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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15065

       Part 1


 The year is 2053. You are Blade Hunter, private investigator and former cop,
living in the decaying city of Los Angeles, California. On the morning of July
31st, you wake up in your dingy, one-bedroom apartment to find three messages
waiting on your VidPhone, two of them urgent....

 That's the beginning of RISE OF THE DRAGON. In this walkthru, you'll be guided
step by step through the next five days of Blade Hunter's life. You'll
investigate a series of drug-related deaths and uncover a conspiracy to destroy
Los Angeles and take over the world. You'll discover the meaning of true love
and come face to face with true terror. In the end, you'll confront the ancient
Oriental god, Bahumat, and only one of you will walk away from the confrontation
alive. Not a bad way to spend a week....
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15066

 In the paragraphs that follow, I'll assume that you're using a mouse to control
the game action, and that you've at least glanced through the instructions for
using the RISE OF THE DRAGON interface. If not, you might want to take time out
to do so now.

 During the game there will be occasional events that can't be predicted
precisely in this walkthru. Time is always passing during the game and certain
events occur like clockwork, whether or not you're prepared for them. I'll try
to keep the timing reasonably loose as I walk you through these five days of
Blade's life. But if you dawdle too much, you may find that events in the game
world are getting ahead of you. If this happens, you may have to restore to an
earlier part of the game, or even start again from the beginning.

 Occasionally, the game will be interrupted by semi-animated sequences depicting
events elsewhere in Los Angeles. These sequences are preceded by the word
"Meanwhile," and will happen at fairly regular intervals. Because there's no way
to know exactly where these sequences will occur relative to your progress in
the game, I won't mention them in the walkthru (except in cases where the
sequences represent significant advances in the plot or are triggered by
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15069

specific actions on the part of your character). But don't be surprised to find
your actions interrupted by one of these sequences at places where no such
interruption is mentioned in this walkthru.

 All clear? Then, let's get started.


 The game begins in Blade Hunter's apartment. A helicopter buzzes perpetually
past the window, rattling the overhead lamp, and sending flickering shadows up
and down the walls of the room. Blade has just awakened from a sound night's
sleep and is now standing around in his undershorts. So, the first thing you'll
want to do is put some clothes on the poor guy. Use the mouse pointer to drag
that pile of clothing from the floor into Blade's inventory icon (the rectangle
containing the tiny silhouette of Blade in the lower right-hand corner of the
screen). Then, drag the trench coat from Blade's coat rack into the inventory.
Finally, aim the mouse pointer at the inventory icon and click the right mouse
button to bring up the main inventory window.

 See the picture of Blade in his Fruit-of-the-Looms? Drag the pile of clothing
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15071

over the picture of Blade and let go of the mouse button. Blade will get
dressed. Much better! Now, drag the trench coat over the picture of Blade and
he'll put that on. Why would Blade (or anybody in their right mind) wear a
trench coat in Los Angeles in July? Because he's a private eye, of course.
Private eyes always wear trench coats; it's part of the job.

 Put the inventory window away by clicking on the box marked EXIT. Notice the
flickering red light on Blade's VidPhone? That means he's got a message or three
waiting on his answering machine. Aim the mouse pointer at the VidPhone (on the
desk behind Blade's bed), and the pointer will turn into a tiny magnifying
glass, indicating that you can take a closer look at the VidPhone and other
items on the desk. Click the left mouse button to ZOOM IN on the VidPhone.

 (Most, but not all, of the mouse-clicking you'll do in the game will involve
the left mouse button. From now on, when I tell you to click the mouse button,
assume that you should click the left button unless told otherwise.)

 Now, you should be looking at a close-up of Blade's desk, dominated by the
rather clunky apparatus of the VidPhone. (Blade can't afford one of the fancier
models.) To learn more about the items on the desk, point at each one and click
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15073

the right mouse button; a description box will pop up and give you more
information about each. To operate the VidPhone, click on the power switch, just
above the upper left-hand corner of the computer-like keyboard. The VidPhone
screen will announce that there is a message waiting for William Hunter --
that's you, Blade -- from Mayor Vincenzi. To read the message, click on the
remote control device lying to the left of the empty can of bio-beer. The remote
will pop into position at the top of the screen and present you with four
buttons. Click on the one labeled PLAY. Mayor Vincenzi's face will appear on the
VidPhone screen.


 The Mayor will tell you that more kids have been dying in the same horrible
manner that his daughter, Chandra, died. (The Mayor's daughter's death is the
case on which Blade is currently working. For more details, read the comic book
that came in the game box, and watch the introductory sequence that precedes the
game.) He wants you to find the cause of this epidemic and suggests that you
look up a friend of his daughter -- someone called The Jake -- at a place called
the Pleasure Dome. In case you need it, he faxes you a picture of his daughter,
showing how she looked after she died. It's not, so to speak, a pretty picture.
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15075

As the message ends, the picture pops out of the tiny fax machine next to the
VidPhone. Use the mouse pointer to drag the picture onto the inventory icon.

 Click on the button labeled NEXT. The second message on the answering machine
is from Momar's Cars. Left-click on PLAY and watch the message. Why, it's an
unsolicited advertisement! It looks like things really haven't changed much by
the middle of the 21st century.

 Ignore this ad (it has nothing to do with the story that follows) and click on
NEXT. The third message is from Karyn Sommers. Click on PLAY and you'll learn
that Karyn is your girlfriend. She's mad at you because you promised to take her
out last night and didn't show up. As if that wasn't bad enough, it seems that
you left your keys at her apartment, and she's threatening to flush them down
the toilet! She'll be at the Bureau of Records, if you have the nerve to
confront her in person.

 That's the last message on the VidPhone, so click on DONE. See the red button
on the panel resembling a floppy disk drive just above the keyboard? Click on
the red button and your personal I.D. card will pop out of the slot. (It must
not have been a floppy drive after all.) Drag the I.D. card onto the inventory
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15077

icon; you'll need it later.

 Before you leave the VidPhone screen, drag the ammo clip from the extreme
lower-left corner of the screen onto the inventory icon. Finally, move the mouse
pointer to the far right side of the screen. The pointer will turn into an exit
sign. Click to EXIT the VidPhone screen and return to Blade's apartment.

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.

 This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Chris Lampton. All rights reserved.
Last page !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15079

       Part 2


 Move the mouse pointer to the cabinet above Blade's sink and it will change
into a magnifying glass again. ZOOM IN on the cabinet by clicking on the mouse
to get a better look at the items Blade keeps in his "kitchen." Right-click on
each to see what they are. Then click on the cabinet handles to open the
cabinet. Uh-oh, it's locked. Wonder where Blade keeps his keys? Hey, didn't
Karyn say something about keys?

 Play with the water taps to turn the water on and off, then move the mouse
pointer to either side of the screen, and click to EXIT the cabinet screen. It's
about time to hit the road, but you really should go to the bathroom first. Aim
the mouse pointer at the bathroom door and click to EXIT the apartment and enter
the bathroom.
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15080

 Click on the shower controls to take a shower and on the toilet handle to
flush. (Maybe you should have done this before Blade got dressed.) Then, click
on the medicine chest to open it. There are two items inside: a first-aid kit
and a bottle of NaPent (an "aerosol personal protection device"). Drag both of
these into Blade's inventory, then move the mouse pointer to either side of the
screen, and EXIT the bathroom.

 A private eye needs a weapon, but so far we haven't seen any guns in Blade's
apartment. Maybe he hides his gun in the sort of place where fictional tough
guys always like to keep their guns, the kind of place where he can reach it in
a hurry if somebody tries to break into his apartment in the middle of the
night. Click on Blade's pillow to move it out of the way and, sure enough,
there's Blade's pistol. Drag it onto the inventory icon. Then, click on the
inventory icon (with the left button, not the right) to call up the inventory
window. Drag the ammo clip over the gun to load it, then click on the box marked
EXIT to get the inventory window out of the way.


 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15082

 We're ready to go. Move the pointer to the extreme left side of the screen and
click to EXIT the apartment. You'll find yourself in the hallway next to Blade's
door. The door will swish closed almost immediately. You can reopen it by
inserting Blade's I.D. card in the panel to the right of the door. (To use the
I.D. card, click on the inventory icon, and drag the card off the inventory.
Then, move it to the panel and release it.) If you should accidentally leave
Blade's I.D. card in his apartment -- in the VidPhone, say -- you can get back
into the apartment by manipulating the red water spigot in the upper left-hand
corner of the screen with your mouse pointer. But this only works once, so try
not to get locked out too often.

 Before we leave the building, let's take a look at the other end of the
hallway. Move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen and click to EXIT
this half of the hallway. You'll find yourself looking out on a silhouetted
landscape of construction girders. Click on a few things to see what they are,
but don't walk off any girders without saving your game first: It's a long drop
to street level.

 Move the mouse pointer back to the bottom of the screen and click to EXIT.
You'll be outside of Blade's doorway again. See the elevator at the end of the
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15085

hallway? There are two buttons next to the sliding doors, one for up and one for
down. Click on the UP button to take a quick ride to the roof. Once on the roof,
look around for a moment, then click on the elevator button to get a ride back
down to Blade's apartment. Now, click on the DOWN button to EXIT the building

 Welcome to the Compton M-way station. You can get an idea of the caliber of
Blade's neighborhood from the stylish graffiti on the wall, and the homeless
gentleman snoozing on the floor. ZOOM IN on that route map in the center of the
screen so that you can catch a ride to a better class of neighborhood.

 The route map shows you all the places that you can get to via the M-way. There
will be more such places later as you piece together the clues that will solve
the case, but for now, there are only four. To go to one of the places shown on
the map, point at the text box containing the name of the location you want to
visit, and click with the mouse. You'll be transported there in a mere spin of
the hard disk. (Clicking on one of these text boxes with the right mouse button
instead of the left will tell you how long it takes to get to that particular
location, in case you're pressed for time.)

 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15087


 The Mayor suggested you visit the Pleasure Dome, but let's go to City Hall
first and try to patch things up with Blade's girlfriend Karyn. Click on the
City Hall box and presto! We're standing on a street corner somewhere in the
vicinity of Chinatown. See the old Chinese derelict sprawled against the wall?
Aim the mouse pointer at him and click to have a brief conversation. Then, talk
with the flower vendor to his right. Let him sell you a bouquet of roses.
They're expensive, but they'll get you back into Karyn's good graces.

 To buy the roses, you'll need to wait until the inventory window pops up, then
drag your I.D. card out of the inventory with the mouse. Drop it on the vendor.
It'll reappear in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, along with a dozen
roses. Drag both into your inventory. (Whenever someone gives you an object in
this game, it first appears in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. Always
remember to drag these objects into your inventory before leaving the screen. If
you forget, they may or may not be waiting for you when you get back. The same
holds true for objects that you drop yourself.)

 EXIT to the left side of the screen. City Hall is a large imposing building
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15089

with a crowd of people streaming by outside. Point and click at the front door
to go inside.

 Once in the main lobby of City Hall, it's just you and Jenni the receptionist.
Talk with Jenni and she'll let it be known that she has more than a casual
attraction toward you. Ignore her come-on (or, if you're feeling particularly
adventurous, call her bluff), and tell her you want to see Karyn Sommers. She'll
relent and break off the conversation. EXIT through the door marked Records.

 There are three people working in the Bureau of Records. Karyn is the one in
the middle. Point at her and click. She'll tell you what she thinks of
you...again. Tell her you're sorry and that you brought some roses. Your
inventory will pop up; give the roses to Karyn. This will cool her anger, but
she'll insist on another date to make up for the one you missed. Take her up on
it. Tell her you'll see her that evening at 7:30. (Don't forget the time. You'll
want to be at Karyn's apartment, which is visible as one of the text boxes on
the M-way map, before 7:30 arrives!)

 Karyn will give you the keys you left at her apartment. Pick them up and drag
them into your inventory. Then, point at the bottom of the screen and click to
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15091

EXIT. Once back in the main lobby, try going through the doors marked "Mayor"
and "Police Headquarters." You won't be able to get into the Mayor's office, but
you can barge past Jenni and into Police Headquarters. This won't do you a lot
of good, though. You'll be stopped by the guard inside.


 Retrace your steps back to the main lobby, then out to the front steps, and
back to the street corner where you bought the roses from the flower vendor. See
that small alley leading off on the right side of the screen? Point at it and
click to EXIT. You'll enter the warehouse district. Click on the open gate at
the right-hand edge of the screen and EXIT to the large warehouse on the other
side of the fence. There are two places around the warehouse where you can ZOOM
IN for a closer look. Examine them carefully. One is an electrical panel that
appears to be part of the power supply for the warehouse cooling system. The
other is the doorway of a loading dock.

 EXIT back through the warehouse gate, but don't leave the warehouse district.
There's a small alley below and to the left of the large cooling fan set in the
warehouse wall. EXIT to this alley. Inside, you'll find a small passage marked
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15093

KEEP OUT. Ignore the sign and EXIT into the passage. You'll find yourself inside
a small warehouse along with an ancient Asian gentleman in a shawl.

 The man's name is Chang Li. Talk with him and you'll learn that he already
knows your name, as well as your mission. After a brief exchange, he'll dismiss
you. Retrace your steps back to the street corner, then EXIT to the M-way
station. (Point at the bottom of the screen and click.)


 Where to next? First, let's head back to Blade's apartment to see what we can
do with the keys that Karyn gave you. ZOOM IN on the M-way route map and click
on the box marked Blade's. Once back at your apartment, drag the I.D. card out
of your inventory, and use it to unlock your door. Enter the apartment, ZOOM IN
on the cabinets above the sink, and use the key to unlock the cabinet doors.
Inside the cabinet you'll find four mini-bombs, a candy bar, and a wire tester.
Drag them all into your inventory, then close the cabinet door, and EXIT back to
the apartment. EXIT the apartment, remove your I.D. card from the door panel,
put it in your inventory, then click on the DOWN elevator button to get back to
the M-way station.
Press <CR> for more !
CompuServe CIS:TEG-15095

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.

 This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Chris Lampton. All rights reserved.
Last page !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15097

       Part 3


 Now it's time to check out the Pleasure Dome. Zoom in on the M-way route map
and click on the Pleasure Dome text box. You'll be transported to a sleazy
alleyway outside a high-tech nightclub with a blinking neon sign out front.
Click on the front door and EXIT to the club. You'll be stopped at the door by a
pair of sinister looking guards. Wait a few seconds while they scan you
electronically. Hm, they don't seem to like that gun you're carrying! Don't
hassle them (unless you're prepared to save the game and try again after they've
pounded your skull into the pavement). Tell them that they can have your gun
and, when the inventory window pops up, drag your weapon over to the woman at
the, um, gun-check window.

 The guards will now ask if you have anything else for them. If you plan to see
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15098

that gun again, better give them a little something nice. Hand the candy bar to
the fat guard and he'll give you a claim check in return. Put it in your
inventory. Then, EXIT through the front door of the club.

 Inside, you'll see people chatting, scantily-clad women dancing, and a trio of
gamblers playing cards. Talk with the gamblers. Only the woman in the gold hood
will give you the time of day, and even she won't tell you anything useful. When
you're finished talking, EXIT through the door marked Bar.

 The big man behind the bar is Mujalambo. Talk with him. After a ritual exchange
of insults, ask him about The Jake, the friend of Chandra's that the Mayor
mentioned to you in the phone call this morning. He'll direct you to the man at
the end of the bar.

 Chat with the man at the end of the bar. Tell him that you're looking for The
Jake, then tell him that a friend of The Jake's is in trouble. He'll give you
some lip, but don't lose your temper. Tell him that the friend is Chandra
Vincenzi and that she's dead. He won't believe you. In fact, he'll break off the
conversation. So, show him the picture of Chandra that the Mayor faxed you. The
shock of seeing Chandra's corpse will bring him around fast.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15100

 Surprise! The guy at the end of the bar is The Jake himself! He'll pull you
aside for some serious conversation in his "office" -- a secluded booth in the
corner of the bar. Talk with him and he'll drop the name of a drug pusher named
Chen. Save the game at this point and interrogate The Jake about Chen. If you
play your cards right, he'll give you Chen's address. If not, restore the game
to the beginning of the conversation and try again. (As with many of the
conversations in this game, there are several dozen possible conversational
sequences that you can have with The Jake. Roughly half of these lead to The
Jake giving you Chen's address. We're not going to restrict you to a specific
conversational sequence in this walkthru since so many possible sequences will
do the job.)

 When the conversation ends, EXIT The Jake's "office," then EXIT the bar.
(Before you go, you might want to talk with some of the other patrons of the
bar. But if you decide to engage the services of the hooker named Candi, be sure
to save the game first!) Once back in the room with the gamblers, EXIT to the
left of the screen and take a look around in the next room. There's nothing
useful here, just some atmospheric scenery. When you've seen enough, EXIT to the
right, then go back out the front door of the Pleasure Dome.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15103


 Give your claim check to the fat guard and he'll return your gun. Drag it into
your inventory and go back to the M-way. This time, when you ZOOM IN on the
M-way route map, you'll notice a new location: Chen Lu's. This is the address of
the drug pusher that The Jake told you about. Should we go there now? No.
There's no reason to cram too much action into the first day of this adventure,
especially when Karyn is expecting you to show up at her apartment at 7:30.
Instead of going to Chen Lu's, click on the box labeled Karyn's.

 Now, you're standing in the hallway outside Karyn's apartment. Knock on the
door of Apartment 40 and see if she's home. No answer? Okay, you can wait around
until she arrives. So you don't get bored, use the fast forward button on the
inventory window to kill some time. (Click on the inventory icon to bring up the
inventory window. Then, click on the button marked with the ">>" symbol at the
top of the window. Every click will advance the time by an hour.) Before you
know it, Karyn will open her door and invite you inside. At this point, you can
sit back and watch a sequence of scenes depicting your date. When it's over,
you'll be standing outside the door of your apartment at 12 noon the next day.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15105

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.

 This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Chris Lampton. All rights reserved.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15064


 1 Introduction, Dressing, Plot
 2 Preparations, M-Way, Karyn,
    Warehouse, Key Items
 3 Pleasure Dome, DaCompuServe CIS:TEG-15106

       Part 4


 Ready to investigate Chen Lu? Click on the DOWN elevator button to enter the
M-way station, call up the route map, and click on Chen Lu's. On your way into
Chen's building, you'll literally bump into a hulking blonde-haired thug with an
eye patch who's on his way out. When you see the door of Chen's apartment,
slightly ajar, EXIT through the door and into Chen's living room. You'll see
Chen almost immediately, writhing in obvious distress on the floor, his body
covered with small white patches. There's nothing you can do for Chen at this
point, so ZOOM IN on his VidPhone (to the left of the large screen television),
and turn it on by pressing the POWER button. (You'll be interrupted by a
MEANWHILE sequence at this point, showing the police dispatching units to Chen's
apartment.) Drag Chen's I.D. card out of the slot and into your inventory, then
EXIT back to the living room.
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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15107

 There are two ways you can handle the rest of this sequence. Either look around
Chen's apartment until the cops arrive and arrest you -- you'll be taken to
jail, then released the next morning on the Mayor's orders. Or you can leave the
apartment and hang out somewhere else for a few minutes while the police do
their work. If you choose to get arrested, you'll lose a full day's time, which
makes the timing a bit tighter on at least part of what follows. But you'll also
get to see some scenes you wouldn't get to see if you weren't get arrested.
Either way, return to Chen's apartment as soon as possible using the I.D. you
swiped from Chen's VidPhone to open the door. (Drag it from your inventory onto
the panel next to the door. Remember to drag it back into your inventory before
you EXIT to the apartment.)

 Once you're back in Chen's living room, ZOOM IN on his VidPhone again, and
insert Chen's I.D. in the slot. Some information will appear on the VidPhone
display, including Chen's name, address, phone number, social security number,
and gun permit number. Notice how the number 0772 keeps recurring in all of
these? Maybe that's significant....

 Use the VidPhone to view Chen's messages. (There's only one and it will explain
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15110

why Chen got iced.) Then drag Chen's I.D. back into your inventory. EXIT back to
the living room, and from there, EXIT to the bathroom (the door in the center of
the rear wall). See that tiny white rectangle next to the filthy sink? Pick it
up and put it in your inventory. If you examine it, you'll learn that it's a
device for administering measured doses of drugs directly through the skin. It
looks a lot like the patches that were covering Chen just before he died.

 EXIT back to the living room, then EXIT around the corner next to the VidPhone,
into Chen's bedroom. Examine the dragon statue next to the ventilator fans.
Notice those glaring eyes? Click on one and the statue will descend into its
pedestal, revealing a safe hidden behind it. ZOOM IN on the safe.

 There's a numeric keypad on the front of the safe, with a tiny video display
big enough for a four-digit combination. Four digits? How about 0772? Type those
four digits, then click on the door handle to open the safe.

 Inside the safe is another candy bar and a scroll with some kind of Oriental
writing on it. Drag them both into your inventory, close the safe, and EXIT back
to the bedroom.

 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15112


 You're finished with Chen's apartment. Go back to City Hall -- I'm sure that
you can find your way there by now -- and visit Karyn in the Bureau of Records.
Talk to her and she'll ask if there's anything you want her to look at. Tell her
there is. Drag the drug patch out of your inventory and give it to her. She'll
send it to the lab for analysis. Then, show her Chen's I.D. She'll run it
through the computer, which will turn up pictures of two of Chen's accomplices:
Jonny Qwong and the Snake. (The Snake looks a lot like the guy you ran into
outside Chen's apartment last night.) Qwong's address is also in the computer.

 Finally, show her the scroll with the Chinese writing on it. She won't
recognize the writing, but she'll suggest you show it to a Chinese scholar.
Where have you met a wise-looking Chinese person recently? Ah, yes....


 Gather up the I.D. and the scroll, bid Karyn a fond farewell, and return to the
warehouse district. (Go back out to the street and EXIT to the alley next to the
flower vendor.) Remember where you met Chang Li in the warehouse? Seek him out
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15114

again. Talk to him and he'll tell you about a time of prophecies, about a
terrible doom that awaits humankind, and the hero that will save them. He seems
to think that the hero is you.

 Humor the old boy. If you tell him that you think he's full of stuff, he'll
clam up, so pretend to go along. As soon as the topic comes up, offer to show
him the scroll (or "sample of calligraphy," as it's called in the menus). He'll
translate it for you. It says something about the ancient god Bahumat, a date in
the VERY near future, and the Hollywood Reservoir. Bahumat is the god mentioned
in the legend and the hero who will slay him is somebody named "Knife" (or
"Blade," perhaps?).

 To aid you in your upcoming battle with Bahumat, Chang Li gives you a bunch of
goodies, including a fortune cookie with an incomprehensible message inside, a
tome of ancient wisdom, the stone of life, and a bullet-proof Kevlar vest.
Shovel all of it into your inventory, then call up the Main Inventory Window
(right-click on the inventory icon), and put on the Kevlar vest. (You'll have to
remove your trench coat, put on the vest, then put the trench coat back on
again.) Be sure to examine the new items in your inventory by right-clicking on
each one, then head back to the M-way.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15116

 There are a couple of new locations on the M-way map: the Reservoir and Jonny
Qwong's. Ignore them for the moment; go to the Pleasure Dome. Enter the club
(remember to give the guards your gun and pick up the claim check, though you
won't need to bribe them again), and head straight for the bar. Talk with The
Jake. He'll take you into his booth and give you a rundown on what's happening
in the city. Most pathways through this conversation end in desirable outcomes,
but be sure that you give The Jake your telephone number, and ask him to call
you later if anything comes up.

 Leave the Pleasure Dome, use your claim check to pick up your gun outside, and
return to the M-way. Go to Jonny Qwong's house. When you get there, you'll find
that it's patrolled by armed guards and that there's no way to get inside.
However, there's a manhole in the middle of the street that looks accessible.
Click on it and EXIT to the sewer. (The first time you try this, you'll be
interrupted by a comment from a street person about the size of the rats in the
sewer. Ignore him and try again.)


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CompuServe CIS:TEG-15118

 In the sewer, ZOOM IN on the VidPhone trunk on the left wall. You'll find a
VidPhone access box with a locked cover. Remove one of the mini-bombs from your
inventory and attach it to the padlock. Wait for it to explode. Then, click on
the broken padlock to open the cover and reveal the contents of the box.

 Lord, look at all those wires and gauges! This must be a puzzle, right? Yes,
it's not only a puzzle, but a timed puzzle. Take too long to solve it and you'll
be eaten by rats; make a false move and you'll be electrocuted. It's a good idea
to save the game now (or even at the point where you entered the sewer) and
follow these instructions very carefully!

 Remove the wire testing kit (which is really a wire TAPPING kit) from your
inventory and drop it in the middle of all the wires in the phone box. Three
wire clips -- colored red, blue and yellow -- will appear at the bottom of the
screen, along with a picture of the kit itself. Close the door to the phone box
and ZOOM IN on the wiring diagram taped to the outside. The red, blue and yellow
arrows on the diagram show you where the three clips are to be attached inside.
Keep this diagram in mind and open the door again.

 You now have to attach the clips to the wires. See those two rapidly changing
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gauges at the top of the phone box? NEVER attach a clip while the gauges are in
the red or you'll be electrocuted. With that in mind, attach the red clip at the
top of the long red wire and the blue clip at the bottom of the long black wire.
(If you put a clip in the wrong place, it will simply pop back to the bottom
left-hand corner of the screen, where you can pick it up and try again.) See
those eight golden connectors along that vertical post in the middle of the box?
Attach the yellow clip to the post at the position of the second connector from
the bottom. If you get the yellow clip in the right place, Blade will tell you
that the job is done. If you get it wrong, a light on the wire tester will start
flashing. Remove the yellow clip FAST before you get electrocuted, and try
again. Once you're done, close the box and get out of the sewer before the rats
devour you.

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.

 This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Chris Lampton. All rights reserved.
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       Part 5


 EXIT to the M-way and head back to City Hall. Enter the alley next to the
flower vendor. Step through the open gate into the area around the big
warehouse. ZOOM IN on the electrical panel. Ready to throw a monkey wrench into
Bahumat's works? Take one of the mini-bombs from your inventory and attach it to
the panel, then sit back and watch the fireworks!

 The warehouse is now a smoldering ruin. EXIT back to the M-way and return to
your apartment. There's nothing more to do tonight, so use the fast forward
button on the inventory window to accelerate time. Check every hour or so to see
if the button is flashing on your VidPhone. If it is, read any new messages
using the method described in the first part of this walkthru. (ZOOM IN on the
phone, pop up the remote, insert your I.D. in the phone, and press the
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appropriate buttons. Reverse the process when done. Remember to drag your I.D.
into your inventory before EXITing back to your apartment.) You should intercept
at least one call to Jonny Qwong's number from somebody named Deng Hwang. You
should also see at least one "Meanwhile" sequence showing the consequences of
the explosion at the warehouse. At 1 a.m., Blade will crawl into bed and go to

 When you wake up the next afternoon, head straight to City Hall and visit Karyn
in her office. She'll give you the lab report based on the drug patch you gave
her the day before. It's in the form of a video tape, depicting the animated
structure of a new drug called MTZ that instantly mutates human DNA. Could this
be the stuff that's killed a lot of kids on the street, including the Mayor's

 While you're talking with Karyn, ask her about Deng Hwang. She'll start to run
a computer trace on the name, then find that's somebody's blocked access to the
file. Tell her to throw caution to the winds and override the block. She'll give
you some cryptic information about Deng Hwang.

 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15126

 Break off the conversation and pick up the video tape. EXIT to the main lobby
of City Hall and click on the Mayor's door. Jenni, the receptionist, will try to
stop you. Tell her you have to see the Mayor about an urgent matter. She'll try
to dissuade you, but stick your guns. Finally, she'll call the Mayor and get his
okay. Click on his door again and EXIT to the Mayor's office.

 Talk to the Mayor. The conversation that follows is a bit tricky, but here's a
sequence of menu choices that will produce optimal results:

 1. "You should show a little courtesy to someone who has information that could
cost you the next election."

 2. "I found out who killed your daughter."

 3. "No effin' way. I'm finished with this crap. Show me the door."

 Hand the Mayor the video tape when prompted. At the end of the conversation,
he'll give you a Los Angeles Police Department pass. Put it in your inventory
and EXIT the office.
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15128

 Now that you have a pass, you can enter Police Headquarters. Click on the
Headquarters door, give your pass to the guard inside, and EXIT to the hallway
behind him. (Be sure to pick up your pass again after the guard is finished with
it.) You'll see some impressive looking artillery on the wall. Drag it into your
inventory; it may come in handy later. Then, EXIT all the way back to the M-way.

 When you click on the route map, you'll see that another location has been
added to the map: Deng Hwang's. Go there and look around. It appears to be some
kind of factory. Talk to the guard at the gate. He'll tell you that you can't
get in without a pass. Look around a little more, then EXIT back to the M-way.
Visit the Reservoir, take yet another look around, then head back to your

 There's nothing else to do for the moment. It's now the afternoon of August 2nd
(or 3rd, depending on whether you allowed yourself to get arrested back at
Deng's apartment). Use the fast forward button on the inventory window to
accelerate forward to August 4th, pausing periodically to check the VidPhone for
calls. You should see a "Meanwhile" sequence in which Karyn is kidnaped, and
receive a nasty call from Deng Hwang. At 1 a.m. each evening, Blade will crawl
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into bed for a night's sleep.


 On the morning of the 4th, you'll find a call waiting on the VidPhone from The
Jake. He'll ask you to meet him at the warehouse at 8:30 that evening. Should
you head to the warehouse? Not quite yet. While still in your apartment, fast
forward ahead one hour. You'll see a "Meanwhile" sequence in which Bahumat
announces to the people of Los Angeles that he is going to poison them with the
drug MZT. Remember what Chang Li said about Hollywood Reservoir? Bahumat must be
planning to drop the MZT in the Reservoir!

 Go to the Reservoir. Nothing will be happening when you get there, but take
precautions anyway. Call up the main inventory window by right-clicking on the
inventory icon. Drag the gun you picked up at police headquarters over the
picture of Blade, and release it. Blade will take the gun in hand. Then, fast
forward to evening. You'll be interrupted by a brief "Meanwhile" sequence in
which Bahumat's henchmen are dispatched to the Reservoir. When the Reservoir
reappears, three things will have been added: a truck, a hovercar, and a guard.

 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15132

 Quick! The shooting's about to start, so save the game! The guard will see you
and start shooting at you, as will several other guards concealed at various
points around the Reservoir. Aim your mouse pointer at them. Notice how the
mouse pointer now looks like a set of cross-hairs? That's your gunsight. Fire at
the guards by clicking on the left mouse button. If you shoot them before they
riddle you with bullet holes (represented by the bloody holes rapidly appearing
along the left side of the screen), you'll stop them from poisoning the
Reservoir; otherwise, you'll die and be treated to a sequence depicting the "End
of Life in Los Angeles As We Know It."


 Keep restoring to the beginning of this sequence until you win. Then, click on
the hovercar. When the control panel of the hovercar appears, click on the route
map, and choose City Hall as your destination. You'll land on the front steps of
City Hall. It's almost time for your appointment with The Jake. Hurry to the
warehouse district, then fast forward until The Jake shows up.

 (If you arrive too late, The Jake will be dead when you get to the warehouse.
You can either go ahead and complete the game with The Jake dead, or replay the
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Reservoir sequence and attempt to reach the warehouse in time to save his life.)

 The Jake will show up slightly early for your meeting...with the Snake pointing
a gun at his head. You are given a chance to save your game, then you are
plunged into an arcade sequence, the goal of which is to shoot your way through
hordes of gun-wielding bad guys to save The Jake's life. Instructions for
playing arcade sequences are in the manual. If you hate arcade games and manage
to lose this one repeatedly, you'll be given a chance to WIN THE ARCADE after
you've died five times. You may take this opportunity or leave it, as you see
fit. If you want to die in a hurry, just jump repeatedly into the pool of toxic
chemicals beneath the loading dock where the sequence starts.

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.

 This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Chris Lampton. All rights reserved.
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       Part 6


 After you've won the arcade sequence, The Jake will thank you for saving his
life, and give you the Snake's I.D. card. Put it in your inventory and return to
the hovercar. (You left it on the steps of City Hall, remember?) Get back into
the hovercar and fly to Deng Hwang's. You'll land on the roof of Hwang's
factory. Take the elevator to the lobby. Talk to the receptionist. Tell her that
she reminds you of somebody. When she recognizes you from high school, tell her
that you remember her well, and that you'd like to go out with her for drinks
that evening. When she refuses to let you into the security room, tell her
you'll take her out to a movie. Then, enter the security room through the red
door on the left of the screen.

 Move fast in the security room: The receptionist isn't going to let you stay in
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there forever. (It's a good idea to save the game at the beginning of this
sequence, in case you need to start over.) Click on the control panel beneath
the large video screen. See those lock switches in the upper right corner of the
panel marked LOCK and UNLOCK? Set all of them to UNLOCK, except for the Break
Switch, which you should set to LOCK. (This will lock the guards in the break

 You can't do anything else until you deactivate the security systems. Push down
on the large bar marked Security Systems. No good. You have to enter a manual
override sequence by pressing the buttons with the colored squares over them in
the proper sequence. And what's the proper sequence? Remember the fortune cookie
that Chang Li gave you? Take a look at it now, and note the sequence of letters
inscribed on it: RYP YWP YRPWRY PBW. It seems to consist of the letters R, Y, P,
W and B repeated in random order. Could those be the initials of the five colors
above the security buttons -- Red, Yellow, Purple, White, and Blue? Yes! Push
the buttons in this order:

 Red, Yellow, Purple, Yellow, White, Purple, Yellow, Red, Purple, White, Red,
Yellow, Purple, Blue, White.

 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15388

 Great! Now the security systems are disabled! Press the button for 100KV - OFF,
then EXIT back to the security room and into the lobby.

 The receptionist will call security, but it's too late: You've disabled the
alarm. EXIT to the hallway behind the security desk. Enter the red door on the
right. See the electrical box on the wall? Open the top and bottom doors of the
box. Throw the switch behind the top door, then use the screwdriver next to the
sink to remove the panel behind the lower door. (Drag the screwdriver from the
sink to the panel, then release it over the panel.) A mass of wires will appear
behind the panel. Drag the wires from the box to your inventory and EXIT back to
the hallway.


 This time, enter the red door in the middle. Inside, you'll find Karyn! She's
strapped into a chair, with some sort of automated gadget around her neck that's
about to inject her with the deadly MTZ! Connect the wires you grabbed in the
last room to the wires surrounding Karyn. (Drag the wires from your inventory
and release them over Karyn's body.) Then ZOOM IN on Karyn's head. Detach the
three wires attached to the collar around Karyn's neck by clicking on the points
 !CompuServe CIS:TEG-15623

where they connect to the collar.

 You've saved Karyn's life! Sit back and watch as you and Karyn flee Deng
Hwang's guards, only to find yourselves trapped and at the mercy of Deng Hwang's
minions. Suddenly Deng Hwang himself appears and transforms himself into...the
ancient god Bahumat! Another arcade sequence begins. As before, you'll have the
option to WIN THE ARCADE after you've died five times.

 Everything following the arcade sequence is animation. Sit back and enjoy your
victory. You've saved Los Angeles from the evil god Bahumat and his disciples.
More importantly, you've saved your true love Karyn; in the end, the two of you
walk off together in the somber glow of the street lamps.


 Although this walkthru should give you all the information you need to play
through RISE OF THE DRAGON from beginning to end, there are a few avenues that
I've left unexplored. If you enjoyed the game your first time through, you might
want to play again with an eye toward exploring some of these undiscovered
possibilities. Here are a frw taings you might want to investigate the second
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time around:

 The drug MZT is so deadly that no sane person would even think of slapping one
of those little white patches on his or her neck. But why not go a little crazy
and have Blade try the MZT patch from Chen's apartment on himself? Be sure to
save the game first!

 Blade would sure hate to see Karyn die in the chair where Deng Hwang imprisoned
her, but aren't you curious what would have happened if you hadn't released her
in time? Indulge yourself! Watch Karyn turn into yet another ugly mutant!

 There's a second method for disabling the security systems from the security
room panel. Check the comic book that came with the game. I leave the details
as, um, an exercise for the reader.

 Spraying the can of NaPent on characters in the game can produce interesting
effects. Instead of sweet-talking your way past the receptionist at Deng Hwang's
factory, try spritzing her with NaPent.

 RISE OF THE DRAGON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line.
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