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Prophe-Zine #22
July 15, 1996
Welcome to Prophe-Zine # 22
Berit Kjos .........The Habitat II Agenda
Gary Stearman....Pre-tribulation Rapture Taught in the 1740s!
Alan Yusko......Abominations In The Last Days
Raymond Clarke......The Crown And The Title Deed
Prophe-Zine News Bites...Assored News Services and Authors
Publication cycle, Statement of faith, leagal stuff, ect
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Welcome To Prophe-Zine, Issue #22
Hello all,
First of all I want to thank the SO many of you who wrote to me encouraging
me regarding my Job. WELL Prayers have been answered!!!! I have another job
doing something that I really love and that is Web Site Developer. The Lord
really opened the doors to me on this on. A friend of mine in the business
told someone about me and then the gentleman gave me a call, we talked and
he hired me...boom, boom, boom. SO I c an say that when you DO seek our
Lords will first and foremost in your life, He does provide BIG TIME. So
look for sites out there designed by me. Check out my new job at
Now on to issues regarding Prophe-Zine. The HOT news that I cover in the
news bites this section is that the new Israeli Govenment's position
regarding the Temple Mount and the calling for reinstitution Temple worship
and rebuilding of the Temple!!!! I spend most of the news bites area
covering this topic. IF you belong to my daily news, you know about this
already. If you want to get on my daily email news, drop me a line.
- * NOTE** This news list is NOT for the the person who gets overwhelmed
with email. IF you join this list you can get up to 15-20 pieces of email
PER DAY (!!!!) dealing with Bible Prophecy, World Events and Politics.
Also, If you are a AOL, CompuServe, think about it, if you are worried
about spending to much time on line and thus having higher AOL /
CompuServe charges. To get on this list is easy, BUT TO GET OFF THIS LIST
IS HARDER. I purposely keep you on if you ask to be taken off for at least
another week!!! So these are things to think about. This list is only for
the serious student of prophecy and Info junkie.
In this issue I have an exclusive article from Berit Kjos regarding the
much secretive UN Plan for Global Control AKA Habitat II meeting in
Istanbul that was held on June 3-14. VERY HOT NEWS!!!! Also a very good
article Gary Stearman about Pre-tribulation Rapture Taught in the 1740s!
Plus much much more.
Well that is all and I will let you go now to read the newest issue of
Prophe-Zine. Enjoy and when we meet out Lord in the air, when you see me,
come over and introduce yourself.
In His service,
- ******************************
The Habitat II Agenda
by Berit Kjos
Bicycles instead of cars? Dense apartment clusters instead of single homes?
Community rituals instead of churches? "Human rights" instead of religious
The UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) which met June 3-14 in
Istanbul, painted an alarming picture of the 21st century community. The
American ways-free speech, individualism, travel, and Christianity-are out.
A new set of economic, environmental, and social guidelines are in.
Citizenship, democracy, and education have been redefined. Handpicked civil
leaders will implement UN "laws", bypassing state and national
representatives to work directly with the UN. And politically correct
"tolerance"-meaning "the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism" as well as
"appreciation" for the world's religions and lifestyles-is "not only a
moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement."1
Hard to believe? Not for veteran UN observers who faced boos and hisses
for expressing concern in open UN assemblies. Nor for pro-family members of
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) who faced exclusion from public
dialogues for opposing feminist commander Bella Abzug and her radical
agenda. And not for those who watched the ecstatic welcome given Fidel
Castro and his anti-American diatribe.
Yet, our president and our non-elected American delegates, headed by U.S.
Secretary Henry Cisneros, endorse this revolutionary plan, and our U.S.
Department of Education is already establishing the framework for its local
implementation. Why? What is happening?
PRO-COMMUNIST IDEALS. "We are the world and the world does not yield to
masters nor to suicidal policies," declared Castro, concluding his June 14
plenary remarks aimed at Western capitalist nations. "The world does not
accept that a minority of selfish, insane and irresponsible people lead it
to annihilation."
"Fidel, Fidel..." shouted the audience. The thunderous applause followed
him all the way back to the Cuban section on the other side of the hall,
where fans lined up to shake his hand.
Why are you so enthusiastic?" I asked some of his fans after the session.
"Because he stood up to America," someone answered.
"Because he is a living myth," explained another. "He was a simple
guerrilla, fighting for the oppressed against the rich and powerful."
"Fighting for the oppressed..." The UN claims that mission, but third-world
women who have faced its abusive birth control practices tell a different
story. Like the Communist Manifesto, the alluring UN promises designed to
win support cloak an agenda that shows little compassion once power has
been won.
In fact, Communist ideology permeated major NGO (non-governmental
organizations) workshops, official UN literature, and the organizational
guidelines for local communities. Entering the huge "Best Practices"
exhibition of model cities, visitors immediately faced wall-sized pictures
and elaborate models of Chinese housing projects and community plans.
Displays from the rest of the world shared the strips along the outer
perimeter of the cavernous hall.
Behind the huge Chinese section, visitors watched Turner Broadcasting
videos. Featuring Jane Fonda who once brought anti-American greetings to
North Vietnam, each film taught a politically correct plan for personal
empowerment: A roomful of men learn to use Singer sewing machines. Women
are trained to run a collective construction company. A sad mother holding
a crying baby brings a politically correct message: "Baby Miguel's life
would be different if his mother was educated and working." A tough
Jamaican supervisor at a women's collective shouts, "We don't want to make
babies, we want to make money! We can become meaningful people to society
without having children! WE MUST PRODUCE, NOT REPRODUCE!"
POPULATION CONTROL. The Turner-Fonda message matches the feminist agenda.
Former U.S. congresswoman Bella Abzug,2 who had led the onslaught on
traditional values at the 1995 UN conference in Beijing, now helped
engineer an official partnership between UN leaders, national delegates,
and NGOs that support the UN gender agenda. Stationed around the world, her
feminist troops promise to serve as watchdogs, making sure "civil society"
implements their program for indoctrinating students with feminist
ideology. Inspired by the spirits of earthy goddesses such as Athena and
Ishtar whom they worshipped in Beijing, they have little tolerance for
Christians and others who oppose their agenda.
"We want to change things," declared Abzug. "We'll be on executive boards.
We want the participation of NGO's on the security council."
She serves the globalist purpose well. Mobilizing worldwide rebellion
against Christian values, pushing birth control and gender-role equality
for every family, demanding sex education for every student, and requiring
international surveillance to monitor compliance, her followers are
speeding the global revolution. Like countless other UN partners, they are
winning by propaganda, intimidation, and growing popular consent.
Note that population control means controlling people, not merely births.
Regarded as international law, the Habitat Agenda negotiated in Istanbul
includes all the intrusive action plans outlined at former UN world
conferences. "We want to ensure that previously endorses language [from
former UN conferences] is upheld and incorporated into this document,"
declared Henry Cisneros, U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) who led the US delegation.3
This "international law" would limit not only the size of the world
population but also housing, production, consumption, parenting,
communication, and religious expression.4 Its alarming resemblance to the
USSR Constitution5 implies far greater restrictions than those specifically
stated in the Habitat Agenda. Since many specifics were detailed at
previous UN conferences, it cannot be fully understood outside the context
of the progressive plan for global governance as outlined in all the
Training in global citizenship would begin with the universal education
system outlined at the 1990 UN World Conference on Education for All. It
matches Goals 2000, America's version of the international education
system. Already molding minds around the world, the UN plan for "lifelong
learning" indoctrinates young and old with the socialist ideology and
earth-centered spirituality designed to create solidarity, an essential
element to the envisioned world of peace.
SOLIDARITY. Traditional beliefs simply don't fit the UN vision for 21st
Century communities. To find more universal values, Habitat leaders
convened a day-long "Dialogue" on the meaning of Solidarity at the elegant
Ciragan Palace in Istanbul. The official list of 21 panel members included
former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr, and
Maurice Strong6 who led the 1992 UN conference on environment.
"I have gathered leaders with tremendous wisdom and prestige," began
Habitat Secretary-General Wally N'Dow. "They are bringing the spiritual
dimension-the only ingredient that can bind societies together." He had
chosen an American moderator who would add credibility to the discussion:
Robert MacNeil (of MacNeil-Lehrer), "one of the spiritual lights of the
media industry today."
This hand-picked "interfaith group" left little doubt that solidarity meant
a universal shift to the new globalist-New Age paradigm (or world-view).
"Change your whole way of thinking, because the new order of the spirit is
confronting and challenging you," said Millard Fuller, President of Habitat
for Humanity.
"Citizenship for the next century is learning to live together," said
Federico Mayor, Director General of UNESCO. "The 21st Century city will be
a city of social solidarity.... We have to redefine the words... [and write
a new] social contract."
"We should stop bemoaning the growth of cities," added Dr. Ismail
Serageldin, Vice President of The World Bank. "It's going to happen and
it's a good thing, because cities are the vectors of social change and
transformation. Let's just make sure that social change and transformation
are going in the right direction." Later he added, "The media must act as
part of the education process that counters individualism."
The heart of lifelong education would be spiritual training. "What's needed
is an interfaith center in every city of the globe," said James Morton,
dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, who organized
thepanel. "The new interfaith centers will honor the rituals of every...
faith tradition: Islam, Hinduism, Jain, Christian [a cross-less version
that blends with other beliefs]... and provide opportunity for sacred
expressions needed to bind the people of the planet into a viable,
meaningful, and sustainable solidarity."
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The guiding principle of the new universal
education system is "sustainable development." People everywhere must be
taught "facts" about environmental "risks" that are sensational enough to
scare them into compliance. They must be persuaded to accept unthinkable
limits on consumption, land use, transportation, and family size. Everyone
must protect resources for future generations, say UN leaders, but they
agree that the real meaning of sustainability is based on the E's:
Environment, Economy, and Equity, which point to a redistribution of the
world's resources-money, energy, water, and people-in order to create
global equality.
History has shown the emptiness of these promises. Long ago the Communist
Manifesto announced a proletarian revolution which would empower the poor
by redistributing wealth. Everyone would be equal. Men and women alike
would join the socialist workforce, and children would be trained by the
It happened! All but the leaders became equally poor, and all the children
were indoctrinated with an anti-Christian socialist philosophy. Morally
and economically, the masses sank to the level of the lowest common
The similarities between the Communist Manifesto and the UN agenda
(outlined in the Beijing Declaration and incorporated into the Habitat
Agenda) should be a call to action. Both revolutions--
- Use psychology and sociology to establish the victimhood, blame and
anger needed to fuel the revolution.
- Use education to conform minds to the new ideology.
- Use synthesis (blending opposing views into compromise beliefs that
match new goals) to produce group consensus.
- Promise economic equality to seduce the masses.
- Spread hatred toward "extremists" who refuse to compromise.
The Communist Manifesto led to religious, moral and economic bankruptcy.
Yet UN-led activists and their US partners are determined to fulfill their
utopian visions.
IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN. The US Network for Habitat II is one of a myriad of
national and international UN organizations committed to carry out the UN
plan in local communities. "The Network is a forum for making sure people
are heard," explained one of its leaders. "Its role is to tie together the
messages from all six UN conferences into practical action."7
"Partnerships will be increasingly important," he continued. "People in
faith communities can help us. We use the African proverb: "'It takes a
village to raise a child.'
...Collaboration that links...government, the private sector, and the civil
Do you see the resemblance to the "People's Government" that
characterizedthe local "soviets" in the former USSR? Lenin knew he couldn't
win through representative democracy, so he organized local assemblies
called Soviets. Linked through a national federation of Soviets, each local
Soviet was ruled by the uneducated proletariat, the "raw material to be
molded by an audacious leader"8 skilled in the use of propaganda. Private
merchants, landlords, and priests were excluded from leadership. The chosen
elites were supervised and disciplined by rulers at a higher level. Few
dared complain. As Andrei Vishinsky wrote in The Law of the Soviet State,
"There can be no place for freedom of speech, press, and so on for the foes
of socialism."9
The UN plan matches US plans. The UN agenda fits well into the
policy-making framework already being established in US communities. Three
official plans for transforming cities show how UN tactics for change works
hand-in-globe with US strategies.
In 1995, school districts from coast to coast were asked to use Education
Secretary Riley's Community Action Toolkit to change public opinion and win
support for Goals 2000. In 1996, two similar plans for local transformation
were introduced:
- The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, the Habitat II action plan based
on Agenda 21, the environmental program negotiated at the 1992 UN World
Conference on Environment and Development.
- Sustainable America: A New Consensus, a report by The President's
Council for Sustainable Development.
The striking similarity between the three plans suggest an alarming
cooperation between the UN and US authors. All three share the following
buzzwords or concepts: partnerships, consensus, lifelong learning,
baselines or benchmarks, monitoring, assessment, data gathering, systemic
change, system thinking, social development, etc. All stress the need to
measure, assess, and monitor progress.
All are designed to bypass traditional government and govern people through
a form of "citizens" or "grassroots participation" which the Encyclopedia
Britannica refers to as "totalitarian democracy" and Communist leaders have
called "People's Government." In the US, this system is already bypassing
both state and national representative governments. As in Lenin's Soviets,
neither UN forums nor the US community meetings on education will
acknowledge dissenting voices. Resisters are silenced by trained
facilitators who only record voices that echo the "right" ideology.10
Notice below how the UN's Local Agenda 21 and President Clinton's
Sustainable America fit into the new bureaucratic framework already being
established through America's official Community Action Toolkit. Note also
how they match Hitler's strategies, which he learned from watching the
gaining the involvement of the 15 percent of people typically open to new
ideas-and ask them to help involve the other 75 percent.... Try not to
spend too much time responding to the... unwelcome actions of the 10
percent who may actively oppose your change efforts..."12 (Community Action
Hitler's Mein Kampf: "The most striking success of a revolution will
always have been achieved the new philosophy of life as far as possible ha
been taught to all men, and if necessary, later forced upon them."13 He
tells his followers to "sift the human material it wins into two large
groups: supporters and members.... A supporter of a movement is one who
declares himself to be in agreement with its aims, a member is one who
fights for them.... and corresponds only to the minority of men."14
Local Agenda 21 (UN): "The proper selection of participants for the
Stakeholder Group and its Working Groups is perhaps the most critical step
in establishing a partnership planning process. The composition of the
participants will determine...consensus for action.... Include...
representatives of groups who are traditionally underrepresented" including
"special groups of people (women, youth and indigenous people)... media,
environmentalists...."15 Consider "the inclusion of individuals with
credibility...." (p. 22)
Sustainable America: "Steps should be taken to ensure that historically
under-represented groups are involved." (p. 90) "Building stronger links...
can revitalize grassroots democracy...." (p. 89)
"STEP 2: DEVELOP A COMMON VISION" "Two vision-building
tools are discuseed holding community meetings and conducting surveys."16
(Community Action Toolkit)
Local Agenda 21 (UN): "The first task of such a Stakeholder Group is to
formulate a Community Vision which describes the community's ideal future
and expresses a local consensus...." (p. 8)
Sustainable America: "Through a series of meetings and events, the
community develops a vision for its future." (p. 88) "In Portland, Oregon,
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Seattle, WA... citizens are participating in
community "visioning" exercises. Through these, they typically envision a
safe and healthy community...." (p. 76)
Hitler: When a movement harbors the purpose of tearing down a world and
building another in its place, complete clarity must reing in the ranks of
its own leadership...."17
"Specify Goals, Set Benchmarks, Describe Allies and Opponents, Identify
Change Agents, Develop Action Steps...." 18 (Community Action Toolkit)
Sustainable America: "Specific economic, environmental, and social goals
are determined.... Next, the community sets priorities for its goals,
identifies specific actions, and establishes indicators or benchmarks to
measure progress...." (p. 88)
Local Agenda 21: "Establish distinct Working Group structures under the
supervision of the Stakeholder Group... Working Groups are given
responsibility for ... priority setting, issue analysis, visioning, action
planning, implementation...." (p. 15)
"...it is vital that concrete targets be developed.... They also are used
to measure progress...." (p. 103)
"Create a timeline, measure results, gather data...." (Community Action Toolkit)
Sustainable America: "National indicators of public well-being will build
on the informationidentified, gathered, and disseminated...." (p. 67)
"Education for sustainability is lifelong....Benefits... include an
understanding of... social and economic changes that will affect their
lives." (p. 72)
Local Agenda 21: "The key to successful community-based assessment process
is to link the use of participant assessment exercises and expert technical
assessments.... The full assessment exercise can be used to educate
residents and stakeholders." (p. 51)
"Tools used for the presentation of information can range from workshops to
puppet theaters...." (p. 53)
"Find information that lends credence to your argument and creates a sense
of urgency." "One of the best ways to influence public opinion is to
influence the news and information that people rely upon in making
decisions."19 (Community Action Toolkit)
Hitler: "The first task of propaganda is to win people for subsequent
organization.... The second task of propaganda is the disruption of the
existing state of affairs and the permeation of this state of affairs with
the new doctrine...."20
Sustainable America: "Community-based coalitions can create educational
media campaigns..., disseminate high-quality information on community
issues, and promote public discussions that identify solutions to
problems." (p. 90)
"Accurate information built on basic scientific research established the
foundation of knowledge needed for sound decisionmaking...." (p. 61)
Agenda 21: Use "neighborhood surveys, community meetings, and public forums
to directly engage the resident population in identifying and analyzing
issues...." (p. 45)
* * *
FALSIFYING EVIDENCE TO WIN SUPPORT. "Accurate information" and "analyzing
issues" are two of many seductive euphemism that deceive the public. Truth
and facts matter little. What counts are stories and "scientific" arguments
that evoke the "right" response: a willingness to submit to unthinkable
controls in order to save the earth. For a glimpse at the twisted data used
as evidence for environmental risks, ponder the following comment by Dr.
Frederick Seitz, past President of the National Academy of Sciences:
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a UN organization regarded
by many as the best source of scientific information about the human impact
on the earth's climate, released "The Science of Climate Change 1995"....
I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer review
process.... More than 15 sections... were changed or deleted after the
scientists charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly
final text... The following passages are examples of those deleted:
- "None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we
can attribute the observed climate changes to... increases in greenhouse
- "No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the
climate change to... man-made causes."
"IPCC reports are often called the "consensus" view. If they lead to
carbon taxes and restraints on economic growth, they will have a major and
almost certainly destructive impact on the economies of the world.... Their
effect is to deceive policy makers and the public into believing that the
scientific evidence shows human activities are causing global warming.21
"Without "proof" that humans cause global warming, globalist lose their
strongest argument for world governance. Therefore they cannot let mere
facts slow the spreading public persuasion that humanity's future rests in
the hands of UN-US environmental 'saviors.'"
BUT GOD STILL REIGNS. "Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain
thing?" asked the psalmist. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the
rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His Anointed, saying,
'Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us."
The words King David wrote more than 2000 years ago, fit our times. Then as
now, the leaders joined together to plot the end of God's reign. They would
destroy His influence, break free from His natural order, and establish a
new form of government based on their own imagination. History shows the
devastating results. But God continues to reign! No matter how much people
shun, mock or slander Him, He remains God. We, not He, become the losers
when we ignore Him and shun His truth.
"The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing, He makes the plans
of the peoples of no effect," wrote the author of Psalm 33. "The counsel of
the Lord stands forever." To those who know His wisdom, that's good news!
The bad news is that most of the world is following false counsel. It's
time for Americans wake up, return to God, and stand together against the
oppressive forces that now surround and permeate America.
Meanwhile there is no need for fear. Someone has wisely said, "Christianity
is designed to be lived in difficult places." No matter how hard it gets,
He offers shelter to all who trust Him and follow His wisdom.
For practical information about the international education system, global
beliefs and values, environmental hoaxes, and community control over
families, read Brave New Schools (Harvest House Publishers) by Berit Kjos.
Available through Christian bookstores or call 800-829-5646.
1 The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, adopted and signed by the
Member States of the UNESCO on 16 November, 1995.
2Bella Abzug founded WEDO (Women's Environmental and Development
Organization), which has joined with other feminist NGOs to form the
3 US Press briefing, Istanbul, June 14, 1996
4 Habitat Agenda items: 54, 103, 16, 9,19, 97, 52 and others.
5 Documented in a report by Linda Liotta and Joan Veon.
6 Maurice Strong failed to come as scheduled.
7 NGO press briefing, Istanbul, June 13, 1996.
8 Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago: William Benton, 1968), 19, p. 815.
9 Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 163.
10 The Delphi Technique for producing a semblance of consensus pervades
community forums on education. Brave New Schools (Harvest House Publishers)
describes the process.
11Community Action Toolkit (National Education Goals Panel, 1994), cog-5.
12Ibid., goym-6, 7.
13Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Cambridge: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1943), 582.
14 Ibid., 581.
15The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide (Toronto: International Council for
Local Environmental Initiatives, 1996), p. 20-21.
16Community Action Toolkit, cog-8.
17 Hitler, 581.
18Community Action Toolkit, cog-33.
19 Ibid., Goym-12, 28.
20Hitler, 581-582.
21 Frederick Seitz, "A Major Deception on Global Warming," The Wall Street
Journal, 12 June 1996.
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Rev. Morgan Edwards Taught a Pretribulation Rapture in the 1740s!
By Gary Stearman
We have often expressed our amazement that the church has so quickly turned
away from an expectant watch for the Lord's return. Instead, the decade of
the 1990s seems to be marked by a willing march toward the Great
Tribulation. More and more often, it seems, pulpits are shouting the
message that we must prepare ourselves for the exigencies of a world gone
mad. When the seals are opened and the four horsemen ride forth, we'll be
there to mark off the day-count of Daniel' s Seventieth Week.
Yet when asked, those who preach this message explain that we will survive
the horrors of this period through God's special sealing and protection.
This, in turn, contradicts their urgent exhortation to store up food, water
and ammo to survive that wicked day. Why would you hoard food if you were
soon to be placed under God's special protection?
The bottom line is this: Mid- and Post-Tribulationism are new teachings.
They are recent developments, born out of the bitter Twentieth-Century
experience of two World Wars, the Atomic Age and the millions of murders
committed by various Communist governments. The reasoning is simple. Others
have experienced terror and torture, so what right have we to believe that
we will escape? This is false logic. The truth is even more simple. In many
Scriptures, we are plainly told that we will rest with the Lord during that
time. For example:
"And you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be
revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey
not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ" (II Thess. 1:7,8).
The Faithful Remnant
As seen in these verses, Paul taught the imminent return of Christ - even
in the first century. And he consistently told his followers not to worry
if someone told them to prepare for the Day of the Lord. As we have pointed
out elsewhere, he taught that Tribulation is not to be considered an
imminent event. This exhortation was given to comfort the faithful, not
alert them.
Down through the centuries, a small but faithful remnant continued to hold
to Paul's doctrine. However, its use for instruction, though appropriate,
was given lesser prominence until the era following the Reformation.
It is common knowledge that in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, the
doctrine of eschatology assumed a more central position in Christian
teaching. This is true for the simple reason that the time of all these
events is drawing closer.
Some 30 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed, a Baptist
minister was teaching a pretribulation Rapture. Moreover, he believed the
prophesied events would begin to come to pass in 1996!
Morgan Edwards, Baptist Pastor
But even before that - in the Eighteenth Century - this teaching was
active. In a small book entitled, Morgan Edwards: An Eighteenth Century
Pretribulationist, author Frank Marotta documents the writings of the
brilliant and faithful pastor, Morgan Edwards.
Of the man, himself, Mr. Marotta writes, "Morgan Edwards was born in Wales,
May 9, 1722. He was educated at Bristol Baptist College. He was ordained
and labored in Ireland, then in England. He was recommended by John Gill
and others to pastor the Baptist church in Philadelphia. Edwards was
Calvinistic. During the Revolutionary War, he sided with Britain, which was
unusual among Baptist ministers in colonial America. He was the founder of
Brown University, at first called Rhode Island College. He was the premier
Baptist historian of his era; his Materials Toward A History of the
Baptists remains an important historical source regarding early American
History records this gentleman as a first-rate scholar, and a man of
intense spiritual commitment. Even among the godly men of his day, his
reputation was considered exceptional.
It is all the more interesting, then, that he understood and taught Paul's
doctrine of eschatology, combined with an obvious grasp of Daniel and
Revelation. And despite the weight of twelve centuries of bizarre Bible
interpretation under the reign of state religion, he remained true to
Paul's view of the latter days.
Thanks to Frank Marotta's research, we are assured once again that by the
grace of God, a remnant of sound doctrine threaded its way through the
Christian era, to emerge intact at the end. He writes, "The rule of
interpretation that Edwards applies was that recommended by his tutor at
the Bristol Academy, 'to take the Scriptures in a literal sense, except
when that leads to contradiction or absurdity.'" These are words that many
would do well to heed today!
On the subject of Premillenialism, Edwards writes, "Christ's personal reign
on earth will be a thousand years at least ... Christ's kingdom and reign
will be universal ... No people or state will be left out ... The risen and
changed saints shall reign with Christ on earth a thousand years."
These words, from Edwards' Two Academical Exercises on Subjects Bearing the
Following Titles; Millennium, Last-Novelties, make it crystal clear that he
believed that the saints would be resurrected some time prior to the
Edwards' belief about the antichrist is most interesting. Marotta writes,
"Edwards sees Antichrist as a future individual. He speculates that he will
be the last pope. He teaches that the 1260 days and 1290 days are future,
literal days (the former as part of the latter), after the church is caught
up. He sees the two witnesses as future individuals prophesying. He teaches
that Satan is bound during the future Millennium. Edwards' teaching stands
in stark contrast with the predominant historicism of his day which
interpreted the Antichrist as the papal system and the above prophetic days
as years."
Indeed it does! And not only that, it shows a clarity that even predicts
events that we now view as past history.
For example, he wrote that before the Millennium, the Turks would be
removed from Israel and the Jews would be restored to their own land. The
return of the Jews, of course, is the hallmark of latter-day prophecy.
Marotta adds, "The careful reader will note that there are some important
elements where Edwards differs from dispensational teaching. One of the
most important is his denial of an any-moment coming. He allows for events
prior to the rapture, including activity of the two witnesses. Also, he
accepted the idea that the Millennium would commence in 1996, based on the
theory that human history will be 7,000 years long and the Millennium would
commence after the first 6,000 years are complete." [Italics added]
On this last score, let's hope that Morgan Edwards was right! One thing is
certain, we know that the time is short, Edwards' theology was amazingly
advanced. Or, to put it more accurately, the Lord spoke through him in a
remarkable way.
The next time someone tries to convince you that Pretribulationism is a
bogus idea that was first hatched in the nineteenth century, take the time
to mention Morgan Edwards. In the eighteenth century, he correctly
interpreted the return of Israel to the Land, the catching away of the
church prior to the Tribulation and the rise of an evil antichrist.
All these ideas, of course, accurately emerge when one simply follows
Morgan Edwards' lead. Interpret the Scriptures literally, except when doing
so produces contradiction, or an absurdity.
Finally, our thanks to Frank Marotta for his excellent documentation of
this man's life and work.
Questions or Comments: JR Church jerryc@icon.net
- *************************************
By: Alan Yusko
Revelation 17
1. And there came one of the seven angels which had the sevenvials, and
talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the
judgment of the great whore that sitteth uponmany waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having
seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
5 And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the
blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great
One of the characteristics of the last days before the return of the Lord
Jesus will be blasphemy and widespread abominations against God. The above
verses describe the false religious system that will be in power in the
first half of the reign of the anti-Christ. The city where this false
religion sits will be Rome. During those days there will be terrible
abominations practiced on earth from those who reject God.
The purpose of this tract is to look through the Scriptures at some of
the things that God calls abomination. What does God consider an
abomination? What sinful practices does God directly
call an abomination? In this tract we will learn some of the things that
God calls an abomination. As the world gets closer to the return of the
Lord Jesus the sin and abominations against
God will also increase in popularity among the lost. We are living in evil
days and things are going to get more evil as time goes on.
Before we start looking at some of the things that God calls an
abomination I just want to make one point. We will be quoting from both
the Old and New Testament. The thing to keep in mind is that even though
we are not under the Law in the Old Testament we can still see God's
attitude toward sin and perversion. The things that God hates and calls
sin and abomination are still evil today in these New Testament times.
God's attitude toward sin has not changed. In light of that when we quote
from the Old Testament keep in mind that God still considers that
particular sin an abomination....and something to be avoided.
We will start with a form of sexual sin that God calls abomination:
Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of
them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death;
their blood [shall be] upon them.
Romans 1
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of
their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served
the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their
women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is
unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which
was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God
gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of
evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things
are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that
do them.
Well the above verses from the Word of God say it all. It doesn't matter
how a government rules or makes laws. God still says that sodomy is a sin.
Anyone with a problem with that fact has a problem directly with God and
His precious Word, the Bible!
Today we have same-sex marriages, same-sex benefits, sexual- orientation,
and homophobic people against such things! I would say that the world is
heading into sexual sin at full speed. What was considered perversion just
a few short years ago is now considered normal behavior. This will surely
bring the judgment of God upon all the immoral and all nations that
encourage such filth. I have heard that there has never been a nation that
gave itself over to sexual perversion that lasted more than 50 years. If
that is true then North America is headed for trouble!
The next verse in this section deals with the moral pervert that likes
to dress up in the opposite sex's clothing. The name for such a sin is
transvestite. What does the Bible say?
Deuteronomy 22:5
5. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither
shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination
unto the LORD thy God.
Another type of sexual sin that the Bible warns about is sex with
animals. It is perversion and an abomination to God.
Leviticus 18
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it [is] confusion.
Finally all sexual sin will one day be judged. Those who fornicate
before marriage and those who commit adultery after marriage will face
Hebrews 13
4 Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled:
butwhoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
1 Corinthians 6
18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but
he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Today there are all kinds of disease that afflict thoseinvolved in sexual
sin. AIDS, herpies and many other sexual disease show God's disapproval to
those who reject morality. If you disagree with that statement then here is
a question. What sexually transmitted disease would be here today if sexual
immorality was not practiced? The answer is none! AIDS is only a problem
because of the sexually immoral. Without sexual immorality AIDS would not
have spread at all. The same is true with the other sexually transmitted
diseases. However since we live in a sex crazed world that rejects Godly
morals, we see terrible sexual diseases everywhere at alarming and
increasing proportions.
We are living in days where there is an occult explosion. We have
fortune tellers with 1-900 numbers to occultic warlocks and witches on
Saturday morning cartoons. Everyone in society is
exposed in some way to the occult. Only those who walk with God have the
discernment to avoid and stay away from it. Here is what God thinks
fortune telling, wizards, spells, astrology, and other occult practices.
Deuteronomy 18
9. When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee,
thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or
his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an
observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
12 For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the LORD: and
because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from
before thee.
2 Kings 23
24 Moreover the [workers with] familiar spirits, and the wizards, and
the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the
land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform
the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest
found in the house of the LORD.
2 Kings 21
2 And he did [that which was] evil in the sight of the LORD, after the
abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of
3 For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had
destroyed; and he reared up altars for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab
king of Israel; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.
4 And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said,
In Jerusalem will I put my name.
5 And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of
the house of the LORD.
6 And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and
used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought
much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke [him] to anger.
Expect a dramatic increase in the occult and demonic as we get closer to
the second coming of the Lord Jesus. As godless men and women reject God
they will embrace evil and the occult. It will soon be so widespread that
occultic things will be considered normal everywhere. Just as sexual sin
is considered normal these days... so will the occult. Keep in mind that
all occultism is an abomination to God. God hates it and warnspeople to
stay clear from this evil. It is impossible for a person to play around
with the occult and leave unharmed. One cannot pick up demonic fire and
not get burned!
This is a very interesting subject. God calls dishonest business
dealings an abomination. God mentions several times that false weights for
example, are evil. An example of this would be a scale that weighs goods
to determine price. However the scale is rigged to make an error in the
favor of the business. The customer is cheated out of some money. For God
to bring up that point again and again I would suggest that this is a very
common practice among dishonest business people. Below are the verses that
deal with the abomination of dishonest business dealings:
Deuteronomy 25
13. Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small.
14 Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small.
15 [But] thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just
measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee.
16 For all that do such things, [and] all that do unrighteously, [are]
an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Proverbs 11:1
1. A false balance [is] abomination to the LORD: but a just weight [is]
his delight.
Proverbs 20:10
10. Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike
abomination to the LORD.
Proverbs 20:23
23. Divers weights [are] an abomination unto the LORD; and a false
balance [is] not good.
Ezekiel 18:12
12 Hath oppressed the poor and needy, hath spoiled by violence, hath not
restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath
committed abomination,
Proverbs 17:15
15. He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even
they both [are] abomination to the LORD.
So if you are involved in business I would encourage honesty. Don't cheat
people in the quest for riches or an acceptable profit margin.
Proverbs 8:7
7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness [is] an abomination to
my lips.
Proverbs 12:22
22. Lying lips [are] abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly
[are] his delight.
Revelation 21
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death.
Liars are an abomination to God. In fact liars will have a place of
eternal torment in the lake of fire and brimstone. This abomination is
pretty well self-descriptive. Being a liar is not a great accomplishment in
life and is something to be avoided.
There are those who practice false religion who make statues and idols of
wood and stone. They then bow down to these idols and worship and pray to
them (like they could hear them!). This practice is an abomination to God.
Why worship a piece of wood or stone when one can worship the true and
living God? It really does not make sense. Below are some verses on the
abomination of idols.
Deuteronomy 27:15
15 Cursed [be] the man that maketh [any] graven or molten image, an
abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and
putteth [it] in [a] secret [place]. And all the people shall answer and
say, Amen.
Exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of
any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or
that [is] in the water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the
LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me;
Pride is a very common sin today. However God calls it anabomination and
it is evil. Here are some verses that deal withthe abomination of pride:
Proverbs 16:5
5. Every one [that is] proud in heart [is] an abomination to the LORD:
[though] hand [join] in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
Proverbs 11:20
20. They that are of a froward heart [are] abomination to the LORD: but
[such as are] upright in [their] way [are] his delight.
Ezekiel 16:50
50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore
I took them away as I saw [good].
What is the ultimate in pride? To reject the Lord Jesus Christ. If one
has the attitude that they do not need a Saviour then that is a very proud
person. Mankind is sinful and lost and in need of a Saviour. That is why
God became a man (Jesus) and died on the cross in payment for sin. He now
offers the gift of forgiveness and eternal life to all who will repent and
receive this free love gift. However many reject God's gift. Instead the
love of sin and personal pride cause many to reject God.
Here is a listing of seven things that the Lord hates. Since the Bible
keeps them together I included them all as a separate section.
Proverbs 6
16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an
abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in
running to mischief,
19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord
among brethren.
These are evil days we are living in. Just look around andyou will see
the above sins everywhere.
I want to touch on the abomination where 'hands that shed innocent
blood'. That is a very good description of the millions of children
murdered in cold blood each year by abortion. Don't be fooled. God is
aware when innocent blood is shed. The shed blood of the millions of
children murdered by abortion cries out to the very ears of God. The day
is coming when God will take action. Abortion can be added to the list of
abominations that take place in these last days before the return of the
Lord Jesus.
Those who commit abominations soon lose their sense of conscience. Doing
evil things no longer trouble the conscience. There is no shame in doing
evil. One of the main difference between a non- Christian and a Christian
is the conscience. The lost can do sin and it really does not bother the
conscience. However after a person comes the the Lord Jesus Christ there
is a different attitude toward sin. Christians still sin but their
conscience bothers them. They have a hatred for sin and a longing for the
time when they will be totally free from this evil world of sin. But for
the lost the more they sin the deader the conscience becomes. Soon great
evil can be committed and the conscience does not bother them at all. They
have a dead or seared conscience that no longer troubles them in the face
of evil. What a sad state for a person to descend to. However the Lord
Jesus Christ can set free anyone who comes to Him for forgiveness and
eternal life. Below are some verses th
at deal with the deadening of the conscience by sin and abominations
committed against God:
Jeremiah 6:15
15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were
not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall
among them that fall: at the time [that] I visit them they shall be cast
down, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 8:12
12 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were
not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall
among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast
down, saith the LORD.
God is loving and merciful on the one hand. On the other hand God is a
God of justice. On the cross is where God's love/mercy and His justice
meet. In His justice God dealt with
sin on the cross. His love is satisfied by providing a free love gift of
eternal life and forgiveness to all who will receive it. However as I
already mentioned many reject God's love gift. There comes a time when a
person or even a nation rejects God and falls into such deep sin that it is
time for judgment. God is loving and merciful but if a person or a nation
rejects God's love and mercy then there is nothing left but judgment.
There comes a point in time when God must judge sin. If not sin would go
unchecked on earth and it would be even a more evil place that it is.
Below are some warnings of impending judgment that show God does have a
limit. Judgment will come at a certain point of time when a person or
nation rejects God and accepts evil and abominations.
Jeremiah 44
22 So that the LORD could no longer bear, because of the evil of your
doings, [and] because of the abominations which ye have committed;
therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse,
without an inhabitant, as at this day.
Ezekiel 5
11 Wherefore, [as] I live, saith the Lord GOD; Surely, because thou
hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things, and with all
thine abominations, therefore will I also diminish [thee]; neither shall
mine eye spare, neither will I have any pity.
Leviticus 18
29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls
that commit [them] shall be cut off from among their people.
We close this tract with a warning to remove the abominations from your
life. If you are a liar or involved in sexual sin then STOP...repent &
turn away from that sin. If you have any occultic items or evil idols in
your house then the Word of God tells you to get rid of them! All forms of
fortune telling, spells, occultic jewlery, idols, worship statues, evil
wall ornaments, pornography etc should be destroyed and removed from your
house. This also applies to the harder forms of rock music where the bands
immoral & occultic connection can be easily seen. Leaving this evil trash
in a persons house will only be a form of demonic oppression. Here is what
the Bible says:
Deuteronomy 7:25
25 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt
not desire the silver or gold [that is] on them, nor take [it] unto thee,
lest thou be snared therein: for it [is] an abomination to the LORD thy
26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou
be a cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou
shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] a cursed thing.
By keeping an abomination in your house there is the danger ofyou
becoming a cursed thing like the abomination. So what shoulda person do?
Well do some house cleaning and destroy all the evilthings under your
The day is coming when there will be no more sin and abominations.God
will remove all evil from the earth. Of course before that timecomes the
world will go through its darkest days. The rise of theanti-Christ is soon
and the return of Jesus to setup His kingdomfollows. Soon the Church (body
of believers in the Lord Jesus) willbe raptured. The restrainer in this
world will then be removed andevil will have full reign. Before good days
come the world mustfirst pass through its darkest days. However God is
faithfuland He will one day cleanse the world of all sin and
abominations.In God's future Kingdom sin will not be present. See the
Revelation 21:27
27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth,
neither [whatsoever] worketh abomination, or [maketh] a lie: but they which
are written in the Lamb's book of life.
In this tract we have looked at several things that Godcalls sin and
abomination. They are things to be avoidedat all costs. We are now living
in the last days before thereturn of the Lord Jesus Christ. Below is a
description ofwhat the days will be like at the end of the age before the
return of the Lord Jesus to earth:
2 Timothy 3
1. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Soon the Lord Jesus Christ will return. Christians areliving in an evil
world but are not OF THE EVIL WORLD. Our homeis in heaven and we eagerly
await our Saviour from there! Soon the Lord Jesus will return. Soon we
will be in His wonderful presence! But until then we are to continue
serving the Lord Jesus and 'occupying' in this evil world until He comes.
Even so come.... Lord Jesus!
- **********************************
Raymond Clarke
Some two thousand years ago, the Master hung upon the cross,
For to redeem the soul of man that he might not be forever lost.
For through the ages of time, four thousand years or so,
Mankind stood doomed with little hope, no way to turn, no place to go,
For man had failed the test, the very first, he broke God's Holy Law.
Such a travesty this proved to be for mankind now stood condemned.
Over to Satan man gave control of earth of spirit, body and soul.
And upon mankind God turned His back, for sin he could not uphold.
>From the hand of Adam, Satan took the Crown and Title Deed,
Started out to build his kingdom, as mankind fell under his control.
God stood by helpless or so Satan thought, for the battle He had won.
Satan knew full well that God's Word would stand no matter what the cost.
God's word was spoken, it now was law; the Angelic forces stood in awe,
As Satan strolled off with Crown on head and Title Deed in hand.
God stood unshaken, for round two was just now breaking.
Through God's spoken Word another truth he did proclaim, it stopped Satan cold
He trembled, shook and paled as God pronounced the Curse upon his head.
Through you may bruise his heel, his heel will bruise your head in time.
While mankind may not have understood, to Satan there was no doubt.
He could only hope that mankind would not soon find out,
Satan waited and watched, not knowing when nor where nor how.
Nations rose and fell, while sickness, death and poverty filled the land.
As Satan's Kingdom grew and spread, deceit and lies and murder ruled.
The beauty of God's creation began to fade as pestilence hit the land.
God remained unimpressed, while patiently laying his Master Plan.
For mankind would be reclaimed no matter what the mess.
God's Word must find a way back in, to challenge Stan's control.
But Satan rolled on, hoping he had won, but ever watching for God's move;
He knew that it would come, swift and sure it would be, Satan had to block
that move.
God's Word had created the universe but now on earth Satan had control.
God had to find a way to get His Word back in again.
A man he would have to find, through which His Word would come.
For through man God lost control and through man He would regain.
He looked o'er all the earth, for that man to find and Abram was his name.
God made the Covenant with Abram and changed his name to Abraham.
To Abraham he promised much, and asked for little in return.
According to the Covenant, from Abraham the living Word would come.
And mankind would be redeemed along with the Crown and Title Deed.
Now Satan knew that something was up, but he wasn't sure just when or what.
In a frenzied stupor, he sent out a "red alert" to all demonic forces!
They only knew that God had spoken and that his Word was law.
But through God's Prophets they did learn, that the seed would surely come.
Through the line of Abraham, the Seed would come and the world would be
Ah, thought Satan. "If I could but destroy that line; the Seed could never
And since God's Word is law. then Satan could take the throne at last.
He, therefore, wreaked hell on earth with war and murder, deceit and death.
But that family line Satan could not destroy, for God had found his man.
And through this man the seed would come, though the Seed of Woman it must be.
Thousands of years rolled by, Satan sensed that the time was drawing nigh.
Excitement grew in Heaven all around the Throne, the Angelic Host knew well,
That now the time had come, God's call went out to Gabriel, I've a job for you.
All Heavenly Hosts gathered in, for God was ready now to proclaim,
"Gabriel to you I hereby command, go to Mary down in Canaan land;
And to her declare, A child will be born, but from the Seed of Woman it
will come.
For the Son of God, He will be and He shall save the people and the Land.
Snatch them from the hand of Satan, reclaim the Crown and Title Deed.
Satan sensed that something was up, still he knew not when nor where nor what.
The word spread throughout the land while the Legion of the Damned searched on,
Satan grew nervous and called his forces in, for he knew the time had come.
"Demons, Wicked Spirits, and Princes of the Air, we must now know,
Just what is God's Master Plan," they all grew strangely silent.
For none knew exactly what, nor when nor where, Satan paled with rage.
"But I gave you a command, I now demand the answers, for the time is nigh."
The master Demon stood and said, "From the Prophets we have learned,
That a Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the Land, I Am,
Yes, even the Son of God will come and save the people and the land.
Again Satan raged on, "That's not fair, God gave His Word," he screamed.
Whereupon the Ruler of the Wicked Spirits stood up and to Satan did proclaim,
"Master, we hear that to a Virgin He will be born somewhere in Canaan Land."
"What," Satan thought, "That would mean, No! No, I've been tricked, He
Cold chills ran up and down his spine as he pondered God's Master Plan.
Again Satan paled, shook and trembled, as the revelation of God's wisdom
settled in.
The Princes of the Air came forth, and declared, "It can't be so, He
And the forces of the damned began to plot a way to stop this Maser Plan.
In their evil minds they did vow, to kill all the children born in Canaan Land.
Satan sent out his forces to find his man, for through the evil hand of man,
His plot would have to come; Herod was the man over which Satan took control.
The Demons moved in force and corrupted Herod's mind, the orders then went
Throughout the entire land, that every male child under two must die.
Satan smirked, and then relaxed, for he knew God's Master Plan would fail.
The Christ Child would soon be dead, then no moral man could ever re-claim,
Mankind and the Crown and Title Deed and Satan would take God's Throne.
But God had other plans, for Satan would not the winner be.
The Son of God, the Living Word came under the protection of Supernatural Law.
Satan thought that he had won until in the River Jordan, John The Baptist stood.
He looked upon he Son of God and cried, "Behold, The Holy Lamb of God.
The Holy Lamb of God, who will take all sin away," the Great I am.
And upon command, John baptized the Holy Son of God, there in Jordan Land.
Then a voice from Heaven spoke, which rang out across the ages,
"This is my Beloved Son with whom I am well pleased."
Satan reeled once more, when he realized that the struggle was still on.
Another meeting he convened of the Legion of the Damned, "This time we
cannot fail."
They groaned and moaned and screamed unfair, yet God remained undaunted.
"We'll set the minds of man against this Son of God, we'll bring him to his
God's own High Priest will fear and hate him too.
Then we'll use that hatred to nail him to the cross.
After that he'll be no threat to us, and his Kingdom we will forever claim."
Little did Satan know, in his twisted mind, that was precisely as God had
For the Son of God had to die in order that man might live,
Upon the Son of God, who had become mere moral man,
Were the sins of mankind placed, that man might be redeemed.
As Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became mere mortal man, hung there on
the cross
The sins, disease and death and all the curse of man was there upon him laid.
He wrenched in pain and agony; He cried out from the cross,
"My God! My God! why hast thou forsaken me, as he was made sin for all mankind.
And God turned His back, for upon sin He could not look.
As Christ agonized there upon that cross, He cried out loudly, "It is finished."
The earth shook and trembled, as darkness spread across the land,
Lightning flashed across the sky and thunder roared throughout the land.
The Temple Vail was rent asunder, for therein God would no longer dwell.
His work here on earth was now complete, He had fulfilled The Law.
But there was one last task which must be done, as in the belly of the earth,
He would have to go, for in God's Written Word Jesus had proclaimed,
"As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights,
So shall I be in the belly of the earth remain three days and three nights."
And there to conquer Satan he did go, Satan and his legions stood there ready,
Waiting for the Holy Son of God, for He had become sin and would have to pay.
Satan' s trap was now set as God prepared to spring it shut!
Through the gates of Hell He was ushered in, this Holy Son of God
But had they known, they never would have crucified the Lord of Glory.
Now the action was about to begin, for Satan didn't know He would be raised
After three days and nights, the Voice of God boomed in; all Hell stood still
God's voice rang out across the ages and throughout the portals of Hell itself.
"Satan, you were told way back then, that while you would bruise his heel,
He would bruise your head; your day has now come because you have illegally,
Laid hold of the Holy Son of God, the great I Am, and he has committed NO SIN!
This man is without sin, this Holy Lamb of God, and you have illegally
retained him herein."
The portals of hell did shake as with piercing eyes Jesus did upon him look.
Satan fell back and for mercy he cried, as Jesus stepped forth to claim the
To death, hell and the grave and from him did take the Crown and Title Deed.
All the Saints in Paradise looked on as with Satan a spectacle he did make.
They cheered and cheered while Satan and his legions trembled and quaked.
Jesus turned toward the saints and said, "let's go." His power is now broken.
With Crown and Title Deed In Hand He walked away, leaving Satan a defeated foe.
- *****************************
Prophe-Zine's News Bites
Subject: HOT Temple News
From: Arutz Sheva News Service
Thursday, July 4, 1996 / Tammuz 17, 5756
The Movement of Temple Mount Loyalists, headed by Gershon Solomon, will
attempt to pray this afternoon on the Temple Mount, in commemoration of
today's fast of the 17th of Tammuz. The fast commemorates the beginning of
the destruction of both Holy Temples in Jerusalem some 2000 and 2500 years
ago, respectively. Solomon said today that this would be the "first test"
of the new government on the topic of Jewish prayer rights at the Temple
Jewish, Christian, and Moslem judicial experts will hold a five-day seminar
on the topic of Jewish Law, next week in Jerusalem. Subjects to be
discussed include the renewal of the Sanhedrin, the question of fulfilling
military orders that oppose Jewish Law, Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount,
the changing position of the Christian Church concerning the
internationalization of Jerusalem, and others. Moslem representatives will
lecture on the influence of Jewish Law on Islamic Law.
Subject: Netanyahu To Build David's Fallen Temple?
Editors Note: A reader passed this on to me. This is Bibi's open speach to
the knesset.
Bibi is calling to rebuild the temple!!! HOT NEWS!!! This is Netanyahu's
speech to the Knesset. It is higly * significant for the very last two
statement that he makes. *
Gentlemen, Members of Knesset,
This will be a government of a new way also in the sphere of education and
In recent years, much has been said about democracy, justifiably so. It
is our duty to nurture the values of tolerance and mutual respect; to
foster a culture which accepts the decisions of the majority, while
respecting the rights of the minority.
The Jewish Bible has given the world the great ideal of human dignity.
"In the image of God, He created man." The few who failed to learn this
turned to extremism and violence, and finally to the horrible crime of the
murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, of blessed memory.
We will deepen our dialogue among all sectors of the nation; we will get
to know one another and to learn to respect and understand each other.
Along with accepting the decision of the majority, we will honor the right
of the minority to demonstrate without hesitation and without fear.
But most of all, we must remember that a people unites and coalesces
around its culture, its heritage, and national values.The new government
will nurture the values of the Jewish heritage in education, culture and
the media.
The values of the Jewish heritage must serve a powerful source of
inspiration in all facets of our life.
The strengthening of our bond with the eternal values of thepeople of
Israel, while emphasizing the values of democracy, freedom and human
decency, will enable us to create a healthy society, able to confront
formidable challenges and realize Zionist goals.
Zionism is not dead, even though in some circles it has been relegated
to quotation marks. We have a wonderful youth, willing to mobilize for
national tasks.
We will encourage this spirit. We will encourage pioneering settlement
in the Land of Israel: in the Negev, the Galilee, Judea and Samaria, and
the Golan. The settlers are the real pioneers of our day, and they deserve
support and appreciation.
But above all, we will guard and strengthen Jerusalem, the eternal
capital of the Jewish people, undivided under the sovereignty of the State
of Israel.
Members of Knesset,
During the term of this Knesset, we will mark the 50th Independence Day
of the State of Israel and the beginning of the 21st century.
Achieving the national goals which the people of Israel placed before
themselves in the last generations -- the ingathering of exiles and their
absorption in the homeland, settling the land and building it, establishing
economic independence and a healthy society, achieving peace with security
-- realizing these goals depends on our faith, our will, and our
We, the generation born after the founding of the state, bear a great
responsibility: to continue the Zionist project and bring about its
fulfillment. Let us pray that we are worthy of the great responsibility we
We have reached the days generations of Jews have hoped and prayed for.
The Jewish dream has been realized, the Jewish people has renewed its
independence. In us, the words of the prophet Amos have been fulfilled:
"And I shall establish for them David's fallen tabernacle."
And it will, with God's help, stand for ever and ever.
[Amo 9:11,12 = In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is
fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins,
and I will build it as in the days of old: That they may possess the
remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith
the LORD that doeth this.]
Islamic Professor Supports Jewish Rights On Temple Mount
From:Arutz Sheva News Service
Sunday, July 14, 1996 / Tammuz 27, 5756
"There is nothing in Islam that negates Israeli and Jewish sovereignty over
the Temple Mount," according to Professor Abdul Hadi Falatchi, Head of the
Islamic Institute in Rome. Prof. Falatchi was participating in an
international seminar on Jewish Law, organized by the Ministry of Justice.
He also attacked the Arab objections to Jewish aliyah, saying that it has
nothing to do with Zionism, but that "the Bible commands Jews to live in
the Holy Land." Falatchi said that he is not afraid to make these remarks
publicly, and that most Moslem religious leaders in Italy agree with him.
White House Political Database AKA Big Brother
By Ray Gano
President Clinton has been forced to reveal a Top Secret computer system
called W.H.O.D.B. which by his own admission has records on almost 200,000
people. This system contains up to date political and personal information
on active Republicans, Democrats, elected members of Congress, members of
the Press and critics. This system, paid for by your tax dollars and mine,
also tracks such nice things as a persons race, political issues (ie...
Abortion, same sex marriages, Pro-gun, ect.), whether you support or oppose
the administration, SSN, address, and whether you have made campaign
The W.H.O.D.B. system, nicknamed "Big Brother" by those who worked on it,
has a vast collection of valuable political information. This is not some
exercise in "who will be allowed to attend White House functions.
W.H.O.D.B. also scans the Internet and other of media outlets for all
references to anyone opposed to the President. Anyone or anything related
to it's secret files or any reference deemed important is squeezed for
every detail and stored, never to be forgotten. Big Brother would be proud
of this pre-programmed machine of control. This collection of information
is on a scale that would rival the CIA or NSA efforts. Ironically, this
system may have been used more against potential Democratic rivals than
against Republicans.
I present this article because it is tools like this that the Anti-Christ
will use against the Tribulation Christians and Jews who will be left
behind during the Rapture. Again, one more piece of the puzzle is added to
the picture.
United States Support For Israeli Sovereignty Over Jerusalem, Jeopardizes
Peace Process, Ngo Symposium On Palestine Told
Source: United Nations Daily News Update
The United States current policy of supporting a united Jerusalem under
Israeli sovereignty jeopardized the peace process and was a direct
challenge to the most basic tenets of international law, Stephen Zunes,
Professor of Politics at the University of San Francisco, said this
morning. He was addressing the North American NGO Symposium on the Question
of Palestine as it considered the question of Jerusalem.
Mr. Zunes stressed that no bilateral agreement could supersede the
authority of the Security Council, which had declared Jerusalem to be an
occupied city. He said the United States position had emboldened hardliners
on both sides, created enormous suffering for thousands of Palestinians and
threatened peace and stability throughout the region.
Ziad Abu Zayyad, member of the Palestinian Council, said the future of the
peace process would rest on the negotiations concerning Jerusalem. The
question of what was meant by Jerusalem had to be defined, and the
principle of sharing and partnership had to be accepted. Without equal
partnership, there should be no compromise.
Ibrahim Matar, Deputy Director of American Near East Refugee Aid,
Jerusalem, proposed that East Jerusalem be the capital of Palestine. An
agreed number of Jewish residents would remain as Israeli citizens, with
their own municipal boroughs within the Palestinian municipality of East
Jerusalem. Each religion would be in charge of its own holy places and
Moshe Maoz, Director of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the
Advancement of Peace at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, said the chances for
a pragmatic solution on Jerusalem were slim since the recent Israeli
elections. New Israeli policies could stop the peace process, revive the
intifada, cool Israel's relations with Egypt and Jordan, prevent an
Israeli-Syrian agreement, and reverse Israel's relations with other Arab or
Muslim countries.
Following the presentations, a general discussion was held on the question
of Jerusalem.
Editors Note: I pulled these two items from the New Government guidelines
for Israel. Notice the last line in the Religion area...this just might
bring about temple worship.
--Ray --
New Government Guidelines For Israel.
From: http://www.jpost.co.il/supp/newgov/
Regarding : JERUSALEM
1. Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is one city, whole and undivided, and
will remain forever under Israel's sovereignty.
2. Freedom of worship and access to the holy places will be guaranteed to
members of all faiths.
3. The government will thwart any attempt to undermine the unity of Jerusalem, and will prevent any action which is counter to Israel's exclusive sovereignty over the city.
4. The government of Israel, through its ministries and through the
Jerusalem Municipality, will allocate special resources to speed up
building, improve municipal services for Jewish, Arab, and other residents,
and to reinforce the social and economic status of the Jerusalem
metropolitan area.
1. The government will act to bring the religious and secular closer
through mutual understanding and respect. The government will retain the
status quo on religious matters. Whenever it becomes clear that the status
quo was violated, the government will look into steps to undo the change,
including introducing legislation.
2. The Law of Conversion shall be changed so that conversions to Judaism in
Israel will be recognized only if approved by the Chief Rabbinate.
3. The government will initiate research into the history of the Land of
Israel and the Jewish People, including archeological excavation, while
preserving the dignity of the dead.
4. The government will make prayer arrangements for Jews at holy sites in
accordance to the guidelines of religious law.
Hillary & Jean
By Wayne Merritt
I guess by now you have heard the News about Hilary Clinton and
Jean Houston. Jean Houston said she had a degree in physcology and yet she
does not. She also is a kickback from the LSD days of the 60's. Timothy
Leary as a female.
Jean Houston has also been going to the White House, to hang out
with Hilary on the average 5 days a week. It was only a matter of time
that the media would report a story of contacting the dead......
Deuteronomy 18:10-11 (go ahead and read it), is pretty obvious to
me. Most Christians know thats its not only dangerous to practice these
things, but also an abomination to God (Deu 18:12). Now I am not saying
that Christians do not sin, far be it from me to be sinless, in fact,
becoming a Christian has shown me how much of a sinner I am. What I am
saying, from what I have discerned, is that abominations to God are obvious
to those who are truly saved. Contacting the dead, witchcraft, wizardry,
Charmers, Pshycics, and even homosexuality are all an abomination to our
Lord, and abominations "are" obvious to a Christian. A real Christian
whohas the Holy Spirit indwelled in them.
It does not suprise me to see this news, I must admit that.
Hilary Clinton and Jean contacting Mrs. Roosevelt and Ghandi (two DEAD
people) does not come as a shock to this household. In fact, I figured it
be only a matter of time until something like this occured.
In Matthew 8:28-34 the story is about Jesus's time in Gadarenes.
The demons see Him and ask Him if He as come here to torment them before
the time? Then they ask if they could go posses some herd some good way
off. Jesus said "GO". They went and the herd ran violently into the sea and
perished in the water. In that whole story, Jesus said one word, "GO".
Does this not seem to be the way the Lord always works? He has given us a
freedom to do what is in our hearts, and if our hearts are for HIM, HE
knows it and teaches us, if we are against HIM, He says "GO" and those who
do, end up in death and destruction.
I have a feeling that Jesus told Hilary to "GO". I also truly feel
that, for some time now, that we are in a war spiritually in this nation.
Of course we have been for a while, but today, with this Administration in
the White House, we can surely see the battle raging, escpecially when the
POLLS show Bill Clinton still in the lead (not that Dole is much better).
Demonic Spirits cannot take a life form, but they enter many people. To
get a job done, the higher the power of the person, the more a demon can
accomplish. There is no way anyone can tell me that Hilary CLinton and
Jean Houston (as the head demon) are not possessed. Probably with a high
ranking demon. Yet, as a nation, this will not affect us because we are no
longer spiritual, but physical. First comes Money (economy), then this,
then that, then morals and God. Well, much to the surprise of many, the
Word of God will always be the absolute Truth, and the Heavens and Earth
will pass away before God's Law w
Keep your guard up in Gods Word. Our battles are getting heavy,
but we know the outcome. As Jesus said in Matthew 8:11 "And I say unto you
that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven" Will we all join
together from the west and have a seat with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? I
have that hope!!!
In His Name
Christian Radio on the net
Visit the new Involved Christian Radio Network, where you'll be able to
listen to all of your favorite Christian radio broadcasters on the World
Wide Web. Currently, you'll find Chuck Swindoll's Insight for Living daily
broadcasts online with many more broadcasters coming online in the next few
Here are some of the great benefits you'll receive:
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- Miss a broadcast for any reason? Listen to it at your convenience, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Want to review last weeks broadcast for a spiritual tidbit you can't
remember? Look through an archive and listen again.
- On a business trip here or abroad? Log on to the web worldwide to hear
the shows you're missing at home.
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We hope you'll check out this dynamic new spot on the web and that it will
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Coming soon! Radio station simulcasts, live event coverage and interactive
- I checked it out and it is cool , Ray PZ *
On 3 Jul 1996 21:08:39 GMT, in alt.religion.christian.
20-something Friend of Robert Hussein <hussein@domini.org wrote:
- * Please pass this information on to as many people as possible **
Persecuted Christians take to the Web
4th July 1996
Christians facing persecution are using the Internet to attract world
attention to their plight. Deprived of any effective voice in their own
countries, they see the Internet as a valuable means of raising
international awareness and support for their cause.
Robert Hussein, a Kuwaiti businessman recently admitted that he had
converted from Islam to Christianity. A shariah court has officially ruled
that he is "apostate" (which theoretically justifies his execution). No
Kuwaiti lawyer will act in his defence for fear of the consequences. Facing
mounting pressure, both from his family and the religious establishment, he
has lost his business, home, and access to his wife and children. He cannot
drive openly in Kuwait, and is constantly on the move to avoid detection.
He has no effective voice, no way in which he can call for help.
Concerned Christians in Britain have decided to publicise his plight using
the Internet. As a result, over 40 million people can use the global
computer network to read all about Robert's 'crimes', his 'trial' and the
subsequent heartbreaking events. They can listen to short sound bites taken
from conversations with Robert. There are even simple electronic forms
which allow users to send free faxes to Kuwait in support of his case.
A spokesman for the Domini group (a loose coalition of Christian agencies
in Britain) said that the site is designed to make lobbying as easy as
possible. "People often don`t bother to write letters or send faxes -
electronic communication is so much easier. Now they can get a message to
the Amir of Kuwait at the click of a button. We want this site to generate
as much support for Robert as possible. We want to put pressure on the
people who can make a difference."
The Robert Hussein web site is at: http://www.domini.org/hussein/home.htm
A 'stripe' for use in advertising the site is at
By: Paula Demmers (Rdy4Battle@aol.com)
"IN THE FUTURE TINY CHIP MAY GET UNDER SKIN" read the headline in the May
7, 1996 edition of the Chicago Tribune. Staff writer Jon Van reported, "A
tiny chip implanted inside the human body to send and receive radio
messages . . . is likely to be marketed as a consumer item early in the
next century." He goes on to say that "several technologies already
available or under development will enable electronics firms to make
implantable ID locators, say futurists, and our yearning for convenience
and security makes them almost irresistible to marketers." Bernard Beck,
sociology professor at Northwestern University said, "People accept that
increased communications makes life more convenient at the same time that
there's no hiding place anymore. If I have a universal ID implanted, I can
cash a check anywhere in the world. There's no worry about credit cards
being stolen. These are attractive matters."
A representative of the World Future Society said that although the
potential problems with locator ID chips are huge, they may be inevitable.
He said he believes that such chips will be voluntary at first but "things
that are voluntary today have a way of becoming compulsory tomorrow."
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reported a record trading day for the
NASDAQ stock exchange on May 6, 1996 as a stock for a high-tech company,
whose main asset is new biometric ID technology, soared overnight. The
Journal said, "Comparator says the burst in trading volume is due to
pent-up demand from plugged-in investors who knew that the release of the
company's new line of biometric identity verification systems' was
The above secular sources confirm that the means now exist to usher in the
infamous "Mark of the Beast" in which no human will be able tobuy or sell
without a "mark" or traceable implant. (Rev. 13:16-18) Of course, this is
not something for believers to fear as the actual "666" mark is activated
after the wonderful event known as the Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) or
"Rapture" [snatching away] of the Church, the believer's comfort.(1 Thess.
4:16-18) Remember also that ". . . God hath not given us the spirit of
fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
"A tiny chip implanted inside the human body to send and receive radio
messages, long a popular delusion among paranoids, is likely to be marketed
as a consumer item early in the next century."
May 7, 1996
Paula Demmers (Rdy4Battle@aol.com)
By: John Loeffler * Steel on Steel Productions
Missionary Ray Rising in Columbia was released by his captors last month
after being kidnapped on March 31, 1994. Missionaries Dave Mankins, Mark
Rich and Rick Tenenoff are still held by their captors. Pray for former
drug runners and guerrillas who accept Christ and return to the mountains
to tell their former comrades. Many are murdered.
Three house church leaders have been beaten to death by Chinese police in
the last three months in a fierce crackdown against unregistered house
churches. More than 300 churches have been closed. 36-year-old Zhang
Xiuju was dragged out of her home on the night of May 26 and beaten to
death the next day. Pastor Samuel Lamb, who has been beaten and in prison
a number of times, says the authorities' strategy is to break the house
churches of Shanghai and intimidate the rest of the Christians throughout
the country. Five believers in Quindao, were arrested in April. April 30
saw thirty arrested in Sichuan, 70 in Henan and 45 in Hunan. Daniel Kwan
of Hong Kong says china's religious policy has taken a sharp turn to the
left. The PSB has single out Protestants as enemy forces and warns that the
government is definitely targeting all religions as part of a campaign to
create a new "spiritual civilization."
44-year-old businessman and convert to Christianity Robert Hussein of
Kuwait is now in hiding after being convicted of being an apostate from
Islam and his life is in danger. He has taken his case to the internet to
try to rally worldwide protest at his situation.
The church in North Korea is always under severe duress from the Communist
government there. The country is also facing a severe food shortage as a
result of devastating floods in 1995. Although hardliners are still in
power, the situation is now causing a pressure for change and this might
open more doors for the Gospel.
A Baptist church in Jinguani, Cuba was demolished by authorities in March
and the Assemblies of God church in Juragua, Cienfuegos was closed on
Jauary 18. A retirement home for the elderly of the Free Baptist
convention in Jaurco was closed in May forcing thirty elderly Christians to
seek care elsewhere. The Evangelical League of Cuba, Havana-based network
of house churches, has been ordered to close all its churches. Some church
leaders have been warned against having foreign visitors in their homes or
churches and that international support for missions in Cuba must be
John Loeffler * Steel on Steel Productions * PO Box 3358 * Hayden, ID 83835
Tel: (208) 773-1524 / (800) 829-5646 * Fax: (208) 773-1524 / (800) 893-5646
Page: (208) 666-5092 / (800) 796-6478
Email: loeffler@iea.com
Russia Update:
Moscow Still Building Secret Doomsday Bunker
More details are filtering out about the giant underground military complex
thousands of Russian workers have been building for more than two decades
in the Ural Mountains.
While the U.S. gives hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in aid to
Moscow, Russian leadership has continued a Cold War project designed to
protect a veritable city of officials and support personnel during an
all-out nuclear war. Since the bunker would be useless as a defense against
a first strike by an enemy, it is reasonable to conclude that its purpose
is to help Russia win a war in which it first fires nuclear weapons.
The underground complex is said to be the size of Washington, D.C., inside
the beltway.
Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the
1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly)
Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and
to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site.
Address: http://www.best.com/~ray673/pzhome.html
The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to:
ray673@best.com. Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving
guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine
Statement of Faith
THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ
Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations"
Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and
the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the
giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to
you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day
according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4.
The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible
interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation
Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom
on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the
believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry.
Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but
Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit
(In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give
equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness.
Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine
Copyright (c) 1996 Raymond B Gano
All rights reserved.
Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific
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