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Prophe-Zine, Issue # 15
March 15, 1996
Statement of Faith.........
& Other stuff.........
Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 15
Tim West....... Why Do We Do It
Todd Standberg .....The Pre-tribulation Rapture
Rudy Brinkman .......The Peaceprocess From A Biblical View
William F. Dankenbring... The New World Order In Bible Prophecy! (Long)
Justin W. Gramm........Things Happening When Israel Became a Nation
Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services
Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the
1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly)
Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and
to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site.
Address: http://www.best.com/~ray673/pzhome.html
The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to:
ray673@best.com. Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving
guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine
Statement of Faith
THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ
Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations"
Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and
the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the
giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to
you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day
according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4.
The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible
interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation
Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom
on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the
believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry.
Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but
Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit
(In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give
equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness.
Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine
Copyright � 1996 Raymond B Gano
All rights reserved.
Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific
articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in
Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or
artists and are used here with their permission.
Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions:
It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the
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Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs
include: MacWrite, , Color-It, JPEGview, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1.
The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers,
fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If
interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions.
Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me
what YOU would like to see in future issues!
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Welcome to Issue # 15
Hello All,
Once again, thank you for downloading the latest issue of Prophe-Zine. This
is a special issue because this is the one year issue of Prophe-Zine.(YEA
...PZ is 1 year old) The Lord has been good to me and the trials many. But
through all things he has pulled me through and tempered my metal. So I
profess that the Lord is good and DOES bless those who love Him and serve
This year has been a VERY busy year with all that has been happening. All
the elections all over the world, Jerusalem and the bombs and her 3000th
year birthday. China is flexing their muscles with Taiwan, and the US has
sent a carrier fleet there, China has stated that they might bomb LA if the
US gets involved. The Terrorist Bill in Congress and this is also the blue
print for the Philippines anti-crime / terrorist bill. So a lot is going on
and a lot has happened, heck we are not even in the 2nd quarter of this
year yet. Quiet a roller coaster ride heh?
I have also gotten a lot of feed back regarding a Prophe-Zine camp out /
Get -together. I am looking at camping in the area of Sierra National
Forest, some where near the middle of California. So those of you who live
in NV, AZ, can join in if you like. If anyone has any ideas of where to
camp, please let me know.
Once again, I want to remind all of you that I have a daily mail list where
I send out news that I deem important. I keep an eye on Israel, politics,
NWO, ect. I take much of the news from the newsgroups, media and
newsletters and the many newlists I belong to.
One last thing. Please pray for the United States of America (USA). This is
where I call home if some of you have not guessed by now. Anyways in the
last few days I have sent to you information regarding a VERY draconian /
police state law that is b eing regarded. This is called the Anti-Terrorist
Bill. You can go to Thomas on the www and download the bill and read it. It
has 4 bill numbers HR 1710, HR 2710, HR 2703 and HR 2768. All of these are
the Anti-Terrorist bill in one flavor or another. They are ALL EVIL and if
passed will create a police state in the land that the rest of the world
looks to for leadership, liberty and freedom. (Well, we have dropped the
ball on that big time). Please pray for this nation of mine, because if the
USA finally falls under the heavy hand of tyranny, how soon will it be
before the rest of the world follows? We are, in my opinion, the last
bastions of liberty and freedom. If this bill passes, our nation will
become a police state and the hope of the world will be lost. I know that
what I say is very arrogant, but I am a patriot at heart and I believe that
this land of ours is a land in which our founding fathers chose to serve
God. We are the only nation which has God as our Cornterstone written in
our Constitution. Because of this, God has blessed us greatly. But we have
turned our backs on our Lord and chosen sin instead. From this choice you
can see the results....Crime, Death, Abortion, broken families, drugs,
sexual preversion, ect ,ect, ect. We as a nation need to once more seek the
face of our loving God. So once again, please pray that the people of the
land turn their hearts and souls to God again.
No king but King Jesus!!!!
Why Do We Do It
By: Tim West
I have many hobbies. Some I actively pursue. Some I dream of getting back
to; like netting a four pound Rainbow Trout with a # 12 Elk Hair Caddis on
the upper Madison, just below Quake Lake.
Reading the latest issue of Prophe-Zine seems to be one of my newest
hobbies. Though I have been studying prophecy and world events for most of
my adult life, most who read this publication are probably light years
beyond me in their knowledge and grasp of prophecy. I would not be so
presumptuous as to try to teach or shed light on the subject. But I would
like to offer something to think about ,from maybe a different point of
I can remember as a young child seeing the movie" A thief in the night " at
church, and hearing the pastor ( well Intentioned I hope) telling the
audience Jesus was coming so soon that we probably would not be around to
see the year 1975. Wow! I'll never get the chance to drive, I'll never be
able to get married, never have children, never have a career, never
graduate high school. 1975 has come and gone long ago and I've done all of
the above.
How many times have I talked to friends about what was happening in the
world and how "this was it, the end is really coming now, can you believe
the American people voted for that guy?"
If the time of Christ's return seemed close in years past, how much closer
can it be today. If the apostles believed Jesus would return for them
before thier death 1900 years ago, has God forgotten us? Did something
happen that we missed out on? Are we interpreting this whole prophecy thing
wrong. Or is God giving us every opportunity to evangelize and to get to
know him now because he love us so much.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count
slowness,but is patient toward you,not wishing for any to
perish but for all to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 NAS
Christ could return today or he could return in one hundred years. The
reality is that only the Father knows when, but we can know and discern the
Anyone who ever invests in the stock market will watch the market reports,
almost religiously, searching for the right time to buy or sell. If our
treasure is in heaven and not on this earth, if we long to spend eternity
with our Savior, we should be looking for the signs of his return and
sharing them with others. This world is not our home.
I'm shocked as I "surf the net" and see all of the differing viewpoints on
prophecy and endtimes. But the thing that really hurts is the way that
Christians treat one another over the subject of prophecy. I find very
little love and effort to live peacufully with one another, but find people
trying to rudely prove that thier opinion is correct, and the rest of us
have missed the boat. Don't get me wrong. I love a good debate and
conversation. The editor of this publication can verify that, but I strive
to search for common ground and lift up Jesus. At the risk of over
simplifying; the only thing I know that is absolutly true is that Jesus is
the son of God, He lived a perfect life, died for my sins, rose from the
grave to defeat death and give me eternal life and that someday He is
coming for me so that I will be with Him Forever. Everything else I'm
still just trying to understand. .
Post trib, Pre trib, Mid Trib or Pan Trib, we will never all agree on one
until it's happened. And I think some will still want to argue! The late
Dr. Walter Martin said (tongue in cheek) that the half hour of silence in
Rev. 8:1 was set aside so all of the prophecy teachers could get their
notes straight.
Our view of prophecy won't get us to heaven.
I guess all I'm really trying to say is, Jesus Is coming soon, whenever
that may be. He will come when He is ready. Our Responsiblity remains the
same. To tell others about his love for them, to love God and know Him
better each day and to love others as we love ourselves.(ouch) Even if they
use a different translation than us or don't agree with our view of the
Its easy to love the sinner who's lost. But we hate our brother because
his hair is too long, listens to loud music or praises the Lord a little
differently than we do.
To me, prophecy is a hobbie. Maybe even a passion, but there's not going
to be a test in heaven to see if I was right. But God is watching to see
if I am loving others as my self and my works will be tested.
We can stock up on weapons before they are outlawed, buy ammo and food,
even build bomb shelters, but if we miss Jesus and what he wants for our
lives, none of the above will do us any good.
So go ahead and study prophecy, debate until your heart's content, but
don't miss the boat because you are too busy studying the tides!
Editor Note: Tim lives in Tennessee with his wife Tess and son Timmy. I
have known Tim sence the 9th Grade ( I am 35 now) He is really good with a
flyfishing pole and is the one person I atttribute my creating Prophe-Zine
The Pre-tribulation Rapture
By: Todd Standberg
The rapture is an event that will take place sometime in the near future.
Jesus will come in the air, catch up his Church from the earth, and then
return to heaven with the Church. In 1 Thes. 4:13-18 we are given a clear
description of the rapture. "the dead in Christ will rise, then we which
are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to
meet the Lord." The time of the rapture was not given by Paul here. We have
to look elsewhere to find it. From the word of God and from sound judgment,
I hope to prove the reality of the pre-tribulation rapture.
Scriptural Evidence for the Pre-tribulation Rapture
* "Ye Know Neither the Day nor the Hour" (Mat 25:13) Vs 1260 days,
(Rev 12:6)
When we search the scriptures and read the passages describing the return
of Christ, we run into what appears to be a conflict. Verses like Mat 25:13
say that Jesus will return at an unknown time, while others give us a
precise time. Revelation mentions his return will occur 1260 days after the
Antichrist stands in the temple of God and declares himself to be God. This
event will take place at the mid point of the seven years tribulation. When
the Jews flee into the wilderness, they know that all they have to do is
wait out those 1260 days. There is no way you can apply "neither the day
nor the hour" to this situation. The only way for these two view points to
be true, there needs to be two separate events transpiring here, the
Rapture before the tribulation and his return to earth seven years later.
* The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
In Luke 12:36 it states that when Christ returns, he will be returning from
a wedding. In Rev 19:7-8 we read about the marriage itself. Before the
marriage takes place, there is the marriage supper. According to Jewish
custom, (1) First the marriage contract is drawn up, often including a
dowry. This parallels the act of faith we use when we trust Jesus to be our
savior. The dowry is his life, which was use to purchase us. (2) When the
time comes for the wedding to take place, the groom goes to the bride's
house unannounced, she comes out to meet him, and they both return to his
father's house. This is an exact correlation of the events according to the
pre-trib scenario. Jesus the groom comes down to earth, stopping short of
actually touching the earth. The Church next rises into the air to meet
Jesus. Finally, both return to his father's house (heaven). The marriage
supper will take place during the seven year tribulation. The Jewish feast,
according to custom, would last seven days. This prophetically matches the
seven year length of the tribulation. (3) After the marriage supper, the
bride and groom are presented to the world as man and wife. This matches
the time when Jesus returns to earth with the Church. (Rev 19:14)
* The People of the Millennium
If Christ was to comes back after the tribulation, rapture all the saints,
and slay all the ungodly. Who then will populate the Millennium? The
pre-trib view point can account for this post-trib problem. The Church is
raptured out before the tribulation. A vast number of souls are saved
during this 7 year time frame. Those that make it through the tribulation
go into the millennium, while the unsaved are cast into to hell.
* The Big Flip
In the pre-trib scenario, we will rise to meet the Lord in the air. We then
will go to heaven and abide there seven years. At the end of the seven
years, Christ comes down to earth, defeats the Antichrist, and cleanses the
temple. In a post-trib rapture we would rise in the air meet the Lord, then
do a 180 and come back down to earth. It states in REV 1:7 that Christ will
appear out of the clouds and come down to earth. It says in Zech. 14:4 his
feet will stand on the Mount of Olives. If he's already headed our way, why
would we need to be caught up?
* "Come up Hither"
In Rev 4:1 where it says "come up hither," many pre-trib writers sight this
as a prophetic reference to the rapture of the Church. Rev 1 through 3 is
the Church Age. After the shout to "come up hither" in Rev 4:1, the Church
is not mentioned in scripture at all. The attention of scripture switches
from the Church to the Jews living in Israel.
* Armies in Fine Linen
When Jesus returns, Rev 19:14, there is an army that follows him riding on
white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. In Rev 19:8 we are
told the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. If the saints of
God are returning with Christ, to wage war on the Antichrist, then you can
not have a post-trib rapture.
* The Time of Jacob's Trouble
In a number of places the Bible refers to the tribulation as a time of
trouble for the Jews. The phrase "Jacob's trouble" pertains to the
descendants of Jacob. In Jeremiah 30:7 it tells that this time of trouble
will come just before the Lord returns to save his people. The final week
of Daniel's 70th week is yet to take place. An angel told Daniel that 70
weeks "are determined unto thy people."(Dan 9:24) No mention is made in
scripture, that the tribulation is going to be a time of testing for
Christians. To place the Christian Church dispensation into the same time
frame as the seven year Jewish dispensation, as the Post-tribbers do,
raises one good question. Can two dispensations transpire at the same time?
In the past, God has only dealt with only one at a time. Having both
present during the tribulation, would have to be an exception.
* He That is Taken Out of the Way (2 Thes. 2:7)
Before the Antichrist can be relieved, Paul said that a he must be taken
out of the way. The "he" that must be removed according to 2 Thes. 2:7, is
widely thought to be the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been promised to
never leave the Church, and without the working of the Holy spirit
remaining earth, no one could be saved during the tribulation. The removal
of the Church, which is indwelt by the Holy Ghost, would seem the best
explanation for this dilemma. The working of the Holy Spirit could go on
during the tribulation, but his effect would be diminished because of the
missing Church.
* War or Rapture
When Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation, he will be coming for
battle. For those who believe in a post-trib rapture, it would be a strange
thing to meet your groom just as he's rushing into battle. The contrast
between war and rapture occurring together is a difficult thing to imagine,
especially since they transpire at the same moment.
* The Five Foolish Virgins
The wedding story that Jesus gave in Mat 25:2-13 tells of the rapture of
the Church and how some will not be ready. Jesus clearly states that a
group of people will miss out on some event, and will cry out to God to let
them into the place where he resides (heaven). Although some try to put
this parable in a post-trib context, it doesn't fit very well. The ones
left behind in a post-trib rapture, will be fighting against God or hiding
from him, not begging him to rapture them also.
* "God Hath not Appointed us to Wrath"(1 Thes 5:9)
In Thes. Paul assured us that God has not appointed his people to wrath.
The wrath is plainly God's wrath that will be poured out during the
tribulation. Pre-trib believers cite this as meaning, Christians will be
removed from the earth. Post-trib believers tell a different story. They
describe this as meaning God will protect Christians during the
tribulation, and pour this wrath out on the unbelievers. This idea runs
against the statement made in Rev 13:7, where the Antichrist is given power
to make war with the saints and to over come them. A post-trib view would
make God's promise of protection from wrath into a lie. In years past, it
was possible to think of protection from Guns and swords. Today when the
battles are fought with nuclear and chemical weapons, it's not possible to
expect protection from these types of forces. When Nagasaki, Japan was
bombed during W.W.II, the bomb exploded over a Catholic church. Everyone
died that was in the center of the explosion, both Christian and
non-Christians. The only way to validly interpret God's promise of
protection from wrath, is the bodily removal of the Church from this world.
* The Salt of the Earth
Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. If the believers where to suddenly
be removed, the earth would be plunged into spiritual darkness. The
Antichrist would have a free hand to control the world.
* God Takes an Inventory
In Rev 7:3 an angel descends to earth and seals the servants of God. Two
bits of information are given about this sealing that highly disclaims a
post-trib viewpoint. The first item is the number of people sealed 144,000.
The second one is that all those who are sealed are all from the twelve
tribes of Israel. For the events in Rev 7:3-8 to be true, in a post-trib
way, either the Church has turned against God or God has turned against the
Church. A post-tribber could write a thousand word commentary why the
Church doesn't need to be sealed. Instead of trying to argue why we are not
mentioned or sealed, a pre-trib proponent could just say, "We're already in
* Noah and Lot as Examples
The tribulation period is compared to the times of Noah and Lot by Jesus in
Luke 17:28. Most people argue over what time frame Jesus was talking about
hear pre-trib or post-trib, and miss an important point. The two things
that the Noah and Lot examples have in common are the removal of the
righteous and the judgment of the unbelievers. From these two accounts, we
see that God prefers to remove this own when danger is involved.
Common Sense Reason for Believing in the Pre-tribulation Rapture
* The World Test
One may to check the soundness of a doctrine is, see how the world reacts
to it. One time a company put out a questionnaire that was used to screen
prospective employees. One of the questions was "do you believe in the
rapture?" If you answered yes, your chances of getting hired would not be
good. Some Internet sites do not allow for the topics of Rapture or Second
Coming. They do allow topics like sex, gay, and drugs. The only time the
news media reports something on the rapture, is when someone has set a date
and was wrong.
* That Old Time Religion
It used to be a natural rule of thumb when one was visiting a church or
listening to a preacher, if the church or the preacher taught the rapture
doctrine, it was logical to think they also believed in repentance, prayer,
And the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It was also true the churches that were
on fire for God worshipped out of storefronts. Today many of those
storefront churches have moved into marble palaces and have strayed from
their principle doctrines.
* Birds of a Feather Flock Together
When I look at all the groups that teach false doctrine and are highly
focused on end time events, I can not find any that support the rapture
theory. You have organizations like the Jehovah's Witnesses that teach a
false gospel and are heavily into Bible prophecy. Why then don't Jehovah's
Witnesses teach a false doctrine that would be right up their ally? Could
it be the demonic forces that influence this group know something that
Christians opposed to the rapture doesn't. The list of prophetically minded
cults that don't accept the idea of a rapture goes on and on, here are some
more: the Mormons, The Worldwide Church of God, The Moonies, and leaders
like Jim Jones or David Koresh.
* The Church Would Rebuke the Antichrist
If the Antichrist came to power with the Church still here, I do not see
how he could operate. When Hitler was fighting to take over England, a
number of Christians where praying for victory. Hitler made mistake after
mistake, and England out performed its enemy at every stage of the
conflict. It is difficult to measure the actual impact of intercessory
prayer in physical warfare. Little is known of how great a role praying
saints played in the defeat of Nazi Germany. If the Church was to reside on
earth during the tribulation, I am sure she would give the Antichrist fits.
In Rev 11:3 the two witnesses give the Antichrist enough headaches alone.
Millions of Christian, who know their Bible well, would recognize the man
of sin and pray fire down on his head. A post-trib view would have to plan
on the Church just rolling over and playing dead, the whole seven years.
There is one thing we should all remember. It is not so important to figure
out every little riddle of prophecy. Whether we know the Antichrist's
mother's maiden name isn't the primary goal. Knowing Jesus Christ as your
personal Savior and having your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life,
this should be our number one priority. The jailer asked Paul, "what must I
do to be saved?" The answer was, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved."(Acts 16:30-31)
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The Peace process From A Biblical View
by: Rudy Brinkman
Before reading this study: please read Isaiah 11:1-16.
Isaiah's Prophecy
In the past years there are a lot of people who are really concerned about
the peace-process and where it is leading to. To quote a author I know: "It
is really almost hard to believe that a country that is 1/600th part of the
world is of such importance to so many people".
The death of Rabin will be a reason for the Israeli government to speed up
the peace-process, and especially Peres will work hard. Many think he is
the 'brain' behind it all. Lots of Christians are filled with fear. They
think Israel is doing the wrong thing by giving up their country for
'peace' with the Palestinian and Arabs.
The orthodox Jews also are concerned about what is going on. It was the
reason why Rabin was shot, remember...
I myself was also convinced that what Israel is doing now -- land for peace
-- is wrong. The reason I believed this to be so is that they are giving
away God's country, not theirs. Perhaps we forget things like that.
Do the Israeli's living in Israel, at this moment, have a Biblical right to
do so? I know (Christian) people, who, if they here me ask this, would be
happy to kill me! But the Bible is very clear: The Jewish people who are
living in Israel these days do not have a right to the country. They are
non-believers. They try to rebuild the country by themselves. See Isaiah
9:9-20. They are not turning to the Lord God and that is why He will not
redeem them. See Isaiah 10:10-21, Jeremiah 31:31-33, etc.
The Jewish people, as a nation, do _not_ live according to the Holy Law,
nor do they acknowledge God. They will be put aside until they repent and
turn back to God.
That the State of Israel is (re)founded in 1948 is a sign that God is still
working on His plan. It is a sign of what is going to happen. It is proof
for the fact that God is alive! And I'm also not saying that Israel isn't
the chosen people of God! They are, and will be forever. They have been put
aside, according to the letter of Romans, ch. 11.
What Is Going To Happen
If we read Isaiah 11 careful we can see that some things _have_ to happen:
A. Jesus will return and be King over Israel (see also Rev. 19:6-9); B.
Than _He_ will gather His chosen people from earth to Israel.
The second (b) gives a 'problem'. Many believe that what is happening at
this moment, the coming back of the Jews to Israel, is the fulfillment of
the biblical prophecy concerning the return of the Jewish People to Israel.
This is _impossible_ ! What is happening and is going to happen has been
written in Isaiah 9:9-20
This can only lead to one conclusion: Israel will be scattered again or be
driven out of the country. This is a scriptural way of thinking. Israel
will be driven out of the country again and flee to the mountains or the
caves "over the Jordan" (how about Petra, in Jordan?). See Matthew 24! It
happened before, when the Romans came to destroy Jerusalem. The Christians,
knowing the words of the Lord, fled to Petra and the mountains. They were
saved. The non-believers not... Flavius Josephus wrote that 1,1 million
Jews died by the destruction of Jerusalem and about 79.000 were sold as
The Jews that will flee from the armies of the anti-Christ (Rev. 13, the
Beast will lead a war against the Holy) will be brought back to the land by
the Lord Jesus (see Rev. 14, the 144.000. This cannot be Christians, as
some say, because they will be with Jesus long before that - 2 Thes. 4).
This Israel, that has accepted the Lord Jesus as their King, will then make
war with the Philistines (see Isaiah 11:14 !!) and other occupiers of their
There we have a problem: the Philistines aren't in Israel anymore... At least, that's what we think.. If this were true than this prophecy in Isaiah could not be fulfilled. And the Word of God would not speak the truth!
Many have claimed that the Palestinians -- who have made a false peace with
Israel -- are, in fact, the Philistines. Many churches, especially in
Europe, deny this. But, if we watch closely to the words of this prophecy
we can see (I'm sorry, I can't show the map I've drawn) that the
Palestinians claim the territory which have been prophesied in the
Scripture! The Gaza-strip was the territory were the Philistines lived. The
West-bank isn't! But the Scripture says it _will be_ !!
The Palestinian's claim this territory and say that they have the oldest
rights to Gaza-strip and the West-bank. If they are _not_ the Philistines,
how can they claim this territory then? There can be only one conclusion:
the Palestine's _are_ the Philistines.
"It is clear that the name Palestine has a historical relation to
the Philistines as we know from the Bible" <1
Israel's political leaders are happy to give away the Gaza-strip. Rabin
said on September 3, 1992:
"Israel can't get rid of the Gaza-strip, even if we want to. Egypt
doesn't want it back. As far as I'm concerned, it will sink into the sea"
Well, as we can see: Israel doesn't want it. They don't want the
Palestinians in thier country and they are happy to give them their "own"
territory. Not knowing that this is fulfillment of the biblical prophecy!
The Future Is Near!
As believers, Christians and orthodox Jews, we resist the concept of "land
for peace". Yes, we even kill for it. But it _has_ to happen. The Scripture
says that the LORD will bring back Israel to its country. This is not said
about the Philistines/Palestine's. That is why King Jesus, with His army of
believing Jews, will come and drive them away. Before this happens they
have to be in the country. They are now....
The peace-process is a process without God's blessing. But it _has_ to
happen. The Palestine's/Philistines have to be in this place, because of
the prophecy given by Isaiah. It is a sign. The Jewish state in 1948.. The
return of the Palestinians.. What's next? How long will it take before
Jesus will return? I think it is much, much closer than we think!
Bible-translations: Staten-vertaling, King James, American Standard Version
(Medema Computer Bijbel, SeedMaster Computer Bible).
+ Scofield notes 1917, Matthew Henry Concise Commentary.
Qoutes <1, 2 from:
"Gaza was altijd de kern van Palestijnse onrust"
A. Kuiper, Israel Magazine, Nov. 93.
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The Oklahoma City Bombing, Militias, And -- The New World Order In Bible
By: William F. Dankenbring of Triumph Prophetic Ministries
What is the significance of the sudden growth of many thousands of heavily
armed militias in the United States, and the terror bombing of a Federal
building in Oklahoma City? What are the four kingdoms of Daniel 7? What
about the four chariots of Zechariah 6? And the strange "Beast" of
Revelation 13 and 17? Where do all these fit into Bible prophecy for the
"end times"? Are these prophecies and events related to the New World Order
we hear about more and more? It's high time we took the blinders off,
roused ourselves from sleep, and opened our eyes and our minds to a new
look at these shocking events, and these amazing pivotal prophecies of the
Word of God!
We hear a lot about the "New World Order" these days. Former president
George Bush spoke of it often during his presidency. President Bill Clinton
seems to be doing everything in his power to augment and usher in the "New
World Order," by pushing for the passage of the NAFTA trade agreement with
Mexico and Canada, and then for the WTO (World Trade Organization) treaty
which will effectively nullify much of American sovereignty insofar as
trade, business and international commerce are concerned.
In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy, Clinton is now hell-bent
on strengthening the FBI in relation to what he called "domestic
terrorism," and in the same breath went on to condemn right-wing "militias"
which have sprouted up all around the United States -- some estimated 86
separate militias with an average of 4-5,000 members (some more than
20,000), totaling roughly 3-4 million men (and women) under arms, to
protect their homes, and families, and local interests, from any and all
oppression, foreign or home-grown.
It appears that President Clinton, not to mention his predecessor, is
minded to drag the United States people, kicking and screaming, into the
"New World Order," whether they like it or not! The majority of Americans
were negative to the NAFTA agreement, and the WTO legislation, but Congress
and the Administration forced it through on a "quick track" despite
protests and opposition. Many Americans are fed up with the legalization of
abortion, the abuse and misuse of Federal power-- such as the Randy Weaver
incident in Idaho, where federal agents assaulted his home in the
wilderness under color of authority, under trumped up charges, of which he
was later found innocent. During the Federal raid, Weaver's 14 year old boy
was shot in the back and killed, and his wife was shot by a Federal agent
(sniper) as she stood in front of the stove holding their baby. The
attorney for Weaver feels the Federal agents responsible should be charged
with murder -- but who is going to bring charges?
Two years ago to the very day of the Oklahoma bombing, in which over 156
men and women, including 15 or more innocent children and babies, were
killed by an extremist right-wing militant, the Federal government again
abused its power in assaulting a religious compound of the Branch Dividians
in Waco, Texas, despite the fact that they had lost the element of
surprise, and allegations of child abuse had been previously investigated
and thrown out, and allegations of illegal firearms proved to be mere
suspicions without any proof whatsoever. The Branch Dividians had been
legally purchasing firearms. Nevertheless, the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms), viciously attacked the compound as in a military
operation, and lost four agents in the initial attack. They came on
illegally, on the basis of a falsified "search warrant," and did not even
attempt to serve the warrant peaceably -- but like gang-busters, proud and
full of bravado, weapons drawn and firing away, they met their nemesis in a
fire-fight that erupted, as the Branch Dividians defended themselves, their
little children, wives and families. Apparently, the man primarily
responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing was distraught and enraged over
the terrible abuse of power of the Federal government at Waco, and so
exacted his own brand of revenge, and now refuses to talk to authorities,
except to claim that he is a "prisoner of war."
What Does the Future Hold?
What do these events presage for the future? I have written in previous
articles that very possibly we are going to see "Civil War" in America and
modern day "Israel," because of the extremism and diverging interests of
the American people, and their government. Many Americans no longer feel
represented by the Federal government. They feel oppressed, abused,
overtaxed, and forced to go a way they do not want to go -- viz a viz
abortion, plunge in morals, growth in immorality, the welfare system,
reverse discrimination due to "affirmative action" laws, etc. Many feel the
United States has reached a time similar to the years preceding the
American Revolution, and the Boston Tea Party, when American colonists
rejected British taxation without representation, and the overweening
authoritarianism of King George and his ministers of state. The anger was
fanned into flames and burned in the American Revolution. Is America soon
to face a Second Revolution -- with various "patriotic" groups and militias
fighting the regular Federal government which insists on dragging the
people -kicking and screaming -- into the New World Order, and new internati
onal Mega-State? The date of the Oklahoma City bombing was also the
anniversary of the "shot heard round the world" at Concord, Massachusetts,
which began the Revolutionary War.
Although it is difficult to predict the future, even with an understanding
of Biblical prophecy, we can look at trends and history, and try to
formulate conclusions in line with Biblical prophecy. First of all, we know
that God judges those nations which rebel against Him and reject His
covenant (Lev. 26; Deut. 28). The United States Constitution was largely
based on the laws of God -- the Torah -- but now governmental decrees and
judicial decisions are virtually doing away with increasing portions of the
original Constitution through "re-interpretation." The Constitution nowhere
permits abortion, but socio-engineering New Worlders and their surrogates
have legalized "abortion on demand." The Constitution nowhere legalized
sodomy and "gay rights," but modern social-engineers have caved in to the
"gay lobby" and now "sexual orientation" is considered nothing more than a
'"choice" -- not a matter of wickedness versus righteousness.
Economically, the United States is some $17 trillion in debt, and in recent
weeks the Federal government has let the dollar plummet in value. Critics
charge that President Clinton is changing the U.S. dollar into the American
"peso," by his actions, the bail-out of the Mexican quagmire economy, and
by failing to support the dollar in international exchange. A few years ago
a group of American economic leaders researched the path the U.S. was and
is following, and predicted "Bankruptcy" by the year 1995 -- this very
year! The year is far from over yet -- and it could still happen. But
whether the economic "Armageddon" occurs this year, or next, or the year
after, the fact remains that the American economy is in dire straits -- and
there is a lot of pessimism about the future.
Although the stock market is currently "higher than a kite," soaring over
4,000, many feel that this is merely the last run-up before the balloon is
pricked and the bubble bursts, sending the economy into a crater of
gargantuan proportions. Already this year and last, the bond market has
cratered, losing over $1 trillion dollars, a crash equal to the stock
market collapse in October 1987, eight years ago! Says one economic
"But while I knew the dollar would fall, I have been shocked by the total
inaction of the U.S. government. In fact, the Clinton administration spent
ten times more to support the Mexico peso than they did to support our own
U.S. dollar!
"This is criminal negligence. It has driven the dollar even lower than the
sorry U.S. fundamentals would have dropped it.
"The dollar is now in a death plunge with the ground. It is an enormous
crisis for the U.S. economy and for you" (The Wall Street Underground, vol.
2, no. 1).
What many fear is that if the economy crashes, and riots break out in the
streets, or the Federal government declares virtual "war" on the militias
in many states, that our nation could suffer the ravages of
self-destruction -- internal internecine warfare-- such as the bloody
"Civil War" of 130 years ago, the most bloody war in American history,
where Americans fought Americans, brother against brother, leading to the
greatest bloodbath in North American history. Could it happen again? Could
economic and social upheavals lead to the imposition of "martial law" and
bring about an American "police state," with FBI, BATF, and other police
agencies taking the place of the Nazi storm troopers, SS, and "brown
shirts" (legalized "thugs" who helped solidify Hitler's rise to power by
beating up on "dissidents," Jews, Communists, and all who were accused of
Coming -- a World Super Mega-State
Exactly how it is going to happen, we don't know, but we do know that in
the days ahead of us the world is going to be brought for a time into one
huge mega-state world empire, which the Bible calls "Babylon the Great"
(Rev. 17-18). It will be a great commercial-based trading empire (Rev. 18).
It will also be a world military juggernaut (Rev. 13:1-5). People will
exclaim, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Rev.
But what "beast" is this? It is described as having "seven heads and ten
horns" (v. 1), "and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous
name" (same verse). It is a "composite creature." It has the body of a
leopard, the feet or claws of a bear, the mouth of a lion -- and serves the
"dragon," that is, the devil himself, Satan (Rev. 12:9 compared to Rev.
13:2). This world empire is prophesied to continue for 42 months, or 3 and
1/2 years (Rev. 13:5). Its leadership will blaspheme the name of God,
institute a paganized one world religion embracing all religions on earth
except the true religion of Almighty God, and will "make war with the
saints" and will "overcome them" (v.7). It will rule for a time over "every
tribe, tongue, and nation" (same verse).
What is this great "beast"? In Revelation 17, we read, "The beast that you
saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to
perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel" (v.8). This beast
will be ridden by a "woman" -- a great apostate false church or religious
combine (picturing the reunification of Protestants, Catholics, and other
religions under the Pope at Rome -- see Rev. 17:1-7). This final world
empire will be composed of "seven heads." John explains, "Here is the mind
which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains [nations] on which
the woman sits. . . The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the
eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. The ten horns which
you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive
authority for ONE HOUR as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and
they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war
with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and
King of kings" (Rev. 17:9-14).
These seven "mountains" then are seven nations that the woman -- the world'
s false religious system of paganized idolatry -- sits upon. That is, she
is the religion of the seven-- the religious system that stems from ancient
Babylon. These seven may be understood both in a historical sense, and an
end-time contemporary sense. Historically, there were SEVEN KINGDOMS that
ruled the world after the Flood. They were: 1) Nimrod's Babylon (Gen.
10:8-12), 2) Egypt in the days of Joseph till the Exodus -- the "Middle
Kingdom"; 3) the Assyrian Empire, which took the northern kingdom of Israel
captive in 718-721 B.C.); 4) the Babylonian Empire, which took Judah
captive in 604, 597, and 586 B.C.); 5) the Medo-Persian Empire 539-334
B.C.); 6) the Greco-Madeconian Empire (334-31 B.C.); and 7) the Roman
Empire (31 B.C. to 476 A.D.). The "eighth" head is of the "seven." It is
the head which is yet to arise, as the final "New World Order." But it is
really nothing new at all. Hitler called his "Third Reich" also "The New
World Order." It will be patterned after the former seven heads,
particularly the "Roman Empire." It will be worldwide in scope, with its
head centered no doubt in Europe. It is called prophetically, the "King of
the north" in the prophecies of Daniel referring to the end time (see Dan.
In a final end-time contemporaneous sense, these seven heads or mountains
(nations) could very well refer to the permanent members of the Security
Council of the United Nations-- currently five in number -- United States,
Britain, France, Russia, and China. However, Japan and Germany are
campaigning and lobbying very hard to be added to the Security Council. If
and when they succeed, the United Nation's Security Council will number
Who are the "ten horns"? These will be ten nations with military
resources which will be used as the military arm of the Beast. These could
well be the nations of NATO, or a final version of NATO, the strongest
military alliance in the world at this time. A "horn" represents military
power -- horns "push" and "gore" other nations, or beasts. This beast,
having ten horns, has supreme military power in the world. This beast must
therefore include the armed forces and nuclear weapons of the United States
-- as well as Britain and France!
For a time, even Russia apparently will be a part of this end-time "union,"
or world "system," before breaking away and later attacking the system for
the wrongs done to her by the system, together with the millions of Asia
(Rev. 9:13-18, especially verses 15-16). Notice! Russia and her allies will
eventually attack the "Beast" with a 200,000,000 man army, and one third of
mankind will die in the ensuing "Gotterdamerung," or "battle of the
twilight of the gods." That means some two billion human beings will die in
the pitched battles around the world between the opposing forces (compare
also Dan. 11:44).
But we are getting ahead of the story. What major world powers will
comprise this end-time "Beast" or "New World Order" Kingdom?
The Four Beasts of Daniel
The prophet Daniel had a strange vision. He said, "I saw in my vision by
night, and behold, the FOUR WINDS of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea.
And four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other.
The first was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S WINGS. I watched till its wings
[air power] were plucked off; and it was lifted up from the earth and made
to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And
suddenly another beast, a second, like a BEAR.It was raised up on one side,
and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said, 'Arise,
devour much flesh! '
"After this I looked, and there was another, like a LEOPARD, which had on
its back four wings of a bird. The beast also had four heads, and dominion
was given to it. After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a
FOURTH BEAST, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron
teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the RESIDUE
[mankind] with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were
before it, and it had ten horns. I was considering the horns, and there was
another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the
first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were
eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words" (Dan.
Notice! These four "beasts" are connected with the FOUR WINDS of heaven
(v.2). These are END-TIME KINGDOMS! You probably have read that these were
the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman Empires. Not true! Notice
again! In verses 9-10 Daniel describes God's Throne of judgment, in the
last days. In verse 1 1, we read: "I watched then because of the sound of
the pompous words which the horn was speaking [the end-time Antichrist was
right then mouthing off!]; I watched till the BEAST [the fourth beast of
Daniel 7] was SLAIN, and its body destroyed and given to the burning
flame." Compare this with Rev. 19:19-20: "And I saw the BEAST, the kings of
the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make WAR against Him who
sat on the horse [Christ the Messiah] and against His army. Then the BEAST
was captured, and with him the false prophet [a charismatic end-time
religious world leader] . . . These two were cast alive into the LAKE OF
FIRE burning with brimstone."
Daniel is describing this same event! Then Daniel goes on: "As for the rest
of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were
prolonged for a season and a time" (Dan. 7:: 12). The "rest of the beasts"
described here refers to the one like a lion, a bear, and a leopard -- the
other three beasts described in this chapter! Since they are still in
existence, even after the fourth beast is slain, this PROVES beyond
question that these four beasts of Daniel 7 all co-exist DURING THE END
TIME! They were not the ancient successive world ruling kingdoms of
Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome! They are four kingdoms in the earth
today, each one connected with one of the four winds of heaven.
Who are they?
Zechariah's Four Chariots
To further explain this end-time prophecy, turn to Zechariah chapter 6. In
the New King James Version we read: "Then I turned and raised my eyes and
looked, and behold, FOUR CHARIOTS [like the four beasts] were coming from
between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze. With the
first chariot were RED HORSES, with the second chariot BLACK HORSES, with
the third chariot WHITE HORSES, and with the fourth chariot DAPPLED HORSES
-- strong steeds. Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me,
'What are these, my lord?' And the angel answered and said to me, 'These
are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before the Lord
of all the earth. The one with the BLACK horses is going to the NORTH
country [the "king of the north"!], the white are going after them, and the
dappled are going toward the south country.' Then the strong steeds went
out, eager to go, that they might walk to and fro throughout the earth. And
He said, 'Go, walk to and fro throughout the earth.' So they walked to and
fro throughout the earth. And He called to me, and spoke to me, saying,
'See, those who go toward the north country have given rest to My Spirit in
the north country"' (Zech. 6:1-8).
Does this strange prophecy connect with the four beasts of Daniel 7?
Notice, they are also connected with "four spirits" or four "winds" of
heaven (v.5). Let's read this passage in the Jewish Tanakh:
"The horses of the first chariot were bay [red], the horses of the second
chariot were black; the horses of the third chariot were white, and the
horses of the four chariot were spotteddappled."
The angel told Zechariah,
"Those are the FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN coming out after presenting themselves
to the Lord of all the earth. The one with the BLACK horses is going out to
the region of the NORTH; the white ones have gone out to what is to the
WEST of them; the spotted ones have gone out to the region of the SOUTH;
and the dappled ones have gone out ...."
Why does the Tanakh say the white horses went out to the "WEST"? The King
James says only that they went out after the black horses, which went to
the north. The marginal reading in the Tanakh says, "Cf. 'ahor, 'west,'
Isa. 9:11. Emendation yields 'the region of the west."' The Companion
Bible, also, in a marginal comment on verse 6, concerning the white horses
going 'after them," says, "after them: or, to the west of them" (p. 1986).
Concerning the phrase, "the dappled ones have gone out ....", the Tanakh
has a footnote, here, which reads, "Emendation yields 'the bay ones will go
out to the REGION OF THE EAST." Thus these four chariots and horses are
connected with the four regions of the earth -- north, west, south and
In expounding this passage, the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Critical,
Experimental Commentary says: "6. The black horses which are therein go
forth into the north country Babylon.... 'The black horses' go to Babylon,
primarily to represent the awful desolation with which Darius [a type of
Christ] visited it in the fifth year of his reign"' (p.677). The black
horses, and north country, then, are connected with the
"north wind" -- or Babylon! Today, that kingdom is centered in Europe!
The commentary continues, "and the grisled go forth toward the south --
i.e., TO EGYPT, the other great foe of God's people." Certainly, the land
of the "south" means south of Palestine, or Judea, and would include
Africa, led primarily by Egypt!
What about the "red" horses, then, which went to the EAST, according to the
Tanakh? In the eastern hemisphere lies the kingdoms of RUSSIA and CHINA --
the preponderance of the continent of ASIA! The color of "red" reminds us
unequivocally of Russia, the "Reds," "red flag" of Communism, the "Red
Square" in Moscow, the red star on Soviet military equipment, the red
hammer and sickle of the Russian flag. Red is connected with Russia. Thus
the red horses and chariot are connected with Russia and China -- the
"Communist" nations !
Russia is also connected with the "bear" sign -- the "Russian Bear," is a
common term used to refer to the Russian military forces. This red horse
then represents the same world power as the bear of Daniel 7.
The black horse identifies with Babylon-Europe and Assyria-Germany. Germany
is the land of the Iron chancellor Bismark, the iron cross, the black
cross, the Nazi symbolism, the black uniforms of the Nazi storm troopers
and the Waffen S.S. and Gestapo -- the color of Germany and Babylon is
The "spotted" or "dappled" horses are connected with the "king of the
south" -- Egypt and her allies. This corresponds with the 'spotted" leopard
beast of Daniel 7 -- the beast of the southern kingdom, Africa! This
kingdom figures prominently in the last days as attacking the "king of the
north." We read, "At the TIME OF THE END the king of the South shall ATTACK
him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind,
with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the
countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. . . He shall stretch out his
hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape" (Dan.
What, then, about the white horses that went westward? What kingdom do they
represent? Since we have identified the kingdoms of the north, south, and
east, what is the kingdom of the west? Obviously, the white horses that
went west are connected with the great world kingdom that lies in the
western hemisphere! Since the red horses are Russia and China, the bear of
Daniel 7; the grisled horses represent Egypt and the Arabs, the leopard of
Daniel 7; and the black horses are Assyria-Babylon (modern Europe),
representing the nondescript terrible beast of Daniel 7; then the white
horses must represent the remaining western kingdom of Daniel 7 -- the
"lion" like kingdom with eagle's wings.
What great nation or group of nations in the WEST are "lion" hearted, and
have "eagle's wings"? This can be none other than the United States of
America and Britain and the Anglo-Saxon nations -- the English speaking
nations which dominate the Western hemisphere and Western Europe! There are
over 3,000,000 Jews in America, and God compares "Judah" to "a lion's
whelp" who "lies down as a lion, and as a lion, who shall rouse him?" (Gen.
49:9). Of Joseph, Jacob prophesied, "The archers have bitterly grieved him,
shot at him and hated him. But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of
his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob (from
there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel)" (Gen. 49:23-24). The two sons
of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were to inherit the "birthright promises"
of vast lands and natural resources in the earth (Gen. 48:12-20; 49:25-26).
Balaam prophesied of Israel, which includes the dominant sons of Joseph,
"They shall devour enemy nations, crush their bones, and smash their
arrows. They crouch, they lie down like a lion. Like the king of beasts,
who dare rouse them?" (Num. 24:8-9).
The United States has been like a strong "lion" during the 20th century. It
has the world's most powerful air force symbolized by "eagle's wings." It
was the difference in victory in World War I, World War II, led the western
coalition against Iraq in the Gulf War, stopped the advance of Communism in
Korea, and fought for years in Vietnam, finally pulling out in 1975, after
more than ten years of bitter conflict. No nation has been more lion-like,
both in prestige, and power, in the twentieth century than the United
States. Although it is a mixed population, with many Gentiles living within
its borders, it is the end-time tribe of Joseph -- the tribe of Ephraim --
and Britain is primarily the descendants of Manasseh, Joseph's older son.
The two sons together have dominated the earth for the past two centuries
-- Britain in the 19th century, and America in the 20th century.
This chariot of white horses -- this first kingdom of Daniel 7 --
represents the Anglo-Saxon nations of America and Britain and their
fellows. The color "white," itself, symbolizes righteousness (Rev. 19:8),
and many of the wars our people have been engaged in have been "righteous
wars" in the defense of freedom, liberty, and democracy. But our
righteousness, unfortunately, has become as filthy rags in God's sight
(Isa. 1:2-10; Isa. 64:6). God has now removed His protection from us,
because we have forsaken Him and transgressed His immutable laws (see
Leviticus 26 and Deut. 28).
God's judgments are coming upon us! God thunders, "And end! the end has
come upon the four corners of the land. Now the end has come upon you, and
I will send My anger against you; I will JUDGE you according to your ways,
and I will repay you for all your abominations. My eye will not spare you,
nor will I have pity; but I will repay your ways, and your abominations
will be in your midst; then you shall know that I am the LORD!" (Ezek.
Downfall of the Mighty
The Scriptures are filled with warnings to Israel to repent and turn to
God, before it is too late. The prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
all warn us to repent, and get right with God, or we will self-destruct,
and be invaded, and taken captive by foreigners. How does this tie in with
the New World Order?
Many have imagined that a massive nuclear strike from Europe will see the
demise of the United States. Herbert Armstrong predicted this for forty
years, but it never happened. Since his death, Garner Ted Armstrong,
Roderick Meredith, and Gerald Flurry, all are still predicting the same
thing -- a union of ten nations in Europe, which will launch a secret
attack and annihilate America and Britain!
But does this make real sense? The end-time Beast is described as a
world-wide governing kingdom -- not just "Europe." Europe does not have a
military by itself anywhere nearly strong enough to do the job -- nor does
it have near the nuclear capacity the United States has. Russia does -- but
these "prophets" do not look at Russia as launching such an attack, but
It seems to me such a theory is utter nonsense. Besides, if hundreds or
thousands of nuclear bombs rained down on the United States, the whole
country would be ruined by radioactive poisoning and radiation for 24,000
years or longer. The Chernobyl disaster in Russia has rendered thousands of
acres, hundreds of square miles, of Russia uninhabitable. Think what
devastation hundreds or thousands of nuclear bombs would do if they struck
America? The whole North American continent could not be lived in for
multiple thousands of years. Thus it would remain a desolation all during
the Millennium of Christ! Does that make any sense? Of course not!
Rather, as Abraham Lincoln once said, the only way for the United States to
be conquered, is for it to be conquered from within. We can be taken over
by a totalitarian, police-state type of Gentile government from within our
own borders if we are not vigilant and alert and on guard! And let's face
it -- our people have been sound asleep, blissfully unaware of their peril,
trusting their government to take care of them, enjoying the "good life,"
and stubbornly turning their back on the moral and spiritual laws of
Jeremiah writes, "The Lord was like an enemy, He has swallowed up Israel.
He has swallowed up all her palaces; He has destroyed her strongholds. . .
In His burning indignation He has spurned the king and the priest. The Lord
has spurned His altar, He has abandoned His sanctuary; He has given up the
walls of her palaces into the hand of the ENEMY" (Lam. 2:5-7).
How will God do this? He will give us over to our enemies. But judging from
the evidence, many of our enemies are our own rulers and leaders -- those
who will sell, carry or cart us off into economic and physical slavery! Our
nations are now tied in to the New World Order, and its rules and
regulationsand this will turn into dire slavery, as we are forced to
compete with workers earning $1-4 a day in manufacturing and selling
products around the world. When America's economy plummets into the gutter,
foreigners will pick up the pieces, as "debt" owed to them. They and their
allies in the American government, will use America's military power for
their own diabolical purposes, to further implement the New World Order.
Many Americans will be captives within their own land, with many others
carted off to Germany and Egypt to work for foreigners (Isa. 27:13).
When God's judgments come upon our fair lands, one third will die of
pestilence -- disease epidemics and famine (Ezek. 5:12). After this weakens
our nations to the point of extreme distress and weakness, enemies --
whether domestic forces or foreign military, in the service of the New
World Order -- will destroy another third of the population who will not
submit to volunteer slavery (same verse). The remaining third will be
enslaved, shackle, and serve as labor for the forces of the New World
Before the final battles are fought, and the final treason is committed,
there may well be a number of nuclear weapons exploded here and there as
"object lessons" which will kill millions (perhaps New York City,
Washington, D.C., Chicago, or wherever the "enemy" determines, in order to
minimize any resistance. However, it is very possible the United States
could fall, and succumb to the New World Order, voluntarily, betrayed by
its leaders who may have positions of high responsibility in the "New
Ezekiel describes it this way: "They have blown the trumpet and made
everyone ready, but no one goes to battle; for My wrath is on all their
multitude. The sword is outside, and the pestilence and famine within.
Whoever is in the field will die by the sword; and whoever is in the city,
famine and pestilence will devour him. Those who SURVIVE will escape and be
on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, each for
his iniquity. Every hand will be feeble, and every knee will be as weak as
water. They will be girded with sackcloth; horror will cover them; shame
will be on every face, baldness on all their heads. They will throw their
silver into the streets, and their gold will be like refuse; their silver
and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the WRATH of
the LORD; they will not satisfy their souls, nor fill their stomachs,
because it became their stumbling block of iniquity" (Ezek. 7:14-19).
God says the process is occurring right under our noses-we are stealthily,
surreptitiously, being taken over and enslaved. The loss of our freedoms
and liberties is gradual -one at a time, so we don't notice it. Freedom of
assembly has been curtailed, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure
have been emasculated in the new anti-drug laws, freedom of speech is in
great danger since the bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma City,
freedom of religion will no doubt be the last freedom to "go."
By then it will be too late -- if it isn't already.
"Aliens have devoured his strength"
The prophet Hosea warns, "Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples;
Ephraim is a cake unturned [half-baked, cooked on one side and not on the
other]. ALIENS HAVE DEVOURED HIS STRENGTH, but he does not know it. Yes,
gray hairs are here and there on him, yet he does not know it" (Hos.
Gradually, Ephraim and modern Israel is being sucked into the vortex of the
Octopus of the New World Order. Before the majority of the people wake up,
it will be a "fait accompli."
The people are duped by false religion. God says, '"Because Ephraim has
made many altars for sin, they have become for him altars for sinning. I
have written for him the great things of My law, but they were considered a
strange thing" (Hosea 8:11-12).
Because of our sins, and our blindness, we are almost already completely
taken over by the forces, overt and covert, of the agents of the New World
Order -- believe it or not! A vast nuclear attack from Europe would be
neither necessary nor productive for the forces of the New World Order --
they have no desire to contaminate the land with radioactive nuclear
isotopes for the next 24,000 years. Rather, they intend to plunder and rape
the land of all its natural resources, and even inhabit the best of the
land for themselves. Therefore a massive nuclear strike, such as is posited
by Gerald Flurry, Ted Armstrong, and Roderick Meredith is neither warranted
nor helpful. Do you think the men behind the New World Order want to make
the whole world one vast Chernobyl?
But as God warns, ALIENS in our very midst are in the process of devouring
our true strength, and subverting our military forces, and weakening and
destabilizing us, so that we will be food for the fodder of the United
Nations/New World Order end-time Mega-World-Empire.
The prophet Ezekiel provides a real insight into affairs in our modern
nations of the House of Israel -- particularly America, Britain, and the
English-speaking nations. We have traveled far down the road of Socialism,
and our leaders -called "princes" in the Scriptures -- have led the people
astray. Says Almighty God through the prophet: "There is a CONSPIRACY of
her princes within her like a roaring lion tearing its prey; they devour
people, take treasures and precious things and make many widows within her.
Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not
distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there is no
difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to
the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Her officials
within her are like WOLVES tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill
people to make unjust gain. Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by
false visions and lying divinations [interpretations of Scripture and false
teachings]. They say, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says' -when the LORD
has not spoken. The people of the land practice extortion and commit
robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying
them justice.
"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall [strengthen the
country, economically, militarily, spiritually] and stand before me in the
gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found
none. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery
anger, bringing down on their heads all they have done, declares the
Sovereign LORD" (Ezekiel 22:25-31, NIV).
Corruption in Very High Places
God is disgusted with the national leaders of the United States, Britain,
and the modern nations of Israel. He looks down upon the men running for
President in the United States, and doesn't see a good, decent man among
them! In the current President, He sees a man who smoked pot and used
cocaine while Attorney General and Governor of Arkansas, while playing with
his girlfriends. In fact, the U.S. media has done an incredible job of
covering up the sexcapades and skeletons in the closet of the U.S.'s "first
couple," Bill and Hillary Clinton. Contrast their non-reporting on the
Vince Foster murder and cover-up, and Whitewatergate affair, with the
hatchet-job the press did on former President Richard Nixon during the
Watergate scandal.
In a shocking article in the London Sunday Telegraph, however, it was
charged that Bill Clinton used both marijuana and cocaine routinely while
Attorney General and Governor of Arkansas The writer says the allegations
of regular usage of these drugs during his rise to political prominence in
Arkansas were made in a series of exclusive interviews, some of the stories
describing wild behavior at night clubs and private parties. A variety of
witnesses interviewed by the newspaper claim his drug habit stretched well
into his political career, while he was part of the law enforcement
machinery that gave stiff sentences to drug felons. The paper asked, "And
if the President once had a major drug habit, when did it end? 1986? 1990?
1994? ..."(Sunday Telegraph, July 17,1994).
Mrs. Jane Parks, manager of Vantage Point, an upscale apartment complex in
Little Rock, Arkansas, was in a room next to Roger Clinton's room,
separated only by a thin wall. Following the mysterious murder of her
husband, Jerry Parks, she decided to speak out about the goings on at the
apartment of the then Governor's younger brother. She could over hear
conversations in the next apartment, could clearly distinguish Bill
Clinton's voice, as he chatted about the quality of the marijuana he and
his brother were smoking. Governor Clinton, then in his second term of
office, was a frequent visitor in the apartment. She could hear them
talking about the cocaine as they passed it back and forth. When Roger
finally moved out, she found drug paraphernalia in the kitchen drawer, and
cocaine spilt on the furniture. It was not uncommon for the brothers to be
joined by young women during these trysts, sharing the drugs, who on
occasion had sex with both the men. Other tenants frequently complained to
Mrs. Parks about the rowdy behavior in room B107. Another resident of the
apartment complex says, "Bill had his girlfriends in there. You could hear
them through the walls. Some of them looked like very young girls to me.
Mrs. Parks' husband Jerry was a former police officer and then branch
manager of a private security firm in Little Rock. Fearing difficulties for
his wife in her capacity as apartment manager, he conducted his own
surveillance of Roger's apartment, writing down names, dates, and detailed
accounts of who was coming and going. He stored the handwritten file in
their bedroom dresser. By a quirk of fate, in 1992 when he had set up his
own security firm, he was awarded the security contract for the
Clinton-Gore Presidential campaign headquarters in Little Rock. In early
1993, when he was not paid immediately, he made repeated calls to the White
House demanding payment. The money finally arrived in July. But just a few
days later his secret file was stolen from the dresser in his bedroom in a
sophisticated burglary, in which the telephone wires were cut to disable
the high-tech alarm system. The file was the only item stolen.
Soon after the burglary, Jerry Parks received two phone calls which his
wife says left him in a state of paranoia,popping valium, and taking his
pistol with him everywhere, even to collect mail at the end of the
driveway. Two months later, he was shot several times at short range at a
suburban intersection in Little Rock. The perpetrators were never caught by
the police, and the murder remains unsolved.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, God Almighty is not pleased
with this kind of leadership and conduct on the part of the President of
the United States !
The "Butcher of Waco" and the Abortion Holocaust
At the present time, pro-life anti-abortionists are the primary target of
Bill Clinton's onslaught to attack Christians and traditional-minded
people. When a second abortionist was murdered in Florida, the
Administration of Bill Clinton went on a "feeding frenzy" to terminate the
"pro life" movement, pushing through draconian new laws against freedom of
assembly, denying people the right to even gather and pray in front of
abortion clinics. Janet Reno, who has been dubbed the "Butcher of Waco,"
because of her ordering the incendiary attack on the Branch Dividian
compound which resulted in the deaths of over 80 innocent people, never
convicted of any crimes, including children, has suggested that the
pro-life movement is one giant conspiracy. She and the government now
equate pro-lifers who kneel and pray before abortion clinics as
"terrorists." Pro-lifers point out that in the battle against abortion, the
abortionists are winning. The body count is 2 abortionists versus 37
million aborted babies.
Writes Don McAlvany of this paradox, "Does something seem wrong here? The
people praying outside are called the 'criminals' and can be jailed, fined,
and have their property seized under new racketeering statutes and other
laws, while the people doing the killing of babies inside are called the
'honest law abiding citizens' and are protected by federal government
Marshals. Shades of Nazi Germany! And most Americans can't see anything
wrong with that!" (The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor August 1994, p. 19).
No wonder God says, "I looked for a man among them who would build up the
wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not
have to destroy it, but I found none." None of our leaders could stand
before God. They are leading the way into the Satan-inspired New World
Order, with greedy and cheerful abandon.
The Octopus
This final composite World Empire is described as the "fourth beast" in
Daniel 7. It is a huge octopus with far-reaching arms and tentacles. It
will devour the whole earth !
Now notice again carefully this "fourth beast" of Daniel. It will have ten
horns (Dan. 7:20), and will be "exceedingly dreadful" and exceedingly
warlike and destructive (v. l9). It will even persecute and wage war on
true Christians, the "saints" (Dan. 7:21). It is the same as the beast of
Revelation 13, which also has "ten horns (Rev. 13:1). But now notice
carefully: This beast has the characteristics of the other three beasts of
Daniel 7 -- the body of the leopard, the feet and claws of the bear, and
the mouth of the lion! (v.2). Thus it is evident that this last undescript
beast has taken on the characteristics of the other three beasts -- the
Bear -- Russia, Lion -- United States and Britain, the leopard -- Egypt
and the Arab states. Yet this final Beast corresponds to the BLACK horse of
Europe -- the "Fourth Beast," or what Hitler would have called "The FOURTH
REICH." Somehow, it will absorb and ruleover-- at least for a time -- the
other three beasts, as they are incorporated into its structure and power!
Thus this fourth Beast -- the New World Order -- will include by force if
necessary the characteristics of the other three beasts of Daniel 7. It
will utilize the powers of the United States, Russia, and Egypt and Arab
nations. What other international body could do this today besides the
UNITED NATIONS? The United States has already brought itself under the
rulership of the United Nations insofar as UNESCO and many UN operations
are concerned. The United States presently allows UN troops from Germany,
Russia, and many other nations to TRAIN at American military bases, often
in conjunction and cooperation with American forces, troops, and performing
join maneuvers and interdiction operations, including simulated attacks on
civilian "terrorists," and "dissenters." Although these operations seldom
if ever make the evening news, newspapers or television news, various
patriotic publications keep an eye on them and report the truth, week by
week, keeping the watchful public informed. The rest, the vast majority,
unfortunately, are asleep at the switch, and don't even realize what is
There can be no doubt that the United States and the ten tribes of Israel,
which long ago wandered to the west, and established nations in Western
Europe and North America, have become part of a worldwide Babylonish
system, and are now in the process of becoming absorbed into a modern world
super-statewhich the Bible refers to as "Babylon the Great," with virtually
no resistance! Although we are "Israel," we are also part of modern BABYLON
Although there could well be vast resistance by patriots and others in the
United States, before the final deed in done and accomplished, depending on
the strength and fortitude of the growing militia movement across the
country, their resistance will be too little and too late, and amount to
merely a last ditch attempt and last gasp at freedom, before the final
juggernaut of the New World Order and its legions of mercenaries and troops
overwhelm the resistance and bring the country into the New World Order of
the elite international bankers, politicians, and globalists who think they
have the answers for everything that ails this planet.
Little do most of the American and British leaders who are cooperating in
the takeover by the New World Order realize that their own aims and dreams
are to be suborned and subverted by treasonous traitors, and that
eventually a master politician will seize control of the reins of power. A
master politician, the Antichrist, who is in the service of Satan the
devil, will subvert the whole process. He, as the representative of Satan
the devil, plans to rule the world in a tyrannical, brutal global police
state one last time, before his own end comes (Rev. 12:9-17; 20:1-4).
Who will this leader, who opposes all that is good and decent, be? Could it be an American?
The Coming "Antichrist"
Biblical prophecy compares this end-time ruler and his empire to the Roman
Empire of Jesus' time. The Roman Empire, was WEST of Judea, and believe it
or not was largely ISRAELITE in origin. The original founders of Rome were
refugees from the Israelite city of ancient Troy. The Etruscan Empire,
which dominated part of Italy in ancient times, was actually established by
the "lost ten tribes" of Israel. Many Israelites of the Tribes of Dan
Joseph, and Simeon dwelt in Rome and were powerful rulers. At time the Jews
themselves comprised 10 percent of the population of the Empire.
Although the Roman Empire had much Israelite influence in it, nevertheless
it was characterized as a "Beast," and some of its more notorious leaders
were anti-types of the end-time "Beast" or "Antichrist." Such infamous
emperors as Nero, Caligula, were undoubtedly "antichrists" of their own
time and epoch.
Is the United States, today, part of MODERN ROME? The mercantile capital of
the world, today, is New York City -- a veritable "Babylon" by anyone's
standards. The city of London,also, is a mercantile and banking "Babylon"
-- the world's banking headquarters of the earth. Evens the queen of
England must receive permission to enter the "city of London" from the lord
Many of us, in the past, have thought that the United States -- since it is
Ephraim, the dominant tribe of Israel must be conquered in a great military
campaign, in order for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. But we have
overlooked a more distressing and likely possibility -- that we have
already been conquered stealthily from within during the past fifty years
since World War Il in a gradual process of subtle changes on top of
Since the United States the world's greatest '"Superpower," today, what
would be more logical than for Satan the devil to take it over from within,
and use it as the keystone of his own end-time "Babylon the Great"?
Along these lines, consider the following:
"When Clinton came into office in 1992, the balance of trade deficit was
under $70 billion, and falling. By 1994 it had more than doubled, to over
$150 billion. An all-time record high. Until 1995, that is: this year, the
World bank projects the U.S. deficit will hit $200 billion....
"Today, as a direct result of America's dollar plunging in value, the U.S.
imports 50 times more than it did in 1965, when its dollar was strong. The
more the dollar falls, the deeper in debt America becomes, and the more
staggering her import load grows" (TWSU, p.6).
How will this affect our country? William Jefferson Clinton is no dummy. He
knows what he is doing. Says The Wall Street Underground:
"The collapse of the dollar is a watershed event. It was engineered and
carried out by that great liberal hero, Bill Clinton. No other president
before him would have let the dollar collapse like this. They would have
done everything in their power to stop its destructive consequences.
"Not Clinton. He saw the 30% collapse of the Mexican peso as a catastrophic
event. It had to be stopped, he said. He even rifled the U.S. Treasury to
give the Mexicans tens of billions to support the peso.
"But Clinton has totally ignored the 40% fall of the U.S. dollar. He even
pushed it lower. It makes you wonder what country Bill Clinton is president
of. I'll tell you: He is president of the new world order. In that order
America is impoverished, as Clinton converts the wealth of the productive
members of society to the nonproductive....
"Clinton is no fool. He knows his dollar policy will not help the U.S. But
it will hasten his dream of a ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT, that he and his friends
control. By facing constant market strife and uncertainty, the world in
time will accept a ONE-WORLD CURRENCY. Sounds far-fetched? Well, consider
that it's getting closer to reality in Europe by the day" (TWSU, p. 12).
Makes you stop and think, doesn't it? William Clinton is clearly a strong
contender in the rush to create a New World Order. As President of the
strongest military power on earth, Clinton has been making all the right
moves to emasculate American sovereignty, to weaken her independent
military, and to make her part of the New World Order.
The Spell of Blindness
Britain also is rushing headlong to join the New World Order. The
government of Prime Minister John Major seems intent on hitching its wagon
with the European Economic Union. However, voices are now being raised to
question the move and its sanity.
In The Daily Telegraph, Niall Ferguson (Fellow and Tutor in Modem History,
Jesus College, Oxford), wrote:
"The point about the EC's federal structure is not that it gives Britain
international influence, but that it negates Britain's international
influence. This has been apparent in the case of the wars in former
Yugoslavia. The common foreign policy which emerged in response to Serbian
and later Croatian attempts to partition Bosnia has been a wretched
advertisement for the EC.
"Some warn we could become a third-rank power on the periphery of Europe.
The best reply to that is: good, let us take the risk, but let us at least
determine our own destiny. Once, four centuries ago, we were a third-rank
power on the periphery of Europe. We had the option of being absorbed into
the European Union of the Habsburgs. We rejected that option and went on,
over the next 300 years, to rule the most extensive Empire the world has
ever seen" (April 9, 1994).
Although the push for Britain to join the European Community is very
strong, another voice raised in protest is that of Christopher Booker in
The Sunday Telegraph (May 1, 1994). Booker writes:
"Britain today is like a kingdom in an old fairy tale that has been placed
under a terrible spell. At an Institute of Directors' conference on Tuesday
I saw thousands of businessmen who were stumbling around in a fog,
semi-paralysed because they know this thing that has them in its thrall is
insane, but unable to imagine that there could be any way out . . . It is
the same spell that has reduced all our politicians to gibbering impotence,
and that has alienated the Government from millions of its formerly loyal
supporters. . .
". . . there is only one way out of this claustrophobic nightmare and that
is simply to escape from it altogether....
"When we have done so we shall look back and see just what a sham of
painted cardboard this monster was. Suddenly we British see the chance to
be ourselves again, living freely once more in the fresh air of a real
world. It will be one of the greatest instruments of liberation our country
has known."
But the forces propelling America and Britain into the structure and form
of the New World Order are strong, powerful, wealthy, and have been working
at their plot for decades. They now sense that the fruition of their aims
is near. The year 2000 could very well see the complete immersion of the
Western World into the new "Roman Empire."
What does this mean for America, Britain, and the nations of modern Israel?
Does Civil War Lie Ahead?
Will the attempt to merge our nations into a New World Government be met
with "Civil War"? Will American patriots fight against this powerful
statist movement?
The prophet Zechariah tells us: "Open your doors, O Lebanon, that fire may
devour your cedars. Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, because the
mighty trees are ruined. Wail, O oaks of Bashan, for the thick forest has
come down. There is the sound of wailing shepherds! For their glory is in
ruins. There is the sound of roaring lions [Americans, British, and Jewish
people -- and all modern Israel!]! For the pride of Jordan is in ruins.
"Thus says the LORD my God. 'Feed the flock for slaughter, whose owners
slaughter them and feel no guilt; those who sell them say, 'Blessed be the
LORD I am rich'; and their [own] shepherds do not pity them. For I will no
longer pity theinhabitants of the land,' says the LORD. 'But indeed I will
give everyone into his neighbor's hand and into the hand of his king. They
shall attack the land [Civil War!], and I will not deliver them from their
hand" (Zech. 11:1-6).
Does this describe the movement toward martial law and a police state
within the United States and modern Israel during these last days? Does
this describe the treacherous sellout and betrayal of American and British
sovereignty by the rich and powerful, politicians and potentates,
presidents and prime ministers?
What Should We Do in These Perilous Times?
As for our people and our nations, God thunders to us individually and
nationally, to COME OUT of this wicked, evilish, diabolical Babylonish
world-mega-state system and to be no part of it! God declares, "COME OUT OF
HER, MY PEOPLE, LEST YOU SHARE IN HER SINS, and lest you receive of her
plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her
iniquities" (Rev. 18:4-5).
The apostle Paul declares: '"Do not be unequally yoked together with
unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And
what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with
Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement
has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God.
As God has said: 'I will dwell in them, And walk among them, I will be
their God. And they shall be My people.' 'COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, And be
separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive
you.' 'I will be a Father to you. And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty"' (IICor. 6:14-18).
Sooner or later, our people must wake up, and repent, and come out of this
Babylonish mess, or else suffer the wrath of Almighty God, when He punishes
the system with His divine plagues and furious strokes. The sooner we come
to our senses, and repent, the less severe our ultimate punishment will be!
The New World Order is fast approaching. As Christians, we cannot stop it,
we cannot stop the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Rather, we should realize
that this is God's Judgment upon our nations, and wayward, sinning,
stubborn and disobedient peoples, and that it must come to pass. We must
stand aside from armed conflict, and pray more earnestly, that God's
Kingdom -His TRUE Kingdom -- will come, and come quickly, and that we may
be accounted worthy ourselves to ESCAPE the hellishness that Satan is
planning to wreak upon planet earth, before his time is up! (Luke
The New World Order is rapidly developing all around us, sending out
shoots, and strong ensnaring vines. We must be doubly careful and vigilant.
Many are already asleep. What about you? Do you see what is happening,
right before our very eyes? Or are you duped by some false prophetic
scenario? May God help us all to WAKE UP!
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- **************************
Things Happening When Israel Became a Nation
By: Justin W. Gramm
We can all agree that Israel is God's Prophetic Timepiece. I am also sure
that most would agree that when Israel became a nation, it signalled the
beginning of the end. So, it should not be a leap of faith to assume that
events happening at the time Israel became a nation may also have impacts
on End-Time events.
So, here is a cursory list of events unfolding at the same time Israel was
being reborn. Please note that my comments are simply my remarks about
possible connections and not predictions. They are simply my personal
musings on what these events may mean.
I leave it up to you, the reader, to decide what it all means.
} Credit Cards Born
(This signals the beginning of America's forthcoming debt problem.
Also a forerunner of Smartcards and possibly leading to the mark.)
} United Nations Officially Formed
(The tool to make Israel a nation. Also a tool for the New World Order.)
} First Radar Astronomy Observation
(Possible tie in to the UFO & New Age phenomena.)
(Computers are necessary for tracking all transactions, and a possible
electronic implanted mark.)
} National Mental Health Act
(Anything Psychologists do is bad in my opinion....)
} Social Security Administration
(Helps to bring our country into debt, and to eventually promote
euthanasia as opposed to spending millions on Health Care.)
} First "Modern Day" UFO Sighting
-Kenneth Arnold, Mt.Rainier, Washington State, June 24, 1947.
(Will the anti-christ be an "alien"?)
} CIA Formed
(No clue. Interesting though.)
} Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran
(Brought about "new" Bible translations. It is interesting to note that
while these "new" translations claim enlightenment gleaned from the
Dead Sea Scrolls, the scrolls themselves do not contain any writings
associated with the New Testament. Also, the scrolls do not contain
any mention or concept of the Trinity.)
(Source: Microsoft Encarta '95, Dead Sea Scrolls article.)
} Holography
-Dennis Grabor, a British physicist develops theory for holography.
(Could the mark be holographic? Otherwise, no clue.)
} Israel becomes a nation
(The signal of the beginning of the end.)
} Marshall Plan
(Helping to rebuild and revive "Rome.")
} National Security Council
(Unknown, but also interesting.)
} Transistor
(Necessary development for modern computers to track all transactions.)
} Cybernetics
(Possible connection to the mark being "in" the hand.)
} GATT General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade
(Forerunner of future one-world market.)
} Information Theory
(Methods of transmitting vast amounts of information explored. This
would be necessary for tracking transactions and peoples' movements.)
} OAS - Organization of American States
(Another forerunner of future one-world market and government.)
} Databases
- Early experiments in database theory and technology.
(You've gotta put all that data from tracking all those transactions
and keeping track of all those people somewhere...)
} Credit Cards in general use.
(The debt ball is rolling downhill, the eventual mark is gaining
I'm sure there is probably even more things than this that I missed
during my search. These are the things I came up with while browsing my
Microsoft Encarta '95 CD-ROM for an hour or so. (The CD is also my source
for all dates & items listed.)
It seems quite clear to me that most of these events were helping
to usher in the age of the anti-christ. I unfortunately do not have the
time to conduct a more thorough search. If anyone out there has the time,
they may want to dig a little deeper, and see what else was going on. And,
of course, share those results with the rest of us.
(On a completely unrelated topic, the term "anti-christ" is
intentionally absent of capital letters. So are any mentions of satan, the
devil, or any names of lucifer. This is just my own personal "strike back"
at the enemy, however slight it may be. Just showing a little disrespect.
Please feel free to join in, by only capitalizing His Name, not satan's.)
- **************************
Prophe-Zine's News Bites
Newsletter Review The Elijah Report
By: Ray Gano
Being the Editor of Prophe-Zine, I have to do A LOT of reading and keeping
up on what is going on in the world. One of the ways that I do this is
through subscriptions to magazines and newsletters. Once again, I have come
across a GREAT newsletter. This is put out by a fellow brother in the Lord,
Norm Franz. I was introduce to Norm through Terry Cook, who often has
articles appearing in Norm's newsletter, The Elijah Report.
Norm is Founder and Director of the Institute of Prophetic Study in Ft.
Collins, CO. He is also the Editor and Publisher of the Elijah Report. The
Elijah Report is a great resource to anyone who is a "Watchman" in these
days. Norm is a former political and monetary economist, loan officer,
investment company president. His news letter deals majorly with the New
World Order and Global Economics. I have been very impressed with his
newsletter regarding the monetary issues of the coming world government and
his great insight into today's economics. In fact, in Norm's latest issue
one of his many great articles was titled "Commercial Babylon
Exposed...Debt at Critical Mass" INCREDIBLE article!!!
So, if you are a student of Bible Prophecy and are looking for a newsletter
that has its finger on the pulse of Global Economics, you have to get the
Elijah Report.
To get the Elijah Report send $29.00 to:
The Elijah Report
2100 W. Drake Rd. Ste.# 115
Ft. Collins, Colorado 80526
Phone# : 970 - 490-1543
Fax# : 970 - 490-1543
When you do subscribe, tell them you saw it in Prophe-Zine.
Attention Colorado Residents!!!
The "Spirit of Elijah Prophecy Conference" is coming your way!
The study of Bible Prophecy is a great hobby of mine. I call it a hobby
because me being a Christian I am not commissioned by my Lord to go out and
spread the Gospel and Study Bible Prophecy. (See Mt 28: 19-20) Thus it
being a hobby.
Being a student of Bible Prophecy, I am always on the hunt for the newest
books, newsletters and videos. I also enjoy going to Prophecy Seminars. If
you live in the Ft. Collins area, great news, you have a big Bible Prophecy
seminar coming your way being sponsored by The Institute of Prophetic
Study. This will be taking place on April 2, 3, 4th, 1996. The following is
the list of speakers who will be in attendance.
Terry Cook: Author of "The Mark of The New World Order"
Norm Franz: Director of Institute of Prophetic Study. Editor and publisher
of The Elijah Report.
Henry Gruver: Called by God to walk and pray down spiritual strongholds in
more than 100 cities.
Gary Kah: Author of "Enroute to Global Occupation"and "Demonic Roots of
Ralph Messer: Founder and leader of "Simchat Torah" and who is dedicated to
the exposition of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Paul Schell: Host of the Daily Television program "Prepare For War" in the
Denver, CO area.
Conference fees are $50.00 per person and $90 per Couple. These fees
include 3 days and 3 nights of the conference and also includes the
Passover meal on April 3rd.
If you live in the Colorado area or would like more info about attending
the "Spirit of Elijah Prophecy Conference", call 970-490-1543. They can
also give you information about hotel registration.
If you know of any seminars or speakers coming to your area, and if you let
me know ahead of time, I will let the readers of Prophe-Zine know. I need
about a month and a half leeway time.
National Police Force???
The following is a verbatim transcript of an article appearing in the
Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, March 5, 1996. It was located in section 1 on
page 3.
House plans to overhaul CIA unveiled
By Michael Killian-Tribune Staff Writer
WASHINGTON- Legislation to break up the Central Intelligence Agency and
create a separate, covert, all-spy U.S. Clandestine Service was unveiled
Monday by the head of the House Intelligence Committee.
The measure, part of a package that would completely overhaul the
nation's civilian and military intelligence apparatus, follows a year-long
House study of U.S. spying methods prompted by the Aldrich Ames spy scandal
and **other troubles**. (Which would THOSE be?-EP)
Last Friday, a presidential commission on American intelligence led by
former Defense Secretary Harold Brown issued a report calling for a wide
array of modest reforms. One would give the director of intelligence a
stronger voice in White House national security deliberations.
But the Brown Commission changes are minor compared with the sweeping
recommendations of the bill introduced by Intelligence Committee chairman
Larry Combest (R-Texas).
The House measure would not only elevate the intelligence director's
status in White House councils but would also give him veto power over
military appointments to intelligence posts.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Arlen Specter has complained
that the presidential commission's proposals are too weak. Specter, joined
by the committee's ranking (I think RANK is a better word, don't YOU?-EP)
Democrat, Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, said the civilian director of
central intelligence should have control of the military spying budget. The
Combest bill also would merge the National Security Agency and its global
electronic surveillance network with the satellite-operating National
Reconnaissance Office and other military agencies.
The Brown Commission concluded that the U.S. faces many threats in a
"dangerous world," but its proposals basically leave the current structure
of the U.S. intelligence community intact. (It was commie before, it's
commie now.-EP)
Combest agreed that the country faced complex dangers, with the end of
the cold war, "U.S. national security interests are less threatened than at
any time since 1940." He said this comparative lull provides an opportunity
to undertake a major redesign of the intelligence community, which he
complained had grown into "an ad hoc structure of..many disparate agencies
that have been self-serving."
The CIA's cloak-and-dagger Directorate of Operations has been faulted
as an "old boys network" that tolerated Ames and lied about using a
Guatemalan agent who murdered a U.S. citizen. The NRO, whose director and
deputy director were fired last week, was attacked for building a $300
million office complex and hiding away billions (with a B!-EP) in taxpayer
dollars without Congress' knowledge.
Under Combest's House measure, the CIA would become mostly an analysis
and management agency. The Directorate of Operations would be taken from
it and merged with the covert units of most other agencies that conduct
espionage. These would form the new Clandestine Service wholly answerable
to the director of central intelligence.
-- WANTED --
by the FBI, NEA, ADL, IRS, FDA, OSHA, etc
WANTED by the FBI for teaching that there is a higher power and authority
than the government.
WANTED by the FDA for turning water into wine without a license.
WANTED by the EPA for feeding a crowd of 5000 in the wilderness without a
WANTED by the AMA for practicing medicine without a license.
WANTED by the NEA for teaching without certification.
WANTED by the ADL for calling the Pharisees the children of hell.
WANTED by the IRS for failing to report income.
WANTED by the NAACP for teaching people to work and depend on GOD rather
than the welfare dole.
WANTED by NOW for never having a woman as an apostle.
WANTED by the FEDERAL RESERVE for driving the money changers out of the Temple.
WANTED by the Abortion Rights League for saying that whoever harms children
it is better that they were never born.
WANTED by the U.S. Judicial System for refusing to swear an oath or bear
witness against Himself.
WANTED by the Human Rights Bureau for condemning all other religions as
false by announcing that no one can get to the Father except through Him.
30 Pieces of Silver in the form of welfare benefits, government pensions,
IRS exemptions, Witness Protection.
Editor Note: I was sent this from one of the many news lists I belong to. I
find this interesting because so many christians will loose thier head
during the trib. In Reveations it states "I saw thrones, and they sat upon
them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of G-d, and which
had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his
mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years." Revelation 20:5 -- Ray, Prophe-Zine --
Georgia lawmaker Doug Teper (Democrat) has proposed a bill to replace the
state's electric chair with the guillotine. Teper's reasoning? It would
allow for death-row inmates as organ donors, he says, since the "Blade
makes a clean cut and leaves vital organs intact."
In 1995, a move to replace the electric chair with lethal injection
(poisoning) failed in Georgia's assembly because legislators feared that
prisoners could argue for a new sentencing hearing if the state changed the
The Guillotine, invented by the French Dr. Guillotine, was mainly used in
the 18th and 19th century and chops off a person's head. It hasn't been
used for decades in any country in the world.
When The State Religion Police Comes To Visit
Sun, 3 Mar 1996 11:51:46 -0600
By: Washington Weekly <wweekly@dolphin.gulf.net
When a small Catholic high school in Wisconsin applied to be part of
the state school voucher program, it could not possibly have imagined the
consequences: a visit from the State Religion Police.
Agents from the Department of Public Instruction visited the high
school, not to talk to student and teachers, but to look for any symbols or
references to religion such as crucifixes or athletic trophies from
the Catholic Conference. The State Agents did find such references, and the
punishment was swift: no State vouchers.
An appeal by the Catholic school turned into a Kafkaesque
inquisition where State agents tried to prove that the principal was in
reality an agent of the Pope.
Meanwhile, in public schools a few blocks away where students pass
metal detectors and learn nothing except to worship Big Brother,
teacher's unions continue their stranglehold monopoly on public funding.
And Bill Clinton demonstrates with pride how you can break every one of
the Ten Commandments and be elected President.
According to The American Spectator, this irony eventually reached
the desk of Governor Tommy Thompson, who signed a bill expanding the
school voucher program to specifically include religious schools.
Liberals got their revenge, however, when teacher's unions and the ACLU
filed suit over the program. The case is now waiting to be heard
before the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com)
Post Office offers Internet digital ID
Certification authority a key enabler of electronic commerce
By Gail Bronson
Source Unknown
Side bar WASHINGTON - Come next summer, the U.S. Postal Service expects
to be up and running with a service that will identify senders and
receivers of Internet messages, a critical enabler of electronic commerce.
Specifically, the Postal Service will operate a certification authority
for public-key certificates used to digitally sign messages transmitted
over the Internet.
The Postal Service expects the service to be of particular interest to
anyone involved in electronic commerce or electronic data interchange, in
which the ability to assure the identity of both the sender and receiver of
information can be crucial.
"Right now there is no way to figure out if messages on the Internet have
been tampered with nor is there any way to authenticate the genuine
identity of a sender," said Paul Raines, program manager for electronic
commerce at the Postal Service. "It could be a dog on the other end of the
Internet now for all you know."
Limited beta tests of the Postal Service's system already are under way
within the federal government, at the Federal Aviation Administration,
Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service.
"We're eager to work with VeriSign [RSA Data Security Inc. Spin-off] and
any other certification authorities to come up with ways to help with
cross certification," Raines said. "We're not in this to compete with
private companies, rather, we're trying to enable [the electronic commerce]
Some users may find the Postal Service certification authority service
more appealing than private alternatives because its service will carry
the weight of law - tampering with Internet messages would be as much a
crime as tampering with regular U.S. mail. On the other hand, there is
always the lingering concern of having to deal with a federal bureaucracy.
The Postal Service intends to play two roles in the certification business.
First, as a certifying service the federal agency will provide the code,
or public-key certificate, necessary for recipients of digitally signed
messages to identify the sender. This service will be necessary to decrypt
mail unless the two correspondents previously exchanged their keys
privately. Second, the Postal Service will maintain a server to manage a
public register of public-key certificates accessible off the Internet,
Raines said.
The Postal Service will conduct market studies to gauge demand
beforedeciding how much individuals must pay to obtain someone else's
public key certificate. In addition, the Postal Service will sell for less
than a dollar an electronic date-time stamp to prove the existence of a
message in a particular point in time.
"We're taking the same attributes of hard copy that make them legally
binding and transferring them to electronic correspondence," Raines said.
The Postal Service is working with several companies, including Premenos
Corp., to develop the necessary software, Raines said. The user agent and
interface specifications for designing software to interface with the
Postal Service's server, however, are available free to any one willing to
sign a licensing agreement, Raines said.
Regardless of how such arrangements work themselves out, the Postal
Service intends to operate this business on a nonprofit, self-supported
basis. "We don't intend to have first-class mail supporting Internet mail,"
Raines said.
Friday March 1 6:54 AM EST
Gorbachev to Run for Russian President
Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said on Friday March 1, 1996 that
he would run in Russia's presidential election on June 16!!! This is
something that I have been saying to be on the watch for sence early last
Asked at a news conference whether he would stand, Gorbachev said: ``I will.''
Gorbachev, who is deeply unpopular at home, BUT very popular in the rest of
the world, will face President Boris Yeltsin, Russian Communist Party
leader Gennady Zyuganov and others in the June election. Zyuganov is the
person that is looked upon as who will win in June.
Gorbachev's most striking political reforms included abolition of the
Communist Party's monopoly on power, opening the way to a multi-party
system, and changing the constitution to give real power to the Soviet
parliament in Moscow and the 15 republics.
Arafat Predicts Destruction Of Israel
Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, February 14, 1996 / Shevat 24, 5756
Yasser Arafat estimates that the final-stage agreements between the
Palestinians and Israel will ultimately bring about Israel's collapse.
Arutz-7 has learned that an unpublicized meeting between Mr. Arafat and
Swedish based Arab diplomats took place during Arafat's recent visit to
Stockholm. Mr. Arafat's reported remarks, entitled "The Impending Collapse
of Israel", opined that the massive import of Arabs to "the West Bank and
Jerusalem", and the psychological warfare the Palestinians will wage
against the Israelis will cause a massive emigration of Jews to the United
States. "We Palestinians will takeover everything, including all of
Jerusalem," Arafat declared, claiming, "Peres and Beilin have already
promised us half of Jerusalem. The Golan Heights have already been given
away, subject to just a few details." He further claimed that half of
the Russian immigrants to Israel are really Muslims who will fight for a
united Palestinian State in the "expected" civil war in Israel.
Arafat revealed his plan for the Palestinian takeover of Israel: "We of
the PLO will now concentrate all our efforts on splitting Israel
psychologically into two camps. Within five years, we will have six to
seven million Arabs living on the West Bank and in Jerusalem. All
Palestinian Arabs will be welcomed by us. If the Jews can import all kinds
of Ethiopians, Russians, Uzbeks and Ukranians as Jews, we can import all
kinds of Arabs to us." He added that the PLO plans "to eliminate the State
of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian State. We will make life
unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion;
Jews won't want to live among us Arabs."
In a plea for pan-Arab support, Mr. Arafat told the Arab diplomats: "I
have no use for Jews; they are and remain Jews! We now need all the help
we can get from you in our battle for a united Palestine under total
Arab-Muslim domination!"
Mr. Arafat's meeting took place on January 30th, in Stockholm's Grand
Hotel shortly after an official state dinner in his honor sponsored by
Sweden's Foreign Minister in the hotel's "Der Shpigal Salon". No recording
of the event exists, however, following an investigation in the matter
that Arutz-7 conducted over the past few days, reliable Swedish sources as
well as Murray Kahl, editor of Israeli & Global News, have confirmed the
content of the meeting. Moreover, Ms. Annika Soder, director of the Press
Division of Sweden's Foreign Ministry told Arutz-7: "...The [Arab]
ambassadors, as we call them, were not in the official program, but I
heard that he [Arafat] met them in the hotel after dinner."
Arafat calls for Israels distruction...confirmed
Arutz Sheva News Service
Tuesday, February 20, 1996 / Shevat 30, 5756 Rosh Chodesh
The prestigious Norwegian newspaper "Dagen" has published new details
regarding the speech that Yassir Arafat delivered before Arab diplomats in
Stockholm, some three weeks ago. The front-page headline read, "Arafat
Gave Speech about Israel's Destruction", and the accompanying article
confirmed that which Arutz-7 broadcast last week. The paper's editors
emphasized the priority which they place upon the accuracy of their
reports, and that they would never have published the article had they
not thoroughly verified it. They are continuing to pursue the story for
further details. Arafat reportedly told his audience that the Arabs would
be able to bring about Israel's destruction within a few years by flooding
the country with Arab refugees and with psychological warfare. Arutz-7 has
learned that a transcript of Arafat's speech was to be forwarded by a
senior government official to Prime Minister Peres. Peres' press
secretary, Aliza Goren, denied that Peres received such a transcript.
Smart Card update & Big Brother in Canada
Front-page headline, TORONTO STAR, Feb. 13th 1996:
5 Forms Of Ontario I.D. To Fold Into One
Queen's Park Bureau
The Ontario government will launch a province-wide identification card
within the year to keep track of everything from mammograms to speeding
Health Minister Jim Wilson said yesterday that the government has settled
on a so-called "smart card" to replace the existing health card, driver's
licence, social assistance identification, drug card and senior
The card will link up to several government computers, including a
completely revamped health care data base that will be able to track the
most detailed information about patient health and doctors' billings.
"If we could bring it up to the level of a credit card, where they can tell
you where you were an hour ago and what you spent, that would be a great
step forward for the health-care system in Ontario," Wilson told reporters
"For example, when you are discharged from hospital, your patient record
doesn't follow you [so] you may go to your family doctor back in your
hometown and and have all the tests and x-rays duplicated.
That sort of information can be available in a central database. Of course
we have to have all the discussions about privacy of information."
Wilson dismissed estimates that a province-wide smart- card would cost the
government $1 billion or more, saying he hopes to drastically lower the
cost through a "partnership" with the private sector.
"Basically, our request for proposal will be an ad that says, 'Ministry of
Health needs an information centre system, has no money.'"
Former NDP health minister Ruth Grier also explored a smart card, but
rejected the idea because she said it posed to great a risk to patient
Wison said privacy protection will be a key part of the new card, ensuring
that only appropriate health-care workers and OHIP [Ontario Health
Insurance Plan] officials can access sensitive patient information.
The card would carry basic "tombstone data", such as date of birth and
gender that Wilson said is now collected by 200 different government
Wilson said the government has not yet decided whether the card would carry
a resident's fingerprints, photo or other form of identification.
He said it could take two years or more for the cards to be issued. [Note:
Ontario, Canada's most populous and industrialized province, has a
population of 10 million]
- o O o -
[This item may be re-posted if unaltered]
- *******************************************************
Want to learn how the Centre for Disease Control, under the influence of a
Rockefeller-funded Report, has created the "AIDS epidemic" as part of a
draconian program - propelled by fear - to establish and exert controls in
- every* area of life, all in the name of "health care"?
Want to learn how the only book to *warn* you of this approach to *social
control* through "health care", and giving full and expert background on
the creation of the artificial "AIDS epidemic" and the *real* causes of
"AIDS-related" deaths, has been *banned* from sale or even *free
distribution* in the US or Canada by a US federal judge - who also ordered
all existing unsold copies of the book *destroyed*?
Would you be surprised to learn that *200 top scientists*, including Nobel
Laureates, support the book's basic premise? Are you then surprised that
you haven't *read* about this in your newspaper, or seen details of it on
Social and population controls; tailor-made "epidemics" to help create
population-monitoring mechanisms; deadly "treatments"; book-banning and
burning in the name of "political correctness"...read all about it in
- fascinating and horrifying detail* at:
You'll never be persuaded that it's "just a 'health card'" again!
- ***********************************************************
And...want to keep up to date on the *continuing* attempts to merge Canada
with the US by 2005 - without "waking up" Canadians to the implementation
schedule and timetable until it's *too late*? Want to get the inside scoop
on Rockefeller's proposed new North American Plantation?
You need to see the latest fascinating documentary additions to the coveted
EYE Magazine Award-winning Web page at:
If this goes through, "Goodbye, United States" and "Goodbye, Canada";
"Hello, United States of North America" - which will, of course, need a
"new Constitution" [and Rockefeller's got one ready!]
Smart Card update / Digital Signatures
This morning while watching CNN Headline News (March 1 1996, around 6:45
AM) there was a blurb about Oracle and thier new Internet Computer. This
computer that will cost under $500 and be used in conjunction with your
television set. I personaly like the idea.
Anyway, while he (The President of Oracle) was speaking, he opened the top
of the computer and said that "This is where your Personal Smart Card will
be inserted."
The President of Oracle also stated that "these could be given away for
free like cell phones are today."
It is very interesting to see the push for National ID, Digital Signatures
and Digital Certificates What happens if you do not have access to this
info system, or this can be used to kepp some one out of the system with
this ID type of system, could just flick a switch and boom you no longer
have a bank account, no food, no access to anything, ect. In the Bible,
Revelation 13:16-18 talks about this almost word for word. Check it out.
Russia 'is still preparing for war with USA'
By: Barbara Starr
Jane's Defence Weekly
December 16, 1995 (Vol. 24; No. 25; Pg. 5)
Preparation for nuclear war with the USA appears to remain a high
Russian priority, according to statements by US intelligence community
officials recently made public.
One sign is a new Russian underground command and control centre,
known as Kosvinskiy Mountain, that has been built in the Urals. It is "one
of the main new elements" of the Russian underground nuclear command
and control architecture that has emerged since the Soviet Union
dissolved, US Navy Adm William Studeman, then Acting Director of Central
Intelligence, told the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this year.
The statements were in reply to SASC questions following public
hearings in January. The answers and parts of the classified closed
hearing that followed the public session, were released recently.
"While some of this construction appears to be the continuation of
programmes started long before the break-up, it still appears to be
high-priority to correct perceived vulnerabilities in their nuclear
command and control system," said Adm Studeman.
"Preparedness for nuclear conflict with the United States - not
withstanding the end of the Cold War - remains a resource allocation
Lt Gen James Clapper, who was Director of the Defense Intelligence
Agency during the hearing, told the committee the bunker facility
"will be a new part of Russia's multi-billion dollar effort" to
modernize its nuclear infrastructure.
The Russians appear to be seeking to improve their ability to absorb a
nuclear strike, reducing their incentives for early nuclear use.
Shocking Warnings of Threats to America!!!
Date: 20 December 1995
From Stan Dayo's Web Site
These warnings are extracts from The Intelligence Digest's advertising letter.
Recognized as the world's oldest and most trusted weekly intelligence
newsletter. Founded in 1938 by Mr. de Courcy, father of Joe de Courcy,
Publisher, Intelligence Digest, the Stoneyhill Centre, Brimpsfield,
Gloucester GL48LF, U.K.
Religiously read by many free world heads of government, U. S. Senators &
Congress persons, high-ranking military leaders, embassies, influential
U.S. and world business leaders in over 50 countries. No one else gets
closer to the truth.
The Intelligence Digest warned of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 7 months
before it happened. Just two weeks before the invasion, General Colin
Powell, then U. S. Chief of Staff, was telling the press: "War in the
Middle East is not a serious prospect." Two weeks later Iraq invaded!
On October 21, 1995, The Intelligence Digest warned of a coming violent
attack by Jewish activists on Prime Minister Rabin. Two weeks later he was
On April 21, 1995, The Intelligence Digest warned that a new terror group
was planning to attack U.S. personnel in Saudi Arabia if they had not left
the country by the end of the summer. On November 12, 1995, a car bomb
killed and wounded 15 Americans in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.
There are six shocking warnings about a series of unstoppable events that
highly-placed intelligence sources confirm include terrorist attacks that
will soon strike innocent victims inside America. A new wave of terrorism
is escalating out of control with the purpose of neutralizing America by a
carefully planned nuclear explosion in Los Angeles or Dallas. The key issue
is the Arab/Islamic assault on Israel. America and the world have never
faced a danger as horrifying as this! It will be far worse than the World
Trade Center bombing and may be more destructive than any attack in
history! It is spiralling into a full scale war in the Middle East sometime
around the year 2000. This coming Apocalypse, which you won't be warned
about by government reports or the general media, will be more destructive
than all previous Middle East wars put together. The reasons why are:
WARNING #1: For the first time in an Arab-Israeli war, nuclear, chemical
and biological weapons will be used. (24 countries have chemical weapons
capability. The mainstays of these arsenals are mustard gas and nerve
agents, but there are reports of agents so virulent that they can kill
instantaneously.) The superpowers will be dragged into the conflict.
Contacts on Capitol Hill report the disturbing news that America will be
restrained from launching another Operation Desert Storm because of the
threat of nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism on the American
mainland (like the Tokyo subway poison gas massacre only much worse).
Europe will have its hands tied because of its torturous decision-making
structures and fear of terrorist reprisals. The end result will be a new
Middle East war with Israel at its center which could rapidly escalate into
the most devastating conflict in all history. To save itself, Israel will
have to resort to nuclear weapons, sparking the final apocalypse.
WARNING #2: Nuclear terrorism will put every nation in the West, especially
America, at great risk.
WARNING #3: The coming battle of the Pacific will soon become America's
greatest military challenge.
WARNING #4: The Russian-Iranian-African Empire will pose a great new threat
to the West, including America. Anti-Western forces will control not only
the Suez Canal, but the only alternative sea route around the Cape of Good
WARNING #5: Latin America border wars will explode into numerous deadly
conflicts which only U. S. military intervention can stop.
WARNING #6: The U. S., Asia and the world will be drawn into a major
military confrontation between China and Russia over Russia's coveted Far
Eastern regions.
Editors Note: The Intelligence Digest, The MacAlvany Report out of Colorado
and the Pink Papers out of Florida are all VERY good sources for
intelligence. I really enjoy Don MacAlvany's MacAlvany Report. If you can
afford either or all, I highly recommend you subscribing.
Terrorism Bill Still on Track-- Armey spin doctors hard at work
Gun Owners ot America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102,
Springfield, VA 22151
(703)321-8585, fax: 321-8408
(Friday, March 1)-- The House Judiciary Committee has confirmed to GOA that
Republicans still plan to bring the terrorism bill (H.R. 2768) to the floor
during the week ot March 11. You will remember that a couple ot weeks ago,
GOA issued an alert to this ettect. A flood ot phone calls poured in Rep.
Dick Armey's office as a result, and his spin-doctors then went quickly to
Here's what they said:
Fiction: "Rep. Armey is not pushing the bill." This statement contradicts
every other source on Capitol Hill. As one leadership office told GOA:
"Everyone knows Armey's in charge ot the bill. Even White House officials
are telling people that." In tact, the Speaker and/or the House Majority
Leader is responsible tor scheduling legislation.
Fiction: "There is not going to be a vote on the terrorism bill." Again,
not true. Both Republican and Democratic offices have been notitied ot an
impending vote to occur during the week of March 11. [Ot course, it's
always possible that this date might change.] But right now, the middle of
March is the goal. As reported in the February 20 issue ot the New Gun
Week, a House vote on the terrorism bill is "set tor Mar.11 - 15."
[Note: Armey spin-doctors could be playing a game ot semantics. The bill
which was voted out ot the Judiciary Committee is H.R. 1710. Technically
speaking, this bill would come to the floor and then be substituted by H.R.
2768. It spin-doctors claim H.R. 2768 is not coming to the floor, they are
not exactly being forthright.]
Fiction: "H.R. 2768 does not threaten the Bill ot Rights." False. It any
office gives you this line, ask tor a copy ot the bill. The bill, which is
over 150 pages long, intringes on the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Ninth
and Tenth Amendments ot the U.S. Constitution. [GOA members should have
already received the February 28 issue ot The Gun Owners newsletter, which
contains a detailed analysis ot the problems in the bill. It you're not a
member, call 703-321-8585 and sign up to receive GOA's in depth reports on
a regular basis. Membership is $20.
Beware: GOA learned yesterday that the House leadership is now saying they
are going to tix the terrorism bill. First ot all, that is a tacit
admission that there were problems with the bill! But beware, they told us
twice the problems had been fixed, when that was NOT the case. Be skeptical
about any promises they now make to "fix the bill."
Are they going to remove all the provisions that do the tollowing:
terrorize gun sellers by applying a negligence standard to them, order a
study on whether to ban even more ammunition, order a second study which
could set a precedent tor registering ammunition, allow FBI "fishing
expeditions" into one's financial and travel records, allow government
officials to benetit trom illegal wiretaps done in "good faith," allow the
government to use secret evidence in court in some circumstances, limit
the right ot gun owners to appeal bad court decisions and federalize many
state crimes?
- Call Rep. Armey and urge him to squelch this bill. Ask him to keep it
from coming to the floor. We don't need a bill that threatens gun owners
rights in the many ways listed above. It he says he's going to fix the
bill, ask tor details.
If the answer you get is not to your satistaction, demand he hold back the
bill. Call him at 1-800-962-3524, 1-800-872-8513, or 202-225-7772, tax:
Also Beware: The House leadership is also trying to sell this bill as a
"orime bill." Some Repubiioan offices are coming under pressure, being
fearful of opposing a "crime bill." Don't let Hill offices tell you this is
a "Contract with America" item. First, the real "Contract" with America is
the U.S. Constitution. H.R. 2768 is unconstitutional. Secondly, calling it
a crime bill does not make the provisions easier to swallow. Nothing has
been changed -- a skunk by any other name still smells the same. Remind
your Representative that you still oppose the "government terror" bill,
even though the leadership is now calling it a "crime bill." Call your
Representative at the 800 numbers above or 202-226-3121.
Note to Internet users, you can get the text of H.R. 2768 by accessing
Posted by: Tom Glass <tomglass@ix.netcom.com>
Editor Note: I have gotten some hate email and other mail asking me how I
can support Pat Buchannan. Many of these people quote the typical 5 words
that are going around in the popular press. "He said this...insert 5 words
here" and base it all on fact. Would we do this with our Lord? Well many
do...famous line is "Well Jesus said a eye for an eye" and "the Bible is
the bloodiest book around". These statement are all drawn because of a lack
of knowledge in the Bible, thus many people quote second hand info. I know
that when the secular world does that, it gets me very mad.
Well I find it very interesting that many Christians get up in arms about
this abuse of the Bible, and yet when it comes to another person or
situation, they do not take the time to do some digging and to see if the
facts are strait.
Well here is a official press release that I got from the Buchannan Head
Quarters..... -- Ray PZ --
Anti-Semitism...Setting the Record Straight
From: Official Pat Buchanan Internet Campaign Headquarters
This is an Official Buchanan for President Press Release
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For Immediate Release:
March 1, 1996
Pat Buchanan- Setting the Record Straight on Anti-Semitism
Pat Buchanan has always favored a strong, independent state of Israel. He
has been a lifelong friend to the Jewish people, both individually and
collectively speaking.
In 1973, as a special assistant to President Nixon, he strongly supported
the decision to aid the Israelis with a massive airlift that saved the
country in the Yom Kippur War.
In 1976, he supported the Israeli raid on Entebbe, and in 1981 he supported
the Begin government's attack on the Baghdad nuclear reactor.
In 1986, he was instrumental in getting Natan Sharanski released from the
Gulag at the urging of his wife Avital.
His columns throughout his 20 years as a columnist contain numerous
affirmations of his view that the U.S. has a "moral commitment - to
guarantee the security and survival of the Israeli state," (as he told
Human Events editor Allan Ryskind in 1992), and not a single reference that
can remotely be considered anti-Semitic. Why, then, the charges?
The charges of anti-Semitism are based on political disputes; stands that
Mr. Buchanan has taken over the years which have angered some columnists,
lobbyists, and pundits. They are rooted, in part, in disagreements about
the direction of American foreign policy, and have nothing to do with
supposed expressions of racist or anti-Semitic sentiment by Mr. Buchanan.
Some of these stands include:
- His support of the "land for peace" policy in the Middle East, which is
now the official policy of the Israeli government.
- His early opposition to a U.S. commitment to re-establish the Emir of
Kuwait because it would put American lives at stake in a conflict that he
believed was not in America's vital interest. Actually, Buchanan favored
deterring Saddam Hussein's aggression in Saudi Arabia.
- His defense of John Demjanjuk, a retired Cleveland auto worker, against
the charge that he was "Ivan the Terrible," the Treblinka Death Camp guard
responsible for the mass murder of Jews. Despite deportation by the U.S.
Justice Department on the basis of evidence falsified by the Soviet KGB,
the Israeli Supreme Court subsequently ruled that it was a case of mistaken
identity, which Buchanan had maintained all along.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In the past six months, anonymous sources have distributed "documentation"
of the charges of anti-Semitism, quoting Mr. Buchanan's past columns and
public statements. These quotations -- clearly taken out of context and
given the most malicious interpretation possible -- represent a transparent
effort to misrepresent Pat Buchanan on issues relating to the Jewish
people, Israel, and racial minorities. The following refutation of some of
the more outrageous charges (in quotes) should help to set the record
1."Buchanan told Elie Wiesel that President Reagan must not surrender to
'Jewish pressure' against visiting a German cemetery where SS men were
- This story was originally broadcast on NBC by Marvin Kalb, soon before
President Reagan made a controversial visit to Bitburg cemetery in 1985.
Kalb reported that Buchanan had been observed writing, "over and over
again," "succumbing to the pressure of the Jews." The alleged source of the
story later told the New York Times that Kalb was mistaken about the
notation, and that "This is a complete flap over nothing. . . Any criticism
of Mr. Buchanan based on his notes is a bum rap." Kalb later apologized for
the report.
2."In a 1977 column Buchanan called Hitler an 'individual of great courage'
who possessed 'extraordinary gifts.'"
- The excerpted phrases are intended to leave the impression that the
column was a tribute to Adolf Hitler. In reality, the column was, in large
part, an account of historian John Toland's widely-acclaimed biography of
Hitler. A characterization of Toland's depiction of Hitler, reads, "Though
Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without
compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of
great courage, a soldier's soldier in the Great War, a political organizer
of the first rank, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed
oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him." In the same
column Buchanan writes that "Hitler was marching along the road toward a
New Order where Western civilization would not survive." Far from an
endorsement of Hitler, the column warned of making the same mistake with
Mao Tse-tun and Taiwan in 1977 that deluded western leaders made with
Hitler and Czechoslovakia in the `30s.
3. "In an interview in Present Tense magazine, Buchanan stated that 'if my
friends in the Jewish community feel Pat Buchanan, a traditionalist
Catholic, owes some kind of apology for the record of the Holy Father
during World War II, they can wait, because it's not going to be
- The context of the comment was the demand by Bronx Rabbi Avraham Weiss
for the Catholic Church to expel Carmelite nuns from their convent at
Auschwitz, on the grounds that their presence there was an insult to Jewish
sensibilities, since Pope Pius XII and the Church were allegedly complicit
in the Holocaust. Weiss actually invaded the convent at Auschwitz to
protest the nuns' presence. The Boston Herald wrote in defense of Weiss'
actions, saying "The coldness of it was numbing: On the spot where
one-quarter of European Jewry was martyred, the church that for 1,000 years
had done so much to feed anti-Semitism intended to set up shop."
Pat Buchanan wrote a column defending the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII
against the slur (which had its origins in Rolf Hochhuth's fictional play
"The Deputy" in 1963), and pointing out that the contemporary testimony of
Jewish leaders contradicted the charges, in fact praising Pius XII for
saving Jewish lives.
4. "On the McLaughlin Report, August 26, 1990: 'There are only two groups
that are beating the drums for war in the middle East, the Israeli Defense
Ministry and its amen corner in the United States."
- Early in the Gulf crisis, before the big buildup of U.S. ground troops
in the Gulf, some columnists in the U.S. and Israeli officials were
clamoring for an early strike against the Iraq. According to a contemporary
account in the New York Times "Many Israeli politicians, academic experts
an citizens are growing nervous, and in some cases angry, after concluding
that the United States wants a political solution and is not looking for a
military confrontation in the Persian Gulf.
"If the United States doesn't solve the problem now," Prime Minister
Shamir's chief of staff was quoted, "Then, they'll have to fly the Marines
back here again."
Many military experts agreed that such an action would risk a disaster. It
was in this context that the remark was made. It was close to a month after
the comment was made -- without objection from any quarter -- when A.M.
Rosenthal made the first public accusation of anti-Semitism against Mr.
5. "In 1987 Buchanan lobbied to stop deportation of Karl Linnas, accused
of Nazi atrocities in Estonia."
- Buchanan's objection to the summary deportation of Karl Linnas to the
Soviet Union -- where he had been tried in absentia and sentenced to death
in 1962 -- was not that a Nazi war criminal ought not to be deported and
executed, but that Linnas' deportation was based on a trial in the Soviet
Union where no U.S. standards of justice applied. That judgment was
seconded at the time by the Washington Post, which opined that "a true and
disturbing question remains whether justice by accepted American standards
was done in this case, where a human life - never mind what kind of a human
he may have been -- is on the line,"
6. "On March 2, 1992, at a campaign rally in Marietta, Georgia, where
Rabbi Avi Weiss called out, 'Your anti-Semitism makes America last,'
Buchanan shot back, "This rally is of Americans, for Americans and for the
good 'ol USA, my friends,"
- The comment, as reported by columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak
at the time, was not directed to the Jewish protesters, but part of the
campaign speech. "It is doubtful Buchanan is talking to the protesters --
an impression confirmed by reporters on the scene who did not question the
candidate about it after the incident," they wrote.
7. "In 1990, before the Gulf War, Buchanan wrote that if the US went to
war, 'the fighting would be done by kids with names like McAllister,
Murphy, Gonzales and Leroy Brown," The National Review commented that
'There is no way to read that sentence without concluding that Pat Buchanan
was suggesting that American Jews manage to avoid personal military
exposure even while advancing military policies they (uniquely?) engender."
- Read in context, it is clear that Mr. Buchanan is making reference to an
editorial in the Economist magazine that urged, "Mr. Bush must go to war
and that "the civilized world must win this fight." Buchanan was making the
point that the casualties would be American, not British.
The quote from National Review's William F. Buckley, Jr., is based on his
incorrect implication that the column mentioning "McAllister Murphy,
Gonzales and Leroy Brown" was in the same piece that listed A.M. Rosenthal,
Richard Perle, Charles Krauthammer and Henry Kissinger as supporters of an
early strike against Saddam. In fact, that column addressed another issue,
the looming split among conservatives on the issue of the Gulf War.
It is clear from these examples that the intent of the accusers has been to
twist the truth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On Patrick Buchanan and anti-Semitism
"As a Jew, I never felt any hostility from Buchanan on that score, never
heard him make a disparaging remark about Jews, never noticed any
difference in the way he treats Jews and non-Jews,"
-Michael Kinsley, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire"
"Even after the Rosenthal column, nobody responsible in the Republican
Party said, 'Yes, Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite.' They didn't join in.
Very few journalists joined in. What happened was, when he entered the
presidential politics, then he entered a new level of criticism and attack
on him."
-Robert Novak, syndicated columnist
"I've known [Pat] now for twenty-five years. We have agreed on almost
nothing, starting with Richard Nixon . . , there's not a scintilla of
evidence in all I've known about Pat that he is anti-Semitic . . , This is
an attempt to say that if you disagree with Israel on a matter of policy,
you can be called anti-Semitic..."
-Jack Germond, Baltimore Sun columnist
"No true Christian can carry within his heart hatred for any of God's
children . . . I am as aware as any other Christian that our Savior was
Jewish, His mother was Jewish. The Apostles were Jewish. The first martyrs
were Jewish...So no true Christian, in my judgment, can be an anti-Semite."
- Pat Buchanan, comment to a Christian magazine, 1992
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Selected Quotations from columns by Patrick J, Buchanan
- On the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 6/25/82
"Politically, mankind suffered no irreversible loss with the sweeping of
the PLO from the international chess board. As virulently anti-American as
it was anti-Israeli, the PLO has been a Soviet cat's-paw, the linchpin of
international terror, the base camp for the worst elements on earth,
afriend to every enemy of the United States from the Sandinistas in
Nicaragua to Idi Amin in Uganda."
- On the state of Israel, 1983
"Israel remains a tough, resourceful, energetic nation, an offspring of the
West . . . whose current struggle merits sympathy and support."
- On the Israeli strike against Iraqi nuclear reactor, 6/11/81
"From a security perspective, the Israelis' preemptive strike against the
Iraqi nuclear reactor outside Baghdad was timely and crucial.
...Given the implacable hatred of Baghdad for Israel-- the nation is
referred to only as "The Zionist Entity" -- the prospect, indeed, the
probability of atomic weapons in Iraqi hands, was one with which the
Israelis literally could not live. ...righteous United States condemnation
of Israel, a small sliver of land with three major cities, rings hollow.
How, for example, would we expect President Reagan and Secretary of State
Haigto act if weapons-grade material were being fed into a Soviet-built
Cuban reactor, with Castro declaring: 'This one is for the Yankees.
...what Israeli could go to sleep secure with revanchist Palestinians a few
miles away nursing their hatred of the 'Zionist imperialists' who destroyed
their homeland and drove their fathers and mothers into refugee camps?"
- On the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, 12/17/85
"It would not be at all unreasonable if the Israelis came to the
conclusion that their survival, more than ever, depends upon themselves
alone. If a majority in that country have arrived at such a conclusion, it
is natural to seek security in geography and guns, not treaties and talk.
...The militants -- Syria, Libya, Iraq, the military wing of the PLO --
will settle for nothing less than eradication of the "Zionist entity" from
the Arab world. Within Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, there are millions
more for whom the humbling and destruction of the Jewish state is a nightly
dream. Even the "moderate" governments in the region -- Egypt, for example
-- could probably not survive a permanent peace which left East Jerusalem
under Israeli control."
- On former Prime Minister Rabin, 9/17/93
"...the statesman who brought peace after a half century of fighting for
Israel's place in the sun."
Official Pat Buchanan Internet Campaign Headquarters
Linda T. Muller - lmuller@iquest.com - Web Author
http://www.buchanan.org or call 1-800-GO PAT GO
Buchanan for President Headquarters
6862 Elm Street, Suite 210, McLean, VA 22101