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I got this posted as: Article 8742 of rec.games.misc: =============================================================================== DUNGEON MASTER Solved!!! Amiga Version! Written by Rom Chip of ORACLE The only reason I wrote this solve was because even though the game is not all that hard, its still an adventure, and i love to make solve files so if you got stumped on any level, then this solve should help you make it to the next level ok...first of all, get the DMHINT disk which has all the maps for all the levels...you really need maps...ill tell you bout the tricky areas of each levels and how to overcome them..and even the special items on each level and their uses...I've spent over 100 hours with this game..(an ORIGINAL since no-one can make a successful crack.heh) I wrote this solve in the order of things i did to complete the game, on some levels, you don't have to do the same things i did...but to ensure you the correct way, then you could follow my pathways, at least you'll see most of the game this way..(shortcuts are always no fun!!) On with the solver!!! First: heres a breakdown of all the characters you could take...i solved the game with HISSSA, Elija,Sonja and Gothmog. I suggest 2 good warrior type, a powerful Priest and Wizard....but pick for yourself who u like!.. # NAME CLASSES EQUIPMENT STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Iaido Apprentice Fighter Samurai Sword 43/55/40/35/45/50/48/65/11 Novice Priest Ghi, Trousers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Zed Novice Fighter & Priest Torch, Hosen 40/40/40/50/40/40/60/60/10 Novice Ninja & Wizard Pants, Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Elija Novice Fighter Robe, Sandals 42/40/42/36/53/40/60/58/22 Apprentice Priest Magic Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Chani Novice Fighter Shirt, Sandals 37/47/57/37/47/37/47/67/20 Apprentice Wizard Moonstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Hawk Novice Fighter Leather Pants 45/35/38/55/35/35/70/85/10 Apprentice Priest Leather Jerkin Boots, 2 Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Boris Novice Ninja Leather Pants 35/45/55/40/45/40/35/65/28 Apprentice Wizard Leather Boots Rabbits Foot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Alex Apprentice Ninja Leather Pants 44/55/45/40/35/40/50/57/13 Novice Wizard Leather Jerkin Boots, Sling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Nabi Apprentice Priest Staff, Tunic 41/36/45/45/55/55/55/65/15 Novice Wizard Pants, Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Linflas Apprentice Fighter Elven Boots 45/45/47/35/50/35/65/50/12 Novice Wizard Elven Doublet Elven Huke, Bow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Gando Novice Wizard Leather Boots 39/45/47/33/48/43/39/63/26 Apprentice Ninja Leather Jerkin 2 Poison Darts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 Syra Novice Priest Elven Doublet 38/35/43/45/42/40/53/72/15 Apprentice Wizard Tabard, Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 Halk Journeyman Fighter Berzerk Helm 55/43/30/46/38/48/90/75/00 Barbarian Hide Club, Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 Daroou Apprentice Fighter 50/30/35/45/30/45/100/65/6 Neophyte Wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 Wu Tse Novice Ninja Silk Shirt 38/35/53/45/47/40/45/47/20 Apprentice Priest Tabard, Sandals 3 Throwing Stars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Tiggy Novice Ninja Kirtle, Gunna 30/45/50/35/59/40/25/45/36 Apprentice Wizard Sandals, Wand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 Leif Apprentice Fighter Leather Jerkin 46/40/39/50/45/45/75/70/7 Novice Priest Leather Pants Leather Boots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 Azizi Novice Fighter Barbarian Hide 47/48/42/45/30/35/61/77/7 Apprentice Ninja Hide Shield Halter, Daggers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Stamm Journeyman Fighter Leather Pants 52/43/35/50/35/55/75/80/00 Suede Boots Tunic, Axe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Mophus Journeyman Priest Sandals, Robe 42/35/40/48/40/45/55/55/19 Cheese, Bread Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 Wuuf Apprentice Ninja Leather Jerkin 33/57/45/40/35/40/40/50/30 Novice Priest Empty Flask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Leyla Journeyman Ninja Leather Pants 40/53/45/47/45/35/48/60/3 Leather Boots Silk Shirt, Rope ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 Sonja Journeyman Fighter Gunna, Halter 54/45/39/49/40/40/65/70/2 Choker, Sword Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 Hissssa Apprentice Fighter 58/48/35/35/43/55/80/61/5 Novice Ninja ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 Gothmog Journeyman Wizard Cloak of Night 40/43/48/34/50/59/60/55/18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistics are in the following form - STRENGTH/DEXTERITY/WISDOM/VITALITY/ANTIMAGIC/ANTIFIRE/HEALTH/STAMINA/MANA Resurrecting a champion keeps stats. Reincarnating may lower or raise stats. LEVEL 1: OK, you've assembled your group...when you enter level one of the Dungeon (your sorta actually on level2..but I call it level 1) You need to get keys!..This area is simple except for one area where 2 pressure plates and an iron gate...walk on first plate but go around second plate..and it'll work fine....after you've got the keys..and finally got to the room with the screamers...kill em and keep going until you come to a room filled with pressure plates...heres the correct sequence that'll let ya get through...when you step onto the first pressure plate in the room.. that's the first move, from there go right 1, then forward 1, left 1, forward 1, back 1, forward one, back one...you should see the gate come open...you'll get the hang of it..just save your game every once in awhile. if you get all confused..go back to beginning of room and try again... Next you'll come to a trap door..set a rock or something on the pressure plate and the trap will close up...keep following the only way to go.. you'll later on come across a wishing well..put coin in to open door... ...General hints:keep eyes peeled for Camouflaged keys against the walls Monsters you'll encounter: Mummies and Screamers only..(screamers make good eating..get em for food) items on level 1:lots of Food, weapons..(get sword and falchion), keys: 6 gold ones, emerald, topaz, iron, solid and key of B..so save everything you find. LEVEL 2:When you start walking down this hallway..about 8 steps..start looking on your left for a secret button that will open a secret door on the left side of the tunnel which holds a compass. if you keep going down the hallway, you notice it branches to the left or keeps going... if you keep going, you'll run into three doors with locks and you don't have those keys..so your gonna have to go search for em...back to left branch you passed by....you enter a large open space..and there are six areas you can go to...when you first enter the area, you find two doors in front, two on your left and two on your right...lets start with the two on you left..we'll call em door 1 and 2...door 1 has this SOLUTION: Hit Switches to activate the teleport in each cell.After being teleported to every cell, the chest will finally be teleported outside the cell, get mirror out of chest...Use mirror on EYE to open secret door... DOOR 2 solution:put coin in slot to open door...you see a door on the other side of an open trap..cast the spell <open door> at door to open.. its the 2 syllables that look like: 1:a box 2: 3 circles....then throw anything across trap so it lands on other side and the trap will close up. watch for the secret door switches near the staff. you'll need to get a key from this area..look for one. i'm sure you got the needed key from area one also in the secret chamber. DOOR 3:Keep to the outside of the matrix if u can. Use the compass to see when an invisible teleport as turned you around..in one of the alcoves you see a hidden button...press it and it opens a secret room with a needed key... Door 4:Hit the switch, then, while still facing the wall, quickly move to the left four times and forward twice. if the door closes before you make it, go back and do it again until you make it. drop a few heavy items and you move a little quicker. when you come to next pit near button.. this is tricky..press button and quickly turn left and throw any object into the teleport...<takes Practice>..if your successful, the pit will close up and you can retrieve your thrown object..next pit with button...stand in front of button and press it..then quickly move backwards 3 times.. very quickly or you'll fall..down the pit. <SAVE GAME A LOT>...you'll need to a key from this area beyond traps..<DON'T YA HATE THOSE ROCK CREATURES?) lure the rock creatures over a trap and make em fall in...sometimes they are gone for good..and sometimes they make it out. DOOR 5:its a two-part...see that GEM shaped keyhole? well, you gotta get a gem to open that door to get a needed key...put object on pressure plate here to close plate..then walk across...and press switch in wall to open door...after fighting those menacing rock creatures..make it to to dead ends in the hallways..and search for a hidden switch which will open a secret room with the gem..then use the gem to open the other door to get key. DOOR 6:real simple..fight the monsters and find the key..no puzzles, just a feel ugly blue creatures... after you have 6 keys..including the IMPORTANT RA-KEY...head for the doors and open each one...don't open and doors except for the next 4 only and then head down stairs. CREATURES: BLUE MONSTERS, ROCK CREATURES & Screamers Items:Chainmail, arrow, helmet and sword..plus the RA-key. LEVEL 3: You'll need some "weaken non-material" spells ready..and they are 1: half circle with line pointing right 2: small circle on top of horizontal line 3: b shaped symbol with curl on top...that's the spell but you may need to practice it awhile..that's the only thing that will kill a ghost when you encounter one. This level is pretty much keep going in one direction until you finally wind around to the stairs going down..At wooden door..<chop> it down...at switch after wooden door.. hit switch and then move right a few times...(you get teleported after hitting switch, so move right quick before the gate shuts) one area has a teleport field, if you have a coin, then teleport yourself, it saves some time..if you don't teleport, just keep going the direction you haven't been to yet....when you come to a room filled with screamers, well, this is a regeneration room for them...you could easily slaughter them all and come back later and they'd be back again...(great for stocking up on food supply..watch for wandering purple worms though) When dealing with Worms, make them chase you and make them fight in from of doors... and when they are under door..close it on them and start fighting...the door will inflict damage and they usually retreat..so heal up and open the door and do it again...(them worms are so dumb, they come back for more door bruising!$%&)..worms are good eating too...towards the last area...when you see off to the left a open pit and a mummy on the other side..throw anything at him..rid of him....next level. worms are very tough and best way to fight em, like i said is to let em follow you to doorways and fight em that way...i found about 15 worms on this level, so i did a lot of going back and forth... CREATURES: Purple worms, Screamers, Wasps, Ghosts and a lonely mummy ITEMS:rapier, chain mail, axe (excellent),helmet and BOW- (GET IT)..and a horn of fear (makes creatures run in panic sometimes) LEVEL 4:When you come down the stairs, take you first left..and you'll find 4 doors in this open space..when you first come into this area..take the door on the first left..door 1:its a room filled with pressure plates and walking on them causes some to open and others to close...the correct way to do this is to set a chest onto a plate in the back center, and then walk around the left upper side and go out that exit....its not that hard to figure out...watch and see what plates open when you walk on a certain plate and if the plate you to walk across closes when you take a step, then set sometime down when you are to keep that plate closed..its easy to figure out..the left back exit has stairs to next level plus a secret room if you go left from exit...and search wall... Door 2..you see a big room...an invisible force field is here..to avoid you must, first before going into the room very far..take one step into room, turn right and go a few steps and search the wall for a secret button...press it and then turn right..and go all the way to the wall.. follow wall (NEVER more than one step away from wall..."HUG WALL" all the way to other side)...to hallway..go down hall..<FIGHT Small Dragon> and turn left down hall...search along the right side for hidden room for great treasure....go all the way to back of this long tunnel to get a powerful staff. Door 3:take first left opening and go to back of room...look for a switch in wall..press it and then turn round and press the other switch.. it must be in order..so its (if you facing the back wall) right button, then left button.....then search the other walls for buttons that should appear..press them in a similar order and two more should appear until finally a secret door will open to reveal a nice weapon Door 4:a room filled with teleporting mist! the correct sequence to get you safely through to other side is..forward, right, back,forward, left, right, back...and you should be on the other side..get some goodies nothing real important though...now go down to next level...you could've went down in the first place but what the hell, you building your characters up anyway... MONSTERS:green monsters and small dragons Items:poison dart, leg mail, weapons LEVEL 5: You start in a large area with no monsters but four alcoves with a sorta riddle to solve...the correct items you should place in the alcoves are "BOW", "GEM", "GOLD COIN" and the other one "NOTHING" and you will be able to get out...turn right and go towards door..go in and the trick here is go over to switch and turn on switch..you'll notice the teleport field comes on..well, turn off field..and place item where teleport field is...turn on switch and item is teleported around the corner, and causes the trap to shut...easy huh?..turn off field to get item back and open door to get key. go back out and to first door on left...creatures behind...nasty skeletons after killing monsters, hit switches in walls in correct order to open chamber with key in it. next room is same thing..kill monsters and hit switch to open secret room to get key....go out and open two doors with keys..take right side first....a few groups of skeletons and some floating eyes are here..best to lure a few at a time and kill em before taking on this room...anyway assuming you cleaned out this room of creatures...when you go in..go forward until you hit wall. then turn right.move forward as far as you can go..then turn left...go as far as you can go...in that general area is a switch..press it and then go all the way over to the lower left side for other switch in a small room where you'll find a magical box...switch one is in lower right corner and switch two is in lower left corner..then go back to lower right corner again to newly opened secret chamber to get needed key. go Back to start area and this time take left passage..after opening door with key...when you turn left, you see 2 doors on left and a ring-hook hanging on wall...ring-hook is a switch..touch it and its a secret passage.. get a powerful staff and when you think your at a dead end..search on left side for a secret switch to open a passage that will get you a VORPAL weapon..which is good for killing GHOSTS and non material things.! After coming back..don't bother opening first door on left...open 2nd door and go through..first right passage is a tricky..(i almost gave up the game right here)...you see a flashing teleport with a door on other side and another teleport after it..when u try to run past it. throws you back to where you started..<FRUSTRATING>...it takes timing and practice...time it just right with two quick keystrokes forward..if you hit forward too many times, you'll run past door and into forcefield on other side, knocking you back to start again....your also gonna have to open gate..by running up and pressing open button before field throws you back...if u time it right, you should land under doorway in between the two fields, then time it for the other side and jump through...get needed key..get back out! Continue! first hall on left is filled with strange mist..have strongest character throw lightest object down hall..and if you're success- ful then it will open a door at other end...don't worry if you cant do it cause all you get is some food, an arrow and some coins Take hallway going to right..keep going forward..don't take left hallway and follow until you come to a room with a teleport field in it!..enter field and your teleported way over to other side of dungeon...near a room. press switch and fight monsters inside if you wish...when you leave this hallway and go right down a long corridor...go to a room where another vorpal weapon is kept along with lots of monsters..hint: go in room and close door so skeletons don't come up behind you cause they are on they're way when you go in that room...when you leave that room with the 2nd vorpal weapon, go forward all the way until you can go left..keep following hall..(going past a door with some floating eyes in there..ignore)..find the stairs down...(Fun EH?) MONSTERS:Floating eyes, skeletons, wasps, ITEMS:vorpal blades, yew staff,large shield, mail akelton,crossbow LEVEL 6: Home of The FireStaff...you cant do much on this level yet.. you have to come back to it...but you can if you want, use your RA-key to open the First forcefield-door..but your gonna have to dig deeper in the dungeon for the other 2 ra-keys!..so go down stairs to level 7. LEVEL 7: Have plenty of "weaken non-material beings" spells ready cause this is one tough level...when you first enter this level, you'll pass over a trap door and it opens after you pass over it..to reclose it simply take one more step forward and you'll hear a click and it has closed...always keep it closed for a fast retreat back up the stairs. you'll figure out how to keep to trapdoor so it'll close when you need it to...there is fireballs being "shot" and they are hitting this teleport areas which are deflecting them all over the place..so if you see fireballs go skimming past your nose..don't worry, they are just being reflected off a teleport area..so stay outta there line of travel...you should shut off the fireballs..so from the stairs..turn left..start going forward..depending on where you are standing..if you take four steps and run into a wall then, move left and then continue forward...about exactly 13 steps..and then start going left bout 7 steps..you find a dead end hallway where the fire balls are being shot out of from...near the first "TELEPORT FIELD" that the fireballs get shot into..is a switch..that will turn the fireballs off..so hit it...or else the fireballs will continue to be shot out..one every 30 seconds....next...after turning off switch...<still facing wall> turn around 180 degrees..go forward four steps, turn left and keep going until u hit a wall...back up a few paces and search for a switch which opens a secret door in that area that contains a powerful staff...now go back to where that switch was and move back the way you came about 6 paces and then turn right and go bout 4-5 paces and look for a key on the ground here.. you need this later. ...from finding the key...the best way of describing where you need to find the next secret door is ..well, first make it back to the stairs...find em...now then from the stairs..first turn right..you'll see a teleport field..walk towards it and enter it..<it'll turn you in the direction of next teleport field in sequence>go to 2nd field..it turns u again..go forward and go around the open pit...keep following fields..go past number 3...and find the fourth field..(search the area for a button) press it and you've opened a passageway...go to the long hallway area... you'll start walking down the lonnnnnggggggg hallway and you'll notice you seem to walk forever huh? well...heres what ya do..at the very beginning of the hall...move 26 paces down the corridor, then stop, turn around and wait a couple of seconds, you should then see a door open...if you overstep your mark, it automatically teleports you back to beginning.... now find your way back to beginning stairs...<since the large open space is too hard to tell you where certain things are at> from stairs turn left..go bout 11 forward..Avoiding pits, like going around them..and stuff...when your 11 paces turn left and go straight, you should find a hallway with a door...use key you found earlier to open... from here you should be able to make it down the stairs pretty easy... make sure you've got plenty of food and water..cause it gets pretty scarce from here on out...(if you run completely outta food..like i did towards the end...just make bunches of Stamina potions..they seem to do what food does...you could run back up to the level where you kill gobs of screamers and worms if you wanna stock up on food...and then come back here..that's what i did... CREATURES:Ghosts, mummies, Thieves, skeletons. Items:staff of manar (heals), DELTA (good sword), mace of ORDER, (excellent weapon), ful bomb (throwing bomb potions) LEVEL 8:Lair of the Rats! when you come down the stairs..a secret door will put you into the area you want...secret door is one space to the left of the writing you'll see...<beware:if you go out secret door and come back in..like to go up stairs or something...a couple mean rats will ALWAYS be sorta regenerated here>...go left..and follow hallway..look for 2 space pillar..search all sides for secret button..press it to open secret chamber...i'm sure you'll find it once you've opened it..there is nothing else around here to see anyway.....then go all the way back..past secret door to stairs.. you'll come to a "turn-around" spot...so when you come to it..turn around and go backwards through it..and then turn around again and go forward.. you'll understand it.. AGAIN:retreat to doorways to kill rats and use doors to kill them by letting door fall upon them...they are tough little gerbils...good eating though...<YECH!!!!> se the fountains to refill your watersacks..! just kinda find your way around until you come to a grate-doorway with no apparent means of opening...DON'T PULL SWITCH!!! it will drop a chest into a pit..that's hell to get back out...from gate, go right and follow paths till you see stairs up..go up a level and find a trap door.."fall-in" and your now on other side of grate-and you can get the chest and press the button on wall to open this grate now...continue down the hallway until you come to a room where fireballs are being fired at you from wall. don't worry, they only fire at you when you take one step..so <save game> heal everyone and then take one step...<boom>..heal everyone...take another step...<boom> heal again...until you get out...go left when you get the chance..get rope you find laying here..(useful for going down traps without inflicting damage...too bad i haven't found a way to go back up the traps with the rope either..) at the end of this hallway is a switch and in the room is a needed key...if you see an CORBAMITE laying around, be sure to get it....go back to fireball room...don't worry, if you walk At the Fireball room...don't worry..they only fire "fireballs" if you are moving away or towards to fireball shooters , so just walk past them to the right exit..and keep going...there is only 2 places you can go here now...one is a RAT NEST or a door to keep continuing...the rat nest door is to the south and the other door is to the north or right..... put your CORBAMITE in slot to open door...heres the stairs down or a room with another key...(if you walk down dead end corridor, to where a skull is on left wall...use a skeleton key to open...) in secret chamber opened by skeleton key is stairs which will take u all the way down to the lowest level...good for getting out...or coming up looking for food and water...you could go and unlock it..in case u come back up later using the express stairs...heh heh! CREATURES:RATS, mini-wizards, rot grubs ITEMS:storm rings (shoot lightning), ra-key, LEVEL 9:When you enter this room, there might be 2 floating eyes and they are pissed!..so deal with them...and heres the scoop..it looks like a room with a bunch of pillars..but there is invisible teleport fields in between most of them...the correct way is : as soon as you come down the stairs..go left...go all the way to wall...go right..then walk all the way down the corridor to the opposite side your on..go left..then walk forward again..kinda like "zig-zagging"..cause if you enter through a pillar, you'll be put back at the stairs and 2 more eyes will be created again...once at an opening on your left..then go through and you should see two doors with one key..get key and take your pick..both doors go to same place with two monsters to kill as well...i went right..and had to fight a damn thief who keep stealing my shield...he only takes anything you are holding in left hand..so take all left handing items and put in inventory....walk to gate and open and kill skeletons inside,continue..till you see moving plates.. step onto plate and your moving round like a carousel...jump off when you see the opening..to either the tiny little alcove (that contains a teleport that will put u at start if you jump into it) or jump off into the continuing corridor.....continue to room where monsters are held at bay by an invisible forcefield...DO NOT PRESS ANY buttons here or you let out all the monsters..<BOY, wouldn't that be scary?> you can kill them from a distance pretty easy..in lower chamber <where some monsters where being held> is a switch to a secret chamber for a nice weapon. continue...you really just keep going the only way it seems there is... you'll pass by a door on your left to a room...and continue past two other doors sorta side by side by 2 spaces apart...after this...you come across two more doors...they both lead to the scorpions lair...(one of the hardest monsters i thought)...heres the strategy..first open door on far left..lower door i guess..take 2 steps..turn right into alcove and press secret button..get items in chamber and look for another secret button, press that..and then get out and close door behind you...go up a bit to other door..open it and go 3 spaces forward, turn left..2 spaces forward.. turn right..3 spaces forward..turn right again..1 forward..then left.. you should see a nice looking AXE..get it and go back to door and close it as quick as you can..avoid those scorpions if you see them..they are nasty as hell...back to the old lead em to the door and slam it on them routine and be sure to have lots of cure poison potions ready..cause they do 75-100 damage every time they hit....after you kill bout 3 or so...go in and make your way through..BE SURE TO GO INTO WHAT LOOKS LIKE A DEAD END ROOM .. that has a sorta teleport field..get a magnifying glass on the ground... ya gotta have to win the game...then get to the stairs ASAP!..go down and forget this level... CREATURES:SCORPIONS, Floating eyes ITEMS:magnifier, SPeedbow, HardCleave (NICE AXE), key of B. LEVEL 10: you seem to start out in a room which seems to have no exit...stand in front of the writing on wall...and start walking backwards clockwise.. be sure to bend with corners...walk all the way around to the same spot.. you should see a key..get it and open the gate...and open chest inside.. get key inside there..then your gonna have to do some backwards clockwise walking again until you see a either another key or a keyhole...using key open secret door in chest chamber..go out....from exit..go right first.. ROOM OF POISON: Run as fast as you can after saving game first....grab sword and then get out before the room starts filling up with poison gas.....if you don't do it the first time..i hope you saved game.so keep trying...i had to completely make everyone naked to ensure no encumbrance! ...go back towards starting room..go past and to room on left...get FURY SWORD...pretty powerful weapon...from fury sword room go straight and take first hall on left after hall in which you came up from at first... follow it to a door and after it is 3 doors...don't take the side doors.. go for the middle door...but be prepared to fight WATER ELEMENTALS... about 6 of them...they are destroyed with "weaken non-element things" or use vorpal weapons to kill....when you find the door...after going through door, go right..and straight as far as u can go..then right again at end of hallway.. follow hall until you can go left...keep following it until you come to two gates with wasps behind them...you'll have to kill them...after done...follow hall to very end..and turn left at last place to turn left...you see 7 slots here..if you picked up enough coins, you can get a few nifty treasures... immediately to your left is box 1, then 2, 3, 4,5,6,7....ok..the order i did was...4..(contains more coins). 6 , then 5 then 3, then 2, then 7 and then 1...do what u what.....go back to hallway and go right down first long corridor...use the magnifying glass on eye on wall..and now you can get a ruby key from the moving pressure plates.. you'll also notice a skull key hole on other wall...which opens an express stairway. go down stairs to next level... CREATURES:WATER ELEMENTALS, BEES, Thieves ITEMS:fury sword, diamond edge sword, ruby key LEVEL 11: KNIGHTS of the Round Table This level is getting pretty tough...when you come down the stairs and go into the first "open" area..if you looked 2 spaces off your right upon entering the area..there are pits..which are really hard too see if they are open..you can close them by passing over again a pressure plate at the beginning of the hallway (going back towards the stairwell you came from)...< I liked to close the pit and then have a monster follow me and free him on the pit and then go and have it open and they will fall to their death..heh heh> first thing you want to do is go right in the open space...follow hall and go left twice in a row..find secret switch in dead end alcove..press it and then go all the way back to open area and go left opening this time...go left again at hallway junction..you should meet up with a black knight.. retreat to where you see a door at end of hallway..open door..(don't worry, nothing in there)..and use the same slam door fight technique...after killing the knight..go forward down hall..and into another large area..and you should see a small room with a door open...(that's where the knight was..you opened the door by pressing the secret switch a bit ago.) get the topaz key inside. now go all the way back..almost to where that secret switch was...you should see a gate which a keyhole next to it..inside is another black knight who holds a needed emerald key... go all the way back past the black knights first tiny room and into the corridor where you should meet up with a spider or two...after killing it you should see on the right wall...a few paces in front of you a secret switch..press it and then you find a secret room with the best armor, shield and helmet you can get in the game...now go all the way back to where the knight you killed who had the emerald key was..keep continuing until you come to a room you open and inside is the last RA-key..get it and continue going forward..continue past a right passage..don't go in there..there is a switch that when pulled creates a bunch of knights to fight..take next right corridor and continue until you can go either left or right..take a left and follow it..pass by all right turnoffs until last one...keep follow- ing it until you see a 2 space alcove on right side..press button in alcove.. continue...pass by right hallway...until it turns right...keep going.. until you come to right hallway...<you know you got the right hallway when you see a door and a another right hallway..and going beyond the door gives you an option to enter 3 doors filled with nasty spiders...so don't go to the 3 door spider room, instead, take the right corridor right before the 3 door spider room..fight the AIR ELEMENTALS...and continue to the 4 traps doors that are rotating at a constant speed..time it just right and run past it...now when you come to a left right corridor..here is pretty much the scoop...you gotta get back up to the level where the firestaff is kept..now that you got all the required keys..you should have 2 ra-keys...so go left..first..and you come to stairs..(may have to use another skeleton key)..so go up to 8..and keep making your way back to level 6... Level 6: (back tracking)... open the 2 remaining doors with the RA-keys..and go left...find the last door on your right..one of your keys should open it...go in and walk all the way down the corridor and go into the room...find the turquoise key and a secret button near it...press it and get the final RA-key... go out...and about 4-5 steps after the doorway on your right is a button.. push it and a secret door will open way down at the other end... go down and you'll see an opening now..follow the corridor about 8 paces up and start looking for secret switch on left side...push it..then turn around and you should see a secret room with yet another needed key!... use last Ra-key to open last "ra-key" keyhole and follow the hallway.. all the way..twisting and turning until you see a door (clear) and just barely around the corner is a stone golem...don't bother him...use your master key to open that door..get in and get the firestaff and get out quick....go all the way back to the entrance to where you just used your last ra-key...now on your left is four doors...u have one turquoise key... u can open only one door...door number one (closest to stairs at far end) holds :SCEPTER of HEALING, & 2 necklaces...#2 holds:Dragons spit (food) and boots of SPEED, #3 holds: Crown (increases mana) and magic box #4 holds: "The Inquisitor"a sword which spits fire.....i think door #4 holds the best item....now go back down to level 11..the same way you got all the way back here and this time..go down to the lowest level you can which should be the dragon level...you should see a button to push, i think.. well..anyway, if you find a way down to the level of the dragon...heres what ya gotta do...when you emerge from the stairway..your in a big open area..the dragon is kinda slow..but you can hear him clumping around so...let him get near you and then shoot for the opposite end of the stairs area..the dragon will slowly follow...enter the area where it looks like a hallway and room...(if you have time..look right by the entrance..for a gem of time stop...)....in the room you'll see THE GEM OF POWER..what appears to be lodged in the wall...cast the zokathra spell which is these syllables: 1: half triangle 2: 3 circles 3: three arrows pointing northeast 4: asterisk symbol...you cast it and have the firestaff out and the gem should come loose and attach it self to the firestaff..making the firestaff a powerful weapon now.....< if you wanted too, you could battle the dragon if you want...but its not necessary to win the game...your in for a long battle of hide and go seek if you do.. i gave up after casting close to 40 powerful fireballs at him >...no w go back up stairs to level 12... level 12..completing the game!!!!!! your Goal in DUNGEON MASTER is too recover the firestaff, gem of power and vanquish CHAOS!!!!!...well..on this level are pits..(looks like a bunch of campfires..which are actually FIRE ELEMENTALS) and whole bunch of demons running around...and CHAOS himself...looks like a cross between DARTH VADER and AMADEUS!!!....heres what i did...in the large open space are numerous fire elementals that attack will unrelenting ferocity...you can kill them will "weaken non material"spells and use vorpal weapons..(hope you didn't throw them away yet)...the demons cast fireballs that usually will kill a few characters on first hit...they are powerful..if you hear a fireball coming..id run outta the way... ok..now then...there are 2 corridors that one will seal up <therefor trapping you on this level until you either win or die....but remember, if u die..just restart from last save.....save on this level..the other corridor takes you back to the dragon...but who wants to go there?... ok..now...stand by one of the corridors and slowly and painfully attack a fire elemental...ya gotta eliminate a few to give you room to fight the big battle in...run back into the monster forbidden corridors to heal and rest up when injured...after you've gotten rid of the elementals closest to the corridor openings..a few demons should start wandering over to beef your ass..what i did was stay down the corridor..about 3 paces from the opening...and just keep firing "fireballs or lightning" at them...until i picked em off one by one..bout 30 minutes..i would jump out in front.. shoot a spell, and then duck back and watched their fireballs explode into the wall next to me...after i killed them...CHAOS himself was wandering around....WARNING:CHAOS CANNOT BE KILLED WITH ANY WEAPONS OR SPELLS! Now, your newly formed firestaff has three functions...Invoke, MUTATE and fluxcage!!!...invoke is sorta like a fireball/lightning slinging weapon.. and fluxcage makes a yellow shimmering forcefield in the space in front of where i cast it..you must "trap" CHAOS in a "BOX" of fluxcages..and then when he is trapped..you use the invoke option......ya gotta get chaos into a corner..and use the "WAR CRY"...which makes chaos panic and flee temporarily...so war-cry him into a corner and flux cage all round him except on the space he is standing on..and then invoke on him and you've vanquished CHAOS..and restored peace to the land..and order to the GALAXY! You've Finished DUNGEON MASTER...