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What State? )Fuck armchair Philosophizing )Fuck Activism )You are Free )Death of the Empire )The Great Purge )What State? )Fuck Armchair Philosophizing You've all had these conversations. "Well, I consider myself libertarian," or "I'm borderline anarchist." The problem in all of these scenarios, including the ones that start "I'm Republican," is the sheer fact that whoever utters these words are no more what they said they are then they are a fucking neon green interstellar mosquitoe. If you actually believed in certain ideals then you would stop at nothing to obtain them. However, especially in America, laziness of the mind is exchanged for the strength of the muscle. How can that be you exclaim, still believing you are not a robot, a slave, and a bitch of the state. I took Calc3 and Differential Equations in college. I work for the NSA. I ____. Analyze yourself for a moment then. What's the last original thought you had that wasn't controlled by anything? The commerical you just saw on the television telling you to buy this or trust money to that. The stop sign telling you to halt at an intersection. The clothes that you put on in order to fit in to the society norm (be it punk rags, gold chains, a powersuit, a shiny thong, a cowboy hat, etc., ad nausem) How about the time clock you keep at work? How about the homework you are supposed to turn into tomorrow for school? How about the 'music' you listen to in the car, at home, at parties, or even the music you make? Are you really thinking things over for yourself or are you doing what you are told to? Are you being told where to be or how to do something? Are you being told how to speak or act or think? Are you telling others what to do? Are you being physically forced or mentally beaten into something? Are you doing that to someone else? Well, what's the other ways then? Surely without having all this direction society itself would fall apart. Wars, famines and plagues would erupt and Atlas would just toss the whole stinking mess off his shoulders. Right.... Remember when you were a kid and you did whatever the fuck you wanted to until an authority slapped your hand? Remember that last time you drank a bit too much or enjoyed a good smoke with friends and spoke your mind or acted upon your conscience? True, we've all made bad decisions but you are still alive are you not? If any dire consequences came out of those events who caused them? You? Were you really responsible for 'laws' that were placed upon you? So the choice is yours. Are you going to live your life or have it lived for you? Are you going to the slave or master of your mind--cause you must realize that those rules, those magistrates, those presidents, those morals, those evils, are all controlled by you. You also control whether or not to believe in them. So stop preaching to others what you believe and start acting upon what you believe in. Words say shit but actions speak a thousand speeches. )Fuck Activism A huge new protest? Thousands of riot cops? Anarchists and commies and socialists, oh my! Let's get real for a change. If you actually gave a shit about the cause you are going to demonstrate or act for, why don't you, your house, your neighborhood, your community, your 'state', or your world already exhibit at least some of those beliefs? Oh! You need help and you can't do it all by yourself? So your alternative is to accept what you don't believe in? What great choices you have. Would you like your face smashed in or would you like your sex organs mutilated? Let's tackle the other argument of "then everyone will hate me or I'll have no friends."....Does this even need to be argued against? Humans by nature are extremely curious and yeh, you will most definitely put up with a little resistance towards your ideas at first but if you are sincere in your objectives you accomplish at least two vital goals. Either those people will recognize their own differences and start working for their ideals or they will recognize they share common ideals with you and will endeavor to help you in ways you probably can't even imagine. I don't want to tell you how to organize because then you would only be imitating and neither you nor I would achieve our goals. However, if you continue to think for yourself (no really!--fuck the meaning of the old adage and think for you--not anyone else) you will learn that being free is actually easier than being a slave. Let's do a case study of activism shall we? When a lot of people talk about activism it usually means something like voting, or protesting, or doing a FnB in your neighborhood. What do you do during the rest of that time? Go to school? Work? Travel around to different punk concerts? What the fuck?! What happened to the energy? What happened to the passion? What happened to all the awareness and networking you had? I thought you fed 20 people at that FnB? I thought you had 2,000 people pass through that convergence center? I thought you had 400 kids drunk as fuck sloshing out to some hardcore? Oh, that's right you have to go onward to the next event? You have to make an appearance at the next big thing. Of course you want to see your friends--that's not the issue. Do you believe in what you espouse or are you as the hackers say just another scene-whore? Stop playing to someone else's goals and play for yourself! Stop protesting what you dislike and fix it yourself! Do you really think you can convince a couple million people of the wrongs of the world if you aren't even trying to fix it? )You are Free Who the fuck told you you're 'just a kid'? Who the fuck told you you're a factory worker? Who the fuck told you you're a senator? Who the fuck told you you're just a private? Who the fuck told you you're just a 'stay at home mom'? Who the fuck told you you're just like everyone else? Who the fuck told you you're a part of an imaginary state? Who the fuck told you, you hold a credit history that can harm you? Who the fuck told you that your asian, black, hispanic, indian, white, etc? Who the fuck told you, "you can't do that!"? Who the fuck told you that you have to pay to live? Who the fuck told you how to speak? Who the fuck told you how to dress if at all? Who the fuck told you to read this text? Who the fuck told you to be a good member of society? Who the fuck told you that nationalistic pride is better than self pride? Who the fuck told you that profit is better caring? sharing? loving? Who the fuck told you your a sinner? Who the fuck told you you will die? Who the fuck told you to obey traffic rules? Who the fuck told you to stand in line? Who the fuck told you the music you like is just noise? You are FREE! You can do anything you want to. You can live! You can live with others! You can love! You have the ability to transform your dreams into reality! You don't have to put up with any bullshit because you have realized that you are a free human being. Want to see the world? Want to blow up Washington? Want to grow kilos of shrooms? Want to live in outer space? Want to quit school? Want to flick off a cop? Want to piss on the flag? Want to sew sweaters? You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it because you are free. We don't advocate the bullshit 'you can do anything', as long as it's acceptable to society, the laws, or anyone's opinion that your kidengarden teacher told you. We advocate the fact that you really CAN do anything! )Death of the Empire So how do we rid ourselves of governments and in particulary the US Empire? (My apologies to the rest of the world--this paper is highly anti-US exclusive.) I personally don't see an armed rebellion coming to light very soon. Even if it did, how would you rid yourselves of the new army since the majority of people in it would probably be sheep, just because we would need those numbers? Protesting and changing laws within the government most assuredly does not work. Community organizing solves problems only temporarily until the authorities see through the guise and is most definitely not all-encompassing. What we are looking for is a real change in thinking. Education may be one key but at it's worst it's nothing but a tool. Besides we need an infinite supply of keys for this fucking pandora's box of problems of leviathans. We unfortunately can't show you the one and true way to ridding ourselves from this empire, as we are probably wrong since you are a free individual. However there are a couple of concepts that have gotten us a long ways and we believe that if a lot of people start thinking for themselves it's only inevitable that the empire crushes under our magnificent weight. Respect is ultimate for getting along with other people, including those that are drastically different from yourself. However, this does not mean you need to respect neo-nazis and teachers. Respect yourself first and foremost and than broaden your horizons to respecting other peoples way of life, way of thinking, and their goals/wishes. Educating others is another step. We are fighting an all out war against particular institutions such as the educational system that brainwash people for at least twelve years--some 4-7 years longer. We are fighting against the prison-industrial complex that throws away 'lost lives' and isolates their troubles from the rest of society as if to say we don't have problems with the way things are ran nowadays. Is it pure coincidence that America has the most prisons and inmates in all of the world? Is it by pure coincidence that religions have complex moral systems that try to be a one-fit for all when at their very best they are an instruction guide for a small minority of people that for some reason hold onto them for dear life? Letting other people know about these atrocities and campaigning against them is only the start. However, you must admit that your own knowledge about other affairs is extremely limited and you must learn as much as you can about other people in your own manner--do not allow anyone else, even this paper, to tell you what is true. Seek it yourself and you will be overcome with the truth that you already knew but could not find. )The Great Purge As a preface I'm not talking about an inquisition for this article. Acceptance for different ideals and perceptions is a fundamental cornerstone for anarchists to actually acomplish something rather than sit around and bullshit. However, that isn't going to stop me from ranting about the three worst enemies I see in the so-called 'anarchist movement' in North America (fuck the name), particulary the area occupied by the goddamn flag-waving, god-fucking, roman-idolizing, earth-raping, mind control fuck of a giant leviathan called the United States. What we have are the: liberals, spectators, and the imitators. What about the church, the state, the corporations, etc? Do you not see though that the aforementioned are just tools of these entities? Before we attack the core we need to remove the knives and blades swinging in all directions to get to the core. The liberals, pacifists, et. al are some of the worst people because they have just as much energy as anyone else that might be considered part of the 'movement' and they dilute the scene worse than anyone. Their fears of oppresion from the state for taking part in actions, their misunderstandings of certain facts because of their unwillingness to listen or truly express their views creates a tidal wave of bad energy that destroys any real attempt at generating tactics and ideas--not to mention ideals and the dreams from which they spawn. Down in Miami I was approached by a so-called anarchist that started yelling at me for taking ice cream from a store and distributing it among the crowd because 'the poor shop owner isn't making enough money'. What the fuck?!! Anytime you are making money you are accumulating capital, being a capitalist and destroying free will and supporting those who murder us physically and mentally. The point is that this person wanted the label of an anarchist but in his own liberal ideology which was un-surprisingly based on Judaeo-Christian backgrounds wanted things to be 'fair'. Well, things aren't fucking fair and they probably never will be but we, motherfucker, are out to take our lives back. The spectators are the ones that come out of natural curiousity and many people would say that to exclude these is a dire step backwards as it limits numbers but this is totally and utterly illogical--not to mention a good fear tactic that the media and states love to use. For at this moment someone must make a firm decision for themselves whether or not they believe in something and they aren't just herded along like cattle into the slaughterhouse. With them they bring new ideas and unfortunately a lot of bad diversions. Also, would you want a spectator speaking to the press about the anarchists? Would you want a spectator fearing (controlling) a group of people out of their free will? Fuck that. The imitators are probably the second worst on the list because they wear masks and disguises to fool us. They are there solely for the image and will do anything to attain it. The imitators also refuse our most powerful weapon--creativity--for all it's magnificent glory, and pressure others into using other well-known, widely-used, safe, trusted tactics, and ideas blocking advancement, diversity, and produces degradation. The imitators must be cast out until they can think for themselves cause until they do they are detrimental to us as a whole. )What State? Ah, yes--the meat of the fucking zine--finally! Have we all read Les Miserables in which Jean Valjean is sentenced to prison for 19 years all because he took a loaf of bread to survive? Where does your integrity lie? With an idol of a false pretense-the state or yourself? Why do you continually betray yourself, your family, your friends, and those you don't even know to satisfy those that only see you as a statistic and money? If you live in America you might have learned that slavery was abolished with the 13th amendment to the Constitution. Of course, it never really was abolished and the civil war was just a front to scapegoat the horrific crimes against humanity that was up until then blatant and in your face daily. Now, it has been replaced with such institutions as the military with their governement issued-owned soldiers; the massive prison-industrial complex which habitually turns innocent souls into fodder for capitalism, christianity, and the state; religion itself with the ever multitude of wayward souls sacrificing their all for a promise that does not exist; the state schools for their atrocities against children, warping and contorting their minds; tv for enslaving a kids once feral free time and ad hominem attacks towards adults. So, no--until you disregard these non-existent authorities you are not free; or so the state wishes you to think--once again excercising power of your own thoughts. To this I ask you what state? There is no state! It is only a collective illusion that this awful power exists. Resist and refuse at every opportunity! Rejoice in knowing that it was an institution long ago abandoned for the sake of freedom.