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Volume 1 ~oo~ Issue 16 ~oo~ Independence Day, 2016
L I B E R T A R I A N S : 'dOKNM0N::;ol
Diligently plotting ,MMMMMWX0d:kXNKdd.
to take over the world... c.o0KKKKOdxNX:,o.o
and leave you alone. .o ,OKWMK. d
;k' .XMMWKWl
xXo..odc,' 'XMXOx'
'l:; ,c.. ,cc,k
o: '. ' :l'
co,. ' :ccd.
.:kol;., ; 'c',:MM0l'
.,lxKWMMW... .cll'.,WMMMMMW0d,
..lOl,,,,,;;;' oMMMMMMMMMXxl;:Xx,. 'NMMMMMMMMMMW0o,
o .dlc;.cl:;.:;::, . .kWMMMMMMMMMMN:;lxONMMMMMMMMMMMMM'
.,:oc:;,';lkd,okxxOXO .',.';:Okd, xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0
..;cokOl''. .oWMMMMMMMMMMNKxl;.
-page 2-
___________________________ __________________________________
/ /| ,' ',
/ TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ |
/__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 16 -- }
||| ||| { Independence Day, 2016 }
||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { }
{ A Publication of Synonymous 1. }
ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published June, 2016. }
{ }
{ }
DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY...........5 { LiberTORian is published on an }
Xl33tvill3 { irregular basis. }
{ }
QOTABLE QUOTES.....................6 { N(c), 2016. Readers are welcome, }
{ actually encouraged, to copy and }
FEATURE............................7 { distribute this text by any means }
The Fake Nolan Test { possible, preferably by photocopy- }
{ ing. }
PRIVACY TIP.......................10 { }
{ }
ARTICLE...........................11 { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: }
Money Over Principles: Georgia sells { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion }
out 1st Amendment for $$ { }
{ (Thanks to an Onionland user. }
FEATURE...........................14 { The views expressed in LiberTORian }
The Other Deep Webs { aren't necessarily those of the }
{ webmaster. That's fine with us }
FEATURE...........................16 { libertarians. }
Who Founded Earth Day? { }
{ }
ANALYSIS..........................19 { CORRESPONDENCE: }
How Libertarian IS Gary Johnson? { synonymous@ruggedinbox.com }
{ }
ARTICLE...........................20 { Send submission & letters to }
Rocky Balboa vs. The State { LiberTORian at the above address. }
{ }
BLURB.............................22 { }
{ 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s }
ARTICLE...........................23 { Even a millibitcoin! }
Libertarianism FOR KIDS { (.001 BTC) }
{ }
BLURB.............................24 { }
People Are Sharing LiberTORian { DON'T HURT PEOPLE }
BLURB.............................24 '-__________________________________-'
Iran Spoofery __________________
/ \
bbbuild.txt / SPACE \
Memorizing Numbers / \
/ (So why do people \
D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32 / write stuff like this? \
/ Now it's not blank anymore!) \
-page 3-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \/\/\/\/\/\/\/V\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> <
A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y > - by Synonymous 1 - <
> <
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /\/\/\/\/\/\/V\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Does nothing make sense? This world any of it. We always wrote general
is really make of people who defy discussion columns also, which are
logic anymore. Hopefully, you'll not bound to any topical issues. It
consider these pages a sanctuary of should make the magazine both timely
sanity. and readable in the future at the
same time. LiberTORian is written
What's next on the agenda? We will with future generations in mind, as
finish up our two-part special on well as you, Dear Reader. Hopefully
ISIS that began in issue 14 and went some of the Dear Readers reading
absent in issue 15. You probably this page weren't even born when I
think we all have ADD here at Liber- typed this, so you can know where we
TORian. Joke's on you- that's just were then. Who knows which direc-
some fake disorder invented in the tion the world has taken since 2016?
1990s by pop psychologists.
As the one who does the majority of
the magazine's writing, I've been So some articles that seemed to be
forced into situations that require part of a series may get abandoned
me to take on responsibilities. So and we start fresh. But don't be so
much for being libertarian! Well, surprised if one of hose topics pops
being responsible for ones' own ac- up! And we'll attempt to keep the
tions is part of it, and one of the topics current. If you haven't no-
few requirements of libertarians is ticed, events are happening at an
to care for those who depend on you. increasing rapid pace. The mission
For libertarianism is a philosophy of LiberTORian is not to be right on
based on one's decisions. Thus, top of the most current events, but
the question arises: how much capa- to take fairly recent events and ex-
city do children have to make their amine them in a libertarian context.
own decisions? Should a 7-year-old So don't get upset that the infor-
be allowed to take drugs based on mation in the ASCII pages isn't the
their own decisions? Or is a par- most up to date. Instead try and
ent partly responsible for prevent- look at the biger picture, and how
ing this? And can it stop the kid the single event relates to the
who really wants it? It's open to whole of society.
As this goes to press, the United
The point for the above paragraph Kingdom is voting on secession from
is that my priorities are to family the EU. Obama's administration and
matters, and tending to health con- the so-called "Justice Department"
cerns. as such, there's been a gap is engaging in government censorship
between issues 15 and 16, lending of the Orlando terrorist attack, an
credence to the statement in every attack that officially has been re-
table of contents: "LiberTORian is tracted as a terror attack. Isn't
published on an irregular basis..." it great? Now the victims' families
don't have to be compensated for the
Some of the articles in issue 16 losses they suffered! <SARCASM>
were very topical at the time they
were written. But the principles But you can look at the implications
behind them are timeless, and so at any time. Whether it's 2016 or
you shouldn't have trouble reading 2059, please enjoy! ((L))
-page 4-
.----------------------------------. Dear LiberTORian,
| ------ ## |
| -- --- ## | The article on Father Gregorio was
| | very good. My question to him is
| Letters | this: If the United States is the
| to | lowest-taxed country, how come busi-
| LiberTORian | nesses go to foreign countries to
| | avoid being punititive [sic] tax
'----------------------------------' rates just for doing business in
LiberTORian Hypocrite:
How can you respect Tom Lehrer? He
is a statist who hates freedom! Do
you really have any principles? DEAR ANONYMOUS
Anonymous Excellent question. Another one is
"If the British health system is so
wonderful, why do hospital patients
DEAR ANONYMOUS, drink from potted plants because the
nurses water the hospital plants and
You completely missed the point of deny water to patients??"
the entire article. Reread, "THE
CONSUMER REPORTS EFFECT" in Liber- And why do all these countries that
TORian 14. Maybe Tom Lehrer is an he claims to have such great health
opponent of individual liberty (it's care have droves of people coming to
actually not a "maybe", it's a "def- America to get their treatment?
initely, definitely, definite L-Y.")
But he entertained people with sharp Gregorio keeps himself well-insul-
wit that satirized people on both ated from his critics, not offering
sides. He taught children to read any contact info with his articles
with wonderful songs that appeared as most columnists do. He has no
on the 1970s series, "The Electric interest in his readers' opinions,
Company". He actually taught math only is own. It's not possible to
to college students, something rare question him directly.
in college! Are we to pass up the
things he did that can be used for **
good, just because of his opposition
Also, this is a guest post, and all The cover story of Libertorian Issue
guest posts aren't necessarily the 15 is "The NSA Tries To Take Bytes
same as my own... But in this case Out Of Apple". That headline is in-
they are! The problems with liberal correct. It was the U.S. Department
and statist people is they tend to of Justice (FBI) that tried to force
be so closed-minded that they shut Apple to bypass their security fea-
out much of the good from people tures, not the NSA.
with opposing views. I'd rather not
be like them. Armistice
Of course, there are some people,
like Barbra Streisand, whom I can't DEAR ARMISTICE,
stand politically, but everything
of theirs outside of politics aren't You're absolutely right! This was
worth a darn, either. a mistake on our part, and you'll
read in the article itself that the
** FBI was the topic, not the NSA. If
-page 5-
you downloaded the .txt version of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
LiberTORian 15, just overwrite those
letters. If you have the .pdf, (and DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY
please be careful never to open .pdf
files while online,) simply pretend %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
that NSA on the cover is FBI.
>>> XL33TVILL3 <<<
What are you trying to prove? front.html
(no name submitted)
XL33TVill3 is a warez site, run by
the eponymous user on Galaxy 2 soc-
DEAR NO NAME, ial site in the deep web. It's not
my interest to share files, but I
Nothing. Just exercising my free do believe in archiving media for
speech rights, putting it out there, posterity.
and letting people use it as they
wish. The site requires VLC to access the
files. Instructions are found on
** the site. A registration process is
also required.
Even if I don�t agree with all your
point your magazine is pretty fun, The site also is a deep web store-
entertaining and cool to read. That house for another resource: The Holy
is all and have a nice day Bible. See, the deep web isn't all
underworld stuff.
(name withheld for privacy)
LiberTORian doesn't condone taking
other people's stuff, but there are
DEAR NAME WITHHELD FOR PRIVACY, times where media and other works
are not commercially available any
Thank you for enjoying LiberTORian. other way. Xl33tvill3 may be the
I'm glad that you enjoy it although place for you to find resources that
you don't agree with everything. are unavailable elsewhere in the
The last thing we want is for any of WWW, which stands for Whole Wide
our readers to feel obliged to agree World. ((L))
with everything we print! We try to
make it an enjoyable, fun read, no
matter your beliefs! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
** Q U O T A B L E Q U O T E S
LIBERTORIAN, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Bernie 2016! "How does a democrat sleep at night
when he realizes that being a good
(no name) liberal means you have to defend
selling baby parts for profit?"
DEAR NO NAME: -John Hawkins
Good for you. Unlike Bernie, we at "There are now more bureaucrats with
LiberTORian respect opposing views, guns than U.S. Marines"
even if we don't condone them.
((L)) -The Washington Free Beacon
-page 6-
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
______ ______ __ __ ______ ||
T /\ ___\/\ __ \ /\ \/ / /\ ___\ || An imposter of the Nolan
H \ \ __\\ \ __ \\ \ _'-.\ \ __\_ || Test yields extremely
E \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\\ \_\'._\\ \_____\ || inaccurate results, and
\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ || they've done it again.
__ __ ______ __ ______ __ __ ||
/\ '-.\ \ /\ __ \ /\ \ /\ __ \ /\ '-.\ \ || /\?
\ \ .-. \\ \ \/\ \\ \ \____\ \ __ \\ \ .-. \ || /__\
\ \_\\'._\\ \_____\\ \_____\\ \_\ \_\\ \_\\'._\ || ?/| |\
\/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ || \|__|/?
______ ______ ______ ______ || \ /
/\__ _\/\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\__ _\ || ?\/
\/_/\ \/\ \ __\_\ \___ \\/_/\ \/ ||
\ \_\ \ \_____\\/\_____\ \ \_\ ||
\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ || - By Synonymous 1 -
LiberTORian Issue 1 covered the Nolan Test, and
AUTHORITARIAN identified some of its less accurate imposters,
_____________________ including the British "political compass" test,
| | *| C whose creators' credentials are unknown. The
| | | O article was not singling out the political com-
L | | | N pass test; it made an assessment and moved on.
I | | H | S
B | | | E While conducting research for LiberTORian Issue
E |--------S-+----------| R 15, I came across the latest from their clearnet
R | | | V site: the 2016 presidential candidates' chart
A | | | A positions in the web site's creators' minds.
L | | | T Take it with a grain of salt.
| | | I
|__________|__________| V Their chart is reproduced in the three diagrams
E at left. Because of the limits of ascii art,
LIBERTARIAN the upper left quadrant is enlarged in each suc-
cessive diagram for an accurate reading.
AUTHORITARIAN The legend of symbols on the chart is:
| . | C S - Bernie Sanders
| ''. | O H - Hillary Clinton
| | N T - Donald Trump
| | S C - Ted Cruz
| | E B - JEB!
| | R R - Marco Rubio
| H | V
| | A * - Relative position of the Republican clus-
| | T ter
| | I
S---+---------------------| V . - Approximate
| | E ''.
____________________ Image 3 is at 4x magnificaiton of chart 1, since
| the Republican candidates are all bunched so
T | closely in one corner.
CB |
R | Why this chart has any credibility whatsoever is
-page 7-
beyond me! Let's look at the third an "eliminate the IRS" libertarian
chart first, examining the republi- whose philosophy has more in common
cans: with agorists than an average G.O.P.
____________________ senator scores a mere 7.5, you know
| your test is fundamentally flawed.
T |
CB | The political compass test has many
R | critics who don't get the attention
that the test itself does. Among
The left-right measure on the chart them is a left-leaning agorist named
is supposed to measure a person's Kevin Carson (who can be followed on
stand on economic freedom. Notice Twitter @KevinCarson1). Here's an
how Trump and Cruz are tied for last excerpt from his article, "The Po-
place, while Bush, who is far more litical Compass: Don't Waste Your
liberal in his views than Ted Cruz, Time":
scores to the right of him.
| I believe the main reason corpor-
We must keep in mind that Europeans | ations rape and pillage the en-
have a different definition of left | vironment is that the government
and right. It stems from the dark | is actively intervening to pro-
1930s & the Nazi years, when Europe | tect them from the consequences of
lacked any prevailing belief of | pollution � subsidizing waste,
individual liberty: libetarianism. | preempting tort liability, and
So, the top half of the Nolan chart | the like. The main function of
(see LiberTORian issue 1), or the | government is to subsidize the
bottom half of this politicial com- | operating costs of monopoly and
pass chart (see figure 1 on the pre- | and enforce the entry barriers
vious page) was non-existant. | that protect monopolies against
| competition.
The two competing philosophies of |
that time were Communism vs Naziism | But the implicit framing of the
or Fascism. They were all forms of | questions suggests the government
leftist socialism, with few funda- | and big business are naturally
mental differences. One of the main | enemies, with state intervention
differences was that Naziism, a.k.a. | as the only way to prevent corpor-
- National* socialism, had a national | ate malfeasance. So how�s a left-
identify, while communism was a glo- | wing free marketeer like me, who
balist movement, spreading the op- | believes big government props up
presion to the various governments | big business, supposed to answer
of the world. It all would appear | questions like those? Given the
on the lower left on the Nolan chart | designers� preconceptions, there�s
but to differentiate, Naziism, with | no way to answer truthfully with-
its nationalism became "right wing", | out giving a false impression.
and communism "left wing". |
| And how about this little gem:
The political compass doesn't even | �What�s good for the most success-
get this right. While the scoring | ful corporations is always, ulti-
of the test is never explained, it | mately, good for all of us.� Want
seems that the test takes the sim- | to guess whether an �Agree� or
plistic, and nonsensical approach | �Disagree� puts you closer to the
that any answer that is pro-business | the �free market� end of the spec-
scores as "conservative", and any | trum?
answer that is anti-business, or at
least doesn't unfairly favor busi- The entire article can be read at:
ness scores as "liberal". When the (* WARNING! CLEARNET LINK! *)
Marxist White House occupant scores
an 8.5 on the economic scale, and - https://c4ss.org/content/7213
-page 8-
Criticism of this nature is all over and attempt to correct them. In the
after you pass over the test's blind FAQ, for instance, one question,
followers, and a poll, "The Nolan which indicates they get it a lot,
Test vs The Political Compass", on a asks, "How is Hitler *right*-wing,
political forum with an aversion to since he's a socialist, and social-
new (or astute?) users. ism is left-wing?" They make their
argument that Nazism is a political
But as faulty as the test's gauge on party position, not a philosophical
the economic scale is, the up-down one, and that just because "social-
scale is orders of magnitude worse. ism" is in the name doesn't make it
so, blaming U.S. ignorance. Maybe
Sidebar: to translate a Nolan test so, but its economic ranking IS far
position to the political compass left, not so different than commu-
coordinates, rotate the Nolan chart nism, despite what the web site says
45 degrees clockwise, then flip it or what may show up on the test.
vertically. In LiberTORian issue Not many far right wingers want the
11, We placed Bernie Sanders in a government to run the health system
rather generous position. On the or confiscate wealth and property.
political compass test, that trans- The problem is that Europe in the
lates to the "B" on this chart: 1930s lacked any prevailing liber-
tarian or non-statist thought. So
AUTHORITARIAN to differentiate the two, very simi-
_____________________ lar trains of thought, Nazi social-
| | *| C ism was deemed "right" for its
| | | O nationalism while communism was the
L | | | N "left" for its globalism (restating
I | | H | S material covered earlier, above).
B | B | | E
E |--------S-+----------| R The left-right scale is a measure of
R | | | V economic freedom; the farther right,
A | | | A the more you believe in economic
L | | | T freedom and vice versa. The test is
| | | I very generous to liberals, placing
|1_________|__________| V liberal statist Obama farther right
E than free-market Synonymous 1. It
LIBERTARIAN also explains why Hillary is almost
exactly where I stand. Hillary, who
The S is Sander's position according like Obama, believes in government
to the political compass' mirthful control of the entire health system,
designation. It actually is fairly much larger government, and much
close to the LiberTORian position, less economic freedom, is almost the
vertically. But notice that Sanders same as me. It's hard to get on the
is listed as the MOST libertarian left side: look at Hitler, whose
candidate. economic vision is much closer to
Obama's than mine... oh, that's
Issue 11 also discussed a web site right: he's right wing too! As we
that scored candidates and put them become more socialist, America's
on a Nolan chart. The numeral 1 de- economic system has drifted into the
picts where they put Sanders!!! Is- left side, about to the S on the
sue 11 explained why it was so off chart above. Do Obama and Hillary
base. But that's another story. (and Sanders) want to move it the
other way? No. So why are they not
The political compass is secretive, to the left of that mark?
but sheds some insight in its FAQ,
which really spends a lot of time The republicans are closer to the
justifying wrong designations rather mark, but Bush, the most liberal of
than it makers recognize its flaws the four depicted, is to the right
-page 9-
of Ted Cruz, the most conservative o Freedom of Association
of the group! o Right to Life
o Smoking
By the way, find the documentary, o Charity/Donations/Funding
"The Soviet Story" on YouTube (warn- o Gambling
ing: owned by Google) to see in o Marriage
great detail how closely aligned o Privacy
Nazism and Marxism are. Also read o Private Practice
"Mein Kampf", by Adolf Hitler, to
see how Hitler's brand of "national The list is much smaller the other
socialism" is more than just a name. way around:
o Prostitution
The Political Compass is inaccurate o Pornography
regarding the economic scale. But o Drug Use (excluding cigarettes)
it's nothing compared to the up-down
scale! Often the group that wishes to make
drugs legal wants the government to
Europe's lack of respect for re- be in charge of the industry.
ligious freedom lately also explains
why they their scale is missing any This is more than enough to dis-
freedom of religion questions from credit the Political Compass. Now I
the social scale, highly tainting it want to focus on the real clincher.
and judging the libertarian/authori-
tarian scale heavily skewed against It's really hard to get onto the
those who believe in religious free- left side of the chart. But it's
dom. Their explanation in the FAQ very simple to get way, way up to
is that "the social issues are cov- the top of the "authoritarian" edge.
ered already",and religions already
play a part in that. We get it, but Step 1) Be a republican.
what about religious freedom itself? Step 2) Believe in freedom.
Some of us, especially in the USA,
still value it. It's almost impossible for an Ameri-
can to get onto the left side even
They deny any bias, but reading the though American economic philoso-
Political Compass FAQ, ironically phies are more diverse than in Eur-
the source of much of their protests ope. But on the Up-Down scale, you
against such charges, one can sense can easily get to the social equiva-
the left-wing, anti-libertarian bias ent of the left edge! Consider this
veiled behind the cloak of the scor- scenario.
ing system.
Examine Ted Cruz's position. He
I'm not even going to dignify the scores an 8.5 on the authoritarian
positions of the democrats relative scale, or 92.5% from the libertar-
to the republicans. Bernie Sanders ian edge.
and Hillary Clinton are the two
least libertarian on the chart! Think of some of the prominent stat-
Just a few major freedoms these two ists of history: Hitler, Lenin, Mao
oppose are below. Bush, Rubio and Tse Tsung, Castro, Pol Pot, etc.:
Cruz each support most or all of people who crush dissent, imprison
these enumerated freedoms: protesters, murder millions, and
o Religious Freedom destroy freedom. They've got to be
o Health Care Decisions high on the chart, but you just nev-
o Gun Ownership er know on this test. Hitler scored
o Food Consumption close to 10 on the chart, according
o Education to their web site. So the worst
o Energy Usage dictators in history, some admired
o Free Speech/Expression by Obama and Sanders, score 9s.
-page 10-
Next think about Ted Cruz's position &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
at 8.5. Ted Cruz memorized the U.S.
Constitution at age 13 and swore to PRIVACY TIP -- PRIVACY TIP
defend it. Ted Cruz worked for
Justice Rhenquist for two years. He &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
fought his own boss, pres. George W.
Bush, for violating U.S. sovereignty
and won the case. He argued at the You know how Google's whole behemoth
Supreme Court nine times in defense operation is all about documenting
of individual liberty, and won most as much as possible about your life?
of the cases.
So this man, with a track record of
defending our freedoms, whom without But long before Google, supermarkets
his defense of the Constitution, we and other retailers offer consumers
would be even less free than we've "rewards programs" that do the same
already become in the past decade, thing. The premise is that these
ranks on the Political Compass close establishments offer you rewards and
to some of the worst, murderous dic- target specific deals toward you if
tators of history? There is no they have special that matches your
logic whatsoever. On top of that, interests. Supermarkets will spit
Barack Obama, with a figuratively out coupons that correspond to your
mile long rap sheet on taking our purchase history. For example, if
freedoms away, is over twice the you buy diapers, it notes your his-
distance away from the authoritarian tory and gives you diaper coupons.
edge than Ted Cruz. Credibility:
zero. The implications are obvious. Law
enforcement agencies have success-
This concludes the analysis of an fully tracked terrorists by looking
untrustworthy test whose writers and at suspicious purchase history.
mechanics are kept secret. Also:
the test is a derivative imitator of I want terrorists apprehended as
the Nolan test, even keeping the much as the next non-Obama person.
color scheme, though mixing them up But these guys were dumb. Regarding
to try to look different. No cred- Google, some of their methods are
it is given to the original test. illegal, but most brick and mortar
stores are obeying the law. As a
SUMMARY: libertarian, it's up to you to pro-
tect your own privacy.
1) Chart seems to make all pro-
big business answers as "right" ACTIONS:
2) Test confuses left and right
3) Test ignores religious freedom 1) Don't subscribe to these programs
4) Libertarians rank as statists as your safety is more valuable as
5) Test mechanics and writers are the savings you get, sometimes as
kept secret low as 5% or lower!
If someone brings up the political 2) Unsubscribe to those services you
compass test, point out its serious already belong to. It is likely
inaccuracies, and direct them in- that your purchase history will be
stead to the Nolan Test. Their web kept in their system.
3) If you must use such a system,
http://nolantest.org although that shouldn't be the case,
supply fake information if you can
Compare results of both tests: how get away with it. It often gets
far off do you score? ((L)) sold to solicitors. ((L))
-page 11-
.' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ '.
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$ | | \_ __|__ | \_| |_____ __|__ | |_____ |______ ______| $
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$ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. $
$ '--------------------------.-------------------.---------------------------. $
'._$$$$$$$$$$$$$_| By Synonymous 1 |_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_.'
On 29 March 2016, Georgia Governor clergy from being required to per-
Nathan Deal (on Twitter @NathanDeal) form homosexual marriages. Brian
vetoed the legislature's Religious McCarthy, the NFL spokesman, issued
freedom bill. This modest proposal this statement in opposition to re-
was designed to affirm the First ligious freedom:
Amendment's protection of religion.
| "NFL policies emphasize tolerance
This follows North Carolina's de- | and inclusiveness, and prohibit
fiant state law segregating men's | discrimination based on age, gen-
and women's rooms in violation of | der, race, religion, sexual orien-
the Supreme Court's unconstitutional | tation, or any other improper
mandate. | standard. Whether the laws and
| regulations of a state and local "
How can two states that are so simi- | community are consistent with
lar in legislatures react in such | these policies would be one of
extremely different ways? Because | many factors NFL owners may use
one governor caves and one stands on | to evaluate potential Super Bowl
principle when each are faced with | host sites."
militancy and thuggish bullying from
the political fringe and corporate Of course, the part of tolerance and
extortionists. opposing discrimination based on a
person's religious convictions in
Nathan Deal, allegedly a practicing their statement is a lie. Their
Baptist, tweeted scripture on Easter financial threats are totally based
before passing a law forcing clergy in such discrimination.
to violate their religious beliefs
and marry homosexuals to each other Here's the point. I'm a libertarian
even if their faith doesn't recog- and as such I respect and defend the
nize it. It takes a lot of pressure NFL's decision to make their finan-
or low commitment to bend so easily. cial decision on politically moti-
vated bigotry. It is because of the
Windy City Times is lying that the freedom for corporations such as the
mandate will not force any clergy to NFL to do this that people can know
marry, yet there are already law- who the bigots are. Just like their
suits for those who refused. decision to put racist bigot Beyonce
in their halftime show to salute
We'll follow the fallout of Governor the racist Black Panthers, it is be-
Deal's veto and uncover the source cause of her free speech that we
and motivation behind it. learned who she really is. And if
people want to support outspoken
The NFL was one of the first to re- bigots like the NFL and Beyonce,
act to HB-757, the bill that exempts more power to them. There's big
-page 12-
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R O N N I E C H A N C E - Opponent of religious freedom in Georgia
-page 13-
money in bigotry, as you shall see. So this former senator, who was in-
volved in chambers of commerce, and
So what companies are boycotting re- who was on boards of organizations
ligious freedom in Georgia? Here's promoting bringing business into
a list of the largest boycotters: the state of Georgia, was now the
leader of a movement threatening to
o AMC, which produces the overrated destroy the same business climate of
series, "The Walking Dead", films the state he once advocated! And it
their show there and are pulling was all for a political agenda.
o PayPal was planning to open an of- There were two provisions in the
fice in Georgia and hire 400 peo- bill, which was passed in both of
ple. They canceled these plans to Georgia's houses: 1) clergy may re-
decide to punish 400 employees. fuse to perform homosexual marriages
o Many NBA teams and players are if they conflict with the religion's
lobbying the NBA to punish comm- teachings, and 2) private businesses
erce in Georgia may refuse to create homosexual
o Andrew Cuomo, New York's Marxist themed products if it conflicts with
governor, is trying to force all their religious beliefs.
state employees to stay out of the
state of Georgia. Nathan Deal, who claims to be a de-
vout Baptist, vetoed the bill when
Let's follow the agenda. it came to his desk.
The corporations put pressure to get A business has a right to do its
the governor to veto the religious business wherever it chooses. But
freedom bill. This leads us to a a business also has a right to con-
group called Georgia Prospers. The duct a business the way it deems
organization runs under the guise of best. The businesses involved in
a business advocacy group, whose these hostile threats have no prob-
function is to encourage commerce in lem exercising their rights, but the
the state of Georgia. Actually, its same businesses have a problem with
agenda is to discriminate against a law that protects other businesses
religious freedom in private indus- from exercising their rights if they
try. Georgia Prospers has taken a are based on religious convictions.
hostile stand against HB-757.
And they were given their power by
Before the bill was introduced, Ronnie chance, who put the economic
Georgia Prospers spent their time well-being of Georgia, and its citi-
forming a coalition of over 400 zens, on ransom, all in a crusade
businesses. When the bill was on against religious freedom.
the floor, the organization united
all the businesses against the meas- .-----------------------------------
ure, and amplified their voices once |
they got into line. | Send us your comments
| Or write an article
Georgia Prospers is headed by Ronnie |
Chance, a former republican state | Send PLAIN TEXT ONLY to:
senator. | libertorian@sigaint.org
From the Atlanta Business Chronicle: | Donate to LiberTORian
| Senate Democrats warned that en- | Bitcoin address:
| acting the bill into law could |
| spark a convention and tourism | 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s
| boycott of the state with a poten- |
| tial loss of up to $2 billion. '-----------------------------------
-page 14-
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There are other areas of 888 the internet inaccessible from your average
By Synonymous 1 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo engines
A year ago, I learned about the deep specially tailored to access areas
web. I saw all the iceberg metaphor I call "Other Deep Webs".
pictures they use to show its huge
size to amateurs. It is vast, about There are hundreds of such search
500 times the size of the surface engines. You can search for these
web. search engines, strangely enough,
from regular search engines like
Then I visited Onionland. It didn't Duck Duck Go, Bing, and their Big
seem quite so big. Brother (like in 1984): Google.
[LiberTORian believes in your free-
But that's because the deep web is dom to use whatever search engine
much more than .onion sites. It is you wish, but strongly recommends
anything that's not indexed by your that you visit Google at your own
conventional search engines. .Onion risk, and always while using the Tor
sites are only one strain of invisi- browser]. But, to get you started,
ble web site. this article will provide you a list
of some of the major deep web brow-
First of all, there are other Tor sers.
type systems found beneath the sur-
face internet which are separate en- 1) Archive Dot Org
tities. One notable type is I2P, an http://archive.org
acronym for the Invisible Internet
Project. This is a censorship-re- Huge behemoth of media now public
sistant peer-to-peer system that domain � rare books, sound re-
operates alongside the visible web. cordings, video, 20 year archived
Another is freenet, a proxy internet images of all old websites and free
which also runs anonymously. Both audio books! My personal favorite!
Freenet and I2P, like onionland, re- I enjoy the 1950s civil defense
quire special software to properly videos.
2) The WWW Virtual Library
Then there is a wealth of info which http:/vlib.org
is available right there on regular
browsers, but still hidden from allows access to professional infor-
search engines. Unless you know of mation.
any of the alternate search engines
-page 15-
3) Digital Library for Physics and That's a lot of material to keep you
Astronomy at Harvard busy for a while. There were a few
http://adswww.harvard.edu nice deep web search engines that
are now defunct:
11.1 million pages archived; Doesn't
like TOR exit routers. Deep Peep
Infomine (This one was extensive!)
4) The Online Books Page Intute (A British Infomine)
books/search.html There are some deep web search sites
that must be visited cautiously be-
University Of Pennsylvania's archive cause they have connections to the
of FREE books! government or Google. FOR SAFETY,
5) Directory of Open-Access Journals THE ENGINES LISTED BEYOND THIS POINT
https://doaj.org/ ....................................
Peer-reviewed scholarly documents 1) Deeper Web
6) Incy Wincy
http://incywincy.com WARNING- POWERED BY GOOGLE
Deep Web Technology Reference (scans
63 engines at once) 2) Quandel Financial & Economic
7) Info Please
http://infoplease.com Economic & Social reference
An entire desk reference in one site WARNING: REQUIRES JAVASCRIPT TO USE
with almanacs, stats and biographies ON TOR
8) Find Articles 3) Library of Congress
http://findarticles.com http://loc.gov
References, archive, historic media
9) Wolfram Alpha
http://wolframalpha.com 4) NSA Archive
An intuitive computational knowledge search.html
engine, excellent for science/math
10) Find Law Declassified security files
5) Office of Science & Technical
Legal documents search Information
11) The World Bank
http://databank.worldbank.org/ WARNING: GOVERNMENT LINK
data/home.aspx Government projects and tools
Stats and databases 6) US Geological Survey
12) The Louvre
http://louvre.fr/en/selections WARNING: GOVERNMENT LINK
Maps & surveying info
French museum of art & culture ((L))
-page 16-
_ _ _ _ _______ _ _
(_)(_)(_) | (_______) | | | | You won't find
_ _ _| |__ ___ _____ ___ _ _ ____ __| |_____ __| | this real fact
| || || | _ \ / _ \ | ___) _ \| | | | _ \ / _ | ___ |/ _ | on the inside
| || || | | | | |_| | | | | |_| | |_| | | | ( (_| | ____( (_| | of a Snapple
\_____/|_| |_|\___/ |_| \___/|____/|_| |_|\____|_____)\____| lid:
_______ _ ______ ___
(_______) _ | | (______) / _ \ The co-founder of
_____ _____ ____ _| |_| |__ _ _ _____ _ (_( ) ) Earth Day was a
| ___) (____ |/ ___|_ _) _ \ | | | (____ | | | | (_/ murderer who left
| |_____/ ___ | | | |_| | | | | |__/ // ___ | |_| | _ his victim's body
|_______)_____|_| \__)_| |_| |_____/ \_____|\__ |(_) in his closet to
_ _ _ _______________ _ _ (____/ ____ decompose. _ _
(_)(_)(_) By Synonymous 1 (_______________)(_)(_) (____) (_)(_)
When you think of Earth Day, you After 17 to 23 years in Europe (the
typically think of people rolling reports are conflicting), Unicorn
around in the dirt, or school child- eventually was extradited back to
ren dancing around maypoles to the the United States to face the murder
approval of their socialist teacher. charge. In July 2001, the founder
of the Earth-worshiping holiday was
But the poorly-Xeroxed(tm) Earth Day sentenced to life in prison without
literature conveniently omits the any possibility of parole. We hope
true story of Earth Day's co-founder and pray that Barack Obama doesn't
(and murderer), Ira Einhorn... or, pardon him on his glorious final day
as he prefers to be called, "The in office.
Unicorn." I kid you not.
Unicorn, also known as the Unicorn
1977: The Unicorn's girlfriend of Killer, was the master of ceremonies
five years broke up with him. So he at the first Earth Day at Fairmount
lured her back into his home by say- Park in Philadelphia. Since then,
ing that if she didn't pick up her the Earth Day movement gave us the
items, he'd toss them in the street. EPA, a statist government organiza-
On September 9th, 1977, he beat and tion that puts the environment over
murdered her when she came to pick people and restricts freedom. Tak-
them up. Then he did what ecofreaks ing the life of someone wasn't bad
do: he gave back to Earth by com- enough.
posting her body in his closet. He
wrapped it in newspaper, air fresh- Ironcally, Unicorn's arrest date: 28
eners to kill the smell (although March 1979, was the date of the
people like the Unicorn lecture, de- Three Mile Island explosion, one of
stroy the environment, and styrofoam history's biggest eco-disasters.
which we were also told would create Yet half of Earth Day's founders
environmental Armageddon. It was killed more people than the ecologic
seven months before police found her disaster.
decaying body in his home.
So whenever you're asked to partici-
Future statist senator Arlen Spector pate in Earth Day, you're welcome to
was his attorney. He had Unicorn's do so. But I prefer to educate them
bail reduced to a mere $40,000, un- on the un-libertarian story that the
heard of for a murder suspect. It Earth Day organizers would rather
was a bad decision: Unicorn fled the keep buried. ((L))
country before trial. While a fu- ___________________________________
gitive in Europe, he even married a | DON'T HURT OTHERS
-page 17-
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKkk; ..',;:ccloodxxkkxxdlc;,,'.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWW0xxkkdcclx0xoc;. ..;coo;.
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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWW0xocc;... ..,:l;..''lOkdoccclooxOxo;.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWOl:,. ..''',,;c' ':xX0kdc;,:llxOxl:;.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWOl:'. .',:llodxl;;d00KOko:;';ccodddc'. ...
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNNXNWWNNk:,. .'ckXNW0xxOXK0xoc,'.;lloodkc'. .;;,
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNK0OOKNXKKl.. .';colccloc;'.,:::cll:;:l:;...'..
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNKOkkk0KOkk; .. ,dooc;;. ..',..
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXOkxk0KK0kkc... ..',lxdl,.. .
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWN0xdok0KKKKKxc::. .,ldkkxo:.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNOdolx000KKKkolc. ....;lkKOxl;. ..
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWN0xdok0KNNNNOdol,. ....'',;oOKNOo:.. .',..
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWXOkdkOXWWMMX0Oxl;. .. .',;clldkO0XWKOxoooodxdd:'.
-page 18-
.xMMMMMMX;.. .''.. ...';lKMMMMMX,
..0MMMMMM0;. .,''.. .'oXMMWKkO0kdc;dWMMMMMx
.;KMMMMMMk:,,;:ok0XNNKd:;. .ckXWMWKkddxKMNo,cKMMMMMX'
. .,dNMMMMWk;;cOWMWl:KWO'.cd. ...' .;,. .co, .'oXMMMMMMMd.
.'dNMMMMWk,...lOx'.... .lXMMMMMMMo
..xWMMMMM0; .,,. ..'. .,oXNKXMWXo.
.oNWKXMWNd. 'llOOl:cxXXOx, .';kWKlcOWWd.
.;l0NKO0KWNdc' .dWMMMMMMMMMMMl. .,coKMNxc,:c,.
.,c:cldkk0WMXxc;'. .ok000XKK0Oxl. ..cOKNMNXXx,
.,,';;'.',oKMMWKkl... ...',..... ....,ONWMMWWKk;.
.''....',':kNWMNKk:... . .,;cclxxdoc:,..'..''.oNWWMMXkdc,..''..
-page 19-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& EDUCATION
+2 Pro-school choice; eliminate NEA
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& +2 Claims he would only nominate
strict constitutionalists
+1 Citizenship path and entering or
Gary Jahnson is the Libertarian leaving country should be simple
party's 2016 presidential candidate -1 Opposes protecting border
but how libertarian is he really?
Internet memes are circulating that DEFENSE SPENDING
he agrees with Bernie Sanders 78% +2 Cut military budget 40% or more
of the time. Let's examine his
stance on issues and mark them with WAR ON TERROR
+ or - scores, up to 2 per issue. +1 Supports a quick, effective, and
efficient war on terror
TRANSPARENCY +1 Opposes war in Iraq or any war
+2 100% for government trans- not authorized by congress
parency 40% or more
-1 Says government should not be +1 Pro-NAP on torture
involved with marriage, but efficient war on terror
voted to sanction gay marriage; +1 No detaining without due process
Opposes free expression of but do not release terrorists
religion in public
+1 Pro other forms of speech in- INTERVENTION
cluding opposing net neutrality +2 All actions to defend against
threats to our Constitution or
2ND AMENDMENT people should be swift and dir-
+2 Pro-2A except the government etc. Only such threats need we
may restrict mentally ill be involved in
+2 Completely opposed +1 Our close ally and we will stand
with them even if threatened
+1 Supports civil liberties FREE MARKET
+1 Opposes Patriot Act +1 Capitalism yields prosperity
+1 Opposes bailouts; audit Federal
9th AND 10th AMENDMENT Reserve
+2 Strong state's rights supporter
RIGHT TO LIFE +2 Opposes Obamacare/single payer
-1 Extremely anti-NAP for unborn
0 Let states decide TAXES/TRADE
+1 Opposes taxes
DEATH PENALTY +1 opposes tariffs; pro-free trade
+2 Pro-NAP on death penalty
DRUGS -2 Supports unions
+2 Hates drug use, strong advocate
of discouraging drug use, but FINAL SCORE: 30 (86%)
not restricting drug, alcohol, HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE: 42
or cigarette use. LOWEST POSSIBLE SCORE: -42 ((L))
-page 20-
.,:clc. .cool;.
.:okOOOOOOO, '00000000xl.
.lOOOOOOOOOK0OOx \. / oOOo d0O0K0O0000000d'
.....loddxkO0OOOOkk'''''''dkkOOo 'M: .Mo Mk. l00OOkx'''''OOOO000KOOkxxdo'....
...xOxkkkkO00kkkkk ROCKY dkOOd 0K dW :KMWO' o00Okd THE OOOOOOK0KOOOOkOO...
...OdloddxkkOxkkk BALBOA kOO0d 'M.W' ., '0W l000O STATE OOOOk0k0kkxxox0'..
...OkxxkkkO00OOOOO........OOOO0l KMW. .Wk',KN c00000.......000000000OOOOkkK'..
...x0OOOOOO000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00; ,x: .x0Od. '000000000000000000KK00000000'..
:oxkkkkxllkOOOOOOOOOOOOO00d o000000000000000OolxOOOOkxc
.....,;cooxkkkc :kOOkdol:;'....
- �~-.�,.-~*����`*�~-.�-( GUEST POST - BY EMPTY TURRET )-,.-~*����`*�~-.�,.-~*
Rocky Balboa made a comeback in 2006 ROCKY: So why�d you give me all them
with the sixth movie in the *Rocky* tests if you was never passing me?
franchise, titled *Rocky Balboa*.
Rocky not only took on a new and up- CHAIRMAN: We�ve got to stand by our
coming opponent. He took on the decision here and we have to deny
Philadephia government. In order to your request for a license at this
resume his boxing career, Rocky had time.
to apply for a license with the city
Athletic Commission. After making Stallone's character began to leave,
him partake in rigorous tests in or- then turned around and stood up for
der to quality, which he passed, the deciding what's best for himself.
city still denied his license. You
see, the city knows better than the ROCKY: Yo, don�t I got some rights?
individual what's in the best in-
terests of the individual. It's up CHAIRMAN: What rights do you think
to them to protect us from our- you're referring to?
ROCKY: *Rights*, like in that offic-
CHAIRMAN: Alright, well, the medical ial paper they wrote down the street
advisory board has informed us that there.
the battery of tests to which you�ve
been subjected -- you�ve passed these CHAIRMAN: That's the Bill of Rights.
tests with flying colors and we con-
gratulate you for that. ROCKY: Yeah, yeah: The Bill of
Rights. Don�t it say something about
ROCKY: Thanks. going after what makes you happy?
CHAIRMAN: However, this commission, CHAIRMAN: No, that�s the pursuit of
in good conscience, cannot recommend happiness, but what�s your point?
you for a license, and we therefore
deny your application. [NOTE FROM LIBERTORIAN: the pursuit
of happiness is actually from The
ROCKY: Didn�t I do what you asked? Declaration of Independence]
COMMITTEEMAN: Yes, you did. ROCKY: My point is, I�m pursuing
somethin', and nobody looks too
ROCKY: So I should get a license, happy about it.
CHAIRMAN: But, we're just looking
COMMITTEEMAN: Not exactly. out for your interests.
-page 21-
...';:;.. .,lxk0K0kdoll;
.l00Od0X0KKKOl. .lk0OOkkxxoc:c.
.l:oKXNNNX00NNNNK. cxxxololloloodc
ldXXXXKKKKKXNNNWWWWX, ..,;:cldOkcldl,'
;KNNNXKK000KKXXNNNWNk .,:lllollllxOol:.
xNNNNXKK000KKKKKXXXk .,:ccccllllooolxkd;,
kNNNNNNNXXXXKKKK0d,'...;dl:cdOkdollool::ok, . .
.oNNNWWWWWWWN0c'.':::;,,d0kxkxddkdodolc;;l. .. .. ...
,KWWWWWWNOl:::lllcc:;:dd0KOOKX0kxxxd:'.. ..... .. ...
..... .. ...oOK0OxxxxkkdlodocccoxcoOKOOOKWNXOko,. ..............
....... ,ldkkkxk0KXOxolodkxldoxXKkKKO0NWNKx;. ........ ... .
. . ;coxk0OOOkkxxxkOkookxdOONNk0NKkk0Kx,.. . .. .
,oxkkOkxdkOKKOkkkkkxxO0kKNNOxKXKdc,'.; .
.cooxOKKXXXKK0KXKOkxxOXOkOXNN0doxkd;,;l' .
,:ldxO0KKKKKKKKKKKNXXXKOkkkk0KKXXKOxl:c,'. .;:. .
.;ollooooxOO000KKKXXXK0000OkxxkOOKXK0d;,..,' .:,:':;.'
.';llodddoxOkkkxxxdxxxxxxxxkOOOkddddxkkOo;lc:cl::oo:,cccl'. .
:xloldxxxkkxxk0OOxxxddddooodxkOOOkxdoddxkl'cllcl:l:odllcl:,,,'. . .;'
'dkocloxkO0000kxxOOOkxkxkxxxdddddxxkkkO0xdk:.;:,.,......;,,.....' ..
.'.,xkxokloxkO000K0OkxkOOOOkkOOOOOkkkkO00K0xdKx:'lc:;:. ..... .
doo;;ooldloxxxOO0000OOxkOOOOOO000KKKKKKXKOOxX0oc'dcc:;. . .
. ,d;ool:coO00kxkOkk00OOO0KK0KKKKXKXKK0XXOXKxld:
.:lllxdxkkOKKXXXOxxxxxkO000KKKKKKX0KNWXKXKkxdd. .'.. ....
;kO00OkOK0OOOOO0Oxddddodoolllcclo:, "Rocky Balboa"
.O0K0Oxxxxkkxdoodooddxoooolccccllc;. Poster Art
-page 22-
ROCKY: I appreciate that, but maybe tell you that? Who? Nobody. It�s
you�re looking out for *your* inter- your right to listen to your gut.
ests just a little bit more! I mean It ain�t nobody�s right to say "No"
you shouldn�t be asking people to after you earned the right to be
come down here and pay the freight where you wanna be and do what you
on something they paid that still wanna do.
ain�t good enough. I mean you think
that�s right? I mean maybe you�re ROCKY: You know, the older I get,
doing your job, but why you got to the more things I gotta leave be-
stop me from doing mine? 'Cause if hind. That�s life. The only thing
you�re willing to go through all the I�m asking you guys to leave on the
battling you gotta go through to get table is what�s right.
where you wanna get, who�s got the
right to stop you? I mean maybe After his appeal, the committee re-
some of you guys got something you considers their decision and allows
never finished, something you really Rocky to fight again, which is his
wanna do, something you never said God-given right in the first place.
to somebody, SOMETHING! ...And
you�re told "No," even after you pay Wouldn't it be nice if it worked out
your dues? Who�s got the right to like this in Today's America? ((L))
|| BUT THIS IS *NOT* A RIGHT || BLURB BY Synonymous Xi ||
I was in the office at someone's tions who never had an OSHA, not to
workplace. I was reading signs to mention the right to have them in-
pass time, waiting for his return. spect your workplace? Those poor,
It's funny what those things on the abandoned ancestors. They never had
government agency documents say. So an OSHA.
there was OSHA, which I knew would
be a hoot. I read the following: When you think about the folly for a
minute, it starts to become hilari-
| You have a right to request an ous. What if Ted Cruz or Gary John-
| OSHA inspection [at your work- son becomes president one day and
| place]. gets rid of OSHA? Where would peo-
ple turn to for their "right to an
Do you really? OSHA inspection"? You see, it's not
really a right in the first place.
It all fell into place for me then. Unless you live under an entitlement
I always hear about how rights come mentality.
from God, and not man, and how the
Constitution of the United States From the employer's point of view,
doesn't "grant" rights, but affirms where's his right to be left alone
the rights we already had. The dis- to run things the way he wants? "He
cussion usually progresses from that could be harming the environment,
point to, "Rights don't come from a and we need OSHA to stop it". Isn't
government, because any rights that that a moral dictate, one that not
they 'give' to you, they can just as all people subscribe to? The groups
easily take back." who always say religious people "im-
pose their morality on others" are
Here was a perfect example. If the the first to do it themselves!
right to a workplace inspection is a
"right", how come the Founding Fa- So next time you read the silly of-
thers didn't put it in the Consti- ficial government documents, spot
tution? What about all those gener- the silliness for yourself! ((L))
-page 23-
_ _ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ ____ _ _
/ \ / \/ _ \/ __// __Y__ __Y _ \/ __\/ \/ _ \/ \ / \/ \/ ___\/ \__/ \
| | | || | //| \ | \/| / \ | / \ || \/|| || / \ || |\ | || || \| |\/| |
| |_/\| || |_\\| /_ | / | | | |-| || /| || |-| || | \| || |\___ || | | |
\____/\_/\____/\____\\_/\_\ \_/ \_/ \_/\_/\_\\_/\_/ \_/\_/ \_/\_/\____/\_/ \_/
++++++++++++++++++++++. _ _ __ _ ____ ____ _ .++++++++++++++++++++++
+ /\ / | / |/ // \/ _ \/ ___\/ \ +
Is the philosophy + \_\| | | / | || | \|| \| | + By
of libertarianism + | | | \ | || |_/|\___ |\_/ + Synonymous
exclusively an + \_| \_|\_\\_/\____/\____/(_) + Xi
adult excursion? + +
The philosophy of libertarianism is So comes with libertarianism one of
twofold. The first part involves the responsibilities: not only to
individual rights. Libertarians ex- not harm others, but to keep those
press this through the non-aggres- entrusted to our care from coming to
sion principle (or NAP). While it's harm, and to teach them to protect
not a catch-all, it is a conceptual themselves from harm.
idea that one does not harm others,
as one wouldn't like to be harmed. A libertarian may ask, "I don't have
It's a variation of Jesus' "Golden to care for anyone." Libertarians
Rule": do unto others as you wish actually have a partial point. No
they do unto you. In this magazine, one says a person must raise a child
Matt Kibbe's, "Don't hurt others and that isn't, or even theirs. But it
don't take their stuff" is adopted is up to them to entrust the care of
to mean the same. People have a their children to someone who will.
right not to be harmed by others, be A child can't fend for themselves,
it people or governments. and neglect of children is exactly
the same as harming them directly.
The second aspect is the responsi-
bilitiy of individuals. If people Can children be libertarians? Yes.
are given maximum freedom to act in Of course, they don't have all the
their own lives, they are to accept same rights as adults, but they do
the consequences of their decisions. have rights. If we have children in
our care, they need to be taught to
So what about children? Children act responsibly, in accordance with
require the moral guidance to make their aid or intellect. As they
their own decisions. So, do they learn to assume responsibility, then
have rights and responsibilities? the rights come next. A child who
respects a curfew may be granted an
Here's an example: a toddler doesn't extended right to stay out later.
understand the concept of electric- This is one example, but this con-
ity. He puts his finger in a socket cept can be applied throughout the
and electrocutes himself. Is the child's lifetime of development.
response to that, "Well, he made his
own decision." Obviously, that's If the freedoms and responsibilities
not a rational way to react because are in the context of teaching the
the toddler doesn't have the edu- child the principles behind the two
cation to make an informed decision. going hand-in-hand, as adults, our
children can respect the idea that
Taking it a step beyond, the parents we should treat people with decency,
are to blame for allowing harm to and that they are free make their
come to someone who doesn't know any own decisions and accept responsi-
better. bility for their actions. ((L))
-page 24-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
LiberTORian magazine was archived on Have you heard of Spoofing?
archive.org by the thoughtful user
"Spirit of Death" (@spirit_of_death It's a method of jamming aircraft
on archive.org). The entire Liber- readings to confuse the pilots.
TORian 2.0 web site as of January,
2016 has been included. This covers Remember when the U.S. fighter jet
all issues up to 13. In addition, wound up in Iranian airspace, and
LiberTORian magazine has been ported Iran took them hostage for invading
to additional formats, so that this their airspace? The Carter years
eZine is now in all the following have come back. They were later re-
formats: ABBYY GZ, DAISY ,EPUB, FULL leased, but afterward it was learned
TEXT, HTML, JPEG, KINDLE, PDF, PNG, that Iran lured the pilots into
SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2, TEXT, and their territory by "spoofing" their
TORRENT of the whole web site. The flight equipment into not knowing
archive includes not just the onion where they were.
site for LiberTORian 2.0, but the
original logos, which were saved by The incident, which took place in
the archiver. January. Around that time, the Iran
government spoofed a drone by feed-
LiberTorian 1-13 and the compendium, ing false GPS coordinates into it,
which archives issues 1-12, are all tricking it into "thinking" it was
readable online at Archive.org, in a landing in Afghanistan.
pleasant JavaScript (careful!) app
for online reading. Visit the site The same kind of jamming/hacking of
at: signals overrided the plane that the
hostages were flying. Or so they
http://archive.org/details/ say.
LiberTORian would love to hear from
------------------------------------ you. If you understand how "spoof-
ing" technology works, or if you can
TELNET LISTA DE LINKS is a site in explain what really happened in Iran
the Spanish-speaking community, from and how it happened, we'd love to
which LiberTORian has found popular- include your words of enlightenment
ity. Among a few dozen onion sites in a future issue of LiberTORian.
listed is the link to LiberTORian
2.0. LiberTORian welcomes other submis-
sions from the reading public. It's
http://telnetg42y5crrb7. almost entirely likely that what you
torstorm.org/telnet/telnet.aspx submit will be printed, as long as
it doesn't promote statism. But if
------------------------------------ you can offer insight on this topic
in particular, we'd gladly publish
I may have mentioned this before: a that. Please send your plain text
link is in the Spanish Cybermedios to:
web site (with issue 1 cover shot).
libertorian-magazine-revista-de-tor- And remember: don't hurt others and
y-la-deep-web-numeros-6-a-8 don't take their stuff. ((L))
-page 25-
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CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY }}} bbbuild.txt {{{
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ========================
Fon Phreaking is a lost art of hack- The blue box isn't practical these
ing telephones in the era before fi- days, and LiberTORian doesn't recom-
ber optics. For those who don't mend theft anyway. But this is pre-
know the term: Fon Phreaking is the sented here for its historical im-
art of manipulating telephones in portance. Now you can build one.
order to make free calls. Nowadays,
every call in the US is a local call On a side note: the band Information
on most systems, but this wasn't the Society released a popular single in
case. One phreak tool was the BLUE 1990 called "Think". One remix was
BOX, built by many phreakers in the called the "Bluebox 2600" mix, in
1970s. The blue box mimicked the honor of the device (2600 is a
sounds that telephone operators used frequency that granted free calls.)
as switching signals on their boards Here's the original 80-column text,
to make long-distance connections. probably from the early 1980s.
- *******************************************************************************
How to build a BLUE BOX
We all know that the touch tone frequencies are composed of 2 tones (2
different frequencies) so that is the reason why we have 2 VCO's (Voltage
Controlled Oscilators). We will call then VCO#1 and VCO#2. If you have
noticed VCO#1 and VCO#2 are exactly the same type of circuits. That is why
only 1 was drawn. But remember that whatever goes for VCO#1 also goes for
VCO#2. Both VCO'S are composed of a handfull of part. One chip, two
capacitors, 2 resistors and five potentiometers. All of this will give you
(when properly calibrated) one of the freqencies necessary (the other one
will come from VCO#2) for the operation of the Blue Box. Both of these freqs.
will be mixed in the speaker to form the required tone.
This is one of the most sophisticated designs I have ever made. Why?
Because other designs will drain the battery after 10 calls. This design will
make them last 10 months!!!!! But never the less, don't forget to put in a
switch for on and off. Ok let's build the two VCO'S and calibrate the unit
before we get to the keyboard construction.
1 ocilliscope(optional but not req)
1 Freq. counter (REQUIRED)
1 Volt meter " " "
Electronics tools (Pliers,drll,
screwdrivers, etc.)
-page 26-
C2 .01uf " " (MYLQR)16VDC
Remember the above only says
VCO#1 but the same is for VCO#2
ARE 1N914 TYPE (40 OF THEM) &
By now you should have constructed the two VCO'S on a bread board or
anything that pleases you. Check for cold solder joints, broken wires,
polarity of the battery, etc. Before we apply power to the VCO'S we have to
adjust the pots for their half way travel point. This is done by turning them
21 turns to the right and then 10 turns to the left. Do the same for all ten
of them.
Now apply power to the unit check to see that you have power in the chips
by putting the positive lead of your volt meter on pin 7 and the negative
lead on pin 12. If you do not have anything there turn off the unit and
When you get the right voltages on the chips, connect a diode to a piece
of wire (look at fig. 2 for the orientation of the diode) from ground to any
pot at point T (look carefully at the schematic for point T it is labeled
T1-T10 for all pots). You should be able to hear a tone, if not disconnect
the lead and place the speaker close to your ear and if you hear a chirp-like
sound, this means that the two VCO'S are working if you don't, it means that
-page 27-
either one or both of the VCO'S are dead. So in this case it is always good
to have an ocilloscope on hand. Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and
hook the ocilliscope to 1 of the leads of the speaker & the ground from the
scope to the ground of the battery. Connect again the ground lead with the
diode connected to it from ground to any pot on the VCO that you are checking
and you should see a triangle wave if not turn the pot in which you are
applying the ground to until you see it. When you do see it do the the same
for the other VCO to make sure it is working. (amplitude is about 2VAC). When
you get the two VCO's working you are set for the adjustment of the
individuals pots.
Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and connect a freq. counter (the
positive lead of the counter to one of the speakers leads that belongs to
VCO#1 or connect it to pin 14).
Connect the negative lead to the battery negative and connect the jumper
lead with the diode from ground to pot number 1.T1. ( the first pot number
1 point T1) if you got it working you should hear a tone and get a reading
on the counter. Adjust the pot for a freq. of 1700HZ and continue doing the
same for pots 2-5 except that they get differents freqs. which are:
$ P1= 1700hz $
$ P2= 1300hz $
$ P3= 1100hz $
$ P4= 900hz $
$ P5= 1500hz $
Now disconnect the freq. counter from the speaker lead of VCO#1 or from
pin 14 (which ever you had it attached to at the beginning) and connect it
to the speaker lead of VCO#2 or to pin 14 of VCO#2 and make the same
adjustments to P6-10.
$ P6= 1100hz $
$ P7= 700hz $
$ P8= 900hz $
$ P9= 2600hz $
$ P10= 1500hz $
When you finish doing all of the pots go back and re-check them.
If you look at FIG-2 you will see that the keys are simple switches.
Connected to a ground and two diodes on the other end. these diodes are used
to simplify the construction of the keyboard because otherwise the
distribution of the ground signal for both VCO'S would have been done
mechanically. The diode will go to VCO#1 and the other will go to VCO#2.
-page 28-
FIG-3 shows the arrangement of the keys on the keyboard.
Below is a table that will help you connect the keys to the required VCO's
(-FIG 2-)
! ! ! !
POT ! POT ! OUT: ! OUT: !
ON ! ON ! ! !
VCO1! VCO2! ! !
1 ! 06 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! C
2 ! 10 ! 1300hz ! 1500hz ! 0
1 ! 10 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! E
4 ! 07 ! 0900hz ! 0700hz ! 1
3 ! 07 ! 1100hz ! 0700hz ! 2
3 ! 08 ! 1100hz ! 0900hz ! 3
2 ! 07 ! 1300hz ! 0700hz ! 4
2 ! 08 ! 1300hz ! 0900hz ! 5
2 ! 06 ! 1300hz ! 1100hz ! 6
5 ! 07 ! 1500hz ! 0700hz ! 7
5 ! 08 ! 1500hz ! 0900hz ! 8
5 ! 06 ! 1500hz ! 1100hz ! 9
- ! 09 ! ------ ! 2600hz ! X
Remember that in FIG-2 it's the same for each key except the "X" key,
which only takes one diode.
few KEYS to the diagram:
Cx is capacitor #x Denoted by: ---| |
Px is Pot or Variable resistor #x Deno
ted by :/
Rx is resistor #x Denoted by /\/\/\/\
The XR-2207 chip is a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and a 14 pin device
thus you must be very careful when soldering the parts to this device. It is
a little dificult to actually draw a schematic on an 80 character screen
using limited graphics, but I will give
it a try.
TO GND_____________
-page 29-
C2 C3 ___
_||_ |
| | _____|__9v+
| | | |
` ` ` ` ` ` ` |
------------------------------- |
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | |
| < |
|8 9 10 11 12 13 14| |
------------------------------- |
` ` ` ` ` ` ` |
| | |
--| |--------| | |
|C1 R2 | R1 |
GND ______|___/\/\/\/\______|_____/\/\/\/\______|
is is a diagram of how to locate the different pins on the chip.
Please notice that pin one (1) is the closest to the notch on top of the
chip. The first thing we'll do is to connect power to the chip (remember that
you need to build two (2) of these to get a complete system) this is
accomplished by connecting the positive wire of the battery lead to pin#1 one
leg of R1 and R2 is soldered to pin#11. The other leg of R1 goes to pin 1
or to the d. C1 goes between pin 10 and ground. The timing capacitor or C2
goes between pins 2 and 3 of the chip. Pins 8 and 9 should be grounded to
ground. Pin 14 is the output and this is where one leg of C4 (C3 goes on the
other VCO) in series with R3 (the same goes for the other VCO) and to one
lead of the speaker.
The trimmer pots P1 to P10 should be grouped in groups of 5 pots each.
The way you group it is by soldering one end of the pot to each other leaving
the wiper and the other end free.
| This end goes to pin 6 of the chip
/ / / / /
\ \ \ \ \
/<- /<- /<- /<- /<-
\ | \ | \ | \ | \ |
/ | / | / | / | / |
| | | | |
| | | | |
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
And finally this is the way each key should be wired.
he contact of the
|--------- \------ key
to Px ------>|-----| |
diode |
--- Ground
- *******************************************************************************
-page 30-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ==============================
\ -------------------------- /
MEMORIZING NUMBERS // Synonymous 1 \\
/ -------------------------- \
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ==============================
In today's days of cell phones, it These aren't the only numbers in
seems like everyone's got their con- our lives. Everyone should know the
tacts stored, and they never have to following numbers for all members of
take the time to actually learn a their family:
person's phone number.
o Cell phone numbers
Well, you just might not have access o Birthdays and anniversaries
to your handy gadgets. Seriously, o Social Security numbers
people have grown dependent on their o License plate numbers
technology tot he extent that they o Drivers' license numbers
lose, or never learn in the first o Vehicle ID numbers
place, basic skills, like learning o Health insurance numbers
the numbers we rely on. o Vehicle insurance numbers
o Military ID number (for those
We explain to our children that we serving)
simply learn and remember everyone's o Other numbers associated with the
phone numbers. They stare wide-eyed person, such as student ID numbers
at us, amazed at our cognitive abil-
ities. But it's just giving our That seems like a lot of numbers,
brains the exercise they need, just but you don't have to learn them all
as we exercise our bodies. at once. Commit one to memory per
day. Review and reinforce your pre-
It's also faster to pick up a phone viously learned numbers so you don't
and dial a number than to call up forget them once they're memorized.
your contacts list, or even tell Numbers that aren't used often tend
Siri or Cordana or whichever program to be lost from memory if not re-
disguised as a woman you use (it's viewed from time to time.
all fine with me since I'm a liber-
tarian) to call so and so. You can do it, even if you think you
are terrible with numbers. You just
Other than family and friends, the need to get your brain in shape.
following are the numbers that Here are some tips for memorizing
everyone should keep stored in their numbers:
1) Mnemonic devices: Say a telephone
o Doctors and specialists number ends with 4895. On a touch-
o Doctors of other family members tone pad, that sequence forms a
o Police (besides 911) parallelogram:
o Fire Station (besides 911)
o Hospital (besides 911) 4 5 The shape is com-
o All schools your family uses \ \ pleted if you go
o All work numbers 8--9 back to the 4.
o All insurance companies
o Electric company outage reporting If you remember the starting number,
o Congress ((202) 224-3121) "4", and the direction of the shape
o Your local religious leader you make with your finger, you re-
o Frequently-called businesses duced the four numbers to two de-
o Other frequently-called numbers vices: the first number and the
o AAA or other valuable services shape you draw from it.
-page 31-
2) Other mnemonic devices: Say you Reverse the order of instructions to
have a telephone number such as retrieve the number.
363-6224 to memorize. You can group
the numbers differently. How about 4) The Classic System: Recite and
dividing the number into 3636 224? memorize the number by repetition.
Now you have 36 twice. Or you can If it's a phone number in your cell
count by threes. 3,6. 3,6. The phone, dial it yourself, and only
224 can be turned into math: 2+2=4. refer to it when you're not confi-
You may find other ways to divide dent. Don't use devices as crutches
the number into mnemonic devices and or you'll never be independent. Be-
learn it faster, and more likely re- fore long, you'll be memorizing the
member it forever after you learn .onion addresses you encounter.
One more thing that makes learning
3) Major System. Memorize a system numbers easier is to develop a mne-
of letters, all consonants, that you monic library. Learn the powers of
associate with numbers. You may 2 (begin with one and multiply by 2:
choose your own, but a commonly used 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc.)
Major System uses "logical" choices: Powers of 3 and all other prime num-
bers (3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, etc.)
1) t (a "1" with a crossbar) Three halves the powers of 2: (3, 6,
2) n (lowercase n has 2 points) 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, etc.)
3) m (lowercase m has 3 points) and so on. Learn the Golden Section
4) r ("four" ends in r) which is found is nature. Begin the
5) l (Roman numeral for 50; v is 5, sequence with 1, 2, then add the two
but is uncommon) numbers together to make the next
6) g (looks like a 6 upside down on number in the sequence: 3. The se-
a calculator) quence continues by adding the last
7) k (look like it's made of 2 "7s") two numbers, so you have: 1, 2, 3,
8) f (vaguely resembles an f) 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.
9) p (mirror image of 9) Learn factorials, represented by a
0) s (reversed Z for "zero", but S number and an exclamation point.
is a more common letter.) The number 1 factorial is 1!. Two
factorial, 2! is 1x2, or 2. 3! is
So, say you have a number to learn, 1x2x3, or 6. 4! is 1x2x3x4, or 24.
like: 384-92-1917 5! is 1x2x3x4x5, or 120. If you see
the sequence 5120, think 5-5!. If
Step 1) Substitute the numbers with you see 813, think 8 Spiral. A spi-
letters, which comes to you natur- ral is a good representation for a
ally, since you memorized the major golden section because the spirals
system: in snail shells employ the golden
section. If you see 81729, remember
m f r p n t p t k 81-x9, since 81x9=729. Or break up
the numbers into 81 72 9, and say:
Step 2) Make words by inserting 81=72+9, or:
vowels: 9x9=81, 8x9=72, 1x9=9, or:
(9,8,1)x9 or whatever works for you.
My, for paint pot ok.
And associate numbers with those in
Sure, it makes no sense, but it will your life. If you like the movie,
be distinctive to remember. 2010: The Year We Make Contact, sub-
stitute the movie or visualize a
Or, even make a sentence with words scene wherever the number appears.
starting with the letters:
Now you'll be able to remember all
My friend really paid nobody to pet the numbers important to you. It
the kitten. also impresses others! ((L))
-page 32-
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \/\/\/\/\/\/\/V\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> <
D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D > By Synonymous 1 <
> <
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /\/\/\/\/\/\/V\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
There was a gap between this and the doesn't affect them. But do not
previous issue of LiberTORian. And tell us that your disregard for us
We all did a lot of maturing really regular people is the new norm and
quickly in that time. Or, at least, we just have to live with our loved
we all BETTER mature pretty fast or ones as the next potential terrorism
you're going to find your way of targets!
life over pretty suddenly.
The recent Orlando night club attack
During the first term of Obama, when was followed up with an act of ter-
for the last four years, the Bush ror in Paris, the murder of a police
recession was made EVEN WORSE, we're officer and his wife, streamed live
all told in the news media that one on Facebook. On the terorist's body
in three Americans out of work and was found a list of 8000 targets for
an average work week of 29 hours is assassination inthe US. And most on
the new norm. We were told just to the list were regular people.
accept it. That's the way it is,
the government made it this way, The government won't reveal to the
they don't want it any other way, 8000 that they're potential targets.
and we all are to deal with it. they say informing them will cause a
panic. SO they're left to fend for
Another four years have gone by, and themselves. The blood is on the
ISIS is now among us and has been administration's hands if any of the
conducting terrorist attacks on a 8000 are murdered when they could
regular and steady basis. Obama have taken steps to protect them-
never seems too outraged at any of selves. But they don't care. It's
it or resolves to do anything about the new norm. Being murdered by
it; instead all he does is admonish terrorists is the new way of life,
us that it has nothing to do with since we refuse to fight terrorism.
Islam and we can't even say *WHO IS Just get used to it. And if you or
BEHIND THE ATTACKS*. But we will a loved one is the next victim, you
exploit the murders of Americans as can count on the administration to
a means to push the gun control a- give a stern lecture on how we can't
genda. blame Muslims, but it's the gun's
fault for acting on its own.
In other words, Americans being
killed by terrorists and us doing I refuse to accept this "new norm",
nothing about it is the new norm, and hope that you don't, either. As
and you better get used to it. of yet, I don't know how to resist
it. Maybe someone reading has a
These people are DEAD. They have good suggestion. But maybe, just
families who love them. They have all of us rising and saying, "I re-
dreams. They are our brothers. And fuse to live like a prisoner in my
mass killings of our fellow citizens own country!", is a good first step.
is the new norm. Well I will NOT
get used to it! It's nice when a Let's move forward together, and
president and his family and the bring sanity back to this country.
senators above us have secret ser- Libertarianism and common sense are
vice, and don't have to worry about needed more than ever. Let's do our
living in this new norm, and not part to instill them in others.((L))
need to deal with it because it - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -