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Hey, do you like OtakuBoy? Please forward it to a friend and tell 'em to send a "hey, subscribe me" to Otakuboy@bigfoot.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zine Scene - O t a k u B o y O n l i n e - Zine Scene The best news from the best vid-gaming sites -- Jan. 14, 1999 Vol. 1 No. 46 Keepin' it real -- written by OtakuBoy - "up in the feellite!" Now on superriffic, magical ICQ! # 21176515 Resouces obtained through Gaming Central! http://www.startpath.com/gamingcentral/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OtakuBoy loves you. OtakuBoy cares. That's why OtakuBoy unleashes his virtual scrubbing bubbles onto all the online console video game sites -- even on sites you've never heard of before -- to scour out the best features, reviews, previews, and news. Then OtakuBoy tells you where to go get them. OtakuBoy loves you. Now, love OtakuBoy back. =OtakuBoy Speaketh ========================================= Wot Da FLOCK?! What's with all this Nintendo news? I can't believe it! Even sites that don't cover Nintendo re- registered their domain names to include "nintendo" in them! Ok, I'm kidding on that last part. ----------- Nintendo 64 (N64) But I'm not kidding about all this Nintendo stuff. I really can't believe it. No, I won't believe it! Don't try to make me believe it! DON'T! 64 Source pulls out a pair of scissors and runs around the room. Fortunately no one was hurt. Well, no one except a poor issue of Next Generation, whose articles were stab- bed and cut into tiny little pieces. However some sentences survived intact. They're on 64 Source. First piece? A bit from Miyamoto (youamoto, wouldn'tyouliketobeamoto,too) about portions of the Zelda game that were made for the 64DD and how they might appear in a special edition Zelda game next year. The second piece? The status of Mario 64. I can sum it up one word: NOWHERE! Speaking of Miyamoto, the ole puppy is gonna be at the Computer Game Developer's Conference. What's he gonna say? Who will cater? And will he order from the local red light district? Find out about it all at Nth-Dimension. Or you can read Nintendo's press release! Gaming-Age picked up on a news-bit, a nasty one. Capcom is NOT behind the upcoming N64 version of Biohazard/Resident Evil! Nope! Unlike reports to the contrary, it seems that some unknown developer's doin' it! NO! Speaking of things reported to the contrary, we've heard that "Turok 3" is comin'.. but HOLD THE HORSES, says Acclaim! Yes, there will be a "Turok 3." But by this Christmas? The spokesperson then proceeded to laugh. Check out FGNOnline for that bit o' news. In other Acclaim news, looks like a "South Park 64" sequel is in the works. IGN64 has the details. And this just in: Instead of fixing the Turok engine, the next ver- sion of South Park will be called "South Park, Foggy South Park." In other big gaming news, many sites picked up a story from www.countingdown.com -- about up-coming Star Wars titles that will coincide with the release of The Phantom Menace later this year. A racer for the N64? "Pod Racer?" News from Skywalker Ranch on GameFan and Game Informer. Game Informer's story is bigger, more fleshed out, methinks. This one's confusing. Try to follow along. "Virtual Pool 64" debuted in December. It is OUT! But Game-Online says Interplay will release it soon! So, what's this? Well, seems like ole Interplay will release it in the U.K. this year! So, all your U.K.-ites! Check out the newsbit on Game-Online and the review on IGN64! Oh, my my. Oh HELL YES! Videogames.com previews "Beetle Adventure Racing." Lotsa sites talk about it today, but I like the preview there. Meanwhile, we've read that "WinBACK" has been delayed until -- like -- fall! Well, Game Informer has a pretty nifty preview! And GI tells you that the game will be worth the wait. And N64-Finally, Nintendo Underground takes a stab -- or is that g-string -- at what the next Nintendo will look like! And let me, for a second, offer some subject lines for those of you who believe this and will post to Usenet asking if its true. "I LIKE THE NEW NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "IS this neww nintendo TRUTH?!?!?!?!" "va-va-va-vooooooooooooooooooooooooom" GameBoy Color (GBC) WOW! Lotsa cool stuff on GameBoy Euro-Asia tonight! Very cool! I can't believe it! Oh, I'm sick! UGH! All the foll- owing comes from their site! Live from the Skywalker Ranch! It's rumors about Phantom Menance games on GameBoy -- specifically the RPG that's supposed to be in-development. Pokemon keeps on comin'! WHEN WILL IT STOP! Please. ;) Anyhoo, check out the information on "Pokemon Pinball!" Gotta hit 'em all with a flipper. (The phrase can be bent to fit any means!) WOAH! You've got to check out the color in the upcoming "Bust-A-Move 3!" Certainly the best color GameBoy Color has seen yet! "COITANLY!" -- Curly Also, a quick news note about "Ganbare Goemon." Yeah, the semi-cool blue-haired ninja-go-lucky comes to GameBoy in his first RPG! Dreamcast & Saturn (DC & SAT) Oh, how OtakuBoy loves interviews. Picking the brains of the industry elite. Makes me long for the days when I devel- oped award-winning, mega-selling Atari 2600 games. Yes, folks. I rule. Anyway, SegaX has the cool interview o' the night this time! It's an interview with Team 17. They're doing "Worms Armageddon" among other things. Check out SegaX for the Q&A. Also on SegaX, a NEW D2 Movie! Speaking of new movies, Console Domain has a new "Shenmue" movie and Dreamcaster has new "Evolution" movies! And wrapping up the eye-candy links, Sega X has pics of the upcoming "Marvel vs. Capcom!" Gotta fight 'em all. (Sorry, I'm still thinking about Pokemon.) Are you bugged with the glitches in "Sonic Adventure?" I WISH I could be. Anyway, I didn't know there were glit- ches. But apparently Sega thinks so -- camera angles and stuff. So, they're going to fix 'em before ole blue boy comes to the U.S. (Sonic! You're my hero!) Quick news note on Console Domain, a bigger story over on SegaNet. The Puru Puru is on the way! (Readers of OtakuBoy will notice the similarity of "puru puru" to "puri puri." This is because game sites frequently change the spelling of Japanese names just enough to confuse the world.) Anyway, this is the device that will rumble and shock, much like the current Rumble Pak and Dual Shock. FGNOnline has news about its release! The sequel to "Death Crimson" has been confirmed for Dreamcast! So says Sega X! This is good news... unless of course you think the original sucked. SegaX doesn't think so, but GameSpot does. So, pick the one that best suits your own opinion. Meanwhile, Katana-Edge hears Midway's "Hydro Thunder" will make an appearance on Dreamcast. Cool. Check out the info there. Dreamcaster hears that another of Rage's super- cool PC games, "Expendable," will make its way to DC. Check out info and pics on Dreamcaster. And this one deserves its own space. SegaX hears that maybe, possibly, perhaps Konami is dreaming up a Castlevania for Dreamcast?!?!? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Videogames.com has some super cool Japanese title re- views. They take a long look at "Incoming" and "Seventh Cross." Meanwhile, in a tiny bit o' Saturn news -- FGNOnline re- ports that "Dungeon & Dragons Collection" for Saturn is fin- ally comin'! Long live the Saturn! Long live all game machines! Viva la games! PlayStation (PSX) "PaRappa 2" looks cool! Wanna know how I know that? Cause GameSpot has pics! Also on GameSpot, a report that the up- coming "Final Fantasy Collection" will come with all kinds of new art and tuff. And again on GameSpot, news about "Odekake Chocobo" a game for the upcoming PocketStation! And speaking of PocketStation, check out "Pi to Mail." It's gonna allow you to send something like mail between PocketStations. Incidentally, this story has some cool pho- tos of the PocketStation ad running in Japan. Hey! "Gengis Khan IV" is comin' to Japan! Cool. What is it? Hey, OtakuBoy can't know everything. (Well, yeah he can, but he falls down on this one.) However, I do know about Pepsiman! He's the lovable d00d in Japanese Pepsi ads. Well, he's comin to PSX in Japan! COOL! AND PSX-Finally, PSXNation previews "Blast Radius," an upcoming shooter from Psygnosis. Multi-format & Misc Run! Don't walk to your mouse button and Re:Tokyo. They check out "Comic Market 55," a super cool fan convention! VIVA LA FANS! Check out the pics, too. Euro-Asia GameBoy reports: When is WonderSwan gonna be available in Japan? Also, see the cool pic of it. That's one stylish little thingy. Cheers, folks. See a cool story? Send it to me! Otakuboy@bigfoot.com ============================================================ Nintendo 64 Links: -- Special Legend of Zelda - News -- http://www.64source.com/news/011299.html -- "Legend of Zelda Special Edition" -- Pull from Next Gen Mag about Mario 2! - News -- http://www.64source.com/news/011299.html -- "Mario 2 Still Untouched" -- Speaking of Miyamoto, he's gonna be at GDC - News -- http://www.consolecity.com/n64/ -- http://www.nintendo.com/corp/press/011399.html -- Capcom NOT doing N64 Biohazard? - News -- http://www.gaming-age.com/news2/january99/011499d.htm -- Turok 3! Not everything you've read it true? - News -- http://www.fgnonline.com/web/fgn_archives.html?publish_date=1999-01-13 -- "Turok 3 In The Works" -- South Park sequel? The FOGGY edition! - News -- http://ign64.ign.com/news/6407.html -- WOW! Pod Racer is comin'! - News -- http://www.gamefan.com/newhotinfo/hotinfo.asp?storyid=88 -- http://www.gameinformer.com/news/jan99/011299h.html More Fleshed out! -- Virtual Pool 64 is comin' - UK Title News -- http://www.game-online.com/cfdocs/site/news/newstemp.cfm?newsid=1314 -- Virual Pool 64 - Preview/Review? -- http://ign64.ign.com/reviews/3902.html -- Beetle Adventure Racing - Preview -- http://www.videogames.com/n64/drvfly/beetle/ -- WinBACK! - Preview -- http://www.gameinformer.com/news/jan99/011399c.html -- The next Nintendo - Joke -- http://www.nintendorks.com/next_system.shtml GameBoy Color links: -- From Skywalker Ranch, the GameBoy part - News -- http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/news_flash.htm -- "Just some Gossip..." -- Cool! Pokemon Pinball! - News -- http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/news_flash.htm -- "Shoji reports on..." -- WOAH! Check out the color in Bust-a-move 3! - News -- http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/news_flash.htm -- "EAGB reported some..." -- Ganbare Goemon - News -- http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/news_flash.htm -- "While US gamers..." Dreamcast links: -- Team 17! - Interview -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/interviews/team17_980114.htm -- New D2 MOVIE! - Feature -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_990113_d2movie.htm -- New SHENMUE Movies! - Feature -- http://www.consoledomain.com/movies/cd_shenmu_teaser.mpg -- New EVOLUTION Movies! - Feature -- http://www.dreamcaster.net/archives/january/011299/011299-01.htm -- Marvel vs. Capcom pics! - Feature -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_990113_marvscap.htm -- Bugged about Sonic glitches! WoRRRY NO MORE! - News -- http://www.consoledomain.com/news/index.html -- "Sonic Adventure to be tweaked for West" -- http://www.seganet.com/news/011399a.html -- The Puru Puru is on the WAY! - News -- http://www.fgnonline.com/web/fgn_archives.html?publish_date=1999-01-14 -- "Puru Puru Promise" -- Death Crimson 2 CONFIRMED! - News -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_990113_deathcrimson.htm -- On the other hand, maybe that's not good. - News -- http://headline.gamespot.com/news/99_01/13_vg_ecole/index.html -- Midway's Hydro Thunder comin' - News -- http://www.katana-edge.com/headlines/index.html -- "Midway's Hydro Thunder About to Appear" -- Another one of Rage's on its way? EXpendable - News -- http://www.dreamcaster.net/news/011399-01.htm -- Meanwhile, is Castlevania comin' to DC? - News -- http://www.segadreamcast.net/news/news_990114_castlevaniadc.htm -- Incoming - Japan Title Review -- http://www.videogames.com/dream/shoot/incoming/review.html -- Seventh Cross - Japan Title Review -- http://www.videogames.com/dream/rpg/seventhcross/review.html -- Dungeon & Dragons Collection for SATURN! - Saturn News -- http://www.fgnonline.com/web/fgn_archives.html?publish_date=1999-01-14 -- "Saturn D&D Date Set" PlayStation links: -- PaRappa2 LOOKS cool! - News -- http://headline.gamespot.com/news/99_01/13_vg_parapa/index.html -- The Final Fantasy Collection will come with special stuff! - News -- http://headline.gamespot.com/news/99_01/13_vg_coll/index.html -- Odekake Chocobo RPG in PocketStation - News -- http://headline.gamespot.com/news/99_01/13_vg_pocket/index.html -- Pito Mail! Send mail on yer PocketStation - Japan News -- http://www.gamersrepublic.com/01_13_1999n3.html -- Genghis Khan IV! - Japan Title News -- http://www.gamersrepublic.com/01_13_1999n6.html -- It's PepsiMan! He's all silver! - Japan Title News -- http://psx.ign.com/news/6411.html -- Blast Radius - Preview -- http://www.psxnation.com/news/pre_blastradius.html Multi-format & Misc -- Comic Market 55 - Fan Convention! Parts 1-3 - Feature -- http://retokyo.com/games/news/ena90110.htm -- http://retokyo.com/games/news/enb90110.htm -- http://retokyo.com/games/news/enc90110.htm -- http://retokyo.com/games/images/021/index.htm -- When's WonderSwan gonna be available in Japan? - News -- http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/news_flash.htm -- "Shoji also reports..." ----------------------------------------------------------- And, hey, when you wanna go out and surf on your own, stop on by Gaming Central. They're linked to every gaming site in the world! They kick TOCK! (As in But-TOCK!) -- http://www.startpath.com/gamingcentral/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Thus ends another ish of OtakuBoy Online. The place for the squeeky clean zine scene... and those zines better get to writin' better features. Zine Scene - O t a k u B o y O n l i n e - Zine Scene -- Jan. 14, 1999 Vol. 1 No. 46 Keepin' it real -- written by OtakuBoy - "up in the feelite!" Now on superriffic, magical ICQ! # 21176515 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, do you like OtakuBoy? Please forward it to a friend and tell 'em to send a "hey, subscribe me" to Otakuboy@bigfoot.com