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       ______         ______   ______                        
      /  __  \       /  __  \ /  __  \                       
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      | |  | \_____  | |  | | | |  /  \  | | | |  /  _____/ | |  | |  \_____/
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     \______/   \____________/\______/    \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/

          Volume 1        -        Issue 2        -        Summer 2015                      
        ____________________                     .o0ocl:.                 
          D E E P    W E B                       .lOOo;,;c,.              
        ____________________                  .:oddddk0xodc.              
                            ...,,;,';::;.       .d0OkO00OOkxdko;'.           
                           'dxOOkkdoxO00c.      .xOkk0K000Oxddddxc.          
                           ;0XXkooxxOKXNo.     .cOxdk0Okdoooodxx0x:.         
         A movie           .';:oxxkxO0OKo.  .'okKNKO0K0xlcokO0KKKKKc         
        that raised             .;k0kookl.  .lXWX00KKXXKOOKXKKOkdx0x'        
       public awareness          ckdccdd:;;:dOkkkOO0KKKKXKxooddooddoc'      
        of the infamous           'clc:coodkkko:oOXXXXXK00xccccccloodxd,     
         * SILK ROAD *            .;lolcccoxdoc:lkOOO0KK0kxdxocccc:ldx0o.    
            web site            ... .;dxooxOxlllldkOOOOkkO000OdcccllokOKx'.   
            also raises          ... .dKOO0KkoldOO0KKK0Oxx0K0ko::cdxxOKXx,.   
            the issue of           . .';:lxkxolokKN0OO0000KXOolc:oddx0KNx,.   
              * PRIVACY *                 .:dlodxO0KK00KNNNKOdccoxxOKKNx,.   
               in the Deep                 'lodd:'dXN0kxdodxOxlcoold0KXx,.   
                   web.                    .'cxx, :0Xx,.   .;loco:..lKKx:.   
                                            ,kO: :0Xo.     .;doo'  .ckOo'   
                                             .kNo.lXKc       'dOo.   .:OO:   
                                             .dNo.lNO,       .d0d.    .kWo   
                                             .oOo.c0O;       .dNO'     dWk.  
                                              l0o.'ld;        :OO:     cK0:  
                                              lNo ..:,        'lxc.    ;x0o. 
BITCOIN: Commerce with 0s and 1s              lNd.  ::        ;kx,     .:ko. 
                                              :0l.  ;c'.      l0c       .oo. 
TODAY'S LINK: Alpha 7 Bravo Blog              :kc.  ;oc.     ;o;.       .ll. 
                                            .lOl. .:oc'   .;l;         .lo'.
Liberal... Or Libertarian?               .;clxOo,codxkdoolx0o.        .:do,.

- Page 2 -


T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S        LiberTORian  -  Volume 1, Issue 2


ACQUIRING RELAY:                                                         3
Liberal... or Libertarian?

BLURBZ                                                                   4
The FBI found the Silk Road location by mistyping Captchas?

MYTHS THAT LIBERALS BELIEVE                                              4

TODAY'S DEEP LINK:                                                       5
Alpha 7 Bravo Blog

ARTICLE                                                                  6
Protecting Your Privacy, Part One

QUOTABLE QUOTES                                                          9

HELP LIBERTORIAN                                                         9
INSTITUTIONALIZED HISTORY CHANNEL LIES                                   9
Gnostics are Christians?  An oxymoron!

CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY                                             10
The History of Real K-K00L DOODZ

#HASHTAG #FOR #LIBERTARIANS                                              12 

FEATURE                                                                  13
Deep Web: The Movie

ARTICLE                                                                  15
Why is LiberTORian on the Deep Web??							

FEATURE                                                                  16
Bitcoin: Commerce with 0s and 1s

INDEX OF FTP/DOCUMENTS/JOURNAL                                           19

HARD COPY                                                                21

EXTRANEUOS & MORE EXTRANEOUS                                             22

DNS LOOKUP FAILED                                                        24

GLOSSARY                                                                 24

LiberTORian Volume 1, Issue 2 is a publication of Synonymous 1.
Published June, 2015.  LiberTORian is released on an irregular basis.
N(c) 2015.  Readers are freely welcome to copy & redistribute this text by any
means possible, preferably by photocopying.

- Page 3 -


  A C Q U I R I N G      R E L A Y            - By Synonymous 1 -


LIBERAL... OR LIBERTARIAN???                that new name was �liberal�.

                                            Nowadays, the word liberal has the
People often ask me, �What is your          same stigma, so liberals do what
political affiliation?�  I say to           they're good at.  Enough time passed
them, �Libertarian�.  It's an honest        that �progressive� can be used once
answer, but I think it confuses many        more.  The word is increasingly
people.  One person particularly            used by liberals such as candidate
said, �Wow!  I didn't expect that           Hillary Clinton, even evoking the
considering the work of yours I've          name of racist/eugenicist Margaret
read.  The problem with the desig-          Sanger as the epitomizing figure
nation, �libertarian� is that people        of her progressive philosophy.
unaware of the name associate it            
with �liberal�.  It raises problems,        Libertarians were the classic lib-
or at least eyebrows.                       erals, the counter force to the
                                            early progressive movement, and the
Historically, a �libertarian� is a          antithesis to modern liberals, who
classic liberal.  Note the word,            hijacked their name to appeal to
�classic�.  A modern liberal is             the average, freedom-loving person.
nothing of the kind.  And no matter         Liberals stand for big government
how often one refers to it, neither         and limited individual freedom.
does it have anything to do with            Libertarians represent a government
the dictionary definition, which            only large enough to protect and 
includes such synonyms as, �open            defend individual liberty.
minded�, and, �tolerant�.  A brief          
history of liberalism show that             The last two sentences sums it up:
this is a joke!  Once upon a time,             o Liberal: limited freedom, 
like in the 1930s, people like                   big government, intolerant
this actually were called �liber-              o Libertarian: classic liberal,
als�.  It was at a time when such                anti-modern liberal, defends
thought didn't prevail.  The                     freedom and limited government
prevailing thought was �progress-           
ivism�, which sounds pretty nice.           Sometimes a libertarian will use 
Of course, like �The Affordable             the term �illiberal� when critical
'Care' Act�, many things that sound         of progressive measures.
nice often do so to be deceptive.             
Progressivism wasn't just about             So, be proud to call yourself a
progress.  It was specifically              libertarian (if you are one), but 
progressing past Constitutional             you may need to concisely explain
principles.  Progressives consider          yourself to people whose political
individual freedom as an outmoded           understanding is limited strictly to
concept; they did all they could to         left and right.       \\ 
strip these principles from life.                                 \\\ 
                                                              ____)| |____ 
The banner of progressivism brought                          /  ________  \
with it eugenics, social Darwinism,                          | /   __   \ |
Marxism, concentration camps, and a                          | |  /  \  | |
litany of disasters to the United                            | |  |  |  | |
States.  They didn't want to change                          | |  \__/  | | 
who they were, but had to do some-                           | \________/ |  
thing.  So they changed their name:                          \____________/

- Page 4 -


          B  L  U  R  B  Z                    - By Synonymous 1 -


Libertarians are a diverse bunch.           Whatever your view on the legality
There are a lot of people who are           of cyber drugs, the issue of the 
libertarian on virtually all princi-        federal government's legality when
ples, but are hesitant to join the          investigating illicit activities,
movement, because they think it also        and their refusal to present their
means, �and I want to legalize              size honestly in legal matters is
heroin!�                                    something that should concern all
                                            libertarians, and all fair-minded
Well, this is one of the areas that         citizens.                      ((L))
prevents me from being a �hardcore�
libertarian myself.  I'm totally
anti-narcotics.  But the discourse          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
about the Silk Road investigation,
the subject of the movie _Deep                  MYTHS THAT LIBERALS BELIEVE
Web_, is not about drugs.  It's
about whether or not the government         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
violated the law to enforce the 
law.  Shutting down Silk Road is            1) America is a democracy.
one issue; whether or not the                  FALSE.  America is a republic.
methods used to do so were Consti-
tutional is a much more important           2) Man-made global warming is real.
one.                                           FALSE.  New scientific studies
                                               prove that the Earth's tempera-
It's general knowledge now that a              ture changes are consistent with
NSA team hacking their way into IP               those of the past 8000 years.
address of Silk Road's servers led
to the creator.  Initially the FBI            3) Raising taxes generates more
claimed that a captcha- you know:              revenue to the government.
those annoying text entry boxes a              FALSE.  When taxes are too high,
user must fill out to prove to a               raising them stifles economic
web site you're human- was poorly              growth, resulting in reduced
coded and left the server's lo-                commerce and reduced tax revenue.
cation exposed.  This is testimony             Lowering taxes creates more tax-
of Christopher Tarbell, who pro-               payers with more money.  When
vided this information to the                  President Reagan decreased the
defense on request.                            top marginal tax rate from 70% to
                                               28%, tax revenue doubled.
It turns out that this was not
possible with the way the site's            4) George W. Bush had a hurricane
front-end and back-end servers                 machine which he pointed at New
were configured, and the FBI                   Orleans and made Katrina because
wouldn't elaborate to the request              it was a black community.
for more info from the defense.                FALSE.  But 51% of Americans
                                               polled in 2007 believed so.
Other computer experts contend
that the NSA, and not the FBI,              5) The Big Bang Theory is natural
has the ability to track down an               law of physics.
encrypted server's IP address.                 FALSE.  It was disproved in 2015.
The electronic Frontier Founda-
tion concurs in general.                    MORE TO COME!!!!              ((L))

- Page 5 -


T O D A Y ' S    D E E P    L I N K           >>    opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/   <<
                                              >>      /weblog/index.html      <<

                                              Take away their private property
I've only recently been diving into           rights, their rights to self
the deep web.  Since I discovered             defense, and all of the rights 
its existence, I've been using it to          of human beings (especially those 
seek out fellow libertarians who use          in the US Constitution, Bill of 
the deep web to protect their                 Rights, and Declaration of Inde-
identities from illegal tracking by           pendance), and replace them with 
the federal government.  For a while          "priveleges" granted by the state.
my searches have been fruitless.              It's a bait and switch on a global
I expected to see a lot more of this          scale, and the "planners" want to 
in the deep web, but it turned out            plan your future for you. I could 
that it was more of the hype that I           write a very long diatribe about 
read about on clearnet- the shady             this, but instead, I'll cut to the
stuff that I wish to avoid.                   chase... Keep in mind, this is not
                                              a "conservative issue" or a 
After a month, I did follow a link            "liberal issue" but this affects 
that led to the first substantive             EVERYBODY...��
deep web site I found, excluding
basic destinations like the Hidden         The article continues to a link to a
Wiki and the Duck Duck Go search           video.  There's a video archive on 
engine.  The site is called Alpha-7-       this site, but the links weren't
Bravo (A7B) Blog.                          working at the time.  They have since
                                           been reinstated, after A7B fixed a 
Firstly, the web blog host, whom is        bug on the web site. 
most likely referred to as A7B, has
the ability to write sentences that        The research on this is sound.  After
are grammatically correct and have         examining the information on the UN's
proper spelling.  This is a nice           own web site, everything is confirmed
bonus.  The second bonus is that he        as true.  The UN's program is one to
truly sheds light on issues in a           make everything in cities and towns
rational manner.  He is not some           environmentally �sustainable�.  Any
conspiracy nut like Alex Jones or          aspect of society that is not is
Jesse �The Embarrassment� Ventura.         eliminated- including people.  It's
His opinions are backed by true            a progressive nightmare as dark as
facts which pan out when investi-          anything that eugenicists thought up.
gated, most of the time.
                                           The site allows viewers to post their
For instance, one of A7B's most            comments, but doing so required you
recent posts is on the topic of            to use JavaScript.  Be cautious when
the United Nation's AGENDA 21. If          doing so; it's always safest to keep
you read his opinions, one may             JavaScript off when using the deep
think he's a kook.  Here's an              web, as it can be exploited to re-
excerpt from the post:                     veal a person's IP address.

   �UN AGENDA 21 IS NOT ABOUT              In summary, A7B Blog is a great first
   SAVING THE PLANET Have you heard        destination for libertarians new to
   the one about "Think Globally,          the deep web.  Note that the site
   Act Locally"?  It's really not          is only updated occasionally.  Visit
   about "saving the planet"... It's       it about once a week to see if there
   about making citizens into slaves.      is any new content.

- Page 6 -

|MMMWMMWWWXkdolc:::::clodx0KNWNNNOoc.     ...'lkkKNNNXOxdoc::ccooooodOKNWWWWMMM|
|MMMMMWMNKo..,coddool;;'..,:dOXWMWWNx:.  .;d00XMMNKkoc...,,ldkO00Oxdc,;dKNWWMMM|
|MMMMNx:;,,;c,...coxOKKKXKc..'l00KXK:      ,0WKkkdl,.,dkkkkOkdl' .....,;;lKMMMM|
|MMMMK,             .',,;'..  .o0OkO:      .xXxcc,.........              '0MMMM|
|MMMMK,                 ..:dolclok0Kd;clllloONx,;ldxxxdd;.               ,0WMMM|
       _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _   _   _____
      //  // //  // //  // / // / //     //  // / // /   //   /|| //  //  //
     //__// //__// //  //   //   //__   //       //     //   //||//  // __
    //     // ||  //  //   //   //     //       //     //   // |'/  //  //
   --     --  -- ------   --   ------ ------   --   ------ --  --  ------
                                     Y O U R
                 _____  _____  _____ __  __   _     _____ __  __
                //  // //  //   //   || //   /,|   //  // \\ //
               //__// //__//   //    ||//   //||  //       \'/    
              //     // ||    //     |'/   //-|| //        //
             --     --  -- ------    --   --  --.-----    --
                             P A R T    O N E

We live in an electronic society.           a person was suspected of a crime,
We also live in a society that              the authorities would request a
documents all around it.  We've come        warrant specifically for the sus-
a long way since the first Edison           pect.  The authorities were given
recording in 1877.  Nearly everyone         the authority to gather information
has digital recording devices of            on that person, and only information
some type, and the millennial gener-        relevant to the case.  Even under
ation is obsessed with recording            George W. Bush, the Patriot Act
all their social interactions.  All         only gave the president the right
our electronic communications are           to monitor international calls
recorded and stored somewhere, on           between American citizens and known
servers that never forget.  We've           suspected terrorists in foreign
long passed the point where storage         countries.  The Supreme Court found
capacity outweighs our ability to           this unconstitutional because 1)
store it all!                               without a warrant, this violated the
                                            4TH Amendment, and 2) the Patriot
It's also a society where the               Act issued wiretaps in a blanket
government has their hands into all         manner, instead of requiring indi-
the information, whether they are           vidual suspects to be named.  At
legally entitled to it or not.              least Bush complied with the law
                                            when the Supreme Court ruled this.
The way government gathered infor-
mation in the past:                         Under Obama, things got much worse.
                                            The NSA was authorized to monitor
A person is suspected of a crime.           ALL DOMESTIC CALLS, including every
Digital data on a person was kept           American not suspect of any wrong-
privately by phone companies,               doing.  All internet traffic was
internet providers, and so on.  If          also being monitored.  On June 1ST,

- Page 7 -

2015, Senator Rand Paul effectively             Companies are too busy to worry
put the Patriot Act to an end.  The             about figuring out if the 99XX
news is not all good, though.  By               numbers are reserved for the
then the NSA's illegal spying, via              phone company.
Obama's executive order #12333, has        
expanded into about 10 new programs.       2) When eating at Chick Fil-A or a     
It's a lesson to everyone: do not             place that will call out your 
allow illegal activity just because           name when your order is ready, use
you support the current president or          an alternate name.  It's always
government; it will carry over to             fun to have the clerk shout,
the next one, and be more difficult           �The order for Galactic President
to stop the longer it is enabled.             Superstar McAwesomeville is
                                              ready!�  But a regular name is
The burden to protect one's privacy           less conspicuous.  �Brad� is just
is that of the individual himself.            as effective as your name.
In Part 1, we will discuss privacy            
in your everyday routine.                  3) Get a map of your area (I prefer a
                                              tangible map to an online service
1) Avoid cards from business that             such as MapQuest.)  Avoid Google 
   offer rewards.                             Maps at all costs costs!  Mark 
                                              intersections with traffic light
These cards often give you a maximum          cameras.  Some cams aren't all in
of 5% for shopping with them, and           every direction.  For each camera,
often times only select items give            mark the stretch of road in the
you the rewards.  The benefits of             intersection where the camera
freeing yourself of this is more              views.  Plan your route to work
than worth the savings.  The store            where you avoid them all, or as
records all your transactions and             many as possible.  Do this for all
targets you with ads, then sells              your travels.  It is inconvenient
your profile to other data collect-           at first, but it becomes second
ing companies who do the same.  So:           nature with time and practice.
   o If you must use one of these          4) If you know someone in local law
     cards, provide a false address           enforcement, ask if they know how
     and phone number.  Find ones             long the digital records of 
     that the phone company doesn't           traffic light cameras in your area
     issue.  (often times numbers             area or stored, or if they are
     ending with 99XX are reserved            permanently recorded.
     for the phone company.  Call             
     the number to be sure.)               5) You can go crazy trying to avoid
   o Supermarkets often carry a               all cameras.  The ones at private 
     dummy card for people without            businesses aren't accessible by
     cards, or lost/forgot theirs.            government without a warrant.  It
     If they don't, offer them a              is still prudent to be wary of
     fake number that's not in                their presence.
     their system.  Stores are too              
     busy and want to please the           6) Never provide personal infor-   
     customer, so they'll use the             mation from telephone soliciters   
     dummy card instead of holding            or fake bill collectors.  Some
     up a line.  They may suggest             scams say you owe money when you
     you straighten the number out            don't, and ask for your credit 
     with customer service.  Tell             card information.  Tell them to
     them, �I will as soon as I get           send you a bill in the mail for
     a chance,� and never get a               you to pay by check.  If they say
     chance.                                  they can't do that and must take
   o Memorize your standard fake.             payment by phone, there's no doubt
     Use it whenever you need it.             that it is a hoax.  A legitimate

- Page 8 -

   company won't pass up a payment            is 100% ineffective at providing
   by mail.  They want it any way!            any privacy outside your local
                                              computer or network.
These few tips are a great starting
point for offline privacy.  When           4. When visiting a web site, be sure
you are on the internet, things are           the URL reads �https� and not
much more open!  The NSA and un-              �http�.  Add an S manually if this
scrupulous companies are keeping              is needed.  Not all sites are
track of your every move illegally,           secure, but use secure versions of
creating a detailed profile of who            sites where available.
you are, and using it against you.
You will feel naked if you can see         5. Download and install the TOR 
what they know about you.  Protect-           browser.  You can install it free
ing your self online requires far             at https://torproject.org.  TOR,
more work and vigilance.  There are           an acronym for The Onion Router,
simple steps to take for now.  More           is a modified Forefox browser that
tips will come in future editions             encrypts your information and
of LiberTORian, but if you get                redirects it through multiple
started with these, you will be far           relays, where a new layer of
more secure than you are now.                 encryption is added with each
                                              transfer point.  You should be
1) Become Google-free.  Use your              using TOR already if you are a
   browser to block Google's access           LiberTORian reader!  But TOR is
   to your computer.  Google is just          not the end-all solution to your
   a net criminal organization that           online privacy.  When using TOR,
   violates your privacy routinely.           you should:
   They colluded with government in             o avoid any P2P torrent program
   a quid pro quo.  Disconnecting               o shut off JavaScript!
   from Google includes:                        o only visit https, and not
     o never visiting their web                   http versions of web sites  
       site.  You never needed them.            o be careful to avoid onion
     o Never hold a gmail account.                sites engaging in illicit
       If you communicate with a                  activities (such as selling
       person with one, be wary that              illegal drugs)
       Google will read your                    o frequently check that TOR is
       message.  Never attach a file              operating properly.  The URL:
       in a message to a Gmail user.              https://check.torproject.org
     o Leave YouTube.  Since Google
       acquired it, they've really         6. Learn about virtual private net-
       turned it into trash anyway.           works (VPNs), and how to use them.
     o Block Google from accessing            VPNS keep your location private.  
       your browser.  And never use           Several sites offer free VPN 
       Chrome browser, which is just          availibility.  I'm going to leave
       giving Google a license to             the research on this one to you.
       know every single online move          Just do an internet search.  Oh!
       that you make!                         Remember not to use Google.  For
     o If you have an Android phone,          a new search engine, I suggest:
       get rid of it now!
     o Keep up to date on whatever         7. Use Duck Duck Go as your search
       products Google is involved            engine.  (https://duckduckgo.com
       with developing.  Avoid them.          Duck Duck Go won't track your IP
2) On any smart phone you use, shut
   off the GPS locater.                    By changing these habits, you are on 
                                           the way to becoming more independent
3) Get this straight: Private mode         from snooping eyes and ears.   ((L))   
   on your browser is a joke!  It                             

- Page 9 -

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%........%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Our right to privacy is a corner-           There are lies that permeate the
stone of the American foundation.           History Channel.  These are not
                                            mistakes, because the themes aren't
             -Glenn Beck, 2015 06-01        just in one or two random programs.
                                            They are deeply entrenched, as if
                                            the directors of documentaries for
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        the channel are given strict orders
                                            to tell the lies.  We will cover one
  H E L P    L I B E R T O R I A N          of the worst culprits in this issue.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        LIE #1) Gnostics are a Christian

Here's the situation: LiberTORian is        This is 10000% false.  Gnostics are
still a newcomer to the deep web.           NOT Christians.  Christianity is
The initial plan is to bring the            extremely simple to define: A
first issues of LiberTORian to some         Christian believes that Jesus Christ
of onionland's public pastebin              is their God, and their savior.
sites.  I would like to bring Liber-        Gnostics simply do not.  In fact,
TORian to its own server.  It will          Gnostics believe that Jesus was a
be impossible for me to host my own         fake, and God was laughing at those
server, as I don't have a computer          who crucified Jesus because they 
or dedicated network that is always         thought they killed God!
connected to the internet.  If you 
are a concerned libertarian and want        Gnostics believe it is impossible
to help, here are things you can do.        for God to take human form at all.
If you want to help, choose one; I'm        Gnostics believe in a strict segre-
not asking for one person to do             gation between the incorruptible
everything.  I actually want to do          spiritual world and the completely
as much as I can on my own.                 corrupted material world.  If God
                                            was to enter the material world, He
1) Set up a dedicated .onion site to        would be corrupted, which is also 
   host LiberTORian, in .txt and in         impossible in Gnosticism.
   .pdf formats.
                                            Gnostics wrote their own alternative
2) Become a writer to LiberTORian.          gospels centuries after the original
   We finally have an email address.        Gospels were written.  These gospels
   We're still testing it out.  If          contain contradictory information to
   you're interested in writing an          the original Gospels.  Gnostics'
   article for publication, send a          claim that their information is the
   plain text file to liberTORian at        real truth is that they receive 
   synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com.             special �knowledge� from the spirit
                                            world no one else has access to.
In the meantime, circulate this             �Gnostic� comes from the Greek word
document to others willing to read          for �knowledge�.
it.  Post it everywhere!  Read and
even disagree if you are inclined.          The History Channel's motive is
The tyranny of big government can           clear: by lying and omitting this
be defeated with the light of               history, Gnostics' views get equal,
truth and the resolve of freedom.           or privileged, critical footing now!

- Page 10 -

                                               DONATE BITCOIN TO LIBERTORIAN!
   CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY!             12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s

 The History of Real K-K00L DOODZ                            ^
                                                            / \
                                                           /   \
Although the technology changes                           /     *
over time, human behavior remains                        /       \
pretty much the same.  In the early                     /  T O P  \  
days of home network computing, BBS                    /  W I N G  \    
services had their social outcasts.                   /             \
You know the type: leeching soft-                    /               \ 
ware, acting phony, using their own                 /   LiberTORian   \     
shorthand.  Actually, abbreviations                 \                 /     
from the BBS era of the 1980s is a                   \               /
direct forerunner to leetspeak.                       \_____________/ 
You will see some of it within this
document.  This is a very funny                           * VOTE *
writing, and people today dealing  
with �n00bs� will appreciate it                      * SHARE & SPREAD *
today.  Here is the unedited file                 * MESSAGES OF LIBERTY *
in its original format.  Be advised
that there is one obscene word in               *ENGAGE IN THE CULTURE WAR *
the text.  (the PH word)


+                            The History of Real                              +
+                                K-K00L DOODS                                 +
+                             Written & Complied                              +
+                               By: The Edge                                  +
Call These:
(415)851-4143   Pw:FOX                             The Fox Hole Ae
(415)941-7256                                      The Haunted House

Edge here, I just wanted to tell y'all that this t-file is all about K-K00L
DOODS and is formally dedicated to users with K-K00L habits.
Well, enough with all the mumble-jumble, let's get started!


First, What is a K-K00L DOOD?

A K-K00L DOOD is an organism of the human species which has a mysterious
attraction to a micro chip processor. They are quite anti-social. The following
is a list of K-K00L DOOD characteristics.....

(1) Anti sociality(Ex:They usually hang up when a sysop wants to chat)
(2) Buzzed hair(From not coming in 10 years)

- Page 11 -

(3) Listens to Culture Club
(4) Lies like a pig
(5) Replaces "For" for "4" or "too,two or to" for "2" OR "f" for "ph"(Ex:PHUCK!
(6) Can only type in UPPER CASE and 40 columns(Because their Apple II+ can't
handle stuff like that)

As you can see, this organism must lead a pathetic life. The following story
is a dramatization of a K-K00L DOOD:

Hark! It is 1:38 A.M.! No one is moving in the Smith house. But wait! There
is little Eggbert Smith tip-toeing through the hallway! Why must the little
fellow be alert at this time of night? For you see, Eggbert is a K-K00L DOOD
and it is his duty to call the local 10-meg Ae and leech every little ware he
can get his little hands on! He puts a pillow over his computer so it won't 
make too much noise when it boots up. He enters the password!Acess at last!
But what is this? The sysop goes onto chat mode and asks,"Who is this?"
Little Eggbert (Who is SO nervous that he is jumping around the floor in
his choo-choo train P.J.s so he won't wet his pants) carefully types the name:

                          "Dr. Micro"

Who ,in fact, is a famous software pirate. The sysop naturally disbelieves him 
and hangs him up.Poor little Eggbert! He has nothing to do but call his only
friend "Irving". Naturally, Irving is awake because he too tried to leech off
an ae and got kicked off. The obviously talk through the modem because they are
too scared to talk to each other voice. Here is how their message went:



YES! O AM EYE GLAD I FOUND U!!!1!!11111!11!!!!

(Ed note:Sorry to bother you but i'll just put a "*" to every lie they make)

HA!!!!!!!HA!!!!!!!HA!!!!111!!!111HA!!!!!!111!11!!!1!!!111!K-K00L! U R SUCH A






- Page 12 -


U KNOW.....


So little Eggbert goes back to bed. Worrying about the fears that lie ahead
in life......another day.......another time....

The K-K00L DOOD epidemic is swiftly plaguing the whole user world with these
imbeciles. Symptoms of K-K00L DOODNESS:

(1)You slowly have the urge to write in UPPER CASE.
(2)You want to be a leech.
(3)You have the tendency of waking up in the middle of the night
(4) You want to be a K-K00L DOOD!

If you think you are turning into a K-K00L dude, go directly to your local
Patriots of America and shout "No nukes!No nukes! Reagan is a Commie! Welfare!
Liberality! Commies are really our friends!Love and Peace to all! Gays are 
people too! A.I.D.S. came from Reagan!Yay!"
You will be immediatelly shot to death.

That concludes this edition of "The History of K-K00L DOODS"

If anyone out there wants to write a "The History of K-K00L DOODS II" feel
free to write it. Well, it's 2:39 A.M., I think I'll get some sleep....
Before I close up, I'd like to thank the Ascii Assassin for giving me the idea.
Also, I'd like to thank lord Gypher for doing nothing at all.

Thank You and good night!(I'll need it!)

The Edge of The (M)arinate (H)igh (C)ouncil

Call (415)479-6192 Pw:Apollo



    #HASHTAG #FOR #LIBERTARIANS               - By G.P.S. -


It's #tlot.

#tlot stands for Top Libertarians on        Often times these two are paired
Twitter.  It's a spin-off of #tcot.         together at the end of a post.
#tcot stands for Top Conservatives          Check out those posts when in the
on Twitter.  I prefer the former.           mood to feel like you belong.  ((L))

- Page 13 -

_|_|_|_|    _|_|_|_|_|  _|_|_|_|_|  _|_|_|_|          ````````````````````````
_|      _|  _|          _|          _|      _|        ````````````````````````            
_|      _|  _|          _|          _|      _|        __________,),\__________
_|      _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|      _|_|_|_|          ``````````tIl%``````````
_|      _|  _|          _|          _|                `````````<#%#t\`````````
_|      _|  _|          _|          _|                ``````````\&&O&`````````
_|_|_|_|    _|_|_|_|_|  _|_|_|_|_|  _|                ```````````\&/``````````

                                              _|      _|  _|_|_|_|_|  _|_|_|_| 
  >         A new EPIX original movie         _|      _|  _|          _|      _|
  >      dramatizes the events of the         _|  _|  _|  _|          _|      _|
  >        *SILK ROAD* investigation.         _|  _|  _|  _|_|_|      _|_|_|_|
  >          It also raises the issue         _|  _|  _|  _|          _|      _|
  >_               of privacy rights.         _|  _|  _|  _|          _|      _|
                                                _|  _|    _|_|_|_|_|  _|_|_|_|

                               - By Synonymous 1 -

DEEP WEB is the name of a docu-drama        character.  In fact, the entire 
produced by Epix, which premiered on        family of DPR, whose given name is
May 31, 2015.  The focus wasn't on          Ross William Ulbricht, is supportive
the Deep Web in general, but it's           of him.  His sister, who lives
most famous- or infamous- site: The         halfway around the world, fundraises
Silk Road.  Silk Road was an eBay           for his defense.  The don't dispute
type site that is best noted for            his actions, but are dismayed at
buying and selling drugs.  There is         the violations of his rights during
no question that the site operated          the investigation.  It's a good time
above the law, but how did American         to reread the Fourth Amendment of
authorities infiltrate its hidden           the U.S. Constitution, which every
servers?  And were their actions            American should carry with him:
also above the law?
                                               The right of the people to be 
Writer and director, retro actor               secure in their persons, houses,
Alex Winter, makes the distinction             papers, and effects, against un-
between the generic deep web, any              reasonable searches and seizures,
aspect of the internet inaccessible            shall not be violated, and no 
to search engines, and the hidden              Warrants shall issue, but upon 
internet, which he (incorrectly)               probable cause, supported by Oath
calls �dark web�.  And he himself              or affirmation, and particularly
delves deep into its world.  DEEP              describing the place to be
WEB is a story of intrigue, legal              searched, and the persons or
gray areas, and 24-style twists.               things to be seized.
The story of the takedown of Dread
Pirate Robert's server is already           The federal government conducted 14
well-known in TORland, so it's              searches, most of them without any
unnecessary to repeat it here.  You         warrant.  One of the warrants was a
watch the movie and get a whole lot         �general warrant�.  This is an open
of new insight into the workings of         and ongoing search of a person's 
both the deep web users and law             life, looking for any non-specific
enforcement... and his mother.              evidence that could incriminate him
                                            for something they may not even be
The movie focuses a lot on Dread            looking for.  This directly contra-
Pirate Roberts' (DPR's) mother.  As         dicts the Fourth Amendment, above.
a very loving, warm, nurturing 
woman, her presence does more than          The media, cannibals of the truth
anyone to make DPR an empathetic            as they are, labeled Ulbricht as

- Page 14 -

                   .'',:lo;.  .,lc:cddoxkxdxkkxdc;'.                           


A �drug kingpin�, a �crime lord�, and the �head of a cartel�.  These gross
exaggerations were amplified because Ulbricht was charged with six crimes.  Some
of these charges, including, �murder for hire�, were fallacious.  These charges
were never to be pursued, but were trumped up to prevent Ulbricht's release from

- Page 15 -

prison.  The prosecutors called             %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
these �uncharged crimes�.  If they
are crimes, why are the feds not            WHY IS LIBERTORIAN ON THE DEEP WEB??
charging Ulbricht with them?  This
intentional misuse of authority is          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
another violation of the accused's
rights.  Again, the movie amps up           While the deep web may be filled 
the sympathy, as we see the toll the        with nefarious activities, it's also
actions by the government, and the          a safe place for whistleblowers and
stigma brought upon them by  the            political dissidents.  One thinks
media's subsequent judgments based          of communist regimes such as North
on these unjust actions.                    Korea, or states where free speech
                                            is oppressed, like Iran, as places
DPR himself is no more a drug lord          where identities must be protected
as Smith & Wesson is a gun runner to        from a vengeful government.  But the
Mexican gangs.  Well, this is not a         United States has become such a
direct analogy.  DPR knew that his          place.  Ask Eric Snowden.  There's
web site would be a marketplace for         nothing to worry about if you have
narcotics as he built it.  But his          the right view.  But if you aren't
approach is more that of a liber-           on the side of the kakistocracy, 
tarian entrepreneur who tested the          you'll be in their crosshairs.
frontiers of capitalism and went too      
far.                                        Take the case of Senator Menendez
                                            (D-NJ).  For years he towed the 
DPR's attorney, Josh Dratel, uses           statist line, supporting government
the unconstitutionality of the fed-         controlled health care, fascist
eral government's investigation as          measures such as Dodd-Frank, and a
his defense.  It is more than a             host of liberty snuffing legisla- 
technicality.  What the federal             tion.  And because he did so, the
government did was a gross violation        Justice Department turned a blind
of the law.  Ordinarily, a case like        eye to the trips arranged for him to
this would be thrown out.  But this         meet with child prostitutes, and 
is a high-profile case now.  The            charges of corruption.  But the
federal government doesn't like to          moment he betrayed Dear Leader and
lose, and it's apparent that they           attended a speech held in congress
are willing to lie, steal and cheat         by Benjamin Netanyahu, down came
in order to do so.                          the strong arm of the law, out of
                                            nowhere.  Suddenly they had a prob-
The story itself is one filled with         lem with him right after he broke 
numerous surprises and twists.  The         ranks with Obama.
DEEP WEB movie not only covers this
while wrenching as much drama out of        There's no doubt, except his blind 
it as possible, but it is well-             followers, that Obama is petty, thin
written and well acted.  The movie          skinned, vengeful, and uses his
is as deep as its title, looking at         power as a sword to punish his
everything from many levels at once,        enemies.  This isn't a party thing.
exploring both the personal and             There are statists in both parties
societal ramifications of the out-          and in the tea party (Rubio, for
come.  I'm not saying that Ulbrict          instance).  Tor and the underweb are
didn't break the law, or should face        crucial as a bastion of free speech.
justice.  But what is worse?  The           It's also crucial as a check on an
person who committed the crimes?  Or        out of control government, and a
the investigators who violated the          forum for speaking the truth without
Constitution to uphold the very law         fear of persecution for free speech.
they disregard?  It's not up to me          The administration may have put the
to make up your mind.  Watch the            nails in the Constitution's coffin,
movie yourself.  Then decide!  ((L))        but we won't let it stay dead! ((L))

- Page 16 -

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�BITCOIN?� you may ask.  Why would          and silver was removed from nearly
anyone place value on something so          all circulating coinage in 1965.  By
intangible?  Something completely           1971 no coins were minted containing
virtual in its existence?  You can't        silver.  Currency from then on was
hold a Bitcoin.  Why should I trust         backed by nothing.  Well, not 
it?                                         nothing.  Like an FDIC account, all
                                            money is backed by �the faith and 
Yet, people trust federal reserve           credit of the U.S. government�.  In
notes.  They are virtually worth-           other words, nothing!  Faith and
less pieces of paper, cotton and ink        credit of the U.S. government?  Only
and yet we assign value to them.  A         a fool, or a blind Obama supporter,
$100 bill has the same intrinsic            puts faith in the government.  And
value as a $1 bill.  Yet as a so-           credit?  The U.S. government is $18
cietal whole, we pretend that the           trillion in debt!  Don't insult my
$100 bill is worth one hundred              intelligence.
dollars.  In the past, American
currency was backed by physical gold        So unlike gold, bitcoin cannot be
and silver.  What are now �federal          physically  held.  What's the in-
reserve notes� used to be �gold� or         centive to own it?  Can't it be
�silver� certificates.  Such notes          hacked?
were payable by the government in
gold or silver on demand.  In 1933,         First of all, Bitcoin has no central
Franklin Roosevelt outlawed owning          authority in a government.  It's a
gold and confiscated it from the            truly democratized unit.
citizens.  Gold certificates were
no more.  Silver certificates were          Second, the value it has has been
last issued with a 1957 mint mark           placed by the marketplace itself in

- Page 17 -

a natural manner.  currency, thanks         receiving address.  The great thing
to QE infinity, is artificially in-         about this is the ease of use.  The
flated.  Our money is losing 10% of         receiving address is a string of
its value annually.  Bitcoin's              randomly-generated characters that
supply is strictly limited to just          the owner of the address needs to
under 21 million units in its life-         only cut and paste anywhere on the
time, and its number can only de-           web.  Bitcoin owners need only click
crease as people lose their coins.          the link to send you theirs!

Bitcoin is independent from the             
banking system or any government,           FREE BITCOINS!!!!!
meaning that, so far, it can't be
confiscated.  Sounds good, doesn't          Many web sites are BITCOIN FAUCETS.
it?                                         these sites will issue a fraction of
                                            a bitcoin to your receiving address
There are always risks, though.             every half hour (or other increment)
Without a middleman, all trans-             that you visit.  Other sites offer
actions are final.  If you become           free bitcoins on a one-time basis,
victim of a scam, kiss your bitcoin         or for visiting other web sites.
goodbye.  You don't earn interest           typically the amount is a thousandth
on bitcoins, without a banking              of a bitcoin, worth about a quarter.
system, but with the US interest            but users can collect URLS of 
rates at nearly zero, when did you          bitcoin faucets and cycle through 
earn more than a few cents from             them, earning bitcoins as they go.
your $10000 savings account?
To become a Bitcoin holder, you             THE BITCOIN UNIT
require software called a �wallet�,
which operates like a real wallet.          One bitcoin is worth about $233 at
Wallets can be programs on your             the time of writing.  A bitcoin is
computer or smart phone, or virtual         divided into one million units.  The
programs stored in the cloud by             smallest unit, .000001 bitcoin, is
third parties, or pieces of port-           a MICROBITCOIN, also SATOSHI, named
able hardware with the wallet pro-          after bitcoin's creator.  The next
gram preinstalled.  There are two           unit, .001 bitcoin, is a MILLI-
main files in a wallet: the wallet          BITCOIN, again worth just under a
itself, and the block chain, which          quarter.  The abbreviation for bit-
contains a bitcoin transaction              coin is BTC or a capital B with two
ledger.  The block chain contains           vertical lines striking through it.
every bitcoin transaction since
bitcoin's introduction in 2009.
Some wallets require the entire             BITCOIN MINING
block chain to be downloaded to
your computer, which takes a long           Bitcoin mining is performed by users
time.                                       dedicating their computer power to
                                            creating block chains.  As time pro-
The third component of a wallet is          gresses, the amount of computing 
your wallet file- the bitcoins you          power required is set higher and the
own.                                        rewards decreased.  In the end, the
                                            last bitcoin will be mined in 2033.
A bitcoin wallet generates one or           bitcoin availability is parabolic,
as many RECEIVING ADDRESSES you             as it reaches a tanget, fewer and
wish.  Think of it as an email              fewer bitcoins will be mined.  The
address you to receive bitcoins in          computing power required now is so
a transaction.  when bitcoins are           great that people are joining
transferred, they are recorded in           MINING POOLS, combining their com-
the block chain as going to your            puter power to mine bitcoins as

- Page 18 -

a team, and splitting the earnings.        bitcoin.  A person can always visit
Very few people mine coins, and            a bitcoin exchange to convert it into
those that do can do a years' work         cash any time.  But there are fears 
with no rewards.                           of a bitcoin bubble.  The federal
                                           reserve, creators of the current 
                                           money bubble, ironically predicts its
BENEFITS OF BITCOIN TRANSACTIONS           demise.  So did Forbes magazine (dead
                                           by 2011), Gozmodo (dead in 2011), 
Bitcoin transactions become part of        Wired magazine (2012), New York Raga-
the block chain and all exchanges          zine [sic] (2013), Reuters and Street
are public.  Yet, they are also            Insider, Financial Times (2014), and
completely anonymous.  This made           USA Today, which will probably be
bitcoin the ideal currency of the          dead before bitcoin itself (predicted
deep web.  Its anonymity has made          bitcoin dead in 2015).  Sure.  And Al
it the currency of choice for              Gore predicted an ecological crisis 
illegal activities.  The Silk Road         in 2015, we'd be underwater by 2030,
and other online drug markets trade        and all sorts of alarming disasters
exclusively in bitcoins.  In fact,         that were all supposed to have 
bitcoin is almost exclusively the          happened a long time ago.  Bitcoin is
currency in use in the deep web,           alive and thriving for now and the
due to its anonymity, ease of use,         foreseeable future.
and direct, government-free trans-
actions.  Now all those who wish to        Another false claim about bitcoin is
use the hidden web to conduct              that it is a Ponzi scheme.  Look up
illegal activities can do so with          Ponzi Scheme.  It's where returns are
much more facility!  The fact that         paid by new investors.  Liberals,
bitcoin has conquered the internet         progressives, Obama and other liars
underworld means that, as long as          get angry when people say this, but
this kind of commerce exists, bit-         Social Security is a a Ponzi scheme.
coin should lead a healthy life.           Bitcoin is not.  Period.

More and more legitimate businesses        So that covers the basics.  Except
are venturing into bitcoin.  PayPal        bitcoin laundering and sites that
will convert your holdings into the        promise to double, triple, or 100x
virtual currency.  Dish Network            your bitcoins in 24 hours.  I know  
accepts payment in bitcoin as well.        nothing about this or if these are
The number of businesses are too           legitimate.  Remember that bitcoin
numerous to list here, but just the        transactions are all part of the 
fact that Dish is taking it gives          block chain, which is in triplicate
you an idea as to the mainstreaming        and difficult to fake.  These could
of BTC.                                    be sites that exploit the source 
                                           code, or they could be scams to hack
So what if it's only 1s and 0s?  If        into your wallet and steal your 
people trade with it and there is a        bitcoin savings.  If in fact, there
demand for its use, it is worth            is some exploit that can reproduce
something.  People the world over          bitcoins, this is causing inflation
are obsessed with credit cards, and        the same way the federal reserve does
essentially it's like bitcoin in           this by manipulating the money 
the sense that it is money that            supply.  These sites, if they really
doesn't actually exist.  Yet buying        artificially bring bitcoins into
things on credit cards is spending         existence (if that's how they work)
virtual money that the person              they will become useless quickly.
doesn't even have!  No wonder we're
all in debt!                               If you are interested in bitcoin and
                                           have questions, their official web
So there's no reason for anyone who        presence is at the memorizable URL:
uses credit cards to oppose using          https://bitcoin.org            ((L))

- Page 19 -


   INDEX OF FTP/DOCUMENTS/JOURNAL             - By Synonymous 1 -


I've only been exploring the deep           Since then, I've turned to the deep
for only a few months.  For the un-         web in search of a place to discuss
initiated, this can be a confusing          the issues important to me safely.
and intimidating place, as you come         As of yet, I didn't find such a
across some of the darkest places in        forum, but did find some friendly
cyberspace, morally speaking.  It's         sites along the way.  I documented
also a hard place to find your way          my thoughts along the way so that
around, as you're in deep waters            this information could be useful to
without any kind of guide.                  people like me who are also new to
                                            the realm of onionland.
I began using Vadalia, and later,
TOR, as a suggestion from a woman           Here is the first entry that
friend of mine who explained it             actually has something useful.  The
briefly to me.  Soon after I became         first two entries were mainly a
comfortable using TOR, I learned            reference for me.  For those who
about the DEEP WEB from a radio             are seasoned computer whizzes and
host talking about technology.  I           master hackers, this should be good
learned that people used it to              for a laugh.  But remember, this is
speak freely about their government         designed for others like myself who
without being monitored by them.            are just average goofy people.

2015 05 11

Just one month ago, Tor recently updated to version 4.0.8.  My version has not
been accessing the TOR Network, so I went to get the latest version and install
it.  The current stable version is 4.5!

It works smoothly.  The first place I visited was Duck Duck Go, a search engine
that doesn't record your IP, and also returns deep web search results(?)  Duck
Duck Go is found on the surface web at duckduckgo.com, but also has a deep web


One characteristic about the deep web is that it's not well-indexed.  Links tend
to be found in collections, sorted by category.  The deep web is a volatile
place.  Dead links are everywhere.  It's not unusual to find a list with over
half of the .onion links deactivated.  Part of this is related to the takedown
of Freedom Hosting, which comprised a large size of the deep web, allegedly as
much as half!  Freedom Hosting was an anonymous web service, which attracted
many who wanted to engage in unsavory activities, including the production of
hard CP.  The Web site was shut down, including all those created by Freedom
Hosting users.

Well, I visited a few sites, looking for discussion boards that may cover
online privacy.  To do so, I wanted to find a huge list of .onion links.  So I
Duck Duck Went (yeah, I'm verbizing the search engine.  I mean, the evil
company "Google"'s name is a verb!), "Huge list of onion links.  The results

- Page 20 -

produced two lists, and among other things, a restaurant that uses fried onions
a lot.

The first list came from a posting on "Bit Bin".  Bins are big in "Onionland". 
I put the word in quotes because many people use it, but I find the term
monumentally silly and will refer to "onionland" as the deep web.  You'll hear
"Pastebin" until you're sick of it.  It's on both the surface web and the deep
web, and a popular place to stick files for public sharing.  Chans are like
bins.  Most chans are populated by pseudo-anarchist statists and people who
think 9-11 was an inside job.  Chans are like bins, often reserved for images. 
But I'm digressing.

The Bit Bin list was over 1000 lines long, with nearly that many links.  The
first link is, naturally, The Hidden Wiki.  The link was dead.  The Hidden Wiki
is on the surface web  at thehiddenwiki.org and looks like Wikipedia, only the
links are all to .onion sites.  After more searching, I found its current


The Hidden Wiki agreed to remove all links to CP from its site.  Links to hired
assassins, counterfeiters and counterfeiting sales, drug sales, weapon sales,
uranium sales, terrorist organizations, money launderers, software pirates,
identity thieves, and the like, are all fine, however.  The Hidden Wiki
complies but gets around this by creating a second site, the Uncensored Hidden
Wiki.  What a place.

I've been to the Hidden Wiki before and wasn't able to access the links I
wanted to view, mainly discussion forums.  So I returned to the BitBin list.
Second on the list, naturally, were Silk Road and Silk Road forums.  This isn't
surprising.  I'm making an uneducated guess that this is the reason 50% of
people dive into the deep web, and get pulled under from there.  The sites are
down, I know from news articles.  I understand that people pay in BitCoin (BTC)
and the drugs are stashed in an agreed upon undisclosed location (like a hole
in a tree) to be picked up by the buyer.  Bitcoin is the currency of choice in
the Deep Web.  Transactions are anonymous although they're publicly visible.

Those out of the way, a list of chans followed, seven in all, followed by three
CP chans.  Undoubtedly this list is old enough that these last 3 links are all
dead, though I won't venture to confirm it.

So after going through the list further, I finally found some links, ones I
didn't see in the Hidden Wiki, to discussion groups.  None of them worked.  But
on the way, I did find something that I wanted to find earlier.  And it's the
first truly useful tool I found in the deep web.

The service is called SMS4Tor.  Its URL is memorizable to boot, using a few
mnemonic devices:


Their FAQ page is:


Having VCR in the name, splitting the number 32 (the number of possible

- Page 21 -

characters that could appear in an onion address) makes it even easier to
commit to memory.  Also notice the number sequence: 4, 3, and 2, each preceded
by three alphabet characters.

Described as a "Secure Messaging System for Tor", SMS4Tor allows users to write
"anonymous encrypted messages that self-destruct when read."  Simply type or
paste text into the provided field, then click the "I'm Done!" button.  SMS4Tor
gives you an encrypted URL that you give to the recipient.  When the recipient
(or you, or anyone) views the URL, the message is erased and gone forever,
unless the reader stores their own copy somehow.  As for as SMS4Tor is
concerned, though, no trace of it will come from them.  Naturally, as an onion
site, the intended reader will also require the Tor browser.

Now, finally, after one month, here was something useful for everyone.  This is
the way real whistleblowers (not these self-righteous WikiLeaks types) or
freedom fighters in oppressed countries, can reach an American journalist, for
instance.  Or just an average libertarian can send an innocent email to someone
without having to type, "Just between you, me, and the NSA..."

The new Tor browser also gave me a helpful tip.  "Maximizing Tor Browser can
allow websites to determine your monitor screen size, which can be used to
track you.   We recommend that you leave Tor Browser windows in their original
default size."

--- END OF FILE ---


        H A R D       C O P Y                - By Synonymous 1 -


Further reading is always a good            _Catastrophic Failure_, Coughlin 
thing.  You can't have too much in-         exposes how terrorist groups have
formation.  When you're done reading        infiltrated the federal government,
this, why not move on to a book?  We        and how the administration's reac-
suggest _Catastropic Failure_ by            tion is not to prevent them, but to
Stephen Coughlin as a great starting        assist them!
                                            Just one of many schemes documented
Stephen Coughlin is an intelligence         in this book was Hillary Clinton's
officer who was commissioned by the         collusion with Organization of 
Joint Chiefs of Staff to research           Islamic Cooperation to "use some old
and best combat Islamic extremists.         fashioned techniques of peer press-
Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon            ure and shaming", to silence the
praised and implemented his work.           free speech rights of critics of
                                            radical Islam or Mohammad.
Then came the infamous purge of
2011.  Coughlin was now seen as an          _Catastroic Failure_ not only shows
enemy of diversity and forced to            how Islamic terrorists have seized
resign by an administration friendly        control of high ranking, high secur-
to terrorists.                              ity government positions, but how
                                            the leaders of the American left are
Now, Coughlin has turned the tables         empowering them and even doing their
on those who censored his work.  In         dirty work right by their side.

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

        E X T R A N E O U S                    M O R E    E X T R A N E O U S

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Okay, so I have never been so idle          Yeah, so America has had its share
that I felt the need to watch such          of bad presidents.  George W. Bush,
TV programming as �19 Kids and              for instance.  But Obama is in a 
Counting� (or however many kids             league all by himself.  His philoso-
there are by the time of this post-         phy is, �I want to go down in
ing).  But the Duggar sisters, or           history as the worst president ever,
four of them, are involved in some          and I want to make sure I have no
personal scandals.  Then the media          competition whatsoever!
circus piled on something that one
of the kids, Josh, did during his           Oh, and if you don't like reading
childhood.  The sisters are saying          that, go pound sand!  Learn how to
that most of the media's reaction           think for yourself while you're at
is �mostly lies�, and they consider         it.
themselves victims.  Victims, not
of their brother, but the news.             The problem with fighting the war
                                            for individual freedom is that Obama
Again, this show means nothing to           has taken the playbook of his ISIS
me, but the treatment of the two            buddies and launched attacks from  
sisters does.  The mainstream media         anywhere and everywhere at once!
proclaims itself judge and jury on          Consider all the places where all
events that they barely investigate         stability is being dismantled:
to ascertain the facts.  This is so
wrongheaded, wrong, and violates            o He has aided terrorists, with
the first half of the libertarian             arms and finances at every turn.
manifesto: �Don't hurt people�.  Of           They are turning our assets back 
course, no one's accusing the main-           on us!
stream media of being libertarian!          o He discounts terrorists, while
                                              attacking freedom-loving Americans
This comes at a time when Epix's              with strongarm tactics
DEEP WEB movie raises awareness of          o He intentionally is destroying the
not just government corruption, but           economy, and making half of all
media mistreatment of people.  The            Americans dependent on the other
Duggar family's experiences may be            half
very different from the life of             o He destroyed the health system
Dread Pirate Roberts, but the dirt          o He is dismantling the military,
they are being dragged through is             firing competent generals and
a notable parallel.  The narrative            replacing them with unqualified
is the same.                                  fools who will do his bidding
                                            o He places terrorists in high
Sure, the news always has a story             security White House positions,
to tell.  They also have a need to            and promotes them whenever some-
be sensational.  But don't you                one calls to investigate.
think that there could be some sort         o Purged all references to Islamic
of balance between telling a story            terrorism (and fighting them from 
and treating the subjects with re-            the FBI and CIA.
spect?  And maybe when telling the          o Opened the border to illegal immi-
story, not relying on other news              grant, including terrorists.
as your source?  Odds are that they         o Destroyed the educational system
have it wrong, and if you don't               by forcing Common core standards
seek the truth, so will you!  ((L))           on the individual states, ensuring

- Page 23 -

  that children are uneducated and            not eat
  thus dependent on the government          o destroy the Second Amendment
  to make all their decisions for           o Destroy the Fourth Amendment
  them.                                     o take the Ninth and Tenth Amendment
o built up an unsustainable debt              away from the states
  more than all the debt accumulated        o Reward those who cheat, and pun-
  by every predecessor combined               ish those who live by the rules
o inflated the money supply by 10%          o create two Americas with two sets
  a year for a perpetual Wall Street          of rules; treat those who are
  bailout.                                    aligned with time with special
o created a money bubble, with an             treatment and those not aligned 
  overinflated DOW to match his ego           with him (the majority) with 
o Waged a war on Christians, and              impunity
  Catholics in particular, trying to        o Deny disaster relief to states
  take away their First Amendment             that do not support him
  rights                                    o Destroy families by creating a
o Used the Homeland Security Depart-          crisis where Mexican parents are
  ment to traffic Samolian refugees           told that their children will be
  across the border, without vetting          accepted if they illegally immi-
  any of them.  Potential terrorists          grate, but their parents will not,
  can easily pose as refugees                 so tens of thousands of children
  Again... HOMELAND SECURITY!!!               will be orphaned and wards of the
o Wage a legal war on states who              state
  take measures to protect their            o Dump these children, the vistims 
  polls against voter fraud                   Obama politics, into red states 
o Exploit tragedies to divide people          to deal with
  by race, and create division and          o Use the Department of Justice to
  social chaos to capitalize on it            obfuscate all of the Admini- 
o Militarize the police and in                stration's lawbreaking
  exchange, make them cede their            o give away control of internet
  freedom to make their own decis-            domains to the UN
  ions to the Administration                o support enemies of Israel, the 
o Foster a culture of hate against            only free democracy in the Mid-
  law enforcement, except the                 East
  federal government, of course!            o Repeal freedom of the internet
o take power away from congress             o much much more!
o Misuse and abuse Executive Orders         
  whenever he doesn't get his way           As you can see, the president has
  and throws a tantrum                      been working overtime.  Imagine what
o Create more bureaucracies, and            could have been accomplished had he
  increase the power of the existing        done something productive, instead
  ones to create regulations where          of destructive.  This is why it's so
  they can't get laws passed                hard to be a libertarian today.  So
o Run the country like a mafia,             what do you do?
  intimidating, extorting, and
  threatening dissenters with legal         1) VOTE!  Make sure another Obama
  action.  Everyone is guilty of               is never allowed to occupy the
  violating an unvoted regulation              White House again!
  from an unelected body.  Use the          2) NETWORK!  Sizeable as the war on
  EPA, especially, to destroy any              freedom is, it all must be docu-
  political dissenters                         mented for history and freedom's
o Tell lies about his record that              sake!
  are so removed from common sense          3) DEFEND ALL FRONTS AT ONCE!  Do
  that even he knows no one will               not let anything get by!  Start
  believe them... nor does he care             a group!  Mobilize locally!  Pro-
  if anyone will                               test!  Resist!  Engage in civil
o Control the food you may or may              disobedience!  And never stop!

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D N S    L O O K U P    F A I L E D                   G L O S S A R Y

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Just wanted you to know that here at        Bitcoin
LiberTORian, we really do want your         A decentralized, digital, finite
input.  It's just that we've been           currency.  All BitCoin transactions
having trouble accessing an Onion           are transparent yet anonymous.  
Mail account.  We can sign up fine,         BitCoin is the preferred currency in
but we're given a bunch of passwords        in the Deep Web, and is used for 
that all never seem to work.  After         underworld transactions across the 
trying several ways, we now realize         network.
that I just have no idea how to get
in our OnionMail account.  I've had         Darknet
experiences opening free email              Networks inaccessible from the
accounts on the surface web, so is          internet.  Darknet is not a word to
it just something I'm missing?  For         describe the underworld of the deep
a way to tell me what I'm doing             web.
wrong, or how to properly create an
Onion Mail account AND log in, I            Dark Web/ Darkweb
need your help.                             Synonym for Darknet.

Right now, LiberTORian is initially         Hidden Wiki, The
being posted to the SLAMSPEECH de-          A web site that provides introduc-
centralized pastebin, located at            tory points to prominent areas of
                                            the Deep Web.  The Hidden Wiki is 
   http://ka3ojmfcsmz76wse.onion            found on clearnet at
                 or                         and has sites and mirror sites in
                                            the deep web.
                                            Silk Road
If you could type, cut and paste the        One of the most well-known deep web
requested information to this site,         sites.  Silk Road is an eBay type
I'll find it and be able to use this        marketplace which sells illegal
information.  If you also know some         illegal drugs and other substances,
other hidden mail service that's            both illegal and legal.  Silk Road,
away from the prying eyes of the NSA        its successor, Silk Road 2, and Silk
(yeah, I don't believe that Obama's         Road 2's successor, Green Road, all
telling the truth when he says that         have been shut down.  Similar black
at 3:57 on June 1, the NSA stopped          market sites, such as BitPharma,
spying.  His word means nothing and         exist.
he's apparently delusional to boot!)
please share the link to this other
mail service.
UPDATE: We finally have a deep email
address.  If you want to contact us                    Don't hurt other people
with either your comments or content                                       and
to be included in future issues, get                   Don't steal their stuff.                    
typing, and send it to LiberTORian
at synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com.  We         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
are looking forward to what you have
to say!  That's right: YOU!   ((L))                           ---END OF FILE---