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       ______         ______   ______                        
      /  __  \       /  __  \ /  __  \       http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion                   
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     Volume 1        ~oo~        Issue 13        ~oo~        New Year 2016

           .oddONWMWXOkxxO00Ok000Ox0KKOKKOxk0Kkxkk,           JOHNNIE
        .xWWWWWX0dl:,'','''..,;,'';;;,''..'ckOOOXWNX'         MOORE:
       dWMMWX0o:'''.'....... .   .........',;;c0MMMMMd        LIBERTORIAN'S
       :NWN0dc;,'........           . .....',clxXWMMMk             ---
      .XXXK0l;,,'.......                ....',;:dNMMMW.       MAN
      ,WNNNXd:;,.......... .    ...   .......',,:kWMMMd       
      .NMMWWkc:,......            .. ..........',dWWMWK       of the YEAR
      .KMMMMOc:'.'....                .........':kNWMMO       
      '0NWMNd:ldl;,;clc:'.              ....'',cd0NNNK:       2015
      o'cKNx:;,,;::l:;::;,..  ...':lllc;,'..,,ckOKXNXK:       
     ,,..:kl;...;,':;'.'....  ....,,::,'.,l:,;o00NWWXO.       
     o.. .::..  .........''......''.;olco;..',ckKN0Ox'        * * * 
     l...'l,....     ....'................  ..:x0x:.l.        
     l...,l'...      ..''..........    .    ..co:...d.        
     l.  ;l'..........'......'..''.        ...;.   .o         A L S O:
     'c..:c'............'.. ....'.....    ...;:.....c         
      .'.dc.............. ..................,::.  .:.         
         ;l. .. .';;:,'''.. ................;:;  .c.          BACKLASH
          o. ..  .,'.       ....,;:;'.......:lc.',.           AGAINST POLITICAL
          ;l.... ..,c;;;'........','.  ....,oc                CORRECTNESS
           cc... ...'''.....',,;,.... ..  'll                 
            :l'........... ......... .  .,ld.                 REV. MARTIN LUTHER
            .dd;;'...................  .:ccc                  KING, Jr.
             cldl:,...... ........'...::;,.'.                 
           .':::ddl;....   .....,;,,;;.....lWd.               SPOTTING THE
          ..,l:,;looc,'......',clc;'. .. .,NMMXc.             HIDDEN BOMB
     .,cl,.'cc:,,:;,;cccccccclc;.        'KMMMMMWl.           
,llokNMWl.,,::;,.','.  ......           'XMMMMMMMMMXOOkdl.    M O R E   ! ! ! 

-Page 2-

     ___________________________            __________________________________
    /                          /|         ,'                                  ',
   /    TABLE OF CONTENTS     /||         |    ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~     |
  /__________________________/||/         {  -- Volume 1   ---   Issue 13 --   }
  |||                        |||          {           New Year, 2015           }
  ||/ It's a table!  Get it? ||/          {                                    }
                                          { A Publication of Synonymous 1.     }
ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN      { Published December, 2015.          }
                                          {                                    }
LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN      {                 --                 }
                                          {                                    }
ARTICLE- Executive Tyranny.........6      { LiberTORian is published on an     }
                                          { irregular basis.                   }
ARTICLE: SURVIVAL TECHNIQUE........7      {                                    }
Learn Quotes from the Qar'an              { N(c), 2015.  Readers are welcome,  }
                                          { actually encouraged, to copy and   }
ARTICLE............................9      { distribute this text by any means  }
Militant Homosexual Propaganda            { possible, preferably by photocopy- }
                                          { ing.                               }
FEATURE: Rev. Martin Luther King..12      {                                    }
His Dream, His Pledge                     {                                    }
                                          { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE:   }
BLURB.............................14      { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion      }
More-On ISIS in Issue 14                  {                                    }
                                          { (Thanks to an Onionland user.      }
HARD COPY.........................15      { The views expressed in LiberTORian }
Battlefield: America / Bob Whitehead      { aren't necessarily those of the    }
                                          { webmaster.  That's fine with us    }
FEATURE...........................16      { libertarians.                      }
Spotting the Hidden Bomb                  {                                    }
                                          {                                    }
BLURB.............................17      { CORRESPONDENCE:                    }
Quotable Quotes                           { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com        }
                                          { libertorian@sigaint.org            }
COVER STORY.......................18      {                                    }
Johnnie Moore                             { Send submission & letters to       }
2015's LiberTORian Man of the Year        { LiberTORian at the above address   }
                                          {                                    }
FEATURE...........................22      {                                    }
Speech Wars:                              { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN:             }
Political Incorrectness Strikes Back      { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s }
                                          {               Even a millibitcoin! }
Classic Test File of the Day......24      {                         (.001 BTC) }
captmidn.txt                              {                                    }
                                          {                                    }
BLURB.............................31      {          DON'T HURT PEOPLE         }
A Lie is A Lie is A Lie is A Lie          {     AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF.    }
ARTICLE...........................32                      .\
DOXing The Abortion Mills                                  \\\
                                                        ___)| |___
LiberTORian's GPG Key.............35                   /  ______  \
                                                       | /  __  \ |
BLURB.............................35                   | | /  \ | |
More Quotable Quotes                                   | | \__/ | |
                                                       | \______/ |
D.N.S. Lookup Failed..............36                   \__________/

-Page 3-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&          ===============================
  A C Q U I R I N G      R E L A Y            }}}}  - by Synonymous 1 -  {{{{
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&          ===============================

A lot has happened since LiberTORian        is out of office.  Statism isn't
Issue 11, before the Christmas break        limited to Obama's soft dictatorship
happened.  The world changes faster         or the democrat party.  Oh, the par-
nowadays, and articles from previous        ty's full of them, but they're also
issues may have been about a world          quite prevalent in Republican ranks
that no longer exists.  That's what         as well.  Just as there are liberal
happens when you have statists run-         and conservative leaning libertarian
ning everything, everywhere.  Canada        people, there are conservative and
now has a communist, and a clown, as        liberal leaning statists.
their new president.  The terrorist
attack in Paris, France  changed the        We've also got to unite on aspects
way we conduct our affairs.  Turkey         that we have in common.  In my ex-
and Russia are going at each others'        cursions into the deep web, I find
throats.  Things really are a mess,         sites with people I agree with in
and we can blame ourselves for put-         some respects but not others.  For
ting statism into the driver's seat         instance, one site I visited in July
the world over.                             is *Onion Soup*.  And while I have a
                                            big problem with their idea that all
Libertarians tend to have a live and        law enforcement is bad, for instance
let live attitude, but in one case I        (I know many people in law enforce-
say we have a responsibility, and it        ment who are just as libertarian and
is to defend liberty.  For if we do         even stronger, more active defenders
not, as libertarians, do our part to        of the rights of others than I am), 
defend against the tide of statism,         Onion Soup stands up boldly for the
then we lose the freedoms we hold so        freedoms we sometimes take for gran-
dearly.  What good is complaining if        ted.  Onion soup is/are staunch de- 
you didn't at least fight for your          fender(s) of free speech, privacy
freedoms?  I'm not saying we need a         rights, the Fifth Amendment, and the
violent revolution.  We'd be a force        like.  Then there is Anonymous.  You
to contend with if every one of us          probably know that I'm not a fan of
were active in the public arena, and        them, and while their methods often
we each chose one or even two of the        stink, I will call things as I see
things covered in LiberTORian's *Re-        them: they have fought ISIS in the 
storing Liberty* article (see issue         cyberworld, stopped pedophiles, and
5).                                         produced materials to help protect
                                            people's privacy.  I'm 99% sure that
It's time to act and make sure our          every reader doesn't agree 100% with
path doesn't go the way of darkness.        all they read in LiberTORian, but in
It's not enough to just wait out the        the areas where we can work together
end of Obama's term (if he actually         for liberty, we should.
leaves office at the end of his term
because who knows, the frequency he         I knew someone, who happens to be a
violates the law).  First, who knows        "Democrat Party above all else" kind
how much destruction he could in-           of guy, and he was so irrational, he
flict?  Just November alone is more         alienated himself even from his own
harm than an average president does         people, people he cold have worked 
in two whole terms.  Second, Barack         with to do *something* productive.
Obama is one of the worst leaders in        Statists welcome and even foster the
history, but everything doesn't re-         divisions between us.  We must not
vert back to normal just because he         let them get their way.        ((L))

-Page 4-

.----------------------------------.        it.  Hope you're not offended by it.
| ------                        ## |        
| -- ---                        ## |        P4: forgot to close the Italic * on
|                                  |            Question Everything
|               Letters            |        P5: The First Annual Totally Awesome
|                  to              |            Christmas giving AND getting
|             LiberTORian          |            guide, not ANG
|                                  |        P6: The humor in these shows ARE
'----------------------------------'            timeless, not IS
                                            P7: You left the name of the emu-
NOTE:                                           lator for TurboGrafX 16 blank
LiberTORian had two email addresses         P9: You left the name of the company
for a while.  Rugged Inbox had been             that makes Shopkins blank
offline lately.  If mail to there           -"Mermaid Sisters" is misspelled
bounces back, correspond to:                -"All 7 features" should read "all 7
  - libertorian@sigaint.org                 -"The Duet is a two pistol" should
                                             read "The Duet is a two barrel pis-
                 **                          tol"
                                            - "and make their own" should be
Hi, just wanted to let you know that         "and make her own"
I love your publication! I've been a        P10: Nerf Rebelle Duo misspelled
committed reader since the beginning        P12: "Mattel" Misspelled
of this year and no issue ever fails        P13: MTT: "and lots" misspelled
to fascinate. I love that someone           -MTT: "You'll" misspelled
has had this inventive idea :) Keep         -Power Rangers: "Chrome" typed twice
it up, looking forward to the               -Godzilla: "Kind of the monsters"
Christmas special! Let me know if            should be "King of the monsters"
there's some way I can contribute.          -the 70s Godzilla was made by Bandai
                                              and not Mego
                          -Anonymous        P15: Joe Name It: forgot to close a
DEAR ANONYMOUS,                             P17: Re-Action figures: Misspelled
Thank you for your kind words.  If          -Spirograph: Misspelled "with"
you ever want to contribute, guest          P19: Charlie Brown Christmas,      
posts or writings are always welcome             "shines" misspelled
for publication.  We like to keep           P20: White Christmas: It's been a 
the topics diverse, and we'd like to             while, since I saw it, but are
publish fiction with libertarian                 you sure it was Nazis they were
themes or more movie reviews and pop             cross-dressing to evade?
culture analysis.  As a libertarian,        -The Christmas Twist: You forgot the
we don't care what you want to write         colon in the URL
about, but if you have anything on          P21: Frosty The Snowman: "features
these topics in mind, why not type               were" is all one word
it up in plain text?                        - VeggieTales: There is the number 0
                                              where a hyphen should be
                 **                         P22: forgot to close quote after 
                                                 "...not found in nature."
Dear Libertorian,                           P24: "black activists" should be 
                                                 "black activist"
I love LiberTORian, and understand          P26: "The following articles" should
there will be a typo here or there,              read "The following article"
but there were a lot of mistakes in         -"Blu-ray" misspelled
issue 12, the Christmas issue.  I           -"You're" misspelled
wanted to send the list in just in          -"Octan" misspelled (It has no E)
case you wanted to do anything about        p28: "of is work" should be "of his

-Page 5-

      his work"                             you sent.  I wanted to let you know
P31: "can" and "retell" should be           that our public PGP key is in issue
capitalized.                                zero, found on the LiberTORian 2.0
P33: "start" spelled "star"                 onion site:
P34: "Cheech & Chong" should be in-
     tented one more space                    - http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion
P38: "Is- lam should read "Islam"
-Second "a repeat of" in FDR sent-          But ask and you shall receive!  You
     ence is redundant                      will find our public key at the end 
P39: forgot to close italics on             of this issue.  It's a new one!
-"right" misspelled                                          **
-"American" misspelled
-"eradicate" misspelled                     Libertorian
P40: first line: "with out" should 
be "with our"                               I figured it out!  You are Dana
-bottom star chopped off at bottom          Loesch from the Blaze!
I thought letting you know where 
they are may help make LiberTORian          DEAR CATMAN,
even better.
                         - Anonymous        Wrong-o!  And if you were correct, I
                                            wouldn't say so.  But you're not.  
DEAR ANONYMOUS,                             Or are you?  You aren't, yes?

No offense taken.  In fact, you sent                         **
this to us right after issue 12 was
released on the 1st day of Hannukah.        Dear LiberTORian,
We were in a rush to get it out to
everyone for Christmas, so we put it        I don't know what you're trying to 
in onionland without Synonymous 2's         pull, but in the picture of Bernie
proofreading.  But because of your          Sanders on the cover of issue 11 you
prompt response, he corrected every-        snuck the wod [sic] RATS in the art.
thing; we issued it as Issue 12, re-        You think no one would notice?
vision 1.  The revised edition is in
the new LiberTORian compendium, that                                  -Anonymous
reprints issues 1 through 12 into a
single .pdf-only volume.                    DEAR ANYNONYMOUS,

                 **                         Hey, someone noticed!  It IS an in-
                                            tentional subliminal ad, but it is
Dear LiberTORian,                           done in spoof of a famous election
                                            2000 ad from George W. Bush.  The ad
Love the 'zine! It's nice to see            had the word "democrats" on screen,
legit things on Tor (not TOR, read          and when the word jumped off the 
the FAQ) instead of the drug scams          screen, only the word "RATS" re-
and Bitcoin scams it's become.  I've        mained visible for like a fifteenth
been a libertarian on Tor for 8             of a second.  It generated a lot of
years. You are not alone!                   controversy, and we're just alluding
                                            to it in jest.  We're not saying he
Post your GPG key in your next issue        is actually a rat.  And if we were,
please.                                     We wouldn't say so.  But we're not.
                          -Anonymous        Or are we?  We aren't, yes?

DEAR ANONYMOUS,                             By the way, "snuck" isn't a "wod";
                                            *sneaked* is.  But as a libertarian,
I wasn't able to reply to the letter        I don't care how you spell it.

-Page 6-

                 **                         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

[Letter contains no salutation]                     EXECUTIVE   TYRANNY

Br1ng1ng t3h z3r0-d4yzzz y0ur w4yzzz        &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
s1nc3 1994

                                            Congress "shot down" Obama's latest
----------B04RDZZZ---L1ST---------------    anti-2nd Amendment proposal.  Be-
| Wh3r3ZzZ Muh W4r3zZz  911-911-9119   |    cause of this, and since the will of
| T3hR3ZZZ MUH W4R3ZZZ  T0-L33T-4Y0U   |    the people is against him, he prom-
| ID0L 0F TH3 G0DZ      1-800-PRI-VATE |    ised an "executive order", actually
----------------------------------------    a decree, since the order is illegal
                                            by the Constitution.  This new gun
_> -Drop Carrier-                           "law" will limit those who sell 

DEAR ANONYMOUS:                             No surprise, it's a violation of the
                                            Constitution.  It's a misuse of
While this is a cool letter and I am        executive orders, and it violates 
happy to receive it, I'm not sure as        the 2nd Amendment.  Since it's not a
to why you sent it.  This looks like        law, it may be defiantly ignored in 
a logoff message from a vintage BBS,        an act of civil disobedience (see 
filled with l33tspeak about the 0day        article on Martin Luther King else-
virus.  The telephone numbers are so        where in this issue of LiberTORian).
interesting... someone who dials the
first one without the 1 will contact        The White House occupant is a dicta-
911...  Even if this isn't a current        tor.  Presidents don't dictate laws.
or ever-working BBS and just a blast        John Ernest's non--argument that,
of nostalgia, thank you for sending!        "Since congress didn't act we *have*
                                            to do it this way," is MEANINGLESS!
There was no attached file with some        If congress doesn't act, you have no
0day virus inside.                          say.  Obama, you're not a spoiled
                                            child who makes everything so when-
                 **                         ever you don't get your way.

LiberTORian Magazine,                       Apparently, judging by your behavior
                                            alone, it's *exactly* what you are.
What the???  You list the Gilligan's
Island 7 deadly sins.  Why is GREED         It's Obama's last year before he's
used twice?  Shouldn't one be GLUTT-        out of power, if he goes willingly,
ONEY [sic]?  Luv ya anyway.                 so expect increasingly dictator-like
                                            behavior, lashing out with executive
                         -Holly Hock        tantrums.  It's like a demon being
                                            exorcised: knowing its time it up, 
DEAR HOLLY,                                 the demon acts more chaotic before   
                                            finally having its power removed.
You're right!  Here's how the list          It's a good analogy since Obama's
in issue 12 should read:                    attempt, like the demon's, is mal-
                                            icious: to do harm on the body.  In
      o Gilligan      Sloth                 his case, the "body" is the public.
      o Skipper       Gluttony
      o Mr. Howell    Greed                 Let's hope this overreach is con-
      o Mrs. Howell   Anger                 fronted by someone with resources to
      o Ginger        Lust                  fight this attack on liberty by way
      o Professor     Pride                 of an attack on liberty.  This won't
      o Mary Ann      Envy                  hold up in a just legal system.((L))

-Page 7-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&            ===========================
STRANGE & OBSCURE SURVIVAL TECHNIQUE            }}}}  by Synonymous 1  {{{{      
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&            ===========================

To kick off this issue, LiberTORian         ten in Arabic.  No Earthly copy is
would like to impart some knowledge         an original, even those in Arabic.
to you, Dear Reader.  In light of           Structurally, the approximately 100
the terrorist attack at a hotel in          books (114) of the Qar'an are ar-
Mali, this may be useful to know.           ranged so that the longer books are 
                                            at the beginning, and the books be-
Learn verses from the Qar'an.               come generally shorter as one pro-
                                            gresses through them.  The part of 
The Qar'an is not an intrinsticly           the Qar'ran contains the "peaceful"
evil book.  It's also not the source        passages.  The second part of the 
of ISIS' evil.  ISIS is a political,        Qar'an, written in Medina, contains 
not merely a religious group.  Oh,          the more violent passages, which is 
and I don't mean that ISIS has noth-        interperted literally by terrorist 
ing to do with Islam or the Qar'an.         groups.
Nor do I contend that that these            
terrorist groups are "largely secu-         Out of respect, Muslims say when
lar", as James Clapper and other            citing the name of Mohammad, "Proph-
delusional people who scarily are           et Muhammad (peace and blessings
high-ranking in law enforcement po-         of God be upon him)".
sitions in U.S. government.  ISIS           
would not exist without Islam and it        
wouldn't exist without the Qar'an.          A LIST OF SOME QAR'AN QUOTES:
But their hatred precedes their re-
ligion.                                     �To Him belongs the dominion; to Him
                                            belongs [all] praise; and He has 
The point is, knowledge is power.           power over all things competent.� 
In a recent Mali terrorist attack,          -Qur'an 64:1 (Surah al-Taghabun) 
hostages were asked to quote verses                        . . . 
from the Qar'an or be shot.  Those          �The Believers are but a single 
who provided a quote were released.         Brotherhood: So make peace with your
So, here are a few quotes for you to        brethren.�  -Qar'an 49:10 (Surah al-
memorize, in case you find yourself         Hujurat)
in this situation.  Maybe it may                           . . .
never happen to you, but a little           �Is not Allah the Best of all jud-
work and preperation may be a life          ges?"  -Qur'an 95:8 (Surah at-Tin)
saver.                                                     . . .
                                            "Indeed!  We can restore in perfect 
A bit about the Qar'an:                     order the very tips of your fing-
                                            ers�  -Qur'an 75:04 (Surah al-
The Qar'an, according to Muslim be-         Qiyamah)
lief, is the revelation of God (who,                       . . .
in Islam, is referred to as Allah)          �And to Him belongs whatsoever ex-
to Mohammad, the prophet.  Mohammad         ists in the night and the day; And 
is the final prophet; therefore the         He is the All-Hearing, the All-Know-
Qar'an is the final say in God's            ing.�  -Qar'an 6:13 (Surah al-
written word.  Mohammad's prophecy          An'aam)
is paramount; all other prophecies                         . . .
are of less importance and are cumu-        �To Allah we belong, and to Him is
lative to the Qar'an.  The original         our return.�  -Qur'an 02:156 (Surah
Qar'an in Heaven is platonic, writ-         al-Baqarah) 

-Page 8-

�Every soul shall taste death. Then         �Verily! In the remembrance of Allah
unto Us ye will be returned.�  -Qur-        do hearts find rest.�  -Qur'an 13:28
'an 29:57 (Surah al-Ankabut)                (Surah ar-Ra�ad) 
               . . .
�And hold firmly to the Rope of 
Allah (The Qur'an), and be not div-         THESE QUOTES ARE GOOD IF YOU WANT TO
ided among yourselves.�  -Qur'an            BE IRONIC WHEN RECITED AT GUNPOINT:
03:103 (Surah al-Imran) 
               . . .                        �Let there be no compulsion in re-
�Allah is closer to you than your           ligion. Truth stands out clear from
jugular vein.�  -Qur'an 50:16 (Surah        error.�  -Qur'an 2:256 (Surah al-
Qaf)                                        Baqarah)
               . . .                                       . . .
�Righteousness is not in turning            �Show forgiveness; Enjoin kindness; 
your faces towards East or West (in         And turn away from ignorance.�  
prayers). Indeed, righteousness             -Qur'an 7:199 (Surah al-A�raf) 
means having faith in Allah, and                           . . .
helping relatives, orphans, the             �Let not your own hands contribute 
needy and the wayfarer.  Indeed,            to your destruction. And do good; 
righteousness lies in setting slaves        indeed, Allah loves those who do
free, establishing prayer and helping       good."  -The Quran 2:195 (Surah al-
others.  Indeed, righteous are those        Baqarah) 
who keep their word, and enjoin pa-                        . . .
tience during poverty and hardship."        �Good and Evil can never be equal. 
-Qur'an 2:177 (Surah al-Baqarah)            So repel evil deeds with good ones.�
               . . .                        -Quran 41:34 (Surah al-Fussilat) 
�By Time! Indeed! Humankind is in                          . . . 
loss. Excluding those who are right-        �O ye who believe! Stand firmly for 
eous and follow the path of Truth           righteousness. And let not your per-
and Patience.�  -Qur'an 103:1-3             sonal enmity prevent you from being 
(Surah al-Asr)                              just. Surely!  Justice is the near-
               . . .                        est to piety.  Indeed!  Your Lord 
�And turn not your face away with           knows all that you do."  -Qur'an 
pride; Nor walk with insolence. Ver-        5:08 (Surah al-Ma�idah) 
ily! Allah does not like arrogance.                        . . . 
And be moderate in your pace.  And          �O ye who believe! Do not ridicule
lower your voice."  -Qur'an 31:18-19        others, perhaps they may be better 
(Surah Luqman)                              than you.  And do not insult one an-
               . . .                        other, nor call each other by of-
�And rely upon Allah; and Sufficient        fensive names."  -Qur'an 49:11 
is Allah as Disposer of affairs.�           (Surah al-Hujurat)
-Qur'an 33:3 (Surah al-Ahzab)                              . . .
               . . .                        �If you do good, you do good for 
�My Lord! Forgive me and have mercy,        yourselves; And if you do evil, [you
for You are The Most Merciful.�             do it] to yourselves.�  -Qur'an 17:7
-Qur'an 23:118 (Surah al-Mu�minun)          (Surah al-Isra)
               . . .                                       . . .
"Solomon said: "My Lord! Forgive me         
and grant me a kingdom. Indeed! You         �Verily! The worst of living crea-
are the Bestower.'"  -Qur'an 38:35          tures in the sight of Allah are 
(Surah Saad)                                those who do not use reason.�  
               . . .                        -Qur'an 8:22 (Surah al-Anfal)
�O ye who believe! Believe in your                         . . 
Lord completely (and perfectly). And        "And when it is said to them, 'Do 
follow not the footsteps of Satan.          not cause corruption on earth.' They
Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy."        say, 'We are but reformers.'"  
-Qur'an 2:208 (Surah al-Baqarah)            -Qur-'an 02:11 (Surah al-Baqarah)

-Page 9-

�Let not your own hands contribute          -Quran 04:75 (Surah an-Nisa)
to your destruction. And do good; 
indeed, Allah loves those who do 
good.�  -Qur'an 2:195 (Surah al-Ba-                         And here's one more:
               . . .                        IF THE TERRORISTS ARE GLOBAL WARMING
"And what is wrong with you that you        ALARMISTS:
stand not for the Cause of Allah;           
Nor help those who are weak, ill-          �And walk not with arrogance. Indeed,
treated, oppressed, And whose cry is:       you can never tear the earth apart,
'Our Lord!  Rescue us from this town        nor can you surpass the mountains in
of oppressors; and raise for us from        height".  -Qur'an 17:37 (Surah al-
You one who will protect, and raise         Isra) 
for us from You one who will help."                                        ((L))


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&               =====================
   MILITANT HOMOSEXUAL PROPAGANDA                  }}}}  By G.P.S.  {{{{
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&               =====================

I like animated faire.  I appreciate        times and it would do nothing.
the work that goes into having to 
draw pictures just to make something        That's a historical example.  Let us
appear to move.  And that's a LOT of        turn to something more recent.  As I
pictures in all.                            was visiting YouTube (with the prop-
                                            er security measures, since You Tube
Animation can be a powerful teaching        is owned by the eavesdropping Google
tool- or propaganda tool.  For its          company), I came across a propaganda
appeal to children makes it easy for        film by militant homosexuals.
them to absorb and accept its con-
tent.  In one example, Ex-Disney ar-        I know I'll have to stop to say this
tist Walter Lantz produced a film           because the truth offends people who
featuring his pre-Woody Woodpecker          are looking to be offended: No, I am
character: Oswald, the Lucky Rabbit.        not a homophobe.  The video that I'm
Titled "Confidence", and made in the        going to discuss is NOT representa-
midst of Great Depression 1, Oswald         tive of all homosexuals, and I have
turned to the government for the            nothing against people for being gay
answer, a bad decision in the first         or straight or anything like that.
place.  He met with President Frank-        The fact that I'll be critical of a
lin Roosevelt, who essentially ended        video created by militant gays has
the Great Gepression with one word:         nothing to do with the group as a 
"Confidence".  After singing a song         whole.  The false accusations of
on the topic, Oswald's luck turned          bigotry and homophobia are nothing
and all was magically better!               more than a tool to intimidate peo-
                                            ple to shut up.  Well, I don't care
In real life, while the rest of the         what you call me.  I know the truth,
world was in recovery in just a few         and I will speak it.  I don't make 
years, everything FDR did only made         apologies for speaking the truth as
the depression worse in the United          I see it.  People who do this have
States, until WWII did the job of           nothing left in their arsenal, and
ending it for him.  Roosevelt could         this is all they have left when the
have said "confidence" a million            facts are against them.

-Page 10-

The four-minute video is in retro           there can be lesbians in the world?
style (think *Dexter's Laboratory*).
It is part of a larger work that is         The animation mocks conversion ther-
essentially geared as mocking people        apy, again as backwards Christian
who are Christians rather than edu-         thinking, and makes more blanket
cating people with knowledge.               statements without a single statis-
                                            tic.  The only citations given are
The theme of the video is that on           at the end, naming five associations
the nature-nurture scale, homosexu-         that agree that homosexuality is
ality is 100% nature and 0% nurture.        genetics only:  
The video begins by claiming all of         
the various psychological theories          o American Medical Assocition
behind homosexuality contradict each        o American Psychological Association
other and have all been refuted.            o American Psycho-analytic Associ-
Only one theory is presented: Freud-          ation
ean theory.  Now, Freudian theory on        o American Academy of Pediatrics
homosexuality has been refuted.  But        o And, just for laughs, The National
because it's the only example shown,          Association of Social Workers
we are supposed to accept the prem-
ise in the video that *all* theories        Sounds impressive, right?  Not when
are equally invalid.  The video is          you know some history of these po-
even too lazy to explain why Freud's        sitions.  It's as absent in the vid-
theory is inaccurate; it just shows         eo as is the science.
an "enlightened" person walking away
dismissively.  I was able to stick          Until the mid 1970s, all of these
around to listen to the entire film;        organizations (except the last one)
in contrast, he couldn't listen to a        listed homosexuality as a mental
disproven theory in his own film.           condition, and in the American 
                                            Psychological Association's case, 
The video somehow has the "smoking          a mental disorder.  In the 1970s, 
gun" of genetics (a gay gene or many        militants in the homosexual commun-
genes).  Yet, no actual science in-         ity demanded  that it be removed 
volving genetics is even cited!  The        from the list.  They did not write a
viewer is expected to take the car-         petition or use scientific findings;
toon's word on a single generalized         they made threats and harassed its 
statement that there is more genes          members relentlessly until they made
that make someone gay than there are        them change their position.  This is
for left-handedness.  I really am an        history.  It's not my opinion.  It's
open-minded person.  If you say you         not representative of the gay popu-
have scientific proof, show it to me        lation either.  It's just another 
please!  Give me something I can use        manifestation of statist extremism,
and teach all my other closed-minded        which relies on jack-booted thuggery
Christian, Jewish, Muslim, agnostic,        to get its way because they know if
and unaffiliated friends.                   they entered the arena of ideas to 
                                            achieve their wishes, they fail.
Although no correlation exists, the
video offers a conflicting "theorem"        The above agencies are interrelated
that homosexuality occurs when fami-        and receive federal funding.  All of
lies have more children because the         them followed suit for the same rea-
pregnant female increases production        son: there was a lot of money to be
of female hormones in unborn babies.        lost otherwise.  The pressure was on
There are three fatal flaws in this:        the politicians in the same way, and
1) female hormones in males does not        they controlled the wallet, or purse
make someone homosexual.  2) It now         if they were gay men (sorry; all the
clashes with their gene theory that         female hormones in me got my emotion
it's all based on DNA.  3) Is the           circuits firing and so I employed a
mother providing male hormones so           cheap stereotype... I'll leave it to

-Page 11-

           ..'''...                               .N.     .lOWNxdxxxxdc.        
    .;lxkO0KXXNXKX00Oko.                        ;o;K      ..... .;xKNKd.        
  .OOo:oooxkxdodo,''',Kx                        cMKW.           .''',:ldddddo:. 
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 ;K o''''''''''''d       :K       ;k,   :Okd.     .,.  :XK: .:;;:. lX ,N,   .X: 
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'N.lKXXKxo0XXXKxo0XMM.   .W,                       .0d  ,oo.   .OWx'0O  'c:     
,X lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMW.   ;W.                    .lx0OOdxxlx0'.:OKW;  'kxXNNl    
;X :N0ooKXXdcdKXXKKMN.   o0                  .cOx:.........lKXx:.,ol' .kOlO'    
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;K  ':''''''''''''oMK    N,                 ,x......................XXkxxX.     

=== From video: "Christian" (Ignorant Christian) and Martha (Snarky Lesbian) ===

people like those behind this video         Take this film for instance.  It was
from now on).                               not designed to teach anything for
                                            real.  It was to ridicule people on
Again, just keeping it real.  I have        the basis of their faith.  More pow-
nothing personally against people if        er to you.  I preserved a copy of it
they are gay.  In fact, there's no          myself on read-only media.  You see,
reason I should continue apologizing        I archive propaganda films for their
for it.  We must take back the cul-         historic importance for generations
ture from politically correct censor        yet to come.
moguls.  People insult me personally
and my religion in general all the          I don't recommend this be shown to 
time.  Big whoop!  I'm not going to         children, but as a libertarian, will
cry or tell them to shut up.  Maybe         not fuss if you do.  But it's always
the most I'll do is ask for my money        good to help guide children by dis-
back from them if they're saying it         cussing what they see.  Finally, I
with tax subsidies, but that's about        didn't name the film.  I'm not anti-
it.  I'm joking a bit here because I        free speech, I just didn't think it
know it's a futile effort.                  deserved my free publicity.    ((L))

-Page 12-

  O   O O---O O-O-  O-O-O O-O-O O   O      O     O   O O-O-O O   O O---O O-O-
  |\ /| |   | |   )   |     |   |\  |      |     |   |   |   |   | |     |   )
  | V | O---O O-O-    |     |   | \ |      |     |   |   |   O---O O-O   O-O-
  |   | |   | |  \    |     |   |  \|      |     |   |   |   |   | |     |  \
  O   O O   O O   O   O   O-O-O O   O      O---O O---O   O   O   O O---O O   O

        O   O O-O-O O   O O---O     O---O O-O-          A MAN WITH A DREAM
        |  /    |   |\  | |           |   |   )         A MAN WITH A PLEDGE
        |-<     |   | \ | | O-O       |   O-O-           
        |  \    |   |  \| |   |       |   |  \          By
        O   O O-O-O O   O O---O O   O-O   O   O   O     SYNONYMOUS 1

Of all the people who have lived on         share with you something the great
this Earth, Jesus Christ is without         reverend wrote.  It's as significant
a doubt the one who I most look up          as two of his more well-known writ-
to.  Another one who ranks high is          ings: his famous "I Have A Dream"
someone else I try to emulate: Rev.         speech, and "Letter From Birmingh am
Martin Luther King, Jr.                     Jail", both of which are suggested
                                            LiberTORian reading.
In January every year since 1986, we
honor his life and commitment to non        King, Jr. developed a large follow- 
violent means of protest in the name        ing, and offered hope... REAL hope,
of equal justice.                           to an oppressed race.  And while he
                                            was not a perfect man (but who is),
This article isn't going to be about        he coded a pledge of ethics.  This
Rev. King's life, as his example            pledge was important to the movement
deserves to be taught in all schools        because those who adhered to it had
public and private.  Actually, I've         a powerful tool of vigilance.  When
got no confidence in public school          people saw the protestors behaving
or their ability to teach.  But it          by the code, public opinion earned
is your responsibility to educate           their sympathy.  For they saw the
yourself and the next generation of         corruption, and could not deny that
his life.  And if you don't... well,        the protestors were not instigating.
I'm a libertarian.  If you don't,           This was in stark contrast to the
you don't.                                  methods of Malcolm X and the Black
                                            Panthers, whose calls for and acts
This article also won't outline my          of violence only repelled the public
personal differences with Martin Lu-        as #BlackLivesMatter does today.
ther King on specific political top-        
ics.  People sometimes criticize me         So strong was King's belief on using
by saying, "How can you like him,           no hate or violence that when his
when he opposed Viet Nam?" or "he           niece, Alveda, was imprisoned for 
isn't a capitalist."  My answer: so         assaulting someone in protest, he
what?  Do I really hold it against          didn't bail her out, but let her sit
someone for not aligning with me on         in jail overnight to contemplate
everything?  I should hope that our         what she had done.
Dear Readers are open-minded enough
that they aren't in lock step with          LiberTORian is posting Martin Luther
everything in this magazine, but are        King, Jr.'s pledge of non-violence.
able to read points of view to con-         Read it.  Accept the pledge, keep a
sider things in a different way, and        copy with you and try to live by it.
in the end be true to themselves.           If the faith part isn't for you, 
                                            skip it.  Imagine how living the
The reason for this article is to           pledge can make a great impact.((L))

-Page 13-

             ...    ..;codxdl;'..  ...',;;;;:clokKXNWWWWNKO:.                   
           .c.     .';clolll:,'..........'',,,'..,:lkKNWWWNNXl.                 
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         ..     ..';;::ccc::c:;,,'''..................':xKNNNNNXl               
        '      ..',;::;::::::;;;;;;;:;;'................'lOXXNNWN'              
       .     ...',,,,;,,,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;'........   ......'l0XNNWN0              
      ..  ...',,,;;,,,,,;;;;,,'''',,;;,,'.........    ....;d0XNNNN,             
      '   ..,,,''..................';,,,'''.........   .'';dOXNNWNl             
      ,  ..;::'............'...........'..''............':lxkKNNNWd             
     ..  .,;::'.........................''''...........';:ldk0NNNNO             
     .. ..,,,'.........    ..........''',,;,.  .......'',,:oxOKNNWX.            
     '....,ldxdl:'.             ..;dOK0KKK0Od,....''',,',,;:dOKXNWX             
     '. .cxkO0000xl,.          .;oONNXOxdocdkOdl;''',,,;,,,;lO0XNWN.            
     ..oolclcclcc;'.,;,..   .;lc;',:clkOkKx0KKkdoxkdc,.....,cxXKo;,,k:          
       cl0KkOWWW0dOd;,,..   .;co:,dkl.KNWW;.x0KKkol,'... ..,:do,,;cd0:          
       'okx;;KK0l;oo:,''. ..':cclclllc:dlcldo;.....  ....'',,,.,ldc';l.         
        ..lc:,;;;.....''...',;;::c:;''''':clc;....    ..',,,,;.;0x;'';:         
         .''''..    ...''',:c::clo:;'.....',,'.      ..',;;,;c,,d:...,c         
        ......     .'..''',;,,:oxxl;''...........'...';,;;;::c:;dd,l:c:         
       .....      .','..''....';:lo;..''......';;::::ccc:;:clc:,Oo..;c.         
       .,'...    '....  . ... .,'. ld:'...'''',,;:cllllcccllol:;,c'.. .         
       .;,'..  ..;........';;...,:;lxdo:,'.',;;::ccllolcllodolcl,;c::,          
 .;d0KNWWMMMMMMMMMXOdl:;,,,,,',,;;;:ldkO0000XNWMMWX0x:.  .NMMMMMMMWWWWX0xc.     
 .cx0KNWWMMMMMMMMMx::dxkxddddododxkkO0000XNWMMMWXk;.    .NMMMMMMWWWWNKOl'       
     'oOXNWMMMMMMX,.'OO   :O00OkxxxOKXNWWWWXo.        .NMMMMMMMMWNXOl.          
       'oKWMMMMMMW;.oWM.    'lOK000OOOOOOd,          .XMMMMMMMMWX0o'            
         'xXWMMMMM:lWMMo       'l0KXX0c.            .XMMMMMMMWNOl.              
           'xXWMMW0WMMMN        .;kK0:             .KMMMMMMMN0c.                
             'kNWMMMMMMMc    .kWMMW0O0O,           KMMMMMMWKl.                  
               'xNMMMMMWX    KMM0kkXNWWWO.        OMMMMMWKo.                    
                 ,kNMMMMM,  ;:XOXWWWNWW00Kx.     oMMMMWXx.                      
                   'kWMMMd  . oMMMWXxkONMX;     ,MMMMNd'                        
                     .xWWK     XNkkOWMMWO.      NMWKo.                          
                       'OW'    l0XMMMMWd       cXx,                             
                         ,;    cWdOMMMk                                         
                               :NMk0MWd         Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

-Page 14-

Commitment Card
Martin Luther King, Jr.        
1963                           SIGNATURE________________________________________

I hereby pledge myself�my person and        I sign this pledge, having seriously
body�to the nonviolent movement.            considered what I do and with the 
Therefore I will keep the following         determination and will to persevere.
ten commandments:                           

1. Meditate daily on the teachings          Name________________________________
   and life of Jesus.                       
2. Remember always that the non-vio-        Address_____________________________
   lent movement seeks justice and 
   reconciliation - not victory.            ____________________________________
3. Walk and talk in the manner of 
   love, for God is love.                   Phone_______________________________
4. Pray daily to be used by God in          
   order that all men might be free.        Nearest Relative____________________
5. Sacrifice personal wishes in 
   order that all men might be free.        Address_____________________________
6. Observe with both friend and foe 
   the ordinary rules of courtesy.          Besides demonstrations, I could also
7. Seek to perform regular service          help the movement by: (Circle the
   for others and for the world.            proper items)
8. Refrain from the violence of 
   fist, tongue, or heart.                  Run errands, Drive my car, 
9. Strive to be in good spiritual           Fix food for volunteers, 
   and bodily health.                       Clerical work, Make phone calls,
10.Follow the directions of the             Answer phones, Mimeograph, Type, 
   movement and of the captain on a         Print Signs, Distribute leaflets.

ALABAMA CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN        (A copy of this commitment card can
RIGHTS                                      also be found at
Birmingham Affiliate of S.C.L.C.            
505 1/2 North 17th Street                   http://TeachingAmericanHistory.org/
F.L. Shuttlesworth, President               library/index.asp?documentprint=1130
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c u t -  \/  - h e r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        save someone's life in this situa-
                                            tion, and wanted it to be released
      MORE ON ISIS IN ISSUE 14              as early as possible.  Other topics,
                                            ones related to the terror events of
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        late 2015, we felt could wait.  The
                                            Christmas season was filled with a 
                                            lot to cover, and we didn't want 
While writing the Christmas issue of        issue 13 to be an "all ISIS" issue
LiberTORian, the Paris and San Ber-         So we decided that, since something
nardino attacks occurred.  So did a         would have to be written later, it
heck of a lot of other stuff.  Al-          would be that.  We hope you enjoy
ready, a few articles on terrorism          this issue, especially the Man of
were planned for this issue: the            the Year article and the political 
survival technique and primer on            correctness material.  We hope to
spotting the hidden bomb.  We fig-          see you again in issue 14!     ((L))
ured that this information could            

-Page 15-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&      =====================================
         H A R D    C O P Y               }  - By G.P.S. and Synonymous 1 -   {
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&      =====================================

Battlefield: America                      book details the surveillance state,
The War On The American People            both visual and electronic, that is
Bob Whitehead                             being used not to protect the people,
                                          but to turn their movements and digit-
There has been a seismic shift in         al footrpints against them.
the way our police force operates. 
And it's frightening.                     The book isn't inherently anti-poilce.
                                          It laments the hostile landscape that
The three branches of the federal         the police force had become, caused by
government abandoned the Consti-          the corruption of greedy and power-
tutional principles that its members      hungry government officials.  There 
swore to protect.  They've replaced       are many in law enforcement who object
it with a lust for further power for      to this book because it exposes inci-
themselves at the expense of freedom      dents of excessive force and corrup-
of the individual.  To enforce their      tion in the police force.  They are
power grabs, they've taken control        part of the problem.  If a police 
of the police.                            officer cared about the integrity of
                                          his profession, wouldn't he want to

head outlines the history of police       cops?  I am fortunate enough to live
in America, and how the federal           in a district where the cops are very
government has been seizing away the      relatable.  Many are libertarians
local control and militarizing them.      themselves and are active defenders of
                                          the Constitution in their community.
The article covers incidents of the       They make themselves accessible to the
militarized police assaulting rather      people and work with us, and if they
than protecting the public, includ-       knew that one of their brothers was
ing Freddie Gray in New York City,        out of line, they'd be the first to
whom we must remember was ordered to      blow the whistle.
be taken down by the communist mayor 
of New York City.                         Sadly, in many areas this isn't the 
                                          case.  For some, the allure of free
In 25 U.S. cities, the Obama admini-      equipment is enough to make them bend
stration badmouthed police depart-        to the federal government.
ments he deemed "racist", and in re-
sponse, made them answer to the fed-      *Battlefield America* is a guide to
eral government, and then equipped        what went wrong, the level of conflict
them with military grade weapons,         between the people and the police
tanks, armor, etc., and they now          state, and what to do about it.
must answer to the federal govern-        It is available in bookstores.   ((L))

Congress passed a law a few years           DON'T
ago giving the power personal power             HURT
to assassinate people he considers a               OTHERS
threat, without a trial, and Obama                        AND
has already used his power on Ameri-                          DON'T
cans.                                                             TAKE
To enforce the police state, this                                        STUFF

-Page 16-

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Sorry to be the one to break it to          are politically incorrect or cultur-
you, Mr. President, but ISIS is no          ally insensitive.  It's best to err
JV team.                                    on the side of caution than to join 
                                            leftists and statists on their sui-
They are great at evangilizing and          cide path to avoid being called 
boldly use the internet to recruit          names by them.  (You probably heard
and propagandize.  ISIS publishes a         the news reports on Faruk's suspic-
quarterly magazine on clearnet,             ious behavior being noticed by his
called *Inspire* magazine.  It is a         neighbors, who feared reporting it,
polished PDF production and it's            lest they be labelled "bigoted"- 
accessible to anyone who knows where        CAIR, the left and others are doing 
to find it, no TOR or onion to html         the terrorist's work for them, many 
converter required.                         knowingly.)  Here is the information
                                            ISIS is spoon-feeding them.  Know-
ISIS released an *Inspire* how-to           ledge is power.  The life you save 
guide called "The Hidden Bomb".  The        may be your own and those of stran-
purpose is to call American insur-          gers who enjoy freedom.
gents to build and detonate a home-         
brew bomb, making life easier for           
ISIS.  For a homegrown terrorist            AIRLINES SELECTED AS PRIME TARGETS
won't have to be trained and brought        by ISIS_____________________________
into the USA.  The call is to act in        
England and France also.                    America:
                                            o American Airlines
"The Hidden Bomb" is an acetone bomb.       o United
A long and detailed step-by-step            o Continental Airlines
guide, complete with photographs, in-       o Delta
structs the would-be Clockmed Moham-        
mad how to build every component of         United Kingdom:
the bomb and assemble it, then dis-         o British Airways
card traces of production.  After the       o EasyJet
bomb is made, the builder is supposed       
to test lower concentration bombs be-       France
fore blowing up buildings.  First,          o Air France
blow up an airplane.  Second, blow up       o Air France KL
27 cinder blocks in a Rubik's Cube          
configuration.  Fortunately, ISIS's         Suicide bombers are encouraged to
stupidity makes it difficult to com-        shop around to find and use the air-
plete the tests; after blowing him or       line with the lowest security.
herself up on the airplane, s/he will       
find it hard to continue to the next                     ,~*
tests.                                                  /
                                             ___ ___   []_   _ __  ____
The terrorists' recent publication is       /' _' _`\ /'_`\ ( '__)/ __ \
in the hands of young Americans right       | )( )( |( (_) )| |  (  ___/  _  _
now.  It is up to each of us to be          (_)(_)(_) \___/ (_)   \____) (_)(_)
vigilant, and don't feel bad if you         

-Page 17-

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IDEAL FLIGHT         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
                                            A R E   Y O U   P R E G N A N T ? ?
o Flight on an above airline                D O   Y O U   N E E D   H E L P ? ?
o A long flight                             
o Domestic flights, if an American            CALL  1-800-848-LOVE  (848-5683)
  attack                                    (calls are between you, them & NSA.)
o Timed at the highest altitude             

OUT- BE SUSPICIOUS OF PEOPLE AT THE         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
FOLLOWING SPOTS:____________________
                                            HAVE YOU BEEN MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY
o The middle of the airplane, es-                  HARMED BY AN ABORTION?
  pecially between the two wings; it        
  is closest to the fuel tank.                  There is healing available!
o Areas close to the middle
o The tail, which causes a nosedive           VISIT  http://projectrachel.org


o Janet Yellen, other people influ-         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
  ential in economics
o Bill Gates, other people who con-           Q U O T A B L E    Q U O T E S :
  trol large amounts of money

CLAIMS WILL SPARE THEM (& YOU CAN'T         "Scientists project that the arctic
TRUST THEIR WORD)___________________        will be ICE-FREE in the Summer of
                                            2013- not in 2050, but four years
o De-invest in America, and take            from now."
  their money outside America
o Publicly denounce American poli-                          - John Kerry
  cies toward Muslims (meaning any                            to Huffington Post
  military action) and denouncing                             Aug 31, 2009
                                            "When writing about terrorism, re-
Suspicious people will sit at the           member to include white supremacist,
above locations or pick the above           anti-abortionists, and other groups
targets to carry out their attacks.         with a 'history of such activity'
Now you know, so if you're not one 
step ahead of them, you're on par           "Avoid using terms such as 'Jihad'
with them.                                  unless you are certain of their pre-
                                            cise meaning and include the context
I for one will not cater to these           when they are used in quotations. 
people who wish harm on my fellow           The basic meaning of 'jihad' is to
man.  If I see something, I will say        exert oneself to the good of Islam
something.  The libertarian NAP             and to better oneself."
means that if we can reasonably pre-
vent those who intend harm on other         -Society of Professional Journalists
people, it's the right thing to do.          Guidelines for countering radical,
I'll watch out for your safety and           ethnic and religious profiling
hope you'll watch for mine.    ((L))

-Page 18-

/                                                                              \
  ()   ---==={{{(__ PRESENTING LIBERTORIAN MAGAZINE'S FIRST __)}}}===---    ()  
  I               '-----------------------------------------'                I  
 | |       ,__ __                             _                             | | 
 | |      /|  |  |                           (_|   |                        | | 
 | |       |  |  |   __,   _  _     Of         |   |   _   __,  ,_          | |
_|_|_      |  |  |  /  |  / |/ |       The     |   |  |_) /  |  ) |        _|_|_
\___/      |  |  |_/\_/|_/  |  |_/              \_/|_/|__/\_/|_/  |_/      \___/
\_______________________________________________  \|  _________________________/
    ||                                                                    ||
    \\   ~~         ===>   J O H N N I E     M O O R E   <===        ~~   //

The *Time* man.. excuse me... person        So let's talk about him!
of the year is usually a joke.  So
how about we anoint our own?  And,          JOHNNIE MOORE appeared in LiberTOR-
yes, the LiberTORian Man of the Year        ian Issue 11, as the author of the
can be a woman.  LiberTORian's Man          book, *Defying ISIS*.  And he does!
of the Year must do something to ad-        The book's full title is *Defying
vance the cause of individual free-         ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the
dom.  That's right: it's rigged so          Place of Its Birth and Your Own
statists can't win.  The two sets of        Backyard*.  The refugees he rescued
rules we live by work here too, only        are direct descendents of those who
in reverse: those who oppose freedom        brought Christianity to the region
are discriminated against!                  in Biblical times.  ISIS has de-
                                            stroyed history.  The tomb of Daniel
It wasn't an easy decision reducing         from the Bible's Book of Daniel, for
the nominees to only one.  Twelve           instance, was destroyed by ISIS.  A
nominees were selected (sorry, EFF,         person doesn't need to be Christian
you didn't make the cut this year           to understand the historic signifi-
after supporting Net Neutrality).           cance of the millenniums-old land- 
Three finalists truly stuck out:            marks being wiped from history.  And
                                            as important as they are, the lives
1) David Daleidon, for his valiant,         of the entire tribes facing extermi-
brave five-year investigation and           nation from these terrorists is even
expose of Planned Parenthood as a           more necessary to preserve.
                                            Johnny Moore is the man with the
2) Johnnie Moore, author of *Defying        courage to do this.  I tried to pic-
ISIS* and actually took his advice          ture myself in his shoes.  I don't 
and rescued 149 Christians from the         think I could do it.  I would say I
terrorists, right on the front lines        have too much to lose, but the vic-
himself.                                    tims of ISIS have *everything* to
                                            lose.  It was of this, Johnnie Moore
3) Kim Davis, a target of religious         was chosen as LiberTORian's man of
discrimination who stood up for re-         the year.
ligious liberty by refusing to issue 
a homosexual marriage license when          Christian refugees were being ne-
coerced by the government, and went         glected, expecially those who exist-
to prison for it.                           ed in the region since the cradle of
                                            Christianity.  So much history of
The winner, by a labored decision,          Christianity has been destroyed by
was Johnny Moore.                           ISIS, and there are no *monuments

-Page 19-


         .'lc;c. ...';:clodxxxkkO0KKKKXNWWWMMMMMMMMW;                           
         .,','.    ....,::cloodxxkkOO0KKXNWWMMMMMMMMK.                          
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          ,'..      .....     ..'cdkkxolokKNWWWWMMMMMWk                         
          .c..     .,cdl;.    'dkK0kloO00OOO0XNWWMMMMWN,                        
           ,..    ,'.:lc:,    'OXKOo;';:cllld0XNWWWMWWN:                        
           ..          ..     'k0Ox:'......;oOKXNWWWNNO.                        
           ..                 ,kOOOo;..  ..:d0XNWWWNNK'                         
            '.                ,kOO00Oo:....,l0NNWWdo;.                          
            .,      .'.       'xOO0KKOdc:,'':ONNWN,                             
     ....';,,;c;   .,.        .cxkkkkkkkxoc,:oKXWMK.                            
::ooddddd0N0xOkx.              .;coxOKXX0o'.lkk0WMWkc,....                      
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0KNMMWNNNNWMW0kOKx.          ....':lx00Okoo00ONWWNK0NMMMMMMN00NMMMMWKkc,..      

---------------------( JOHNNIE MOORE, AUTHOR AND HERO )-------------------------

-Page 20-

men* to protect it.  The admini-            ensured that those questions were
stration definitely is joyful over          truly Christians, and their faith
the permanent loss of Christian his-        was tested.  Some of Moore's critics
tory in the area, including churches        accused him of singling out Christ-
that have stood for thousands of            ians for rescue.  He said that it's
years, and the resting places of ma-        because we know that none of the
jor biblical figures.  Johnny Moore         terror attacks are by Christians. 
said, "no more.  These people and           If it were possible to discern the
their culture must be preserved."           peaceful Muslims from the terrorists
                                            among them, they would have a proc-
He set forth a plan to rescue and           ess for them, but they just can't in
relocate the Christians himself.            the conditions they're in.
The law forbids him from doing this
on his own.  To him, these laws are         A country in Europe, whose name is
unjust and deserved to be defied.           not being disclosed by Moore, came 
Johnnie Moore refuses to apologize          to him saying they suspect that some
for doing the right thing.                  of the "refugees" being admitted by
                                            the UN were engaging in erratic be-
Johnnie Moore applied with the gov-         havior.  They asked Moore's team to
ernments of several countries that          investigate.  After much work, it
were accepting "refugees" to relo-          turned out that many who professed
cate this group under asylum status.        to be Christian could not answer 
All of them refused, including the          questions like, "What is the sig-
illegal immigration obsessed U.S.           nificance of the Blood of Christ?"
federal government.  In this case,          or, "At what point did you accept
the administration actually found a         Jesus into your life?"  They caught
group of people they didn't want to         ISIS sympathizers coming into their
bring into the country.                     country and weeded them out.  Moral:
                                            Never trust the U.N.
So he and his wife, and others, with
a donation from the charity Mercury         Part 2 of the vetting process is to 
One, headed to the Iraq-Syria border        visit the actual clergy of the com-
into the front lines.  But first, in        munity.  They would discuss every
order to rescue them, they needed to        individual at length including their
know who is the refugee and who is          association with the church at a 
the wolf in sheep's clothing.               personal level.  Each person was not
                                            cleared unless the clergy could at-
Johnnie Moore could not have it on          test that they were baptized, con-
his conscience that a person that he        firmed, married personally by them.
brought to safety from terrorism            
could be a terrorist hiding in their        Stage three was a background check.
midst.  He knew the blood would be          It's strange that this is a phase
on his hands if he enabled them to          that the surveillance-obsessed NSA 
carry out an attack.                        doesn't have their hands all over.
                                            No one is admitted unless they have 
They initiated a three-tier vetting         a clean slate.
process, with each individual tier 
far more stringent and thorough than        Slovokia, a nation that suffered 
the UN/USA's entire vetting process.        persecution for religious beliefs,
The three tiers included:                   and repression under communism, is
                                            understanding of the plight of the
1) An interview process.  This it-          refugees.  In negotiations with 
self was more intense than the UN's         Johnny Moore, they agreed to invite
refugee process.  Whereas their vet-        Moore's group into their country.
ting was mostly a health exam and           Two other nations agreed to host the
redimentary questions, the exams            Christians also, but at least one 
conducted by Moore's team really            backed out.  The Obama administra-

-Page 21-

tion had no time for their group.           survived the barricade and made it  
They were focused too hard on Muslim        to safety the next morning.
immigrants who were poorly vetted to
open their arms to them.  At the            They were brought to Slovokia, where
time, 93% of those admitted under           they will resume their lives without
Obama's plan were Muslim; by design,        fear.  Johnny Moore came safely home
at the close of 2015, the number was        but that's not the end of the story.
                                            The pastor of the small community,
Moore, his wife, and their team went        where people lived in town houses
to the Iraqi border and sneaked out         made of boxes and curtains lined up
the Pilgrims, but not without facing        next to each other, is still there,
resistance.  During much of the             along with their priest.  Before
journey, their location was kept se-        leaving, the priest implored Johnnie
cret.  But they reached one check-          to come back for the rest of the
point, and were able to look down to        village.  He said, "I promise".
see the ISIS supply line caravans
bringing shipments to a terror camp.        A fairly decent special aired on 
Their guide told them that the mili-        NBC's 20/20 one week before Christ-
tary can receive one phone call from        mas on the rescue.  Fairly decent?
the President and they could take it        Considering the source, it was in-
out with no civilian casualties,            credible that it was fair!  The fo-
crippling ISIS.  But their hands are        cus wasn't on Johnny Moore, but one
tied.  One member of the team, who          other couple worthy of commendation
was part of the Nazarene Fund, asked        who was just as important to the 
the guide, can *I* shoot at them?           rescue.
Since he's not an active member of
the U.S. military, the answer was           There are those who join the mili-
ambiguous, so he was granted permis-        tary, but this is an exceptional 
sion to shoot.  A minute later, ISIS        case of an ordinary man who did it
returned fire.  A missile flew over-        without the government behind him.
head.  "They have missiles courtesy         He was as likely to be killed by 
of the government, but they don't           evil people in one of the most dan-
know how to use them so well."  For         gerous places on the planet.  But he
the next few minutes, more missiles         went anyway.  And he's going back.
came towards them, with increasing          would you sacrifice all he did for 
accuracy.  It stopped after a few           the betterment of your fellow man?
minutes, and they never were struck.        I wish I could say I would, but I
                                            tell myself I have too much to lose.
At another point, Radio host Glenn          I will pray that I have to fortitude
Beck joined them in a covert trip to        and bravery to rise to the occasion
see the refugees first-hand when red        should it need be.  In the meantime,
tape had them tied up in Sweden, a          I thank God that there are people 
socialist republic losing their             like Johnnie Moore in the world.
identity to terrorism.  As I do more
research on Glenn Beck, my respect          You have been named LiberTORian's
for him increases.  He's been made          first Man of the Year.  And you have
out to be some monster by our cul-          our respect.
ture.  I'm discovering that the real
Glenn Beck is someone you have to           Johnnie Moore is the author of 
discover from the source.  But this         *Defying ISIS*.  He wrote this be-
is about Johnny Moore.  Everyone was        fore embarking on his heroic journey
at church when ISIS came and made           to the Mid-East.  If you are inter-
threats to everyone, declaring that         ested in reading this, or do your
they will spare those who renounced         part, you can find the book at the
Christianity, and kill the rest.            official *Defying ISIS* web site:
Through the guidance of God, they           http://defyingisis.com.        ((L))

-Page 22-

.==== S P E E C H =================.        As political correctness
||                                ||        reaches its tipping point,
||       P O L I T I C A L        ||        
||   I N C O R R E C T N E S S    ||        the pendulum begins to swing
||   S T R I K E S   B A C K !    ||
||                                ||        in the other direction
'===================== W A R S ===='                        - By  Synonymous 1 -

If you research the origins of po-          It all began in the bastion of un-
litical correctness, you'll discover        free thought: Mizzou, a University 
unsurprisingly that its origins are         of Missouri.  Political correctness
communist Russia.  Anyone who speaks        is rampant here.  The chancellor of 
up in a way that was out of line            the university, Tim Wolfe, is by no
with the regime (or of the "correct"        means a conservative or libertarian.
thinking with the politicians), was         But the student body has called for
subject to imprisonment.  It's also         his resignation- an example of the
unsurprising that its rise in the           politically-correct policies turning
United States was during the Clinton        full circle to bite back at their
era, in the form of multiculturism.         masters.  The Missouri U Students'
The phrase *political correct* is           association President, a black homo-
politically incorrect.  The accept-         seual names Payton Head, posted on
able term is "culturally sensitive".        Facebook an accusation that a red
                                            pickup truck with white men in it
The purpose of political correctness        drove past him when he was walking 
is censorship, but also something           off campus.  As they past, they
even more insidious: it is designed         allegedly slowed down and shouted
by the masters to *remove* specific         racial slurs.
ideas from being able to be thought.
It's directly from 1984; people are         Payton Head never reported the inci-
being persecuted in America, land of        dent to police.  Other than on his
the free in this day for their own          personal page, he never told anyone
thoughts, which in real life, can't         of authority at the university about
even be truly known.  One example is        it.  No evidence of this alleged 
the director of *The Innocence of           event ever was preserved.
Muslims*, Sam Bancile.  He was im-
prisoned for over a year as a scape-        Then, suddenly, twelve days after
goat for the State Department's             the incident was purported to have
debacle at Benghazi.  The movie is          occurred, a protest of over 100 stu-
an offensive mockery of the prophet         dents began on the campus, demanding
Mohammad, but where in the Consti-          Wolfe's resignation.  Ignore that
tution is there a right not to be           the incident, if it occurred at all,
offended?  I am a Catholic.  If all         wasn't even on-campus, and Wolfe was
those who made media for public con-        never made aware of it.  Wolfe could
suption that mocked my faith were           legitimately employ the Obama excuse
sent to jail, they'd have to shut           of: I only learned about it when you
down Hollywood.  And I'd oppose that        did!
as well.  But political correctness
chooses sides, and there are certain        Members of the protest demanded that
groups that are always acceptable to        Wolfe admit that there is a race 
offend.                                     problem, to apologize, and admit to
                                            the student body that he ignored it
Political correctness has reached a         and will take steps to address it, 
tipping point in the bastions of            or otherwise resign.  All this over
censorship: American universities.          an accusation that was never brought

-Page 23-

to Wolfe's attention by Payton.             unfair to poor students or something
                                            along those lines.
After a while, only resignation was
an acceptable option .  The campus          This particular Ivy League school
football team announced that they           published a list of Halloween cos-
will no longer compete until Wolfe          tumes that were banned.  The list is
resigned.  This was conveniently            extensive.  Campus Halloween parties
timed, as their record was dismal           are supposed to be held for adults
this year and were facing antici-           mature enough to be able to play 
pated blowouts in the next upcoming         dress up and pretend to be someone
games.  Two students went on a hung-        else and act like a child for one
er strike for "justice".  Facing            night!  The students pretty much had
pressure from the masses, Wolfe re-         enough and realized they don't need
signed.  In his announcement, he            to be told how they can and can't
stated that he hoped this would             dress.  People who may be offended
appease the unbridled anger of the          at something that may or may not be
crowd and bring civility back to            a jab at their culture in a costume
Mizzou.  It didn't.                         have to lighten up.  It became a
                                            national example of how much the ab-
Let it be restated that Tim Wolfe is        rudity has taken over.
a pro-PC liberal, and far from the
libertarian kind of liberal.  Most          Another strike back is against the
of the student body was also radical        War of Christmas.  One public school
socialist left.  Payton Head boldly         was holding a recital of the classic
condemned Missou of having a deeply         Christmas special, "A Charlie Brown
rooted race problem.  Keep in mind          Christmas".  The administration or-
that Payton is the elected president        dered a change midway through the 
of the student body; the voters were        rehearsal sessions.  The famous Li-
overwhelmingly a white majority.  It        nus speech, where he recites the
is the same kind of empty straw man         passage from Luke about the birth of
argument Obama employs: America is          Christ, was to be removed...  Essen-
deeply rooted in anti-black racism-         tially, the meaning of the entire
the same America that elected him           story.  In its place: a moment of
president.                                  silence for the length of time that
                                            it would normally take to speak the
I laugh at the duplicity.  I should         passage.  To summarize: a minute of
not do that, but the irony is glar-         silence, then Linus says, "That's
ing.  Political correctness festered        what Christmas is all about, Charlie
in university campuses, and it's to         Brown."
them that it returned home to roost.
                                            The students were forbidden to make
Further developments have transpired        a religious reference.  But that
at Mizzou, continuing to demonstrate        didn't stop it from happening.  At
that the censorship of PC reached a         the moment of silence, parents and
boiling point.  It warrants a closer        other attendees, aware of the cen-
examination in a future issue of            sorship, prepared the lines in writ-
LiberTORian, and hopefully that will        ing and began reciting it during the
be explored in these pages.  Another        silent moment.  Others joined in.  
example was at an Ivy League school         The school couldn't stop it, nor
(they've received considerable em-          could they reprimand the audience!
barassment for this inxident so I'll
leave it to you to look up which one        PC is just a means to control the 
just for their sake.) this past             masses, and censor dissenting views.
Halloween.  Other schools have en-          But the tide is beginning to turn in
gaged in a war on Halloween, either         the other direction.  With momentum
because it's a Christian holiday, it        building, don't be intimidated out
is of pagan origin, or it is somehow        of your right to free speech.  ((L))

-Page 24-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&          ================================
   CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY:              }}}  >>>  captmidn.txt  <<<  {{{
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&          ================================
This anonymously written file re-           This file was longer than I thought,
counts the story of one of the most         but it's a classic from the 1980s
famous pirating incidents in history        and it deserves to be recounted for
for posterity.  It's a classic geeky        future generations.
David vs Goliath story, with HBO as
Goliath, of course.                         Enjoy!

  It started out as just another Saturday.  April 26, 1986.  John R.
MacDougall, 25, spent the day alone at his satellite TV dealership in Ocala,
Florida, waiting for customers who never came.  "It was," he says, "a normal
day in the doldrums of the satellite TV industry." But that night, MacDougall,
5 feet 11, 225 pounds, and prone to nervously running his fingers through his
reddish blond hair and adjusting his glasses, would transform into Captain
Midnight and set the world of satellite television spinning.

  Business had been flat since January 15, when Home Box Office became the
first pay TV service to scramble its signal full time.  Other services were
following HBO's lead.  Dish owners were balking at the cost of descramblers and
program fees.  Potential customers were confused and stayed away in droves.The
1985 boom in dish sales had simply petered out, and MacDougall Electronics, in
business for just two-and-a-half years, had seen its early profits disappear.

  American Dream

  MacDougall had stopped advertising and turned off his air-conditioner to save
money.  With no customers, he idled away the day watching TV and reading
magazines.  Later, he would say, "I have been watching the great American dream
slip from my grasp."

  To make ends meet, MacDougall spent his evenings moonlighting as a part-time
operations engineer at Central Florida Teleport, a local company that uplinks
services to satellites.  He was a natural electronics engineer.  A good
student, he had spent his spare time during his teenage years tinkering with CB
radios and automobiles.  With some pals, he rebuilt a 1923 Ford roadster that
he still owns.  He had dropped out of a management engineering course at
Worcester Polytechnical Institute in Massachusetts after two years, but his
first job was installing satellite TV dishes."My father used to tell me I would
need to get a job where I would be able to make money by watching TV just
because I liked TV so much," he says.  At Central Florida Teleport, he could do
just that.  At 4 p.m.  on that Saturday, MacDougall shut up shop.  He stopped
at his home, where he lived alone, picked up a sandwich for supper, and then
reported to the teleport.  After two hours, a second engineer went off duty and
MacDougall was alone in the small building that is flanked on one side by five
large satellite dishes.

  As the end of his shift drew near, MacDougall was absently watching Pee-Wee's
Big Adventure, a movie he was uplinking for the now-defunct pay-per-view
service, People's Choice.  But something else was on his mind.  When the film
ended, MacDougall went through the normal routine.  Before logging off, he set
up color bars and punched buttons to swing the giant 30 foot dish he'd been

-Page 25-

using to its resting place.  That was necessary because the soil beneath the
dish's cement pad is sandy clay.  Rainfall could throw it off-kilter, but by
setting it in a certain way the rain runs harmlessly into a gutter.  At its
resting place, the dish points directly at the satellite Galaxy 1.
Transpondedr 23 on that satellite carries the eastern feed of HBO.  "That's
when I decided to do it,"says MacDougall.  "It wasn't like I thought about it,
'Yes.  No.  Yes.  No.' It was just, 'Yeah!'" He scrolled up a character
generator, and electronic keyboard that puts letters across the TV screen, and
tried to think what to write.  "I didn't know exactly how to start it," he
says.  "I wrote 'Goodevening." I wanted to be polite.  I didn't want it to be
vulgar or call them names or anything.  That's not my style."

  He spent a couple of minutes composing his message.  The idea of using the
name Captain Midnight, he says, "just popped into my mind." He had recently
seen a movie with that title about a teenager who had a pirate radio station in
his van.  Now HBO was airing the Sean Penn and Timothy Hutton espionage movie,
The Falcon and the Snowman.  It was at 12:32 a.m.  Sunday, April 27, that John
R.  MacDougall pushed the transmit button on his console and turned into
Captain Midnight.  "That's when I hit it," he says.  "It was almost like an
out-of-body experience.  It was like I was there but I wasn't really there."

  For 4 1/2 minutes, HBO viewers in the eastern United States saw this message:

                            GOODEVENING HBO
                            FROM CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT
                            NO WAY!
                            (SHOWTIME/MOVIE CHANNEL BEWARE)

  A week earlier, MacDougall had successfully overridden HBO's powerful signal
momentarily with just a test pattern.  (He now publicly denies this, but he
admitted it to a United States attorney.) The network had quickly brushed that
signal aside, attributing it to not uncommon accidental interference.  This
time, the engineer on duty at HBO's Long Island, New York, uplink station
simply stepped up the signal's power.  HBO was transmitting at 125 watts.  When
Captain Midnight applied more power, the HBO engineer revved up to match it.
"He saw the interference and saw that he was losing a grip on things," says
George Dillon, an engineer who investigated the episode for the enforcement and
investigative division of the Federal Communications Commission.  "This little
game took 60 to 90 seconds.  You had these two people at their respective
stations fighting for control."

  As Captain Midnight's signal surged, HBO placed a frantic call to Hughes
Communications Inc., which owns Galaxy 1, asking:  "Is there something wrong
with the bird?" Says Dillon, "HBO thought it might cause damage to the
satellite, so they gave it up.

                    NEVER LOST CONTROL

  In Ocala, Captain Midnight was stunned.  "I could see my signal on top of
HBO's as soon as I hit the transmit button," says MacDougall.  "I stared at the
monitor for a while, and then I didn't know if it was two minutes or 10
minutes." Caught up with engineering curiosity, he monitored power levels and
downlink signals.  "At no time," he says, "did I lose control over the
transponder." But then, as suddenly as he had struck, he quit.  "When I shut it
off, I really didn't know how long I had been on top of HBO, but that's when I
started to feel very guilty," he says.  "I thought, "Ohmigod, what did I do?'

-Page 26-

That thought raced through my mind for the next 10 or 15 minutes as I
reconfigured the teleport back to normal.  The guilt really set in that night.
I didn't sleep very well."

  On Sunday morning he woke up to the same nagging doubts.  "I thought maybe I
should turn myself in.  But then I thought, 'Well, let's be rational.  Nobody's
going to see it.  Nobody cares.  HBO will know.  They'll get the message.
They'll reconsider their arbitrary and unfair pricing, and maybe I'll read
about it in a few months in Satellite Orbit.  That's basically how I
rationalized, not panicking, and went on with my daily routine that Sunday.'

  Then he saw that Captain Midnight's HBO ambush was making TV's network
newscasts, and he began to panic.  "I was devastated and so nervous with
frustration.  I had to work that night at the teleport.  Another man was going
to be there for the first two hours.  When he got there I had to pretend and
say things like, "Dkid you see this guy Captain Midnight?  Geez, do you realize
what in the world, he could have done?' That was difficult."

  Normally, MacDougall's natural curiosity would have made him the first to
want to discuss how it was done.  But as the event made national headlines and
became fodder for jokes by David Letterman and Johnny Carson, he went the other
way, trying to play it down.  The tension grew as HBO clamored for his head,
and the FCC and even Congress got involved.

  On April 28, HBO chairman Michael J.  Fuchs wrote to the FCC saying that the
company had received calls threatening to move Galaxy 1 into a new orbit.  He
urged the Commission to "use all its investigative resources" to capture
Captain Midnight.

  "This wasn't just a jamming, but a jamming and replacement.  And a
fascinating one at that," says HBO spokesman Alan Levy.  "That's why you saw a
lot of action on this case.  We understand that the dish owners are at odds
with the programmers, but when you escalate it to this point, it gets a little
wild and woolly.  And when you're breaking the satellite system of the United
States, it's very serious."

  FCC investigator Dillon says the implications of the incident involved a
threat to the national security.  "There's lots of highly sensitive data
involved.  If you have a bandit, it could disrupt the business of the United
States--things like defense communications, medical information, telephone
communications, and teleconferences.

  Edgar Eagan, owner of Central Florida Teleport, took the incident very
seriously.  "He logged out and signed the log and decided to stay and play,"
says Eagan, founder and past president of ESPN, the sports network.  "In
reality he was using the equipment for an unauthorized and illegal purpose."

                      RUMORS GALORE

  As the investigation proceeded, rumors abounded.  Satellite TV publications
and television commentators received calls and tapes from people claiming to be
Captain Midnight.  The FBI was said to be on the case, and the hunt was rumored
to focus on Dallas, Texas.

  In Ocala, MacDougall had decided to "play it dumb." Discreetly, he talked to
colleagues in the satellite TV business to find out how the investigation was
going.  But gradually he could not resist discussing the incident with other

-Page 27-

engineers and operators who talked about what happens when two signals meet on
a single transponder.  He was outraged when they dismissed his observations.

  "I don't like to say this, but even the more skilled personnel were of the
assumption that you would never get a clear signal with two signals feeding on
the same channel," MacDougall says.  "I brought out the fact that if one was
much stronger than the other, it would override it.  At that point they told me
I was wrong, and that I didn't know what I was talking about.

  "All of my life people have never taken my word for things because I've
always seemed to be a little younger than they are, and maybe a little less
experienced, but I've always come up with the right answer.  They didn't seem
to believe my theory.  Well, I guess they ought to believe it now, because I
was right."

                        THE TIP OFF

  It was a phone call made by a disgruntled dish owner from Ocala that
concentrated the FCC's investigation on the Central Florida Teleport.  Someone
claiming to be Captain Midnight was overheard by a tourist from Wisconsin at a
phone booth just off Interstate 75 in Gainesville, Florida.  The tourist
reported the conversation and the man's license plate number to the FCC.
MacDougall says the impostor was a customer of his, but he doesn't know his
last name.  Again, he was outraged.  "He was very militant about scrambling and
the cable progra business, and not tried to make out like some kind of hero, I
would still be panicking and wondering whether they were going to come and get

  MacDougall's voice rises as he exclaims, "I still can't believe this guy
actually told people he was Captain Midnight and MacDougall says the only time
he broke the law was driving over the 55 mph speed limit.  "I never even bought
beer under age.  I was a model citizen," he says earnestly.

                     FCC MOVES IN

  In July, FCC investigators talked to MacDougall, asking questions that led
him to believe they knew what had happened.  He told them he hadn't done it,
and that he had no knowledge of the incident, but then he really began to
worry.  "I was very concerned about it, but I didn't let on," he says.  "I'm
able to hide my feelings very well.  I can just about convince people I'm a
total raving maniac at the same time."

  Two weeks later, the FCC returned.  This time, they brought along U.S.
Attorney Lawrence Gentile III, who served MacDougall with a subpoena to appear
in U.S.  District Court in Jacksonville.  According to MacDougall, their
conversation went like this:

  "What's this for?" MacDougall asked when Gentile held out the subpoena.

  "Captain Midnight," answered Gentile.  "Aren't you aware that you're a
suspect in this incident?"

  "You're trying to tell me that just because I'm a satellite dish dealer and I
happened to work for a teleport, I'm a suspect?  responded MacDougall.

  "There are other things," replied Gentile.

-Page 28-

  "Well, what are they?" asked MacDougall.

  "We can't discuss it here," said Gentile.  "We can talk about it in front of
the grand jury.  You need to think very carefully about this.  You seem like a
level-headed man, but you don't seem to be taking this seriously.  This is a
serious time.  You might want to consult with an attorney."

  "Attorney for what?" questioned MacDougall.  "I haven't done anything.  An
innocent man does not need an attorney.  The only people who hire attorneys are
guilty people."

  According to MacDougall, Gentile then attempted to reach an agreement with
him.  "If you would be willing to talk to us about this and tell us what you
know about this incident right now," said Gentile, "I'd be willing to recommend
probation to the judge and a small fine.  Probation and a fine are not bad
considering what you're facing.  Let's face it, Mr.  MacDougall, this is not
the crime of the century.  However, we have been getting a lot of pressure on

  MacDougall said at that point he began to think there was not enough evidence
to convict him; otherwise he wouldn't have been offered a plea bargain.  Still
claiming innocence, MacDougall told Gentile he would see him in Jacksonville.

  MacDougall's first brief jamming raid on HBO led investigators to strongly
suspect him.  The investigation had been narrowed down to uplink stations with
the capacity to pull off both raids, and then to those manned by the same
person at the time of each incident.  "We had a very good idea he was our man,"
says Gentile.  "Of all the people I talked with, he was the only one I gave
target warnings to [the equivalent of the Miranda warnings police give when
they make an arrest].  "He says he leaned on MacDougall "pretty hard."


  Taking Gentile's advice, MacDougall contacted an Ocala attorney, John Green
Jr.  When they first met, MacDougall recalls, "he said, 'Well, John, tell me
about Captain Midnight.' And I reached out my hand and said, 'Well, here,
that's me.'"

  Green advised him that he had a 70-percent chance of winning the case.  If
convicted, he faced a $100,000 fine and/or one year in jail.  But MacDougall
decided to enter a plea of guilty.  "There were two reasons," he said.  "I
could release my guilt, plead guilty, and get it over with, do the right thing.
That kept panging at me:  do the right thing.  But the other side, the
activist, kept saying, 'Stand up for your rights.' My idealism and my activism
were combating my conservative upbringing and my conservative political
leanings.  They were battling back and forth, and I was at my wits' end.  I
didn't know what to do."

  MacDougall also worried about going before the grand jury and trying to lie
his way out of the charge.  "I would not have wanted to take a midemeanor and
make it a felony by committing perjury," he says.  In the end, the determining
factor was money.  Green advised his client that going to trial could take 6 to
12 months and cost $30,000 to $40,000.  "During that time," MacDougall says, "I
couldn't have said anything, and I would have been bombarded by the press.  It
would have been a nightmare."

  Fighting and then losing the case was always a possibility, and MacDougall

-Page 29-

conjured up nightmares of what that might entail.  "This was a federal
penitentiary they could have sent me to," he said.  "The concept just didn't
register, to be sitting eating lunch with the other convicts in striped
uniforms, and a guy says, 'Hey, what are you in for?" And I say, 'Oh, I
operated a trnsmitter without a license.' I couldn't take the risk."

                      FUN EDUCATION

  By the time he went to the federal court on July 22 and went through the
arrest procedure, which included being photographed and fingerprinted,
MacDougall's curiosity was back in full force.  "If I hadn't been directly
involved, it probably would have been a fun educational experience," he says.
"You can't just plead guilty to a crime.  It's hours and hours of discussion,
and you have to prove to the prosecutor, and also the judge, that you are
guilty.  Then, you have to prove you weren't coerced into making the statement,
and that you have knowledge of your rights." MacDougall says officials at both
the July 22 hearing and the sentencing, on August 26, were surprisingly
cordial.  He speaks of smiles, handshakes from marshals, and understanding from
U.S.  Magistrate Howard T.  Snyder, who fined him $5,000 and placed him on one
year's probation.  "I'm glad to see that the legal system does work," he says.

  Meanwhile, although convicted in court, MacDougall had become a hero to many
dish owners and satellite TV dealers.  A group calling itself the Captain
Midnight Grassroots Coalition had formed and was selling bumper stickers,
T-shirts, visors, and sweat bands to raise money for MacDougall's legal costs.
Said Donald Cochran, spokesman for the coalition:  "While there are those who
consider Captain Midnight a criminal for his unauthorized transmissions, there
is another group made up of home satellite dish owners, small business people,
and rebels, who support his actions as a non-violent and non-destructive
protest in the best American tradition."

                     THE RIGHT REASONS

  MacDougall says he has had no direct involvement with the coalition, but he
adds, "I would like to see my own industry support me in this.  Even though I
may have done more harm than good, as some people think, I did it for the right

  Central Florida Teleport owner Eagan, on the other hand, says that local
opinion in Ocala and surrounding Marion County has gotten "silly." When the
coalition presented MacDougall with its first donation, a check for $500, in
September, a crowd gathered outside his office, and drivers of passing cars and
pickup trucks honked their horns.  Says Eagan, "There's a group of people here
who think that John MacDougall is a wonderful man and a great hero who has done
wonderful things for them.  But to me, that has not been placed in the
perspective of the world view or even the regional view.  Ninety-nine and nine
tenths [percent] of the people don't agree."

  Eagan says the only positive thing to come out of the incident was that
MacDougall was in the home dish business and so there was at least a reason for
him to have done it.  "If it had been some crackpot who did it just for the
hell of it, or an employee being vindictive, then the corporate community would
have been more upset.  This way they can say, 'We're not the target, HBO was.'"

  Still, the FCC is stepping up security.  It has moved to require that by the
end of 1987 every radio and television transmitter must use an electronic name
tag whenever it is on the air.  Each satellite uplink station would leave a

-Page 30-

unique, unchangeable electronic signature whenever it was used.  Also, a bill
is being drafted in Congress that would raise the penalty for satellite
interference to a $250,000 fine and/or 10 years in jail.

                    SCRAMBLING A REALITY

  HBO's Levy says that now that scrambling is a reality, he believes consumers
are dropping their emotional resistance to it.  "We were the first ones to
scramble," he says.  "We got the arrows in the back and we were the ones to get
jammed.  We're over the first hurdle.  HBO wants its products in every home in
America.  We are attempting to increase our business through home dish owners.
We're calling for the marketplace to set the price.  It wouldn't make sense for
HBO to stifle its growth.

  MacDougall says he never contested the right of HBO and other programmers to
make a profit from their programs, nor did he object to their right to protect
those profits by scrambling signals.  "My real concern is that the free and
competitive marketplace be allowed to operate for the benefit of the American
people," he says.  Now, he believes that the last line of Captain Midnight's
message [Showtime/Movie Channel Beware!] was misunderstood and got him into a
lot of trouble.  "It was a bad choice of words on my part," he says.  "I was
just trying to tell them:  "Look before you leap.  Don't follow HBO as the

  It was, he says, the act of a frustrated individual who was trying to get his
point across to people who didn't seem to listen.  He hopes no one will try to
imitate what he did:  "The message is now out; there's no reason to do it

  MacDougall was born in Elmhurst, Illinois, just outside Chicago.  His mother,
Thelma is a homemaker, and his father, Robert, was a successful building
contractor, who retired when MacDougall was 9.  The youngest of three brothers
and one sister, MacDougall moved to Florida with his family shortly after his
father's retirement at the age of 47.  MacDougall speaks often of his father.
Although his entire family supported him after the HBO incident, he says, "My
father is of the old school, a very staunch conservative:  the law is the law,
and it should never be broken."

                     WAS IT WORTH IT?

  MacDougall says he doesn't know now if playing Captain Midnight was worth it
all:  "I might be able to better answer that in a couple of months." He intends
to write a book about the incident and plans to continue holding on with his
satellite TV business in Ocala.  He says that like many small businessmen, he
didn't start off with enough money, although he did turn a profit in his first
year.  "I'm losing money now and a good businessman doesn't lose money," he
admits.  "I didn't buy expensive food.  I bought cheap gas for my car.  I cut
everything I could and I'm still losing.  Now, I can barely plan a month ahead
because of the volatile changes in the business.  You never know what's going
to happen the next day."

  MacDougall believes in himself, although he says he's not a great salesman.
He lost his job at the Central Florida Teleport before he was revealed as
Captain Midnight, because People's Choice went off the air.  But all the
publicity has resulted in more repair business from dish owners, and he says
manufacturers return his calls quicker now.  "There's a certain pride that goes
into my systems," he says.  "I sell a part of myself with each system."

-Page 31-

  For all his public declarations of regret, there is also an undeniable pride
in having pulled off the notorious HBO raid.  "Did I know it would work?" asks
Captain Midnight.



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  A LIE IS A LIE IS A LIE IS A LIE            - By Synonymous 1 -


"A lie", said Adolf Hitler, "when           His other recurring lie is that the
stated enough times, becomes the            U.S. has per capita murder rates 
truth.                                      than any other industrialized na-
Herr Obama's running with the state-
ment.                                       Looking up statistics, even that of
                                            the beloved government's ATF depart-
In his constant demands for curbing         ment, shows that it's a lie, and the
the Second Amendment,  he keeps re-         *converse* is actually true: gun 
asserting that the United States is         murder rates actually are higher in
the only nation that is the only in-        more restrictive countries except 
dustrialized nation that has mass           for Japan.  But Japan has a strict
shootings.                                  police state with so little privacy
                                            that the thought of it makes Obama
He's lying.  And I contend that he          wet his pants.
even knows he's lying.
                                            The crime records of Obama's role 
In an epic fail, he even spoke this         models, Australia and England, are
lie in Paris, right after their             abysmal.  There's one way to prevent
latest mass shooting by terrorists.         his lies from becoming "truth": 
                                            counter them with real truth!  ((L))

-Page 32-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&              ======================
      DOXing THE ABORTION MILLS                   }}}    BY G.P.S.   {{{
                                                  ---------------------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&              ======================

DOXing is defined as publicly post-         1) Record their conversations and 
ing private information about an               expose who they are as a form of
individual.  The information here is           citizen-journalism
highly public and advertized on the
clearnet by the baby-killers, so it         2) Engage in an electronic rescue:
doesn't really fit the mold.  DOXing           use the line to prevent women who
is usually a revenge on a wronged              call in from being abused by 
person or an attack on them by some-           the abortuaries
one who hates them.  This isn't that
either.  We aren't publishing these         3) Try to persuade the receptionist
numbers to have you call the mills             to turn away with information
and harass them.  We're not out for            on how abortion exploits women,
revenge.  But think of ways to use             and sharing your compassion for
these numbers toward positive goals:           them.


Most of these numbers are not Planned Parenthoods.  They will be marked.

1-800-ABORTION                              ARKANSAS
      22678465                              Little Rock Family Planning Services
                                            4 Office Park
                                            Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
ALABAMA                                     (800) 272-2183
Alabama Women's Center                      (501) 225-3836
4831 Sparkman Dr NW
Huntsville, Alabama 35810
(866) 536-2231                              COLORADO
(256) 536-2231                              Mile High OBGyn Associates    
                                            425 S. Cherry St., Suite 300
West Alabama Women's Center Inc             Denver, Colorado 80246
535 Jack Warner Pkwy, Suite 1               (800) 725-7731
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404                   (303) 388-4631
(800) 616-2383
(205) 556-2026                              Partners in Womens Health                
                                            4500 East 9th Avenue, Suite 700
                                            Denver, Colorado 80220
ARIZONA                                     (800) 735-1494
Acacia Women's Center                       (303) 595-4100
1615 East Osborn Rd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85016                      Comprehensive Women�s Health Center
(602) 462-5559                              Denver, Colorado
                                            (720) 810-5442
Desert Star Family Planning
1526 W Glendale Avenue, Suite 109           
Phoenix, Arizona 85021
(480) 447-8857                                                          [ MORE ]

-Page 33-

CALIFORNIA                                  FPA Women's Health
Woman's First Choice                        10200 Sepulveda Blvd. #200
51 N 5th Ave, Suite 204                     Mission Hills, California 91345
Arcadia, California 91006                   (877) 883-7264
(626) 616-3768                              (818) 893-6949
                                                (all other CA listings are FPAs)
FPA Women's Health                          
2500 H Street                               2030 Coffee Road, Suite A-1
Bakersfield, California 93301               Modesto, California 95355
(877) 883-7264                              (209) 578-0443
(661) 633-5266                              
                                            5050 Palo Verde St, #203     
Brandeis Medical Center                     Montclair, California 91763              
292 La Cienega Blvd., Suite 100             (909) 626-2463
Beverly Hills, California 90211             
(424) 239-1650                              400 29th Street, Suite #301
                                            Oakland, California 94609                   
FPA Women's Health                          (510) 899-7099
8635 Firestone Blvd., Ste. 100
Downey, California 90242                    3660 Park Sierra Dr. Ste. 202
(877) 883-7264                              Riverside, California 92503
(562) 862-5121                              (951) 637-2100

FPA Women's Health                          2322 Butano Dr #205
165 North Clark Street                      Sacramento, California 95825
Fresno, California 93701                    (916) 483-2885
(877) 883-7264
(559) 233-8657                              855 E. Hospitality Ln.                     
                                            San Bernadino, California 92408
FPA Women's Health                          (909) 885-0282
372 W. Arden Ave. #200 & #202
Glendale, California 91203                  4033 3rd Ave, #420
(877) 883-7264                              San Diego, California 92103
(818) 502-1341                              (619) 481-3376

FPA Women's Health                          7340 Miramar Rd., Bldg. C Ste. 205
2777 Long Beach Blvd., #200                 San Diego, California 92126
Long Beach, California 90806                (858) 547-7100
(877) 883-7264
(562) 595-5653                              1901 N. Tustin Ave
                                            Santa Ana, California 92705          
FPA Women's Health                          (657) 859-5463
12304 Santa Monica Blvd. #116
Los Angeles, California 90025               28991 Old Town Front Street, Ste  
(877) 883-7264                                   103
(310) 820-8084                              Temecula, California 92590
                                            (951) 695-5471
Alliance Women's Medical Group
1930 Wilshire Blvd Suite 500                3655 Lomita Blvd. Ste. 400
Los Angeles, California 90057               Torrance, California 90505
(877) 484-9977                              (310) 373-1042  
(213) 353-4971                              
                                            1135 S. Sunset Ave, Ste #302
FPA Women's Health                          West Covina, California 91790
601 S. Westmoreland Ave.                    (909) 784-3687
Los Angeles, California 90005
(213) 738-7283                                                          [ MORE ]

-Page 34-

CONNECTICUT                                 Women's OB/GYN Center of Countryside
Hartford GYN Center                         28960 U.S. Hwy 19 N Ste. 110
One Main Street, Suite N-1                  Clearwater, Florida 33761
Hartford Connecticut 06106                  (800) 827-0082
(800) 877-6335                              (727) 785-2525
(860) 525-1900
                                            All Women's Center of Jacksonville
Planned Parenthood of Delaware              1545 Huffingham Road
805 South Governors Avenue                  Jacksonville, Florida 32216
Dover, Delaware 19904                       (800) 733-2755
(302) 678-5200 *PP*                         (904) 731-2755

                                            Lakeland Women's Health Center
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA                        4444 S. Florida Avenue
Potomac Family Planning Center              Lakeland, Florida 33813
3230 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 200            (800) 733-7541
Washington, DC 20020                        (863) 644-7541
(800) 798-6377                              
(202) 583-2517                              Ft. Myers Women's Health Center
                                            3900 Broadway Bldg. C # 1
Washington Surgi Clinic                     Fort Myers, Florida 33901
2112 F. Street NW, Suite 400                (800) 733-4494
Washington, DC 20037                        (239) 936-4494
(877) 659-9403
(202) 659-9403                              Women & Teens Healthcare
                                            16876 NE 19th Avenue
                                            North Miami Beach, Florida 33162
FLORIDA                                     (786) 232-0097
All Women's Health Center of Orlando
431 Maitland Avenue                         All Women's Health Center
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701            1135 NW 23rd Avenue Ste. N
(888) 257-2262                              Gainesville, Florida 32609
(407) 834-2262                              (800) 869-0440
                                            (352) 378-9191
1800 Pembrook Dr. Suite 300
Orlando, Florida 32810                      All Women's Health Center
(800) 203-2135                              2700 S. Tamiami Trail
                                            Sarasota, Florida 34239
All Women's Health Center of North          (800) 347-7066
    Tampa                                   (941) 366-7066
14498 University Cove Place
Tampa, Florida 33613                        North Florida Women's Services
(800) 733-7907                              1345 Cross Creek Circle
(813) 978-1919                              Tallahassee, Florida 32301
                                            (850) 877-3183
All Women's Health Center of Tampa
3330 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33609                        GEORGIA
(800) 736-0505                              Atlanta Women's Medical Center
(813) 874-0505                              235 West Wieuca Road
                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30342
All Women's Health Center                   (800) 877-6332
4131 Central Avenue                         (404) 257-0057
St. Petersburg, Florida 33713
(800) 736-6656                              Well, that's enough for this issue.
(727) 327-3300                              look for your state in a future iss-
                                            ue of LiberTORian!             ((L))

-Page 35-




- LiberTORian@sigaint.org

Version: GnuPG v2

                                                  M O R E
                                                   \   /
Am I doing this right?  Isn't the           &&&&&&& \ / &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
PGP key supposed to be 4096 charac-                  V   
ters?  This looks like about 768               Q U O T A B L E    Q U O T E S
characters.  This is supposed to be
something easy for dimwits like me,         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
right?  Here's what I've got:  I
enter my email address and password
into a my PGP program.  So, what do         "This was less a State of the Union
I do next?  Is this signature above         than it was a state of denial."
what you use to send mail to me?
                                                          -Ted Cruz, on the 2016
It's a miracle I can get Tor to work                  State of the Union address
so I need someone to guide me the 
rest of the way.  All I've read is
not keeping me from being dumb.  The        "I don't get liberal women.  They
above, I assume is the public PGP           hate Republicans but will open their
key.  If not, let me know.  I can be        arms to Islamic refugees who don't
reached at                                  believe they should have any 
  - libertorian@sigaint.org
                                                                -Andrea Tantaros
I'm also on Galaxy 2 under the user-
name Synonymous.
                                            "Yes, I mix religion and politics...
Galaxy 2:                                   because politics keeps intruding 
  - http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion           upon my religion... and, no, I won't
                                            shut up..."
If I did this right, send me an en-
crypted message!  Thanks.      ((L))                             -Paul A. Hughes

-Page 36-

D. N. S.  L O O K U P   F A I L E D           - By Synonymous 1 -


Set your countdown calenders: the           know what it was like before my ar-
biggest statist in U.S. history is          rival.  Sites like Harry 71's Onion
about a year until he's out of power        Spider and Yet Another Tor Directory
considering he won't leave without a        apparently have a good chunk, if not
fight.  But Obama is only a piece of        the majority, of the Deep Web mapped
the problem, although he's the most         out.  In this age of the NSA, I have
visible example of corruption and           the feeling that the U.S. government
soft tyranny in a "free state".  The        has just as actively been searching
problem is not a single person.  It         these links to follow everything.
isn't a party.  The democrat party          Am I not too off base?  Did the deep
has totally turned its back on the          web have a different feel before the
Constitution and individual rights,         last year?  Is there a change in the
both economic and social, but to a          content?  I'd love the veteran deep
great extent, so has the republican         web visitors to write about it for
party.  The issue is larger than            LiberTORian.
pointless party politics.  The con-
cept of freedom is at risk.  It is          By the way, there's a MAJOR correc-
freedom that's escaping our grasp,          tion!  In LiberTORian issue 4, Harry
and all those who oppose freedom            71's Onion Spider was listed with 
should be resisted.                         the incorrect URL.  It's not:

I personally believe that it isn't            http://skunki3q6etts35z.onion
even the opponents of freedom who 
are our adversaries.  I believe in          That is a defunct mirror from an un-
the spirit world and that there is          official source.  The actual URL is:
spiritual warfare.  Obama and other
people like him are only pawns, who           http://skunksworkedp2cg.onion
have allowed evil to use them to 
their own ends.  I'm not asking you         Strangely, that is the onion that I
to believe this yourself if you             actually visit, and have used since
don't.  But this is what I believe,         the beginning.  I have no idea how I
and I think that to win this battle         wound up posting the wrong one!!!!! 
you have to fight with righteous-           Thanks to the user for pointing out
ness.  Bring people to justice, but         the error (don't know if s/he wants
set the example of Gandhi and Mar-          recognition).
tin Luther King, Jr.  History will
eventually judge Barack Obama and           In upcoming issues LiberTORian in-
all the statist world leaders, the          tends to publish content on why Tor
way that the truth about FDR and            alone is not enough to keep your ISP
Woodrow Wilson are beginning to             hidden.  Corrupt governments use
come out in this era.  When your            techniques to exploit streaming vid-
story is told, let it be seen that          eo and internet bells and whistles 
its of someone who didn't stand by          to uncover your location, and how
idly, but also that you treated             you can avoid them.
your adversaries more respectfully
and humanely than they treated us.          We also want more guest posts from
                                            YOU!  Please send your materials, in
It's statistically likely that you          plain text only, to:
have been visiting Onionland much           - libertorian@sigaint.org
longer than I have.  I'd like to             - - -  E N D   O F   F I L E  - - -