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   __________       /\   ______________   _________
  / ________/      /  \  \_____  _____/  /  ______/
 / /              / /\ \       | |       \  \_____
/ /              / ____ \      | |        \______ \
\ \__________   / /    \ \     | |        _______\ \
 \__________/ O \/      \/  O  \_/    O   \_________\ O
The Canadian Anarchy Technology Society Presents...

       ______         _________ _______ /|             /|
      / _____\    /\  \__   __//  ____/| |            | |
     | |         /  \    | |  /  /____ | | ____  ____ | |
     | |        / /\ \   | | /_____  / | |/__  |/ __/ | |___
     | |_____  / /__\ \  | | _____/ /  | | _/_ |\__ \ |  __ \
     \_______\/ /    \ \ \ //______/   \ //_/_\|/___/ | |  | |
              \/      \/  \|            \|            \/   \/

           |\  /|  ---  ---    ---  ---  | |\  | ---- 
           | \/ | |___||  __  |___|  /   | | \ | |_
           |    | |   ||___|  |   | /__  | |  \| |___

                           Issue #8 
                         March, 1997!
                  Edmonton, Alberta,Canada
             or call Bethlehem at: (403)477-2351

Its time for issue #8! This issue isn't going to be as good as the 
others.But your magazine is always great why would this one be 
different? Well, the hard disk on the computer we call "CATSlash 
Studios" crashed. So basically, what we had for issue eight was lost. 
Basically, the Connection Corner stuff was lost, and most of my 
articles. Oh well...

And in other news, I am no longer Jeriatrick. I now have changed my 
name to Bungie. Bungie just seemed better than Jeriatrick. So don't 
be confused by the files by Bungie. They are by Jeriatrick who now 
is Bungie, who is me. Confused yet?

And finally, the April issue. The April issue will be a joke issue. 
IT HAS NOTHING TRUE IN IT, except for in files #1 and 9. Doing stuff 
in issue 9 could very easily KILL you! The April issue is an April 
fool's issue.

|                         CATSlash Contents                         |
|                           - Issue  8 -                            |
|1. Intro                         By: Bungie                        |
|2. Wooden Launch Rack            By: Boom Boom                     |
|3. The Cellular Bomb             By: Bungie                        |
|4. Foolproof : MacJanet Part 2   By: Bungie                        |
|5. Holonet                       By: Bungie                        |
|6. Connection Corner             By: Poison Ice                    |           
|7. Other CATSlash Info                                             |

We are user supported, so feel free to send in any articles you deem
suitable for this magazine. Make sure to include your alias, so we 
can place your name in the file's intro. If you are interested in 
becoming a full time CATSlash writer, send us a letter saying you 
want to do so, and we will include you in the best 403 magazine you 
can write for! To E-mail comments, articles, questions (relating to
H/P/A), Connection Corner info or whatever else send to:
or call Bethlehem (403)477-2351 and mail Bungie or Poison Ice.

\                         Wooden Launch Rack                        /
 \                            By: Boom Boom                        /
  \___________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 8, March 1997_____________/ 
              '''''''''''''''File #2 of 9''''''''''''




                /  \
               /    \
               \     \
                \     \<------- 1
                 \     \
                  \     \
                   \     \
                    \     \
                     \     \     /\ <---- 2
                      \     \    \~\
                       \     \    \~\ <------ 3
                       |\     \    \~\/\        
                       | \     \   /\ \/         
                       |  \     \ / /\~\
                       |   \    // /  \~\_____
                       |    \  /\ / <-4\/____ |
            7 -------> |     \/  \/          || <--- 6
                       |     |   / <-- 5     ||
                       |_____|               ||
                                          |  (\) |<--- 8
                                             ||<---- 9
                                            /  \
                                          _/    \_
                                      |              |
                                      |      /_      |<--- 10
                                      |       /      |

\                            Cellular Bomb                          /
 \                            By: Bungie                           /
  \___________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 8, March 1997_____________/ 
              '''''''''''''''File #3 of 9''''''''''''

One day I was watching unsolved mysteries when it came to a neat place.
A guy threatened to blow up a bank with a bomb, that he would detonate 
with his cell phone. The bomb turned out to be a fake, but I started 
thinking about making it a reality...

1. cell phone. The model I used was the NEC P200. Any cell will do,
   as long as you know the number.
2. An extended life cell battery. Not needed but very helpful. Make 
   sure it is for your style phone.
3. A cell battery charger for your battery.
4. Some wire
5. A heat sensetive explosive. If you can light it with a match, you
   can use it.
6. A phosphorus filament (from a rocket engine) or a low voltage 
   GE diode (Glass).
7. A soldering iron (not needed but helpful)
8. A box to put it in.

Steps to build it
This must be built very quickly. Every minute counts here!

 1. Fully charge the battery.
 2. Open up the back of the cell.
 3. Find the two wires that connect to the ear speaker. Cut them.
 4. Solder/attach some long wires to them.
 5. Take the Filament/diode and attach wires on the two ends.
 6. Solder two wires onto the battery.
 7. Solder the wires off of the battery to the battery connectors on
    the cell phone.
 8. Turn the cell on. From this point on this must be done fast!
 9. After the cell has started up, solder the two wires from the 
    speaker into the two wires from the explosive.
10. Put it into the box.

It should look something like this:

|   _______   |
|  /       \  |
| |         | |
|  \_O__O__/  |
|    |  | <--------------- Speaker wires
|    |  |     |                  ___________________
|    \   \___________________   |                   |
|     \___________________|  |====  Explosive       |
|_____________|           |__|====                  |
|  H       H <--\               |___________________|
|  \        \ |  \-------Battery Leads
|   \        \|             __________
|    \        \____________A          |
|     \____________        |  Battery |
|_____________|    \_______A__________|
                     \--------- Battery Wires

How to use the Bomb
Place it in the target location and dial the number. When the speaker
gets the voltage to ring, it will heat up the filament/diode and 
ignite the explosive. BOOM! 

This may not ignite from a simple beep, but be cautious. The reason you 
turn the cell on before completing the circuit is so that the warm up 
beep will not set it off. 

Also remember how much time you have. If it goes into low battery mode, 
its warning beeps may also set it off. Play it safe. We don't need less 
anarchists in the world.

Now you can build the cell bomb, and maybe even get on Unsolved 
Mysteries. This may be a little dangerous, but its all I could work 
out right now. Have phun!

Hacking MacJanet part 2:
'''''''          '                           '''      :  CATSlash  :
'                '                          '   '     :  Magazine  :
'''  '''   '''   '  ''''  ' ''   '''   '''  ''        :  Issue 8   :
'   '   ' '   '  '  '   ' '   ' '   ' '   ' '         : March, 1996:
'    '''   '''   '  ''''  '      '''   '''  '         ::::::::::::::
===================='========================          File #5 of 9
By: Bungie

Foolproof is the utility that is on the hard drive of a Mac network. It can keep the user from:

The Internals:
Foolproof is made up of three files:

Foolproof Init - Loads at startup and initializes all protection 
                 routines. The icon with the lock on the bottom of
                 the screen at startup is Foolproof. This will
                 be in the 'System Folder' (System 6) or in the
                 'Extensions' Folder (System 7). OS 8 will not
                 use Foolproof in this form.

Foolproof Control - An application. You double click on it, and
                    at some point you are prompted to type in a 
                    password. The passwords can be very long and
                    use any characters the Mac keyboard can 
                    generate. If the password is correct, you can
                    edit the settings for Foolproof, or if it is
                    only the secondary password, it simply
                    disables it for a session.

Foolproof Prefs - Just tell Foolproof what to lock user out of. 
                  Found in the 'Sytem Folder' (System 6) or in the
                  'Preferences' Folder (System 7).  

Bypassing Foolproof
There are not many ways to bypass it. Some of these will work, some
won't. It depends on how many times the system has been broken before.

Startup Disk
Simply make another startup disk at home. Then restart the computer
and insert it. Foolproof will be bypassed. Why? Foolproof allows
other startup disks to be launched in case you need to use the Apple
Tutorial disks or the Installer disks.

If it is a newer PowerMac, you will need a startup CD instead of a
disk. This may be harder to come by.

Prototype ROM Systems
In some Macs, there are prototype systems built into its ROM. This
prototype System software is not teh best, but will bypass Foolproof.
These are activated by holding down certain key combinations at startup.

One that I know, is on the Mac Classic (Which are in many Junior Highs).
On startup hold down APPLE-OPTION-X-O. Make sure the caps lock key is
not on. This will activate System XO, and skip Foolproof.

Killing Foolproof
If you find Foolproof is a pain, kill it! These attacks are designated
at the Foolproof init, not the other two files.

System Disk
Startup with the System disk or the ROM disk, and then drag Foolproof
to the trash.

Open it with ResEdit. Choose 'Get info' and unlock it. Change its
type to APPL or TEXT.

Type Changing Utilities
There are many utilities to do this. Hypercard 2.0 has an XFCN on
many BBSs that can change file types. Change it to APPL or TEXT.

Try typing in these statements:
System 6
10 KILL "Hard Disk:System Folder: Foolproof Init"
or in system 7 type:
10 KILL "Hard Disk:System Folder:Extensions:Foolproof Init"

If you are using ZBasic, go into the ZBasic utilities into
the resource adding program. Replace the CODE resource.

Getting by with Foolproof
If none of these work, you can still perform certain
functions with it active.

Renaming Files
Log in. Open your network disk's window. Open the window
with the target file. Click on the file and type in its new
name. DON'T PRESS RETURN. Now click on your network disk's
window and it will come to the front. The file is renamed.

Deleting Files
The easiest is to use Microsoft Works. Under the 'File'
menu chooose 'Delete...'. 

The second way is to use BASIC. Type KILL and then the path
to the program. NOTE: A path on a Mac isn't used like in DOS.
The names are seperated by colons. A sample path looks  like
Hard Disk:Games:Spectre VR
Thsi would be the program or file 'Spectre VR' in the 'Games'
folder on the disk called 'Hard Disk'. See the above part
on BASIC for a better idea on how to type in the code.

I really can't say much else. Maybe later when I can work on
it some more I will be able to provide another file with
more info.

\                               Holonet                             /
 \                            By: Bungie                           /
  \___________CATSlash Magazine - Issue 8, March 1997_____________/ 
              '''''''''''''''File #5 of 9''''''''''''

Many people don't know it, but Compuserve is also a PSN (Packet 
Switching Network) like Tymnet and Telnet. It just has less hosts.

The host we will concentrate on for this issue is Holonet. Holonet 
has full internet services and is very easy to get access to.

Step 1: Accessing Holonet
Call up Compuserve. When you connect type:

This will give you some host connecting garbage. Then you will attach. 
Once connected go for the trial. Once you fill out the stuff, and you 
are in the trial account, quit it.

It will give you the option to register. Do it. Fill in false 
information and a generated Credit Card number (Generate it using 
CCS Mac, CrayZ Carder, or Cmaster). 

Now you must wait a day. It tells you it has a 24 hour verification 
period. It does take a long time, but only about 20 hours. It also 
does not really verify the CC number for another 10 hours after that.

Once on you will have telnet, irc, Lynx internet browsing, and many 
other internet features. just remember that when you log off, you have 
to create a new account for the next day.

And another tip, DON'T sign up for the PPP access or the web page. 
They instantly verify that, and will catch you.

Have phun!

     |  ________|               '''''''''''''''''''''
     | |                        ' CATSlash Magazine '
   __| |_____                   '     Issue #8      '
  |  | |_____|                  '   March, 1997     '
  | || |________                '   File #8 of 9    '
  | ||__________|onnection      '''''''''''''''''''''
  | |                 
  | |________        
   By: Poison Ice and Bungie

|           |             Amount of Lebs Rising
|\      /   |========================================================
| \    /    |The word is that the amount of lebs in that scool may  |
|  \  o __  |in fact rise from one to many, this news is rather     |
|   \/||__  |surprising since most lebs do find that school rather  |
|           |repulsive and few would even set foot in there at all. |
|    Vic:   |                                                       |
| _  _   _  |                    EME a success!                     |
|/_ /   \   |=======================================================|
|\  \  H \  | Ten Eastglen Mini Elite infopages went out this month.|
| \_ \_ \_\ | EME is a program started by CATS which involves explo-|
|           | sive recipies, Teacher's numbers, and other Anarchy   |
|  Eastglen:| topics to be printed on paper and hidden in desks. It |
|           | gives more people without computers a chance to get   |
|           | H/P/A info. The program was successful, so expect     |
|           | double that number of infopages next month!           |
|           |       NS Charging Cops       |      LRT Fight         |
|     /\    |==============================|========================|
|____/__\___| Two busted NS members are    | A fight this month at  |
|   /    \  | charging cops for wrongful   | the Belvedere terminal |
|  /      \ | arrest. Apparently they were | ended up stopping an   |
|   H/P/A   | arrested just because one was| LRT for 20 minutes! A  |
|   News:   | drawing the North Side symbol| guy threatened an ES   |
|           | on a paper.                  | (East Side) member. The|
|           |                              | ES guy beat him up. The|
|           |                              | fight starter tried to |
|           |                              | escape on the LRT. The |
|           |                              | ES guy followed. 20    |
|           |                              | minutes later, an ambu-|
|           |                              | lance picked up the    |
|           |                              | fight starter.         |
|           |                Montreal Biker War                     |
|   H/P/A   |=======================================================|
|   World   | - Montreal, Canada                                    |
| / News:\  | A huge war between the Hell's Angels and the local    |
||__/__\____| biker gangs is going on. The police cannot stop them, |
| \/    \/  | and it is supposed to get worse.                      |
|  \____/   |                                                       |
To give us Conection Corner info, call Bethlehem (403)477-2351 and
                            E-mail Poison Ice.

CATSlash Magazine - Issue 8, March 1997

The Top Ten and the Question of the Month were lost. Sorry...

                        Other CATSlash Info:
<  C.A.T.S or CATSlash Magazine are not responsible for any incid- >
<  ents occuring from this magazine or past issues. This is for    >
<  informational purposes and anything described in these files    >
<  are not meant to be done by the reader. So, if you blow off a   >
<  body part, we aren't reaponsible. You are you!                  >
Text issues of CATSlash Magazine at:

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 &&& &&  &&&    && &&&  &&&e&&  &&   &&&     &&& &&  &&&     &&& && &&
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e&&&e&" e&&&e&&   e&&" e&&" &&  &&  e&&&e&& e&&& && e&&&e&& e&&" && &&
The official CATSlash            &&&&&&&&&&         Call:    
distribution board!                  &&         (403)477-2351
   ~CATSlash Magazine is made in Canada!    ~
   ~           /\           ~               ~
   ~        |\/  \/|        ~ __   _        ~_   _    _
   ~        |      |        ~/    /_| |\ |  /_| | \  /_| 
   ~    _/\ |      | /\_    ~\___/  | | \| /~ | |_/ /  |
   ~  _|   \|      |/   |_  ~ __   _   __   ~  __
   ~  \     \      /     /  ~|__\ / \ /   |_/ /_
   ~   \                /   ~|  \ \_/ \__ | \ __/
   ~    \              /    ~               ~
   ~    /_____    _____\    ~               ~
   ~          |  |          ~               ~
   ~          |  |          ~               ~
   ~          |__|          ~               ~
|       /      |        CATSlash Magazine is made with
|   |  /   |   |        '''''''''Macintosh''''''''''''
|     /        |                 '''''''''
|    /__       |   We also have a Mac version of CATSlash Magazine!
|  \____|___/  |   It comes as an application. Why is this better? 
|_______|______|   because the Mac version comes with pictures,
                   sound, movies, point and click interface plus
   Macs Rule!      all the other things you would expect to find
                   for your Mac. Check our web page for details.
- End of Issue -