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          Volume 1        -        Issue 1        -        May 2015

  G R A P H I C A L    R E P R E S E N T A T I O N    O F    D E E P    W E B

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MATT KIBBE: A Libertarian Manifesto                             PREMIERE ISSUE!


ERIC SNOWDEN: Hero or Criminal?                         I SAID, PREMIERE ISSUE!

- Page 2 -


T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S


ACQUIRING RELAY                                                          3
     Welcome... or not!

BLURBZ                                                                   4
     A Libertarian Manifesto

QUOTABLE QUOTES                                                          4

TODAY'S DEEP LINK                                                        5
     SMS For Tor

Write a Guest Article                                                    5

ARTICLE                                                                  6
WHO ? AM ? I ?

FEATURE                                                                  7
The Nolan Chart: A Short Introduction

CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY                                            15               
The Scariest Number in the World

FEATURE                                                                 18
Eric Snowden: Hero or Criminal?

ARTICLE                                                                 19
How To Be a Liber-TOR-ian

Traitors!  The Electronic Frontier Foundation                           19

DNS LOOKUP FAILED                                                       20
GLOSSARY                             \\\                                20
                                 ____)| |____ 
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LiberTORian Volume 1, Issue 1 is a publication of Synonymous 1.
Published May, 2015.
LiberTORian is released on an irregular basis.
N(c) 2015.  Readers are freely welcome to copy and redistribute this text by 
any means possible, preferable by photocopying.

- Page 3 -


  A C Q U I R I N G     R E L A Y          - By Synonymous 1 -


WELCOME..... OR NOT!                       LiberTORian is dedicated primarily
                                           with issues regarding the right to
LiberTORian is a freedom-minded            privacy and expression with no fear
publication for deep web users.            of reprimand from government, 
You may have noticed something             technologies that enable private
unusual about this: it's not a             communications, and the libertarian
blog with video links everywhere.          philosophy and issues in general.  
It's not hosted on a web site with         This magazine welcomes opposing 
Javascript.  The latter decision is        points of view, even if the pub-
so that you have to worry about            lishers disagree.  This doesn't 
potential Tor exploits.                    necessarily mean that what you say 
                                           will be shared on this forum.  Free 
In these days where Big Brother is         speech doesn't mean I can't control
indeed watching us, privacy of             over my publication.  If you don't 
electronic communications is               like it, make your own magazine!
increasingly important to concerned 
citizens everywhere.  Curiously,           That's the beauty of Libertarianism.  
the hidden internet has its share          In my excursions in the deep web, I
of resources for those who are             came across much that I don't like.
interested in protecting their             The vast majority, in fact.  Some of 
right to privacy, but it is buried         it is downright repugnant.  Well I'm
beneath a homogeneous mix of digital       not going there and telling you to
destinations that have little to do        adhere to what I want.  I just went 
with libertarian values.                   and did it myself.  So can you!
LiberTORian magazine is designed to 
be a destination for all types of          One other thing: I was born in the 
thought.  Still, this may not be for       United States.  And while my govern-
everyone.  You may not be interested       ment has betrayed its founding 
in LiberTORian if you:                     principles, it's those running it
                                           and not the country itself, that I 
   o Wear Guy Fawkes masks                 lost respect for.  And if you are 
   o Don't like Jews                       from outside the U.S.A., and hate 
   o Think Karl Marx is cool               America or its troops, go tell 
   o Think that the Benghazi attack        someone else.  Whatever you think of
     was a protest over a video            America and the U.S. Military, 
   o Think that fire doesn't melt          without them you would be less free,
     steel, although that's how            regardless of where you live.
     steel is made

As a libertarian, I'm totally fine         HAPPY READING!
if you read this and are from one of 
the above groups.  Just be cool and                       - Synonymous 1
respect opposing points of view.  We 
don't need another person who goes         
around saying, �all information should
be free!!!!!!!!� and then turns around     
and hacks web sites which convey 
messages they don't like.  What the        
heck do you call that?

- Page 4 -


            B L U R B Z                     - By Synonymous 1 -


A LIBERTARIAN MANIFESTO                     there really isn't that much more to
                                            it.  Actually there is; it is truly   
Matt Kibbe is a fellow libertarian          the most diverse of all political
who wrote a book on the subject.            or social vantage points.  Yet its
Revolutionaries are always into             core's essentially the same: �Don't
expressing themselves in some sort          hurt people, and don't take their
mission statement.  Well, in a time         stuff.�  Perhaps we could consider
where young people worldwide are            Matt Kibbe's aforementioned text as
thrilled with surrendering their            the official manifesto (for now, as
freedoms for government control, the        it mentions some issues that are
very notion of individual liberty is        current now but may not be in the 
itself revolutionary!  And so, in           future) and the simple statement,
his new book, "Don't Hurt People and        �Don't hurt people, and don't take
Don't Take Their Stuff�, Matt Kibbe         their stuff,� as its concise form.
sums up everything succinctly in the        
jacket text:                                So let's make this our motto.
                                            I sure like it better than anything
   "Don't Hurt People and Don't Take        from John Lennon's �Imagine�.  If
   Their Stuff."  Simple and                we envision a world where no one 
   straightforward, that�s liberty in       hurt anyone else and no one took 
   a nutshell�no assembly required.         The property of others, wouldn't it
                                            be a much better world?
   And yet it seems like, more and 
   more, the decisions Washington           You may say I'm just a dreamer
   makes about what to do for us, or        But if no one took my stuff
   to us, or even against us, are           And if no one hurt each other
   having an increasingly adverse           The world would be good enough!
   impact on our lives. Young people 
   can�t find jobs, millions of             (Oh yeah.  I'm to the Beatles
   Americans are losing the health          what Charlie Hebdo is to Mohammed.)
   care plans they were promised they
   could keep, and every one of us is 
   somehow being targeted, monitored,       &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
   snooped on, conscripted, induced, 
   taxed, subsidized or otherwise             Q U O T A B L E     Q U O T E S
   manipulated by someone else�s 
   agenda, based on someone else�s          &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
   decisions made in some secret 
   meeting or closed-door legislative 
   deal.                                    �...Live and let live.  Mostly
   What gives?
                                               -Archie Bunker,
   Our government is out of control.              �All In The Family�
   But setting things right again 
   requires that you step up and take 
   your freedom back.

It's that simple.  Matt Kibbe strikes
the heart of the matter, because

- Page 5 -


 T O D A Y 'S    D E E P    L I N K         - By Synonymous 1 -


SMS For Tor                                 The site has been used to process
                                            over 150 thousand messages, all of
URL:  sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion                them encrypted and away from the
                                            prying eyes of the NSA.  

Don't you have writing an email to          
someone and saying something like,          &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
�Just between me, you, and the
NSA...�?  What business do they have               WRITE A GUEST ARTICLE 
sticking their noses in our private
messages?  Well, now you can bypass         &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
the government middleman with SMS 
for Tor (A.K.A. SMS4Tor).
                                            Do I have to write everything here?
What I like about SMS for Tor:              
                                            At least this time I do. 
   o For an onion link, it is easy          
     to memorize; it even has VCR           Maybe next time, too.
     in its name!                           
   o The link works!  You know how          But one day, God-willing, I will
     nice that is in the post-2013          have a TorMail or other private
     deep web.                              Email address.  When that time gets
   o It's anonymous, encrypted, and         here, you can write a guest article
     out of the scope of the NSA.           For LiberTORian.  If I like it, 
                                            maybe it will wind up in a future 
The SMS in SMS for Tor in this case         issue!  You can send a message via
stands for SECURE MESSAGING SYSTEM.         SMS for Tor.  The only problem is,
It proclaims itself as offering             I don't have a way for you to reach
�Anonymous encrypted messages that          me yet.  So even if you encrypt a
self-destruct when read.�                   message, there's no way to get the 
                                            key URL to me... yet!
Sending a message is executed in 3
simple steps:                               So please read future issues... you
                                            know I'll need your help!  After
   o Create a note; get an encrypt-         all, it's obvious that it won't be
     tion key URL                           long before everyone gets sick of
   o Send the URL to a single               whatever _I_ have to say!
     person who can use it to read
     your note                              In the meantime, write a guest
   o The note will self-destruct the        article and tuck it away safely
     first time the key URL is              until it can one day grow up and
     accessed successfully.                 Grace the pages of LiberTORian.

It's quite simple, and therein lies         UPDATE: I HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS
its elegance.  Just make sure you do        IN THE DEEP WEB NOW!
not lose the URL or hope that your
computer doesn't crash while your           IT IS
message is being processed, or it           synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com
will hang like an election 2000 chad
forever!                                    Can't wait to hear from yuh!

- Page 6 -


    W H O   ?   A M   ?   I   ?             - By Synonymous 1 -


I am a man.  Or not.                        freedom, and that of my fellow 
                                            citizens, and my children after me
I could be anybody.  Maybe I'm the          and their fellow citizens.
boy who bags your groceries at the
supermarket.                                And I care enough that I will speak
                                            up about it.
Or maybe I'm the guy you see at the
back of the bus, who's always               And I am wary of the persecution of
talking out loud.                           citizens for criticizing Obama and
                                            his policies and violations of the 
Maybe I'm that lady who lives alone.        Constitution.  And I'm wise enough
                                            to know that there will be direct
Except for the nine cats.                   attacks on me for doing so.

Maybe I'm someone you can see on TV,        For there is one thing about me
like Dinesh D'Sousa.  And this is           that is certain.  It has happened to
where I moonlight.                          me before.  And many others like me.
                                            We have been personally attacked for
Maybe I'm someone who looks innocent        espousing the truth. 
to you, but in secret, I do all
sorts of nasty things to animals to         Our character can be assassinated.
satisfy some kind of sick pleasure.         But it won't change the truth.  And
                                            it is futile to take one person out.
Maybe I'm a disgruntled politician
who has become disillusioned by the         I am Synonymous 1.  But somewhere 
corruption in Washington.                   Out there is a Synonymous 2.  And
                                            Synonymous 3.  And many more.  Too
Maybe I'm working for President             many to effectively assign numbers 
Obama, but secretly documenting all         to.
his corruption and criminal activity
from the inside, while I pretend to         Notice the name �Synonymous�.  We
be his ally.                                are not �anonymous�, the group.  We
                                            may agree in principle with them at
Maybe I'm someone you work with.            times, but we abhor their methods.

Maybe I'm just a tired mom, who only        We are not �Legion�, which is a name
wants the government to leave me            for Satan.  We're not here to 
alone.  And this is how I express           destroy.  We're here to expose the 
myself.                                     Light of Truth in dark places.

Maybe I'm all of these people, or           There is no network.  We are not a
some, or none.                              collection.  We are individuals with
                                            a common uniting cause: maximum
It doesn't matter, does it?                 liberty.  We will defend it.  We 
                                            will protect it.  We will stand 
Because I am not special.                   defiant when they attack us.  And
                                            we will prevail over the dark forces
I'm an ordinary person.  That's it.         that wish to snuff out basic
                                            freedoms.  That is who we are.  That
And I care enough about my personal         is who I am.

- Page 7 -

T H E     N O L A N     C H A R T :

                                    A     S H O R T     I N T R O D U C T I O N

|dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc;,;;;;` `oddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd|
|dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddc;;;;;;; (*) :lddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddoc;;;;;;;;;;, ,;;,:lddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddddddddddddo:,;;;;;;;   LIBERTARIAN  ;;;;;;;,;lddddddddddddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddc. ..............'ddddddddddddddddddddd,ccccccccccccc:;codddddddddd|
|dddddd:. ..................;KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK;cccccccccccccccccc;:odddddd|
|dddd:. ....................;KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK;cccccccccccccccccccc::odddd|
|dd:. ......``````````......;KKKK`````````````KKKK;cccc``````````````cccc::odd|
|d:. ......, LIBERAL  ......;KKKK   CENTRIST  KKKK;clo  CONSERVATIVE  docc:;dd|
|ddddo;. ...................;KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK;ccccccccccccccccccc::lddddd|
|ddddddo;. .................;KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK;ccccccccccccccccc::lddddddd|
|ddddddddo;. ...............;KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK;ccccccccccccccc::lddddddddd|
|ddddddddddo;. ............ 'ooooooooooooooooooooo,:cccccccccccc::lddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddddd:. ........ .';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:cccccccc::oddddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddddddo:. .... .';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:cccc::oddddddddddddddd|
|ddddddddddddddddd:.  .';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,:;:oddddddddddddddddd|
|dddddddddddddddddddddc;,;;;;;;;;;  STATIST  ;;;;;;;;;,:oddddddddddddddddddddd|

Developed in the late 1960s, the Nolan test is also known as the �shortest 
political test ever devised�.  The test gauges one's political standing on the 
Nolan Chart.  It's uncanny in its accuracy, especially in the face of its 
imitators.  But what exactly the Nolan test's deal and how does it work?  
LiberTORian's guide will answer all these questions and more.

By Synonymous 1

- Page 8 -

The Nolan Chart was developed by David Nolan, a sociologist and libertarian.  
He realized that the one-dimensional �Left-Right� scale was inadequate to paint 
a political affiliation.  There was too much diversity in value systems among 
people in the left, right, or center.  People of varied affiliations often have 
shared areas of agreement.  He sought to find a better classification system.

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David H. Nolan.

To compensate for the �left-right� system, David Nolan devised a two-dimensional
scale.  The second dimension, �Up� and �Down�, were added to gauge a person's 
views on individual liberty.  Originally the Nolan chart was measured on a 
square, but eventually it was turned 45 degrees to be seen as a diamond.

- Page 9 -

The up-down scale represents indi-         Constitutional liberal and 
vidual liberty.  The higher one            Constitutional conservative.  The 
appears on the Nolan scale, the            same applies for the other four
more they stand for individual             areas.  The image of the Nolan chart
liberty.  The lower one appears on         at the beginning of this article
the chart, the more the person             portrays the author's position on
believes that government should            the Nolan Chart.  The chart itself
have control over individuals.             provides the onlooker an instant
                                           visual reference that describes a
David Nolan divided the Nolan chart        person clearly.
into five regions.  At the top is
�Libertarian�, who believe in              
maximum liberty.  David Nolan              THE NOLAN TEST
himself was a libertarian.  At the
very opposite end � the bottom � is        To find one's position on the Nolan
�Statist�.  Statists believe in            Chart, one takes the 10-question
minimum personal liberty.  The left        Nolan Test.  Marshall Fritz in the 
and right sides are �Liberal� and          late 1980s wrote the test, which he
�Conservative�, respectively.  As          billed, �World's smallest political
one can see on the chart, these two        quiz�.  Surprisingly, the ten
designations are somewhere in the          questions are very accurate at
middle of the chart, for believers         gauging one's political affiliation.
in either philosophy believe in a          They were carefully chosen and were
form of government enforcement of          subject to heavy testing, and there
their systems.  Conservatives, for         are often slight changes to 
instance, believe in law and order,        accommodate changing social issues.
and some government is required to
enforce it.  Liberals believe in           
higher taxation, and a large               IMPOSTERS
bureaucracy is required to collect
and properly distribute it.                A British imposter of the Nolan Test
                                           is the Political Compass test.  It
In the center is �moderate�, people        attempts to be more comprehensive
whose views are one way on some            by asking a larger range of questions
issues and different on others that        on a wide variety of topics.  But,
are similar.                               The system is highly arbitrary.  The 
                                           system used to measure one's position
Each region is broad enough to hold        on the chart is unknown, and the 
a wide range of ideas.  The liber-         identities of the test's creators are
tarian area, for instance, has a           unknown.  Nor is it known what, if
pinnacle at the top, advocating no         any, sociology or science credentials
government at all.  These extreme          they had, or if the test was tested.
libertarians are �anarchists�.  As
one slides down the right slope,           One thing is certain: Something is
they remain libertarian but do             seriously flawed when a libertarian 
believe in just enough government          such as myself falls to the left of
to enforce the law.  These are             where the test's creators claim 
referred to as �Constitutional             Barack Obama stands!  He's considered
Conservative�.  The mirror image is        right-wing in the test, which should
the �Constitutional Liberal�.  They        raise concerns outright.  The problem
may embrace things like marriage           with the Political Compass test is
for homosexuals and other social           that it is based on the European
freedoms not accepted by conserva-         system of left and right, which is
tives, but they both agree in the          based on WWII era designations.  In
principles of limited government.          That time, there was no prevailing
                                           libertarian thought, and what was 
A wide range exists in between             considered �left� and �right� were

- Page 10 -

communism and fascism, respective-         HOW YOU CAN TAKE THE NOLAN TEST
ly.  Both of these systems were
forms of socialism, which are both         Here are the ten questions of the 
located as �statism� on the Nolan          current Nolan Test.  Answer each one 
Chart.  The whole political spec-          honestly, and choose the closest
trum at the time could be                  answer if yours is not provided.
expressed on one quadrant of the           Another thing you can do to prepare
Nolan Chart!                               is to cut a piece of graph paper into
                                           a 20 by 20 square square.
Someone who later comes along like
Margaret Thatcher is an anomaly,           QUESTION 1:
who would appear �moderate�, be-           What is your view on speech, press,
cause her conservatism is far more         assembly, internet and property
libertarian than socialism in any          rights?
form, and libertarianism is rather
centrally located on the Nolan             A. Government should not restrict
Chart.                                        speech, press, internet, or media.
                                              The rights of free citizens who
Another chart, that is similar to             don't violate the rights of others
the Nolan test, but designed to               must be respected and protected at
measure political coordinates of              all times.  Exercise of eminent
entire cultures, is the Inglehart-            domain should be extremely limited
Welzel chart.  This chart measures            and its use avoided whenever
social scores as �traditional                 possible.  Property rights and
values� versus �secular values�.              private property should be
�traditional values� represents               protected at all times.
individual freedom, while �secular         
values� represents group freedoms          B. Speech, press, internet and media
(at the expense of individual                 should be free except when it 
freedoms.)  The lower the up-down             comes to protecting against 
score, the more the society values            terror and other threats against
individual freedoms.  The left and            public safety.  Free speech zones 
right are defined with �self-                 can be established to protect the
expression values� and �survival              right of free speech while 
values�, the latter being poorly              ensuring security at public 
defined.  The chart itself may be             events.  Eminent domain should be
accurate, but the creators' place-            maintained in practice, but it
ment of some nations is patently              should not be available merely as
absurd: Canada charts higher than             a means to enrich private develop-
the United States in self-                    ers via enforced land transfers.
expression values.  Canada, a
nation that labels quoting the             C. Speech, assembly, press, and 
Bible in public a �hate crime�, and           internet should be free except 
whose government censors critics of           when controversies such as global 
Islamic terrorists?  Australia is             warming have already been settled         
also strangely higher than America.           and legitimate public policies 
In both countries, self-expression            would be undermined by its few 
is not as free as it is in America,           remaining detractors. Property 
and one must wonder what criteria             rights should be subject to the 
was used, or if the authors of the            needs of the government but 
study used a dart board or pulled             otherwise should be respected.
the stated positions out of their
rear ends.  Some of the category           D. Government should regulate speech,
groupings are unusual as well:                press, media, Internet, and 
respect for human life and blind              property rights at its own 
patriotism are together as                    discretion within reason as needed
�Traditional values�.                          to meet all of government's 

- Page 11 -

many obligations.                             sexual couples enjoy should also 
                                              be granted to gay couples.
What is your view on guns?                 B. The government should pass laws
                                              that favor whatever view the 
A. The Second Amendment only applies          majority of the population 
   to "militias" (such as the                 supports regarding homosexual 
   National Guard), and thus there is         relationships, including 
   no specific protection afforded by         homosexual marriage.
   it to individuals. It should be up 
   to the government to decide the         C. There should be no laws regarding
   degree to which guns should be             either heterosexual or homosexual
   regulated for the public good.             relationships among consenting 
                                              adults. Marriage of any kind is a 
B. The Second Amendment to the                private, contractual matter 
   Constitution clearly protects the          between free, private individuals
   right of all individuals to bear           that should not be regulated.
   arms. Government regulation of 
   guns is a violation of the Second       D. Homosexuality is an abomination 
   Amendment. Having the right to             and is banned by the Bible. Gay 
   self-defense is meaningless                marriage should be illegal in all
   without also having the means to           cases.
   defend yourself. An armed society 
   is a peaceful society, is the           QUESTION 4:
   best defense against criminals,         What is your view on U.S. foreign
   and serves as a deterrent against       policy?
   government tyranny. Gun control 
   has encouraged society to become        A. A strong defense requires playing 
   lax and negligent in teaching and          an active, interventionist role 
   training on the safe handling and          in world affairs. As the last 
   maintenance of weapons by                  remaining superpower, we have a 
   individuals.                               moral duty to police the world at 
                                              any cost, or else we will surely 
C. In general, I support the right            pay the ultimate price. If we 
   to bear arms. However, it is               don't militarily wipe out terror-
   prudent to have government                 ism, the terrorists will wipe us 
   regulate arms via registration             out. We must resolve to win no 
   requirements and other regu-               matter how long it takes. It's 
   lations to ensure that mentally            better to strike now than to pay 
   unstable people can't get guns             later for our inaction.
   and go on shooting rampages.
                                           B. America should play an active 
D. Gun control is essential and must          role in world affairs. We need to
   continually be made stronger if            move toward more world government,
   we're ever going to reduce and             particularly when it comes to
   hopefully eliminate gun violence           issues such as global warming. The
   in this country.                           war on terror should rely heavily
                                              on diplomatic action. Military 
QUESTION 3:                                   intervention should be used when 
What is your view on homosexual               there is a threat to our 
marriage?                                     sovereignty, but this position 
                                              can and should be reversed when-
A. Gay rights should be supported by          ever public opinion turns against
   passing laws which protect gay             it.
   marriage, including civil statute       
   alternatives to gay marriage. All       C. The role of our government, and
   government benefits that hetero-           the role of the United Nations, 

- Page 12 -

   should be constantly expanded to        A. The government has a duty to 
   help ensure that all of the world          ensure that all individuals have 
   moves toward democracy.                    food, clothing, and shelter and 
   Complaints that government is too          should also invest in private 
   big already are simply counter-            industry whenever it deems such 
   productive and should be ignored.          investment to be in the public 
D. Peace, commerce and honest
   friendship with all nations;            B. End �corporate welfare�.  No
   entangling alliances with none,            government handouts to business.
   said Thomas Jefferson in his 1st 
   inaugural address. America's            C. Government involvement is 
   interventionist policies over the          necessary where private industry 
   past 100+ years have done little           can't do the job all by itself. 
   to reduce international insta-             As an example, agricultural sub-
   bility, have led us into an                sidies should continue to support
   endless series of wars, and have           small farmers.
   cost us dearly in American lives 
   and money. The best defense of          D. Corporate welfare should be 
   our borders is to defend our               eliminated for big business, but 
   rights and liberty, not to sacri-          the social safety net for indi-
   fice them while constantly                 viduals should be retained.
   growing our gigantic military, 
   led by a parade of Presidents who       QUESTION 7:
   repeatedly stick our nose into          What is your view on trade and money?
   other countries' affairs.
                                           A. Trade that isn't fair isn't free.
QUESTION 5:                                   Fair trade practices should be 
What is your view on a national ID            enforced as needed to ensure free       
card?                                         trade while maintaining reason-
                                              ably open borders. The Fed's 
A. There should be no national ID             policies  should be revised to
   card. Period. The issuance of              help the poor rather than the
   required National IDs controlled           rich.
   via interconnected databases will 
   effectively end all privacy in          B. The government should involve 
   this country.                              itself in the regulation of trade
                                              as needed to ensure a healthy 
B. We need a national ID card in              economy at all times. The Federal
   order to prevent events like the           Reserve system has made our money
   attacks of 9/11 but without                supply the most stable in all 
   intruding too far into the                 history.
   personal privacy of the innocent.
                                           C. End government barriers to inter-
C. National ID cards should be per-           national free trade. The          
   mitted but greatly restricted in           regulation of trade tends enrich
   scope because the potential for            elected interest groups and 
   danger to personal liberty is              industry captains at the expense
   present.                                   of everyone else. We must move 
                                              away from the inflationary 
D. I'm not at all concerned about             approach of the Federal Reserve   
   having a national ID card. Only            by re-adopting a hard money 
   the guilty need to worry.                  approach and dissolving the 
                                              Federal Reserve system. Ever 
QUESTION 6:                                   wonder why prices of everything 
What is your view on corporate                (including real estate) keep going
welfare?                                      up over time? The Federal Reserve

- Page 13 -

   system is the culprit. President           Security becomes completely 
   Woodrow Wilson, who signed the             insolvent.
   Federal Reserve Act into law 
   regretted his decision 3 years          QUESTION 9:
   later saying, "I am a most              What is your view on health care?
   unhappy man. I have unwittingly
   ruined my country."                     A. Government regulation of health
                                              care is the main cause of the     
D. Trade should be free in general,           health care industry's upward
   but it should be controlled as             spiraling costs. The FDA, EPA,  
   needed to ensure that our borders          Medicare, and a host of other 
   are protected against outside              bureaucracies have created 
   threats. Monetary policy under             mountains of regulations that have
   the Fed has generally been good            led to the deaths of thousands and
   for our economy. Hard money can't          even millions of people who were
   keep up with a modern economy.             denied needed treatments and
                                              resources. The cost of creating 
QUESTION 8:                                   new treatments is also out of 
What is your view on Social                   control because of this regu-
Security?                                     lation. The only way to make 
                                              health care affordable again is 
A. Social Security should be main-            to get government out of the 
   tained and protected by the                health care business.
   government, although we do need         
   to offer individuals an alterna-        B. Health care costs are spiraling 
   tive government-managed solution           primarily due to lawsuits. We 
   if they so choose.                         need to place caps on these suits
                                              while avoiding socialized medi-
B. Social Security is a vital part            cine. Where possible, we should 
  of the social safety net and                reduce regulation to save money. 
  should be properly funded and               The rising cost of health care is
  protected at all times. If                  primarily the fault of big 
  necessary, make big business and            government politicians and 
  the rich pay for any shortfalls.            Lobbying groups.

C. Government has an obligation to         C. Government regulation has gone a 
   provide for people in their                long way toward making health care
   twilight years, and Social                 universally accessible and safe,
   security is a proper expression            but there's a long way to go. We
   of governmental control. The               need universal health insurance 
   system is sound and does not need          to ensure all Americans are 
   anything more than minor adjust-           adequately protected.
   ments from time to time.
                                           D. Private enterprise has failed to
D. Let people control their own re-           deliver satisfactory health 
   tirement and they'll retire                care. Government's role is clear:
   richer and better off. The Social          fix the problem.
   Security system is already bank-
   rupt, despite what the poli-            QUESTION 10:
   ticians and bureaucrats keep            What is your view on taxes, spending,
   telling us. Allow individuals to        and the national debt?
   choose for themselves whether to 
   opt out of the Social Security          A. There should be no limits placed 
   system. If we force everyone to            on the ability of government to 
   remain in its pyramid scheme, the          raise sufficient revenue to do all
   end result will be disastrous. We          the jobs government should be  
   must act now before Social                 doing better, as expressed via 

- Page 14 -

   majority rule.                          Questions 1, 5, and 9
                                              A: U
B. Cut taxes and government spending          B: R
   by 50% or more. This will have an          C: L
   incredibly positive impact on the          D: D
   economy starting at its very 
   lowest and smallest levels. The         Questions 2, 6, and 10:
   national debt must be paid down            A: D
   rather than endlessly increased,           B: U
   or we'll soon face national                C: R
   bankruptcy.                                D: L

C. The budget should be balanced and       Questions 3 and 7:
   fully funded at all times, rather          A: L
   than actually cutting spending on          B: D
   a permanent basis. As needed, the          C: U
   national debt should be expanded           D: R
   to ensure that there is 
   sufficient funding for government       Questions 4 and 8:
   operation and military growth              A: R
   needs. Occasional, temporary tax           B: L
   cuts should be offered in token            C: D
   amounts to keep the taxpayers              D: U
D. We should be emphasizing the good 
   that government can do to help          Now that you have your results, take
   people without getting all              a pencil onto the graph diamond you
   wrapped up in the costs involved.       cut out.  Place it in the exact
   By spreading the load, such good        center of the grid.  For every U, D,
   can be spread out fairly and            L and R in your letter string, move
   evenly. Progressive taxation            one space up, down, left or right,
   helps ensure that the rich don't        respectively.  Match your ending
   live at the expense of the poor.        Position to the chart on page 7.
   However, we want to make sure we        Voila!  You're a libertarian (or
   don't place too much of a burden        something else)!
   on the middle class.
                                           The image on the next page is pre-
                                           sented to you to find your position
That wasn't so hard now, was it?           without graph paper.  Instructions
The next thing is to examine the           are just as simple:
results.  For each answer you chose,
jot down the appropriate letter in a       1) Start at the X.
string of letters.  For instance,          2) For each U, go up one space.
one person who took the test wrote:           For each D, go down one space.
                                           3) For each L, go left one space.
U U R U R U U U R U                        4) For each R, go right one space.

ANSWER GRID:                               Match the symbol you wound up on to
                                           the key to the upper left of the
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10                   chart.  That is your affiliation!

A   U D L R U D L R U D                    The closer to a corner you are, the 
B   R U D L R U D L R U                    more intense your view!
C   L R U D L R U D L R
D   D L R U D L R U D L                    The closer to a border you are, the 
                                           closer you lean to the faction you
Here's longhand to make it clearer:        are near.

- Page 15 -

                     Y O U R     N O L A N    C H A R T

                                   /  /  / 
 /  Libertarian                 /  /  /  /  /
 ,  Conservative             /  /  /  /  /  /  /  
 .  Liberal               /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
 +  Statist            /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /
 o  Moderate        .  .  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  ,  ,
                 .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,
              .  .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
           .  .  .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  o  o  o  X  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
           .  .  .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , 
              .  .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
                 .  .  .  .  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  ,  ,  ,  ,
                    .  .  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  ,  , 
                       +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
                          +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
                             +  +  +  +  +  +  + 
                                +  +  +  +  +
                                   +  +  + 


    CLASSIC TXT FILE OF THE DAY!              - By Synonymous 1 - 


Text files are straightforward.  One        Naturally, the lack of regulation
character per byte.  A universally          attracted the same unsavory types
accepted ANSI unicode character set.        that populate the hidden internet 
It was a conscious decision to              today.  Instead of distributing
publish LiberTORian as a text file.         cracked versions of PhotoShop, it
Part of it is nostalgia.  Part of it        was old DOS games such as �The
is a desire to keep everything              President Is Missing� and the �Zork�
absolutely clear.  And still part of        trilogy.  ASCII art was considered
it is to provide a file that is             image sharing.  The same people who
available to, literally, anyone with        hated the rich then are still with
a computer, no matter how ancient.          us today, along with those with     
                                            manuals to build bombs. 
In the halcyon days of dial-up BBS
services, the text file was the             Hacking was much less complex, too.
standard mode of mass communication.        But they were just as resourceful as
People would share information in           today.  And there was the 1980s sub-
these private networks, that                set, the �phreakers�.  In those days
existed before there was a World            there was a charge for long distance
Wide Web.  These were completely            calls.  Fon Phreakers were able to
private networks, before the NSA            manipulate the phone company with 
monitored all our phone calls and           secret numbers, DIY technology, and
internet usage.  It is the late             other methods to make free long
1970s and 1980s equivalent to the           distance or pay phone calls.  Our
deep web.                                   Text file of the week is a recount

- Page 16 -

of an experience from a phone
phreaker, entitled, �The Scariest
Number in the World�.  Travel back
in time and look at the world 
through the eyes of the author, as
if you're there in his body.  Here
is the original text file in its 80
column glory, from the popular fon
phreak magazine, �2600�:



   Recently, a telephone fanatic in the northwest made an interesting
discovery.  He was exploring the 804 area code (Virginia) and found out that
the 840 exchange did something strange.  In the vast majority of cases, in fact
in all of the cases except one, he would get a recording as if the exchange
didn't exist.  However, if he dialed 804-840 and four rather predicatable
numbers, he got a ring!

   After one or two rings, somebody picked up.	Being experienced at this kind
of thing, he could tell that the call didn't "supe", that is, no charges were
being incurred for calling this number.  (Calls that get you to an error
message, or a special operator, generally don't supervise.)  A female voice,
with a hint of a Southern accent said, "Operator, can I help you?"

   "Yes," he said.  "What number have I reached?"

   "What number did you dial, sir?"

   He made up a number that was similar.

   "I'm sorry that is not the number you reached."  Click.

   He was fascinated.  What in the world was this?  He knew he was going to
call back, but before he did, he tried some more experiments.  He tried the 840
exchange in several other area codes.  In some, it came up as a valid exchange.
In others, exactly the same thing happened -- the same last four digits, the
same Southern belle.  Oddly enough, he later noticed, the areas worked in
seemed to travel in a beeline from Washington DC to Pittsburgh, PA.

   He called back from a payphone.  "Operator, can I help you?"

   "Yes, this is the phone company.  I'm testing this line and we don't seem to
have an identification on your circuit.  What office is this, please?"

   "What number are you trying to reach?"

- Page 17 -

   "I'm not trying to reach any number.  I'm trying to identify this circuit."

   "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

   "Ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it.  We
show no record of it here."

   "Hold on a moment, sir."

   After about a minute, she came back.  "Sir, I can have someone speak to you.
 Would you give me your number, please?"

   He had anticipated this and he had the payphone number ready.  After he gave
it, she said, "Mr. XXX will get right back to you."

   "Thanks."  He hung up the phone.  It rang.  INSTANTLY!  "Oh my God," he
thought, "They weren't asking for my number -- they were confirming it!"

   "Hello," he said, trying to sound authoritative.

   "This is Mr. XXX.  Did you just make an inquiry to my office concerning a
phone number?"

   "Yes.  I need an identi--"

   "What you need is advice.  Don't ever call that number again.  Forget you
ever knew it."

   At this point our friend got so nervous he just hung up.  He expected to
hear the phone ring again but it didn't.

   Over the next few days he racked his brains trying to figure out what the
number was.  He knew it was something big -- that was pretty certain at this
point.	It was so big that the number was programmed into every central office
in the country.  He knew this because if he tried to dial any other number in
tht exchange, he'd get a local error message from his CO, as if the exchange
didn't exist.

   It finally came to him.  He had an uncle who worked in a federal agency.  He
had a feeling that this was government related and if it was, his uncle could
probably find out what it was.	He asked the next day and his uncle promised to
look into the matter.

   The next time he saw his uncle, he noticed a big change in his manner.  He
was trembing.  "Where did you get that number?!"  he shouted.  "Do you know I
almost got fired for asking about it?!?  They kept wanting to know where I got

   Our friend couldn't contain his excitement.  "What is it?" he pleaded.
"What's the number?!"


   He never called the number after that.  He knew that he could probably cause

- Page 18 -

quite a bit of excitement by calling the number and saying something like, "The
weather's not good in Washington.  We're coming over for a visit."  But our
friend was smart.  he knew that there were some things that were better off
unsaid and undone. <>


	Cortesy of BIOC Agent 003, 2600 Magazine, & Sherwood Forest ][
				(914) 359-1517

-----End of File


  ERIC SNOWDEN: HERO OR CRIMINAL?             - By Synonymous 1 -


We all know the story of Eric               Now from the point of view of the 
Snowden- an NSA insider who saw the         mob, such a person is a �rat�.  I
Constitutional violations on privacy        for one don't care a whit about the 
that even the ACLU turned a blind           �omerta� and this supposed code of
eye to, because it happened to be a         honor amongst crooks.  Snowden is
president they liked running things.        Not a rat, he's a whistleblower.
                                            He did break into files and, yes, 
And he had access to many of the            that makes him a criminal.  I do
documents that proved what they were        believe that he should face justice.
up to.  He also was restricted from         On the other hand, this admini-
other files, but he knew how to get         stration has a notorious track
them.                                       record of injustice, and instead
                                            of a fair trial, Snowden will be
And he did.                                 persecuted for crossing Obama's 
And he leaked them on the internet.
                                            It's ironic that a place like
Did he break the law?  Why, yes.            Russia, not known for either
                                            freedom or justice, granted asylum
Did he violate the Constitution?            to Eric Snowden as a political
No, he didn't.                              refugee.  _Russia_, protecting an
                                            _American_ from persecution from
Did the NSA break the law?  There           its own government?  Things have
is no doubt, and we owe it to Eric          really changed since the 1980s.
                                            If I understand correctly, Eric
Did the NSA violate the U.S. Consti-        Snowden was cautious with the 
tution?  You bet your sweet bippy.          Information he released.  Unlike
Whatever that means.  Just what is a        WikiLeaks, he made sure that the 
bippy?  Maybe the cast of �Laugh-In�        information that indicts the Obama
could've clued us in.                       crime syndicate didn't expose
                                            sensitive information that exposed
Anyway, The NSA knowingly did what          our troops fighting the already
they did.  So did Snowden.  But             lost War on Terror.
the administration running the 
country like a mob family.  And             So, the answer is twofold.  Snowden 
Snowden's biggest crime was being           is a criminal.  He broke the law.
a whistleblower.                            But the laws he broke were made

- Page 19 - 

to protect the guilty.  The crimes          QUESTIONS?
he exposed were far more grievous.          COMMENTS?
The U.S. Constitution is the highest        SUGGESTIONS?
authority in the land.  While I             SAGE ADVICE?
don't advocate violating the law to         PRAISE?
uphold the law, without Snowden's           GRIPE?
whistleblowing, we wouldn't be able
to prove the NSA phone scandal.             Contact LiberTORian!!
Some of the information he did have
access to legally.  I don't know            Send email to:
what information was available at           synonymous1@qqvbgcu6kohbkxbs.onion
his security level.  All I know is
the second part of the question:            
Eric Snowden is a hero.  He was             ************************************
an average person working for his          
government.  While there, he saw            HOW TO BE A LIBER-TOR-IAN
that the very government he worked
for, which swore to uphold the              ************************************
Constitution, was acting above the          
law to retain its own power.  He             
has a problem with it.  And so he           1) Don't hurt other people.
told the truth about people who             
betray the truth without blinking           2) Don't take other people's stuff.
an eye.  So, yes, he is a hero too.         
And if I had to choose only one,            3) Use TOR for privacy, not because
I would say that Eric Snowden is,              you're doing anything wrong, but
in fact, a hero.                               because it's your right.

- Page 20 -

        E X T R A N E O U S                   - By Synonymous 1 -

TRAITORS!                                   Comcast is a despicable business.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation          But enabling three power-hungry, 
                                            unelected statists to grab more 
There are millions who supported the        power for themselves is not the 
FCC's recent move to regulate the           answer.  (two of the five on the 
Internet.                                   FCC board voted against Net Neu-
They are all lemmings.
                                            The FCC now has the power to reg-
The Electronic Frontier Foundation,         ulate the internet, including the 
which ordinarily advocates for              power to dictate data transfer
internet privacy, were huge pushers         rates, and to censor speech they
of Net Neutrality.  Most of the             don't like.  Read FCC chair Mark
people who went out to support it           Lloyd's comments on how glorious       
had no idea what it really meant.           It was when Hugo Chavez shut down
                                            free speech the same way the FCC
There are people who hate business.         Just seized the power to do so!  It
That's fine with me.  But many of           is easy to find the footage.
these people will do anything it 
takes to punish business... even if         So thank you, Electronic Frontier
it means taking themselves out in           Foundation.  We are less free now,
the process.                                thanks to you.

D N S    L O O K U P    F A I L E D                   G L O S S A R Y

Well, I wrote this first issue all          For those new to the Deep Web, I'm
by my lonesome self.  I really was          not far ahead of you.  Here are
lonely.  It's hard to find other            some terms for those of you who
libertarians in the deep web.               Never dove in:

I thought that people merely
concerned with privacy would be             .onion
easier to find on the Onion relay.          Pseudo-top-level domain name for
Maybe I'm not just looking in the           deep web sites.
right place.  I'm seeking you out.
So if you read this and like it,            Clearnet
seek me out.  TOR has potential to          The surface web, and parts of the 
allow freedom-minded people to come         deep web accessible by traditional
together and speak their mind               web browsers.
freely.  So share your knowledge
with other LiberTORian readers.             Deep Web
We're looking for:                          Technically, any web site not 
                                            accessible via conventional search
   o Links                                  engines.  Commonly, used to only
   o Forums                                 describe non-clearnet areas of the 
   o Web logs                               Internet.
   o Inside information that
     exposes government corruption          Mariana's Web
   o Entertaining stuff                     A fictitious name for the deepest 
   o Enlightening stuff                     recesses of the deep web.  Mariana's
                                            web's existence supposes that, if 
Just send an email and fill it              the deep web is a hidden "level" of
with your knowledge!                        the internet, the deep web itself
                                            has its own hidden levels that are
synonymous1@qqvbgcu6kohbkxbs.onion          are geometrically increasingly 
                                            difficult to enter.  Only the most
Are you up there on clearnet?               most skilled and mathematically
                                            intelligent computer users allegedly
Send email to                               can access Mariana's web.  Mariana's
                                            Web is named after Mariana's Trench,
synonymous1@onionmail.info                  located in the deepest recesses in 
                                            the ocean.  It doesn't exist.

                  ^                         Onionland
                 / \                        Term for the world of the deep web 
                /   \                       that is not part of the surface web
               /     \                      (or clearnet).
              /       \
             /  T O P  \                    TOR
            /  W I N G  \                   Acronym for The Onion Relay.
           /             \
          /               \                 Vidalia
         /   LiberTORian   \                A TOR front end module for use with
         \                 /                with conventional web browsers.
          \               /
           \_____________/                  ---- E N D  -  O F  -  F I L E ----