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 1 Introduction, Bathroom,
    Hotel Room, Casino (1st)
 2 Train Stations, Cab, Home,
    Joe's Bar, Sugar's Home
 3 Morgue, Train Stations,
    Casino (3rd), Laundry,
    Casino (5th), Secret Office,

   Part 1


 DEJA VU II: Lost in Las Vegas is a sequel to ICOM Simulations' DEJA VU: A
Nightmare Comes True!, and uses the same windowing system. Because DVII is a
sequel, playing DVI first is helpful (e.g., it's nice to know some areas that
you will be exploring, in this case, "Joe's Bar" and its vicinity). But it's not
an absolute necessity.

 Moves are made by choosing from a set selection of options and
pointing/clicking on the option. Some of the commands serve multiple purposes.
For example OPEN not only serves to open items, but also means search (as in
OPEN BODY). When you open an object, a new screen window appears and shows the
contents. Objects are moved by pointing and dragging from one window to another.
Your inventory is always an open window, while your current location is another.
I played on an Apple IIgs, and the game used the built-in windowing abilities.
On other systems, this support is simulated by the program itself and may work
slightly differently. Read your manual and experiment (as the manual directs) to
see how your implementation works. In movement directions in this walkthu, I
will identify the correct exits by reference to the exit boxes in the EXITS
window (which shows all currently visible exits).

 You are a private detective (and former boxer) in the early 1940s. In a prior
case (the one in DVI), you were framed for the murder of Joey Siegel (underworld
type). It turns out that Tony Malone (his boss) is blaming you fo the
disappearance of some Mob money that Joe was responsible for, and has kidnapped
you and given you a limited amount of time to find/return it. He has assigned
one of his men (Stogie Martin) to keep you under surveillance.

 Bathroom, Hotel Room, Casino (1st Floor)

 First, drag the trench coat and pants into your inventory. OPERATE each on the
YOURSELF icon in the upper right of your screen. This causes the program to
cause you to "wear" them (see -- a multiple meaning command with almost the
first move of the game). Now click on the trench coat twice (or click on OPEN
and the trench coat -- there are alternate ways to issue the same command) to
see what is there. Looks like a pack of cigarettes. If you OPEN it, you will
find that you are all out. There will be no way to find another pack, and
periodically you will get the urge to light up, but you know that smoking is bad
for your health [the preceding is an (anachronistic) Public Service announcement
from the Surgeon General]. Close the trench coat window to keep the screen clear
and (more important) to speed up the game, since it takes time to maintain and
scan all the open windows.

 Go through the same OPEN procedure with the pants. You will find your house key
and your wallet. OPENing the wallet reveals two newspaper clippings, $12 in
bills, and a quarter. If you want, you can explore this room, but there will be
nothing that will be needed to finish the game. Open the door and exit. Looks
like you have a visitor. It's Stogie Martin, with a warning and an ultimatum. He
then leaves (but leaves behind something on the floor). Examine it, and you will
discover it is a cigar band. Drag it to your inventory. On the dresser is a
folded object that turns out to be a train schedule. Opening and reading it
informs you that the cost of a one-way ticket to Chicago (where you must go to
investigate) is $20. Add the schedule to your inventory. If you want, you can
examine/open the ashtray (on the dresser), the dresser itself, the night stand,
and the wastepaper basket. None will produce items that will be needed to finish
the game, but some (such as the Bible moving to your inventory or being read)
produce interesting (and non-fatal) responses from the game. Exit the room to
the left and enter the Casino though the casino door.

 You are now in the Lobby. Look at that picture and remember its subject and
description. Exit left to the cashier. Since chips are $5, buy two with your $10
bill. Move left to the first 21 table. That dealer looks familiar, so check out
his name tag. Yes, it's Rudy your old sparring partner (you did read those
clippings, didn't you?). Note: It is possible at times for the game to place
Rudy at a different table, so keep heading left until you find him. OPERATE the
clipping on him (i.e., show it to him) to get a smile and a wink. Bet your $10
and draw cards until you have 16-21, then stand. Save before each round in case
you overdraw. Rudy will draw and either bust or get less than you. Move one chip
on the table to show that you are betting the full amount in the next round.
After you win three times, you will draw some heat from the pit boss, and Rudy
will take a break to be replaced by a blond-haired dealer. Take your $80 and
cash it in your chips. Return to the Lobby and exit down.

   Part 2

 Train Stations, Cab

 Now, go right to the Las Vegas Train Station. Enter it and you will be in the
Waiting Room. Gates are numbered clockwise (from the left) 6-9, and in the lower
right is the Baggage Office. Examine the Lower Board in the Baggage Area to get
the Departure Gate for Chicago. If it is not listed, examine it again and it
should then be there. Go to that gate. If the train is not there, exit down and
reenter; otherwise enter the train on the right or left. Trying to cross the
track to the upper exit when no train is in the station will get you run over as
the train enters the platform. You will be confronted by a conductor asking for
the $20 fare to Chicago, so drag a $20 bill onto his hand. Waste some time
(until the train pulls out) by examining the window, seats, etc. The game will
go on automatic until you get to Chicago, so click on CONTINUE when needed.

 You are now on the Arrival Platform in Chicago. Exit down to the Chicago
Waiting Room. Since you have been away, you should catch up on what has been
happening. Buy a paper from that blind newsdealer. Warning: His seeing-eye dog
moonlights as a member of the K9 section of the Chicago Police, so first pay the
newsdealer (use either your quarter or a $1 bill). Take a paper, read it (looks
like there is a gang war on or something), and store it in your inventory. Exit
down and enter the cab.

 The driver is an ex-client and friend. As noted by the game, he will drive you
anywhere in Chicago for free. His name is Gabby (so, as is usual with na
describing an ex-basketball star as "Shorty," a fat man as "Skinny," and a
hirsute fellow as "Baldy," the cab driver is deaf). Thus, the SPEAK option will
do you no good. What will you do now? If you give up, why not just try SHOWing
him something with an address? The first place you should go is home, so show
him your driver's license (OPERATE LICENSE on DRIVER). Exit the cab from the
left (the right door is smashed shut).

 Home, Joe's Bar, Sugar's Home

 Enter the building and use your house key on the upper (i.e., far) door, th
enter. Looks like someone has been ransacking your house (and this cigar band on
the floor says who). OPEN the suit on the wall an get your gun and the money. On
the floor is a drawer, so OPEN it and then the box. Now OPEN the gun and drag
the six bullets from the box's window to the gun's window and close the gun. You
are now armed; this is not required, since there will be no use for the gun, but
why not look the part of a PI? Drag the flashlight and knife into your inventory
(and if you want, the two keys). Exit. If you took the brass key and want to see
your mail, OPERATE it on the right-hand mailbox. Read your mail (nothing there
is going to be useful). Exit and reenter the cab.

 Use the other newspaper clipping to go to Joe's. Once there, enter the alley
and climb the fire escape. EXAMINE the boards and you will notice that one is
loose. OPERATE it and you will create an opening that you can enter. Enter the
opening and OPEN the wall phone. Get that odd-shaped key. Go back out the window
and down the fire escape. Go further into the alley by selecting the bottom box
in the EXITS window. While there are items to investigate here (such as the
trashcans and that carton), they will not be required. EXAMINE that door. The
game says the lock should be easy to pick. OPEN the knife and try to pick the
lock with it. It works! Enter the door.

 It is pitch dark. Looks like your flashlight is going to come in handy, so turn
it on. Enter the bar via the door and go into the cellar via the door to your
left. On your left is a wine rack. On the right side of the wine rack is a
bottle in its own compartment. Examination reveals that there is no dust o it,
so OPERATE it to open the secret door. Enter and go through the door on the
left. Use that odd-shaped key from the phone in the office on the right-hand
slot machine. Open it and examine the contents. Looks like a list of payoffs and
a card from an ex-girlfriend. Take them and return to the cab (turn off the
flashlight when you get to the alley; you may need it again).

 Show Gabby the card to get to Sugar's Home. Exit and try the door in the
basement (that bum is a red herring and there is no way to get past him). Her
door is locked, so try out your lockpicking skills again to get the door open.
You can investigate the room, but the important location is that dresser on the
left. Open it to reveal a police uniform. Remove (but keep) your pants, and put
on the uniform. Now for a very important step. Scroll the dresser window to see
the right side. On the bottom row is a vacuum cleaner. Open it and try to open
the bag inside. It will not open, so use your knife for its real purpose by
cutting the bag open. Inside is an envelope. Examine the envelope and then open
it. Read the letter to find out some vital information. Close the envelope and
move it to your inventory (with the letter inside). Examine that newspaper to
find out that someone important to Sugar has died.

   Part 3

 Morgue, Train Stations, Casino (3rd Floor), Laundry

 Return to the cab and, using the newspaper you bought at the Train Station, go
to the Morgue. Enter it, open the gate, and go through the far door. Open drawer
5 and examine the body. It is the bag man from that letter at Sugar's. Read and
take his toe tag. Exit and speak to the clerk. Tell him "Bondwell" to get the
property that was on the body. Open the box to find some keys and a wallet. Open
the wallet and there will be a driver's license and a claim check. Take the
wallet and its contents, especially the claim check (it may be good at the
Baggage Claim area at the Las Vegas Station). Close the box and return it to the
clerk. Return to the cab and, using the train schedule, go to the Train Station.

 If you want, you can first use Bondwell's driver's license to check out his
home, but there will be nothing of use there. Read the lower board to find the
correct platform, and go there (they are numbered from 2-5 clockwise). Go
through the same routine as you did in Las Vegas. Go to the Baggage Office. Give
the claim check to the clerk and get a bag. Open the bag and explore the
clothing. You will find a picture and an envelope. The picture is of Joe and
someone else outside Reliant Laundry. The letter is addressed to Tom Malone at
the Casino. Opening it up reveals what is going on and where the money
"disappeared" to. Take the picture and the envelope (with the letter included)
and put them in your inventory. Close the suitcase and just leave it there.

 Return to the Casino and enter the Hotel Section (to the right). Press for the
elevator and enter it. Examine the elevator panel. There seems to be space for a
5th button, but none exists (remember this). Press for the third floor. Exit the
elevator when it reaches the third floor. Look: There is a laundry hamper from
Reliant Laundry. Let's play Trojan Hamper by hiding in Z	{pen it up and climb
in. Waste some time by examining the laundry. After a few moves, the hamper will
be closed and transported to the Laundry. Looks like the Trojan Hamper was a

 Oops! I spoke too soon. You have been discovered, searched (some items have
been removed from your possession), and tied up. From the comments of those two
goons, your life expectancy is not too hot. You must get free. Examine the crate
to your left. It looks useful, so OPERATE the ropes on the crate. You just got
free, but you are not safe yet. Go up the stairs (to your right), open the door
(on the left) to make it look like you got free and escaped, and return to the
cellar via the door at the end of the hall (top). Pull the Trojan Hamper routine
again and wait for the goons to discover your escape. This time it worked. They
found the open door, and after finding you gone (they do not look in the
hamper), they assume you left.

 Now return upstairs, open the gate in the counter, and enter the Office. Look
at the tape on the floor (and remember it for later). Open the desk and get the
contents. There is a box with something inside it and a key. Take the key and
open the box. It's a magnet; take it. Exit the office and go out the open door.

 Casino (5th Floor), Secret Office, Endgame

 Head right until you get to the Casino. Enter and go right and enter the
elevator again. This time, place the magnet on the top of the panel (where there
should be a 5th floor button). It worked! Take back the magnet and exit at 5.
Look at the picture on the wall (a Godfather...looks like you are in Mob
territory, so watch out). Enter the left door (the right door is for later).
Open the desk, and get the contents. Try OPENing that desk ornament. It comes
apart! One of the two pieces is a disguised dart; take it. Exit and return to
the Laundry.

 Use the key from the Laundry office on the gate on the left of the building.
Enter and go to the office. Remember that tape on the floor? Try throwing the
dart at the dart board and you will find a secret door. Enter the Secret Office
and look in the desk. You will find (and should recover) the picture and the
letter that were taken from you by the goons. Also take the real books. Now to
implement that idea from the picture in the Casino Lobby (to get the two to
shoot each other).

 Leave a cigar band in the drawer before you, and close it to make it look like
Stogie (i.e., Malone's Man) removed the items. This will put Malone (and Stogie)
on the spot. Leave (taking the dart back) and close the Secret Door (not needed,
but be neat and make it look good). Return to the 5th Floor.

 Now go the right Office and open the drawer. Put the following items in it:
picture of Joe and DV, the real books from the Secret Office, the fake books
from DV's Office, Joe's diary, the letter from Bondwell, the letter from Sugar's
vacuum cleaner (with envelope), and the Bondwell toe tag from the Morgue. Close
the drawer. There is some overkill on these items, but I do know that some (for
example, the Sugar letter) are required. You have now given enough evidence of
what is happening to tip off Malone and prove it to him (try _not_ leaving that
Sugar letter and see what I mean...save first!). Now, your final task is to
avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Head straight for the Train Station and
catch a Chicago-bound (or anywhere else if there is no Chicago at the station)
train. Once you are on the train and it has pulled out, lean back and watch the
fireworks. Turn on your printer and save a copy of the canceled contract as

 DEJA VU II is published by ICOM Simulations and distributed by Mindscape, Inc.