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Volume 2, Issue 1        ~oo~        Number 17        ~oo~       Fall 2016
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                 ;@%. :@%%  %@@%;       
             '     %@bd%%%bd%%:;                       THE ALLEGORY OF THE TREE:
                     #@%%%%%:;;                    AYN RAND'S POWERFUL SYMBOLISM
                     %@@@%(o);  . '                                        ALSO:
                 `.. %@@@o%::;                     Father Gregorio Strikes Again
                     %@@(o)::;                            Cryptology: Part Three
                    ;%@@@@%::;.                              Kaepernick's Rights
               ...;%@@@@@%%:;;;;,..             M O R E  ! ! !    M O R E  ! ! !

-page 2-

     ___________________________            __________________________________
    /                          /|         ,'                                  ',
   /    TABLE OF CONTENTS     /||         |    ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~     |
  /__________________________/||/         {  -- Volume 2   ----   Issue 1 --   }
  |||                        |||          {             FALL, 2016             }
  ||/ It's a table!  Get it? ||/          {                                    }
                                          { A Publication of Synonymous 1.     }
ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN      { Published October, 2016.           }
                                          {                                    }
LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN      {                 --                 }
                                          {                                    }
ARTICLE............................5      { LiberTORian is published on an     }
The Destructive Force of Obama"Care"      { irregular basis.                   }
                                          {                                    }
COVER STORY........................6      { N(c), 2016.  Readers are welcome,  }
The Allegory of the Tree                  { actually encouraged, to copy and   }
                                          { distribute this text by any means  }
BLURB..............................8      { possible, preferably by photocopy- }
Constitutional Amendment of the Day       { ing.                               }
                                          {                                    }
FEATURE............................9      {                                    }
Cryptology For Dummies: Part Three        { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE:   }
                                          { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion      }
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART...........12      {                                    }
Map Reading                               { (Thanks to an Onionland user.      }
                                          { The views expressed in LiberTORian }
GUEST POST........................14      { aren't necessarily those of the    }
Analyzing the Evolution of Thought        { webmaster.  That's fine with us    }
                                          { libertarians.                      }
BLURB.............................14      {                                    }
Li-Blurb-Torian                           {                                    }
                                          { CORRESPONDENCE:                    }
FEATURE...........................15      { libertorian@sigaint.com            }
Father Gregorio Strikes Again             {                                    }
                                          { Send submission & letters to       }
FEATURE...........................19      { LiberTORian at the above address.  }
The Kaepernick Fumble                     {                                    }
                                          {                                    }
HARD COPY.........................21      { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN:             }

                                          {               Even a millibitcoin! }
CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......22      {                         (.001 BTC) }
tanj.003                                  {                                    }
                                          {                                    }
ARTICLE...........................26      {          DON'T HURT OTHERS         }
The Militant Atheist's War on             {     AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF.    }
(Opposing) Religions                       '-________________________________-'

QUOTABLE QUOTES...................31                      ~oo~

BLURB.............................31      This magazine is sold by weight, not
Free Fast Food                            volume.  Some of the contents may have
                                          settled during shipping.
D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32

     - Visit the LiberTORian onion site at http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion -

-page 3-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&           =============================
  A C Q U I R I N G      R E L A Y             >>>  - by Synonymous 1 -  <<<
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&           =============================

I'm feeling strangely optimistic.  I        of persecution.  People are already
feel like Bugs Bunny as he has Elmer        being persecuted for their Christian
Fudd's gun barrel pointed at my face        faith- not just around the world,
about to be fired.  And I just say,         but in America as well.  The Oregon 
non-nonchalantly, "Eh... What's up,         shooting is one example: singling 
Doc?"                                       out Christians for execution.

Because I know that I should expect         I'm reminded of ISIS' bewilderment
the Obama-era Dark Age to get darker        after that mass execution of 20+
no matter who wins the elections, I         Christians on the beach.  Remember 
am mentally prepared.                       that?  Well, the families rejoiced
                                            for their martyred brethren.  And 
Because I know that society is much         they didn't get it, because ISIS 
bigger than who is the president, or        wanted to strike fear into their
a presidency itself, I have a               families.  But they sang praises to
strange confidence in people... even        their fallen family members, for 
though Americans' lack of common            they never betrayed their faith and
sense should make me feel otherwise.        have found favor with God, and are
                                            with Him in paradise with their
Because I know that life is cyclical        heads intact (if you look at Heaven
and the pendulum has to swing back,         in a platonic way.)
either naturally or by doing a 360
degree turn after society is turned         Live uprightly.  Even if you don't
upside down, I see hope for the next        believe in God, your deeds will have
generation.                                 more of an impact on others than you
                                            may believe.  Libertarianism is a 
Because I know that mine isn't the          little bit more than not hurting
only generation, I know a future one        others and not taking their stuff.
will reject our ways and one day            It means standing up for the perse-
make a more free, more prosperous,          cuted.  It is one of the few duties
more civilized society than any in          of libertarianism: to protect its
history.                                    principles.
Because I know that God is in con-          And there is one thing that I will
trol, even while we screw up our            do for the next four years is Hill-
affairs, his just will overcomes            ary Clinton wins the election.  It
all evil in the end.                        is suggested that you do it too.  I
                                            want to make it the catch phrase of
I'm not being unrealistic.  I know          the next four years.  Whenever she
how dark things can get.  I hope and        becomes indignant if criticized for
pray that we be spared the worst.           trampling on freedom, I'll quote her
I doubt that.  We become the society        in that hideous shrill screech of 
that we allow ourselves to become.          hers, just as a reminder: "I am sick
When we betray righteousness, then          and tired of people who say that if 
righteousness itself abandons us,           you debate and you disagree with 
leaving ourselves to face our own           this administration, somehow you�re 
consequences.  I do hope that if            not patriotic, and we should stand 
things go from oligarchy to total-          up and say, �We are Americans and 
tarianism, I have the fortitude to          we have a right to disagree with 
stand for what's right in the face          ANY ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!��     ((L))

-page 4-

.----------------------------------.                             - Name Withheld
| ------                        ## |       
| -- ---                        ## |        DEAR NAME WITHHELD:
|                                  |        
|               Letters            |        Thanks!  Of course, you're the one 
|                  to              |        who gave us the scoop on him in the
|             LiberTORian          |        first place!
|                                  |        
'----------------------------------'                         **

                                            Dear Libertorian,
                                            When would issue 17 be released its 
We love your magazine. I want to            been months since your last release
read more.  Can you type faster?            and Iam [sic] an avid follower.

                            - UNCLE         Sincerely
                                                                 - tyrionbreaker
DEAR UNCLE:                                 
                                            DEAR TYRIONBREAKER
No.  Be proactive between issues.
Go be a force for good.                     It would be released now!

                 **                                          **
LIBERTORIAN:                                DEAR LIBERTORIAN,
DUH!  Q is way less common than X!          Even if I don�t agree with all your 
You are the dummy, you dummy!               point your magazine is pretty fun , 
                                            entertaining and cool to read. That 
                        - Anonymous         is all and have a nice day 

Dear Anonymous,                                                  - Name Withheld

Yeah, it's probably so, but that            DEAR NAME WITHHELD #2
information is changing, and X is
becoming more popular thanks to             Thanks for reading.
pornography being everywhere.  If
you read the latest installment of                           ** 
"Cryptology for Dummies", found in
this current issue, I explain how           Libertorian Magazine:
no one is in agreement on the exact
letter frequency.  Incidentally,            Father Gregorio strikes again.  His
the article was written before your         new propaganda piece on the global
letter got to me.                           warming hoax opens with, "The media
                                            reports that the Earth is hotter 
                 **                         than in the past 120,000 years."  He
                                            goes on WITHOUT QUESTIONING, as if
Libertorian Magazine:                       true. #1, what media?  All of it?
                                            Where did they get this info?  Just
I read one of Father Gregorio's col-        the media saying such makes it un-
umns and saw a greatest hit: 2/3 of         trustworthy.  #2, we're emerging 
the US budget is spent on defense.   <--.    from an ice age, and the Earth was
And he added to it: it's been that      |   hotter in between ice ages.  Busted!
way for half a century!  Keep up the    | 
good work!                              '-- [This is from the same guy again, a
                                            late entry to this issue.]     ((L))

-page 5-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        ====================================
The Destructive Force of Obama"care"        }}}}}}       By  G.P.S.       {{{{{{
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        ====================================

It was the lie of the century, or at        four decades earlier, before the
least the past 50 years: "If you            bad section of town was so bad, by
like your doctor, you can keep your         choosing a nice area to set up prac-
doctor.  If you like your plan, you         tice!
can keep your plan.  Period."  Obama
is a liar!                                  The new office was much smaller.  It
                                            was uninviting, with peely-painted
It's even worse.  Obama"care" is a          cinder block walls.  Steel chairs 
direct attack on economic freedom           with plastic seats replaced the posh
for the doctors themselves.  We pre-        and comfortable seating. Examination
sent the story of Dr. S.  Dr. S is          tables had non-working and broken
not this doctor's actual name, but          parts.  It was ill-equipped, with
it's being used to protect the inno-        outdated tools.  You may be familiar
cent.                                       with people losing their insurance 
                                            plans when Obama"care" became offic-
At the young age of 26, Dr. X made a        ial in 2015 because their plans were
personal investment into a home that        TOO GOOD to exist legally under the
doubled as a private doctor's office        law.  The same applied for Dr. S's
as a single property.  This was in          office and location!
the mid 1970s, so it had a combined
mod/dark wood feel.  Strangely, this        Dr. S's medical team also inherited
combo is cozy and inviting even to-         the exchange's staff, who were less
day, not feeling tacky at all.  Dr.         qualified, less competent, unfamil-
S's patrons felt at home in the             iar with the patients and their
waiting room.  Patients were famil-         needs, and would make inconvenient 
iar with the long-term staff, and           appointments or ones with the wrong
always felt cared for.  Dr. S wasn't        doctor.  They can't fire the new
just a doctor, but a friend, part of        staff, because the government chose
the community.                              them, and God forbid they be re-
                                            placed with someone qualified.
Then came Obamacare, and Dr. S's of-
fice was placed under the jurisdic-         There you have it: a good doctor who
tion of the state-run exchange. Dr.         in the United States of America, is
S was forced to sell the office to          forced by the government to sell the
move into a government-assigned of-         home and office of 40 years and have
fice.  Since the office was part of         no say in the matter, only to be 
Dr. S's house, Dr. S was FORCED TO          forced to practice with limited re-
SELL THE HOME AS WELL SINCE IT WAS          sources in a confined space in a run
PART OF THE SAME PROPERTY.                  down neighborhood.  And the ration-
                                            ing of health care hasn't even begun
The well-equipped former office was         yet!
in a nice community.  The office 
assigned to Dr. S by the government         Dr. S is one of those good doctors,
was, predictably, right in the mid-         who actually meant it when pledging
dle of the most run-down area of            the Hippocratic Oath.  How many of 
town, the most crime-filled area,           the good ones are quitting upon the
where young drunks and drug abusers         realization that their job is no 
roamed.  How insensitive of Dr. S           longer about care?  And what will
to choose to disenfranchise gener-          health care be like when doctors
ations of derelicts by deciding             like that are gone?            ((L))

-page 6-

              v .   ._, |_  .,               T H E
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                     |    |               ____..--`----------------`--..,___.,--
        __..--------/ ,  . \--------._.--`
  _.-``                                     - B Y    S Y N O N Y M O U S    1 -

Ayn Rand is a libertarian, atheist,         changing event that not only reveals
and founder of Objectivism philoso-         the tree's true nature, but also de-
phy.  In her immortal novel, *Atlas         stroys its outward appearance.  Ed-
Shrugged*, now made into a motion           die, who at one time felt safe under
picture trilogy, there is an alle-          this tree realized that it provided
gory presented early on about a             a false security, and he felt the
mighty oak tree on a hill at the            tree betrayed him for a reason he
Haggart Estate.  This oak was giant,        couldn't pinpoint.
had roots deeply embedded into the 
soil, and was hundreds of years old.        The tree represents an institution 
Its observer, Eddie Willers, only           or entity that offers a false sense
seven at he time, believed it would         of security, but underneath it false
stand hundreds of years more.               mask of strength, there is no sub-
But everything changed on stormy
day.  As it's written in *Atlas             I have seen, and many of you proba-
Shrugged*:                                  bly have too, people challenged when
                                            they say how bad the economy has
| One night, lightning struck the           been.  Usually a liberal, like a 
| oak tree.  Eddie saw it the next          college professor, will say, "If you
| morning.  It lay broken in half,          have a problem with the best stock
| and he looked into its trunk as           market numbers in history, I'll take
| into the mouth of a black tunnel.         your 'bad economy' anytime!  Thanks,
| The trunk was only an empty               Obama!"
| shell; its heart had rotted away 
| long ago; there was nothing in-           That person is looking at the out-
| side � just a thin gray dust              side of the mighty oak tree and con-
| that was being dispersed by the           cluding that it is mighty.  The lib-
| whim of the faintest wind.  The           eral, statist, or party allegiant
| living power had gone, and the            neglects or refuses to examine the
| shape it left had not be able to          inside of the tree and see beneath
| stand without it.                         its hollow shell.

This tree is a metaphor for a once-         The stock market looks healthy, but
great institution that had long ago         underneath, it's being supported 
lost all of its substance; all that         artificially by an infusion of money
remained was a false appearance on          by the federal reserve.  Under their
the outside of great strength.              Quantative Easing plan, the federal
                                            reserve inflated the money supply
The lightning represents a single           by 5 trillion dollars since November

-page 7-


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C O N C E P T U A L    A R T W O R K    F O R   " A T L A S    S H R U G G E D "


-page 8-

2011, investing the money in banks         Unless you suspend the health system
and wall street.  Any monetary             for five years, you can only play
system can be made to look healthy         these tricks once.  Once 2021 arrives
with five trillion dollars.  But           and ten years' of money was spent in
the natural market forces are not          five years, you can't get money this
healthy.  People think they are,           way again.  This shock will be the 
and so their investments are based         lightning strike that leaves the dis-
on false pretenses.  Meanwhile,            aster of Obama"care" with a future
the side of effects of QE are the          president, long after most of the 
high inflation rate we're experi-          statists who passed the law are gone,
encing.  Once the false economy is         but enjoying the benefit of having 
deemed "healthy" to sustain itself         exempted themselves from the system 
the federal reserve will raise the         they deemed suitable for everyone 
interest rate.  Raising the inter-         else.
est rate is the bolt of lightning 
that will cause the tree to fall           Even statements like "We have ISIS
over.                                      contained", and other lies from the
                                           White House occupant are ways that

The unemployment numbers are also          words themselves are a false exterior
being rigged.  (See the article,           with a hollow inside.  Blaming the
"The 5% Lie", in LiberTORian Issue         Benghazi 9/11 on a video was a way 
11.)  The high unemployment rate           Obama and the State Department tried,
was the result of another bolt of          and failed, to pull the wool over the
lightning: Obama"care", which led          eyes over the people and give us the
businesses to lay off millions, or         outside of an oak tree that is dead
limit their hours to prevent them-         inside, to trick people in an elec-
selves from paying the skyrocket-          tion year.
ing cost of health care.
                                           If people are saying to say how great
The bolt of lightning already hit          things are and your gut or instincts
the health care system.  See how           are telling you there's something to
the average cost of health care is         be concerned abut, examine the tree.
up an average of $3500 a year per          Do your own research.  Look deeper
family, the cost of medicine is            than the surface.  Is what you're in-
higher, and the quality of care is         vestigating really strong on its own
decreasing.  Yet Obamacare itself          on the inside?  Or is it just a false
is the phony shell of a mighty oak         exterior, rigged and manipulated to
tree.  Obama"care" was passed in           conceal the nothingness within?  May-
April 2010.  The law provided for          be what you see is strong and stable 
the collection of taxes for four           on the inside.  If so, you can find
years before its implementation in         security in it.  But if it isn't, 
2014.  This way, the system would          never trust it, because you never 
collect money for ten years (2011          know the moment when lightning will
to 2020) to pay for six years of           strike.                         ((L))
care (2014 to 2020).  Obama made
an illegal, unconstitutional de-           
cree to push back Obama"care"'s            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
enactmentment a year to 2015.  He          
did this to prevent people from             CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT OF THE DAY
losing their health insurance un-          
til after the 2014 elections, the          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
last election of people in DC dur-         
ing his regime.  Obama and the             21st Amendment: Repeal of Prohibition
democrats also cut Medicare $716           
Billion dollars (cutting it in             "The eighteenth article of amendment 
half), to fund the Obamacare dece-         to the Constitution of the United
cit.                                       States is hereby repealed."     ((L))

-page 9-


NOTE: Refer to LiberTORian issues 14        The Vigen�re Cipher is encoded and
and 15 to read "Cryptology For Dum-         decoded on a chart called the Vige-
mies, parts 1 and 2", respectively.         n�re Tableau.  It looks like this:
Like algebra, the ciphers presented
here built on earlier, simpler codes,          +  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
and it's suggested that you refer to           -----------------------------
parts 1 and 2 first.  But as a                 A  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
libertarian, if you don't want to,             B  BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZA
it's fine with me.                             C  CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAB
                                               D  DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC
                                               L  LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJK
However, this knowledge can help you           M  MNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKL
to identify and with practice, solve           N  NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM
various encryption methods.                    O  OPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMN
                                               P  PQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
                                               R  RSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ
We covered step-up and step-down ci-           S  STUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR
phers, where a letter in the clear             T  TUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS
is shifted one letter ahead or back.           U  UVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST
To step-up one letter, the encoded             V  VWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU
letter is next in sequence: B=A, C=B           W  WXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
etc.  A cipher can step up or down             X  XYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW
any number of letters.  By stepping            Y  YZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX
up two, C=A, D=B, etc.  Code keys              Z  ZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY
can be stepped up or down any number
of letters.  Such ciphers are called        Now, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH IT?
                                            First, you'll need a message to en-       
Our attention now turns to one of           code.  We'll use "The window is
the most iconic ciphers in history,         clear for one day", the message used
one for centuries considered to be          in *Cryptology for Dummies, Part 1*,
unsolvable.  It's a variation of the        from LiberTORian 14.  In cryptology,
Caesarian Cipher, but each letter           a decoded or pre-encoded message is
receives a different distance to            the *clear*.  Next we need a word,
step up or down.  It's called the           preferably without any repeating 
Vigen�re Cipher, named after the            letters, to be our *key*.  the key
Frenchman who is attributed to it,          is what the decoder requires to de-
although he is not its inventor.            crypt the message.  Let's use the 
                                            word *lunchmeats* as our key.

-page 10-

now we take the our clear, and above        Cryptologists these days can decrypt
each letter, write the letters from         such messages with increased facil-
our key, like this:                         ity today with a computer's aid.

  LUN CHMEAT SL UNCHM EAT SLU NCH           In fact, if you are a programmer, 
  THE WINDOW IS CLEAR FOR ONE DAY           you should be able to write your own
                                            computer program to do all the work
So here, the T in THE corresponds           for you.  I wrote one in PASCAL for
with L in the key, the H with U, and        a class project.  Why not write your
the E with N, etc., so that there is        own and let LiberTORian know what
a letter pairing for every letter in        kind of progress you made?
the message.
                                            Let's look at the key and clear once
Next, we refer to the  Vigen�re ta-         again.  Notice that the O in WINDOW
bleau.  The first letter pair is T          and the O in FOR are ten letters
and L.  On the tableau, find the T          apart.  LUNCHMEATS is ten letters
column in the top row, and the L row        long, and the A in LUNCHMEATS corre-
in the left column.  The letter             sponds with both Os.  This is the 
where they intersect is E.  Thus,           weak point in the system: the recur-
the first letter of the encrypted           sion of letters in the clear.  It is
message is E.                               the first step of a cryptologist to
                                            find such patterns, which is used to
  LUN CHMEAT SL UNCHM EAT SLU NCH           determine the number of letters in
  THE WINDOW IS CLEAR FOR ONE DAY           the key, or a multiple of the number
  E                                         in its length.

The next letter pair is H and U.  At        While we're at it, it's a great idea
their intersection is B.                    to know the frequencies of letters
                                            in the English language.  The list
The third letter pair is E and N.           is subjective.  The list is subject
At their intersection is R.  The            to change as English evolves.
first word is encoded as *EBR*.
                                               E     12%         M     2.6%
Here's the final message:                      T     9.1%        F     2.3%
                                               A     8.1%        Y     2.1%
  LUN CHMEAT SL UNCHM EAT SLU NCH              O     7.7%        W     2.1%
  THE WINDOW IS CLEAR FOR ONE DAY              I     7.3%        G     2%
------------------------------------           N     7%          P     1.8%
  EBR YPZHOP AD WYGHD JOK GYY QCF              S     6.3%        B     1.5%
                                               R     6%          
Remember to group the letters in               H     5.9%        V     1.1%
fives, with nulls, if needed, at the                             K     0.7%
end if you have an incomplete group.           D     4.3%        X     .17%
                                               L     4%          Q     .11%
  EBRYP ZHOPA DWYGH DJOKG YYQCF                U     2.9%        J     .1%
                                               C     2.7%        Z     .07%
The advantage of the Vigen�re ta-
bleau over a conventional cryptogram        Avoid the top of the frequency list
is obvious: it defeats the use of           as you write ciphers.  It will help
character frequencies to solve a            make them stronger.  Also consider
cipher.  But sophisticated as it may        a *phrase* for your key to make the
seem, it is still breakable.  BE AD-        key as long or longer than a clear.
VISED THAT PROFESSIONAL CRYPTOLO-           Maybe the lyrics to a certain song,
GISTS CAN DECODE  VIGEN�RE TABLEAU          for instance.  It conceals or elimi-
CIPHERS WITHOUT CONSIDERABLE EFFORT!        nates the frequency patterns.

-page 11-

The Achilles' heel in the cipher is         public key is generated.  There is 
the recurring patterns of letters.          enough complexity to the system that
Finding a single letter appear at           a short message is unsolvable with-
regular intervals is one thing, but         out knowledge of the private key.
recurring groups of two and three
consecutive letters are dead give-          I devised my own cipher which I
aways.  Coupled with a knowledge of         believe cannot be solved without a
words of the length means that this         key.  Just to be sure, here's a
is a breakable cipher.  People who          short message written with this 
wish to encode messages should also         system.  
know and avoid the most common two
and three-letter groupings (a.k.a.          00270 27943 79465 21546 63850 51171 
digraphs and trigraphs).                    17216 99477 64675 21547 91861 53949                 
                                            11153 94139 67104 58698 91071 61959 
     DIGRAPHS      TRIGRAPHS                91741 97423 99025 72379 32194 01985
     --------      ---------                78058 34291 12637 92267 85928 03442 
      TH  IS       THE   REA                63662 28802 64034 91363 17386 05405
      HE  OR       ING   CON
      IN  TI       AND   WIT                Feel free to decode this if you can.
      ER  AS       ION   ARE                This is a real encrypted message,
      AN  TE       ENT   ERS                not some random sequence of numbers.
      RE  ET       HAT   INT
      AT  OF       TIO   STA
      ON  AL       THA   NOT                Did you ever see a code in this for-
      NT  DE       FOR   EVE                mat?
      HA  SE       TER   RES
      ES  LE       ERE   IST                187-32 63-3 112-27 19-57 83-17 43-41
      ST  SA       HIS   TED
      EN  SI       YOU   ONS                Numbers in pairs like this may be a
      ED  AR       THI   ESS                *book code*, which is a code and not
      TO  VE       ATE   AVE                a cipher.  Two people own the same
      IT  RA       VER   EAR                edition of the same book.  The first
      OU  LD       ALL   OUT                number is a page number and the sec-
      EA  UR       ATI   ILL                ond number is the word number.  The
      HI           ITH                      book code has variants with a middle
                                            number 0 or higher indicating the
The reason that recurring patterns          paragraph number, 0 for a paragraph
of letters are giveaways is because         carried over from the previous page,
it's known that the cipher is essen-        or other variants such as line num-
tially 26 Caesar ciphers, which can         bers.  Each grouping represents the
be shifted in various ways in rela-         word at the location.  The advantage
tion to the key length under crypto-        is that common words can be written
analysis, So even a key that is a           many ways for complexity.  The dis-
random string of letters can be             advantage is if the "key" is found
cracked just by "shifting".                 out, the code can be easily solved.

If you're looking for a way to en-          We've examined codes and ciphers of
crypt messages securely, there is           increasing complexity (up until the
a GPG encryption.  This is a system         simpler cipher here at the end.)  Do
that uses two keys instead of one.          you want this series to continue?
The public key is of a length up to         As a libertarian, you just might get
4096 characters, and while complex          what you want, unless I exercise my
enough, cannot be decoded without a         libertarian right to not continue.
user's private key, from which the          Let us know!                   ((L))

-page 12-

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        ====================================

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART: MAP READING               - by Synonymous One -

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        ====================================
In today's world of GPS, people know        are down, you'll be glad to know the
their coordinates, but never really         art of map reading.
know where they are, as they rely on
technology to guide them.  But do           The maps we tend to use are a cross
you know who REALLY knows where you         between physical and road maps.  A
are?  Google.  All you need to do is        map of this type would properly fea-
have your GPS finder on and they'll         ture a *compass* or *rose point*.
literally track your every movement.        The compass provides a mapreader his
                                            *orientation*, and points North.
It's a shame because cartography is         Sometimes the other major points are
a beautiful art in itself, yet few          also enumerated on the compass:
young people today understand map           South (North's opposite), East (to
basics.  This installment of Raiders        the right when facing North) and
of the Lost Art is an easy one, and         West, to the left when facing North.
if learned, may save you in a crisis        The secondary directions are midway
situation!                                  between the major points, and are
                                            named Northeast, Northwest, South-
Maps are as simple as a mall's "You         east and Southwest.  Here is a typi-
Are Here" chart, as complex as a            cal compass:
road atlas, and as large-scale as a                          N
globe or even night sky projections.                        /|\
There are many kinds of maps.  among                         |
them are:                                               W <--+--> E
PHYSICAL: Depicts the physical land-                         +
marks and features, such as rivers,                          S
mountains, etc.                                              
                                            A map reader will face North and 
ROAD: Depicts routes of travel.             keep the map aligned with North if
                                            changing direction.
TOPOGRAPHICAL: Depicts areas of land
or sea by elevation                         To find North: If you live in the
                                            Northern Hemisphere, including the
POLITICAL: Depicts man-defined bor-         continents of North America and Eur-
ders between regions                        ope: at noon, your shadow will face
                                            North.  In the Southern Hemisphere,
STATISCITAL: Provides information,          including Australia and South Amer-
appropriated according to area.             ica, your shadow will face South.
                                            align your map properly.
People stopped reading maps.  But,
before there were search engine maps        Another feature on this type of map
there was GPS, and before there was         is the *scale*.  The scale is a line
GPS, there were physical maps pro-          that provides the map reader with a
duced by the government, compositing        ratio that represents the distances
satellite photos.  And before THAt,         between features on a map.  A scale
map-making was an art, the result of        may look like this:
unyielding efforts by cartographers
to accurately chart their surround-             |____,____,____,____,____|
ings.  Without a sense of history,              0    .5   1    1.5  2   2.5
people don't appreciate where their                      
maps come from.  When the satellites                     M I L E S

-page 13-

The scale above is divided into five        map's icons.  A map reader is trans-
equidistant measurements, each one          lating a symbolic language into a
representing one half mile.  Some-          geographic area.
one reading a map can use their 
finger and thumb to brace the dist-         
ance between two features on a map,         HOW TO REAAD A MAP:
then, measure the distance between
their fingers on the scale to find          1) IDENTIFY YOUR LOCATION: be aware
the physical distance.  That's a lo-        of your surroundings and find their 
tech method.  Rulers provide greater        corresponding locations on a map.  A
accuracy, especially when the scale         good landmark is to find an inter-
presented linguistically.  Instead          section, where two roads meet.  Road
of a rule as above, some scales are         names are usually marked on a map.
given in a format such as, "One half        If not, find a unique feature near
inch equals 3 miles".                       you, like a bridge or building.

By the way, you may be fine on map          2) ORIENT YOUR MAP: Use the map's 
comprehension.  This article may            compass to match it with the Earth's
sound utterly childish to you.  But         North Pole.  Now, as you walk in the
please remember that entire genera-         direction of the map, you'll be  
tion attends public school, where           walking in real time along the land-
the curriculum on these basic con-          scape.
cepts were intentionally removed a
long time ago.                              3) USE THE SCALE: ...to know how far
                                            away your destination is.
Another feature on physical maps is
the *legend*, or *key*.  The legend         4) IDENTIFY THE LANDMARKS.  Trace an
is a chart identifying the markings         entire path to your destination,
and shaded areas of a map.  A typi-         forming a planned route.  Note the
cal legend may look like this:              physical features that are along the
                                            way to your destination.
.--- LEGEND -----------------------.
|                                  |        5) NAVIGATE THE TERRITORY.  As you
|  ==========  County/State Road   |        move to your location, your spot on
|  ----------  Municipal Road      |        the map will change.  Identify the 
|  """"""""""  Trail               |        landmarks in your physical location
|  ~~~~~~~~~~  River               |        and match them on your map, to keep
|  ++++++++++  Railroad Track      |        tabs of your ever-changing position.
|                                  |        
|      ] [     Bridge              |        That's all.  Two other thing: if you
|      __                          |        accurately measured the distance of
|     [__]     Building            |        your voyage, you can calculate your
|                                  |        speed by dividing:
|       *      Camp Site           |
|                                  |          distance/time
|  |....|          |%%%%|          |
|  |....|   Field  |%%%%|  River   |        The other thing is that maps tend to
|  |....|          |%%%%|          |        be oriented North, which is incon-
|                                  |        venient when traveling South.  For
|  |////|          |^^^^|          |        South-oriented maps, this *CLEARNET
|  |////|   Lake   |^^^^|  Forest  |        LINK* (warning!) features a compil-
|  |////|          |^^^^|          |        ation of upside-down maps, and links
|                                  |        to many more on other scales, if a
'----------------------------------'        world map is too large a scale:
A map is an iconic representation of        http://www.flourish.org/
an area.  The legend explains the           upsidedownmap                  ((L))

-page 14-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        In the words of a Retro-Neanderthal,
                                            �Ughguugh uh uhag uh ag ag ah ughh 
Analyzing the Evolution of Thought:         eh ugh ugghgauhgh ah!� � Trans-
                     An Introduction        lation: �Folks just don�t grunt like
                                            they used to!� or something to that
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        effect.
Guest post by [Enter Name Here]             Innovations that drastically change 
                                            the way we learn, communicate, 
                                            entertain, and live are bound to 
We often hear the argument or com-          mold our minds into something that 
plaint, �The way technology is              is directed towards utilizing the 
affecting the newer generations�            newly acquired innovations. This is 
minds is terribly detrimental!� Let         all very present in our times. With 
us clarify the matter a bit.                everyone having all the information 
                                            less time to tell someone something.
There are many changes apparent in          and the constant expectation for
these modern times that seem to be          bigger, faster, stronger things, the
negatively or �unhealthily� affect-         specifics in the ways people think 
ing the children and adolescents of         has been changed in a much stronger
today. Today�s generations and those        ways than ever seen before. Granted,
of yesteryear would argue that many         measures should be taken to ensure 
vital skills and qualities are be-          that society retains certain skill-
coming less present due to a society        sets and arts, but we must approach
of instant gratification and super-         these changes as expected conse-
accessibility. There is much truth          quences, rather than an out-of-con-
to this statement, with examples of         trol epidemic.                 ((L))
decreased social interaction and de-
creased ability to retain infor-
mation (as covered in LiberTORian           &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
issue 16 � Raiders of the Lost Art).
These effects are real, whether                     l i BLURB TOR i a n
their cause is accurately pin-
pointed or not.                             &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

A majorly overlooked fact though, is        LiberTORian wants YOU to write your
that effects to the psyche of a             own guest post.
generation have been happening in 
almost every single case of a large         Or not.  It's up to you.
breakthrough. Every case of this has 
differing specifics, but in general,        And if you appreciate the effort 
major changes to how people think           that goes into this magazine, you're
have been caused by inventions or           welcome to send bitcoin as a token
innovations for a long time. Exam-          of your love.
ples of such cases would be the in-
vention of language, the printing            12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s
press, telegrams, or AC electricity.        
Take the invention of language - for        No amount is too small, unless the
instance � and how it was viewed by         blockchain tells you so.  No amount
a Neanderthal. People started using         is too big, for that matter, unless
different methods of shaping their          it exceeds the number of bitcoins in
mouths, and different tones to con-         existence. (that's like 11 million,
vey more than what was possible be-         I think.)
fore. This made for a much more con-
venient way of communication, as it         And you can contact Synonymous 1 as
was accurate, and took significantly        "synonymous" on Galaxy 2, found at
on the planet at their fingertips,          http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion  ((L))

-page 15-

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++        Gregorio is reported to pursue
+                                  +        "Justice" for those who dare criti-
+  father gregorio strikes again!  +        cize him.
+                                  +
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++        | Subject:   Conservatives are 
                                            |            pro-life
                                            | From:      libertorian@sigaint.org
    }}}   By Synonymous Xi   {{{            | Date:      Wed, August 10, 2016 
                                            |            1:58 pm
Since we were first alerted by one          | To:	      cpeters
Robert J. Gregorio, we've heard much        |            @camdendiocese.org
of our dear readers who've taken a          | Priority:  Normal
regular watch of his columns.  You          |
can read our two-part expose of this        |
so-called "social justice" columnist        | Father Gregorio made a complaint 
in LiberTORian 14 and 15.                   | in the August 5th edition that 
                                            | liberalism is a dirty word, and
We've been following his column,            | how upset he is that conservatism
published online at (WARNING: clear-        | isn't mocked similarly.  (It 
net site):                                  | isn't?! turn on the TV or read ANY
                                            | newspaper!)  He says right-wing
http://catholicstarherald.org               | extremists are murdering through
                                            | the death penalty.  I oppose the
He seems to write a new column every        | death penalty though I'm conserv-
two weeks, but sometimes readers are        | ative, but then he says, to clear
fortunate enough to get an extra            | his conscience, that even abortion
week break from him.                        | is a conservative goal because it
                                            | equates a child with its cost.
Our update has to do with his two           |
most recent columns.  The first is          | This is as disingenuous as you can
a typical attack on conservatism and        | get, an absurd contortion to ex-
praise of liberalism.  It contains a        | cuse liberalism's culture of
recurring gripe that the term,              | death!  It was a liberal, Margaret
"liberal" is seen as an epithet but         | Sanger, who formed the abortion
"conservative" isn't.  It's obvious         | leader, Planned Parenthood, to
to a reader that he's preoccupied           | exterminate the black race, the
with worldly matters, so he must be         | disabled, and those she deemed
blind to the mainstream media, the          | physically and mentally unfit. 
entertainment industry, and most            | Her destructive work was admired
businesses these days.                      | by a European liberal, Adolf Hit-
                                            | ler, who applied her posits on
Worse, this New Jersey-based author         | eugenics.
continued to say that abortion is a         |
conservative tenet, because it goes         | It is liberalism that measures the
hand-in-hand with their philosophy          | cost of a human against their 
of placing the cost of life over            | "usefulness to society".  ...The
life itself.  It's absurd because           | essence of liberal George Bernard
the usefulness of an individual to          | Shaw, who said that every man
society itself is the basis of              | should appear before a panel to
statist leftism!                            | justify their existence.  If they
                                            | consume more than they produce,
We submitted a letter on behalf of a        | they are no use to society, and
reader, the one who brought this to         | therefore, not much use to them-
our attention in the first place.           | selves.  This is diametrically
To protect her or his identity, we          | opposed to God's view that every
changed the name of the sender.  It         | human life is precious.  It is
came to our attention that Father           | from Shaw's ideology that we have

-page 16-

| communism, the European model of          of the right to life.  It was often
| socialized medicine where the             times a cover story.  These days, a
| government declares who is worthy         reader would be hard pressed to fins
| of care and how much, and the             a single article on the topic, even
| "price tag" on human life.  Fr.           when a pro-life story was major news
| Gregorio has been a vocal advocate        in the world, like the Gosnell story
| of this health system, which has          or the Planned Parenthood videos, 
| caused hardship, misery, and re-          covered extensively here in Liber-

| duced care in the short time since        TORian issues 7 and 8.
| it was brought to the USA.
|                                           Two weeks later, the latest salvo  
| I don't expect a retraction or            from father Gregorio was published.
| apology from Fr. Gregorio.  I know        In this one he's confused and com-
| it's not his style.  And I noticed        plains about the same thing he ad-
| the Catholic Star Herald has all          vocates in the same column: voter
| but ceased publishing any criti-          fraud.  And, naturally, his arrogant
| cism from readers.  But someone           rants contain false racial exploi-
| must stand up and speak out when          tation to demonize the size he does-
| decades of dedicated effort by            n't like without the inconvenience
| conservatives to protect babies is        of entering an intellectual examin-
| maligned, and they are blamed for         ation of things that his position is
| the left's crimes against humanity,       certain to lose.
| while the left is absolved of their
| entire history of the culture of          We're not sending an email this time
| death.  It's not the right wing           as it's futile.  *The Catholic Star
| murdering full-term babies in and         Hearld* is complicit in Fr. Gregor-
| out of the womb with such barbarism       io's assassination of facts to pro-
| to make a Nazi blush, and sells           mote a Marxist agenda.
| their parts on the black market to
| buy a new Lamborghini!  Fr. Gregor-       Here's an excerpt from his August 26
| io has every right to espouse the         column on gerrymandering (against)
| dubious virtues of the left, but          and voter fraud (in favor of),
| not to justify his stereotyping by        "Those Maps Of Oddly-Shaped Voting
| demonizing the right with false           Districts":
| accusations.
|                                           | How can a political party getting 
| Pat Simon of Camden                       | 51 percent of the vote end up 
                                            | legally with five seats in the 
The letter wasn't published, and it         | House of Representatives when the 
went unanswered, except for an auto-        | other party got 13? In 2012 this 
reply.                                      | happened in Pennsylvania, and it 
                                            | continues to happen, as a normal 
LiberTOrian Magazine investigated           | way of doing business.... Gerry-
the letter's claim about publishing         | mandered districts drawn up by the
feedback from readers before sending        | party in power in state capitals 
the letter.  Old archives of the            | put voters from the last election 
periodical, found on search engine          | in a precinct united not geo-
resistant sites, found that letters         | graphically but ideologically. Put
to the editor were commonplace until        | all the liberals of suburban 
the beginning of the Obama era.             | neighborhoods together in one
From there it waned until barely a          | place, but farm out the conserva-
single letter is ever published.  It        | tives into several so they can 
is unsurprising that about half of          | squeeze out a majority in several
the published letters were rebuttals        | districts. Again, it is legal, and
of Fr. Gregorio!  The newspaper it-         | parties of both sides of the aisle
self changed.  In the 1990s, not a          | do it.
single issue passed without coverage        |

-page 17-

| I emphasize that this goes on             | where there has been no proof of
| thanks to the scheming of donkey          | identity required. 
| and elephant alike. But in the 
| above case, Republicans enjoyed           It's not as if voter fraud has hap-
| the benefit of their party�s ma-          pened on a large scale?!  
| jority in Harrisburg arranging the
| map conveniently.                         A R E   Y O U    O N   D R U G S ? !

Also conveniently is the way Father         Does he even believe this LIE?  I 
Gregorio's example is one of con-           bet no.  But does we think his read-
servative districts in Pennsylvania.        ers are so stupid that they believe
Fr. Gregorio hails from the state of        this one?!  It's like an Obama lie,
New Jersey, mentioned earlier for a         where everyone ALREADY KNOWS the
reason: LiberTORian found three con-        truth in the first place!  Ever hear
gressional districts in his home            of ACORN?!  It is sickening!  The
state that are contorted to greatly         worst part of the lie is where he
benefit liberals.  Yet he crossed           says blithely that the STATES' IN-
state lines to find an example that         TENT is to PREVENT PEOPLE FROM VOT-
benefits conservatives.  in fair-           ING BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE!
ness, he does mention here, and one
more time in the next paragraph             This is disgusting, and even more so
that the practice is played on both         from a Catholic priest.  I'm Pente-
sides.  But is it fair?  The number         costal and if my pastor said this, 
of gerrymandering cases nationwide          I'd be outraged!  Synonymous 1, the
is heavily skewed toward instances          editor is Catholic and he disavowed
that favor democrats.  One is hard-         any association with Fr. Gregorio,
pressed to find a case like the one         just as any good Muslim would dis-
found in this article.                      avow themselves from any Imam who
                                            advocates terrorism.
[Note from Synonymous 2: *The 
Catholic Star Herald* home state is         I never saw any complaint when, over
why we chose Camden as the town the         state lines, The Black Panthers were
letter was from, to protect the             intimidating white voters at polling
author's identity.]                         places in 2008 and 2012, or when the
                                            Justice Department dismissed the 
So it's not a lie to say that both          case specifically because the ac-
parties do it, but it only softens          cusers were black!  That's justice?
the example provided from false 
stereotype to half-truth.  Also             By the way, poor people can get a
note that none of the four writers          state-issued ID, even if they do not
of LiberTORian are Republicans.             drive, in EVERY STATE that enacted 
                                            voter ID laws, so they can be just
Funny that any of this is an issue          like the "Enfranchised" voters.  Oh!
for Gregorio, since 1) he himself           there is ONE exception: the person
engages in dishonesty to promote            registering must be a LEGAL U.S.
his agenda, and 2) he supports              citizen, because the *Constitution*
voter fraud in the same article!            prevents non-citizens from voting.
                                            This is the crux of the matter.  The
| But so too should scams like              left and the right both know the
| voter ID, outlawed by the high            real issue here: the democrat party
| court when several states devised         *NEEDS* voter fraud to win.  That's
| it to disqualify racial minorities.       why they go full-fledged holocaust
| Poor people do not have photo and         denier regarding the existence of
| other identification the way              voter fraud. 
| enfranchised people normally do.
| It is not as though voter fraud           Continuing the same the paragraph,
| has happened even on a small scale        he writes:

-page 18-

| The fact that  poor and minority          guarantee justice ESPECIALLY for  
| voters vote in ways that benefit          anyone.  It's supposed to APPLY JUS-
| themselves � as you would expect          TICE EQUALLY for all.  There is a
| them to do, the way middle class          word for the advocacy of applying
| and wealthy voters do � is no             justice favorably for one minority
| excuse to penalize them by onerous        over another.
| requirements whose purpose is ob-
| vious.                                    Racism.

(Actually, most minorities vote in a        Digressing a bit, if the government
way that harms themselves, but that         role is to guarantee justice, it's
is reserved for a future issue.)            doing a pitiful job!  Government is-
                                            n't there to guarantee ANYTHING!  It
Again "the purpose is obvious" means        is there to AFFIRM and CODIFY the
to him not to curb rampant voter            freedoms and rights already granted
fraud in Texas, Arizona, and other          us by the author of life, God Al-
states, but to prevent minorities           mighty.  That is, when a government
from voting.  In real life, it's            is at its best.   Usually, a govern-
obvious that those OPPOSED to voter         ment doesn't put God first.  in far
ID are challenging states exercising        too many cases, governments are
their 10th Amendment rights to pro-         guarantors of oppression, injustice,
tect the Constitution... and all to         mass murder, and two sets of rules
protect their power base.                   (think of Hillary Privilege right 
                                            here in good ol' USA.)  
Strange how voter fraud doesn't ex-
ist in Gregorio's musings, because          Gregorio concludes by advocating 
that would mean that these three            people go out and register to vote
people never would be in congress:          (and to vote straight down party 
                                            lines... possibly a motive for the
o Loretta Sanchez:                          Pennsylvania gerrymandering para-
  Congresswoman from CA                     graph).  He gave a phone number to
  Elected 2000 with registered il-          call to register.  But wait: Why the
  legal immigrant votes                     need to register?  Is not a regi-
o Frank Lautenberg:                         stration card a form of ID?  I 
  Senator from NJ                           called the number, and, lo and be-
  (Gregorio's home state)                   hold... YOU NEED PROOF OF IDENTIFI-
  Elected 2002 by a State Supreme           CATION TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN NJ!
  Court decision disregarding NJ
  Constitution's primary laws               What is Fr. Gregorio pulling?  And
o Al Franken                                why isn't he whining about this un-
  Clown from MI                             just system, designed only to stop 
  Elected in 2008 with more votes in        non-whites from exercising their
  some districts than the districts         right to vote!
  had residents.
                                            Writing to them is worth it, but 
But, no, that doesn't happen.               judging by the letters to the editor
                                            when they allowed it, they're not
Towards the conclusion, he writes in        converting anyone.  If you feel in-
defense of fraud:                           clined, the editor is

| ...Government in the Catholic               cpeters@catholicstarherald.org
| understanding is supposed to be 
| the guarantor of justice, es-             I doubt they'll listen.  It may be
| pecially for the poor and the un-         therapeutic, but don't expect it to
| connected.                                convince Gregorio or the staff of a 
                                            once great paper that wouldn't give
No, government is supposed to NOT           this kind of thinking a forum. ((L))

-page 19-

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   #  ===========================================    F  U  M  B  L  E  ==  #     
   #  ==  By Synonymous Xi   ========================================  ==  #

Anyone following current events or          The NFL also curbed free speech on
sports saw the 49ers quarterback,           9/11, informing all their players
Colin Kaepernick, kneel in protest          that they may not wear patriotic
of America during the National An-          footwear in memory of the victims of
them in early September.  Wasn't his        the terrorist attack.  Requests to 
action reprehensible?                       the NFL to compromise, allowing 
                                            players to wear decals on their hel-
Maybe.                                      mets, were also denied.

But doesn't he have a right to pro-         While the NFL is exercising their
test?  Does the right to protest on-        rights, the issue here is the hypoc-
ly apply to things we have a problem        risy.  NFL refused to discipline or
with?  Who is that guy on Fox News          issue a policy similarly restricting
who says, "He has a right to free           protests at the singing of the
speech, but..."  No buts!  Because          National Anthem.  Copy cat protests,
everyone knows that there are stat-         including entire teams, are taking
ists who don't like what YOU are            place, even on 9/11.  This led to
saying, and they'll be the first to         many people pledging to exercise 
say, "Well, I think YOU should be           their own rights and tuning out, not
censored."  So how can you censor           an easy thing to get devoted sports
some people without opening the             fans to do!  Attendees are also 
flood gates?                                exercising their own rights, loudly
                                            booing Kaepernick when he's on the 
There are a few other libertarian           field.
arguments, examining the issue from
other viewpoints:                           2) The president's reaction

1) The NFL's rights.                        What a joke.  The President took to
                                            the stage to announce that this is
The NFL, as a private enterprise,           America, and Kaepernick is exer-
has a right to set standards for            cizing his Constitutional right to 
their employees.  As a private em-          free speech/ protest.  His words are
ployee, an individual has the right         not the joke part.  This actually
to not be bound by these conditions:        marks one of the only times in his
just don't take the job!                    entire political career where he is
                                            right.  The joke is in the punch
The NFL already punished Tim Tebow          line:
for violating their demands, that he
dos not pray openly after scoring a         Obama hates the US Constitution and
touchdown.  Here, the NFL trampled          never talks about it or its rights,
on two of the athlete's First Amend-        or the Constitution as a source of
ment rights: freedom of expression          rights!  In real life, Obama refers
and freedom of religion.                    to the Constitution as a "charter of

-page 20-

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|  S F 4 9 e r s    Q U A R T E R B A C K    K O L I N    K A E P E R N I C K  |

-page 21-

negstive liberties", which means            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
that, to him, they're not freedoms, 
but restrictions on the government.         }}}      H A R D    C O P Y      {{{
And he hates those restrictions.
Obama has a record of opposing free
speech.  The FBI Intimigate scandal
and locking up the director of, "The        PETER SCHWEIZER - CLINTON CASH
Innocence of Muslims" for more than
a year without due process or EVEN          _Clinton Cash_ is billed as "The Un-
BEING TOLD WHAT CRIME HE COMMITTED          Story of How and Why Foreign Govern-
are two examples of Obama's utter           ments and businesses Helped Make 
disregard for a person's right to           Bill and Hillary Rich."  It surely
freely express oneself.                     covers foreign and even enemy con-
                                            tributions to the family, and de-
Who doesn't think that Barack Obama         tails the unholy alliance between 
would condemn the statement if what         them and powerful corporations.  But
Kaepernick said was in opposition to        it also charts the legacy of Clinton
something he believed?  Who doesn't         Privilege.  Page after page of
see an aduit coming, a demonization         _Clinton Cash_ exposes illicit ac-
of him, or advocation a counter             tivities that ordinary, real people
movement?  You're a fool to think it        would be jailed for.  This book will

                                            their charity to build an empire.
3) The libertarian view.                    Extensive research has gone into the
                                            Clinton Foundation's money trail for
Although he doesn't believe it, the         this book.  Author Peter Schweizer
President's actually right.  Kaeper-        also exposes how foreign governments
nick does have the right to kneel in        used money to Mrs. Clinton through
protest of the country that secured         the State Department to influence
freedom for more people than any            policy- what is known as *bribery*
other nation in history.  He's a            when an ordinary American does it.
hypocrite, of course, and out of 
touch with reality.  He earns mill-         Obama is actually right with his 
ions of dollars for throwing a ball         mantra, "There are two Americas,
around.  And thanks to free speech,         with two sets of rules."  [That's
we know that.  What's great about           two times this magazine said he's
free speech is that we get to see a         right in 1 page; get a medic! - Syn-
person's true self.  Without it, we         onymous 2]  But it's not the hard-
can't.  Now we all know who Kaeper-         working rich who don't live by the
nick is... just like we know who Tim        same rules as everyone else: it's
Tebow is.  And since the NFL pun-           the progressive establishment elite,
ished Tebow for praying on the field        Barack included, who represent the
and condoned Kaepernick, paving the         privileged class.  And no one is 
way for many copy-cat protests, we          more privileged than the Clintons.
know the NFL's true colors too.
                                            LiberTORian magazine promotes owning
The Blaze reports that a Catholic           and reading physical books, but if
diocese won't tolerate students who         reading is too heavy for you (why
protest at high school games.  It's         are you reading this?), _Clinton
not an act to compel anyone to re-          Cash_ is available as a graphic nov-
cite the pledge- I'd oppose that.           el by Regnery publications.  It is
But they're just trying to teach re-        also a 90-minute documentary which 
spect to their students.  And being         was released by Breitbart.com, which
respectful, even while in disagree-         was formerly a libertarian news site
ment, is something the world could          when its founder, Andrew Breitbart,
use more of these days.        ((L))        was alive.                     ((L))

-page 22-


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                    P r o m o t i o n a l    A r t    f o r
                         - C l i n t o n     C a s h -

-page 23-

------------------------------- 17 -        TANJ Magazine often revolved around
- CLASSIC --------------------------        the author's unfolding dealings with
---------- TXT ---------------------        law enforcement and the justice sys-
--------------- FILE ---------------        tem from the viewpoint of the ac-
--------------------- OF -----------        cused.
------------------------- THE ------        
------------------------------ DAY -        TANSTAAFL BBS's original name was
                                            Phoenix Modernz, Inc., based in cen-
            - tanj.003 -                    tral New Jersey, just as the phone
                                            company began adding new area codes
The word "Tanj" is an acronym for,          to many crowding metropolitan areas.
"There ain't no justice".  The term         Note at the end of the file that the
was coined by sci-fi author Robert A        last four digits of the BBS's phone
Heinlein, and popularized by Larry          number is TANJ!
Niven, another sci-fi writer from 
the next generation, in his *Known          So now we turn back the clocks a
Space* book series.                         quarter century as we look into the
                                            private thoughts of a young man and
In the early 1990s, the last days of        his run-in with the law.  And, like
BBS services, "Tanj" was the name of        many of these type of text files,
an eZine, edited by the sysop of the        it's in 80-column format, and is
TANSTAAFL BBS.  By the way, the word        presented here, unedited, and in its
TANSTAAFL, which stands for, "There         entirety.
ain't no such thing as a free
lunch", was also coined by Heinlein.        ENJOY!

                                -The Last Mile-                         
File one of this series concerned what happened when I was busted a few months
back.This time,I'd like to take you through the arrest process itself...

You ever see Wargames? Remember how the Feds were all there in their Chevy 
Caprices,dark suits,dark sunglasses,just sweeping in out of the blue to wisk
our hero off to Cheyanne Mountain? Well,it don't quite happen that way in the
real world...

The story of my arrest really begins the night of my bust.The detective in
charge,(whom we shall refer to hereafter as Fred,for reasons of my own) told
me that he would be in touch with me the next evening to process me for my
arrest.The next day comes and goes,no word from Fred.The next WEEK goes by,

-page 24-

and still no word from Fred.Finally,since Fred had mentioned that I would be
basically turning myself in anyway,I decide to save him the trouble of calling
me and I just go right down to Police HQ to do just that.

Now mind you...I have no idea what I am being charged with,and my attempts to
talk to anyone at police HQ had resulted in alot of frustration.So I marched
off to the station without much in the way of an idea as to what I was 
supposed to be doing.Now,in file 001 of this series,I mentioned that the 
authorities have no idea what the differences are between things like hacking
and scanning.Well,their grasp of basic police concepts are rather lacking too,
because the desk seargeant had no idea to do with me when I showed up at the
door and loudly proclaimed that I was turning myself in.

"Turning yourself in for what?" I heard him say. "Why,for whatever it is that
caused you to confiscate all my computer equipment back in May!" said I.
The conversation went downhill from there.

Finally,it dawns on him to call upstairs and see if someone with more sense 
might happen to know what I am talking about.Good old Fred appears and informs
me that he has nothing for me to sign as yet,and that he will call me when he
hears something.I confirm that Fred has my phone number and go on my way,smug
in my personal sense of civic virtue.

Silly of me,perhaps,but I always imagined dealings with the wrong end of the
legal system to involve statements like "Don't Leave Town" and "Freeze
Muthafucker,or I'll Shoot!". Well,my repeated attempts to get in touch with 
Fred usually resulted in the following logic chains...

If I call on a Monday before 6:00PM,then Fred is not due to arrive untill 
6:00PM.If I call after that time,he is always out.If I call after 6:00PM on 
Tuesday,I am informed that he went home at 6:00PM. Fred seems never to be in.
God forbid something should be happening away from the local Donut Hut,I 

Well,as things might have it,I wanted to go on vacation in July,and being the
good little felon I am,I wanted to let my buddy Fred know I was going to be
out of touch for awhile (like he'd notice).It was in the weeks preceeding this
vacation that I gradually began to realize that it wasn't Fred who had the
problem...it was the police dispatcher who was taking my messages.I have since
concluded that the average police dispatcher has the IQ of pond scum.Not only
do they have no idea when the officers they are nominally supposed to be in 
control of arrive or depart,when the officers are on duty,the dispatchers have
only the vaguest of notions where they are.But we'll have more cheap shots at
the dispatchers later...

Anyway,I finally gave up on trying to talk to Fred,and began using my friend
the police captain (whom we shall call Barney) to get all my answers.Barney
is alot easier to talk to mostly because he & I knew each other before all this
started,and because he does alot of business where I work,so I actually see
him from time to time.Barney seemed unconcerned that I was planning on going
away...didn't even ask me where I was going. I credit Barney with keeping me
out of the deeper shit I could have had to deal with all these long months.
Cops may be scum,but Barney is OK.

Well,Barney and I kept in touch over the months,him usually not knowing
anything new,but the day finally came when he remembered that there were some
warrants lying around the station with my name on them.So he sends Fred & his 

-page 25-

Junior Birdman along to tell me to meet them at the station after work so they
can process me (FINALLY!). The day passes uneventfully enough,and after work
I psyche myself up to go get arrested...

I go down to the station,and proudly present myself to the police dispatcher
and inform him I am there to see Detective Fred.He tells me that Fred is out
and asks me if he can take a message.I tell him that Fred told me that he would
be there at this time,and ask him if he is sure Fred is out.At this point the 
dispatcher gets all hostlie and starts shouting that Fred is out,and won't be
back for awhile. So I leave.

The next morning,after I have huffed around the office about the stupid cops
who make appointments they don't keep,Barney walks in and starts asking ME
why I didn't show up the preceeding evening.I tell him my story about how his
dispatcher told me nobody was there,and he tells me that they were all upstairs
waiting for me to show. I tell him his dispatcher is an idiot. Suprizingly,he
agrees.We get into his car and drive on over to the station.

On the way over,I ask him what the charges are,and he tells me about the two
US Sprint related charges and something about a credit card.Then he starts
grilling me about the credit card charge before I even know what its about.
So I play dumb.How should I know what card they're talking about? There have
been so many...

Anyway,at long last,I am actually INSIDE the stationhouse,and in the process
of being arrested.I was raided in May,and now its November.Took them 5 months
to figure out that I dialed something like 25,000 800 numbers,that I did 
something to a US Sprint computer (don't ask me,I'm still mystified about tha
one!) and that I had recieved stolen property, to wit 1 AT&T calling card.
I get to sit on a hard plastic chair and wait. And wait. And wait some more.
They take my fingerprints.They have me sign lots of paperwork.I find out that
I'm only worth $2000 bail,and that they're waiving that and releasing me on
my own recognizance.Maybe if I'd insisted on sitting in the county lockup,
I'd have a court date by now.

After they are done with me,I am personally escorted back to my place of 
employment by a local patrolman who lets me ride up front,even...I'm obviously
a dangerous desperado,eh?

Its January, 1991. I was busted almost eight months ago,and I don't even know
what all the charges against me are because I can't get a public defender to
explain them to me until I have a court date.The EFF can't help me until I have
a lawyer,either.My next step will be contacting the editor of the Bergen County
Record,who has taken an interest in my case for its civil rights violations.

Maybe where justice has failed,the bright lights of publicity can win through.
Lets hope for a media circus,eh?

-page 26-

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Let's make two clarifications before        lic presence, who are the "militant"
this feature gets underway.  First,         kind.  They are the ones who have an
I am Catholic, but as a libertarian,        insecurity in their belief that God
I have no problem with atheists, and        doesn't exist that they have to tear
will defend their right not to be-          down, ridicule, or somehow discredit
lieve.  No one should be forced to          those who do believe.  A few notable
profess anything they don't believe.        militant atheists and their work to
No one should be mistreated for not         evangelize the superiority of their
believing the way I, or anyone else,        religion include:
                                            o Bill Maher: statist cable TV host
Number two: atheism is a religion.            who produced a movie, "Riligeous"
It is not an organized religion, and          to mock non-atheists
it is not thought of as a religion          o Bill Nye, The "Science" Guy, who
in a closed-minded, or traditional            isn't even a scientist, but an
sense.  From an academic standpoint,          engineer.  He declared that sci-
hoever, atheism is a religion, which          ence must be an enemy of religion
is defined simply and elegantly as a          (besides his) and should be used 
system of non-universally-accepted            as a weapon against it.
beliefs.                                    o Christopher Hitchens: late left-                                              
                                              winger who wrote barely-researched
Most atheists are simply people who           treatsies against monotheistic
have no belief in God or any other            religions, including a slanderous-
theistic belief system, and they go           fallacy-laden "biography" against
and live their lives the libertatian          Mother Theresa of Calcutta
way, with a "live and let live" men-        o Richard Dawkins: The messiah of 
tality.  This feature is not about            militant atheism. his book, *The
this vast majority of atheists.  But          God Delusion*, contains little 
there is a small number of their re-          science, but his rationale for
ligion, a few with a boisterous pub-          implying that all religion (other

-page 27-

than his) is the root of all evil.           tor, and that comes as a threat to 
                                             scientists who want science to be
Let's turn the clock back, shall we?         used to prove that God does not ex-

document scientifically supporting           But science is a largely agnostic
the Copernican system- the idea that         discipline, and its purpose, the 
the Sun, and not the Earth, was the          expansion of the understanding of
center of the Solar System.  In 1933,        how the universe works, is not de-
the Catholic Church had him put in           pendent on God's existence, or lack
prison for challenging their world-          of it.
view.  Even though it did nothing to
discredit the Bible, the Catholic            Dawkins is an author of books.  His
leadership did, because of a literal         earlier books were science based,
translation of, "The sun stood still         but beginning with *The God Delu-
in the sky".  This scripture implied         sion*, he turns from a rather in-
that it was the Sun that moved around        competent biologist (he is not a 
the Earth.                                   physicist) to armchair philosopher.

There is a second lesson that should         *The God Delusion* reveals little 
be learned by this summation, but it         science.  Instead, it's a mission
is overlooked often: flawed theories         by Dawkins to find a few bad exam-
that are disproven, like that of a           ples of religious people and pro-
geocentric solar system, are based on        ject horrible stereotypes of their
the known science at the time before         entire religion based on them.  His
new information is discovered that           assessments are hyperbolic meta-
changed the paradigm.  And, with the         phors dripping with hatred, not the
science at the time, the paradigm            rational reasoning you'd expect to
works.                                       read from a scientist.  *The God
                                             Delusion* suffers from an egotis-
Discoveries are being made every day,        tical disdain of inferior religious
and sometimes scientists who cling to        beliefs.  Which is any religious
older paradigms resist the new infor-        belief that's not his own superior
mation when their theories are dis-          one that he denies God's existence.
proven.  In a sense, a disproved sci-        
ence can become a religion to whoever        Dawkins goes beyond intolerance.
won't let go of it and refuses to            He actually states that raising a
accept new scientific discoveries.           child with any kind of (theistic)
                                             belief system is worse than abusing
The Big Bang Theory had a good run of        a child physically.
40 years, but it's now considered 
impossible by our current understand-        That kind of charge is not to be
ing of physics.  Very little new info        taken lightly.  Child abuse is one
was introduced in support of evolu-          of the worst crimes of society.  It
tion in 150 years, but much contra-          would trivialize its victims to 
dictory information has been dis-            assert such a claim frivolously.
covered.  A new theory, Intelligent          What does society do with child 
Design, is being censored by the sci-        abusers?  unless they get Hillary
entific community because it upsets          Clinton for an attorney, society
the paradigm.  People may not know           locks them up to protect others 
that Intelligent Design, or ID, is           from abusing them.  So if we lock 
NOT creationism, which is a literal          up child abusers, what should we
interpretation of the Biblical book          do to people who teach faith to 
of Genesis, and has no scientific            their children- people "worse" than
basis.  ID does NOT contend that God         child abusers?
exists and created the world.  But it
does open up a possibility of a crea-        Locking up people of faith is the

-page 28-


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    --    A T H E I S T    B I G O T    R I C H A R D    D A W K I N S    --   

-page 29-

kind of things in fascist and other         fine with subscriber to the absurd
totalitarian regimes.  It's beyond          "Many Worlds Interpretation", where
intolerant.  Not to mention that the        scientists who only believe in the 
book overlooks the 100+ million vic-        physical universe accept the notion
tims of atheism in the 20th century         that the universe breaks off into 
alone.  But there's no time for that        two universes at the moment of any
when your thesis is that religion is        causal event, each with a different 
the root of all evil, and that              effect.  Never mind that none of
organized religions are worse than          these infinite universes have ever
all the most ruthless governments           been seen or can be quantified in
that ever existed combined.                 any way!  There is no way of observ-
                                            ing these hypothetical universes out
Notice how times have changed and           there.  Yet Many physicists, who
the roles have reversed.  Europe and        believe science's mission is to dis-
America 2016 is no different than           prove God's existence, cling to the
Italy, 1632.  The only difference is        MWI mythology.
that now the scientific community is
in the role of the church, and re-          "Scientists" like Bill Nye the "sci-
ligious people are in the role of           ence" Guy, who is not a scientist,
the persecuted.  And it's not only          but an engineer, believe science is
people of faith.  Any scientific            supposed to be at war with religion,
theories, or anyone presenting evi-         as mentioned a few moments ago.  Why
dence that challenges the "settled"         is that?  Science's purpose is to 
theories of old are treated the same        best explain how the universe works,
way.  Scientists who boldly question        based on the best science we have at
and find challenges to the old para-        hand.  Religion is not intent on ex-
digms are personally maligned, have         plaining *how* things are, but *why*
their reputation smeared, and are           they are.  They are two different
ridiculed.                                  fields of study, and one doesn't
                                            counter the other.
A fantastic documentary, *The Privi-
leged Planet* uses cosmological sci-        New discoveries are officially made
ence to indicate that Earth's po-           in science through what's called the
sition in the universe is the most          *scientific method*.  A scientist
optimum place from which to view the        takes the following steps to discov-
universe.  It was rejected from in-         er something new in the field of 
clusion from the Smithsonian Museum         science:
because they deem it to "promote a
theological point of view".  It is          1) Ask a question
strange, no, ironic, no, hypocrisy.         2) Research the topic in question
The film makes no theological claims        3) Declare a hypothesis
or discusses anything regarding evo-        4) test the hypothesis (experiment)
lutionary science, and is 100% con-         5) Analyze the results
sistent with cosmological science.          6) Draw a conclusion based on result
However, just because it opens the          7) If results concur with hypothe-
possibility that there is something            sis, repeat the experiment
special about planet Earth somehow          8) Document the results of the 
opens the next possibility that God            experiment

to the scientific community.  So it         Unfortunately, politics has gotten
must be banned.  No new thoughts are        into science, and under the influ-
allowed!  However, The Smithsonian          ence of politics, a new model came
proudly showcases Carl Sagan's "Cos-        about that I christened the *reverse
Mos" series, which makes an entirely        scientific method*.  This unscien-
religious statement in its opening:         ific method has money or religion as
"The universe is all there is, was,         a motive.  For instance, the junk
and ever will be."  This seems to be        science of global warming, now under

-page 30-

the name "climate change", is a cash        Poor Dawkins.  He had to rely on a
cow from the government.  Therefore,        creation story with an intelligent
"scientists" will find favor with           mythological force as our progenitor
politicians who issue the money if          when his "science" failed him.  To
their results concur with their po-         make matters worse for him, this new
litical agenda.  Here is the process        race had its own origin story to 
of the revere scientific method:            explain.  Did another race get that
                                            one started?  Maybe it goes on for 
1) Declare a conclusion in the form         infinity- a convenient answer, but
   of a statement, not a question.          also a religious one.  Infinity goes
2) Accept and validate any evidence         against entropy, which is a law 
   that corresponds with the theory.        (meaning it's accepted as always
   Dismiss, discount, and personally        true).  it also violates the Big 
   discredit anyone with any scien-         Bang theory.  Actually, Big Bang was
   tific evidence that refutes the          disproved in 2015, with no known 
   conclusion.                              origin of the universe theory to re-
                                            place it.  Some still cling to it.
Under this method, paradigms can not
be changed or updated by new discov-        It turns out that when scientists
eries.  Questioning is discouraged.         make denying God's existence, and 
Science becomes a political force           not the furthering of knowledge of
rather than a legitimate study.  And        the universe, as their purpose for
people like Richard Dawkins and Bill        science, they tend to create their
Nye practice this system like a re-         own mythology in the process.
                                            Dawkins' disdain for religion leads
Evolution itself has faced challen-         him to devote his time to mocking 
ges from the beginning, and even            religious practices rather than do
failed fundamentally in testing from        his job as a biologist, and a poor
the beginning.  The Cambrian explo-         one at that.  Most scientists be-
sion is a stumbling block fro a cen-        lieve that an unborn baby is a human
tury and a half.  Darwin himself            being.  I guess just to be contrary,
wrote that his hypothesis breaks            since Christians and Muslims also
down and he can't explain it, but he        agree this, he feels obliged to deny
concludes anyway that his hypothesis        the science.  So he tweets, only to
is sound.  New scientific discover-         mock their belief in science, "a pig
ies in Intelligent Design, which is         is more human than an unborn baby."
NOT creationism, are dismissed only         
because it opens the possibility of         Really?  A pig's DNA is more human 
a God.  It's the 17th Century church        than a tiny human?  Losing it!  Carl
all over again: my beliefs are the          Sagan had similar wacky hypotheses,
final word, and your science is a           refuted scientifically, that an un-
heresy!                                     born human goes through the evolu-
                                            tionaty cycle before birth.  So pre-
Dawkins appears in Ben Stein's docu-        mature babies are apes?  He can be
mentary, "No Intelligence Allowed".         excused; he's not a "biologist" like
When he asked where man originates,         Dawkins self-proclaims.
he says, One single celled organism.
When Ben Stein asked where that one         Eventually, people in the media be-
organism came from, his answers were        gan to call Dawkins as a bigot mas-
conspiracy theories.  "Possibly an          querading as a scientist.  It's only
intelligent alien race planted it."         because he mocked the practices of
                                            their sacred cow: Muslims.  "Mock 
Ben Stein countered with a question         Jews and Christians all you want...
he couldn't answer: "So where did           we'll help pile on!" they'll say.
this intelligent alien race come            But they've got a double standard, 
from?"                                      and so, news outlets such as The 

-page 31-

Guardian U.K., The Daily Beast, the         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Huffington Post, Salon, The Humanist
.com, The Daily Kos, Yahoo, and many        F R E E  --== F A S T ==--  F O O D!
other bastions of one-sided report-
ing, have a sudden moral outrage.           &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Dawkins isn't a bigot, because he's 
a member of a politically correct                   - By Synonymous 2 -
religion: atheism... 'til he attacks
another PC-approved religion: Islam.
                                            I'm not much into fast food but ev-
In conclusion:                              ery once in a while my friends will
                                            go and I'll join them.  I noticed on
1) Atheism is a religion.                   McDonald's receipts this PROMO at
2) Dawkins, and others like him are         the top where they invite you to an 
   bigots speaking in the name of           online poll about your experience,
   "science".                               and you write a completion code.  If
3) When properly practiced, science         you bring the receipt back, you get
   enlightens the human race.               a free Quarter Pounder, Big Mac, or
4) Politics has corrupted the scien-        rubbery Egg McMuffin when you buy 
   tific method.                            one.
5) Some in science oppose free
   thinking and new ideas that chal-        I hate taking surveys.  Don't you?
   lenge their worldview.                   Sure you do.  So, I just take a
6) Science and religion are not en-         short cut whenever I have no idea
   emies, but two distinct disci-           what to eat.  I write any 7-digit 
   plines.                                  number on the slip and turn it in at
                                            the drive-thru.  Well, not just ANY
If you wish to enter a scientific           7-digit number.  Like I avoid the
field, there is no requirement to           number 1234567.  I usually begin 
believe or not believe in God's ex-         with a 4 through 7, and repeat a 
istence.  That's a deeply personal          number or two, like this: 4192271.
belief and it's yours.  But serve           Cashiers don't seem to track these
your practice with integrity and an         numbers, not do they appear to care,
upstanding character, so that, re-          and if they did, you've driven off
gardless of your faith or lack of           and what are they going to do to you
it, others will see the pride and           anyway?
honesty in your work.          ((L))
                                            The best part: the McDonalds in my
                                            area gives a promo receipt at EVERY
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        MEAL!  So after buying a 2 for 1
                                            sandwich, I just do the trick again!
   Q U O T A B L E    Q U O T E S
                                            See if your local McDonalds does 
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        this.  By the way, this information
                                            is for educational purposes only.
he best and the quickest way to             I don't think it's taking their
undermine any society is through its        stuff since they are offering it.  I
music.                                      just found a shortcut.
                     -Vladimir Lenin
                                            By the way, Synonymous 1 told me 
                                            that Chick Fil-A has these offers,
------------------------------------        but it's only like 1 in 4 receipts
=                                  =        that have them,  One other thing:
=   DON'T HURT OTHERS              =        Mc Donalds expects you to buy other
=     AND DON'T BREAK THEIR STUFF  =        stuff like fries and drinks to make
=                                  =        up the cost of the free sandwich.
------------------------------------        Don't fall for that trick!     ((L))

-page 32-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        I condemned Clinton when he commit-
                                            ted perjury.
D. N. S.   L O O K U P   F A I L E D
                                            Hillary Clinton demonized the vic-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        tims.  The media told me what Bill  
                                            Clinton did doesn't matter.
By Synonymous One
                                            I condemned Bill Clinton when the
                                            Lolita Express flight list was re-
Some things in life are certain.  It        leased, and Clinton was found to be
is certain that this is the last            on Jeffrey Epstein's shild prosti-
LiberTORian before the election.  No        tute jet.
biggie.  Libertarianism is not de-
pendent of who is president.  Also,         The media, after 20 years in telling
one other thing that's certain is           me to get out of Clinton's personal
that the next president is going to         life, buried the story.
                                            And, yes, I condemned Trump when he
I call things as I see them.  Let it        was found to be on the same jet.
be known that whenever I criticize
Hillary Clinton, I'm not supporting         Now the media creates a narrative
Donald Trump, and the converse is           that Trump's unfit for office.  The
true too.  That being said, I'm             New York Times released groping ac-
about to unload on Hillary Clinton.         cuser tapes.  Isn't the response: 
                                            "So what?  for 20 years you lectured
...And her media sycophants, doing          us that abusing women DID NOT MATTER
all they can to make you vote for           AT ALL!  Furthermore, all of us with
her.                                        a problem with Clinton were relig-
                                            ious freaks, obsessed with imposing
NBC released the "October Surprise"         our morality on others, and get into
it was sitting on during primary            the 20th century!  So now, in 2016,
season.  We all know that Trump is a        one month before the election, you
dirtbag in the way he treats women.         suddenly develop not only a sense
The mainstream media is telling us          of moral high ground, but you became
that this makes Trump unfit for the         judgmental on morals and are trying
presidency.  Hillary Clinton is run-        to impose it on us!  Sudden epiphany
ning ads telling us that this makes         on your part?  NO!  You are hypo-
Trump unfit for the presidency.             crits!  You're intellectually dis-
                                            honest!  If Trump remained a demo-
The fact that they may be right is          crat, you wouldn't give a rat's rear
beyond the point, because Hillary           end on Trump's behavior or his lock-
Clinton and the mainstream media are        er room talk!  You never condemned
the LEAST QUALIFIED TO CRITICIZE HIM        Clinton, or most any modern sit-com,
ON THIS TOPIC!  I groan whenever I          and lectured ME to get off my hang-
hear someone say, "I believe in free        ups.  You're the new puritanical
speech, but in this case..."  so I          prudes.  Either that or you're a 
won't.  But saying this makes them          disgrace to "journalism".
the biggest hypocrites on planet
Earth!                                      Hillary Clinton is running ads on
                                            this topic against Trump.  No word
I was there.  I condemned Bill Clin-        yet if her scumbag husband, and yes,
ton when he sexually harassed women.        he IS a scumbag, was unfit for of-
                                            fice of the president.
Hillary Clinton called the victims
nasty names.  Blamed some "vast             But that's what I hear from her ads.
right-wing conspiracy".  The main-          Until next time.  Excelsior!   ((L))
steam media said it doesn't matter.          - - -  E N D   O F   F I L E  - - -