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F R E E P L A Y ! 
Multiplayer Internet Gaming Newsletter
Issue # 9 - Nov 4, 1996
Home Page - http://freeplay.home.ml.org
Murphy's Law of Lag: You will always freeze as 
soon as you need to avoid something.

Murphy's Second Law of Lag: No matter how 
lagged you are, you can always be lagged more.

Editor - Mark Shnayer(freeplay@snet.net)
Associate Editor - Scott Grattan(scotti@wic.net)
Reporter - Andy Hartwell(phatso@world2u.com)

Editorial - Welcome to the new subscribers and our new reporter.
Announcement - Logo Design for FreePlay WWW page.
Rambling on - By Scott Grattan.
Gaming News -  All the multiplayer news you can use.
Hot Links - Bookmark these now!
Updates - Game patches, updated beta tests,etc...
Previews - The Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Review.
Resources - To make multiplayer gaming a heck of lot easier
PBEM Games - Play By Email Games
Online Games - NINETEEN Multiplayer Internet Games you can play NOW
Humor  - Something to make you laugh while you are gaming
Details  - How to subscribe, back issues, legal junk

Editorial - Welcome to the new subscribers and our new reporter 
Give a big Hello to our new reporter, Andy Hartwell(phatso@world2u.com).
He did a review on Battle City this issue and we will be seeing more of
his reviews in the future.

We broke our record! 
NINETEEN multiplayer games reported on in the
Online Games section!

Yup, More Quake reporting this issue (in the gaming news section). 

This weeks' editorial actually will be just a administrative clearing
house. So here we go...

First, Let me say Welcome Aboard to all the hundred plus new subscribers
we gathered in the last two weeks!  That brings our subscriber count to
something like six hundred.  That's the unofficial majordomo subscriber
count. If you count the newsletter distribution on various B.B.S.,
company intranets, Public School intranets, and who else knows where 
this newsletter ends up, we are probably close to eight hundred readers.
I am still shooting for an official majordomo count of one thousand
subscribers by year end. You can help. Spread the word and this newsletter
everywhere you can!

For you subscribers new to FreePlay:
you definitely need to go the WWW page and download the older issues to
catch up on games we already reported on.  
With all the NEW stuff showing up, I rarely report twice on a
multiplayer game in this newsletter(except by mistake). If there is a
significant change for a game or a WWW page,  
it will be reported in the update section.

NETCOM subscribers! CLEAN OUT YOUR MAILBOX! I got twenty five MAILBOX
FULL messages from NETCOM subscribers after distributing the last issue.
The majordomo is attempting to resend to those subscribers.

Picking Bones - I got a bone to pick with you WWW game page owners. Provide
a plain alternate page when you put up those FRAME, TABLE, JAVA heavy
from seeing your web page..
Email IS the killer app of the Internet and 44% of all internet users
have Email only access.
This may surprise you but I DO NOT SURF the World Wide Web looking for
games. That is the absolutely last alternative. It takes too dam long to
load those pages! I use EMAIL, EMAIL, EMAIL. I use EMAIL to search the
search engines, download WWW pages, get reports from various sites, and
yes, to even download software! And I have a full PPP 28.8 connection.
But, thats how I do it and thats how I find just about everything for
this newsletter in the most efficient, non-distracting way.
The resources I use to get WWW pages and view them (text only) can't
download FRAME ONLY, MAP ONLY, WWW Pages by Email.
Which means I don't report on your page or game no matter how  pretty it
looks or how great the content is.

Oh and one last clarifcation:
If a game is noted as playable over  IPX or a LAN that means it
is capable of play over KALI on the internet.

I am reworking the FreePlay WWW page. I need a new logo!
My html abilities suck as it is, but I can't even draw a straight
line with a computer!
If you have any graphic talents, design a FreePlay logo (GIF or JPG), 
and ship it to me at freeplay@snet.net
If I end up with more than one decent graphic, I will cycle through
them on the WWW page.
Go wild, crazy, weird, and wacky. It must be eye-catching as
Make it as fancy as you want, whatever size. I will resize it if
I need to fit into the WWW page
All I can give you is my utmost thanks and a credit for
the design on the WWW page and in the newsletter.

If your talents are in html WWW authoring, We need to talk.
If you have any ideas or could put something together, send
them to me! I simply don't have the time or the talent to do it
well or do it right.

Again, due to my limited finances, I can't afford to pay, but we
could work out other arrangements,copyrights, whatever....

Rambling On - By Scott Grattan(scotti@wic.net)
Well, another two weeks has passed, and I'm caught completely 
unprepared again. Maybe if I'd spend more time paying attention, 
and less time playing games, I'd have more  to report. Hmmmm....
Anyway, here's what I DO know:

Another version was released on 11/1/96!  v1.17 is here, 
and it's got some minor improvements.
Mostly cosmetic.   

PBeM Games
For those of you who have no idea, PBeM means Play By Email, and this
site is the place to go to find out more about them.  It also has
several links to sign up for the many games available, but as of yet I
haven't been able to get into one, due to time constraints.  I just got
a  notification that a game that I signed up for over two months ago will
have openings soon, so I decided to get interested in them again.  I'll
let you know more when I actually get into one.

By the way, any of our readers battle.net beta testers?  We'd love to
hear from you, and tell us how it's going.  Email me and make me envious.
I'm ready for Diablo to hit the streets, and I  hope that battle.net will
be the success they expect.

Gaming News - All the multiplayer news you can use

Quake' Game Worries An Access Provider 
c.1996 South China Morning Post 
The addictive and violent computer game Quake has led one of
Hong Kong's Internet companies to change its contract to avoid being
sued by users who suffer an epileptic fit or seizure while playing a
computer game. 
Vision Online business development manager William Lau Yiu-kuen
said a change to the terms and conditions of service was partly
triggered by the success of the highly-addictive game, a violent
three-dimensional battle which can be played with other Internet users.
Lau -- who admitted ``I play Quake nearly every day myself'' -- said
the move was aimed to protect his company, which has installed
special software to facilitate Quake and other games over the Internet.
The company had no control over its users' activities and should not
be held liable, he said. 
The contract, mailed to its several thousand subscribers last month,
excludes ``risks to the user's health, such as diseases resulting from
prolonged use of computers and possible epileptic seizures or loss of
consciousness when exposed to computer images or playing certain
Quake and its less sophisticated predecessor, Doom, simulate a 3-D
odyssey through a maze of passages, killing people and monsters with
an array of weapons. 
Through the Internet, players can cooperate or stage a ``Deathmatch'',
trying to hunt and kill other players. 
The game is rated V3 by the Recreational Software Advisory Council
-- the most violent rating for any game, excluding those games which
feature rape. 
A leading neurosurgeon warned that some people were susceptible to
epileptic fits triggered by flashing lights such as computer games. 
``If it is a full-blown seizure it could be fatal,'' he said. 
There was no way to predict who could be susceptible and parents
should not allow their children to play computer games for hours, he

The Quake Level Editing Community Outraged By Actura Software 
10/08 - "Eternal Darkness: 100 New Levels For Quake" 
By: Actura Software. A little Credit Would Be Nice.
(Update by Robert Selitto, aka: Robs) 
 "Eternal Darkness: 100 New Levels For Quake" By Actura Software is
available in stores like CompUSA for 30 dollars. Seems like a good deal,
right? Wrong. This company has levels from FTP sites such as 
ftp.stomped.com and ftp.cdrom.com that were made by people from the 
internet. These people received no credit for their levels and many 
of the .TXT files that come on this CD were either deleted or edited, 
removing any credit that was due. 
In no way did the level editors give Actura Software
permission to use their levels, and the level editors I have talked to
didn't know that their levels were on the CD in the first place.  Also,
there are NO new levels on this CD. All of the levels you will buy on
this CD you can download from the internet. This CD is a SCAM and is not
worth the 30 dollars you would pay for it. Please support id Software and
the Quake level editing community by NOT buying this product.

I-Magic Recalls First Shipment of Destiny.
(Research Triangle Park) - Interactive Magic has decided to recall their
first 5,000 North American copies of Destiny. A new version of the much
anticipated strategy game will hit retail stores across North America
next Wednesday. I-Magic�s European offices will begin distributing
Destiny later this month.  Earlier this week, it was learned that the
first 5,000 copies of Destiny would not run properly on some computers.
Copies of the game had already been shipped to CompUSA and Media Play
stores. Additional shipments were halted and I-Magic Chairman "Wild
Bill" Stealey issued a recall of the first 5,000 games. "As an avid
gamer, nothing bothers me more than spending close to $50 on a product
that does not play properly," said Stealey. "The decision to recall the
games was very easy." "Destiny is a great title and strategy gamers have
anticipated its release for some time", added Stealey. "We are very
committed to Destiny and plan to release an online version early next
year." (A patch has already been placed on the I-Magic website that
will fix the first release version). 

Destiny by Interactive Magic
Destiny Academy announced -- classes open Oct. 28 Former flight
instructor Wild Bill Stealey is teaching again! On Oct. 28, I-Magic
will open the doors of the Destiny Academy, an online institution
dedicated to teaching gamers how to get the most out of our latest
strategy game. Wild Bill and Destiny designer Adrian Earle will be
answering questions on our web site and offering hints and strategies
for success.  I-Magic will be releasing a Destiny Tutorial Demo, which
will be available for download on the web site, or packaged with
upcoming gaming magazines.

Engage Games Online
IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- ENGAGE Games Online announced
today that it has added the best-selling game "WarCraft II: Tides of
Darkness"(R), from Blizzard Entertainment(R), to the impressive list of
titles being featured during its beta test period. According to PC Data
s list of top-selling software in September, "WarCraft II" was the top
game for the MS- DOS, Windows and Macintosh platforms, beating out
"Duke Nukem 3D," "Mech Warrior II" and "Myst."

3D action from Broderbund
by Bill Meyer
November 1, 1996, 4 p.m. PT 
While artistic adventure has always been Broderbund
Software's forte, the company has decided to spread its
wings, acquiring its first 3D action game, Outrage, from
Raven Software. 

Billed as a 3D action thriller set in the catch-all
postapocalyptic world of the future, Outrage is tentatively
scheduled to release next summer or fall. Unfortunately,
development has only just begun, so the specifics about
Br�derbund's first foray into action are in short supply.
One thing is certain: Raven Software is a capable game
developer. Best known for its close relationship with id
Software, Raven previously designed and produced id's
Heretic and Hexen lines of fantasy first-person shooters,
distributed by GT Interactive. However, with id already
busying itself with QuakeWorld and Quake 2, it seems
Raven has found a new place to roost. Beyond publishing
Outrage, Broderbundhas also secured the worldwide
publishing rights to any forthcoming sequels. 

Br�derbund's more aggressive posture toward gaming
doesn't stop with Outrage. It is also making bold moves in
gaming's latest and greatest category, real-time strategy.
For one, Broderbundis publishing Strategic Studies'
medieval real-time war game Warlords III, which began as
a turn-based strategy game in earlier chapters. This latest
game features a stellar multiplay feature, which pits eight
feuding players against one another. Not unlike Lords of
the Realm II, you establish your economic base and crush
your multiple opponents in real time with a variety of units. 

Next, Broderbund is handling distribution for the action
strategy game Tone Rebellion, published by the Logic
Factory, best known for its graphically sharp galactic
strategy game, Ascendancy. Set in a fantastic and futuristic
world, competing Floater species must put aside their
differences to destroy one Leviathan. As if that were not
enough, Broderbundis also at work on one of its own god
games. Code-named Darwin, this sci-fi answer to
Warcraft combines a battle for genetic supremacy with
real-time combat. Even better, Broderbund promises it is
not a clone of Bullfrog's recently released Gene Wars. 

GARLAND, TEXAS--Oct. 21, 1996--3D Realms Entertainment, developers of
1996's top selling retail PC game, Duke Nukem 3D, today announced it has
hired Paul Schuytema to head up the eagerly anticipated 3D action game,
currently titled "Prey". 

Paul Schuytema will be joining 3D Realms in early November, coming from
FASA Interactive Technologies, where he was the lead designer for
MechWarrior 3. 

"I couldn't be more excited about joining the Prey team. I took one look
at the Prey engine, and knew immediately that Prey was going to be a
force to reckoned with," boasts Schuytema. "I think that Prey was the
only project in the industry that could have pulled me away from
MechWarrior 3, plus 3D Realms' reputation as a game company is
impeccable. It's going to be an awesome opportunity to blend my
storytelling ability into their formula for incredible game play. We're
going to take Prey over the top." 

3D Realms President George Broussard commented: "We're totally stoked to
have Paul joining us. He shares the same gritty sci-fi vision that we
have for Prey, and isn't afraid to get a little blood and guts on his
hands. We think his background in science fiction will help shape Prey
into something unique and he's also a die hard gamer who knows how to
play games, as well as what most people want from a game. Having Paul
join Prey is like winning the lotto." 

Prey is one of the most eagerly awaited 3D action titles due out, and
features a true 3D engine with polygon characters, network, modem and
internet play. Beyond this the game has a dark sci-fi theme, that will
pull no punches with it's action and content. 

Hot Links - Bookmark these now!

DP: The Diplomacy Home Page
Welcome to the ultimate Depository, the home of everything that Dips, 
the Web site for the players of Avalon Hill's game of Diplomacy and its 
The Pouch began as a Webzine (published five times a year), and now 
provides information and services for all aspects of the Diplomacy 
hobby, including a definitive list of online resources, a game showcase,
and separate sections devoted to face-to-face play, postal play, 
and e-mail play. Most sections of The Pouch are updated on a 
continual basis, so be sure to stop by often.
The Diplomatic Pouch, the home page for Diplomacy on the Internet,
exists in part to invite, welcome, and escort new players into the

The Patches Scrolls
Welcome to the Internet's premier source for bug-free gaming experiences.
Here you can find almost every patch for Macintosh, IBM-compatible PC's
and Commodore Amiga.
(FreePlay: I checked this out pretty thoroughly. He is wrong! He doesn't
have ALMOST every patch there is! He has *EVERY* patch there is!)

Previews - The Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Review

Dragon Dice
Dragon Dice from Interplay, based on the recently-released mega-hit
strategy dice game from TSR, is an action/fantasy dice game sure to
excite both Advanced Dungeons & Dragon fans and Strategy
devotees. The game is set up to provide powerful action to both the
beginner as well as the seasoned professional. 

It's all here for the player in search of the ultimate gaming
world: dark forces, fantasy, extraordinary characters, fantastic
battles, fascinating places, happenstance, magic, chance and
illusion. The computer dice game that gives players free rein to
create their own worlds, characters and armies, Dragon Dice is
the only completely expandable game that comes with all 112
TSR digital dice, including five Wizard dice. With each die
possessing specific strength and magic, players will discover
worlds that can only be created by the power of their minds --
with a little luck from the roll of the die. 
Dragon Dice features high-resolution characters with extremely detailed
environments and characters. The player has the option of playing
against the computer, over a local area network with multiple players
or on-line with full modem support. 
Dragon Dice will be available for Windows, Windows 95 and on the
Macintosh platform in the fourth quarter of 1996. 

Dungeon Keeper
As an ultra-evil sorcerer who has collected a hoard of treasure over
decades of thievery and other mischief, you now retreat into your
dungeon to enjoy your unjust rewards. However, word gets around of the
accumulated treasure, and bands of so-called "heroes" attempt to relieve
you of your wealth. As these adventurers fail to return alive, more
competent (and greedy) ones turn up on your doorstep. As the keeper, you
must spend your resources to modify the shell of a dungeon in order to
defend your wonderful goodies. Walls can be built or removed, and
secret doors can be placed to fool the unwelcome guests.
You can even summon monsters to dispatch the trespassers. But remember,
although you gain powers for each adventurer's soul you take, you will
lose power for each creature that is lost. 
The fully-rotational, texture mapped dungeon can be viewed isometrically
from a third party perspective, or through the eyes of a creature in
first person.  Behavioral cloning allows the game to learn from your
technique, and force the development of new strategies.  True light
sourcing adds to an amazingly real gaming environment, where torches
flicker and fires illuminate.  A host of monsters await your bidding.  A
superb multiplayer option allows one player to play the keeper, while
others play the invading heroes.  8-player networkable for the adventure
of a lifetime. 

Enter the realm of the Roman Coliseum as a fearless Gladiator who must
fight all challengers. Be prepared to engage in brutal, fast-paced combat
which can lead to fame and fortune or despair, ridicule and finally death.
Gladiator is a fast paced, 3D action game being developed using Liquid
Software's 3D graphics engine. 
The focus is on the mechanics of hand to hand combat using historical
lethal weapons. The game features state of the art virtual reality
techniques including 3D graphics, realistic fighting scenes and an 
original and exhilarating soundtrack. 
Multi-player matches will be developed for use with modems and 
network systems. 
Gladiator is designed to addresses the current lack of detailed
hand-to-hand combat games. 
(FreePlay: I am not sure of the status of this game. I have
emailed the company for info on availability and requirements).

Rolemaster: Bladelands
A GUI-based on-line multiplayer game based on the Rolemaster fantasy
role-playing rules.
Rolemaster: Bladelands supports all the base Rolemaster classes and
races, character development, and combat rules.  
Coming soon to the Internet! 

War of Conquest
Maneuver your forces to conquer adversaries and as you strive towards
world domination. Skillfully combine your arsenal of technology, spies, 
diplomacy, treachery and military might to emerge triumphant.
War of Conquest is a war strategy game based on a 13 year old proven
multi-player design. It features play capability through modems,
networks and the Internet. The Internet play will allow players to 
develop alliances and secret agreements, spy on their enemies and 
friends and conquer their foes.
War of Conquest is developed to play in the Windows 95 or Windows
3.1 environment and provides an easy-to- use, graphical interface. 
In addition, War of Conquest is ideally suited for Internet play without
requiring the added cost of high-speed Internet links. War of Conquest 
can be easily played with 14,400 baud modems which satisfy the majority
of current computer owners.
(FreePlay: I am not sure of the status of this game. I have
emailed the company for info on availability and requirements).


BattleCity - Review by Andy Hartwell (phatso@world2u.com)
If anyone tried Battlecity a couple of months ago and couldn't 
understand why there were all these flies in the cities, they should
give  it another try. With update after update, Jankos, creator of the
game,  has created an obsession for about 100 users. The flies have
turned into  tanks, all the objects were redone, and music and new
sounds have been  added. Also, many bugs in previous versions have been
 Battlecity is an excellent strategy/action game; the object is to 
command a tank to build a city and destroy other cities. A player has
the  option of being a mayor to build cities, or a commando to fight for
the  cities. With the new updates, it has become much better. Bugs that
appear  while logging on have been significantly reduced. The engine
noise when  your tank moves gives you the sense of being there. And the
music helps  set the atmosphere for the game. I strongly recommend
everyone to try  this game again, or try it for the first time if you
haven't visited it.
Also check out the following:
Battlecity Homepage - http://members.tripod.com/~cookb/BATTC.HTM

Battlecruiser 3000AD Patch
A new patch is scheduled for release on Monday, November 4. 
This new patch is expected to be considerably smaller than the first 
It is also expected to supersede the first patch, making it unnecessary.
To see which items are to be addressed in the patches,
See the list at http://www.take2games.com/~t2supprt/bc3news.html.
See also the BC3K Official FAQ at 

F22 Lightning II
Everyone involved with F-22 has been feverishly working on product 
enhancements that F-22 owners can download from our NovaLogic website 
(www.novalogic.com). This is a must for F-22 aficionados. Included in this 
upgrade are:
1) a text-based CHAT mode which allows players to communicate among
themselves during the Multiplayer Voting procedure as well as during
2) four new player perspectives (views) including a "check six" rear view.
3) a more capable setup program and a shortcut creator for Windows 95
4) and additional documentation which includes a wealth of game related 
 clarifications, corrections, commentary and information.

Microsoft Close Combat 1.0a update patch
The 1.0a update provides: 
Faster performance 
Ability to play others head-to-head on the Internet Gaming Zone 

Spades '97
(update to review in issue #1)
Spades '97 is a fully-featured Internet-playable card game designed for
Windows 95 in which you can easily locate other players on the Internet
24 hours a day and play for FREE! The game's unique design allows it to
run much quicker than other services that rely on you to log into a
"game server". Spades '97 is set up to allow players to be able to play
independent of a game server, resulting in much faster games, no hassles
of monthly subscriptions and no unexpected disconnections that ruin your
game.  Spades '97 has a multiplayer lobby which you can enter called "The
Spades Room". From here you can find other Spades players on the Internet,
arrange games or just chat. A totally free location, it is running 24
hours a day to ensure that you have a central meeting point to find
other Spades '97 players. 

The Official Interplay Descent II Page
Just released - the Descent II Virge 3D update. This d2virgep.exe (1.2MB)
patch updates Descent II Retail CD v1.0 to v1.1 and adds 3D enhancements
for Virge chipset video cards!
For information about this update, view the descent II 1.1 readme.txt file
or check out the Descent II tech support page. 

Resources - Newsletters, Meeting Places, Utilities

Alpha/Beta Newsletter
The purpose of this e-mail Newsletter is to help keep an interested
group of people informed on the most current Alpha and/or Beta software
packages out there. Also, where alpha/beta testers are needed in a
limited quantity, being a subscriber will help give members a good
chance of getting into it!

BattleCity Newsletter
Looking for someone to play? Looking for the latest info on the game?
Looking for the latest scoop straight from Codehammer? Look no further
the Battlecity mailing list is definitely for you!  It is a weekly
mailing list sent to Battlecity fans everywhere! In it you can place a
free ad looking for a teamate, opponent or a target. You also get the
latest info on Battlecity straight from Codehammer!  Send an e-mail
message requesting to be on the list to Brian Cook(bcook@geocities.com).

IRC - #Netgaming
#Netgaming will be dedicated to answering questions and providing help
to newbies about today's most popular multiplayer games on the
Internet. It's other function is to provide a meeting place for gaming
veterans and newbies to share ideas, strategies and solutions. All
players can come and discuss as well as arrange set times to meet for
their favorite netgames. 
Games supported: All multiplayer internettable games!
#NetGaming is a new channel that is only 2 weeks old. Come and help 
support it and together we can make it a popular channel in the near
future. If you don�t need help because you are knowledgeable with
netgames, come by and give us a hand and assist others that need
answers or just to have a friendly conversation.

Multiplayer Matchup Server
The Multiplayer Matchup Server is your gateway to modem and network
competition for all your EA games.
Register your name, area code, e-mail address, and games that you want to
play in our database, or just search for your next opponent. When you
have found someone you want to hook up with, click his or her e-mail
address and send him or her a note to set a time for the matchup. If you
re both inclined, exchange phone numbers or network info and get busy! 
Be the first on your block to register with the EA team. The sooner
you're registered, the sooner you can start playing. And isn't that what
it's all about? 

Nostromo's DOOM and 3D Gaming Newsletter
I thought it was about time to start a newsletter to pass along
news on DOOM and other related 3D gaming.  I'll publish this
newsletter every so often...probably once a month...and, as editor,
I'll do my best to fill it with some interesting and entertaining
     Currently, this newsletter is being posted on various DOOM and 3D
gaming related newsgroups, sent via E-Mail to the folks on the
Nostromo's Run Project mailing list, the members of the Alpha Dog
Alliance and posted on The Nostromo BBS and ALIENnet. 
Contact Nostromo@sonic.net for subscription requests.
or call The Nostromo BBS  (707) 838-6833

PBeM Games - Play By Email Games

Flight Commanders 2
Take tactical command of jet-powered aerial warfare using your brains,
not your joystick. Lock on target with Big Time Software's award-winning
Flight Commander 2 and command a squadron of cutting-edge warplanes as
they tear into the supersonic air combat arena of missiles, ECM, stealth
technology, and smart weapons. Flight Commander 2's unique and innovative
blend of strategy with simulation will challenge your creativity and
tactical instincts, not your reflexes. It's up to you to use teamwork
and crafty planning to accomplish your combat objectives and bring your
pilots safely home to fly their next mission. 
This is no arcade game! Flight Commander 2 is a powerful and realistic
simulation of modern air combat command unlike any other, but is
remarkably easy to understand and play
Play against a friend or the computer at three different skill levels. 
Or watch the computer play against itself.
Play-by-email is also supported. 
Demo available for Windows and Macintosh
4 MB of RAM, Hard Disk with 15 MB free space, 
Floppy disk or CD-ROM (for installation) 
IBM PC Compatibles - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95,
80386 or better CPU 
Macintosh -System 7 or higher 

E-Mail Games
This Play By Email Game WWW site hosts the following games:
Age of Discovery, Global Diplomacy, Imperium, and World at War

In GLOBAL DIPLOMACY each player guides the destiny of one of the Great
Powers of the late nineteenth century : Austria, China, England, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Spain and the USA.
Players must use their political skill and cunning as well as their
military might (armies, corps, fleets and squadrons) to become the
dominant global power.
This is a low complexity, introductory game. The average player would
require about 30 minutes to prepare their turn orders. 

AGE OF DISCOVERY uses the same basic rules as GLOBAL DIPLOMACY.
The main differences are: 
1.there is a new map for each game 
2.all players start the game with equal size 
3.players do not know the layout of the entire map, but must explore to 
discover it. 

In IMPERIUM the Galactic Emperor has just died and as one of the ruling
Major Houses, you are seeking to become the new Emperor. Use your
starships, armies, leaders and undercover agents to increase the
standing of your House in the Imperium.
Employ your forces, diplomacy, treachery and guile to expand your House's
standing so that you are chosen as the next Emperor. This is a moderately
complex game and takes about 1-4 hours to prepare turn orders. 

World at War assumes that a global war is about to break out on the
planet (similar to WWII on Earth) and each player is in charge of one of
the countries. This is a strategic level game, with the map consisting
of irregular shaped areas, turns being 3 months, land units being mostly
divisions, air units are squadrons and naval units are groups of ships.

What is Zapitalism? Zapitalism is LavaMind's new CD-ROM game. It combines
3D graphic images with multi-player functionality in an adventure/strategy
Zapitalism puts you on the world of Mermadan on an island known as,
Zapinalia. This island is ruled by Queen Keshi Keshi Gomu who has wisely
decided to open the economy to foreign imports. The goal of Zapitalism
is to make millions of zables(the local currency) by running an import
store which sells various exotic goods to the local consumer population.
The first person/chain to reach 100 million zables in profit wins the
game. Zapitalism can be played with 1 to 6 human players and even via
486DX/33 or faster processor, 8MB RAM, 5MB hard disk space, 2X CD-ROM,
Windows 3.1 (with MS-DOS 5.0 or higher) or Windows 95.
Release Date:  Winter 1996

Online Games

Alliance & Defiance (1)
You are the absolute ruler of A Major European Power. But this is not
enough. You want to be the absolute ruler of THE Major European Power. 
There is only one problem. So does everyone else.
2AM�s Alliance & Defiance is a game of military and diplomatic 
maneuvering in modern times. 
The game actions are simple: 
Control a European country, with a fixed number of cities.  Use the cities to
either build armies now, or do research that will build you better
armies tomorrow.  Coastal cities can build fleets that transport your
armies to foreign shores.  When opposing armies meet, they fight, but
victory is never guaranteed by superiority. Luck plays a role too!  Gain
resources by capturing foreign cities.  Protect your home cities. They
produce the most. Conquered cities produce far less. Conquest is one
way of improving your overall capability. Alliances are better - your
partner�s city produces at full capacity.

Unlike other computer games, in Alliance & Defiance you are not playing
against the limited silicon opponents of a computer program. Alliance &
Defiance is played ACROSS THE INTERNET. That French army that just
outmaneuvered you was led by a real person. If only you could get your
hands on him!

Amulets and Armor (2)
Amulets and Armor is a fantasy adventure game with the thrill of first 
person shooter games and the involved intricacies of role playing 
Let yourself get immersed in a large fantasy campaign that spans over 30
levels and 11 different character classes. 
Work alone or as a team with up to 4 human players over your local
IPX network or modem. 

Azaria (3)
Singularity, an entertainment software development company, announces
AzariaTM, the first-ever high resolution 3-D adventure game designed
specifically for large groups of players on the Internet. AzariaTM uses
Singularity's MassPlayTM architecture, a newly developed enabling
technology that allows a large number of players to join into a Windows
95TM DirectPlayTM game session. MassPlayTM players will be immersed in
the highly detailed world of AzariaTM where they will interact with
other adventurers on the Internet from all over our world.
IBM PC compatible computer 
486/DX 33 or faster processor 
At least 8MBs RAM 
At least 3MBs free hard drive space 
CD-ROM drive (2X or faster) 
Windows 95 or NT operating system 
NOTE: You can also play on an IPX LAN or play direct modem-to-modem.
Although the game does not require an Internet or LAN, network play adds
richer game experience.

Conquest of the New World (4)
In Conquest of the New World, the new multi-player strategy game from
Interplay, you're in command of explorers, settlers and mercenary
soldiers destined to survey land, build new colonies and protect your
emerging nation in the 15th century.  The competition in Conquest of the
New World is as great as you make it, with multi-player capabilities for
up to 6 over a local network, head-to-head with a modem or serial cable
and via e-mail over the Internet. Designed for players of all skill
levels, you can select automatic settings for easy game play or manual
settings for micro management of crucial game details. 

In Issue #3 back in August I had this to say about Engage.
"If these guys get their act together, this will be one heck of a 
place to play games over the net. They will feature online version 
of many games from InterPlay(R).
The screen shots of their proprietary games look awesome"

Well, it is awesome. They are ready to accept beta-testers and
downloads are available NOW.
Here's the info from their WWW page:
Welcome to a sneak preview of ENGAGE games online. We are putting
together a multi-player game and online entertainment destination, and
would like your help in making it the best it can be.  Understand that
your game is going to get hosed from time to time, because we're not
done yet. But let us know what you think. The only way we can create a
more comfortable place for you, is if you tell us what you like and
don't like. If something goes wrong tell us what and how. 
Engage features the following online games for testing:

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness(available now) (5)
Voted PC Gamer's Award Winner for 1995 Game of The Year, Warcraft II:
Tides of Darkness, by Blizzard Entertainment, now comes exclusively to
ENGAGE games online. The most popular real-time war strategy game of
all time is now available for play on ENGAGE. Populate your army with
Peons, Footmen, Grunts, Archers, Axe Throwers, Knights, Ogres, Wizards,
Dragons and Gryphons, oh my! You don't want to miss this hot title! NOTE
Currently, only owners of the Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness box game
will be able to play this game online.

Castles II: Siege and Conquest(available now) (6)
Welcome to the world of CASTLES II: SIEGE AND CONQUEST. 
Your cunning and mastery at the art of battles, political intrigue and
administrative leadership are heartily tested as you race to become

Descent Online(available now)(7)
Descent Online allows you to face up to seven other opponents in a
mind-bending, three dimensional, 360-degrees combat experience. You're
the pilot as you maneuver your way through caverns, down tunnels and
into vast subterranean passageways where enemies lurk behind every turn.

Rolemaster: Magestorm(available now) (8)
Rolemaster: Magestorm, developed exclusively for ENGAGE games online by
Interworld Productions, is based on the popular Rolemaster series
created by Iron Crown Enterprises. Your brow will sweat as you round
the corner and face your demise at the hands of powerful mages in this
first-person, 3D perspective, magical combat game. 

Splatterball(coming soon) (9)
Have you ever wanted to play paintball without getting all grungy and
exhausted? Now you can, with Splatterball, developed by Interworld
Productions exclusively for ENGAGE. Up to 20 simultaneous players fight
battles of anarchy or team play(capture the flag) in one arena, with
multiple arena capacities.  You'll feel the pellets smack your skin as
you try to dodge your way through to victory. With four different types
of guns to master, you'll be a marksman in no time.  This game is not yet
available, but is coming soon! 

Eradicator (10)
Eradicator for PC CD-ROM, a multiplayer 3-D shooting game with multiple
points of view, multiple characters and a highly interactive 3-D
environment with a real physics model. 
Disable an automated fortress that has been mysteriously reactivated. 
Its you alone in the midst of a huge machine controlling destructive,
cunning enemies. 
Eradicator, takes 3D action games to the next level with:
New Player Views
Choose from 1st and 3rd person player perspectives for  maximum control
of the action.  Multiple Characters Play as 1 of 3 distinct characters,
each with their own battle style, special weapons, unique abilities and
special levels only they can traverse.  Many Deadly Weapons Twice as many
weapons as any other shooter, including deadly weapons like the fast
spider bomb. "Picture-In-Picture" Views Control your weapons, watch your
back, or scope out the other players with Eradicator's unique"picture-in
picture" views. 
Eradicator has multiplayer capabilities for up to eight players via a LAN.
(FreePlay: This means it is playable over KALI).
IBM or 100% Compatible 486 DX2-66, Windows 95, DOS 5.0 or Higher,
2X CD-ROM Drive, 8 MB RAM, 45 MB Hard Drive Space
Music, Voice and S/FX: All major soundcards including 
Creative Labs' AWE32

Interactive Magic's Apache (11)
Apache is the first helicopter simulation to use new 3-D visual
technology that provides unprecedented low-altitude detail and clarity.
Apache offers various levels of play, preplanned missions, and a
responsive user interface that launches you into game play             
Features: New 3-D visual technology optimized to provide unprecedented
low altitude detail.
Realistic flight simulation of the U.S. Army AH-64 Apache Longbow 
Accessible to players at all levels, from novices to hard-core gamers 
Built-in mission planner  SVGA Screen Resolution (up to 640x480 with 256
colors)  Unique mission structure, from single-player training to
multiplayer campaigns.  Multiplayer networking (up to 8 players in 2
teams)  Requirements: IBM PC or 100% compatible, 486SX/33 MHz processor,
8 MB RAM, Double-speed CD-ROM drive, VESA-compatible video driver,
256-color SVGA (800 x 600) monitor, MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, or Windows 95.

InterNetivity Inc. Multi-Player Internet Games(JAVA) (12)
Tantrix, described as a cross between Backgammon and Go, 
challenges players to create paths of specific colors using the set
of 56 hexagonal tiles. Each tile has a unique design of red, green, 
blue and yellow links. Tantrix is playable by 1 - 4 players.

Tantrix can be played by 1, 2, 3 or 4 players. The single-player Tantrix
games are known as Tantrix Puzzles, while the multi-player game is
known as Tantrix, the Strategy Game, or simply as the Tantrix Game.
When Tantrix is played by more than two players, it becomes a fun game
with more player interaction. Two players might form a 'coalition' and
together play against the leading player. The two-player game has a
different focus. Moves are more predictable and strategic planning is
important. This makes two-player Tantrix ideal for serious players.

Microsoft Soccer (13)
Lace up your cleats and pull on your shinguards. Microsoft Soccer
delivers action so real, it hurts. 
Put your skills to the test with head-to-head soccer action.
Multiplayer competition lets you challenge your friends to a match
over a network, modem-to-modem, or right at your PC. You can
even customize your team style of play to give you a strategic edge. 
Play a single game or advance to tournament competition. 
Set your own game strategy by choosing formations and plays. 
Authentic crowd chants and noises immerse you in the game. 
Multiplayer gaming lets you compete against your friends. 
Min Requirements:
486/66 or higher processor 
Microsoft Windows 95,8MB of memory, 2X CD-ROM drive or better, 
VGA card capable of 640 x 480 resolution with 256 colors,
minimum 1 MB VRAM 
20MB of available hard-disk space 

Paintball Network (14)
Paintball is a hot new internet game. It follows in 
the tradition of MUDs, in that you can simply telnet 
to it, play the game, meet new people, and improve 
yourself every time you play. Downloading the paintball 
interface program from the official homepage allows you 
to learn the game faster and also allows easier 
playability, but by no means do you need the interface 
to play the game.
But PBTerm sure does make it easier to play!

Passport2 Bridge (15)
Passport2 Bridge was designed by a serious bridge player, Corey Cole,
for serious bridge players. Corey is an American Contract Bridge League 
(ACBL) Life Master with years of tournament and bridge club experience. 
Special features for this Contract Bridge game include: 
1.The option to play open games or invite specific players, including 
   players not currently connected. 
   This allows a game to be set up in advance with a favorite partner. 
2.The ability to review the last trick and bidding functions. 
3.The ability to record a hand and save the bidding, cards, and play. 
4.The ability to reconnect and get back into a game at the point at which
   you left off. 
5.The use of full ACBL convention cards. 
In order to play Passport2 Bridge, you must have Windows95 and an
Internet Connection that uses Win95's 32-bit
Dial-Up Networking.

Renegade Incarnate (16)
We would like to welcome you to the first completely Java client based
multi-user graphical fighting game in the world(at least that we know
of). In the development of Renegade Incarnate we have tried to take the
best elements of traditional multi-user based gaming (namely the
incredible depth in game play, 100's of users playing at a time) and
combine it with the traditional graphics of a tile based adventure game
but with 24bit color! What we came up with is quite special, and we
hope that you agree.  October 20 marks the official beta launch of our
game. At launch only one area will be completed, but we will be adding
more shortly (so PLAY OFTEN). We would also like to remind you that this
adventure game is in its Beta stages, and keeping that in mind there may
be times when it is not currently running. In the mean time play it and

Star Control 3 (17)
In issue #7 we reported that Star Control 3 was shipping.
The demo is now available for download.
Star Control 3 Hyper Melee PC Demo is HERE! 
With a 14.4 kbs. modem, download will be approximately 95 min.(7 MB)
With a 28.8 kbs. modem, download will be approximately 47 min.(7 MB) 
This playable demo includes the fast action Hyper Melee
star ship combat from the giant Star Control 3 adventure game.
In this demo, you can choose from 7 distinctive star ships
and play against the computer, or against a friend on a single 
computer or over a modem, serial link, or IPX network. In the full game 
you will be able to choose from 25 wildly different ships in 
Hyper Melee combat. 

Threshold (18)
telnet:  mud.chelmsford.com
If your client/telnet program requires a port number-> 
telnet mud.chelmsford.com 23 

  various roles including judge, "attorneys", police, etc. No automatic 
  NPC justice!

  system of goals and motivations. Clerics run the religions and must 
  convert followers from the players of the mud.

  of variety limited only by the imagination of players 

  purpose, and all areas are linked to larger plots.

  type mudder, there is an intense role playing atmosphere. This is mainly
  generated by fact that most of the infrastructure is player run (clans,
  the legal system, the economy, the religions, the kingdoms, etc.). 
  But there are also numerous games within the mud

  required for advancement.

   unique items, quests, etc.

The Real Deal (Mindscape) (19)
Choose your favorite card game from 10 classics, including whist,
pinochle, hearts, and crazy eights. Select from three skill levels,
then pick your partners and opponents from a cast of virtual characters.
Modem and network capabilities let you challenge your friends to
multiplayer contests.
Requirements: IBM PC or compatible 486, 33MHz or higher, 8MB RAM; 2x
speed CD-ROM drive, SVGA graphics with 512K (required for some         
features) Downloadable DEMO is NOT multiplayer capable and only three of
ten games are enabled.

Humor - Something to keep you laughing while you are getting fragged

Why Computer Games are Better than Women:
1. It's theoretically possible to understand a computer game.
2. When a computer game gets obnoxious you can turn it off.
3. They're a lot cheaper. 
4. With most computer games you can win. 
5. A computer game never yells at you for playing a different game.
6. Beating a computer game is not illegal.

And to be fair to the fairer sex

Why computer games are better than *men*:
1. You can turn the sound down.
2. They always have a neutral and inoffensive smell.
3. They go more rounds.
4. Push the right buttons, and they'll stay turned on for hours on end.
5. They don't leave dirty socks round the living room.
6. They have more visual appeal.
7. They're not paranoid about the size of their joysticks. 

Admittedly computer games don't have anything resembling real intelligence, but then . . .

All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.  Mention of a product in this  publication does not
necessarily imply endorsement of the  product.

How to write to FreePlay:
Send your suggestions, comments, contributions to freeplay@hotmail.com

How to get back issues:
Back issues can be found at
http://freeplay.home.ml.org or
If possible get them there to preserve the sanity of the editor.
You may request them thru email to freeplay@hotmail.com only if you do
not have www access of any kind.  One issue per email request please.

This document is copyright 1996 by Mark Shnayer. 

Re-distribution of it by any means is both permitted and encouraged 
provided that such action is for strictly non-commercial purposes, the
content remains whole, unedited and otherwise unmodified and  this
statement remains intact.  Though not strictly required, you are asked
to inform the author of any such distribution.
Please send requests for permission to publish this commercially to

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Send email to Majordomo@marit.cypronet.com with
SUBSCRIBE freeplay in the BODY.

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A few of my favorite sigs....
Backups?!?!? We dont need no stinking ba^&*^%*
REALITY.SYS is corrupt. Reboot universe?(Y/n)
When all else fails, run like hell!