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JANUARY, 1986! 


Private Sector Returning 


Tht P i ivaic Sector bu lletm boaid system (the official BBS of 
IViajWJiiieJ, sc-ii-rd by New Jersey uutborllies on July 12, 
I9&S, is in flit process of being relumed. However, Tom RSieh, 
die system bpem lor, feels he is being forced to plead gnihy 10 a 
token offense. 

Vv her, 1 h.e board was taken, iS-il- proseculOTy see Tiled io haw 
I it Lie idea os to wliaL it was ihgy were looking Lot. At a press 
ton fere noe the following week* they claimed that ttlich and sis 
brlters were moving satellites iia s pace with their computers and 
doing stTiinge Ihingtlo the nation's defense dnpUrl men! , Now. 
six riLonlbs Inlet, ibw, or anything else, lias yen to be proven in 
T om^ case. 

Qn DcccnibcSr 6, Judge Mark Epstein gave Assistant 
Prcisccutor Frank Graves one lins-l month to find something in 
orrtt 1 1 n prow h is conspi racy cate, ol lit rwise list ease won d be 

thrown mu Graves only came up with a blue bos program i hut 
was origim Ijy discovered on the E’rivatc Sector’s lianj disk. back 
in .July. This program wus consec tie ally defined os a "hurgbi ry 
tool”. "Cat's Vl-sow'', ;he progra m'-i title, can kit- uv.sj iii 
generate blue bits Jones (Ml 1 ' tones), as well as regular touch 
tones, speech synthesis-, and other sound tflCL-is. Middlesex 
Court l y reportedly sent i be program, along with OlLeh 's whole 
computer system to Bell 1 j'shs lo see if it cue Id prod r.ee the nastv 
Mb' tones-: 'Cat's Meow"', written by the Tempest, was 
approved by EicLI labs us a working bine bos, as long as it was 
used with a n Applecat modern ESI ieh sa id it was given to h ini by 
an associate along wiih other programs and that he found ii 
entertaining, because nf the rtuires ii made and educational in 
i hat it taught him a Ihtle bii about Ihe phone network. He 
cla inis i sever tn have used 1 he program to nmi ke free phone rolls 
ordn anything of a fraudulent nature. The program was mu 
aece-ssihlc to anyone calling the bulletin board, either. 
According to the authorities, no illegal calls have ever I wen 
traced tei Klich and there is no evidence of any i )tqjn | activity on 
bis pern, In New Jersey, though, under a particular statute, ii is 
ijlcgal tu possess virtually anything which ran be used 1o 
|V.a petiJite fraud. 

Blifih wak Lulxl that if lie pleaded guilty lu the: fourlh degree 
misdemtsntor which would carry no sentence. hit equipment 
wiOuld be retu med and all other eW rges agii inst him would he 

Rul r. one of iltis explains hew various law enforcement 
departments could j a si ify searching his home am I sr i/ing his 
eqnipmctit, especially if it wus based on the possibility thal 
Bheh was undermining Ihe security of die United Spues by 
disrupting International telecommunications and ir niton mg 
the Defease Department , when absolutely nothing, would po int 
a nyonc with t he inlel llgenrc of a tic ns to th is CbpelussOn . M oi « 
spec ificaL ly.. Pt 'OSeCOtOT Alan A . Kockoff staled that one ohji rge 
was that [lie “young ccmputcrniks, IdhrCatCuCd i h i nation's 
defense' 1 by stealing i n fo r mat i n n on military lank parts 
manufactured by a Connecticut defense eontractor. Now, after 
no evidence ts found, m.i coin pla inlands me found, aivd 
Prosecutor Keck offs outlandish head lines have worn away, 
Fthch will be on pTobatinn fora year btJCause he had a blue lies 


program and all lIljs to cover up lor some fools' 
OVCrrCii loll >UCSS 

Wilt somebody please wake os up? Gan this- really hr 
happening'? Almost any computer is capable of producing 
“illegal’' tunes. Programs thal produce such tones are 
common plant, m say the least. Many people pwsess them just 
fur tlie sake of sw! ng what they look I ike a nd huw they work . 
Arc New .I-l-i » i;v aulhor.ties now punishing people lor being 

What il Blieh himself had written this program':' Are l hey 
now Lulling us it's illegal i.j u -rfre certain things, been use Ihev 
could potentially be 3n a ti^d way? Cleaity, 1 here’s 
someilnjtg fundamentally wrong here, 

li s ciisy to say lha L someone who has 5i blur box program is 
only going to use it for i lleyg ; uel iviiy. But ii L v simply not i an; 
and it\ also a very dangerous assumption, ll'a program <3n diaii 
can be coustmed as a huTgluiy lool, Llicu why rlid ihe 
pr. ixeru lor send Blselia prinrnui ofthefyurptsge program! 1 Esn> 
this distribution of a lutrgbny tool? And what of the program-; 
Hull appeal an Ihe tofomuMtm Hvrcuu section of this ivstat? 
Possession of a gun is tune i h'.ng. hceause there aren a 1 1 that 
many thi ugs you ca h do wi I h a gun, unkss yt m 'i e a wtil lector 
fOf eo i jimt, possessing ;! deadly weapon is legiil, but 'ac won't 
get i :: i n rJifp'. J W ii h a com purer pro grain . however, the re a re an 
iiifinik: number of possibilities. Senueonje could ptasscss it for 
the soJreof huvingan intereiting program, sOIbni they on learn 
hnw i a make, suuud effects with l Ivei i con ipu ier. so that they can 
licai' what ihese magical tonev actually sound like, and so on 
V c.v, i lie re is i he possHtifis\ sonsehod y could use this program 
fiir illegal purposes. Bur it's really just as easy fin lam, much 
easeer) to use a standard touch mne phone 1o commit fmatl 
: here days. E-fow is possession of a loueh tone phone any ksv o f 
a crime than ihl- program? J hey ean hnth fui used for legitimate 
purposes as wall ai illegitimate ones, it's noi laird to retrace the 
Logie that is used m argue this, hut is tins logic Mrrect?Or is it 
polentLsILy a danger to everyone, not just uv? 

We fed threat euyod by such actions. How hard would it be to 
eoucludc that this inaganne ttseh'is a burglary fool? ftetiiuse we 
diereuM how ’.lie v,i i mi. is networks work and hfiCmse we expose 
the inadequacies and weaknesses, arc wc nut paving the way for 
crirnlmi Is? Perhaps we ate. hut at the :sim? i ime we’re wok ing up 
an awful Lot of people. People who resil^e Lliat their secrets 
areu'l sale ina jKimculrif computer or people who need to know 
how their phone system works we extsl for ihe purpose of 
education alone. We camsdt be' held accountable; fur the 
potruiiu misbehavior of one of -out subreri hers that is an 
unns-ist inable expectation. 

Fnriunutely. we 're not yeL at a stnge where such affronts ean 
is-ieur at a nuigarim:. Why? Mtigusmes are tangible, pruple 
gene ral ly undcnsLjud i hem V ou ca rA hold a emmpu air hu I Iren 
board in Irom of you, Lhough. Vlosl poopk: don’t understand 
what a BUS is m the Sirs! place. It's vo much easier to get away 
with something if most pcopIc dnpH understand what y-ou’ic 
really doing Ihis is whaS the authoiities have accomplished. 

WcVe made some important emigres-, in ibis case. Wf 

fcr/Mbiu/'t j i; :v p ,nogf j -H) 


It s IraM years now since Lht>- broke up [hu telephone 
company, and if you ask around, most people seem ip believe it 

wasij b:.L-d idea. | n the past yon nsretvod ouly one phone bill and 
you never had Lo worry about Aon’to' place yotir calls. ft seemed 
su nint h simpler liven, 

Eur phone plircaks. i ho up hi. the last two' years ha st meant' art 
inn-easing number of hwts In play with. bew pay phones, :mw 
I - il n i : z d istancc coin pa a in. new ways of doling what could onl y be 
rloiH.: nne way before. While many of us miss 1 he days of- that 
siniile formidable opponent (Mu Bell), we itpnagc to have fan 
hy i iguring out a IL of tin.: \n r^nnese and being looked upon as t he 
only people who si i'll understand how to make a pit one eal I, 

I his is meant to he a brief guide Lu jusL whal has happened 
Rceause ol il>e divest .Lure aiid whuL I he ram i he at kins may he. 
Wo'nc not lysing to compare lutes ot the many companies like 
allofllie newspapers a re doiugand we’re not going lo complain 
■ihout hnw difficult it is roenpu wiih phones these days Like all 
ol the columnists me doing. In plain English, w\Al simply to.' 
and figure om what i he hell it gning on. 

The Way II Used To Be 

L.et s 1 1 1 1 i k a i i ji c way things were. F.SL-epi for some 
tilde pendent Local com p.i a ies . your loco I phone -company was a 
pan of 1 he nal ioawidt fir II System. Italhied together nice ly if 
vhhj wanted lo call long disLnncc, you Vi pkioc the call through 
your I ij c-e 1 1 company .-i r;d I hey would hi l I you for il , and i hat was 
it . W nat you most h k sly duin 'I It now (or tare about i wax i hill 
your Local company had hooked into the national company and 
in turn hud hooked into (hr local company on the nilicr 
end. As fur as we were a l| eoncemed, rlie Iii.l.i! company Mill i( 
al I. 

Under this system, things worked fairly well. It wus simple 
I oi customers, ei IL of the ponipiimes bcncfiied {the local 
companies could Veep tlieii rules lower because the national 
company would pay them and (he national company got a 
monopoly rm every long dislanoe cull placed), and there wen; 
no real problems, 

l.fo( il wasn V 1 ;j ir. I n nearly a It qounl nes, 1 lie phone comps ny 
rs run by ibe government and i hut’s it. But kre. the phone 
company was being run by private enterprise, yei Lherc was no 
compel it itnr. It was incviiable that this would be challenged, 
cspeciu I ly when LL stari eel becoming eeomjmieally feasj hie | or 
aLtcfiwiive tom panics hj offer similar services. 

Signs Uf Trouble 

frr (Ire late Sixties, MCI became the Jirsl company to 
challenge ihr Hell monnpoly. Slowly the rules were changing. 
As I he years passed , more cbm pa ntes appeared and hega n Lo 
cry foul Cornu mer services were offered fur ihr first time. As 
technology gof bigger, it because obvious thai fuse phone 
company simply shouldn’t do ir all And one day. the 
government agreed, 

Uirst Oil, the tut i ionwide nei w< ir k had Lo he d ismaiil led.. So ii 
was split into seven parts, none of which arc supposed to he 
related to each other ( however, we. suspect they si.il] see each 
olI:.li socially). They arc: Paci/iq I e lei is, ITS. West; 
Southwestern Bell, Amsritedi, RcUSoni h. Lie'Ll Atlimlio, and 
Nyne.s Each of lIilsi; companies lias n fleeL of local operating 
companies under its control , in pinch t he sn me way as M a Bell 
luil nearly otfof Li re local operatiugiompames. under rawing, 
m Era these seven new companies have heen dubbed "Fkrbv 

Hut 1 he rial ionwidc nclwor k was not comp leteiy eliminated , 
l*-ca use Al AT still ev ists. 1 nsicn-d oi tyi ng together all of 1 be 
.oe;d compan ies. A E Jfc I is now just anotlier long dLilanoe 
company, with nn connection to any of the Local companies or 
ti re uwen regional companies. Of course, having constructed 
r-c network In the lirsi place. A TAT Lius tremendous 


i id var. Urges in the longdistance mar km, 

Fh.jUjt Access 

d'kaily, Lhc emerging long disUmue eompar'iics have to be 
protected agiiinst ATAT. su ihat they can liave a fighting 
chance, Il A L A r were ty lower its rates, everyone would use 
i hem. Lkcfruse of Al A | 'h position, It’s much easier for t liemio 
do ihis. and re-establish a monopoly. This is prevented by' the 
divestiture agrccniem, which rcgulains aTAL' more tliar-, the 
Oliver: cumpanies. Enu weird way. it’s kind uf like affirmative 
nci ion. 

A nother way of piowd ing the new companies is to give Ll iem 
A|ual access- to tlie network that A'E'ATbailt. What pood is it to 
be allowed to compete for tong distance oiitomcrs Lf by the time 
fbc customer gelitoyourdi.il tone. :t sounds like it’s on another 
planei? hut Lo mention ihe fact that to use your service, the 
customer has to use a tor>;h tone phone and key in, a whole lot o f 
^^f- 1 ' 1 - numbers lo identify himself, since yOur company isiif 
4ible lo identify hLm as sonn as he picks up tire phone, like 
A I AT cart, Eh4lM fairness, shouldn't your dial Lone come in as 
loud and clear as AT&T's? 

The answer Ls of course. JfnL how can litis be accomplished? 
There was no easy way, but n had to tm done. And so, “equal 
access'’ was developed. 

L-t Hie early stages, thcmosi tlrut could be done under equal 
-access was tn provide a c jear conned ion to an a hernate Long 
disUmce service-. In addition, tliL> connection had to be toll-free 
s nice qu ite a lew customers were hei ng loft because lIu-v had lo 
Pii y lor a pho ne Cii 1 1 to the dia I tmic of the company i chose, 
whether or rwit t l K call they were nui king i n the fl r si pW ever 
got througli. 1 1 couldn’t bean IfdO number liceause ol technical 
and administrative reasons, not to mention ihc liict that an 
edia area code AlfHJ) would have to fcu dialed. 

?su t be b5(1 CKclrange was created .This is an eiteha njnt; which 
is nearly the same everywhere in the country, Itdnessr'i really 
Caisl in any one place: it’s a Ibccird icaE exchange wiihin local 
central offices. Calling 95U plus four digits, which arc different 
for L-,ich long d istanue company, connects you with their dial 
tone with r.o ringing and with a very dear conned ion. Uor 
msuirne, 55D-rt>?3 gets you MCI anywhere in the country, 
950-Hlflfi fteis you Skyline, vie. There are still drawbacks, 
though. Brim it i vc Locnl companies sornsriimc-s- insist on 
cbai gingfof thesccalls, as-dosomc hotels. Then there b also i he 
matter nf slill having ll> input your aitthorixnt ion code and 
being furred lo use a touch lone phone. Ru i it represents a si a rl 

llic next and most significant ilep tciward-. achieving equal 
access was to actually make a possi ble tor somebody to pick up 
their pi tone and make a long distance call using whatever 
company i bey wanted without dialing any exi ra numhem, S.u at 
lasL u would be just as s-.ntple to make ji ciili usieg Sprint or 
Western Union as i- w JS using AT&T AJE the custotrier had to 
lI n was tell Ills local Company (when the time came) which long 
d isia nee company he; she wanted . 

Tht> is the point where something interesting bergan to 
hapticn, I 'hone companies all around the country darted to 
real nre i huit the re are a grail number of people who rwilly don t 
ear e which Long distance company offers what— iliey just want 
I n be lefl alone. Some of ( besc folks never ma ke loitg distance 
dills in Use rust plaee and oLhers don’t lias's ihe time or 
inclination to I tv and figure out which company Is 
economically ativantageotes to them. 

But last yetir a new twist was added, lf yxm don’t chonse a 
lung dicta ace company. One will be asslgiiei.1 to yon of random! 

Jn oLher words, if you close your ears to all of I his divestiture 
mfk, you could find yourself subscribing to a company tlyq 
Charges a J 15 munlbLy minim nm, which is a )>ii of on affront to 
-someone who only makes local calls. Vet, this is what's 

(continued an yxrgi* ,T-ÂŁ) 



. . 

AT&T Does It Again 

Rodent! y. An miLiild :i u uiho : of residential telephone 
customers around tlie country have received letters from AT&T 
s hii n k iu,g iltcni fm choosing AT AT a:-, [heir primary long 
distance carrkT. The problem b (hat 'hose customers never 
-circled a carric r, cn i nsicad chore an A ! T competitor. Or.c 
leiter wax even sene to an MCI executive. 

f lic wave of rnixd ir-rctcd AT&T letters is the latest in a series 
oL" similar events that have occurred as AT&T and odicr^irricra 
n ggressively attempt 1o sign up ruidomora l h rough ihc 
nationwide “equal access’’ program 

VG also has had problems, including telling local phone 
com pa nics that moie than I .EKW customers had chosen M Cl in 
the Boston and New York areas when ihey did nyi And CITE 
Sprint was fined 5500, LHXJ for siarting service for residents who 
hadn't asked for it. 

M canwhile', in a recent Wall Street Journal; N BC Newts poll, 
tour nut of every LA Americans say they arc confused by the 
choice of lung disia nor. phone ea r riers. Yet mn re than half, 
particularly younger customers, like hiring ahle in chbnse. 
Nonetheless, most people Continue lo v : cw Hie Pioaknp of 
AT&1 as a bad thing. 

Five Aliens Hung Up 

■■ | lawn, Srjs v i n 

S ee re L Sorv i ce age nf s a mum need l l-i a 1 1 i of fi <. e 
Horn in icon nationals living in Manhattan in a crackdown on 
iIIim! long distance telephone calling fraud. 

rjie individuals were charged with using illegal electronic 
devices known us '’blue fc'pjt'CS" tn tap into the telephone 
network to avoid V:i ng billed fn f long d istanee ea lib. ‱ I hey were 
also charged with placing Calls with stolen personal 
itkniificatinn numbers, and credit card calling numbers oL 
AT&T, Nc?w York Telephone, MO, 11T, arnl J2 other 
companies. sUSilinght least St million in phone calls. 

E-ot E5 to 32U, the Suspeds would allow neighbors to call 
relatives in South .Amer.ca. 11 convicted of tetetonurr.i niemi i<mv 
fraud i n eonneotior, of accessed services, 1 bey face u p 1o 1 5 years 
in prison, a S3). 000 tine or twice the amount allegedly taken iti 
the scam. 

Technology Nabs Hooky Players 

r\AteVY I'JLT?-. 1 1 X 'A 

Computerized dialers carrying a recorded message from the 
principiS of every elementary school in l oms Etiver, New Je rsey 
checking on the w'hetdfi bouts of absc m students in the d istrict 
will be made within one hour utter School attendance is taken. 

L'he 5 Jb.tKMl. system utilizes a computer terminal and 
soltware package allowing pervdnne I in coeli of the district A 10 
elementary schools to p'ug in absent students' telephone 
numbers the computer then auiomaticaliy calls the parents 
where ihey, ut a designaigd person, can he reached during the 
early morning school honns, 

A recording of the principal voice is activated by tlsc 
com puce r and a record is kepL ot whet tver or not the m If was 

Tire system lias already caught two “hooky players, " 

Home Computer Attacks Fahvell 

.Vvcaind 1 1 : .■« 

An Atlanta man angered by a television evangelist took it Out 

rm the Revei end Jerry Fa 1 well by having his home computer 
fiill Mr 1 'llI well's mU-fice phone I me ( HOO'k'BsSOflftj every hi 
seconds for eigfil months. 

Edward Johnson. wfio stopped ilsc culls in December alter 
Southern Etefl threatened m Cut off Ins phone wivroe, said the 
calls were intended to hint M r. l-aLwcIl’s fund-raising hy tying 
up Hie ptioiic [Not to mention ilse fact tliat FaLwell had 10 pat 
fm nil (is these- calls since they were toll-free, wh ich rca lly means 

collect!! Nit' indwell luejidv Mora! Major ny 

Another Astronomical Phone Bill 

he Mutaiua 

Et was a routine morning lor Mike Ocejo unLil ha 1 got to his 
car dealers if i p a nd found wasting for him a telephone hill - lor 

“I hey said 1 ealkd places that 3 never even heind ol before.'’ 
he said, looking in disbelief at the I ,B07cpage hi I' lor calls to 
Pa k istaii, M alaysia, France. a nd 1 ndia . among ol Ircr ebunt rvrs. 

"I I must leivC Crist litem It fortune |usL to print OUL this hill.” 
Oeriosuid. lie had a hint of something bei og wri.inv u few weeks 
ago when New Jersey lie II officials asked h im if he was ca lling 

" l canceled aiy telepho ne cred if card immedia lely I figured 
somebody found out itiy credit card u unsbe r a as! w;is sui I .i uy, a 1 1 
swer the world'.’ 1 

Dial-A-Pom Update 

('■VMmr.ili1h 'i*- C-.i 

Carlin Coi’iirnmicaiitsiis, the nation’s largest provider ol 
"dialsi'purn" telephonic inessa.jy.'s, said llse cciiiipaiiy will be 
forced Out of bats muss il :iew, loug-h FCC regulations Lake' 
eSfeei ■ 

The i ides wn-.i Id alLnw d iai-a-por <i oiuvcyo rs to operate only 
if i hey accv|ii payment exclusively by ercdil card or require 
adult ealle is in iLwta prvi-assiyyied persoiia! ideriiificatibn eode. 
Otherwise, dialta purn Operators risk prywevajLinn undci' the 
Federal Coonmunical ions Act and potential fines of JCAI a 

T h e rn I es would require an expensive Lee h n i c;i I 
reconfiguration nf the dial-a-porn industry. Currenlly. dtiil a 
pom p rog ra mmc i s use au coma ted a nswe ri n g eo,u Lpmc n l 
Credit card billing would recuire the mter-iention of live 
o|>eratois, reducing privacy and traffic capacity, and raising 
operating costs. The FC'CN only aLltmible alternative, use of 
persona L I . D . n u mbc rs. requ i res " i nte ra c t ive " eq u i pmem c 
Capable nf reading the aeoes^ code a caller punches ir. on a 
touch-tOiKE pliLnf;. Ruch e qiJLpmesi i L>m cost live to ten Linici 
the cost for “’passive" gpai Lypicii lly used with dial-w-ixirn. In 
addition, in New York interactivie equipment cannot tie used nn 
the telephone company Y special dui hit network. 

Phone Booth Wins Again 

■*i-. iil !i ji I i'iIa' ■ 

I hite men who stole u lelephune booth front a sei vice sen ion 
lot and tried to pu L iL inside a friend 's upsutmeu i a % u pnsci ical 
joke were foiled when the booth wouldn't fii 1 b rough live 
dooiway, police in Maple Nliade. New Jersey said. 

A | vi 1 1 ohiiaii respond ing ra a n anonymous ca II abor.1 three 
men trying in carry a phone horah imoanupunmenL. found the 
pranksiers replacing the front door. 

The ihrec were icleased on 12.000 bail each oiler being 
eliargcd with the thel t. 





ABC ■ 



Dear 26W\ 

A good friend of mine colled MCI to get crc<fu Toi ji hiU 
eoniKdion and slutted talking vvith tlx: opcratoi . A1 midnight, 
alter a hall an hour (it’s free after all), he hung up with 35 [ 
credited to his bill, h seems that the operator was- bored, new on 
the joh, and grateful for sorocons 10 mlk to. 

t use f VTE S pi irit for my long d nuance rails a lid make it a 
point torepoil urn anise l>i erossmlfc On the line. (And. as aside 
benefit, die call is free). After all, i f t 1 Ley are going to dema ad 
equality with AT&T. they had b-lntxly wdl better provide equal 
service! 5n a ny ease. after a bnut I ft of these ra lls, 1 be service 
operator said (lrat her display showed ihut u majority of my 
rails were to XXXXX'XXXXN which is in the same calling 
LAI' A . Therefore, yon migln wish to reconsider your choice of 
a Inng-d istaoce ra rrier. She continued by saying she was sure 
Lhat Sprint's rates were not competitive in this instance. 

Si i mi Lit sito when I signed. up the lady told me that I wuuld 
save JIG. on ihai exact call. Somebody is Lying somewlicrc! In 
shoit, they 1 l ied to tbi ipnn annoyingeustomcT. Since then, they 
have also pulled slants like changing my code and not Lelling 
me. fl spent two wL-cks getiitig them to admit to that!) I think 
lhat I'll stay with (and harass) them for another couple of 
months; then, who knows, it could be MLTX turn! 

M utC'JLy , 
Ford Prefect 

Dmr 2m t 

t have a question L have often wo nd tied about. II an alternate 
Ji mg dial n nre serv ice must lirst call ; 1st local Mco i o set op a 
trace wtiL-ii one oi their I incs is being abused what wi r,i Id be the 
caw; a Her business hours'.' I mean, arc tlicsc lines actually 
mon itLn ed ?d hours a day V A Iso. 1 have bee a scan nirvg a few 
prefixes in rny local aTea for loops. \ have been looking in the 
X FA -X X X- IJ^XX a tea A Imosr eveiy loop 1 have seen or read 
a bool in files on scanning loops has had 1 hem located in Lliis 
aTea. 1 have not had much luck , most have been constant busy 
signals or ringing and u few residential*. Where else uiighi I 


Ltur Arabi 

Wk'fl erJtN/Mttj'e.t nr govemnn-nt r tKcncks have a telephone 
mittfmn r arrange a trace, stiff mni.tr the team j>i advance. They 
tivpiy S iW? TjC 1 i'v if— r.rjiVi- yiSuatiry n "If this Code tS tiled. rijtfrt IrXfe 
that incoming call, or tfthis number is dialed, /hen trace she ctdt 
to ir.r sour re. " ft'i rue all phone systems rat: 24 hours a d#v and 
wrist of them run automatically, phones mu Ac monitored 24 
hoi try u day. to mtm y eases, it may iv better st> make it call or use 
a system during >he da r. when phone traffic is high, Hat then 
again, it A strmetimes Niter to exit at night. when less people are 
available to notice an vtbing fishy 

Your loops may N absent bcvatt.se thee have been rntrved 
elsewhere, yon don't recognize them, or you r Central Off fee is 
made hy a eompunr other than those you a return i liar v.f/h such 
us A morainic FJrcirh ■ 

Dear 26m-. 

1 have been listening to the mobile radio -telephone 
frequencies on my scanner: 1 was just lisiening to a company 
that acquires o-its l-,ke 1 ''erraris for live very Tich. These channels 
were used hL-fiire cellular, by the rich, since onlv ihcy could 
aiiond them (scarcity ra ises pneesly in Los A ngeltw . i hoy ate still 
used hy people with lois of money. There ore certain tone 
sequences used to control signaling. I was looking i hrotigh the 
liilcsL issue of Papular Communications Magazine, and 1 
noticed an ad fnun a company selling VHP-' prdgrammabLc 
transceivers for Ihese cover mobile rad io-lclephone 

channels us w^|| v,s things Like E. os Angeles Police lacLieal One 
dispatch trequcncy. Has anyhoety honked op tone generation 
equipment to a programmable VHF transceiver and made.fiee 
, cal Is? 1 1 serins i hii i i here would lse no problem doing th is. 

I’m an electrical engineering student at i|»e University of 
Southern Californio I jusl broke into the IBM mainframe the 
administration iov:-. for grades and sLuff. We have ibese new 
7, enith-29 ter niina Is on campus, honked up to M iero-60D port 


^e l e ctor that connect all tiu 1 DLL' and IBM mainfnirpes to I he 
TTV lines, I t look me a while to ligurc this nut, bm, 1 tuwi 1o set 
up i he terminal parity 1o SPACE. The Lcrmipals are in V ['100 
■emulation: lo get into the grades system, 1 simply dsd the 
following: 1JSC-CCC M iern^OO f'on Selector. Which system? 

This works dtiring normal busiuess hours near lunch tune or 
quilting lime. The legil users often don't use a prri|V:r logout 
command, but just turn I heir to rrn in a la off. About ]l>?i : of H>C 
time, you can conneet onto flieir jobs this way. 'flic Iftfvf makes 
a mistake and thinks that tin;: line from one of Lhc student 
terminal rooms is the legit Liiio. t!?ne lime, they were raiining 
do nat io.a records fn r people li ko uLomm. aud we lookciJ up t ke 
umiversity pieodenth dona lions, this method will probably 
woi k with innsi 111 VI mainframes running die \-lVS operating 
system, i be outs. „ ou can aLso get in by modem around noon 
or Li pm foi best results using B-hit word I stop bil .and no 
ixjriiy. A cpiesiLijn mark at the tci'minal prutPpl will list valid 

The < 'reatune 


On flic even ing of X o'-ember 1 6, 1DH5, the I mnie of Cremiiu, 
a user of Demented l.luLa Systenis, was raxietl by 2 police 
nffimns.und two members of the Man itoba Telephone System 
(\TIS) Security Gestapo. They proceeded lo take all his 
equipment, all his floppy disks, and all hti printouts. To dale, 
Ins equipment has mi: ton returned He was charged with 
"T hett oi 1'elceommuiiicaiLOns Over E^OO." Apparently, poor 
CremL in was using a ph neak ing program lie had w ritten on h is 
Atari 800 to make appmxinwioly SJSO in tree long distanei- 
I one rails. MTh had a tap on Grerrtli n's feme line l or over one 
month, and was keeping tabs on how much money he didn„ 
spend. W lien his total come to well over 5>2(ifi, tlvc M T ft Cn,:si a po 
and the Winuijx-g Polke Department made their move, 

Theft oveT IjlOCi is a felony, theft under S2UO is a 
misdemeanor. L Lmve openly accused MTS of entrapment and 
SLil l stand ud-Nmanl m opinion of what really went on. 

Fur insm nee , if the poliee uneover a plan i n rn.order the Prime 
Minister, do tfiey Let the eonspiratois carry out their plans, so 
they can gel ihern on a full murder charge, instead of lust a 
cons piracy rJm i ge': Nol l hey nah the criminals . before the act is 
carried -nut 

1 1 I he V]' | S gave G reml in n w,i ni iug as soon as lie was 
delected making the fraudulent rails, this mess would never 
have happened. The M IX big- wigs wonted to make big 
headlines by nailing^ phreaker. 1 'hiswos supposed 10 scare oil 
the rema ining phres ks enough so they refrain from I heir hobby. 
31 didn't. 

Since this, M I S had admitted to lettmg poorGierolin get a 
he fly lone bill before sacking him. He must pav hack die tone 
company for the S35C1, and should he fretting kick his 
equipment soon. 

l hc E3ad News: since tnid November, the Demented Data 
Systems (DDS) BBS jms been constantly waictaxt by M IS 
Flunkies, MTXadn'ils that nathlng on (.lie hoard is truly illegal, 
much like the Private Sector, but would like to keep tu bs on ;1lc 
boa i d . Tlkey ra used a big hassle when it wus discovered tliaL 
DDFi I /as the entire inner workings of the VI] S Envoy 1 00 
muilipg system iibdoUiilonlhe boaiti. 1 have offered man v limes 
to give them FREE., FULL SYSTEM ACCESS, with no 

Anyhow, that’s linw it is tip here. 

lhc Cntb. Canada 

Dear Riders: 

TSw Crab ttistt sent ati article from a fat-al paper ih/n 
described the bit xt It mentioned another perron who was 
arretted for making H5fs in rads it also mentioned an 
uni Itu ground program vailed '"Silver Helix" which sends J'dOfi 
■G'i'i'- and its presumably a blue box program. 

Demented I2ata System:/ etui he reached at 2b4bJ2529? at 
.’ft) u'ii7 ih’i'.'i) baud, and is free for iony distance callers. 

The 2600 Information. Bureau 
































ST i 


SOUND (IOO, 130Q,0, 1500,0) 
SOUND < 1 00,700,0, 900,0) 
SOUND i 1 00, 700,0, 1100,0) 
SOUND ( 1 00,900,0, 1100,0 > 
SOUND < 1 00,700,0, 1300,0) 
SOUND (100,900,0, 1300,0) 
BOUND (100, 1100,0,1300,0} 
SOUND (100,700,0, 1500,0) 
BOUND U 00, 900,0, 1500,0) 
SOUND (100, 1100,0, 1500, 0) 
SOUND (1O0, 1100,0, 1700,0) 
SOUND CiOO, 1300,0, 1700,0) 
SOUND f TOO, 700, 0,1700, 0) 
SOUND (100,900,0, 1700, 0> 
SOUND ( 100, 1500,0, 1700, 0) 

2600 {ISSN 0749-3851) 

Bailor and Publisher? 

Twenty Six Hijrid'iji.l 

Associaito Editors 
Eric Corley 
Deiv'iCJ HyderWIan 

Exaeuiivt.: Dtrgct-or 
H*lHrl Victory 

SE1S Operator 
Tom Glich 

Writers: Paul Efti*.ℱ. Mr. French, Emniarucl Goldsmin The 
Km ■“< Company, Lurd Phraaker, Mi let; Sukarno, The Shadow. 
Silen; Switchℱ n, and (ho usual anonymous bunch. 

1 '' p’ r I I r-d L-1 I'p! 1 : 1 I r 1 1- r P -1 Ii'y ,,, li rr r" .1 r . ,,, Mn 

ANNUAL SliJNf.ilimU'S RATC**IJ. .jd.iiJujL'ito , :, r . r . w .%K. wrxAi 
II - 1 1 x i. si HKe uii'f./iv sho. coftpnreA r i nklihkorkii it- yxyh;.. 
E.A0R IKm ii \ srftxli. ci:ii/aiiwi:^j(i.:!y ....^mif A? 

MAS i: PH K-r r: v,-', UI.L IO 4 »A 0 l-m'r.:r'kSh I,il. 

'A-XIII I (> rtv.. I to hw .'JZ.H.ililtEJind.NV nsuetH. 

I LI.KI'HOS r- 1 y.M 75 j jme. il*t, ;?iji j ju , 44.11 . 

7 IAIHI MNC, nrFPAfd HLJn PX) R*T&J Middle blind. W IN-mjl« 
ak 1 ie 1 k xti'iMiAMor; .\xi > i ‱ 1 1 ■ h m re. hi', ». Minn, u ,-.„i vr ve 

pnsTMAM LKPriii-, rrivjiu iℱ ; . : 


5 S -54272 

6 DIM B (7) , A (7) 

10 FDR LB=S TO S+24: POKE LS, 04 NEXT 
20 POKE S-h5,64;PDKE B+6, 100 
25 POKE 5+-12, 64: POKE S+13,100 
30 POKE S+24, 15 
40 FOR T=1 TO 7 
50 READ A(T>,3(T) 

60 NEXT T 

70 PRINT ''USE 1-0 FOR DIGITS 1-0" 


SB PRINT "USE -t- FOR 11 i UEE - FOR 12'- 
90 PRINT “USE L FOR KP2 1 " 
















T-3: U=6 



At= ,, + " 


T* ± 2: U=6 








At = " I " 





A*Âź "2" 





At-" 3" 


T-2 i U=3 



At- "4" 


T- 1 i U=4 



At^"^ 1 


T-2 1 U—4 



At="6' 1 


T-3 : U=4 



A*= ,3 7'' 


T— 1 : U— 5 



At- "6" 





A*- '’9" 





A*-'‘0 ,h 


T— 4? U— 5 



At- 1 11 " 


T-7t U-7 

170 POKE S+l , A (T) l POKE S,B(U> 

173 POKE S+B, A (T) t PONE 5+7, B(U) 

100 POKE S-i-4, 1 7* POKE S+11,17 
190 GET Ztx IF THEN .190 

200 POKE S-I-4, 16: POKE S+U , 16 
210 GOTO 110 

500 DATA 44,0,57,0, 70 , 0 , 93 , 0 , 96 , 0 , 1 OB , 




1 POKE 82,OiFDKE 755,0 

? Ctp-FW At A O "ki" 


51 PRINT "0-9 * HP 0-9“ 



54 PRINT “SPACE BAR - 2600 HZ aN/OFF" 

55 PRINT “You must press the ap^ce bar twice' 1 

56 PRINT “fpr the program to work correctly*'* 

60 REM 

140 DIM N*C1I 
144 GET #I,N 

143 N*" ,Mh 

146 LET N**CHR*(m t7 N*j “ “j 

150 IF N9=" “ THEN 7 “2600Hz H ;iGDSiJB 290 


170 IF LEN(N*>=0 THEN G0TU 300 
1 90 CHAR-=ASC f N* i LOOP , LOOP 1 ) -ASC ( »' 0 “ > * TRAP 200 i 
200 IF N* < LOOP, LOOP) ■ 1, K M THEN RESTORE 460: GOTO 220 
210 IF N* (LOOP, LOOP) = Ht S H THEN RESTORE 470 x GOTO 220 
215 CLRi GOTO 60 
220 READ Pi, B , C, D 

230 POKE 53760, At POKE 53762, Bl POKE 53764, CxPDKE 53766, D 

240 POKE 53767, 160: POKE 33763,160 

250 FOR A-l TD 15: NEXT A 

260 POKE 53767, 160: POKE 33763,160 


280 CLR: GOTO 60 

290 SOUND 0, 0, 0, Of POKE 3376S, 120 

300 POKE 33760,01 i POKE 33762,1: POKE 537*4,0* POKE 33766 , 0 

310 POKE 53767, 160: POKE 33763, 16S 

320 GET #1,N:IF N< >32 THEN 32Q 

330 POKE 53767, 160: POKE 53763,160 

340 N4=“ " 


360 DATA 163,2,00,2 

370 DATA 240,4,210,3 

3 SO DATA 240,4,40,3 

390 DATA 210,3,40,3 

400 DATA 240,4,165,2 

410 DATA 210,3,165,2 

420 DATA 40,3,163,2 

430 DATA 240,4,00,2 

440 DATA 210, 3, SO, 2 

430 DATA 40,3,80,2 

460 DATA 40,3,3,2 

470 DATA GO, 2, S,2 

4B0 FOR A=1 TD 700: NEXT A 


300 CLftr GOTO 60 


Programs sent in by Ford Prefect, thanks, 



New Payphones Confuse Callers 

'A J I Vs.' J-uii. 

1 elcphoncs. i hut read c rcali i ciards n ni v be Lhc wave nt ihe 
lu[unc. Em you wouldirt know It from watching enlleis ai to 
C i Liti i lI in Ai rporl lor iwo luii its recently. 

Wh ifc ddirens of eal Ic rx d ial on conventional fete phones. only 

people appmaeh t!ia: [isi! ca Td-rcad iny |?h(jTw;s nearby. i'wn 
bk-iuoc ai the kngt |iy instructions mil walk nj'J m obvious 
Aisjiu rt. I ‘out (si In i s . buxi nusKirj^^i with AT&T credit ca rd^, itw: 
‱he leicphoncs Inn punch in llrcir acsHuu-.i numbers manunllv 
mtlier LItu.it usm^ihuir magnetically endod MiT-ds tor uuiomai ic 
I LV-nnJ I n.e,. 

I he p ro" It in seems in aii nr oil tlie design of the new pbone 
machines: Unlike most automated -tuber machines used be 
tanks where a moJ-or-d riven device whisks the card away find 
ihen return* it to Ihe cuxrsmicr the phone machi ires require 
the customer to posit in u Hie cold’s magneiie strip correcLly, 
xlnlc i he card manually ih rough the slot, and Llren remove it. 
TIic procedure seems ;o intimidate customers ‘’People drin 1 ! 
inuiijicl with lhc itiagneiic si rip on their credit «inJs in daily 
u^b:C." one expert si id 

W hits the ca rd shon Id be inserted length '.vise ;i lung the edge 
iWitrest lhc magnetic strip, ‘’everyone i r its m put it endways,'’ 
suys Roy Rui/, a product manager for Rod l ie Bell, which fiist 
installed credit-cord phones in 1^X4. ] or the Him month, he 
says, l - 1 1 ' J v inserted the wrong way woukl gL-i lost ]n the 
ziTuc hi ne . o nd ;l metal to i r icr Had 1 0 be i nsLal led Irehind i be slot 
to keep | he cords from heipg inserted too tar. Fhu ha hits yet ro 
devise's w-,iv to prevent callers' from putting coins in the credit 
card slot . 

Security Software 

riBBiBBivilhvr- Wc »■ % 

American Tclemunagcmenr Corporation is nusi kcling 
computer software aimed in preventing LliefL of service from 
long rflslamre companies by people using stolen cedes, 

]'he company's software, colled Network Security 
Management , combats 1 belt by dcreeiing when codes a re being 
stolen and monitoring the use of cedes to immediately idea l ift 
excess ive lifts Three carriers have already pure based licenses to 
use the program: N FtR Skyline. I cl tec Ravings 
Communications, and Mieruiel Several others are 'testing the 

Your Own Private Centrex 

‱WV. C P-.K, 

Pnci He belt is offering new service on ISci I " Premiere' 1 wIil i l 
wi i h a touch-tone phone one can mo ke an emits/ ia.g amount of 
sei vices available in your own home — enough services- so that 
vou could impress your friends by idling them Hint yon have 
your own private switching system. With Premiere vouch ana It 
any otlie r I me wit h im your home bv pu-shi ng two toncsi yu u can 
make any phone a multi-tine phone and answer any line in any 
room; yon Cost transfer calls within a home front one line to 
another:, voti get call hold, .l -way calling, colt forwarding; you 
get something called u Lie mate answering, where one line wdl 
ung if Lhe cn kc is busy; yon can si ore up to 30 nu mber* that you 
can call up by hitting 2 turner distinctive ringing, where cisternal 
f outside [lie home) and internal rings will aetuaLly sound 
different 3 hese services are available for ÂŁ1 .50 1 o J S per month 

P"r ouch service vein request, so tliis adds jp tu qeiic hii nf 
money for i he I ull sei vices I he on ly req ai i crn'c n't is a I A : !SS . 

New VAX Announced 

4 i ■ la VX S.’iL ‱■ihiT !■, 

he Digiitil Lutupment Corporation, the wnrldA wcusti- 
brjjesi computer maker, anr.btmced a ncv. mp dl-thc-ime 
s-upcmiini computer capable of processing b'ctwre-'n siv and 
sever, n ri I lion ins't rue lions ;x:r set tmd. 

flic riev. machine, eallccl a VAX hf?50. wa- de-vritod bi 
[>igii;dl officials as the com |-o ny\ fiisL eMcnsion of the VAX 
brtXi line lie runs abdin 44 perceni facie: md will have 
an i nicfiiii I memoty then : ,s twice as b,z.. nbian fvh megabytes’. 

f>P-C is also iiifrOduei ug u 3’f.' eompaLibSc that will he idvo 
COmpat ibk w itli D F.f "s H m nbow- 3 A ' 

Cray Maneuvers 

MriHiT.'iln r. Vn-fc 

A [.t I I tell Luhs has sold a u figiug Cray-] suixincdniputer in 
older in P 11 reluise a sleek , new Cr u.v X VI i J 24 su pcnCOmpti tec. 
E'lic new sycicm 15 valued at about million Olid wilt b; 
installed carty this year. An A. f ,V I |.lcll Labs s[>ok-esm;m said 
rJ"': unit wilt be the company b only Cray compurer. Me Mid Lhe 
X M 1 1 ‱ 14 wi II be used u i M ureay Hill in A r (S I microprocessor 
chip developnictd and in Unix, opetating svstem iTcseureh and 

Overcharge Hunters Needed 

■XVMUird I'Vm 

New jobs arc opening up for individuals who can fcrrel out 
overelLaigcs in phone hills rbul cun oicocd hundreds of 
ihousa ihIs ol dollars. "EiV. hasiciillya record keeping failure. “ 
line yf 1 be delect ives, ,hi nws Lki I . liasi Coan munage r l or Sen \ \ 
Communications Co. said of the telephone errom. With sy 
nmmy levels of icluphonc bureaucracy to go tltion^li before a 
customer’s order is carried out, rtic reipjcsL somerimcs i> not 
I mnsraitled aecurulcLy . 

Rsimc ol the consul la nts La ke 5fi pe i tent ut die ovei elvi i gts 
Urey find. Suc)i in Ve-si igators have spent months lookint. nve: 
b-ills tor iarge conipimie& and riinnii ipalilies. Rom I Oiernow 
Communieaiiorj Services tnc saved New Jersey's Lsses 
County S2lbdK.K) Idr L ie telephone systcin in their couiu 
CLnnpleX; Cbeuow recalled a case in wtiidr a New Yoik 
company moved In New Jersey and paid ;i w-called mileagv 
eharpe for keeping its u3d numtof. lint the company still was 
being billed lor a swiicti board ibaL no li.itig.er existed, r iic 
Iclephyire tompetny wanted losend an employee tc> verify lliru 
ilic r:q tiipmeni was nnt ihere. but the hwilding had been 
repriced with a pa rk ing loi , 

Phone Service Via Radio Shack 

C>tinwi'.n« - ffl Wixfc 

Rndm Rfiauk iuis sigpoiJ an agreement with Nevada Dell to 
mu a tcsL program that alleaw customers to sign up for 
immediate telephone scivior ai Rudio Sliaek siures in the 
Reno,' Spark sareii of Nevada. The OOuperati vc pr (Tgtflir'i allows 
customers to buy a phone from Radio Shack, open ,m account 
with Nevada UelE and receive a phone number on the spot. 

The stores are connected loNevadu Bell via hoi lines, and the 
prngMcn is m operation a ny f ime the store-, a re open, not just 
normil busincstt hours 



(eoutiniwd, [torn page 
currently being dcui.e, 

Jt>i true you will be witting more ihitn one durek when ic 
eonuw time to pay .hr phone MIL, Many long distance 
companies Hill don 1 ! gu through your \oail phone cornpony’s 
billing office lit.;; AT& I used to (and still doesh so they must 
bil l you separately. Then, you could choose to make some calls 
ivith o ne long disla nee company ami others with another. 1 hen 
again, you could make calls using Visa or American Fs.pres's 
and get lulled that way. There are so many diffmtnl wavs to 
make a u-lephone call tlicse da vs. so naturally there will he at 
least as many ways to ho hil led . Y ou could also wind up paying 
AT&T for equipment rental, if you're wary of Owning your own 
phone equipment. So that’s unGLher checl; to write." 

J'hcn there sue pay phones,, which are Slatting to he 
deregulated. You may see two totally dlfferem phones chat 
charge totally difJercnl raies l.o cull the same place, I his will be 
confusing io most people, because they were rie-veT trained In 
ihiak about the plumes they use. Kut for phune pbreaks, this 
represents more ways to have lun. 

What The Future I folds 

In theory, what we base today is the beginning of total 
equality. Unfortunately, icX also total mayhem, but llvil will 
undoubtedly deai tip in time, as everyone slowly gets used to 
du: new system. Many mistakes are heing made and ilY fun m 
iud them. Skyline has a page in chdi bill that says, '"Retain for 
your records,’' in much the same fashion its other telephone 
hills. The difference here is that there is no inlonsiLicionon (his 
page at nil except your in me and the month of the fell. The 
aninium owed appears on another page. Why would someone 
want to retain ihis usel^s data? Then tl sc re's U.S, Lei, wlio 
supposed ly f as a new ere (I it card system — -you dill ji number, 
then enter yuuieiedh card number, which is isomm hing hke 14 
digits long. M iraculoLisly enough . we Ye been toSdjhny series of 
numlicrs at all allows the call io go thrnughl 

Km mistakes aren’t the only Lhmg welt he seeing, bincc Sell 
1 4i hi is now able to. compete openly, wel I sec a great ream l>::r yf 
die projects they've been wort ing on secretly lor Ma fteU. I his 
will be of great benefit Io us. At I he same time, it may get a Jot 
harder tor authorities and spier tn Insep tubs on certain people, 
since there’s nn longer a guarantee that a person will use a 
certain phone or even a certain network Diversity is good for 
Use individual 

All ol this ls. only i he beginning. Many more chants a re on 
the horizon ,i-id technological cmhosuists will have ouile a 
ejme. Foi the average person who doesn't care, i hi ngs may be 
unplca sfml , especially if ihe explanations arenY as plentiful as 
the chants. Hopefully l bitagh, Lhesc folks wil I be comforted by 
the km iwicdge thai ii‘* nil fair 

Advertise i n269Q\ 

Reach over 1,000 selective 
readers — hackers , security 
analysts, corporate spies, 
private consultants, and 
people who are just 
interested in what s 
going on . 

CaiL 516-751-2600 for iofo. ^ 

Private Sector 

{wntauttf} 'from page J-l } 

succeeded in getting the prosecutors to reveal ihcir true 
knowledge ol' the mutter in from of the entire world. And we 
'convinced the American Civil Liberties Union to lake up tltc 
eay; of 1 he Private Sector. We eyprecl them to Ire involved in 
similar eases in tire future. Slowly but surely, we’re getting 
through to people. 

We hope to see t Ini;, kind of thing stop once and fo r all I oo 
many innocent jtcople have ahtsfidy been victimised by ihcse 
itt Ic-puMieipuJ gestapa tactics Sensitive equipment has been 
damaged by rare less law enforcement agents, Va luable time has 
been Jest. voices have !.**□ silenced, ami peopled lives have 
been adversely affected. Flense, foils, wake up those ardUTsd 
you wom /"J hath our brightest hope. 

We apologia about having ^ devote yci another an icte to 
this distressing subject, flnlil we see some basic changes in 
attitude and evidence of real protect ion foi all of us. we must 
continue to speak out. Wc hope vou do tire same, m whenever 
ways possible. 


flood Mews 

I lie good rie wa is lhat at Iasi the Private Sector is returning 
At press time, the estimate for havi ng the board up ;i nd runn ing 
is --ontetime in February. {Extra time is needed to look for any 
damage and also to wre if any '’back doom” have been installed 
while we wcrenY looking.} I he number for the P i v,iic Sector is 
Jill 3 j01 | . 

In Ihc interim and as a supplement, 2&V will operate ;i 
limited access subscriber bulletin board from our New York 
^".cc. All subscribers are welcome to call and panreipare in 
discussions with o-thcireadem an topics such as this. There wilt 
aLso be u facility for upload ing articles i u us, using X M 0 DliVJ 
or ASCII transfer methods. This hoard will hi mi: on an flb 
expcritoC ala I basis and <>nh between the hem m of mid nighi and 
nooiLOu^uturdayanrl SuiUlity mornings (a Iso known as Fiiday 
and Saturday nights}, Eastern J .me. 

Tr>gui onto this board, calls 1675 1 2it00 between these times. 

I wive your subscriber code ( Lliosi- funny letters and numbers 
un the uppci right ol your mailmg La hell oi your name as i| 
appears ou un r matting lisuakmg with a first and lasL name of 
your choice atid a random password. 'JTrese wi I be installed in 
lime lor the neat day of activity. Don't worry about personal 
infurmation leaking out — we only need to see it once (o verify 

II bill you're a subscriber and then ii will be dcstioyrd. 

If you call ckit number at any other time, you'll rithci gi.-i a 
human or a insicbmc . It you reach the machine, leave amcsseige 
sc flat we (tin prel up for real if we’re wit h in earshot, which is 
more often chan you might think. 

We're also planning co have iticefings in various cities 
throughout I yflfi If you l bink u ire n icularcity is will l-suited for 
this, let us know and wx; will cake ii into account. 

\\c have a lot of fine articles just waiting to be printed and 
we ’re always looting fn T more. Fed free to tend us artyf/timot- 

Are You Rseoc'ing Someooe Else ' 5 Copyo^tOO? 


‱ You'll get your ve;y own copy 3f the same 
time of every month. 

‱ You won't i-ose your eyesight trying to road 
small print mat's oson.copied six tfmes or more! 

‱ Ypu'11 oc ho ping 2600 Ixicome financially 
solvent., which will resuh in a better publication.