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   ___________     __________________________
  /  ________/    /\____    _____/  ________/  The Canadian Anarchy
 /  /            /  \   |  |    /  /________    Technology Society 
/  /            / /\ \  |  |   /_________   /       Presents...
\  \           / /__\ \ |  |            /  /
 \  \_________/  ____  \|  |  _________/  /
  \__________/__/    \__\__| /___________/

       ______         _________ _______ /|             /|
      / _____\    /\  \__   __//  ____/| |            | |
     | |         /  \    | |  /  /____ | | ____  ____ | |
     | |        / /\ \   | | /_____  / | |/__  |/ __/ | |___
     | |_____  / /__\ \  | | _____/ /  | | _/_ |\__ \ |  __ \
     \_______\/ /    \ \ \ //______/   \ //_/_\|/___/ | |  | |
              \/      \/  \|            \|            \/   \/
           __    __        ___        ____           ___
           | \  / |  /\   /       /\     /  | |\  | |
           |  \/  | /__\  | ___  /__\   /   | | \ | |-
           |      |/    \ \___| /    \ /___ | |  \| |___

                      Catslash Magazine

                      Volume 1, Issue 13
                       August 1997

Hello everybody! This is a great month for Catslash, maninly because 
we are now one year old! In honour of this great event we have put 
together some new articles that are really good stuff. We have also 
made this our "Violence and Warfare" issue, so you can go kill your 

And as for all you people that e-mailed us over the past month, we're
sorry it is taking us so long to reply (we've been pretty busy). 
Don't think we've ignored you, WE HAVE ALL YOUR LETTERS SAVED! It 
just takes us a while to get back to you. Thanx for your patience.

In the sadder news, this is Boom Boom's last issue with us. Its sad 
to see him go, but unfortunate things happen. We will probably never 
get someone with his expertise in explosives for a long time though.

Anywayz, here is the lineup for issue 13:
|                           Contents                                |
|                 VIOLENCE AND WARFARE ISSUE(CS#13)                 |
|Subject                                    | Author:      | File#  |
|1. Intro.................................... Bungie............. 1 |
|2. Rocket Launcher ......................... Boom Boom ..........2 |                       
|3. Missiles ................................ Boom Boom ......... 3 |
|4. The Vengence Column ..................... Poison Ice ........ 4 |
|5. Nutbusters .............................. Bungie ............ 5 |
|6. Internet Pain Column .................... DreD .............. 6 |
|7. The Arrow Launcher ...................... Poison Ice ........ 7 |
|8. Software Review:BombTrack 2.0............ Bungie............. 8 |
|                   CreditMaster4............ Bungie............. 8 |  
|9. Connection Corner........................ Poison Ice......... 9 |
|10. Catslash Top Ten ....................... Poison Ice........ 10 |
|11. Catslash Supporter Adds ................................... 11 |
|12. Catslash Information ...................................... 12 |
|13. Disclaimer ................................................ 13 |

- End of File -

\                            Rocket Launcher                        /
 \                            By: Boom Boom                        /
  \_________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 13, August 1997_____________/ 
            '''''''''''''''''File #2 of 13'''''''''''
                                            /| EXHAUST PORTS   Wire
 __________________________________________/_|____________      \/
|                          Coathanger wrapped         __| |______
|                          in copper wire -----> =====|_| |}___  |
|_______________________________________________________|_|    | |
                |   ____|_________________(_____)______________| |
 Car Battery -->|__/____|  _J ]____________\/ \/_________________|
                 H/    H__/ [_]                               
                                             /\          /\
                            /\              Shoulder   removable
                          Handle with         rest   loading/firing
                          trigger switch                  cap.

                          / <--- Guide wire            /      |
                         /                            /       |
             ___________/                            /        |
            /           |                           /         |
           /            |                          /          |
  /|   CAP-DART   |       HAIR-SPRAY        |||| Rocket engine  |
/| |   WARHEAD    |          CAN            ||||                |
\| |              |                         ||||                |
          \             |                         \           |
           \            |                    /\    \          |
            \___________|                 Tin Foil  \         |
                        \                            \        |
                         \                            \       |
                          \ <-- Guide Wire             \______|
    /\         /\          \
    \ \  ___  / /
     \ \/   \/ /
      \/  _  \/
      |  (_)  | FRONT
      /\     /\
     / /\___/\ \
    / /       \ \
    \/         \_\
                                /|  |\
                                 |  |
_____________/|______           /|  |\
                     |         |_|__|_|
             <       |             |
_____________________|          ___|___    REMOVE CAP TO RELOAD
    (    )   \|   \\            \_____/    
     \/\/          \\_____________{}


Make sure trigger switch is off before reloading. failure to do so 
can result in: loss of vision, physical scarring, or amputation of 
hands or arms. This is a high performance assault arm, and is not to 
be toyed with!


- Destroy 15% of an automobile initialy, or 100% posthence
- destroy sheds
- Home rennovations.
- Whatever your twisted mind can come up with.


1 engine
                                                  \\ / // 
2 engines                                             
|____|____|                                                 // //

3 engines
|____|____|____|                                               \\\/\/
                                                                 \ //

- End of File -

\                              Missiles                             /
 \                            By: Boom Boom                        /
  \_________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 13, August 1997_____________/ 
            '''''''''''''''''File #3  of 13''''''''''

            _________                              _________________
           /        |                             /                 |
 /   CG  |                                      |                   |
| WARHEAD|  HYDROGEN                            |     ENGINE        |
          \         |                            \                  |
           \________|                             \_________________|

          _______                        ___________________________
         /       |                      /                           |
 /   CG  |    |     ||                          |                   |
| WARHEAD|  WATER   || DRANO                    |   ENGINE          |
        \        |                     \                            |
         \_______|                      \___________________________|  

           _________                                         _______
          /         |                                       /       |
 / XL CG      |=|                             |***|                 |
| WARHEAD     |=|  NAPALM        (PLASTICINE)->***| ENGINE          |
         \          |                                      \        |
          \_________|                                       \_______|


           _______   ___                       _____________________
          /       | |   |                     /                     |
 /   CG    |                          |  1 INCH   |                 |
| WARHEAD  |   HAIRSPRAY CAN          |   NAILS   | ENGINE          |
         \        | |   |                    \                      |
          \_______| |___|                     \_____________________|

           _______________                   ____________________           
          /               |                 /                    \      
 /  CG   |-----------------|  Lighter    |                          |
| WARHEAD|  HAIRSPRAY CAN  |  fluid      |   ENGINE                 |
|        |-----------------|             |                          |
         \        ||      |                \                      /
          \_______||______|                 \____________________/
               1 Inch nails
HELLRAISER                                          _________________
             /\____________                        /                /
|         / CG    |  HAIRSPRAY        |          |                |
|GASOLINE| WARHEAD|    CAN            | GASOLINE |  ENGINE        |
            \  ____________|                      \                \
             \/                                    \________________\

          ___________                    ______________
         /           |                  /              |
 /  CG   |    HAIRSPRAY |//////////// |                  |
| WARHEAD|        CAN   |-----------  |   ENGINE         |
        \            |    \\\\\\\\\\\\ \                |
         \___________|       /\          \_______________|
                   funnels coated with 2 inch nails


      _______                                 _____________________
     /      /________________________        /                     |
  __/______/                         \______/______________________|_
 /   CG    |       3 HAIRSPRAY        |           |                 |
| WARHEAD  |__________________________|  GASOLINE | ENGINE          |
 \_________|          CANS            |___________|_________________|
    \      \_________________________/      \                      |
     \______\                                \_____________________|

- End of File -

        __      ________          ''''''''''''''''''''''
        \_\    /\_\_____\         '  CATSlash Magazine ' 
         \ \  / / / ____/         '     Issue #13      '
          \ \/ / / /              '   August, 1997     '
           \ \/ / /___            '   File #4 of 9     '
            \  / /____\           '''''''''''''''''''''' 
              By: Poison Ice                  

        Hi everybody! today we will discuss an extention of ruining 
someone's reputation, which happends to be ruining someones bicycle 
(must be a bike with gears).

        Lets get started, first you get some retro-musalagenic compound (i.e
margarine, lard, etc.) and place it on the brakepads and metallic rim 
of wheels; Second you get a lot of pennies and glue them between the 
gears on the back tire; Third you remove the connection bolt on the 
seat and keep the seat on (once he drops from a curb..); fourth (if 
you can) switch the gear cables with the brake cables, nuff said. 

That was all I could think of today, untill next time!        
              (poison the flesh, poison the mind)
- End of File -

\                             Nutbusters                            /
 \                            By: Bungie                           /
  \_________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 13, August 1997_____________/ 
            '''''''''''''''''File #5  of 13''''''''''
This is a phun toy from Poor Man's James Bond that is easy to make 
and can be pretty cool.

(1) Shotgun Shell
(1) ThumbTack
A roll of Scotch (clear plastic) tape

How to Assemble
Take the tack and put a 5cm piece of tape over the head of the tack. 
Repeat this process so the tape on the head forms a cross.

                                                BOTTOM OF SHELL
Now place the tack over the primer piece on         ____
the shotgun shell. BE CAREFUL! IF YOU PIERCE       /    \ 
INTO THE PRIMER, IT WILL HURT YOUR HAND            |  O ---- Primer
FUCKING BAD! I MEAN IT! Now tape it to the         \____/    Piece
shell with the tape you put on the tack.
Finally, lightly add some more tape to the        /  || \
tack so that it is on really good.                |=(  )<--- Tack
                                                  \__||<---- Tape
That's all it takes! Now when the tack hits
anything, it will fire the shell!

How to use!
Just drop it so that the tack hits the ground. It works better when 
thrown from a high place. It also works when thrown into walls and 
other hard objects. Just be careful, because if you get hit with the 
shot inside the shell, then it will hurt a lot, and can probably be 
fatal. In fact, when you set it off, get away fast! Without a shotgun 
barrel the shot will often cloud  and pelt a lot of stuff.  JUST BE 

You can also lodge the shell tightly somewhere (a vise is good) and
hit the tack with a hammer. Instant shotgun!

This is a pretty simple device, but is very dangerous. But, it is 
also very fun! This makes a hell of a noise and can scare the fuck 
out of anyone. Whatever you do with this, just have phun!

- End of File -

           - Catslash Magazine - Issue #13 - August 1997 -

The  ****   ** ****** ****** *****  ****   ** ****** ******

                                     ___  __  

                    How To Flame Someone's E-Mail

Hello u all, this is DreD here. I'm writing my 1st article for 
catslash, and u better all like it. Lets go to todays topic: flaming 
some fuckhead's e-mail fer beginnerz!!!!!!!

For this u will need an internet account. One of the other issuez of 
this mag has an article about free internet from compu$erv. That 
would be the best way. That's what I used.
The first step is to find the lamer's email address. Lets all pretend 
its chm403@hotmail.com <=== The NERDS Address ==> Practice with this 
                                                  one too!!!!!!

Under Netscape, get to the setup, in the identity area, change 
all of the boxes to match yur victim. Using our example, it would be 
Real Name: Elektric Fuckhead
E-Mail Address: chm403@hotmail.com
Reply To Address:chm403@hotmail.com
Just leave all the other shit blank. Now go into the the servers area, 
and fill in yur mail servers. Mine waz mail.compuserve.com (thankx 
to bungie fer the info). Now we have some fucking fun.

We R gonna subscribe the dumb fuck victim to a hundred MAILING 
LISTS!!!! Fer those of u who don't know what that is, u send them an 
e-mail and they send u a copy of their stupid newsletter every 

We'll start with 1 list so u can get used to it. I have a whole list of
places to send to at the end of this article. This time, we'll use the
QUEER-PARENTS newsletter. We pick NEW MESSAGE for this. Leave the
subject area blank. Now we type in the  lame lists' address which is 
majordomo@vector.casti.com. In the message area  type: SUBSCRIBE 
queer-parents. Pick SEND MESSAGE. It will ask u for a subject. Hit 
backspace and then hit enter.

So u get it? 
1.leave subject empty. 
2.type in lists e-mail address
4. send the message

Here's a good list of sitez:
The stuff in the LISTNAME row should be typed in small letters. 
I just used big ones so u all could see better.
In the extra stuff area:
NM means u add the motherfuck's name to the end of the message.
FNLN means u add the first and last name to the end of the message.

Name               e-mail address to send to     LISTNAME   Good List
Queer Kids         majordomo@vector.casti.com      KIDSOFGAYS     *
GayUK              UK-motss-request@dircon.co.uk   UK-MOTSS       *
GayDads            majordomo@vector.casti.com      GAYDADS         
Gay Parents        majordomo@vector.casti.com      QUEER-PARENTS   
Gay+Lez Talk       listserv.american.edu           AUGLBC-L       *
Friends of Gays    majordomo@pflag.casti.com       PFLAG-TALK     *
South Asian Gays   khush-request@husc3.harvard.edu KHUSH          *
Lesbien Women      sappho-request@apocalypse.org   SAPPHO         
Lez Relationships  majordomo@queernet.org          W2W-COUPLES    
Gay Catholics      request@american.edu            DIGNITY        *

Anthropology       listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu        ANTHRO-1       
Archeology         listserv@tamvm1.tamu.edu        ARCH-1         
Fine-Art Network   listserv@rutvm1.rutgers.edu     FINE-ART       
Hot Tub Info       hottub@hamjudo.mo.org             -            
Ecology Discussion listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu    BIOSPH-1       *
Ecology Society of
America            listserv@umdd.bitnet            ECOLOG-1       
Fortune Cookie     listserv@oes.orst.edu           ALMANAC        
On This Day...     geiser@pictel.com                  -           
Dungeons and Dragons
Discussion         listserv@gitvm1.bitnet           ADND-1        *
Star Trek e-mail
Game Stats         listserv@gitvm1.gatech.edu      STARGAME       *
History of the
Renaissance        listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu  RENAIS-1        
Civil War History  listserv@uicvm.uic.edu          H-CIVWAR       *
Computer Journalism listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu CARR-1         
Rare Book Talk     listserv@rutvm1.rutgers.edu     EXLIBRIS       *
Child Literature   listserv@bingvmb.cc.binghamton.edu KIDLITR-1   *
Film Music Talk    listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu  FILMUS-1      
Classic Music Talk listserv@brownvm.brown.edu      CLASSM1        *
Philosophy         listserv@rpicicge.bitnet        NSP-1          *
Psyche Talk        listserv@iris.rfmh.org          PSYCHE-1       *
History of Islam   listserv@ulkyvm.louisville.edu  ISLAM-1        *

Fucking wicked list huh? Took me a fucking long time to type up. 

Next month, i might cover more email attaks. See u all and have a 
fucking good day!!!! 
---------------------------- BY:DreD --------------------------------
                   Feel the Fear, Feel the Dread
- End of File -

\                            Arrow Launcher                         /
 \                           By: Poison Ice                        /
  \_________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 13, August 1997_____________/ 
            '''''''''''''''''File #7 of 13'''''''''''
        greetings one and greetings all, welcome to poison ice's first 
actual weapons file! It took me a while to get the bugs out of this 
damned contraption, but it works, so I like it. 


                 one calculator casing (casio brand)
                 three paperclips (small and bendable) 
                 one thin elastic 
                 one long candle 
                 one lighter 
                 a knife
                 some masking tape 
                 many straws 
                 some popsicle sticks 


1. Light candle and heat knife for 5 seconds. 
2. Get calculator casing and cut one notch into each of    
   the two rises, they should dig in about two or three    
   millimetres in. 
3. Cut elastic once and place in between each notch, it    
   should be tight but with some slack (it has to be       
   able to stretch to the back),then cut and tie off. 
                 ex. *|-----|* 
4. Reheat knife and seal the notch openings, remember      
   to keep the elastic inside the notches. 
5. Bend one paperclip so it is completley extended and     
   place it at the bottom of casing, then slide it out and 
   bend untill it passes the back and goes forward over the 
   top then make a small bend downward, (this is the 
6. Bend out ONE fold on another paperclip and place tape    
   around the rest, loop it three times at least, then     
7. Realign the trigger and tape it to the bottom of the    
   casing, see where the bent point will touch the       
   plastic and use paperclip to burn a slightly       
   comfortable hole into it. 
8. Reuse heated paperclip to make arrow aligner(here's     
   how, duh!) align a straw from the trigger and burn      
   one hole one each side of the straw, leave some         
   safety space. 
9. Unbend third paperclip and slide half of it through     
   one hole from the bottom, make a curcular bend, then    
   lower it through the second hole, bend it together      
   from the bottom and place tape over it. 
10. Tie a string to the trigger and tape it on to lock      
    it into place. 
11. Bend the last paperclip into a two pronged hook and     
    tie and tape it to the strings end. 
12. get a popsicle stick and break off a one cm piece,      
    fashion a point onto it, then make it slim enough to     
    fit into a popsicle stick.Then tape it together. 

        There, you now know how to make it, let me tell you that this thing 
is low yield and is best used to ward off your little brothers or 

- End of File -

\                          CS Software Review                       /
 \                            By: Bungie                           /
  \_________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 13, August 1997_____________/ 
            '''''''''''''''''File #8  of 13''''''''''
Bombtrack 2.0 PPC
Bombtrack is the most kick ass e-mail weapon you will ever see! It 
supports flaming and fakemail, all off of your local inet provider.

The best feature is the "Bombtrack" section. You enter the target's 
name and e-mail address, and then select from two lists of mail lists. 
Just double click on the list's name, and they are subscribed!

Then, fakemail allows you to send anonymous e-mail. Harass them 
without them tracing you!

I used this to harass a person and it drove him nuts. He cancelled
his internet under his provider and signed on with a new ISP just
to escape the 100's of e-mails he received. That's cool stuff.

Face it, if you want a mail war tool, Bombtrack 2.0 is the mother of 
them all. You can get a copy off of the Weasel's page. 

rating: *********/10

CreditMaster 4

Creditmaster 4 generates credit card numbers. Just type in a bank 
prefix (it gives you a very long list of banks), enter the number 
of digits (for a VISA), and enter how many cards. It does all major 
cards - VISA, Mastercard, AMEX and Discover. It even fixes invalid 
numbers and can make more cards off of an existing seed! This version 
kicks ass! Way better than CMASTER3!

rating: ********/10

- End of File -

     |  ________|               '''''''''''''''''''''
     | |                        ' CATSlash Magazine '
   __| |_____                   '     Issue #13     '
  |  | |_____|                  '   August, 1997    '
  | || |________                '   File #8 of 9    '
  | ||__________|onnection      '''''''''''''''''''''
  | |                 
  | |________        
   By: Poison Ice and Bungie
|  ___  ___ |              Computer Lab gets Bashed                 |
| / _ \/ __||=======================================================|
|| |_| | --|| Queen E just got a new Pentium computer lab put in    |
| \___ \___|| this month. Then, a week later somebody broke in and  |
|     \/    | completely trashed it. No one has been caught yet.    |
|  Queen E: | - Info not confirmed                                  |
|           |                  Anarcon Cancelled!!!                 |
|     /\    |=======================================================|
|____/__\___| As many of you know, CATS has been trying to get the  |
|   /    \  | Anarcon to be in Edmonton this year. When Bungie      |                     
|  /      \ | brought this up at the last AAA meeting, it was voted |
|   Local   | down. Not only that but it was also voted that there  |
|  Anarchy  | will be no Anarcon this year!                         |                      
|   News:   | However, 403Ninja stated that they may hold one this  |
|           | winter. Location unknown.                             |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |                Area Code Change!!!                    |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | Looks like by 1999 Catslash won't be rocking the 403  |
|           | anymore!There's gonna  be an area code change for     |
|           | Alberta in 1999. Telus says that the current 403 NPA  |
|           | only supports 8 million numbers and that by the year  |
|           | 2000, AB will have about 7.8 million phone users.     |
|           | The solution is to split AB in half. The south half is|
|           | going to be the 403, the north half will be 780. This |
|           | will cause quite a stir in the Anarchy world here.    |
|           | Just think, all HPA adds, slogans, files and names    |
|           | (like 403Ninja) will probably have to change. This    |
|           | could really suck. But, we'll worry about that in     |
|           | 1999.                                                 |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |     Drugs Better and Faster thanx to Hell's Angels    |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | According to our sources, ever since the Hell's Angels|
|           | moved in, drugs have been of a much better quality    |
|           | than they used to be. One also noted that there also  |
|           | haven't been any shortages since they moved in. Looks |
|           | like they've kept their word!                         |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |            Vigilante Corp Package Delayed             |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | Earlier this month, SoulReaper announced that the VC  |
|           | was going to release all their anarchy files made     |
|           | between 1990 and 1996 (when they shut down). The 403  |
|           | has anxiously been awaiting these files, since they   |
|           | used to only be available to VC members.              |
|           | The only problem is, that when th VC shut down, no one|
|           | thought to save the files (sort of like the Mac issues|
|           | of Catslash). Anywayz, they are taking longer because |
|           | they have to hunt them all down.                      |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |              AnarchyMail Shut Down!                   |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | 403Ninja announced this month that he is shutting down|
|           | the AnarchyMail network. He said it costs too much and|
|           | is becoming obselete.                                 |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |         New Catslash web page delayed                 |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | Due to a few bugs, the new web page for our mag is    |
|           | going to be delayed a bit longer. We've been getting  |
|           | mailed about it since the middle of August, and WE    |
|           | KNOW IT DOSEN'T WORK! We have switched back to the old|
|           | page for current distribution.                        |
| _____     |                  Doobee Smokers Protest               |
|/ /\   \   |=======================================================|
|_/__\___\__| This month in Ontario a whole group of protestors     |
|/    \  /  | gathered outside the House of Commons to protest the  |
|______\/   | law banning Marijuana. They lost.                     |
|           |                                                       |
|   World   |                                                       |
|   H/P/A   |                                                       |
|   News:   |                                                       |
|           |=======================================================|
|           |        Apple and Microsoft Partners?                  |
|           |=======================================================|
|           | This month Apple anounced at the Boston Macworld Expo |
|           | that they were going to become allies with Apple. It  |
|           | was almost a riot. We also got some news from the     |
|           | writers of MOUSETrap (A local Mac Newsletter) about   |
|           | this deal. Apparently Setve Jobs' lawyer found some-  |
|           | thing BIG about Microsoft and threatened them. Micro- |
|           | soft is now at Apple's disposal. The only unfortunate |
|           | side of this deal however, is that Raphsody will ship |
|           | with MIE instead of CyberDog. The good stuff is full  |
|           | Microsoft products for Macs and Microsoft is pumping  |
|           | a lot of money into Macs now. We'll have to see what  |
|           | happens next...                                       |
|           |    Cone of Silence        |       The BLOCK           |
|    ____   |===========================|===========================|
|   /____\  |Platform: Mac              |Platform: Mac              |
|  | (  ) | |Cone of Silence Blocks most|The block presents the user|
|  |  ||  | |keystroke recorders such as|with a password screen on  |
|  |______| |Invisible Oasis.           |startup. However, this is a|
|  Computer | CRACKS:Just switch to cone|phoney password screen, and|
|  Security |of silence under the       |no password will work.     |
| News/Crax:|Applications menu and press|Instead, you have to hit a |
|           |COMMAND-Q. This quits out  |special key combo.         |
|           |of it.                     | CRACKS: Click on the      |
|           |                           | 'Poweroff' button and     |
|           |                           | press COMMAND-Y. Holding  |
|           |                           | down shift on startup will|
|           |                           | also shut it off (only in |
|           |                           | System 7 or OS8).         |

    To give us Conection Corner info, call Bethlehem (403)477-2351 
                          and E-mail Poison Ice.
- End of File -

    /___  ___/_____ _____       '''''''''''''''''''''
       / // / ___  / __ \\      ' CATSlash Magazine '
      / // / // / / /_/ //      '    Issue #13      '
     / // / // / / ____//       '   August, 1997    '
    / // / //_/ / //            '  File #10 of 13   '
   /_//  \_____/_//             '''''''''''''''''''''
 /___  ___/____       __
    / // / ___//\    / //
   / // / /__ /  \  / //
  / // / ___// /\ \/ //
 / // / /___/ // \  //
/_//  \____/_//   \//

By: Poison Ice

10. Convenience store worker.
 9. English speaking convienence store worker.
 8. Mail carrier.
 7. Glue manufacturer (sniff, sniff).
 6. Christian priest.
 5. Gay and lesbien hotline operator.
 4. CSIS agent.
 3. Backstreet boys' roadie.
 2. Circus clown.
 1. School teacher.

- End of File -

         Catslash Magazine Issue #13, August, 1997
|                    Catslash Supporter Adds                        |
|                                                                   |
Text issues of CATSlash Magazine at:

"&&&"&& "&&&"&& &&"&&a "&&a && "&&" "&&&"&& "&&& && "&&&"&& "&&&"&&"&a
 &&& &&  &&&    && &&&  &&&e&&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
 &&&e&"  &&&e      &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&e    &&&e&&  &&&e    &&& && &&
 &&& &&  &&&       &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
 &&& &&  &&&       &&&  &&& &&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
e&&&e&" e&&&e&&   e&&" e&&" &&  &&  e&&&e&& e&&& && e&&&e&& e&&" && &&
The official CATSlash            &&&&&&&&&&         Call:    
distribution board!                  &&         (403)477-2351
/              \                    Anarchy Online
       /\       \                  ================
      //\\       |
     //  \\      |      The top source of anarchist information on
----//----\\---------   the web! With full Internet utilities and 
   //      \\    |      gigabytes full of H/P/V/A/C philes!
  //        \\   /
 //          \\ /          Internet: http://anarchy-online.com
\______________/           Telnet: telnet://anarchy-online.com
 ________            ____
/                   /    \    
\________          /      \
         \         \      /
 ________/ENSORY    \____/VERLOAD BBS
Files, Games, and more...
Catslash Receives support from the
____    ____
\   \  /   /                     
 \   \/   /                        The Best Anarchist group in 
  \      /IGILANTE                   the Northern 403. Back and
   \    /________                        better than ever!
    \  /   _____/               Look for Vigilante Corp. files on
     \/   /                               a BBS near you!
     /   /____                  ***********************************
    /________/ORP               * = Coming Soon: 1990-96 VC File =*
                                *   Package - Never seen before   *
                                *  files fron the Northern 403!   *

- End of File -

            Catslash Magazine - Issue 13, August, 1997

=                 Getting other issues of Catslash                  =
= Catslash is available from:                                       =
= The Internet: http://members.tripod.com/~catslash/                =
= or Bethlehem BBS: (403)477-2351 - Our Official Distro BBS!        =
= Our issues can also be found in many other places like the        =
= Vigilante Corp Archives. If you find a BBS or page with most of   =
= our issues, it probably will stock the new ones too.              =
=                        Contacting us:                             =
= *To E-Mail Catslash on the Internet* e-mail:                      =
= catslash@anarchy-online.com                                       =
= it is then sent to Bungie. Note that internet e-mail is answered  =
= very slowly.                                                      =
=                                                                   =
= *To E-mail Catslash on Bethlehem*                                 =
= You can send mail to the following:                               =
= BUNGIE - Editor/writer                                            =
= POISON ICE - Writer                                               =
= DRED - Writer                                                     =
=  All articles or general questions should be mailed to Bungie.    =
=                                                                   =
=                      Want to Write for us?                        =
= Catslash needs writers! If you want to place an article in        = 
= Catslash, send it to us by e-mail. Include your alias and any     =
= other information you think is important in your e-mail message.  =
= You will receive full credit for your articles. If you want to    =
= become a regular writer through e-mail just say so in your message=
= and we can set up a column for you. The only rules we have are:   =
= 1. It must be in some way related to anarchy (H/P/A/V/W/C/...)    =
= 2. It can't be copied from somebody else's file                   =
= 3. It must be suitable for us to publish                          =
= So send them in!                                                  =
|       /      |        CATSlash Magazine is made with
|   |  /   |   |        '''''''''Macintosh''''''''''''
|     /        |                 '''''''''
|    /__       |   We also have a Mac version of CATSlash Magazine!
|  \____|___/  |   It comes as an application. Why is this better? 
|_______|______|   because the Mac version comes with pictures,
                   sound, movies, point and click interface plus
   Macs Rule!      all the other things you would expect to find
                   for your Mac. Check our web page for details.
   ~CATSlash Magazine is made in Canada!    ~
   ~           /\           ~               ~
   ~        |\/  \/|        ~ __   _        ~_   _    _
   ~        |      |        ~/    /_| |\ |  /_| | \  /_| 
   ~    _/\ |      | /\_    ~\___/  | | \| /~ | |_/ /  |
   ~  _|   \|      |/   |_  ~ __   _   __   ~  __
   ~  \     \      /     /  ~|__\ / \ /   |_/ /_
   ~   \                /   ~|  \ \_/ \__ | \ __/
   ~    \              /    ~               ~
   ~    /_____    _____\    ~               ~
   ~          |  |          ~               ~
   ~          |  |          ~               ~
   ~          |__|          ~               ~
- End of File -

         Catslash Magazine - Issue 13, August, 1997
Due to recent legal policies, the disclaimer is now a seperate file...
<  C.A.T.S. or CATSlash Magazine are not responsible for any       >
<  incidents occuring from this magazine or past issues. This is   >
<  for informational purposes only and anything described in these >
<  files are not meant to be done by the reader. So, if you blow   >
<  off a body part, we aren't reaponsible. You are you!            >

- End of File -