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       ______         ______   ______                        
      /  __  \       /  __  \ /  __  \       http://????????????????.onion                   
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   Volume 1        ~oo~        Issue 11        ~oo~        Late November 2015

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 ###   #       ####   ###   A MIND FOREVER VOYAGING- Old text adventure reviewed
#   #  #      #._    #   #  THE 5% LIE- Why unemployment numbers are phony
#####  #         '#  #   #  DEFYING ISIS- Sample from the Johnnie Moore book
#   #  #####  ####    ###   PLUS:          CARTOON!  LETTERS!  WORDS!  AND MORE!

-Page 2-

     ___________________________            __________________________________
    /                          /|         ,'                                  ',
   /    TABLE OF CONTENTS     /||         |    ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~     |
  /__________________________/||/         {  -- Volume 1   ---   Issue 11 --   }
  |||                        |||          {           November, 2015           }
  ||/ It's a table!  Get it? ||/          {                                    }
                                          { A Publication of Synonymous 1.     }
ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN      { Published October, 2015.           }
                                          {                                    }
LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN      {                 --                 }
                                          {                                    }
LIBERTARIANS BELIEVE IN............6      { LiberTORian is published on an     }
                                          { irregular basis.                   }
CORRECTIONS........................7      {                                    }
                                          { N(c), 2015.  Readers are welcome,  }
BLURB..............................7      { actually encouraged, to copy and   }
Do As I Say, Not As I Do Dept.            { distribute this text by any means  }
                                          { possible, preferably by photocopy- }
FEATURE............................8      { ing.                               }
A Mind Forever Voyaging:                  {                                    }
Classic Text Adventure Analysis           {                                    }
                                          { LIBERTORIAN HAS NO DEEP WEB SITE.  }
FEATURE...........................11      {                                    }
Meet Bernie Sanders                       { (Attention to Onionland users:     }
                                          { Contact LiberTORian if you can     }
BLURBS............................15      { host a dedicated .onion server     }
A Message from Synonymous 2               { for LiberTORian magazine.  Send    }
Myths That Liberals Believe #11           { an email to an address below.      }
LiberTORian is On Galaxy 2 Network        {                                    }
                                          {                                    }
CARTOON...........................16      { CORRESPONDENCE:                    }
                                          { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com        }
FEATURE/HARD COPY.................16      { libertorian@sigaint.org            }
Defying ISIS by Johnnie Moore             {                                    }
                                          { Send submission & letters to       }
FEATURE...........................20      { LiberTORian at the above address   }
The 5% Lie: Unemployment                  {                                    }
                                          { GALAXY 2 Username: Synonymous      }
ARTICLE...........................24      {                                    }
Obama's war on Women AND SCHOOLGIRLS      {                                    }
                                          { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN:             }
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART...........25      { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s }
Building Your Own Shelter                 {               Even a millibitcoin! }
                                          {                         (.001 BTC) }
CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......27      {                                    }
CN06-89.txt                               {                                    }
                                          {          DON'T HURT PEOPLE         }
DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY..........31      {     AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF.    }
Yet Another Tor Directory                  '-_____________.\_________________-'
D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32                    ___)| |___ 
                                                       /  ______  \
                                                       | /  __  \ |  

 LiberTORian seeks an onion server.                    | | \__/ | |
       Email is you can host!                          | \______/ |

-Page 3-


  A C Q U I R I N G      R E L A Y             > }  - by Synonymous 1 -  { <


Here we gather for another dosage of        were written by awkward loners who
freedom!  Dear Reader, here's hoping        found comfort connecting to others
that this periodic release of infor-        like them on BBS services via modems
mation recharges your will to fight         that were painfully slow by today's
and strengthens your resolve.  It is        speeds.  BBSs were private servers-
a long fight to restore liberty.            kind of a forerunner to onionland.
                                            I think part of the thrill of the
LiberTORian's original web site may         Tor network is that it harkens back
have run its course, but it received        to that private connection that's so
27,000 hits in a few months.  Thanks        comforting.
everyone.  If you can host an onion
site for LiberTORian 2.0, just shout        Hopefully, then LiberTORian is some-
it out!                                     thing that even those who hate free-
                                            dom can appreciate.  
I'd like to move to a more personal
topic: the creation of this magazine        Are you surprised that LiberTORian
itself.  I love .txt files.  I love         is still around as long as it is?  I
pdfs, too, but that's beside the            am!  And as explained earlier in the
point.  Something is appealing about        column, it's very different (and it
.txt files' universality:  One byte         thus takes more work and planning.)
per letter, no tags, metadata, fancy        Most retro eZines don't last as many
but unnecessary bells and whistles.         issues.  Some of them do, like one
Everything is always monospaced.  So        of my favorites, TANJ magazine, but
one can carefully position every            they are much shorter.  Many of the
byte of text to a fixed poisition.          ones from BBS days would last about
Because it's such a limited medium,         4 issues, or around 7 if lucky.  Do
within its limitations, one can make        you know of any of the longer-lived
an attempt to use the limited re-           retro .txt magazines?  What are your
sources to their fullest.  Now the          favorites?  Do you know of any other
creation of the magazine is an art.         ones besides LiberTORian being pro-
                                            duced these days?  Let us know!  You
Therefore, I wanted to make not just        can email LiberTORian at 
a magazine, but a creation with an          
aesthetic beauty.  It was not to be         - synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com
restrained.  The question was: how
can the text transcend just ordinary        I think I can receive PGP encrypted
plain text?  First, there would be          messages.  Look for our public key
images in it, just like a real maga-        in issue 0.
zine.  .Jpegs?!  We don't need no
stinkin' .Jpegs!!  Then there is the        Who knows what wonders await you in
two-column format.  Real magazines          this issue?  Venture on, Dear Reader
do that.  I chose to divide the 80          and find out.  And when you do, take
columns of text into two columns of         your mind on a journey into another
36, with an 8-column space dividing         time, one that is simpler yet more
them.  We did other things to make          enlightened, and imagine you're in
LiberTORian like a real magazine in         the era of BBSs, reading an actual
every way possible.                         .txt file from that halycon era.

At the same time, we wanted to pay          Or don't.  The decision's all yours.
homage to the .txt format magazines         I mean, as a libertarian, I leave it
that preceded LiberTORian.  These           up to you.                     ((L))

-Page 4-

.----------------------------------.        My public key:
| ------                        ## |        http://6mpj33zob2zmfqzn.onion/
| -- ---                        ## |        10e0ee4ea1.html
|                                  |        
|               Letters            |        Keep in touch,
|                  to              |        JD
|             LiberTORian          |        
|                                  |        
'----------------------------------'        DEAR JON DOH,

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        Hi.  Thank you for your letter to
!!   PLEASE NOTE MY GRAVE ERROR   !!        LiberTORian.  Just to let you know,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        I've been Libertarian for quite a 
                                            while, but over the years I've been
STARTING WITH LIBERtorIAN ISSUE 7,          drifting up the right edge of the 
THE WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS WAS LISTED          Nolan chart.  My interest in eco-
ON THE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE!  THIS        nomics contributed to being a liber-
CAN EXPLAIN WHY THE AMOUNT OF FEED-         tarian economically.  Socially, I've
BACK HAS DECREASED DRAMATICALLY!            done a lot of looking at my beliefs
SORRY ABOUT THAT!                           with intellectual honesty and so I'm
                                            a work in progress, as most people
The email address is:                       who honestly examine their convic-
                                            tions tend to be.
- synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com
                                            I get a few letters like yours with
Don't forget the "1" like I Did!!!!!        each new issue and a few other short
                                            comments from others.  I love to
If you sent something to LiberTORian        read all the feedback.  Of course,
at the wrong address since issue 7,         the volume decreased around the time
PLEASE SEND IT AGAIN!  By the way,          the wrong address went into the TOC.
LiberTORian has another address for         During the life span of LiberTORian
correspondence:                             onion, it had over 27000 views in 
                                            its 112 days.  The traffic steadily
- libertorian@sigaint.org                   increased about 2 months in, then 
                                            became solidly at 200+ views per day

                                            days.  On July 28th a clearnet forum
Good day,                                   began discussing LiberTORian and the
                                            traffic reached 1495 hits, the most
Let me introduce myself, I'm Jon Doh.       visited day.  I'm into statistics so
I'll have to admit that libertarian-        I'm rambling on.
ism is a new name to me, but the 
philosophy is one that I've been de-        Now that you know the word *liber-
fining personally for quite some            tarian*, you'll probably hear it all
time. I'm one who has an itch to            over the place.  Did you ever hear a
share my thoughts, just like you,           word and suddenly you notice it 
I assume.                                   EVERYWHERE?  I've done that.  There
                                            are friends of mine who experienced
Although I have nothing to give be-         it too.  Now it will happen to you.
sides a contact for now, I hope to
change that.                                ************************************

As per my curiosity, I have to ask,         Hello,
how many others have you connected
with? Not just found blogs, but in          I didn't know about your Magazine 
the way I am now.                           until I found it on the InserTor
                                            pastebin. I found a copy of Issue #8

-Page 5-

on there and I said to myself, "Damn,       We also are eternally grateful that
this looks amazing." Anyways, I read        you will be reposting he eZine all
the 'zine and was blown away by it.         around.  We're limited in certain 
It is literally one of the best             ways and are unable to host, and so
'zines I ever read. Needless to say,        while working toward getting a new
after I read that issue, I re-              .onion site, the magazine will be 
searched for the earlier issues. I          floating around the pastebins.  
then found your official LiberTORian 
website and, as a result, grabbed a         We'd love to receive guest material
clearnet tor2web link and made a            from either of you in the future.
copy of the site.
                                            And i know that the days may seem
I was up to Issue #9 and went to            (and actually be) bleak, but while 
look for Issue #10 and found out            statism is on the rise worldwide, 
that the LiberTORian site had gone          things will cycle again.  History is
down. It was rather upsetting, to be        like that.  LiberTORian isn't just 
honest, because I wanted to get a           about these times, but the past and
copy of the latest Issue, because it        the future: It's being written with
is the most interesting material            generations yet to be born in mind
I've read for a long time.                  as well as today's Dear Readers.  It
                                            must be documented for them exactly 
Anyways, then I found the Anon              as life is now.  That's why I like
Pastebin by doing a DDG search for          CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY.  When
"LiberTORian Issue 10" in hopes it          one reads them, (or at least when I 
had found a way to the light of day.        do), the words really present the
I was overjoyed to find it and read         way people were back then, unfil-
it immediately after saving.                tered.  The past is a great teacher.
                                            I wish I learned that when I was a 
Needless to say, I am thinking about        dumb kid.
sending the content to as many free
file hosts and url redirectors as           ************************************
possible. So, when I do get it up-
loaded to as many places as possible,       Synonymous 1
I will be sending you a list of 
LiberTORian mirrors (albeit with            I read that you'll have an exposee
the Issues 0 and 8-10 included) to          on Bernie Sanders in a future issue
potentially include in future issues.       of LiberTORian.  Please add this: 
Keep on making this amazing work of         1) when he was asked what he thought
art for these bleak days,                   the biggest threat to security was,
                                            he didn't say terrorism: he said
A Fan.                                      global warming.
                                            2) for all the talk of the war on 
DEAR A,                                     women, he wrote in Feb 1972 "a woman
                                            enjoys intercouse- as she fantasizes
Your letter is flattering.  Much ef-        being raped by 3 men simultaneously"
fort was made to make this artistic         As a woman, this one disturbs me.
as well as substantive.  It's nice          Please include these Bernie Sanders
when someone appreciates that aspect        facts when you do the article.
of LiberTORian.  It encourages us to                                  -Blueberry
make each subsequent issue look as          
nice as possible.  LiberTORians will        
be much more frequently released if         DEAR BLUEBERRY,
we slacked off on all the conscious
decision on format.                         Not necessary.  You said it so well
                                            already!                       ((L))

-Page 6-

S O C I A L L Y   T O L E R A N T   &   F I S C A L L Y   R E S P O N S I B L E
                   |                                       |
BELIEVE IN         |              BELIEVE IN               |          BELIEVE IN
                   |                                       |
Government regu-   |Personal freedom    Economic freedom   |Government regulated
lated economy      |                                       |morality
                   |                                       |
United Nations-led |Non-intervention-   Robust national    |Nation building
military actions   |alist foreign       defense            |
                   |policy                                 |
                   |                                       |
Using eminent do-  |Tolerance of        Respect for others'|War on drugs
main for private   |others' personal    privacy rights     |
gain               |choices                                |
                   |                                       |
Banning guns       |Civil liberties     Individual right to|Patriot act
                   |and privacy         keep and bear arms |
                   |                                       |
Taxpayer funding of|Separation of       Giving generously  |Taxpayer-funding of
government chari-  |church and state    to help those in   |faith-based chari-
ties               |                    need               |ties
                   |                                       |
Special treatment  |Ending corporate    Advancement based  |Special treatment
for select         |welfare             on individual      |for select corpor-
minorities         |                    ability            |ations
                   |                                       |
                   |           Source: lp.org              |


o Column 1 depicts liberal beliefs
o Column 4 depicts conservative beliefs
o Columns 2 & 3 depict libertarian beliefs

o Corresponding entries on columns 1 and 3 demonstrate the contrast between
  libertarians and liberals on specific issues
o Corresponding entries on columns 2 and 4 demonstrate the contrast between
  libertarians and conservstives on specific issues

The only thing that's inaccurate is "separation of church and state" (column 2).
Libertarians don't believe in special tax funding to religious groups or organi-
zations, but not in restricting free religious expression.  The phrase "separ-
ation of church and state" has been twisted into a connotation of restricting 
public exercise of religion since the 1960s, contrary to libertarianism.  It's 
assumed "separation of church and state" was used for brevity.

Read the lists on the outside columns.  How many do you agree with?
Read the ones in the center columns.  How many do you agree with?

Since each belief has a counter-belief, there should be 12 you believe and 12
you don't believe.  If you believe in at least 10 of 12 in the center columns,
you lean libertarian.                                                      ((L))

-Page 7-

     C O R R E C T I O N      C O R R E C T I O N      C O R R E C T I O N

In LiberTORian Issue 11, we included        OnionUp? link given is a phishing 
a link for the onion site Onion Up?         link. use the crate to find the 
                                            real one. 
After LiberTORian 10 was posted onto ===>     http://j4ko5c2kacr3pu6x.onion/
the pastebin sites.  User Forensic  
Hummingbird posted this (blank name         THANK YOU!  The real onion link is:
filled in randomly by Anon Pastebin)          http://onionuptst6up7n2.onion


Also, in LiberTORian 1, we said that        is the name of many (or all) of his
Legion was a name for Satan.  That          demons.  (Source: The Holy Bible,
was close but slightly off.  Legion         Mark 5:9.)



DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO DEPARTMENT         -  Guest Post by Empty Turret


Anyone who follows current events is        He went into his own fantasy that he
familiar with the results of CNBC's         makes Putin do his bidding just by 
Republican debate on October 28th.          staring him down, a response to the     
It's redundant to say this since we         charges that he's seen as weak.  And
all knew the answer before the media        then he criticizes them with a usual
started saying it: the big loser was        childish smirk, "It turns out, they
not a candidate but CNBC, for their         can't handle a bunch of CNBC moder-
deplorable behavior.                        ators!" [applause]  "I mean, let me 
                                            tell you, if you can't..."  (at this
Sean Hannity, news analyst, went as         moment, his voice becomes the most
far as to say that at the moment Ted        juvenile-sounding alto pitch that a
Cruz excoriated the poor excuses for        president ever had)  "If you can't
moderators, the media fundamentally         handle *those guys*, then I don't 
changed forever.  Hyperbole, maybe,         think the Chinese and the Russians
but the idea is correct: the media's        are going to be too worried about
stranglehold on the "truth" is over.        you."
It also got the candidates talking          You, Obama, are the weakest coward
about potential structural reforms          of all.  At least the candidates had
to the debates themselves.  This is         courage enough to SHOW UP, which you
understandable.  A debate should be         couldn't do.  In 2008 you chickened
about the issues.  Chris Christie           out of the Fox News debate before it
hit the nail on the head in his New         began!  What's wrong?  Can't handle
Jersey way when he said people are          a forum with tough questions from 
jobless, ISIS is at our door, and           people who aren't your sycophants?
we're drowning in debt, and you ask         Fear of speaking without your tele-
a question about *FANTASY FOOTBALL*?        promptor?  You got elected by hiding
                                            from every tough question, so you're
After the fallout of the debate, as         both a hypocrite *and* a coward!  So
we all knew would happen, Barack            how about shutting your mouth if you
Obama opened his mouth on the topic.        can't walk the walk yourself?  ((L))

-Page 8-

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        |\        B                  \     |
                                            | \          y                \    |
  A MIND FOREVER VOYAGING: Statist          |  \                           \   |
 Fantasy of a Libertarian Nightmare         |   \              G.           \  |
                                            |    \                P.         \ |
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        |_____\                  S.       \|

Old-school nerds will remember this:        humanity toward each other, animals,
the classic text adventure.  Today          and the Earth.  But this is not mere
they're called "interactive fiction"        fiction.  It is an extension of the
but we all know the deal.  They were        author's belief of what the world
the precursor to games like "King's         would be like under libertarianism.  
Quest" and "Leisure Suit Larry", and

like "7th Guest" and "Myst", and now        look at the game.  You portray an AI
most action or adventure games have         named PRISM, and you are capable of
interactive worlds.  But in computer        five modes.  One, communications 
gaming's early days, when every byte        mode, allows you to access the vari-
counted, there were no graphics, and        ous areas of the PRISM complex.  You
the player sort of guided the main          really can't do much in this mode.
character through a novel.  Solving         Even talking to people was difficult
puzzles by completing tasks was the         until I read the directions.  In a
main way to "advance" through the           typical text adventure, you would 
game/story.                                 type
The better-written the program, the           talk to Perelman about Jill
more freedom the character has to
interact with the environment.  Some        But after trying several typed of
games like "Zork III" are surpris-          syntax and then reading the instruc-
ingly free, while other games, like         tions, I learned that this game is
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the              different and you have to type:
Galaxy",(yes, based on the novels)
is very linear.  You must solve the           Perelman, who is Jill?
puzzles in one "chapter" to progress
to the next, and usually within a           So this game made its own rules and
certain number of turns.  Personally        strictly adhered to them, which can
this kind is less enjoyable, but as         be confounding to many tried-and-
a libertarian, go play it if you            true ease-of-use natural speech pat-
like it.                                    terns.

Infocom released some of the more           Most of the game is in "simulation
popular titles, and some that were          mode", where you assume the form of
more novel in gameplay, one of those        a "real" man in a future scenario in
titles, "A Mind Forever Voyaging",          the fictitious town of Rockvil,
is one of them, and the subject of          North Dakota. The city is an actual 
this article.  I actually was in            projection of the future (2031, ten
search of a "new" vintage game, and         years after the year the story takes
this one looked sci-fi and dark, so         place).  The society in Rockvil 2031
I gave it a try.                            has been under "The Plan" for ten 
                                            years.  "The Plan" is an implemen-
McCarthy had nothing on the paranoia        tation of tax cuts, de-regulation, 
contained in this game.  This title         and traditional values- sort of a
essentially depicts a world of low          "Leave It To Beaver" in the world of
taxes, religious freedom, and de-           tomorrow.
regulation as a depraved world where
morality is absent and man shows in-        This future is bleak.  Respect for

-Page 9-

oooooool:.    .loocc:;:::cool;:olOkdccdo:. .;kO0KkxOXXKOkOXkkK0O0KX:..          
,;,;'',c:.  .--------------------------------------------------------.    ..',,,
..'....;,. (   Detail of artwork from "A Mind Forever Voyaging" box.  )  'lddxxd
..  ...;,.  '--------------------------------------------------------'  .ldddxxx
.. ....;;.    ;XNNNKdlx0kxKNKXWXOkdc:cldOXNKXX0O00xcxkxxkxxxOKXXKOO,    .oddxxxx
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..ckkxxkONWNNNNWWWWWWNNNN0xl;..      .l:.....'cOkd0XKXNXXXNNNXXXXK0k:.  cXXX0OOX
oxdoooookXWNXNWWWWWWWWXOc.           ..        ''.cKKKk0XXXXNNNNNNXKOl. lWWKOKKX
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oxxollll:..dXXXNNKl.                     ..  .        .lKKKXXKXXNXXXXXKd;kNNNNWW
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00000kxkxddooddddxkkkkkkxddoooo: .. ....,. .........,l,,dlldx0XO;;ko,ldkKXKKXNNN
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OOkO00000O0Oxxddoddoodoooooool;.    ...... ...  ..;::dKOoOKO0KXKxdddxKNXXKKXXXKX

-Page 10-

life, both human and animal, is now         Paradoxically, you are given a lot
eroding.  Religion is increasingly          of leeway to move about the various
cult-like.  Your job while in simu-         modes and discover the world you're
lation mode is to record examples of        living in without having to be re-
typical life in Rockvil in order to         stricted to time constraints or 
report your findings to Perelman and        dedicating all your time to problem
the PRISM researchers.  Your adven-         solving, a common element in such
ture is divided into five excursions        games.  For instance, you can spend
into Rockvil.  Each new visit is an         a lot of your time listening to the
additional ten years into the future        news feed, which goes on for a con-
under "The Plan": 2041, 2051, 2061,         siderable amount of time before re-
and after seeing how progressively          peating.  You can also browse
worse society has become, one last          through the library.  This is a nice
ditch effort in the year 2071.  By          aspect of the game, as some other
now the world is entertained by real        games won't let you deviate a lot
life bloodshed.  Stadiums are now           without dying.  The is the opposite;
arenas for murderous sports; people         you probably won't win this game 
mindlessly cheer only when violence         without virtually being killed a few
occurs.  Animals are tortured for           times by the citizens of Rockvil yet
fun as a regular pasttime; lawless-         to come.  Don't worry; it's only in
ness is the order of the day; police        simulation and you're brought back 
themselves take part in the dysnomic        to the "present" in such cases.
violence rather than protect the
public.                                     If you buy this old DOS game com-
                                            plete at a yard sale you'll have a
After reporting your findings, it's         few tangible items like a decoder
the decision of PRISM's scientists          wheel needed to enter simulation
to demonstrate that implementing            mode and win the game.  This kind of
"The Plan" is societal suicide; but         extra-curricular parts in this type 
it's ironic that "The Plan" is in           of game is usually a copy-theft pre-
reaction to the bleak "real" world          vention thing and annoys me.
of AMFV.  Joybooths are suicide-in-
ducing VR machines that adolescents         But what annoys me most in the game
turn to for entertainment.                  isn't the pro-statist message.  I
                                            don't care what you think or wish to
Naturally, the politicians who are          express in entertainment.  But there
shown the results of the simulation         was no connection to reality.  You
are proponents of the plan who wish         never know *why* or *how* "The Plan"
to ignore your advice.  They are            leads to such depravity; it just 
driven by closed-minded ambition            does.  The author of the game did 
and represent the final "boss" you          say he wanted to generate contro-
must defeat in the game.  In the            versy (that is, easy bucks) by being
best ending to the game, "The Plan"         critical of Reagan's policies.  This
is stopped, and the world is saved          isn't criticism.  It's a caricatured
by increasing regulations, curbing          exaggeration of his fears, totally
religious freedom, and turning to a         lacking in any connection to reality
statist utopia like that in so many         and without any logical cause and
novels and movies (1984, Brazil,            effect relationship between the 
etc.) except this one is a panacea          policies of "The Plan" and the re-
that atually works out!                     sults upon the society.  But such is
                                            usually the case of leftist statism:
The fun level of this game itself           it's all based on emotion, not fact.
is a mixed bag.  You are quite re-          
stricted to do a lot of exploring           AMFV is slightly above average; so
in this game.  Of the five modes,           give it a try and enjoy it or don't.
Simulation Mode is the only one             Either way, take its underlying
that really presents an open world.         paranoia with a grain of salt. ((L))

-Page 11-

      /#############################     By Synonymous 1 - Logo by Synonymous Xi
     / #############################
    /  ### |\ /|  ___  ___ _____ ###   /##################################
   ,   ### | V | |__  |__    |   ###  / ##################################
   |   ### |   | |___ |___   |   ### /  ###  __  ___  __      ___  ___ ###
   |   ###_______________________###,   ### |__)|__  |__)|\ |  |  |__  ###
   |   #############################|___### |__)|___ | \ | \| _|_ |___ ###
   |   #########++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++_________________###
   |  //////////++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++####################
   | ////////// +++  ___  __      __  ___ __  ___  +++####################
   |//////////  +++ (__  /__\|\ ||  \|__ |__)(___  +++///////////////////
            ,   +++  ___)|  || \||__/|___| \  ___) +++//////////////////
            |   +++________________________________+++
            |   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    The self-proclaimed
            |   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    socialist running
            |  //////////////////////////////////////     for president
            | //////////////////////////////////////

There's almost no information avail-        Here is Bernie Sanders' position on
able on Bernie Sanders on the clear-        the Nolan chart (see LiberTORian 1):
net.  Well, there is, but it's very         
hard to find it.  The search engines        BERNIE               .
keep the important part buried while        SANDERS'           . . .
putting all the populist sites first        POSITION         . . . . . 
and foremost.  Even Duck Duck Go did        ON THE         . . .---. . .
not yield relevant results.  These          NOLAN        . . . |   | . . .
keyword combinations let to nearly a        CHART          . . '---' . .
universal pro-Bernie Sanders slant:                          .O. . . .
                                            BORDERLINE         . . .
- Bernie Sanders Marxism                    STATIST              .
- Bernie Sanders is bad for America         
- Bernie Sanders socialism                  ALMOST ABSOLUTELY OPPOSES ECONOMIC
- Bernie sanders opposes freedom            FREEDOM - BORDERLINE SOCIAL STATIST
- Bernie Sanders sucks                      
- I hate Bernie Sanders                     ------------------------------------

The last two keyword combos were            Let's break down the stances:
chosen just because the search for
critical analysis on Bernie Sanders
was getting so desperate that maybe         E C O N O M I C
a few of the rabid anti-Bernie sites
would come up and at least give us          Bernie Sanders supports Affirmitive

ticular had something; it was site          racism.  He also supports intro-
which provided unbiased breakdowns          ducing a similar system for gender.
of all types of candidates.                 Ability to perform job duties, and
                                            not racial or gender quotas, ought
LiberTORian will summarize Bernie           to be the criteria for hiring, and 
Sanders' position, and let you be           employers know better than the U.S.
the judge of his worthiness for the         government who is best suited to run
position of next president.  If you         their business.
believe in liberty, you will agree
that he's the last thing America            Bernie Sanders not only is an ardent
needs, especially considering what          supporter of Obama"care", he thinks
we've been through for 8 years.             it isn't intrusive enough.  Bernie

-Page 12-

Sanders advocates a single-payer            Bernie Sanders opposes free trade.
system (that payer is the federal
government).  It's actually the same        He opposes funding the military, one
thing Obama wants, only he had to           of the few areas the Constitution
sneak around and lie that he doesn't        actually speaks of where the govern-
so he can get into office and stay          ment has jurisdiction funding.  
long enough to do it.  His true col-
ors came out in that famous video to        For all his talk of the corruption
a union, where he didn't know he was        of money, he does believe in crony
being recorded.  Imagine the level          socialism when it comes to funding
of destruction Obama"care" has done         private corporations complicit with
times ten.  Under his scheme, you           the Great Global Warming Swindle.
will have absolutely no choice in           More of the money of people who ac-
your medical decisions.  For all of         tually produced will be confiscated 
liberalism's talk of "choice", this         to fund the socialist' voter base.
puts the government between you and
your doctor every time.                     The stimulus is a failure.  George
                                            Bush's brilliant idea (I'm being
For all his mistakes, Rick Perry got        sarcastic), "we have to abandon free
one thing right: Social Secutiry is         market principles in order to save
a Ponzi scheme.  He was so spot on          them" was stupid and we're worse off
that the media lambasted him for the        for it.  How's that socialism work-
comment.  SS actually went bankrupt         ing out for you?  As we delve deeper
in November 2011 and it's deficit is        and deeper into socialism, things 
paid out of the discretionary budget        are getting worse and worse.  But
now.  Bernie believes that it's fine        Sanders thinks we're not spending
for some reason, but wants to raise         *enough* on the failed system: The
taxes to sustain it.  He is opposed         very definition of insanity.  His
to private, personal investment of          philosophy is that the government,
SS, because you are incompetent and         which utterly failed in all that it
the government is much better at            is doing, is better than a recovery
making your decisions for you.              led by the people who actually cre-
                                            ate, produce, and sell.  In other
He opposes school choice.  This is          words: the people who actually make 
really a social, and not an economic        the market work are incapable of
issue.  Notice the pattern: take all        leading a recovery, but a government
free choices from the people, and           that has failed every time so far
make them subserviant to the govern-        is.
ment's demands.

His record on gun control is mixed.         S O C I A L    F R E E D O M
While he has strongly supported some
measures that restrict the Second           Bernie Sanders is 100% anti-life.
Amendment, he has favored tort re-          National Right to Life Committee
form, so that gun makers aren't sued        gives him a score of 0.  He is fully
directly for crimes others commit           opposed to the libertarian's non-ag-
with their products.  Again, this is        gression principle.
really a social issue.
                                            He supports gay marriage, but oppos-
His view and votes on taxes are             es conscience rights.  Government 
pitiful.  His model for taxation is         supercedes religious liberty.
Denmark, which is running away from
socialism because of the misery it          Similarly, he opposes free religious
has caused for its people.  Oh, and         expression in public, and is ardent-
he does support taxing the middle           ly opposed to the First Amendment.
class too.  To him they are part of
a group he calls "the wealthy."             He opposes free speech, especially

-Page 13-


                        .'   ,od'. .,o:;,.      ................................
                        ..xx0kx;;kccdd,..',  .';:'..............................
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      .dWMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNWWNOdxxl;'..                    .:ONMMMMWXWNKOk:,'......
     'KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMWWWWKxdlc:'...                     .:KMMMMNMKxxkdl;,.....
    .XMMMMMWNNWMWMMMMMMMMMMNxdlcc;'..                      .;0WMWXNWMWKkl:c,'...
    ,MMMMWK0KNWMNWWWNMMMMMWXOdlc:;'..                      ..:0WMWWMMMNWNo.,:c'.
    ,NMMMWWMNXMWKNNWNWMNXXNX0kdc:;;,'...                 .....,0MMMMWNMMMxclO0:.
    .0MMMMMMWWMWXMWWWWW0KOk0Odl::;'..                     .....:WMW0xOWMW0xxo;'.
...'lKMMMWMMMMMWNWNOWWWNXkxdolc;'..  .                      .. .kXWXKNWWXOkc,''.
 cxONWWMMMMMMMMWWWd:KWWMWXOdlldxo:,'....                  ......l0OxOkkxdoc;,'..
 .lxOKXNMWWWXNNKWMMMMMWMWXXXNX0o:;:oodddxoc,     .;codl::l:;:c;.oMWxdolod;'''.'.
     ;KMMMMMMMW0K0NMMMW0oxMWOXNXKl,..  .:0WWMx.  x0..',,;::::'. .oX;..'''','''''
     .oWMMMMMMXdxlOWMMMW0d0Ncl00xl;.....,lNMMO;. .O' .''...... .;Nd''.''',,'',,'
    .kKNMMMMMMXcccKMMMMMN0kX0:;;;''....'cxWMWOl.  'k:.....  .. :Kx:''''..'''''''
    :Kx0MMMMMMWo,cKMMMMMMWKkXk;,;'....,o0WMMMKl.   .K0o:;,,,;;ll;.''..'..'''''''
  ..'dXWMMMMMMMNxo0WMMMMMWNNKKKkxxdk000ddNWXWNd,    ,loooolc:.....''.''..''.''''
;ldk0NNWWMMMMMMMMMMMWWMWMWWWWXK0Oxoc;.. oWNKWWOc.  ..        ..'.......'.'''',''
...;o0NNNMMMMMMMWMMWWWWWWNXX0Oxoc,.     cNWNMMMXo::.         ...           ....'
    .';:ckXMMMMWk0WNNWWWWN000klc,..     .cOKXXXKd,...        ...                
               lWK. .:XMWNNWMMWXKkdoldxk0KNX0O0OOOOd:,...:ll'                   
                kW,   .xWMWWMWMMMWX0OxdkxkOOOkxdoc:,,,',:c;.                    
                :M:     ;KMMMMMMMMWNX0kdlloo:'......',,;;''                     
                'Xc   .l,'cOWMMMMMWNXKOOollol:,...'';::;..kk'                   
                .0o  'Xx' . .OMMMMMWWNX0OOkkxoldlc::lol.  ;d:                   
                .ko  lKNo;,. .OMMMMMMMMWNWWNXKXXKKOOXK,   .;.                   
                .oo  .'OKc,'. ;WMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNXWMkOWX.   ..                    
                .cx.   ;Kx'.  'WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMWxKNWl                         

|| |        NO, IT'S NOT WOODY ALLEN... IT'S A YOUNG BERNIE SANDERS!        | ||


-Page 14-

political and religious speech.             freedoms brings one towards liber-
                                            tarianism and away from statism, and
He supports eminent domain, even if         vice versa.  The same way, being
it's in violation of the Consti-            for economic freedoms does the same
tution.  He opposes property rights         thing.  Liberalism is freedom in one
in favor of government regulation of        direction on the Nolan scale.  The
private property.  The environment          web site took some issues associated
and environmental activist groups           with liberal statism, and misapplies
have precedence over individual             them to the social scale of liber-
liberty.                                    tarianism.  For more on this topic,
                                            please refer to the article, "lib-
The NRA rates him an F.                     eral? Or Libertarian" (LiberTORian
                                            issue 2).
He opposes U.S. sovereignty.
                                            This is not me personally trying to
The only area where he doesn't be-          score Bernie Sanders lower than he
lieve in bigger government is the           deserves.  Let me explain and I am
U.S. military.                              sure you'll agree with me that some
                                            of the issues score in the wrong 
He supports the Democrat party's            direction.
current attempts to make voter fraud
easier.                                     The First Amendment is important to
                                            libertarians.  Bernie Sanders has
He favors drug legalization, one of         scored as strongly hostile to free
the only areas where he is liber-           religious expression.  Now, liberals
tarian.                                     are perceived as opposing religious
                                            freedoms  Though, while it's true 
He believes in the 4th and 5th              with many in power, it's a stereo-
Amendment rights of the accused, one        type.  So, although opposing re-
of the only areas where he believes         ligious liberty would score negative
in the Constitution he swore to up-         on the Nolan chart, under this scale
hold.                                       he scores high points for social
One web site which compiles infor-
mation on candidates put Bernie San-        His opposition to the most paramount
ders on the Nolan Chart in this po-         freedom, the right to live, also
sition, almost completely an "arch          scores positive marks.  Another area
liberal".                                   where anti-freedom views and votes  
                                            are scored as pre-freedom is putting
                  .                         animal and the environment's rights
                . . .                       over personal freedom.  His strong
              . . . . .                     support of giving EPA more control 
            . . .---. . .                   over people and putting the environ-
          .o. . |   | . . .                 ment priority over human rights has
            . . '---' . .                   earned him +5 on social freedoms. 
              . . . . .                     Again, it's one of the definitive
                . . .                       examples of social statism, and the
                  .                         chart marks that as libertarian,  
                                            confusing it with "liberal".
While the economic position is in
the right place, socially, he is            Other issues, like socialized medi-
placed as almost 100% favoring so-          cine and school choice, are scored
cial freedom.  In the social area,          purely as economic issues.  If you
this chart, this is WAY wrong.  Re-         consider that Obamacare has turned
member, social freedoms are NOT             out to be the most intrusive en-
NECESSARILY "pro=liberal", "anti-           croachment on social freedom this 
conservative".  Being pro-social            nation has seen, it should merit at

-Page 15-

least SOME influence on the social          points where he scored positive ones
scale.  When some issues associated         were left where they were, just to
with social statism are interpreted         be sure we at LiberTORian were being
as "liberal" and then scored as             fair.  By our estimate, the social 
"libertarian", the accuracy of the          score is actually another 7 points
results suffers.  Bernie Sanders'           lower.  Again, in case we were off, 
position on the first Nolan chart is        we left some room for error on our
a much more accurate representation         part.
than the one on the second.  The
position he scored, 15% economic            So that's Bernie Sanders in a nut-
freedom, and 46% social freedom, is         shell: economic socialist, border-
a conservative estimate.  Some areas        line social statist.  Make of it
where Bernie Sanders scored negative        what you will.                 ((L))

....................................        ....................................

222222222222222222222222222222222222        Bernie is a socialist democrat. If 
                                            nominated, he will not win without a
    A MESSAGE FROM SYNONYMOUS 2             lot of help by the news media since
                                            people reject socialism when it's 
222222222222222222222222222222222222        not masked as something else.  His
                                            outspokenness about his love affair
                                            with socialism will be his downfall.
We believe in free speech.  It was          
not out of dismissing the pro-Bernie        The more free speech the better.  If
Sanders sites that we disregarded           you want to know more on socialist
them while researching the above            democrats, visit their own website:
article.  It was just that those            sda.org.  Just don't expect them to
sites didn't have much in substance         write you back if you request info.
that we could use.  It was hard to          They must be ashamed about what soc-
find objectivity on either side.            ialism actually is as well.    ((L))

....................................        ....................................

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&        &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Sarah Palin once said, "I can see           You can find Synonymous 1 on Galaxy
Russia from my home."                       2, the deep web social network using
                                            the name "Synonymous" without the 1.
FALSE.  It's been passed around the         He also formed the group LiberTORian
liberal circles, but Sarah Palin            with updates on the magazine.  Make
never said this, or anything close.         a friend and/or join the group to 
                                            keep up with the latest from Liber-
People are confusing the real Sarah         TORian magazine.  Or don't.  It's up
Palin with Tina Fey, a comedian who         to you.                        ((L))
portrayed her, who also happens to
be an uncanny Palin lookalike.              ....................................

The skit was on *Saturday Night                                Don't hurt people
Live*.                         ((L))                 and don't steal their stuff

-Page 16-

     _____________ __________               &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
   .' .  :  . /.:/ \    . :  ''::.
  |.  _____ . \: \ /. :_____ . |  |               PEOPLE   LIKE   CARTOONS 
  | .:' .  \  .\__V. .//  . '. |,.|
  |:|| -+-  \:_______//  -+- | |. |         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
  | ||  |                 |  |.|  |
  | ||      TOMB OF THE      | |.:|         Judging from the response to what
  |.||        UNKNOWN        | |  |         was an incidental cartoon in Liber-
  | ||      VA HOSPITAL      | | .|         TORian Issue 10, at least.  People
  | ||        SOLDIER        | | :|         want more cartoons and comics along
  |,||                       |.|. |         with their regular libertarian fare
  |.||  1 9 9 1  -  2 0 1 5  |:|  |         and at least for now, Dear Reader,
  | ||                       | |, |         you shall receive.  Fortunately for
  | ||  HE SURVIVED THE WAR  | | .|         us, we had one submitted by one of
  |:||   BUT DIED WAITING    | |  |         our fans, Empty Turret.  (See his
  | || FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT |.|..|         guest post elsewhere in this issue.)
  |.||                       | | :|
  | ||                       |.|: |         Thanks for your contributions to 
  |.||      (@) (@)(@)       |.| .|         LiberTORian magazine.
  |.||      ~|   |, |        | |  |
  | ||       |/  |  |D       | |'.|         READERS, send your TEXT ONLY comics 
\|/'|/'\/||'/\''/\'\/''\\/||/'\//\'//       to synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com ((L))


         H A R D    C O P Y                 - Reading selection by Synonymous 1


                         DEFYING ISIS, by Johnnie Moore

This author is great.  Not only does        the Soviet Union's communist regime
he write a comprehensive, detailed,         AND persecution as Christians.  What
and well-researched work on ISIS and        an amazing, dedicated, and brave man
who they are, what they do, and why         this Johnnie Moore is!
they must be defeated, he also puts
his money where his mouth is.  On           Johnnie's book, *Defying ISIS* is
the front lines, he gathered real           available at real and online book-
Christians who were persecuted and          stores, and he has his own dedicated
under threat of death under ISIS.           clearnet site for the book:
He invested the time and money to
undergo a real three-stage rigorous           http://defyingisis.com
vetting process that ensures that
not one terrorist gets through their        Visitors to the site may view the 
system (unlike the UN's vetting pro-        author's biography and a link to 
cess, if you want to call it that.)         read the preface and introduction
HE has negotiated with the prime            for free.  Since it's free, Liber-
minister of Slovokia to relocate and        TORian also put the introduction 
welcome these real refugees seeking         right here for you to read.  The 
asylum and give them real lives, not        preface we left out as an incentive
simply dump them off and have them          for you to visit the web site.  The
living on government cheese.  By the        two-page introduction follows on the
way, Slovokia understands perse-            next page:
cution, aas they have suffered under

-Page 17-

                           I N T R O D U C T I O N

        The dictionary defines martyr as �a person who is killed
        because of their religious or other beliefs.� In the sixteenth
        century, a Christian �book of martyrs� was famously compiled 
        by John Foxe to insure that subsequent generations of Christ-
        ians would never forget the tragic stories of those who had 
        given life and limb for the cause of Christ. Foxe begins his 
        classic with these words:

          �(The) Church has endured and held its testimony of Christ
          through every attack brought against it. Its passage through 
          the storms caused by violent anger and hate has been glorious 
          to see, and much of its history is written in this book so 
          that the wonderful works of God might be to Christ�s glory 
          and that the knowledge of the experiences of the Church�s 
          martyrs might have a beneficial effect upon its readers and
          strengthen their Christian faith.�

        Foxe�s book has been passed down through generations of Christ-
        ians. Millions have read and told its stories, and told them
        as legends from a bygone era. We have celebrated their faith
        and heroism, and thanked God that we didn�t live in an era
        where our faith might cause us to be thrown to lions, crucified,
        beheaded, sold as slaves, impaled on stakes, or buried alive.
        Yet, as a shame to our modern world, this barbarism persists;
        history is replaying itself in places like Iraq and in Syria,
        and we�re witnessing a new Foxe�s Book of Martyrs being written
        every single day at the hands of terrorists who intend on giving
        both Christians, and everyone else, one option: convert or die.
        This is not an imagined or exaggerated crisis, but a very real 

        It�s apparent in the news headlines. It�s present in our night-
        mares, in the unexpected questions of our children, and in the
        franticness with which the most powerful leaders in the world
        are scrambling to address the guerilla nature of a jihadist war
        that waxes on at the hands of a stateless enemy�whose psycho-
        pathic supporters exist in New York, Paris, and Toronto, as they
        do in Al-Raqqa and Mosul.

        The threat facing us is the threat of a thousand kinds of Nazis 
        spread throughout the entire globe without a single vein of con-
        science restraining their evil. The terror of it all is that
        these arbiters of hate aren�t confined to a Third Reich. They
        are dispersed in every corner of the world, quietly �sleeping� 
        in their cells, awaiting the order or opportunity to shed inno-
        cent blood to strike terror in us all.

        Every drop of innocent blood prompts their celebration to the 
        world�s horror, and every ounce of fear fuels their unbridled

        Perhaps at the hands of the strong and good in our world these 
        terrorists will eventually realize�as previous generations of 
        terrorists have�that �love is . . . more powerful than death.��
        But, between now and then, their hate will rage wildly across 

-Page 18-

  P R E S E R V I N G    C H R I S T I A N I T Y    I N    T H E    P L E C E
   O F    I T S    B I R T H    A N D    Y O U R    O W N    B A C K Y A R D

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                        J O H N N I E      M O O R E

-Page 19-

        the globe, particularly targeting Christians.
        They will not win their fight to eradicate the world of Christi-
        anity, nor will they win their war with the West, but they might 
        very well win their fight to eradicate the Middle East of it.
        Through it all have arisen stories of men, women, and children
        who have given everything for their faith, even their lives, and
        stories of those who when facing inevitable death lifted their 
        eyes to their God in hope that good will eventually triumph over 
        this evil. The terror they endured jarring the world from its 
        lethargy. Here I will tell some of their stories so that the 
        world will have the opportunity to remember those who stared 
        down the  hell of ISIS with the love of Jesus. I�ll also attempt 
        to guide us as to what we can do to combat this threat across 
        the world and in our own backyard.

        I�ve written these words because I�ve learned to love this brow-
        beaten part of the world with the deepest part of me, and I�ve 
        found endless hope in its beautiful people�Muslim, Christian, 
        Yazidi, Mandean, Turkmen, and Kakai�whose lives have been swept 
        up in conflicts they didn�t choose and wars they couldn�t stop.

        I once didn�t know their stories, and was embarrassingly un-
        educated on all that Christians, in particular, have contributed
        to a region of the world that I thought was entirely Islamic. 
        Thankfully, I was educated by Muslim friends in the Middle East 
        on all that their Christian neighbors have done in the region 
        for two thousand years. All of that contribution now threatened 
        by people who manipulate religion as a means to behead journal-
        ists, sell children as sex slaves, burn prisoners of war alive, 
        throw people off buildings, and leave no debauchery to imagin-
        ation in their attempt to forcibly convert�or kill� anyone that 
        stands in their way.

        The stories of those who have defied them with courage and faith 
        will inspire us, and they will shame us for doing so little, so 
        late, in this time of such great need.

        They will also warn us to awaken to this threat slithering its 
        way through the dark corners of our broken world, for the 
        ambition of these maniacs is to do here what they�ve done there. 
        They aim to make the West the killing fields that they have made 
        the Middle East, and to ensure that no one who disbelieves in 
        their perverted ideology will have the opportunity to preach 
        their own.

        Their faith is not an Islamic one, but a satanic one.  The 
        threat of ISIS is a threat to the livelihood of every sensible 
        person on the planet, and in its crosshairs is the faith of the 
        world�s two billion Christians and nearly all of its Muslims, 
        Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.

        If they have their way, you won�t live another day.

        There�s nothing in the world truer than that.

        That�s why you should read this book.                              ((L))

-Page 20-

  __________________// o   __________________________   o \\__________________ 
 /  ______________________/                          \______________________  \
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 | |    | |  | |_| || [__   | |____      '-' /  /    | |      | |  | [__    | |
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 | |                        [______,'    /__/   '-'                         | |
 | \_____________________                              _____________________/ |
 \_______________________\     - By Synonymous 1-     /_______________________/      
                    \\ o  \__________________________/  o //


There's an audacity in the Obama ad-        That gives us a sample of 240 mill-
ministraion where they are confident        ion Americans.  comparing 94 million
with lying even when it's obvious it        to the whole gives us (94/240) mill-

ing examples is the monthly B.L.S.
unemployment statistics.  Maybe it's        People can easily lie manipulating
just brazenness or overconfidence...        statistics.  But try to prove to me
or maybe they just don't understand         one way where 94 million Americans
that, although their efforts through        out a workforce of 240 millions is
the public school are trying to stop        equal to 5.0%.  If you can accept 
it, some of us still can do math.           such a number, I have a bridge I'd
                                            like to sell you in Brooklyn.
Let's begin by looking at the claim.
According to the BLS statistics, the        Soon we'll discuss the SIX DIFFERENT
unemployment rate for the month of          WAYS that unemployment can be meas-
October is now allegedly down to 5%!        ured, all different but still deemed
It's a boldface lie.  It's as simple        legitimate employment figures.  But
as that.  Anyone who looks at the           first, it's important to know that 
numbers and has rudimentary mathe-          beginning in July, 2009, the Obama
matics skills will conclude this.           administration changed the way the
                                            unemployment rate is measured in a
The number of people who are out of         way that conveniently calculates the
work is a whopping 94 million, a            exact same numbers but returns a
number that has been steadily in-           better figure.  The U4 unemployment
creasing throughout the duration of         numbers, which is the false number
the Obama administration.  According        on the news every month, used to not
to the latest census, there are 320         count people who are out of work,
million Americans.  Elementary di-          but gave up looking.  Under the new
vision (94 million/320 million) has         way of calculating, these people are
the unemployment rate at 29.3%.  But        considered EMPLOYED!  Amazingly, the
wait!  The 94 million only covers           employment numbers started improving
people who are "working age" (16 to         *that month!*
65).  All 320 million Americans are
not "working age".  It's also true          Let's make an example to show how
that some people who work are out-          stilted these numbers.  Let's say
side of the working age.  So to be          that there are 10 people of working 
conservative, assume that 3/4 (75%)         age.  6 have jobs.  3 don't have
of the population is working age,           jobs and are looking.  1 doesn't
or employed outside that range.  So         have a job but, with the outlook so

-Page 21-

bleak, gave up looking.  Under the                  looking for work because
old system, the U3 unemployment fig-                current economic conditions 
ures pretend that the one who stopped               make them believe that no 
looking is not a person at all, re-                 work is available for them.
moved from the total work force.  So           U5 : U4 + other "marginally at-
the ratio of employed people is 6 to                tached workers", or "loosely
9, or 66.7%.  Under the new 2009 sys-               attached workers", or those
tem, the person who gave up looking                 who "would like" and are
is considered an *EMPLOYED PERSON*!                 able to work, but have not 
So the ratio of employed people to                  looked for work recently.
the whole is 7/10, or 70%!  What an            U6 : U5 + Part time workers who 
easy way to improve the jobs numbers                want to work full time, but
without a single person getting one!                cannot due to economic
Now let's give three quick lessons on
the unemployment figures that help           The U6 number is higher than the
you, Dear Reader, to be informed and         unemployment rate of 6 2/3 years of
aware of the real numbers.                   George W. Bush's 8 years in office.
                                             Obama presided over 48 months of
#1: THERE ARE SIX UNEMPLOYHMENT NUM-         unemployment rates higher than the
BERS FOR EACH MONTH!                         highest rate of W. Bush's term: 
                                             14.2%.  The rate was never above 
The Bureau of Labor Statistics each          11.8% until after Obama's election;
month releases six different unem-           studies showed that 75% of busi-
ployment figures, numbered U1 to U6.         nesses ceased hiring *because* of
The lower the number, the more in-           Obama's election, understanding 
accurate the unemployment rate.  Each        that it meant that the economic
month on the news when you hear the          climate for entrepreneurs would be
jobs numbers release, you are getting        too hostile to risk hiring anyone.
the U3 number.  The real number is           From the election to the present,
the U6 number.  Let's examine the U1         70 months were above the 11.8% fig-
through U6 numbers for October, 2015:        ure.  October of this year marks
                                             the first month under 10%.  And
  U1: 2.1%                                   even this is not the real number.
  U2: 2.5%                                   So now it's time for lesson number
  U3: 5.0%                                   two:
  U4: 5.4%
  U5: 6.2%                                   #2: UNDER OBAMA, THE BLS HAS BEEN
  U6: 9.8%                                   DOCTORING THE NUMBERS FOR POLITICAL
The real unemployment rate is 9.8%.
                                             The kakistocracy (see LiberTORian 
Here's how the BLS calculates the            issue 3) manipulates everything for
"variuos" [sic] (that's how the word         personal political purposes.  The
is spelled on their web site; their          BLS is no exception.  Zero Hedge, 
spelling is worse than a typical is-         The Wall Street Journal, and others
sue of LiberTORian) job numbers:             have reported on the doctoring of
                                             numbers.  Like the global warming
  U1 : Percentage of labor force un          alarmists' "hockey stick" numbers,
       employed 15 weeks or longer.          BLS employees admitted that they 
  U2 : Percentage of labor force who         were allowed to just make up new
       lost jobs or completed                hiring numbers.  It was especially
       temporary work.                       crucial in 2012.  With Benghazi ex-
  U3 : Official unemployment rate            ploding in the administration's 
       per ILO definition.                   face, they had to retain their 
  U4 : U3 + "discouraged workers",           other facade: their economic one.
       or those who have stopped             Like magic, the October U3 rate 

-Page 22-

plummeted from 8.1% to 7.8%, although              January  June     October
the number of people in the workforce              -------  ----     -------
dropped.  This happened frequently           2005  65.8%    66.1%    66.1%
throughout Obama's regime, but Oc-           2006  66.0%    66.2%    66.2%
tober was crucial because it was said        2007  66.4%    66.0%    65.8%
that Obama couldn't win with the rate        2008  66.2%    66.1%    66.0%
above 8%.  Of course, when this info               Obama takes office
was announced, the administration and        2009  65.7%    65.7%    65.0%
media's reaction was to discredit            2010  64.8%    64.6%    64.4%
the messengers personally while never        2011  64.2%    64.0%    64.1%
addressing or refuting the facts.  So        2012  63.7%    63.8%    63.7%  
typical; the Alinsky playbook doesn't        2013  63.7%    63.4%    62.8%
really work any more.                        2014  63.0%    62.8%    62.8%
                                             2015  62.9%    62.6%    62.4%
There is a disparity in the unemploy-
ment rate and the *EM*ployment rate.         This demonstrates an almost steady
For some reason, when the percent of         decline.  Two years ago, 92.4 mill-
people who had jobs declined, some-          ion Americans were out of work.
how the *UN*employment rate went down        Last year that number was 93 mill-
too.  But how is this?  That's what          ion, and in 2015 it's 94 million.
I'd like to know.  Because the third
thing you need to know is:                   Now that we know the true figures,
                                             let's compare the progression in
3: THE MOST ACCURATE GUAGE OF THE            the U6 rate next to the Labor Force
EMPLOYMENT RATE IS NONE OF THE SIX U         Participation Rate, and see how of-
NUMBERS, BUT THE "LABOR FORCE PAR-           ten there is a conflict in the 
TICIPATION RATE"                             direction of the numbers.  If the
                                             U6 moves in the same direction as
Early in the article, it was stated          the Labor Force Participation Rate,
that the number of people out of work        or only one moves while the other 
is actually 94 million.  Using some          doesn't, there is a conflict.
general estimates, it shows that even        
the U6 number is close to the real           REFER TO CHART ON NEXT PAGE.
unemployment rate.  Let's assume, for
the sake of discourse, that the real         Comparing the real numbers to the
unemployment rate is 5%.  5% of 240          U6 numbers, you'll see that nearly 
million people is 12 million.  Only          four out of five months had numbers
under Common Core math does 12 mill-         that were in conflict with each
ion equal 94 million.                        other.  Did the government think 
                                             that no one will notice?  Through
2005: 66.03%     2011: 64.12%                its history of statistic taking in
2006: 66.17%     2012: 63.67%                1948, the NLPR is generally lower
2007: 66.03%     2013: 63.16%                under liberal presidents and higher
2008: 66.11%     2014: 62.88%                under conservative or libertarian
2009: 65.5%      2015: 62.71%                ones, including John F. Kennedy.
2010: 64.59%                                 The only exception is the five Bill
                                             Clinton years after the republican
In September and October 2015, the           congressional sweep in 1994, and
Labor Force Participation Rate plum-         many economic reforms were passed
meted to 62.4%, the lowest since 38          reluctantly by the president.
years ago, when Jimmy Carter was the
president.  The monthly numbers drop         Knowledge is power.  Now that you
steadily throughout each year.  Here         know the inner workings of the BLS
are the figures in January, June,            statistics, you are empowered to 
and October for each of the last             know how the economy REALLY is,
eleven years (October was chosen be-         even when they try to pull the wool
cause we didn't reach December 2015):        over your eyes.               ((L))

-Page 23-


          JAN   FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV   DEC
      U6  14.2  15.1  15.7  15.9  16.4  16.5  16.5  16.7  16.7  17.1  17.1  17.1
    LFPR  65.7  65.8  65.6  65.7  65.7  65.7  65.5  65.4  65.1  65.0  65.0  64.6
CONFLICT        YES   no    YES   YES   YES   YES   no    YES   no    no    YES

      U6  16.7  17.0  17.0  17.1  16.6  16.5  16.5  16.5  16.8  16.7  16.9  16.6
    LFPR  64.8  64.9  64.9  65.2  64.9  64.6  64.6  64.7  64.6  64.4  64.6  64.3
CONFLICT  no    YES   no    YES   YES   YES   no    YES   no    YES   YES   YES

      U6  16.2  16.0  15.8  16.0  15.8  16.1  16.0  16.1  16.3  16.0  15.5  15.2
    LFPR  64.2  64.2  64.2  64.2  64.1  64.0  64.0  64.1  64.2  64.1  64.1  64.0

      U6  15.1  15.0  14.5  14.5  14.8  14.8  14.9  14.7  14.7  14.5  14.4  14.4
    LFPR  63.7  63.8  63.8  63.7  63.8  63.8  63.7  63.5  63.6  63.7  63.6  63.7
CONFLICT  YES   no    YES   YES   YES   no    no    YES   YES   no    YES   YES

      U6  14.4  14.3  13.8  13.9  13.8  14.3  14.0  13.6  13.6  13.7  13.1  13.1
    LFPR  63.7  63.5  63.3  63.4  63.4  63.4  63.3  63.2  63.2  62.8  63.0  62.8
CONFLICT  no    YES   YES   YES   YES   YES   YES   YES   no    no    YES!  YES

      U6  12.7  12.6  12.7  12.3  12.2  12.1  12.2  12.0  11.7  11.5  11.4  11.2
    LFPR  63.0  63.0  63.2  62.8  62.8  62.8  62.9  62.9  62.7  62.8  62.9  62.7
CONFLICT  YES!  YES   YES   YES!  YES   YES   YES   YES   YES   no    no    YES

      U6  11.3  11.0  10.9  10.8  10.8  10.5  10.4  10.3  10.0   9.8
    LFPR  62.9  62.8  62.7  62.8  62.9  62.6  62.6  62.6  62.4  62.4


      no: no conflict
     YES: conflict exists
    YES!: conflict was 1/2 a percentage point or greater

Number of months where U6 was in conflict with LFPR: 62 (the BLS lied)
 Number of months where U6 and LFPR were consistent: 19 (the BLS told the truth)

Ratio of consistency: 19/81


                                      Source of U6 and LFPR data: http://bls.gov

-Page 24-


OBAMA'S WAR ON WOMEN (& schoolgirls!)        - By Synonymous Xi


Obama runs America the way the mafia         "identity" they choose, instead of
runs a town.  It's common for him to         their real biologic gender.  And,
resort to blackmail, extortion, and          of course, as usual, if you don't
other assorted forms of thuggery to          comply with my unreasonable demands
advance his agenda.  The agenda: take        you won't get your money.
your freedoms away in every aspect of
live and usurp it all for the federal        Now if it was my school, I'd say, 
government's control.                        "Good for you!  It's my district,
                                             and I don't need your money!"  But
One of the ways he uses extortion to         most school systems are bastions of
force anybody opposed to his agenda          socialism already, and they for the
to comply is to threaten to revoke           most part are driven by money and 
their federal funding.  I'm sorry,           rely on federal funds.  Not to men-
Mr. Obama.  I don't remember in the          tion that teachers' unions are tiny
U.S. Constitution, "The president            microcosms of communist societies.
shall have the power to selectively          So they comply.
withhold funding to districts which          
fail to do his bidding, regardless of        What kind of assault on teenage 
whether or not his demands are based         girls is this?  This is equally as
on law."                                     egregious an invasion of privacy as
                                             anything perpetrated by the NSA.
Of course, districts have gotten into        MALE and FEMALE DNA are just that!
this mess themselves.  By accepting          (And as Moxygen reminded Synony-
federal taxes, they've grown depend-         mous 1m, are unusual combinations 
ent on Federal dollars, and the one          in cases).  Already female students
who pays gets to dictate terms.  Ex-         in Fairfax VA, one of the first and
cept that it's the taxpayers who are         as of yet few districts to comply
actually paying, and are the ones who        with this, are feeling violated
have no say in these matters!                because they are now required to 
                                             undress before boys their age.  If
Obama uses extortion to great lengths        our society didn't have modesty it
in the public school system.  Back in        still wouldn't matter; teenage 
the bailout days, he demanded that           girls deserve privacy from voyeur-
school districts in all 50 states are        istic boys if they so wish, and 
mandated to enact Common Core or lose        most of them do!  And by the way,
their funding.  Most states complied,        let's address the obvious: everyone
putting funding over education.  Now,        including Herr Obama KNOWS that
the public school system is a sewer          boys in EVERY DISTRICT THAT EMPLOYS
where all learning is discouraged,           THIS is going to suddenly have new
and its *intended purpose* is to make        (fake) gender ID revelations just 
children grow up to be ignorant and          to get in there!  It's already 
uneducated.                                  happening: boys are reaching their
                                             cell phones over the toilet stalls
Herr Obama is at it again.  In De-           and taking snapshots.  If a girl
cember 2015, Mr. Obama issued an 18-         complains, she is shamed and called
page letter to every school district         "intolerant" by the school, just as
in the country, demanding that every         society often does to rape victims.
school enact policies where children         
may choose which bathroom they wish          Welcome to the war on teen girls, 
to use each day, based on whichever          courtesy of statist democrats!((L))

-Page 25-


  RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART, PART 3                   - By Synonymous 1 -


BUILDING YOUR OWN SHELTER                   completely so that you can't see the
                                            interior.  This includes all areas
If you're ever lost in the woods, to        right to where the fallen trunk hits
build your own shelter is EASY.  But        the ground.
it is a lot of labor.  Hope you have
not been getting soft from all that         5) REPEAT STEPS 3 and 4.  cover the
statist dependency.                         leaves with another layer of sticks.
                                            Cover that layer with another of
This type of shelter, "squirrel's           leaves.  Repeat.  How many times do
nest", can be a lifesaver in autumn         you repeat?  Make it so thick that
or winter when the temperature can          if you put your fist through it, the
drop low and lead to hypothermia.           wall itself is as deep as your arm.

1) Find a tree that has fallen.  You        6) If you have a trash bag (or two),
should be perceptive enough of your         fill them with leaves and make a
surroundings that it won't take you         "door" you can use to cover your en-
long to find a tree that has fallen         trance.  If not, make the opening to
over, but is still attached to its          your entrance as small as possible.
own stump.  This is the ideal place         If you're claustrophobic, leave the
for your shelter.                           smallest opening in an upper corner,
                                            near the stump.
The best tree looks like this:
                   __                       And there you have it.  This should
FALLEN -->   __,--'  I  <-- STUMP           be obvious, but just in case, DO NOT
TRUNK   _,--'        I                      EVER LIGHT A MATCH OR OTHERWISE MAKE
                                            A FIRE IN YOUR SQUIRREL'S NEST!!!
2) Do not move any leaves from under        Your shelter is a fireball in wait.
the tree.  These leaves insulate you        Flashlights are okay, of course.
from the coldness of the ground.  Do
check for poison ivy, oak, or sumac,        The internal temperature of your
if it grows in your area.  (You'll          shelter can become very warm, even 
have to look up a guide online.  Do         in the winter.  Once a few friends
not wait until you get lost.)               and I built one (it took about four
                                            hours for three people).  It snowed 
3) Collect large branches.  Align           while we built it.  We were prepared
them at bout 60 degree angles along         with trash bags and sleeping bags.
the entirety of the trunk like this         It became so hot that we all slept
(now you're viewing the fallen trunk        on the outside of our sleeping bags
straight on:                                in our underwear because it was so
                                            uncomfortably hot otherwise.  This
                /I\                         was up North in February.  Another
               //I\\                        time, 8 of us built a large one and
              ///I\\\                       and it was resilient.  It stood for 
                                            2 years.  Oh, and if you're a girl,
place largest branches closest to           don't think you can't build one!
the stump.  Also put branches on one
side of the stump, leaving the other        If you're in the mood for adventure,
side open for you to enter it.              why not get practice in and build a
                                            shelter and use it that night.  You
4) Gather leaves.  cover the sticks         may save your life knowing how.((L))

-Page 26-

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-Page 27-


    CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY            - gun-ctrl.txt


Today's classic .txt file is "Gun           that our Founding Fathers (and the
Control, Patriotism, and Civil Dis-         Martin Luther King, Jr. wing of the
obedience", originally published in         civil rights movement) employed in
1991.  This is during some of the           order to resist unjust laws.
first days of emboldened gun-control
laws being enacted at the state and         As always, this text file appears
municipal levels.  This file, which         exactly as it did when first pub-
originally appeared in an issue of          lished.  This one is a 62-column
"Freedom Daily", a libertarian/             plain text file, a bit weird, since
Constitutionalist newsletter of the         64-columns is one of several stand-
day.  Here, the author suggests             ards.  But I'm libertarian so it 
applying the civil disobedience             doesn't matter to me.  ENJOY!  ((L))



The State of California recently enacted a law which requires
owners of semiautomatic weapons to register their guns with
the state. But when the law went into effect, thousands of
California gun owners, although risking a felony conviction,
refused to comply with its requirements.

The gun owners were immediately showered with harsh criticism,
not only from their public officials but from many of their
fellow citizens as well. The critics implied, among other
things, that since the law had been passed by the duly elected
representatives of the people, the gun owners, as members of
society, had a duty to comply with its terms.

The controversy raises important issues concerning liberty,
property, government, patriotism, and civil disobedience.

As I have repeatedly emphasized, by adopting the welfare-
state, planned-economy way of life, the American people of our
time have rejected and abandoned the principles of individual
freedom and limited government on which our nation was
founded. But they have also rejected and abandoned something
of equal importance: the concept of patriotism which
characterized America's Founding Fathers.

There have been two different notions of patriotism in
American history. The one which characterizes the American
people of the 20th century--the one which is taught in our
public schools--is this: patriotism means the support of one's
own government and the actions which the government takes on
behalf of the citizenry. The idea is that since we live in a

-Page 28-

democratic society, the majority should have the political
power to take any action it desires. And although those in the
minority may not like the laws, they are duty-bound, as "good"
citizens, to obey and support them.

The distinguishing characteristic of this type of patriotism
is that the citizen does not make an independent, personal
judgment of the rightness or wrongness of a law.  Instead, he
does what he has been taught to do since the first grade in
his government schools: he places unwavering faith and trust
in the judgment of his popularly elected public officials.

The other concept of patriotism was the type which
characterized the British colonists during the late 1700s.
These individuals believed that patriotism meant a devotion to
certain principles of rightness and morality. They believed
that the good citizen had the duty to make an independent
judgment as to whether his own government's laws violated
these principles. And so, unlike their counterparts in America
today, these individuals refused to automatically accept the
legitimacy of the actions of their public officials.

Let us examine how "real-world" applications of these two
concepts of patriotism differ dramatically.

In the late 1700s, the British colonists were suffering under
the same type of oppressive regulatory and tax system under
which present-day Americans are suffering. What was the
reaction of the colonists to this regulatory and tax tyranny?
They deliberately chose to ignore and disobey their
government's regulations and tax acts. Smuggling and tax
evasion were the order of the day! And the more that their
government tried to enforce the restrictions, the more it met
with disregard and disobedience from the citizenry.

Sometimes smugglers or tax evaders would be caught and brought
to trial. The result? Despite conclusive evidence of guilt and
the judges' instructions to convict, the defendants' fellow
citizens on the juries regularly voted verdicts of acquittal.

And civil disobedience was not limited to economic regulations
and taxation. There was also widespread resistance to
conscription, especially during the French and Indian War.
Those who were conscripted deserted the army in large numbers.
And those who had not been conscripted hid the deserters in
their homes.

This was what it once meant to be a patriot--the devotion to a
certain set of principles regarding rightness, morality,
individualism, liberty, and property; and it meant a firm
stand against one's own government when it violated these

If an American of today were magically transported back to
colonial America of the late 1700s, he would immediately find
himself at odds with the colonists who were resisting the
tyranny of their government. How do we know this? By the way

-Page 29-

which Americans of today respond to what is a much more
oppressive and tyrannical economic system: with either
meekness or, even worse, with ardent, "flag-waving" support
for the actions of their rulers.

And what is their attitude toward their fellow citizens who
are caught violating the rules and regulations? Again, either
meekness or fervent support of their rulers. After all, what
was the reaction to the conviction of Michael Milken for
violating such ridiculous economic regulations that even King
George would have been embarrassed? "He got what's coming to
him--he shouldn't have made so much money anyway!" And to
Leona Helmsley's conviction for having taken improper
deductions on her income tax return? "She's obnoxious--she
should go to jail." The thought of rising to the defense of
these victims of political tyranny is an anathema to the
present-day American "patriot."

And what about jury trials involving economic crimes? Like the
good, little citizens they have been taught to be, especially
in their public schools, American "patriots" dutifully comply
with the judge's instructions to convict their fellow citizens
of violating this regulatory and tax tyranny. Although they
have the same power as their ancestors to disregard the
judge's instructions and to acquit their fellow citizens, the
thought of doing so is repugnant to present-day "patriots."
They choose instead to do their "duty" and thereby become
"patriotic" agents of their own government's tyranny.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the American of today would
feel very uncomfortable if, all of a sudden, he found himself
in the British colonies in 1775--in the midst of smugglers,
tax evaders, draft resisters, and other patriots of that time.

This brings us back to the individuals in California who are
refusing to register their guns.

As our American ancestors understood so well, the bedrock of a
free society is private ownership of property. And there are
fewer more important rights of private ownership than the
unfettered right to own weapons.

Why is ownership of weapons so vitally important? Not for
hunting. And not even to resist aggression by domestic
criminals or foreign invaders. No, as history has repeatedly
shown, the vital importance of the fundamental right to own
arms is to resist tyranny by one's own government, should such
tyranny ever become unendurably evil and oppressive.

The lesson which Americans of today have forgotten or have
never learned--the lesson which our ancestors tried so hard to
teach us--is that the greatest threat to our lives, liberty,
property, and security lies not with some foreign government,
as our rulers so often tell us; instead, the greatest threat
to the well-being of all of us lies with our own government!

Of course, there are those who suggest that democratically

-Page 30-

elected public officials would never do anything seriously
harmful to the American people. But let's look at just a few
twentieth-century examples. They confiscated people's gold.
They repudiated gold clauses in government debts. They
provoked the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor and then
acted like they were surprised. They incarcerated Japanese-
Americans for no crime at all. They injected dangerous, mind-
altering drugs into American servicemen without their
knowledge. They radiated the American people in the Northwest
and then deliberately hid it from them. They have
surreptitiously confiscated and plundered people's income and
savings through the Federal Reserve System. They have
terrorized the citizenry through the IRS. And, most recently,
they have sent our fellow citizens to their deaths thousands
of miles away in the pursuit of a relatively insignificant

Those who believe that democratically elected rulers lack the
potential and inclination for destructive conduct against
their citizenry are living in la-la land.

Of course, the proponents of political tyranny are usually
well motivated. Those who enacted the gun-registration law in
California point to those who have used semiautomatic weapons
to commit horrible, murderous acts. But the illusion--the
pipe-dream--is that bad acts can be prevented through the
deprivation of liberty. They cannot be! Life is insecure--
whether under liberty or enslavement. The only choice is
between liberty and insecurity, on the one hand, and
insecurity and enslavement on the other.

The true patriot scrutinizes the actions of his own government                  
with unceasing vigilance. And when his government violates the
morality and rightness associated with principles of
individual freedom and private property, he immediately rises
in opposition to his government. This is why the gun owners of
California might ultimately go down in history as among the
greatest and most courageous patriots of our time.

Mr. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of
Freedom Foundation.

From the May 1991 issue of FREEDOM DAILY,
Copyright (c) 1991, The Future of Freedom Foundation,
PO Box 9752, Denver, Colorado 80209, 303-777-3588.
Permission granted to reprint; please give appropriate credit
and send one copy of reprinted material to the Foundation.

Is there a vintage text file in your        publish the thing.  I mean, we're 
possession that you'd like to share         all libertarians here.  A poor 
with all of the Deep Web world?  Why        assumption, but why not open this
don't you submit it to LiberTORian,         part of the content up to our Dear
and we'll review and possibly even          Readers?  synonymous1@uggedinbox.com

-Page 31-

     \   oo/                  /\            
u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^        http://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion/

> >  YET ANOTHER TOR DIRECTORY  < <         

YET ANOTHER TOR DIRECTORY is just           &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
that, and it's the largest one I've
found on the deep web.  It has, at            CLOSING REMARK FROM SYNONYMOUS 1
the time of LiberTORian Issue 11's            --------------------------------
release, approximately 10000 links.
                                            Thank you for journeying through the
This is one of those onion spiders          Deep Web with me.  The DEEP WEB SITE
that seek out and finds deep links.         OF THE DAY was my way of guiding you
The list is sorted by number of dis-        through the sites I found noteworthy
covered links; the more links found,        as I discovered them.  I began this
the higher on the list it appears.          LiberTORian project as a n00b to the
                                            Deep Web, and was not just offering
At its peak, LiberTORian's original         a forum for the upper wing.  Liber-
site was number 4452, with 89 links.        TORian was also designed to help the
Newer onion sites tend to have fewer        other n00bs to onionland navigate.
links, since they're new, so if you
are looking for something brand new,        If anyone else is just delving into
venture to the bottom and work your         the deep web for the first time, she
way up.                                     or he should be able to read Liber-
                                            TORian from issue 1 and catch up to
An interesting message is at the top        the point where I am, comfortably
of the page for you to ponder.              visiting onion sites like second na-
                                            ture.  Of course, the risk is no NOT
The site is available is two forms:         get *too* causal and take shortcuts
a Javascript version and a no script        regarding security.
version.  The link provided is the 
no script version, for your safety.         Hence, DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY will
By now you should know that Java-           not necessarily be a regular feature
script can have malicious code hid-         any longer.  That doesn't mean that
den inside.  For you newbies to TOR,        the feature will be eliminated com-
do not use JavaScript unless you are        pletely.  If there's an interesting
absolutely sure you know what you're        site in our opinion, it may show up
doing.                                      here.

If you want to visit the Java-enabled       For those who are just visiting the
version of the site, just type the          deep web and stumbled across this,
.onion URL without the /noscript.html       you should be on your feet in no
tag.                                        time if you get issues 1-10 and 
                                            read through.  Or, you may not even
That's about it.  All the sites you         need it if you're not like me.  I'm 
ever wanted in the deep web, and a          not a hacker or technophile or a
lot of sites you never wanted as            cyberpunk or anything like that, so
well.                                       it takes me longer and more effort 
                                            to comprehend things that aren't
That's about everything.  With the          economics or math or history or pop
Hidden Wiki frozen in time, decreas-        culture or the areas I understand
ing numbers of links will work.             better than the computer whizzes you
This makes a good replacement for           will find all over Tor.  To those
the Hidden Wiki.                            like me, I hope I was of help! ((L))

-Page 32-

010101110110100010011010110111000100        some interest.  If you have similar
                                            interests, let us know.  Maybe there
D. N. S.   L O O K U P   F A I L E D        will be an article or two in future
                                            issues on clandestine writing.
                                            By the way, in this issue's *RAIDERS
                                            OF THE LOST ART* we suggested you do
LiberTORian is circulated in .txt and       a trial run with a squirrel's nest.
.pdf formats.  "WHY .PDF?" I hear you       It can be a fun way to spend a night
scream, horrified.  Just because they       but it can also be risky.  Be sure 
print perfectly.  LiberTORian Issue         that for the trial run, you took 
10 contains a blurb on the best way         preparations, and are connected to
to print the LiberTORian .txt version       the outside world in case something
if you wish to avoid .pdfs.                 does wrong.  LiberTORian isn't re-
                                            sponsible for your actions.  As a 
Next Issue arrives as a well-deserved       libertarian, it's up to YOU to make
break from all of the stress-inducing       sure you don't endanger yourself.
attacks on liberty.  It will be the         But having the skill may be vital to
wonderful Christmas issue.  This huge       you should an emergency arise.
special will feature a few articles,
but its main focus will be the GIFTS!       This essence of libertarianism: that
I'm looking around the net for some         people are ultimately responsible 
really neat things you can give to          for their own actions, does have a 
your loved ones (including yourself).       second part that many forget: human
Work on the Christmas issue is under-       beings are to watch out for one an-
way already, but we're looking for          other.  Sometimes people do need our
your submissions, not just the staff        help and we need theirs.  That's why
picks.  (We do want to publish gifts        I took the time to write a shelter
that look neat even if they aren't in       guide: in the hopes someone's life 
our field of interest.)                     is saved by it.  If you see someone
                                            drowning in a lake, you don't say,
Micro ASCII of the day:  a fish             "Well, it was his own decision to 
   ___                                      go out there."  You make a rescue
><((((�>                                    attempt, or at least call 911 if you
                                            know no other way to help.  It's
                                            like law #1 of Issac Asimov's laws
The eye is ASCII code 248.  Writers:        of robotics.  You know, exploration  
did you know that you can produce an        of the three laws would make a good
ASCII letter by typing its code with        topic for a future issue.
the [ALT] key depressed?  Try it (if
you didn't know that trick).  If you        Speaking of topics, we have some im-
don't know which letters to try, be-        portant material to cover soon, be-
gin with the following sequence.  We        tween varsity team attacks in Paris
think you'll be pleasantly surprised        plus Mizzou and the other government
(but it'll be apparent by the second        institutionalized racism (and by ra-
or third letter.  Maybe the first):         cism I mean #BlackLivesMatter.)  But
                                            issue 12 will take a break from all
156  173  225  240  158  194  9  218        this and be of a different nature. I
124  166  14                                think you will enjoy it.  

Nice cipher.  Maybe you'll read this        In the meantime, keep spreading the
ascii art in future issues.                 magazine, remain safe on the deep 
                                            web, and keep in contact with others
I don't know much about hacking, and        who will stand with you.  May the
neither do the other LiberTORian co-        Force be with you.             ((L))
contributers, but ciphers, codes and        
cryptology are some areas where we          - - -  E N D   O F   F I L E  - - -