6, 1993.
In the publication, Industry Analysis, July 22, 1996, J.P. Morgan Research:
"The Year 2000 Problem, Ready or Not, Hear it Comes" (By:  William D. Rabin,
Computer Services and Networking Equity Research), Mr. Rabin states, "Unless
they are fixed or replaced by December 31, 1999, many computer applications
that have been developed by corporations during the past decades will either
stop working altogether, or, even worse, start giving erroneous results.
The cause of this potential catastrophe is easy to understand but difficult
to fix.  Business applications have traditionally been programmed to assume
all dates are in the 20th century and have not been designed to handle the
21st (i.e., the Year 2000 and beyond).  THIS CAN BE THOUGHT OF AS A GIANT
COMPUTER VIRUS that has been created program by program since the dawn of
the computer age, and even modern systems (where the programmers should know
better) are not immune."

"The problem is real and huge, " Mr. Rabin continues.  "Corporations and
government agencies will spend $200 billion (yes - billion!), even by our
conservative estimates, to fix the Year 2000 problem.  Although the issue
seems trivial, the situation is actually critical, and the deadline cannot
be pushed back - even by senior management.  Specialized programs have been
written to locate Year 2000 bugs, but, with few exceptions, cannot fix
problems.  Programmers must de-bug systems one by one."  The Garner Group
quotes a global price tag of $300-600 billion based on a cost of slightly
more than $1 per line of code to reprogram computers, and the cost per line
of code is expected to grow as much as 50% per year as the deadline approaches.

The article addresses specific areas, in addition to computer services and
software, which have similar problems.  "Computer hardware configurations
are also not immune from single century myopia," according to Mr. Rabin.
"Internal system clocks will produce unreliable results on the first day of
the 21st Century. Some system clocks, such as Digital Equipment, will revert
back to a baseline date, which is unfortunately is not January 1, 2000.
Depending on the BIOS chip, Intel-based PC's will yield system dates in 1980
or 1984, compromising file creation dates in the process.  Though committed
to ensuring that its latest software is Year 2000 compliant by year-end
1996, IBM has recently stated that some hardware such as the system/370
mainframe and system/36 midrange CANNOT be upgraded, necessitating for some
the purchase of new hardware.  Networks connecting hardware utilize system
dates in manipulating data and can potentially transport the problem
throughout an environment.  Any application, package, or spreadsheet running
within an environment which does not properly handle the occurrence of the
millennium is considered at risk."

So what actually happens when a system runs into one of these ambiguous
dates?  Let's examine some examples in Mr. Rabin's article of what "could"

(1) Your local bank may stop crediting your account with the proper interest
or may retire your outstanding obligations prematurely.  The problem may
also affect a financial service firm's ability to clear and settle trades on
a T+3 (three days after the trade) basis as well as process ATM and direct
deposit transactions.
(2) On January 3, 2000 (the first business day), an accounting department
may be unable to enter journal entries in its general ledger because a
posting date is required and "00" is an invalid year.
(3) A food manufacturer that produces a vacuum-packed product with a
four-year shelf life calculates an expiration of "00" for its latest
production run and issues recall notices to its retailers because the date
is less than the current date.  Worse yet, this could happen to the "rework
date" on automotive parts; with automated just-in-time inventory systems,
improperly returned pasts could shut down an auto production line for days.
(4) Phone calls started just before the end of 1999 that carry over to 2000
could be billed as 52 million minutes long (60 minutes * 24 hours *365 days

(5) The September 9, 1999 problem: A common default value for key-punched
data (especially expiration dates) is 9/9/99.  On that date (September 9,
1999), a "mini-meltdown" is expected as entries with "no expiration date"
suddenly expire.
(6) The Day of the Week Problem: Any system that uses just the last two
digits of the year to calculate the day of the week (even if it is four
digits in the system) will think January 1, 2000 is a Monday (as in January
1, 1900) instead of a Saturday.  Ticket machines, reservation systems, and
bank vaults are expected to need adjustments.
(7) The Leap Year Problem: According to the Gregorian calendar (the standard
since the 16th century), any year that is divisible by 4 is a leap year,
except if it ends in 00, in which case the year must also be divisible by
400.  Therefore, 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 is.  The earlier
releases of Lotus, Excel, and Quattro Pro failed to anticipate every fourth
century is initiated by a leap year.  All systems need to be tested for this
bug to avoid one day miscalculations in the years after 2000.

Charles Parks, project manager for Union Pacific's Year 2000 application and
inventory upgrade estimated it would require over 200,000 hours (100 staff
years) to convert their 12 million lines of executable code by the Year
2000.   John Burns, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, stated that supply
will not meet demand, as companies suddenly realize how significant the Year
2000 problem is, and the short time frame to correct it.  Nigel Jones of
Data Dimensions (a Year 2000 consulting firm) is stated in mid-1996, "We
have analyzed around 2 billion lines of code and produced 5000 estimates.
Next year, we will run out of resources (people) to continue."

Joe Gwinn, of Raytheon, was asked about the Year 2000 problem and the Global
Positioning Satellite system.  He commented, "I have good news and bad news.
The good news is that GPS programs will not have a Year 2000 problem.  The
bad news is that GPS system time will roll over at midnight August 21-22,
1999, 132 days before the turn of the century.  On August 22, 1999, unless
repaired, many or all GPS receivers will claim that it is January 6, 1980,
August 23 will become January 7, and so on.  I would expect that some
manufacturers have already solved the problem, but many have not."

A recent survey by the Olsten Corporation (a staffing services firm) found
that only 28% of companies have even started to fix the problem, and 13% are
unaware of the issue.  Of those surveyed in an April, 1996 survey, 34% are
in the planning phase, 21% see no Year 2000 problem, and 4% are taking no
action, adopting a "wait and see" approach.

Dr. Ed Yardeni, chief economist for Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, predicts a 35%
chance of a recession in the Year 2000.  Dr. Yardeni is convinced the Year
2000 problem will cause economic disruptions around the world.  He is
shocked at the lack of response by companies who face an uncertain future by
not addressing the Year 2000 problem.   Bill Gates, the Microsoft guru,
states emphatically, "It is highly unlikely that not all mainframe programs
will function properly when we reach the year 2000!"  (The Y2K Reporter,
October 1, 1997)  Both men are concerned the public will "shoot the
messenger" rather than respond to the message.  

It is interesting that Microsoft is taking a unique approach.  While
everyone thinks "Bill Gates will come up with the answer" to Y2K, Microsoft
is not about to touch Y2K with the proverbial 10 foot pole.  The Y2K
Reporter (10/97) quotes Microsoft as stating, "The real Year 2000 readiness
issues are more about testing, good practices, and user education than
product warranty.  We will continue to provide detailed information to
customers about Year 2000 readiness, but contractual warranties specific to
Year 2000 readiness are not appropriate given the true nature of Year 2000
issues and the simple fact that a single technology provider, even one as
well prepared for the Year 2000 as Microsoft, cannot solve all issues
related to the transition to the Year 2000."

Most Y2K articles focus on big mainframe systems; however, one of the major
potential problems with Y2K compliance comes from embedded chips.  There are
billions of embedded chips around the globe, some of which are date
sensitive, some aren't.  The problem is that no one knows which systems are
date sensitive and which ones aren't.  We don't know which ones to replace
or repair?  This is compounded when you consider that embedded chip
technology is one of the most widely used computer technologies today.
Which areas could be effected by a Y2K bug invading the embedded chip
technology?   Here's a partial list of applications and systems currently
using embedded controllers:

(1) Office systems and mobile equipment: telephone systems, mobile phones,
faxes, copiers, time recording systems, still and video cameras...
(2) Building systems: backup lighting and generators, fire control systems,
heating and ventilation systems, elevators, escalators, security systems,
security cameras, safes and vaults, door locks,...
(3) Manufacturing and process control: manufacturing plants, water and
sewage systems, power stations, power grid systems, oil refineries and
related storage facilities, bottling plants, automated factories,
simulators, test equipment used to program, maintain, and test control
(4) Medical diagnostics, monitoring, and life support: heart
defribrillators, pacemaker monitors, patient information and monitoring
systems, pharmaceutical control and dispensing systems, e.g. infusion pumps,
x-ray equipment,...
(5) Transportation: airplanes, trains, buses, trucks, autos, boats, air
traffic control systems, signaling systems, traffic lights, radar systems,
ticketing machines, car parking and other meters,...
(6) Communications: telephone exchange, telephone switches, cable systems,
satellites including Global Positioning System, Data Switching Equipment
(X.25, SMDS, Frame Relay)...
(7) Banking, finance, and commercial: automated teller systems, credit card
systems, point of sale systems  including scanner/cash systems,...
(8) Testing and diagnostic systems: energy metering, environmental
monitoring equipment,...

In an embedded controller system, events often occur in cycles (i.e., every
100 days) rather than on specific days (i.e., 5th of each month).  This
implies that the Year 2000 problem could occur both before and for some time
after January 1, 2000, and not at all on the date itself.    If, however,
the system intervals are based on hours, minutes, or even seconds, the
impact of Year 2000 may dramatically effect the calculation of these time
factors, causing mis-cycling or shutdown.

On July 2, 1997, New York Governor George Pataki issued an executive memo
declaring that "Year 2000 Compliance was New York's Number One Technology
Priority." and placed a moratorium on state spending
(http://www.irm.state.ar.us/yr2000/govmemo.htm).  A recent memo by the
Office of Management and Budget imposed a moratorium on four departments,
Agriculture, Education, Transportation, and the Agency for International
Development for all spending outside that required to fix the Year 2000 problem.

The OMB also reported (September 19, 1997) that 18 of 25 government agencies
plan to implement Year 2000 compliance solutions during the last three
months of 1999.  The OMB warned, "All agencies are advised to prepare
contingency plans in the event that mission critical systems are not fixed
in time."  The OMB advised that three key government areas are PROBLEM areas
telecommunications, bio-medical devices, and laboratory equipment and
facilities.  In these areas, according to the OMB, commercial products have
computer chips inside them may be noncompliant.

The OMB is very concerned about the Department of Transportation, especially
the FAA.  The FAA reports concern over Y2K compliance with its radar
processors, communications processors,  and satellite systems.  According to
the FAA's Guidance Document for Year 2000 Date Compliance, the FAA does not
have direct control over the updating of commercial application software,
commercial "off the shelf" items, or non-development items on which may
critical systems depend...Many FAA systems depend on data supplied by other
systems running different platforms...Many FAA systems receive data and
provide data to systems external to the FAA.  There is a concern that some
vendors will simply go out of business rather than incur the cost of
upgrading their products to Year 2000 compliance.

The OMB report on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission raises concerns.  In a
December 24, 1996 NRC report on Year 2000 Effect on Computer System
Software, the NRC notes, "...computer software used to calculate dose or to
account for radioactive decay may not recognize the turn of the century,
which could lead to incorrectly calculated doses or exposure times for
treatment planning.  Other examples of software which may be affected
include security control, radiation monitoring, technical specification
surveillance testing, and accumulated burn up programs."  Considering there
are currently 110 nuclear reactors operating in 32 states, this constitutes
a significant concern.

Appearing in a Request for Comments on the IRS website on May 15 was the
statement, "The IRS unambiguously admits that unless they are bailed out by
private sector partners, their computer systems will probably fail in 2000!"
The government may have to impose a flat tax in the Year 2000, because it is
increasingly likely their federal tax collection, processing, and compliance
systems will fail that year.  Without exception, the IRS modernization will
be one of the biggest Y2K "glitches" to fix, as it represents one of the
largest systems integration problems in the world today.

Federal Reserve Board Governor Edward Kelley, Jr. said the Federal Reserve
is positioning itself to be prepared for any contingencies and liquidity
problems which may result from a Year 2000 problem.  The National
Association of Securities Dealers, one of the most conservative entities of
today,  has posted a
countdown clock on their website to the Year 2000.  This serves as a visual
warning to the investment community to awaken them to the problem, and to
remind them they have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients to
consider the Y2K problem when making investment recommendations.  The NASD
has also required member-firms to assure Y2K compliance.  For the NASD to
publish a web page to draw attention to this problem is a significant
indication the problem is greater than many may fear.

Is there a Y2K problem?  Yes, I am afraid so.   I've addressed this problem
from a U.S. perspective in this article; however, this is a problem of
global concern.  Europe and the Far East are in far worse shape as far as
Y2K compliance planning and implementation than the U.S.   Many of the Third
World countries appear to have taken the "ostrich" approach, denying a
problem exists.    Is this a "doomsday" prophesy come true?   Perhaps.  I do
believe there is cause for significant concern, but not panic.  The extent
of the Y2K intrusion into the computer systems of the world can be minimized
if three things occur.  First, there must be an acknowledgment of Y2K as a
problem; second, sufficient resources must be dedicated to identifying
viable solutions to the Y2K problem; and third, these solutions must be
implemented in a timely manner.  

Can we completely avoid the Y2K problem?  That remains to be seen.  Based on
the evidence we have available at this point in time, it seems highly
unlikely this planet will escape without some Y2K "glitches".  Whether or
not these "glitches" are minor events or major catastrophes remain to be
seen.  The seeds of destruction have been planted, it remains to be seen
what the harvest will be in the Year 2000.

A Critique of Dumitru Duduman's Prophecies of America
by Lori Eldridge

Dumitru Duduman appears to have a heartfelt concern about America and his
whole focus is to warn America to Repent and turn back to God/Christ. There
is no harm in that, whether he is a true prophet or not. However I do have
some concerns about what he is saying that doesn't match up to scripture
and therefore I do not think this message was from God. The following
numbers are vision numbers which come from the original document which can
be found at the following URL:



Duduman's very first prophecy indicates that America will burn and then
China, Japan and other nations (Kings of the East) will fight the Russians.
They will then unite against Israel. This would put America's burning some
time before Rev 16:12-- before 6th bowl-- by my reckoning. THEN Israel
repents AFTER America burns. THEN the Messiah comes, THEN the church is
Raptured, THEN the Battle of Armegeddon.

Right here this tells me that the Angel is proposing a Pre-wrath Rapture or
some semblance of it. It can't be Post Trib. because the burning of America
occurs before Armageddon. I have found too many flaws in the Pre-Wrath
position to believe it and therefore I find what he says VERY
suspect--however there are also many other reasons I reject what he is
saying so let's not let our eschatalogical beliefs get in the way here.

Duduman asked the angel to prove that what he was saying was true about
America. The angel referred him to:

Jeremiah 51:8-15.

By referring to these verses the angel is claiming that Babylon is a symbol
for America.  However, several places in ch. 50 and 51 it is mentioned that
this Babylon is of THE LAND OF THE BABYLONIANS.  The Medes mentioned in vs.
11 are the ancestors of the present day Kurds.  Some of the nations that
come up against Babylon are Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz, i.e., Armenia (vs.
27). The Kings of the Medes will fight against her (vs. 28).

Jeremiah also mentions that Sheshach will be captured (vs. 41). If you take
the name Babylon in the Hebrew and transfer the 2nd letter from the
beginning of the alphabet, a beth, for the 2nd letter from the back of the
alphabet, a shin and continue this with the other letters you will come up
with the word "Sheshach". This is called "Atbash", an ancient Hebrew method
of encryption. The word means Babylon. Isaiah 13 parallels Jer. 50 and 51
which also mentions facts that can only apply to the literal Babylon--a
prophecy which has never been fulfilled I might add. Therefore it is my
opinion that none of these countries refer to America but do specifically
point to neighbors of the present-day Babylonians, or Iraq.

Revelation 18:

I can see where most of this chapter could apply to New York but not the
part about the cargos--most of which come from Asia or Africa.

Zechariah 14:

This was obviously written for the Jews. Not America.


He claims that Obadiah 1:4 is referring to America whereas this scripture
is specifically talking about Edom--Mountains of Esau (vs. 8), "Because of
the violence against your brother Jacob"--when has America ever fostered
violence on Israel? But Edom did.  It mentions people from the Negev will
occupy the mountains of Esau, and people from the foothills possessing the
land of the Philistines. Then the mountains of Ephraim and Samaria, and
Gilead, etc. (vs. 19, 20). None of these are in or near America.

So far all we have done is dispell scriptures supposedly referring to
America and this should be enough to open the eyes of any bible based
prophecy critic and cause him to discount these prophecies as bogus, but
there's more:


Referring to the angel, Duduman said: "He opened the back of the book [of
the Gentiles] and counted out 4 remaining blank pages at the end. 'When
these are filled,' he said, 'the book of the Gentiles will be complete.
Then I will return to my people.' "

Do angels have "people"? I don't ever recall any scripture where angels
consider their fellow counterparts as "people", nor were they created in
the "image" of God. They are spirit beings, messenger's of God, agents of
his will, and God's angels never testify of themselves.

The angel continued: "Some of the names that are listed here will be
erased. I will erase the names of those who have mocked God and tested the
Spirit of Grace. I will replace them with other names."

In several places in these prophecies the angel indicates there are two
books of life--one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles. However scripture
teaches us that all believers are all part of one body (Romans 11). I also
disagree that any names can be erased from the book of life. If that is so
then we have to wipe out most of John ch. 6 and many other texts where
eternal salvation for all true believers is assured.


The angel warned Duduman, "It won't be long. Be prepared. When these pages
are filled, The Grace will leave the gentiles. Draw closer to me now, more
than ever - and be holy, because hard times are coming."

I disagree with this also as Grace is a prerequisite to salvation and there
are multitudes of Gentiles saved during the Tribulation.


"The sin of the great whore [America] has spread throughout the world. The
stench of her sin has reached me and it will not be long until I will raise
the whole Arab world, the Russians and other countries against her, that
they may destroy her."

He calls America the great whore because of his erroneous comparison with
America being the Babylon in Jer. 51. I agree that America may be a Great
whore but it is not mentioned in THIS scripture.


A black bird, portraying Satan tells Duduman: "Power has been given to me
to be able to come against the Christians in a short time.... I want to
make war against the true Christians - those that serve God with their
hearts, their lives, and their actions not only in name. We'll see if they
will be able to stand up against me... We'll see... I am a warrior. I fight
against Christ."

Satan already has that right and that is why we are told to put on our
armour daily. (Eph. 6:10-19)


"My people, wake up! Do not tarry! Do not wait! The time is very short!
Until now many have traveled on the wide path, but now you must travel on
the narrow path that you may be saved."

This is the same kind of twisted doctrine you will get from any cult that
leads to a works salvation because it is implying that God's people, i.e.,
believers have to do something besides believe to get saved.


"The armies of the devil are coming with great fury against those who
worship Me, and truly seek Me. Pray that I may give you strength, so that
before the storm comes I may save you and give you the joy."

More works salvation nonsense. Scripture instructs us to pray that we may
weather the storm but it has nothing to do with our salvation.

And then he continues on by saying "only the righteous will I save". If he
truly believes that true Christians gain their righteousness thought
Christ's death on the cross then there is nothing we can do to earn it
except believe or loose it either. We are declared righteous because of
Christ not because of anything we did or didn't do of ourselves.

"Be awake and watching because if you will not you will be punished as the
wicked and also lose your salvation for your disobedience." More of the
same works salvation nonsense.

"Judge no one" --as good Bureans we are to judge everything everyone says
and especially prophets. And those saying things that don't match up to the
Word of God we are to ignore. (1 Thess 5:21)


In this vision Christ is supposedly saying: "I am Jesus Christ who gave my
life for you. Many of those whom I gave my life for, today dishonor me,
living in sin and things that are wrong. The honor and glory I deserve is
not given to Me. For this I have no more mercy, but will soon return in
glory and honor as judge to judge all the inhabitants of earth. But first,
I will judge those that carry the name of Christians, yet have tried to
deceive Me. Because of them My name was, and is, dishonored and blasphemed
before those that do not know Me".

Scripture doesn't say anything about a separate judgment for those who
claim to be Christian but aren't. ALL UNBELIEVERS will be judged together
at his return. And besides--the true church will not be judged at all, at
least not that will affect their salvation. Their works will be judged so
that rewards can be given but it is not a negative experience---the outcome
is good for all who are privileged to be judged at the Bema Seat judgement
of Christ. (2 Cor. 5:10) Those merely "claiming" to be Christians will not
be in attendance at this "judgment". This is not the White Throne judgment.


"Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning
because I took your wife? "

A few visions back the "angel" said he would "heal" his wife. Did the Angel
make a mistake or did God change his mind? Does God change his mind? (Num.


Several times Duduman sees a vision, is confused, and someone has to tell
him to pray about it to get the answer. After this many visions I don't
think he would have to be told what to do.


In the Hospital now. Nov. 29, 1996.  Dumitru is told "We fought hard
against death for you. It was a hard fight' Do not fear. You will not
leave. You still have work to do." He then died. I don't know when he died
but according to the Nov. '97 issue of Prophecy Club his grandson has
decided to take over his "work" after his grandfather's death.

And then the angel tells him re the meaning of the 3 stars: "we won't say
exactly but it PROBABLY means--in another 3 years a great massacre."

What good is a "Probably" answer ? Is this angel speaking for God or not?


His distortions of scripture:

His claiming that Jer. 51, Zechariah 14, & Obadiah 1:4 is talking about
His claiming that there are two books of life--one for Gentiles, one for Jews.
Telling Christians they must follow the narrow path to be saved=works.
Claiming that believing Christians will be judged "by" their works.

Inconsistencies in his prophecies:

The angel told him his wife would be healed and then she died.
The angel telling him "do not fear--you will not leave." and then he died.

Sorry. I don't buy any of this for the reasons I stated above. I will have
to give the guy credit for coming up with a very convincing plot however as
it is not real easy to find the flaws in his story. I'm not saying he did
it deliberately but that he was misled by evil spirits whose main purpose
it to get people to discredit what the scripture says and turn away from
worshiping Christ and focus our attention on something else and this is
exactly what I think is happening here.

However, let me clarify that I do believe America is in for hard times
because of her sins and we will probably get attacked in a manner similar
to what he stated. However, I do not believe this person is speaking for
God therefore I'm not going to listen to his scenario of events either. I
see this "prophet" no more effective than Michael Drosnin trying to predict
events with the codes.

Let me close with a caution from Apostle John: "Believe not every spirit
but try the spirits whether they are from God because many false prophets
are gone out into the world." (John 4:1) How do you know if a spirit is
from God? Compare what the angel says with the Word of God. Just one
serious discrepancy should be enough to discredit a message from a supposed
angel. Even if you are a Pre-Wrath Armenian there should be enough flaws in
this story to convince you that something doesn't quite match up here.

Books on Angels:

"The Truth about Angels" by Terry Law, ISBN 0-88419-368-3--provides
biblical principles about the ministry of God's angels.

"Heaven: The Mystery of Angels" by Grant Jeffrey, ISBN 0-921714-30-0--what
role do angels play in our lives?

"Angels: Elect and Evil" by C. Fred Dickason --Moody Press--a thorough,
Biblical treatment of angels/demons.

"Angels the Host of heaven" by Dr. David Jeremiah

"Angels Dark and Light" by Gary Kinnaman.

"A Dictionary of Angels" by Gustav Davidson. Library of Congress Card

Lori Eldridge
Owner of the mailing list Tcode

Feminist View of Motherhood, Marriage, and Career

From: The Phyllis Schlafly Report

 Hillary Proclaims a Daycare 'Crisis' 

 Hillary Rodham Clinton staged what a White House spokesman
 called a "focused comeback" to proclaim what she described as a
 "frontier issue." She followed the usual liberal formula: proclaim a
 "crisis," wrap it in "children," and try to intimidate Congress into
 funding a new middle-class entitlement. Make no mistake: this is
 the start of another grab for power like Clinton's 1994 effort to
 federalize the health care industry. 

 Hillary's daycare "crisis" was carefully orchestrated by all the
 bigwigs of the Clinton Administration before an exclusive audience in
 the East Room of the White House. They included government
 officials who can influence public policy on daycare, reporters
 expected to write about daycare, a few academic types paraded as
 "experts," and a large number of daycare providers who can be
 turned into lobbying troops to gather the cash spoils of federally
 subsidized daycare. The audience included those two Democratic
 Senators who like to pose as models of fatherhood and family
 propriety, Senators Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd. Conservative and
 pro-family leaders were excluded. 

 President Clinton is demanding $300 million over five years to train
 50,000 daycare workers, improve the pay of daycare workers, and
 direct Americorps student volunteers to look after latchkey kids. In
 addition, he is ordering Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin to jawbone
 private employers to provide free on-site daycare. 

 Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children's Defense Fund,
 the chief lobby for raising children in a "village," said she hopes that
 Hillary's conference will be "a launching pad for significant
 re-investments" in daycare. In the Clintonian lexicon, village is a
 synonym for government and investment is a synonym for taxes. 

 Conference participant Joyce Shortt, who runs a daycare organizing
 group, said, "As long as we are promoting an economic system
 where two parents or single parents work, it is the responsibility of
 the federal government" to promote affordable and accessible
 daycare. No doubt, she sees federal subsidies heading toward her
 bank account. 

 The chief guru of the federal daycare lobby is Edward Zigler, a
 psychology professor at Yale University and director of Yale's Bush
 Center for Child Development and Social Policy. He advocates a
 national daycare system costing $75 to $100 billion annually. 

 Zigler wants daycare centers reconstituted as "schools of the 21st
 century" and "family resource centers." He wants daycare to extend
 as long as the workdays of mothers and fathers, before- and
 after-school care, and summer care for children up to age 12. He
 deplores the "hodge-podge of profits, nonprofits, and family daycare
 homes" and the fact that 60 to 75 percent of daycares are not
 registered. Those with a social parenting agenda think that
 government can do a much better job of regulating and financing the
 needs of children ages 1 through 12. 

 A drive for federally financed and regulated daycare led by Zigler and
 Edelman is, as Yogi Berra would say, d�j� vu all over again. This
 same cast of characters carried on a tremendous national campaign
 for the same goal during 1988, 1989 and 1990 -- and they lost
 because Americans don't want to pay taxes to provide babysitters
 for other people's children. 

 Instead, American mothers and fathers want tax cuts so they can
 spend their own money and make their own decisions. The 1988-90
 debate ended up with modest tax credits for children. This year the
 Republican Congress provided the best and only correct federal
 answer to the problem of child care costs: tax cuts. With the Clinton
 Administration dragging its feet, resisting every step of the way, this
 year's Republican budget included a $500 per child tax credit for
 children under age 17 in taxpaying families. That is a lot of new
 money in the pockets of 27 million families with 45 million children. 

 Then, Congress expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit to reach 15
 million people, giving significant extra help to workers of very modest
 incomes. The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit is in addition.
 The Republican Congress also voted a tremendous increase in
 daycare spending as part of the 1996 welfare law. A new program of
 federal grants to the states, designating $13.9 billion over six years
 to fund daycare, represents an increase of more than $4 billion or
 nearly 50% over what would have been spent under the previous law.

 The New York Times called Hillary "reborn," but her daycare
 proposals are just warmed over Big Government spending plans that
 have been exhaustively debated and rejected by the American
 people. Tax cuts are the best way government can help families
 cover the costs of raising children. 

The entire December Phyllis Schlafly Report can be found at:

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REPORT: The Pre-Trib Rapture Conference, 
Dec.9-12, 1998, Dallas TX.

By: Ray Gano, PropheZine

178 email messages. That was what was waiting for me when I returned from Dallas TX., Dec 13th. Many of those were news and communications from friends. A good number of them were from some of you who wanted to know how the conference that I attended went and what did I learn?

The Pre-Trib Rapture Conference is a yearly study group that is sponsored by the Pre-trib Research Center. It was started by Thomas Ice and Tim LaHaye, and has the who's who of Bible prophecy as members. It is by invite only, but people can bring guests. Everyone who is into Pre-Trib was there. Well all except for Hal Lindsy, Grant Jeffrey, and Peter LaLonde.

The conference hall was bustling with authors, preachers and teachers. I even met Todd (the Rapture Index) Strandburg. In fact, we roomed together for 1 night, but my snoring got the best of him and the next day, he got another room. Everyone who attended the study group had something to do with defending the pre-trib rapture position. I have to say that I was VERY convicted. Listening to people such as John Walford, Dwight Penticost, Tim Lahaye, ect, hammered the nail home for me. 

The main topic at the Dallas conference was obviously the pre-trib rapture.

Some of the highlights are as follows:

1) The pre-trib rapture is under incredible attack these days. In the past, Dallas Theological Seminary was synonymous with the word pretribulation, however lately, liberal views are rapidly invading this once stronghold of the pre-trib rapture. People have strayed from solid context study and hermeneutics. There are many theories out there than when exposed to this, come close, but do not fully stand up. The main theory that came under the microscope was Van Kamping and Rosenthal's pre-wrath rapture. Let me say, that those theories had some real hole drilled into them that week.

2) I also learned that several evangelical and charismatic movements are straying away from believing in the pre-trib rapture. Churches that have become more socially and politically active in society are typically the more likely candidates for abandoning pretribulationism.

Josheph Chambers gave a VERY Shocking report WITH VIDEO documentation regarding the Holy Laughter movement and Kenneth Hagin. PropheZine will be offering the video "Kenneth Hagin and the Spirit of the Serpent" in the near future. To learn more about this, you can order The End Times Magazine at 1-800-338-7884. Ask for VOL 11, No.6. Cost is $3.00. Credit cards are taken.

3) I've noticed that people who are anti pre-trib have very little understanding of what the pre-trib rapture view is. Most groups or individuals that attack the pre-trib rapture have never thoroughly read what pretribulationists actually believe. I also notice that many of them do not know WHY they believe in their given doctrine as well. Instead, many just give proof as to why they DON'T believe the Pre-Trib. Much of the "reasons" given are very weak and do not follow context nor hermeneutics. Many of these folks (Post-Trib) insist on still quoting the story of the little McDonald girl who "had a vision." 

This meetings of about a 100 leading prophecy authorities stands in great contrast to the popular belief that I hear from most critics of the pre-trib rapture. People such as Van Kampen, who basicly came up with the Pre-Wrath, claim to be scholars, but when put under the microscope of scripture, they seem to fall short. As for Rosenthal's background, I do not know. I understand that  Van Kampen has been funding Rosenthal for quiet a while. So much so, that it "appears" that Rosenthal has been possibly monitarly influenced to turn from pre-trib to pre-wrath.  I know that these are hard words, and I do not have any proof of this, but it does appear this way when viewed from outside looking in. 

I will be presenting an article reviewing Van Kampen's book "the Rapture Question Answered" in a future issue. This article first appeared in the Dec. 1997 "Conservative Theologial Journal" and was written by Mal Couch of Tyndayle Theological Seminary. This was a very good article and very well writen. So look for that in one of the upcoming issues of PZ.

Well, after three days of study, I'm affaid I can not view prophecy the same way post-trib and pre-wrath do. In fact, after researching their beliefs, I'd say I'm farther away from joining them and more convicted and convenced of the Pre-Trib more now that ever.

I am going to be putting up a page with pictures of the conference here soon, so make sure you visit the PZ site in the next few days at:  http://www.prophezine.com/rapture

A Responce To Marvin Rosenthal's Interpretation of 
1 Thessalonians 3:13

By: Dr. Robert Gromacki

I Thessalonians  3:13

"So that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints" (KJV).


In the March/April 1997 issue of Zion's Fire, Marvin Rosenthal wrote a feature article entitled "The Church's Trojan Horse - The Pretribulation Rapture Theory." In that article, he commented on the meaning of "saints" in 1 Thessalonians 3:13. He confidently asserted:

"Saints" in this verse is an unfortunate and inappropriate translation. "Saints" in this verse does not refer to believers, The Greek word hagios should be translated "holy ones" and is a reference to angelic beings. These angelic beings will accompany Christ at His coming (parousia) (cf. Mt. 25:31; 2 Th. 1:7-8; Rev. 19:14). In no sense, then, can 1 Thessalonians 3:13 be used to support the teaching that the Lord comes for the Church at the beginning of the seventieth week and then with the church at its end, as some contend (p.5).

In the July/August 1997 issue of Zion's Fire, he repeated this interpretation in an article entitled "He is Coming with all His Saints" (p.5).


1. The meaning of the word "saint"

He pointed out that hagios can be translated as "holy ones." He admitted that every true believer is a saint. He wrote: "It is conspicuously clear that the New Testament repeatedly uses the Greek word hagios ("saint") as a designation for all true believers (Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 16:1; Eph. 1:1)"(p.6).

2. The meaning of the word "saint" in the Old Testament.

He pointed out that the Hebrew word for "holy" (kadosh) is used of God, of believers, and "sometimes used of angelic beings" (p.7). He quoted both Ryrie and Walvoord in support of an angelic meaning (p.7)

He then demonstrated that the Septuagint used the word "angels" in passages where the Hebrew text had "holy ones". He referred to Zechariah 14:5 where the Septuagint used "angels" in place of the Hebrew "saints." (p.7). He then concluded:"The expression"and all the saints" (Zech. 14:5) appears to be a parallel of Paul's statement to the Thessalonians, "with all his saints" (1 Th. 3:13). ~.7).

He also asserted that the Dead Sea Scrolls used the phrase "holy ones" as a designation of angels (p.7).

He then concluded:"In the light of these facts, it would be most natural for the New Testament writers to speak of angels as "holy ones" (hagios). (p.7)

3. An analogy with the word "Elect"

He pointed out that the verbal adjective "elect" is used of angels (1 Tim. 5:21), of Christ, and of believers. He concluded: "In exactly the same way, the Greek word hagios, translated "holyones" or "saints," is used to refer to angels or the redeemed. Only the context can tell which is in view" (p.8).

4. The context of the word "saint" in 1 Thessalonians 3:13

He reasoned: "Since he {Paul} is praying that believers on the earth will have their hearts established at the Lord's coming, he is clearly distinguishing between believers on earth and the "saints" (holy ones) who will come with the Lord from Heaven. It is impossible for the Church to be in two places at the same time. They can't have their hearts "established" (the idea is firm and unmoved) until Christ comes and at the same time accompany Him at His coming."

He then pointed out that the "archangel" is mentioned at the return of Christ (1 Thess. 4:16) and that "mighty angels:" accompany Christ at His return (2 Thess. 1:7). He then affirmed that the Gospels identify angels with the return of Christ (Matt. 13:41; Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26).

He concluded: "First Thessalonians 3:13 cannot be used as a proof text by those who teach that Jesus is going to rapture the Church and then return with the Church (with all His saints) seven years later. The text is clearly speaking of angelic beings" (p.8).


1. The adjective "holy" is used with the noun "angels" three times in the New Testament (Matt.25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26). Once it is used with the singular noun "angel" (Acts 10:22).

2. Paul used the word "angel" (both singular and plural) fourteen times in his epistles. He referred to angels (Rom 8:30; lCor4:9;6:3,11:10; 13:1;Gal.3: 19;Col2: 18; iTim 3:16); to mighty angels (2 Thess.1: 7); to elect angels (1 Tim. 5:21); to an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14); to an angel of Satan (2 Cor. 12:7); to an angel from heaven (Gal. 1:8); and to an angel of God (Gal. 4:14).

Paul, however, never used the word hagios (holy) with the noun angels.

3. Paul used the adjective hagios to identify the Scriptures (Rom. 1:2), the Holy Spirit (Rom.5:5), the Law (Rom. 7:12), the firstfruit (Rom. 11:16), the root (Rom. 11:16) a kiss (Rom. 16:16), the temple (1 Cor. 3:17), persons (1 Cor. 7:14), the apostles and prophets (Eph. 3:5), brethren (1 Thess. 5:27), and the divine calling (2 Tim. 1:9).

4. Paul used the adjective hagios in its plural form as a substantive, as a noun, namely as "the saints" -a designation ofa group (Rom. 1:7; 8:27; 12:13; 15:25,26,31; 16:2,15; 1 Cor. 1:2; 6:1, 2; 14:33; 16:1,15; 2 Cor,. 1:1; 8:4; 9:1, 12; 13:12; Eph. 1:1, 15, 18; 2:19; 3:8, 18; 4:12; 5:3; 6:18; Phil. 1:1; 4:21 (singular), 22; Col. 1:2,4, 12,26; 1 Thess. 3:13; 2 Thess. 1:10; 1 Tim. 5:10; Philem. 5,7..

In the Book of Acts, the adjective hagios also is used to designate the believers, the "saints" (Acts 9:13,32, 41;26:10)

In these usages, the word "saints" is used all alone. By itself it equates to believers. It appears with no other adjectives or nouns. It is a "class noun", understood by all as genuine Christians.

5. In the other epistles, outside of the Pauline epistles, the term "saints" is used of believers (Heb. 6:10; 13:24; Jude vv. 3.14). The first three passages (Heb. 6:10, 13:24; Jude v.3) refer unquestionably to Christians.

The fourth passage (Jude v.14) is debatable as to its meaning: "Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints." Are these "saints" or "holy ones" redeemed humans or angels? What was divinely revealed to Enoch? What was his understanding? Is it a reference to Old Testament believers only? If it is a reference to angels, then it is quoted out of the Old Testament equation of "holy ones" with angels, with no reference to the distinctive nature of church saints.

6. In the Book of Revelation, the term "saints" is used only of believers (5:8; 8:3,4; 11:18; 13:7,10; 14:12; 15:3; 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:8; 20:9).

7. In the Gospels, the term "saints" is used only once. It is a reference to believers (Matt. 27:52).

8. Paul used the verb hagiazo (to sanctify or to set apart) of believers (Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; 6:11; 7:14; Eph. 6:26; 1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Tim. 2:21). The Book of Acts records that Paul used the verb of believers (Acts 20:32; 26:18). Paul also used the verb for food (1 Tim. 4:15). He never used the verb for angels.

9. Paul used the noun hagiasmos ("sanctification") only of believers (Rom. 6:19,22; 1 Cor. 1:30; 1 Thess. 4:3,4,7: 2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Tim. 2:15).


The interpretation of Marvin Rosenthal that "saints" actually refer to angels cannot be demonstrated by a concordance and Biblical study of the word in the New Testament, especially in the Epistles of Paul. The phrase "saints" in First Thessalonians 3:13 can only refer to believers, to those believers who died before the Rapture and who will return with Christ. They are the ones "who have fallen asleep" (1 Thess. 4:13). They are the ones that "God will bring with {Christ}" (1 Thess. 4:13). They are the "dead in Christ" (1 Thess. 4:16). They are the "them" with whom the living believers will be caught up (1 Thess. 4:17).


F.Y.I. - Israel in the News
Week Ending: December 13, 1997/14 Kislev 5758
"And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac, I will give it to you, and
I will give the land to your descendants after you." Genesis 35.12

NO AGREEMENT ON REDEPLOYMENT: Heading into the last weekend before a
critical Sunday cabinet meeting on military redeployment in Judea, Samaria
and Gaza (Yesha), differences among the top four cabinet ministers on how
to approach the issue persist, political sources said after the four-man
team met on Thursday. The special ministerial team consists of Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister David Levy, Defense Minister
Yitzhak Mordechai and National Infrastructure Minister Ariel Sharon.
Mordechai and Sharon toured the southern Hebron Hills and Samaria regions
Friday morning. Sharon clarified that the map which he will present to the
cabinet will insure the continued existence of all Jewish townships and
communities throughout Judea and Samaria. According to Sharon, no community
will be forced into an isolated area which will hamper its continued
development. The cabinet is to consider two proposed maps (Sharon's and the
IDF's), as well as a set of conditions for implementing it, at a day-long
meeting Sunday. The leaders of Shas and Gesher leader FM Levy have already
informed Netanyahu that, unless he announces a redeployment of at least
15%, they are prepared to withdraw from the government. According to recent
polls- almost 80% of the Israeli public, mindful of the gross
non-compliance of the (PLO) Palestinian Authority (PA), are totally against
Israel making further one-sided concessions, such as the next withdrawal.

In another development, despite increasing pressure being exerted on Israel
by the United States, PM Netanyahu stated Israel will make its decision at
its own pace regarding the planned withdrawal. US Secretary of State
Albright has made it known she expects the details of the Israeli plan by
the December 17th meeting, scheduled between herself and the prime
minister. Albright has made the position of the US clear, demanding that
Israeli withdraw from 11-15% of lands in Judea and Samaria. US Assistant
Secretary of State Martin Indyk conferred separately Saturday with PA
Chairman Yassir Arafat as well as with several cabinet members.  In regards
to this mounting pressure, the Conference of President of Major American
Jewish Organizations has publicized a letter it wrote to US President Bill
Clinton asking that the US reduce the pressure it is exerting on Israel. In
response to a reporter's question on Friday, US State Department spokesman
James Foley asserted strongly that the US was not pressuring Israel but
was, in fact, trying to encourage the parties.

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl reportedly told PM Netanyahu in last week's
meeting, that over the past few years his government has been the only
European Union (EU) member that always stood by Israel and tried to prevent
votes of condemnation in the United Nations. Kohl stated that due to the
policies of the government of Israel today, vis-a-vis the peace process,
this will be changing in the near future. (Ha'aretz, Arutz Sheva, Globes,
Gush-katif, IINS, US State Department Briefing)

ISLAMIC CONFERENCE WRAPS UP: In the most significant diplomatic coup since
the 1979 revolution pitted Iran against Western and "moderate" Muslim
states, Tehran Tuesday hosted the eighth Islamic Summit, welcoming
delegates from more than 50 nations of Africa, Europe, Asia and the Arab
world. Among those attending were Yassir Arafat. This is his first visit to
Iran in fifteen years. The conference ended on Thursday. Giving the opening
speech, Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini called for the
establishment of an Islamic front against Israel, challenged US presence in
the Persian Gulf (which he called an "Islamic lake"), and said the Islamic
nations should as a bloc be admitted as a member of the United Nations
Security Council, with full veto rights. Calls were heard to put forward
the agenda of Yassir Arafat and his (PLO) Palestinian Authority (PA).Calls
were heard to unite against Israel and to put forward the agenda of Yassir
Arafat and his  PLO Authority (PA). Iran's hosting of the summit is part of
an attempt to improve ties with neighboring countries and to undermine the
US-led Gulf War coalition, according to senior Haifa University lecturer
Yair Hirschfeld. Washington's attempts to isolate Iran -- long opposed by
the EU for mostly financial reasons -- have dismally failed. The
involvement in the summit of supposed US allies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
and Egypt, as well as that of UN secretary-general Kofi Annan, make that
clear. In his speech, Annan stated that "The OIC [Organization of the
Islamic Conference] and the United Nations have already joined forces in a
number of areas: advancing social and economic development; increasing
peace and security; and promoting fundamental human rights, all called for
by General Assembly resolutions. We have forged new bonds in our
peace-making efforts, including in Afghanistan, Somalia and Tajikistan ...
Another issue of common concern to the United Nations and the OIC is the
situation in the Middle East. ... In order for the peace process to move
forward, it is essential that the terms of the Oslo accords are respected.
Effective measures also need to be adopted in order to curb the violence
that has arisen over the past several months. We must urge both sides to
fulfil their commitments [While both sides are 'urged' to fulfill their
commitments, it is only against Israel that the UN passes resolutions-ed]
... In closing, allow me to pay tribute to the great faith and civilization
of Islam. It has ennobled and enriched humanity throughout its history [the
history of Islam has been one of bloodshed and attempted world dominance-ed]."

Turkey, facing growing pressure in the Middle East for its military ties
with Israel, found itself isolated at the Summit, with President Suleyman
Demirel leaving early Wednesday night. One of the resolutions issued by the
conference was one criticizing Muslim countries' military relations with
Israel. Turkey is considered the prime culprit. Turkish officials said that
Demirel left in protest over "attempts to force Turkey to end its political
and military cooperation with Israel." Turkey is one of the largest and
most important Muslim countries and Demirel's departure casts a cloud over
Iran's attempt to portray the Muslim world as unified. (ICEJ, IINS, Israel
Line, UN Press Releases)

PA CENSUS BEGINS: Some 5,000 census-takers went door-to-door in Arab
population centers of Judea-Samaria and Gaza Wednesday, in an operation
funded by European donor nations. The PA has also announced that it intends
to take a census of East Jerusalem. However, the Israeli Knesset late
Wednesday night rushed through an amendment to the law on the
implementation of the Oslo Accords, aimed at preventing the PA from taking
a population census in Jerusalem. The original legislation prevents the PA
"from opening or operating offices or holding meetings within the state of
Israel," while the amendment closes a loophole by broadening the ban to
include "activities". Oslo II, signed on September 28 1995, sets limits on
the PA's jurisdiction, stating that it does not include "issues that will
be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations: Jerusalem, settlements,
specified military locations, Palestinian refugees, borders, foreign
relations and Israelis". Thus, the PA is barred from exercising any
authority in Jerusalem. The "Note for the Record" attached to the Hebron
Protocol of January 15 1997, reaffirmed this: "Exercise of Palestinian
governmental activity, and location of Palestinian governmental offices,
will be as specified in the Interim Agreement [Oslo II]." On Friday, the
Palestinian Legislative Council urged residents of eastern Jerusalem to
defy the Israeli law. "We call on the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem to
ignore the Israeli occupation law and to exercise their right to provide
information to the census takers," said a council statement." Many
Palestinian residents with Israeli identity cards refused to be counted. A
supervisor was sent to try to convince the residents to participate,
without success. Feisel Husseini, PA Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, called
the census the Palestinians right to gather figures about their people and
stressed the census would be carried out "one way or the other." There are
reports that the census is being conducted via fax. Israel, meanwhile, has
placed police and Israel Defense Force (IDF) units on alert. (ICEJ,
Jerusalem Post, Kol Yisrael)

PA STATUS IN UN UNCHANGED: The Palestinians and the Arab world suffered a
rare defeat in the United Nations this past week, when the bid to raise the
status of the PA to that of a member country (with all privileges except
for voting and candidature rights) was rejected [the PA currently has the
status of 'observer'-ed]. The move would have placed the PA in a more
elevated position than that enjoyed by Switzerland or the Vatican.
Sixty-five countries voted against the proposal, 57 voted in favor and 32
abstained. The US, Russia, and European countries united in their
opposition to the initiative. The vote marked the first time in years that
Arab nations failed to push through a UN proposal. The PLO representative,
Nasser al-Kidwa, said that it was merely a technical matter and that the
issue would be raised in the General Assembly  (GA) within a month and a half.

Under the terms of another resolution, the GA demanded once more that
Israel withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June
1967, as called for by the relevant Security Council resolutions. It
declared that the Israeli decision of December 14, 1981 to impose its laws,
jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and
void and has no validity whatsoever. [The UN General Assembly passes this
same resolution every year in December-ed]

The Assembly Friday adopted a resolution concerning the right of the
Palestinian people to self-determination by a vote of 120 in favor to 2
against (Israel and United States) with six abstentions (Dominican
Republic, Georgia, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Norway
and Uruguay). It expressed deep concern over the deterioration of the
Middle East peace process. (Arutz Sheva, ICEJ, Israel Line, UN Daily

HAR HOMA CONSTRUCTION DELAYED? Housing Ministry spokesman Moshe Eilat has
denied any delay in construction at Har Homa in Jerusalem. He said his
ministry will announce building tenders in the early part of 1998. He was
reacting to a report in Ha'aretz newspaper that PM Netanyahu offered to
slow down construction in return for the Palestinians giving up a third
redeployment in Judea, Samaria and Gaza and advance to final status talks.
Channel 2 television reported that Netanyahu spoke with Jerusalem mayor
Ehud Olmert to reassure him construction delays were only technical.
Earlier this week, Olmert warned that he would act against any construction

Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly Wednesday demanded a complete halt to
the construction at Har Homa ("Jabal Abu Ghneim" - the Arabic term used by
the UN) and of all Israeli settlement activities in the 'occupied
territories'. A resolution to this effect was adopted along with a wide
range of draft texts on the recommendation of its Fourth Committee (Special
Political and Decolonization). By its terms, the Assembly also reaffirmed
that those settlements are illegal and an obstacle to peace, as well as to
economic and social development. (Kol Yisrael, UN Daily Highlights)

COURT DECISION EXPLAINED: The Supreme Court released its explanation
Thursday of a decision it made last week to allow illegal Moslem Waqf
construction on the Temple Mount. The explanation reads, in part, as
follows: "There is no doubt and no one disputes that the construction works
carried out by the Moslem Waqf on the Temple Mount ... were carried out
without the required permits being sought or given. Despite this, the
Attorney-General decided not to begin criminal or other proceedings on this
issue, in light of the policy that has been ... approved by this Court that
'in matters pertaining to the Temple Mount, with all of its emotional,
religious, and political charges, an extra-special measure of caution is
required.' In this case, the Attorney-General decided not to intervene [for
various reasons] ... I feel that we must not intervene in the judgment of
the Attorney-General. True, the law was not adhered to in this case ... But
we must say most clearly that the Temple Mount is different than any other
place, and the religious and diplomatic dispute surrounding the Temple
Mount is beyond other disputes that can be adjudicated by the Supreme Court
... It is the political echelons, and not the judicial, that must give
content and significance to the historic cry, 'The Temple Mount is in our

In a related story, government officials are concerned about Arafat's
allegations that Israel plans to remove the al-Aksa Mosque and build a
third temple. Arafat stated in a speech to the Islamic summit in Teheran
last week, "I am ringing the bell of danger to warn against the Jewish plan
to build the Temple of Solomon in the place where today stands al-Aksa
Mosque, after removing the mosque." He declared that peace will not be
achieved without "occupied Jerusalem being returned to its legitimate
owners as capital of an independent Palestinian state." He contended that
"the Zionists" have committed hundreds of millions of dollars to Judaize
the city and perpetuate it as Israel's eternal capital. (Arutz Sheva,
Jerusalem Post)

STRIKE ENDS: Seven hundred thousand workers returned to their jobs in
Israel Monday, ending a five-day strike over pensions and privatization
plans which shut down most sectors of the economy. A compromise agreement
was reached late Sunday night between Finance Minister Ya'akov Ne'eman and
Histadrut trade union chairman Amir Peretz. The strike, which resulted in
the country's international airport being closed, led to water shortages
and inconvenienced millions, was the country's worst in years. Peretz
greeted the agreement as a clear victory for "the workers", while Ne'eman
said "the country" lost. The major achievement for the Histadrut was that
it forced the government to consult with it on economic policy. Some
government officials and other observers saw the strike as a political
gesture by the Labor party-affiliated Histadrut. (ICEJ, Jerusalem Post)

FARRAKHAN LIKELY TO VISIT: Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader
whose comments about Jews and Judaism have deeply offended US Jews,
evidently will be admitted to Israel, but will not be allowed to meet with
any government leaders. Farrakhan, who has been on a world tour for the
past two months, is expected to arrive in mid-January as the guest of
Jerusalem's Islamic leaders. He conveyed his desire to see PM Netanyahu
during his stay, but the officials said this will be out of the question
"unless he retracts" the offensive remarks he made about Jews, Jewry and
Judaism. Eighteen years ago, Rev. Jesse Jackson was refused a meeting with
Menachem Begin during a visit here.  He, too, had made derogatory
statements about Jews, but they were much less vitriolic than Farrakhan's.
Deliberations are continuing at the Foreign Ministry about the Farrakhan
visit and no final decisions have been made, officials said. (Jerusalem Post)

Peres, one of the main architects of the Oslo accords, said Sunday night
that he is in favor of a Palestinian state, as "we do not want to take
responsibility for three million [sic?] Arabs." He also said that Syrian
President Assad wants peace, but that his price is the Golan, and that
therefore "we must withdraw from the entire Golan Heights in exchange for
peace with Syria." Peres was roundly criticized by the Tzomet and Third Way
parties for his remarks. Tzomet MK Modi Zandberg said, "The voice is the
voice of Peres, but the hands are the hands of Barak." He said that this
shows the true intentions of the Labor party, and is an example of the
"network of lies and deceit that characterizes the Labor party." MK Yehuda
Harel (Third Way) said that Peres' remarks were "devoid of [a sense of]
national responsibility." Avi Zeira of the Golan Heights Communities told
Arutz Sheva that what Peres says does not worry him any longer, although
"the fact that there seemed to be no great protest among the audience [all
Labor members] is troubling." (Arutz Sheva)

WHY DOESN'T US DEMAND EXTRADITIONS? David Bar-Illan, Director of Policy
Planning and Communications in the Prime Minister's Office, was the guest
speaker at the Beit El Yeshiva Institutions dinner last week in New York.
Bar-Illan called upon the American Jewish community to demand that its
government insist on the extradition of Arab terrorists who murdered eight
American citizens and who are now serving in the Palestinian Authority
police force. He recalled that the US exerted heavy pressure upon Libya to
extradite two terrorists, but is not demanding the transfer of the
terrorists who have found refuge within the Palestinian Authority.
Bar-Illan said that the government, "since the day of its election, has
been the target of daily sabotage attacks." (Arutz Sheva)

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION MOVED UP: Knesset Speaker Dan Tichon has decided to
advance the date of the next presidential election by eight days, to the
20th of Shevat / Feb. 16, 1998.  The 'Jewish Leadership' Organization,
which is backing the candidacy of Prof. Yirmiyahu Branover for the office,
has stepped up its efforts to drum up support for him among the Knesset
Members.  Hagi Ben-Artzi, a spokesman for the organization, said that he
had received positive feedback from the MKs with whom he spoke, but many of
them are still "fence-sitting," waiting to see if the coalition will
produce a candidate of its own to run against the incumbent, Ezer Weizmann.
 When it was noted that "even former Supreme Court Chief Justice Meir
Shamgar has declined to run against Weizmann," Ben-Artzi responded, "This
is exactly the point. Meir Shamgar does not really represent an alternative
to Weizmann, whereas Prof. Branover does.  Branover is a more Jewish
alternative, who represents the entire spectrum of Jewish identity -
Zionism, Jewish education, science, economics, etc.  For this reason, other
candidates see no point in running against Weizmann, since they feel that
they are in the same category as he is." Moti Karpel, one of the leaders of
Jewish Leadership, elaborated further on why the organization advanced
Branover's name: "We are not against President Weizman, but we are rather
in favor of Jewish content in the State of Israel. We feel that after 50
years, it's time that the President of the State should be one who
represents and expresses the State's Jewishness." Karpel said that in order
to be a candidate for President, ten MKs need to agree. He said, however,
that he was not relying only on religious MKs, but also on others "to whom
it is important that the State of Israel should express the Jewish identity
both internally and externally." He noted Prof. Branover's background as a
Prisoner of Zion, an immigrant from Russia, a scientist, and a man involved
in Torah education. (Arutz Sheva, MED)

ISRAEL BOLSTERS DEFENSE TIES WITH TURKEY: Israeli and Turkish defense ties
-- a source of great anger in the Muslim world -- have been strengthened
considerably during Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai's current visit to
Turkey, the first ever by an Israeli defense minister. Mordechai's visit
has paved the way for lucrative weapons contracts and won a commitment to
deeply enhance the strategic alliance between the two countries. Several
Middle East states -- particularly Syria and Iran -- have expressed grave
reservations about the Israel-Turkey ties. Among other deals, Israel is
upgrading 54 Turkish Air Force F-4 jets, and hopes too to win a contract to
upgrade 48 F-5 jets. Israel also is offering to improve Turkey's old M-60
battle tanks, and to sell Turkey missiles and rifles. Israel, Turkey and
the US are due to conduct joint naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean Sea
next month. (ICEJ)

JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS: Jubilee celebrations marking Israel's fiftieth
anniversary will begin on the eve of Hanukkah, December 23, with a special
lighting ceremony at the President's residence in Jerusalem. Parallel
ceremonies will be held in a number of world capitals to be attended by
world leaders. Last week, the Cabinet endorsed the program of Jubilee
celebrations which will include an IDF march and special displays marking
the achievement of fifty years of statehood. NIS 118 million ($41 million)
has been earmarked for the celebrations. (Kol Yisrael/MED)

announced Monday in the Knesset that the government was changing its policy
regarding Jonathan Pollard, and that from now it would act openly to attain
his release from his American prison cell. Minister of Communications Limor
Livnat is expected to visit Pollard next week, after Absorption Minister
Yuli Edelstein was the first to do so last month. Edelstein, together with
MKs Gideon Ezra (Likud), Yehuda Harel (Third Way), and Ofer Pines (Labor),
established a Knesset lobby to work more vigorously for Pollard's freedom.
(Arutz Sheva)

NERVE GAS ANTIDOTES IN WORKS: The Biological Research Institute at Nes
Tziona has been developing antidotes to various types of nerve gas which
are in the possession of Arab states. Over several recent years, the
institute has invested heavily in research into preventing brain damage
following exposure to the nerve gas VX, which the Syrian Army is reported
to possess, or to the highly potent chemical warfare agent sarin, which the
Iraqis have produced in large quantities. The institute has carried out
work for the Defense Ministry and for the research branch of the U.S. Army
Medical Corps. Institute researchers have also conducted joint studies with
U.S. Army scientists on defenses against chemical weapons. The results of
the studies have been published in scientific journals abroad. It has also
executed projects for the World Health Organization and for the German
Ministry of Science. The Biological Institute is located in the southwest
of Nes Tziona, a town of about 17,000 located between Rishon Lezion and
Rehovot. According to official publications, the institute is subordinate
to the Prime Minister's Office and has a staff of about 300, including 120
scientists and 100 technicians. (Ha'aretz)

EGYPT AND IRAN GETTING CLOSER: Egypt is making giant strides towards the
Iranian alliance, as the thaw in the relations between Iran and Egypt
continues. This thaw is largely due to the weakening of the Mubarak regime
following the terrorist attack in Luxor which claimed the lives of 61
tourists. Egypt is increasingly recognizing the seniority of Iran in the
Arab world. An Iranian envoy, Dr. Mahmoud Hanshari, secretly visited Cairo
some ten days ago. He visited with aides to Mubarak, and it was decided to
re-open the Iranian embassy. The embassy will initially operate on a less
than full level of diplomatic relations and will expand in the future.

WEATHER FORECAST - SUNDAY: Golan/Galilee: 46-57F - Tel Aviv: 57-70F -
Jerusalem: 48-61F - Dead Sea: 59-73F - Beersheba: 50-70F - Eilat: 59-73F.

FYI - Israel In The News
"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1

'F.Y.I.' may be reproduced & distributed in any form. Please give proper
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Understand the Times 
By Roger Oakland 

Are you aware that a growing sector of our society makes the claim that there is no qualitative difference between animals and humans? Extremists known as "animal-rights advocates" are zealous evangelists of the belief that people, cats, dogs, snails, and farm animals are all equal. What's behind this peculiar reasoning?

While human lives are being exterminated by the millions before they have a chance to be born, a strange fascination and reverence for four-footed beasts and creeping things is on the upswing. In fact, many of the same protesters who are enthusiastic about the right to kill babies in the womb are the very ones demanding special protection for rodents. The "right to life" for rats and mice is becoming a significant issue -- for some, to the point of violence. 

Evolution -- the fruit of man's speculation on the origin and history of life -- has played a role in promoting this idea. For example, famed scientist Carl Sagan, a major advocate of evolutionary theory, states his firm belief that evolution is the guiding force which links all living things together in his book The Cosmic Connection. Expressing in emotional terms his debt to evolution for the very existence of man, he declares:

As co-equal recipients of this precious patrimony of 4.5 billion years of evolution, why should the identification not apply also to all other organisms on Earth, which are equally the product of 4.5 billion years of evolution? We care for a small fraction of the organisms on Earth -- dogs, cats, and cows, for example -- because they are useful or flatter us. But spiders, salamanders, salmon, and sunflowers are equally our brothers and sisters.(1)

Sagan's comments on human "brotherhood" with the animal kingdom are likely to be received warmly by many, especially those who believe in reincarnation, an eastern religious concept based on the idea of evolution of consciousness and karma. Traditional Hindus -- who even attribute divine qualities to rats and cows -- have always felt a special kinship with the animal kingdom.

Perhaps, then, it should be no surprise that current events reveal a growing trend emphasizing a divine reverence for animals. In much of the world, vigilante groups of animal-rights activists have have released cattle, chickens, and pigs from their farmyards. Universities and research laboratories have been the scenes of wild protests and costly vandalism in the name of "animal liberation."

The apostle Paul casts light on this situation in the the first chapter of his letter to the church in Rome. Overwhelming evidence to support the existence of a sovereign, omnipotent Creator is all around us. When man willingly rejects that evidence, he is without excuse. Professing to be wise, he becomes a fool. Attempting to explain the origin of life through the foolishness of human speculation, he eventually believes a lie. Rejecting the Creator, man eventually worships the creation in His place.(2)

(1) Carl Sagan, The Cosmic Connection (New York: Anchor Books), p. 7
(2) Romans 1:18-25


Only One in Five Major Employers has Launched
Full-Fledged Strategy to Fix "Millennium Bug"

New York, NY, December 17, 1997--/Y2K WIRE/--

With 1998 just days away, a new poll of information  technology (IT) officers representing America's largest  employers reveals that only one in five of the corporations  surveyed - 20 percent - has begun implementing a full-fledged  strategy to achieve Year 2000 compliance, and that only one 
in three - 33 percent - has a detailed plan in place. 

New York Times Online December 7, 1997


Edward Yardeni is chief economist and managing director  of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell North America. This article  is based on his testimony last month at a Senate  subcommittee hearing on the year 2000 problem. 

A Race Against the Calendar

The "year 2000" problem poses a serious threat that could  disrupt the United States economy and bring about a yearlong  global recession beginning in January 2000. Such a recession  could be as severe as the 1973-74 global downturn that was  caused by the OPEC oil embargo -- a useful analogy for the economic consequences of the current situation. 

Information, just like oil, is a vital resource for our global economy. If the supply of information is allowed to be disrupted, many economic activities will be impaired, if not halted. 

The 2000 problem is both trivial and overwhelming. Unless fixed, most computers, including many PC's, will produce nonsensical results or crash because "00" in the widely used two-digit year field on the computer screen will be recognized as 1900 rather than 2000. 

Obviously, there are simple solutions. The two-digit fields, for example, can be replaced with four-digit fields. Or software can be programmed to recognize incoming years in a range, say between 0 and 40, as being in the 21st century. 

The problem is time. All the money in the world will not stop Jan. 1, 2000, from arriving. There is not enough time to fix and test all the systems around the world that must be fixed. 

A problem in one system could start a domino effect.  A failure in one system could corrupt other systems.  The problem will be a nonevent only if the global computer network is 100 percent fixed, and there is  sufficient reason to believe that a significant fraction  of the system will not be ready in time. 

Assessing the likelihood that the year 2000 problem will  set off a recession � as well as measuring its depth and  duration � requires answers from government and business  managers around the world. They must provide much more information so that the public and policy makers can  determine the risks ahead and prepare for a foreseeable  and plausible worst-case outlook. 

All businesses, incorporated and unincorporated, should be required by new laws or regulations to disclose their  cumulative and quarterly expenditures for fixing the year  2000 problem. They should also be required to outline best and worst-case projections for such outlays. 

Most important, all businesses should be required to post progress reports on their efforts at least quarterly. They  should be detailed and include this information: 

Schedules for companywide progress, showing the projected and realized dates of the standard five stages of remediation:  awareness, assessment, renovation, validation and implementation. 

Progress schedules for all critical activities related to remediation.   Lists of business activities that are expected  to be impaired or terminated as triage decisions are made  before Jan. 1, 2000. 

Discussion of the risks from outside vendors and customers that might not be compliant in time, including suppliers of  electricity and telecommunications services. 

Discussion of related legal issues, including anticipated expenses for litigation and liability. 

Discussion of contingency plans if compliance is not achieved. 

Senator Robert F. Bennett, Republican of Utah and chairman of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Services and Technology, introduced legislation last month to require publicly traded companies "to make specific disclosures in their initial offering statements and quarterly reports" on whether their computer systems will be able to operate after Jan. 1, 2000. 

Indeed, publicly traded companies must be responsible for reporting on the year 2000 problem, just as they are for any other event that might have a material impact on their books. 

The 2000 problem, however, is a unique business risk that requires unique disclosure rules. It is a risk that will adversely affect all businesses, all vendors and all customers. It will harm even those who anticipated the  problem long ago and expect to be ready for it but depend on others who may not be prepared. 

The interests of the public must be protected along with those of investors. Self-interested capitalism is not designed to handle a systemwide, global risk to collective well-being. 

The mandate of individual business managers is to protect the interests of their own entities. For competitive reasons, they are likely to reveal as little as possible about material risks to their businesses. 

But in this case, the public's need to know must prevailover the legitimate but parochial interests of businesses. It is time to level the disclosure playing field. If all companies � not just those that are publicly traded � are required to disclose their year 2000 activities and risks, none will be at a disadvantage. 

If we give this problem top priority, it is not too late to reduce the risk of computer failures. Full disclosure would focus public pressure on managements that are not addressing the problem appropriately. 

Such disclosure would also help creditors assess the risk of earnings losses and even failures among their business borrowers who fail to comply. Of course, full disclosure might increase the chance of a credit crunch, as bankers refuse to lend to companies that are not likely to meet the deadline. 

But it is better to increase the risk for business borrowers now, so they will take the threat to their survival more seriously. Those that won't survive may decide sooner to seek acquirers that are really trying to bring their systems 
into compliance. 

The current disclosure system simply will not provide policy makers and the public with needed information in time to prepare for the worst � possibly one of the longest and deepest recessions on record. 

Without additional information soon, more problems and greater hardship are inevitable. Conceivably � though highly unlikely � wider disclosure may even show that the economic risks are small and temporary. But with so much atstake, preparations must now begin in earnest. We need answers from our business community. Then we can prepare for the worst, and thereby realistically hope for the best. 


From: Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, December 17, 1997 / Kislev 18, 5758


More than twenty U.S. Members of Congress sent a letter to Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu this morning, on the eve of his departure to meet with
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.  The letter, which appears
following today's news report, states, "We wish to convey our support for
your government and its efforts to resist pressures to cede ever larger
parts of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the Palestinian Authority. We believe
that such pressures from the international community are misguided,
dangerous, and harm the national security interests of both
Israel and the United States."

The letter concludes, "...we ask you not to be swayed by the empty threats
of those who cannot understand the danger that Israel would face by
expanding its concessions to the Palestinian Authority. We recognize this
danger and ask you to know that the Congress will support you on this
critical issue."

David Bar Illan, Director of Policy Planning and Communications in the
Prime Minister's Office, told Arutz-7, "I think that the Clinton
administration realizes that there's no way that Israel would rush into
decisions that will affect us for generations to come...  As long as the
agreement is really being abrogated, for all intents and purposes, by the
Palestinian Authority, we may not really have to be bound by it.  That is
precisely what we are trying to find out, if the Palestinians have any
intention of keeping it, and at that point we will decide what we are going
to do about it." 


Dear Mr. Netanyahu,
We wish to convey our support for your government in its efforts to resist
pressures to cede even larger portions of Judea and Samaria to the
Palestinian Authority. We believe that such pressures from the
international community are misguided, dangerous, and harm the national
security interests of both Israel and the United States. 

In addition, we would like you to know that while it may appear that there
are many in the Clinton administration and elsewhere clamoring for an
Israeli withdrawal from such strategic assets as the Jordan River Valley,
the mountains overlooking this piece of territory, and other parts of
Israel, the U.S. congress is firmly on your side. We know the Congress to
be fed up with the PA's gross
violations of the Oslo accords, corruption, human rights abuses, and
misappropriations of donations from the international community. For this
reason alone, Congress is loathe to see the PA in control of more Israeli
land. For reasons of American national security, we cannot fathom how the
U.S. can continue to rely on the IDF alone to keep Iraq and Syria at bay,
with Israel's underbelly exposed to massive ground threats. It is Israel's military strength, bolstered by the control of these territories, that is the source of stability in the eastern Mediterranean region. We fear that any
diminution of Israel's strength might imperil our interests in the region,
and force American troops to assume a job best done by the IDF. 

Finally, we ask you not to be swayed by the empty threats of those who
cannot understand the dangers that Israel would face by expanding its
concessions to the PA. We recognize this danger, and want you to know that
Congress would support you on this critical issue." 

House of Representatives Majority Whip Rep. Tom DeLay (R, Tex.)
Representatives Watts, Talent, Weller, Pappas, Fox, Ryun, Chambliss,
Forbes, Largent, McCollum, Smith, McIntosh, Pickering, Ros-Lehtinen,
Gibbons, Souder, Kelly, Salmon, Tiahrt.


Gog Magog Just Around The Corner?

EDITORS NOTE: I am one who believes that the Gog/Magog war will happen before or close to the beginning of the Trib and possibly before the rapture. One of the things that I have been questioning is, "What is the US going to do about it?" We read in Ezekiel 38:13...

Ezekiel 38:13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? (KJV)

Well my conclusion is that the US will be forced to sit that one out and just send a diplomatic responce. But why? My opinion and also that of others is that the US will be attacked some how. Either by one of the 100 suitcase nutron bombs that Russia lost track of, or by Chemical / Biological terrorism. The following articles shocked me when I saw it the other day. I present it in its entirety for full effect. By this, I see another puzzle piece being dropped into the puzzle. 

At the conference in Dallas, Jimmy DeYoung stated that Isreal believes that there will be a major conflict within 6+ months and that Israel views Iran as it's main enemy right now. Following this article is one where IRAN has called for Turkey and the Arabs to unify. Folks, I see the stage set for the Gog / Magog war, all that is needed is for the curtain to go up....Ray PZ

++++    ++++   ++++   ++++


Military to Vaccinate against anthrax
 By Charles Aldinger 

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Monday it will vaccinate
 all of its more than 2 million active and reserve troops against the deadly
 anthrax biological agent to prepare for future warfare and potential terrorist

 Defense Secretary William Cohen said he made the decision after a
 three-year study that showed vaccination was the safest way to protect a
 highly mobile military against a threat from spores that are 99 percent lethal in
 unprotected individuals. 

 "This is a force protection issue," he said in an announcement released by the
 Defense Department. "To be effective, medical force protection must be
 comprehensive, well-documented and consistent. I have instructed the
 military to put such a program in place." 

 Anthrax spores, which can be mounted on artillery shells and in bombs, are
 inhaled and can caused death within a week unless the victim has been

 Recent studies have shown that the military and America's civilian emergency
 community in general were lagging in their ability to respond to attack by
 chemical and biological agents, a potential which the Pentagon says Iraq and
 a number of other nations now have. 

 Defense officials stressed that the vaccine to be used beginning next summer
 was not a "live" vaccine and thus would not itself pose a potential danger to
 soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. 

 "The side effects could include perhaps in some instances feeling like you
 have a mild case of flu," one official told Reuters. 

 The anthrax vaccine is already licensed by the Food and Drug Administration
 and has been widely used in the United States since the early 1970s by
 livestock workers and veterinarians. 

 The military currently immunizes people working in at-risk jobs, including
 some 3,000 personnel assigned to special operations units. 

 Members of a unit recently established by the Marine Corps to respond to
 chemical and biological emergencies have received the vaccine, which
 currently consists of six shots given over an 18-month schedule and an
 annual booster thereafter. 

 Beginning in the summer, the vaccine will initially be administered to
 approximately 100,000 military personnel assigned or deployed to the "high
 threat" areas of Southwest Asia and Northeast Asia, the Pentagon said. 

 Those would entail troops in the Gulf region near Iraq and stationed on the
 Korean peninsula. The Pentagon has charged that North Korea also has an
 active chemical and biological warfare program. 

 Within the next several years, the vaccine will be given to all active duty and
 reserve personnel, including National Guard forces. That could in include as
 many as 2.4 million troops. 

 The announcement stressed that the immunization process would begin only
 after several conditions were met, including supplemental testing to assure
 safety, potency and purity of the vaccine. 

 Before the process begins, the Pentagon will also implement a system of fully
 tracking personnel who receive the anthrax vaccinations.

+++   +++++   ++++++   ++++ 


Islamic Summit challenge: Iran, Turkey and the Arabs. Future conflict or peace?
Regional, Analysis, 12/9/97

Morning edition

With the occasion of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
in Teheran, many are viewing this event as a counter measure to the
US sponsored MENA economic conference that was embroiled in
much controversy as a result of the inclusion of Israel. Israel's current
government is rightly being seen as having no interest in peace and
as reneging on signed agreements. No one saw fit to reward Israel for
such action, and the Arabs refused to attend, to send a clear message
to Washington that this behavior from Israel is unacceptable and no
amount of pressure will succeed in having the Arab countries forgo
their interests just to please the US.

The OIC summit in turn, is seen as a counter measure to MENA, and
as an opening to resolve some outstanding problems and show a
unified stand by Muslim countries. Iran, sees it as its moment in the
sun as it defies all attempts by the US to isolate it. There are many
issues of great common interest to the Muslim countries that they will
be able to come to agreements on, issues such as Jerusalem,
anti-Zionist statements and others.

What will be outstanding are the differences among the Islamic
countries, that have different individual and regional interests. Turkey
is participating. Turkey had announced earlier this year Israeli-Turkish
military exercises and improved ties, only to delay those exercises
under pressure from the Arab world. Turkey has serious problems
with Syria and Iraq, on the Kurdish problem, and water rights. Turkey
will need to state its position clearly. Will Turkey have a pro-Arab or
anti-Arab position in todays polarized Middle East conflict. And if
Turkey, will not take a pro-Arab position, will it be made clear by the
other countries that there will be a high economic cost and the
possibility of trade sanctions against it.

Iran with its new president, Mohammed Khatami, is putting on a more
moderate face, and seems to have popular support for that position.
But Iran has tensions in its policies with Iraq, Bahrain, the UAE and
other Arab countries, over ideology, borders, and disputed islands'
sovereignty in the Gulf. Will Iran make it clear that it views intervention
in other countries' internal affairs as unacceptable? Will Iran seek to
resolve its outstanding problems with Iraq peacefully? Steps must be
taken on both sides to that end for regional stability, and economic

Will Iran give signals to the Gulf neighbors that it wants a genuine
resolution to its problems in a forum that does not push these
countries to further seek US protection, which is not in Iran's interest?
Will Iran tell Egypt and Saudi Arabia clearly and unequivocally that
terrorism is not an acceptable form of internal political dialog? These
are some of the questions that Iran needs to address, if it is going to
strengthen its relations with its neighbors and Arab countries. Iran
must be encouraged, to develop peacefully, and should be given
support in breaking its isolation, and further economic dealings if the
Arab countries' concerns are dealt with in a direct and friendly manner
that seeks to resolve the outstanding problems, rather than shoving
them under the rug in the hope that Iran can have better terms later,
when it is in a much stronger position.

The OIC summit can be a great tool in working on common interests
and resolving outstanding issues, and in making the whole, much
more powerful than the sum of its parts. But these issues outlined
above are of great importance to the Arab countries participating, and
not addressing them would leave this summit, much less than what it
could be. There is much to be gained, and that is desired, by having
strong, peaceful, and vital economic ties between these countries as
the new millennium approaches with its economic focus and
challenges as competition will be regional more than national. It
remains to be seen if the parties involved will rise to the challenge. 



Basically Speaking
Foundations in Bible truth
By R.g.Wallace


Christianity is the medium by which God promotes His viewpoint and policy in a world of darkness.
In the beginning was God.
  "God is light 
   and in Him there is no darkness, 
   not any," (1 John 1:5).

Darkness entered the universe when Lucifer, through his pride, expressed independence from God and His policies (sin). Lucifer thus became the "adversary" of God (Satan) and he, as well as those angels who followed him in his rebellion, were judged and indicted to spend eternity in the lake of fire totally separated from God (Mat. 25:41). The fact that Satan is still "prowling about like a roaring lion" (1 Pet. 5:8), indicates that God has some reason for delaying the final placement of these spiritual rebels into the lake of fire.  God is in fact, using the events of "time" to demonstrate to Satan the integrity of His own righteousness and justice in judging Satan and the integrity of divine love in doing so. In fact, this is the very reason that God brought the human race onto the scene of history so that mankind might be instrumental in showcasing both divine justice and love.  

Darkness then entered the human race when Satan got the woman (directly) and Adam (indirectly) to act independently from God in the garden. Now God's plan concerning darkness (which can be defined as any expression of independence from Divine viewpoint and policy) is to allow it to run its natural course by which it will progressively (in time) and ultimately (at the end of time) be exposed as totally non-beneficial and inadequate in providing any true fulfillment in life.

The origin of Christianity is recorded in Gen. 3:15-21 as the promise of a savior who will provide a solution to the sin problem and defeat the forces and influence of darkness. That promise is found in "seed-pod" form at verse 15, where we find the "Seed of the woman" who will defeat Satan. It is then amplified and narrowed down through history until "in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son," as "the Lamb of God who lifts up the sin of the world," (Gal. 4:4; John 1:29).

This is called, the Messianic promise. Genesis 3:15 is the first mention of that promise and since Christianity is relationship with God through the Messiah (The Christ), it is here where Christianity begins.
FIRST, then, all throughout history, man is the focal point for promoting light in the world through the Messianic promise; proclaiming relationship with God through believing God's promise that He would indeed bring The Christ into the world.

God used individuals such as Seth, Noah, Shem, Melchizedek, Abraham, and Job to represent the Messianic promise to the world and the "quality" of life that is available to those who believe it.

Later, He used the nation of Israel to promote the glory of God (Exodus 19:3-5; Jer. 13:11), but they ultimately failed by rejecting the very Messiah they were supposed to be proclaiming (Mat. 21:33-45).

Finally, "in the fullness of time," Jesus, the God-man arrived to fulfill the age-old promise and provide both spiritual redemption from sin as well as a victory over the power and influence of Satan (Heb. 2:14-15). 

And now, God uses those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as savior (the church) to proclaim the virtues of Him who called us out of darkness into His awesome light" (1 Peter 2:9) and to make known His wisdom to the fallen angels (Ephesians 3:10).

We need to recognize then, that Christianity is designed to promote light over darkness in general, as well as to provide for mankind a solution to the effects of darkness which have corrupted and distorted every factor in man's life.  
First, true Christianity provides the solution to the spiritual depravity of the human race which is described by the four words found in Rom. 5:6-10, helpless, ungodly, sinners and enemies (H.U.S.E.).

The 4-fold problem mentioned here is offset by the 4-fold provision described at 1 Corinthians 1:30, "By His work, we are IN Christ Jesus who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption."  Thus, the only solution is through Christ just as Jesus so unequivocally stated at John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." And as Peter stated at Acts 4:12, "neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved."

Utilization of that salvation provision is through total trust in the person and work of Christ as savior, independent from human merit, works or knowledge (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:12-13).

SECOND, Christianity provides the solution to all the frustration and misery produced by man's sin nature which is the channel for independence from God in each and every person.

The sin nature is an evil inclination:

Genesis 8:21,
"the inclination of man's heart is evil from his youth."

The sin nature is deceitful and abnormal (sick):

Jeremiah 17:9,
"the heart is more deceitful than all else,
and is desperately sick." 

All are born with a sin nature:

Psalm 51:5,
"in sin my mother conceived me
and in iniquity I was born."

Thus, Paul can explain to us, 

"I am in bondage, sold into slavery to THE sin (nature)" (Rom. 7:14)
"For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is in my flesh," (Rom. 7:18).
"but I see a different law in my members (body) waging war against the law of my mind," (Rom. 7:23).

"For the flesh dictates its desire against the Spirit and the Spirit dictates its desire against the flesh, for these two are in opposition to one another," (Gal. 5:17).

And Peter warns us of -
"the fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul," (1 Pet. 2:11).

And as the sin nature gains and wields control over even the believer in Jesus, God's verdict from Isaiah remains true today,

"There is no peace to the wicked," (Isaiah 57:21).

But Jesus promises us the abundant life of peace, joy and inner stability, (John 10:9-10). A life that rises above the enslavement from the sin nature and enjoys a reflection of God's character as we learn and use His word through the filling/control of the Holy Spirit.

The proper approach to God and life is found in Proverbs 3:5-6. It revolves around His viewpoint, not ours.  TRUST IN YAHWEH WITH ALL YOUR HEART: here we have a reminder of what we have learned concerning "faith-rest." The believer is exhorted to express total trust and dependence in God's character and plan.

The word "lean" means to support yourself, and indicates that in the midst of the "various trials" we encounter in this life, we need a source of support. But that support must never be our own logic, our own perceptions and feelings about reality, or our own "understanding," but only God's viewpoint as He has revealed it to us through the Bible.

IN ALL YOUR WAYS: Every area of life; everything we do; our domestic life, our work life, our recreation life - everything must be managed according to the standards of God's righteous viewpoint.

ACKNOWLEDGE HIM: The word acknowledge means to "know" or "recognize" and with God as the object, we see here, the mandate to know and understand His word. Apart from His word in our soul, "dwelling abundantly," as Paul instructs at Col. 3:16, we cannot possibly know what is the right way to think or the right thing to do in the many areas of our life here on earth. Paul challenges us to effectively put off the old way of life and cultivate the new, "if indeed you heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus," (Eph. 4:21-24).

AND HE WILL STRAIGHTEN YOUR PATHS: He will make straight what is crooked.
He will weed out the "conformity to this world" and transform us "by the renewing of the mind," (Rom. 12:2); He will cleanse us "from all defilement of body and spirit, perfecting holiness in reverence to the Lord," (2 Cor. 7:1).

The whole issue in Christianity is for the believer to serve God and "assist" Him in the promotion of His viewpoint and policy in this universe tainted by sin and darkness. In order to do this, we must get God's viewpoint in the soul where it can benefit us and make us into light bearers. Jesus Himself said of the believer that,  "you are the light of the world . . .let your light shine before men," (Mat. 5:14-16).

Thus, the focus in the Christian way of life is NOT maintenance of one's salvation, (for that salvation relationship IN CHRIST is maintained by God, not by the believer, 1 Peter 1:3-5) but it is to grow up in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). Those who learn God's word will grow up in the faith and become mature so as to discern between good and evil (Heb. 5:14).  Those who do not grow up in the faith are viewed as "weak" in the faith (Rom. 14:1) and will be tossed here and there and agitated by the winds and waves of false doctrine and human viewpoint (Eph. 4:14).  

The progress of growth is outlined at 2 Peter 1:5-8 where we find the ultimate goal of growth to be the reflection of Christ's character in the life.
First, there are two factors that promote peace in the soul:  John 14:27; 16:33; Philippians 4:6-7

1. Self control: patience, control of details of life (material things and pleasures) which cultivates moral stability.  Self-control reflects humility that recognizes God as the absolute authority in every area of life and remains focused on God's character and plan regardless of one's financial condition.
2. Endurance: spiritual stability that adheres to God's standards in the pressures of the conflict between darkness and light (Rom. 5:3; James 1:3).

Then the growth process advances to godliness. This is dedication and consistency in following the policies of God for worship and service. (eusebeia = good worship) 1 Tim. 4:6-7  

Next, there are two factors that promote joy in the soul: (Psalm 1:1-2; John 13:17; 15:10-11)
1. brotherly love: faithfulness and dedication directed toward the family of God. Total objectivity and optimism toward other believers. 1 Pet. 1:22  

2. The Love: agape (Greek) love is the ultimate in reflecting the character of Christ. To express this kind of love means that everything in your life is directed toward seeking the "divine viewpoint" benefit of others.

Verse 8 makes it clear that spiritual growth is a progressive, on-going process which builds little by little, the character qualities demonstrated by Jesus while He was here on earth, and results in consistent productivity which is evidenced by the 3 factors of the abundant life; peace, joy and inner confidence (Rom. 15:13).
Notice it says that success in growth will "render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the full-knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Paul tells Timothy, "The goal of the instruction is LOVE," (1 Tim. 1:5).

Finally, when we line up with God's policies for fellowship and growth, then HE gets the glory; His viewpoint and character are promoted within the world as we fulfill our responsibility as "professional" ambassadors for Christ. And that is the reason we are left here on earth after we get saved.
1. To change our character by getting God's word in the soul.  
2. To enjoy God's quality of life while here in a place of oppression and suffering.  
3. To promote the truth of God to others through evangelism and edification.

In grace,
Ron Wallace

email address: ronw@best.com
web address: http://www.best.com/~ronw/bible.shtml