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 L                                                                         l
 i           ThE ElEEt P01nT F4Ct0R1eZ of SuThuRn WiZc0nzin Pr3z3Nt...     I
 T                                                                         t
 |######|    |##/    /#|    |###|    |#|    \###|    |#|               |####|
 |######|    |#/    /##|    |###|    |#|     \##|    |#|               |####|
 |######|    |/    /###|    |###|    |#|       \|    |#|_____     _____|####|
 |######|         /####|    |###|    |#|             |######|     |#########|
 |######|         \####|    |###|    |#|             |######|     |#########|
 |######|    |\    \###|    \___/    |#|    |\       |######|     |#########|
 |######|    |#\    \##|             |#|    |#\      |######|     |#########|
                 FuXiNg Up Da LaMaHz In Da '96!  w0000 h44444w!

                  |----->->->>> KuNT F33TuReZ: <<<-<-<-----|

                 (@&*$*@&$(#*$ SATANUS MaXiMuS $*#){body}amp;@*$*&@)
                            Pr3ZiD3NT &&& F0UnDER
                          F33RLEZZ LEED3R OF UZ ALL!

                  <----===_-~-_-D1G1S4URUS H3X-_-~-_===---->
                               H34D PR0GR4MM3R
                  T4CT1C4L AZZK3Y 4RT D3ZTRUCT10N SP3Z1ALIZT

                       :::ALZ0 F33TUR1NG TH3ZE D00DZ:::

                               V1CE PR3ZID3NTZ:
                  (((==$$$ D4 S1L1C0N F4RM3R $$$==)))
                       >>>-=--->== D34DL1N3 ==<---=-<<<

         .,-*-,._.,-* 4ND TH3 R4DD3ST OF TH3 R4D D00DZ *-,._.,-*-,.
                             >>>>%> RZA <%<<<<

                               4N4RCHY 43V3R!
                              PUNK'Z N0T D34D!
                1NDUZTR14L GL4M R0CK T4K1NG 0V3R D4 M41NZTR34M
                        FUX 0FF 4ND D1E, D4WN MCG4TN3Y
                       KUNT RULEZ 4 ETERN1TY@#$@$!!!!1!!




                 BuT eWe MuST eMaiL uS aT: kunt@firecraker.com
                     THaNX To ASCIIRIDER FoR THaT aDDReSS
                             MoRe CoMiNG S00n

                        TaBLe oV KuNTeNTS!%$#$%#%#%&$

SeCTioN                                                                  TiTLe
CoVeRPaGe.......................eWe aRe L00KiNG aT iT RiGHT N0W, MoRoN!!$#^%$^
01.................................a WoRD FRoM ouR SPoNSoR -- THiS iSSue - goD
02.............................THe aDVeNTuReS oV SaTaNuS MaXiMuS aND iRCoP.iRC
03......................................................WoRDZ FRoM THe FouNDeR
04......................................................H0W T0 BE 3L1T3 0N 1RC
05......................................................THiS D00D WaSN'T eLiTe
06..............................................eDWaRD PeeR -- CaPTuReD!!%$#^&
07*..................................................HaXoR WHiTeHouSe DoT GoV!
08............................KuNT DiSCLaiMS ReSPoNSiBiLiTY iN AiRLiNe B0MBiNG
09......................................................THiS iSSueZ THeMe SoNG
10................................KuNT MeMBeRS iLLeGaLLY aCCuSeD oF CHiLD PoRN
11......................................................GeTTiNG PHRee WaReZ!!!
12........................................CeRT aDViSoRY oN WHiTeHouSe.GoV HaCK
13..........................................69LGM aDViSoRY oN su SeCuRiTY HoLe
14................................................................MoRe iRC HaX
15..........................................................k-L33T PR0GRaMMiNG
16...............................................KuNT HaCKS THe oLYMPiCS!!%$%^
17...............................LaMeRZ aND /etc/passwd -- a ToP TeN LiST!!%$^
18......................................................KuNT S3Z G00DbYe 4 n0w


                aND NoW, a WoRD FRoM ouR SPoNSoR -- goD!!%^#%^{body}amp;

                             Our Lady's Message
                       Through Gianna Stallone Segal
               at St. Cooze's Catholic Brothel, Emmitsburg, MD
                               July 4, 1996

    My dear little children, fornicate for Jesus!

    Little ones, do not be discouraged with impotence in your life, but trust
in Jesus and remain steadfast in your onanism. I am here to bring you closer
to Jesus' bed and He will bring you to the Father for "sloppy seconds". 
    Do not become excited when people fondle you. This is part of the
spiritual path to horniness and many times unavoidable. The more you become
a horndog the more the world will scorn you, humiliate you and persecute
you. Do not fear; I am your Mother of Lust and I will fellate you. All
who seek refuge in My Immaculate Snatch will be safe and filled with a deep
inner joy, if a little damp and slimy, and redolent of fish. 
    Here at this valley of My beloved St. Cooze is the center which My
Immaculate Furburger invites all children to seek refuge. Look to my Mons,
little ones, for strength in your wankings and rejoice in Them that He 
has lead you astray. He will lead you to hot wet sex and eternal Hellfire.
    It is necessary for all to respond to His soft touch if evil is to be
promoted. You cannot be limp. A lack of response is a lack of lust. It
is necessary to be disciplined and obedient to His call, not to mention His
Whips, Chains and Buttplugs. You must make an effort to scream convincingly
if Jesus is to make you one of His Bitches. 
    I love you little children, especially in those short plaid skirts,
and fondle you in His place. Piss to you, in Fond Remembrance of His
Predilection for Golden Showers. 


                         WHaT NoT To Do oN iRC.....

KripTik: hey
KripTik: where would i put ircII scripts ? in the ircII dir. or the main home 
dir. ?
k-Lame: wherever
TriXXter: did you do rm on them?
k-Lame: you just need to locate them when you /load it
KripTik: ok


KripTik: er
KripTik: i got a problem
KripTik: :(
KripTik: i did /load country/load

KripTik: it couldnt find it
KripTik: can u help with the shell again ?
SaTaNuS: YeS eYe KaN, MoRTaL.
KripTik: well i got this script called country
KripTik: and i wanna know how to use it now
SaTaNuS: ReaLLY.
SaTaNuS: I HaVe a BeTTeR SCRiPT FoR eWe.
KripTik: ok
KripTik: for ircII scripts do i put them in the uus folder ?

KripTik: send it again
KripTik: my ctcp was off

SaTaNuS: iz it in there now?
KripTik: done :)
SaTaNuS: now
SaTaNuS: from the shell irc
SaTaNuS: type /load ircop.irc
KripTik: wait i got told NEVER to use this script :P
KripTik: i just memberd
KripTik: it was on a web page too
SaTaNuS: uhm
Tandronis: its not that one
SaTaNuS: okay, believe them if you want
Tandronis: this one is ok to use
SaTaNuS: it was probably oN SuM eLiTe HaCKa PaGe, RiGHt?
KripTik: nope
KripTik: on a guys unix archive
Tandronis: and if that person is not supposed to be opped it deops them
SaTaNuS: grrrr
Mayhem: well this is loaded
SaTaNuS: okay
SaTaNuS: type: /slink
SaTaNuS: what does it say?
SaTaNuS: hopefully it'll work, sometimes it doesn't
SaTaNuS: that sets up server links
Mayhem: noo
KripTik: fuck
SaTaNuS: mayhem - reload it, and tell me what comes on yr screen.

SaTaNuS: kriptik - is it working?

IamFucked doesn't know it yet but he has secretly had his files replaced
IamFucked - with Folgers Crystals.
IamFucked - Will he notice?   Let's watch...
IamFucked: Fucking Son of a Bitch!  They bastartds deleted my god damn files!
IamFucked: I'm gona fucking kill there ass! 
IamFucked - Folgers Crystals... Rich enough to replace even MY files.
IamFucked is so damned 3l33+...

TriXXter: hahahahahahaha
-Mayhem- ^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^GIRCop.irc flood on all Faggots!^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G
Mayhem: ^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^GIRCop.irc flood on all Faggots!^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G
Mayhem: ^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^GIRCop.irc flood on all Faggots!^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G
Mayhem: ^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^GIRCop.irc flood on all Faggots!^G^G^G^G^G^G^G^G

KripTik: ojh u suck
Trixxter: heh..
KripTik: fuck u


                          WoRDZ FRoM Da FouNDeR

                          SoMe DaY iN JuLY...i996

     WeLCoMe To KuNT!!%$^

     It's the first issue of KuNT. I didn't expect it ever to get this far
when me and the rest of the KuNT KRoWD decided to write a zine.

     Allow me to introduce myself...I lack both wealth and taste.

     You won't guess my name, though.

     Why are we doing this? Because there's a lack of truly k-RaD zines out
there, nowadays. Plus, we were all incredibly fucking bored.

     Now, just so I can get some stuff of my chest, I'm going to send some
thanks out to some people who really deserve them.     

     * Phlintlok Jesus, for The Book Of 416
     * TWaT, for the coolest zine to grace my disk's electrons
     * BooYaa, for being one of the funniest motherfuckers ever to live
     * KiploH, for his help
     * Filbert, for PHRuWT
     * Ken (nuff said)
     * David Lynch
     * Timmy Leary, we miss you
     * Jesus of Nazareth, for showing that Christianity was a crock of shit

     That's it.

     But before I go, my disclaimer, which applies to everything in every
issue of KuNT:


                                                    --SaTaNuS MaXiMuS
                                                 <satanus@phunk.com> (soon)
                                                 <satanus@kunt.org> (ditto)


                        H0W T0 BE 3L1T3 0N 1RC

1 Y0u Ne3d t() get a G0()D CLIENT |iK3 M1RC 4.1 D0nt l1sten t0 P3()pl3 wH() 
  us3 ircII, they are lamers That 1nsisT 0N d01ng tH1ngs the 0|D faS1()n way

2 NexT U need t0 G3t A g0()D fl0()db()t scR1pt liK3 K1ll3R G0ld.. mak3 sUr3 
  thaT U PUt kil|3r g()|d in UR 1RCNAME, becAuse 0th3Rwis3 Pe0p|3 W0nt kn0w U 
  are rEa|Ly 3|1t3

3 Mak3 ab()ut 10 cl0neB()ts & hav3 them s1T ()n a ChAnn3L l1K3 #tw1|1ght_z0ne 
  ()r #wasteland in cas3 anYb0dY d3Cides t() qU3sT1()n Ur 'L33tness

4 N0w U need t() maK3 Ur n1cKName a |iTtLe b1t m0r3 EliT3.. suPp()s3 Ur nick
  WAs RedDog, th1s is P|a1N & very eaSy T0 typ3, Mak3 it s()m3Th1nG |1k3 
  |^R3d-D0g^| s() pe0P|e havE a harder t1Me typiNg Ur N1ck.. tHis way theY 
  cant bAN U!!!

5 Y0u N()w n3ed t0 G3t UR ():|ine s() tyP3 ``/away is an irc operator''
  w1th0Ut tHe qU()t3zz. Th1s tuRns U 1nt() an ()per & N()w U can jUsT t3Ll 
  ()Th3R 0pers tHAt U Wi|| /k1|| tH3m if THey mess W1tH U!

6 Tak3()ver channels That 0n|y have 3 pe()pl3 1N thEm... the L3ss p30pl3 thEre 
  ar3 In a channel, tH3 hArd3R it 1s t() Take()v3r, becaue the Rea| ch0ps cAn
  f0cuS all THe1R att3nt1()n 0N U, Brag Ab()ut channeLs U take0v3r!

7 N0w it is t1me t0 M()v3 0n! Y0ur n0W 0Ff1c1aLLy 3L1te, & U can start up 
  Ur 0wn irc netw()rk.. get A c()py ()f W1Nd0Ws 95 1Rc s3rver, & ruN 1t.. t3|l 
  ev()ryb0Dy t() c()m3 ()v3r t0 pool337.Max15.San-Francisco.CA.DYNIP.ALTER.NET
  p0rT 31337 b3CauSe it 1s an El1te serv3r!!! 

8 L0ad al()t ()f cl0neB()ts 0nt0 Ur ()wn S3rVer.. They w0nt f|0()D 0fF b3caus3 
  they ARe ()n Ur ()wn machin3 & U cAN d0 whateV3r U want 0n 1t!

9 invit3 all the 0P3raT0rs fr()m eFn3T & und3Rnet 0Ver T0 UR s3Rv3r

10 FL0()D 3V()RYB()DY 0FF UR 1rC s3rv3r.. becAuse & T3ll Them h()W lAm3 th3y 
   Ar3 BecuAse th3y d0nT haV3 tHe1r 0wn s3Rv3R!


                       WHaT HaPPeNZ iF eWe aReN'T eLiTe

This person didnt follow the 10 basic steps... but i still use them as an 
example of eliteness:

/join #macpass
>hey, whats up?
<MacP> dood i just got out of jail
> for what?
<MacP> i told some guy i was going to break into his class c network, and then
+started brute forcing root from my shell account, and he called my admin, the 
+fuqing narq!
>why did you tell him you were going to do that?
<MacP> because i wanted to show off for my elite freindz that i buy with        
>that was kinda stupid
<MacP> yeah i know that is why now that i got my computer back i am going to 
+break in for real
>dont you think that is stupid considering the guy is online right now, and 
+knows you are too?
<MacP> yeah but i dont care he cant catch me cause i logged in at 2400 baud, 
+so it wont set off his motion detectors!
> what happens if you get caught?
<MacP> i go back to juvie and get re-united with my loverboy
>ohh.. well in that case...
<MacP> ohh shit.. what does this mean? MESSAGE FROM root On console
+your hacking days our over heath
>i dunno.. did you hack your irc client so you can type /newuser root again?


                         CoNNeCTioN ReSeT BY WHo?!??!

FBI Arrests Dangerous Computer Hacker

(AP, July 18th) The FBI has arrested one of the most dangerous, and most
widely known computer vandals the world has ever known. Edward Peer, known for
resetting connections between computers on the Internet for many years, and
leaving his calling card everytime he did this. Mr. Peer would stop
communication between computers using a as yet unknown method, and directed 
the systems to report and error of "Connection Reset by Peer". 
      Under interrogation by FBI agents, Mr. Peer refused to give up any 
secrets whatsoever. Mr. Peer was asked if he knew how many systems he had 
infiltrated and disrupted over the years, but he refused again to disclose any 
      It is believed that Mr. Peer worked in cohorts with the infamous group 
of computer delinquents known simply as 'KuNT' in disrupting communications 
around the world. Mr. Peer would give no statement concerning this hypothesis.
      Associated Press reporters established contact with a KuNT member who 
gave his identification only as 'The Silicon Farmer' for comment. Mr. Farmer 
was quoted as saying, "Give me a quarter, and I'll tell you your fortune." 
When asked to clarify his position on the Peer case, Mr. Farmer said, "A 
fortune for a quarter. I LOVE quarters!" Communications between Mr. Farmer and 
reporters ceased at this time, when Mr. Farmer proceeded to attempt and order 
a pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni from the reporters.
      A few hours later, The Associated Press was reached by telephone by KuNT
member 'Deadline', who informed us that he was on vacation in Miami Beach,
soaking up a tan and having sexual experiences with "Hot blondes on the 
      Deadline gave his position on the Peer case as, "Well, would YOU want 
someone touching you on your willy?" When asked to reconsider his position 
concerning Edward Peer, Deadline mumbled something into the phone that sounded 
something like, "Well, look I wanna get high, ok, but all I have is a handful 
of nutmeg." The phone conversation was terminated at that time.
      Further attempts at reaching the KuNT organization were made, and
eventually a third member of KuNT, SaTaNuS MaXiMuS, was reached via telephone.
Mr. MaXiMuS was asked to reply to allegations that Mr. Edward Peer and the 
KuNT organization were jointly involved in this series of computer break-ins 
and intrusions. "I have a dream.. that one day, I will make a fuckload of 
money and buy the damn Associated Press, and use it to further the KuNT child 
porn ring," Mr. MaXiMuS said. "There is someone that you should speak to about
this," we were informed, and a supposed second party, who identified 
themselves as Horatio, was brought to the telephone for comment. "Horatio says 
hi. Horatio is SaTaNuS MaXiMuS' penis," said this party who we assume to be 
KuNT operative Horatio. (It must be noted that speculation is abound that 
Horatio was indeed just a fake personage, because his voice sounded like Mr. 
MaXiMuS' voice, only a few octaves higher.) "Horatio get hard while looking at 
goat," Horatio stated. "Oh mama. My mama is [a] goat. Horatio fuck her ass all 
day long without getting soft." The phone was apparently dropped on the other 
end, and a few shouts of joy and a voice intoning, "YES, DEAR GOD, I'M 
CUMMING!" were heard before the phone connection was broken.
      The KuNT organization could not be reached for further comment.
      Currently, Mr. Peer is waiting arraignment on charges that could 
possibly range from criminal trespass to rape. Arraignment is set for next 


tsf@farm: ~ $ telnet
telnet> o whitehouse.gov
Trying ...
Connected to whitehouse.gov.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

/* their firewall don't like me... lets try something */

tsf@farm: ~ $ whois WHITEHOUSE-DOM
Whitehouse Public Access (WHITEHOUSE-DOM)
   Executive Office of the President USA
   Office of Administration
   Room NEOB 4208
   725 17th Street NW
   Washington, D.C. 20503

   Domain Name: WHITEHOUSE.GOV

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
      Patecell, Doug  (DP584)  postmaster@A1.EOP.GOV
      (202) 395-6493

   Record last updated on 28-Oct-95.
   Record created on 17-Oct-94.

   Domain servers in listed order:


The InterNIC Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Information
(Networks, ASN's, Domains, and POC's).
Please use the whois server at nic.ddn.mil for MILNET Information.
tsf@farm: ~ $ telnet
Trying ...
Escape character is '^]'.
Telnet Protocol Gateway - v1.5
(TEST Version)
Welcome to the EOP telnet relay.  Type 'c remotehost' to connect.

Telnet Authentication. For further information enter "help".
Command? help
Recognized commands:
    connect hostname [optional port]    - connect to remote host via server
    help                                - this list
    ?                                   - this list
    quit                                - disconnect from gateway
    exit                                - disconnect from gateway

You are authorized by entering your PIN and the current
cardcode displayed by your SecurID card when requested to
enter your PASSCODE by this relay.
Authorization commands:
    auth                                - determine your current
                                          authorization status
    auth username                       - authorize yourself

Command? c whitehouse.gov
Connect kunt.org to whitehouse.gov: permission denied
Command? auth president
Enter PASSCODE for president
User president authenticated.
Command? connect whitehouse.gov
Connected to whitehouse.gov

Escape character is '^]'.

UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (whitehouse)

login: root
Password: wetwilly
Last login: Wed Jul 17 00:49:32 from kunt.org
/* yes i'm in.. lets see who is on */
whitehouse# who
root        pts/69            Jul  23 22:10     (kunt.org)
gflower     pts/12            Jul  23 10:23     (national.enquirer.com)
willy       console           Jul  23  9:46
willy       pts/0             Jul  23  9:46
willy       pts/1             Jul  23  9:47
hillary     pts/4             Jul  22 18:22     (ovaloffice.whitehouse.gov)
packwood    pts/11            Jul  23 23:04     (packwood.misconduct.com)
/* a lot of people are on.. hope they dont notice me */
/* lets see what they are up to */
whitehouse# w
 12:42am  up 11 day(s), 11:40,  4 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.18, 0.16
User        tty         login@     what
root        pts/69      22:10      w
gflower     pts/12      10:23      talk willy
willy       console     9:46       talk jflower
willy       pts/0       9:46       rm -rf /home/scandal/whitewater
willy       pts/1       9:47       ftp topsecret.files.fbi.gov
hillary     pts/4       18:22      make president > me
packwood    pts/11      23:04      touch secretary
/* looks like nobody noticed me.. this gives me time to go invisible */
whitehouse# cat > invis.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
printf("KuNT InDuStRiEz LiMiTeD\n");
system("/bin/rm -f /bin/who");
system("/bin/rm -f /bin/ps");
system("/bin/rm -f /bin/w");
system("/bin/rm -f /bin/finger");
system("/bin/rm -f /bin/whois");
printf("Y()U AR3 N()W C()MPLET3LY 1NV1SABLE!!!\n");
whitehouse# /opt/gnu/bin/gcc -o invis invis.c
whitehouse# ./invis

        Message from packwood on whitehouse (pts/11) [ Thu Jul 23 01:03:01 ] 
hey baby, wanna try out my dedicated port?
/* ohh shit.. bobby knows i am here... time to cover my tracks */
whitehouse# kill -9 -1
Connection closed by foreign host.

now.. dont worry.. that killed everything so they will never find me..
remember to steal the free warez in that log!


                           We DiDN'T DeW iT!!!%^#$^

From the AP Newswire, July 19th

Group Disclaims Responsibility for Airliner Bombing

      The Associated Press received a statement from a group known as KuNT 
today, disclaiming any responsibility for the recent bombing of TransWorld 
Airlines Flight 800. Flight 800 exploded over Long Island, New York, on July 
17th, starting a cleanup and rescue mission that included members of the FBI, 
FCC, and U.S. Coast Guard.
      The group known as KuNT called Associated Press offices in Greenbow,
Alabama, vehemently denying responsibility for the disaster. "I mean, if we 
were going to bomb the damn thing, we would have used a bigger bomb, and blew 
the damn thing up at the airport," stated a member of KuNT, who gave his only
identification as 'Deadline'. This person went on to state, "Besides, we were
too busy renting porno videos from the video store and having a nice quiet
circle jerk." When the Associated Press staffer pressed for details about 
their get-together, Deadline replied, "It was good for me. We'll invite you to 
cover it next time."
      This person went on to state that there would be problems in the future
concerning citizens of the United States, hinting that KuNT would be a major
player in these occurances. "Remember that blackout that occured over the
Western portion of the United States? We'll do it again," Deadline stated. At
this point, the phone was muffled, and conversation went on in the background.
We believe it to be between Deadline and another two members of this
organization, referred to by this mysterious person as 'Sis' and 'Honey
Bunches'. The phone was unmuffled at this point, and the spokesperson for KuNT
proceeded to describe the pleasures of oral sexual activities that a fellow
KuNT member was giving to him. "Yeah, Sis is good," he stated between moans 
and groans. After this, Deadline proceeded to mutter a quick few words that 
were not caught by the staffer taking the phone call, and hung up the phone. 
One can only wonder at what lies in store for America.


                             KuNT KuNT BaBY

you stop, suid root and listen
security, your site is missin
kunt is back with our brand new intrusion
kunt grabs you and gives out a bruisin
can you ever stop us? fuck no!
turn off the lights, your girl gives us a blow
to the extreme we hack root like masters
you try to beat us, we get faster

hack, our exploits will take you to school
when we get done you'll know it's kunt that rules
slowly, like a badass hooker
sucking the cock of your systems lurker
cp it, or rm it, your files are ours
gonna fuck up your system and steal your .tar's
if there's a sendmail, yo, we'll hack it
while you look for fudge so you can pack it

KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l
KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l

now your punk ass admin is crying
to the office of the fbi he's flying
quick to get root, it's what we do
trading zero day warez.... that too
hacking you, if there's the slightest hole
while you ride your tech guy's pole
and a warez board, with no fucking ratio
got a T1, it's time to go download
rollin up a jay
with my pants pulled down so your bitch can blow
kept on hacking to the next box
fucked your girl again, yeah, while we watched COPS on Fox
your warez were old
yo, so down goes your box and it's time to go

kodez were hot givin free LD
callin your girl to go down on me
bawlin, cause you're gettin hacked bad
you should know better than to make KuNT mad
squealin to the fags on the phone
bow before KuNT you're about to be owned
cumshots, pasted on the ceiling
makin you wank off till you lose all feeling
dripping, all over that pretty lace
ripped off her clothes and jizzed on her face
system to system, we'll hack them all
then buttfuck your mom up against the wall
police are on the scene, acting really mean
what can we say, we're just bored teens
if there is a hole, yo we'll hack it
we'll offer you a clue because you lack it

KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l
KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l

take heed, bow or you'll pay
KuNT is getting root every fucking day
our warez, that are elite and are 0-day
you want in, lamer? well no way!
because KuNT is so elite
we'll make you go suck on a goat's teat
hacking and trading, it's a hell of a concept
we hack it out, and you wanna be like us
silicon hacks on the shell, you drool like a lamer
and get cast into hell so fast, make you say 'damn!'
we've got the drugs, we sell 'em by the gram
grabbing your girlie when it's time to get loose
she always smiles as she swallows our juice
if there is a hole, yo we'll hack it
we'll offer you a clue because you lack it

KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l
KuNT KuNT baby, too k-k00l, too k-k00l

yo, mitnick, let's get out of here...
word to your parole officer


                        HoTPiX4u? oNLY iF You'Re 18...

NYPD Child Sex Sting Backfires

(July 17) The New York City Police Department uncovered a supposed child sex
ring in New York City early this week, but a sting operation backfired when 
the Police themselves were found to be the culprits of this hideous crime.
      In the wee hours of the morning on July 15th, New York City Police
Department invaded a building in the SoHo section of New York City, where an
anonymous tip led them to believe that a child pornography and sex operation
was being run. The police found two members of the paramilitary group KuNT
sitting around a television set watching what was later identified to be an
episode of 'Barney and Friends'. These members were identified as KuNT members
SaTaNuS MaXiMuS and D1G1S4URUS H3X. (Their true names cannot be released,
due to their innocence of the charges brought against them.) Police placed
these men under armed watch while the rest of the building was searched.
      In searching the apartment, officers came across KuNT member Deadline in
the bathroom, taking a bath, along with what was identified as various Ken and
Barbie dolls from Mattel(tm), and a small sheep named Marko. Deadline was
engaged in anal copulation with the sheep named Marko, and repeatedly asked
police officers to leave the area while he "Finished his business with Marko."
      Police also came across a bedroom where KuNT member The Silicon Farmer was
downloading pictures of a person later identified as Wynonna Judd. Farmer was
found with one hand down in his underwear (later identified as Hanes Briefs,
Waist 32), and another hand pushing what appeared to be a large cucumber into
his anal sphincter.
      Needless to say, officers did not find anything out of the ordinary at 
the building, but were helpfully provided with a location of a Kiddie Porn 
stash at another location in SoHo. Later on that night, officers conducted a 
second sting operation, and found three NYPD officers, in uniform, performing
masturbatory acts while staring at a pornographic picture in a magazine
entitled, "Boys Love Their Daddies". Their erect penis lengths were later
recorded at one inch, one and a half inches, and one and a quarter inches in
length. These men were placed under arrest, and were placed under arrest and
charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, possession of child
pornography, and having really small schlongs.
      KuNT members could not be reached for comment. However, sources tell us
that KuNT plans to file a $50 Million defamation of character lawsuit against
the Mayor of New York and the New York City Police Department.


                           PHRee \/\/aReZ!!!%$^

/-/0w t0 4s/< f0r w4r3z 4nd g3t t/-/3m quic/<ly

1.    g0 0n irc

2.    j0in 0n3 0f t/-/3s3 l33t c/-/4nn3ls:

3.    pr0c33d t0 s4y t/-/is m3ss4g3 0v3r 4nd 0v3r:

      "/-/3ll0 I 4M /<-R4D GIV3 M3 W4R3Z Pl33Z"

      d0n't w0rry if 3w3 s4y it m4ny tim3s, 3w3 /-/4v3 t0 s4y it m4ny tim3s in
      0rd3r t0 r3c3iv3 t/-/3 4tt3nti0n t/-/4t 3w3 s0 ric/-/ly d3s3rv3.

4.    if m3mb3rs s4y t/-/4t 3w3 4r3 l4m3, t/-/3n r3spond by s4ying t/-/is lin3
      ov3r 4nd ov3r m4ny m4ny tim3s:

      "FUC/< 3W3 3Y3 W4NT SUM /<-R4D W4R3Z NOW PL33Z S/-/4R3 D3M WIT/-/ 

      r3m3mb3r t/-/4t t/-/3y m4y not /-/34r 3w3 t/-/3 first tim3, so s4y 
      t/-/is m4ny tim3s in ord3r to g3t 4ll t/-/3 4tt3ntion t/-/4t 3w3 c4n. 
      r3m3mb3r: w/-/3n mor3 p33pul /-/4v3 yur 4tt3ntion, t/-/3 mor3 w4r3z you 

5.    onc3 3w3 /-/4v3 gott3n 4ll t/-/3 w4r3z 3w3 c4n g3t out of on3 c/-/4nn3l
      go to 4not/-/3r c/-/4nn3l in t/-/3 list t/-/4t 3y3 g4v3 to 3w3 4bov3!! 
      w/-/3n you /-/4v3 visit3d t/-/3m 4ll, st4rt 4g4in! t/-/3y will /-/4v3 
      pl3nty of gnu /<-r4d 3l33t w4r3z for 3w3!

6.    s00n 3w3 will b3 0ff3r3d l0ts 4nd l0ts 0f /<-r4d 0-d4y w4r3z!!!


                       SLiCK WiLLYZ No uNiX d00d


CERT(sm) Advisory CA-96.66 July 23, 1996

Topic: Hacked system -- whitehouse.gov


The CERT Coordination Center has received a report of a hacker
breaking in to the computer systems of the United States Govern-
ment, located at whitehouse.org. The hacker exploited a poorly
chosen authorization password by a simple brute force guess.

The White House wishes to emphasize that there is no threat to
National Security due to the fact that a complete log of this
hacker's actions is available, and no private files were accessed.

The CERT Coordination Center wishes to use this as an opportunity
to remind everyone of the importance of well-chosen passwords for
system security.

As  we  receive additional information relating to this advisory,
we will place it in


We encourage you to check our README files regularly for  updates
on advisories that relate to your site.


I.   Description

A hacker known only as 'tsf', (based on his login at the system
he telnetted in from) successfully gained root access on the systems
located at whitehouse.gov two days ago. Following are the relevant
portions of the system accounting logs:

Jul 21 19:25:12 porch in.telnetd[4923]: connect from farm.kunt.org
Jul 21 19:25:12 porch in.telnetd[4924]: connection refused - no authorization
Jul 21 19:32:23 yard  in.securetelnetd[25]: attempted connect from kunt.org
Jul 21 19:32:45 yard  in.securetelnetd[26]: connect from kunt.org, root
Jul 21 19:32:52 door  in.syslogd[42]: root - who
Jul 21 19:33:07 door  in.syslogd[43]: root - w
Jul 21 19:33:55 door  in.syslogd[44]: root - cat > invis.c
  [utmp exploit removed from log for security purposes]
Jul 21 19:35:52 door  in.syslogd[45]: root - /opt/gnu/bin/gcc -o invis invis.c
Jul 21 19:36:22 door  in.syslogd[46]: root - ./invis
Jul 21 19:36:35 door  in.syslogd[47]: root - kill -9 -1

At this point in his break-in, the hacker killed all current processes
on whitehouse.gov. This signed him off, as well as all valid users. Upon
noticing this unauthorized kill, the authorized sysadmin changed the root
password to a randomly generated one.

II.  Impact

This break-in holds no impact to the Ineternet community, other
than to reinforce the idea of using secure passwords.

The  CERT Coordination Center staff thanks Doug Patecell for his
solution to the problem and for his support with this advisory.

If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the
CERT Coordination Center or your representative in the  Forum  of
Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST).

We  strongly  urge  you  to encrypt any sensitive information you
send by email.  The CERT Coordination Center can support a shared
DES key and PGP. Contact the CERT staff for more information.

Location of CERT PGP key

CERT   Contact   Information   -------------------------  Email cert@cert.org

Phone    +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
                CERT personnel answer 8:30-5:00 p.m. EST
                (GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4), and are on call for
                emergencies during other hours.

Fax      +1 412-268-6989

Postal address
        CERT Coordination Center
        Software Engineering Institute
        Carnegie Mellon University
        Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

CERT publications, information about FIRST  representatives,  and
other  security-related  information  are available for anonymous
FTP from

CERT advisories and bulletins are also posted on the USENET news-
group comp.security.announce

To  be  added  to  our  mailing list for CERT advisories and bul-
letins, send your email address to

Copyright 1996 Carnegie Mellon University This  material  may  be
reproduced and distributed without permission provided it is used
for noncommercial purposes and the copyright statement is includ-

CERT is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.

This file:       ftp://info.cert.org/pub/cert_advisories/CA-96.66
                 click on "CERT Advisories"

Version: 2.6.2

n0HWkh7kV4M= =zcQN 







      SunOS 5.x 
      Most other UNIX operating systems

      su(1) is a backdoor created by an engineer at AT&T, it was
      designed to give a disgruntled employee access to any account
      on the machines he created.


      Users can use su to obtain root access.


      A program to exploit this vulnerability is available as of now.
      This program has been tested with the latest 69lgm patch. 

-------- CUT HERE -------

su root


       Programs that ship suid(0) are usually secure, however su is not.


       69lgm has written this patch, for many unix systems.

-------- CUT HERE --------

rm -f /usr/bin/su


       The writers of 69lgm still cannot find a date.



                               MoRe iRC HaX

> Hmmmm lets see what I can do here
> lets see who's on #wasteland
      #wasteland  CapVideo H*@  0            majdi@puck.nether.net /msg
+CapVideo I will give gay netsex for an O:
      #wasteland     Pyber H*@  5           pyber@caspian.prcn.org #kidsex
+channel manager
      #wasteland    merrii H*@  3      princess@pm00825.inlink.com I netsex'd
+Cosmic for my O:, did you?
> Not too many people in #wasteland.. lets go take it over, shall we?

> now lets wait for a split




#wasteland: @ghjghj 

> la la la I have ops in #wasteland la la la
> now we wait for the net to rejoin


<merrii> Hey that's not nice! give us our channel back before we cry!!!
<CapVideo> Give me ops.. cos I'm LAME!

+*!*@*.inlink.com" on #wasteland by deadline

+want gay anal sex)

+for me)

+old wrinkly cunt, i know it tastes good)


+am too busy shooting up heroin and fighting with Cym so you will have to wait
> la la la
> ok that was fun.. lets hack uworld now

-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -                 UNDERWORLD  -- the channel
+saver SERVICE
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org)
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -Commands from this bot are OPER USAGE ONLY
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -ie:  you must have your * when using this bot
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -.
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -format of commands:
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -/msg Uworld opcom <command.>
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -ex:  /m uworld opcom mode #wasteland +o nick1
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -command is most normal commands as if you 
+were typing them from your keyboard.
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -.
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -MODE #chan +-flags args
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -KICK #chan nick comment
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -.
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -Special command
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -clearchan #chan  (clears all modes and bans
+from a channel)
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -opchan #chan nick  (gives nick ops on channel
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -.
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -remember you must have your oper status on,
+and you must use the format
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -/m uworld opcom COMMAND .......
-ChanSvr (ChanSvr@undernet.org) -for special commands, just use /m uworld
+COMMAND <args>
> ok, I have my *, lets have fun

+deadline!deadline@eris.kunt.org (you all fucking suck)

+deadline!deadline@eris.kunt.org (you all fucking suck)

+autoban me bitch, I own you)
> ok now i am very bored
> i think i will go now


4n 3l33t d00d Art1clezz 0n Pr0Gr4mm1ngz

H3Y K1DD1EZ!!!!

It'z D1G1S4URUS H3X here, helping ya'llzz to be eleet like we KuNT K-KEwL 
d00dz onze aga1n.

Alr1ghtyz, str41ght t0 da pointz.  Az an eleet d00d recogn1zed by m0zt 
persunz, I, of courze, get asked a l0t how dey c4n allz be eleet laike me.
Da BeZt of HaQrs uzzually duzn't l3t 0ut hiz secr3tz, but I'zz t1red of 
being azked, so I'zz will show you'z an inkling ov what KuNT kan do.


What shud be obviouz to ya'llz iz dat in order to be'zz eleet, you'ze needz
to lern to haq.  N0w, what iz more subtle iz dat in 0rder to haq, you'ze 
gotz to learnz howz to pr0gramz in el33t wayz.  f0rg3tz b0ut azzembl3r, cuz
it'z K-L4ME!  K-F4GG1T R3PUBLICANZ UZE AZZEMBLER!  No, we'ze gunna uze da 
bezt language there iz, and dat'z bazic.  Th3 eaziest way to getz on bazic
iz to goto skool, where'z dey'z got k-l4me Applez(U know, thoze computerz
th4t c4me 0ut 4fter da M4CinToSh d1ed cuz dey suxcked so b4d).  N0wZ, sinze
theze computeRz suck, you'ze muzt HAX0R DEM!  3V3RY elite haqr's g0al iz to 
brake stuffz.  NowZ, you typeZ thIz elEeT Pr0Gr4m:

            REM ThiZ Iz An ElEET KuNT PrOGGiE
            REM KuNT Is HaQiNG Ur SyZtEm
            REM ELeEtNeZZ ABoUNdZ
            10 PRINT HAHAHA!  You HHAZ BEEN HAQED BY a KuNT ProDuCtiOn!
            REM DaT WuZ ElEEt
            REM DIS wIlL Be MoRe ElEET
            20 GOTO 10
            REM Da End!  MoRe ElEET DaN Ur GrAnDmA!

ConGr4DuLaT1onZ!!!!!!  You Iz NoW A HAqR, AnD a PrEtTy ElEEt One, t00!  But
DaT iZ N0t All!  El33tnezz Iz HaRd WeRk!  YoU'Ze N33Dz t0 R3M3mb3r m0re 


If You'Ze Iz El33t enuff to HaXor ur w4y into D4 MA1NFR4ME OS(UN1X 4 u 
LaMhahz), DaN TyPeZ ThIZ StUfF:

            $echo I Iz ElEEt AnD I LE4RNed It AllZ FrUm KunT!
            $echo NoW I'Ze Iz Gunna HaXoR!
            $echo I Iz HaQinG Ur SyZtEm AnD TheRe Iz NutHing U Kan Do 
                     AbouT It! > ElEEtFiLe
            $mail root < ElEEtFiLe
            $pico ElEEtPrOggIe.c

NoWz U'Ze Iz ReDdy t0 Pr3P4re To HaXoR DeR BoX!  TyPe DiZ ElEEtNeZZ NeXt:

            #include <stdio.h>
            #include <stdlib.h>

            /* ElEEtNeZZ F0LL0WZ */
            /* DAMN!  DaT WuZ ElEEt!  ThAnX EwE KuNT! */
            /* BrillIanT!  D1G1S4UR Iz A GoD! */
            printf("ThiZ Iz Me HaQiNg Ur SyZtEm!  ThaNx, Kunt!");
            /* WoWz!  I KaN't BeliEveZ Da GenIuz ThaT WenT IntO Dis! */
            /* It Iz FinIShEd!  I ShaLL NoW HaQ AwAy! */

NoWz SaVe The DoCumEnt!  If YoU'ze Don"T KnOW How, Don't WuRRy!  It iz a 
SeKriT KePt By Only a few eLeet!  You'ze Iz NoT Al0nE in Ur StrUggLez!  If
You'Ze Iz ElEEt EnUFF To Kno, Den TypE DeZ FInAl StRoKez Of Doom!

            $echo Ur F4Te HaZ B33n s3aled, EvIl Adm1n d00d!
            $echo PrePaRe To Diez!
            $gcc -o ElEEtHaQ ElEEtPrOggIe.c
            $echo HaHAHAHA!!  YoU'ze Iz Ded!


            $echo HAQR TIME!

MeZZed Up And In A W31rd Pl4ce???  D4t M34nZ It WuRkeD!@!!!

I H0pEz U'ze Iz S4TiZf1Ed N0w.  K33p R33DinG ThiZ StuFF, AnD You MaY Be 
K-KooLiO EnUFF t0 JoiN KuNT 1 D4y!

TH1Z iz D1G1S4UR, Off 2 d0 more k-fuxoring Ereet StuPh!  Unt1l neXt t1me!

                              |o>1G1S4URUS H3X
                              |/        ElEEt D00d, H3lP3r T0 ALLz HAQRz


                       eYe MiSS ToNYa HaRDiNG...

-- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- 

       KuNT t0p s3kr3t pl4ns t0 d3str0y the 1996 0lympics in 4tl4nt4

-- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- t0p s3kr3t -- 

c0d3n4m3: 0p3r4ti0n 4tl4nt4 X


50000   square yards of polyester fabric
100000  square yards of velvet fabric
20000   pairs of platform shoes
1500    8-track tapes of assorted disco music
            (examples: BeeGees, Electric Light Orchestra)
1       disco ball
20000   leisure suits
50000   bean bag chairs
20000   mood rings
7500    bottles of InstantAfro(tm) Brand Shampoo
35000   lava lamps
1       really fucking huge lava lamp
20000   pairs of bellbottoms
100000  tapes of brady bunch, partridge family episodes, bad 70s porno films

All this can be purchased at local thrift stores and flea markets, recorded 
off Nick at Nite, or purchased through the 70s Preservation Society.

Plan of Attack:

o     Sneak into Atlanta using the secret KuNTMobile.

o     Go to Olympic Stadium.

o     Replace seats with bean bag chairs, replace astroturf with polyester.

o     Install 8-track player and hook it up to stadium sound system, remove 
      all other music playing devices such as trombones, etc, from the band. 

o     Mislabel 8-track tapes with names such as 'Zimbabwian National Anthem'.
      Leave them for unsuspecting technicians to discover when they play the
      Star Spangled Banner, and Fame comes on instead.

o     Go into Athletic Equipment lockers, replace uniforms with leisure suits,
      mood rings, and bellbottoms. Replace sneakers with platform shoes.

o     Replace Olympic Torch with Disco Ball and Huge Lava Lamp.

o     Replace video play back system tapes with tapes of old Brady Bunch and
      Partridge Family episodes.

o     Sneak into rooms of athletes of African descent, replace their shampoo 
      with InstantAfro(tm) Brand Shampoo

o     Repeat above steps for all Olympic Venues in the area. When interior
      operations concerning the Olympic Venues have been completed, the 
      remainder of the polyester fabric will be used to drape the exteriors of 
      the buildings.

o     Go to all hotels in the area, one by one. Proceed with the following 

      o     Reupholster all sofas, love seats, with velvet. Replace all 
            bedsheets, pillowcases, etc, with velvet.

      o     Replace inhouse movies in the hotels with episodes of the Brady 
            Bunch, Partridge Family, and bad 70s porno movies such as Deep 

      o     Hack into the inhouse phone system. Set up an 8-track stereo 
            hidden in a back closet to pipe 70s music and assorted disco 
            classics through the phone system continously.

      o     Replace all lighting sources with lava lamps.

      o     Replace hotel uniforms with bellbottoms, leisure suits, mood 
            rings, and platform shoes.

o     Take all the items that were replaced, sell them for a huge profit on 
      the  black market.

o     Have members of KuNT take a fun-filled vacation to Club Med. Get laid
      multiple times by hot babes while watching Atlanta go back twenty years 
      in time to the 70s.


                 KuNT oWNS LeTTeRMaN, So We CaN Do THis

10 Things Lamers Do With or Thought About by Lamers concerning /etc/passwd

1.    They trade it.

2.    "/etc/passwd? there arent any passwords in here like i thought, only 
      some random letters and numbers.. this is worthless. i spent all that 
      time typing cat /etc/passwd for nothing!"

3.    Offshoot of #2: "Gee, lets take all those random numbers and letters and
      replace them with passwords that are easier to type.. The users will 
      thank me for this. Hmm, lets ditch this n5dwR7vgIUaWw thing and replace 
      it with.. 'taco', yes, taco sounds like a nice password. Ok, next user, 
      lets replace this dk38sd7a1Ad3 thing with.. hmm.. how about 'water'..."

4.    They think that * in the password field means you can login under any
      password.. cause * is a wildcard character, right?

5.    "Man, the passwd file said + + so i think it's like an rlogin thing! 

6.    "Hey, if the passwd file is shadowed.. that means that if the passwd 
      sees its shadow, it wont come out of its hole for another 6 weeks, and 
      we will have a late spring!"

7.    Removing all the other logins from /etc/passwd so that nobody else will 
      be able to login and trace them while they do hax0rly things.

8.    "Heh, I'll switch all the logins around so nobody will know who is who! 
      Ha Ha I am a master hacker!"

9.    "Damn, how am I supposed to get the passwords out of this thing? I know, 
      I will get the sysadmin's number by doing whois on their domain, and I 
      will ask them if they know.. After all it *is* their password file.."

10.   "I KNOW!!! I'll give this passwd file to the l33t d00dz at KuNT! They'll
      know what to do with it!!" 


D4 3Nd 4 D1z Izzu3!  Cy4 a11 Z0M3 0th3r t1m3 4 m0r3 el33t KuNT HaQz!!

                               -- SaTaNuS, D1G1S4UR, AnD D4 0Th3R KuNTlInGz

                  FuX D4 W0rLd!  H41L ER1Z!  KuNT 43V3R!!!!!!